Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 04, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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    " " " " "TW- - * -r ' - ' , -r-r- = T - , - r r , " . - , V" , * * 9 * ' -if' ni '
rfye ' ' i
Adxertlsemcnts under ting bcad.M conu po
inu for the lint Insertion , 7 cents for eneh nub
jo'iucht insertion. and $1.60 line per month
fco advertisement taken for IOBB than 25 cents
tor tlio Bret Insertion. Sovrn wonls wll lira
counted to tlio line : they must run ennscou-
tlvoly and must DO paid ID advanco. All advor-
UMmontK mint be banded In before 1 s80 o'clock
p. m.nnd undrr no circumstances will they be
taken or discontinued br telephone.
PnrttflS advertising tn those column nobaT :
Ing tno answers addressed In care of TUB HUM
will plesso aak fora chock to enable them to Ret
tnclr letters , as nonnwlll be delivered oxceot
on t > reontntlon of check. All answers to adver
tisements should be enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisements In those column * urn pub-
Ilfthed In both morning nnd evening editions
of Tn F. Ilr.r , the circulation of which aggre
gates more thnn 14 . ( WO papers dally , and gives
Inn advertisers the lieruflt. nut , ( inly or thecltv
circulation of TUB Hr * but also of Council
BlUffs , Lincoln and ether dtles nnd town *
throughout this part of the west.
Tormn C i h n nrtvitnoi * .
MIDLAND-Guarantee nnd Trust Co , IfiOS
Farnam ( street Complete abstracts 1'ur-
nUhod , and titles to lenl estate examined , per-
footed nnd guaranteed yln
AOOOD opportunity for n sharp , ncttvo
man with n small cupitiil. Call to-day ,
ItoomHO , Fnxlon house. 407 ! lj
BUSINESS chance , a partner In H good so-
loon. 1407 S 13th at. 378 5J
BALK A drug store In Hastings , No b. :
fine locution ; good cloin stork ; ronsonnbl o
rents ; boat cnnnco in the otiito for n limn with
13,000 cash , biiliinnci on long limit ; stock will
Involco nbout $3,200. Address box55J Hastings ,
Neb. B005J
P 10It SAM'-oardlng ! ) buslnes3,212 S 10th st
n-JS 7J
FOR BAMi An offlco buBincos , f20) per
montn irunrnntccd profit , flUX ) cash will
buy It , O 33 lies odlco. 31H
TJUlt ) BAI.K-A bank building with vault ,
* ? Ptccl unto , time lock , bcnk llxturoa imil
i rasldonuo , In a town of 6O ) inhnbltnntn In
t Southeastern Dakota. No other bunk nnuror
than llftoon inllcn. A good line of deposits.
Money loans roiidlly at 3 to 4 per cent n month.
A rare bargain. Address P. O , Uox 7U , llrldgo-
water , Dak. ITU 4J
TjlOIl SAlin-Corn r Hnlnon onpnvcdst. ; re
JP cclpts J45 per dny , tSfOO , * 1TOO cnsh. O
S3. floe. 200--14J
W 'ANTKD A stork of groceries nnd gonnral
mdse. , for olty lots paid for. 0. J. Cnniin.
FOK KXCICANGK-Omalm property for dry-
gooifi , groceries , hardware , druiri , oto.
Omnba property for horses and cattle. 8. S.
Campbell and G. W. Itorvoy , 310 Chamber of
Commerce. 1KO
TJtOKSAU ? Hotel property , one of the best
iIn the state. Will neil furniture and
Irnso house , or will sell property. Address J. E.
Neulhiir , Albion. Nob. Mfl4"J
AXTANTED An Interest In a good ronl estate
VT business In Omaha. Must bo n good loca
tion with Iho , wlilo nwnko parties. Have
plenty of rk-.H to run the business ; nlsn a num-
borofgood farms lisle 1 with mn tlmt will be
lilaecd with the firm. Address J. 0. SllvU ,
Elkhorn , Not- . nfBo )
WANTED A utock of clothing , boots nnd
shoes In exchange for good Inside lots In
Omnha. Address G 7 Ileo oRloo. P37
FOH SALE A complete steam laundry hav-
Ing twenty Jiomo power engine. 4. 8.
1 v Bennett , Baunders add Chirk sts. 6i6
' $
A GOOD inuHt market Is badly needed In the
neighborhood of Woolworth gt nnd Park
nvo. , nnd storn-rootn can bo obtnlnod at oh cap
rent In Fitch block. F. L. Gregory , : I20 H. 15th
it. 271
FOll 8 ALBA wholesale business , with n
paying trade ostablUlioil. Capital rcqu Irod
About 4,000. Will take part Omaha real estate.
Address K 5R , Bee oflloo. 780
FOH SALE The best paying small hotel In
tile city : $2,000 cash will got it. C ELoo ,
1707 furnam Bt 211
"Clou SALE Corner saloon , rooolpts toO per
A ? dnv. Jt.fiOO ; T3.000 cash , near depot. C r.
Lee , 1207 I'arnnm gt 7TO
TilOH SAI.E-Ily W H Green. 215 8 l.lth st , line
Jof the llnoBt corner groceries on N 16th st ,
ijood fioah Block nnd cheap leasn ; also two
innll stocks , Bmnll livery stock and good barn ,
good location nnd cheap ground lease. BJ3
UP1NFSS CHANCE On account of sickness
not being able to tend to the htHnoss the
rostmirnnt nnd lunch counter , will rent the
lame to Homo good nnd responsible parties.
Apply to Joan A. King , 1JO. ) Dougl is bt.
"I71OR BALi : Or cxchaniro , praln oloxutor ,
J- Western Iowa , for land In Contrnl Neb. .or
morchnndifc , address box 293 , Central City ,
Neb. _ 5Moctl'J '
fortune teller , 618 S 14th st
" _ 831 oct 5J
US. HATH 1ELO , Trance biiBlness medium.
The past present and future revealed , siok
healed , lost found , homos made nappy , sittings
dally nt 421 3.11th It. _ 457 o > 5J
DR. NANNIE V. Wnrren , clairvoyant Medi
cal , business nnd test medium. Office 11B
North 16th nlreo : , rooms 2 4 3 , Telephone ( HI
, . _ 218
MRS. DURA NT Clarlvoyant from lloston Is
reliable In all HlTnJrj of life , unites sepa
rated loveis. iti'n ICthBt. oem 1. BVoct4J !
\v 7 ANTED S-ecOnd hand brond baker at nnce.
W. S. II ixl do IT. 15th and Cumtal nve. 408 4J
WANTED Carpenter 27th at. , between Sow-
nrd mill I'rnnklln. 3U8 ! IJ
TJITANIKO Hey to do chorea night and
TV morning for his board and go to school ,
second cook for lied Ouk , dishwashers for In
and out of city , farm hand nonr city , good Job
for winter , men cooks. Canadian Emii office ,
Mrs. Drega * Son , 316 H 15th. Telephone 884.
WANTED-60 first-class sand stone cutters
( union men ) , wages $3.60 for 8 hours
work. Apply to Fred Andrea & Co. , 77 North
Water st , Milwaukee , WIs. 403 9j
W ANTED-Good tinner. 1C05 Uowird et.
\lirANTKD-2 men of gocd business ability ,
, TV capable of selling n good line of specialties.
'Call m Bouth 10th st. 1173 8j
WANTED Men to sell Shetland mountain
ponies. 1'iinoy colors. Largest herd In
America. Sample pony free. Rare opportu
nity. Incloiod stamped -lf-a < ldressod on-
rclope. Uyron Vun Jlaub , llocrne , Kendall
Co..Texas. 378 4J
WA NTED A clerk , German nnd middle-
nged man preferred , at City hotel.
WANTED-Young- with some knowl
edge In clothing und furnishing goods ,
it 11 urgitrom's Clothing store , It22 Farnam.
ifO 3J
ri AN ADI AN Kmployment Olllce furnishes
\J clurks. accountants , stenographers , etc. ,
free of charge. Domestic help supplied on
liort notice , and sent to all parts If fare la paid.
Mrs. Dreirn it Son , 310 South 15th. Tel. RSI.
977 0
W ANTED I'lrst-olnss second baker. No.
