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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1887)
0 THE SUNDAY BEE : OCTOBER 2. -TWELVE PAGES. 1 THE SUNDAY BB.E , COUNCIL BLUFFS OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEAHL STBEET. Delivered bjrnirlcr m nnypnrtof tlio city at twenty cents per wtuk. H. W. TiLTtw , Manager. Tiiii'MONC3 : : : nrpiN i sOrnCE. No. tfc HIUIIT Rniioii Xo. iJ. MINOU MI3NT10N. N. Y. Pltiinblni ; Co. loiter , tullor. Full goods clioap. Ludies , pec combined writing desk and Bcwing nificlnno. Domestic uHlcu , 10j Main street. T. H. Frond took out n building permit yesterday for n two story fraino , which will cost $ lr,00. ROIllcer Itoso took'in n youiiK follow on oiulw.iy ycslenl.ij * for carrying non- CRiilod woapon-s. It cost him $1.03 to carry his little gun. The work of putting in tlio broad stone stops loading into the now court hottsu is progressing well. They add greatly to the outward attractiveness of the build ing.There There will bo n meeting of tlioVo - inin'n : Christian : i ouiution Monday nt 8 p. in. , sit the residence of Mrs. ( jeorgu T. Phelps , corner of Miller uvenuu aud Sixth street. The missing sowrr was found vcstesday morning at this city jail The connection will bo nmdu in Hid alloy instead of in the street , owing to the iiiadeiiato | fall at the latter place. The Sioux City route has prepared some elegant tinio tables for the presi dent's train , which leaves Sioux City at 0 o'clock a. in. and roaches Missouri ( Valley nt S'M : a in. In the district court yesterday the case of Winkham vs. Winchester was heard , but no decision reached. Thu case of Stewart vs. the telephone company is as signed for Monday. The U. S. Masonic association has swelled its membership to U. OU and has only had live deatii looses. As its head quarters arc in Council HliilUi , thu citi zens take pride in its success. M. I. and M. II Sears returned yester day morning from a hunting trip to Wayne county , Nebraska. Prairie chick ens were very seareu , but. ducks and siiipu were found in largo numbers. In the case ot Poolirvs. the Union Pa- cilie railway in the federal court , the jury look tlio c-ase about noon and last night wore still out wrestling with it , the pros pect being good for a disagreement. Invitations are issued by Mr. and Mrs. K. Jj. Penn to the marriage of their daughter , Ivato Alma , to Hugh A. Cole , the ceremony to take place in the First Methodist oliuren , next Thursday oven- ing. Mr. Cole is of the late linn of Cole & Cole , of this city. The Jones murder trial , which has been rehearsed for several days , is to como on again this term of the district court. Major Lyman yesterday noti'ficd the court that ho was no longer engaged In the case as attorney for thu defense , nnd ho understood that Colonel Scott , of Omaha , | iul : also withdrawn. If so , it would bo necessary for the court to ap point some attorney to defend Jones. It Heems that from his able counsel retiring from a further light in Ins behalf it will be rather a rocky road for Jones from .now out. Within a week or ten days the dirt tramway will bo in active operation , car rying the Hlnll's onto thu bottoms where they will do the most good. Thu line Starts from Third street and Fifth avenue nnd runs down Third street to Ninth av- cntio and along that avenue to the crook. The rails have boon placed along the line ready for laying so boon as the ties are put down. The cars will be run by horses , and an immense amount of dirt ' \vill bo carried very easily. This will ( suable the property owners to get their lots lillotl easily anil speedily. This being thu first tramway laid in this city thcro is some curiosity to .see how it will work. Dr. J. C. Hobortson , who for fourteen years has had a successful pruuticu in Washington county , la. , has removed to this city , and has opened an ollice at No. r > ' 25Mam street. Dr. Hobortson has pur chased n lot on Fifth avenue , and expects to soon start upon the building of