Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 04, 1887, Image 1

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The President and Wife Cordially Bccelved
By the Oitizsus Of St. Louis.
AP ImmoiiRC Reception Held at the
Merchants' Kjrhango , Followed
Ily i Rldn Through the
The Presidential Party.
ST. LOOIH , Oct. 3. At 10:10 : this morning
President and Mrs. Cleveland took a carriage
from Mayor Frances' mansion , where they
have been stopping , and were driven to the
fair grounds. Tlio president's carriage was
drawn by four richly caparisoned black
horses and was followed by five other car
riages provided for his companions. A long
string of private carriages followed behind.
A largo crowd of ladles and children gathered
In front of the mansion nnd cheered the
president and wife as they left. The drive
to the fairgrounds was made at a trot. It was
children's day and the youngsters were out
In full force. They , with their mother : : ,
nurses friends packed the amphitheatre
and surrounding piomonadn lo the number
of fO.UCO. A brans band attempted to make
Itself heard , but the shrill voiced congrega
tion made everything bul the base drum In
audible. The visitors did not alight. After
drIUng around the amphitheatre track , a
halt was made and Mrs. Cleveland was pre
sented by the lady superintendent of tlio
klndergardcn schools with a hand-
6 < . 'Ue | basket of cut flowers.
' .V'i e children , led by tlio bands ,
tfcng "Hall Columbia , " and the cortege , alter
ifA drive through the fair grounds , made Us
fi.y back lo the city , where they went di
rectly to the Merchants' exchange. Mrs.
Cleveland did not accompany the president
to the exchange , but was left en route
t the rcxhlenco ot the mavor ,
wl\pro \ she went to that of Mrs
iStAiilan , ono of society's lead
ers , where Iho ladles of St. Louis had an
opportunity to pay their respects.
On arriving at the exchange , the president
was taken to the directors' room , where a
largo number of icpresentatlvo citizens from
tlio Interior of Iho state were introduced to
him bv counties. When this ceremony was
over , the president was escorted to the main
hall of Iho exchange. '
The Immense room was jammed to the
utmost capacity wltli people and tlio presi
dent , had dilllculty In getting from the recep
tion room lo Iho platform. As ho ascended
the platform the enthusiasm was Intense.
Frank Garienne , president of the Merchants
a'/.chiiiKflv introduced Mayor Frances and
declared thK the most auspicious day ot St.
Ii'Xi'y vvlthln her history. Mayor Frances
Oieii'welcomed the prcsld"nl to the city and
state , and after another explosion of cheers
the president responded as follows :
"If I am expected to make an extended
speech on this occasion 1 am afraid 1 shall
disappoint you ; and this 1 would ho sorry tc
do , aft.ii having succeeded nt last , throiuh
much tribulation , in standing face to face
with my St Louis friends. The tribulation
ot which 1 speak has arisen from the extreme
kindncs ; o * a vast number of American pee
ple' ' ml the cordial Invitations they have
tendered nib to stop and see them on ray way
to you. Your Ut/waa the objective point
of my travel in this direction , ad It has
s mcllmcs seemed lo mo that every town be
tween Washington and hero has been repro
Dented as being directly In my route and II
has been hard to convince their kind niu
enthusiastic citizens that it would not bo en
tirely easy , within the tlmo at my disposal ,
to pay them a visit. My own Incllnatlor
leading mo In the direction of their dcslies
It lias Deen a difficult matter to resist tholi
Importunities ; ur.t 1 have made up my mind
that tlio people of St. Louis are to blame foi
tueuutlru perplexity nnd disappointments
which Ibis trip Sf s caused , for H was Ihrougti
them that 1 was Induced to Irnve homo nt all. .
1 expect that anything 1 might Bay concernIng -
Ing your state or city In the way ot laudatlot
or congratulation would hardly .equal youi
own estimate of these subjects. 1 botiovt
there was a tlnie when St Louis was t
determined nnd jealous rival of Chicago. J
don't know whether this conditlov
continues or not ; but 1 hone i
does. While you can hardly expect looker :
on to.take sides In such a contest , we an
Interested to the extent thai such a Rtrugt'Ii
adds to the growth and improvement ot tin
country at largo. Both ot those citlc :
exemplify , In a wonderful degree , how com
pletely and how speedily Ameilcan eucrg ;
land business Ingenuity every avail-
'able ' element of municipal growth and hov
every useful typo of the wet Id's populatloi
Is assimilated to the grand purpose or Amorl
can expansion.
I am here reminded ot what I suppose t <
bo a fact , that more than half ot your voter
are ot foreign birth and parentaze. Tin
growth and Increase of your city in ever ;
way indicates , 1 think , that the condition o
your population , thus tirade apparent is b ;
uo means lo bo depreciated , and my obscrvn
tlon , during a long residence In a city sin
Ilarly situated , has led inn to know the vain
of any community of Industrious , frugal
and thrltty men and women who come froi
foreign lands to find new homes with us
who Invest themselves with citizenship , an
who uro satisfied and content witli Ihe free
dom of our government and with our law
and Institutions , The line Is easll
drawn between them and non
assimilating immigrants who sock on
Miorcs solely for purposes evolvln
disturbance' ' and disadvantage to our bed
( . politic. 1 norm I may , without Impropriety
M ay this much In recognition of what lias bee
done for St. Louis by Its uaturali/cd citizen
as well as in remembrance of many kin
nnd valued trlends and associates of forme
nays. I deem myself especially fortunate i
being with you at a time when the nianufai
tuio and products of your city and the sin
rounding country are on exhibition t
vour fair , one of the largest in the countrj
* Those who seek the best and surest evldenc
of your substantial prosperity may well I
satisfied. Hero 1 shall see things which ai
conclusive proof of thrltt , of wealth an
comfortable homes. I hope to see , beside :
whllo here , certain fcatues of your city's ill
'which , just at this tlmo , are unusuall
displayed anti which establish the fac
that the people of St Louis , with all thel
business engagements and with all their lo !
and stirring trade , arc not averse to pleasui
nnd enjoyment. 1 hope that you will lin
your visitors to be Interested sightseers , an
ot ail things you may bo assured , howeve
much you may Imnress us with the greatne :
of your citywo aio certain to have our hear
filled with trataful appreciation of Ihe klnc
ness and hospitality of your people. "
From the exchange Iho president and h !