1003 N. 2Rth St. 404-Sj
\X7ANTUD Man nnd wlfo for private family
TV In olty. Man and xnfo on tarm , no ob
jection to n child. Cnnndlnn Kmp , Olllce. Mrs.
ilregn & Son , IllO S. l.'lh. 405-3
VVANTED 4 honest salcBinon for Ht. Louis
' Importing bouse , dry goods Salomon for
Kansas Olty , clothing clerks , livery hands ,
uutchnr , driver , 6'ens1 ! boys , dishwashers , wai .
ters , carriage wood workers , glass cutter , 60 1
laborers : lorolody for ralllnory store. Kaiuas
City , 60 girls for loading families ; host homes.
Headquarters , 1M9 Farnam st. room 9. 371 4J
WANTED Agents to canvass for Rankers'
LUo Insurance Co. , Lincoln , Nob. Nona
but experienced men need apply. 801
W ANTKD-Agents in Nebriwka for Gon.
John A. Loran's last work "VolnnUer
Boldter. " Just publUhcd. Address J. M. French
* Co.OtEi\haNeb. 334
W ANTED Men for railroad work , Al-
brlght's labor agency , 112(1 Farnam. 804
\\7ANTED-Young man to soil custom shirt
TT In this city , one experienced preferred.
BOS N th st : r
WANTED-Euglneer. Frontle ; Steam L uu-
dry. a&i-y
1iANTCD-T'u venoral public to know that
T wv-an supply > ou with male or female
t ip that will five satisfaction ; no delay and
BO disappointment. Wcitera Kmployment
Bureau. 1613 Farnani. 4l
WANTED-A boy 14 or SO rears of ago who
understands the care nf horses and who
Is willing to xtork , roust iflvo gsjod reference a
Inquire of Western Cornloo Works O. S | > eoht.
ANTKD About'O to 10 carpenters to buy
a lot worth $400 , will take $50 to $100 out
In labor right away , the balance can bo pild al
Ihe rate of $10-per month. Cell O H Richards
Kith and Woostor. 4
W ANTKDA competent mun to Introdnoo o
specialty among business house * of thl >
ilty.gixxl lucouio guaranteed. C. E. l < eo , 1201
; uuwn st. lilV 6
WEwsnt businessmen to know wo can nil
orders from bookkoe | > or down to porter ,
with first-class help nt the Western Employ *
ment agency , 1112 Farrarn Bt CT8 3
\\'ANTRD-4 Mermin boys to carry papers ,
TT 607-509 a 12th , Upstairs. 6M
rANTKO Dishwashers. Ktnmot House.
\v lOJ
\V ANTKD Kent girl , ago 14. Reference re
quired. 5.15 Pleasant at. 887 4J
5 Olrl for general housework at
G233 , 17th st. Ml
"WANTKD-Comprtent second Rlrl , 1B34 :
TT Dodgo. Mrs. F. U. Kcnnard. 131
\\rANTKO TnlloroM on custom coats and
TV vests , Kooil wages and steady x\orktu
right partr < apply at once. BOi B 10th st. 30.1 24
w ANTED \ girl to do errands. Mrs. lllco ,
Room 14 llushman's block. KB
w ANTKDOirT for KcnoraThouBcwoTkTioll
N. 18th. 30 6j
- nnd laundress. Dr. CoIT-
inun cor bt Mary's BVO and 27th st CM
AN1ED-A deed gTrTat 2405 Cumlng st.
-Olrls and nil others who are look
Inc for u place to know that wo do not
charge office toe unless place Is secured. Do
not bo deceived by concerns who take your
money without giving voun place. Unto City
Employment office. 314K 8 15th st. 038
WAN'IT.D 3 dining room clrlj for Lincoln ,
(18 ; 3 Inundresecs for Idaho. $ < . * 0 ; 1 tor
western Neb , 1182 ; for Iowa ; coat maker tor
I'lnm Crock. All faros paid. In city , 4 dining
room girls , 4 dlshxuiRliors,2 pastry cooks , girl
for officer's fnmllr , $5 ; one for small family In
the country , $ . "i ; cooks for private fnmlllos , $ > ;
69 girls for housework In olty , $1.50 to $1 a
week ; 2 Ilrst-class second girls for iory nice
places. Cnnndlnn Knip. olllco , Mrs. Droga &
Son , 310 So. 15th , tcl. 884. 402 3j
\\7ANTKD--A Ocrman girl for housework
V ? by onn Indy , mint bo good washer and
Ironur. 306 North 10th st , up-slalrs. rooms 1
and 2 , 4UO 5j
W ANTUD-fllrl for general housework in
small family. Apply at onco. 2)1)7 ) Pletco.
ANTED Olrl for general housework at
No. 1918 Capitol avenue 860
IOST-Sct. | ) Wth , 1 > 37.1 blnck Newfoundland
Jdogono jfiir o.d. Entirely black except
white spot on breast shape of a heart nnd a little -
tlo white under chin ; has been tnught to bark
when asked ta speak , nnd answers to the nnrae
ot Hover : will iilsoglvo hln paw when nskodto
Hhako hands. A liberal reward will bo paid for
his return to John N. Westberg , 8. 12th bet
Martha and Cnstollnr. 385 4
LOST A pony with saddle , but no bridle , In
U'ost Omaha about Le venworth Bt. on
Hunday nlitht. Address O 47 , Heo ofllco. 370 5J
LOST A lurno black doer. 4 months old , tin of
tall , In east and feet white , had on now
collur , half Newfoundland , answers to nnmoof
"Watch. " I'lvo doiluri reward will bo pnld for
hlsiottirnto ErioT. Johnson , 101S S. 26th Kt.
u 9 Oj
STKAVKD-Tbursday , from Walnut Hill , a
small , black mare , one hind foot white ,
vhltu star on forehead and white tip on none.
I'leaso return to G. W. Modlock , oor launders
und Lane sts. 34V5
T"OST DarkTltayTiorioTtb 8 yenrd. HcTurn
-1- 911 N. 18th st. 897-6
STBAYKD-lllack mare , white hind foot ,
- white spot on forehead , branded on hi p.
Kcturn to grocery cor. Siumdors and Lake ,
nnd recelTe reward. 831 ! 1 >
STIIAYRD A brown goldlngS yrs old.weight
noont 1100 11)9. Left bind loir out with wire ,
Howard paid for his return to 1CT. . Maxwell ,
South Omaha. 316 7J
LOST Brown Melton cutaway coat , leave at
Frank J. itaingo's , Itatngo block , and ro-
colve reward. 275
\\7ANlKD-nya young man from the east ,
' room nnd board In some private Cuthollo
family. Address 0 4'i lloo offlco. 37tl 4j
W ANTHD A I'uly room mate , room I ) , old
Urownoll Hull building. 31'J-t' '
\\TANTKD-Lady to room and board ; terms
v reasonable ; object , cotuoany. O .Id , lloo
office. JJ348J
WANTED Hoard nnd room for gentleman
and wife , central location. 0,31 lloo of
fice. 278
\\7ANTED-I want to buy a family conch
T > team. N. Morriam. 2'(9 (
WANTED A few boardois and roomers In
prlvnto fnmily. $1.50 to $5.00 per week.
719 N. 17th street 340 3J
WANTED To buy n whole or half Interest
Inn country bank in custom Nebraska.
Address tl 6 , lloo olll re 1U7
WANTED To buy , > furniture of a small
or large nous cent tally located. Co-
oporatlvo Land and L tCo. , 203 N 16th st.
W ANTED Three table boarders nt 2118
Uurt si. 597
MONKVIo loan. Notes und H. R. tickets
bought und sold. A. Formun , 213 S. l.ith st.
$3uOKXI ( to loan , special rates on farm prop
erty , Sobotkor & Porrlgo , 1521 Farnam st ,
, to loan in any amount at lowest rate
of interest. If. H. Irey , Frenzor block. 213
MONEY to loan to nartles wishing to build
8. 8. Campbell , 810 B 16th Bt. , Chamber ot
Commerce. 314
M ONEV In turns of fiiOO and over to loan at
low rates , Itussoll A Darrott , 312 S 16lh et
MONEY to Loan On Improved city property
at lowest rates of Interest No commis
sion charged. Bholci ft Crumb , room 1 , Darker
block , cor 15th and Tarnam sts. 210
M ONEV to loan on real estate. No delay.