a resi dence. Ho is a thoroughly educated and experienced physician , a graduate of thu Btato university , and also of liollovne , nnd was further a private student of Dr. lirydiit , whoso name is before tlio pub lic just now us ono of the presidential party. Ho is a valuable addition to the medical circles of the city , as well as to thu social circles. Mrs. Mary Lown , of Platteville , Colorado rado , died September 15 of heart diso.isu ut thu residence of her daughter , Mrs. U/.ment. She was aged 77 years. The remains was brought to this city , ar riving yesterday , accompanied by rela- lives Services were hold in the Catho lic church , and the remains laid away beside those of the husband who died loveral years ago. She had several roN utives living in this vicinity , among them ft grand daughter , Mrs. William Ashton , of Seward , Neb. ; Mrs. Donolly , and sons nnd daughters , of Glunwood , who were in attendance at the last rites. Mrs. Amy drove around by tlio city building yesterday morning to see how much of the ground lately sold by her to the city was being taken for the new lire patrol house. Shu discovered that tiio lines had been laid oil' for a much larger slice of her lot than she content plated in her contract , and that the e.xca vation for thu foundations extended sev eral feet beyond the point which she thought was fight. Shu protested against this , and claimed that thu city was en croaching some twenty feet further than It ought. The city engineer had run the lines , and so she sought him out to learn what hu meant. In the case of C. Wesley , indicted for resisting an olliccr , a motion has been pending for a contiiinancu , Mr. Wesley claiming that Dr. Wall and Mr. Morris were necessary witnesses , and ho could not secure their attendance. Hu was examined before Judge Dccnuir yester day as to his knowledge- the facts sot forth in his allldavit for a continuance and the court hold that it was sntlicient Thu county attorney agreed to admit thai If witnesses wuro present they would swear to thu facts claimed by Mr Wesley , pud in view of this concessior Judge Dcomor decided that ho would no' ' prant the continuance , but proceed to tr.i thu case so soon as it could be reached. ot Mm Stnrx. In police court yesterday there was a light grist. There were live follows brought in together , as they had boon found hanging about otjo of the railway yards. Two wore charged with being vagrants and the three others with being driuiK. It appeared that they had boon at work together near Omaha , and when they got through with that job the gang came to this side to see what they could cot. Three of them got whisky and all of them got lookud up. They told such a straight story that the sober ones wore discharged and the others given thu lowest tine. Ono boj. George Williams , was before the bar for stealing a pair of stockings from MarcMs1 store on Hroadway. lie was sentenced to liftoon days in jail and allowed until 3 o'clock to go ami got hi * baggage moved down to the new board ing nluco. Hu evidently lost his way and wandered beyond thp city limits , a * he did liot turn up again. , List your , puipor.ty 'with ' ' .Coivper & Judson.Mo. 120 Mainst. ' ' ' ' THE NEWS IN THE BLUFFS , Tidings From tie Crooks Lately Sent to the Penitentiary , ALL ABOUT THE CHURCHES. The Chntitnitqitn Move Progressing Finely Tlio Democratic Caucuses llic I'ltbllo lloliic-t-llttd of News anil Personals. 