Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1887, Page 8, Image 8
8 t&E OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , OCTOBER 2. 1S87.-TWELYE PA&ES. N. B. FALCONER MONIX&.YI Puritan Black Gros Grain Silks. Puritan Black Gros Grain Silks. 38 inch Dress Goods at 12c , worth 35c. Fancy Brocaded and Striped Velvets. 38 inch. Tricots at 35c. Lunch Sets and Buttons. "Puritan" Black Gros Grain Silk. ' For yenrs the Blnck Gros Groin Silk that has been sold was so adulterated Uinl It was impossj bio for ladlesJ.Q got a black silk that would give ony kind of sat isfaction in wear. For self pro tection we hnd to find a manu facturer that would make a silk , nnd such n silk ns the ladles speaker that would wear'a lifo- tlme and still bo good. After many trials and failures at last we have found a silk that wo can guarantee in every par ticular. In fa c t , i f a n y lady bu y s a dross of any of these numbers of "Puritan" Black Gros Grain Silk , and alter six months' wear it docs n ot prove satis factory , wo will refund the money or give her a new dress. B Numbers 01" "Puritan" Black Gros Grain Silk. NO. 1 AT $1.OO. 1O pieces "Puritan" Black Gros Grain Silk , 21 inches wide , war ranted to wear , at $1 per yard. caiman NOTIONS. Unity Church , corner of Sovent onth and Cass streets Uev. W. K. Cope-laud , pastor. Service at 11 a.m. , and 7 p. m. Sundav Bchool at 13:1.1. : Subject of evening conver sation. "The Old Testament of India. " Tilnlty Cathedral-Capitol avenue , comer Eighteenth street. The Uev. C. II. ( iard- ncr , dean. Services at S and 10l0a. : ! m. and 7:30 : p. m. Sunday school at 13:15. : Sttaugers and others cordially Invited. In the evon- liig all scats are tree. St. Barnabas , Free Church Nineteenth nnd Cailloruia streets. Plain celebration at 7:30 : a.m. ; choral calibration at U a.m. ; chlo ral even song at 4:00 : p. m. Sunday school at 0:30 : a. m. Straugeis most cordially wel comed. John Williams , lector. St. Phillip's Free Church ( coIorcd-Sin ) South NliN'lcoth stiect. Sunday school at ' ) n. tu. K\t ilng service at b p. m. John Williams , pastor. All Saints' C uiirch , Twenty-fifth and How ard streets Litany and holy communion at 11 a. in. , evensong at 7 u. m. The choir will King In the morning Staluei's communion service in F , and Barnaby's anthem , "O , How Aiulahlo Are Thy Dwellings. " In the evening will bo sung Florlo's mngnllicciit mine dimlttis in Caud Barnby's anthem , "Thy Meicy , O Lord , Ucachoth Unto the Heavens. " Aiiss Punuell will sing at the offertory In the morning , "Just As 1 Am , " by Itartlett. The rector will picach both morning and evening. Beth-Eden Baptist Church-Uev.II.L.IIousn pastor. Sunday school at S p. m. Preach- dig services at 4:15 : i > . m. In St. Mary's ave nue Congregational church. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:39. : Everybody wel come. First Baptist Church , Strangers' Sabbath Home , comer Fifteenth and Davenport streets Uev. A. W. Lamar , pastor. Ptoacli- Ing at 10:80 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. in. Voting people's prayer meeting 0:15 : p. in. Mornlnir theme : "A Central Talk to the Church , " followed by communion. Kvculug tlioino : "Whom Are The Xiue , " a sermon tor every body. Sabbath school at 13 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:3 : ( > . All nro cordially invited. Seats tree. Calvary Baptist Chinch , on Sauuders , near Cumlne At 10:3Ua. : m. a sermon to clnldie.ii by the pastor , Uov. A. W. Clark. Preach ing 7:15 : p. m. .Sunday school at 11:15 : a. m. South-West Piosbvteriaii Church Corner Leavnnworth and Twcnloth streets. Uov. David U. Keir , p.xstor. Soi vices at 11 a. m. and 7.iO : p. m. Sabbath school at 13:15. : Young peoples' meeting 5:15. : Uoncral prayer meetim : Wednesday at 7:30 : p. m. Subject : "Pcisia and SyrU. " Phil. IV. 3 uul u. Westminster Presbyterian Church. Tro- toll's hall , l.eavenwoitli street , near