First mortgages bought. Itntos , Smith &
Co. , 03 Hamgo building , cor , 15th and llarnoy.
902 0017
MONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs ,
horses , eta , low rates. J. J. Wilkinson & Co. .
1324 tamam , over Uurllngtoa ticket offloe. 317
MONEY to loan on city property. Will buy
good notes. Beaver it Wbltcomb , 16Wi }
1'nrnam , 773
MONET To latin. Lowest rates. No delay.
J. L. Rice A Co. , over Commetclul N-
tlonal bank 318
rpo LOAN Money Loans , , lne < xl on im-
-L- proved real citato m city or county tor
Now England Loan Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank , luth nnd Chicago sts. 2IU
M ONEV to Loan lly the understood , who
has the only properly organized loan
ngenoy In Omaha , Loans of $10 to $100 ninde
on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons ,
machinery , eta. , w Ithout removal. No delays ,
All business strictly confidential. Loans so
mndo that any part can be paid at any time ,
each payment reducing the cost pro rata. Ad
vances made on flna watches and diamonds.
Persons should carefully consider who they are
dealing with , as many new concerns are dally
coming Into existence. Should you need money
call and s e mo. W. R. Croft , room 4 , Withncll
building , 15th and Barney. 234
4jBOOjOOO To loan on Omaha city property at 6
P per cent O. W. Day , s. e. oor. Ex. Bid.
A 1,000.000 to loan , H. E. Cole , 316 S 13th , First
in mortgage notes nought 378
OHORT Time loam made on any available
O security. In reasonable amounts , ftoourod
notes bought , sold or exchanged , ( lonornl
financial business or any kind transacted
promptly , quietly nnd fairly nt the Omaha Fi
nancial ExolmnifO. N , W. oor of 15th nnd Har-
noysts , over State National bank. Corhott ,
manager 137
M ONEY"to Lo n-O. F. IMvls Co. , real es-
tuto and loan ugonts , 1503 Farnam st ,
32(1 (
$760,000 TO LOAN at 6 per cent A
Muhoney , 1MK ) Fnrnara. 227
ONEV LOANED at C. F. Heed ft Ca's Loan
OEt-e , on furniturepianos , horseswagons ,
personal property of all kinds , and all other ar
ticles ot valuo. without removal. 319 B. 13th.
oxer Rlnghnm a Commission store. All buil-
ntsi Itrlctlv ronfidentlnl. 30
M ONKV to loan on Improxod real estate ;
no commission charted. Lcavltt Hum-
hum. room 1 , Crcighton block. 1-1
H. C. Pnttergoa , ftth and Harney.
MONEV to loin , cash on hand , no dnlay.
J. W. and E. L. Biulro , 1413 Farnnm st ,
Piiton hotel bulldlnsr. 2."i
C ASH pnld for second hand books * t the
Antiquarian , 303 N 16th st. 721 q 2IJ
i F you have a few dollars loft nnd wish to | n <
inn buslnost that will make you u
comrortatiie livlns ; without manual labor , call
bet. 8 and 9a. u at Room U , 916 So. lilt ) .
A NO IX ) American Mortgage and Investment
jtCo. . , omoo 2433 Farnara It John Culley ,
TplHST class help furnished on short notice
X1 the city and ad paru of the west wh ro
faro U paid. Western Employment Agency ,
1613 Farnam it. 601
TTloitllKNT Organs. l per mom * . Ho u ,
JD3B13 Douglas.
_ _ _ _
mo EXCHANaE-or cattle , 1 hnvo KM and
-L forty acres of good western land to trade
for cattle , nnd n good house and lot near the
capital will exchange for cattle. Address S. Q.
Ilryan. Ashland , Nob. 33)
rHO exchange for other property contract for
JL 640 acres R H land In Choyanne Co. , Neb. ,
two miles from railroad , also two u sec In Lin
coln Co. . nonr rail road. McCullocli 4 Co. , oor
5th and Fnrnam sts. 930
> ] C. House furnishing goods , all kinds ;
cash or installment ; lowest prices at J.
Ronnor , 1315 DOUR-IBS st S30
71OR KENT tfquare nano , $ moat BIT.
? Hosoe. J613 Dourlas. 384
DR. CHASE'S noxv Receipt Rook and Homo-
bold Physician , the "Memorial Edition" ,
nf over 800 pages. The "Crowning Life Work"
if the greatest author and benefactor that
verllved. Just out Agents maklnr Immense
. .ales , nig terms. Address , F. D , Dlokorgon St
Co. , Detroit , Mich. Moution this paper.
TTtORRHNI Square Hiaoo $ J montnlr.
J ? H ( > 8pe.J513Iougss. ! 223
PERSONAL to the ladles of Omaha. If you
want good reliable help , call at the Omaha
Imploymcnt bureau , the oldest employment
mco In the city. 119 N. lCthst.,11. K. White ,
proprietor. 114 20
pUHSONAL-C. 8. Whitney sells hard and
X soft coal , 1513 Farnam and 18th and Izard.
475 g 31
PERSONAL-Prtvato home for ladles during
confinement , strictly confidential , intants
adopted , nddrosi E42 .Hco offlco. 167 oct 8
IT1OR RALE Team , names" . watron$150. Mrs.
JL1 K C Uarr.s. luth st..l bl'ks from st. tar track.
; WB nov 2
F Oil SAt.K A gtenogrnph Blightly used. Address -
dross "G 40 , " Uoo ofllco. 350 ! 1 *
FOIl SALK or excbnngo for n lot Nine head
of line cattle , one light , good driving team.
John Nelson , 122 N. 15th. IKH 4J
FOH 8ALI1 Hoglor-nnhman tire proof Safn ,
Day door , Sargent lock , 17DO Ibs ; prlco (75.
Address B 44. Uoo olllco. 330 41
BEAUTIFUL Organs at your own price at
Immense sacrifice , to pay storage chnrtrcA ,
$ .r monthly , payment ! taken , elegant goods at
your own price , call at once , Storage Co. , 715
N. 16th st. 133 0
HEKE In a bargain , $375 , cost fcOOO , magnifi
cent 7 ! { octavo upright piano. Greatest
bargain over offered. Tea roar * guarantee.
Truly a superb Instrument. Itaro ohauco to
get n One piano. Only used one month. Call
Storage Co. , No. 71S N. 16th st. 1J4 0
FOK SALK on easy terms-
Pony $ 8000
Pony 40 10
Pony 5000
Pony harness nnd cart . 125 00
Jllaok driving horse , 4K years old 100 00
Gray delivery horse , 1,000 Ibs 100 00
Gray drafthorso DOW
Gray draft horse 7500
Gray draft horse 7500
Gray draft horse 150 CO
I.tifht driving team mares ZOO DO
Dtiy saddle horse ( slnplofoot ) 100 00
Team roan ponies 120 00
Bay driving horse 160 OJ
W. T. Seaman ,
East side 16th st north of Nicholas.
Agent for Bludebnker Burgles , Wagons. Etc.
FOH SALE-Buckelrc , yearling Tory irentlo.
Address Box 5 , Fort Stoclo. Wyo. luJ 4j
TJKKSALK Fine mule at 1524 N 27th st 2913J
TT'OH BALE 1 food mlll.24 In. French burrs.
JL1 1 Victor shollor. 75 bu per hour.
1 bolt for buckwheat or moal.
40ft 2 In shafting , n hangers , elevator belt ,
etc. Address 208 SSOtb St. , Omaha , Neb.
ur. nj
"I71O11 SALKor trndo-Kxtrn fine team with
JL bnrnoas and carriage. Will cxcbungo for
mortgngo notes or good inside property and
jmv difference. S. S. Camptioll and G. W.
liorrey , 310 Chamber of Commerce. lt > 8
I71OH SALE-At great bargains.
J-1 1 lint top desk.
1 largo null map of city.
Severn ! olllce chairs.
1 horse , buggy and harness.
Will sell ntn tinrgaln and on time If desired.
F , Barrett , 817 S 15th. 8.1B
F Oft SALE-lco in car loU. Gilbert llros. ,
Council Illulfs. 78lioctS
I " Oil SALE At a sacrifice.