1'olnt * * From ttiR Pen , Captain O'llrion returned yesterday morning from his trip to Fori Madison , whither ho took several prisoners who nru to there servo various terms for crookedness. The colored man Winters , who was caught going through a saloon on Main .street , was on his arrival recognized as having been there before. Ho had served four years for a like oll'ense , so he docs not enter upon his second and shorter term as a novice. Carbee , the dashy drum major , looked qiiitu dillerontly wjitli his close shave and checkered clothing , from when he "marched that Hroadway down , " with his bearskin hat , his bright adorn ments and gaily tossing his baton. Ho was given a job In the chair factory. On the trip to Ft. Madison ho lost none of his assurance , and did not quail even when ho readied the iron doors which shut linn out of the world , and separates him from the bride to whom ho was wedded through the bars , and with whom he has not yet been permitted to live eve : : one day. It was a surprise to the Council Hind's ollicer to find "Humpy" Anderson there as a convict. Scarcely two months ago Humpy was prowling about this eity as usual , doing all soils of sneak thievery , and was arrested for stealing several joints of stove pipe , that being as near to taking a red hot .stove as he eottlu come. He had since then got taken for going through a store in Crawford county , aim has at last got where lie has belonged for years. The young man , O'iirien , who burglar ized Mr. Stork's house , and also went through Mr. Phillips' residence , was let oil very easy by Judge Deemer , who gave htm only eighteen months. A strong ap peal was made in his behalf , it being claimed that he was a hard worker , sup porting a widowed mother , etc. , and that Im trot into the scrape when so drunk that ho did not reali/.e what he was doing. There lias been some pity for tlio Doling man , but when ho entered the peniten tiary ho was immediately recognized as a young man who had been there before. He had been sent there for a burglarv committed iuar ; the home of Judge Deemer. who seni fenced him for his ollenso hero. The judge had forgotten the occurrence , as he was not on the bunch at that time. Had it been called to his attention the young man would probably have got a much heavier sentence , and not boon able to so touch thu heart of the human judge. When the black "Texas , " Hichard Haker , entered the penitentiary , Cull' Johnson , another colored inmate from Council IHulVs , could not but "give him the laugh , " with the remark : "Texas , you know you ought to have boon hero before , but I knew you were coming. " The swarthy wife ot Texas , Mrs. Baker , was also sentenced to I'ort Madison. Judge Deonier's attention was called to the fact that no women were received there , but that she would have to betaken taken , to Anamosa , but ho thought this was a mistake , and so ordered the woman taken to the same prison as her husband. The sheriff1 followed directions , therefore , but on arriving there found that she could not bo admitted. She was there fore brought back , and is now in the jail here , awaiting transportation to Ana mosa. Captain O'Brien had her for a traveling companion , therefore , both ways on the trip. Judge Deomer chanced to be going out homo on the same train which bore the prisoners to Fort Mad ison , and on returning hu chanced to get onto the same train , and found that Mrs. Maker was being brought back for a fresh start. m Tlio Ctinutniuiin. ] The week has been ono of progress in the Chautauqua assembly enterprise. The work of securing subscriptions has been more dillicult than it should have eon , in view of the worthiness of the nteruriso. Still in such a move it is occssary to explain fully the as- embly is to bo , and what it will ucconi- lish. Many who were at lirst hike- varm are now very enthusiastic , and it s believed that so soon as the public can o made fully acquainted with the value f the move , there will bo many generous upportors. Over half of the necessary imotiut has boon secured , and : ho rest , vill bo forthconing without doubt. ; Another meeting is to bo hold nevt Tuesday evening in the Presbyterian linrch. There will bo good music by ilessr.s. Tulloys and the Hadollct brothers , , vith Mi.s-i \ \ estcott as organist. Several nteresting speakers have been secured uid it is hoped that the public generally ivill respond to the invitation to bo pres- jnt. Tun enterprise is ono which will ; ) rove of advantage to every property ; > wnor and resident of this city , and as uieh