Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 06, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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    1 jT' '
Vigorous Reception Given to Heartless
> u Evictora at Swecdoro-
I ; nrcalc the DOOM of a Cnbln nnil
Find n firnjr llulrcd Couple
Wlthln-A Wltlow'B House
Kr l ted Fvlcllon.
[ CopyriuJit 1S7 till Jimwt Gordon fI < nn U.1 , Oct. 6. iXew York Herald
Cable Special to the BKK.I-Full particulars
from Sweedore , on the west coast ot Ireland ,
Donepal county , as to the evictions on the
estate ot Captain Hill , show a very deter
mined resistance. They begun on the ques
tion of cost. About 830,000 for the settle
ment of rents could be adjusted. A force of
100 armed constables and. their olllcers
D'archcd to the scene ot the evictions on
Colonel Depplng'ft estate. The ngent was a
conspicuous figure as Ilo inarched about ,
carrying a Winchester rifle , accom
panied by tli special baltitTs ap
pointed to execute the decrees. A
number of emergency men from Dublin car
rying crowbars and conspicuously displayIng -
Ing revolvers wiw also present The lirst
call was made at the house of n man named
Mnrlarity Meinamcllar. The house was
found to bo barricaded with htue 11 r blocks
In the windows. The ballIT ! went to the
doorandguvoa fceblo tap. An Immediate
rrsponso came In a quantity of boiling water
through tlio door chinks. The ball lit s leaped
backwards nnd from a respectful distance
demanded possession. No response being
inndo the emergency men sat about with
crowbars and sledvcs breaking the door. As
they bagan a few pails of hot water came
through the holes they had smashed through
thw door. But a few blows only were required
to break down the halt rotten doors.
Behind It was a battery of big llr
blocks and this delayed them. The emer
gency men stood away from the opening lest
they would be saluted with hot water , but in
a few minutes gathered courage to approach.
No further resistance was made and Uiey
were soon In the garrison , tlio Inmates hav
ing retreated to an Inner room. Tlio first
apartment entered presented a plctnro o
squalor and misery. There were only sticks
ot furniture ; the doqr of the Inner room was
broken , and the emergency men stood with
crow-bars and sledges ready , waiting to
dertnd themselves If attacked , but the only
persons that came out were a poor
tutterlnir. feeble , old woman over eighty
whom the kindly district Inspector assisted
to the door nnd her husband In an equally
feeble condition. The bailiffs then made bold
to enter and the searcli revealed the fact that
tha entire garrison consisted ot the old
couole and throe grand-children who had
concealed themselves in bed. The
police force said they , would not bo
allowed to remain for the protection of the
emergency men while thay tumMed the
houses and thu agent was distinctly
Riven to understand that the po-
llco would bo marched oft In case
such work was attempted. As the evicting
party was leaving Colonel Dapping , mountIng -
Ing on rock , uotllied the people they were
liable to prosecution for being on thuso
lauds and stating what penalties would be
fall them If they dared put Uie old people
back In their houses. Before the evicting
party was out of sight a cheer told thbm thnt
tha doors which the emergency men had
nailed uu were gone and that the
work of reinstating the evicted tamily had
begun. After executing the decree ngainst
ilorlarlty , a move was made further seaward
to the house ot a widow named Mary Boner ,
where a most determined reslsbince was
made. No response was made to the de
mand for possession. A greater number of
persons had aisomblod here and n cordon of
police was drawn round the house. A bailiff
dashed at the door with a crowbar and began
smashing It when Father McFadden inter
fered and objected to the door being smashed
and stood between the bailiff and it. Imme
diately an emergency man raised his crow
bar in a threatening manner ns if to strike
Father McFaddon , when , before the police
could stop them , the people rushed through
the ranks and several stonus were ilunp ,
Borne of which stmck emergency men.
Inspector French appealed to Father Mc
Fadden to stop the people and ask those In
side to como out peacablv. Father McFau-
den went to the window to speak to the oc
cupants , but owing to the size of the windows
they were unable to rrcn-nize him , and be
fore he could get out of the way a quantity ot
hot water was thrown over his face and neck.
Fortunately the brim of his hat saved him
and'he ' escaped with trifling Injuries. He
said the people were thoroughly determined
to resist and he c < juld not Interfere.
An emergency man made another attack
on the door , and from the window a largo
tin vessel ot boiling waterman poured over
his face nnd neat. He dropped the crowbar
With a cry of pain nnd rushed frantically
back among the police. Tha people at the
same time assumed n. very threatening atti
tude , so much so that Colonel Dapping
shouted for the riot act to be road.
Inspector French replied : "Hold your
tongue , air ; I don't want any dictation from
you. "
Ho , however , at once road the riot act and
called on them to disperse. They refused tote
to do so and chrered , and shouted encourag
ing cries In Irish. The live emergency men
then made a determined charge nnd suc
ceeded In gelling the door ou" . A volley of
stones from the door at once drove them
back. Behind huio ; logs of wood that now
blocked the door , a number of women could
be seen with stones and fvessels of hot
water In their hands , while an Idiot
youth of about eighteen hung : over the cogs
hurling stones with savage rage nt all who
came In his view. In a few minutes he
clambered over the root and came out almost
linked , presenting a horrifying spectacle as
ho hurled stones and jumped up and down
In a paroxysm of frenzy'nnd terror , uttering
II the while half articulate cries in Irish.
In the meantime the emergency men had
attacked the wall and soon a huirti piece of
masonry fell out the crash being answered
by a volley ot stones both from the Inside
And from the people beyond tno cordon of
police , which sent the bailiffs flying for shel
ter. The Increased opening in the wall made
It easier for the Inmates to defend nnd show
ers of stones nnd hot water rendered It Im
possible to venturewltliiu a few yards of tUe
A move was than raado to the rear of the
building and a hold was soon made In the
wall , but hero again the bftllllls rould no )
effect an entrance owing to the fearful dc
termination of those Inside. Another portion
tion of the wall was knocked down with
crowbars and the timbers of the root col
lapsed for some distance. As portions pi
tlio roof went down an awful yell of ext-cra
tlon went up from the people , and the police
had the utmost dllllculty In saving thu balllik
n. . from being attacked.
Walter McFaddon protested In the strong
est manner analnst Uio rulllanly conduct 01
tbe emergency man in tumbling down tin
bouse and appealed to the resident magistrate
to stop such work.
Mr. French turned on his heel and WiilkW
away , saying ; " 1 have road the riot act , am
as the resistance continues I will not Inter
fern. " And addressing Colonel Dapping hi
said : 'Tleasc.go on and execute your war
ranis. "
The emergency men attempted to cover thi
window from which the water wis Uirqwn
but the boards were always knocked away
and thomselVe tcald d with water. At this
part ot t 9 > roceedlh s.they prespnted a mis
erable > cctaclo their faces and oars all
scalded and scorched with hot liquid and
clothing drenched.
District Inspector Winder made a note and
anotherofllccr-saldi "Thoso who applaud or
cheer will bo prosecuted. " An attack was
then made on Uio gable ot tlio house , which
went down In a few moments , carrying thereof
roof of the lower end ot the house with It ,
and In ashort tlmo the wrecked building was
captured altar a turco hours' light
O'llrlen HcltcratcH tlm Cipher Story.
