Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 04, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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Interest Among Traders Oenteri in the
Visible Supply Statement-
A Qulat Day's Trading > Roth ° RtH
and I'lovlnlons Tlie Cattle Trade
Hlow lloga Wanted
QuotniloiiH ,
CHICAGO , Oct. 3. | Spo"lal Telegram to
the IKK. | Among the wheat traders this
mornloft intcreH.centered In the visible sup
ply sUtcmcnt , and until the figure * \vero
known trading VIM extremely light In view
of the prediction of Saturday that the statement -
ment would show a decrease of from
bushels to 700,000 bushels an actual Increase
of UH.OOO bushels was an undoubted sur
prise and disappointment to the bulls , but
enough of thu probable result was known
early , wlien dispatches from Duluth and
Minneapolis came In statin ) ; that thosn cities
would show an Increase of over 400,000 bush
els , to make the Kuessers reduce their ligures
to a small change either way from last week's
Blocks and also to make the opening weak at
about ) < c under Saturday's close , or at 72p'c
for November , 73 c for December and 70c
for May. The market sagged slowly from
this point , with occasional blight reaction ,
until the visible supply figures became known ,
when December stood at 7.Xc. ) There were
sonio buying orders at 73 } c , which held
the market at that point tor some time , but
when these were tilled nnd the room traders ,
who had been buying on the strength of
them , attempted to sell , there appeared to bn
no buyers , and the price dropped Xc like a
hot. For A very brief time December
touched iX ( & 3c , but almost Immediately
recovered the fraction and stood to the end
at 73c. There appeared to be no other cause
for the last drop than the ono given above.
Th < > uiodorato Increaun in the risible supply
may bo misleading. With adequate facilities
for moving the grain In the northwest the
receipts would bo very largely Increased.
ll ports of a scarcity of cars were prevalent
The close was easy at 71c for November ,
73c for December , and 78)8' ) for May.
About the only gossip In the neighborhood
of the corn pit was that concerning the puz
zling tactics of lliitchlnson , whoso brokers
appeared early as hellers ot October corn , nnd
broke the price for that delivery about % c.
Thereupon they began buying ! November
and May and then prices obediently ad
vanced. There was a great dearth of country
orders and trading was chlclly local and not
of larso volume. The range of prices for the
day was only about % < $ Vic. The closing was
at 4'i } @t3Xc lor November , 42 , ' c for De
cember and 45Ye for May.
Oats wore pegged at 85o for October and
20 > fc for November. May opened at29c.
sold 911 the split both above and below that
price and closed at 20J c at 1 o'clock. Trading
was light and no new feu tines were do-
In * provisions the day passed In a quiet
W } * The monthl" stock statement which
showed a Inrgo reduction during September
in the amount of the product on hnnd , espe
cially of lard , occasioned some comment nnd
made traders Rhoi \ lor October delivery fwil
uneasy. It failed , however , toeieatonny
tlpMre to brancn out and even In the January
futuii ) the trading was spasmodic and slow.
In the last-named month t ! > o feeling was
also easier nnd in pork a decline of 7J c and
o > ) uhort ribs of 2Xo was suljered , January
1 tC was pdvnncod ! c. Lard for nearer
d llvery was stronger than January and
closed r > (5j7 ( > ijo higher , or at 30.45 for October ,
9M37X for November and 80.40 for Dcc m-
Qtir. The day's rnnsn lor October hint was
iU4.V30.47X. For January pork Bold at
fUi : k'S ' 8.42K. lard at SO 45@fl.47X and
nhort ribs at SO.SO@0. : M. bale month closed
nl S13.35 bid tor pork , stf 45 for lard and 80.30
for short ribs. Cash meats wore dull. Cash
lard was held 2 } c higher than October.
ber clo d atCO c ; November , 71 ? c ; Decem
ber , 72J < bid. Corn dull and steady : Octo
ber , 42'n-c ; November , 42c ; May , 4Vff@45Kc ,
Oats dull nnd unchanged. Pork was dull ;
January closed at | l'ii.VVC13.i7 : : . Laid , un
changed. Short ribs for October delivery
sold at S7.03 ; January sold at ga'
and closed at 8G.78X.
CHICAOO , Oct 3. [ Special Telegram to the
13KK.J CATTLE Trade was slow and unsat
isfactory from start to finish. As only about
one-tldrd of the fresh cattle wcro natives ,
prime fat stock was scarce and sold equally
as high as last week , but all ot the grades
ruled weak. Texans and rangers were sell
Ing about the same as last week when a buyer
, could be found. There were too many cattle ,
The dressed beef trade could ilnd no outlet
this morning for the surplus beef on hard
All the markets were full either of beef or
cattle. Prlcfs ranged as follows : .Shin-
pine steers , 1850 to 1500 Ibs , S4.20C < 4.75 ; 1200
to 1350 Ibs. S3.50@4.40 ; 950 to 1200 Ibs , 38.75
( $1.50. Stackers nnd feeders. S1.40i ( 2.05 ;
cows , bulls nnd mixed , S1.25@3.00 ; Hlofed )
Htecrs , 34.10@4.30 Texas cows , Sl.fiOfi'.MO ;
steers , S3.0u < < j3.bO. Western rangers 10c
lower ; natives and half-breeds , $2.302.45 ( :
cows , 83.10@iJ.OU. Wintered Texans , 88.35C *
S.OO.lions All classes of buyers were wanting
stock this mornlne. At outside points re
ceipts were light , hence the Increase In or
ders at this point. Chicago had more than
onn-lulf the visible simply this morning.
Packers were liberal but ers , as were also
the regular shippers. The bulk of packing
sorts sold within n ranee of S4.50@4.70 , the
best.hoavy nt 84.7o@4.80 , with skips am !
common as low as 83.75(34.25. ( Light sorts.
94.W3M.P5 ; Yorkers , V4.6TX34.70 ; singeing
Ctoiuaao , Oct. 3. Tlio Drovers' Journal
reuortnas follows :
CatHe Uecoipts. 13,000 ; fully 111,000 rap
item ; good natives steady shipping.
uteurs , 8'J 75X34.75 ; stockera and teenier * .
S1.403'J.U5 : cows , bulls unit mixed , Sl.i'iO
3.W ; ' Texas c.\ttlo , 81. XiJ2.bO ; westtirn
rangers , 8U.10a.'i. ( .
lloes-Itecelpts , 19.000 ; steady ; mixed.
4.a5 ( < i4.75 ; heavy , 14.40(34.85 ( ; llsht. S4.S5
( < $4.80 ; roURh and skips , $ : ! .00 < g4.iu. :
dheep Ueceipts , 8,000 ; market slow ; com
mon lower ; natives , S2.7. " @ .00 ; western ,
'lexans , -sa.5Uj3.C5 ! ; lambs ,
_ a City. Oct. . Cattlo-Ke-
l1L celpts , 8,000 ; shipments , 4,000 ; good corn-fed ,
1 natives , linn : common , weak ; cooil to
choice c'irn-fed , S-t.l20@-t.fiO ; common to me
dium , 9U.a.l.lO ( : ; Mockers * . * 2.00 ( < V. ! . < iO ;
foedlinr sterrs. sa.noi.25 ; ; cows , Sl.usc . ' .oo.
llotjs-ltecelpts , J1.400 ; shipuu-iits. i.tWO ;
steady ; common to choice , S4.10cU.M ) ;
skips nnd pt s , 5a.75iS4.00.
Nntion. l Stook Vartlfl. Knst St.
lioutH. 111. . Oct. 3. Cattle Re
ceipts , , ,2,400 ; shipments , 200 ; easier : fair
to choice heavy native steers , 53W@4.70 ;
butchos' steers , modlutu to choice , S 'JOt
8.U5 ; feeders , fair to KOOU , ii70jiaa5. (
HOBS Kfvelit8 | , 2,400 ; shlpmnuK none ;
lower ; cholcn heavy and butchers' selections ,
84.VX ( < $4.bO ; packln : and Vorker.s , medium to
iirlmo. tf4.40@I.CO ; pl d , common to good ,
NF.W YoltK , Oct. 3. | Special Teleeram to
the BKK. ] hrocKS The weakness noted in
stocks at the close Saturday was continued
to-day , the general list opening easy nnd
? f@ } per cent lower. Western Union ,
however , was an exception and opened 'h
If per cent higher and advanced 1 } { pur cent
and uomnlned llrm despite the decline In
other properties. The Baltimore & Ohio
telegraph was In no condition to stand alonn
should the railroad withdraw Its support.
