Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 04, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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S . S
. 8 S ' ' THE OMAHA DAILY HEE : TUESDAY. OCTOi31R 4. 1887.
i ' : -
. The That Colored Man on the Road and the
Hotel ! .
lIov Irh.b Amcrlcnn Huqpccti Are
p fflindowed In Ire1nnd-VhIteIaw
JtCII'N P&ther-In.IAaw InterS -
S tlowed-ILofl'.Grand Lodge.
hooking for hetter.
The flrt known colorct snlcqnlafl on
the roait reached heru Saturdny lasL. lie
k . Is about twenty.flvo years of ugo and of
' ft light , mulatto-like appertnce. lie
; rOltCECnLS ) a well known clock and JewS -
S dry liousu In Chicago. SS'lien he reached
S here ho regstercd at one of the hotels ,
S but : was told there vas no room to be
S Ifltd Later , he found that several other
1)001)10 regIstered ltnI were assigned to
apartments. Ho thou applied to
, another lintel and after registering
was assigned to a room which
' COfltithIOL ) 110 1)0(1. Upon notify-
rng the clerk of the fact , ho was sent to
1. ntiothicr room , which was the best the
; hotel mid , considering the crowded coii
( litIOfl of the ; 1aco , bitt as it was nn inside -
side chamber the guest refuscit to lodge
in It. Ito then returneL to the hotel at
which lie hirt registcrwl and found a
, , traveler who agreed to rent a ( totibLo
room and izivc the colored snlesiiien one
A of the betis. But the agreement
was hot ratified by the loan-
. ageiiient of the hostelry. Tue
colored salesmen was therefore coiii-
. S polled to recall that he hiad a sable
lrotimr in town. This party was found
'U ahli lii his house the colored errant found
S shelter during his stay. It Is claimed
$ that the salesmnati in question commenced
life as an errand boy for his employers
nmu tILLS riseti Steh ) by stel ) to his present
1)081(1011. ( _ _ _ _ _ _
. & hew fttl OmabanWas ft000lveL In
3T Charles i'aggert , who has just rcturnel
from it visit of suvertl months , detaiI as
S follows to a IIEI : VeIPre4ouitat1vo , the at.
tetitions ho received from English doS -
S tectives in Ireland :
. "Vhieri I landed in Quoonstown on the
1/ 80th of July , my trunks were examincl (
with a great deal of thoroughness by the
E custom oilicor8. Among the articles they
. found was a iiiilk agate , about as large
- ' a ( it flitii's : lined , which I } iatt picked pen
on the Rockies. It was amusilig to note
vithi whitt : iaiiis the officers uncovorcti it ,
as if it swero a bundle of dynamite.
? After my bagttge : was thoroughly ox.
amincil a large , wohI.dressod , line-look-
t S' inj. genticiunti tapped tue on the shoulder
and expressed a ( lesiro to speak with iiie.
lie butt inc to one side of the crowd rLnt (
. asked me what was my business. I re-
r jhicd by oskitig what niotivo hb lied in
. Putting such a ( htiCstiOIl. lie said lie vas
a police otlicer and deteUve. Thou I
gave hiiiii my carh. lie stiil : , Can I
S search your 1)ockets ? ' Certairily , ' I
said. 'show me your warrant. ' ' 1 have
none but will detain you until I get
, . 0110. ' 'It is unnecessary , ' 8:11(1 : 1 ; 'tro
ahead 1111(1 ( search. ' wliiili ho did , cud
S lotinti nothiitig which he could ( teem ( Ian.
S gerous to his government. I was then
1)ormitted to make my way unmolested
S to the Cominty 'i'yrone , the home of iiiy
parents. While there 1 was favored with
the presence of two of her majesty's 0111-
cers twice a week.
il "I found the grain and flax crops light
, and short. cmi the weather too wet for
' the favorable gathering of the same. I
js . observed a marked change in the state of
t . the county from what it was seven years
, ago-not for the bettor , but worse. The
- : uncalled for attoiitlon of British surveil.
lance In my case has made me doter-
zulno , If 1 ever shall visit that country
again , to deserve their attention. "
; : Short Talk VItht I ) . 0. Mills , tim Call.
forniri Millionaire.
. I ) . 0. Mills arrived in town yesterday
. morning , accompanied by his wife and
Mrs. Wliltelaw 1eid and two children.
S Mr. Mills is a great friend of railroad
S luau , and as president of the Truckee &
Virginia City road he hits : the satisfaction
of saying :
S 4\\ e ay the biggest salaries of any
coni ptny : in the country. ' '
. "how ( ho the salaries range Ut crc. Mr.
Mr. Mills ? " asked a reporter for the Bin
. - "Range ? liange ? Why , there is no
limit as long as geol conduct and faithi-
ful service are concerned. I pay conS
S ductors on that road over 2OO a month ,
iiitl don't you know there tire two divis.
; . Ions-thirty miles from Truckee to Oar.
, son , and twenty nilles from the latter
point to Virginia City. They never have
S over twelve ears on a train. 1 think it
: isi pretty soft siutp , to use the commonS
of the ' '
S language day.
"You have boon traveling across the
S continent for many years , Mr. Mills ? "
"Yes. I have , over' since the Union
I'ncihio has been constructed. I spendS
S fly summers In California flfli 1113' winters -
tors in New York City. I am on my
'Arctic' "
trip now.
' Iuring the short time that Mr. Mills
, ) assed at the depot ho engageI in co
S. 'versation with Iepot Master ilanoy and
S ' other old ollichtls of tha road while
, not answering the questions of the Ban
'Nothilng does more good , " said the
iniilionaro , "tiui ) : to stop olr and have a
clint with the boys. "
S. A IUltltfllfl of DotalI Arranged For
V. 'I'ftelr L'eHtIviLIe , .
S Tno Knights of Pythilas mot yesterday
to make arrangements for tim coming
S session otthto gruntlodrzo : andthe attond.
ant festivities. Season tickets , admitting
. to all th elitertiuntuents excolit the ball ,
: were plncc'I ' at i. Ball tickets have becit
S set itt 1 , exclusive of supper. Admission
to the fair grounds during the grand corn.
petittvo drill will be 50 cents , Including
:5 : ticket to the grand stand. 75 cents. The
S band contest vhht be hoard In the ( ranu
opera house instead of 11o3'd's. Colonel
S litirr,311 , was nlpointett a committee of one
to act with the committees of ( lie board
- of trade and the council in makint ar-
S raugonients for the reception of l'rcsi.
i _ dent Cleveland.