ICapyrltiht ISSTbu Jamei ( Jordan /Jennelf.l
Duiir.i.f , Oct. B. [ Now York Uurnld
Cable-Special to the BBK.-Mr. ] O'Brien
reiterates his assertion about the cipher mes-
uatre sent to thu crown lawyers at Mltcholl-
town and'suggests that Its truth can bo tested
by bringing libel suits against him nnd the
newspapers which published his statement.
When Uu gets an opportunity of producing
the original cypher message ho will not be
found undisposed to challenge the verdict of
the Jury ns. to Its moaning. The following
circular Is Untied by Mr. Dillon on bcualf ot
the Irlali National leagueto
the reprcMntativcs at the prniw :
"A public meeting will be hold In
tbe rotunda In Dublin on Monday evening ,
the 10U1 Insu to protest against the prosecu
tion of , tile lord mayor and Mr. William
O'Brien a an attack uponthffllbtrty of the
press In Ireland. It would be of enormous
importance if co-operation of Uie Kng-
llsh press sltould bo secured In the protest ,
and 1 thtrpforetake the opportunity ot In
viting you to attend our meeting , or In cnso
you cannot attend yourself to send some ono
who would be authorised to represent your
newspaper. " General Sir Kedvers Duller
leaves Ire4and'to-dny ' , having Instructed Sir
J. WestbTidgeway. his successor ns under
secretary , into the routine business of his
department at Dublin Castle.
Gladstone and Oladitonla n * .
[ CnpynohtrAi US ! bis Jamrx Gordon liennttf ]
LONDON. Ocf 5. [ Now York Herald
Cablet-Special tothoBnn. | An interesting
Incident occurred at liawurden Castle last
evening daring the visit oi the Kidder
minster deputation. Mr. Gladstone was es
corting the gueets through his library , when
a pauipJtlet.was picked up bearing on homo
rnlo. Mr. Willis , ono of the deputation , ro-
fcrrlnc to it Incidentally , sooke of their
friends , and. supporters as "Gladstonlans. "
Mr. Gladstone at ouco stopped In his tour
and said ho disliked the Idea of liberals call
ing themselves "Gladstonlans. " lie could
not conceive how n party with such an enor
mous power as the liberal party nossossed
could content Itself with merely a personal
name. Mr. Willis said that the liberal policy
was the outcome of Mr. Gladstone's humane
feelings toward Ireland , and for the present
they were-all "Gladatonlans" as well as liber
als. Mr. Gladstone lausblnttlj dissented
from this view of the matter und'sald ' that to
contract liberalism and all that was meant
by It into a mare personality was a mistake
and he could not listen to it without & pro
The Study or Inebriety.
I COwrtyM 1897 by Jamei < lei ilnn Dennett
Loiroojr , Oct 5. | New York Herald
Cable Special to the BEB. | The quarterly
meetlne of the society for tbe study ot In
ebriety was hold this afternoon at the rooms
of the medical society of London. Dr. Nor
man Kerr presided , and a paper was read by
Prof. K. P. Twlng , M. D. , ot Brooklyn , on
"AmericAiiLlfe > ns Related to Inebriety. " As
there nro no other than privnto Inebriate
asylums in Great Britain his paper about
government ) retreats In America excited
great attention and interest.
Xbe Funeral of tbo Noted Almee in
ff'opj/rfaM 1887 fit ; Jamw Gordon UenntUA
PAKIS , ( via Havre ) , Oct. 4. [ New York
Herald Cable Special to the BEE. ] There
ivoro not forty mourners to-day at the fun-
ral of Aimee , which came off at noon In
he Chnrch of Norm Dame. The autumnal
weather was trrey and chilly , and thn church
tself , newly built was cold , damp and
erless. At a quarter to 13 a small.shabby-
ookinz lionrse , drawn by two very old ,
pavlned black horses , turned slowly Into
ho Plaoe de > N6tro Dame. Behind the hearse
walked ono solitary mourner Intrlcond , the
leceased actress' step-father. Upon the
learse rested six wreaths , two large ones
made of violets and white roses ,
wo smaller ones made of black
and white .glass beads , and two
very small ones made of lilies of the valley ,
riiolarirei wreath * bore the inscriptions , "A
otro'Aimee. " Upon tbo church steps stood
.wonty or thirty Indies and gentlemen , the
alter reverentially removing their hats as
the modest hoarse ( the funeral was of the
category technically known as Illtth classy ,
drew uu before the church , Amonit the
mourners were noticed Sarpette , the musical
composer , Maurice Grau , Chl7/alla Bertran ,
director ot thn Theater des Varletes , where
Almee made her debut as a popular comic
singer , and Madame Belly , who used to sing
with Aimee in New York. The mourner
who wept most was a pretty little brunette
ot sixteen , Almeo's niece. The ceremony
was the- simplest Imaginable , performed
by a venerable looking nrlest assisted by two
young Italian priests. At half past twelve
the venerable priest handed the silver holy
water brush with , winch lie had asporged the
coflin to M. Frlcar who , in the capacity ot
chief mourner also sprinkled tbe cotHu. In
turn esch-ot tbe thirty-nine motiraers did the
same as they silently walked around the re
mains of thaonra popular actress. The re
mains , a few moments Inter , were brought
out of the church and placed In the hearse
drawn by aced black horses. A few yards
behind the-hearse stood an omnibus bearing
n large Inscription In red letters , "Joinvelle
Lopont" About a dozen mourners climbed
Into the- omnibus and drove elf to Qarede les
Bums , near Joinvllle .Lepont on the Marne ,
whore Almeo owned a pretty little country
place , In tin * garden of whlcn her remai ns
were buried thin afternoon at G o'clock.
The pretty little garden where Almee was
burled i * scarcely a stone's throw from the
spot where , in the summer season , the well
known bals < de conoles take place.
M'lle. Almvfl Tranchon , for such was her
family name , was able to walk about and In
excellent uplrlts last Thursday. Ou Friday
she docIAud to undergo a surgical operation
the removal of an oyarian tumor. Satur
day she waft seized .with violent Incessant
vomiting. Her temperature rose to 102 de
grees and she died Sunday In the greatest
agony. A . the church to-day a little
niece of Alinoe's , wlthejcs full ot tears ,
looked wistfully at the hearseand murmured :
' 'As pretty as a llower. "
Charged With Tn-spngs.
DUBMS , Oct. 5 Thn llev. O'Ueagan , dean
of the C.itholle church at Mitchellstown , has
obtained a mnnmons against Captain Plunk-
ott for traapasi for entering the dean's
grounds at tbo head ot a force of police and
hussars , and ; dispersing the crowd assembled
thcro on the conviction ot William O'llrlen.
Germany and King Malletoa. > osf,0ct 6. A dispatch from Cook-
town , Australia , ayyf the Gorman gunboat
Adler , convey Inn King Mallotoa , arrived
there and transferred the king aboard thi
Albatross , wlileh sailed , it U supposed fci
German New Guinea.
Hltirderona Kuvalan Rlntor * .
Moscow , Oct 5. Workmen in a cotton
mill at Kiln raised a riot to-day and sot lire
to the factory which was destroyed. Many
persona were killed. Troops have been senl
to restore order. The cause ot the riot is uol
Itnlynnrd Franco Kail tn
HOME , Oct. 6. The negotiations betwcer
Italy and Franca for a treaty of commorci
have been without result ; the demands ol
Italy were Inadmissible.
I ) ft mil of General JMtoalrn.