President Hates is said to have offered to buy
the telegraph , but his negotiations are said
to have fallen through. The annual meeting
ot the Baltimore A Ohio railroad occurs ISm
four weeks. Mr. ( Jarreti Is on his way from
Kuropeandno detltilto action Is expected
until the meeting. The Drexel-Morgan pirty
are quoted as saying that their Investigations
discovered that the telegraph was not paying
and would have to be sold. The bears were
particularly aggressive and attacked the
Jauer < market , and although the bulls had
htiylnc orders qn the pctle they failed to
hold the market up. ( ! rangers received the
brunt of the attack a * numerous stories
about n disastrous rate war was reported as
about to bcsln and a sharp decrease In earn
ings was predicted as the result. North
western was sold down 2J { per cent on the
report that the stock In Its treasury was
bultiK sold. President Sykc * denied the
rumor and a rally ol 1 ? | wr cent followed.
St. Paul dropped Kt Missouri Pacific broke
; , , but rallied K per cent. The coal roads ,
which nro doing a uood paylui : business ,
were knocked off @lper cent In the
Hurry. The remainder of the list was oil
K@l per cent. The market rallied slightly
before 3 o'clock , but stocks continued to
conio out faster than buyers were able to absorb
serb them and prices again started downward -
ward and continued to decline until the
close , when lat sales on nearly all proper
ties were at Inside figures and recorded net
declines from Saturday's close of X@ ' IHT
cent. The sales were 314,400 shares.
OovKii.VMKNTfc Government bonds were
dull and without ctiatue.
U. 8. 4'scoupon.l24 C. AN. W 110'
U. S. 4W'scotip..lOS > f do preferred. . . 140
Pacltic6W' S..PJ2 N. Y. C. . . 100'f
CanadaSoitth'n. . K % O. li. JcN * 91
Central Paclllu. . 34 O. T. 21 , ' , '
CliicnKO&AHon.HO PacilioMall S8W
do preferred. . . .150 P. , I ) . AE 22
C. , U. A 6 . PulltnanPal.Oar.14 ! )
D. , K& VV . Heading ta
D.AR.O . Hock Island . . . .11U
Erie St. L , . AS. F. . . . ! 17j/
do preferred. . . . & 4 do preferred. . . . 75'f '
Illinois Contra ! . . 117 0. , M. A at P. . . 7r. f
I. . H. & W . 15 do preferred. . 11 ! %
K. , t T . aw St P. A 0 4'i
Lake Shore . ! > ' . do preferred. . 10. '
L. AN Texas Pacllic. . . . 24 %
Mlchlean Cctit'l. . W ) Union Pacllic. . . .
Mo. Pacitio a5f'\V..St. ' LAP. . . .
No. Pacific Blf ! do preferred. . 8
do preferred. . . . 4Utf\V. U. Telegraph 75K
MONKV On call easy at from 4K to 6 , last
loan 5 , closed at B per cent.
at SJ4.7U lor 00-day bills : ? 4.wi for de
. Oct. a. following quotations
are the StWclosinc ticures :
Klour-Unchanced with , rye at 82.75@3.00
per bbl , and S3,50@2.7fi for sacks.
Wheat Lowet ; prices declined about ono
cent during the day ; the opening was rather
weak and at the close about Inside prices
were reached ; cash. ( ; o/c : November , 71 ? c ;
December , 72j < c ; May. 7f > fc.
Corn Killed quiet most of the session ,
with feeling weak early , but later became
lirmer , recovering decline , and closed about
the same as Saturday ; cash , 4'jid'c ; ; Novem
ber , 4J 7-lOc ; Mav , 4V < c.
Oats Nomatorlnl change from Saturday's
closing prices ; cash , 20c ; November , ' 'C c ;
Jlav , WMC.
Rye About steady at 4Sc.
Bat ley 05c.
Prime Timothy Seou-S2 24@2.25.
Flax Seed-1.05K.
Pork Weaker ; year , 812.03 ; January ,
S12.i5 : ( < } 12.37K.
Lard Moderately active : prices ruled 5@
lOe higher ; October , 80.45 ; No\ember , 50.40 ;
Mav , 50.75.
Dry halted Meats Shoulders , S5.2055.35 ;
short clear. S'.sn H.oo ; short ribs. U7.C5.
Butter Firm ; creamery , 17@24c ; dairy ,
Choose Steady ; full cream Cheddars , ll"
© ll./c ; Hats , llU'GHKc ; Young Amuiicas ,
Hides Receipts inoderyte , and sales
easily effected nt current quotations ;
heavy green hides 7M'c ; light do ,
7JfS8c ( ; salted bull hides. On : 'green salted
c.Uf. 8X@Oc ; drv lllnt , I2@l8e ; dry calf ,
18rtl3c ; deacons 30c each.
Tallow Firm ; No. 1 country solid , 4@
4'a'c ; So. 2 , 3 > $ c ; cakes , 4 } c.
Kooolnt.s. Shipments.
I'lour , bbls 13,000 14,000
Wheat , bu 52.000 200,000
Corn , bu loyooo
Oats , bu 134.000 357,000
live , bu 0,000
liarloy , bn 00,000 44,000
Now Vorlc , Oct. 3. Wheat Ue-
rolpts , r.0,000 ; exports 21,000 ; oi > tlons opened
about steady , afterward weakened with the
west and broke K@e , closing steady ,
showing slight recovery ; spot lots generally
steady , fair demand ; ungraded red , 70J- @
70c ; No. 1 red. t > Sc , nominal ; No. 3 red ,
8lij@81Jfc In elevator , 81 , ' c f. o. b. , b3@b3j ! c
dellverea : November closed at 81c ,
Corn Receipts , 77,000 ; exports , none ;
options closed steady ; cash In better de
mand , linn ; ungraded , 52 < 52c ; No. 8 ,
63J.fc In store , K @ "io delivered ; Novem
ber closed at 51 % e.
Oats Kecelpts. 105,400 ; exports , 125 ; shade
higher , moderately active ; mixed western ,
82&a ( > 34Xc ; white western , 35@40c.f
Ooffoo Spot , fair ; Hlo , hrm at 5510.J5 ! ; op
tions a shade higher , but trading light ; sales ,
57,500 bags : October , 317.45@17.55 ; Novem
ber , S17.CO17.G5 ; Deci-mbor , S17.75 ( 17.bO ;
January , J$17.7. > @l7.b5 ; February , Sl".bO@
Petroleum Firm ; Unitd. OT's'c.
Kggs Firm , fair inquiry ; western , 15@
1'ork Dull and weak : mess was quoted
at 814.255814.50 for old ; S15.8.V415.50 for new.
Lard Higher , out closed dull ; advance
lost ; western steam , spot , 80.t > 7 > .
.Butter Firm on tine grades ; western , 13
@ 25c ; western creamery , lflJ2. ( > c ,
Cheese Steady and quiet : western ,
Now Orlenna. Oct. 3. Coin Firmer ;
mixed , Kk- ; white and yellow , &ic.
Oats-Firm : No. 2 , ; wax c.
Cornmeal S3.8A@ > i.'i)0. )
Hog Products Lower ; pork , S15.25 ; lard ,
Bulk Meats Lower ; shoulders , $5.37 ;
long clear and clear rib , 88.00.
St. IxHiia , Oct. 3. Wheat Cash
and October , 70c ; November , 71 > < c.
Corn Cash , : i9K@10c ; Novembor.
S Oats Cash. 83e ; November , 2
Lard0.75. .
