Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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tij cuiTlcr in inr part of the cltr M
twcntj cent * per week.
& .W.Tu/roir , Manaced
Vtmnnum Omci. No. tt.
Riant EDITOR No. ZS.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Reltcr , tailor. Fall Roods cheap.
The city council will meet next Mon
day evening.
The now window signs at the Manhat
tan are daisies.
St. Paul's church has it ? annual pew
renting this evening.
S Considerable dirt blasting is being
me on Tenth avenue.
The city disbursements yesterday
Amounted to about f5,000.
Two drunks wore captured by the
police yesterday afternoon.
Proceedings at police court yesterday
morning wore about as usual.
Business was lively yesterday at the
city auditor's oflico , ft being pay day.
Pipe Is being laid on several streets for
extending the waterworks system ,
The Dodge Light Umfrds leave this
evening over the Northwestern for Sioux
Ladles , see combined writing desk and
Bewing machine. Domestic , oilice , 105
Mam street.
The scholars of St. Francis' academy
had an enjoyable picnic yesterday , about
two miles from the city.
A. J. Larkln. who has recently token
6933088)011 ) of the Western house on upper
roadway , is refitting and rejuvunut
ing it.
Max Molin is preparing to have the
front of his Cruston house done up in as
line shape as the paint o r's brush is capa
ble of ,
In the district court yesterday thn case
of Devitio vs. Uastrost , for the perform'
anco of contract , was on trial , taking
most of the day.
Charles D. Purmnleo * and wife have
sold to Sarah M. Mlllard through II. P.
Olllcer , lot 1 , block 2 , Voorhis' addition ,
the consideration being (2,800.
A horse attached to a coupe took a
lively run down Glen avenue , succeeding
( n overturning the vehicle , and smash
Ing it to the extent of giving the repair
crs a good bill.
A new plate glass window C3\l 12 inches
was yesterday put in at Jou llacluiracli's
wtoro to replace the one broken there
some time ago. The cost of it after being
set was about fPO.
Died at No. 500 Voorhis street , October
4 , Amy liurko , infant daughter of Genevieve
vievo lloaglund and 1 * ' . A. Slighter , aged
4 months nnd 1 ! ) days. Peoria and Kl
Paso. 111. , papers please copy.
Marshal Hawk , of Ida Grove , arrested
William Court in Omaha Monday and
lodged him in the county jail here over
night. Court is charged with bigamy ,
having three wives now living.
One of the district express wagons was
yesterday wrecked in turning the corner
of Pearl and Fifth avenue , the liorso be >
coming frightened at something possi
bly the Fifth avenue sewer assessment.
Colonel Daily has a flue cell from his
famous mare , Mattie llarle. Its sire is
Cyclone. The young one promises to be
n speedy pac r , and even $1,000 is no
inducement now for tlic colonel to part
witn him.
The motor line material is advertised
to be sold on tliu 10th , it having been
seized by those who had judgments
against it. It is hoped that it will fall
into the hands of those who will put the
Jino in active operation.
M. C. Davy was arrested yesterday af
ternoon . for raking in a pot that didn't
belong to him , while playing okor with
a young fellow who was a novice at the
guine. The case will come before Judge
Aylesworth this morning.
Mrs. Amy and the city have not yet
come to tin agreement about the land re
quired for the new patrol homo. The
city is not disposed to take tier measure
ment , and she objects to the city survey.
In the meantime work is t a standstill.
The Council HI nil's Insurance 09111 pany ,
which lias a signal service .station here ,
received telegraphic orders yesterday in
common with those all over the country ,
to put out the cold wave signals , as a
fall of twenty degrees was expected to
arrive hero byO o'clock.
The annual report of the county clerk
for the year ending October 1 shows the
number of marriages during the year ,
48 ; dontlis , 144 ; births , 133. The num
ber of mislit couples is not given , but
the divorces will roach half way up to
the number of marriages.