Twenty- leventh. Pleaching by the pastor. Uov. John Cordon , at 10:30 : a. m , and & :30 : p. m. Sunday school at 13 m , Presbyterian Chuich , comer Dodge anjl Scvrntuoiith sticet Services at 10:30 : a. m. and" : : J p. m , Pieacliliu ; by the pastor , Uov. W. J. llarsha. Sunday school at close First United Presbyterian. fil3 North KlKhteenth street , Kov. Kdwln It. Ciraliain , pastor. Public worship at 10 : . ' > 0 a. m , and 7 : : > 0 p. m. fjahbath school at lioon. Park Avenue United Presbjtoilan Church , rorner Park avenue and ( Jiaut stret'ts Prcaclilut ? liy the pastor. Kov. J. A. Hen derson , at M ; ' ( > a. m. Subject : "The Uu- chaneeableness of Christ. " livening nt7 : ! > 0 , Bubjitit : "Kost for the Weary. " Sunday school at noon. Teachers meetliiK atGUO. ; YOIIIIB pooplcs' meeting .Monday evening at 7HO. : Prayer meeting at 7:30 : Wediiesdaj ov- eniiie. Coiitral United Presbyterian Church , Sev entecnth stioi'l , bet\\ei'ii Dodge and Capital avenue Kov. John Williamson , pastor. Services at 10:30n. : in. and 7KO : p. in. Sub ject In the iiiofnliit : : "Tho Homo of the Kkhtcous and the WU'kcd Contrasted. " In tlio evening : "The Hearing and Duiuc Kssontial to bccurlty. " Vomit : peoples' prayer meeting on Saubath evenlims rt 0:55 : , anil weekly pra\or meetlui ; on WediiOMl.iy ovcnintrs at 7:30 : p.m. Mveiy one is Invited to attend any or all ot these services. Oormnn Lutheran Church , 1005 South Twentieth street Service ovoiy Sunday at 10 a. in. Sunday school nt 3 p. m. h. J. ' Fress , jiautor. Hlllsldo Confrretfatloiml Church. Omaha View lluv. II. C. Crane gives a children's lermonnt 11 a. m. , followed qy regular scr- 11011. Ksenlni ; borvlco at 7UO. : St. Mary's Avenue Cnn re atlonal Kov. iVlllard Scott will piearh botli murnlnc aiu | ivonlnt ; at 10u : : aiiil7SOo'clucu. : : Ju the aornln ; , rccevtlou of NO. 2 j T $1.25. 1O pieces "Puritan" Blnck Gros Grain Silk , 21 } inches wide , war ranted to wear , at $1.26 per yard. Tills silk is a great bargain and will outwear anything you can buy at tliis price. NO. 3 AT $1.BO. Mail orders filled. Money re funded if goods are not satisfac tory. 2O pieces "Puritan" Black Gros Grain Silk ; 22J inches wide , war ranted to wear , atl.BO per yard. There is no silk made that will outwear this number. It lias a splendid finish , and every'ym'd is perfect. NO. 4 AT $ J.7B. " 2O pieces "Puritan" Blnck Gros Grain Silk , 23 inches wide , at $1.76 , warranted to wear. This silk will peak for itself ; it is worth examining ns there is nothing made in gros grain silks that will outwear this make of silks , and this number at $1.75 is cspecinlly good vnlue. NO. 8 AT $2.OO. 1O pieces "Puritan" Blnck Gros Grain Silk , 23 inches wide , at $2 per yard , warranted to wear. This is one of the finest numbers made in this silk ; it is heavier and richer in finish than the others ; is perfect in wear and will make n dress that will last a lifetime. FANCY VELVETS. We are determined to close out all of our Fancy Velvets , nnd hnve made them up Into 4 lots. simper. Evening topic. "Secrets. " Sunday school at noon. All welcome. Saratoga Congregational Church Services every Sunday evening at 7:30 : In tlio school house. Prayer mooting Friday at 7:30 : p. m. Sunday school at 1:30 : p. m. Sunday even ing ticthsumaiio and communion \vlll be hold at close of the service. Collection will bd taken up for our city missionary Work. Cherry Hill Coiierecatlonal Chinch Ser vices every Sunday at 11:00 : a m. , and 7:30 : p. m. The pastor will speak in the morning on tlio subject , "United Ell'oit for the Salva tion of Souls. " Commencing Immediately alter sermon. Collection will bo taken up for missionary work In the city. Uov. L. M. Holt will preach In the evening , Sunday school trom 3:30 : p. ui. Prayer meeting , and bible study Wednesday at 7:30 : p. m. "Young peopled mooting in church parlois Sunday evenings at 00. : There \ \ ill bo a .supper and sociable