should at least be given the time necessary to got a full understanding of ts importance. With such an under- lauding the question of finances will be 'cry easily determined. The Deinourntlc Delegates. Last night tlio democrats held their ivard caucus to select delegates to thu county convention to be held Thursday text in this uity. The following is the res ul : riusr WAKI > . ( ! . II. Jackson , chairman ; F. C. ( iiian- ella , secretary. The chair appointed the following committee to bring in names > f delegates : Kichanl Kawlilis , Jesse Walters and W. J. Connors. The names submitted wore : (5. ( II. Jackson. W. J. Connors , F. C. ( iuanolla , Robert Huntington , jr. , James Nichols , K. C. Whittle oy and it , S. Kawlins , and the same declared thu choice of thu cau cus. ( ! II. Jackson was recommended as committeeman from the first ward. / registration committee was chosen , com. . posed of 11. Shoemaker , .le so Walters F. C. ( iuanolla , Robert Iluntington , jr. and W. J. Connors , MCOM : > M'\m > . Chairman , ( } . A. Holmes ; secretary , Colonel Wluttlesoy. The chairman ap pointed as committee to select delegates , Thomas liowman , J. M. Shea , Ira Hen- driuks. Delegates ( } . A. Holmes , James Mithun , F. P. Ilellinger , Dan Carrigg , I. T. Roberts , C. C. Despains , W. L. 1'atton , ( i. C. Wise , Jacob Nuwmovur , t. G. PfimTor. Commitlceman C } . A. Holmes. 'IIIIUDVAU1) . Chairman , Dr. W. A. Kllis. The following wore chosen by ballot : Delegates Pal Lucy , K. lirltton , W. A. Kills , C. A. Hammer , George Itlaxsnu , John M. Shea , P. Ganoudo , F. Kinney , U illiam Calvin. Comnutteeman L. Swearlngcn. TUB KOfltlll W.VItt ) . The democracy of the Fourth ward has already established a reputation for hav ing vurv lively caucuses. Last night's outcapped all previous ones. It was a double header. In re-ponsu to Iho pub lished rail there was a large gathering at , W. H. Wai'o's-oiHeo. It was evident that the lUlair w s cut , though not dHcd , , J.udgoJaiucappeared 'long enough to cot it started his way , and when ft began to bo too hot ho "lipped out , leaving \ \ are and Kd , Trotitman to carry out llic plan. Ware was made chairman and W. S. Williams secretary. Trotitman moved to have a committee of three ap pointed to sclent eleven delegates. The crowd would not submit to this , nnd it. W. Whittlcsoy moved as an amendment thai they ballot for delegates. The amendment was evidently carried by an overwhelming of voices. NViiro declared it lost. Then Troiitman's mo tion was nut. Thcro was another thun dering of "noes , " but the chairman declared Iho vote carried. Ho named as the committee : K. A. Troutman , James Madden , W. S. Williams. That committee reported ns delegates : W. II. M. Pusoy. John Shoentgon , W. C. James , W. II. Ware , James Madden , J. W. Peregoy , E. H. Bowman , Martin Hughes , A. T. Klwell , J. K. Cooper , W. S. Williams. There were several calls for a division of the House , but Chairman \ \ are refused to entertain such requests , The justifi cation claimed was that , there were many in the room who belonged to a labor organization , and were not there strictly as democrats , and they had. no right to vole. There was a wild scene for the few minutes the caucus lasted , aud hoi words. R. AV. Whittluscy and J. 11. Dicdnch were the chief spokesmen for the ma jority , while Judge Robinson was en- thu.siastic for W-iro and Troutman. A motion was made to have W. H. Ware the ward committeeman for I lie coming year. Hu being in the chair , with re freshing modesty , after his previous peculiar rulings , asked Secretary Wil liams to put thu motion , it was .so overwhelmingly losl that \ \ illiams even declared it lost , : ind in thu contusion thai followed Wliiltlesoy moved that as they could gel no fair play llie democrats of Ihu Fourth ward should go to Snydor's warerooms and there hold a caucus. The crowd rushed otil for that place , leaving Ware , Troutman and two or threu others alone. On gathering in the wareroom J. K. Dicdriuh