Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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"T Cm 1 Li1X O < I I I r L l-i1 U > fcrr l l
KS. .MI i i Hi ju , , C JL Jijjr ni irO CSo I V F.
Silks , Velvets , Plushes , Dress Goods , Furs and Gloves.
Black Groa drain Silks Wo place on
Halo Monday morning the following num-
born nnd fu'llv recommend thorn to thu
custom for actual wear. Beautiful cash *
niero finish handsome coloring.
$ l.JW.
No. 1 2:3 : inch , at f l. 5 , wolth ? l.fiO
No. " " 1.75
2-23 ut l.-IG ,
No. ! 5 23 " nt 1.7 , 2.00
No. 4-22 " at 2.00 , S.W !
No. 5-2J ! " at 2.2 ) , " 2.00
This IE th'o most clcgaiit class of silks
Rtid latest weave.
No. 1-21 Inch at $1.00 , equal to any
shown nt $1.55.
tfo. 2 21 inch at $1.15 , equal to any
shown at $1.15. !
No. a 21 Inch at $1.25 , equal to any
shown at $1.50.
No. 4 23 inch at $1.40. equal to any
shown at $1.05 ,
No 5"i2i5 inch at f 1.05 , equal to any
shown at $2.00.
No. 0 2I5 inch at $1.75 , equal to any
shown at $2.15.
These aoods arc especially recom
mended for service and durability.
A complete line of shades including
the new Mahogany , Olive , Nuns Grey ,
Navy Hluo. Klectric Sapphire , 1'istache ,
Kosowood Koseda. Myrtle Green , Hunt
ers Green , Wine , Garnet , Golden Brown ,
Medium Brown , $1.00 yer yard.
d-bittton lenotti , with licai'H embroidery , in iiliiln and two-toned , mltb colored wclta to nuHcli. Tlicaectie our own hup oiialion , and recommend them ivitli every eon/ldemr s bcli\\t \ \ the bent mine ever offered in Onmlnt.
; plac © ' tlieann. on sale at ± .15 ; regruLlarlsr solcL for $ ± -.SO.
KELLEY , STIGER & CO. , Corner Dodge and 15th Streets.
r f pint \TrP nfiPl 11 nirp VPP
Doings of Omaha Society During the Past
MTH. General Whoatnii'H Party Tlio
Avllliiuns-llojjrrs Nuptials "Weil-
Incs of Several Oiimhans Gen
eral Social GosHit.
The boys in gray who distribute the
mail for Uncle Sam are a gentlemanly
set of follows , and they know how to do
the handsomn thine ; when the occasion
demands it. Thursday evening one of
their number , Mr. Kd LaFagc , was mar
ried to Miss Kmma Dunn at the homo of
the bride's parents , corner Twenty-fifth
and Blonde streets. Promptly at 8o'clock
the carrier force in uniform assembled at
the postollico and started in a body for
the residence of Mr. Dunn. Upon their
arrival they were invited in , when their
Hpokesmau , Mr. F. N. Muuroo , in a
Hpeech presented the young coupln an
elegant plush rocker , on behalf of the
carriers. This was the initial stop in thu
enjoyment of the evening. . Mr. James
1'air'licld , of thn carriers , rendered some
excellent instrumental selections , and
Air. D. L. Davis , also 0110 of the boys ,
sang some appropriate and highly ap
preciated songs. A bountiful supper
was provided to which justice was
done ) by the assembled guests. The
display of gifts betokened the high re
gard in which the young couple are held.
Some of them were quite novel. The
after part of the evening was spent in
dancing and amusements. lclow ! is a
list of those who were present : Carriers :
Dug A. Davis , Peter Casey , T. II. Mon
roe. S. J. Edwards , Thomas Paskini , U.
N. Burkett , J. M. Stallbrd , Frank Olson ,
It. W. Freeman , K A.Kiisl , D. C. Brown ,
Ed Kelley , James Clark , II. A. Singafolt ,
James Fairliold , Ira W. Smith , William
Owens. Other guests : Mr. and Mrs.
W. A. Dunn , Mr. and Mrs. W. J. La-
Page , Mr. and Mrs. II. O. Dunn. Mr. and
Mrs. Ediyaru Gary , Airs. Dillon , Mrs.
Drake , Mr. M. O. Tracy and Miss Mary
Bowles , Mr. and Mrs. Askwith , Mr ,
Alnort Lightfoot and Miss Williams , Mr.
( jiiorg.j Evans and Miss E. Gilbert , Mr.
David Beam find wife , Mr. Wilson Dunn ,
Mr. Lock Kwers , Mr. John Whitmoro ,
Mr. John Dunn.
On Tuesday Mr. Oscar B. Williams
was married to Miss Alice L. Hogors.
This very important event took place at
the homo of Milton Rogers , 725 South
Nineteenth street , in this city. llov. T.
C. Hall , of Chicago , ollieiatcu in a very
touching ceremony. There wore but
few guests present , the invitations
having been issued to only the immediate
friends and relatives of the contracting
parties. Mr. and Mrs. Williams
left Tuesday evening for a tour
of the east upon their return from which
they will make their homo at 721 South
Nineteenth street. Those present were :
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Williams , Miss Mar
garet Williams , Mr. and Mrs. Ed B. Will
iams , Mrs. George L. Barney , llov. and
Mrs. Thomas C. flail , of Chicago ; Mr. W.
F. Hogors , Mr.illiam Van Aernam.
Mr. and Mrs. lien Robidoux , Mr. ami
Mrs. Beebe , Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Rogers ,
Mrs. M. E. Latoy , Captain and Airs. N.
T. Spoor , Mr. and Mrs. Souer , Mr. Vpn
Aernam , Mr. and Mrs. Milton Rogers
and family.
Wednesday evening the Rov. C. W.
Olcott was married to Mrs. Eli/.abeth R.
J.awsou. The happy allair took plaeo tit
lilt Sannders street , llov. C. W. Savidgc
olliciatiiig. Mr. and Mrs. Olcott have
the well wishes of many friends.
On September 23 Mr. Albert Banner-
man , treasurer of the Omaha Saddlery
company , was married to Miss Flora
Mav Thomas , of St. Louis. Thu allair ,
which was a quiet one , occurred at UM !