In the church next Thursday even- inc. Friends from down town invited. St. John's Church , Twenty-sixth and Franklins streets Sunday school at 0:40 : a. m. , litany and holy communion at 11 a. m. Evenluif prayer and sermon at 7:30 : p. m. Uev. William Peaison will preach at both service" . Seats free. First Congregational Church , Seventeenth and Capital avenue Services at 10:30 : a. m. , and " : : p. m. , led and preaching by Uov. A. Sherrlll. Sabbath school at noon. Evening : "Alaska , Its Uesources. " All are welcome. First M. K. Church Preaching by pastor , Uev. F. M. House at 10:30 : a. m. . and 7:30 : p. m. Sunday school at 3:30 : p. m. The Uev. Charles W. Savldge , of the Seward - ard street Al. E. church , will preach Sunday morning upon , "llcariiigtho ( ! ospcl. " In the evening his subject will be , "CJreat Failures and Their Causes. " North Omaha Baptist Mission , In Kountzo'e place , on Sauiulors .street Pleaching every Sunday morning at 11 , and evening at 7:30. : Uov. F. W. Fortor , missionary pastor. Sab bath school will bo organised on Sunday at 13m. Note Tim uo\v \ store loom whore the above sot vices will bo hold has been leased by the Baptists , and hereafter services will bo held there every Sunday. The public Is cordially Invited. Thu outlook Is most promising , and everyone will bo welcome to our services , and made to feel at home. Union sowing macliinn , 1G09 Howard st. H sold before Wednesday , an upricht piano for if 1.10 cash Parties have lelt it with Woodbridgo Hros. on sale , ' 15 Opera house , Omaha , Neb. Union sowing machine , 1009 Howard st. McDonald's Emporium will bo opened in a few days with a full line of tlio latest novelties in ladies' , misses' , and chil dren's cloaks aud suits.WO South IGth st. , near Howard. Union sowing nrtchiuo , 1000 Howard st. IV. . At wilt or ft Co. carry tlio tiuest line of heaters in the city. They have the Howe Ventilator heater , which is the only 0110 built upon the right principle. They give morn heat , use less coal , and are more elegant than any slovo for the price. They handle the best ranges ; among them is the only really good range made , six of them being sold last week. It is the Persian. ( ! o and see their stock of stoves and ranges. 10'Jo Howard street. Union sewing machine , 100 ! ) Howard st. Now Medical Institute and hospital accommodations , Thirteenth street , northwest corner of Dodgo. Union so wing machine , 1C09 Howard st. F. M. Sciiallell & * Co. . Tlillinery. A complete line of Kali and Winter Styles now open at 318 N. lijth. Union sewing machine , 100 ! ) Howard st. Valentino's Shorthand iiislitutq is the only school in the state having practical experienced shorthand writers as toaclt ers. Ilcnucy Buggies M Armstrong , Pottis & Co.'s WOS hard st. Smoke -Ouwia | Hoitrd of Trade oigar. I.ti-lic xVLeslie , Uruiw 10th.ami . Dodge. . These Velvets are suitable for trimmings , fancy work , ladies' nnd children's wraps. They will be sold at a great sacrifice ; in fact , we do not take the cost into con sideration , but mnke 4 prices to close out the lot nt this sale. FANCY VELVETS , 30c. Fancy Striped Velvets that were $1.OO per yard , on Monday the price is 39c. FANCY VELVETS , OBc. Fancy Striped and Brocaded Velvets that we have been selling at $2.6O to $4.OO per yard , on Monday the price is 05c. FANCY VELVETS , $1.40. All the Fancy Striped and Bro caded Velvets that we have been selling from $4.26 to $0.OO , on Monday the price is $1.40. FANCY VELVETS , $2.12J. Fancy Brocaded and Striped Velvets that we have been selling from $ O.OO to $12.OO per yard , on Monday the price is $2.12J per yard. This lot at $2.124 fs the biggest bargain that has ever1 been offer ed in dry goods in this or any city . in the country. Come and see them , it will pay you. Dress Goo ds ! Dress Goods ! Dress Goods ! 