Marriage. perm its wore in demand yes
terday. Among them were II. F. Sowell ,
of St. Louis , and Annie Martin , of this
county : Arthur II. Kicker and Jennie V.
Drulgeman , both of this county ; Henry
Dunning and Louisa French , both of this
county ; Albert Hruning and Anna Taste ,
both of Keg Creek ; Andrew Holeu and
Margaret Davney , of this county.
Prof. Paulson has opened the night
school of his commercial college , and the
attendance is much larger than ho ex
pected oven. The college this year lias
about double the attendance of lust year ,
and the dilllculty of getting the public to
appreciate the full worth of such an in
stitution IB past. From now its increas
ing success is fully assured.
Practical joking was earned to quite
an extent at the Pacific house Mocduy
night. Nearly every one of the United
States jurors were called out of bed to
talk to somcouo by telephone. Several
of them took it good naturedly and
"set cm up , " but a tow of them became
considerably excited and consigned Maloney -
loney and his telephone to a warmer
world than this.
Prof. McDormid is the financial suf
ferer by the dastardly trick of some mis
creant. The professor's family horse
and carriage wore standing in front pi
his house , when some one cut the horse
loose , and ho started into a run. The
horse not only smashed the buggy , bul
ran into a barbed wire fence cutting his
legs so badly as possibly to cripple liini
permanently , and in any event to lay
him on" duty for many weeks.
F. E. Crombio. William F.llis. Elzh
Hubloy and Charles O'Neal were chargei
with vagnuicv , but as they were insearcl :
of work , and had been out of employment
mont but a short time they were dis
charged. Joe Wolgamot was finer
f 10.80 for kicking un a breeze in Loule'i
restaurant. Jake Sharp again contrib
uted 18.10 for enlivening things at homo
Frank Cooper appeared for the sccom
time within twenty-four hours , and was
ordered to go without whisky for thirtj
days , the usual precautions being takei
to prevent his getting it.
The ofllcial organ of the city rises t <
correct the HUK'S statement that some o
the democratic city ulllclnls arc suing the
city to enforce pajment of warrants ro
reived for salaries and fees. It says tin
cults arc "merely to get certain city war
rants on record so as to draw interest
nnd are nothing but a form. " The non
pen HO of this is apuarent , for it la u wel
known fuel that these warrants an
btamiicd on presentation to the treasure
nnd draw Interest fram that date , if no
paid in cash.
Cole & Cole , 41 Main street , sent a loa
of Stoves over to Omaha Saturday f
They are selling the Celebrated Radian
Home three dollars below Oiqaba pricci
Diuaha purlieu , scud. for their cataiogui
The United States Court Rapidly Clearing
IU Docket.
Two Yearn In Jail For Not
Uncle Hniu $25 The Atlams-
Hxvan WcilUlnn The Hcpnu-
lledn Caucuses.
The Ketlornl Court.
The case of Mrs. Hell against Lewis
lias bt'cn hotly contested in the United
States court. It appeared that Mr. aud
Mrs. Doll , who lived at Weston formerly ,
had some financial troubles , nnd a sepa
ration nnd divorce followed. In the set
tlement of their aflairs certain properly
was deeded by him lo her , and after
wards , in a linal settlement , she was in
duced to give him her note for $810. This
note ho claimed to have sold to other
parties and it came at last into the hands
of Lewis , the defendant in this action ,
who is an attorney at Lincoln. There
was an attachment issued and some of
Mrs. Hell's property was taken. She
came hero from her new home in Florida
to look after the matter , and the
attachment suit being dismissed , .she
sued for damages , claiming l-31 to
cover her expenses and time. The note
of 1810 was brought up as a counter
claim. It was claimed on the other liana
that the note had boon given under cir-
( MimRtancc ! ) which made it void , and that
the defendant was notan Innocent holder
of the note , but was in fact only an agent
for Hell , and thus seeking to collect it
for him. The jury decided in favor of
Mr.s. Hell , disallowing the counter claim ,
and awnrdinc her $ $ il damages. $30 loss
than her claim. In her bill she included
f 100 for an attorney fee , and this the jury
thought too high , culling it down one-
Yesterday the case of Slytor vs. the
American express company was tried.