Ciarlield avenue in that city and the con
tracting parties wore the recipients of
the congratulations and well wishes of
their numerous friends.
Miss Alwnldo. Ik'rliu was on Tuesday
jr.nincci M Mr. George Knight White.
The affair took place at the residence of
the bride's mother , 221 North Nineteenth
street , the lliiv. Charles Gardner olllcia-
ting. Mis Nellie Kin/.ic acted as brides
maid and Mr. Robert Patrick was the
best man. The presents to the happy
uouplo worn numerous and costly and
Air. and Mrs. \ \ hito were the recopionts
of many congratulations and well
wishes. "At the wedding tha following
were present : Mrs. Berlin , Dr. and Mrs.
11. A. Worloy , Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. S.
Hughes , General and Airs. Whcaton ,
Air. It. S. Berlin. Mus Kinzlo , Mr.
Gorgu Barke , Mr. Frank Hamilton , Mr.
Robert W. Patrick , Miss Nellie llughei.
Aliss Octavio Whcaton , Alastors Will
nnd John Hughes. The bndo and groom
loft for Now York and the east on the
Jlnrlington train Tuesday evening.
AU.r.x nr.GF.Mi.\mi.
A quiet wedding took place Tuesday
the 27th at U p. iii. , at the re.-ideneo of
Air. and Mrs. P. R. Bulden on Catherine
street , the parties most interested being
Aliss Emma Fiegonbaum , late of t'lio
Union Paeilio headquarters , and Mr. J.
D. Allen , ot Denver. The ceremony was
performed by the father pf the bride ,
Assisted by Rov. Wlllurd Scott , and notwithstanding -
withstanding gloomy weather , tho. nt-
mpsphero was made 'bright and joyous
by'tho glotv ot gaslight 911 tasteful decor-
orations ,
. AJtor supper , immediately following
the ceremony , the happy couple took the
train for the east , visiting relatives of the
groom in New York , New Jersey and
Pennsylvania , as well as the prominent
cities between Chicago and Boston , in
cluding the laUer city. Mr. and Mrs.
Allen will bu at homo iu Denver after
November 4th.
Mr. Conrad Nies and Eli/.abeth Wai-
dyoegel were married by Judge Neville.
Both of the contracting parties are from
New York , but have many friends hero ,
who wish them happiness in their union.
A quiet wedding took place Wednesday
morning at Saint Mary Magdalen's
church. Rev. Father Glauues olliciating.
The parties wore Mr. 11. V. Kit/simons ,
of Omaha , and Miss Fannie I ) . Buck ,
daughter of J. II. Beck , of O'Neil , Neu
They were attended by Air. J. Fit/.slmons
and Miss Lucy Galm , brother and cousin
of the groom. After the ceremony the
bridal couple left for a short trip cast.
They were the recipients of many valua
ble and useful presents.
The first wedding to occur in the new
St. Peter's cathedral was that of Andrew
B. Haley and Miss Maggie Cusic. Many
friends and relatives were present , and
the ceremony was solomm/.ed with a
nuptial mass performed by Rov. P. J.
Boylo. John Murphy was the best man ,
and Mis.s Annie Haley the bridesmaid.
After the ceremony a wedding breakfast
was enjoyed at the residence of the
groom's mother at No. 101S AInson street.
A reception was given at which thc-ro was
a largo number of callers. The bridal
party left on a tour , which will embrace
a visit to Chicago and the homo of the
bride's parent's in Creslon , la.
On Monday last Judge Read tied the
nuptial knot botsvcen Mr. C. C.C'asporson
and Miss Julia C. Nappemui. Many
friends of the happy couple were present
to wish them great happiness and pros
Air. John Nelson and Miss Alary Erik-
son were married last evening at 5
o'clock. Judge A. C. Read olliciated.
Both of the contracting parties are resi
dents of Omaha , and have many friends
to wisli them the greatest happiness.
. ' . . .
I.ANIiS-Ft'I.I.KU. :
At the Windsor hotel yesterday morn
ing at 11 o'clock Air. Frederick Landcs ,
ot this city , was married to Mrs. Hattie
Fuller , of Glonwood , la. Judge A. C.
Read olliciated. The ceremony was pri
vate , only the immediate friends of the
contracting parties being present. Air.
and Mrs. Landcs will remain in Omaha
for several days.
On Thursday Air. Frank M. Hogan was
married to Aliss Alaggio Parncll. The
event took place at the residence of J. J.
McGary , on Grace street , Rev. A. W.
L-.imar olliciating. The groom is a val
ued employe of McGary iV Bryant , of this
city , and the bride a very popular young
lady of Dahlonoga , la.
At Lincoln yesterday Air. A. II. fcitch , of
Omaha , was married to Aliss Anmo Sulli
van , of Cincinnati.
TnuusnAV KVJNING : General and Mrs.
Frank Whcaton entertained a brilliant
assemblage of friends at their beautiful
quarters , with that generous and affable
hospitality for which the army is so
noted. The party was iu honor of their
guest , Airs. Kuuic , of Chicago , who had
been visiting with Mrs. \ \ hoatou the
past week. Mrs. Kin/.iu is _ the mother of
the popular adjutant , Lieutenant John
Kin/.io , of the Second infantry. Her
daughter , Mrs. Parsons , and Aliss Ellin-
gor , of Portland , Ore. , are also Airs.
\ \ Beaton's guests and received with her.
During the evening the company were
entertained at cards , .and a recita
tion by Air. Ott , inusin and sinking
by Mrs. Wheaton. Lieutenants Kin-
zic and Wright. Tho" refreshments ,
consisting of several courses , ending with
Roman punch and fruit cakes , wcro
charmingly arranged. Those present
were : Mrs. Kin/.io and Mrs. Parsons , of
Chicago ; Miss Ellingor. of Portland ; Aliss
Fletcher , of Philadelphia ; Aliss Le Baron ,
of Pensacola , Florida ; Air. and Aliss Sat-
torthwaite , Colonel and Airs. Fletcher ,
Captain and Airs. Keller , Captain Dempsey -
soy , Colonel and Airs. Egbert , Lieutenant
and Mrs. Sarson , and Airs. Potter , Lieu
tenant and Miss Grace Kin/.io , MLss Nel
lie Kinzio , of Chicago ; Lieutenant and
Airs. Turner , Lieutenant Hawaii , Lieu
tenant Karlo , Lieutenant undMrs. Picker-
inn , Lieutenant Mallory , LieuUruant and
Mrs. Alollatt , Wright and
Towsloy , Messrs. Olt , Cohnn and Patrick ,
Airs. Ha.ikin , and Dr. and Mrs. Brown.
