Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 03, 1887, Image 1

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Followers Of Wesley Erect the Handsomest
Obapel In London ,
Thin 1'alatlat HMUIco Tu Ho thu Strat
egic Point For An ANsnult On
ArlAtocrntlo Slti With Drum
anil I-'ife Foreign News.
Salvation Army Tactics.
\Ti\nirt\i1it. \ \ \ IBS' by Jamr * Gunlnn Hrnnrlt. ]
LII.VDO.V , Oct. 2. [ New York Heiald
Cable Special to tlio UKK.J The ercat body
of American Methodists maybe glad to know
that London at last has a cathedral-llko , Im
mense stout ! cdllice , with n tower and steeple ,
for We3lojan worship , which was opened to
day for the lirst tlmo for services. This Is al
thn corner of Llndn and Thayer streets , not
far trom thn palatial pllo belonging to the
Duke of Manchester. In front Is the central
portico , consisting ot Doric columns In the
lower story , fluted columns above and finished
by ornamented pediments. Tlio chuicli ros
trum Is lecossed In columns of scanllolaworli
with Corinthian capitals mid richly pan-
nrlled celling , covering the entire area. 11
Is decidedly thu handsomest ehapel In Lon
don. Itov. K. N. Young , D. D. , recently
president of the conference , preached
-this moinlng to an overflowing
congregation. The debates In the
last conference showed that It was con
sidered that so fat as Methodism was con
ccrned In West Knd London , these were
aristocratic but godless quarters but , a !
was announced In this morning's sermon
not only witli a new and spacious church
on thn Bite of one of tlio oldest hlstorii
chapels In the metropolis will Methodism seel
thither to advance , but also with an
immense west-central mission aiithori/ed hj
the recent conference. Ono speaker then
said , "We must send tlio spirit of John Wes
ley among the dukes and aristocrats , but no
forfeiting the masses around them. "
Ono dally In a Icadei slid ot this mission
"A scheme has beim elaborated which as
Mireclly Is ono of. the most daiiug over at
tempted slncu Joint Wesley set at naught the
traditions of the national church , and adopt
Ing the world as his pnitsh began tlio greatesi
religious revival of the last two hundrcc !
years. Times are changed. The age ha :
become sesthetlc and social , and tin
agencies of all institutions must kcc |
pace with the times. vVhat would the found
ers of Methodism say if told that their dc
seendonts were gutting together binds o
music with a view to a paradu in Tratalgai
fi'inaroand Hyde park , In order to carry tin
Bospe. ' Into May fair ? " So it will be uncle
tlio sanction of tlie inference. The Wesley ai
body , staid , conservative and respectable a
it long has bc n , has deliberately doteriiiinei
to take a If af out of the book of the Salvatloi
army on the ono hand and the high churcl
party oiv tlio other and make a bold ventun
by now metl-ods to obtain a tooting In west
ern London. Tboro are to bo preach
ings In and out of doors in tin
open air , and especially muslca
HOI vices on Sundays and week day ;
and ull the musical talent , vocal and Instru
mental , which the Methodist community cat
produce or enlist is combined In the work
For Indoor services St. James nail has been
engaged. Here is to bo the headquarters
There arc to bo all sorts of social movements
Ladles' organizations , mothers' meetings
rescue homes , evening homes for girls
classes for young men , social party societies
and hisch class musical evenings grafted
upon tlio vigorous spiritual organization o
the Wesleyan society. Thus It Is proposcc
to break new ground In an area of Londoi
that holds 400.000 people. In no othe
part of the world do there cxis
BO many of the Kngllsh speaklnirraco wholl ;
untouched by Methodism. There are to be
three bands , a drum and life band for lads
an orchestral band , plenty In St. James hal
and a brass band to lead the preaching expe
dltlon to Trafalgar square and the paiks
To see a Methodist preacher at the head of i
brass baud marching to tlio base ot Nelson' :
column will look very much like a movenien
of the Salvation army and the beelnnlng of t
now crusade. Said the preacher , "If wi
cannot swt A > away the strong vices of Lou
don we can provide counter attractions
since there will bo not only di 111113 and band
accompanying the preachers but , throughoii
the winter , n series of concerts to amuse tin
people Innocently and 111 ! up their long am
often dreary evenings. "
Thn conference devoted to the work of thli
mission ono of Its most popular preachers
the Key. Hugh Pilco Hughes , who Is anioni
the most energetic men of tlio Evangellca
party , consumed , Indeed , by a resiles' '
energy. Ho is forty years of ago and i
Welshman. Ills father , a doctor , intcndcc
his sen for the bar , but one day while tin
lad was at school ho addressed his parent tin
following epistle :
Dear Father : 1 think 1 ought to be i
Wesley an minister.
Yiiiiu ATKECTION : So.v.
Ho received the equally laconic roplv :
ilv Dear Hey : 1 would rather you suotilc !
bo a Wesleyan minister than lord chancellor
Yot'ii ArprcTioxATi : KATiinit.
Mr. Hughes has already proved the Insplr
Ing ccnius ot tlie west central mission. Ui
jelievesln music , believes that tlio Salvatloi
irmy has done good work and greatly 01
iccount of their bauds , though , of course , hi
iocs not approve of some of their antics
1'he Wesleyan community will devote .CoO.oo
to Its special evangelistic and social work li
London. Meetings have been held In man :
leading provincial towns In support of thl :
Methodist mission and everywhere proiul
nonce has been glvon to the social comlltioi
of the metropolis.
The number ol non-conformist places o
worship In the United Kingdom , accordin
to tlm last registration , Ib-sO , was ai,5y7 , an
of tlieso inOOJ belonged to the dlffuren
orders of Methodism. Tills will Indicate it
extent of faith and worship In this country
Sport lilt : Gossip.
[ Oipylu'it ' tSffi , by Jiiin' * ffunlm llenntlt , ]
LONDON , Oct. 1. | Novv York Herali
Cable Special to tlio llii. : . | Now the yacli
race is decLlect , sporting gosip reverts to tli
turf. The clubs lor Instiuco , cin't under
stand why the steward should morel
/ caution the jockey K. Martin and yctuxll
his employer , the Marquis of Allusbury. Th
Incident about which the jockey club hav
tivcn : decision caused a sensation on the da
of the race. Kverllt started the favorlto i
four to ono against and appeared to b
vvlunlnc In ? canter , but only got up in tlm
to make n dead of It with Whitingtoi
There was a storm ot Indignation nmoii
his backers aud on Morton appetrtng in tin
paddock , an ugly rush was madufor him an
t was found necessary to guard hi
until ho safely reached tlio welghli
room. In the deciding he
Kverott won by thtee-quaitersota lend
Marquis Allesbury and Martin were calli
before the stewards to explain the runnlt
and after hearing their statements and tl
evidence ot other persons the stewards wo
of the opinion that either an attempt vv ,
undo tovt'iu Dy nu ub justifiable and daug (
ously short distance , or that Everett was wil
fully pulled up before the end of the race.