companions were escorted in carriage
through the principal business streets ot tl
city , the ride lasting about an hour. Ever ;
where alone the route masses of peep
awaited and greeted the giujst ot thu da
There was no disorder , the crowds manlles
ing thuir enthusiasm In cheois and nols
nnd refraining I rom crowding about or fo
lowing the carriages. The most consplc
ons feature of the decoration was Iho urr.i
of gas jets each lump and awning po
bearing a nrnnchiug tree of piping , whllo i
the strcel corners greal arches were llirow
across from curb to curb. These bore
million colored globes , the effect of whlcl
oven In daylight , wns striking. Tl
cortege reached the Llndvll iictel
is o'clock , where rooms , Including
scries of large parlors , had boon secured fi
the president An hour was given for luiii
mid rest nnd at 3 o'clock , Mrs. Clevelai
having rejoined her husband , the doors i
n * the reception parlors were thrown open ar
tlie public were admitted to shako the ham !
ot the president and his wife. The recoptk
Iwcan piomptly at 3 o'clock and continiu
until n. President and Mrs. Cleveland r
celved their visitors , standing , In tlm mtdd
ot the largo parlor under a rich chaiidvllr
A.score of tojlnu society todies ot St. Lou
assisted Mrs. There was a liber
sprinkling of ladies In tno W1 * of pcop
nnd a strung admlstuio of coumryawi
the pure western type , who had con
lung distances to see the pteslatnit. 1
president received as ho always does. \
lias become very expert In the discharge
Ills part of the work a.ud manages , to great
facilitate tlio passavjo ot thn line. Insplr
BPiarentlyonly | by a desire to give the cr
oted opportunity to as great a number a * pi
Blblo. Ifhe.flvcr geU fatigued his upper
WO fall * , to slvc oYidvu9 ot lUc fuel.Su ,
milling , as ho docs good-naturedly ,
to familiar , often boisterous saluta
tions ot many who approach
him , ho takes the liberty sometimes to give a
loiterer wltn a grasp of * his hand a ulurdy
pull In the direction ho ought to move and
often with halt a dozen words manages lo
answer In kind the greetings ot as many
cnllers. Mrs. Cleveland acknowledged the
greetings of her visitors with a smile and
bow. butwllhoullaklnglhelrhands. Colonel
Lament estimates that 0,000 persons took Iho
hand of the president tills aflornoon and
man } ' were unable lo gain admission.
At half-past 7 this evening President and
Mrs. Cleveland , with their seven travelling
companions , wrre escorted by n now recep
tion committee through the illuminated
streets ot the city. At the exposition th"y
were conducted through the exhibition and
music halls. During the performance ot
"Shower of Hoses" by Gllmoro's band a
hanging screen at ono side ot the
stage was let fall. exposing a
beautiful life-sko oil painting of Mrs. Clove-
land. From the telling down of Hie screen
lo Iho end ot Ihe piece rose leaves conlinuod
to fall from the celling high above noon the
picture. The presidential party reached the
hotel at 10 o'clock and were serenaded by
the Hendrlcks association , assisted
bv political clubs from all the wards
of the city and from many
towns from a distance. The serenade proper
was given by several slniting societies. The
procession of which they formed a part num
bered fully thirty thousand. The president
addressed the serenaders , thanking them.
He said that although the trip was
ono of sight-seeing and social
intercourse. It would bo affectation on his
pirt to ignore the fact that thuso evidences
of friendliness were tendeicd by those who
are not only fellow citizens but members of
the party to which he belongs. " 1 am glad
to believe the heartiness of your
demonstration betrays to some ex
tent your democratic enthusiasm.
1 feel like confessing to you to-niifht thai
what I have seen of this vast country and Its
people since I left home has , If possible. In
creased my sense of responsibility as a public
ofllcer and member of a great political party.
My official duty I owe to all the
people of the land , and whether it
is well or Ill-pei formed , primarily
concerns them nnd mo as their public scr-
ant. But 1 cannot fall In my duty to the
ountry without discrediting you nnd the
jiarty of my choice. The considerations
shown constrain mo to that course of olllclal
L-oiKiuct , as it is given m to discern It , which
's marked out by the needs of the people and
.lie good of the country. It tends , in
uv opinion , directly to the adoption ot the
j > rinclples and practices of true democracy.
It behooves us all to guard against a blind ,
selfish and unreasoning party feeling , re
gardless nnd thoughtless of the country's
welfare , and which leads us away from good
citizenship as well as true democracy. "
An Explanation or the Three Sum
mons For O'Brien.
DUIIMJT , Oct. 3. William O'Brien has
wrltlen a public letter , In which lie says :
'On the day of my conviction at Mitchells-
town the solicitor general tclegraphad In
cipher to the crown counsel : 'Mislako.
O'Brien will beat us , Hariington will be
disbarred at our next meeting. ' This ex
plains why I received three separate sum-
nons. The plot tor ruining Harrington is
icre disclosed with brutal candor. " In an
nterview Harrington says : "Perhaps
some of my words at the Mitchells-
town inquest wore too Etrong foi
some ot our Kngllsh friends , bul
nothing else could elicit the facts from the
police. I was Informed that the policy had
previously been determined upon to give me
all the insolence possible In the witnes ;
chair. Sergeant Kyder pledged himself Ic
his companions lo strike me. The Inspector ,
however , restrained him. 1 would not b <
surprised If Dublin Castle finds itself in an
awkward fix when all the facts regarding the
refusal to permit Constable Sullivan's re nor
on the evidence are placed before the Kngllsh
people. " _
Signer Crlspl'n Mfsnlon.
187 III James Gont/m BeniirfM
KOME , Oct. 8. [ New York Herald Cable-
Special to the BKK.J I am able to conlirn
the rumor that Signer Crispl's mysterioui
journey to Frledorlchsrue is directly connected
nectod with the attempt to settle the Uomai
question. In fact Bisnarck Invited Crispl li
undertake the journey to prepare a reconcill
atlon between the pope and King Humbert
and so undo Ihe German Catholics am
Protestants. Bismarck has lone been inn
nocuvcrlng to obtain the advantages attachini
lo tlio position of protector of the papacy
and a few days ago King Humbert wss oil )
dally , though secretly , Informed that Bis
inarck would bo glad to negotiate a reconcili
atlon on the basis of a cession to the pope o
all or a part of Home situated on the lef
bank of the Tiber. What other motive BU
marck mav have in raising the Koman ques
tlon nt this particular time remains to b
seen , but I am Assured from ecclesiastics wh
have the credit of enjoying the holy father'
congdct.ce , that Leo XIII. inclines to tin
belief that such a small concession Is no
sufficient for the dignity of the holy seo.
Thn Solicitor General Oenins.
Dunr.tN , Oct. 3. Gibson , the Irish sollclto
general , denies the statement ot Willlai
O'Brien regarding the dispatch to the crowi
counsel. _
Democratic Nominees.