4t *
OSK or the most rnjoyablo event' of
the week was a birthday party given by
Miss Kftto Liddell at 1710 Webster street.
The lovely hostes- . was the recopicnt ot
a great many handsome presents.
Among the guests present were Jennie
Arthur , Nellie Arthur , Ada Whitesido ,
Alinnio Whitesido , Katie Fleming , Boll
Aloldrum , Mntrgio Murtis , Anna Martis ,
Katie Martis Faunin Gcbb , Charles
Smith , C'harln.Star , Kd Horton , E. Mar
tis , S. C. Ni'oly , 11 Peterson , John
Arthur , ( ioorgi ) Mollar , It. Gehb , Mr.
and Airs. James Manning , Mr. and Airs.
John Liddell.
, t
n l >
Mr. Clement Clia > o left last week for
Los Angeles and will bo married next
\\Vdnondav eveninc at Santa Ana to Miss
KihvunN , of that place. Mr. Chose went
by the southern route , which inqludos the
Missouri Paeilic , Texas & Paeilio and
Southern Paeilio , passing through Alls-
hour ! , Indian territory , Texas , Now Mexico
ice and Ari/.ona , and arrived In Los An-
gt'les Frulnv night. Accompanying the
young editor were Hon. C. S. Chose , MBS
Fannie Bnttnrfiold. Mrs. James M. Woolworth -
worth , Miss AJcnio Woolworth.Mis * Bessie
Hull nnd Mr. Paid Horbach , who is to bo
the groom's best man , Thu party will re
turn via. Sati Francisco , Salt L'uke ana
The most exquisite shades and color-
incrs , at $1.5 ! ! and f 1,75 per yard , equal to
qualities shown at $1 75 and $3.50.
Extra value at price named.
All tin ) handsome shades In this most
desirable silk nt f 1.35 and $1.75.
Morie'Francaiso and Merle Antique In
black and colors. Plain and fancy satin
stripe , high class woolen fabrics to match
for combination.
18-Inch silk plusli , nil colors , atft per
ID-Inch silk plush , a beautiful assort *
ment of shades , at $1.35 per yard.
31-inch silk plush , a very choice quality
at $1.75 , actual value $3.3. " .
10-luch silk velvet , all shades including
black. $1 per yard.
ID-inch silk velvet , -f 1.35 per 3'ard a
Denver , reaching Omaha about Novem
ber 1.
ON WII.NKSDAV : evening a box party
was given at Boyd's opera IIOIIM ) by Mr.
T. J. Rogers in honor of Miss Edith Rog
crs and Mr. W. T. Rogers , of Washing
ton , D. C. Aside from Mr. and Mrs. T.
J. Rogers the following were present :
Miss Kdtth Rogers , Mr. W. F. Rogers ,
Aliss Margaret Williams , Air. 11. V. iHirk-
Toy , Mr. W. Al. Rogers , Mr. Herbert Roy-
* *
INVITATION'S AUK out announcing the
wedding of Miss Ray Moss , of Brooklyn ,
N. Y. , to Mr. J. II. Harris , of Cheyenne ,
Wyo. , formerly of this city. The event
will tiiko place in Gormania hall in this
city and promises to bo one of the load
ing events in Jewish society. The bride ,
Alivi Ray Moss , recently arrived iu this
fityfrom Hrnpklvnl N. , Y. where she has
been quite a figure in society , and during
her short stay hern has made many
friends. Air. Harris is a son of J. Harris ,
the Farnam street clothier. He now has
charge of Barkalow Bros. ' Cheyenne de
partment , but formerly resided in tins
city , where ho is still favorably remembered -
bered by his many friends and acquain
tances. Rabbi Benson will perform the
INVITATIONS wn.i. soon be issued for
the opening ball pf the Metropolitan club ,
the affairs of which are considcied in so.
cial circles as recherche.
Tin : HOMK Circle club has elected
the follo\ying officers for the ensuing
year : President , F.V. . Piukens ; vice presi
dent , Henry Copley ; secretary , C. Al.
Champlin ; treasurer , James II. Conrad ;
Board of Manauers , N. W. Latcy , chair
man , W. 11. Nelson , B. F. Redman , .f.
W" . Gannon , L. S. Molo. The club will
open the season with a club hop , No
vember 11. Superior accommodations
Irive benn secured and the invitations
will bo issued at an early day. The club
enters on its seventh year and claims the
proud distinction of being the oldest so
cial dancing club in the city.
AMONG Tin : pleasant social events of
the past week , nouo were more complete
and enjoyable than the wooden wcddmtr
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wileox at their
homo on Twenty-ninth and Douglas
streets last Frid-iy evening. The assem
bled guests in point of numbers , and well
wishes evinced thu popularity of this
estimable couple , and the wooden gifts
winch wore presented were worthy of
the association. The evening was parsed
most pleasantly , and the assembled guonts
departed with many wishes that the host
and hostess might reach the golden mile
stone en the highway matrimonial , and
that life's day miirht always be clear.
THE "HYPKHION Ci.uu" has issued
invitations for a series of parties , the
first of which will bo given at Masonic
hall on Tuesday , " October 11. The parties
given by this club" last season were such
a signal success that all those who have
been fortunate cnousrh to receive invi
tations , are looking forward with pleas
ure to the coming season.
TIM : Young Men's Hebrew association
gives its second annual ball at the Expo
sition hall on the Oth prov. This asso
ciation was organized by Rabbi Benson
about two years ago and since that time
has proven an important factor in liter
ary and social entertainments.