J' Nine thousand dollars worth of
MlRcell iiioous Hooks , which I dojlro to close
out previous to my early removal to east Blilo
of 16th st , north of Nicholas st , where I will
carry the largest variety of buggies , phaotonB ,
carriages and wagons to DO found at any one
place In the city.
W. T. Seaman ,
Now at Farnam and 11th fts.
Agent for Studobakor. COTOct 20
FOR SALE Furniture of a six-room flat ,
ready for housekeeping , lease until July ,
ISSP.or lontror if deairod , rent J35. Address O
11 , Ileo olllco. 000 4 ]
POR RENT Horao Shoe Lake pleasure resort
und fishery with from 1 to COO acres of
blue grass pasture and cultivated land. David
Nonle , Fort Cnlhoun , Washington county , Neb.
409 6J
ONLY (8.50 per mouth , cottage and stable
for lease ; ! l rooms , hall , bay window , etc. ,
N. W. corner , t3tu and Davenport. 1'urroU &
WJllhimson , 1401 Douglas St. 389 5
FOH RENT 7-room house near 2Iat and
Ijeuvcnworih sts. In elegant repair , good
stable , oto. Kent f.5 per month. Inquire on
premises , 845 S 21st st. 377 6j
F OK RENT New , largo modern improved
houses. M. Elguttor. 1001 Farnam st.
"I71OR RENT s room house , corner 21st and
J- Grant (20 ; 9 room house 2 barns large yard
well and cistern , tco , part or all the furniture
for euli > ; 9 loom brick house ii block from P. O.
* 40 , furniture 1400. $100 cash bal.5 per mo.
Four room house rent $20 , furniture for sale ,
$275 ; n room house $3n , furniture * 450 , ' , ; cash ;
0 room flat $ Ji , furniture costing | U50 for sale
nt $300 ; 15 room brlok flat nnd restaurant $3,000 ,
H caah , restaurant will bo sold noparate from
Hat Several other places Centrally located too
numerous to mention , atao house * ° and lots In
all parts of the city. Co-operative Land It Lot
Co. . 305 N. 10th St. 8113
POR RENT Storeroom on 18th St. near St.
Mary's avo. Inquire42J& 18th st. 117
F I OR UKNT 9 room houio. 1218 Pare Wilde
Are. 339 6J
FOR HBNT-603 Colfax St. , 0 rooms
and bath $ MOO
3007 Jackson st , 7 rooms and bath 3101
1S03 Pork avo. , 8 rooms and bath DO 00
IftOU Park nve. , large new store-room 40 00
Corner Patrick aye. nnd 37lh rooms 2"i 00
Corner Ersklno st. and 27th St.,7 rooms. . 25 tw
! i510 Webster St. . new , 8 rooms 18 00
3 barns ne r Leavouworth and Park ave , S 00
I1' . L. Gregory , 320 S. 15th it.
FOR RENT Well nnnaed house. 9 rooms ,
bath room , hot and cold water , barn , etc. ,
furniture for sale , Including carpets , piano ,
parlor and bed room eots , itovei , range , etc , ,
&U 8 18th St. 1223 ]
FOR HUNT House and furniture for sale ,
one block from exposition building. House
full of roomers. Addreu O 3 , Hoe. 2.S77
FOR HE NT-8 room bouse , 829 B 2d.
289 8 ]
HliNT-Two flail for rent and furniture
for gale. Flats bring $81 ov r the. rent. Ad-
dresi O a > , U a. 878 3J
TpOU HUNT House 8 rooms In Ilantcom
E Place to a good party. B. 8. C mpbol ! and
G. W. Hervey , 311) a 10th Bt , Chamber Corn-
mo roe. 107
T7IOR HENT-Nloe 8-room house on N 17th st ,
-L with bath room , gli , etc. W , O.Bhriver ,
opp. P. O $57
OR HENT-Ten room brick house. 1781
Dodge. All modern improvements. 754
FOR RENT A small bouse on 17th it. one
block south of Vlnton. Hent $9 per month.
Fnqulro of 0 , Bright , at Jos Garneau'a cracker
Factory. SHD aj
R HENT A no'T n-room house , loutheast
cor. I'ltrce and Phil Btierldan. 408-6 *
TnOR RKNT-By Cahn * Woolly , IK3 Farnam
Jit. . House of fl rooms , n o oor Cd ! and
Uard its. , $30 per month.
Home of 8 rooms near Hanscom Park , all
modern conveniences , $10.
houses of 7 rooms each , hot and cold water
bath rooms , $ .tt.
House of 7 rooms n r lUuecoru Park , $30.
9 * )
FOR HKNT-Houiej tjholei * Crumb ,
room 1 , Darker block. 7-room houiu
corner of Dodge and 26th ti. , all modern con-
xcnlencea , rent $10 per month. A-room IIOIMO
DII Corby it near Bhermau ave ; new. Hent
| J5 per month , . SO 6
FOK HUNT 5 to 10 room houie * . Good loca-
tlou. US.Col ai8Blit . tia
FOH UKNT An 8 room Upuie and good barn
M nnd I/oavonwortn"J Inquire of 0.
Bpeoht. 6u8 a. 12th it. ' , ' 1 8 5
TjlOR RENT A now roslderijo ) of 12 rooms , S ,
J ? K. front , nil modern Improvements with
stable and carriage houseln Kountro Place ,
cor. : oth uud Welt Itrects. Inquire of C. Spcuht
6083 12th it. , , 187 ft
OR HENT-A largo Hnd'iwoll rtnUhed itoro
room , prefer a firm thnt-wlll handle rondy
ade clothing nnd gents furnishing goods ,
dre jV. . lCoawell. . OakdAla. Noli.V , 12
FOR RENT llouso 4 rooms cor llnrney and
21 pt sts. , $33 per mo , S , A. Slomnti , Holl-
miin block. O 368
FOH RENT Offlco pncvot 1533 Farnam st
and furniture for eale-uiA. II. Comitook ,
523 Farnam st , 782
FOR RBNT Nicely f urnlsttbd house , 0 rooms ,
yhInn's 2nd add. lii'iulre 1319 a. 10th st ,
near Hickory. 15
HENT Nnw 8-room houio , nil modern
JP Improvements , on Georgia avo. U. U. Paterson -
' orson , cor 15th and Hnrnoy. 397
FOR HEN1 Commercial house at DavM
Oity , Neb. AddraH Henry Will , Rising
Cltr.Neb. fWi Oct OJ
FOH HKNT-Rooms-VorT dcHrnblo fur
nished rooms for three or four gentlemen ;
all conveniences ou same lloor. Apply at 1713
Capitol avo. 3634 *
TTIOR RRNT Furnished rooms , three blocks
-C from lloyd's Oiwra house. 507 S. 16th st
35ft 3p
FOR RENT Newly furniihed front room ;
niQals second door. 262. ! Ouralngst. 3J3 8
FOR UKNT-Well lighted basement , com
prising 2UO ) siiuaro feet of flooring ; water
nnd gas : In an excellent business locality. Ad
dress a 7 , Uee ofllce. 313 8
FOR REST Houdonf 6 rooml and furniture
for sale , Inquire 6 I N 21st st 245 I4J
F'Olt HKNT-Furnlshcd rooms with boird ,
1U03 Fnrnaui. 307opfiJ
FOR RENT Nicely fuinlshol front room In
nice cottage , suitable for two gents , In
private family , $10 per month , 403 Williams st ,
8 mlntitoa wale southeast D. P.dopot U35
FOR HENT A nlco room for one gentleman ,
gas , bath , hot and cold water , furnace
lieat , 1709 Dodge st 959 4
FOH RCNT-In now house , largo front room
with bay window , suitable tor 3 or 4 pen-
tletnon and one for light housekeeping. Ref
erence required. 417 S. 19th st. 3.M 3j
FOR RBNT 1 largo unfurnished front room ,
modern conveniences , references re
quired. At 2516 Douglas Bt- 313 3j
FOIl RENT 4 nice rooms In n Hat with all
modern conveniences on the n w corner of
17th and Webster , Apply to M. F. Martin , 316
315th at , 327
TT'OH RENT 3 or 6 nlco unfurnished rooms
F suitable for housekeeping. 703H Pacific nf
FOR RBNT-3 unfurnished rooms , 1037 N 20th
atrcot 327
FOR RENT Suit of furnlsbod room ! without
board to gentleman and wife , 2115 Califor
nia Bt.- 301 3
FOR RENT-1'urnlshod room , 2506 Franklin
St. ; t07111
OR HKNT Nicely furnished room suitable
for3 gentlemen , inquire2611 St Marys ave.