In this case tlio plaintiff claimed $10,000
damages on account of having his leg
broken while .serving as driver for the
company on one of its delivery wagons.
After hearing the evidence the judge
instructed the jury to sign a verdict in
favor of the defendant.
The rest of the day was taken up in
the hearing of criminal cases.
A. N."McDougal was tried for violat
ing the revenue laws. Ho was formerly
in the saloon business here , and it seems
that ho failed to lake out the required
government license. It was a dear sav
ing ot $25 , for he and his wife having
some trouble , she had him arrested. Ho
is .said to have threatened to kill her , and
in other ways so conducted himself that
she was afiaid of him. Ho has been in
jail for eight months past. On trial
yesterday he was convicted , and Judge
Lowe sentenced him to two years in iTio
county jail , and lined him $100. .Ths
judge then suspended the sentence dur-
good behavior , but giving the ollicers
instructions tnat should they find him
abusing his wife , or otherwise misbehav
ing , Ihey should promplly lock him up
under this sentence.
The case of Iho Italian , Roger Sitlimo ,
charted with passing counterfeit money ,
was also tried. Ho had no attorney , and
the case was speedily nut through. Ho
had pa.s-.ed several counterfeit silver dollars
lars on Main street , his mode being to
buy a nickel cigar , or a banana , nnd
then get the change. Ho went on llio
stand and explained that ho had arrived
in this city , a stranger , with only a $5
bill in his pocket. This hn got changed
on the street car , and if the money was
bad he must have got it in this way. The
story was so improbable , and ho had
passed so many in such quick succession
thai Iho jury had little trouble in reach
ing a verdict of guilty.
The case of Hamilton vs. Pcarco is sot
for trial to-day , and it is expected that
this will close the business of the term.
The grand jury was discharged yes
terday. The members took a drive out
to the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb
nnd briefly viewed the workings of that
school. They expressed themselves as
highly pleased with what they saw there.
The grand jury has been in session
night days. On adjourning they passed
resolutions expressive of their apprecia
tion of Iho manner in which they had
been treated and their esteem for their
foremanr They also took a census and
found that the tolal of their ages was
1)01) ) ) , which one of the more religions of
the gathering pronounced on his reputa
tion as n biblical scholar to bo the exact
ago of Methusulab. The average ago of
the jurymen was fifty-one years. Of the
nineteen twelve were democrats nnd
seven republicans.
Cuplil at HIH Bent.
The marriage of Mr. Herbert J. Adams
to Miss Cornelia D. Swan took place yes
terday atternoon in St. Paul's church ,
and was followed by a reception at the
residence of the bride's parents , Colonel
and Mrs. Charles Swan , No. 15 Stutsman
street. The event throughout was char
acterized by elegance , with a marked
absence of ostentation. The invitations
issued wore simply to a reception at the
homo , with no reference to the nature of
the event , aud the public generally was
thus at liberty to witness the ceremony
at the church , while the honored friends
were granted the hospitality of
the homo , nnd given the pleasure of expressing -
pressing tlheir groolings lo Iho newly
wedded ones , ' ( 'no church was beauti
fully decorated by Caspar , the florist ,
llov. T. J. Mackey performed the cere
mony , the organ throughout the service
sending forth low , sweet music , adding
greatly to the charming effect. The
bridesmaids Were Misses Uliobio Damon ,
Mattie Palmer , Mabel Ashby and belle
Swan. The groomsman were Messrs.
Krncst Cook , Hobert Inno's , F. J , Dwyer ,
F. 11. Swan , Arthur U. Adams.
The reception at the house was in
formal yel elegant in its details. The
parlors were given additional attractive
ness by the profusion of plants and
Mowers , lliero being in each of the rooms
a largo bnnk of ( lowers besides numerous
baskets , tastefully arranged , and various
decorations. Refreshments were served
at the will of guests in an adjoining
room , Miss Palmer and Miss Hello Swan
presiding at the long table.