'Iho result substantially means that If a
Jockey is employed to perfect a fraud for
which his employer Is plucked ho may never
theless continue to ride In another Instance.
Another lord Calthorpo-has overruled the
levity of tlie stewards by reporting to them a
statement made by his jockey. S. Loates ,
that Satiety lost In the start tn tlio breeder's
font staKcs at Manchester throuzh whipping.
He was not corroborated by the starter , who
Is ot tlio opinion that though there was
no evidence that Mr. Loates had any corrupt
Intention In losing the start ho made
false statements both to his emplover and to
the stewards with a view to relieve himself
of blame. They therefore lined him JEM and
cautioned htm as to his future conduct.
Loates , then , was requested by Lord Cal-
thorpe to send In his cap and jacket The
reports say the Duke of Ilc.iufort ouht to
supply the winner. lie and his son , Lord
Kdwaid Somerset , Inland to run the whole
of their combined forces to Include Carlton ,
llevo D'Or and Button Pant. Tlie popular
jockey , George Fordiiam , Is danecrously 111
and his friends are In much anxiety about
him. Fordham has been out of the saddle
lor some time now but his brilliant perform
ances In quite a decade of turf history will
never bo forgotten.
The Tow or Mill Meeting.
LONDON' , Oct. 2. A mass meeting attended
by 10,000 persons was held to-day at Tower
Hill. Speeches were made from six plat-
foims , condemning the govcinment's liish
policy and the conduct ot the police at
\ Detroit Citizen Proven His Rela
tionship to Italian Nobility.
DHTHOIT , Mich. . Oct. 2. ISpecial Tele
gram to the HKK. I Arthur J. Barnes , forty-
seven years old , a Methodist churchman In
good standing and a reputable and , so far as
known , perfectly truthful man , has caused a
sensation here by the remarkable story whicli
he made public to-day and which would be
set down as the vagaries of an Insane mind
If It were not thought positively that Mr ,
Harnes is clearly sane and If ho did not tell
a connected and circumstantial narrative.
Mr , Harnes lias lived In Detroit for twenty-
live years. "Until twenty-one years old , "
said Mr. Dames , " 1 thought I was
the son ol' the Knglish man and
woman who had brought mo up. Then
they thought propel to tell me who J
was. It Is their accounts , verified by histor
ical data and circumstances declining on r
a trip I very recently made to Italy , thai
make up the bioirraphv and inducn mo tc
make It public. " Mr. Barnes says that ho is
Lucius Demont Carucsia , son ot tlie prince
recent of that name of Italy in ISM. Italy
was then torn asundei by Internal and ex
ternal discord. His uncle , Ma//lnl , was the
recounl/ed heid of tlie party known as
' Young Italv" until Gnribaldl succeeded
him. In 1SS9 Barnes' lather was made n
by conspirators , who beheaded him
ust six months before young Arneshi't
ilrth. ' 1 his took place on shipboard on H.
M. S. Halcyon , where his mother had es
caped , and where , during an enuagatncnt ,
she was hit by u shell and killed. Tlu
child was taken to Lugland and adopted by
a family named Htirret , who were paid . * > 0 a
year for his cure. The IJurret's went tc
Australia , were shipwrecked and cast on s
small Island , taken oft In an American
whaler and landed at Prlnco Kdvvard's
Islands. The Barrets then settled In Mon
treat , thence thev weut to California , am
later to Cuba. The overland train to tlu
Pacific was attacked by Indians , who were
beaten off , and another shipwreck occurred
on thn voyage to Cuba. Tho' family finally
located In Toronto , Ont. , where young Car-
ncsla was told the story of his birth. He
married in Toronto and came to Detroit ,
taking tlio name of Barnes. He recently
thoucht he would investigate tlie story of his
parentage and went to Italy , vvheiolieproved
his Identity , but , preferring to live here to r
seat in the Italian house of lords , lie re
turned. In a certain contingency ho mlghi
Inherit an Italian crown , he says.
MiirclerouR Sequel 10 the Hcccni
Campaign in Tennessee.
KNOXVII.T.E , Tenn. , Oct. 2. [ Spccla
Telegram to tlio BEK.I A sensational t-aj-
edy , growing out of the recent prohibitloi
campaign , was enacted at Greenville last
evenitu' . W. K. T. Mllburn shot and killcc
a young man named William Ward , a son ol
Betsy Ward , ot women's crusade fame
Mllburn remarked In Ward's picsencetha
the people of middle and west Tennessei
had sold out to the whisky men or the pro
hlbltlon amendment would have been car
ried. Ward called Milburn a liar , where
upon Milburn shot Ward through the breast
The trouble really grew out of a speech b ]
Mllburu at Greenville a week azo
He stated In his speech that Betsy wa
a whisky seller and jail-bird ; that anothei
saloonkeeper was an ox-penltontlary convict
Young Ward took the remark as an Insult ti
his mother and , It is said , threatened to kll
Mllburn. Mflburn armed himself and wattei
for the attack , which cauie no sooner that
was expected. The town was plunged Inti
a state of tlie wildest excitement and in air
rumors ot a sensational nature were started
Betsy Ward acquired national lame duriiif
the women's crusade several years ago. Sin
had been running a bar-room for severa
years and w lien tlio crusaders struck towi
she dehed them. They succeeded In closlni
every other saloon in the place. They bull
a tent on a vacant lot opposite her saloon am
had prayers dally for months. She held on
and kept open until closed by the loin-mil
law a tew years alter.
Ono Man Killed anit Thirty Injure !
Hy a L'ahlo Slranil Coining Loose.