Butter Steady ; creamery , 20J24e ? ; dairy ,
Afternoon Board Wheat Quiet. Corn-
Dull , but linn. Oats Nothing done.
Milwaukee. Oct. 3. Wheat Weak ;
cash , G9c ; November , 71' c ; May , 78 , ' c.
Corn Firm at 43c.
Oats Strong ; No. 2 white , 20c.
live Weak ; No. 1 , 4 ! c ,
Barley-Higher ; No. 2 , Mtjtfc.
Provisions Steady ; 1'ork , October , 814.50
Cincinnati. Oct. a Wheat Firm ;
No. 3 red , 77c.
Corn Ample supply , easyr No. 2 , 44S ( > 13c.
Oats-Steady ; No. U mixed. J/
Rye Fair demand ; No. 8 , S.V.
Pork Dull ; repacked , 314.75 .
Lard Light demand.
Whisky Good demand at S1.05.
Minneapolis. Oct. 3. Wheat Closed
weak , lower : No. 1 hard , October and No
vember , 70Kc ; December , 72' ' < c ; May , 77J < c ;
No. 1 northern , October , ( VJKc ; November ,
RS c ; December , COKc : Mav , 74 > fc ; No. 3
northern , October , ( w > jc ; November , OtJi'c ;
December , MHc. On track : > 'o. 1 hard ,
72ic ! ; No. 1 northern , OUKo ; No. 2 Noitheru ,
Flour Firm : patents. 84.15@4.20 ; bak
ers' , 8a.i5 3.ia.
Receipts Wheat , 32,000 bu.
Shipments-Wheat , 00,000 bu ; Hour , 24,000
In store Wheat , ti , 100,21)3 ) bu ; at St. Paul ,
89,000 bu.
Knnsns City , Oct. 3. Wheat Steady ;
No. 3 sott. cash , C2Wc bid ; May , 75o asked.
Corn-Weaker ; No. 2 cash , a" ) ? o bid ,
c asked ; December , ! > jO bid , "
lced ; May. 3SJfc bhl , Jfc askt-d.
aS6atV-No.8 , ai7fcbld , 8-J c abkud.
lilvorpool. Oct. 3. Wheat Fair de
mand ; now No. 8 winter , Ga 2 } $ < l ; do spring ,
Os 8Hd.
Corn Spot , nothing offering : futures , de
mand fair ; spot , 4sod , hrm ; October , No
vember ana December , 4s 5d , hrm.
Monday , Oct. 3.
The week opened with liberal receipts Dtr
cattle , the olTorinirs on the market being 10"
loaas. Of this numt > er 5'J cars were received
on Sunday nnd 40 cars to-day. The leports
from Chicago were unfavorable , which
helped to Depress the market here. The
market Is lower oven on good cattle , and the
packers are bidding prices all of 20c lower
for good steers than on Wednesday. The
market on the common grades of catslo isn
very weak and slow. There was some in
quiry for feeders and several loads changed
hands. Butchers' stock Is blow , although a
few luads of cows were sola.
Hog * .
There were twenty-ono cars of hoes on
the market. Three loads were sold early lu
the mornlne ; at ncarlv steady prices , one
load ijolnz nt 34 40. Astdn from that thrro
was no trading until after 10 o'clock , thu
buvers until then claiming that they had no
orders to buy. When the market d > m open It
was at a decline of 5glOc { and In most In
stances fully lOc. Everything was taken at
the prices. The feeling at the close was
There wore no fresh receipts , and nothing
doing on the market.
Cattle. . ' . 2,200
110,53 . 1,400
Cattle . 40 cars
PreTalllnic Prloat.
Shnwlngtho prevailing urlcdi pitd for lira
slock on this market :
Choice steors. 1300 to 1530 Ibs . . .84.10(31.40 (
Choice steers , lioo to 130J Ibs . . . : i.SVH4. 10
Fat little steers 900 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.7.Vd3.H. >
Corn-fed range steers 1200 to 1590 8.H.Y$4.30
Good to choice corn -fed cows . . . . 90ri2.'i5 (
Common to medium cows . ] .WXi2.'i5
Good to cholc bulls . 1.7.V3.50
Good range feeders . 2.40@2. ° 0
Good native feeders.OOOIbsand up
wards . 2.75Q3.00
Fair to medium native fecders.WO
Ibs an J upwards . 2.50@2.05
htockers , 400 to 700 Ibs . 2.00ji8.40
Prime fat sheep . 3.2. > M3.fiO
Fair to medium sheep . ifjflciS.OO
Common sheen . 1.50$2.25 {
Light and medium noes . 4.1.Vd4.8 >
( iood to choice heavy hogs . 4.25r < 4.35
Good to choice mixed hogs . 4.20. < 34.30
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
18 , . . .10f,7 S.1.75 21. . . . 1201 S4.SO
31. . . .128 ! ) 4.15
1W. . .1055 $2.55 42. . . .1057 S'-.M
NAIIVK Fii : : in3. :
30. . . . 010 82.05
144..1121 88.40
0. . . . 070 Jl.bO 0..1153 82.25
85. . . . 017 8.00 1..10SJ 8.85
15. . . . 817 81.75 81..1032 82.25
23..1021 8.00
2..10SO 83.00
No. Av. Shir. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
71. . .104 80 84.15 70. 100 84.87V4'
84. . .103 300 4.20 CO . .273 120 4.30
67. . .210 80 4.20 00 . .874 2bO 4.30
07. . .800 100 4.25 01. . 40 4.30
70. . .804 200 4.25 77. . 120 4.30
70. . . .252 160 4.25 55. . 120 40 ! !
78 . .240 1X ( ) 4.2.-J OS. . . .212 80 4.30
77. . .851 100 4.2.ri 40. . . .308 80 4.35
03. . .8M 40 4.85 47. . . .20U 120 4.35
00. . .800 nx > 4.21 CO . . .800 80 4.35
50. . .270 120 4.25 70. . . .805 bO 4.40
No. Av. Shk. Pr.
CO. . . . 87 82.00
ITive Brock Sold.
Showing thu number ot uual ot stock sold
on the market to-day :
G. H. Hammond A Co 177
Feeders 103
Speculators 40
Local 31
Harris A Fisher 51
Shippers 8. !
Total 4'.H
Anglo American Packing Co l,2..r
( ! . H. Hammond A Co 3v3 !
Bay State Cattle Co 18J
Local 00
Total. 1,040
All sites ot stock in tins market are made
per c\vt. llwovol jht untois ottwrwlsa stated.
Dead hr.gssellat S'cpnr Ib. for all welzhts.
"Skins"or ho.3 welching less than 103 101.
no v.Uuo. Pniijnuiit sows are docicoil 49 loj ,
and stags80 Ibs. btlio niialio Inspuotoa
Monthly Htntcinont.
Showing the olllcial receipts and shipments
at these yards for the month ending Sept. 30 ;
also the number of head ot stuck bought
by the Omaha packers.
U. P. IL It ' 81 17 O'J 'I GU1T i asti
O.M.fcHt P 1 416 a a.'o 85
C.St.P. , M&O. . . 1ai 171
C.fcN. W 1(87 ( r. nm (16 (
It t M 2 IK 2.1 Ui7 1 455 400
U..R. l.&l * 365 4 844 . K5.VI
Wnbitsh 400 280J , 4 .VI
Mo. 1'iio 8.12 I 76S ' 7:1 :
F. K. * M. V 5 372 13 O.W , 'iw 4112
HoldoTor Aug. Ul 350 , 244
Driven In 84 59J
Urund Total 31402786 0 2MI 'l-'O 2868
U. I' . H. It
C.M.ASt 1' 1 4IS1
CStPM iO 375 113 13
CAN W 5 45 : ! 1 014 KW
U &M .111 f.77 477
C..HI&1" 4 145 0 5H ) 4 4UI -3 33'J
Mo Vnclllo 777 19U 4U
Hid over Sept. 30 , i yjo 1123 3M
gold to Omahn
p'kcrs&dcnlvrs 7 Sll ! 71 070 1 614 104 1 377
Urand Total..J3i 4W78 | 5h2 U 259
Lilvo Stock Notes.
