Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 06, 1887, Image 1
pfi S ! THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SEVENTEENTH ! YEAR OMAHA , THURSDAY MOItNING. .OCTOBER ( v 1887 * NUMBER 1 liXlELLJHB MAN. He is Renominated By the Hepubltcans For the Supreme Bench. M > ONLY TWO BALLOTS NECESSARY. The Nomination Made Unanimous Amid Scenes of Enthusiasm. FIGHTING OVER THE PLATFORM. A Mora Strict Regulation of the Railroads Demanded. A WRANGLE OVER PROHIBITION. llio HtrtiKKle HcHiills In a Practical Victory Kor the Antl-Suhnusslon- Its The Convention Still In Session at 3. a , m. The KcpnMlcnn State Convention , LINCOLN , Neb. , Oct. 5. [ Special Telenram to the BEI : . | The preliminaries to the re publican convention of to-night were of an exciting character. The strenuous ef forts to defeat Judge Maxwell that had been fostered and fed by the railroads blossomed In the lobbies to-day , and In the crowds that surged through the corridors of the hotels. The railroads always make a light when they see honest men on thu bench beyond their control , and hence their bold and bare-faced assault upon Judge Maxwell. The Douglas county delegation arrived on the noon train and repaired to the Capital hotel. The usual complement of oil room bummers were numetous hangers-on with the strips of red pasteboard which passed them to the Capital City. The fat and greasy Vandervoort , the rablclund Frank Walters and like cappers who have disgraced the state at every Bosslon ot the legislature wore present. Van dervoort , who hoped to get a scat by proxy In the convention , received a black eye trom the delegation that in caucus determined that the alternates sould bo seated. Lancas ter countv met early In the afternoon and was solid for Judge Maxwell , Matt Daugherty called thu Saline delegation to caucus and It was found on the same field. Other counties occupied the early ovnulng hours In conversing on what action they i viould take. The different candidates passed * the day in the most active canvass , with the exception of Judge Maxwell , who presided In the supreme court content to rest tils case with the public. George S. Smith , of the Omaha delegation , opened Maxwell head quarters at the Capitol hotel , however , and Mr. Rosewater , Mr. Jenkins and others of the , Douglas delegation were actively at work. Congressman Dorsey with the judge's home delegation weie ac tive and General Van Wyck. who as a priv ate citizen came to the convention at the head of the Otoo county delegation , was a hearty supporter of Jink-o Maxwell. From northern Nebraska N. D.Jackson , ot Nellich , with the Antelope county delegation was In the Held for the judze. Corrcll came with the Thayer county delegation while Pawnee , Fillmore , Washington and oilier counties were counted on for like support. Senator Meiklejohn , of Nance , headed the workers for Judge Post who was backed by a large number of county delegations in Judge Post's district. Adams county boomed , tor General Dllworth , backed apparently , by the solid Republican valley country and a num erous following In the north. The Gage delegation was divided. In fact "it looked" as one of the delegates expressed it , "as though that countv was to have a picnic throughout the conven tion. " Church Howe was noticeable for Ills absence and the absence of the Nemaha man from a political convention was commented upon. Some suggested that he had exhausted himself at the judicial convention the day before. Senator Mamlersnn was present In the lobby , looking over thu great crowd , but Senator Paduock was absent. it was asserted , however , that the senator had sent n preference in this contest It was manifest n ly in the day that proxies were abundant ' i that the roads had used extra diligeuce > u gathering them In. At 7 p. m. the opera house rapidly bccran inline up , It requiring nearly the entire first floor to accommodate the five hundred or more delegates who were assigned by the ushers to their positions. Lancaster and Douglas occupied central places In the parquet flanked on one side by Otoo and Clay , while Gage , Cass and other counties with numerically largo delegations wore on the left. | It was 8:15 : p. in. when Chairman Burton called the convention to order. Hon. I ; . D. Richards , of Dodge , placed in nomination Hon. I ; . W. Osborne , of Washington county , for temporary chairman. Air. Osborne waf elected unanimously and being Introduced to the convention said : "I am thankful and grateful to this convention tor the lionoi conferred upon me. I congratulate you that this convention meets under such harmon ious circumstances. Let us hope that the convention will do Its work with that har mony that will ensure certain success at the polls. ( Applause. ) Thu republican party stands to-day a unit on all great questions , a harmonious unit that has the prestige ol victory already on Its banners. The countr * has doubled Its population and quadrupled Its wraith under republican rule. There Is one thing that can bo said ot the republican party : It has maintained its principles. U has been a consistent party. It has not been a party of free trade and a patty of protec tlon , or a party of freedom and slavery. 1 has been a party tor every and all states. A party of principle and a party of loyalty. / party of treedom , thcchamplon of the cquallt ] . of man. ( Applause. ) The party lias beer an aggre.sslvo party of men that have llvec in the future aud not In the past. A part ] with Us eyes in the front of Its head. It ha : been the party ot the laboring man and ha ? protected the tellers of the country , giving i dignity and respectability to labor. ( Ap plause. ) " Mr. Osborue reviewed thn demo cratio party that had never been advancing but had been in the habit of objecting. Tin democratic party presented the spectacle o a party that had not a principli but that had crumbled into atom sllico the emancipation proclamation On motion of Pat O. 11 awes Thomas C Brunner , of Donglns , was elected secretary aud on motion of Captain J. E. Hill , o Gage , Charles J. Bates , of Gage , was electee assistant secretary. D. G. Courtnay , of caster , moved the appointment of a committee - tee on credentials. B. D. Slaughter , o Nance , stated that the central commlttei Vad prepared the credentials and that then being no contests a committee was unneces sary and Mr. Courtnay withdrew his motion Walt M. Sccly then proceeded to read tin list of accredited delegates. Alter thu Us had been partially read Cadet Taylor , o Douglas , moved that the reading bo dls pensed with. Remarks were made by Nor val of Seward , Kenan ! of Lancaster am Green of Doiulas. The motion was thoi adopted. The following counties were founi not represented : Stantou , Sarpy , Arthur Thomas , Boone. Cheyenne , Grant , Oarllold McPhennn and Wheeler. The report wa adopted aud thn convention iirocecded ti permanent organisation.Itrad D. Slauuhtci ot Nance , nominated George D. Molkoljoln for permanent chairman aud he was elcctei unanimously. Mr. Mnlklejohn