BALTIMOUR , Oct 6 , General Pitenlrt
Morrison , United States army ( retired )
aged ninety-two , died to-day
The Title Whlcb Properly Belongs to Gor
man's MainBenchman ,
The National Republican Club or the
District of Columbia Perfects
Itn Permanent Organlata-
A Wart That Hlinuld Be BeinoTetl.
WASHINOTON , Oct. 5. { Special TeloRrani
to tlm DUR. I Eugene Illpglns , appointment
clctk In the treasury department , devotes the
greater portion of his time and all tils
thoughts to Maryland politics. Ilo makes
frequent visits to Baltimore and Is usually
absent from his desk during the early part of
onchday. When hero he turns bis ofllro
Into a consultation room nnd there he enter
tains and consults his henchmen behind a
convenient screen. Hut lllKglns Is not so
happy as he was formerly. The movement
ot the Independents has grown to such for
midable proportions that oven Hlcln Is
frightened , lln looks pale nnd haggard and
when seen by your correspondent to-day he
had the appearance ot n man who had staked
his last dollar on the red when the black
won. The resignation of Qenton Crisp , the
chairman ot the il.iltlmoro democrat city
convention , yesterday , because he would no
longer stand the methods of his party asso
ciates , was a blow which hurt the Uormanites
here very severely. They are growing moro
frightened every day and they are willing to
ftcknowlodfre that their only hope ot success
lies In the chance that the name of Pinckney
White Is still powerful enough to pull the
ticket through. Gorman himself still main
tains that he Is not In thu least alarmed , but
It Is repotted upon excellent authority that
ho said to a friend yesterday that "only n
nlracle or cluiucu at thu count will save the
Icket now. "
District Republicans Organize.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 5. | Special Telegram
to the HKB. I The natio U republican club
ftho District ot Columbia , composed of
imminent nnd active republicans , perfected
is permanent organization last evening. Its
rluclpal olllcers are : lion. A. M. Clapp ,
resident ; Clinton itlce , secretary ; Major A.
J.lllcliards , treasurer ; and the following
Ice presidents , representing each state aud
territory of the union : Maine , Kuxone llale ;
New Hampshire , William E. Chandler ; Ver
mont , J. It. Thompson ; Massachusetts , John
D. Long ; Connecticut , E. W. Whitaker ;
.lliode Island , O. P. O. Clarke ; Now fork ,
frank lllseock ; Now Jersey. William Walter.
helps ; Pennsylvania , llonry ll. lilngham :
Delaware , Washington Hustings ; Maryland ,
R. S. WIddlcombe ; Virginia , Nathan
Gaff ; North Carolina , Thomas Keogh ;
Mouth Carolina , C. C. MacCoys ; Georgia ,
J. U. 13rown ; Alabama , Charles Pelfaam ;
Florida , James M. Curry : Mississippi ,
Hlanche Bruce ; Louslano , William 1'llt
Kellogg : Tennessee , A. A. Freeman ; Ken
tucky , William H. Wadsworth ; Ohio , Samuel
Sliellslmrgcr ; Indiana , Calvin U. Walker ;
Michigan , Unan D. Conger ; Illinois , Green
B. Uaum ; Wisconsin , John C. Hpooner ;
Minnesota , liobert F. Crowell : Iowa , Hiram
Price ; Nebraska , Charles F. Mandnrsoo ;
Kansas , John J. Ingalls : Missouri , William
Warnei ; Arkansas , \V. W. Wilshlre ; Texas ,
Morgan C. Hamilton ; Colorado , 11. M. Tll-
len ; Nevada , William M. Stewart ; Califor
nia. John M. Morton ; Oregon , C. P. Cran-
dall. Territories Arizona , Curtis C. Bean ;
Dakota , D. U. Gilford ; District of Columbia ,
S. I' . LSrown : Idaho ( no candidate ) ; Mon-
ana , W. F. Saunilors ; Now Mexico , L. H.
rince ; Utah , Elhl Murray ; Washington ,
. M. Armstrong ; Wyoming , Joseph M.
Military Matters.
WASHINOTOX , Oct. 5. ( Special Tele
gram to the BEE. ] The following changes
n the duties aud stations of officers of the
luartermastor's department have been
irdered : Captain James M. Marshall , asstst-
nt quartermaster , from duty at the general
depot of the quartermaster's depot , Phlladol-
ihin , and ordered to duty as assistant to
ho chief quartermaster ot the Department of
ho Missouri , relieving Captain Lafayette E.
Campbell , who Is ordered to Denver , Colo. ,
o take charge of the construction of the mll-
tary post near thnt city and to relieve Major
'olin H. Belcher. Major Belcher has been
ordered to duty at Portland , Oregon , to re-
love Captain Charles It. Barnett , who 1ms
been assigned to duty as assistant to the
chief quartermaster of the Depart
ment of Arizona , relieving Captain
John W. Pullniun. Captain Pullman
lias been ordered to Santa Fo , N. M. , to re
ceive Captain Edwin B. Atwood , who has
been assigned to duty as assistant to the
chief quartermaster ot the Department of
Texas , vice Captain John Simpson. Captain
Simpson has been assigned to duty as assist
ant quartermaster ot the Department of the
"Matte , relieving Captain Charles H. Me-
Jauluy , who has been ordered to duty as
disbursing ofllcer and assistant quarter
master of the Division of the Missouri.
Major Edward R Wllllston , Third artillery ,
has been ordered from Troy , N. V. , to
aprlnirlield. Mass. , tor conference with the
commanding officers of Uie national armory
'n connection with limbers to bo constructed
'or the new Held carriages. Major W51t ! m
U. Bell , commissary of subsistence , lias been
ordered from Denver to Fort Collins. Colo. ,
on public business. Leave of absence for
two months has tx.'cirr granted to Captain U.
A. Hull , military storekeener. The leave ot
absence granted Captain Edward C. Carter ,
assistant surgeon , has been extended litlcen
AsmyoTox. Oct. 5. [ Special Telesrara
to the BKB.J The postoftlco at Glrard , Sa
il rte county , Neb. , was discontinued to-day.
A new postoHico has boon established at
Wollflcet , Lincoln county Neb. , four and a
half miles southeast of Medicine , with John
A. Davis as postmaster.
The postofllce at Glrard , Sallno county , Is
discontinued and mail goes to Platto.
Nebraska nnd Iowa Pensions.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 5. ( Special Telegram
to the BEE. | Nebraska pensions : Minors
of William Lent , Orleans : Jacob C. Cumins ,
Tecumseh ; Hansom W. Uarloy , Beaver CrossIng -
Ing ; Milo it. Barber , Stromsburg ; Thomas
W. Carter , Ayr ; John Auman , Tecumseh-
Charlcs Archer , Lincoln. Increase : Lorouz ;
Edwards , Cambridge.
Iowa pensions : Minors ot Charles E.
Soden. Shellsburg : William A. McCoy , Ex-
line ; Thomas W. White , Mount Ayr ; Herman -
man Bower , Lehigh ; Thomas Hall , Wapcllo ;
A. L. Blckford , Dtimont ; Absalom Hollinps-
worth , Packwood. Increase : Squire C ,
Fishe ) , Iowa Falls ; Martin V. Leonard , Ot-
A BlonKri'l Combination.