CINCINNATI , Oct. 2. This evening a strain
cirun loose on the cable of the Walnut 1111
cable road and wrapped around the irrlp of (
cai coming west on SKtli street. The car
which was full of passenseis , could not hi
freed and , rushing on , overtook another cai
which 1 1 ad stopped at a crossing. Tills car 1
pushed along. Thu brakes were set hard or
both , but without effect. Tlio cart
rushed on in tlio darkness , spark :
giuiding from the wheels , thu passen
gers screaming and hundreds of excitei
people follow ing the cars shouting. Dash
ing onward thn runaway ears soon struck i
horse car at the crossing of Filth and byes
more , throwing it into a deep ditch. At th
same time the runaway cars were als
ditchfd. ulv lug such a violent wrench to Hi
cabin that tour other cabin CHIS on their vv a
up to Walnut Hill were derailed. Thu shoe
wns the to tlieso ears. When th
result of thn atl'air was summed tip it vvn
found that thirty or forty pcopln vvero badl
bruised. Lttwls Kolb is piobably latall
hurt , but tlm others will all bo around tc
morrow , it is thought.
N Arrive.
CiiiCAiK ) , Oct. 2. The Norwegian , S'vec
Ish and Danish troops , which will partlclpal
In the International military encampmeii
arrived hero to-day and weru given a heart
welcome. All thu local societies ot their n
spectlve nationalities tnined out to uscoi
them to qntrters.
During the dav many companies of in
lltla fiom various .states arrived and took u
quarters at tlie camp , which has now a
sullied a decidedly martial a'.r , with all kiiu
ot soldiers , artillery , etc. , in vluw. A heav
rain this evening made tlie grounds rathe
soggy , but the prospects now are tor
briu'ht , clear day to-morrow , when the earn
will be formally opened under the name c
Camp Sheridan. Nearly all the hoops u I
be hero by to-morrow noon. Thn uraml r
\ievv and tormal opening will lake place i
2 p. m.
_ _
Thn Death Itoconl.
Si'KiNflFiEi.D , III. , Oct. 9. William lily til
sergeaut-at-arms ot the state senate , died i
Cauolttou H'staUay , a U iorty-ii\o.
relegates From All Over the Country Ar
riving at Minneapolis ,
Mntiy Important Questions to Conic
Ilcforcthc General Assemlih
Heller Thnt I'ovvilorly AVIH
tic Kticlorflccl.
Gnttierlne of the ClntiH.
MINNEAPOLIS , Oct. 2. | Special Telegram
to the IJKn.J Delegates to the Knights of
Labor convention which begins its annual
session here to-morrow , arrived yesterday
and to-day In great numbers. The venerable
disciple of St. Crispin , Hlchard Grlllltlis , of
Chicago , Is here. He Is 'he ' second ofllcer In
the national body , a man of good Ideas , and
will be heard from In the convention. The
session to begin to-morrow will probably be
thu most Important one In the history ot thu
organl/atlon and will have a marked bearing
upon Its future. Matters ot the greatest mo
ment to worklngmcn will como
up for settlement. Among tlio most
Important will be the endorsement of
Grand Master Workman I'ovvderly and the
question of the adoption ot a now constitu
tion or amending the old one. On the ques
tion ot the constitution the delegates are
% ery much divided. Some assert that a can
vass of delegates will show that tlio new
constitution will be adopted In spite of the
great opposition , which Is admitted , vvhllu
others are equally as sure that n canvass of
delegates'will prove that the old constitution
will be reaffirmed. Action must also be taken
regarding the attitude of the order toward
thn American Federation ot labor. Its new
rival , toward the International cigarmakeis
union , toward socialism and toward the
temperance question. The case ot thn
Canadian knights , ot thn Montauk distilct ,
and of John Morrison's cat net weavers , anil
of the malcontents from all quarters ot the
country , will be pushed to the tiont. .There
will probably bo \igorous elTortmule to
morrow toi the reinstatement ol ojlstrict
assembly 120 ( carDnt weavcis ) , ol Vow York.
It will doubtless fail , as Issues ot a similar
nature havn In tlio past. Another kirk will
come trom Gambrlnus assembly , ot Milwau
kee , made ilp of brewery eiiiplovcs , who do
not like tlio tcmticranco nlattorm ot the
order. The opinions eveijwhere among
delegates , trained by personal inter
views and by telegraph , aie to the
effect that Grand Master Woikman Powdcrlv
will lie indorsed and ro-eiccted. Itichaid
Grllllths , ot Chicago , says Im expects that
some opposition to Mr. Powderly will be
developed , but he deus not think it will
amount to much , Mt. GrlllHhs his traveled
extensively , especially In the west , and he
saja that "Serrenco Powderly" is the idol of
the knltrhts and ot thn working people.
Cardinal Gibbous has : i warm place in tlie
alfectlons ot the knights geneially. It was
piobubly duo more to tlio diplomacy of his
eminence that the complications which
threitened to arise between the Citlmlic
church and organ'/ed labor were settled.
The cardinal's visit to the northwest at this
particular time is specially interesting to the
assembling knights. Catholic and non-
Catholic knights alike seem to feel grateful
to the cardinal tor what ho did ( luring the
famous Dr. McGlynn trouble. It is the be
lief ot some of the most prominent knights
in the country that the several trades should
bo o-iranl/ed Into a 'edoratlon within the
Knights ot Lalnr and have slate and national
bodies only to bo subordinate to the main
body. There are those who seem to think
that the growing sentiment in this direction
Indicates an ultimate return to tiadosunions
Granct Master Workman Powderly left Phil
adelphia yesterday and will aruve iu Minne
apolis to-morrow.
The arrangements for the morninz exer
ciscs are completed. Welcoming addiessc--
will be made by the mayor and governor
with responses by Messrs. Powderly and
LUchmann. In thn evening there will ho ai
entoitainment , with addresses by Powderlj
and J. A. Streeter , president of the Nationa
Farmers'alliance , followed by a grand ball
I'owclerly Passes Throned Chicago ,
CinrAoo , Oct. 2. General Master Work
man Povvdorly , ot the Knights of Labor
passed throuch this city to-day , on his waj
to Minneapolis. Ho would not talk on am
question of general interest. From till
among the Chicago delegates , it is thought i
strenuous effort will be made to femove Gen
eral Secretary Litchmann , whom they nccnsi
of acting in bad taith in many ways. Tbi
convention will be a bitter struggle from be
ginning to end , tlie anti-Powderly elemeu
being represented by Us ablest leaders. On <
ot ttio interesting features will be the debati
on socialism , which Joseph Labadle , ot De
troit , will bring up. It is stated that he wit
demand an explanation from Mr. Powderl }
w hy he , for years a member in good standiiu
of the socialistic labor party , has gone baden
on his principles.
Chicago' * * Socialistic Delegation.