on taking the wa greeted with great applause. Ho said thn the party in thu coming campaign in Ni braslca should take for a motto words thn would mean victory .In Nebraska aud victor. . In the national campaign ot IbbS. On mo tlon of Green , of Douglas , the temporary sec votary was elected permanent secretary , fc L. Andrews , ol Kearney , moved that a con mlttoo ot thirteen bo appointed on resolu tlons. Mr. McBrldo , of Lancaster , move that O. P. Mason t > o made chairman of UM committee , A vote was taken and abet : 11 , two-thirds of the house rose amid cheers , j division was called aud on the division soin desultory discussion followed in yvhlc Hum was urged and a ca ras made lor the roll. At this poit - " - - all the motions were practically withdrawn and Judge Mason arose. He was greeted with an ovation that lasted fully ten minutes before he was allowed to say that he did not desire to bo on the committee or to bo Its chairman , and he hoped that the original motion would bo adopted. The orUlnal mo tion accordingly prevailed. The chairman nauicd the following committee : H. CAn' ; , draws , of Buffalo : J. , . W. Oaborne , of Wash ington ; C. 0. White , ot Saunders ! N. V. Harlan , of York ; W.J. I'einberton , of Jef ferson : B. F. Bird , of Gage : W. U Wilson , of Otoo : W. K Pebols , of Dakota ; Thomas Darrell , of Howard ; K. S. Lowman , of Ued Willow ; H. H. Wilson , of Lancaster ; M. S. Llndslay.of Douglas ; S. D. Einzt , of Hear- ney. Several of those named offered to withdraw. Paul Schmlnke. of Otoo , raised a laugh by stating that to save time the mem ber of the committee from Otoecounty would not resign. H. 11. Wilson , ot Lancaster , moved that the resolutions presented be read and referred to the committee without de- batf. Mr. Conrtnay objected to the plan and objectPd to Mr. Wilson's smuggling In pro hibition resolutions In that way. Mr. Wil son replied that ho never smuggled Into a comn'ittee on a proxy and the laugh passed around. Mr. McBrideobjected to the motion and moved that the motion bo laid on the table. ( Jeneral Van Wyck wanted the action on resolutions presented discussed. He thought that Important resolutions would bo presented and he wanted them discussed so that the convention and the people of the state as well might hear thorn. Judge Mason moved that the resolutions be read and referred and resolutions going to ho convention bo reported back with their iction on the same. This was adopted. Mr. Viilentine , of Cutnlng. moved that time be low given for the presentation aud reading ) t resolutions. The motion was adopted without division. On a call for resolutions leleijates moved toward the secretary trom .11 parts of the house. The opening one was or a prohibitory resolution. Resolutions .avoring Blalne and Lincoln were received with applause. Resolutions from York Bounty called for prohibitory amendments , ilesoluttons for the national repub- .Ican convention to be held In Omaha were cheered. Nine resolu- Ions relative to the endorsement of he board of transportation and reduction of atcs were read and Mr. Valentine , of Cum- ug read resolutions In the same tenor , itesolutlons relative to John Sherman .were cad and applauded. Senator Van Wyck ead resolutions regarding railroad rates and emulations , and otheis demanding a reduc- lon of the taillls on lumber , coal , salt , ingar and coarse fabrics. The senator's roso- utlons were greeted with applause and all . esolutloiis road were referred to the com mittee. Sterli * . of Butler , tnovfdjto proceed : o thn nomination of a judge ot the supreme : otirt by a call of counties by an Informal 'judge Mason moved as a substitute that candidates bo pluced In nomination. He wanted no assassination on the second ballot. Judge Mason's motion prevailed , and ho took the floor. Ho said that the man whom ho wanted was an old-citizen ; one whom he had known for thirty years , whose name was a synonym of honesty , who was an untiring worker , who had honored the 'ndiclary. His name was Samuel Maxwell. lie was a man with a record In the judiciary .hat was untainted. . Ho was a power tor right. He had been tried and proven. 'Ihe 'udKo's speech was received with great ap- J. E. Frlck , of Dodge , on behalf of that jounty and the great majority of the people , seconded the nomination of Judge Maxwell. Oharies W. Seymour , of Otoe , also seconded .ho nomination. P. W. Peppoon. of Pawnee , on behalf of the entire delegation from that county , seconded the nomination of Judge Maxwell. A. U. Sullivan , of Cass , seconded it in behalf of the people of Cass county. P. O. Ilawes , of Douglas , said that one-half of Douula ? county was for Judge Maxwell. M. A. Dausjherty , of Saline , presented a second end to Judge Maxwell with thirteen votes from Saline. A delegate from Willmore seconded the nomination of JmUo Maxwell. Captain A. D. Yocum , of Adams , pre sented the name of General Dlllworth , ol Adams county. Mr. 1) . P. Newcomer , of Webster countv , on behalf of the clti/ens of his county , seconded ended the nomination ol General Dill- worth. Judge Bowman , of Tlatte. in an eloquent soeech in which the merits of Judge Post , of Columbus , were presented , placed the name of Albert M. Post before the convention. Brad D. Slaughter , of Nance , and J. P. llartman , of Buffalo , seconded tne nomina tion of Judge Post. Abbott , of Grand Island , closed the nomi nations by naming Judge T. L. Norval , of Hall county. On motion of George S. Smith , ot rioiulai , the convention proceeded to a formal ballot , the result of which was 551 votes , cast as tol- lows : Samuel Maxwell 27- 0. J. Dillworth 1C1- A. M. Post U M. P. Cook & T. L. Norval 5 On tills ballot Doiiglascounty cast fourteen votes for Judge Maxwell , fourteen for Judge Post and four for Dlllworth. Lancaster county cast twenty-six votes for Maxwell aud two for Dillworth. The announcement of the vote was re ceived with breathless Interest and the con vention nearly left Its feet when It was found that Maxwell ouly lacked four votes of a nomination. After the result had been announced Hlchanlson county changed two Dillwortl : votes to Maxwell and numerous motion ! were made to nominate Maxwell by accla mation. Chairman Meiklejohn , however ruled that the roll should bo called for i second ballot , and It proceeded. Wher Douglas was reached It cast thirty-two votes for Maxwell. Lancaster , when reached , casi a solid vote for Maxwell. The northwesl countv. that had been \otlng tor Cook , camt In solid for Maxwell , and his nomination was assured. The result of the ballot was a ; follows : Samuel Maxwell Cft Judge Post 2 C. J. Dillwotth V Judge Maxwell's nomination was madi unanimous. Judge Maxwell appeared before the con volition , thnnked thu body for the nomina tlon , and said tnat It would bo his aim In tin future as In the past to fulllll the duties o thu otlico honestly and fearlessly. C. J. Dillworth was loudly called for am responded In a speech that caused a goo < deal of enthusiasm. Ho said that ho hat received too many favors ffom the state ti complain of the verdict of the people. On the call of rozular order J. W. Dolar nominated Dr. Davis , of McCook , tor regen of the state university. Green , of Douglas on behalf of that county , seconded the nom inetlon , and on motion of J. T. Mallaiieu , o Buffalo , B. B. Davis was nominated by ac clamatl'in. .Mr. Davis was called to the stage am .thanked the convention for the nomlnatloi and thu alumni of thn university who had In bored to secure his nomination. Dr. Roberts , of Crelghton , was nominate' ' for the second regent. Schminkc , of Otoe seconded , McAllister , of Platte , was nominated am seconded from a dozen dilterent counties. H. C. Brome , of Madison , nominated Di J. J. Butler , of Pierce county. 