HOSTS slow.
Hoes 5@lOo lower.
Cattle dull and lower.
11. B. Brady Is back from Wyoming.
( ! . II. llammond & Co.'s hogs cost S4.2. : !
94.40 was top on hops and 4.80 on cattle.
Hogs are 81.00 per hundred lower than
September 13.
The Anglo-American Packing Co.'s stringer
or 1,25 hogs cost 84.27.
D. I ) . Dorn , Danbury. la. , marketed a load
of 205-lb hews at the top price , 84.40.
Mr. Lund , Carbon county , Wyo. , was here
with three loads ot good range steers.
1) . Anderson , Columbus , marketed n good
load ot o02-lb hogs at 84.35 , the top tor heavy
N. B. Bartrgrcen , the well known shlpnni
ot Wahoo , was among the visitors at tin
Colonel.I. II. Pratt , of the Pratt & Ferrl' '
Cattle company , was In with twelve loads o
Franklin Everett , of tlie firm of F. Everet
A Sons. Lyons , \\as in yesterday , looking fo
Louis Burke , ot the linn of M. Burke f
Sons , has returned from Now York with hi
bride and Is at his old place again attendliij
to business.
Major M. Morse was In with two loaos : o
cattle from ( Jooso Creek , Ni-b. lie wen
homo well satlslled with his firbt trip t
South Omaha.
The 0.5SO ho s lepresnntcd In the monthl ;
statement as ishipped over the Kock Iblam
were bouuht In this market by Squires & Co ,
the Boston packers.
Monday , Oct. 3.
Tltc followlwj fire tlicprlcci nt which
round tots of produce are told on
iniirhct :
The nnrKet was rather dull to-day. There
Is u notlcablo Increase- tlie supjily of poul
try and butter. Prices are thu same as those
of Inst week , with but few exceptions.
Eo as The market Is almost bare , and
stock * move rapidly at 17 ( < USc.
BUT rKit Creamery , West Point , 30o ;
other , 22 < 3'4c per pound : choice dnlrv , is ®
SOc ; medium giades , isaiSc : ordinary , O lOe.
CIIKKSK Market fair. Fancy full cream
Cheddars , single I3c ; full cream twins , 13c :
youn Americas , 13Kc ; brick checsu , 100 Ibs
In case. 14c ; Llinueriror , 100 Ibs In case , 13 } c ;
Sanrs' fancy Ohio , 1'Jc.
POUI.TIIV Fair market ; sprint : chickens
S2.00rti2.50 ; old fowls , S2.-iO@3.00 ; ducks
S2.25a'J.75 : turkeys , In very light request ,
C@7c per It ) .
O MK Keccipts pralrlo chickens ,
S3.7S ; mallard ducks , Sl.'HXiU.7 > . Quail ,
Sl.iVtfl.50 ; teal and mixed ducks. Sl.00c5l.75 ;
snipe , 75cjS1.00 ; jack rabbits , 40t43c ; each ;
jack snip * ? , Sl.OO per doA
PdT.vroKs The market Is well supplied.
Salt Lake nnd Colorado Mock hells at KV.
Nebraska and Iowa stock OOcatWc per bushel.
SWKKT POTATOKS The market Is well
supplied with home irrown at G5@75c per
bushel ; Virginia stock 3c per ib.
UrsrKBs Shell , 82.00 r > er hundred ; bulk ,
11.35 per tiuuiired ; selects , 92,20 a
Cani > , N'ew York courit. , 4 ; - selects , 05 ®
40o : standard. 27'xiMOc.
Cinr.K-Chotco Michigan elder , SO.OOS0.50 (
per bbl of : ! 2 cul.
Popconx-Cholce , forslands. 2@2J < o l > or In.
O.Mto.Ns-ChoIco laric CitlltornU onions
are offered on the market at SOc per busho
The demand Is llcht.
Koo PLANT Slow sale nt 007.xj per doz ,
foi choice stock. . . . , .
llosKV ( iood honey Hi neat ouo 1U
frames 20c per Ib- .
BKANS. Hand-picked navy , 82.00 per
bushel , and other trades down as low as
81.S3. Cllfornla stock , 52. 10 per bushel.
CKLKIIY The receipts' ' are larger and the
stock better. (5ood stock brings Wftt35c a
bunch. ,
Orders from the country requiring. * c-
IcctalntncKiind erlra cure J i jnictln < i can
not MtiOTii/ / * lie fllM < tt the tatnc price * ,
uiwtrd to tlie loail trade for common stock.
Apples are moving a little more freely and
at bettor prices.
CitANHKiiBiKS The market Is fairly well
supplied with coed stock. Bell and cherry ,
87.50@S.OO. Cape Cods 80.00
Lemons Choice stock 80.00@7.00.
S Fancy llodl , 100 per box , 85.50 ;
fancy Uodi , 200 per box. S5.00-cholce ; Naples ,
200 per box , S5.50 ; Louisiana , 85.50.
APPLKS The supuly Is liberal , especially
of home-grown stock. Choice Michigan ap
ples. ? 3.00t.J50 . ' : ; home-grown , 82.25yj.oo :
Joh natlions. 3.00@a.50.
OKAPKS llome-trrown stock ts In liberal
supply and Is movliiK fcelv at4Xc per pound ;
California. Tokay 31.75@a.uo per crate ;
Muscats 81.50.
PnAciiKs-ChoIco California stock , 81.25(3 ( ;
1.50. AppLES-Choico Siberian , S3.OOC-i3.50
per bbl.
PKAH9 The market Is well supplied with
the later varieties of California pears which
arn.sellinz at 82.00(3) ( ) .23 per box.
BANANAS The market Is wult supplied
with bananas at SJ.50ftJ3.00 pnr bunch.
CocuANtiis tioort stock , 83.00.
Kloiir and Koed.
flic folinwlnv arc the loblilniiprtcei :
The market has been very dull on hay dur-
Inir the past week. The boil hay sold to-day
at $8.50. The supply on the market Is lib
eral. ' 1 he offerings of the peeler grades lire
especially heavy *
Minnesota patents. 83.50 percwt. : Minneso
ta BaUci s' straight , S-i.20 porcwt. ; Kansas and
Missouri winter fancv patents , 82:4.Vc : 2.t)0 ) :
Nebraska patents , S3.3i5@J.Brve : ; Hour , 81.75
QI.Wi per cwt. ; rye Craliain , Jl.40 per cwt. ;
wheat ( irahatu , 81.75 per cwt. ; corn
yellow , ! Xc ) per cwt : corn meal , white. 81.00
pcrcwt ; chopped feed , S11.00 < aifi.OO pur ton :
bran , S12.00@13.00 pur ton : screenings , 89.00
@l2.oo per ton.
HAY-Upland prairie , 88.00@S.50 ; com
mon coarse , S7.00@8.00.
Grocer's List.
CorrEK Ordinary grades. 20K@21c ; fair.
21) ) < @ 22c ; prime , 22@ ic ; fancy green and
yellow , 23@25c ; old eoverninf nt .lava ,
30o ; Interior Java , 35'i 2So ; Mocha , S8f30c ;
Arbucklo's , roasted , ifi/c ! ; McLaimlilln'H
XXXX , 20 c ; Dllwortli's , 2Cc ; lied Cross.
ItKKiKED LAUD Tierce. 7c ; 40-lb square
cans , 7c ; 50-lb round , 7j/c ; 20-lb round ,
7X-e10-lb ; oalls , 7Wc ; 5-lb palls , 7 c ; 3-lb
palls , 7J c.
SUOAR Granulated , 0 @ "i5 c ; conf. A ,
O SR o ; white extra C , OMC 'Wc ' : extra C ,
0ttii ( , ' < c : yellow C , 5J c ; cut loaf , 7j ; pow
dered , 7' ' c.