CHICAGO , Oct. 2. A prominent Knight ol
Labor delegate to-day said that as far a :
Chicago was concerned her representation a1
the Minneapolis convention was decided ! ;
socialistic. "Wo are virtually in the hand ;
ot the socialists , " ho added. "District 2-
sends George Schilling , a noted socialistic
harangucr ; Charles Scib , who ran on tin
socialistic ticuet tor city treasurer ; Kobei
Nelson , ox-socialist candidate for major , am
John Mahonoy. The latter is a conservative
Distilct 57 sends M. J. Hutler , who will be
remembeied in connection with the .stock
yaids strike , and who was the socialist can
didate for sheriff. U is understood that Seit
has In his possession a set of resolutions
condoning thocrimn ot the anarchists and d
maoding n commutation of sentence. Thesi
resolutions will be sprung upon the con
vention at tlm eleventh hour. Master Work
man Qiiinn , ol the noted New York distrlc
19 , has been enlisted in favoi ot them. "
lllinolfl Miners On n StrlKo.
SriiiNoi'iKi.i ) , Oct. 2 The minors In tin
SprmBlield and Petersburg distiicts are on
on a strike for an advance in wages to f > 7V
cnnts ) ier ton. They have been gottinu
about 55 cents. Over fifteen hundred met
are idle.
A YOUNG Fiunnuo.
The Cool CnnfcRHion of a fifteen
Year-Olct Boy.
BOSTON , Oct. 2. [ Special Telegram to th
BuK.J A rare Instance ot precocious \illain ;
has just come to light. Not long aeo th
boarding house ot Oak Grove seminary a
Vassalboro was burned and a small bo
perished In thu flames. The cause of thn fir
was clearly incendiary , but It was difficult t
place the blame. George A. Harrington
fifteen years old , whose parents am deail
but who was looked alter by a guaidian I
Stockman , Me. , was a pupil at the schoc
and suspicion pointed to him. He left ill
place soon after the ure , but returned In ,
few days. Suspicion again turned to Uni
rington and tills time so strongly that a wee !
ago he suddenlv left town. Detectives tool
matters in hand and soon located the boy I
IJrocktou , wiiere lie was arrested. While 01
his way to N'assalboro the boy made a con
fesslon and repcatad it at Vassalboro to-dav
The reasons hugive for burning the bulletin
were that ho was set hick in his studies nn
he did not like tlie teed tint was .served o
the seminary table. Ills story was told In
plain , straightforward manner , but h
evinced no sorrow tor his deed and shovve
no emotion when reference was made to th
boy Jones , who perished In the llatnes ,
Shot His Foreman and Suicided.
PiiK.m.o , Oct. 2. Friink Campbell , fore
man of a bridge gann on the Santa To toai
was shot and killed this morning by Mlclmi
McGravv , one of his men. The mm
clerer then suicided. McGravve
sunstruck last summer , and his mind ha
been weak suico that time. Latterly li
has imagined Campbell was trying to iujui
UUu ,
rtnnnolal Circled 'Not Very Aullvc ,
nut a Hotter Tone 1'rovalls.
Nr.w VOHK , Oct. 2. [ Special Telegram to
the llKt.J : The week was by no means an
active ono In financial circles , but It was
nevertheless characterized by a much better
tone , so far as the markets are concerned ,
than has been the case for Rome time. Share
speculation , after a weak opening , became
strong , and during a greater part of the time
"howed an Improving tendency. Reactions
were not uncommon , but they served to
brine In buyers and each decline was suc
ceeded by higher figures than those ruling
before. Vanderbllts at lirst led tlio list , but
later on Gould stocks , Coalers , Pacifie'Mall ,
New r.ncland , Richmond Terminal , Louis
ville it Nashville and Union Pacllic all
became prominent and moved up anywhere
from 1 to 7 points. Aside from the easier
condition of money , which In Itself was a
powerful tactor In the direction of n better
market , tlio tlso was stimulated by
an advance In the price of coal , by
tlie declaration of the usual dividends by n
number of corporations , Including that on
New Kngland prefoned stock , by the rcor-
gar.tzMlon of the Pacllic Mall board , by re
ports that changes In the liiclimond Termi
nal management were Impending and that
Baltimore & Ohio affairs would be taken In
hand by syndicates , who , it was said , were
satlslied with the Investigation recently
made Into the condition ot the property. All
these matters had more or less Influence and
caused an advance , notwithstanding the
rain the west , which at times
seemed to threaten the peace of most of the
leading lines In that section. Dealings In
railroad bonds , vvhllu Dot large , gave evi
dence of tlie increased confidence which has
taken root as a rcsultof the tre isiiry's policy.
An easier feeling in money has induced put-
chases for Investment , at least to a moderate
extent , and has also led to more or less buy
ing on speculative account. Itatween these
two forces quite an important advance
was established. Comparatively little was
done in governments and prices were prac
tically unchanged. Foreign exchanges were
weakened , i luelly by tlie increased supply ot
commeiclal bills , and gold once morn ( lowed
to tills side , tlio shipments of specie hither
liom London and tlio continent during tlm
week having been considerable. The money
market iiiled easy atKgO per cent until neai
tlio close , when preparations to meet October
inteiest and dividend pavments and the
usuil demniid on Friday to secure funds
until Monday led to a sudden advance In
rates to 7 per cent. The Inllux of cuircncy
had no effect because of laigo disbursements
by tlie treasuiy on account ot lutctest on
Tilt } CliKAKANCi : ItnCUItD. Q
Monetary Transactions in the Coun
try Durlnjj the Past AVcek.
Bcmo.v , Mass. , Oct 2 , ( Special Telr-
eram to the Br.E. | The following tttble
compiled fiom dispatches to the Post , from
thn managers ot tlio leading clearing houses
In the United States , shows the gross ex
changes tor tlie week ending October 1 ,
1857 , together with the rates per cent of in
crease or decrease as compared with those
ot the corresponding week last year :
DUI.MOKUB'NT itoimnu.m
Columbus Democrat * llopnlnc Mail
at the President' * Snul ) .