Mr. and Mrs. Adams started last oven'
ing ou a short trip from which they will
soon return to take up their residence in
tliis city where Mr. Adams has boon
located some time , he being connected
with the WelU , Fargo express.
List yonr property with Cooper iS
JudsonMo. 120 Main st.
A Hudtten Domth.
Mr. ( icorgo Mctcalf yesterday received
a telegram from iiarrodsburg , Kentucky
o stating that his wife's uncle , James U
if Hue , had dropped dead. It is suppose !
o that apoplexy was the cause , as Mr. llui
was a large man , in apparent gooi
r. health. The news-is as sad as it is suddci
to ins many old Council Blull's friends
Ho was a brother of John 1) ) . Run. Hi
left here some years ago and took up hi
residence in Santa Uosa , Cal.
where he has been oectipyinj
prominent positions , among then
being that of superintendent of watei
works. Years ago he taught school i
id this city , nnd there are still living a seer
, , or more of his oltt scholars , who w r
it planning on having , a 'reception for Liu
s , 'when be should return from .Kentuck
e. I ou , his way home , liis visit to that 'St t
was mnlnly for the purpose of being
present at the golden" wedding of his
brother , Nelson Hue , and his wife accom
panied him. Surrounded by his old
friends , whom ho had not seen for many
years , death ciime without warning.
Pcmnnal Paragraphs.
Mrs. Dr. Green Is reported ns seriously
Mrs. J. C. Lange Is visiting for n few
weeks at Ottumwa.
Oscar Keellne left yesterday for his
Wyoming cattle ranch.
Rov. Dr. Cooley goes lo Glenwood Fri
day lo ntteud the baptist convention
Mrs. I ) . F. Miller , sr. . of Kookuk , Is
visiting her daughter. Mrs. J. H.Watson ,
717 East Uroadway. ' _ _ _
L. Voss , of Concordia No. C2 Kfof'P. ,
has cone to Cedar Rapids to attend ttie
grand ledge of Iowa.
Cal Dawson , formerly of This city , but
now of Sioux City , was hero yesterday
fi3 a witness in the Slytor caso.
Matt Stcdmau , of Uncle Sam's secret
service , has boon called to Vintou by a
telegram announcing the serious illness
of his aged father.
Charles M. Harl , representative of the
Ivanhoo commandcry , has gene to Oskn-
loosa to attend the grand commandery.
Dr. Lacy and Wade Oary have also gono.
Rov. D. D. DoLong , of Lebanon Valley
college , Pendsylvunla , Is In the city as n
guest of the Hnrkness brolhcrs. He has
recently been in Kansas and wisely im
proves a favorable opportunity of visit
ing this city before returning cast. Ho
is a Christian gentleman of broad culture
nnd keen observation , and it is not un-
likolv that his judgment may turn in
favor of some western location should u
desirable one present itsolf.
Hotel arrivals yesterday : At the Ogden
house : Will C. Whiting , Jacob Keller ,
Whiting ; D ; Hrubacker , Julius Strauss ,
Now York ; Peter A. Dey. lowu City. At
the Beohtele : P. J. Gallagher , Western ;
Mrs. C. L. Woyand , Atchison ; Mrs.Young
nnd friend , St. Joo. At the Pacific : K.
W. Allabach , DCS Moincs ; J. P. Heisonor ,
Woodbine ; Charles Hardman , Hancock ;
Miss Susie Howard ; Miss Ray Patlorson ,
Miss Susie Fulton , Harry Hrooks ,
William O. Schmidt , J. II. Bauer , Daven
port ,
Every one making a cash purchase of
23 cents at T. D. King & Co.'s cigar
* toru gets a chance in the annual prize
drawing. Twenty elegant gifts.
Merriment anil Formality.
The United States court has employed
during Its sessions hero a colored at
tache , Charles Curtis , who has been quite
prominent in local politics. The clerk
of Iho court and Iho marshal have much
merriment over their colored messenger.