* *
ON WEDNESDAY evening the Parncll
club opened the season with the tirst of a
scries of parties to be given this winter
in the A. O. H. hall , The club has been
in existence three seasons and each of
their soirees was successful in every par
ticular. The ball Wednesday evening
was attended by a splendid gathering of
young people. The orchestra was excel
lent and a more attentive ! corps of lloor
managers could not be found. The suc
cess of the club both socially and finan
cially is assured. The next ball will bo
given on October 13.
. *
TiirusDAY EVENING a musical enter
tainment was given at Gcrmania hall for
the benefit of S. J. Itice , a popular musi >
cian who leaves Omaha to accept a posi
tion with the Chicago opera troupe. The
affair was well attended.
* *
Aliss CLARA B. PAUL , of Pittsburg ,
Penn. , is in the city visiting friends , Miss
Paul , who is a very talented mnsicinn ,
came west with the intention of organiz
ing a class in music.
ON TUESDAY evening : Madame Aluento-
fering assisted by Prof. Franko will give
a musicale at Lyon & Heuloy'.s musical
warcrooms which will bo a treat to all
lovers of music. The following is the
programme :
Ballade , op. 30 Itolnecko
Kaiitasle-btuckc. No. 1 anil 3..Schumann
a. Nocturne , No.2 op. in I rh i. ,
b. Polonaise , No.3 op.'J5 \ Chopin
Sonata for piano and violin , op. SO No. 2
Allegro con brio. Adagio , $ uhcrio. Allegro.
Concerto No. I In ( i minor Mendelsshon
With 3d piano accompaniment.
a. Serormta I
\c , v i ,
b. Moment musical No. 1 f
c. Mountain Harvest Dance Son ) ; Grieg
Second and fourth movumuni for violin
and piano Sonata op , i Raft
Airs. J. A. Eylor has returned from the
Airs. II. P. and Aliss Whitmoro are in
St. Louis.
Mr. C. S. Raymond left for Now York
Miss Alabol Orchard loft for Chicago
last evening.
Senator and Airs. A. S. PaddocK have
returned to Beatrice.
Mrs. R. Ring wait ami Miss Rlugwalt
loft for tbo east Tuesday ,
decided bnrgalm
31 inch Silk Velvets at f 1.75 and $3.35
per yard , in choice shades. Very hand
some qualities for costumes
Novelty Plushes and Velvets , in Plaid ? ,
Stripes , Bars , etc. , at $1.00 , $1.35 , $1.50 ,
$1.75 , S2.50.
Beautiful Black Brocade Velvets , satin
grounds , $1.50 , $3.00 , $3.75 , ? 3.DO pef
yard. Very hatidsomo for short wrap" .
Silk wrap Ilennetta , hamlsomo and
elegant fabric $1.00 , $1.35. $1.50 , $ l.7'i ,
$1.85 , $3.00 , $3.35. Included in this de
partment are French Serges , Camel Hair
Serges. Sobastapole , Tapasia Cord , Ar-
niuro Cloth , Diagonal Weaves , also a com
plete line of Cashmeres , in Jet and Blue
In this department will be found Paris
unmade Suits and Holies in Plaids ,
Stripes and Checks , with plain matcr.als
Miss Jessie Lo/ior has returned from a
pleasant trip to Sturgis , Dak.
Air. and Mrs. P. M. Dvor returned
from Malvcru , \Vt-dnosday. .
Airs. Judge Walu-ly left last evening
for a visit with friends at Cuicago.
Airs. G. W. Logan and daughter luivo
gone to Valparaiso lor a few day.s' visit.
Mrs. C. F. Sweeney , with her sinter.
Miss Lix/.lo Parolto , is now visiting
friends in St. Louis.
Mrs. Niles , of Bomont , 111. , and Airs ,
AlcGee , of Council Bluffs , are the gusths
of Mrs. Fred Drcxcl.
Alessrs. "Charles Barker find Kdwnrd
Boose have returned after a trip of .sev
eral months in Europe.
Airs. Charles W. McXair has returned
from a very pleasant visit to her old
home in Seymour , Indiana.
Captain R. E. Dent and thp Mi-'es
Dent , of San Jose , Cal. . are the guests ol
Airs. L. II. Tower , of this city.
General Crook , J. S. Colling. A. E.
Tou/.alin and Dr. IVabody will leave
to-day for a limiting trip in the west.
Mr. W. J. Wol'Jiatis , accompanied by.
liis family , left Wednesday for San Jose ,
Cal. , whore tlie.v Will spend the wintet.
Miss Ida Cowan , and Miss Lida Ander
son have gen . for a two week's pleasure
trip among friends and relatives at
Casey , la.
No Clinngo of importance Noted in
Western Financial AITnlri.
CHICAGO , Oct. 1. | Special Telegram
to the BII : : . ] There is no chniiL'o to note of
particular importance In local financial
alT.iirs. The demand for money Is ( julte
btisk from all 'sources nnd bankers report
that tuolr surplus funds are readily placed at
lull latcs of interest. 'J'lieie is no stringency
In the market , but the feeling is very linn.
IJorroweis , howovt'r , who are able to pirsent
undoubted collaterals experience no dllllculty
in obli'.inint ; all the favors asked for. bpucu-
latlnn in grain and provisions Is nttractlm ;
more attention and theio is a llttlo more
money being furnished to that department of
trade. Packers are out of thmarket lor the
piesent , but the approach of the winter pack
ing season has a tun dency among hankers to
regulate their affairs so as to accommodate
the packing Interest when they require as
sistance. Some money is needed on short
date paper to pay for property which may be
ttullvored on October contrails' . Lumber
dealers are presenting very llttlo paper at
present and manufacturers seek very few
favors.VholesaIo merchants are some
what pressing In their cloimuids and
aio generally accoimnodateU.U.Moro outside
paper Is being presented generally of such
character as is discounted Iu eastern markets ,
and which eas beoh forced hero on account
of the sUlngency In that quarter but bank
ers , In view of the claims ot local borrowers ,
are dot disposed to discount much paper ot
that description. Occasslonr.lly small
amounts of are accepted on wide margins
and at Interest rates ranging at * * & ' ! ' per cent
on local paper. Rates of Interest are linn at
6MO > $ percent for call and 0 ( 8S per cent lor
time loans , depending on the security ten
dered and amount of money required. In
eastern linannlal circles the stringency In
the money market continues and borrowers
experience considerable ililliculty In obtain
ing financial assistance and rate.s interest are
well maintained at ( > @b pea cent. Advices
from torulgi ) markets Indicate a llttlo more
steadiness in that quarter and interestp-atcs
on the open market are a little higher. The
balance ot trade Is still In favor of this coun
try , and the amount of gold received from
abroad since .Inly 'J-'J is about 517,000,000.