was made chairman , and George McPeek secretary. The causes of grievance were stated , and thu crowd selected the following Mvnster , J. G. Tiplon. For ward eommiltueman W. H. Reed was chosen. A petition and statement of facts was drawn up for the signature of those pres ent , to be presented to the convention. The contestants claim that they do nol object lo tlio gentlemen chosen in the lirst caucus as delegates , but the manner in which they wore selected. The bar fixtures and furniture of the the St. Louis hotiso will be sold at sheriff's sale , Monday , Oct. 2 , at ! ) o'clock a. m. Money to loan. Cooper & Judson. ! or Sale Cheap Lots near the bridge to parties who will build at once. Ad dress or call on .1. R. Rice , No. 110 Main struct , Council Blurt's. PolntH of I'loty. The followin siirvicos arc announced for tlio several churches to-day : Strangers and others cordially invited to the Presbyterian church at 10iO : ! a. nr. and 7.M p. in. Preaching by the pastor. Services at Harmony mission chapel to-day at ! J o'clock p. m. An address will be given by Mrs. Thickstun , of the Baptist church.Sabbath school al 4 o'clock. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at ? ; IIO o'clock ; subject , "For giveness. " Services in the Congregational church to-day morning and evening. Subject of morning sermon , "Drawing Nigh to God. " Evening , "Idolatry. " A most cordial invitation is extended lo all who may desire lo attend. 'lliero will bo religious services at Alt. Xion Baptist church al IfhoO o'cloek a.m. and 7 o'clock p. m. Sabbath school at 2iO : ! p. m. Rev. Mills , pastor. The following is the programme of music al St. Paul's church this evening : ) rtan ; voluntary."Ollertory to Saint Cecilia" tesponses Tall is Mau'nilicat. . : Tours Anthem "Tho Itudiant Morn Hath Passed Away" W'oodward lyinti ) uett By Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Troynor "I Waited for the Lord" Mendelssohn Solo Mr. 1. M. Troynor "Callest Thou Thus" Tours Ivinn Ortran Postlurte "Concert Fantasia" Stew art \V. J. ( initial ] , oicantst. The public and strangers are always welcome. In the Scandinavian Baptist church Dreaching by the pastor , II. A. Roiuhen- : > ach. Theme in the morning , "The Spirit Glorifying Jesus , " and in the even ing , "Songs 01 the Bible. " All are cordially invited. Preaching by the pastor of Iho First liaptist church al 10:1)0 : ) a. m. and 7. ; ! ' , ) p. n. Uapti'in in connection with evening services. Seats free. Dr. J. T. Van Ness , physician and sur geon , ollice room ! ! , Opera House block , will attend professional calls day or night. Residence corner Eighth avenue nnd Fifteenth streel. Visil llie now jeweler , C. Voss , No. 415 Itroadway , if you wisli anything in his line. He has a line assortment ot tlio best goods. J. W. and E. L. Squire lend money. Pomona I J. J. liolin , of Macedonia , was in the city yesterday. Dr. J.V. . HiilV , of Missouri Valley , was in the city yesterday. Miss Dean Palmer , of Hod Oak. is vis iting on Glen avenue with Mrs. Heck. Calouol Thomas McKis.sock , of the Wubash , left for St. Louts yesterday. Mr. anil Mrs. ( ! . W. Tanner are the happy parents of n bouncing baby boy. Mrs. J. O. Gilbert , of Pittsbnrg , Pa. , is visiting her brother , John Ingoldsby , ou Sixth street. J. K. Harknn s returned yesterday from a ton days' uusmcss trip through northern Nebraska. J. J. Brown and wife anil their guests , Mr. Kyan nnd sUtor , will start for St. houis to-day to attend the fair. L. L. Uonham and M. P. Benson , of Goshen , are at tlio < 'riton. ! They are in attendance at the federal court as wit nesses , A m on" those at Kiel's hotel Wooster Fay , of keg Creek ; S. ( } . Underwood and wife ; Colonel \V. Orr , of llardindato ; Frank Ouron and wife , of Oakland ; John lliirtiiror , of Keg Creek. Star chapter No.17 , H. A. M. , will hold its regular convocation Monday evening. Out. ! ! d. Visiting H. A. M. in vited. By order M. K. 11. P. M'KS Su io Simmons is very ick at her homo , ! J11 Broadway , withlnalarial lover. One thousand head of ono , two and three-year-old steers for sale. Will eiv credit to reliable parties. Knqniro ot A. J. Grteuiunayor , IMU Mynstur 6t. , tele- Sll. Watches , clocks , jewelry , otc , , the best L in the city. C. Voss , jeweler , No.115 Broadway. Repair A specialty. II. At ( i. Tlrirnilier | < ) Strike. Xiw : Yoni ( . Oct. 1. The operators hero of the Ualtiiuore A- Ohio Tuk'Kraph conipany struck this atteinoon against the BclK-duIo IKIiiL the pay ot sub tltiiln teli' rnphers at tlio .s.uiie rate u * woiiieu iMiiploves. 