FULI.KIITO.V , Neb. , Oct. 5. [ tipoclat to UK
HUB. | The democrats held their convention
here yesterday and endorsed the so-called
"people's" ticket. The political light In this
county is now practically narrowed to i
united mugwump nnd and democratic party
with the prohibition element as a tool
against the straight republicans. In Hun-
day's telegraphic report of the tcpublicar
convention the name of H. Eymau , of Genoa
should have appeared In place ot J. J. Tru
man lor county clerk.
Endorsed Uy tbo Farmers.
WADASir , Neb , Oct. 6. [ Special to thi
BKE. ) At a meeting of the Cass Count :
Farmer's alliance held here on Satnr
day , October 11 , tlm following resolution
wore unanimously adopted :
Resolved , That the farmers. alliance o :
Cass county view the efforts of Judge Masoi
In connection with the other members of tin
commission of the state of Nebraska to re
duce ttm tarlir ot local rates of the railroad
of this state with approval nnd gratitude
and that we will support them In their cttort
by all honorable means In our powur.
Resolved , That while wo are grateful for i
reduction ot so per cent , wti are not satlslie ,
in having the rates of Iowa and Mlnm-soti
made the standard tor rates In Nebraska , be
Having that the bonuses aud subsidies whirl
have been given the railroads of Nobrask
are sufficient not only to build and equip th
roods as they ate now built and equipped
but to duplicate the same without tpa , paj
moat of one dlmn"on ttiepartof the stock
holders ; theroforo'be It . . , , . . .
Resolved , That If the rates established br
other roadS are to'b taken as the"st nd rd
for Nebraska , thin ' In that raso the rates
should be soueht on the roads cast of Chicago
cage and running to the seaboard which have
to meet the romttfettttnn of the lakes , tno
Erie canal , and tliculudson river.
Hesolveth Thatifcopy ot these rftsolntloni
bo forwarded to Jud < e Mason and to the
Omaha BK.E. Lincoln Democrat and the
Western Jlnral and'Stockman for publica
tion. ' . F. AM.KK ,
Secretary Cass County Farmer's Alliance.
Incrcnslrie In Interest.
AUHOKX , Neb. , ? Oct 5-lSpeclal Tele
gram to the Bcn.lTlie second day of the
Nemaha county fair cjoscd with fine weather.
The exhibits are abdiU , all In nnd the attend
ance is very good , 'ilia lloman hippodrome
races seem to be the leading attraction. The
half-mile running roco resulted as follows :
Golden Slipper , owned by Isaac Smith ,
Salem , won , Oscoola , owned by Joe Forakcr ,
Salem , second. Time 51 seconds.
The trotting race. Uiroe-year-old Nebraska
colts , was won by Seth P , owned by 11. W.
Marks , Falrbury ; Ben fl , owned by B. B.
lloadley , Brownvlllc.secondMaud ; 1Cowned
byJnmcsEdy , Auburn , thirdKalv ; M , owned
iy Wlls Majors , fourth. Tlmn a:00. :
The gnto receipts for to-day amounted to
.i/iOQ / and exceed the second day lost year.
tVlth continued good weather the gate re-
iQlpts will probably reach $2,000 to-morrow.
A Successful Fair.
SIDNEY , Neb. , Oct. 5. [ Special Telegram
o the BBK. ] Nearly two thousand people
; reetcd General Morrow's address at'tbo
'air grounds to-day. The general handUd
la subject excellently and dwelt upon the
mat , present and future of Cheyenne
: ouaty. It was loudly cheered at the oonclu-
ilon. The trotting , running and chariot
actis nnd rle tournament wore full of enter-
alnment. The base ball gatmi between the
Sidneys and Fort Sidneys resulted in favor
of the Sydneyltes by a scoru of 3 to 1.
Eleven Innings were played. Everybody
"oels rejoiced at the success of the fair.
An Important Will Case Settled.
WAYNK , Neb. , Oct. 5. | Special to the
BKU.I E. O. Kretslnger , of Beatrice , the at-
ornoy for the great Goddard estate , obtained
a decree In partition In the district court
esterday to partition 23,000 acres of land bo-
.woon seven heirs of the above estate. Tlio
land lies In Wayne , Knox , Pierce and Cedar
Bounties , and Is'worth a quarter of a million
ilollars. K. B. Crawford , John T. Brisstor
ind James Brltton , of Wayne , were appointed
etoreos to make partition nnd report to Uie
court In thirty days.
Haw a Vessel Founder.
GoDEiucir , Ont , Oct. 5. Captain John
McDonald , of the schooner J. G. Kalfago , re
ports that Monday about thirty miles oil
Thunder Bay , Lake Huron , he saw a throe-
masted vessel founder , with all hands. The
Kalfoge , owing to the terrible storm , was
unable to ascertain the name or roudor auy
assistance !
A Bratcctnan KIHed.
Neb. , Oct. 5. [ Special to the
BEE. | A man named Robert Allison , a
brnkeman on UieB. in M. railroad , was run
over and killed at Uie company's yards at
Ills place this morning. His toot caught In
kfrog-and he was thrown between the rails.
Ono arm was cut olltand his head crushed.
His home is in Iowa.- -
Union tiabor Nominee * .
TKCUMsrcir , Neb./Oct. 5. [ Special Telo-
; ram to the BKE. ] The union labor convon-
ion held here to-day ni.tnlnated K. W.
Thomas and .1. S. Stull for judges In the
First judicial district.
Si'Olt rifttj NEWS.
The Jerome l nrfc Meeting- .
NKW I'oitK , Oct > 5. The weather at Jc-
rome park to-day was 'raw ' , thu attendance
ight and the track sjofv :
Three-quarter mile ; jStuyvesnnt won , Sam
Jarper second , Illo D'Or third. Time
" "
"For" two-year-old , three-nmrtor mile :
rulser won , King Idle second , Thora Uiird.
rime-l:19. :
One and ono-eighth miles : Ben All won ,
iclatos second , Arundal third. Time 2:00.
Ono and one-half miles : Linden won. Ton
looker second , Monte Cristo third. Time
Seven-eighth of a mile : Phil Lee won ,
Grenadier second , Nellie B third. Time
Five-eighth of a mlle : Harry ictissell won.
> lioctaw second , Luminary third , rime
The Races at liatonln.
CINCINNATI , Oct. 5. There was a good
rack and a largo attendance at Lntonla
Ono mile : Alamo won , Glenhall second ,
Monocrat third. Time 1:4 : % .
Six furlongs : Big Three won. Drumstick
second. False Alarm third. Time 1:18. :
Seven furlongs : Wary won , Valuable second
end , Calcutta third. Tlmo 1:20. :
One ni I In and seventy yards : Poteen won ,
Paragon tecond , Bankiupt third. Tune
1:47. :
Six furlongs : Amelia P. won , Huntress
econd , Kitty ( .iunii third. Time lW : f.
St. Itouis ,
ST. Louis , Oct 5. The Fair association
trotting and pacinr races :
Free-for-all , purse 83,000 : Argyle won ,
Edannan second , Joe L third , Jewett fourth.
Best time 2:15 : .
J:40 ! : class : Alarvan won , Harry McGregor
second , Ironwood third , Katherine S fourth.