'Ihe result of the ballot was a total vote o S53 , divided as follows : McAllister 24 Roberts 20 Butler fi Knight 'J Them being no choice a second ballot \vn ordered. Thu result of the second ballot wa as follows : Or. ( ieorue Roberts 3t W. A. MoAlllMer K Dr. Roberts was declared thu nominee n second regent and returned thanks for th nomination. TllK PI.ATFOIIM. The committee on resolutions reported a follows : The republican party of Nebraska , whiI ever caret ill of property rights , and not holi Ing sympathy with those who would , wit the communist- ) , divide , nor with the anal chlst * . destroy , reasserts Its dctoruilnatlo that the great railway corport tious of this slate , which iiol relations of closest interest to th people , shall bo the fairly paid servants c the state aud not Its masters. The work c legislative control In slate and nation sba continue until all cause for complaint of ex horbltant rates and unjust discrimination In favor of Individuals or localities slia cease to exist Assuming ttio rcspons ! blllty which fairly belongs to It < having originated legislation looking' t railroad control , and thu creation of the ! tribunals or commissions wulfh uaro bee enabled to grapple with corporate power , the republican party will see to it that by all needed enlargements ot power these com missions , national and state , shall be armtd for battle and for victory. While favoring such change In the constitution of this state as will permit the railroad com missioners to be elected by the people , It hereby voices Its confidence In the existing boatd of transportation , and commends Its efforts to obtain for Nebraska the same taritt of rates for freight and carriage of passen gers as Is accorded to neighboring states similarly situated. It Is grossly unjust and a grevlotis wronz that Nebraska should pay more for the transportation of hoc products and the carriage ot her supplies than her neighbors Iowa , Minnesota and Dakota and the republicans ot the state , with Its 3,000 miles ot easily constructed and cheaply maintained lines ot railroad , shall not cease their efforts until all wrongs bo righted. The gratified thanks of the American pco- plo are duo to those who defended the union In the late war , and we are In favor of pro- vldlnit suitable pensions for soldiers and sailors who worn disabled In the service and who have since , without their fault or vice , become objects of public charity , and to the widows aud orphans of those wno felt in its 'efense. Wo heartily sympathize with the ambition and efforts of the patriots of Ireland in their udcavors to obtain for thqir country the Icsslngs of free institutions and local selt- overnmcnt. We rccogul/.o In Charles Stewart Parncll nil William K. Gladstone worthy champions f the fundamental principles of the Declar > atlon of Independence. At this stage In the proceedings the tariff lank , declaring In tavor ot a reduction on ron and to cease paying tribute to the Iron nanufacturers of the cast audio put taxation on the luxuries , was Introduced. The plank was laid on the table , Douglas voting 22to able and lO.agalnst , Mr. E. Rosewater and I. 11. Wilson championed the report of the lommlttee , Reavls , of Richardson , moving to able. The fight came on , however , with a pro- ilbltlon plank , the resolution pledging the party to a submission of a prohibitory amend ment. It was promptly moved to lay this plank on the table. On the call of counties Douglas voted solid 0 table the plank. Lancaster voting IT to able and 11 against. The vote was close ind exciting. It resulted 542 votes cast , 201 otes for laying the plank on the table and 2b2 against , so It was not tabled. At this point Paul Sctimlnkp , with wrath on hltj brow , took the floor , and amid cheers and the greatest contusion lie made the speech of thonleht. George W. Brcwslcr , ot Blalne , cham pioned tnc other side , Hot words flow around and C. J. Green spoke against the plank. The dlscuaslon waxed heated over the pro- ilbittou amendment. A. demand tor the previous question nought half of the convention to its leet. L'licre were so many unspoken speeches that he previous question was voted down. E. E. Howard , of Clav , .scored the Douglas county delegation In a bitter attack against their position. Mr. Rosewater replied to the allegations and the attempts to torco a prohibition Issue. llo claimed that It was an attack upon the ndivldual rights of n citizen and that there was no more right to legislate on that ques tion than to make an individual attend a certain church. Mr. Rosewater said that Douglas county never had a solid republican delegation and showed before the agitation that the county was represented by republicans. He characterised the resolution as ill timed and a tirebrand thrown into the convention. H. H. Wilson followed in defense of the x'sohttloii , demanding that the inral back- joue of the lepubllcan party should bo main tained. He said that republicans all over the state were looking to see what would be done. He believed the party was a party of courage and should fulfill Us pledges. 11. C. Brume , of Madlsun , did not favor the resolution , and spoke to the question. His oratory was listened to by till , and the speaker was loudly cheered by the evenly divided sentiment , and the equally evenly divided lobby cheered. The resolution attracting three hours' at tention is as follows : The republican party of Nebraska stands pledged to the people on an amendment to the constitution prohibiting the Importation , manufacture and sale of malt , spiritous and vinous liquors , and this , like all its former pledges , it will redeem. C. J. Greene moved the following amend ment : That the state central committee Incorpo rate in its call thu coming year , the question of a constitutional amendment to bu voted on at the primaries of the party. The loll call was made on laying this on the table and it was lost J8 ayes to U03 noes. The question then recurred on the adoption of the amendment and Harlan , of York , moved the pievlons question. Aeain the roll was demanded , resulting : Total vote , MS : for the amendment , ! M'J ' ; against , 100 so the amendment prevailed. This amendment , alter four hours lighting , relegated the question to n year in the future and