Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 04, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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2 > Urercd toy carrier in 107 part of the cttr i
twenty ccnU per weot
im Orncc. No. 13.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Roller , tailor. Fall goods cheap.
The Western Iowa college opened Its
evening department last night.
Ladies , see combined writing desk and
lowing machine. Domestic olliee , 105
Main street.
hdmonson & Hart are having their
oflice on Main street re floored nnd llxed
up generally.
It is stated that the Union Pacilio
wagon bridge will bo open to travel In
another fortnight.
A marrlago license was issued yester
day to James Leonard and Mary K
Thomas , both of this city.
The dirt tramway for grading thu
streets will soon bo in active operation ,
the rails being already on the ground.
For the past day br two every other
man on the street has been a collector.
Fortunate Indeed was the man who
could go n block without having thrco or
four little reminders shoved under his
The fixtures of the St. Louis house
Baleen were sold yesterday to satisfy thu
claims of Mr. Neuniayer. who held a
mortgage on the same. Adolph Doer-
flingor , the proprietor , is nt present In
Tne eleventh annual Sunday school
convention of this county is to be held in
the Presbyterian church , \Valnut , com
mencing to-morrow. It is desired that
every school in the county should have a
representative present.
judge Aylcsworth has commenced n
suit against the city to force the payment
of warrants received by him for his
salary , nnd which amounts to $1,600 ,
with interest. Marshall Guanulla has
commenced a like suit , his claim being
Thi ) committee in charge of the meet
ing Tuesday evening , Oct. 4 , at the Pres
byterian church , anticipate a surprise to
the audience In addition to the interest
that all have in the furtherance of the
proposed ehautuumia assembly. Come
nnd bring your friends nnd all do your
part and success is assured.
Judge Deomor presided yesterday in
the district court , which now holds its
sessions in the superior court room in
order to accommodate the United Slates
court , which meets in the Masonic tern-
plo. There wore some small civil cases
heard yesterday. The trial of criminal
cases will begin next Monday.
The hearing In the case of John T.
Stewart against the telephone company
to make his injunction secured four
years ago permanent , was had last even-
In c before Judge Doomcr , who took it
tinder advisement. There were a num
ber of the telephone ollicl.ils from
Omaha present , and the Doinls in con
troversy were hotly argued by able at
At this term of the district court two
frail women , Anna Wood and Martha
Btonestri'etv\vorc tried for being inmates
of the notorious nouso run by thu colored
"Texas , " who with his wife were sen
tenced to the penitentiary as the keepers.
These two women were also found guilty ,
bill their sentence had not been pro
nounced. A motion was filed in arrest
of judgment , and the point raised was
that they should not have been jointly in
dicted , their oflcnscs being separate and
entirely distinct. It seemed that this
point was so well taken that rather than
contest it an arrangement was made by
which the two women were released from
jail on their own recognizance. This
practically sot them free , and they will
doubtless improve the opportunity to put
distance between themselves and the
J. W. nnd E. L. Squire loud money.
List your property with Cooper &
Judson , Mo. 120 Main st.
Money to loan. Cooper & Jndson.
Dr. J. T. Van Noss. physician nnd sur
geon , oflico room 8 , Opera House block ,
will attend professional calls day or
night. Residence corner Eighth avenue
nnd Fifteenth street.
Pornonal i'arftirni > lis.
Mrs. Judge James left tor Chicago yes
Dr. Cook loaves for Sioux ; City tins
M. F , Uohrcr loft for Avalon , Mo. , yes
terday afternoon , to join his family , who
are there visiting.
J. S. lilanohard , Pat Lacy and Mrs.
Lewis Hummer were among the number
who left for St. Louis yesterday.
Mrs. J. C. Mitchell and son Harry loft
last night , ever the Milwaukee , for a
week's visit with her brother at Marion ,
Mrs. J. Chase , of Weeping Water ,
Neb. , arrived in this city Sunday morn
ing for n few days' visit with her parents ,
Squire and Mrs. Uaruett , on South First
D. Hoist , of the Kiel hotel , wont to
Omaha yesterday for the first time in two
years. Superintendent Carter , of the
county court house , served as guide. The
opening of the now board of trade build
ing was the drawing attraction.