COM viuus , O , , Oct 2. [ Special Telecran
to the BIK. : ] The. maddest set of democrat-
in the union are those in Columbus at wha
they consider the ungallant snub given then
bv Piesident Cleveland on his western trip propiratlons had been madg to receivi
the president vvjion the train arrived here a
4:20 : In the morning. Several bauds wen
engaged and a largo torchlight paiadi
arranued tor. Telegrams were sent ti
Colonel Lament at Pittsbtirg appraising bin
ot the arraneoinents and asking that tin
piesident change his plans so as to shov
himself to tlie faithful who would greet bin
upon hlsarriral. The dispatch wasanswerei
by Lament at Stutibenvlllo about 2 o'clock
telling the democratic committee that ni
reception was desired at Columbus ami tha
the President would bo In bed asleei
when that city was reached. This frlgn
announcement tell like a wet blanket upoi
the hopes of the democracy , and the crowd
headed bv Congressman Outhwalte , Pensloi
Acent Barker and the les'er fry of fcdera
officers , expressed -their distrust in no fcebli
terms. Tlie band and parade were dismissei
and when tlio presidential train pulled Ind
the Union depot but a handful of pcopl
greeted it and not a cheer went up to vole
tholr welcome. Kverybody was asleep ex
cept the colored porter , and aftei changiin
engines tlie train pulled out at 4:30 : over tli
Panhandle for the west. The action of th
president in thus snubbing the people of th
creat state of Ohio'by ' sneaking through it li
the dead hour of night Is vigorously con
detuned by every one , regardless ot party
The democrats , think It rather small husincs
on the part of the vraaUlt-nt even it Foiake
did checkmate him on the IK ; episode.
He Attempt ! ) to Shoot Governor Mar
tin of KanHas.
KANSAS CITV , Oct. 2. Informatlo
reached here to-night of an attempt mad
hist night to shoot Governor Martin at Atch
son. The governor was walking homo wit
a friend when ho was accosted by J. M. Key
nolds , a journalist , who used vile language
Martin remontrated , when the fellow drew
large pistol. Before he could use It , how
ever , a policeman disarmed and took him t
the station.
Weather Indications.
Tor Nebraska : Warmer , fair weather , Hgr
to variable wind" .
Forloiva : Cooler , followed by vvarjnei
lair weather , light to fresh westerly wind :
becoming variable.
For Central and Kastcrti D knta : Warmei
fair weather , light lofrcah variable vvliidi
A War of Extermination Proposed On
Sprng-Locked Sleeping-Oar Bertus.Q
Thnt Company Pursuing Its Old Tac
tics tu Keep From I'nylns Iio >
Bctitnato Duos Other News
From I own.
A SuUJnot Nccillne Attention.
Dr.s MOINPS , la. , Oct. 2. [ Special to the
! KI : . | " 1 am glad to see tliat thn Minnesota
allroad commissioners have declared war
ipon the spring-lock sleeping-car berths , "
aid a well known tra\elur yesterday , "and
wish our Iowa commissioners would do the
ainc. A friend of mine narrowly escaped u
lorrlblc death on an Iowa sleeper recently
hrotigh that sauiejdeadly contrivance. There
vas a collision with his coach , and every
ipper berth In the car was slammed shut.
\sarulu ho uiuatly takes upper berths bv
preference. Ho Is a small man and doesn't
nlnd climbing , but this time he took a loucr
> eith , and lucky It was that ho did , for It ho
md been In an upper ho would have been
shut no In It , and smothered to death sure as
ate. " The fears expressed by this gentleman
are shared by many who travel much at
light. The Minnesota commissioners Insist
hat the spring locks shall be discarded , oven
at the cost of some Inconvenience to the
> orters. They demand that other fastenings
> e employed , and that stout 'chains Instead
of coiled sinlng" bo lined for holding the
> erths down. There is a very general desire
that the Iowa commissioners , who have
shown so much Interest In protecting the
Ives of travelers , should go u step farther
and take hold ot this question. Every man
vho travels niucli In sleeping-cars thinks
with a shudder of the awlul consequences If
ho spring that holds the upper berth down
should snap , and th" berth close up and im-
piison the luckless passenger.
The. notion of the coioner's jury at Du-
) iiquc In ( King the blame for a recent rail
road accident upon the company itself for
failure to make lilies of plain 11101111111 : , re
ceives ireheial approval. It too oftun hap
pens that an unfortunate conductor or other
emploje Is made the scapegoat for the rail
road company's negligence , in the case of
Iho Kaglo Point disaster it was shown that
the Instructions of the train dispatcher were
so anibUuous , though tollowlng the general
rules of the company , that the coudtictoi who
received thwii was misled Into a frinhttul
wreck. There Is hot indignation that the
company should tiy to bulldo/o Its employes
Into exonerating it from nlaine. as it is al-
icgetl to hnve. ilotn1. In this disaster the
trainmen as a into testified against the com
pany , and It is reported , were atterward
compelled to retract and admit that they
were mistaken 01 else receive thelrdischarge.
That is a kind of tyianny wliluh the public
will not stand.
While on the railroad question It is in or
der to remark that the Pullman Palace
Oar company comes up smiling again witli
its attempt to tvscape taxation in Iowa. Al
though Its cars are earning a mint of money
on Iowa roads , enjoying the protection of
Iowa laws , this great , greedy corporation
tties to escape paying a cent of taves for the
privileges It enjoys. Ttie other railroad com
panies that cioss thn state pay tholr share ot
taxes every year , but tlia Pullman company ,
that Is pieyfni : upon the public In the most
successful manner , tries to shirk out of any
tax. Last year the state concluded that it
had tooled with the company long enough ,
and so took le.-al measures to collect the tax
that had been assigned to it. The compiny
tried to euioiu It In the United States court ,
and Judge Brewer , In a decision delivered at
St. Paul , knocked tlte foundation out ot its
detense in a liuriv. This the company
has commenced the old tactics and has tiled
to enjoin the state trom collecting the taxes
aeaiu. argument being heard before .Iustico
Miller at St. Louis last week. It is safe to
say that the company will get no moro sttis-
faction iroui the second round than It did
Mom the lirst. It is not adding to its popu-
l.uity any by this persistent attempt to es
cape paying Its just taxes.