SJ . Julia Jenkins was authorized to induce
. the Kiiighits of Iowa to attend thu festivi.
: . ties.
, ( , iiartermaster Higgins was given the
' & control of the supper and refreshments
for thio ball , which vi1I be iii Exposition
, S' hull.
hull..L'hie programme s'iI1 be printed on em.
bossed siluon with : symbolical or-
The regiment of the order in this city
Is instructed to appear at the base bail
hark to.iuorrov afternoon : tt 5 o'clock
- for drill.
. All the coniniittees In connection with
exercIses will iliect 'cthiiespuy evening
next itt headquarters to zutiko hunt tir-
' VUUL'Oifleflls ,
The Musical Union land ) inn ! orchestra
has been eiflpIO'Cl rentlertlie . iiiiisie
. for the occasion.
S . S Friday afternoon at ti o'clock during
. the drill , the local rciinent will be lire.
senteti with regimental colors. 'I he uiii
; . blein was purchaed by ii special self
' S lehogated'committeo oL ladies amid cost
L 22i , 'Iltis committee , consisting otMrs.
. . - . II ; . S 1.LigIuMr2 , Crgerwiiu of Colonel
Cragor , and Mrs. John Ilaywood , with be
.Irivcfl to the grounds In Qumtrtormashr
higgins' coach ccii escorted by four
members of the regimental stall' .
The Omnah& Masinorchior Leaye To-
( lay ftr I'Iatinionthi.
There was a meeting last evening at
7:30 : o'clock of the Omaha Maenncr-
chor lit Kessler's hail , on South Thirteenth -
teonth street , to make final arrangements
to atten(1 the first meeting of the No.
braska Scengerbund , which convenes to-
( lay at I'lattsrnoiithi. The Maunnor'
chor anti citizens of Omaha ,
numbering In nil about fifty ,
will heave for I'lattsmouthi
this morning by the 13. & M. ron' . !
at 8 o'clock. 'l'ho siengorfest will last
for three ilays niui be attontled by tim
Plattsrnouthi Glee club , the ScWari Mien-
nerchor , thio Germanic of Lincoln , the
Liedorkranz of Nebraska City , the Mien-
norchor of Columbus , the Lhcdcrkrnnz of
Plattsmouth and the Liederkriinz of
Grand Island. Besides , the B. &
M. band of l'lattsrnonth will bo
in attendance. TIm prograllimo for
\Vednesday , the opening day , Includes a
grand chorus by the Sungerbund : , corn-
prising all the above vocal organize-
tions , with individual members by those
from So ward , Lincoln , Columbus , Platts-
mouth , OinahiIL and vocal solos by Mr. E.
[ 'ohil and Mattitnie A. Weber. 'I'ho
Omaha Menncrchor : invites its friends
to nttciul , the round trip rates being but
90 cents. _ _ -a--- .
- - - -
Work to Comnienceat Once on the
Omaha VeIl.
On Saturday last Charles J. Mentor ,
Dr. S. J. Chimbers : , A. II. Snowdon anti
Joseph Withorow , who are nroininont
members of the natural gas well corn-
pany of this clty paid a visit to Ilerndon ,
In. Thin object was to eainine the wells
tuiore and cornparethogasprnduiced here
with that of the seven svchls at Herndon.
A practical test developed the fact that
the gas was precisely the same. i'hmo
liendon vchls , however , have been driven
to a ( lehthi averaging over one hundred
and twenty foot. The Omaha gas he only
fifty feet below the surface thus far.
'the iioiso of the foriiier as it reaches
the "tipper crust" can be heard for a
long distance. ' 'rho village of ilorodon
is lighted and heated by it , anti cooking
unit tianufacttiring is done by the seine
JiosYor. 'Ihio hiartics nanied above have
beemi so ftvoittbly : impressed by the corn-
parison that they intend to Prosecute the
work itt tticir velI in this city regardless
of expense.
Facts Almur TIioe Whie have He-
parted This ljht.
. 7iits. , CIIAW''OID. {
Mrs. Sarah Crawford ( lied at her home ,
Ne. 1144 North Sixteenth street , on Saturday -
day last. She was a well known and
ioiiular lady and tier funeral yesterday
was attended by a large number of
Thie remnahims of ltichiard A. Davy wore
shiiipeii to Rockford. Ill. , yesterday
nioriiing by Barrett & Ilcafy.
Willis P. Peck , bookkeeper for Booth
the oyster man , at Eighth and howard
streets , and formerly of Kern & Peck ,
( lied at his room Saturday last , of fever.
his renians were forwarded last night
to Clinton , Oneida county , N 1. , where
his parents reside. Tiioy wore accorn-
panied by his brother , I. C. Peck , who
hind come hero during his brother's ill.
Omaha City Mlcsion.
flaroaftor , the newsboys and bootblacks -
blacks will be entertained at 4:30 : in the
afternoon in the mission building on
Tenth street , commencing next Sunday.
A committee has been appointed to take
stops toward securing a hull or sutto of
rooms that can be fitted UI ) as a home.
Anyone knowing of anything of the
kiwi will confer a favor b
informing Mrs. Jardine 1012 Non
Tenth street. Mrs. A. C. kcnnedyat the
board of trade building , will receive
money contributions to aid the cause.
The sowing school was reopened Sitter-
day. It tvlli be hold et'er.v Saturday at
9:80. : Teachers are needed.
Mrs. Jardine sviht receive clothing for
boys and girls. The ladies are unable to
supply the demand.
A now- sectarian Sunday school is
held at 31.5. : ! There is room for more.
IOflrt ot l'uIlIe Workq.
The pay.roll of the various inspectors
of Public improvements in this city for
month of September amounts to
All the street and cable railway corn-
panics have signified to Chairman Hal-
come their intention to cornlly with the
recentordinanco of the council requiring
to take out ) erflhits before tearing tip the
streets on which to build their tracks.