'I lie unit- trf wife lutllrd bv the withdrawal of the pb- jyvliuuable M : C TWO IflXf 1HU Ll/lm The Illinois Oentnl Resumes Control of Rented Lineai PULLMAN GETS AN INJUNCTION. Of Interest to Ncbriiskn A licnkuk IjiidV l-'ntally Injured nt Colum bus , O. 'llio 1) . > ! . N. AV. Sold , Iowa Ntiws. Hnllrond IJCIIMCI H\pU'o. Di'iiriiri. , la. , Oct. 1 , [ Special Tclecram to tlio Jim : . ] Tlio lease inatlo by tlio Illinois Control of tliu Dubunuo it Sioux City road terminated last niu'lit at 12 o'clock , nnit to-day tlio Illinois Central took formal possusstonof It. Tlio lease wus umilo twenty yunrs ago. Tlio lease ot tlio Jowa Kails it blonx City road nlhoexplied nt the sanio time. 'I'lie let ter road will bo opot.itt-d bv the old coiiinany , but under tint control of the Illinois Central. It is announced that thu present oil leer * and agents of tliosn roads will continue to nut until further notice. Thu nnirtlcal clfect ot tlmso eliaiiRes Is to KIVO the Illinois Central complete control , when fur some time It lias bad partial control. 1'ullmnii OlHixIns an Injunction. DCS MOINKS la , , Oct. 1. ( Special Tele- jrrnm to the UKK. | The clerk of the United States court heie placed on Illo to-day an order from .Justice Miller , of the supreme court , grantlni ; n temporary Injunction nmilnst the collection of taxes levied by the state analusUlio Pullman SK-opIng Car com pany. Tim tax was charged to the loads usliif : I'ullman tars. The roads tried to col lect It In turn from tlio Pullman company. hast year the Pullman company resisted the collection of this tax , and were deteatcd In a test suit in the United States circuit court. This year the company aialn resisted , claim- iiic to bo protected on the ( -round that their business belongs oxeluslvelv to the Inter state commerce. Fifteen counties alone the line of tlio Chicago , Jlurlington k Qulncy road are teiMpoimlly le.strained by this In junction from collecting the sleeping-car tax. Tlio ease will bo ar/ticu at the comini ; term of the Icdcrul court here , the Injunction ap- only till that time. Tlio Dos Moinc * & North western Sold. Iis : MOIKI : * , Ja. , Oct. 1. ( Special Tele- jiram to the J5ii.j : The Des Molnos it Northwestern railroad , extending fiom this city 150 miles northwest to Fonda , Pocahontas - tas county , was to-day repurchased by the original builders and owners , namely , Gen eral U. M. Dodge , of Xow York city , and Messis. Polk it llubbell , capitalists , of this city. For several years the roadlias been operated as a part of the .Nebraska system , ! ) iit tlio failure of tlio Wabash company to comply with tlie terms ot tlio lease occasioned the letianstcr to the original owneis. It is stated that next yenr the road will bo broad ened to a standard ( 'iiaue and bo extended to Sioux City , la. , and Siftux Kalis , DaK. Tin : Kapicl City Fair. KAPIII OiTV. U.ik. , Oct. 1. [ Special Tele gram to the Br.E. | The llrst annual oxiii- Dltion of the Uapid City lair association closed this evening. Jt was hold four days nnd was a great Mic'coi1 * . It was the finest stock show ever feccn fn the Hlack Hills. The racinueach day was very exciting and cootl time was made. There wore no acci dents or other unpleasant features. A ICcokuk Iady Killed. Knout-ic , la. , Oct. 1. [ Special Telegram : o the BKI : J Mrs. K. N. Hondeison , of Salem , la. , mother of John G. Henderson , a manufacturer of Kcokuk , was driving last evening