Undo Hilly Garner , as ho is familiarly
known , wns in the city yesterday. Ho is
ouo of the pioneers of this county nnd
his many friends are glad to know that
In his dix years wrestle with the rheuma
tism ho appears to bo now gaining the
victory. Ho has boon an inlcnso
u lie re r.
T. H. Knotts , a Council Bluffs boy , has
returned from the mines in Moxlco in
which his fattier , Ituv. Joseph Knotts.
Is so largely interested , nnd has settled
down in Des Moincs where ho has pur
chased a controlling interest in the Iowa
Printing company which succeeds Mills
& Co. Ho spent Sunday in tins city with
bis old fnonds.
Among yesterday's anlvnls at the
Ogden lionsd woru : 11. W. Porrigo and
E. C. Tulluy , Kansas City J. S. Wood ,
Jlurlinglon ; L. A. Garner. Des Moincs ,
ml J. A. Hulbort , Fontanollo. At thu
Veohtolo : Charles Larson , Malvorn , and
John P. Organ , Neola. At the Pacilio
house : O. Himobaugh , Dos Moincs ; M.
J. Collins , PiUrtburg : C. F. Throofc. Chicago -
cage ; W. L. liauglm a ml W : J. IXivis ,
Grand Excursion to Chicago.
For the Hound Trip.
On October 4 , 7 and 10 the Chicago ,
Rock Island & Pacilio Hallway will soil
tickets from Council DluIVu to Chicago
and return , including admission to the
International Military Encampment , for
f 17.15 ; tickets good six days from data ol
calo. Two trains daily , running now ,
elegant Pullman Palace Sleeping and
Dining Cars. S. S. STEVENS , General
Agent. TicketoUlco&OTBroadway.
City Clerk' * llcootpti.
The monthly report of the city clerk's
oflico shows the receipts to have beer
f 904.80. Of this amount the marshal' !
ices wore $103 ; licenses. | 420.50 ; citj
criminal cases , { 313.23. The burial ant
building permit * were a tie f 10.00 re )
j- cewtd for ouch ,
Au Attorney Indicted For Sending Indecant
Lottera To His Divorced Wife ,
Money Ruined For a Wldow'g Keller
Bald To IlaVi ! Been Pocketed
Jly the HolinttorH City
Olllcer '
Undo Ham and Justice.
In the federal court the case of Poole
against the Union Pacific railway com *
pany will have to bo tried again , the
jury having failed to agree. It is under
stood that the vote stood six to six. This
was a case in which the plaintiff sought
to recover damages for the death of her
brother , who was killed while coupling
cars in the yards lit this city.
In an attachment suit of Hell vs.
Laucrs , which was being argued yester
day , .one of the points involved was
whether a note signed on Sunday was
binding or not. Judge McDill and
Major layman were tne contesting attor
neys. Judge Love instructed the jury
that under the Nebraska law , the note
being given in that state , the tact of it
being given on Sunday did not invalid
ate it.
The cnso of Slyter vs. the American
Express company is now on trial. Ho
seeks damages on account of an accident
on one of the wagons , whereby he had
a leg broken.
'Lhe grand jury returned several in
dictments. One was against Roger Sit-
tirao , the Italian arrested some time ago
for passing counterfeit dollars. He was
arraigned and pleaded not guilty.
An indictment was returned against
C. H. Converse , an attorney at Oakland.
la. Converse was recently divorced from
his wife , and she claims that since then
ho has been doing all in his power to
break down her reputation , and annoy
tier in various ways. It id said that ho
wrote several anonymous and obscene
letters , and sent them through the mails.
Several witnesses claim that the hand
writing is that of Converse , although a
disguise is attempted. The accused
denies this , and has given bond for his
appearance in the sum of $500 to answer
the charge.
An indictment has boon found against
A. S. Crawford , a postal clerk , who was
arrested some months ago for stealing
registered packages from the pouch at
the transfer.
A. J. Pattec , of Ilnrlrm , was indicted
for violating the revenue law. M. Enfield -
field had u like charge found against
Judge Shiras has gone to Sioux City ,
leaving Judge Lov'o to preside alone
here. _ _
A Cold World.