B st time u:2 :
American Association.
l'irnADKi.PiiiAOct 5. The game between
the Baltimore aud Athletic teams today re
sulted ns follows :
Baltimore . 03303010 7 1C
Athletics . 010 'J 00000-
BUOOKLVN , Oct. 5. The game between
the Metropolitan and Brooklyn teams to-day
resulted as tullows :
Brooklyn . 0000100- I
Metropolitan . 1000011 3
Game called on account of darkness.
Ci.Kvni.Axn , Oct. fl. The game between
the Cleveland and Cincinnati teams to-day
was posponed on account of wet grounds.
Loui > vn.ri : , Oct. f. The game biitweon
the Louisville and St. Louis teams to-day re
sulted as follows :
Louisville . 01 2 102000-
St. Louts . 3 031 0 Q 0 0 0 0
National Ijoairue Games.
Nw VqnK , Oct. 4. Tlio game between
the New York nnd Philadelphia teams to-dav
resulted as follows :
Now York . 0 00000000 0
Philadelphia . 0 00001000 1
Pitchers Keeto and Caaey. Base hits-
New York 0 , Philadelphia 5. Errors Now
Yorlt 'J , Philadelphia u UUmplro Powers.
WASIIIN ITO.V , Oct t.'i-Tlie game between
the Washington and/ijloston teams to-day
resulted as { allows : > '
iVashingtoiT. . . . .0 0018301 0 12
Boston . 3 1 3,0 04000-0
Pilchws Whitney \and Madden. Base
hits Washington H Boston 14. Errors-
Washington 0 , Bos toll ; 2. Umpire Does-
schor. a \ >
PiTTSuuno , Oct EB- The came between
the Pittsburg and Clucago teams to-day
resulted on follows :
putsbun : . 03310110 e
Chlongo . 1.0-0 3 1 0 1 0 G
Pitchers -Gniviu and ' .Van Ualtern. Base
hlts-PUtebutg 18 , Chicago 'J. Errors Pitts-
burg 1 , Cliiciuro4 , Uiquire lUniels. , Oct , 5. The ganie be
tween Uie Indianapolis and Detroit teams
Unlay resulted as tollows :
Indianapolis. . . 4 21& 0 0 3 0 3 0-K
Detroit . 0 0 | 0fl | 1 3 0 0 1 S
Pitchers Shrove and Conway. ISase hlts-
Indlanapolis Id , Detroit in. Errors Indian.
apolls 4 , Detroit 4. Umpire Valentine.
Northwoitorn Lcaiuo.
DBS Moixus , Ia. , Oct 5 Northweiteni
leaitue : At Des Molnos Dos Moine.s 10
Eati Claire 3. At St. Paul Oshkosh 0. .St
Paul \ At Mllwatikue Mllwaukeo 13 , Du
luth 3. At Minneapolis La Crosse ll , Min
neapolis 5. _
Valunble Liumbar Burnod.
MKSOMINKK , Mich. , Oct. 5.-Slx mllllot
feet of valuable lumber fn the yards aud ot
the docks hure were burned last ulgut
Loss , 8100,000 ; Insurance small.
Itnnd OfTerlnus.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 5. Tlm total ivinoun
of bonds offered tn the government to-iUj
\vnif 1,744'JXi.oilihh ? 1.W7,1W were 4 >
txsr icnts : and iiT.IW ) \ i i "Uts.
What ia Beiug DODO By tha Committees
and the Knights of Pythias.
Wbd Wilt Compose the Itocnptlon
Cniamltton KuudH Knitted For E -
tenslvo Decorations A Now
Line or March Selected.
The Ihrcnldent'a Hay.
Fart of the committee on subscriptions
to decorate tlio city on the occasion ot
President Clovuland's visit contlutictl
their woricyesterday. They were General -
oral Dandy , Josouh Garaoau nnd Julius
Meyer. They secured f'J,150 and wanted
utucient to make about f 11,000. The in-
ention Is to deoorato In greater or loss
Icgreo almost every crossing on the line
f the president's drive in tbo heart of
ho city , while it ia hoped that , setting
aside party fueling , citizens will
Iccorato their buildings on the streets
hrough which the presidential party
will bo driven. The military , it is
nought , will bo in attendance , aud those
civic societies which tloilru to attend may
io so by notifying the couimlttco of their
intention so to do.
Yesterday afternoon the committee
mot at 4 o'clock and continued in session
until a Into hour. The following cent le
mon wuro present : William F. Hechel , F.
E. Bailey. T. J. Lowry , John F. Boyd , I.
Uascall , P. E. Her , J. A. McShane. Max
Ucyer , Julius Meyer , chairman , Frank
Solpopotzcr , P. E. Her , Joseph Garucau ,
| r. , T. J. Lowry. F. E. Bailey , ( i. W.
Ames , C. V. Gallagher , General G. B.
Some preliminary business was dis
posed of and the linanco committee re-
: > ortcd collections made that but about
? U60 more was needed , The mayor and
city council were roqucstod to lutvo the
streets over which the presidential party
would pass m good order and to supply
a squail of mounted police to prucmlo
anu keep thu thoroughfares clear. The
school board was requested to give the
scholars a half holiday , and have them
all assemble whore they could see the
Invitations were issued to General
Whuaton aud stall , General Crook and
stall' , and the military stationed at Fort
Dmaha , and all civic societies and
lodges , and the city aud county oiticials.
General Wheaton was appointed grand
marshal of the day , and all omcors
of organizations taking part in
the parade were requested to report to
him and bo assigned to positions in the
General J. E. Dandy , Joseph Garneau
and Julins Meyer wuro authorized to
make contracts for the decorations.
The following are announced as the
reception committee :
Governor Tlmyer , General J. B. Dandy ,
General Crook , Hon. J. A. McShane , Hon.
C. F. Mandorson , Dr. George L. Miller , Her
man Kountze. Hon. J. M. woolwortb , T. j.
Potter , J. H. Mlllard. P. E. Her. Max Meyer ,
Mayor W. J. Broatch. Joseph Garnetu , W.
F. Bechol , C. V. Gallaeher , George Prltchett.
A. S. Paddock , T. L. Krmball. Edward Hose-
water , G. M. Hitchcock , S. P.
Hounds , Hon. George W. E. Dor-
say , Julius Meyer , Udo Brnchvodel ,
.1. K. Boyd , W. A. Paxton , G. W. Holdrege ,
J. A. Crelghton , Judge Wnkeloy , Judge Ne
ville , Judge Grotf , Judge Dundy , Frank
Murphy , C. W. Hamilton , A. P. Hopkins
and C. H. Brown.
