Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1887, Image 1

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Bet , Dr. Parker Delivers a Eulogy on
America's Lamented Pastor ,
A 11 l h Tribute Patd to tlio Intellec
tual and Scholarly Discourses
of the Eminent Divine A
Great Anditnce.
A Splendid Eulogy.
NKW YOIIK , Oct. t. Kov. Dr. Joseph
I'arker , of the City Temple , London , de
livered a eulogy upon the late Henry Ward
Becchcr at the Academy of Music to-night ,
He began with the burdensome character of
tlm task assigned to him. As an English
man Dr. Parker claimed an advantage which
no American could enjoy. Distance was es
sential to true color , proportion and perspec
tive. It got rid of detail , friction andtu
mult. Three thousand miles away there
was seen only the outline of a
noble llgure. Results only were
scon , not processes. After some glowing
tributes to America , Its vitality , Us freedom ,
Its emancipation from the antiquated Ideas
that weigh down the old world , its eternal
hopefulness , ho said : "You have no primogeniture
geniture , and entail no house ot lords , no
titular aristocracy. Yet yours are the vital
and noble conditions which make
Henry Ward Bcocher.s possible. Henry
Ward Beecher never could have
been In Europe what ho was In
America ; you gave him scope ; you created
opportunities for him : your journals multi
plied his Influence ; your whole people
applauded and consolidated his Independ
ence. Wo must never forget what the
nation did for the man , ven when we
remember most gratefully what the man did
for the nation. America redresses the
b.ii.-uico of the nations by showing that
Ciusarlsin Is neither -necessary to greatness
nor required for security. A free country
grows freemen , and freemen honor the
responsibilities of liberty. " Dr. Parker
briefly outlined Mr. Beechcr's early career
until tie became "A king whose throne was
In Plymouth church und whoso srepstro
touched the uttermost parts of the earth. "
No man had ever questioned Mr. Heecher's
divine right to be a preacher , "lie looked a
preacher , and none the less so because he
looked n man. llo excited no sentiment by
a pale slckllncssof complexion. " Dr. Parker
analyyoJ Mr. Beechcr's pulpit gifts.
llo said : "Mr. Beechcr's discourses
were unique In their Intellectual range ,
though not free from a certain monotony "of
conception and even form. Other men have
occasional power. Now and again they can
Hoar high and woik miracles In thought and
eloquence. Some Invisible moon brings up
the tide of mental energy. They make
supreme efforts and mitrcr days
after In consequence of unus
ual expenditure of force. They
thus nmazo themselves and nmazo others ,
and rre pensively Inquired about as men who
are hardly expected to recover trom their in-
linite fatigue. Mr. Beecher was great with
out toll , mighty without exhaustion , and so
redundant with his pulpit miracles that they
wcraln danger of being treated ns common-
placus. Other men's sermons weie but his
Introductions. Where they said "Amen1
to their own relief and the drllght of
many ho said 'llutlv : ' when they had given
out all their bread he began to load tables
witli intellectual luxuries drawn from every
field and vineyard accessible to pulpit genius.
Then the monotony of mere trnmowork or
outline was forgotten In the multitude and
vividness of the Illustrations which tinned
the abstract truth Into concrete pictures. Mr.
Beecher bad a supreme gltt of language ; his
eloquence was like tlio fluency of the
Atlantic , a constant motion , a mysterious
detfth , an Infinite caress or an infinite as
sault. Of Tmr sainted friend It may be truly
Fold that his thoughts were pi eater than his
languavo. Every word had it's own tint
of Intellectual beauty ; every sentence its
own freight of rich meaning ; every sermon
Its gallery of pictures o-Its ualaxy of stars.
His words were Innumerable because his
thought ! ) were countless. Wo have had great
preachers In England , but Mr. Beecher stood
apart from them by the very fact that whilst
they purchased their pulpit experience by a
great expenditure of elfort ho was evidently
free born. Artistic preachers woik literary
miracles on paper , but everywhere the cun
ning hand Is seen , the rasping file Is hoard.
Nothing mechanical has yet been dis
covered lu Mr. Beer-her's nreachlnc. It
Is eloquent breathing. Call It perennial
fountain , call It a growing harvest , call It
a brightening summer day , and your figure
will not bo remote from the phonomlnal
reality. But neither liken that preaching tu
any work of art or man's device. It Is not
too much to say that to many preachers Mr ,
Boecher's method gave a new conception of
the possibility of proachlnz. The whole
Idea of a sermon was enlarged
A sermon was no longeron analylsof words
a dreary season and a distribution of par
ticulars ; a pedantic display of learned Igno
rance ; an onslaught of "tremendous en-
, feebleness" upon absent doubters and deal
Infidels ; nor was It a pious whine
an Inoffensive platitude , nu infantilt
homily or a condiment tor dclicati
souls. It was an amazing combination ol
philosophy , poetry , emotion and hiimat
enthusiasm all centered In Christ and all In
tended to brine men Into right relations wltl
the Father. Mr. Beecher's sermons neve
affrighted men , never Irozo them , neve :
repelled them.
After descrlblne the peculiarities ol
Beechcr's humor , Parker said : "God him-
1 self made Henry Ward Beecher a humorist
cave him a tns'.o for comedy and cnrlchei
him with the gracn ot playfulness. "
A Itadlcal Reduction of
Kntc-i Certain.
CHICAGO , Oct 4. [ Special Telegram t
the BKK.I The Times says : "In the judg
mei1 of the shrewdest and best posted rail
way oftlciah In tlioest , there Is to bo a per
manent and radical lowering of rates 01
freight tratllc between Chicago and the Mis
sour ! river , and In their opinion no comprc
mlse can or will bo reached which will prc
vent its comlnc. So far us the northncst 1
concerned , it Is already there to stay , am
even thu most sanguine of Northwester !
lines has no hope of any advance over tli
present tariff. That the same state of affair
Is anticipated In tlm west ai.d southwest 1
proven conclusively by the words of one o
the western officials , who said yesterday
'That squally times are anticipated , are lu
dicated by the tact that the presidents of th
leading granger roads have within the pv
two months taken occasion to Impress upo
the minds of their directors and lead In
Htockholders that a reducUpn of dividend
for the ensuing je : > r was a certainty , to
plaining this unpleasant conclusion on th
ground that o\crbulldlng and competltlo
must result in a pulling down of rates and
consequent loss of revenue. ' "
Another Wcitcru Union Swallow.