The clerk having occasion to hand
across the table some letters to the
marshal , summoned the colored attendant
by a motion , and banding him the papers ,
whispered the directions , and sent him
clear around the room and back to the
marshal , who was within an arm's
length of the clerk. Marshal Campbell
appreciated the situation , and soon after
having occasion to get a pen full of ink ,
called the colored attendant and sent
him around by a like ciireuitous route
to get the urn dipped. This indulgence
in red tape and formality was kept up
for much of yesterday's session of court ,
but the merriment arising was so sup
pressed that the dignity of the court was
not allronted. it escaping the judge's at
tention. Old men are but boys , after all.
Money to loan. Cooper & Judson.
Won't Plead Guilty.
Two of Council 15lull's well known
sporting men were chatting about health
yesterday. Ono has seemed near the
verge for weeks and is just able to
hobble .about by aid of a strong stick ,
looks very feeble , but is making a noble
light for lifo.
"I toll you I'm bound not to give up.
I'm hammering away and I'll bo all
right yet. 1 don't propose lo be given a
ride yet awhile , unless I know where I'm
going. "
"What's the use of your monkeying
around any loncer. It's no use. You're
done for and you might as well give it
up. Why don't you act like a man , in
stead of a chippy ? He a man and walk
right up to Iho undertaker's and plead
guilly. "
Ho still refuses to enter any such plea.
Dr. J , T. Van Ness , physician and sur-
gc n , ortice room ! ) , Opera House block ,
will attend professional calls day or
night. Residence corner Eighth avenue
aud Fifteenth street.
Kopuhllcaii Want Prlmarloi.
The primaries for the selection of dele
gates to Iho republican county conven
tion to be held at the court house in
Council Bluffs on Tuesday , October 11 ,
1887 , will occur on Saturday , Oclober 8 ,
at 7:30 o'clock , at the following named
places :
First ward At the Western house , and
select seven delegates.
Second ward At the city building , and
select seven delegates.
Third ward Al Iho oflico of John
Lindt , Esq. , and select five delegates.
Fourth ward At the olllco of Odell
Bros. & Co. , and select live delegates.
Chairman republican city central com
J. W. and E. L. Squire lend monoy.
t Chautauqua Knthnglnsm.
The second mooting , to agitate the
establishment of a Chautauqua assembly
in thin city , was held at the Presbyterian
church last evening. President L. W.
Tulloys introduced Judge Ross as the
first speaker of the evening. Ho made a
strong pica for the movement , and sub
mitted some interesting statistics. Prof.
McNaughlon came next , followed by
Revs. G. W. Crofts , Rccso and Pnelps.
Pleasing instrumental music was fur
nished by a quartette composed of Miss
Fannie Wcstcott , Perry Hadolet , Paul
Tulloys and Frank Bodolet. 'A vocal
duel was well rendered by Mr. aud Airs.
Hicks. _
Grand Excursion to Chicago. $17.50
For the Itound Trip.
On October 4 , 7 and 10 the Chicago ,
Rook Island & Pacific Railway will sell
tickets from Council Bluffs to Chicago
and return , including admission to ttu
International Military Encampment , foi
117.10 ; tickols good six days from date ol
salo. Two trains dally , running now ,
elegant Pullman Palace Sleeping and
Dining Cars. S. S. STEVENS , Genera
Agent. Ticket otfico 507 Broadway.
Anna Burke SHchlcr died yesterday
morning , aged four months and thirleoi
days. The funeral will occur this after
noon at two o'clock , at the residence o
the parents , 500 Voohis street.
Ask II. J. Palmer for some ot thosi
chestnuts which you can oat in the dark
The alarm of tire turned in shortly
after midnight was simply a test to tr.i
Iho system and see whether the depart
rnent was in readiness to respond.
One thousand head of one , two am
three-year-old steers for sale. Will givi
credil lo reliable parties. Enquire of A
J. Ureenamajer , 623 Mynster St. , Vole
211. .