Th j committee is to meet to-day at 4
o'clock at the ollico of Hon. J. A. Mc-
For some reason the route at first do-
cidoil upon was not satisfactory and the
committee selected the following :
The reception committee ou meeting the
president at the depot will form In line , to
gether with the attending organisations and
preceded by the mounted police , will go wc' t
on Mason street to Eleventh , north on Elev
enth to Jackson , east on Jackson to Tenth ,
north on Tenth to Harnoy , nast on Harney
to Ninth , north on Ninth to F.trnam , west on
Farnam to Sixteenth , north on Sixteenth to
Dodge , east on Dodge to Fifteenth , south on
Fifteenth to Douglas , east on
Douglas to Eleventh , . south on
Eleventh to Uarnoy. west on Harney to Fif
teenth , north on Fifteenth to Douglas , west
on Douglas tn Sixteenth , north on Sixteenth
to Cumin ? , west on Cuming to Twenty-sec
end , .south on Twenty-second to the High
school building , aiound the building and
north on Twenty-Micond to Dodge , west on
Dodge to Twenty-fifth avenue , south on
Twenty-lifth avenue to Farnam , west on
Farnam to Tentv-elghth , south on Twenty-
eighth and Park avenue to Leavenwortn ,
cast on Leavenworth to Phil Sheridan street ,
north on I'hil Sheridan street toStMiirj's
avenue , eoiit on St Marv's avenue to Har-
niiy , east on Ilarney to Eighteenth , north on
Eighteenth to Farnam , east on Farnam to
Tenth , south on Tenth to Brownell hall ,
The party will then circle around the paifc In
front of Brownell hall and roturu to the
K. or P. Arrangements.
A meeting of the executive committee
of the Knights of Pythias was hold last
evening to confer concerning the prize
drill , parade and reception to President
Cleveland on the 12th. A letter was re
ceived from Governor Thaycr accepting
the invitation to bo present and take part
in the reception exercises. The route of
parade for that day was decided on but
remains yet to bo approved by General
Dayton , of the Nnbraska brigade , who is
to liavo charge of the parade.
The report of thu committee on sub
scriptions showed that the citizens had
boon subscribing most liberally for deco
rations and pri/.os. Arrangements were
made for taking care of a large number
of visitors during the encampment.
Ou next Friday evening at 5 o'clock , at
the basn ball park , thcKnightsof Pythias
will meet for purposes of drill , at which
time a rogunontal flag , a United States
ling and gydons will bo presented to the
On the 13th and 13th insts. Colonel
Boukwull , of Choyonnc , will be a visitor
in the city as a guest of the Knights , who ,
it in expected will turn out tcu thousand
I'lcasant Mooting of the Nebraika
Commander ? Imst Kvenine.
A mooting of the Loyal Legion of Ne
braska was hold at the Millurd hotel last
evening. The following now innmbors
were admitted : Colonel Summers , It.
\V. Patrick , Captain Jacob \V. Her , Colonel
nel .Jamos J. Kolluy of Lincoln , B. S.
Paddock , son of Major J. W. Paddock ,
Captain John A. Gordon nnd Captain
Duxtor I * . Thomas , Among the guests
of the organization present wnru General -
oral Jamus Shaw , u member of tha Mass-
achusutts commandory and resident of
Providence , U. I. : Colonel K. P. Heath ,
of the Pennsylvania coinmamlcry ;
Major John B. Bukor , of the Kansas
ooraniandury ; Captain P. H. Hay , of thu
District of Columbia comraaudurv ; Liuu-
tenant D. C. 1 < . Curtis , of thu Punnsvl-
vanl.i commandury. and Lioutunant W.
M. Turner , of the Oregon commnniJory.
There weru twenty-throo members of the
Nebraska commandory present. After
thu meeting thu party sat down to an uio-
gant banquet at which Colonel Savage
presided. Addresses and recitations
wuru 111 von by Major Clnrkson , Captain
Alleu. Captain Frank Moore * and Cap
tain John B. Furay , of Omaha , and Cap
tain Humphrey , of Pawncu City.
"Shall our eirls whistle ? " Of course
if they strengthen their lungs by taking
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup.
"Wlnin hoiulaclm joins neuralgia , then
comus the tag of war. " A wine general
marshals his forces , charges with a bottle
of .Salvation Oil , and the doughty fou lies
cringing ii | thu dust.
Tlio Poetlo nott Pronalo Paired nnd
LCnpt/rfuAt / 1SW , by Jitmtt ( Jcmlou llennttt. ]
LONDON , Oct. 4. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the UEK. | There were
democratic-American aud aristocratic Brit
ish wcddlnjM to-day the llrst at Plinborg ,
live miles from the famous Tmibrldijo mills ,
Kent , and the second at St Michael's church ,
Chester Square. Pemllco ( ho former of liar-
rctt Browning , tlm artist nnil son ot Kllr.v
buth Uarrvtt and Kobcrt Urownlnp , with
Miss Fanny CoddliiKtondaughter of the late
Thomas II. Coddlnpton of 43 Fifth avenue.
The Pc'inllco wedding was of Lady Gwendo
line Chaplin , daughter of downgur counter
of.Shrewsbury , who nave her away to Major
Cosmo Little , of Uie Fifth Lancers. The
rural wcddlnz , as belltted the union of poet-
pnlnter and heiress , occurred In a romantically -
ally situated ancient parish church , not less
stately than Grace church , whore the bride's
father was a church ollloer. She was given
nway by Mr. bchlflsslntjor , her Ktiardlan.who
had married her cousin , neo Emily
Hurley , of New York , whore ho Is wel
known as n South American millionaire.
Ills estate Is In Kent near the Parish church ,
which by the way , dates from the year lSfl !
with a living always under the presentation
of one- family church , hns handsome Interior
chancels on three sides by stained glass windows
dews prepared In memory of IU departed
vicars , The floor l < of pollsted ! marble and
to-day Trad decorated with a profusion of
tronlcal plants and choice ilowors. The
officiating cleno man was the vicar of the
chvrch. The bridegroom , whom pictures in
the two last royal academy exhibitions wore
much admired , was exccndlniily nervous and
had popped to him the whole church ques
tion , but the bride , with American solf-posc -
slon , smiled at htm when ho Bald
" 1 will. " Ho stroked his mustache ,
which much resembles Lord Randolph
Churchill's. The bride wore a white KTOS
grain silk , train of like material , with
trimmings of .silver einbroldurr , oranco
blossoms with veil. She poetically violated
traditions by carrying a. bouquet of fairy
Notwithstanding the Chaplin-Little wed
ding was out of season , the church was
crowded with Kay toilets. Popular Canon
Fleming performed the ceremony. The
b'ido's aunt , Marchionors Londonderry , had
came from Dublin castle , but the bride's
bi other , Earl Shrewsbury , was not present ,
he being after his well known elopement In
the family Coventry. Ladv Gwendoline
wore a dross of pearl erey Itfsh poplin , her
ornaments diamonds , sifts of her mother
and the bridegroom. At the conclusion of
the ceremony the wedding party drove to
too town residence of tlm bride's mother In
Lowndcs square , near the residence of min
ister I'heliw , whore a wedding breaklast was
Interesting Proceeding * of the Amer
ican Hoard of CominlRBloncra ,
SntiNoFfr.Ltt , Mass. . Oct. 5. The attend
ance at the second day's meeting of the
American board of missions was very largo.
When tiio announcement was made of the
death of ex-Governor Washburn which had
occurred In an Interim very suddenly , a
hush fell upon the vast audience and Presi
dent Uartlett offered a , touching prayer ,
After the appointment of committees , the
report on the missions of China , Africa anu
Pacific Islands was read.
Dr. Clarke read a report on missions In
Turkey , India , anl the papal lands. The
report of the prudential committee on the ex
pediency of railing councils In certain cases
was lead by Secretary Hinlth. It Is a long
docum en t , the essential points ol' which are
contained in this recapitulation by the com
mittee : "Seeing tiien that hyeenaral con
sent such bodies as the board cannot call
councils ; seemi ; that the local theme , only In
special cases , would bo open to grave objec
tions , and to call them in all cases would be
cumbersome ; seeing that the councils beln'z
local , ephemeral and Irresponsible , are
Inadequate for the purpose ; seeing that
mixed responsibility In selecting candidates
would produce trlctlon , and .seeing that the
unity of the church In supporting mission
aries has long worked well and will secure
wider harmony than any other method , the
committee do not think the measure sub
mitted lor consideration is expedient. " As
soon as Dr. Smith finished reading the
report Knv. Henry T. Cheover undertook to
Introduce a resolution that "It Is the .sense
of the loyal and lovln.- constituency of the
American board that belief In future pinbn-
tlon is permissible ou the part of candidates
for ihn missionary held , and it shall not ex
clude them. " Kulud out of order.
to IrlHli M. I"s.