was a victory practically for the anti-submission side of the question , Doug las county on Groan's amendment voting $2 for It. Lancaster 13 for ana 1U against the substitutes. The convention then proceeded to the con sideration ot further resolutions In the plat- 1 or in and at 3 a. m. the convention was en gaged In the discussion of resolutions cen suring Cleveland the action of the demo cratic party. M. O. Rlcketts , of Douglas , then took the floor and discussed thu democratic atti tude In the south and the Glenn bill amid great applause. Stood By Judge Maxwell. LINCOLN , Neb. , Oct. n. [ Special Telegram to the BIE. : | The Second judicial dlstrlcl republican convention tor thu counties ol Cass , Lancaster and Otoo met this afternoon In the district court room in this tity with all the counties tully represented. Frank T , Random , of Otoo , was chairman and Buon Clark , of Cass county , secretary. J. L. Caldwell - well of Lancaster , M. D. Polk , of Cass , am Colonel Wilson , of Otoe county , im. > sed unoi thu credentials. There were no contests On motion ot Sam Barker , of Cass county , Judges. M. Chapman and Allen W. Field were nominated unanimously as the reputv llcan candidates for district judges. Messrs , D. G. Courtnay , of Lancaster , and R. B Waidliam , of Cass , introduced ttiti nominees , who thanked the convention for their nomi nations. A resolution was presenter by L. W. BlllliiRsly and unanimous ! ) adopted , asking Governor Thayer tc appoint Mr. Field for the utiexplred term caused by the resignation ot Judge Pond , Q. W. Seymour , Otoe , made reference to tin contest for the supreme judgeship and mover that the judicial district convention endorst Judge Samuel Maxwell. The emlorscmen was made with applause. T. V. Barnes , o : Lancaster , presented a resolution calling foi a committee ot three to present proper reso Unions to Judgii Pound on his retlremen trom the bench. T. F. Barnes , of Lancaster A. U , hulllvaii , of Cass , and C. W. Seymour or Otoe , were named as this committee. E Wooley , of Cass , nominated Frank T. Ran som , of Otoe , for chairman of the judlcia committee and lie was elected by acclama tion. The dlllerent counties then presentee their ni-mbors of the committee as follows Cass county , E. 11. Woolov. M. D. Polk Lancaster county. Edson Rich , J.C. F. Me Kessou ; Otoo county , E. F. Warren , F. Lee of K. of I' , Grand I.odue. ItAPins , la. , Oct. 5 , The gram leduc of Knights of Pythias ot Iowa met her to-day. Over two bundled delegates ar present. There was a line parade tills after noon. The following olllcers were elected Grand chancellor commander , Ed. W. Dun can , Dubuque : grand vice chancellor , J. M Crocuett , Stewart ; grand prelate , George 11 Cravens , Maquoketa ; grand master of ON chuquer , W. G. Mercer , Burlington : trail keeper of records and seal , 11. D. Wulkei Mount I'leasant ; grand master of arms. h. J Moss , Osage. J. I ) . M , Hamilton , of Foi Madison , was elected representative- th supreme lodge. lnvptlKttnc liribery Charge * . CoNConn. N. 1L , Oct 5. The house jud clary committee met this evening mid llsi ened to jestlmony In the charges of briber made by Hon. O. U. Moor against the adv < cates of the Hazen , or Boston & Maine ral road bill. After hearing considerable test mony tending to show direct efforts briber : It adjourned till to-morrow. The ilizcu bl vraa passed In tue homo to-day. BARRIERS SWEPT AWAY , Chicago's ' Populace Makes a Wild Scramble to Bee the President , A VERITABLE MOB OF MANIACS. Double Cordon * of Police Swept Anldo and Cleveland lllmnclf Almost Cruvhcd In the Great Crowd Reception. Cleveland In Chlotiffo. CHICAGO , Oct. 5. Only half n dozen stops were made during the run of the presiden tial train trom St. Louis , and these wore at water stations. Little Knots ot people awaited the passage ot the train through the night to look at the car which contained the steeping pres ident The president was called early this morning to elve him an opportunity of seeing something of the rich prairie country. Ho appeared on the rear platform shortly after sunrise and the farmers , recognizing the solitary tigurc , shouted with delight as the train rushed by. At Joliet , through which place the train ran very slowly , sev eral thousands tilled the platform. Mrs. Cleveland had now made her appearance and took her place beside her husband. At Lament , lll.COOquarrymen were drawn up In lino. General Vllas boarded the train with three friends , six miles from the city , and accompanied the president to town. When the train drew up at the Twenty-Sec end street station the presidential party was taken In hand by the reception committee and escorted to the carriages In waiting. The train bearing President Cleveland and wife putted slowly Into the Alton depot at Twenty-third street at 9:10 : o'clock a. in. There was a loud shout from the crowd and three cheers as the dis tinguished pair walked across the platform to their carriage. A moment later the car riage door closed , four spirited horses jumped as the whip circulated over heir heads and the president was Iding through the streets of Chicago. It was only a few minutes after 7 o'clock this morning when the people commenced to stop it the depot where the president A'as adver Used to alight from his special train. At that jiour there were 200 men. women , boys and girls standing around thu llttlo three-cornered lepot , which looked dismal In Us coat of , veatlier-beatcn drab paint. It Is a two-story jtructuro with two small waiting rooms. In pach of which the stoves furnished slight ieat for a crowd of persons who had become : hilled standing on the outside looking at ho rusty car rails on two sides. Near by are jmall I'ranu ) buildings , towering elevators , and bulletin boards covered with highly colored pictures of theatrical attractions. In all directions vacant lots , or rough lumber or stone yards could bo scon. Not a bit ot decoration was visible for a block around the queer little depot , and not a vestige of color could bo seen on the latter building except a dirty drab which protected the outside weather hoarding from the elements and big yellow letters which looked almost llashy in their surroundings of gloom. It was a welcome bellttlng the executive of this great republic that President' ' Cleveland met with when he landed for the lirsttimo In Ills Iltu in Chicago , this morning. The enthusiasm was electrical. Such crowds , such bright faces 1ri thu same number were never seen before. There must have been 50,000 men , women and children gath ered within a few blocks of the station. All the streets leading to' Archer a von no were blocked completely with the press of human beings. Above the heads of the ciowds could be seen helmetcd military. They "wore tiuly a tine lot of men' , in all four com panies of cavalry ( and artillery. Tlu-ir ai rival created a sensation which grew more and more tumultuous as the presidential equipage appeared on the scene. The crowd was entirely good natured. Its one wish seemed to