2OOO yards US-inch plain and fancy English Suiting ; also 27- inch Plaids , at 12 l-2c. These goods cannot be bought for less than SBc. On Monday we mnke our price on the lot 12 l-2c. Only one dress to each customer. UIOALi ESTATE Joshua Devrlos to F X Jayncs , lot 8 blk 3 Paddock Place wd S 2.SOO Amos Phillips and wife to William F Stotts , sW of lot 10 oik 1 Lake's add wd. . . . . . a.300 Eliza A Anils et al to Clarance J Canan , e 30 ft w of the w 130 ft ot lot 33 Millard & Caldwcll's add w d. . . . 0,000 Cordelia Wilklo and hits to Thomas Cummings , lot 1 blk 1 KlrKwood add wd. 2,750 Elwln M Park and wife et al to Josln V Ludwick , lot 4 blk " Creston add wd 1,000 Joslo V Ludwick and wile to Alfred Thomas , lot 4 biK 3 Creston add w d. 1,000 John 11 DaiiioN and wife et nl to Aithur S Potter , lot 0 blk 10 and lotO blk 4 Bodiord place wd 1,300 Eli/.a F Daniels and hits to Arthur S Potter , lot 13 blk S and lots S and 15 ulk 4 Bedford place w d 1.S50 Caiollne E Coman and hus to Arthur S Potter , lots 10 1113 blk 4 Bedtora place w d 1S50 Homy Ambler ami wife to Charles F Harrison , lot 1 blk ; : and lot U blk 4 Eckermaun place q c d 1 Louis Schiocder miss to Frank Mc Donald , lot 10 blk b Brown park w d. 550 Julia F Horrlck and bus to Jacob Ken- dls. s40ft of lot 4 blk 7 Klrkwood wd l.SOO F M Shrivcr and wife to Edmund J Pickard , lot 31 blk 30 Hanscom place wd. . . . 850 City of Omaha to Anna M. Yost , 15x70 ft adjoining block l44 ! , city , vacated , qcd. . . . . . ! 503 50 John F. Uichart ct al to John J. Mahoney - honey et al , lots 1 and 3 , Uichart & Person's sub div of lot S , block 78. South Omaha , w d 5,000 1) . C. Patterson and wife to A. Judson Curtis , the n } < Jof w44 ttot Iot'3 , block 177 , city ot Omaha , wd 5,000 James M. Buchanan to W. L. East man , lot 17 ot block 4 of Douglas' add , wd 1 Giistav B. Hengon and wite to Edwin L. Uowloy , p.irt ot sub lot G of lots S and U in Capitol add. wd 1,300 Susannah C. Burr to Thomas Uyan , 10 aciis and 144 rods , more or loss , of the so h of the ne } 4 ot section 0-14- 18 , ije d 1 ( ittoruo M. Do Bolt and wife to James Johnson , lot 1 , block 3 of Do Bolt Place , wd 1,500 James Johnson to E/.nl F. Uluu'or et al. lot liin block ! i ot Boggs A Hill's add , w d 2.VOO John L. Miles et al to Adoluh Meyer , lot te , block 17 of Walnut Hill , wd 650 John W. Paul to Hilda Johnson , lot 17 In Buidotto court , w d GOO JaV-ob Keudls ct al to William ll.Conb , the .s 50 It of lots baud 0 In block 1 , Jotter's add , w d 650 Charles W. Conklliie and wife to Chailcs Impoy , lot 3 In block W In Shlun's third add , w d 5,000 J nines .M Buchanan to William L East man , lot 31 , block 12 of Bcdtord place , w d 1 Henry Wilklo and wlfo to the Evan- golisch Lutherlsch , Xlous Cormlnde of Joflersoii product , the sw cor of s w H of sec 35-10-11 , containing ouo acre , wd. , . " . . . . . 50 Daniel K Hagy and wlfo to Uohert E Ilughos.tho undivided } jj of a tract of laud In b H of n w } i ot sec 20-15-13 , wd 4,000 Patrick lloctor and wlfo to Charles Corbutt , lot II in block 1 in South Omaha View , w d Wllbert JNan Aeriiian toAltredl ) Touzalln , lot y , block 4 of Haw thorne aud , w d 000 Bvroii Uewl and wile to Lawrence Wyer , beginning llo ft o of e line of KM st , thunco s 100 ft , thence o 100 ft. thence n 100 ft , thoiico w 100 ft to place ot beginning , wd 10,000 Edwin S Uowloy and wife ot al to Gits- tav B llcncen , beginning 70 ft o of u w cor at block 10 of E. V. Smith's add , thence s 100 ft , o 35 ft. n 100 ft , will ft to place of bcfliiiiinir , wd. . . 0,000 0 E Barker and wife to C E Mayne , the s \ \ > j ot section 15. the n * j of sec W , thos o ' 4 of sec 10 , the B W } i of n w U ot see 23 , all of sec 23 , lots 1,8 and 110 sec 31 , the u y ot s w * 4' ot sec It , the s H of the n e lof ec 35 , all In twp 10 , raugo v , n c d 1 Lawrence Wyer to Byron Heed. 