The papers aie quoting with much ap
proval the letter ot bishop William Stevens
Perry , of Davenport , who piesides over the
Iowa diocese ot the Protestant Episcopal
church. Bishop Pern1 , who is one ot the
most scholarly and learned of American
divines , was accorded the high honor ol an
invitation topreach a meuioiial sermon In
Westminster Abbey this summer. He dls-
chaiged the trust to the evident delight ol
the Londoners , but a report of his sermon
represented him as rewriting American hls-
toiy to please his English heaters. Ho was
quoted as having referred to thn American
"lebels " ami Lord Howe's
patriots as , army
as the "loyal forces. " Tim bishop was im
mediately proclaimed as an Aiiizlo-maniai
and many unkind and uncharitable things
vveie said about him. As soon as he
learned ot these mistatements he wrote a
letter of explanation or coirection to thu
offending paper that started the vvronu re
port and expressed In the most positive lan-
mnge his lieaity sympathy with the so-called
"rebels" ot th < revolution and the principles
lor which they fought. He declined that he
was an heieditary member of the order ol
the Cincinnati and that Ills ancestor.- , fought
side by side with the patriots at Hunker Hill ,
Lexington and other battles of the war , anil
that lie had no desire now to disavow theli
American principles or leave the American
ciiuicli. The latter allusion is to the cai
that had been given him to become tin
bishop of N'ova beotla , but ho has positively
declined the election to that ollice. These
explanations leave Jli-shop Perry all riglii
witli his American tiiendstpnd admirers
of whom then ; are many , and make him stil
mote populai in the west.
im : si I'HKMKcni'iii'rovnvn IIBM. :
'I ho October term of tlm supreme court
begins hero next Tuesday witli : U1 cases or
the docket distributed according to the fol
lowing assignment ot days and districts
October 4 and 5 , eleven cases from the Kirs
district , seventeen liom the Second district
October 0 , 7 and N twenty-one cases trom tlu
Third district , twenty-three cases Iroui the
Kouith district. October 10,11 and 12 , seven
teen cases from the Filth district , twenty
two cns.cs . from the Sixth district , elovoi
cases from the Seventhdistrict. . October i :
and 14 , three cases from the Eighth district
nineteen cases from ttie Tenth district
October IS and l' > , twenty-eight cases troir
the Eleventh district , twelve eases from tlu
Twelfth district. Oitober 80 , 21 and 2-i
eight eases from the Thirteenth district , tei
cases trom the Fourteenth distilct. sixty-foiii
rases tiom the rifteunth district. Ortobei
24 and 25 , fourteen cases from the SKteentl
district , ten cases from tno Seventeenth dis
trict , ten eases from thu Eighteenth district
OctoberV > and 27 , twentj-ivvo cases from tin
Nineteenth district.
A St. Louis paper In reporting incidents o
the ( iianilrrnv leunlon there said ai
Indiana soldier in his speech before the en
eampment said : " 1 read an article In tin
Atlanta Constitution that made my tiear
bleed. It read like this : 'Therw are unloi
soldiers in the alms-houses In Iowa ; then
are no evcontederatu soldiers In the iilms
houses in Georgia. " ' His remarks were In
terrupted by an lowan who said : "Then
are no union soldiers In the Iowa alnn
houses. The state has enacted laws carlni
for them , and lias appropriated 5101,000 fo
their maintenance. Wo have not elected i
democratic iroveinor for Iowa tor thirty
seven vears.1 ( .Prolonged cheers.I Tua
tells the story. It there should be a stra :
soldier in an Iowa poor IIOUSH , ho will no
remain there lonp. The new soldiers' homi
which Isbelnir built at Marshalltown , U It
the last stages of completion , and It is liopci
to have It ready for occupancy In a month o
six weeks longer. Workmen are now pnl
tin : : on the finishing touches , and soon I
will stand forth In beauty and dignity ,
worthy testimonial of the state's apprecln
tion of the union soldier. About one Inn
dred applications for membership have al
ready been received and It will not bo Ion
before ltd accommodations will bo taxed t
ho utmost. The building Is very handsome ,
architecturally and as there arc .several thou
sand dollars to be expended upon beautify-
tig the Grounds , Its surroundings will bo In
toeping with the line edlllco vvlilch crowns
hem , Iowa w 111 bo proud of Its new soldiers'
10 me.
me.Dlt'ltTllKUIA AM ) srAUI.P.T VKVr.ll.
The pievalencoof diphtheria and scarlet
fever In iiltforent portions of the state has
caused much Inquiry ot the state board of
icaltlias to what rules can bo enforced for
irovontlng the spread of the contagion. In
some localities it was proposed to forbid
children from attending school who had In
any way been exposed to diphtheria. The
> oard ot henlth were asked If that could bo
lone , Mid In reply they say thatchlldrcn who
iav not the disease In their family cannot
> o restrained trom attending school , unless
here luis been such frequent exposure to the
llseaso as to Incur the danger ot infection by
ho clothing. This will be Importantnews to
uany pirts of the state , where contagious
llscasos are now creating more 01 less panic.
flio Ulcli Quart-leu of HanilHtonc In
thu Tnll Kiver Vnlloy.
SvuriiwicKs , Dfik. , Oct. 1. ICoirespond-
ence of the Bir.l : Ths ) Is one ot the great
stock shipping points In the Black Hills
country , and Is situated on theilnoof the
Fremont , Elkhorn t Missouri Vallot rail
road , lorty-two miles north of Chad-
on and sixty-two miles south of
Hapld City , and Is surrounded by
good fanning land , On account of its mild
winters and ttio light ( all of snow It Is called
the best stock raising country in the noith-
west. It is also noted for Its pure soft vvntoJ ,
which can be found by digging anywhere
Irom five to thirty feet. The soil is a rich
sandy loam. There were 27,000 head of
stock shipped from fhis point last v CAT , and
we expect to exceed that amount this sea
son. Wo have shipped this jcar , up to
date , about 12,000 head. The freight charges
on them will not bo far trom S" > 7iXX ) In
fact , just on one day last week they
amounted to over SO,400.
Smlthwicks is situated about nine miles
east of the great and wonderful sandstone
limrrios ot Fall Ulver county. Dak. These
vast mountains of sand will , In thu near fu
ture , be a source of great vvoilth to the county
uul give employment to huudtcds of men
the year round , The quairies are only six
miles trom the main line ot the lallroad and
aside-track can bo constructed very cheaply
Into the canon where the quarry is situated ,
tor them will bo very little grading to bo
done. Fall Hlver and Duster counties are
the only places in the world whole
variegated sand rock Ins ever been dlseov-
i rc't up to the piesent tlmo. But in the
Odell mining district , it Is found in such
vast quantities that there will bo enough to
supply Omahii and the markets of the east
foi } ears to come w Ith the finest looking and
best building stone ever put on thn market.
It is a well known tact that sandstone Is the
only stony or building material that can be
put into a wall that will stand hre. For
beauty the variegated rock has no equal and
tor hue quality It cannot be surpassed. It Is
found In a greit variety of colors , Including
red , white , bmwti , blue , vellow and pink.