NKW YOIIK , Oct. 4. [ Special Telegram t
the BKK. | The Sun says It was announce
on excellent authority last night that tli
terms by \ \ hlch the Western Union TeU
graph company Is to absorb the Baltimore
Ohio Telegraph company have been acrec
upon. It is stated that Gould directed 1)
Norvln Green , as president of the. Wester
Union , to sign a contract with J . Pierruiioi
Moruan , representing the syndicate , havlti
In charge the weltaro and ultimate reciipv
atlou of the Baltimore it Ohio properties. .
powerful director of the western Union 21
out of bed at mldnlirht to talk about ti
transaction. Ho said that itobert tiarrelt
Rudden return to Now ork was the rcju
'of negotiations affecting the purchase of tl
Baltimore & Ohio by the Western Unloi
and that he will be here to formally turtle
pate In the turning over of the property.
Declared n Dividend.
NKW VOUK , Oct. 4. The directors ot tli
.tit. Louis A ; San Francisco railroad to-dn
declared a dividend of S } { per cent on pr
terrca Block , payable October 31. , '
The President Lee von St. Loulu After
Seeing the Veiled Prophcta.
ST. Louis , Oct 4. Towns and cities along
the line of travel at which It Is proposed to
make a stop have sent telegram ! ) to Colonel
Lament , asking that more tlmo be given.
Places not on the Hat are urging that visits
be paid tnem. In every case so far a reply
has been sent to the effect that It will bo Im
possible to make any change In the pro
At 0 o'clock the president was met at the
hotel by a committee and escorted to the
court house by a troop of mounted police.
The programme for two hours was the recep
tion of thu Commercial Traveleis association
of St. Louis , and such other citizens as could
Hnd an opportunity to meet the president.
The rotunda of the cuirt house was hand
somely decorated with evergreens and bunt
ing and on the steps of a rlchlv covered
pagoda the president took the hand
ot each man as they passed. About
live hundred traveling men had re-
.urned to the city for the occasion. Follow-
ng them was a crowd , and the hand shaking
ontlnned until 10:30. :
During the reception one old lady became
o enthused that she attempted to kiss thn
iresident , but ho declined. The reception
iver , the president hurried to his carriage
ml was driven to thu excursion boat , the
City ot Baton Uougc , where ho was joined
* iy Mrs. Cleveland. A few minutes later the
'oat ' steamed down the river to Jefferson
The saloon of the vessel was handsomely
adorned with flowers. The United States
ir.senal baud was in attendance. There
were between three and four hundred invited
u nests aboard , including members of tlio Iro-
quols club of Chicago and a
number of prominent Grand Army men.
The trip was uottqn up as a relief
to the president and Mrs , Cleveland fiom the
almost constant round of receptions and
other moroor less exacting festivities ashore
and In this reeard was a decided success.
The boat ran about eight miles down the
treain and then returned to the city. On
heir arrival they weie greeted by a salute.
The afternoon was uneventful. The pres-
dentlal party ucrn escorted in carriages
'rom the boat to the fair grounds , where they
became the guests ot the fair association and
'unched with n party In the club house.
Uiiich over , they proceeded to the grand
.stand and witnessed some trotting races.
They returned to the hotel for dinner.
In thn evening President and Mrs.
Cleveland witnessed the grand street
pageant of the Yelled Prophets , Illustrating
bv twenty-two floats some of the events of
biblical history , beginning with the dawn of
history and ending with the famous Belshaz-
zra least. At 0 o'clock the last car had
) ass d by the hotel balcony and
: ho president and Mrs. Cleveland were
mnieUtalely convoyed to the Merchants'
exchange building , in the creat hall of which
was to be held the Veiled Prophets' ball.
Thov marched around the hall to the music
ot "Hall to the Chief. , ' At the center of the
north end , upon the platform , were seats for
the presl.lent and wile , Mayor Frances mid
wife and Mr. Galeunlo and wlte. The tri
umphal procession moved to these and the
Jionored uiiests were seated. The audience
of ladles ana gentlemen in full dress cos
tume , roundly applauded. At 10 o'clock the
trumpeters announced the coming of the
veiled prophets , ana the prouienaders gave
way to his excellency and court followers.
They marched around the hall several times ,
and when they terminated the ball was
opened. At 11 o'clock the picsldentlal
> arty withdrew , were escotted Immediately
o the depot and were soon on their way to
Cleveland's Chicago Boom Malingers
in a Terrible Dilemma.
CHICAGO , Oct. 4. [ Special Telegram
to the BKK. ] A brand new tribulation foi
President Cleveland and the local manager
it his boom developed here to-day. Itsprlngs
'rom an Innocent-looking foimal announce
ment In the morning papers that the St.
icorgu society of Chicago has unanimously
decided to parade in the presidential pro
cession Wednesday. The superhuman ef
forts ot the president's lieutenants to stcei
clear of a rupture with the workingmen will
apparently now have to bo repeated to pre
vent a similar calamity with the Irish-Amer
icans. Thn rabid anti-Irish speeches at the
meetings of the St , George society within
the past fortnight and the accompanying sud
den zeal for British-American naturallza
tlon In tlmo for the next national election ,
have excited bitter comment. To Imme
diately follow with the proposed ostenta
tlous and unprecedented display is like
shaking a red rag at a bull. Chicagoant
know that presidents have como and presi
dents gone and the Britons of the elty uuvet
fluttered a dozen Inches of bunting. Mr
Cleveland's advent , however , is to bo heralde.ii
with a Haunting of English flags and th <
parade of every last son of St. George In tin
town. Angry talk wherever Irish-Ainerl
cans chanced to meet to-day bespoke j
tumultuous tune in store for the bold Briton :
and more especially for the coterie ot gen
tlemen upon whom the president is depend
ing to make his boom In Chicago some
thing worth havine. The course thesi
managers will pursue and the straws as t (
the feeling of Mr. Cleveland on thosubjec
are be I PL' eagerly watched. There is anotlie
phase ot the matter. If the St. Georgette ;
nave the temerity to march with inottoe
that at all border on the Ideas expressed a
their meetings , the result can bo easil'
guessed. It will be a miracle in sueli ai
event it the O ran BO part ot the parade U no
turned at the outset by hot-tempered Celt
Into a veritable Donnybrook fair.
Escape of a Mnrderer , a Burglar nnt
Two Horse Thieves.