The Dodge Light guards gave a slree
drill lust night under Captaiu Messimer
who will retain command until afto
y the Sioux .GUT trip , although he ha
19 Bioytd to Oiuahfc . . .
Rochester ( N-Y ) Democrat : The pop
ulation of the Clivrokeo nation Is about
24,000. The nation comprises 11,000.000
acres of some of the finest land in the
world. Of this 0,000,000 are "occupied. "
and 0,000.000 nrolpascrt to cattle syndi
cates. The Cherokee country Is rich In
mineral resources , Some of the finest
coal beds In the country are now in pro
cess of development. It Is well wooded ,
well watered , nnd is equally applicable
to cattle raising or agriculture. Iho
land is hold in common. Any Chcrokro
citi/.on can cultivate as much land as ho
feels like , provided ho does not Infringe
on Iho claim of Ills neighbor. Ho can
fence In any amount of unoccupied
domain ho desires lo cultivate , but must
leave a space of a quarter of a mlle be
tween his fence aud that of the next
plantation. This vacant space is used as
n common for grazing and road pur
I dTGitlsemcnts , tuch is Lost , Fo md
loi.nun , For Into , To Kent , Vtnnti , Bofirdln * ,
etc.-will lieltucrti'l In thlt column nt the loir
Ion and V'T ! CsntlTcr Ltno fo-'cnoh eubs juont
Insertion. Leuve ( vJverllseincnts nt our olflcu
No. 12 Vcarl meet , near Broadirnri Council
I/IOU 8Al.ift-.My rcitdenci ; property oornor
-I ? th st. nnd t > th avo. 1'lnu H-room house ,
two lots , tlio corner ono vnciuit. Cltrnatvr
nnd gowcrniri'i ( food biirncnrrliiBo house , utc.
A bnrpnln It taken soon. Apply on premises
or at No. U Pearl et. , Council lllulfs. S. T.
WANTED A Ural-class plrl for
housework. Apply to Or. lUnchott , 120
Hnncrolt street.
FOK SALK Second-hum ! Columbia bicycle
\crychcup , KMncb , ut Ueo olllco.
> OK KENT A new moilom oltrht room boiiio
E very convenient , within 25J blocks dummy
depot. Inquire or W. H. Ware , ovnr Savings
bnnk , Council IIHifTi.
) K HKNT-Two fiirnlshud rooms , 15 nnd
f 10 , No. 737 Mjnstcr street.
FOU KENT My residence , corner Fourth t.
und Willow uvenuo , two blocks from poM-
odlso. Nine roomi , city water nnd throe cis
terns , atablo upon the premises for two horses
and carriage , nil In KOOI ! repair. Price f BO per
month , N. P. Dodgo.
KENT Two of the new \Vnrron Hats on
Filth avenue. Most deslrnbln location In
the city , near the dummy depot , all modern
Improvements. Apnly to Odell Hros. & Co. ,
No , 10J Pearl street , Council lilutls.
, to loan on real estate and chattels by
$100UOO Day. 38 Pearl st.
T3tnUHNO lots and acre propeity for sale by
F. J. Uiy , 8'J Pearl st.
- g\r\ \ \ for trenerul housework.
Small Ittnnly , bandy kitchen. lU'.l 6th avo.
SALE-Stock of drugs In central No-
FOH . Will Invoice about fl.OOO. Inquire -
quire of Hnrlo , Mass As Co. , Council lllulls , I .
> 'Olt SALE OH TKADK.-For Conncll tlluffg
propeity 40,000 'acres of Iowa and Ne
braska luud. J. It. ' Hlce , 110 Mam St. . Council
Vacant Lots , Lnnds , City ItesldcnL'OS nnd
Tnrins. Aero property In western part of city
All selling cheap.
Real Estate & Insurance Agent ,
Koom 5.over Ofliccr & Tusey's llnnk , Coune
Finest Landaus
Coaches and Hacks in City.