w'th ' her sister-in-law , Mis. Susan Hell , near Columbus , O.whfn the buggy was stinck by a tialu and both ladles werb in stantly Killed. Funeral of Mnjor Brown. KEOKUK , la. , Oct. 1. ( Special Telegram to the DIK. : I The funeral of Major Krank C. Hrown , ot the Ninth XcW York cavalry , nt different times assistant general manager of the Standard Oil company at Kansas City , who died at Lvnchburg. Va. , occurred this afternoon at St. John's Episcopal church , under the direction of the Knights Templar. TIIK .FISUKUIKS COMMISSION. This Country Thought to Be Lmcklng in Ability. WASHINGTON" , Oct. 1. ( Special Telegram to the HKII.J A gentleman who lias had several years experience in the diplomatic service predicts that if anything comes out of the fisheries commission it will bo to tlio disadvantage of the United States , bald ho to-night : "Tho British have selected as members of this commission three of their most experienced diplomats. Joe Chamber lain is looked upon as the most Rhrowd and blimp politician in British politics to-day. \Vo have in the United States only ono man lit tocopo with him , and that man Is James ( } . HIaino. Ho can beat any or all the Amer ican commissioner ) ) In point * of diplomacy. Sir John McDonald Is looked upon , too , as the shrewdest man in Canadian politics. Tim United States commissioners were so- Iccted Irom the poorest possible material. While Mr. Angoll might have been able to negotiate a treaty years ago , ho has been burled In a university tor joars and Is not posted in diplomacy to-day. Mr. Putnam Is a fairly able lawyer , but by no means 0110 ol the rank , lie cannot prove other than a mcro tyro in the hands ot "Urummagen Joe. " as Chamberlain is termed. Hayard has shown how llttio he knows of the tieaty- maklng art. and besides ho is as deaf as a post. If , therefore , anything at all comes of this meeting , it will cettalnly be to the ad vantage. of the Hritlsli , Fortunately , how ever , the United States senate will have the power to nullify any action which the com mission may take. " Postal Changes. WASHINGTON , Oct. 1. ( Special Tclezram to the 11 KK.J Simeon S. lirchtelhelmur was to-day appointed postmaster at Keiiesaw , Adams county. Xeb.IcoK a \ an Meter , resigned. The postofflco at Xmila , Sarpy county , Neb , , was discontinued today. A now postotlico has been established at Whitman , ( Irani county , Neb. , with Orange \Varncr as postmaster. Special service will bo discontinued after October 'J to Can Hold , Hlackhavtk county. Iowa. Star sorvlco changes in Iowa Sallna to ( ilendale : From October 10. 1SV7 , Increase seivlco to six trips a week. Jesiip to Hat clay : Extend sci vice October 10. isw , to em brace anil end at Canliold , increasing distance. three miles. Walpello to Toolsboiough : Leave \VapelIo Tuesdays , Thursdays and Saturdays at K-.n p. m. ; arrive at Toolsborough by ! ! p. m. Leave Tools- borough Tuesdays , Thursdays and Saturdays at 30 : ! ! p. m. ; arrive \Vapello by fi0 : : ! p. m. Waveily to drove Hill : Leave Wavcrlv Mondays , \Vcdnesdaysand Fridays at 8 a. m. : arrive at ( irovo Hill by 4 p. m. Leave ( Irovo HlMTuesdays , Thursdays and Satur days at 7SOn. : m. ; arrive at Waverly by al0 : ! p. m. , Irom September 'id , lfc * > 7. Nebraska ( iraiid I timid * to Kuterprlso : LoavoCrand Kaplds Tne dajs , Thursdajs and Saturdays at 1 p , in , ; iirrho at.McClean by 7 p. m. Loavu McClean Tuesdays , Thurs days anil Saturdays at 7 a. m. ; arrive at Cinnd Itapids by 13 noon , l.cavo McCleai Mondays , \Vodnesdass and Ktidayu at 7 a , m. ; arrive at enterprise by 1in. . l. ave Kn- terpilso Mondays , Wednesday * and iTldays at 1 p. m. ; arrlvti at McLean by 7 p. in. I'ulillu Ditlit Statement. WA Hixorox , Oct. 1. Following Is a re capitulation of the debt statement Issuer" to-day : interest bearliu debt : Principal 51,017.11 4.1V1 , interest , 11 , J 15,570. Total Slo.jb.ri.'Xui ) ! ! . Debt on which Interest mi ceaa'd since maturity : Principal. 53.7ffli.wn Interest , SI W.