I'novistoNS Hams , HjfCJllJ-ic : breakfast
bacon. ll@U'cVf : bacon sides 'JJ10cdrv ( :
salt , bJffticOc ; shoulders , 7@7J c : dried beef
hams , lL'ailc ( : ' dried beqf regular , 0 > i@l"Kc ;
hams plcnle , 8'ittiXv. ,
DRIKD KHUITS Apples , new , J 's 6c ;
evaporatnd , 50-lb ring , li@llj.fc ; raspberries ,
evaporated. 2o ! ) ; blackberries , evaporated ,
UJf ( < 410o ; pitted cherrjes , Beaches , now ,
} i s , 7 } c ; evaporated peeled peucnes , c ;
evaporated , un pared , 10U@l"e ; now currants ,
77Hc ; prunes , 5@o4'c ; : citron , 25c ; ral-
sliis , London layeis , i > i.lO@2.15 ; Calllornla ,
loose muscatels. 8l.'JO@2.00 ; new Volencias ,
KOPE Seven-sixteenths inch , 12 ( < ? 12ijc
STAUCH Minor ( Sloss , 5Jfc ; ( S raves Corn ,
OJ/c ; Oswego ( Jloss , 7c ; Oswcgo Corn. 7c.
Svuup Mo. 70 , 4-gallon kecs. Sl.tu@l.50 ;
New Orleans , per gallon. : fci ( lflc ; maple
M.vrun. half Ihbs , "old time , " per gallon , 80c ;
l-gallon can- > , per doz , S10.50 ; half-nalion
cans , per doz , 80.25 ; ouartcans , 83.25.
CANNKD ( loons O\sters. standard , per
case , S3.00J3 ( ? 10 : strawberries , 2 Ib , per case.
S3.00f 3.lO ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 83.00 ®
Ii.10 ; California pears , per ease. 54.riO ( t.70 ;
apricots , oer cise , S4.10M4.25 ; peaches , per
ease , S5.75tf5.b5 ( ; white cherries , per ease ,
SO. 00 plums , per case , St.bO@3.00 : : blue
berries , per case , S2.80@2.40 : esg plums , 2
10. per case , S2.50 ; plnetpples , 2 Ib ,
per ca e. 83.20(35.75 ( ; 1 16 salmon , per doz.
SJ.OO@2.05 : 2 Ib gooseberries , per ease. 83.25 : ! > : 2 Ib string beans , per case , 81.75 ; 2 Iq
lima beans , per case , Sl.fiO ; 2 Ib marrow
fat peas , per c.ise , 82.50 ( 2.00 ; Z Ib early Juno
peas , per case , 2.75 ; 3 Ib tomatoes , 82.40
(7i2.50 ( ; 21b corn. 2. : ) < a2.40.
"PIOKLKB Medium , Tn bbls , Sfl.50 ; do In
half bbls , S3.75 ; small , In bbls , (7.50 : do in
half bbls , S4.25 ; gherkins , In bbls , $ .3.50 . ; do In
halt bbls. $4.75.
WOODKNWABE Two-hoop pails , per doz ,
81.45 : 3-noop palls , $1.70 ; No. 1 tub. 80.50 ;
No. 2 tub. 85.50 ; No. 3 tub , 84.50 ; wasn-
boards , 81.75 : assorted bowls , 82.25 ; No. 1
churns , 89 ; No , 2 churns , 88 ; No. 3 churns ,
TOHACCO Lorlllard'sCllmax. 44o ; Splen
did , 4lc ; Mechanic's Delight , 41c : Legzett A
Meyer's St'ir , 41c ; Cornerstone , : HC ; Drum-
mond's Horse Shoe , 4lc ; T. J. , : )7c ) ; Sore's
Spearhead , 44c.
BuooMS-Extra 4-tle.S2.00 ; No. 1,82.00 ; No.
Si. 75 : heavy stable , S4
CANDY Mixed , 8X < ailc ; stick.
CitACKKiis ( iarneairs soda , butter and
picnic. 5c ; creams , 8c ; ginger snaps , be : city
soilii , 7c.
TIJAS Japan , 20@ ' > 5c ; gunpowder , 20
Yonn. Hyson. U5@.Vic ; Oolong , aoQsCOc.
JI-.I.LIKS 30-lb pails , 82.00.
HOLLAND MACKKUI : : . bOc per keg.
Dry GooitH.
till , luU v * v , v , vrviiu ,
UX. isu ; 11.200 ; No. lO.s c ; 40 ,
12Mc : bo , I5o ; "JO , Colored , lOc ; 50 , colored.
12c ; 70. colored , 15c ; Bristol , I3 > e ; Onion
Pact lie. 18c.
CAUPKT WAnp-Bibb white , lt > Kc ; col-
cired 20l c
BATrs Standard , 8c ; Oem. He ; Beauty ,
WHc : Boone. 14c ; B. cased , 80.50.
PHIXTH SoMDiCoixiHS Atlanta 5 > < c ; Sla
ter 5c : Berlin Oil OJ cUarnerOilCto7. ; PINK
AND KOBKS KlchmondUc : Allendc ; Ulver-
point5cSteel ; UlverCc : KlcfuuondOc ; Pacitio
CKc. INDIMO HLUK Washington Oc ; Amerl-
canO } e ; ArnoldOUc ; Arnold B llo ; Arnold
A 12c ; Arnold ( Soldseal 10 } c. Imss : Char
ter Oak4Hc ; namapo3 > fc ; Lodl 4fc ; Allen
5Kc ; Itlchmond 5 } c , Windsor Oc ; Eddystone
c ; Pacific Cc.
GINGHAMPlunkctt checks 7J e : Whitton-
ton 7' ' c ; York 7 c ; Normandlo Dress
8Kc ; Calcutta Dress 8 c : Whlttenton
lress Oc ; Ken f row Dress 9c to 12 c ;
CAMnnirs Slater 4c ; Woods 4Xc ; Stun-
dard4)fc ) ; Pt-ncock 4Kc.
COII KT.IKANS Androscoggln iiaKear \ -
gage 7'4'c ; Ilocknort 0 > c ; Conestoga \c. \ .
DUCK-West Point29 in..8oz. . lO c ; West
Point 29 In. . 10 01 , , 12Ko : West Point 29 in. ,
12 oz. . 15cest ; Point 40 in. . 11 olOc. .
Checks Caledonia X. 9K : Caledonia XX ,
lOWc ; Economy u to 9Xc ; Otis 9 to OXc.
TICKS Lewlston 30 In. , 12Ue. ; Lewiston 3J
In. , l Uo ; Vork 32 In. , 14u ; Swift Hlver7Ke :
ThorndlkoOO. H'i'c ' ; Thorndlko E F. 8)40 ) ;
Thorndlke 120 , 9 > < c : Thorndlko XXX , 15c !
Cordls No. 5UMc : Cordis No. 4 , lie.
DENIMS Amoskeac Uoz. , lixi : Everett 7
oz. , iie : ; York 7oz. , 13c ; Havmnker 8K : Jaft-
r-jy XX. HHc : Jaffrey.XXX . , 12Ke : Beaver
Creek AA. 12c ; Beavqr Crcclr BB , lie ;
Beaver Creek CC. lOc.
cKnNTucKV JIANS Memorial 15o ; Canton
18c ; Durham 27Ke : Hercules 18c ; Leaming
ton asifc ; Cottswold 25c ,
CIIASII Stevens' BBo ; ; bleached 7c ; Ste
vens' A 7Ku : bleached 8Wc ; Stevens' P 8 } < c :
bleached 9Xe : Stevensr & OKc ; bleached
lOKc ; Stevens' S H T 12W'c.
MisrKi.LANKOUs Table oil cloth 82.85 ;
plain Holland 8 e to 9p ; . Dado Holland 12 ! c.
FI.ANNEI.H Plaid Kaftsman 20o ; Goshen
SlVc ; Clear Lake MWo : Maple city
i7Kp ; On
' '
. , _ B ; Windsor SS c. He'd'-C , 84 inch ,
K.24 inch , Sic ; ( Hi , 84 inch , 18c : II. A.