TTIOR RBNT Furnished rooms 181(1 ( Dodge.
969 oct 9
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room for
single gentleman , gas , bath and flro $15
per mouth , 1005 Dodge street. 291 aj
FOR RKNT-Furnlshed front room with
board , suitable for throe , 1724 Douglas st.
274 3J
FOR RBNT Newly furnished front room
suitable for two gentlemen. Ill S 18th.
FOR RENT Largo f ronl teem suitable for 2.
Inquire 806 8 22nd. < 2911 3j
FOH RBNT Aa elegantly furnlshod largo
alcove front room , now-ftouso , all modern
Improvements , with free Mnt and gas , two
blocks from poatofflco , 1707 Dodge st. 602
T71OH RBNT Furnlsned rooms. 1U13 Farnam
J-1 at. 1 12J4J
F'OR KENT A nlco room for two , $10 , with
or without board. 812 S 32d st. 203 7j
TiiiOlfTlENT FurnUhed rooms at JD2J N 27th
J-1 et 2J1 3J
J71OR KENT furnished room. 2027 Farnam.
19 ! ) 5
T71OR RENT Furnished rooms , 220'J Dodge ,
2S3 5j
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room , hot and
cold water bathroom. 618 South 17th.
FOR KENT Unfurnished porlor,1921 Chicago
FOR RENT -Olllco spnceg on ground lloor ,
one front window. Enquire at 1509 Barnaul
st , of J. S. Richardson. VJ'J oca
blOR HENT Furnished room with or with
out board , 2442 Capitol avenue. 2J6 6j
FOR RENT Largo furnlshod roomfor2or3
gents. 1178 17th. 110 5j
FOR RENT-Nlcoly furnished parlor with
heat , fJj. Small room , $10. lO-'l Frtrnam
st. 727 3
FOR RBNT Nicely furnished rooms 3iO N.
15th st. 3J,1j )
FOR RENT Largo front room suitable for 2
gentlemen , modern conveniences , 010 N.
17th st , 240
FOR RENT Klec-nntly furnished room on
first floor , with modern Improvements ,
1917 Cass. 685
FOR RENT One nicely furnished front
room with grate , In private family ; $12.00
per nonth. 1119 North 17tb It 3t > 7-3 *
FOR RENT Handsome back pirlor and al
cove ; also other rooms , with or without
board. 305 South 24th st 366-3 *
T7IOR RENT One nlcolv. furnished front
J3 room with grate , In private family ; $ I2.0 (
per month. 1119 North 17tbst. 365-5 *
J'.ENT-A nlco furnished front room to
ono or two gentlemen. ' 3210 Farunm st.
3JO 4j
FOR HENT Rooms furnished for house
keeping. 810 N 16th St. 380 3J
FOH RENT A large furnished front room
onMi ave to one or two irentlemen. Hof
nionco exchanged : also an unfurnished front
parlor. Inquire O 44 , Hoe office. 379 3J
FOR HENT Two nicely ftirntBhod rooms
southeast corner 19th and Jackson.
3816 ]
IJIOR RBNT Unfurnished east front parlor ,
JP suitable for man and wife , with board , a
W. corner of Leavonworth and 31st streets.
384 6J
FOR REVT A largo furnished front parlor
and bed room with closet , in a nice oottugo
In prlvnto family. 11)13 ) Izard St. ; reference. 10-
quired. ! M8 JJ
FOR RENT Large sunny eouthon t fronl
room suitable for 2 or 3 gontlommi , board
In neighboihood. " 4."J larnam St. , s. e. oor.
395 l )
FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room
603 N 17th gt , bath nnd modern conven
iences , price- per month. $ U1. 394 4
FOP. RENT-Ploasnnt rooms , furnished ,
southwest corner 20th and Webster. 311
"C1OR RENT One large pleasant room , south
JL1 front , brick flat , suitable fur 3 or 4 gentle
men , 1416 Chicago st 248
TC10R HENT-Fronl room , 1623 Dodg .
-C \ 253
FOR RENT-Furnl bed ro < < in Grounlg blk ,
cor 13th and Dodge at ffiqulru of Goo. R.
Davis. Mlllard Hotel DilliardSom. 2JI
TJKR HENT-FurnHhod rolll Uncle or en-
E suite , with or without PM" ] , 1618 Dodge.
00 RENT-Buit of roomifiBUitable for2 of
4 gentlemen , 16.J3 DodgjpL ? 1B
I10R HENT-Nie iy f uraliKriooms , to gen-
tlf men only , 830 N. iStn K , Room B. 34
WANTED-Bltuatlon by young mun as clerk
In store or office ; rixperleuou und good
reference. Address O 48 , lUo. 31 > 1 6J
WANTED First-class stenographer nna
typewriter operator desires employment ,
T m > oars oxiwrienco ; can lurnish machine.
Address "G 38. " lieu office , 33Jh *
"tXTANrED-Kmnloyineiit for an experienced
TT dairyman. Inquire at 601 Pierce st , cor.
6tb and I'lerce. _ U74 6J
WANTED Situation ns grocery clerk or as
sistant barkeeper. Speaks KnvlUh and
Gorman. Address O 46 , lieu oitloe. 375 6J
WANTED KngHgomenti to lew In fumllo |
by dreismaker whoouU and nti. Ad-
dreis Jonnlo ( Jrovormunn , general delivery ,
city. 403 8
VVANTIiD-Sltuationi for 20 girls at houta-
TT work , our office is full nf nlco glris , coma
and get one. .Mrs. llrega &bou' Canadian
ofilc * 311 S 15th , t L tOL UV 7J
TVANTED Situation for man and his sifter ,
man Is first-elms hotel rook , womnti onn
lo any kind of hotel work , ( no oitlco feet Ca
nadian Kran. omcc.Mri , Hipgn& onil6H : 15th.
TcJ SSI. 4tti-3
W ANTKD Situation asoonohtnnn In private
family or would undertake the breaking
of young horses to rldo or drive ; clipping and
Ingoing done. Address 0 , 49 Ileo. ITU 4j
WANTHD-A situation by a competent
druggist , 12 yearsoxoorlonco , 5 In western
redo. Graduate P. O. P. Unexceptional rot-
orences. Address U 3Ueo olllco. 3.5 4J
\\"ANTKD-Posltlnn by n young man with six
' ' ycnrs oTporlenco as bookkeeper and oor-
espontlent. Speaks and writes four languages.
Rest reference ! . Address G 34 , Uee oflieo.
334 7 *
WANTED-HouspKoopers , situation or anv
work suitable for n middle iiKOd. practical
iromnn , with good reference Addrets Western
Employment agency , 1612 Farnam st 2D7
\\7ANTr.D-Sltuntlon by a first rlas * jeweler
' imil diamond setter , general workman.
Address O 38 lice ofllce. 261 4J
STORAGE Furniture , boxed goods , &
- terms reasonable , 714 Pacific. 2J3
LIBT your houses for rent with II. E. Cole ,
3169. 16th.
A few more Iota left at $150 ; easy terms.
Money in this. Investigate. H. M. Cole , ilia 8.
15th , 854
FOR SALE-Lot 45tlurr } , $500 cash ,
balance 3 years.
Lot 8J , block 8 , Hanscom Place , $3,600 , K
I/ot 1Cblock 17 , Hanscom Place , $3VW.
Lot 6. block 5 , ,1. L Rodlck'SSllb , $7,100.
Lot 10 and south 25 foot lot 9 , block 6 , J. I.
Rodtok'ssub. . $9,000.
Lot 10 , block 8 , Hillside add. No. 1 , $3,800 ,
$1,100 cash , balance 3 years.
Lots , block 7 , Hillside add. No. 1 , $3,500 ,
$1,000cash , balnnce3 years.
I/ot 4 , block 212) ) { , city , $ : i.OOO. rents $176 per
Lot 3 , block S13i ! , olty , $10,000 , rents | 120 per
Lot 3 , block 2(2J4 ( , city , $20,000 , rents $40 per
Lot 6 , block 173 , city , $30,0)0 , rents $80 per
Lot 6 , block 76 , city , $ .10.009 , rents $97.50 per
Lot 3 , block 71 , city , $19,009.