CHKYKNNK , Wyo. , Oct. 4. [ Special Tele
cram to the BKK. j A jail break was made a
this place this evening , which has throwi
the city and surroundings into a state u
wild excitement. William McCoy , nun
dcror ; Thomas Jones , burglar , and tw
horse thieves named Sperry and Lcroy , at
the fugitives. The mwiero confined In
stool cage recently put in the jail by th
county commissioners and supposed t
bo proof nzalnst any of the saws usual !
used by prisoners to rut out ot iron cells
The cage was built upon the top of the ol
range of cells , the loot of it being about twi
tcct from the prisoners , who cut through th
roof ot the cano and watching their opnortt
pity diirlne the absence of the waichmai
cJawled on tlio root of the c io and froi
there broke through the .skylight of the ja
roof and had only to jump a tew feet to th
kitchen roof and from there to the crouiu
and wore at liberty. Some bojs saw thei
climb the jail yard fence and cave the alatu :
but U was fully an hour bufoio any organize
pursuit was made. Sheriff Sliarplcss hire
every available horse in the city and startei
armed bands of horsemen In every tilrectloi
A company of colored cavalry sent here t
pull down wire fences joined In the chas
after the fugitives. Messages were sent t
surrounding ranches and thu chances tc
catching the timlthes are favorable. Th
county commissioners and Shen
bharpless otlered a reward of Su (
for the return of the prisoner
dead or alive. McCoy , wl.ose escape is mos
regretted , killed Deputy Sheriff Giinn n
Lusk lust December. Ho was convicted c
murder In the hrst degrue nt the last term (
couit and would ha\o been .sentenced In
few weeks. Ho is a desperate cburarter an
It ii realized bv his musuers that it' ho
brought back at all It will bo a corpse.
Thi Cholera Cnrjjo.
NKW YOIIK , Oct. 4. Quarantine authoi
Hies report to-day four nddlthinal deatl
the cholera patients on Swlnb'un
! lmd. : This makes n totalof fourteu
deaths biiico thu Alesla arrived hero ele\e
days ago , Theuuiro tenothers | siok with tt
A Ltirudv Attended Convention.
SviiArisi : , > ; . V. , Oct. 4. Only one del
gain , Sylvester .M. Douclass , of Itochcstc
was on hand for thu convention of the n
tional reform patty , summoned to bo he !
Here this mornlni ; . Evans , organl/er of tl
mou'uiuut , is 111 at LU .bomo lu Touavi anU
Eepublicau Speakers Talk to Mass * Meet
ings in All Farts of the State.
Suootlngnt Gladbrook Which Proin-
ISCH Lively IlCHiiltfl Disastrous
Fire at Ames Sioux City
in Pioneer Days.
Republican Orators.
DBS MOIHKS , la. , Oct. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to Iho BEK. | The republican campaign
in Iowa was formally opened to-day by
mass meetings in different parts of the state
addressed by representative speakers. Gov
ernor Larrabee spoke at Odcbolt , Sao county ,
and devoted his speech especially to a review
of state atfalis under thu management of the
republican party. Senator William B. Alli
son spoke at West Union , in Fayelto
county. lion. John 11. Gear , con
gressman for the First district , spoke
to a great gathering at Mcdlapolis ,
while Hon. J. It. Dolltver addressed a
throng at Ltvcrmorc , In Humboldt county.
Representative mats meetings were held In
nearly every congressional district In the
state and from new till election nearly a
thousand republican meetings will bo held.
Senator Allison made a strong Impression
on the large audience which greeted him ,
devoting his specchcliiclly to national affairs.
On the question of the treasury surplus he
said : "It must bo borne In mind that tax
laws can only originate In the house ot rep
resentatives , and that the scnato has no
power under thu constitution until the house
acts , so that the whole responsibility for this
failure to reduce taxes rests on tlio late house
of representatives , or did so rest
until the 4th or March , lbs > 7. From
that time until now the president shares this
responsibility , because It was his duty , the
last house having tailed , to Immediately a-
semble congress In extra session for the pur
pose of teduclng taxes to tellevo the people
trom the excessive burdens of taxation. This
the president did not do , and by tils non-
action nine months of the piesont congress
have passed away without opportunity being
given tor the consideration ol thlsquestlon. "
Sioux City Pioneer Day.
Sioux Crrv , la. , Oct. 4.-rSpecIal Tel-
gram to the .Bnij : The weather still con
tinues most auspicious and the corn palace
'festivities are attracting immense crowds.
The city r.ovcr contained more people than It
did to-dav and this Is but the second day of
the jubilee. ' All the railroads centering hero
are running special trains. This morning n
parade representing bloux City's pioneer
days was witnessed. Several hundred Indi
ans , mounted , headed by their chief , painted
in war colors and arrayed for the war path ,
formed the striking feature of the occasion.
The second white settler in this section was
also in the procession. This afternoon rac
ing of various kinds attracted the crowds.
The loudest woids of praise possible aio
heard on all hides nt tlio ualace. Stiangers
aie invariably pleased beoiul expectation.
Fire nt Amos.
Dis : MOI.VES , la. , Oct. 4. ( Special Tele
gram to the BEK. ] Fire was discovered
at about 1 a. in. In the basement of the opera
house at Ames , which totally tlestrojeil the
building. The upper floor was used as a
hall. One store on the lirst floor was occu
pied by S. Nourse as a grocery store. I'heic
Is a total loss on the building ot from Pl'J.OOC
to 314,000 , with small insuiaiice. Tno store
on the first Iloor also occupied by B.
Itecd ns a meat market. This Is u total loss ,
with small Insurance. In tluco small trami
buildings occupied as the restaurant of tin
Ames house , the most ot the contents were
saved. The buildings are a total loss.
Fatal Shootlnjr Affray.
Dr.s MOI.NES , la. , Oct 4. [ Special Tele
giam to the Bj.i : . | Word was rceelved here
to-day that on Saturday uiglitubout lOo'clocli
a shooting alfray took place at Gladbrooh
which Is likely to result in the death of John
Brown , a young man. son of llu h Drown
of Marshall county. Brown accused a saloonkeeper -
keeper , named Bumnn , of selling Honor ,
The later denied the accusation , some hare
words parsed between them , Blown ad
vanced and Unman drew a revolver ami
lired , the ball striking Brown In the neck ,
The victim has been very low since. The
doctors lailed to extract the bullet , and give
It as their opinion that Brown will die. Bu
man is lu custody.
Imdlcft' Presidential Preferences.
Missot'iu VAM.IY , la. , Oct. 4. | Si > ocia
to the HEE.I The fair of the Harrisoi
County Agricultural society Is now at It :
zenith and has never been so well attendee
as this year. One of the Interesting feature !
in the way of a spirited bldeshow this after
noon on the fair ground was tin
vote for presidential preferences lethe
the coming year ot IhSS , which wa
participated in by the far famed hnndsoun
ilauchteis of both western Iowa and easten
Nebraska. The result ot the vote was a
follows : ,1. ( ! . Blalnn. WO ; Mrs. Preslden
Cleveland , ! SI7 ; Ex-United States Senate
Van Wyck. 001 ; G rover Cleveland , SIM
Prot. A. H. Snlll , 17 ; United States Senate
Allison , 3-S7 ; United States Senator Slier
man , aoi ; Ex-Seerotary- War Lincoln , 40
Colonel Fred D. Grant , 55.
A New hcRnl Point.
Dr.s MOINES , la. , Oct. 4. In a case grow
ing out of the shooting of a constable las
winter while attempting to make an awes
for violation of the prohibitory law , Jude
( ilven of tlio district court to-day decided
now question , to-wlt : That Campbell , th
driver who was deliver Ing liquor for
wholesale drug house , could bo held for vie
latlon ot the law for havltu no permit t
deliver liquor , though his employer had
permit to sell.