25c ; J. K. F. , { , 87Kc : < ! . , ff , 35c.
CoMF01lTr.H < i 80.500 35.00.
BLANKETS White , 81.00@7.50 ; colored ,
.ottiiw SIIKKTIXOS Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7)40 ) ;
ABantlcll , 4-1 , 7c ; Atlantic 1) . 4-1 , o > fc : At
lantic P. 4-4. 5c : Aurora LL. 4-4. 5Jic ;
Aurora C. 4-4 , 4' < c ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , OUjc ;
Hooslcr LL , 4-4 , & 'c : Indian Head , 4-4 7 > ic ;
Lawrence LL. 4-4 , 5J/c ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
f.Kc : Pepperell It , 4 0 } c ; I'oppereil O , 4-4.
Oc ; Peppercll , b-4 , 10c ; IVpperell , 0-4 , 18c :
Pepperell. 10-4 , 20c ; Utlca C. 4-4. 4J4'C ;
Wachusett , 4-4. 7c ; Aurora Jl , 4-4 , 0fP ;
Aurora B , 4-4 , Oe.
BLKACIIKD SIIKKTINO Berkeley cambric ;
No. 60 , OHc ; Uest xet , 4-4 , 0 ] < c ; butter cloth
00 , * c ; Cabot , 7 > i ; Far well , bo ; Fruit of
Loom , ScOrofltie \ Q.Bc } Hope , 7 } < c ; Klnp ;
Phillip cambric , lie ; Lonsdalo , llj/c ; Lons-
dale , ; < c ; New York mills , lOUc ; Popperell ,
42 inch , lOUc : J'flpperell , 40 Inch , ll c ; Pep
perell , 6-4,15c { Pepporell , 8-4 , IPc : Peppercll ,
0-4,20c ; Pepperell , 10-4. 22Kcs Cftiiton. 4-4 ,
8ifc ; Canton , 4-4 , " < c5 Triumph , Cc ; Wara-
sutta , lie ; Valley , 5c.
Gcncrnl Mnrkots.
SPIRITS Cologne spirits , iba proof , 81.10 ;
do 101 proof , 81.12 ; spirits , second quality.
101 proof , 81.10 ; do 184 proof , 11.09. Alcohol ,
1 S proof. 82.10 per wlnn gallon. Redistilled
whiskies , 81.00(31.50. ( Uln blended. 81.WK4
2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons. 82,00 ( 0.00 : Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , S2.OOdO.6o ;
Uoliien ijheaf bourbon and rye whiskies ,
Il.riOdW.oo. Hrnndlej , Imported , 85.00(4 ? . : :
domestic. 3 > .30ft3.00. Olns , Imported , 84.50i
0.00 ; domestic , Il.25t3.00. ( ( Champagnes , lm-
ported , per case , S2S.00933.00 ; American , per
case , liaoarf 10.00. V.
IIKAVT llAKDWAni-lron , rate , J2.7" ;
plow steel , special cast. 4 , ' c ; crucible steel ,
OVc ; cast tools , do , I2 ( < tlbc ; waon Rpokcs ,
per act , 82.00r50 ; hubs , per set , 81.5'jfel '
lees , sawed dry , 81.00 ; ton cues , each , bOc :
axles , each , 75c ; snuaro nuts , per Ib , tvat c ;
coil chain , per Ib , Cj@iic : ; malleable , 8 K > c ;
iron wedges , Oc ; crowears , Cc ; harrow wcth.
4kc ; apring steel. 4 ( < 5c ; Borden's horsu
shoes , J4.75 ; Burden's mule shoos , 85.75.
Barbed wire * In car lots , 14.00 per lee Ibs.
Iron nails , rates , 10 to 50 82.40 ; steel nails.
"HIDES Green butchers' , 5X@8c ; green
cured , 7c ; dry flint , Ho : dry salt , 9c ; green
ralf skins , ? ; , xc ; damaged nldet ) , two-thirds
price. Tallow : > c. Grease Primp white , 3c :
yellow , : > c ; brown , IJfc. Sheep pnlta , 259
40e.COAL Ege , 89.50 ; nut , S9.75 ; range , 89.75 ;
lowa-lnmp , H.OO ; loxva tint , 82.75 ; walnut
block , S3.00 ; Illinois , S4.25@-4.75.
Dry ljuiubcr.
I'14 ' '
1(1 ( ft. U ft',20 , ftJ22 ft'z4 ft
2x4 . iMomwiTso KSo
2x8 , .
ZxlO. . . , ± ; .5 ( ) Z.5 !
2x12. . . . , 18.25 19.50 2U.502 :
4x4-8x8. . .1S.60 19.N ) aUiOlS !
A 0 In. White Pine 535.50 C , 820.50
B 33.50 D , 31.00
IE ' " " ( Sol. Fencing.10.00 )
1st atid2nd , clear , 1. \ } ( inch.'s. 3s 850.50
3d , clear , 1 Inch , s. 8 s. , 45.50
" " IJIK , 8 In 40.50
A select. 1 Inch , s. 8 s. , 40.00
" " 2 In 44.00
1JUf -
B " i Inch , s. 8 s. , 30.00
" " ! > { , U f , 3 In 37.00
POPI.AU i.uMnr.n.
Clear Poplar , lx. ! Bds. % in. , s. 2 s..835.50
Mln. Panel , s. 8s 87.00
" " Corrugated Celling , K. . 28.50
O. O. Baits , 2K In 800.75
" Kx3 in , 8.1s 00.45
3 In Well Tubing , I ) & M and Bev. . . . . 23.00
Pickets , 1) . & H. Flat 20.50
" " Square 81.00
No. 1 , com. si B 818.00 No. 2 , com , si sS17.00
No. 3. 815,50 No. 4 , 813.00
No. 1 , 4 A 6 In , 12 A 14 ft , rough 810.50
No. 1 , " " 10 " " 10.50
No.8 , " 12 A 14" " 10.00
No.3 , " " 18 " " 17.50
A. 12. 14 and 10 ft. 821.50 C , 815.50
B. 20.50 U. 18.50
1st com , > / III White Pine CViliug S34.00
3nd " " " " " 28.00
Clear , ! , ' in. Norway " " 10.00
nd com. % in. " " " 14.00
STOCK noAitns.
A 12innhs. Is 545.50
No. 1 , com. 18 in. s. 1 s. , 13 ft 80.50
" " " 14 ft 10.00
" " " JO ft 1H.50
No.2 , " " " 10.00
' " 10 tt 17.50
Inch ( iroovod Hooting 81.00 per 51 more
than 12 inch Stock Boards same length.
suiNni.i : < ) , ! < ATII.
XXclear . .83.10 Kxtra * A * 52.00
* A * Standard . . 8.75 * AHB.tB 2.55
0 in. clear No i. . 1.60 Lain 2.C5
White cedar , C In. , J s. , I2c ; 0 in. qrs. , lie ;
8 in. ( trs. , 10c:4 : in. round 15c ; 'lennesboo
lied Cedar , split. I5c : Split Oak. I2c
1,1 MI : , Krc.
Kulncv white lime ( best ) , We : Akron ce-
.pnt , Si.75 ; hair , : * c ; piabter , 82.75 ; tar
oard , 81.75 ; sash , 40o perct ; doors , 40 per
t. : blinds , 40c per ct. ; mouldings , 40o per
r. tar felt , per cwt. , S2.75 ; straw boaid ,
Com.4A01u. Flooring 817.50
tnr " " 21.50
Jlear ? < in. Ceiling 21.50
" Ji in. Partition 85.00
" Finish , 1 it 1' in.s. 2s 20.00
" Corrugated Celling , 4 In 25.00
Yellow Pine Casing and Base. . . 27.03
Slaort Lin ©
The only roiul to tnko for Dos Molno ' nr-
halltown , Ocilnr llnpldF , Clinton , Dlxon. Chlcn-
O , Milwaukee and nil points enst. To the people
ple ot Nebraska , Colorado , Wyoinlnir. Utah ,
Idaho , .Nevm'o , Urc on , WnsliliiRton , nnd Call-
fornla , It offers superior advuntnges not possi
ble by any otliur lino.