exnress respect tor the president and lady. Although boisterous at times , as all crowds'are.tlus ' one was on its good behavior and readily enough obojed the requests of the po- 'Ico to stand back and leave i clear snaco throuch which the president .nliihtpasa. As the president's carriage moved pway the military formed around It and the crowd with wild cheering tell In behind. The president took oil' ills , hat the moment ho got Into the carriagcand bowed and smiled as the roaring cheers ; went ni > . Ho seemed pleased with his welcome and well he might be , for It wns truly foyal. .Mrs. Cleveland wore a black traveling dress and although wearied trom traveling looked fresh and charming as usual. As the presidential carriage with the fair mistress of the white house came In view a cheer went up from tno masses that tilled thu streets , but the domt'Anarof the crowd at this part of the line of march WAS in striking con trast to the unceasing din of chrers. that greeted the president lurtherou. There v.'S-s no music until the president got to Twenty- thhd strc'et , and the crowd did nothing but look at the president and Mrs. Cleveland. Close up behind the carriages came the Mil waukee light horse squadron and battery F. Fourth artillery , U. 8. A. The crowd hid veiled Itself hoarse cheering for the president when the second division swung Into line at the corner of Michigan avenue and Twenty- third street. Down Twenty-third street , AVaoash avenue aiulThirty-Ufth street people were packed as never before in Chicago. On the tops of the houses and In the windows weru crowds of anxious faces , and trom the roofs floated streamers , evidently Improvised hurriedly for the occasion. Down at Twen ty-second stieot , where the procession began , there was a repetition of the depot scene , and a man might as fell have attempted to walk through a brick-wall as to force his way in to the midst of this fence of men and women. The parade was very largo and variegated. The regular Infantrytfcavalry and artillery , and many different militia organisations headed It and were followed by veterans of the war , civic societies of all classes , etc. When thu president's carriage reached the reviewing stand thu United States steamer Michigan , which lay in the harbor just oppo site , tired a presidential salute of twenty- one guns. This was Urn signal for a mob of ,10,000 people to overrun the procession and swarm like ants toAvard the stand in their eagerness to see iKu president. When he made his way the stand lie and a few olliolals with aim were almost pushed over a railing by thuhuob , who were engaged In an insane struiri ; ! for the front. During the height ot the jam a tenlliu crash was heard and half a hundred people who had squeezed themselves * onto the reporters' tables were piecipitatod to the ground. No one was seriously injured , though the Inci dent almost created Ja panic. When com parative order hauikeen restored Mayor Hoc ho stopped forward and delivered his welcoming address. | In response to Mayor Koacho's address of welcome he said ; "It was soon alter the election of IbM thatrtn old resident of vour city was earnestly u/ging me to pay you a visit Ho endeavorrd to meet all objections that were started an'd Instated witli unyield ing pertinacity that the invitation should bo accepted. At last , anil after all uersuasion seemed to fail , he vehemently broke out with this declaration : 'The people up where 1 live don't think a man Is tit for president who has never seen Chlcazo. ' 1 have often thought of tills Incident since that time , and sometimes when I have felt that 1 was not doliu for thu people and the public welt are all that nil.1 lit DO done , oral that I worn 1 like to do. I have wondered 11 things would not have gone on better If I had visited Chicago. Indeed it has , 1 believe boon publicly stated on one or more occa sions lately , when the shortcomings of the present chief executive were under dlscti- ston , that nothing better could be expcctci of a man who had never been "west ot SOIMO designated place , or river , and this. I sup pose , means the same thing that my Chicago irlend meant , and involves the same accusa tlon and conclusion. If my alleged otllcla crimes and misdemeanors are thus chanta bly accounted for , l shall not complain While 1 confess that the-declaration of tin representative of this city as I have given It Is an evidence of that local pride and loyalty of which your city Is a great monument Al ) have heard of It if they have not si'tu It , for every oub of your people ecms to have organized himself a committee if one to spread its glories abroad. And now hat I am hero I feel like saying with the uecn ot Sheba , "The half has not been old. " After relating the history of Chicago's growth , the president concluded as follows : i'ou have said that the president ought to eo Chicago. I am hero to sea It , and its lospltable large-hearted people , but because our city Is so great and your interests so argc and Important , 1 know you will allow no to suggest that I have left at home a city you ought to sco and know more about , In point ot fact It would bo well for you to keep your eyes closely ipon it all the time. Vour servants and agents are there. They are tticro to protect your Interests and aid youretTorts to advance 'our ' prosperity and well being. Vour bust ing trade and your wearing , ceaseless actlv- ty of hand and brain will not yield there- suits you deserve unless wisdom guides the > ollcy of your government , and unless your needs are regarded at the capltol ot the latlon. It will bo well for you not to fonrot hat in the performance of your political lutle.s , with calm thouglitfulness and broad patriotism , there lies not only a safeguard against business disaster , but au Important obligation ot citizenship. " It was liil o'clock when the last of the one procession and crowd began to disperse. There was such a jam then that the president ould not leave the platform for some time. finally , however , ho got away , almost faint- ng with htuiL'or and exertion , and had din ner. In loss than an hour the public rocop- Ion in the Palmer house began and more han a hundred thousand people rushed like wild boasts at the president and wife. So thunderous was the din that a score of presplring trumpeters scorned engaged in a dumb show. In vain did the police , clubs In hand , endeavor to stem the rush. Hope barriers were swept away at the irst rush. Mrs. Cleveland was retired into an alcove , while the president plunged Into .ho surdug crowd aud sturdily shouldered himself Into the place where it had been de cided ho should stand. Three times did tiles of brawny , dismounted cavalrymen seize the ends of one of thegropes tlurt had been dashed to thu floor and strive to drag back the eager multitude. Only with the aid of a double cordon of police did the maneuvers of the soldiers bring tlm faintest semblance of order. The president mean while shook hands right and loft till lie was red in the face and his collar lay