Supreme Court DccUlons.
DBS MOINES , la. , Out. 4. ( Special Tel <
gram to the BKK.J 1'hu aiipsemo court cor
vened hero to-day and llled the following di
clslons : Elizabeth Reynolds vs the City c
Keokuk , appellant , Leo district , leveled
Edward \ \ Immiir. vs M. M. Eaton , nnpollani
Alamakee district , the decision ot tlio lowc
court was sustained ; State of Iowa vs Jull
K. Jordan , appellant , Wapello district , a :
Soldiers Hcnnlnn at Ottmnwn.
OTTUMWA , la. , Oct. 4. [ Special Teh
gram to the BKK.J Nearly three liundrc
veterans of the Seventeenth and Thirtj
Sixth Iowa Infantry are holding a large !
attended reunion In this city.
Honil Offeilnus Unlit.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 4. The offerings c
bonds to the government continue llgut an
It U now thou lit that the balance of 814,000
000 called for by the circular of September ' .
will not bo secured by the Htli Inst. TI
period may bo extended a few days or Seer
tary Falrchlld may decide to allow the offi
to remain open Indefinitely till the require
amount shall have been obtained. To-day
ofleriiurs aggregated SMJsbW ! , of whfc
Sl. ' > 4 , < 00 were 4 } and 814,4V ) 1 per cents ,
New Vork Dry GoodH Market.
NKW YOIIK , Oct 4. The market was got
erally quiet , as usual on Tuesday , but fi
many kinds of cotton there was an innuli
tor moderate assortments that could not I
satisfied because of uo stocks aud productk
sold to arrive.
Steamship Arrivals.
MOVJLI.K , Oct. 4. [ Special Telegram
the UEK.I Arrived The Ethiopia , Ire ;
Nnw York for Glasgow.
PLYMOUTH , Oct. 4. Arrived. The Kugl
New lorfe for Hamburg ,
Cruellies Practiced By English Land
lords OB Abler loans.
WASHINGTON , Oct 4. The general land
odlco Is In receipt of Information that a Brit
ish syndicate , which Isfeald to have purchased
a largo tract of land In Iowa from the Mc
Gregor Western Kallroad company , Is mer
cilessly evicting settlers , title to the land
being in dispute In the state courts.
A settler writes : "Women over sixty
years of ac , sick In bed. have been taken
by six men anil carried out Into the driving
storm. Delicate women have had their
hands tied with cords till their flesh was
bruised and1 then ' 'raggfld ' shrieking from
their homes. Children have been born pre
maturely at the slirht of the band of evlctors.
Strong men have been run down by rutllaus
on horseback and then handcuffed
and dragged Irom their little possessions.
1 might go on and multiply Instances where
the sherilf with a writ ot ejection In one
hand and the English contract in tlio other
eave these tx > or people their choice between
these two evils , which they would toko. "
Affidavits of cruelties practiced
are being collected , says this
writer , for use at Washington next winter ,
and will be read In both houses ot concress.
They are expected to create a sensation
when the people of the east are brought fully
to realize what the , native American pioneers
are Mitferlng at the hands of the new in
Army Orders ,
WASHINGTON , Oct 4. [ Special Telegram
to the Br.i : . | The following army orders
have been Issued : An army board to consist
of Lieutenant Colonel Charles G. Sawtclls ,
Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin Ccerd , deputy
quartermaster general , and First Lieutenant
C. Chase. Third artillery , has been ordered
to assemble In the city to examine Into the
qualifications of applicants for appointment
as superintendents of national cemeteries.
Major William B. Hughes , quartermaster ,
has been retired from duty In this city and
assigned to duty at Omaha , Nob. , as chief
quartermaster of the Department of the
Platte , relieving Major G. 11. Dandy , quarter
master , who M ordered to duty as depot
quartermaster in this city.
Leave of absence for ono month Is granted
Colonel William D. Whlpple. assistant ad
jutant general , Governor's Island ; Senior
Ynterlnaiy Surgeon William II. Going , Sev.
enth cavalry , has been ordered from Fort
Meade , Dak. , to Fort Uiley , Kan. : First
Lieutenant F. S. Cnlhonn has been ordered
to report for duty with Company A. Four
teenth Infantry. Fort Townsend , Depart
ment of Columbia ; First Lieutenant Charted
11. Grlerson IMS been appointed adjutant of
the Tenth cavalry , relieving. First Lieuten
ant S. Woodward. Under gnneral orders
No. 14. Colonel B. II. Grloraon regtets the
necessity of the change and In his orders
pavs a hlcli compliment to Lieutenant Wood
man's past service ; First Lieutenant Thad-
dcus W. Jones is appointed regimental
miarUrmaster to succeed Lieutenant Grlur-
son r.nd Lieutenant Woodward Is assigned
to troop B vice Lieutenant Jones.
The Kcmnval Was , lnst.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 4. | SpccIal Telegram
to thu BEU. I Some time ago it was an
nounced that Veterinary Surgeon C. L.Moul-
ton , of the quartermaster's department , had
been permitted to resUn for having allowed
private hoiscs to be 'foraged at government
expense. The services of John B. Miller ,
foreman of the stables , were dispensed with
on the cround that ho had been cognl/ant
ot the Irregularities without reporting
them. Before the 'president's departure a
letter was submitted to him charging that
J. B. Lloyd , chlot clerk and superintendent
of the depot quarter.ntaster'H ofllco , although
'the irregularities weto reported to him , gave
no orders to stop thn < In addition Lloyd
Is charged with allowing the Improper-use of
teams and employes/to continue , ho Is also
charged with drunkenness , The letter was
roleired to the wa department and from
thcio to the quarteruastcr general. All that bo learned at tha Quartermaster gencial's
ofllco is that n reinvcstlcatlon of Aionlton's
case showed that nor injustice had been done
bv removing both Moulion and Miller. It
was stated , however , that nothing had over
occurred to call Into question Lloyd's Integ
rity or sobriety. J
Postal Chances.
WASHINGTON , Oct 4. [ Special Telomm
to the BKK.J The following postal changes
were announced to-day :
Postmasters Commissioned Wllmot S.
CnnKltng , Grand VJew , la. ; Minnie B. Dtun-
glm , Bee , Seward county , Neb. , ( new office ) .