Among aiowo * ino numerous points of BU-
nfirlorlty enjoyed by tlio patrons of this road
Ueiween Omaha nnd C'lloinfO.aro Its two trains
a day of DAY COAUHKS , which nro the fluent
hat human nrt nnd IIIRjnulty can crexto. Its
ALACliKBLK.Kl'lNO OAKS , which uro models
of cointort nnd olfyanco. u8 PAUI.OU DKAW-
INO ItOOM OAKS , tinsurnassud by any. nnd Ita
widely celebrated 1'ALATIAIj DININU OAltS ,
the eiiuulof which cannot tie found clscwhora
At Council Illultstlic tniina ol the Union Pncltlo
Itr. connect In Union Depot with the o of the
Chlcaito.V Northwestern Hy. In Clilcn o the
trains of thle line make close connection witlt
those of nil eastern lines.
For Detroit. Columbus , Indlnnnpolls , Cincin
nati , Nlanaru Kails , llnlfalo , PltteburirToronto ,
Montreal , lloston , New Vork , Phlloilolphln ,
nnltiinore , Washlneton and nil points In thu
cast , ask for a ticket flu. the
If you wish tlio lie > , t ucconimodatlon , All ticket
atuntBboll tickets via thin lino'
Genl. Manager , Oonl. Pnsa'rAKent
Chlcairo , ill.
Westarn Agent , City Paxs'r Agent ,
Dm'aha Nebraska.
Chicago , Mil waukee&Sl Paul Ry
27ie Heat Route from Omaha and
Council JHlii/fn to' .
Two Trains Daily Uetween Omaha and
Council Blulli ,
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRapids
Rock Island , Krceport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Janesville ,
lieloit , Winona , La Crosse ,
And all other important points Kaot , Northeast
anil Koiitheast.
Tor throuirh tickets call on tlio ticket intent
at 1401 Jnrntim street , In 1'uxtou Hotel , oral
Union Pncltlo 4lopot.
Pullman Sleepers and the finest UlnliiK Cars
In the world aru run on the main line of Hit
Chlcuiro , Mllwnukeo ABt. . 1'aul Hallway and IV
ery attention Is jialdto pamon ers by courts
ous iimployes of the company.
It. MII.I.KH , lieneral Manapor.
J. K. TUCKKII , Assistant ( icneral Mnnngrr.
A. V. It. CAlii'tNiEll , ( jciiornl 1'aidentrer and
Ticket nifcnt.
Uon. E. HtAfronu , Assistant General I'asion-
jror and Ticket Au'cnt.
J , T. Cianx , Uevral Supcrlntoadoni
Agricultural Implements.
Whol iMel > rltrln
Agricultural Implements , Wngona ,
Ctft\ttt \ uJ Bullion. Jnnci Itrret , tfwt n Oth
nil 10thOni\h , Nub.
Agricultural Implements ,
Wftcnni.CirrlMM , n < iKl ! > , Hie. , WholtMlt , Onub * .
Whotc lel > c lor ln
Agricultural Implements ,
iriconi nnd Umilf . SOI , KB,1 )3 inJ W7 , Jonri it
P. 1 . MAST & CO. ,
M n f rtiircpi of
Drill * , Seeder. * , CnlHvator
llnj lUkci , Clilcr Mill * mul l.utmn I'nlierlicrs. Cor.
Ncirtli Mill and Nicholas t $ .
Wholesale Agrlcullaral Implement *
Wagons ami UuiaMcs. ornor 14th & Nicholas Us ,
Artists' Material.
Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
Jill DonclM Htr * l , Omtli * .
Boots and Shots.
w. r. MOKSE a co.
Jobbers of Hoots and Shoes.
1411 Furntni it. , Cm h , Nib. Iltnufaetorr , Summit
itrt t. Hoiton.
Successor * to llecj.Tones & Co. ,
Wholesale Mnnufiicturrri * of Hoots .V Shoos.
Ants for Uopton Itutihe. ' Slioo Co.
1102. 11(14 ( .1 1101 M rii i- t. . dmiilin. Ne
Coffee , Spfces , Etc.
Oiniihn OJlTce anil Splco Mills. Tens , Coffec ,
8plcc , Ilitklnir 1'owiler , Klnvorliiir KxtrncU.
l-uumlry Hlno Ink , etc. 141I-141U llnrncy SL
Unnitin , Nobrneku ,
Crockery and Glassware
Af ntfor'hnManut cturcr and Importerot
Crockery , Glassware ,
Liunpi , ChlmncTf , etc. Office , SIT Bouth llth rt.
Commission and Storage.
Commission and <
Bntter. Knii ml Produce , { 'onilgnmenti ( elicited.
H dquarteri for Bt4 > mWiiru ) , Jlfrrr llozei * nd
Ur > pe Ilmketii. 1414 IH > i1ieitreetOra hn.
Slorajro and Conimlsslon Morchanti ,
flCil lii Uiitter , Kff. Clipvua , To iltrf , Game ,
Oriten. etc. , eto. 1U8. lllhBU
Produce Commiasion Hercliants ,
Poultry , llutter , Unmo , Kiuiti , etc. Z 8. llth it
Omaha. Neb.
. .
.i- i.
SilccosRors to Mcfhunu \ Schroedor.
1'roduco Commission iiml Cold jt
Onmlui , Nob.
Coal , Coke and Lime.
Qio. * \ ijAfiAan. Vren. C. F. ooortMAN , V. Piei.
J. A. SUNlir.Hl.AND , Soo. Hnd Trean.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
iOaSoutli Thirteenth Street. Omulin , Neb.
, / . tl. . > M
Mannfiicturors of Illinois White Limo.
And Shipper" of Conl nnrt Cnke , Coniunt. I'lasler ,
IJrnp , H lr. Fire Brick , Irnln. Tll nnil cwer Plpp.
omcu. IMiton Flute ! Ka'-'im ' nt. , Om.Um , .Sub.
Tdlepnonu 811. _
\t of Coul tnnl Cotee ,
3UB.1IIII St.Omiitiu , Nob.
Dry Goods and Notlofs.
jr. E. SMITH tc co , ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions
1102 and 1104 Douuli" . cnr. llth St. , Omnhn. Neb.
CO. ,
Importer's nnd Jobber * Dry Goods. Notions ,
dents' FiirnMiliiif Goods , tor. llth & Humpy
81" . . Onriliu
TVholesale Dealers in Furniture.
Fkrnsm ( t. . Omaba. Neb.
Fnrnitnre , Boddin ? , Upholstery ,
Ulrrori.otc. lay. 1303 and 1210 Farnnni > t. . _ Omah .
Croceritt ,
Wliolesi\lo Groceries and Provisions ,
Noc. 7fti , 707 , V and 711 9.10th. 8t , Omahn. Neb.
McCOUD , Jt.UAl > r t4 CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
lln and I.enTonworth t . , Omuha.
U. M. SJ I-l Ul ! . iv CU , ,
1211) , K'21,1221 IliirnoySt. , Oiunlia , Net ) .
lllliind lllfi Hnrnny Street , Omnhn.
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tinware , Hheet Iron , BIC. Agent * for Howe Bcnlei ,
nnd Miami PonderCo..Om < haNeb.
Builders'Hanlwarc&Scalo Repair Shon
liecbanlco' Touli and Iluffalo Kcalai. KOO Douglai at.
- , Nub.
Wholesale Hnrdtrnre ,
10th and Hiirnoy StroL-ta , Omnlm. Noli.
Western AKUMIH tor Auntln I'owdor Co. , JelTcr-
ton Stool NHlls , Kiilrbnnka Stnnd.ircl Hcalci.