limp above Ills black coat. Behind him at thu entrance to the alcove - cove stood Mrs. Cleveland , bowing and smil ing vood naturedly at the crowd. She stepped a little nearer her husband when the first appearance ot a line began to he tunned. At the head came a detachment of union veterans , bearing aloft the tattered battle la of the Fourth Kansas volunteers. Whllo the president warmly greeted the old sol diers , one ' after another , the color nearer stepped forward to Mrs. Cleveland , and lowering the old flag jade her clip elf one of Its precious shreds as a memento of the day. The president's wlto gracefully compiled and while the spectators went wild with enthusiasm , displayed her : rophy proudly to the ladles at tier side. A o\v estimate of the number of persons with whom the president shook hands is 0,000 , but these were the fortunate few. Thou sands In the corridors and thousands upon thousands In the streets failed even to catch a sight of his face. During the crush outside it Is safe to say that as many as tlfty women had to be borne from the throng Into stores near by , fainting from exhaustion. THK EVENING UKCKl'TIO.V. Simplicity and lack of ostentation wewtlio distinguishing characteristics ot the evening reception at the Columbia theater. Ten thousand tickets ot admission had been is sued and only ticket holders were admitted. A floor had been laid throughout the. house level with ttio stage and beautifully carpeted , whllo the whole Interior of the theater was beautifully decorated with flowers , ferns. palms and bunting. Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland stood together , each having a pleasant word r.nd hearty handshake for all comers. Mrs. Cleveland's costume was elccant and her demeanor enchanted every one. It seemed as though she never would tire of welcoming the people who elided to her , and the presi dent was no less gracious. The reception was a notable event In Chicago's history. Alt had been announced that the reception would close at 11 o'clock , but the president ind wife , seeing a long line of anxious faces , lingered past that hour. It was nearly mid night When the reception closed and then two or three thousand people were turned away disappointed. YOUA'G VOOUHHES' PLAINT. A Ilrannh of the Tall Sycamore Fcr- nlnnt Cleveland. CHICAGO , Octt. 5. ( Special Telegram to the BKK.J A gentleman just from Indian apolis reports that Delegate Voorhces , of Washington territory , who Is now there and about to come to this city , as saying that President Cleveland has been actuated en tirely by seilish notions In making appoint ments for the Pacilic coast , and for that mat ter all over the country. Voorhees Is re ported as saying : " 1 do not like Cleveland a d - d bit There never has been a presi dent who has given the country such a per sonal administration as ho has In this , that helms himself made almost all thu appoint ments that have been made and they were entirely In his own Interest. Take for in- s'tancp Herbert Beechcr , now special govern ment Agent at the port of entry at Puget Sound. Hd was first appointed collector of that part at the request of his father , Henry Ward Beccher. Charges of embcz/.lo- ment were made against him and proved to the senate committee , to which the charges were referred , and ho failed to get n confir mation. In spite of all this , at the recess of congress Cleveland made him a special au-ent at the port. In that capacity his appoint ment would not have to 1:0 before the senate at all. Of course you know Cleveland owed something to his father. In protesting now 1 protest as a democrat. Mr. Cleveland has no interest in the party , and the appointment of lleeclier will bo a loss to our party in Washington territory of 5.000 votes. An other is Governor Squire. He fought mo bit- teily on my election simply because Gen eral Brlstow , of New York , a mugwump , desired It , he having Jheen friendly to Cleve land at the time of his election. " Voorhees recited several other instances , among them being the case of Owlngo , now secictary of state for Washington territory. ' Owlneo , " said he , "took the stump , and made a bitter tight against Governor llen- drlcks , calling him all sorts of vile names. He also attacked Cleveland. Still at Urn re quest of his brother , another Now York mugwump , ho Is kept In position. " Slgnnr Crisp ! Interviewed. JUni.iK : , Oct. 5. The Frankfort /pitting publishes an Interview with Crlspi , the Italian prime minister , held in Frankfort previous to his departure for Milan. His conversation with Bismarck had no refer ence to any special political objects. The Itomaii question did not exist for tholtallans. Ho says that Its position toward the Vatican is a matter with which Italy would allow no Interference from any quarter. Crlspi declared that Italy onlv desired to maintain peace and the F.uropcan equilibrium , and on this account joined the Austro-German alliance. "Italy , " ho added , . "like other powers , has reason to fear an advance by Kus.sla towards Constantinople , and she could not penult the Mediterranean to become a Itusslau lake. " Proposal to Turkey. ST. Pr.TEitsmniG , Oct. 5. Do Glers , min ister for foreign altalrs. has written a letter toChaklr P.\rha. , the Turkish ambassador , announcing llussla's acceptance of the portc's proposal to send an Ottoman com missioner to Bulgaria to act in conjunction with a Russian lieutenant-governor o ( princely rank , but Instead of the latter beinp subordinate to the Ottoman commissioner , itussla proposes that the Ottoman commls sloner liavo second rank. The porto's ac ceptance of the Itusslan general Krn roth a1 lieutenant governor ot Bulgaria Is regarded as pledging Turkey to support ltu sla's pro posals , Involving. If necessary , Turkish in Itlatlvti action in Bulgaria. Funeral of John n. Klnuli. Bosiox , Oct. 5. Services over the remain : of the late John B. Finch , of Nebraska , tin temperance reformer , were held this after n oon. This evening the remains were takei to Evnnston , III. ) for burial. / nUCHA.VAN IIOUNCUtt. HnlKhtKnCIjAbor ItcfuHc AdmlMlon to the Delegate From Denver. MINNEAPOLIS , Oct 0. The delegates to the general assouiby of the Knights ot Labor were a llttlo earlier In gutting to work this morning. There had been no night of en joyment to make them laggards and ttiore was an air of bustle about the hotels , but there was no excitement and llttlo open talk- In if , and It appears as If preliminary work was well In hand. The convention was called to order at 0:15. : The unfinished work of the credentials committee was llrst taken up. When the session closed last night the credentials of only IbO delegates had been passed upon. It is understood that numer ous protests were referred back to the cre dentials committee for additional Informa tion. The committee finished Its work and was ready to report this morning. It Is un derstood that the revised list of protests Is not largo probably four , and perhaps eight. It Is qulto likely , however , that the lluht