The variegated or clouded rock lias as line an
appearance in a building as marble , for it
dres es upas smooth ana Is ot such finegrain
and finish that evou smart people take It to
bo marble at lust glance. Another thing to
bo taken Into consideration is the cheapness
with which this rock can bo quarried and
drossud and also the nearness to Omaha and
the market of the whole western country , or
what could be more properly called , "homo
maikets , " and without doubt largo quantities
of it vv 111 bo sent to Chicago and other lame
eastern cities. The line quality and beauty
ot tlm variegated and clouded rock will maito
a great demand for It for trimmings for large
buildings. At the architect and bulldeis'
convention held In Chicago a year ago ,
this stone was out to all possible
tests and pronounced to bo A No. 1 building
stone. There have been two or three
companies organl/ed to work the quarries
and one lias secured a water potvei right
where they purpose building a mill where
they vv 111 cut and drc s the stone all ready to
put in the wall , theieby making a great sav
ing in freight. As soon as this company
gets the necessary machinery they will be
teady to furnish building stone in large or
small quantities ot any sUe , shape or color.
They arc now imiklniz arrangements with
the railroad for putting in the necessary
tiack so as to reach their quarry , and prob
ably within the next twelve months Fall
Kiver county sandiock and building stone
w ill bo In demand all over the country and vv 111
be shipped to all parts of It , the larirest pait
to Omaha.
His Appointment to the Supreme
Hunch ConHlilorcil Sure.
WASitivorov , Oct. 2. iSpecial Tele
gram to the Bi.i : . ] Evidences multiply ot
the president's intention to place Secretary
L.imar upon thu supreme bench. A dis
tinguished bureau oflicial v. ho paw ( lie pies-
dent the night proceeding the tatter's de
parture sajs that in the course of a general
conversation rcfcicnce was made to the ap
pointment of.i successor to Justice Woods ,
" 1 would like to ask you. Mr. President , "
said Ins visitor , bluntly , "It jou are going tc
civo that place to Secretary LiniarV" The
presldnnt laughed good-naturedly and said :
"It seems to bo In the air. The condition--
appear to lie somewhat Iho same as they vvrc
before Lamar came into < the cabinet ,
There are a number ot applicants
from the south. Most everv
section had its favorite son toi a place in m >
political household. I found , howevei , tha'l
thcii second clioiro almost invailably was
Lamar. As 1 have said , his appointment
seemed to be in the air. It i- > just so In tin
piesent ease. A do/on dillerent southern
men aio being pressed for the vacant judge-
ship. I find , however , that the leal sentinieiil
ot the south is favorable to Lamai. 1 don'i
think it proper for me to siy in advance
what I shall do In the milter , hut 1 cf rl.iinly
cannot bo insensible to the influences 1 have
mentioned. "
Hdncatlon CnminiHHioncr'H lleporl.
Wvsmv. rev , Oct. S. The report ot tlu
commissioner of education for the fiscal yeai
lias just been completed. It shows that the
condition and progress liltheito character
istic ot American education lias been gener
ally maintained during the v ear. A briel
account is mvcd of measures taken in the in
terest of education in Alssua There are lit
teen government schools in operation in thai
terntoiy. To meet urgent needs tins com
missioner recommends the cstiblislimcnt of
tvventv-ihieu other schools there and asks
the appropriation ol § ' .0,000.
A Mmnr'H CnchrDi o ivpriMt.
Ci i v I.I.AND.O. , Oct 2.-Special ( Telo.-ran
to the 111 i.l : Whihi Washington UlUiati
and a man named Snvder were cutting tlm
her on the farm ot John Warner at Nov
Portage , Summit tountv , Ohio , to day , tlioi
chopped down a tree tn the hollow of whlcl
they loiiiidseveral ! thoiisind dollars in bind
notes and gold .inn sliver coin. A mlsorl )
farmer named Trachstiaih lived on thn place
hUcencurn auo and it is bi-limrd hu hid tin
money there beloro his death. T'leru is grea
excitement in New I'oitaire.aud it is tielievei
that Farmer Wainei will sue tor a dlvisioi
ot thu money.
AliHHod Mm Own Son.
CiiiruH > , Oct. 2. John Sullivan , llvini
on Henry street , had a quirrel with his soi
and other bojs tills afternoon , In which h
was sevcicly beaten. Hit went Into thu liousu
procured a doulrtw-biirelcn shot gun and re
tinning to thu street , emptied both Inrn'l
Into 11 crowd of children whicn had irathcrcil
Fully a do/en ol them were wounded , mm
of them , It is thought , very sunin jv. Sulll
van was locked up.
lly n Cow ,
ETANUHA , Mich , , Oct. 2. News hu
been received ot a serious accident on tin
"Soo" road , near Gladstone. A work trail
In backing down strutl ; a cow and was di
railed. The conductoi and n hrakcman wen
UlltU aud bCH'i l others i
8ho Hopes Soon to Bo Next to tlio Metropolis
In Siz-3.
The Town Cow Oriltnnmio Heo llcit-
Chrnitron'H Mnrvclnits Growth
Specimen Nnhra kn Hunt *
Icr Other State News.
WnntH To Ho Sounnd.
Xp.nnvsuA Cnv , Nob. , Oct. 2. ICorrcs-
pondenco of the HKP. | Nebraska City Is at
present doing more than simply furnishing
an occasional sensation. The town has
luring the past year , madti most phenomenal
strides towards procress , and during that
line hit ) displayed more public and prlvato
mterprlsu than she has generally received
iri'dlt lor by her envious neighbors. Ne-
> raska City Is no longer satlstied to strive for
liiid city in the state but Is making a sllmit
mtdctcimlnod elfoit to occupy second place
icfori ) many jears. Less than two jears ago
Nebraska City enteied upon her second
' when Wood , of the Press , started the
Kxim by demanding that the town cow
should go. This sweeping demand was
nod I tied to n regulation , the result of which
was th it another stop had to bo taken to
keep down the glass and weeds In the streets.
\nil so on , a great boom trom a little cow
udlnanco grew , which has now settled down
nto a phenomenal , solid growth.
A carolul estimate ot money expended In
nibllciuul prlvato Impinvomonts In Nebraska
'Ity dining the past season shows that the
miount exceeds f.WO.OOO , for which the city
ms to show : A new railroad ; ono of the
mest systems ot water-works In the state :
an electric lluht plant vv liich is not equaled
In tlie state outside ot Omaha ; an ,
hominy and starch laitoiv , the most complete
mid extensive in the west : a liuit evaporat
ng establishment , that is now tilling laiiiu
mlcrs for Omaha , Lincoln and eastern linns ;
n canning 1 acuity , the laigest in the state.
which has orders tor goods Horn almost all
mints In the United States : an extensivu
cclityhik' establishment , new wholesale
louses by the score , business blocks by the
lo en mid new prlvato lesldouccs by the
iniidicd. Besides this , the packing-houses
ind distiller ) have made extensive improve-
ueiits and enlarged their capacity , muling
Nebraska City thu best grain and hoi ; market
n the state.