NEW YoitK.Uct. 5. A reception w'as given
at Cooper Union to-night to Sir Thomas
Henry Grattan Esmonde and Arthur O'Con
nor , two of the members of the iiish parlia
mentary party , who came to this
country to present their cause to
American * . Charles A. Dana presided.
Messrs. O'Connor and Esmonde spoke at
some letu'th on the Itlsh question. Ex-
JuJge Noah Davis read resolutions declaring
that the clti/i.ns ol New York protest aualnst
the policy ot the tory government as a blot
on the civilization of the age. denouncing
the slaughter at Mitchellstown nnd expressIng -
Ing svmpathy for the efforts of ( Hailstone
and Parnell and extending greeting .to
O'Connor and Esmoudei They were adopted.
Paid For M
Dum/iN , Oct. 5. C.illlnan , one of the
moonlighters implicated in killing Constable
Whelahan , and who turned state's evidence ,
was taken to-day to Enuis , testifying against
accomplices. Ho sworn as to the plot against
Sexton , and Identified .seven of Hie prlsnncrs
as having participated In the killing of Whei-
ahan. Calllnan admitted that he planned a
number of moonlight raids. He said he had
been In the pay of tlm police for live years
and that lie received from Whelahan just he-
fore the raiding of Sexton a small MIIII of
money in payment of I. Is share tor arranging
the raid. This caused a sensation.
Iliotons Female Clunrmalcrrs ,
MAnitin , Oct. fi. Several thousand female
clgarumkers gathered at one of the factories
to-day and engaged in a riot. Civil guards
surrounded tlm fartorv and the women took
possession of the building nnd barricaded It ,
They still hold the building.
Two Fainllu'H Undly Declinatod.
AMANDA , O. , Oft. 5. By the explosion of
a boiler In David Young's saw mill , ( ieorge
Lape. Perry Lape , Simon Young and Amos
Young were instantly killed , and Mrs. Simon
Youug seriously Injured.
MeNamnra , the Butolior , Arrested on
a Woman's Complaint.
T. F. McNamara. a butcher at 714 North
Sixteenth street , who has hardly recov
ered from a recent dog bite and subse
quent line for killing the brute , in again
m trouble. This time ho is arrested for
using vile , threatening and abusive
language to Mrs. Perry , who k eps a
uoarding house acre s the wav from Ins
shop. Mrs. Porry's hu ba-mf is an in
valid , but IDS been iittomjHing to tib'Bist
his wife in making a llvinjr by selling a
system of ledgers , Mr. Perry claims
that MoNamura had aerowd to take a set
of these books and pay for thorn in meat
After running a hill of several dollars
with the butcher , Mrs. furry broughtover
the ledgers to. settle the bill , whereupon
McNamara angrily denied that he bad
agreed to any Mich bargain , and swore
that ho would have monuv. Following -
ing Mrs. Perry across to her homo
lie cursed her , called her all manner of
names and threatened to whin her sick
husband. Not satislied with this , he
stood out on thu sidewalk and told every
passer-by that the people who lived in
that house wore dead beats. MM.
Perry linally calliid tliu police. McNa
mara was arrested and his trial bet for
this morning.
Close the door gently ,
And bridle the bronth ;
1'vo one of my headaches
I'msld ; unto death.
"Take 'Purgative Pellets'
Thuv'ro pleasant , and sure ,
PvHhOinoin my pocket
I'll warrant to euro. "
Dr. Piurcn's "Pleasant Pnrirativti Pul
lets" are both preventive and
Tlio Trouble u SI. Pnnl llnrknmn
Had With IIU Wife.
Years of Untold Misery and Pain Re-
lef ! a * I.ait An Interesting Interview
Other Items , Etc.
The subject of this notice. Mrs. Kntlfl Swnn ,
irifo of llnckmau iiiR : < ! tie SHIUI. well and fn-
lorablr ttnoun In St. t'anl , wn found it her
homo , No. IS Hint Ninth Htrcut.liy * report or
who went thcro utter mi Itoin , IIIIYIMK horn
told oliQ wna aurrormirmold mlsury f rtitn FOIIIO
cniiie or other , 'llio door of tlio mansion
opcutvl whan the mother of Mrs. Swim HI * .
ponretl. In rclpnnge to thu query as to vrliother
Mrs lliiKcDB tiMrnn lived ilioie , thu reporter
WHS very kindly Invited Into tlio parlor , nod
rontrd. Mrs. S , wnstptu for. nnd upon arrival
tliHRorlliu HUW at n Klnnuo Unit she did not look
llko as If ho vrns a Kront isiilTorer. Upon bemr
Hiked In roKiinl to the renort olio ranllod ,
"Vn. 1 Imvo BUITorcd Intho worst form. About
nycur HKO 1 contracted n stlirlitcold , It ( tot liot-
ter and I thought woll. Then I hOKnntodlv
cover pBlim over my oyoand tliroiiKli my horn ) .
Myoamched mo nearly all the time. Tlieio
was n rliiKlnif nolso In my head , Rftor awhllo I
In ono of my ears. I becnmn nlnrnicxl , Ilion
n nervous fenr ortook mo anil 1 full vurr hud ,
iiidord 1 may say miserable : could not sleep * >
night :
hail no anpotllo ; WHB dull and hud n onnsUul
tired fooling- : never scoitipilto getrostodi wni
verr ri-stlo 9 nl nllfht , nnd viyy seldom. Ifovar.
( jot to B.cop tiefurn marnlniri I. wus nuiUly
jrrowlnff worse nil the tlmn. I tried to bollovs
In every kind of initont niodlclno that was roo-
ommnnuod. Hud pliNslclau * oxamlnn nionnd
treat mo. but obi ulnud no bunollt. heolnif ] ) r .
Mcl'or Ac Ilpnry'siulvoitlsonioiitla thopapors ,
nnstmnd told mo to eonnult thorn , which I rtld
pliuilnn myitolf under their cum at onco. I ho-
Kim to Improve from tlio stiirt uud alnod ru | > -
Idly In wokht , hoiilth and ctronpth , until to-day
you son rno-robim and heartjnnd I know thai
through lira. McCoy & Uonty's trcntmont 1 am
entirely wolL"
Mrs. hwan will fnllr corrobornto ovorythhni
n-imttonod tn those doubting It , and will moat
cheerfully endorse the doctors.
T7te fSt/tnj to > n * Att < mtllnfl That
ease Wlttch Lead * to Con
When uitnrrh hag oxlsto'l ' in tlm hood and tb *
upoor pnrt or tlio tlmnit for any length of tlino
tre p tlont living In A district whore peonl *
are subject to caturrhHl uffuatlon aud tin OJit.
enao has bflcn lull uncured.tho cntnrrh luvarl-
ably , § ( imctmoa slowly , uxtnuda down ttio
wlndpipo iind Into th lirnnchlal tubes , whloli
tuDenoanvvyitha air to Uie dllterant | i irta of
thu lu ! ! < . Tlio tubes booonm nircotud Irom
the gwelltriBT and the mucou * arMnp from
cntnnb.Hncl , In some nmtancen , boooine plujrwod
up. so that tlio nlrciiunnt But in n fruelyaalt
should. Shortness of hrcnth follows , nnd tin
piitlont broiithos with lalKirnnd dlttloulty.