No. 418 Broadway The Mat.h'
Telephone No. 33
Na. 615 Main Street , Telephone No , 9
New Fall Styles Open.
1314 Douglas SI. OMAHA , Neb.
Prices Very Loiv ,
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
JVO. 23 MAIX ST. ,
J. Sny ! In tliuro n fire itny where f There' * nn
nwful crowd nulling up the direct.
II. Hey f Fire ! iVa-w. Ilnliit ye heard 'houl
the Special Curtain nale the Council Blnll * ar-
pct Co. Is n hnvln' thU week f Tliafi whar the
crowd ! n goln' .
I. Tlml' no. They Rive u pole with every pair
of curtains sold. Oucts I'll go myself. They are
at Xo. 4O5 llroiulway.
U.-Wnlt till 1 net my sarloul , an' I'll Ko 'long
with ye.
Justice of the Peace ,
415 Uroadway , Council Bluffi.
Refers to any bank or business house in the
city. Collections a specialty.
CARTER A SOft. Proprietors.
- ) AND ( -
Order ? for ronnlra by mnll promptly nttundo
to. Satisfaction guaranteed. Tenth Avo. ad
ho Cgt''ithcii WoikB , Cot mil Ulufli.
Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards
Droadway , Council Hluffe , Opp. Dummy Depot
Horses and mules constantly on hand
for sale at retail or in car load lots.
Orders promptly filled by contract on
bhort notice. Stock sold on commission
Telephone 114. SHLPTKH & BOI.KV.
Opposite Dummy Depot , Counui HUill's
Creston House ,
Main Street , Council Bluffs ,
Only Hotel in the City
with Fire.Escape ,
Electric Call Bells.
Accommodations I'lrsl C'las t ,
And Ralcx Reasonable
Max Mohn , Proprietor
Justice of the Peace.
Ofliee over American Kxpres * .
In Amber ,
etc.Hair On
nnmeuts , as
well as the
newest nov-
elticHin hair
Hair goods
maUuto order
Mrs. C. L. Gillette
29 Main St. , Council Klufls , Iowa. Out
f town work solicited , aud all mail
orders promptly attended to.
Hides , Tallow , Pelts ,
WOOL , AXD runs.
Highest Market Prices. Pronip
820 and 8'22 Main Street , Council BiufiY
Heats them all
for Siunplu Trunks
ana Cases , Theatri
cal and Tourists'
Trunks. Uontfail
to see it. Tlio
Ladies' Favorite.
This and nil other
kinds ol Trunks
nnd Cases manu
factured by
Zimmerman &
Young Bros.
And sold at whole
sale and retail.
Two carloads on
hand at
"i'12 Broadway
Council Bluffs , low
Sentlfor Circulars and Prices.
No. 201 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Both Domestic and Foreign ,
Pianos and Organs
Persons wishing to purchase instruments will find it to their interest to
call onus.
Instrument * Tuned and Repaired. U'c never Full to give mil ( 'faction.
Over 2O ycnri' Experience In Piano and Organ Work.
Swanson Music Co.
No. 32 ! ) Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa
Best $2.00 a day house in the west.
Regular - : Boarders : : Reduced > : Rates.
NO. 336 & 338 Broadway , council Bluffs.
Fall Goods ,
We have now In stock our new purcltnuea in Silks , Dress Goods , Under *
wear , Flanncttt , Domestics , etc. , etc. Headquarters for
We have the laryest selection ami finest patterns of carpets in the city ot
the west. They comprise
Axminster ,
Moquettes ,
Body Brussels ,
Tapestry-Brussels ,
Three-ply Ingrain ,
Matting ,
Rugs , Etc. , Etc.
We shall be pleased to meet and shotuonr custojurr.s thcae new and rltolcn
fabrics. Vo not foract the place.
401 Broad way , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
500 Broadway , Council UlulVs.Iowa ,
JOHN r. trout JACOli SIKH
Attorneys at Law.
Practice In Hie State and Federal Court
Room * 7 and 8 Shue tt-Beno Block ,