'M acres of section * 11-15-13 , beginning is rods e of s. w cor , thoiico o 30 rods , n 100 rods , w 30 rods , s 100 rods to Vlucoot beginning , wa 10,000 Uulou sewing machine , 000 ilo ward st. Homespun Mixtures , 23 l-2c , Worth 4Bc. One Case Homespun Mixtures , 88 inches wide , in Browns , at 23 l-2c ; worth 4Bc. ALL , WOOL , SERGE AT 23 l-2c , WORTH 4Bc. Another case of 38-inch 'All Wool Serge , all colors , at23 l-2c ; worth 4Bc. English Plaid Suiting , 39c. 1 Case Fine All Wool Plnid Suiting at30c ; worth GBc. 46-Inch All Wool Suiting SOc. 1 case 40-inch All Wool with Camel's Hair Stripes at BOc ; worth SBc. 38-Inch Tricots 35c. 4 cases 38-inch nil wool Tricots at SBc ; worth OOc. Seal Plush Sacques , Seal Plush Sacques , 4O inches long , at $13 ; worth $2B. Seal Plush Sacques at $18.BO , equal to any that other stores try to sell at $2B. Seal Plush Sacques at $2B ; worth $4O. Seal Plush Sacques at $33 ; worth $ BO. Seal Plush Sacques at $37.BO ; would be cheap at $6O. 11U1LUINU PEHSHTS. The following building permits were issued yesterday by Superintendent Whltlock : Nels Clove , IK story frame bam , ! > 3d and Webster , to cost 3 100 Samuel J. lloll , 1 story frame addi tion to dwelling , 31st and Topi'leton avenue , to cost N)0 ) Hillside Congregational church. 1 Morr Iramo addition to church , 30th and Ohio , to cast 1,400 Pied Sclinoll , 1 storv frame addition to cottage. 1'Jth and Spring , to cott 300 C , T. T. Smith , 1.story frame addition to cottage , ! 0th and Ohio , to cost. . . . MO Archer Alee , 1'4 ' story frame barn , Dor cas , between IMh ami HUH , to cost 150 Kato Kewitt , 1 } story liamo cottazo and barn , Bloiido , between 30th and JiOth , both to cost 1,100 Peter Unlulmrdt , 1 story frame cottajjo 3-lt1 and Lconaid , to cost 050 Fiank O. Olson , two 1 story frame cot tages , Miami near 3rth , to cost MX ) llaiiscom 1'aik M. E. Society , 2 Mory frame parsonage , 3stli and Woof- worth , to cost 1,500 Ten permits ageregatiug ii > , 'JOO AMUSKMKNTS. Announcements of the Attractions t-\ > r the Comlnc Week. John Dillon , an old favorite with Omaha theater-goers , will be seen at lioyd's opcia house to-morrow night in his new play , "Wanted , the Earth. " The comedy was writ ten especially for him and gives him a wide scope for his talent , which ho uses to great advantage. John Dillon , it is said , to all ap pearances. Is as voung as vthcn he made the continent laugh fifteen years ago. ills new plav has . ' cored a great hit. "Keep It Dark , " ( iuorgo Hooy's funny mu sical comedy , which met with such success hero last season , will return to Boyd's opera house nest Friday aud Saturday. OKA.M ) OPP.IIA IIHr K. On next Thursday evening Xerga's Uoyal Spanish Troubadouis give a unhiuo enter tainment. They use only mandolins and guitars , which , as those who aio acquainted with them laiow. when In capable hands aio capable ot producing moit delightful music. Incidental to the performance \\lll bo dramatic impersonations by Mr. Hood , which arc said to b vnry cutcitaltiiiig. IIOMI'S 'lO-NUlllT. I'uls new dramatic company ap- near here to-night tor the lirst time , In "Drr iJiuliothi'kar. " This is the pli-co from which has been 5t"li'n lilllctt's famous comrdv , "Tho I'rivato becretaiy. " The now mem bers ot the company Conrad Nels , houls Menchko Ui'ttha.Meuschkt ? and Otto Kraft. They will bo supported by thn old company , giving a cast ot fourteen performers. This will bo the opening entertainment of the second season In the ooera house , and the management as well as the patrons are determined to tnako It the most successful aitlstlc season ever known in Geimaii thea tricals in this city. Union s-owing machine , 1009 Howard st. Ilrcvltirs. The fines Imposed and collected by Judge Bcikii during the month ot August will ex ceed S3bOO. Uev. J. W. Harsha's subject for this evenIng - Ing will be : "Is the Bible out ot date' . " ' Church comer of Dodge and Seventeenth streets. Mrs. Mary Woodbrldgc. of Ohio , will ad- diess the gospel temperance mrctint : In the Tabernacle , coiiimoticlug at S'JO : p. m. All are welcome. A