Kalhoad service change Eldwood to Cur
tis , Neb. , and Colorado railroad forty-four
miles , from OetoOerl7 ! , Ibb7 , sorvieo extended
Irom Cm tis , Neb. va | Laird and Elllston to
Grant , Net ) , Increasing the distance be vent v-
one miles. Olllce discontinued Xenia , Sarpy
countyNcb.uiail to Sprlngtield. Star service
changes : Nebraska llomervllle to Stock-
ville , Irom October 17. lbS7 , omit llomervllle ,
Russell and Stockvlllo and begin at Stoubcn
aud end at Orafino , decreasing distance
eighteen and one-fQiirth miles. Star service
established : Nebraska Cambridge by Alton ,
Oralino and Kussflll to Farnam , thirty-live
miles and bacic twlde a week bv a nine hours
schedule , tiom October 17 , lbb to JunoliO ,
lbb . tt
Star servlco | chingo | Curtis to Medicine
Bow : From October 17 , lbS7 , discontinue
service from Curtisjto Lacid , eight miles.
Star schedule change. Iowa Sioux Uaplds
tollerdland : Learebloux Uaplds Mondays
and Fridays at s ; arrive at Hcrdland
by 11 a. m. Loavetllerdland Mondays and
Fridays at 1 p. m. ; { arrive at Sioux Itaplds by
4 p. m. , from October S , 18W.
The following lr va postmasters were ap
pointed to-day : I'hillp llildebrant , Amber
Jones county , vlcciTelL'hman llartman , re
signed : Miss IlciOa M. Uobluson , Pedee ,
Cedar county , viee'James ' 11. Itobluson , do-
ceased. '
Patents to Northwestern Invnntorn
WASHING ro.v , Gjct. 4. [ Special Telegram
to the BKK.I The following patents were
Issued to northwestern inventors to-day :
Stephen Brudloy. Relnbeck , la. , 'device toi
loading or unloading animals ; A. J. Cole ,
Waterloo , la. , music leaf tinner ; J. C ,
Cropper , Cedar Fafls , Li. , washing machine
A. W. Fox , Newton , la. , stove pipe join
and ventilator : W. F. Gatewood , assignor
ot ono halt to C. Jlockhlll , Harvard , Neb.
adding machine ; J. T. ami G. W. llamll
ton , Friend. Neb. , 5 harrow : J. K. lluxtuble
Hastings , Neb. , traction wheel ; F. P. Kol
Inr , Sabula , la , , Utter and carrier ; Tlicodon
.Meier , Hickory Grove , la. , rotary hairow
attachment for wheeled cultivators : Geor i
and O. E. Moats , , Guss , la. , road crnder
Thomas Oliver , Dyersvllle , la. , wnshinj
machine : Henry 8teddon , jr. , Oskaloosa
In. , thatched roof laud method ol , and ap
tmratus for constructing the same : Alexau
der Stockdale , Woleott , la , carpet stretcher
C. H. Watson , assignor of oun half to J. L
McCague , Omaha , , Neb. , foot guard lor lall
way crossings and similar places.
Nohra-ka and Iowa
WASHING i ON , QcL 4. [ Special Telegran
to the BIK. : | Nebraska pensions : Itobcr
Huston , TueuniseU ; J. A. Busoy ( deceased )
Beatrice. *
Iowa pensions : * Jennie , widow ot M. M
Knee/e. Mnscatin * ; Mary E. , widow of (1 (
W. Stevens , Arlington. . Mexican war
Daniel Brown , Panoim ; William McCarnej
Given ; J. A. DaVls. Perry : J. W. Knapj
Marion ; J. A. Miller. Cedar Rapid * : 'Korier
Dalicll. KeokukTElla ; lUthtmn. Whiting
J. A. Martin. Hayesvillu : H. E. Butler , llor
klnton ; J. S. Blukeman. Plattsvllle ; Kllsh
Dobbs , Wapello ; C. II. Campbell , Paris
Henry Wesaek , Adair : J. I ) . Clousf
Ottumwa ; J. K. Vounkin , Kivmaldii ; U. II
Thompson , Allerton ; James Clyde , Wash
liieton ; J. J. lsj-n Des Moiues ; , i. \ \
Boyd , Defiance. KeisMio : J O. MOSOL
Greenfield ; Henry Colte , Proscott.
Lund Cancellations Kccniiiuieiulci !
WASHINGTON , Oct. 4. The eommissloiit
ot the general land office has transmitted t
the secretary of the Interior lists coverln
about 4CAOOO acres selected and applied f <
by the Northern Paoille railroad as. brln
within the second iudeumlt } belt In the still
of Minnesota. The cnmiuiIoni'r , In vle <
of the recent decisions of the smctarj
recoiumeiids thf cancellations of tlitm-lci
.Uoi't aud rejection ui thu aj
An Aurora Doctor's Escapade Recalled By
Proceedings For a Divorce.
Four.Cars Smashed Near Dig Springs
A Lincoln Woman Fatally
Burned One Day' * Hap-
penlnga In Nebraska.
Wicked Doctor Wolli.
AunoiiA , Nob. , Oct. 4. [ Social Telegram -
gram to the Br.K.J Some two years ace Dr.
A. P. Wells left Aurora under suspicious
circumstances. Ho had boon In the practice
of medicine hero about two years and in the
meantime had succeeded In working Into
the oonlldonce and good graces of this com
munity to such an extent that be had boon
appointed commander of the Grand Army
post of Aurora , had a fair practice and from
all accounts was getting on swimmingly.
Ho was poor , had a wife and two children to
support and the good people hero took him
up and set him on Ins feet , ills wife ap
peared to be a lady and she won and retained
the respect and confidence ot those who
made her acquaintance , llo had been doing
so well that at the end of about two years ho
concluded to sand his wife and children
back on a visit among her people In Illinois.
Previous to this , however , ho had been car
rying on quite a flirtation with an Aurora
school teacher , Mrs. Mattlo Stevens , who
had been divorced from Mr. Stevens. ,
Mrs. Wells had only ureoted her friends In
Illinois when the doctor concluded he would
go on an excursion to California. The fes
tive school ma'am disappeared about the
time he took his departure for the Pacific
slope. The doctor made quite an extended
trip , doing California , Montana and other
states and territories In her company , regis
tering as | "Dr. Wells and wife. " or "A. P.
Wells and wife. " All this time the wife
back in Illinois was in bllsstul Ignorance of
her husband's little scheme of depravity.
Dr. Wells and Mrs. Stevens wanted to make
Aurora their home after the western episode.
There were some legal complications over
the doctor's ba.-traie about the time he was
staying away from her which the force of
circumstances compelled htm to adjust be
fore he could proceed on his louriiey. It is
supposed the doctor and his lady love- have
liad an eve on each other most of the time
unce. Now comes the sequel , as the follow-
ng notice clipped from a McCook paper will
show :
Notice to non-resident In tlm district of
ted Willow county , Nebraska , P. A. Wells ,
ilalnUH vs Laura J , Wells defendant. To
Umra J.Vclls non-resident. You are
hereby notified that on the UOth day ot AUK-
ust , 1SS7 , Angelo P. Wells tiled a < petltiou
against you in the district court of HodWil ;
low county , Nebraska , the object and prayer
ot which are to obtain a divorce from you on
tlio in ound that you have willfully aba mi
med the plaintiff without good cause for
I he term of two years last past. You are re
quired to answer said petition on or belorc
Monday , the d day of October , 18S7.