AURORA , Neb. , Oct 3. [ Special Telozrar
to the BKK.J The democratic county cot
vention met In the court house hero thi
afternoon at 2:30 and nominated thlrly-elgl ,
delegates. Dr. Hirst , chairman of the count
central committee , called the convention i
order. Dr. D. S. Woodward , of Hamlttoi
was elected chairman , and K. W. Hurlbut , c
Aurora , secretary. There was very lltll
enthusiasm displayed , and the convention t
once proceeded to business. But few lobby
Ists were present , and even the few looked r
If Ihev were on the ragged edge of a forlor
bopo. The following nominations wei
made : For treasurer , Frank Stenus ; ft
clerk , Charles L. Crane : for sheriff , Joh
Pollard ; tor county judge , Daniel Walla ; tc
county superintendent , Miss Lon Armif tc
surveyor , 1) . B. Hart : tor clerk of the illstrii
court , D. W. Fay : for coroner. Dr. Gnodln
for commissioner , Stephen Pollard : forchai
man ot countv central committee , A. >
Glover ; for secretary central committee , I-
W. Hurlbut.
News From Chtiia.
SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 3. The steamshl
Oceanic arrived from Yokohama nnd lion
Kong this morning. An arrangement
reported to have been made with the Chlno
government and Great Northern Telegrap
company , working In conjunction with U
Eastern Extension company , for an extei
slon of the Imperial Chinese telegraph so n
to give a direct telegraph route from Chin
to Europe.
The reports respecting the Chinese-Amo
lean banking telegraph syndicate , for whic
Count Mitklmvic/ negotiated the concession
are very conflicting. It appears that Kngli ;
and Chinese are , making efforts to provei
Iho consummation of the grunt to the -Vine
The Corean government has appolntc
Park Clienlnu' Van as minister pleuipotei
itury to tlm United States.
Carter 11. Harrison , ol Chicago , arrived i
Yokohama Sept. 15.
St. .Inn'ri Cnminir Swell Wnddlntr.
ST. Jo-writ , Mo. , Oct. a. [ Special Tel
( tram to the BEK. ] Cauls won > sent out tt
day announcing the weaduu next Wednc :
day of George Schneider ami Miss Heli
Gratli. The groom is cashier of the Amor
can bank in this city , and Iho bride Is
cmud-daughter of General James Crai
Both ars prominent In society. Thn weddli
will be ono of tit * ivcial uvcuts of tie ! scaut
In this city.
Michael-Davltt Coinine Ti'cst.
Cmc.voo.'Oct. 3.-Mlchael Davitt arrlvi
at Urn Grand Pacific hotel at midnight. Tl ;
morning Patrick Ksan came In from LI
coin , Neb. , to escort Uavlu on lila trip we
Mayor Amea Deliver * an Address of Wel
come to Labor's Great Organisation ,
Ho Speaks to an Audience of Over
I-'Iftccn Thousand People and
llcccivcs an CnthuslaHilc
I'he KnlKhta or Ijahor.
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , Oct , 3. The gen-
er\l assembly of the Knights of Labor was
called to order this morning by J. 1' . Me
Gaughey , secretary of the co-operative board
and chairman of the local committee of ar <
rangements. The rink was handsomely
decorated , and contained about 8,000 people ,
McGaughey read telegrams from 1'owderlj
and Secretary Llchtman , stating they had
been unavoidably delayed and could not ar
rl\o until the afternoon. McGaughoy madi
a brief address on the growth of the order It :
the northwest , and Introduced Mayor Ames ,
who made a tormal address of welcome.
Itlchard Orltliths , general worthy foreman ,
A. A. Carter , of the general executive board
nnd several others made short speeches , attei
which the convention adjourned till night.
General Master Workman Powderly ,
General Secretary Litchman , and most ol
the other delayed delegates to the genera
assembly arrived this afternoon. The greaf
hall , capable of seating 15,000 people , was
crowded at the opening of the evonliu
exercises. Mr. Powdorly's address was
received with unbounded enthusiasm , He
\vasnnnouncedto speak on "Tho World ni
Knight hood Would Make It. " Ho said It
beginning that he could not toll thorn any
Ihlng of the kind. "The world as kighthooi
would make It would take up more timi
lhan 1 could give it hero lo-night
Men say the knights can neve :
attain wtiat is aimed at in tliolrdeclaratlon o
principles. Then they go to church and praj
lor better things than the knk-hts eve
dreamed of. The men who prav that this
earth be made as the kingdom of Heaven
would deny us a place In legislative halls
The men who make these prayers He whei
they make them. The Knights of Labo
respect the laws and intend to laito a ham
n making the laws. Our organl/.atlon Is no
i partislon organization , but in the trm
, enso of the word it is a political organi/.n
ion. The man who stands up with us wil
0 able to vote Intelligently ; I
e Is not , there Is something wrong with hi
iead. * * * * I have been taken t
: ask on a few things. It has been charei
hat 1 did not favor Immigration. U Is a mis
: ake. 1 am of foreign birth myself. I havi
10 objection to foreign immigration ; I favo
t. Every land grant company , however , ha
ts immigration agents. They bring in al
uanm-rot foreigners. If one of these pee
reatures raises his hand-not against law
or he knows none , but against what he sec
ust before him he Is called an nnarchls
ml is punished , while the men who loade
hese poor creatures on this country gor
cot tiee. [ Thunderous applause. ) I hat
.narchlsta and I hate anarchy. How can th
hlld reared In poverty , squalor , Ignoranc
nnd vice grow up to respect the institution
it his country ? I say stop the agent of th
iteamshln company , take homo the agent r
he land company , stop Importing toreig
laupers and let only those come to our frti
America who come of tholr own will to man
their homes here. Is that saving anythln
against a foreigner ? [ Cries of "No , no. "
This Is why 1 am called a crank on the 1m
migration question. 1 am also called a cran
on the temperance question. I may t
a crank on this question , but I am m
ashamed to bay 1 would far rattier nee a uia
1 sober man than a drunkard. There at
.hose who have threatened to leave the ordr
because of mv position on tills question. 'I
all such 1 say go. I will trust the faith <
this nation with sober men and women an
I will never take back one word of what
liave said on the temperance question , e
lelp me God. "
Mr. I'owderly spoke briefly in eulogy c
Thomas Armstrong , who died in Pittsburg
few days ago , and closed by urging uvei
knight to leave the hall determined to do h
whole duty , "hot every man and woma
read and learn to heart the declaration of tl
principles of this order. Let them do thi
and when their work Is over the
can lie down as did that dead workmai
( Armstrong ) , conscious that their work h ;
been well done. " Mr. Powderly said li
conditions were not what he would lm\
liked to have had to discuss so large a sut
ject as lie was called upon to do. Ho wn
tired outand compelled to be brief.