The accident at the clay bank the other
day , by which a laborer named Martin
lost his life , seems to have been used by
some designing fellows as an excuse for
playing upon the sympathies of the pub
lic. It is said two men went about
collecting money of kind hearted citizens
under the pretense that it was to bo used
in relieving the need of the family and
paying the expense of burial. Mrs. Mar
tin was handed $3 and informed that the
bill at the undertaker's had boon paid
out of the amount thus raised. Yesterday
she discovered that such was not the
case , but that the undertakers had been
informed that she had loft the city and
would send him the amount of his bill
from some place in the east. From all
she could learn she was well satisfied
that about $ 100 had been raised for her
benefit and that it had been gobbled up ,
she gutting no benefit from it. If any
such dastardly trick has been played
upon the charitably inclined the fellows
who got the money should bo hunted up
and severely dealt with.
A Question of Tax Title * .
Judge Aylesworth had an important
and interesting question before him yes
terday , which involved directly only the
title to one lot in the city , but indirectly
involves a great many tax titles. The
case was one in which the plaintiff seeks
to have the tax title set aside. The
ground of the claim is that there was a
fatal defect -in the manner of' cfl'ecting
the sale. Under the law , as construed
bv the plaintiff , the delinquent taxes
should bn carried on the treasurer's
books in a separate column , with the
amounts opposite each lot , whereas , in
fact , they are kept in a separate book en
tirely. If the manner of keeping the de
linquent tax list is contrary to the re
quirements of the law , us claimed , and
tltis is sufficient , to break the tax titles
based thereon , there will bo n general
commotion , as there are many such titles
afloat. There seems to bo a good deal
to the question as presented and the
judge will this morning deliver his
Street KunflroB.
There has been such a free use of the
paved streets for various purposes not
allowable in any well regulated city that
the council recently passed au ordinance
making certain acts misdemeanors. One
of these is the building of bonfires. The
first complaint under this ordinance was
filed yesterday. Some of the employes
of the Boston Tea company had been
burning some rubbish right on the block
paving of Pearl street. I'ho proprietors
of that store , Messrs. Richmond Bros. ,
were consequently called into court.
They pleaded ignorance , and in view of
its being the first case Judge Aylesworth
allowed it to be dismissed on their paying
the costs. The lightest fine is | 3.
The City Council.
Only four members were present last
evening , Aldermen Lacy and Wells being
in St. Louis. The evening was spent
mostly in allowing bills. Mayor Grono-
wog presented a lengthy communication
urging the council to take some action to
secure a more just assessment for sowers.
This was referred to the finance com
mittee , city engineer nnd city attorney ,
together w'ith the special assessment resolution
elution for the Fifth avenue sewer , and I
the protest against the assessment , signed
by thirty-three citizens. It scorns that if
there is any legal way of relieving the
property owners for the undue burden
the council will adopt it.
One thousand head of one , two and
three-year-old steers for sale. Will give
credit to reliable parties. Enquire of A.
J. Greonamayer , 023 Mynstcr St. , tele-
Another habor Organization.
The Council lihifTs Local league of the
Universal Library league will hold a
mooting this evening at the Grand Army
hall at 8 o'clock , at which important
business , including installation of
olllcors , will bo transacted. The U. L. L.
Is n now organization in this city , which
combines an excellent system of mutual
lifo insurance , an organized agitation
for pure literature and opposition to all
trashy or dangerous writings. Here the
work is contined to the K. of L. , who are ,
many of them , members , and are very
much interested. The plan of work Is to
provide for thorough courses of reading
by the members , who Are divided into
classes for that purpose , and to furnish
- I books , stationery , and supplies to mem i-
\ bers at the lowest wuolcgalo prices , on
the co-operative plan. All Knights of
Labor arn invited to avail themselves of
this help to special study , and of the ben
efit of life Insurance. 1 he attendance of
all members Is earnestly desired.
By the Order of the President.
The Wort of the Police.
The police report for the past month
shows 101 arrests , classified as follows :
Drunk 78
Vaoi 34
Disturbing peace 14
Larceny 7
Assault and battery 4
Suspicion 4
Kiultlves fioin justice 5
Assault with Intent to kill 1
Assnult 3
Insulting Indies 1
lieckless driving 1
Peddling without license 2
Indecent exposure a
Driving over lire hose 1
Insulin. 1
Obtaining tnnney under false pretenses. . . . 1
Assault with Intent to rob 1
Carrying concealed weapons
The patrol wagon was required for
eighty-six cases , and there was one false
call rung in during the month.
' Harrison County's Fair.