Bv lUttenhouso A Starr , his Attorneys.
It may be that Laura Wells la still In bliss-
ill Ignorance of this entire proceeding. One
thing Is certain. Dr. Ancelo P. Well. ) Is in
bad repute with the Grand Army boys here
and all other good citizens.
Tlio Dlalne County Fair ,
EDITH , Neb. , Oct. 4. ISpocml to the BEE. ]
The lirst fair ever held hero has just closed ,
its success was "ihore than was expected.
Three yean ago there was not twenty-live
settlers In the present county' . Now its pop-
ilatlon is nearly a thousand. There is one
railroad completed and another grading.
The county was organized a year ago and
another has been organized west ot it
llrewster , the leading town , Is growing like
matlc. ; . The success of the fair was due to
the energy and pnrsevarence of George W.
Brawnier , the secretary ot the association.
The agricultural department' was crowded
with everything that grows In Held or gar
den. The ladies department , like the agri
cultural department , was a wonder ,
The Nomaha County Fair.
Arnuity , Neb. , Oct. 4. ( Special Tele-
ram to the BKE.I The third annual exhi
bition of the Nemaha county fair opened
to-day with lair weather and tine prospects.
The exhibits are above the average at
country fairs. The three minute race was
won by Talavcra , owned by C. ' M , Beach ,
Auburn. Second money was given to Thn
McMahon , the property of Dr. Stewart ,
Uiownsvllle , and third tq John 3. , owned by
J. S. IliHzel , Auburn. The colt race was won
by Nellie A. , owned by James Ely , Auburn.
Ben It. , own d by Bnn Uoadley , Browns
ville , second , Daniel Long's horse third.
Democrats nt Pawnee City.
PAWNEE Crrv , Neb. , Oct. 4. [ Special
Telegram to the DEE. | The democratic
county convention to-day nominated the fol
lowing delegates to the convention : J. A.
Carlock , Joseph Blecha , C. T. Edee , Frank
Pepper , Amos Hubka , I ) . C. Stractou. Following -
lowing are the delegates to the judicial con
\entlon : J. G. P. lllldebrand , L. W
Leonard , George Warren , G. Lang , W. J
Kay , L. A. Tannhlll , William Balance , J. B
Morton. The delegates were not Instructei
buttavor Judge Uroady and A. II. Babcocl
for judges. The convention adjourned til
October 15.
Cheypnne County Is Cheerful.
Sin.viJY , Neb. , Oct , 4. ( Special Telegran
to the BKK.I The llrst annual fair of Cliev
yenne county opened to-day under favorabl )
auspices. There is a grand dlsylay of al
kinds of grain ana vegetables. Over om
thousand people were In attendance to-day
Several Interesting horse and chariot lace
took place. To-morrow General Morrov
delivers an address. Much enthusiasm ha :
been displayed , and Chorennu county's in
augural fair has gone beyond the mos
sanguine expectations of everyone.
Another Fatal Gasoline lOxploNlon
Lixroi.x , Neb. , Oct. 4. - [ Special Tcle.-rar
to the BEI : . | Mrs. Belle Faulk , living In tli
Patvln block in this city , wlillo lighting
gasoline stove to-day had her clothing
on lire by escaping gns and before hel
reached her her body was horribly burnet
PhysMans at once put her under the Intli
ence of opiates to relieve her initrcrlngi
After lingering several hours Mm died till
afternoon. Mrs. Faulk was the wlfo of
carpenter living In the city , and her death I
the second one in the last thirty clays Iroi
defective gaboliuo btoves.
Stulclrn Dentil of an Old Man.
COI.VMIIUS , Neb. , Oct. J. [ Special Tele
gram to the Bin.l : James Connor , seventy
two years old , residing about six miles we. '
of Columbus , was found dead this mornlni
lylne across the bed. Ho was heatd movln
about at 5 o'clock and was in the act of drcs *
Ing , having his pants partly drawn on. .
coroner's Inquest was not thought neces ar ;
nonnested mill Dlicliurcod.
CoiL.Miifs , .Neo. , Oct. 4. fSpc-clal Tele
giam to the BKK.I James McDonald , wh
was arrested about one mouth since on
cliarL'e of perjury , and held to bail In tli
sum of $ VX > , was aealn arrested on a slmllr
charge and was discharged to-day by Judy
Spelce , ( hero not being hulllclent In the ai ! <
< V-uloii to hold him.
The l ) MiiocratN of J > a\Vr ,
CiiAiuioxNcb.Oet. 4. | Special Tolcgrni
to the BKK.1 The democratic county convei
tlon tor Dawes county to-'day nominated tli
following ticket : For county treasurer , . .
Kass ; clerk , 1.1'alrchlld ; sheriff , J. C , Dab
man : judge , I.N. HatbauKhaupertntenUfli
ofwhooK , Miss M. E. Smith ; surveyor , Ei
\\anl Graves ; commissioner , First dlstric
T. 11. Glover ; Second district , James Wrlgh
corougr.Dr , u , Y. Harris ; debates to tt
state convention , C , W , Allen , L , 0 , Can-
Hold , Julius Lane , A. II. Harris.
Boone County Democrat * .
Ai.ino.v , Nob. , Oct. 4. [ Special to the UKK.J
The delegates to the county democratic
convention mot yesterday at Albion , and put
In nomination the following ticket : For
county commissioner , J. J. Young ; for
county clerk , L. D. Groom ; for county judge ,
Joseph Hamilton ; forsherlffEdward Dwyer ;
for treasurer , Mr. Williams ; for superintend
ent ot school * , John Kelly : for surveyor , J.
B. Barnes ; for clerk ot the district court ,
George M. Montgomery ; for county attorney ,
S. K. Austins ; lor coroner , Dr. llnzie ,
A Freight Train Derailed.
BioSi'iiiNos , Neb. , Oct. 4. | Special Tele
gram to the BKK.J Engine No. 023 and four
freight cars were derailed and badly mashed
up at 0 o'clock this morning. Engineer Fen >
wick received a bad scalp wound and a frac
tured arm. Dr. Line , of Oc.illala , rendered
the necessary surgical assistance. A few
hours later Drs. Dick and Donaldson , the
Union Paclllc surgeons , of North Platte.
were on the ground. Trains were detained
Ix hours.
Nemaha County Democrat * .