Lot 1 , block IS ) , city , 1 1,000. roilt3 $50 per
Lot 6 , block 71 , city , $20,000 , rents $100 per
Lots land 2. Windsor place extension with
fine hoU30p.$16,000ono-tulrdoa3ti rents $185 per
Three lots , Sunysldo.r > 00 each.
Ittl ft on Cum ing st , by 150 ft on 8M Bt , $14,700
$5,000 cash.
5 lota In blk 8 , Orchard hill , $4.300. V cash
Lot 2 , Windsor Place xvlth $ ijOOJ improvements
monts , $50,0i)0.
Lot In Potter it Cobbs addition , South Omaha
from $375 up.
Acre property nonr South Omnha from $300
to $ .100 per acre , or will trade tor insldo prop
erty. Potter & Cobb , 1601 Farnam stHoard of
Trade Rulldlng. 302 3
< NAP C0xl50 one half block from posloulcn
In South Omnha for $4,500witli r..OOf ) rasher
or $4,200 with $1.000 cash , F. L. Gregory. 320 S.
Ifith st 272
rpHOMPSON-Rcal Estate , 314 South 15th
JL street.
: w feoton Farnam fit , per foot $ 225 00
6DfeotonSaundcisnenrUraco 5ri03 00
Trackage lot 18 etrcot and U. P. R. R.
for sale or lease Cheap
4-room house and ' ,4 lot on S. 17th St. . . . 1,70000
Corner on S'Jtb ' near Viuton st 1.10000
' 1ST your property for gain with Charles C.
I SpotsiTOOd , 303Vi Slflthst. 612
LOOK at this for cheap aero property , ton
acres , lot U , Forbes * sub. , excellent soil
for gardening , now under full crop. $5,009.
Omaha Real Estate 3t Trust Co. , 1501 tnrnam
st 234 3
LIST your house for ronl with H. E. Cole
J16S. 15th.
A few more lots loft nt $150 ; easy terms.
Money In this. Investigate. H. K. Colc,3lR S.
15th. 354
SNAP Elegant east front lot In Arcade
place , on 33th st between Loavonworth
and poor farm. $2UOD. F. L. Gregory , ! I20 S.
1Mb st 372
LIST your nouses lor rent with II. E. Cole ,
ams. pub.
A low more lots loft nt $ lr > 0 : ensvtorms ,
Money In this. Investigate. H. E. Cole , 310 ri
15th ! ! 54
FA UN AM street 50xlH7 feet nt Ittrd st. , f ,000 ,
this 1 the best bnrpnln on the street. No-
tlcothoBl/ this lot. Omaha Real Estate &
Trust Co. , 1504 Farnam st. 2'ig 3
LIST your property with 8. B. Cnmpboll nnd
G. W. Horvy , 310 Chamber of Commerce
special attention yivon to the exchange of all
kinds property , improved and unimproved
city property , farms , horses , cattle , stocks of
goods , etc. KM
T7l P. WINGER , 119 N. 15th st.
$ 8,000 Shlnn's 1st , 03120 , house , 10 rooms ,
will exchange for lots in IvOiint/oTlneo.
9.500-4 lots on Saundersst , opposite KounUe
Place ; worth S11.VW.
13,090Blxl40 , dounlo house , 8 rooms each ,
bathroom , city water , etc. , rents for
$100 per month , $1,000 cash , $ oOOU In
other propoity , $5,000 on time.
5,000- lots , house 6 rooms , barn , etc , Shlnn's
1st mid. Lots alonu would bo cheap at
the prlco asked.
18riOO 2 modern houses , 7 nnd 12 rooms each ,
72x140 , near 23d. routs for $150 per
25.003-011x120 , buildings cost $8,000 and cover
nearly all the ground , will rent tor
$150 per month. $5.000 cash , $8OOU
other property , balance 1 and " years.
$2,000,000 worth of property in all partrtof the
city. If you want to buy or soil see R F.
Rlnser , It'J N. 15th st. 81U
T ISTyoi'r property with S. 8. Campbell nnd
t-t G. W. Hervy If you want to soil or ex
change. 310 Chamber of Com moroo. 807
FOR SALE An east f cent in sub dlv
of Jno I. RedleW'g add , 7 rooms. Lot 48x140 ,
city water In yard , good Inwn , shrubbery , coal
house , cess pool.oemontod collar , bcautful lit
tle cottage home within ona block of 5-mlnntH
Mreet car service. Ground worth whnt Is asked
for property. Price JrWO'i,400cash ( and assume"
mortgage. This prlco iroo 1 only till Oct. 15th ,
Evans & Hlnckburn , 1510 Dodgo. 115 4
/1LAHKSON i IIEATTV'S special bargains ;
V > Klno building site In Highland PlAco. corner ,
140x155 , only $9,000 , same block with Rogers &
Wlthnell. Two line blocks In Ooyd's addition ,
J 1.000 each below valuo. Hero is a snap for
some one. Pinning mill will bo In operation
soon with W men and 2S * homes could bo routed
or sold them at once. The low price wo hnvo
is only good for a short time. Call and get
prlcos and terms.
Lake st , 121 ft , corner , only $3,000 , $1,000 cash ,
bal nosy.
So. 10th Bt. . 50x150 , beautiful lot with shade
nnd n good cottage , only $4,500 , $1,250 cn h ,
b l very easy. The ground alone Is worth tno
We nave a laigo list of Improved roildonce
property from 11WO to $15.0.30 , and some on
very cany payments. Clarkson & Hoaty , 219
SHtliBt BiH J
FOR SALE Fine improved farm of 810 acres
In Gasper Co , Nob. , nil under fonno.good
house , and nil out building , price f 4/iOC. Address -
dross J. H. Shaw , unx 528,0'lty. 301 o2 |
MARSHALL Ic Loheck-Chamhor of Com
merce , 10th and Farnntn , offer the follow
ing special bargains :
Next to eorm > r2Uth and Lake , $7,000.
Lot 19 , ft aoroa. Spring Vulloy , tM ) per acre ,
$1,000 cash , balance to suit ,
20 nnd 31 , block 9 , Mnyno's addition , $000
Corner 1(1 ( th and Madison nvonue , Washing
ton Square , lot 3 , $4WO. M caah.
Corner lots In Lobock's subdivision , $ J50 , 10
per cent cash , balance to iult 986
TpOH SALE -131x100 ft cor Howard and : nth
J ? its , next block to Easson. llrady & Mar
tins houses , $7,500. Address KBJ Ileo o nice.
CTOHSALKttlxljj ft on R U track on Nloho-
- * las and 11th with ware house : : < ) xRft3 )
storl , | > Ho $14,000. Address Shaw fc Field ,
box 62s , Omaha. 303 olJ -
LIBTrourproperty with H , K.Colo , 18 8.
15tll. room 1. 409
Oil Tit ADr.-Houso nnd Iot5 blocks Kountzo
4th add , house will rent at $25 a month ;
no encumbrance , will tniuo fora vacant lot or
hall lot In llnnieoin pinto or thereabout to coat
from $2,000 to $2VX ) and will take mortgngoon
property for the balance. Charles 0. Spots-
wood , W 8 .
FOR BALE Bargains In lots In Plnlnvlew
and Klrkwood add , their owner innM Imvo
money for Improvln-r property close by. No
commissions. Address 0 Hooolllco.
Ml 3J _
FOR SALE-Lot In Cloxerdnle , south front ,
short distance from Ilunson and licit lines ;
fine cottage within three I'oors ; owner needs
money. Address "O , 4t , " lloo olllco. 301-6
rilO KXCllANOK-IViutty in. 4 , and 10 loom
J. houjcn and lots for paid up loti. H. U ,
Cole. 316 H 16th. 410 S 16th at , buys and soils ronl
-L eiUto , loans money , purobatai securities ,
has a good Hit of property for snlo and Wnnt
more. Notary puhllu. 8" > 4
IlBf your luonorty xxlth II. E. Cole , Hid S.
J 16tli , room L fj'J '
C A. 8LOMAN , Real omto.lSH Pnrnamst.