over the protests will bo inn ? and bitter , The whole afternoon session of the general assembly was Spent In considering protest cases. The case of Joseph K. Buchanan , of Denver , was decided against Ills admission. This vote Is announced as beliu strictly on a question ot law , his local assembly having been susvended for non-payment of dues and ho with It. Buchanan took his defeat very philosophically and admitted that Powderly had treated him very fairly , having given him more privileges on the floor than he had ever seen him give any one. The convention was flooded with circu lars Issued by district assembly $3. criticising Powderly and commenting unfavorably upon his speech and replies to the attacks made upon him at Denver last May. As soon as the Buchanan case was dis posed ot the cases of the protest against the admission of delegates from district assembly 10 of Pennsylvania were taken tip. The report or tliecomniltteo in favor ot ad mitting the delegates was adopted. ' The new cases taken up were those of Charlns S. Sclb and George A. Schlllluir , of District 34 , Chicago , and the gentleman were quickly ad mitted , as also wore the delegates from Dis trict 50. District Assembly ilO , shoemakers' national district , was barred out owing to the fact that the district has had no meeting since It received its charter. A few more eases will be taken up to-morrow , but will bo speedily disposed of and the reg > ular routine business will move forward. Powderly's address will probably bo read to-morrow afternoon. There Is little doubt but that that the convention will last from two to three weeks. Michael Uavitt Speaks. MINNKAI > OI.IS , Oct. 5. Michael Davltt , the itrcat Irish agitator , arrived here last night. He Is making a trip for his health and will return in a week. This morning ho addressed the national assembly of the Knights of Labor. With reference to the condition of affairs in Ireland ho said that the Irish people were bearing with fortitude indignities worse than those that had pre cipitated many bloody revolutions and it was impossible to tell whether more stringent measures might not force thorn to an out break , which , ot course , was the great object of the lories. As for the homo rule seutl- ment. It was spreading like wild lire over Great Britain , * and there was no doubt that were an election held next year Gladstone would sweep the country like it whirlwind. Mr. Davltt said of the relations of the Irish question to the cause of Labor , the Irish movement had rendered a service to thu cause of reform elsewhere. Ho spoke at some length regarding the struggle of labor and said that the spectacle ot the Knights of Labor working without Interference trom the government or interfering with the gov ernment gave them , across the water , pride and pleasure. "We view it , " i < ald he , ' 'with ' Interest and expectancy. Classes Invite it with alarm. At the close of Mr. Davltt's re marks a resolution expressing hearty symoa- thy with the Irish people and condemning the oppressive laws ot England was unani mously adopted. .Michael . Davitt left for Now York to-night , going via Omaha , and will sail for Ireland In about a week. Faction War In Kentucky. LEXIKGTON , Oct. 5. ( Special Telegram to the BKE. I News was received here last nlfht that more trouble was brewing In Morehead , as If that unhappy place had not had enough already. The report is that eighteen men , armed with Winchesters , came from Sol- iers station , on the Columbus * Ohio road , to Morehead. It Is said there ure.or will bo 150 aimed men secreted around town. These men , It seems , belong to the Logan faction , and are gathering because news are brought that a party of Tolllveis's Irieuds Intend to come from Klllot county and burn the town. Boone Logan Is at Morehead , and It was ho who ordered the assembling of the men. It Is certain that messengers sent to brine In more men got on the train at Morehead , and that Alllo W. Young boarded the tiain at Mount Sterling and went to Morehead. What the outcome will be no one seems to know , except that everybody up there feels that there Is trouble ot the very worst sort ahead. Judge Delni/.en will hold a special term ot the couit at Morehead some time thl.s month for thu trial ot Harris , alias Pendu lum , for conspiracy to murder Judge Cole and Taylor Young. Stngo Uohhcry In Texan. BAiinisoKR , Tex. , Oct , C. [ Special TeU-- gram to the BKK.J Ballluger As Son's stage was again robbed last nL'lit about eighty miles out from this place by thu same lone highwaymen who held It up last Thursday night. He was recognized by Ids voice , his eels and his horse. Ho was not as success ful as in the last , there being few male pas sengers and it appears they were not loaded down with filthy lucre. There were two la dies aboard. One ot them had S45 , but the bandit was too gallant to accept It , saving he never took money from ladles. Ho then proceeded to go through the mall bags , open ing every letter. Ills said ho got about § 15 all told. He then moved up to meet the out going stage and commanded the parties robbed not to move until he lired his pistol. Alter waiting about an hour the stage pulled up , having eluded the robber by taking a new route. The Nebraska PiATT > MOinir , Neb. , Oct. 5. The city Is crowded with visitors and participants in the annual singing festival of the German so cieties of the state. The decorations are nu merous and handsome. Two tilumphal arches covered with bunting , evergreens and mottoes , span Main street. The visiting neckties ck-ties are the Mxnnerchors of Omaha , Lin coln. Howard , Columbus , and Llcderkran/ , of Nebraska City and Grand Island. The torchlight parade last night was a grand af fair and was followed by a banquet In F1U- gerald hall. Intrr-Statn luw Violator * ) Indicted , ST. PAUL , Oct. 0. The tederal grand jury to-day returned an Indictment against T. McFrely , station agent of the Manitoba rail road at Moorhend , on the charge of violation of the Inter-state law , previously mentioned in these dispatches. The Manitoba Railroad company was also Indlctedou the grounds ol aiding and abetting him. Cleveland aa a School Ma'am. Nr.w YOHIC , Oct. 5. -f Special Telegram tc the BKK.I Miss Hose Klizabeth Cleveland began yesterday her new life as a New Yorh school teacher , . SlievtiH assist Mrp. Sylva- nus Keed In tliu management of a select school tor girls , and also conduct the senloi and graduate classes in American history. Thn Preliminaries ArrnnKtl , NEW YOIIK , Oct. 5. A Wall street clrculai says that a member of the executive commit tee of the Western Union Telegraph com pany Is given as authority for thu statemen that all the preliminaries for transfer ot tin Baltimore it Ohio telegraph were arranged a a meeting to-day. Weather Indication . For Nebraska : Cooler , fair weather , Hih to fresh variable winds. For Iowa : Cooler , lair weather , light d fresh northwesterly winds , becoming v.irla ble. ble.For Dakota : Cooler , fair wcatber , light t fresh variable winds. JUDGMENT AGAINST JDDGl j The Iowa Supreme Court Decides Against * Thorn On the Salary Question , THE LOWER TRIBUNAL AFFIRMED A Comprntnlno KfTcutott In the Cele brated Ca-io Against the Iowa City Brewers Other llnwkcyo Htnto News. Salary AbolUhod With the omen. DBS MOINIIS , la. , Oct. 5.