The topic of President Streeter. of the Ni
tional Farmer's alliance , was "The People
Their Governor. " JIo began by showii
that In Illinois farming was now beintr ca
tied on at a loss , and the nnpulatlc
in the rural districts uecreasln
whllo the cities were growin
Chicago to-day had millionaires by the hu
dred , and so have all the large cities. 1
asked how these great cities have crown u
and said these wealthy men had been killli
the geese which laid the golden egg. 1
wanted to see one irrand organization
industrial Interests of the country , and win
we do complete our organl/.atlon , weldi
together by communities ot humanity , y <
will hear something drop. We demand 1
the name of tha people who produce tl
wealth of America that our families sh
not work themselves to death for the bone
of a pampered few. The gentlemen of t
present all have established an anstocra
in place of a government for t
people. 13ut wo propose to ta :
It and make it a governmo
for the common people. Mr. Streeter d
not think it possible to abolish existing ov
through the agency of the old parties , in
advocated the consolidation of the Knit : ! :
of Labor and the Farmers' alliance In ti in
party. _
Nehranka anil Iowa Pensions.
WASHING rex , Oct. 3. [ Special Tclegrn
to the UEI : . ! The following Nebraska ai
Iowa pensions were issued to-day : M
braska Wright Long , Bralnaw. Incrca"
James West , Cams ; j. H. Curtis , Slmpsc
Restoration : U. IK McDowell , Dorchcst
Iowa Original : J. J. vailonweider , wi
lams ; J. S. Elliott , Shenandoah : 1. F. We
lJra/.ll. Increase : ( i. C. Dewltt Des Molm
A. A. Hamlin , Manchester ; W. Fossendc
Lime Springs ; D. Murphy , Keosauqu
Frank McCreery , Churdany ; G. D. Cuj
Utica ; A. J. Morchead , Ouawa.
A Fatal Gnino of Hall.
CHICAGO , Oct. 3. Michael O'Connor ,
youthful base ball enthusiast , confessed tt
morn 1 111 : that lie was the slaycrof his brett
John , aged sixteen , who died last nliht wl
a fractured skull , the effect of being strn
with a bat yesterday afternoon. The t
brothers led rival sldes.ln the game and
warm was the rl\alry that a dispute over t
umpire's derision resulted In a ceneral llg
during which O'Connor received his der
blow. Michael has not been ai tested , t
patents ot the dead boy believing the alii
to have been an accident
Thn Kisxanu Cane Uulcd Out.
FitANCisco , Oct. . * ) . Uy a ruling
Judge Sawyer of the United States coi
to-day In the cac > of the Chemical Natloi
hank of New York against William Klsaai
who achieved wide notoriety through I
press a few months ago , the case was prai
railv ruled out of court under the statute.
_ _
Attacked With Vertleo.
ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , Oct. 3. ( Special Te
tram to the BEE. I Colonel F. M. Tuffs , c
auditor , and one of the best known of
Joseph's citizens. Is at the point of den
having been attacked with vertigo in
worst form yesterday.
A Schooner Foundered ,
BEXTON HAIUIOII , Mich. , Oct. 3. A lai
iron ore schooncr.supposed to bo the llava :
plying between Kscanaba and St. Josei
foundered seven miles north of this pi
this morning. Three men are
eluding tlio captain and steward ,
Pour Men Killed mid Others lnnrcd |
at St. Lo l .
ST. Louis , Oct. 3. Four persons were
killed and two seriously wounded by an explosion -
plosion In Gcorgn P. Plant's flour mill this
morning at 7:45 : o'clock. Tlio cause
ot the explosion was old boilers.
Mrs , Thomas S. Rivers , wife ot thn foreman ,
was blown from tlm boiler room across the
alloy Into a room sixty feet from wiicre she
was standing. She was kilted , as was hur
husband , who was burled under the debris.
Fritz Kuhlman was also burled In the ruins
and was taken oufdead. Henry Tenno was
Instantly killed by steam and the force of
the explosion. Engineer Benjamin Myers
wns seriously injured. ( Minnie Heleliman , a
child of live years , had both logs broken and
Is so injured that herlrccovery Is not prob
able. 4
A flagman of the Iron Mountain railroad
on duty two blocks from the scene was
knocked down and badly bruised. A coal
heaver unloading coal near the boiler house
was burled beneath the debris. He was
taken out half an hour alter
tha catastrophe , -badly bruised and
cut about the head and three ribs
broken. The residence of H. Crouso was
completely demolished. Thb mud drum ,
weighing a thousandponndicrushed through
the root to the cellar ol John Burbj'e
house. Kvory house In the neighborhood
was more or less damaged. Engineer Carr
ascribes no cause for the disaster.
Dentil of Dave Butler.
Dn.Nvr.n , Oct. 3. | Special Telegram to the
BIE. : ] Dave Butler , a memberof the Wichita
club , who accidentally full out of n second-
story window at Leavonworth several weeks
ago , died In this city totlav from the effects
of Injuiies received'by the fall. The funeral
will take plaoe from the residence ot his
sister , Mrs. William Phillips , on Wednesday
National League Games.
PnirAiii.i'iiiA. : Oct. 3. The game be
tween the Philadelphia ami Boston
teams to-day resulted as follows :
Philadelphia. . . 100020000 3
Boston 000000000 0
Pitchers Casey and Madden. Base
lilts Philadelphia 11 , Boston 10. Errors
Philadelphia 1 , Boston 4. Umpire Powers.
WASiiixnTON , Oct , 3. The game be
tween the New York and Washington learns
to-day resulted as follows :
Washington. . .30000000 0 3
New York 1 2 0 0 0 2 2 0 * 7
Pitchers Gllmoro and Keek1. Base
hits Washington 0 , New York 12. Errors-
Washington 8 , New York U. Umpire Does-
PiTTMiuno , Oct. 3. The came between
the Detroit and Pittsburg teams to-day
resulted as follows :
Pitlsburg 013000001 li
Detroit 14100013 * 10
Pitchers Morris and Baldwin. Haso lilts
Pittsbuig 10. Detroit 17. Errors-Pittsburg
4. Detroit L Umpire Galvln. , Oct H. Tlio game be
tween the Indianapolis and Chicago teams
to-day resulted as follows :
Indianapolis. . . 100000010 1
Chicago 10000001 * t
Pitchers Clarkson and Shieve. Base
hits Indianapolis 7 , Chicago 11. Errois-
Imllanapolis u , Chle.xpo 6 , Umpire Valen
American Annotation.
I'lm.Anru'iiiAOct. 3. The game botweer
thu Baltimore and Athletic teams today re
sulted as follows :
Baltimore 000001010 !