Next year the city will expend 81,000OJO in
mpiovemi'iits. by which tlmo the great 0. ,
II. & C > . bridge will bo completed across the
Missouri iivcitho handsome government
Hii'dlng ' will be linished , and the latuu addl-
Ion to the state Institute lor thn blind will
Je perfected A new and large packing
ho'ise ' , another railio.ul , a creamery , ami u
lumber of iuctorles are among the certatn-
les for next year. The streets will b-j
graded and paved , a system of excellent ,
sewerage built , a stieot railway will bo in
operation , the water works will be extended ,
and the tuiiernl of the last "mossback" will
nun taken pi ice.
With Its new blood , young enterprises , and
"natural advantages , ' the luturo of Ne-
iraska City looks biiclit Indeed , tor which
ts progressive major and city council coma
In for a largo shaie of ciedlt.
' 1 he newspapers ot the city are keeping
ihead of the city's march to greatness.
The morning Piess. to which belongs the
lonorof Inaugurating the boom ; the evening ;
Times , a bright election of the city's need ,
and the evening News. The substantial
representatives of the city's Interests are the
daily papers of the city. The Slants /ol-
lung , the loading Gorman paper in the sUto ,
has moved into its now quarters. They liavo
added a new power press to their outfit ,
and a German dally will be Issued
fiom that ollico within a few weeks.
Schneider & Heck , ot Council Bluffs , h.xvo
removed thulrlvrio wholesale liquor stoio tn
this city aud have came to stay. Wolstuln &
Co. , of Kansas Citv. have also established a
branch ot their largo liquor house here.
Haitllng's lariro brick block Is completed and
occupied. William Kodmibrock Is making ;
preparations to begin the erection of a lour-
stoiy block on his property on Upper Mala
street. A ' 510,000 contract has boon lot to
Matt Pile by the distilling company'to pio-
tect tt.u river banks near their piemlsos and
prevent damage to the distillery propeity.
There are three largo brick > ards In constant
opeiation here , and yet they are unable tu
supply the home demand.
A numbci of enterprising German capital
ists hero are figuring on a i75M)0 ( ) opera
house , to bo built before the next season
opens. An opera house is bidly needed.
The Nebraska Telephone company last
Saturday completed dliect telephone con
nections between this city and Omaha by
way of Plattsinouth. Thn company will , in
tlm spring , extend this line to Auburn and
the southern part of tlm state , thus plac
ing tills city Indirect communication witli
almost every town in the state. A line will
also be put across the liver and join the Iowa
company's linn at East Nebraska City , giv
ing direct telephone connections with every
important town In Iowa.
Last Friday the Nebraska City Packing
company closed their house until November 1
( or the purpose ot putting In now machinery
and making other improvements Witli the
exception of Snndavs this liousn has run
continuously since October SO , 1880 , during
which tlmo Hiev killed itr : > .0 < X ) hoes and paid
out in money over S4.000.000. Mr. A. Hel
ler , foimurlv ot Milwaukee , Is manager.
The Trans-Mlssouii , whlcn has been closed
lor several months , will also commence
killing ag.tln November I with increased
capacity , under the management ot ,1. Col
lins Llosd.
Tlio stand pipe of the water works Is com
pleted and is 110 feet in bight by 10 loet in
Cliarli-s A. Hreomor , of Philadelphia ,
bought tlm Hiandt properly , comer ot Nintli
and Main streets and will erect a font story
brick wholesale house in tlio spring.
A Itdomlnu 'J vvo-Vrnr-Old.
CiiAimoN , Neb. , Oct. L iConespoud-
mite of thu Hi r. | Clnidion , the mag
ical , has just passed its second birthday and
enters upon its third year with nn unparal
leled rcconl. Thn town was platted two
> ears ago and at the day of tlio town site sale
lhere was not a building on tlio L-ronnd
where tlie city now stands , From the tact
that the town was platted in a country wiiicli
had never semi amlcultuial development ,
150 miles bovond thn frontier line , at that
time , and entirely dependent upon Its own
resources and the country tributary to It ,
Its lirat season's boom was certainly
wonderlul ; it left thn town with 1,100 people ,
handsome business blocks and Improve
ments agtiegatlng near ! } 5100,000. Tlio
men who bought the first lotsand made tlieso
improvements were mostlj western men ,
who were familial with thn country and leal-
l/ed that somuwlieri ) in this now country
then ! would 1)0 ) a city , and their whole aim
ban been to make Chadron the city ,
'I hi * tlmo Is lung siuco passed foi the hick-
sets pre.licted by croak'-rs , aud thn town lias
steadily grown In wealth , popul ition and
busliii'ss thiougli all thn change which has
come to tlm country trom its development.
'I'n da > It lias a population ot not less than
'i.000 people , ami Is thn wc.ilthn-st contur of
westein Nebraska , homn ot tlm Improvo-
mi'iits inadn diirllii : tlm piosont iicaso'i and
now going foiwaid are as follows : Dawns
coiinti Lonit house , cost S..0i)0 ( ) : city public
M-tiools , O.iKKi ; Dtnlelson house , MO-
000 ; I ! ink ol Cliadion blink. S10.-
000 ; Delmonlco hotel , 81,000. C. E. Vale's
residiMiti' . cost S..OOO ; W. P limmcil's resi
dence , cost ? J,000 ; tvvcnt ) cott no residences ,
total cost El-,000. Tills maKcs a total of worth ot ImpioviMiients tar nncUr
vvav. 'lliero aie , besides , threw brick business
lilod.s considered cert tin and several resl-
dcmcs thn eiectum of which will commence
soon and bo nearly llntslind bnforu tlm close
ol thn ciasoii , The contemplated huilnusi
Blocks will cost about and the iMimd
tola ! of the full building cannot I HI less than
S1JOOJ. Tlm now county court house wallH
arc rapidly rising under tlm ellorts of a largo
loicc ul'voiUmen , It Is lobe n mngiiihcont
Mriu'tuir ot tour storing in height , witli
U'.IHIo.ittKchod and fully wottty
. .impfi ! i ' )