In llbnrcruwtnoro is 11 sound of uriiokllnit
and wlicczlntf Insldo the chest. At thin etaveof
thedNoiisothu brriithlnir Is tisually more mold
than when In henltlu Tlio patient kiu also ha
Un hes over bin body.
Tlio piiln whk'li iiurompiinles tills condition It
of n dull clnirnator , felt In the chest , behind tbfl
breast bone , or under the shoulder blndo. The
pain may oomoaml KO lust few days nmi tluiu
be iibHunt for sovurnl others. The cou ti thnt
occuis In thu [ list snipes of bronrhlnl cut a nh ll
dry , comoson nt Intervals , biitltlnjf In rliarno-
tor. nnd Is usually most tionblchomo In tno
mornlMir on ri'inif , or polnir to bed at nlv lit and
It limy bo In the first cvldi'iico ol tlio dlsonso ox-
tcmllnK Into Ibo luuir * .
Snmctlmos tliera uro Ills of cotiKbliiK Induooil
by the toiiKh miiciix 8 < > violent us to cause vom
iting. I.utor cm tlu > mucus that Ls ralnod.ia
f fill nil to conlajn Ninall partlolcs of ynllow luMt-
tcr. which Indlcalea thnt tlio amall tubes In tbo
lunwiain now nffcctcrt.Vltli this there aio
olten streaks of blood mlxnl with the mucitn.
Insomo cnsos tbo pntlnnt bi'ComoB voiy pale ,
bus lever , ar.d ovpecuirnres UclViro niiycoujfh
In eoinr cases smul .inaj oof cliooiy flUb-
stHiico aio spit .ip , which , wboii nrnsbcd bn-
tween tbo llnpera , omit a bad odor , ( n other
cases , particles of a burd , chalky nature nro
spit up. The inlslng of cheesy or chalky lumps
Indicate Horious inlihlof nt work in the IIIMKS
In homo cnt-os uitiirih will uxtend into the
lunirs In n few weeks ; in other cnsos It tuny tm
inontha , ami even years , buloni the dlsoaso at
tacks the luiws sulbciontly tooiuihO sorlouslu-
tcrlernnuo with tbo tronetal hoitttb. Whoa the
dise sobHS dovolnpod to such u point the pa
tient Is hald to rmvo ontiirrhn | consumption.
Wltlv broncbml ciitarrb thoni ia moroorlosa
lover which illirors with the dllloront pnrts of
thoday slight In thu inoinliiR , hluher In the
Hftcrniion and o\oninir.
Somatimoa dnrini ; tbo day tbo patient him a
cinuplnir. chilly sunsiitloti , which may lust from
halt an hour to 1111 Hour , tlio siufaco of the
body Iteilnsrdrj and but. During the night ,
mar the morning , thcni nmy ho sweats. SncU
sweats aio Known ns niubt swunts.
The pnlso is usually more rapid than normal
and the patient loong tlcsh Hurt si onutb. A
fresh cold la all thnt la needed at this point to
develop rapid consumption. In snino Intitatuus
the patinnt IOSUA strength niul Hosh slowly.
The muAclns terminally wusto away. Then the
pntlent grnduully roKulna aomo of bis strength ,
only to lee it itgiiln.
A weak stnnmch nnd n illalfko for fuod , which
Hnonratn havoloat Ita tHHtc , cnusos the putlont
to think ho ha n djHKiiHDOf tliu dtomiu.h Instead
of the lunirs. With thosn diarrhoea usually Da-
curs , nnd there IH some disturbance of the kld-
Duys. In broutihlal untiicrh Ihn volcn of tea bo-
rouicg wo.ik , husky nnd com HO. There In a
burnliiK pain in throat , with dlllloulty In swal
Whnt It Mciiiif , ITmv It Aria , and
What It It.
You ? iiee/o when yon get up in tlio inoriiliic ,
you tiy tostioo/o your note < ilf ovoiy tlino you
uio oxposen to tlio luuat draft of sir. You bnv
H fullncHS over tlio front of tbo foroboiul , and
the nose I eels as If there was n plug In oaoh
nostril whiuh you ciutnot dlslodiro. Yon blow
your no o until jour eaticraek , bur It don't do
nny good , and tbo only result Is that you snc-
( * eil In getting up a vnry roil nose , and you o
Irritate the lining inomlmuio of that orgnn
lhiit > ou nro iinablo to nreatliothiough It at ulL
Tnls Is n correct and not o\ei drawn plctnie of
nil iioutii attack of catarrh , or "Snoo/linr
Catarrh" us It is called
Now , what does this condition Indicate ? First ,
ncnldthat causes miicua to bo poured out by
the glands In tbo nova ; then these dlscaaud
Klincls ure attacked by swat mi of little germs
- the untimh giirm thut llout In the alrina
locality where the dlsoaso IH prevalent. These
uulmii'culae ' , la tnclr ullorts to Ibid n lodgment ,
Irritate tlio soiltlvo | uieinDrano llnlnir the uose
nnct nntiiro undertakes to rid herself of them
by piodiiplnua lit of snco/lnir.
when thu IKHO lieeninos tilled with thloUonod
and dlseiised niiious tliu natural channeH for
the Introduction of air Into the IUIIKH Is Inter
im ivl with , niul the person BO cffotcd must
breathe through the month , and by such
means the throat become * purchuil and dry ,
miorlntf la produced , nnd then the cutnrrlial
disenno gains ready access to the throiitnud
J-Cresap M'fioy
Late of Bellevue Hospital , N.Y
AM > iwcrou
Columns Henry
Cor. 15tli aud Harney Streets
Omaha , Nob.
Whci-e U curulilo oiws mo troatnd wltti u
uoss. MedioU dlhciiMix trtmtud HKllfully. Con-
HllinptllJII , llrilfllt'H U'HfHHU ' , HyHHMMlU | , ItllPU
, mid nil NI5UVOUH lllriKArtl-H. Alldl-
ItCllMW JJOCMjIlirlO tllO tUXUIt U hKKl | ! Jty. CA-
TAU1II1 CmtliD ,
CONSULTATION t ollico or by mall $1.
Ollluu noun ; 'J to II u. m , j iiloip. m.i "to
8 p. m. Sunday * Included.
( 'nrrispoiKlttiiuermulM' * prompt attention.
MIUIJ aisti uut > mi ) iriniuxl micceusr ully by lit
McCoy tliruutcli tliu mull * , unJ It I/I thus poutl.
bio for tlm-iti tnmlilwto timlio ulournov to ob
tain HticLL-x-lul liofcplttil truuunuiit { tlielr
lioim-8. .S'liletiom unswurud unlvw atcotupa- '
nlwl liy Ic liiHtiiinus. , , , . . ,
.Millions Hll 1 < tin lo Dm , Mr-Coy It 1 1 miry ,
Uuoini 110 imd . 'M IUuih'6 JiulldluirUiniitiaN *