The elmairnntn , yesterday rnornmggave
. permission to the Motor company to open
two blocks for tracks on hlotvard street
frorn Fourteenth to Twelfth ; the City
Horse Railway company four blocks on
Twenty-fourth from Seward to Blonde ,
and the Cable Tramway company four
blocks from Twentieth to Twenty-fourth
Practical Parade.
A parade that means more than a cir-
ens and brass band display for Nebraska
was seen on Jackson street ystdrday
morning. There wercthirty-sovca teams ,
forty-seven Inca amid any amount of scra
perseoming from South Omaha on their
way to Broken Bov , Nob. The outhit belongs -
longs to Frank lcaius. lie has been working -
ing at South Omaha , where ho graded two
illiles for the Chicago & Northwestern
railway He Is now moving his forces
on the B. & I1. , where Mallory & Cush-
log iutvo a big contract. It took seven
cars to get the graders in traveling or-
The Now I'ltikerlng Ctaurch.
The contract for the excavation for the
foundation of time now Pickerhiig , formerly -
merly tile First Methodist chtirchwas lot
yesterday to lLDYitcli , by Mendelssohn & :
Lawry at their oflico. 'limo work will cost
about l,2OO , awl with tim fotiiitizttion
will be finished this your. The church is
to be 112x114 feet on the corner of Twon.
tieth and Davenport. atiti ivihl cost
Dr. S. H. Pattendcntist , room 813 ,
Itamgo building , Omaha. 'I'clephouo U.
Two 11,11 Hoard. . .
The lloyd opera house nianageinent
lets erected two now oval sig&bourth
around the two 1itiiii posts wide Ii stand
before the main entrance on Farnuni
street. This vihl citable Passers-bY em :
the street niut on the south side of Far.
Utini to read the dramatic anuounco
nionts withiotit ttlflicuIty.
A Goofl Subscription.
it is proposed by the congregation of
tIme First Bantist church to alter tIme nmnii
toritimii into a circular form , amisteati oh
the angular one which iiott
obtains , anti to establish. a Iargc
library , say possibly of 10.00
't'olmiuies. Santlay fd,000 was subsoribeti
for this purpose.
S Continued.
'In the ioIicq court yesterday iuornine
ilic case otJ.1i. King , charged wlthtihtiel bI
Istttc Browu , wa outiuutI till Mutity
Thomas Jnffrles has opened a real estate -
tate office at Albright's station.
'Vito new lumber yard at Aibright lies
started UI ) and is now running at full
A now store room Is going up on
Twenty.lifthi street near N street , Thu
foundation was started yesterday morn-
The graders tools for gradhii on N
street arrived yesterday morning.
'I'ho members of thin Methodist elnirchi
will give a reception to their pastor at the
church on Thursday evening.
Jaiiios Canmidino and Morris ISloNoal
were ouch lined .rO , by Judge hteuthor
yesterday rnornlnF for indulging in a lit.
tIe drunk on the Sabirnth.
I'itddy nni Michael Shea will htvo , : a
six-round IittSC ( ) for sciontiuie Points cmiii
it purse of :0 : itt Eden's hull this oven-
1St. 11. Isti purchased a $0 000 residence
yesterday morning ii Ambler Place ,
I ) . l1. Bohiiics pmirchnsetl a redsitlonce in
the First ward yesterday morning for
James Flemming , a hack ( frivct from
Omelet , iits : brought hIs vehicle iioro and
wilt remain as long as ho receives pat-
rons.Mr. . ( irahiani the agent says tiat the
freight and ticket business of Albrighit
Station hits greatly Incroasetl the last
month and that about 1,60 ( ) passengers
Wore accredited to his station for the
month of September.
There are nearly fifty muon employed
at the carriage factory at Aibright.
The flour mill owned by 1iergstroii&
Anderson in Aibright ivihl be in running
order inside of sixty days.
In a few weeks Q street will be lined
from one end to the oilier by business
houses. Four miew ones are now lii
cotirso ot erection.
Wednesday night the Nonpariel club
will give a ball in the Kiiigiits of Labor
The boy who was hurt by the B. & M.
engine Sunday is in a fair wuty for no-
covery , but vi probably lose his hand.
A new crossing has been put over the
tTuiion l'acihic tracks on N street.
Ella. Underwood Lodged In Jail on
a SerIous Charie.
Last Thursday evening a warrant issued
by Justice Sctbrook : was placed in the
hands of Deputy Shicrifl'Lou Grebe for
the arrest of Elms hintlcrwood , of Crcigh-
ton , chmuirged with obtaining u500 untler
false pretenses from Andrew A. Mcml-
ion. Deputy Shicriur ( hobo immediately
started for Creighton and found Under-
wood in the reading room of the Parke
hotel. The nina submitted to the arrest.
In the meantime Gm'cbe hind heart ! that
the siierhfTof Mudisoim county was about
to arrive in town with a warrant for
the sanie man. Consequently the vris-
oner was taken out of the connty shortly
before midnight on Thursday. It was
not alone for this reason , but also ho-
cause Underwood's frieuds inttnded to
get out a writ of habcus corpus. ( Jrebe
tinnl his prisoner went down to Pluinview
and stoppdtt at the Commercial linteL
F'riday they caine to Omaha , :111(1 : tinit
ovcning Underwood wts : lodged in the
county jail. lie is said to be a former
resident of this city , but for some time
has been living at Creigliton and carry-
lug on a real estate busine3s there. lie
is a married niui and tins a family. The
exact ground for the charge could not be
learnet , Limit it is said to be a crooked
real estate transaction.
An Error Corrected.
FULLERTON , Nob. , Oct. 8.-To the
editor of thin Ban : In your crresponl-
once from Fullerton in Sunday's issue of
tue Ban I note two particular errors
which I wish corrected. Mr. H. H.
Eymitn was nominated for county clerk
and the resolutions were introduced by
C. B. Brady. I was not a member of the
convention afli could not have been th
mover of time resolution9.
County Court Docket.
Judge McCuhloch will call the docket
for the October term of thin county court
at 9:89 : o'clock this morning. It contains
eighty-eight cases.
4KI $
Absolutely Pure.