New York exchange wus In uood supply anil
weak throughout the week. The demand was
rathcrv light , and oonsldcrablo currency
was ordered from the oast. Sales were made
between banks at G0@70c discount for 1,000
nnd the market closed easy at the range.
Foreign exchange was dull and weak owing
to niiito liberal shipments of stocks , bread-
stuns , provisions and petroleum. Shippers'
sixty day documentary bills on London
changed hands at S4.7si.i ( i.78V < i and closed
steady. The New Voik stock market exhib
ited considerable life durlne the past week ,
but trading was not us active as during the
week previous. In a general way the mar
ket was somewhat unsettled and prices
rather inoL'iilar , but lluctuatlons were con-
lined within a nanow lange and aveio cti a
trhlo higher. Sales on the Now York stock
exchange tor the week aggregated l.roU.MS
shares. Undoubtedly fneio Is more specu
lative Interest beSui ; manifested In produce
circles bud t'uo aggregate trading during the
wonk fliio\\eil considerable Improvement.
> \ liilo the reiwrts concerning the linal out
come of the corn crop are somewhat conflict
ing , yet operatoin arn now well fiitislied as
to tint yield nnd , quality ot smaller grain.
Thn result of , loiulgn harvests nnd the
yield of root crous abioad , too , have been
obtained with , souo : degree of accuracy , so
that orators are i\ot \ much at sea regarding
supplies. Taken altogether , the yiofd ot
various crops In consuming countries has
beoh slnaller , with ) lie possible exception of
wheat and Kye , and , the excess of these Is
very small. Undur , the circumstances the
question of damatd | , either for future or
Immediate wants , Is being freely discussed
and calculations made regarding the outlook
forthoirrln trade. Prices nro low tor all
cereals and the undertone to the markets
generally Is logardcii by many operators in
the trade as iavorabla tor Improved prices ,
more especially as foreign markets are amply
supplied nt the present time with homu
products and pi Ices are well supported. With
ii'tenmca to speculative trading there ap
pears to bo an enlarged business on the part
ot operators who tradti In largo quantities
and who generally back their
opinions with "abundant capital. Small
trades , too , are apparently Indulging their
weakness for speculation , though pursuing a
very conservative course and accepting small
losses or profits. Inquiry for gialn an ship
ping account was quite brisk and export
orders wcro larger than during the week pre
vious. Tim shipping demand for provisions
was only fair. The receipts of grsln and live
stock were moderately fair at all western
markets , Indicating that farmers were n little
uioro Inclined to sell , possibly to meet cur
rent expenses and to provide for their wants
for the winter season. Stocks of grain are
not Increasing to any extent and the supply
ot provisions is beimr rapidly reduced. Pact-
Ing in the west Is protre-'diig moderately
anil the aggregate tor the sejison varies a lit
tle from that of one jear ago.
to mulch , Nouvcatiti's , Braided effect * .
on Amazon and French Foulle cloths
very choice and handsome. Also a full
line of latest shades in Tapasia Cords ,
Whm cord serges , KuglishScrgeo , Kreneh
Foiillo , Camels Hair Serges and Cash
Fancy Plaldsstrlpo3 and checks , a com
plete assortment.
We call special attention to our assort
ment of All Wool Cloths.
JlS-inch Ladies Cloth at iKic , actual value
tide. A complete line of those handsome
Broadcloth Finish Tricots at Wc ) per
yard. All shades and mixtures. (5-1 ( La
dles Cloths , staple and desirable shades ,
at 70 > , formerly sold at $1.01) ) .
French Tricots IJ yards wide. The value
wo show in this material cannot bo
equaled in this market , our prices always
the lowest , 7oc , 8oc , We , according to
Hortunso and Ama/.on cloths. The
most desirable things for tailor made
Tha Trailing Hours Brief and Davoid of In
teresting Features.
Corn Shows Up Coloring nnd Feat
ureless A. Quiet Day iu Provi
sions Dullness In Cnttlo
CIIICACIO , Oct. 1. ( Special Telegram to
the BKK. | 'ihe usual hour's delay in the
opening on account ot itsb > ; Iiic the Hist day
ot the month , together with the tact of no af
ternoon session on Satimby , made the trad
ing hours unusually bilet' to-day. Kventheso |
were not especially crowded with business
or Interesting features. There were largo de
liveries of wheat said to bo about 1,000,000
bushels ol which Hutchinsou nnd Counsel-
inau sent out the gieater part and most of
the receipts lodged In the hands of Fleming
A ; Hoyden. There were icports of more busi
ness done In wheat iu jj'ow York before the
session hero opened "an had been known
there lor Hnonthsbefore ; , but there was but a
slight lluctuation In pilces there. The mar
ket heie opened steady , with November at
72 c , December Tic and May 70 } c. Although
there was a fair volume of business , juices
fluctuated loss c during the first hour.
Public cables weio strong , quoting
No. 2 spring 3iC higher nnd futures
all higher. News from abroad , how
ever seemed to have little ellect hcie ,
the trading was chiefly local and
the wheat bought during the llrst hour waster
tor sale the next. The attempt to reah/.o on
long wheat and the usual evening up of a
Saturday sent the market liowu. Added to
this was the selling of larse quantities of
December for JS'ew York and the depression
reached Its limit. Xe\v York was also a
buyer of October here , but these purchases
were without appreciable strengthening
I'lTect. The guesses on the visible supply
statement on Monday are for a decrease of
500,00'J bushels or thereabouts. The receipts
to-day were eighty-one cars , ot which litty-
live were spring and live giaded No. a , show
ing rather better quality in comparison with
the arrivals for the past fortnlsht. The esti
mated receipts lor Monday are ninety-live
cars. 1 ho low point of the day was reached
about noon and then followed a reaction to
the opening IIKIIICS. the close being at TiiJ n
lor November , 74c lor December and 7U's@ '
OTue com market was colorless and feature
less. There was very llttlo business done.