meeting will Do held at the oHlco of Jus tice Aiiderion , Monday evening , for the pin- pose of procuring the proper naturalization papcis for the .Scandinavians of this city. Mr. S. K. Folton has resigned his posi tion with the U. S. Wind Knglno 1'unip Co. Mr. ( loorgo 1' . Koss will assume the position of aoUim manayor of the Omaha branch , Mr. K. J. Oliver , from Smyrna , who established the largest Turkish store in St. I'uul , Minn , will sell at auotion a wonderful collection of Turkish and Persian rugs , tidies , ourtains , cushions , Niantel covers , tire screens , etc. Look in Monday and Tuesday's papers for fur- thcr particulars. Positively nothing luit the vi-rv fine. t , work allowed to Jew llujn's jiulkry , BUTTONS , BUTTONS , BUTTONS. 2OOO Gross Fnncy Metal But tons at lOc per dozen. These but tons hnve sold from $1.70 to $2.BO pet' dozen. Linen Department. On Monday wo will place oil sale a few odd lots of Lunch Sets , Tray Cloths and Towels , at a pi-ice to close them out. Anyone in need of these goods can save lots of money. The quantity 1s limited , so come c rly. FANCY LUNCH SETS. A lot of Fancy Lunch Sets sizes 8-1O , 8-12 , 8-10 witli nap kins to match , at $3 per set ; worth from $7.6O to $1B. LUNCH SETS At $7.SO. A lot Fancy Lunch Sets sizes 8-1O to 8-16 witli Napkins to match , at $7.45 each ; reduced from $12.BO , $18.OO and $17.OO , on Monday $7.48. An odd lot of Fancy Lunch Cloths that we have been selling from $1.OO to $2.78 , on Monday , to clean up stock , the price is 78c. Pa' * Little Girl Says. Oh. say , mamma ! have yon been to see Coover tte Watts' grocery since they have their new stock of fancy groceries in ? They have just the nicest lot of pre serves , jellies , .jams , olives , French peas , mushrooms , all kinds of canned goods , and such an assortment of salt fish , her ring , mackerel , salmon , lake trout , etc. , and everything so awfully cheap , .lust think ! Potatoes only 70c bn ; the best Minn. pat. Hour ! ? 'J.75 per cwt. , and yon know that Snowllako Hour we like so much only $2.iil ) per cwt. ; and then they sell Id cans mustard sardines $ \.00 \ ; Mocha and Java coll'ec only 40c Ib , and you know we have been paying 45 to 50o for the. same kind ; 0 Ibs rice'/ie / ; best XXX soda and XXX oyster crackers by tlio bov file Ib ; stick candy 13c ; Ameri can mix candy only lOc Ib ; best Colum bia river salmon , dos2.00 ; extra gloss starch , 7 onc-lb pauers , f 0c : Hoyal bak ing powder , Ib cans , 45e ; 1'rice's baking powd , Ib cans , 'Ific ; 5 two-lb cans corn beofsfl.Ofou ) ran buy just anything you need lor the table , jxnd everything so cheap , too ! You see' they tell for cash , and 1'a says they can buy ever so much cheaper because they pay spot cash for all their goods. When you go down the avenue don't forget to stop in and see them. If you don't want to buy , just get their prices , and they just delight in showing their goods. Don't forget the place Coover & Watts , n. c. cor. 1'Jth and St. Mary's ave. Union sewing machine , 1009 Howard st. Iloyu's elegant babies' and childrens' photos ar < 3 surpassed by none. Union sewing machine , ICOOUowardst. Do Yoit want a good range or heater ? If so buy one with an established reputation. Sncli are the "Acorn" stove" . They have stood the test of lifty years and are made in greater variety than any other line , buying - ing for cash and having no rent to pay I can save you from 10 to 20 per cent on your stove. .lon.v IlL'b-n : , ' . ' 107 fuming St. Union sewing machine , 1009 Howard st. If von want to qualify yourself for a gooif situation learn shorthand and type-writing. The demand is constantly increasing. Valentino's Shorthand insti tute affords the best opportunities for learning. This school has had over one hundred pupils during the past year and every graduate has been assisted to a good p'lying situation. None have failed. Send for circular. Union sowing machine , 