This powdernevervarl.s. A unarvolof per
tyetrongth nni Wholegoinefless. ! ilaro econ-
oica1 thani ( lie Ordlnry kindB , R.d ! cannot be
.oid Ia competition wilk the inhlitlttltie of low
colt Short cOI1it glum or phopIutto powder. .
Bold only In can. ItnyAr. HAK1NO POWDER Co.
1O1Wli-5h. N.Y. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ask your retailer for tiac
$4 : SHOE
( Jr the
$3 SHOE ,
atcortllng to yotr iaecci.
CAVTtOi i l'oItivrly nnne genuine ainlesa cur
aale alid prio aJpcair i.aIniy ii the snIe. Sonio
it. nier , , ii , .r.1er to iinko , a larger
lrutIt. w HI retoanmetid the ttifrrior
, St. gu.eli ja liii wlikii the market I ,
' . Sr Ji1ESME.iS4
6c . ' SiIOE a iitit and , t 11th. ii
C. s ilko n atorkIK , luau ] tE.
04 , 'P . ,
G'e , . ( . , ea.y the firil time it I woe , , .
S. J j satiety the afloat
: o4 ,
Ask ( or itt' James S H C
: deana$2ShoforiJoyi ' teen re.
talicti * 1
7 or $ . .TAMES MIAN" : 3 ShOE i& the orIi.
* 01 1.1 Shoe and I' absolUtely the only ia , , , ( t iti irtce
hieh ha , rair iecta phce.i extcailaiiy on the uuaaket
L in whkh .IurtIIity ii conaiiervi heoro mere outward
ap.earauce. i'hee .iio.'s are iol.t by alit. ict , retallera
S lhroathot , the Ulilteti StatLi , atii % % C ' lACC thut
eaiily as Itiat , your reach iii uaiy , tate or , ritory ttou
, uIi aend a , , p'tal card , , aeatlitiag , , , , atI iMapcr.
45fleI icatt. & Co. . 41 l.iiacult St. , Uuston,51us.
Ftali line it the ahovo Sitoo ( or aIo in OMAtt.t
S by U. W. Cookli)5 ) Farriitiastreut ; 0. 5. MIller ,
612 North 10th etrtct ; Iittvward iiro. . 4Y7 itotitit
15th etroot. In CoUNCiL fli.urr. by Sargent .t
Evens , 452 llroaulavsy ,
BeatWork Lfld Lowest reice.
: Oaasrnteed. 100 pige Uluit'd
_ . , Yliesteyerpri.ted , pentfr. . Eostag1'
. . QJm-Itth.lel . .
TheTroithlo * SI. J'aitil IIckaIi
Jisil Ith lIh Wife.
Years of Untoict Misery and I1ain.-Rc.
hief a LaitAn Intcrcsting Interview
Other Items , Etc.
'rho saitajoct of thu notIce , Mrs. Kitho Swan ,
wire ot hiacktnan Ilaigene Swan , , weli anil in-
Yocabiy knowaa in' St. t'etl , was found at her
horno. No. is Rest Nintit treot , by ie report or ,
who went there lior an Itotta , tativini ( been
told hto wtte stitlerrng .iatold talleory frotal otflo
cattee or other. Tie leer or the mansion
opened when the mother o Wtin iii ) .
peered. In response to thin query q (0 whether
AIrs , Eugene iWtIti lived theme , ( tao reporter
Was very kindly invited into thu Parlor , mmii
somttetL Mr. . S. was emat for , and upon tirmived
the erhho smv at a glamaeo that she ihid not hook
likofteit' taowmt agrcat simiteror. tIponh'tng )
asked In rogtmrd to the renort situ rehalieti ,
"Yc , I liavo suirerod In tue worst form. Aiaout
a yctar ago i cootiactel a llght cold , It got hot.
tar and I thought veiI. 'I'Imeti I 1egttn to die-
cover patios over icy eye and through my iaeni ,
My oar tachod mc mmetmrhy nil thae little. Tiaoro
vt8 , a ringing folio Iii nay head , titter tiwlailu I
fo ned
I COCt.D NOT 1i.tfl
In ceo ot icy ears. I Fectuno nlirmiaed. , ¶ Ihaon
ml nervous ( cur overtook tale Roti I ( cit very load ,
Indeed I mummy say auborable : c.iuld not Bleep mit
night :
.flJ )
lail no apPetite ; wae dull tumid haul ft constant
tired reeling : mmovor soetneil to get rectal : was
very restless tat nigiat , mud very seidoin. If ever ,
got to s.eop bolero morning : 1 was raplJiy
growing worse alt the thou. I tmictl to believe
in every kInd of latomat matedicino that was roe-
OflhlflCfliOi , hail physlelauM oxamaamlmao moo and
treat me. belt obtalneil no ijenoilt. ieelmig Irs.
McCoy .Sc henry's advertisement imi than pnpvrs ,
nusband told uno to consuit them , which I diii ,
placing myself tinder thomr cure at oticu. I 1)0-
gun to Improve fromn the start mmliii gained rap-
1u ) ' In weIght , health amid strength until to-ilny
3'Ott $00 ftC robust and hearty , arid i know titat
timrough lire. Mccoy & itomury's treatmnent I san
ontlroiy aVeIl. '
Mrs. Swami will fully corroborto evorytlmhmig
i.UtatlOlOd to those tiotibtlmig It , tind will mnot
cheerfully emadorso than doctors.
7'hd SJl/i0fl18 ! / . AItPIIdIHJ That 1)1. .
ease fl.Jj7 Leutbs to Con-
Wheat catarrha lane oxlste'h In tlio Imetid and than
Upoer part or than throat forahay length of thoto
--tee patient living In a dttrIet whore ocoillo
taco subjee't to catitrahtal * atlectiomi- amid the dls.
ease has becia lott uncatred , than citau-rh Invtirl.
ably , SonietIlmacs islowiy. extends down tile
wimadplpo macti Into time bromachini tulies , which
ttlbesCOnVe than air to tlao different irts of
tiao lungs. I'Iw tube. becommmo allectod from
limo swoiihtmmr and the alaaicous amIcimag from
catarrilani , In some instances , become Iugred
up. so that than air cmmmmaot got in as freely its It
umoiiid. diaortnes of bremitha foiIow , tied the
patiemat bteatiac with iaboranti ditllculty.
in either case ttaero as a sound ot ermacklimag
and wiacehhng Inside tia chest. At this stugo of
the disease tiio bromatimiog l.a usually more rapid
titan when In lteahth. The patient has also hot
diashos over ial boey.