Athletics 30710004 * li
Nr.wYoiiK , Oct. 3. The game bctweoi
tlio Metropolitan and Brooklyn teams to-da :
resulted as follows : S
Brooklyn T 000000
Metropolitan jC 3 2 0 0 2 0 '
Game called on account of darkness.
CLKVELAXD , Oct. .1 The game botwoei
the Cleveland and Cincinnati teams to-daj
resulted as follows :
Cle\eland ' 11000012
Cincinnati 00000 a o 0 0
LOUISVII.T.B , Oct. 3. The game betweet
the Louisville and St. Louis teams to-day re
suited as follows :
Louisville 200000022
St. Louis 00201301 *
I/ntonln Jockey Club Races.
CINCINNATI , Oct. 3. The second day a
the Latonla jockey club bad fine weathei
a good track and a much better nttendanc
than on Saturday.
Seven furlongs : Monocrat won , Pat Donovan
evan second , Balance Ihlrd. Time , 1SO. :
Maidens two-year-olds , hvo furlongs
Puentu won , Macbeth II second , Einmii
Hancock third. Time , 1:04. :
For three-year-olds , one mile : Brac-a-B.r
won , Paragon second , Glen Fisher third
Time. 1:45.
Nine furlongs : Little Mlnch won , Douol ,
man second , Montrose third , 'lime , l.ViJ4 :
For all ages , milo and a iiiurter : War
won , Panama second , Macola third
Time , 1:11 : %
NoitInvest Iowa Methodists.
Cioux CITY , la. . Oct , 3. [ Special Tek
cram to the BEE. | The Methodist confer
cnce of northwestern Iowa is still in sessloi
In this city. During the morning hour Di
Buckley , ot the Christian Advocate , and Di
Kdwards , of the Northwestern , made at
drosses. The assignment of ministers wl
bo made to-morrow. A large number c
visiting and resident ministers were Intn
dnced lo Iho conference to-day. At the aftei
noon session the question of locating a cor
lerencn seminary was taken up. Thre
places bid for the location , T/ ! : Storm Laki
Ida Groves and Sargeant Bluffs , iiisho
Merrill ! dedicated the new Haddock menu
rial church last evening.
To Bo Opened For Entry.
DBsMoi.NKS , la. , Oct. 3. ISpnclnl Tel
gram 10 the BBK. | The receiver and reglstt
of the United States land office hero to-da
. gave nolice Dial Ihe official plat for a portlo
of the lands in Monona county , which hav
reverted to the government , would be place
on file November 15 when they would n
eel ye applications for entry ot land.
Cliarccd With Defalcation.
DBS MOINKS , la. , Oct. 3. [ Special Tel
gram to the BKE.J Jurtee Macombcr to-da
suspended from office W. H. Woods , th
county cl rk ot Ida county , who is reporte
to a defaulter to Ihe amount of S i 000. Th
Is thn second democratic official who hi
been suspended by Urn court within slxt
days , Sheriff Parrot being the tirst.
Schooner Ashore.
CIIITAOO , Oct. 3. A dispatch was n
celvcd hero this afternoon , stating that til
schooner City of Greco Bay was aslioro i
South Haven , Mich. , and had gone to piece
all hands being lost but ono. The captain
body lias been recovered. Tlio schooner wi
commanded by Captain P. W , Costello ar
owned hv Mr. Reeve , of Kenosha , and AI
Head , of Chicago. Six ) carried a crew '
seven men.
A Hoard ol Trail o Formed.
VAI.F.NIINK , NeD. , Oct. 3. [ Special Toll
gram to the BKK.I A largo and enthusiast
meeting of citizens took place to-ulght
which a board of trade was formed with tl
object to secure jusl railroad rates and indu
emigration to the broad acres of the countr
Over forty members signed the constltutlo
The county fair begins to-morrow and hi
fair to bo a splendid success.
Maxwell Endorsed.
McCooK. Neb. Oct. 3. [ Special Telegra
to the BiK.J-The : Eleventh judicial dlstrl
republican com enlion heto to-day nominal' '
J. E. Cochran , the present Incumbent , f
judge. Maxwell was endorsed tor btiprei
_ _
Thn Now Commander.
MINNEAPOLIS , * * Oct. 8. judge John
Boa , of this cily , Hie newly elected comma
CO der-in-chlcf of the Grand Army , will bo tu
u- rie ml a rcceptiou upon his return houaU tl
evening' :
Under the Leadership of Thunderaud'
Lightning They Biid the f iegans ,
Ono Raya They Resisted Arrest I'or
UorBC-StciltiiR While General
Xorry Taken Another Vlow
Investigation Needed ,
A Crow Outhroak.
BtLi.tNNos , Mont. , Oct , a | Special Tele
gram to the UiE.J-On : Saturday morning
twenty-two young Crow Indians under the
leadership ot Thunder and Liditnlug , an
Indian who has lately become prominent as
an orator and medicine nun , returned to the
Crow agency from a successful raid upon the
Piegan tribe , located about three hundred
miles north of the Crows. They captured
about sixty herd of ponies , and the Crows
were celebrating their return when Agent
H. K. Williamson ordered his police to arrest
the entire party for horse stealing. This In
censed the Indians to such an evtout that
they commenced firing Into the agency ,
riddling the building with bullets , but for
tunately no one was hurt. The agent Imme
diately sent a scout , to Fort Custer for troops.
Ho returned with four troops of cavalry.
Saturday morning , who found the Indians
camped about the agency threatening
to kill the agent , but all is now quiet.