AUIIUKN , Nub. , Oct. 4. [ Special Telegram
* > the BKB.I The democrat * ot Nomaha
ouiity met In convention at the court house
.his afternoon and nominated the following
leket : B. Johnson , probate judge ; S. S.
lare , district clerk ; T. 11. Gellan , county
lerk ; V. S. Heed , treasurer ; Henry Ctu-
well , sheriff ; Thomas Burress , commis
sioner ; W. T. Moore , superintendent of
schools ; T. S. Grant , coroner ; S. A. Gilbert ,
DlHtrlct Court in 8nnaton.
AUHOHA , Neb. , Oct. 4.-Speclal | Tele-
ram to the BKK.I The district court con-
oned hnro to-day , Judge Norval presiding.
he docket numbers overono hundred cases ,
f which only Hiicht or ten are criminal. It
will probably bo a very busy week of court.
The Aurora creamery produced 150 pounds
if butter daily for the month of September.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Oct 4. ( Special Telegram
, othe BKK. | Governor Thayer to-day ap-
} eluted M. C. Keith , of North Platte. and S.
rV. Buchanan , of Lincoln , delegates to the
latlonal convention of live stock growers at
Cansas City. The gentlemen were selected
y the livestock commissioners as delegates.
of thu Gnncral Assembly
at Minneniiollft. , Oct. 4. It was just 11 when
General Master Workman Powderly rapped
.he Knights of Labor assembly to order.
There were about 850 delegates present. A
lecret session lasted the remainder of the
General Master Worbtran Powdcrty wel-
joined the delegates In a bilet speech. General -
oral Secretary Lttchman said ho desired more
line , and an adjournment was taken.
At 3 o'clock the general assembly was
again called to order and the report of the
committee on credentials was received.
Some 1ST delegates were favorably reported ,
while o few were without the endorsement of
the committee. The principal case was that
of J. S. Buchanan. Over his ad
mission there wasa long and
warm discussion , which was protracted
till 7 o'clock , when the convention adjourned
till 0 o'clock to-morrow morn In j. Buchanan's
chances for admission are regarded as very
Perhaps the most Important proposition
that Is likely to coma before the general
assembly Is thobchoino to unite the Knights
of Labor and the National Farmers alliance
nto one organization.
Powderly Interviewed.
MiNNKAi'.oMB. Oct. 4. In an Interview
to-day Mr. Powilcrly admitted that thu mem
bership of tbe KnUhts of Labor Is less than
It onoo was , but added that they understood
each other much bettor , There were a great
many who came 'Into the organization
through'tlio excitement of the time , and not
having the interest of the organisation at
heart , were dropped out. Being asked if tlio
many branches of the labor movement did
not mean Internal dissolution , Mr. Powderlv
.aid . no , and added that the time will come
when all these several divisions of the laoor
movement will unite Into ono grand * reform
organization. On the question of politics he
holds that the great mass ot the'working
people are all wiong. They look too high.
Ills principle , which ho wishes to Inculcate
into thu minds of all worktnginen , is that
they should attend to their local politics
and attain * of state will take care ot them
selves. When this Is accomplished the labor
movement will reach the point where Its
foundation is secure.
John J. Hlnlr thn Only Witness Ex
amined Ycntorday.
NEW TonK , Oct. 4. John J. Blair , first
vice-president of the Sioux City & Pacific ,
was tlio only witness to-day before Commis
sioner Anderson of the Pacific railway com
mission. Mr. Blair said thatOakos Ames
subscribed for 1,000 shares In the construc
tion company which was to build the Sioux
City it Pacific railway , and Platt Smith and
a number of friends subscribed to a gooc
deal uioro. As none of them paid
up he ( Blair ) , refused to go on until there
was enough money secured , independent of
land grants from the government , for thcrr
to do so. In describing the cost ot the roac
Blair said : "Why , 1 would rather havt
300,000 lies than 300,00 acres of land , for \ \ lu
would buy an acre ot land when ho conl <
get 160 adjoining lor the asking. 1 was a *
one time in creat need of money and soli
48.000 acres which had been granted to tin
Northern Nebraska Air Line company ,
The buyers of these lands were about three-
fourths at the directors and stockholders ol
( he company , who got It at S3 per acre. Tin
government bouds in possession ot thn com
panv wpro divided among all of us In 1S70 01
Ib71 , each man , ot course , receiving share ;
accmdlne to the shares he had subscribed
The bonds of the road at that time were
worth about seventy-live cents ot
the dollar. Af lei wards the govern
ment bonds were sold and tlio ainonn
realUcd paid Into the stock of the roads.
had voueheis for all. " Ho acknowledge )
that such records ils were not burned up litho
the Cellar Uaplds lire were kept unsyBlem
atlcalli * . He said his road was transferred ti
th Chicago & Noithwcitcrn company ii
IhTii. llo thought that with the shops of th
Sloax City road , which wero.very vatuable
together with machinery ami rolling stock
the road was worth 53,000,000 to the North
Wrecked Fishing
I'liiNrivroN , Mass. , Oct. 4. Six fiihln
vessels from < ( grand banks arrived her
yesterday. Thuy report the gait ) ot Septum
her .1 as exceptionally seven ) anil the loss c
life as heavy. After it was over , man
mnptv dorius worn Heun. One of tlio rt
turned vessels lost three- men uud anothe
lost live.
_ _
Shtikmt ; Greece.
ATIIIN : , Oct. 4. A shock ot carthquak
was felt throughout Greece tills mornlni ;
The disturbance was the strongest In th
northern and southern shores ot thu gult o
Jay MnkoB UN Usnul Denial.
NKYOIIK , Ort. 1. Jay Gould waj n le
this altcruoon if there was any truth in th
rumor thai li(3 ( hail completed arrangement
fortlii.i > tircliase f the ila1t7S"'ru Ohio to ]
eiraph prnrwty , llo said he IiaiJ 'tear '
nothing ol It. _
Uolllnit MillH liiirncd.
HI.OOMINOTO.N. III. , Oct. 4. The mills c
the Illoomlngton Holler mill cnmpinrei
completely destroyed by tire this cvnriliu
The tire Is supposed to have originated 1
tbe dual room , .Loss about bOoyo.
A Saloonkeeper and His Wife Chloroformed
and Robbed in Chicago ,
Thlrty-Ouo Sleeping Human nclng
In Imminent Danger of Their
litres No duo to thoPcr-
„ pot raters. . 4 4 fl
llobburjr anil Arson.
CHICAGO , Oct 4.-Spoclal [ Telegram to
the BKK. I A most oxtraordlnary crlmo was
conunlttod nt 8 o'clock this morning nt 4 J
Canal street , the house being robbed , Its ton
tints chloroformed and bound and tlio build"
Ing urcd. The ilrst floor of tlio building ,
which consists of two stories , was occupied
by Frank Madia , n llohumlan siloon keeper ,
llo utlll/es the two front rooms as a saloon
'nud billiard hall and live * with his family la
the rear. Tlio upper Iloor Is occupied by tiva
families , mostly Bohemians , the six families
aggregating about twenty persons. Madia
closed his saloon last night as usual promptly
at 12 o'clock and Immediately went to bed.