C > , Farnam It between Twentieth and
Twenty-third , 118x112 , per fnot. . . < . . . . $ 4-W
: arnumst corner Tlilrty-nrst 136x1,12 ,
per foot . . . . IV )
'nrnnm st near pavement , 47111 . 4.IM
'nrnaui st , near pavement , Wit 1. 13 . . . . . 8iiU :
'nrnamst. corner Forty-third , 44x133. . . ! l,500
'arnam Bt , rornor Nluotceiith , tin-
proxed , 3x132 . . . . . . . . . . . I'O.OuO
rarni > m t. between Nlnrteonth and
Twentieth , Improved , 77x1 U . 40,030
'arnam at near Eleventh , 20x13. , rents
for 11,500 . J,010
'arnam st. near Twonty-Sovontli , 80x1.12
per foot . 300
larnevst near Twentieth , Improved
174J167 . . . . 60,000
Urner st , near Twenty-third , Improved ,
larney st , near Fifteenth , Improved 3Jx
IJ2 . . . . 15.00) )
Sixteenth St. near Nloho'.ai , oo > 4xl02 . 12,000
Sixteenth st. south of viaduct , 40xlOJ. . . . & .HUU
> ouitlas st mist ofTwi-nty-tlilnl , RtsliU. . 9,000
rwontlt-th st , nonrSt. Mark's axe , im-
provod.40x20 ! . 8,000
Vontlcth st , between Douglas and
Dodge , ImproMta , ! LJx6 . . . . . . . . . . . 8nx )
launders st , corner Hurt , ICOx'il . 7..SOO
Alice st , near Varnam , east front 4xl.Q. 1.8J3
Fifteenth st , corner Jones , linpmvod , do
XI33 . . . . . 1M.OOO
fourteenth st , co rncr Jackson , Improved ,
MxlIU . 30,000
fourteenth stcornerChlcagolinprovcd ,
fwcirth st. corner Jones , Improved , 66x
133 . . . . . . : . 2fi.OOO.
ilevonth st , corner Nicholas , traokagn.
tWxISJ . 0,000
rhlrtoenth st , Paddock plnco , trackage ,
OUxllS . . . 8,500
Thirteenth st , corner California , Improved -
proved , rents II.P01 . 35,000
'ark vo. op | > oslto Park , 60tlfiO . 2,000
Juvcnport st , opposite High school.
flnn modern fourteen-room house 60
X13J . 16.000
Cass St. , boiwoon Nineteenth nnd Twen
tieth , twqlro-room modern hnusa , fl6x
138 . . . 15,000
Nicholas St. . corner Twenty-second ,
trackage , 13\11J. Improved . . . . . . CO.OOO
Jharlrs St. , near St. Mary's , Impiovod.M
X128 . . . ' . . . . . . . . ! . . . . 6,400
Cnlpy stncar Crelghton collego.raoilern
ton-toom houso,3Jxl42 . 0'iV )
'leree Bt. , near Twentieth. OOxl W , fronts
two Btroots.lmnrovod . . . . . 650 !
todire st , nonr Twenty-sixth , 33x132 , im
proved . n.O'iO '
Twenty-second st , near Grace. 6Axl20. . . 3.0UO
West Omaha , In bon ton locality , 40 or 63
Z168 , per foot . 75
Twenty-first , corner Vlnton , MX 100 . 1,530
Castollurst. uoxt lornor Eighth , Ol'Jx
* , li ) Uu
" ! * * * * * * ( * > * * * * * '
Thirty third st , corner Dolnxvaro.Ilans-
ooinPlAOO 100x100 . 6.400
' envonworthst. near Sixteenth , 28x' < 3. . 6,000
Webster nt. , no.irTwonty eighth , 50tl50 ,
ongradn . l > i
In addition to the above I have lots In all
cholco additions at low llituroj. 7J9
OUR VljACE 75 rosJdeneo lots situated
from one to five blocks south of the South
Omnhn brewery. Prices from $350 to $600.
One-third cash , balance on easy terms ntSper
cent interest J. J. O'Rourkc , solo owner.
owner.73folj )
LIST your property with H. B. Cole , 316 S.
15th. room 1. 409
LOOK this over lor bnrgnlns.
Lot & , block 19 , West End on Farnam
Bt , 63x187 feet . $6,000
95x133 feet south nnd east corner on Far
nam ) . 8,000
2'itooton rarniun St. , near Twentieth. . . . 8,7W )
Lot in , Kli/nbc'lh Place , oiiTnontlatb at ,
60x140 foot , with house . 4,000
Liot 4 , block 7 , Kllby Plaie.oast
llfthcnsh . 1,100
Lot 17 , block 2Hlmobaugh'saddone ucro
wlthtmiun . 1,503
Lot II , Washington Square , south front ,
this ! s 11 bargain , only . 2,500
60x146 on Dodge St. , near high school ,
with 13 room house . 12,800
Hits Is the cheapest Improved property on
this atrect
One south front lot with house on Spruce
st , near Twentieth . $ 3,750
Lot 1 , olock T , Kllby Place , corner on
Dax-cnport st .only onc-nfth cn h . . . . lSOt )
llotln Catnlpa Plnco . 1/MO
Lotll , Washington Square . II.OOO
Lot IB. Washington square . 3,750
Corner on Walnut nvo and Eureka st , In
S and H. addition to Walnut Hill , one-
nniioiish . UWO
Lot 2 , block It , hoUEO and barn , lenuo k
Boldcn . 3,500
Lot 4 , block L , Shlnn's second , with six
room house . 3r > 00
Lot 4 , Yates A. Reod'p , Blv room house . . 2,200
Lot 1 , block 'IS , city , with olght houocs.tho
best tinckaito lot in city . 21,000
Lot 2 , Sunnyslilu , corner , umlgood bcvcii
room houso. . . . 6r > 00
Lot A , block 14 , Omclin Vloxv , and four
loom house . 1,000
South 4(1 ( foot of lots Stand 4 , block 12clty ,
suven room house on Nineteenth st . 7,000
icntlngi'JU per month . 10.00)
LotJI , Hoes puieo , sovou room house . . . 7UOO
Lots 4 nnd 5 , hlock 16 , Ambler | iluco > , line
Seven loom house and iinDnixemcuts 3,503
Lots 17 nnd 18. block V , Amlilor pliieo ,
good house , eight rooms und Improve
ments . r , r > 00
Lot 8 block 'I , Schull'B second . 2.HOO
Lotsl and 2 block 14 , Jeromu p irk oor. 8OjO
Lot 3 IIIOCK 181 , city truckage. Sixth and
Jackson . 10,000
Lots fl and 7 , Allen's sub of Itugan'a . il,5 < 0
Lot 26 block J. Mnyno Place . 2,103
Lot8 south front. Hodlck's Grove . 30i )
Lots 12 , 13 Hinl H , south front , Piipploton
piirK , ouch . 1,500
Lot 44 , Windsor place extension . 1.SVO
Lot 5 blcuk 2 , Crnston . MO )
Lit 20 block 2 I , Wilcox's second . 2,200
Lot 5 blocK 5,1'ottcr .V Cobb'B sub of Park
Place . 1.700
Lot 10 , Diixenport'rt subdiv . l.HOO
Lot 10 hlock 1 , Amos' 1'laOo . 1,000
Lots 5 nnd 6 , block 11 , Shlnn'4 mid , cor.