MISSOURI VALI.KY , Oct. 3. The twenty-
ninth annual meeting of the Harrison
County Agricultural association opened
this morning with the most prosperous
prospects of a successful exhibition , un
exampled in the history of previous fairs
in this county. Stock is being placed on
exhibition of a much liner quality than
in the past.
Some of the finest specimens of Here
ford , Polled Angus , Ayrshire , Holstein ,
Devon and Jersey are presented to the
admiring gaze of the public , besides
many other herds of beauty and profit of
less celebrity.
The races will attract much attention ,
as the fleetest stud of horses
ever congregated in Harrison
county are on the ground ,
ready to sustain if not surpass their for
mer records. With passable weather
this insures very many interesting races
during the fair.
Floral hall , which was erected this year
at great expense to the association , as-
sisied by liberal contributions from the
citizens , is a substantial work of beauty
and symmetry. It is 100 feet long by 80
feet in width , and modeled after the
Centennial main building , having
seventy windows above through which
the sunbeams are thrown upon the
artistic decorations , making more beau
tiful the handiwork of the ladies , which
shows their delicate taste and the com
mendable interest they have taken in the
Heretofore our city has been invaded
by professional fakirs to fleece the ver-
dcnt youth , but happily , the present city
authorities have decided to sit down
upon this most despicable method of
robbery and the law in such cases of
violation , it is assured , will bo fully en
The city seems to be inspired with life
and. enthusiasm with the present | > respects -
pects of another successful exhibit of
industry and art. Seemingly there is a
pleasant rivalry among tho"ollicers of
the association , each vtoing with the
other to completely fill his station. E. F.
James , superintendent of grounds , has
given much of his time and attention in
the discharge of his important duties
and is entitled to the praise of the public-
spirited people of this county.
It should also bo stated that A. B. Has-
brook , secretary of the association , who
has hold that ollico for u number of years ,
has shown much ability , manifested a
great deal of interest , and spent much
time to the sacrifice of his personal con
venience in performing his arduous
labors , and is considered an invaluable
factor in perfecting the arrangements of
this meeting , and his services arc highly
and justly so appreciated.
The Kllto or the Valley.
Missoum VALLEY , Oct. 3. The most
recherche social event that has over
transpired here was the reception given
last Saturday evening at the palatial
homo of Captain J. D. Ainsworth , the
genial and whole-souled engineer-in-
chief of the Sioux City & Pacific and
Frccinont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley
The very estimable and warmhearted
Mrs. Ainsworth assisted by Mrs. Bu
chanan , wife of General P. A. Buctmnon ,
entertained quite a largo nttuiuer of the
elite from 8 to It. Mrs. Ainsworth wore
an elegant white satin , while Mrs. Bu-
chanon's dress was i ; beautiful heliotrope
silk made en-trame.
The gentlemen wore all in full evening
dross and the ladies in full toilette.
iMoticablo among the guests1 toilettes
were those of Mrs. Dr. McGuvren. Mrs.
W. M. Corlish , and Miss Harris of Lones-
ville , Wis. There wnro so many hand
some costumes , however , that they can
not all bo done justice in a short report
as this must necessarily bo. Suffice it to
say that Saturday evening , Octobiir 1 ,
1837 , will always be a date in the history
of our city to servo as a landmark , an
oasis as it were in the lethargic , desert-
like social stupor into which wo have al
lowed ourselves to fall , to a certain de
gree. ,
Ask H. J. Palmer for some of those
chestnuts which you can eat in the dark.
Before HU Honor.
The police court grist was ground yes
terday morning in short order bv Judge
Aylcsworth. Six drunks wcro the only
cases on the docket , and all pleaded
guilty. John Dcnuison , Pat Cummings ,
Michael Sullivan and Haray Watson
were each fined $3.10 ; C. Mungcr , f 1.00 ,
and Frank Cooper $7.CO. With the ex
ception of Mungor , all wore "broke , "
and will board it out at the city's ex
pense. Hattie Nolen , W. P. Larsen and
Harry Wink each deposited $7.00 yester-
dav for imbibing too freely , aim were
DeoHrlptlon of the Bronze Figure
Wh'cli Con groan Has Ordered.
William Rudolf O'Donovan's bronze
statue of Washington , on which lit ! has
been to work for nearly a year , is fin
ished , and is now on exhibition to a few
privileged uorsons at the foundry of M.