'rite paimi whicit accompanies thia condltloat Is
or a dcii charactor.1elt in tue chest , bolamid than
breast bone , or uudcr the shtouider blade. TIm
paint miatmy comno and go--lust few days and then
a. absent for several others. Tue cough that
occurs In the tirst atages of broncitlal catnrrh Iii
dry , cornea on at ntervala , haaicklng In churac-
tor. and I. usually most troubiesonamo in tlao
morning on rlsmng , or going to beil ttt nlthtt ccii
it may be In time firat evidence of thae dlsoaso extending -
tending Into the lungs.
Sometimes ther.-nre lit. of comaglmlng Induced
by the tough mucus so violent its to cause vein-
Itng. , Later on the muctma that Is raised , is
found to contaIn gumathl particles of yellow taint-
Icr , witIh Indicates that limo imnaii tubes In the
lungs are now aecteat. iVlthm timis there are
often streaks of biood mIxed with the maucti. .
In some cases the patient becomes very pale ,
baa fever , and expeotorates before any cough
In some case. emal Imaseet of claeosy SubStation -
Station . -o spIt up , whIch , whoma presod between -
twoon tbollngersemnlt a bad odor. In other
cases , parttcios of a hard , cimaiky nature are
spIt imp. Tue raising of cheesy or chalky lumps
IndIcto Berlaus iaalstalof at work In the iunp
In somne ca'os cattarrh will extend into the
lungs in mi few weeks : In other cases It imlay ho
niomithas. mind oven years , before the dIoaso at.
tacks the Iumaws siittieiontiy to cause serIous In.
terference wmth thin gonorni health.S'htoma time
dIse iso iataB dovohoped to Buchi a poInt tim pa.
tietat is said to have oatitrrital consurnptlomm.
Yitta bronchial raturrlm thorn ma zatoro or los.
foyer whIch Ilttors with time diltoroiat parts of
tao dny-silgiat In tim morning , Itigher In the
afternoon mind evonimair.
SoinotimnoB dUrlnw the day the patient laa a
creeping. chilly ponsatlon , which may lust train
haif an hour to ama tiolar , han salmitmco of tito
body tooting dry and hot. iuring than niglti ,
tacar tim nmorntng , thtcro mug be woata. Such
SageSt. mire known as aught swoitts
Thin pumice is usuiaiiy more rapid thami normal
anti the patient hoses Ilesha auth strength. A
freshi cold Is au thmnt is nuedcd at this jioiiatlo
iluveiop mltlhui constitiaiitiOit. I n seine Instaaiece
tite Plttlelat hoses strength tied ileh slowly.
Than niuscios gradtuimhhy waste away. 'rimemi the
pullout grmtdtitliy , regaimme somilo of his streimiglit ,
omaiy to ioto mt agitln.
A weak stomach and ii dltliko for food , which
aiiemn to ittvo : lost ItS tR"to. causes tim pittlont
to thInk ho titus a 1l-o'ase ot thin stomach instead
of than homage. With these diarrhoea usually no-
curs. anti there is some ahisturhance or time kidneys -
neys lii bronchmlai catmmrrh the voice often be-
coating weak , husky mmnil coarse. 'i'hcro i mi
hiirniimg Islam I ma titro at , vltLi dthlioamity In swath-
SEEZIG ctrtitiui.
JJ'IIft it 1itertiis , lion' it Act.q tvuui
Jrhitt It Is.
Toil snooze when you got up hmi the morning ,
you tryto sneeze your nose ott every timno yoai
are expoaea to the Ionst draft oh' air. You howe
a fullness over the front of the loroltetad , aid
time miso IeelB as if there was a plug In each
iioStriI whIch yoaa cannot dislodge , You Oiow
your mmoo until your ears crack , but It don't lo
tang good , anti thio only result Is that you sue-
coed In gettamig tap a very red 1)050 , and yoai so
hrrttatto time I I n lug anemia brace o t t ha tat organ
thiitt you are unable to oreatlan thirougha It alt alL
This Is a correct mind not overla-awn pletume of
an acute tittack of catarri , , or SnOozla ,
Catarria' tie It Is called.
Now. wt.nt iieS titls comidltlomi Indicate ? FIrst ,
ncoiii that causes miiucus to b Potmrei , out lay
the gimatult In the manse ; then thtos disemased
pianOs mire attacked by swarmns of lIthe germs
. - thus ciatiarmit gormn-tlt mit flout in the al r In it
locality where thin disomiso is previmiemit. 't'he.o ,
aihmtdctiiae , , in their ellorts to timid am hodgrnoiat ,
lrrltftto thio sensItiVe anomniaratan hliiln the nose
mind maittairn uitdurtakeS to rid hersoir of theme
by proihaiclng a fit of sneezing.
it liota thin nose becomes tlllol witha thlckenoii
and diseitsod inammis the niattiral cianniacis for
limo Introluctlon of air imito tito iumigs I'm Interbred -
bred with , ntiti thu person so etfctod mmauat
breathe thmroiigh the month , mmcd by such
mnoans the throat becomc putroltoC situ dry
snoring Is produced , ttfld theta limo catarrltmil
dmsoaso game. ready access to limo throat and
JI Cresap M'Coy '
Late ofBeIIe'ue Hospital , N.Y
Columbus Henry
tiavo Olibes
Cor. 15th and ilarney Streets
Omaha , Neb.
Where all CUrtatalo case. are treated with .uo
0055. MedIcal dIsease-i tmeatoi sicilfuhiy. con.
suniptlnim , ilrlght'i IIsetmen , hysut.s1m , Ithiou.
iaiatiiU , amid tail NihVOUS IiSa1tslH. .tl ! 'Ii.
seabea pecntiarto the sexes a specialty. CA.
TAlthtEt CtJitED ,
1)NSuIrA1'ioN at otfico or by mall $1.
0111cc flours ; C to 11 mt.mii , ; 2 to 4 p. in. ; 7 to
ian. . Sundays Included.
Correspondence receIve. prompt attentIon.