12tlxl27 , griind opportunity for blouk of
flats. . . . 10,000
IfflxlK ft south front on Harnoy st , in
West End , graded ami soddod , for . . Id , 100
50x107 foot near Tnontloth at ou Hnr
ueyst . 13,000
Lot .Iblock5 , HiiMthonio . l OO
Lot 5 hlotk 1 , Paddock plaio . 4OUO
Lots 5 anil 6 Mock 4 I'addock place on
Sherman live , per front loot . 175
Lots In blocks 121 nud 22 Cnrtuugo , each. . . 850
i ot 15 block I. Clarendon . 1.7M )
Ixt 25 hlk I , HodickH park . 1.000
8J'xl25 ' , Cro-ooul pant . 6,300
Lots2and3blk3Hillsido No 1 . nr > 00
Lot 4 block 4 , ICukwood . : 1,7V )
Lots 1.2 and ! 1 block 1. A. S. Patricks add
with house nnd barn . 10,090
Lots : i , 4 , 5 , and 0 block H , Isabella add ,
trackage . 9.000
Lot 11 blook2 , Fosters aM. per front foot 100
S M lots 10 and 11 blook 3 , Denlso add BOX
100 , corner per front foot . 100
Lni : > blouk ! ! east trout on Saunders st
In Pntrlckm'd add.por from foot . 100
I acre Pane plnco , lot 6 block 1 botxveon
Wobsloraud Hurt four houses . 8,900
10 acre lot 11 Forbes' subdlv finest gar
den soil now under lull crop . 6,000
H-ncio lot , 13il foot front , Twenty-eighth
andCumlnirsts . 14,000
5-nprolot , llyda Park . 5,000
Lot In. I. B. HIIoy'BBiib , $1,400 to . l.liOO
Lots In Prtiyn Park . 600
Lots In firnmmoroy Pink , $70' ' ) to . ftio
Lots In Palrmoiint Plage , SHIO to . 1,8)0 )
Lotsin Mjors.lllnlianls STIlden's.JWO to : ,0 )
IxitHin Hrltrgs Place , $1.6,0 ( to . > . , 3,100
Lotsin Kount/o Place. $ J.200to . 4'iOa
Lots In Himsoom Park add . MO
Lot nnd U-room house , OOK Chntliniu. . . . 3,009
Lot and house. Kount/o 4th ndd . 3.10) )
Lot und house , Oonookon's ndd . 1,5 W
LOIR In Highland Park , one-tenth cash ,
$210 to . 350
Lots In Omaha Heights , one-fifth cash ,
$390 t ( . . 675
Lots In Mt Pleasant. $ IWto . 700
LotslnCntnlna Pluoo. * l. Kto . l. OO
Lots in " , & H. add to Walnut Hill. $4W fo I , TOO
'Die alKjvo are hut a few of the ninny choice
lots that we have for sale. List your property
with us und have it sold.
Omaha Real I'Mnto & Trust Co. ,
P. C. Ilitnclmugh , President ,
Alvln Saundora , Secretary and Treasurer ,
U.01 ynrnnin gt. gJH .1
_ _
DODGE street , Iilxl40 ! feet near the high
buhool , tills Is tbo cheiip-jrtt properly on
thihstieot Omaha Heul Extnto i. Trust Co. ,
1HH rnrnum st " 'J8 3
rpo EXOHANOn Some money nnd oholoo
-I-land for first class Inilfl"
- - , Improved proji-
cviy. H. i : . Colo.iius : nth 411
FOlt SALK At a bargain , lot In Bhmn's 3d
ndd , now R-rooin house , 3 clonots , pantry ,
good cellar , cistern. Will sell furniture if pur
chaser desires it. Prlco , $3,200. $1,01)0 cash ;
baliuico In llyeurs. Call or nddross R ( > ,2913
Chnrlos st , 16J 4 *
I m pro \ eel.
fl room house and lot an Corby street , $ V > 00 ,
$600 cuth
n room house , and lot Mxl33 on S 10th street ,
$1.001) ) , f VO < ) cash.
8room IIOUHO. and lotMxl..J , Hnnsooiu place ,
$5,750 , M.OIIU rash.
8 room huUBO , and lot , Idlowlldi99 ( , $3,009
7 room house ) , and lot Sflth nonr Cumlng ,
$1,000 , $1,501 oanli.
etixlcKlmproxod on Farnam , $10,009 , K cash.
80xn ) , Patrick's 2ndvti3Cth street , < I,000easy
Ix3t.riRtihof tat lot .1 , city trntkairo , tl.COO ,
$ WJ tn h.
Lot 60x111 on fiuui'leifl strool between Clurk
nnd finice. J'l.ftXI , .1U ( ) cash.
Lot 8H foot fronton inth , corner Graoot7rX)9 ) ,
l { cn'h.
Ix > t'i'lxii' ' ; ! . Summit Place , $ lMr ) , $1,91) ) onsh.
Lot 3HHxl2" ) , corner on I'lirnuin aticut , $ 3
a font , 'i oti'h.
Lots In iloirord Ptaoo , lloyd's ndd , . Orchard
Hill , Wnlnut lllll , Weatsldo , Klrkwood , nud ul
over the city.
Acres for I'lMtlnar.
1'i'i aero 4 mllo4 from p > 9toiloa ) ,
lu ii"res3 miles from poitnlllca.
5nuro , l mlliH from po.ito'Ihe
( lucres3m lus from postulllce.
5 noros in Nnwpnrt
2aorcsln Unlvodero.
llrownft Crel/ cornur lOtlinn'l Dou < ;
ios. Uoo l
8ALl-I t.1lnblk 9. Shlnn'A 1st add , I
goo , ! six oomsjil house , cittern nnd barn ,
nno shariotrco * , , $1,000 caih , bnlnnce M
per month , Honawa A Co. , 15th st , onti Pa
140 3
SNAP One of thoio elegant corners 75x127K ,
O on Cnarlos t with 4 room house nnd barn
or $2.liOO.easy terms or U.OOO nil ciuh.K.UOrer
) ry , 'AJO S 161 h Bt 273
moil SAt.i : At a gnorincn , lots 3 nnd R , blk
-L1 14 , Albright' * annex. Lot 8 in Poilmm Plnee ,
shnro L < iwo Axeiiuo Terrace llulldln nssoclv
loiiBtotk. F. lliirrott , with Holln A Ttiniup-
son. 317 S - .
stroot-ologant south front
resident o near 3 ird st. olex en room house
ill modern Improvements nnd good barn built
> y theiiwncrnnd In tlrst-elaso cimilltlon , $17. .
oJ. xery easy terms. Omaha Ronl I''tulo \
Trust Co , 1W4 Fnrnnin st 2JS ! l
' /OH SALK Elegant 10 room house , all mod-
1' uin convouleneesonly $000 cash required.
I. fl.Colo. aiRMltb. 812
FOIl SALH finest location for n home In
West Oinnhn , adjoining the mansion
mines of Klrkondall.Coe , llrady , Eagson and
) thors , Nothing flnnr In the city. Can sell
6.1x187 or IPS * ; tor prices and terms sou 9. A.
iiom.ui. 1U011'arnam st TiW
'roposils for the Construction of ( he Super
structure of the City Hall Building ,
EALED Proposals will be rocolvnd by the
undoratgnod until 1:30o'clock : p. m. October
th , 1887 , for the construction ot sitperstruo-
uro of the city hall building , In accordnnc *
with the plans and specifications on file In the
olllco of the Hoard of Public Worn * .
lllds will bo mmlo on printed blanks fur
nished by the board , nnd to bo nccomnanleil
with a eortltlod check In the sum of $1,100 , al
an evidence of good faith.
The Itojiird reserves the right to toject any
cr nil bids nud lo walvo defects.
Chnlnnnn Hoard of Public Work * .
Omaha , Nob. .Sept 5th 1W7. s5Jltnwu
Running Between Council IllutTs anil South
Onmnft. In addition to the stations mentioned ,
trains stop at Twentieth Bint Twenty-fourth
streets , and at the Summit m Omaha.
0 1O Forth l 7Wi Street ,
Paid in Capital , . . . . $100,000
GF.O. E. TIARKBR , I'refMont
KOltT. L. UARL1CHS , Vloo-Proildont
F. U JOHNSONCushlo * .
B\Mtiri.It.JoiiN80v , Gcu. E. IURKBII ,
A general banking business transacted.
Interest allowed on Imednun
Cor ltu ! ) ami
Capital Stook . $180OOO
Liability of Stockholders . 3OO.OOO
The only regular uuvlnirg b mk in the state. Flvt
pur cunt InturoBt pa.U ou duuottt * .
Loans Made on Real ttato.
UtivC. nAKTOM , 1'ieslilont : J. J. Dlinwx. Vc (
Praslilent ; kaM. IlKNSKTr , MauitKinr Di
rector ; JOHN E. WiMiUH , Cashlor.
Under the Manngomcnt of
Attention given to general practice and iur-
gory Alsotri-ut chronlo nnd private diseased.
OH1CK AMU lllKI'K.NrtMIV H. W , CXIKNKlt lllll
AMI IHIIK1I ! tilllF.liTR ,
Oflloo Always Upon. Consultation Free.
Funeral Director & Embalinci1.
HI NorlhlOtliStrccU