F. Power , in East Twenty-fifth street.
Next week it will bo sent to Nowburg.
on the Hudson. There it will be placed
in the rotunda of a square primitive look
ing graystono tower.
The bronze tablet , with Its figures of
peace in relief , which is to be fastened to
the outer walls of the tower , boars this
explanatory inscription : "This monument
ment was erected under the authority of
the congress of the United States and of
the state of Now York , in commemora
tion of the disbandmcnt , under proclam
ation of the constitutional congress of
October 18 , 1783 , of the armies , by whoso
patriotic and military virtue our national
independence Mid sovereignly was es
tablished. "
Mr. O'Donovan's statue stands six feet
and two inches high. The head is small ,
the neck strong , the shoulders narrow ,
the hips broad and the hands and feet
largo. The head is modelled from the
Jifu cast by Houdon , the French sculptor ,
who was engaged by Franklin to make
the lifo statue ot Washington now stand
ing in the state capital of Virginia. Mr.
O'Donovnn has represented Washington
in the act of sheathing his sword. The
expression of the fuco is pleasant , the
figure stands erect , with the shoulders
thrown well back. The whole effect is
I that of a man of spirit and of force. The
I dross is the regular continental uniform
I tUo coat opened , showing the waistcoat ,
.he breeches buttodcd at the kueo and
met by top boots , heavily spurred ,
The statue weighs about 1.000 pounds.
Its cost is $10OOC"T.o ! monument , in-
eluding the tow'cr , will cost $35,000.
There will bo no dedicatory ceremony ,
the appropriation for the monument
having already IH-CII exhausted.
i p ? cl 1 dvcrtljoinenti , such M Lolt , Found
JolxintiFor Snlo , To Ilcnt , V nt . Hoarding
etc. , will bclnMrttd In thli column lit the low
rateofTKNCKNTSl'KK LINK forthoJlrit Insor-
Ion and IvcCcntirorLluuforoach subtenant
Intortloa. Leave ftdrerllemcnt nt our office
No. U I'earl meet , near ISroartway , Council
- nm-clasa lrl for Kencral
WANTED-A . Apply to Dr. llaiichctt , 120
Bancroft struct.
FOK SALE-Soconct-hnnd Columbia bicycle
very chcnp , KMncb , at lleo olllcc.
OltKENT-A new moilBrnclRlit room Uouto
_ very convenient , within 21 ! blocks dummy
lepot. Inquire of W. II. Ware , over Suvlngg
bank , Council HlutTi.
F I OH UENT-Two furnished rooms , 15 anil
f 10 , No. 737 Mynstcr street.
FOH HENT My residence , cornfr
mid Willow avenue , two blocks from post-
odlce. Nine rooms , city water and throe els-
torn ? , italilu upon the promises for two horsoa
anil cut rlnpe , all In ( rood repair. Price 150 per
month. N.I' .
T7IOH KENT Two of the now Warren Hats enC
-C 1'lftU nvonne. Most desirable location In
the city , near the dummy depot , all modern
lmpro\emcnts. Apply to Odoll llros. & Co. ,
No , 10J I'earl street , Council Illuirs.
10U.UOO to loan on real ostnto and chattels t > y
$ F. J , .Day , 3'J I'oarl st.
BUILDING lota and acre propuity for sale by
F. J. Diy.U'Jl'carlst.
> ANTiD-A ( rlrl for tronernl housework.
W Small iiimily. bandy kitchen. Tu'.l th nvu.
FOR SAIiE-Stock of ilrUK * In central Ne
braska. Will linolco about fl.iXX ) . In
quire of llarlo , Hass &Co. , Council llluffs , la.
> OH SAI.K OH TltADR.-For Conncll llluffs
property 10,000 acres of Iowa and Ne
braska land. J. U. Illce , Uu Mam St- Council
Vacant Lots , Lands , City Kcsldonocs and
Farms. Acre property In western part of city
All Bellingcheap. .
Real Estate & Insurance Agent ,
Hoom 6 , over Officer & I'uscy's Dank , Counc
Finest Landaus
Coaclie P ami Hacks in City.
OmcKS :
No. 418 Broadwaj The Mai.h-ttan
Telephone No. 33
Na. 615 Main Street , Telephone No , 9
New Fall Styles Open.
ir,14 DoiujlasSt. OMAHA , Xeb.