llutchlnson was a seller and there was a
story alloat that ho was now eveninc up all
around In pursuance of a resolution to with
draw Irom the market altogether a rumor
which was generally received with a smile of
Incicdibllity. These sales were chlelly for
October , and this , coupled with the decided
talling-otl In the demand for cash corn to
day , made that month qtitto weak. The
decline in May was but c. The deliveries
ot corn to-day were practically nothing. The
receipts to-day were but " 05 cirs about CO
less than were expected , and reports received
hem imw Indicates even smaller receipts in
the near liituro because of the very bad con
dition ot countiy roads caused by the recent
rains. The lifeless market did not seem to
bo paitlcularly nlected ] either by this sort of
neus or by the unfavorable cables , which
gave spot grain In Livei pool J il lower and
all the near lutures lower. Vessel room
\\as taken hero to-day tor 141,000 bushels
of coin. The opunlnir this morning was n
fraction above yesterday's closing figures at
\'l\c lor November , I'itfcfor December and
l.i c tor May. A slight advance was scoied
early in thu day , but this was lost later and
the close was at a low point 4J ! > c lor No
vember , 4'J'jc lor December and VMc lor
Oats for fntirro delivery were dull to-day ,
theie being very llttla Interest shown In life
deal by room trades , and no outside orders to
speak of. Prices weic steady and hrra at
yesterday's closing range. The latest quota
tions stood atV ( lor Oalober , " 4C lor No
vember , and -.i firuJc on the split lor May.
In piQYiitonb the week closed In a quiet
I'-r.imcr. The contiollod condition of short
libs and pork confined the deliveries on Oc
tober contracts to larrt , which , however , wa.i
pasted around only to u small extent and In
the day's tiadlng there was scarcely enough
Hie to maintain any Interest. Trades of all
classes were indifferent to branch out and
barring thu buying of a prominent speculator
of Januaiy lard , purchases and sales were
directed to the evening up of contracts.
Changes In values were also moderate and nt
the close pork tor year and January showed
the limited advance ot Sc , lard a decline ot
2K@5c ami January short nbs an improve
ment of 2Kc. October short ribs closed un
changed , rcstlm : at ? 7.bO after ranging at
S7.sow7.tK ) . Kor October delivery lard sold nt
frii.@WJl4 : ! and closed at SO.t7K. : the best
quotation lor November being 0.Mi ! < and
for DecemlKT S0.37KKor .innuary pork
closed at S12.-I3V , lard at St.ri ! > bid and
short ribs at 80.32J-J old. The cash product
was dull.
CiucAfio , Oct. 1. [ Special Telegram to the
Bii.j : : CAITI.I : There was the customary
dull nnd uninteresting Saturday market.
Fully half the best cattle were owned by the
dressed beef Unas shipped dhect liom the
west , hence they wcro out of the market.
The shipping demand Is always light on n
Satmday , no that the unlucky salesman that
had a consignment had to hustle to find nn
outside or a chance buyer , or carry his stock
over until Monday , something that all Hist-
class salesmen dread. Receipts , U.OiX ) . Ship
ping steers , 1.8.V ) to l.SOO Ibs , Sl.a-iQ.VOO ; 1'JOO
to l.iiSO Ibs , SlUXg-LGI ; ftV ) to l.-'OO lln , S'J > 0
( S.'UX ) . Slwki'M and feeders. 8i.7VWK : ) ( ) ;
cows hulls and mixed , S1.8.Xtf..70 ; slop-fed
lloos Kstlmated receipts , 17,000 ; last Sat
urday. M75 ; week so far , 107,015 ; last
weeV , "P.'slO At the opening values ruled
fullv ns strong as nt the close. last night , but
gradually vtcalicmed , and Dually closed about
suit ? , o stylish this season. Wo show
them in all the late shades Including
Mahogany , Olive , ( Joblin Blue , Fan 1'ls-
taclic , Prune , ( .lond'urnio , French ( iray ,
Navy Blue , ote15 Inch nt ? 1 ' , ' 5.
Kuglish Broadcloths , .V ! Inch. Beautl-
fu' ' colors , at f.VO'J anil f..oO.
Jersey Cloth and Kldordown Flannels
all the very choice styles in Fancy
Stripes chock and plain colors two ami
three toned effects are shown by us.
Very handsome for house dresses and
Purchasers nru invited to examine the
extraordinary inducements offered in
these departments. They will liud all
thu above mentioned materials in stoek ,
and at our special prices. NO MIS-
Will show Monday morning a very ox-
fie lower on the ordinary run of packing
soil * . The best assorted heavy sold steady
nil day. Olio of the big shipping llrms bought
forty-elnht double decks > esterday that av
eraged 27H pounds and cost S4.C5. The same
Iii m were liberal buyeis to-day and paid about
the same as yesterday. The bulk ot the pack
ing sorts sold within a range of St.50Q4,70 ,
the best heavy at 84.7-tfM.UO. with skips and
common as low as $ ! i.7l > ( fjl.25 ; light sorts ,
Sl.GOCW.W ; yorkers , S4.v@4.W ! ) ; sliiKclug
pigs ,
_ _ _ _ _
NEW Yonic , Oct. 1. Govnitx.Mr&TS lov- !
crnment bonds were dull but steady.
U. S. 4'scoupou.l24 C. .t N. W 112" ,
U. S4K'.scoup..NM
Paeilic G sot " . ! . ) . .Ul _
CanadiiSouth'n. . M O. K. AN. .
Cimtial Pacllie. . ! ' „ O. T. . . . . ' "J
Chicago A Alton. 140 PaciiioAaii : ! } ;
do preferred..1.10 P. , I ) , it K 2.J
C. , H , t ( } inns' riillmanPal.Car.iril
] > . , L. AV 1KI ! J ; Itcadlm ; 01
1) . ite K.G 2.V4 Itock Island . . . .IIS'/ '
Krie Uii SU L. AS. F. . . . S" ?
do . . . . ( VV ) , do
preferred. , m * ini-ium-u. . . . n > -
Illinois Central. , infill. , M. & St. P. . . 7s
I. , Jl. & W 1SVdo preferred..lir
K. icT -45(81. P. iV ; 0 4i ; 4v
Laku Shore do picfcrred..l07J
L. & X r\\ , \ Texas Paeilic. . . . SO
Michigan Cent'l. . b7 lUnmn Pucllic.