Three of the troops returned to Custor
this morning , leaving one hero to
cnard tlio agency. The arrests are to bo
made by the civil authorities. The Indians
say they will not fight the soldiers , but will
resist any attempt of the police to arrest
them , as they know that they will bo tried
and convicted for horse stealing , and severely
call with. The Indians have gone out in
II directions to call In the straggling mem-
ers of the tribe , and much trouble Is feared
ro the arresls are accomplished. An ugly
cellng Is shown among them , as a short
mo ago a large party ot them were arrested
nd their oulttts contiscated by the WyomhiR
uthoritles for hunting outside of tlio limits
f thoii reservation. The excitement on the
eservation is Intense and all whites are be-
ng warned not to trespass for fear of further
WASHINGTON , Oct. 3 , A dispatch frou
Acting Adjutant General VlnVbnt at St
'atil was to-day received at the war depart
iicnt through General Terry , stating that f
lumber of Crow Indians had just returned
'rom ' a raid on the Plegans , to their agency It
Montana and had lirod into the agency build
ngs. and were defiant and hostile. Thi
cent was unable to arrest them with hi
ndlan police and requested the military t <
be sent Two troops were immediately dls
patched from Foil Custer , bul Ihoy found tin
: ondltion of affairs more serious than wa
ixpectcd and were unable to effect the arres
if the Indians. The dopartmentcommando
was appealed to for Instructions. In foi
wirding the dispatch General Terry make
.ho following endorsement : " 1 lini
.t difficult to understand this actloi
of the Crows. They have always beei
well disposed and well behaved except In re
spent to their tends with other tribes , li
our Slonx troubles they were faithful am
efficient allies. 1 fear there may be som
cause tor the present excitement that Is no
disclosed by the foregoing dispatch and thinl
it would bo" the best policy to delay attempt
to make arrests until the excitement shal
have abated. The Indian bureau shouli
send to the aceucy one of its most capabl
and trusted inspectors to examine and re
port upon the situation. 1 have instructor
the commanding otlicer at Fort Custer to con
line tlio action of the troops until t'urthe
orders to the protection of the airent , his eui
ployes and the agency property. "
It is surmised that the trouble arose from ai
attempt by the agent to pievent the Indian
from having their sun dance when they wer
in n state ot t'ren/.y and following their vie
torlous campaign against their old time foe
the I'ieeaus.
A Kcvoltinc Tragedy in New Soutl
SAN FRANCISCO , Oct. 8. [ Special Tele
grain to the BKE.J Passengers by Iho An :
trullan steamer which arrived yestcrda ;
bring details of most revolting traged
that occurred In new South Wales , Angus
28. Wadhntn Wyndham. a man of excelloc
standing , becoming suddenly attacked wll
religious froiuy.murdered his wife and Hire
chlldien. In explanation , he stid he t'c
called upon by God to commit the deet
Kcsurrectiou was near , and their time ha
come. As Wyndham's wife offered resis
ence. ho look her outdoors and broke IK
skull. Ho then took a carving kn Ifo an
fork and thrusl them inlo her side. He als
pierced her hands and feel , explaining afte :
wards that he Intended to crucify tier r
Christ was crucified. His favorite daughli
had four cuts on her forehead , and the rig !
side of the skull was beaten into pulp. Sli
had two pierced marks on tier breast , two o
each foot , nnd two on each hand , The mart
appeared to have been made with a tori
The left side ot the skull ot his son was ba
tered , his left side was pierced In two place
as also were his hands and feet. Tha otlu
son seems lo have been killed direct by
cruel fork thrust entirely through the lo
side of his body. The hands and feet of a
were piercedas it was Wyndham's Intentlo
to nail the bodies to a cross , they refusing i
be thus nailed while alive.
Steamship Arrivals.
SoUTitAMrroN , Oct. 3. [ Special Telegra1
to the BIE. | Arrived The Fulda , fro
Now York.
GLASGOW , Oct. 3. Arrived The State i
Nevada , trom New York , and the Scant !
navlan from Boslon.
LIVERPOOL , Oct. 3. Arrived The \7uni
llan , from Boston.
LONDON , Oct. 1. Arrived The Can art
from Now \ork , and the British Queen , froi
Qur.ENsrow.v , Oct. 3. Arrived The Lei
dough , trom Philadelphia , and the City i
Chester , trom New York.
NKW-YORK , Oct 3. Arrived The Sorvl
the Arizona , the Egypt and thn Spain , tro
Liverpool , the Sovonla , from Glasgow , ai
UIH Wflrrn. from Bremen.
BAT.TISIORK , Oct. 3. Arrived The Ilholi
from Bremen.
HA.MIIDRO , Oct 3. Arrived The Hai
menU , from New York.
The n. & U. Telegraph.
BALTIMORK , Oct. 3. ( Special Telegra
to the BKK.I It canatbe stated authoi
tatively that the Baltimore A Ohio rallro
people have at last refused to put up ai
more money to run the B. & 0. Telegra !
company , and Friday saw the last hnancl
connection between the two concerns1. T
railroad people have formally not Hied t
officials of the telegraph company that i
and alter October 1 they need not expect a
assistance trom them.
NiwOIIK , Oct. 3. The Times spec
from Baltimore says the sep.uatlon of t
Baltimore & Ohio railway and the Baltimri
& Ohio telegraph Is complete. It Is undc
stood that D. U. Bates , president of the te
graph SMstem. lias organized a syndics
which tor t'J.000,000 lias purchased a contr
ling Interest In the telegraph. Bates w
continue In thn management , and propos
to make the property a formidable rival
the Western Union.
Ho nil Offerings.
WASHINGTON , Oct 3. The total amou
of bonds offered to the government to-tl
wiis8i5,7M , of which 5 42,600 , wci 4 > f i
cents , ana 553,209 c 4 *
The Aprmtlo of Temperance Suddenly
PnnoH Away at Boston.
BOSTON. Oct. 3. John B. Finch , of Ne
braska , the well known temperance advo
cate , died suddenly to-nlsht In this city.
Finch addressed a temperance meeting nt
Lynn this evening , afterwards taking the
train for Boston , On the way ho was taken
with a lit , and although everything possible
was done lie died soon after reaching Boston.
The remains were taken in charge by Un
dertaker Tlnkham.
First Day or the Nallnnal Military Kn-
oniniunont at Chicago.
CnifAoo , Oct 3. ( Special Telegram to
lhoBiK. : | A national salnto of thirty-eight
guns announced the formal opening of
Camp Sheridan at 3 o'clock this afternoon.
Tills salvo was fired by Major Itodnoy's bat
tery of United States artillery. The
grounds were found so much In the condi
tion ot a dismal swamp to run the artillery
pieces out of the spot where they had been
"parked" In the camp over to the parade
ground in front of tlio grand stand. The
managers did not want tlio parade ground
plowed up by the heavy artillery wheels.
The salute was therefore hoard bettor than
scon by the small crowd of spectators which
had assembled. When the thundering of
the guns had died away and the entire mili
tary and naval forces , numbering about lUOu
men , had been massed on the irreeu facing
the club house , the first order of Henry M.
Black , commandant , was read by Colonel
Charles King , his chief of stair , declaring
tlio taking of command and bestowing the
name-of the hero of Winchester on the
camp. The Stars nnd Stripes had been run
up on a freshly planted pole In the center ot
the parade ground and Muttered gayly In
the west wind that swept strongly over the
tented field. Then there was a tremendous
burst of music. Never was the "Star Span *
glml Banner" bclchod forth from the throats
of brass more lustily. There were probably
8.000 musicians In the mastodlan band.
While the Inspiration of music was still upon
the crowd Mayor Hoche was tiroueht for
ward and delivered an address of welcome.