1000 Howard st. Smoke Omaha Hoard of Trade cigar. Leslie & Leslie , drugs 10th and .Dodge. Union sowing machine , 1000 Howard st. Call and examine our elegantly fin ished photos before sitting at other gal leries , lleyn , tlio photographer , Granite block. Union sowing machine , 1000 Howard st. The Omaha .Medical and Surgical In stitute has been removed to their new location northwest corner of Thirteenth and Dodge streets , one block south of the old institute. This is a new brick build ing ami is fitted up with the finest medical ami surgical outfit and hospital accom modations to bo obtained. A drug store will bo open''d in the elegant store in the corner of the building with a choice stock of drugs and medicines. Union so wing machine , ICO'J Howard st. Don't fall to see Hoyn's elegant $15 photo cravens , the best value for the money in the city. Unionsowingmachino , 1C09 Howard st. Jleyn , the photographer , lias his gallery open Sunday from 10 a. ui. to 4 i > . m , TRAY CLOTHS , BOc. Red and I31ue Bordered Dam ask Tray Cloths , knotted fringe , nt OOc ; reduced Irom $1.OO. Hand-Embroid8fedTov/elsat$2 / $ OAn odd lot of fine BirdNEye Ger man Towels , hand-embroidered in fast colors , handsome knotted fringe , reduced from $4.BO to $2.OO each. Scarlet Flannel 21c. 1O bales all wool Scarlet Flan nel at 21c ; reduced from OOc. Scarlet Flannel 27 l-2c , B cases all wool Scarlet Flannel at 27 l-2c ; worth 4Oc. Scarlet Flannel 35c , 3 cases very fine and heavy all wool Scarlet Flannel at SBc ; worth BOc. Blankets $5.OO. 11-4 all wool White Blankets nt $ B ; worth $7.8O. 11-4 all wool Scarlet , Blankets nt $ B ; worth $7.BO. 11-4 all wool Grey Blankets nt $6 ; worth $7.8O. CHICAGO , HOCK ISLAND & PA- CIK10 It AIWAY'S Grand lOxcurslon to Clilcauo $17.15 Tor the Hound Trip. On October 4th , 7th and 10th , the C. II. I & P. railway will sell tickets from Council liliiffs to Chicago and loturn in cluding admission to the International Military Kncampment for i17.15. Tick ets good 0 days from date ot sale. Two trains daily running. Now elegant Pull man palace sleeping and dining cars. Ticket oliice 1W5 ! Kariiam street. S. S , Sn.vr.x * , General Agent. Uuion sewing machine , 100U Howard st. He-moved Omaha Medical Institute from Thirteenth and Capitol avenue to northwest corner of Thirteenth and Dodge streets , now brick building , one block south of old location. Union sowing machine , 100 ! ) Howard st. Cheap KatrH to Chicago. The Chicago & Northwestern Railway will eil CNcnr.siou tickets to the Inter national Militarv KucampnuMit held at ' Chicago. Oct. Ist'to 20th , at * 17.15 , from Council Blutl's to Chicago and return , in cluding admission ticket to the encamp ment. Tickets will bo sold on Oct. 4th , 7th it nil 10th , good returning until the Monday following date ot sale. Hi- sure that you get your tickets and secure your sleeping car berths by the Chicago & Northwestern. For further information call at ticket odieo of tins company , 1111 Karnam street. W. N. HDCUCK , General Western Acent. Union sowing machine , 100 ! ) Ho ward st. Mr. . ) . P. Morris , who recently com pleted a course at Va'entino's ' Shorthand Institute , has accepted a position as sten ographer with Uosb Hros. of this city. _ Union sewing machine , KiO',1 Ho ward st. Our facilities for larco tamily and so ciety groups are unsurpassed. lleyn , the photographer. Union sowing machine , 1000 Howard st. Dr. liridgo's residence removed to ! )13 ) north Twenty-second street. Telephone 015. _ Union sewing machine , 100 ! ) Howard st. Cieo. L. Fisher , Architect. Hoom 47 , Chamber of Commerce building. Uuion sewing machine , 1009 Howard st. Every graduate of Vali'iitine's Short hand institute has secured a good paying situation. Send for circular. Union sewing machine , 100'J Howaid st. . - - Quality of work , considering lleyn's prices , are the lowest in this city , ( ial- lery ilia to 017 , South 15th street. Union sowing machine , ICO'J Howard si. I'lano I'or Sale Chi-np , Wo have three pianos in good order for sale at nu each , for cash or in monthly payments. A. Hospo , HI. ) Doug las. _ Ujuon sewing machine , 1009 Howard st. Contractor * .Nollor. The time for receiving bids upon the Industrial College building of the Uni versity of Nebraska , is hereby extended until 12 o'clock noon , on Monday , Octo ber ' . ' , 1W. Uy order of the committee in charge , J. S. DAI.I.S , Secretary. Lincoln , Sept. 20 , 1887. _ Union sowing macliino. 