At this time all the tenants In the building
were sound asleep and about two hours latec
a noise below In the ssloon reused the lady
occupying the front room up stairs. Know
ing that Maclm was not tip , she suspected
that all was not right and raised the
window and leaned out to listen. In
a little while she saw three men
emerge from a side passage by the saloon
and begin to ascend tlio stairs that led to her
door. Ftlghtenod at the unaccustomed
spectacle she awoke her husband , who
placed himself on Ktiard at his door , when
the men passed stealthily by wlthoutaiiainptt
lug an entrance. This unexpected turn
nroused their curiosity and emboldened
them to pcup out Into the hall , where tbey
saw one of tlm men place a roll of pnoer un
der thn sink , apply a match to It and hastily
retreat. This incendiary attempt proved un *
spccossful , so o e of the men returned witli
moio paier ) that had been carefully batlirated
with kerosene , applied a match again and
lied. The sink was damp , tie hit ; In dally
use. and the lire did not take hold leadlly
and was easily extinguished with a bucket
of water trom the hands of the affrighted
husband , llo had scarcely turned Irom his
work of extinguishing tire when cries oC
"Help" rani : in his oars. They came trom
below and the listener recognl/ed tlm voice
of Mrs. Mnclia. llu rushed below
and found tlio snloon enveloped In
smoke. Mrs. Mnclia had been bound
hand and foot being awakened by the sullo-
cntlng smoke , was vainly endeavoring to
aiouso her husband , Mr. Madia m.ule no re
sponse to ttm call and presented the appoar-
unco of a dead man. It took but an Instant
to pmcclvu that he had been cnlorotormud by
the villains , who wished to mnUo a sum
thing of thulr horrlblo work. The prisoning
were freed Irom their bonds when a police
man arrived. The tenants were aroused and
after vigorous elTorts the lire was extin
guished , not , however , before It had com
pletely dCbtroyed the saloon. The lire made
npld progress , for the robbers had taken
mrtloular pains to saturate the Iloor wltli
teroscno and nil the Inflammable liquors at
and. Nobody suspected of having com-
lilted the deed has been arrested , and the
Kilico have no clew to work on. All told ,
liirti-gno human beings were sleeping in
lie house at the moment It was lired , and not
one of them was aware ot thn impending
danger until long after the Humes weie under
rapid headway.
She Goes to Piece * In n Heavy Son- *
Severn ! Persons MlHsltiK.
MACKINAW OITV , Oct. 4. The propeller
nl I lorn in , commanded by Captain Trowel ) ,
loft Chicago last night bound for Montroul.
She was laden with 20,009 bushels of com
and 700 barrels of pork , and carried
crew . of twonly-two persons and
also had three passengers. About
11 p. in. .when just above St. ' Helena
Island a sea broke in her gangways and put
out her tires. She then swunc around In n
trough of the sea and commenced to break
un. The captain went into the cabin to get
the pissonger.'i out and whan he returned ha
found the mate and several man had taken
off a boat. The steamer now began breaking
up rapldiy and sonn all hands were struuglln
In the water. The captain and engineer
succeeded in getting another boat loose from
the wreck and picked up the second engi
neer , cook and one lady passenger. Their
boat drifted down alongside the propeller
A. Fplaoin , which was anchored under St.
Helena and was plckud up and brought here.
The otlior boat bad succeeded In getting
ashore near Point La Barbo. The steamec
I'axton pulled UD one man who was dtlttlni ;
down Urn stralU on some wreckage. Amoutf
the missing are Qeorgo Foluy , uurser ; Cor
nelius Connorton , of Detroit , passenucr ;
Ella Pappa , stewardess ; Arthur Hazard ,
cabin boy , and Uobert Grant. The shore for
miles above hero Is strewn with wreckage.
Captain Trowell says all were supplied with
life-preservers and it Is probable all will bo
Later Information places the lost at four
teen and tlm saved at thirteen. The wreck :
llos a mile from shore , and a heavy sea Is
breaking over it. The hull Is under water ,
the masts none aurt the cabiU stands on end.
It is thought that nearly all the bodies will
bo found under It. Kveryone had on life-
preservers , so that the bodies will cotno to
shore. The survivors are being tenderly
cared for by neighboring tanners.
National Farmers' Alliance.
MiK.NKAroi.ia , Oct 4. The National
Fanners' alliance began Its seventh annual
convention hero this morning with fifty del
egates present Irom Illinois , Iowa , NebrasKa ,
Wisconsin , Minnesota and Dakota. Tha
only business transacted this mornlnir was
the appointment of the usual committees.
Secretary Milton Georito , of Illinois , reports
ljuo ( more alliances added since last session
and that there are 000,000 members In nil.
The southern alliance has been Invited to
send delegates and move lor consolidation ot
the two.
At the afternoon session of the National
Farmers' alliance Secretary ( Jeorgo iiinsenteil
his report. Mayor Ames welcomed the
alliance and J , C. Kennedy , ot Iowa ,
responded. President Streoter had no writ
ten report , but made a short address. On the
report of the committee on credentials a
brisk discussion nroso over the misiindor-
stamllnir In Minnesota about the basis ot
representation , A split In the convention
was narrowly averted. No evening beaslon
was held.
Italy's PrctonxloiiH.
I'AIIIS , Oct. 4. The Temps coirespondent
at Hoi mi says : In addition to discussing tlio
relations between the Vatican and the quid-
nul , Slgnor Crispl , In an Interview with Uls-
inarek , rained the question ol the develop
ment i.f Italian influence on the Medite.iran-
cuii , claiming that an a njcompeiiuo for Italy's
faithful adherence to the ( ieiiuan alliance ,
( iermany should .support thn Italian policy
of expansion toward Egypt , Tripoli and AN
ban in ,
Grand Army Pnrndo.
I'll iMU'lHi , Oct. 4. The annual parade ot
the Grand Army of the Republic ofesteru
PetiiisvUunU this afternoon was the largest
i\er : held hero , over night thousand \eterana
being In Hue , including a nu mber of visiting
posts from eastern Ohio and West Virginia.
KiiilinrraHHiiiontH ,
Miss. , Oct.Thubchedulo !
of assets of the Mutt ClaikN Trnnspoit.itlun
company ol Stlllwutur , Minn , , v as hied to-
duj. Tno total Is S7&00 ; nominal
uud liabilities are SW.WW.
Approved as He-servo Auont.
WASIIIVOION , Oct. } . iSpeclal
to tlui BIK. | The comptroller of the cur-
leucy has unproved thu faeleclloii of tLa
Omaiin National bank ns rdborvo afi'nt fur
thu rir t .Nutluuul bank ot CUuritou , la ,