Heavy Hard Hare
W. , T. ItllOATCIT ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Bprluga , Wagon Slock , Hardware Lumber , etc. 1309
and Ull llarner Bt. , Omnha.
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
\fafenn and Carriage Wood Htock , TTciiTy llar < 1war&
Kto. HIT and HID Leavenworth t. , Omaha , Neb
Hats , Caps , Ete.
Wholcmile Hats , Caw t Straw
1107 Hnrncy Struct , Omnlm , Nob.
Dlstllleri of I.lquorj , Alcotinl and plrlt > . Importora
and Jobbers of Wines ami J.lquort.
CO. find ILER < l > CO. ,
Importert and Jobtieraof Kino Wlnen nrt LlQiior
Sole lD iiuf etur riiot Keunedr'f Ky l India Bitten -
ten and Domeitlc l.lquiirx. 1112 llnrn r St.
Dealer. . AM Kind , of
Iluildin ? Material at Wholesale.
ISth Street anil Dnlon Paeltlo Track. Omaha.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Linn * , Sush ,
I > oori , Kte. Vardi-CornerTth and Douglaij Cornel
th and lou la .
13th and Callforrla ftreeti. Omaha. Neb.
Lnrober , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor.Cm tnd iouiln Hi. . OmaUa.No ) .
To Dealers Only.
Offlce , U03 Faroim tr et.Omth .
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpeti and P rq t Flooring. 8th and Doagla *
Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
Imported * nd American Portland Cement. PUt4
Afent forMllwaukee Hrdraulle Ceineutand licit
( julnc ; While Lime.
Millinery and Motions.
J. OnKttl'KLItKR IS CO. ,
Importers nd Jobber * of
Xotlon * .
nth st.
Motions ,
Wliol i le IHiil ri In
Notions and Furnishing1 Goods ,
410 and 406 B. Tontb St , Omnhl.
Wholesale Notion * and Gent * ' Ifitr
nl.tliiiifi Good * ,
110A Ilnrnoy Street..Omnhn , Nub.
Wlin.lrna.lo Donlura In
Rejtncd and Lubricating Oil * ,
AxltiOrense , etc. Umnlin , Neb.
A , II. Ulshop , Manager.
Wliolcsalu Paper Dealers.
Carrr a nlco itoek of Printing , Wra , > nln nn < 1 Writ
Ing paper. Special attention glreu to car load or
ord er <
Printers' Materials.
Auxiliary Pubiisliers.
Dealers In Tjpol're i and Printers' Supplier (0 >
South Twelfth Stroet.
Rubber Goods.
Manufacturer find Dealeretn all klndiuf
Kubbcr Goods ,
Oil Tlntlilng and Leather Hulling. HtHK _ rnmu
S'.enm fittings , Pumps , Etc.
Pumps , Pipes and Engines.
Bteam , Water , Hallway and Milling Supplier.
9X , unand W4 Karnaru it. . Oaiulm. Nel .
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
gtaamand Water Supplies. Headquarter ! for Mat !
' . ' . Jill . . . .
ro u'.o'HJoo-U. ITaruam t. Unmhn. Neb.
nalladar Wind Ullmt pteam nnd WMer Hnpnllef ,
Plumbing Ooodn , Hefting. llo e. IMS mid VX > far-
uaui it. , Omaha. 8. K. Kolton , Munager.
_ lelephnneNu.210.
Mnnufitctiirern and Dcalom In
Kiifflncs , Hoilors & Gcnevitl Jlaohliiory
Sheet Iron Work.Sleum I'utiipi. Saw Mills.
IMl.'MUiri l.eavciiworlli St. , Oiniiliu.
ii'in , Field and Garden Seeds ,
Nos. lill-Uia Jones Street , Oiimlut. Nub.
Storage , Forwarding & Commission.
Storage , Forwardingtf Connn
llriuicli lunisool lh Honnov llu i/y ( 'o. Ilinr-
irles nt wlioluinlii mill n lull Nos. 111'M. ' IIHO
nnd KII'J 1/urd M. , Uniiihn , Nob. TulopUono
No. 7CU.
Teas antl Cigars
" '
\VM."AT'wTLSON & CO. ,
Iinportnrsnnd Jobbers of
'lens and Claari * .
plcos nnd lilsy ) ; Hnkluif Powder. Kin nnd lilt )
Hiiinoy Slicot. , ( Jimllm , Nut ) .
Cornier. .
John Epencter , Prop.
Minnfaoturer r Oklvanliod Iron and Cornice. AN
l > c.d < e nd 103 and IPS N. IQlli it. . omaUa.Nel ) .
Smoke Sta-ks , Boilers , Etc
/ / . Jt. SAWYER ,
Slunufnetiiriiifi : Dealer in SinokoStacks ,
H , Tnnki. nn < l OonnrHl llollc-r Ki-inlilii ? ,
l.ll'i Dciilon Iri'i't. ( Itiinlin
* " " * " * " M * * * ' M * * ' M
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
Wrought nnd Cast Iron Bullillnu Work , Iron Slalm ,
IlnllliiK , llfunm anil Olrdcru , Htcnm KnglnfB. llrun
Work , OLiiorul Kounilrr , Mnrbliio HIH ! Mine krmllh
\fnrk. OBlcean lWork .U. P. UT.nnillitlmtiuet.
Manufacturers of
Wire and Iron Ralllnyn , Diwli Xalli ,
Window ( junrilg , I'lowofSlnnds , Wlni
1SI N. 10th.
G. Andrein , Proprietor.
.Manul'actiirer ( if Flro nnd llnrgliir I'root Pafcs.
Vaults , .lull Work , lion and Whui KcsiieliiK ,
, oto Cor. llth ami.Iack nn-st. Omnhn.
Manufacturers of Ovornlls ,
letni P nt , Slilrti , Etc. I1W and 1104 Douulm Street.
Sash , Doors , Ete.
Wlioletale Manunctur r of
Snsli , Doors , lilinds and Jlotildltiflfs ,
llrnpch oaice.lZlii aud Itsril tr. , tni.-.haN-- .
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mould'nKH.SUilr ' Work and Interior Hard Wood nnltli
Just opeuuct. N. K. cor. 8th and Leuvenwurlb tilt.
Omuba , Nob.
Manufacturer of MonMlnpi" , busli , Doors nml
lIllnds.Tiiniliiit ritiilr-work. llnnk nml
OltlCD 1'lttlllRS
2)tli ) nml Poppleton A\cnuo ,
Brewers ,
lJ < ! ! r Urewcrs ,
1M1 North lllb Hlrcet. Omnha , Neb.
C. II. PU.MKlt. N. I' . II1UII.MA.V. J. II. Ill , ASCII AKO
Live Stork Commission Merchants ,
Olflco Hooiii" ) . Upposlto Cxcluumc llulldlni , ' ,
t'nion Block Vmds , Hdiitli Oinnliii , Noli.
Livestock Coniinlssion Mcirlmnls.
Murket fiirnlshpil froennupiilUHtl'in. bin kor i
fuoler funil lml on KO I ternit Hororono *
Omilni Nutlonul II ink HIM ! Ho ith Oniuhu N Mia t
Uolun htuck V nl , , buiitli Uuuliu ,
Lire Stork Commission ,
Itoom 15 Kxt'liniiKO Imlldlnif , 1'nlon Hlock
Viinls , houtli Umnliii , Noli.
ConiralhSlon Dcnlorfi In I.lvo .Stok , lloom "I.Kx
cliaiiKu llulldlnif . I'nlon Meek VMS. , . * . Oinnliii
ItciforonccsI'nlon NiU'l Hunk , Oiiinhii.l'iilini
S-IOCK ViinU Hunk. H. Omnhn , I' , ft. ltowluv
Pits. Am. llnnk .V Ti u t Co. . Omulin.
Cotnmlfifilon Donlors In I.lvo Stnok , Hooin 'H
Opposim KxclLinuii llnlMlnif , Union Hiock
Viiuls , south Uinnliii , Nub.
Uf Omaha.
I-lmJKd. John K. Bord. B'jpertnteol n > .