1000 Howard it. Wo never fail on babies' or clndren- , ' pictures , lleyn , the photographer. 'I ol ephono 781. .Make appointments for .ut whC'ii possible , BOOK DEPARTMENT. Albums , Albums , Albums. Albums at 35c on the Dollar , make some prices on Al bums on Monday that will boa surprise to all. Come and sea them. Albums at 4Oc ; reduced from $1.OO. Embossed Leather Albums at OBc ; reduced Irom $1.7B. Plush Albums. Silk Plush Albums atl.OO ; re duced from $2.0O. Silk Plush Albums at $1.25 ; re duced from $3.OO. Silk Plush Albums , bronza trimmings , at $1.BO ; reduced from $4. BO. Silk Plush Albums , all Cabinets , " at $2. worth $ "G. Fine Morocco Albums at $1.7Bj reduced from $4. Half Morocco and PI u h at $2.4O ; reduced from $7. BOOKS , BOOKS. We have just made a revised price on all our Books. The prices are lower than any one ever im agined they could be. Come and examine our1 Books and prices ; il will pny you. AVnntrd. A competent solicitor inn ! collector foi Hie building fund of thu Vouiifr Alen'i Christian association. Application in writing onlv will be considered. Kofer- cnces required. Address C. K. Uoynolds , secretary building committee , p. o. box 8t. ) t. Union sewing machine , 1GO ! ) Howard st , Attend thn evening sessions at Valen tino's Shorthand institute , 1515 JJodgo street. Union sowing machine , 1000 IToward St , Omaha Commorcinl Collone. Write Kolirbouirli Bros. ' for circulan and specimen of penmanship. Over MM ! students last year. Union sewing machine , 100'J Howard st. Mr. Win. Nowcoiub , a recent graduate of \ i'.lcntino's Shorthand Institute has ac cepted a position as stenographer with the U. 1' . 11 . U. , Co. Uuion sewing ni.'iohine , 1000 Howard st. Chattel mortgage sale of llichtcr'i stock of hats , caps , furs aud store lixturca at Uichter's old stand , -120 Soutli Fif teenth street , at 10 o'clock a. in. Monday. A. W. Cowan & Co. , auctioneers. Union sowing machine , 1000 Howard st. TnkfMi to tin : District Court. Joseph Xelkln , the Polish nobleman who was ai rested some few weeks ago for selling ( icrman lottery tickets , has , by advice of his attomoy , i evolved to stand a trial bolero the district court. Ills bonds arc hxed at 8400. Mr. Nelkin says thu prosecution Is brought simply to obtain money Irom him and Issuio Hi an acquittal. Ladies wi.iliing material for fancy work ; stamping or anv kind of fancy work done. Call at .Miss Kennedy's , 121 N. Mth St. She has the best variety anil largest stock of the kind iu the city. AMUSEMENTS. BOYD'S OPERA HOUSE OM : OMV , Monday , October 3rd , I' " i Coiiicilian , JOHN DILLON , And u strong sni | | > < > iimi. company In the imil cnncuii , Wanted , The Earth. A kL'dii siitiio on ouitiiiii" ' . I ull of onflnul pnyiiiitsimcl laiiKliiilil' ' ' Mtu.illoiix. IloTMOil unitcitti ' " ' boomed at liai olfica niter Siilunluj moimnir. GRAND OPERA HOUSE Tuesday Evening , October 4h ! , ZEREG-A'S Royal SPANISH TROUBADOURS TIM : i AMOI s .IliiiKlolin anil < 'nllnr Vlrliiotei Horn tlio Ho ) ill Tlicutur of Spain , A < , IM : INI : .MIMC.U. .sovii/rv. I lie ainplcos of tlio Itfdpnth I.ii | itn Iliiirnii. ol Huston , iNowi ii'turniDir iSpuliijiilKMcicnliiik' lli | > jfiuiitnl liirornvcrf kiH.Un In fniimcid tholes | u nil tlio | irlncl > ml fllil'H 1)1 ) AllllMll'll. . I'niiuiw l'tico-2'i , ! > . W ) unit 75 f'tilB. . Siour * ilX'Ki ) of nuts lit tex uUlco , Uruuil Oj > Itoutu.