-fSpeclal Tele gram to the BKI : . | The supreme court ren dered a decision hero to-day of public Inter * est In the casts of Judso Crosier against the state auditor to collect salary claimed after the olllco of circuit JuJgo had been abolished. This was a test case , brought by the circuit judges who were legislated out of o Mica by the general assembly of 1SS4. When the judiciary of the state was reorganized they claimed that their olllco , being created by the constitution , should not bo abolished by an act of the legislature , so they demanded the salary that would have been duo them for the balance of their terms for which they were elected. The lower court refused to compel the state auditor to Issue them warrants for It , and on appeal the supreme court affirms the decision. The suprenu court also II led the following other decisions hero to-day : Andruw btows , appellant , vs J. A. Kmer- son , Sioux circuit. Reversed. 3J. . Laiuhman vs The City of Des Molnes , appellant , appealed from Polk cir cuit. Ho vened. Independent school district of Center ox rol W. 11. Holmes , appellant , vs Clark Gookin ct al. The case Is a procedure to do- elate the changing of the location of a school house void and the matter is before the court on the question as to the right ofV. . II. llolme.s to sue In the tiamo of the school dis trict. The lower coint hold that plaintiff has no authority so to do and the supreme court sustains It. State vs James Johns , appellant , appeal from Pottawattamle. Altlrmud. C. F. 1'cters ot al. appellant , vs Fort Madi son construction company et al , Lee circuit. Hevcrsod. tioorKO W. Crosolr , appellant , vs J. A. Lynn. anditorof state , I'olkclrcult , Aflltmod. F. C. Newby , appellant , vs Joint Free ct al , A ppanoosu district ; action to secure the removal of school bourn Reversed , Suicided Hy Hanging. MANNING , la. , Oct. 4-fSpeelal Tele- cram to the BKE. ] Ueujamln Hurley , ot Marshalltown , committed sulcldo hero last nU-ht by hauling himself to a strap attached to a gateway and then stabbing himself In the tnroat. Hi ; had been canvassing hero for a company for several weeks past , but no reason Is known lor his suicide. Iowa City's Hint Case Settled. IOWA CITY , la. , Oct. 8. | Special Tele gram to the UKI.J : The celebrated case of Swatford brothers against a number of brew ers In this city , growing out of the riot cases In this city , was tried at Marlon with a ver dict of 510.000 In favor of the Swaffords. It was settled here to-day by the brewers paying the SwatTords 82.700 , the Swatfords to pay their court costs , which , after paying their attorneys' fees , will .leave them but very llttlo. There Is no little excitement hero over this settlement , Infnrcd In a Uunawar. MisBouni VAI.LKV , la. , Oct , 5 [ Special Telpgram to theBKE. | At 0 o'clock this evening , as a respectable farmer , Joseph ' Henklo and wife , were returning home from the fair at llexcly , a farmer named Dick Skclton , in attempting to pass them , caused aiunaway , breaking Mrs. llenkle's arm and cutting an ugly gash in 'Joseph's head. 'I UK PACII-'IC COMMISSION. Continuance of the Examination of John I. nialr. NEW ronif , Oct. 5. The examination of John I. Blair was continued before Ander son , of tliu Pacilic railroad commission , this morning. Ulalr said six and one-half miles of the road to connect the Sioux City with the Cedar Riplds between Missouri Valley and California Junction was purchased by the Issuance of 8170,000 preferred stock ot the Sioux City & Pacilic. The land of the railroad comy\ny In Nebraska sold to the Sioux City & Pacilic Laud and Town Lot company , of which Blair thought he was president. The stockholders paid cash for the lands 5200,000. There was a great deal of ralhoad legislation , both In the Nebraska and Iowa legislatures , He said there was always a certain class ot legislators who were upright and honest and another that always desires and expects to be paid tor doing their duty. Ho , however , never knew of any money Mug paid for leg islation regarding the road with which ho was connected. Ho claimed to have been vnry popular with the peopln of Iowa and Nebraska at the tluio and got all the legisla tion ho wanted because of Ills popularity. Hn did not even have to employ a lawyer. As to the sale ot the telegraph of thu Sioux City A Pacilic railroad to the Western Union , Blair said It had to bo done , as the Western Union would not take business from the line at equitable rates. The Northwestern road paid from 10 to 15 cents on the dollar tor a controlling Interest in the stock of the Sioux City A : Pacilic. Thy stock IH nit worth more than that sum now , except tor purposes of control. A million of dollars Is onoiuh and a liberal sum to pay the government for a re lease of Its claim and the witness , as a di rector of the Northwestern , would not bo willing to pay more. Sudden Heath or \ \ . II. AVushburn. Si'Ui.NciKini.i ) . Mass. , Oct. 5. Ex-Governor William II , Washburn , of Greoiilield , dropped dead on thu platform of the city hall at the morning session of the hoard ot for eign missions , a llttlo before 10 o'clock. [ William HurrlttVashburn , LL.l ) . , was born In Wenchcndon , Mass. , January 31 , Ib20 , graduated trom Vale college In 1811 , ,311(1 , ( engaged In mercantile pursuits In his native state. In 1851 ho was elected to thu legislature , and In succeeding years was a member ot congress for four terms , senator and governor , lie was a staunch republi can. Ho held a number ot Important posi tions In educational Institutions and was honored with the degree ot doctor ot laws by Harvard college. ) Thn Ninth DlHtrlot Judge ? . GUANO , Nob. , Oct. 6. The repub lican convention of the Ninth judicial dis- Ulctmet in this city yesterday aud nominated Hon. T. ( ) . C. Harrison of Hall county and Judge TltTany of Itoono county , by acclama tion. A central committee was appointed , composed of C. 13. Lewis , of Howaid : H. It , llorth , of Hall ; H. T. Johns , of ( larlield ; W. H. Belcher , of Loup ; M. Coomhits , ot Valley ; George N. Bishop , of Wheeler ; C. L. Harris , of Boone ; L. H. Jlarrls.of Illalne ; H , O. Hell , of Greeiey ; It. Cole , of Thomas , ' and George W. Browstcr , of Blalne. Thn ( jiiulsvll In & Niihhvlllo'H LOUISVIU.I : , Oct. n. The annual meeting of tlui Louisville As Nashvlllo Hallway com pany held to-day. The old olllcers wuro re-elected. The report of the president for the year shows : Cross earnings , S15ObO- MJ ; operating expenses. JOI7O.VJ ) ; net ( taming * , alter deductlni ; nil cnar es against Income , interest , rentals , etc. , 81,107,671. .Mill Iliii-nod. CI.IMH it A I'll is , la , , Oct. 5. Done-Ins & Sluait'h oatmeal milt burned this inon > ing ( $125,000 ; insurance ,