AH Is not going smoothly at the camp.
'Ihe foreign troops who traveled all tha way
from Norway , Sweden and Denmark were
assigned to quarters In the new patent port
able branch tenls near the quarters of the
regular United States troops. There are
three of these tents and they are as comfort
able as frame collates In comparison with
the canvass tents of the rest ot the troops.
They have heavy lloors. shelves , closets and
almost every convenience , but they svere not
up to the standard of comfort demanded by
the continental visitors. The Danish and
Norwegian contingents tried lo sleep in their
barrack tenls after the storm of rain , thunder
and lightning came up , but it was no use.
They shivered with cold and by and by Ihe
searching rain bciran lo drive through tlio
chinks and soak tr.elr blankets. This was
beyond endurance. The Danish and Nor
wegian guests lose and deserted their quar
ters , returning to the city and seeking rest at
Ihe Sherman house. Tney were stilt angry
at their treatment to-day. They slood about
the camp and gesticulated In groups most
wildly , their brilliant uniforms and constant
chatter attracting much attention. The
Swedish dolachmont braved il out In their
tent all night and utlered no complaint.
Ono of the Danish officers , speaking of the
affair to-day , said with uroat brevity and
emphasis : "They treat ofllcers llko contle-
men In our country. " Colonel Charles King ,
of the United States army , and chief of
Colonel Black's staff said " 1
, : am very sorry
the foreign olllcers nave not been taken care
of In a manner to suit them , but we ot the
United States army are not to blame for It"
Continued Colonel King : 'We are not here
to manage the encampment. Wo offered
them the barrack tents , the best tha United
States affords , but If they prefer to stay In
hotels we can t go down In our pockets and
say. 'Here , gentlemen , Is some good United
States money : you can go to the hotels and
get the best Ihoy have lo entertain you. ' It
is the business ot General Bentley and the
managers of this camp lo look after their
distinguished guests and see that they re
ceive the treatment and courtesy that
becomes their station. " Colonel Kinc says
that at a rough estimate there are now prob
ably twenty-live hundred uniformed men in
camp , but ho added , as a saving clause : " 1
wouldn't bwear to It. The fact Is , there Is
scarcely more than halt that number present ,
while the management have been talkint
about 8,000 or 10,000 here. Nearly ono-lnlril
of Ihe l.'WO persons are members ot bras ;
bands , and not soldiers at all. "
Close of n Successful Pair.
SKWAIID , Neb. , Oct 3. [ to thi
BEK.J The fifteenth annual exhibition ol
the Seward county agricultural society
closed Saturday. It was a success , althoiigl
In some departments the exhibits were light
Thu stock department was better represented
than ever before. On the track not much wa :
to be seen in the way of speed , as the purse ;
were not sutllclent to draw horses of aiij
speed. _
K. II. Harrlman , of Now York , has beer
clccfed vice president of the Illinois Central
Mile. Almee , the singer , died In Paris yes-
tnrday from the effects of a surgical opera
Cardinal Domonlco Bertollna , prefect ol
the congregation of the bacred Kites , died
yesterday at Florence , Italy , aged seventy
Mrs. Paran Stevens has applied to tin
courts for Ihe removal of Ihe executors o
her husband's estate , charging gross mis
A wreck on the Louisville. Now Albany < <
Chicago road near Salem , Intl. , resulted h
two persons being seilously and posslbl
fatally Injured.
Commander-ln-Chlef J. P. Hea , of th
Grand Army of the Uepnbllc , was given ;
magnilicent reception on his return to Min
neapolis last night
Several branches of the Irish Naliona
league held meetings yesterday In th
Mitchell'itown district and succeeded ii
evading tlio police.
Four more cases ot cholera have developei
on Hoffman's Island among the passenger
ot the steamshipAlesla. There are fouiteei
case * under treatment.
William Welch , an eccentric attorney , n
Minneapolis , was arrested yesterday on
charge of libelling Postmaster General Vila
in a paper called the "Home Diary. " - * r-.s
Dunlap ib.McChanro , millers at Hlchmom !
Va. , made a deed securing creditors tu
loans and endorsements aggregating SHU ,
ooo. Assets and liabilities unknown.
Latest news from Samoa say the dm man
took King Mnlleto.1 on board a gunboat fn
the purpose of exiling him lor his talluie i
preventing the people from robbing Geriua
Arrangements have been made for a bl
billiard tournament between Sextun , Shi' '
bon , Daly , Carter , and Shitfer , the mutch t
be played In two series , thu first In No <
York in November ? and the second In Chicago
cage In Oeeemtier.
Father O'Leary , of St. Louis , in a catistl
ailctiessat Limerick yesterday , said he was
socialist and rebel at heart as were all trii
Irishmen , unit denounced the police us tl
vermin ol lieland.
The weather Indications for Nebraska an
Iowa , to-itay , arc : Warmer , light to fresl
variable winds , fair weather , r'nr easier
and central Dakota : Warmer , ll ht to Ires !
southeasterly winds , fair weather ,
I'.lght battalions of Spanish Intanti
besides cavalry and artillery under Genen
Lasso have benn ordered concentrated i
Malaga , in loadiness to cross to Morrncci
Several warships are also In readiness H
active service.
Bnv. Father MeTlghe , a Human Catholi , WAS elected piinclpal ot a ward put
lie school at Pittsburg List ni 'ht. This
hald to bo the instance ot thu kind n
record , and the election has caused consldei
able discussion.
The New York Tribune savs this mnriiln
that the socialists and anarchists roili't > -
milled to hold a meeting In I'lilun hall o
Wednesday lilght In > < plte ot i > uho ! inturdl
lions and that a conflict and a repUition i
the Haymarkct tragedy in Chicago uro high
Annual Report of the Utah Commission to
the Interior Department.
Good lli-sult * Shown From tlio Opera
tion of ttio Kdniund * Im\v Fed
eral Officials Commended
For AtHlstnncc.
Fnlyanmy'H Paradise.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 3. u. U Godfrey , A.
B. Williams and Arthur L. Thomas , consti
tuting a majority of thn Utah commission ,
have filed with the secretary of tholnturlor
the annual report of tlio commission on the
affairs of that territory. A memorandum at
ttioclusoof tac document statei that Com-
mlsslonors Carlton and McLaren , dissenting
fiom many of tlio views oppressed therein ,
do not sign the report. The population of
the territory Is estimated at 2K,000 ( ) , a ealn of
nearly 00,000 since 1SSJ. The valuation of
the property assessed in the several counties
of the territory Is given nt $3\OtVibM. ( On
April I of the present year the toUl Mormon
population In the territories of Utah , Idaho ,
Arizona , Wyoming and Now Mexico and the
tales of Nevada and Colorado was 10.2,38 : ! .