Manydisoasns ago treated successfully by Dr
McCoy throught the nisils , unit it is ; ossL
.bie for those unable to make a IOura'jv to oh-
1Mm suceesroi hospttsl treatment t their
hounea. Nm letters mimiewercil ummie ttccomnp.
nltal by Ic Instampia.
Addiestaiileiitr to Dr , Mit'oy& henry ,
hiooin6 ; flQ sad il1 4tumao.UuIldIuUmabaNu
_ . . . : : ' . :
. % . . . . . , .
The time for neavy underclothing is at hand and we are prepared to
supply the whole city with these garments. We are large buyers which
means low prices. we buy these goods direct from mills and commisa
sion houses-pay no jobbers profits and we guarantee to save you
from 25 to 50 per cent , and on the finer grades even more. Our assortment -
ment comprises over 50 different qualities , among the leading styles
of which we recommend an exoOllent all wool scarlet shirt and drawers -
ers at 50c , and a splendid camel's hair regular made at 55o apiece. Ej-
ther one is sold by other houses for double the money. we also carry
a large line'ofCalifornia flannel underwear , and particularly mention
one we sell at one dollar as being a better shirt than you buy e1se
where for $1.50.
Our line of casshiiere shirts , winter hosiery , gloves flfld other furnishings is equally largo
and 1)lices tln'ougliout very low. S
Our hat departmeiit is a great success. We ventui'e to iay that we are selling more 1mat
than any exclusive Ilat house. And why sliouldii't we ? . It will not surprise you when
you COfll1)81'O our P1'iCCS with those of ot1iert. An elegaiit fur derly of the latest b1ock
for $1. Just one-half what others charge for same ( uahiLy.
For railly days we call attention to our large stock of rubber clothing and uifibrellas , nU
of which we sell at less than wholesale prices.
All goods marked in Dlain fi ures and at strictly one price at
Nebraska Clothing Company
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha.
Cor. 13th St. and OapltotAv. . , OMAHA , NEB.
roe vita TREATMINI' or Art
Snt rdIitIe. . .ppr.Ioa , n.i orn.iIs ( or , , , . . . , , IrI.tflUt t
v.r , tot , i , ott.qns. triiiiirliig lirdici. I or stirgir. t ti , .Onelit.
We , ic bill ( iii. it. , . Os tieturiiiIiel a id Ii , it. , ( Ittt , Vest ,
Crv&tire , silt , . Spins , lilt , . Tumor , , Cincer , C.larh. flunrrrl.iii. ,
ai.ia , , , mIoiIeIty , , I'.iaIyiis. rpldj.y , KWoe. lil.dJ , , Ije
t.r , la , nd lilool , a.t &It wIat Op.rtIOn. .
Ilook on Diseases of Women FEEF.
Aim JIInnd igw..o , , , ieCslIy tre.te4. $ , p.llitk r..i. , , ,
( ruin lit , 1IPflI s Illestut tIrerctlrf. ? . .v mt..ier.iI. .1 a c.tiflfl.a fer
ia. , cC Vftt lower. P'roi , tinribi. to .1,11 0 lily I. . trr.i.d it
Loni , , by CoT , eioiiIeflrt. Alt . , niiiinieltlun. ( 'tttCtivi.tiai. 51.41
clie , , etin.LrIllflhIit , lelit by tiali ci. . . ; wt I. . , ecuraly ticktt , no
nutS. ao tniiirai eolliuI , or .nitr , ( ii , , pci .1,1.1 , loin , , I , , ,
fo-.l Cdt io4cauli u. or .nJ ilIniy Ct ysi.r C. . . , clii , .L.i.p ,
.s.t ii. out . .s It 5.h , iiap.r , our
: PrIvafc , SjinIi ant 5ervoti IuieaVc , h.a , i we.kne
ijrstnrrln1 , , linIoiney , Syphill , , Ouuouahc. . , ( .kei , n.j "
cureI. Wx.iii ror t.tInz.t. . AUdit , . ,
: , cMcnawy , Car. 13th st & Uapitol Lv.Onaa , , lt ! ,
Med ical Books orPaiiers Free.
The troprietor CL the Oiimha % ieiilcal unit &ttrgt.
Cat mnetltuLe has published a vuiuat4o in of buOL4
unit papers aiPOa ciirOilC , laud ourgiciti tiICeae ; and
ticruramaitte , , minit tile miiLt.otie Ut vitro wiilcli have
gIven him Oae reputation Ut being the itmont .ktiiful
nod .uccetiil ipectaItt hi , thu weut. , iiid nido , the
Inititute so C410 irateti thit itietilcIno , ore sent to
ii tad mztleti Ii recot oit irDlil 0 ! cry state In the a , aloe.
Aiiiong t haS book. to 'Iie aipiin t liii dIemines at
wome , , one upon amervou , . pecItt , uiid mirlv.tto dl , .
e000 , ot 11,0 oextiuat ittid urinary , , rine ; ysrtaoeuio
riareit by otargical nyorattoni. saul theIr iitely : Invent.
cit clump cmtproo .uopenuiry br ttiia relier luau
core iii yilricioele , iturvo&ia eIuutittIon atit sa itist
debility , new reutor 4tte trJsttnesit Papers 111)00
surgical braces. till. " . aaimcsra. , iiaralyis. mat , . 51cc.
trIcky unit tIc iev magnetic battery br hornO Cu ;
catarria find Initithiutioti , etc. Uiiltue nest bookt
iiiteut by doctor , ieee , thry .1' ) not eotiuulzt of tuli.
modal. with tlctitioitl samei lul1t tnhttai , . or rIIbbIIi
of that kind , toutare plutmi cesrelpulona of uile.ies ,
Iympllflfln. now diucoverleo , In nieiltclne , iltr4ory
C nil electricIty end are woO worth the i'er'l. ' nij
Call be nbtulnci Free b stiire4Inr the Oiniaiii , ) LeSt-
cit and $ tarztcai lntltute , 13th trooL ant Capitol
avenue. Omutha. Netrmika. ,
sue ci rNACQUAiNTD wlTfltltz OEOII1ILPIV 0 ? TiltS
COLINTAT WiLt 5&5 ST xz&ense Tale A1 rar Tel
ib , .AN.cJ *
ily realon of It. cematral ponltlot eOoa relatIon to line.