Mo. I'acllic Ui4'i\V. : . St. LA ; ! ' . . . . lS f
No. I'acllic 2-Pfl do preferred. . IWr
do preferred. . . . no ; ; W. U. Telegraph 7.1' , '
Moxr.v On call easy at from 5 to C , last
loan 0 , closing at 1 per cent hid.
PIUMK MEi'.c.YNru.ic PAPKK OJJ@3 > i per
Srtm.i.vo ENTttVNnn Dull and steady
nt SI.7'J ' > i for CO-day bills ; S4.4 for de
Chlcniro. Oct. 1. Following quotations
niotht ? 8tclo : : ( ) < iim ; lignres ;
Flour Unchanged with thn exception of
rve. which is lirmer at Su'.753.00 ( per bbl.and
Sa.rp ( < i3.76 for sacks.
\ \ heat Fair business transacted but the
market was less active than ye. teiday ; the
leeling was weaker and the dosing was 5 'C
\c lower than yestculny : cash , 70 15-lOc : No
vember , 72' ' 0 ; May. 7'J ! rlJc. (
Corn ( Julet most ot the session , with film
feeling enily. but later became dull , easier ,
closing } tt.n4o ( below yesterday ; cash ,
I'Jft-lfie ; November , 4'J 7-lfic ; May , 4r.J c.
Oats Dull , steady with no material change
ns compared with > citurdiv : ; cash , 23 15-10c ;
November > c ; May , 2'J fS-lCc.
Rye Ibc.
Barley 05c.
Prime Timothy Soon S2.25.
Flax Seed-S1.05.
Pork Moderately active and steady ; year ,
S12.10@12.15 ; January. 512.4'JK@l-.4" > .
Lard Unsettled , about steady ; cashS0.40 ;
November , Sli. ! ! . " ) .
Dry halted Meats-Shoulders , S5.ayfZ5.30 ;
short clear. SS.10ffS.15 ; shoit ribs. S7. .
Butter Firm ; creamery , llfQi-ic ( } : ! ; dairy ,
Uheese Firm ; lull cream Cheddars ,
Hats , llJaC Hc ; Young Americas ,
Kegs-Firm : 17 ! < @lSc
Hides Unchanged ; heavy crecn hides
7&c ; light do , 7 @ 8c ; salted bull hides ,
Cc , green salted calf ; 8K@9a ; dry Hint , Uy
13e : dry calf , 1231c ! ! ; deacons HOc each.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , 4 , ' c ;
No. 2 , a > ic ; cakes , 4jijc.
Jtecolnts , Shipments.
Flour , bbls 14,000 23,000
Wheat , bu 41.000 17,000
Corn , bu 14S.OOU 4'.7.000
Oats , bu 140.000 114.000
Kye , bu r.,000 1,000
barley , bu 7l > ,000 5'J.OOO
Chlonco. Oct. 1. TUe Drovcn * Journal
reports as follows : *
Cattle Receipts , 2,000 ; steady ; shipping
stStirs , sS2.80@.00 ; stoekera and ieednrti.
S1.S5@3.00 ; cows , bulls and mixed , Sl.2. '
2.70 ; Texas cattle , S1.CO@2.75 ; western
rangers. 3i0(33.00. : ; (
Sheep Receipts , 2,000 ; natives , Sa.oofflj.10 ;
western , sa.lOTi3.05 ( ; 'lexans , . .lO u.OO ;
Iambs , S l.2.Vij5.25.
USIIH.-IH City , Oct. 1. Cattle Re
ceipts , 2,000 ; shipments , 2,100 ; good corn-fed ,
steady ; common , weak ; bulk of supply
grass inn''o of common quality ; good to
choice corn-fed , Sl.SOQjl.05 ; common to me
dium , Si.2r : : ! < mo ; stackers , 82.0fn@2.00 ( ) ;
feeding steers , 62.05i'J. : ' > ; cows , Sl.W : ( < 2.f > 0.
Hogs Receipts , fi.OOO ; shipments , 000 ;
market opened .Ic lower , sloslng weal : and
lOc lower ; common to choice , 84. 10(34 ( , W ;
skips and pigs , 82.7&nyt.50.
National Stook Yards. Knst Ht.
IJIHIU. III. . Oct. 1. Cattle Ho-
celnts , 1,100 ; shipments , lfXU ; stendv ; fair
to choice heavy native steers S .00(34.tfl ( ;
butchers' steers , medium to choice , 3u.UiJ ) (
4.00 ; teedeis , fair to good. 2.70CrfS.35.
Hogs Receipts , 1,5004 shlpinmits , 1,500 ;
linn : choice heavy nnd butchers' selections ,
31.70c I.M : packing and Yorkers , medium to
primo. S4. 15 © i.r ( > ; pigs , common to good ,
Saturday , Oct. 1.
The receipts ot ealllo were fair for the last
ot the week , them being only : > 00 head less
than yesterday. The. maikut was slow nnd
dragging on all ciadcs. There weio several
loads of corn led nathes In , but only two
loads changed hands. A few loads ot stock-
eis and feeders were sold , al-o a lew lo.ids of
ranito cattle. Thorn was not much chantro In
the market , values remaining about steady.
The hog market opened with a llttln more
life than veiteulay and with liberal olferings
for thu last day of tha week. The market
was about steady at yimerJay's prices. One
load , however , reached S4.47K1 lie market
closed about ns It opened , with everything
sold , excepting two loads of late arrivals.