Prices Very Low ,
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
JVO. 23 MA1X ST. ,
let olhtll le < l you nto
burlne worthless Imlta *
tloii.Mihli lithe OHIGI-
TION CO S T and money
wilt be refunded t. wearer
tflr t four weeks' weir. It
not perfectutlsfictory. ! .
For site b DRY GOODS DI LIRS. or If not oMilniliie
will mill , poitiee pild. HHALTH PFIISIHVING. | i r ;
faooj MISSH.CSC.
Schllllwt Corut Company , Detroit. Hick
J. Say ! Is there n fire nil ) ' where t There's an
awful crowd nulling up the utrect ,
II. Hcjr f Flrct N-a-w. Ilalut ye heard 'bout
the Spetlul Curtain mile the Council Blulfr Car
pet Co * Is n liavln' this week t That's wliar the
crowd In n gulii' .
J. Thal'i no. They Rive a pole with every pair
of curtain * sold , ( incus I'll go myself. They are
at No. 4O5 Ilroailway.
. Wnlt till 1 ifct my nariont , an' I'll go 'long
Justice ot the Peace ,
415 Hroadway , Council Eluflfo.
Refers to any bank or business house in the
city. Collections a specialty.
CARTER & SON , Proprietors.
KUS OK ( -
Order" for repairs by mall promptly attondo
to. Satisfaction Kunrantced. Tenth Arc. ail
ho Ogilrn Ircn Works , Council DluHl.
Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards
Droadway , Council muffs , Opp. Dummy Depot
Horses and mules constantly on hand
for sile : at retail or in car loud lots.
Orders promptly filled by contraction
short notice. Stock sold on commission
Telephone 114. SHLUTIK : & Hoixr.
Opposite Dummy Depot , Counoi lilufls
Creston House ,
Main Street , Council Bluffs ,
Only Hotel in the City
with Fire Escape ,
Electric Call Bells.
And Kales Reasonable
Max Mohn , Proprietor
A. SCHUllZ ,
Justice of the Peace.
Ullii'O over American Express.
In Amber ,
etc. , Hair On
namcuts , as
well as the
newest nov
elties in hail-
, ' } . Hair goods
niadeto order
Mrs. CTL. Gillette
20 liniii St. , Council Bluffs , Ioa. Out
of town work solicited , and all mail
orders promptly attended to.
Hides , Tallow , Pelts ,
IHylient Market Prices. Promp
Return * .
820 and 8'i2 Main Street. Council Bluffs
Heats thorn all
for S.implo Trunks
ana Cusua , Thcsitri-
cul nnd Tourists'
Trunks. Uontfail
to sco It. The
Ltulics' Fnvorlto.
This and nil oilier
kinds ot Trunks
nnd Cases manu
factured by
Zimmerman &
Young Bros.
And Eold at whole
sale nnd retail.
Two carloads on
hand aC
543 liroiulwny
Council Blu fTs , low
Setul for Circulars and Prices.
No. 201 Main St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Both Domestic and Foreign ,
Pianos and Organs
Persons wishing to purchase instruments will find it to their interest to
cnll on us.
Instrument Tuned nnd Repaired. We never full to give HiUUfacllon.
Over ! tO ycnri' Experience In Piano and Organ Work.
Swanson Music Co.
No. 929 liroiulway , Council Bluffs , Iowa
Best $2.00 a day house in the west.
Regular - : Boarders : - : Reduced : : Rates.
NO. 336 & 338 Broadway , council Bluffs.
Fall Goods ,
We have now in stock our new * in Silks , Dress Goods , Under *
wear , Flannels , Domestics , etc. , etc. Headquarters for
We have the largest Hclectlonaml finest pattern * of carpets In the city or
the tvcst. Tlwy comprise
Axminster ,
Moquettes ,
Body Brussels ,
Tapestry Brussels ,
Three-ply Ingrain ,
Matting ,
Rugs , Etc. , Etc.
We shall be pleased to meet and show our customers thcxc new and choice
fabrics. Do not fat-yet tlie place. '
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
(500 ( Broadway , Council Uluffn.Iowa.
Kttabllebed H57.
Attorneys at Law ,
Practice in the State and Federal Cour t
Roomi 7 and 8 Shugart-Beno Block.