Sant cut Chicago , not continiuil ILes at termInal
potnta Wct , zorthiaiuat and ttoUtlniet , Ii the Ire.
mnIdiie link In thuut transcontinenta. systefli whIch
inyltes alum facilitates travel niat traiflia between thu
Atlantic and Iaclmic.
The Itock Iland main line nd brLflcllu Include Clii.
cgo.JoiIetOttwa , Iaatmo , i'corl& , ( leneneo , ifoilne
no.1 ltocic liland , In iliinotsi bavenport , ) tuscatlne ,
iVaolulngton , Latrtteld , Ottumwn , 0Laiooea , We.t I.O.u.
erty.IO & CItyiaealotnei..Inuilanol&WInteri'et. Atien.
tic , Knoxville , Audiiuon , Harlan , Cluthrlo Ceitro * nut
Council diet ! , , ta lows ; Oaliattn , Trenton , St . , , epn ,
Cameron and Ken , . . CIty , In linsourt : teas iwortb
nd .AtcbuOn. iii Koniii ( lbtrt , lutlnneapolia soul
Ill. i'aul. In iiInnesott V.'atortown end Sioux FoUl , 19
Psitots , end hundrodiof tnteruaedlste cltieanui town. .
t'Tho Creat Rock Island Route"
Guarantees speed , comfort , certainty and .afely. Zt
parananent way I. dtitluguluhcd for its exceilu flee. Ita
bridge. are of stone amid Iron. Its track Ii ot oihui
.teeltts rolllngitockpertect. ita paengereuulpm.nt
lies all the .afelysppllances thotoxpertunco ba,1rJvo , I
aiefui. sod for iuxurlou. &CCumnodstiofls I.
pas.ed. Its lzpres.vratn , , aoiit of superIor I'Ay
Coacliel. eiegani Puihnan rei.o. totIr sI blcepilag
Car. , oupeeb DIning Cars , vrocuJln dOia , meal. .
and between ChIcago and St. Joieph , * tchueon and
Xansai CIty ) restful Itecimning ChaIr Cars. it' man-
stement Li conoemYativu , Its diiclpilne exacting
"The Famoue Albert Lea Roi'o" '
Iietwien Chlrato sflul MInneapolIs and St. l's. I. the
favorIte. Onerthi.lIne SoItul Fast Exprcu Train. run
daily to attractive resorts for tourtita In Iowa soul
? 4lnneaota. nuI , vIa Watertown end Sioux Fall. , to the
tlrliwbealanti rrazlnglanul.ot interior Dakota. Via
Senecs and Kanluakee , the Rock liland oilers superior
Inducements to trevelera between CIncInnatI. IndIan.
spoIl. . Lafayette anut CouncIl muff. St. Joneph. Atchl.
Don. Leaxenworlh , Xanas CIty , 8l.i'aul.andtnternte.
dicta points. All patrons ( especlaily maides and cull-
drcnrecelveprotectton.Courteiyanit ktnuiiy attentIon.
toe tickets. maps. folders , copIeS of iVeateri fraIl , or
any desIred Inrormatton , muppir to principal others In
tue t'nlteil States and C'anadaoraddrctnat Chicago ,
I. 5. CAStE , F. ST. Jul45 , I. A. HOtCP.OOS ,
? , , , .fl0, , , , : i..fl. . C Po. leL
Lincoln , Nob.
Thin ltest known flhtil most popular hmozph ho
the Stato. Locattn contra ! , alipolntmneuts him at
class. Hcadqiiartoie for coniunurcluth men and
511 poflucal amid pubIIo gatiterhnira.
. ' , , .F..itouonN , rroprie9r.
A magnificant display of everything
useful and ornamental in the furniture
maker's art , at reasonable prkes.
Illood sulson ,
: L.u vtncreal tithiit ,
j' ut. 4 - pleet stricture.
sotniniul enti-
I /1' ! slung , ions of
'k , S SeXual ilOWet
weakneos 0
0 hue scitial or.
1 ' ' gftflS , want of
\ ' I ' ' dealre In male
pi or female ,
! . _ _ . _ a briber from
-ti s imprudent
_ _ _ _ _ -lla ills of
. ; i :
, sex-
cal habits iii
.u mature yeflr ,
u' _ _ _ _ _ or any cause
that , lelilltatc
1410 " _ _ _ _ _ tile I
, , ti e x it a
, function ,
. pcedIly anti
Consultation free cud trlehhy coiahl'lential ,
Medicine sent free froiti olmorvittlon It ) all nrts
of thia United Muttes. Correopoililcuco rtccltes
prompt attention. No helLo a aiicia ered unless
accoimipanied by four cents In stumnips. Senil ten
uta In stempa for ratiiiict and mist oquestIou.
? CIUil sttlCtiy Cash , . Ca I aim or adclreis
No , 3I Soaith lids St. , Omaha , Neb.
suffering from ta.t
'Itor. N.ra.uS
WEAK MEN 0. 1t117. I.ek at
DeVe tepa. nit
I'.a.t..rn DnrlIn..CIC.teoiltItCIiOlU IlulI.creiiouior , uiha. . M..lIoIn.i the
GIIEVI' flLtal'UN TIIEATMIGN ba.k Neal fr. iduould be trod hi Fathers
snilpiared their Ihn uuuiots Soun In tuf M AD E STRONG
- flerdete wilt. tnrnnnatlfl ot vitlue to Si tfltfl.
( SUccc5orS to Jtihmi C. Jacobs. )
Ulld1htlk11s aild El1b1ffle11s
At the old stand , 1407 Farmiani St. Order
ly telegraph solicited amid promptly at
tentied to. 'l'clepiaomic No , 22i.
cutbefO putTerIng horn
ill rvOhlS .ieblltty , etuaUthrug
tiir'uiilc dICCIlItO , ; urtInuuture
of ) uUog or cud ate
, .cttlvety citi.d iuy Or
I tomes famous Eleetro-
JisunitIe lieU. . Ttuuuanuls
Is every i.Htatt ) in I ic itihon have been cured.
smeetrlet : - ) .ty Inetanti ) Ccii , psacnt1 aflul sold 1' )
varP. iVito n ( atoll ) can sear eaton boll. ElectrIc .