There were no tresh receipts uut a few
stock sheep nnd lambs that had been bald
o\er were sold ,
Cuttle . 1.100
Cattle . i . , . ! 'A cars
Hogs . . . I * '
Cattle , local . . . > . 21 "
tensive variety of fur sets , mufrs and fur
trimminus , in all thu most desirable and.
fashionable furs.
in otter , black bear , skunk , red fox , lynx
cat back , lynx cat belly , \y\\\ \ \ back , lynx
belly , buck lynx , nutria , Australian op-
possum , &c. MUFFS
Iu Lynx U.ick , Lynx Holly , Lynx Cat
Hack. Hlaek Lynv , Heaver , Skunk , Mon
key. Dyed Muskrat , Hrown ( ! oou , Natural
Coon , Nutria , Australian Opossum ,
American Opossum , Silver llure , Hlack
Hare , Seal Plush. &a
FUll T
In Red l'nSilver Urey Fox , Lvnx
Hack , Lyuv Holly , Hlaek Lynx , Chin
chilla , Skunk. Heaver , Nutria ! ' A merlcan
( ) po < sum , Australian Opossom , Silvoi
Hare , Blue Hare , Hlue Coney , Hlaok
Coney , Hlack Persian Lamb , 0. , &c ,
luspeetion and comtiarison will piovf
that our prices are the lowest.
Prevailing Prlon * .
thuprevAlllngiirlcjj paid for live
stockoii tills inarknt :
Uliolco steers. lHOd to 1533 Ibs . . .84.10 ( 1.40
Choice steers , 1103 to 130 1 Ibs. . . : iSTiC < tUO
Fat llttlo steers IKK ) to 1050 Ibs . . . . 3.75M3.8.r >
Corn-fed range steers 1200 to I'M .S.K.ViU.iiO
( iood to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 'J. I Il.OO
Commonto medium cows . 1.50Ci(3. J.'i
Good to choice bulls . 1.7.V < !
(5ood ( range lecders . 3.502.l 0
Good native f ceders.lHW Ibs and up
wards . S.75QU.OO
Fair to medium native fccdcrs.'JOO
Ibs and upwards . 2.50 2.05
btockers , I00to7001bs . 2.lOk.t"- (
Prime fat slieep . n.ilWS.M
Fair to medium sheep . 2.50i ; i.oo
Common sheep . 1. 10(30.25 (
Lltrlit and medium noirs . 4.2 ( > ( < < 4.iO :
( loodto choice heavy hou's . ai.4r.
Uood to choice mixed hogs . 4.2X < 41. J5
KeproHnntativo Si\lo .
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
43. . . . 1100 S.Hr : ) ,
U..10H 82.20 I ) . . . . 1010 S2.23
HANOI : rows SWAN i A c. co.
2. ) . . . . 'J73 S2.20
30. . . . S07 52.50 7. . . . W $3.50
.W. . . . 071 ! 2.50 2S. . . . 751 2.1K )
2..12'i5 SJ..W . 40. . . . 10SI
wr.srint.v nri.i.s.
2. . . . 122.1 Sl.CpO
HANOI : PTr.r.its.
07. . . .ll : i S2.75 Ogallala , L. & C. Co.
U. . . .lib ? 2.K ! ) IVschcmnchur it De Uliller.
27..117J ! ! . .00V. . L. Clftv.
21. . . .1243 y.OO Stnmlnrd Cnltlo Co.
lull. . . . 07 81.75
1C1I per head S1.25
Total 4J10
Anglo American Packing Co 1,534
( J. II. Hammond A Co 310
Squires it Co 11)7 )
Total 2,037
Unsold 1U6
' ' '
Feeders . . . . . 278
Showing the receipts of cattle- and hogs
for the past week.
CATTLE , noos.
Monday 4,053 1.1U7
Tuesday 1.41H : t,807
Wednesday 059 ! ! ,900
Thursday 1,170 2,7.'lt
Friday lWJ ! 3,492
Saturday 1,0.10 2,100
Total 1I.OS4 10.517
Total last week 1 l.B'Jl 10,787
All sties of stock m this market ara made
per cwt. 11 vo weight unless otherwise stated.
Dead hogs sell at ! a per Ib. for all weights.
"Skins"or lio.s ; welching low than 103 Itn.
no value. Pregnant sows are dockuil 40 '
and Btags3Jlbs. by thomiWo '
I/ivo Stuck NotnH.
Hogs steady.
Tattle dull.
Very little change In values.
Liberal receipts for Saturday.
One hog buyer says ho has orders to buy
Dorsey Itros. it Co. marketed a loud of hoes
from Weston.
Clark Ward , Indlanola , was In and sold
278 head of sheoi > ,
A. L. Spearman , Springfield , marketed a
loud ot 40c hogs.
, lolm Dyorcnmo In with seventeen loads of
the Ogallala cattle.
William Unj.s , Valparaiso , marketed a load
ot'2Gl-Ibhogs ut Si 10.
W. L. Clay , Cheyenne , was here and mar
keted two loads of cattle.
tC. liallcy , Schuyler. was In with two loads
of cattle and a load oi hogs.
.James Doud , Armour's hog buyer on Ibis
market , has resigned his position.
G. 11. Stocking , Wahoo , was hero and
bought three loads of native stockers ,
The Anglo-American Packing comnauy
bouuht 51,340 tinu's on the market dmlng the
month ot September.
Mr. French , Wilbur , of the lirm ( if Gund
& Co. , came in with a load of 2SS-b | hogH
which sold In thu market at 34.15.
Nye , Wilson Moruhonso Co. marketed ft
load of SSli Ib hogs at 84.47 , the top of the
market. The load was shipped Irom Llud-
Bey. They also sold a 45o load.
Squires & Co.'sstrlhL'of hog * , bought on
yesterday's mitrket , averageil 2SJ Ibs nnd
cost S4.3i ? Their Chicago hugs , twenty-
eight double decks , avuraued 204 Ibs and cost
8 4.00.
There were over four ttimiMtid head of
feeders weighed over the scales during .Sep
tember. This , however , dons not represent
half the number sold from those yards.
Sntiuday , Oct. 1.
Tlif fnUnwlu'i nre tlicprtcci nt
lot * nl produce arc soUl on
The markets worn very dull to-dny. TliQ
receipts ot butter were more liberal anii tlm
price ol the poor grades was woi' cr. Some
L-iiino and u little poultry wai mcolved.
Prices have not cliniiL-ed materially. a !
K as The mack'ji Is almost bare , and
Stocks miivo rapidly at 17dMbc.
West Point , 30c ; '
othur , trtf Slor | > pound : choice dalrv , l fij
6JClueilluuiKitles ! , Ilil5c ; ordinary , ' , 'iilOc.