The Hillings for 1880 was SWO.OOO. The
strength of the non-Mormon element Is esti
mated at 55,000. This element now owns of
the assessed property of the territory
nearly one-third , exclusive of railroad
property. The dlirorent religious d uoinlna-
tlons have now In Utah sixty-two churches.
These churches have established and control
eighty-seven schools with an aggregate ot
CGrt3 pupils and 3W teachers. Tsinco the
passage ot the Edmunds law In 18S ) , Ml per
sons have been Indicted lor unlawful cohab
itation and ! Si'J of these were convicted. The
number convlctod of polygamy was four
teen. Many of thu persons Indicted have
lied to escape arrest. 'In the enforcement of
thu law , the report says , the olllcers of the
federal courts In Utah are entitled to Bijecial
commendation. National laws relating to
bigamy and polygamy have been In effective
operation for about three years. The Mor
mon leaders and their obedient followers
have made no concession to IU supremacy ,
and the Issue Is squarely maintained betwuen
assumed revelations and the laws of tlio land.
The report then cites the already published
results of thu election under tlm registry
law on the 1st of August last , and
of the convention In June and the subse
quent election paitlclpatod In by Mormons
only , in which a constitution was adopted
with a view to application to congress for
admission as a state. Thn commission re
gards this as an effort to free tlio Mormon
church from the tolls which the firm attitude
of the government and the energetic course
of federal olllcers have thrown around , and
opposes Its constitution. During the past
year the names of sixty-seven men have been
reported to the commission as having en
tered Into polygamy. In conclusion the com
mission submits that in Its opinion the re
sults which have followed from the passage
of the ICdmunds act have been very beneficial
to the teirltory.
Jcrocy Police Soften the Skull * of the
Ited llnbblc ,
Nnw YORK , Oct 3. | Special Telegram
to the Bm.j : For weeks the anarchists
have been preparing for a demonstration In
favor of the seven condemned men at Chi
cago. No place suitable for their purpose
could bo obtained in this city , and tin ally ' 'J3
the great skating rink at Union Hill , Nftft
Jersey , was hired. The meeting was fixed
or yesterday afternoon. The call for the
meeting ended as follows :
"Citizens , WorUlngmen In all parts of tho.
United States we hear the echo , no It must
never be that seven Innocent mun should be
judicially murdered. Tlio masses are unit
ing In every city and town to protest against
tlio verdict of an erring and corrupt juryl
Let us not fall to enter our veto nirnlnst tlim
judicial murder I Let overv one of you at
tend tills nipctln.'l There Is no excuse tor
your absence , only a coward will remain at
home. It Is the least that you can do to say
to this rabble 'of thieves nnd irurdercrs who
rule you : 'Thus far , and no further. ' "
The authorities decided the meeting was
treasonable In intents and ordered the chief
of police to have his entire force at the rink
at 2 o'clock and take possession of it. Tim
result was that there wme fully one hundred
and hlty uniformed and nn-unlformcd otll-
oers present when the auaichlsts arrived.
' 1 ho ciowd surged about the entrance and
sought to force their way In , but the police
used their clubs vigoiously and beat them
hack. Finally a number of the more hot
healed of tne anarchists raised the cry ,
"Knter the hall or wade through blood , " and
they made a grand rush. The police knocked
several of the foremost down and while the
tight was hot the town clerk , Ferdinand
Ahlers , mounted a box and In loud tones pro
ceeded to read the riot act as he had been di
rected to do In such an emergency by the
slier i IT. This had a quieting effect on thn
mob for a moment , buthnrdlv had ho finished
when there came a yell ot "Damn your riot
act or your constitution. Down with blue
coated rullians , " nnd the mob. some with
knives unsheathed and others with
revolvers drawn , chanted upon the police.
They wore met by the olllcers with club
whacks over the heads and hands and driven
back. Shots were fired , and several persons
were severely Injured by knlte thrusts ana
stone cuts. The police drove the crowd back
and Chief Schwartz told them that It was
useless to attempt to hold a meeting. At
this time tnero were fully 10,000 people surg
ing up and down the street , and a cordon of
police was thrown around the rink. Most waa
in the neighborhood , but he did not venture
to show himself. Colonel Ilinton and his
agitating wife were there , however. They
denounced the Interference of the pollco.and
declared that they would yet hold a meeting a ,
even it It should bo at some future date , 1
- _ _ _ }
Hnoth , Itnrrctt and Anderson.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Oct. U. [ Special Tele
gram to the BIK. : | It Is reported that Kd-
wln Booth nnd Lawrence Harrctt have com
pleted arrangements by which Mary Andcr- <
son will join thuir company at the end of
the present season and that they have leased
for two years one of tlio leading theatres in
New York for the use of a company oE
which she will be a member. Some greund
may exist for this rumor. It Is a fact that
Mr. liarrett and Miss Anderson have been
negotiating for six months past with a view
to forming a combination similar to that of
Mr. Irving and Miss Teny , or of Wilson
Barretl and Miss Kastlako. It is not likely
thai the alliance Includes Mr. llootn.
Arrival Of Irish M. I 'H.
Nr.w YOIIK , Oct. 3. Sir Thomas ( ! rat tan
Ksmonde , M. 1 * . for St. Patrick division ,
Dublin , mid Arthur O'Connor , M. 1' . for
Kast Donegal , arrived by the steamship Ari
zona tills inoi nine. They come to America
as representatives of ( lie Irish parliamentary
party lo explain the condition o ( iillalrs at
home , to thank the Ameilcan penptu for
their support In the past and to ask them to
continue It.
Thn Visible Supply Statement.
Giiitnuo , Oct. 3. The vUihlo supply ot
gra.n In the United States and C-inada Octo
ber 1 , as announced lo-day by the secretary
of tiu ! Chicago board of trade. Is as follows :
' Husliels I Bushels . . . . 30.tW7a7& I Corn
Oat- , . r..2.S ! , < XM I Uje
'I hi ! llondHini'ii Mum Pny.
I'll ivjiinii.f'ct. ' . ! ) . In the Milt of the
Cominonui'altli against iillas .M Bailey , late
state tiouuror : , and his bondsmen , to it-cover
Hourly Sloo.fXK ) . money alleged to have been
deposited In illllercnt Li , ink1. In the state ,
ululit UraMuvr , and which wi- : > lost by the
taiiiunnl' 8011)0 ) "t the banks , .Jiistlco Ktor-
uU , or thu supreme court , Handed down all
tijiimnn this inoiiiliii , ' . nUlimlng thu
mi'iit uf tlio lowu * courts.