, asoric. free a Oh iulp it Its. A' . old ' , s ortijicOs Im.
htftIn. all ) i.iuguo rotuuflte' ; Electric 'Iruues roe
itupiure. iIitt cli ot I n 55. mitruul oh hip for titinihul. t.
UI. W. 1. HonsL , IIIYLUTOR , 191 WAeASii AY. , CHICACO.
100 N 13th Street.
S I.
: : ItlrAsOV&TliC
I ldsuuAnIuoo gAITS ? ISNOCIC
4 : I
vtrtn CA rI l ( ) htNlA VlNES , ShthIipi dIrect
frorri ( all C Vi neyairtl ; I tlesl I ow , ( I 'ml cud I 'tiurnt 'c ,
l'ort , ShIcrrioctt' . Situ .bat , 'aimll Soveiith.
Light ha Stfl Staivatior int'l ' tVlliiit iii ste . , Situ
Jtiae , Caiitornlt
ANH000 foutlufoI iu'm'nztpar rgunir41
M ratur , , hat. . crvou
lieh.mlt. toet llanhoodttr. , havInStrhutI In eai.i
entry no-en ru-s , tao dheuuveauti a oimplo
lfcurs whilehb.aIImsedto&I. , feiluwsuffer.
4tt.5.bJ.Wth0S.VSt zni.sewezkci
a _
S .l//7u _ _ _
t _
Cor. 18th and Dodge Ste. , Onialia , Nci , .
A Ifegular Grzidimale In McIIcIuo
SI 11(1 Speciull I'rziclltioiicr ,
Autluorizoti to trout all Chimonie , Nervou and
"SiteCini 1)iseime. '
( Wluethier causeul by Irt'primdenoo , lxcesg or
ouatttgIoma ) Seminal SViitkneit , , ( alight itdisea )
iextitii Dcblltty , ( loss of icitttti ptYer ) . Nnrv-
flu. iebiilly , lilooti IIsortiers. etc. Ciiraliln diSCS
gtmarauiteei ot' momiey rofumudoti. Citmirgos low.
'I'ltousauda of cases cured. Ago amail ositarlonco
are Imtiiorttimmt. ; All imactilcimies especially lt'o
itareth ice each individual case ,
% o IiiJttilOtIe or J'olaonott Cant-
poulids Used.
No limo lost from btm.ines. Patlent itt a
distance trcatoiiby letter anuhoxprees. Mod joins
Sent everywhere free tromn guize or breakago.
i % ( , DCIII ) Iii liii Ing.Ordoris.
For 4 cents In sinnipt , wmli notli free. all our
prlmiteui iltertaturo , amnbrncillg a"Symiitomnl.Ist'
on whIch to get at lull hIstory of Dleotiio , etc.
State your case hell Seflit for terms. All we
ask is a trial. Secrecy ohscrvod either Iii per-
Boll or by muttli.
Ii to ISa. m. , 2 o 5 iatiil 7 to Sp. ha. Sundays In.
ciutied. CoaamliIamg , moore No. 4. _ _ _ _
A irornhmielit New York mitanufactuelmug corn.
plItt ) , With Rfl c"tahilislieti and Itighiy rotnunor-
utile btielncs ( PrttetlcttllY V. muonomioly ) , lurgeiy
iitutroliizl.I by iiiorchtnuite. bimnkorit , corpora-
1 Itt iii anti limo gen enui itmltl lii , tied roe a ii a oh Ito
miiiil r0SIoflsitllO ) rCitCSCt1ntatlVO Imu ( t'ory tttto
Cu. city 10 1 l"r cummt ti pa ii ii mit It ed In Vestimmemit
gtinrituitced. Sovernh itttnS , tiltotitly untlur coma.
Iract. AiIIrcsM , Titl UNION Nut'iHN.t ( .
Co. . I I hiILOtiVAV , NEtV % OIIl ( .
, ,7dttcod
Pianos & Organs
lLetzihletl lit % IhICisiIlC l'alces.
SS'rlto for caIalogtit' . lltIc0' foil bruit tutu
sate [ rain Iri to fitli Iii the lurciIttse of titi Ium.
St Cli macmit.
n.j 1' 1 'I'I J ( ' . f. . ! ( Ii1I
- - -
S fly it I horoti au It , iuwheulgo of I ho taut II
laws wIt Icht giav.uril . t Itti oporat itiie itt d lgtit itt , ,
, tntl it itt rlt auot by a ( tire ti i , tiuiui Itmat ion itf
I ha n Il ito urn in1rt itiui 4th. vpl I iaeiectoii Coeott , 31 r.
Eiumt ) IimtR lIroVitIod otim lirettltfast titbltis WIth II
, helicuutIy Ilavareci hieveriago udhich mitny lotto
mlii rottny hiemtvy docittt' iiiil it It by than
j ttdleloui mm so of iieit art bits of ii let t I t at mu cOO-
I Sthtittitami mmmiiy hun gt ltiitlulti ) hittilt alt , UittII stromtg
.noltghi to r,4ist , every Inmidatucy ho , llsease.
I I u nul reds oh aim hum mit Ithud ins turn Iltitt , lug
mutotmiltl liii iciuliF to attack whitrover titOrtu Pt it
I ' _ Cit Ic lull ( it SVe ma itt eSelu I IC ItlflllY Si ( at iii
I.m II ft I , a keepink on m selyt , well frt i Ill tuit hi
Pu t ) liltil II tiritl a o rouerly JO ) ti rhhod I rut run. '
-S. 'lvii So rvite ( It/eti o.
'lttuI , , eiliipl $ itltht hittiiin1' iritier or hulk. Sold
( Jiti- Iii Iittt I iu't It liii tilt it hasU rociurs lahieltitl titut :
eI.ILS : , II'I'S & CO. ,
ho imitt'1authlo , ChemIsts , J.oi&atiN , SmiOt.AND.
uI In I lomi I itls oaitr.
I . .
San titictucu'ervouasiehahiItyeztmm'4cu %
Ibm nimlu errata aumiul haui Practice. CU WED.
GU14D biLL CU. lLeetztts ) $ . tt.Luula
. . ,
. . .