-Ctt. Total. 83 , ' . I. : > .U. Deb boaiing no Interest : Pilnclpal , irl'j.VA' , > sl. Interest prepaid not accrued , ftli'.iijl.iv ( ' < . Total debt : Principal , S1 , < VVU10 , ! > : > S. Inter est , Ul'.ii'JJ.lW. Total , Sl.tl7D.lW.UW. l.c-s cash Items available tor reduction of debt and u-M-rvu fund : gjlT.VW''H1' ' . Total detit le s available cash limn * : 5 1.W : , V.HHW. ( Net cah In tie.isury , S IV"1.1'1' " " ' . Dent , lo > s cash in treasury October 1 , Sl'AVi.'Wfl'ci. ' ! ; Dobi , les ? cash 111 truasury Suptt'iiiber > : O. Ueeic c dt-bl Uurlng month : LATEST BY TELEPHONE ! .1. Sny I It ( here it llro any wlicro f There' * nn a\vl'uI crowd rushing up the lrcel. It Hey f 1'lreJau - . Ilalul ye lu'iu-d 'l i uC llie Slicrlal Cm-lain Mile the Count-ll Itlnll'i Car pel C'o. l n liavln' lliN week ; Thal'Nvhar the croud Is a go In * . I. That's so. They s'vc ' a pole with every pair of curlalnx sold. < ; uc < t I'll o myself. They arc alo. . l ( > r Itroadu'ay. It. Wall till 1 ( ret my Mii-loul , an' I'll o with ye. S14.247.n9tX JTnavatlablo for reduction of debt : S53,31Jw. ! | > . Total cash In treasury ns shown by treasurer's Koneral account : Clntulcrn In Montnnn. Oct. 1. The sccrctarv of the interior has received through the com missioner of.agriculture , a communication from Governor Leslie , of Montana , relating to the disease known as "ehndors" existing among horses within the Crow icsorvatlnn. I'ho governor and other ollicers urco thai stops be taken at once to stamp out the dls- , ease to protect stock and human lives in ad joining states and territories. JSclirnxkn and Iowa Pensions. WASHING i ox , Oct. 1. Special Telegram to the llKK.I Nebraska pensions : Samuel I1. Moore , Franklin : Theodore Sclmack , Alma. Reissue : John II. Austin , Golden Springs ; Church Howe , Aiibiiin. Iowa pensions : Nancy J. , widow of Charles H. Iteeder , Woodland ; George War- more , Centervllle ; Joseph M. Anderson , Wetister : Philander Thornton ( deceased ) , Marble Rock ; William P. Van Kossan , Ot- tumwa ; Patrick W. Sherman , Ft. Dodge ; .lo < eph Hewitt , Gile.sbtirgThomas ; L. Cham bers , .lelferson ; Kdwlu O. Hurt , DCS Mollies ; James K. McClcnahan , Slgoiirney. The Smoker' * ' Delight. The cigar and tobacco business of T. 1) . King & Co. , No. 51 ! ) Broadway , has had a phenomenal growth. Although one of the youngest cigar factories in the district it has speedily grown to be the largest. Thu linn's retail business has also in creased rapidly , necessitating an en largement of their quarters. The im provements now completed make Ibis one of the most attractive cigar stores in the west. Tin ) whole place has been fitted up elegantly , mirrors , draperies and adornments making it entitled to bo called "the smokers' delight. " The new side cases and wood linishings in cherry and maple are especially admired. This work shows the skill and taste of Strode Bros. , who have recently es tablished a factory in this city , and who need no betlur evidence of their ability to do all kinds of interior linish- ing.The The shop in the rear of these handsome retail parlors is also enlarged , and made convenient as well as capacious. The stock is too large and lee varied .to permit a full description. It embraces every possible article which the user of the weed could wish tor. There are many novelties as well , and rich goods , without apparent limit. The annual holiday prix.e distribution begins tomorrow.Vith every cash pur chase of twenty-live cents the customer is piven a tickel with a number , and Iho prizes are already on exhibilion. They are more numerous and more cosily than ever. There are twenty in all , a baud- some cigar holder being the lowest , and a bcr.utiful meerseliaum pipe co ting § i0 ! , being the highest. They are all beauties , and should bo seen. SPECIAL NOTICES. tfpccln ! mlveitlsomonls , such ns Lost , Fojnd 10 Lnnn , For B'lle , To Ilent , V nls , nonidliur , etc.-will Ijolnrertetl In this column nt the low raloofTENCKNTSI'Ell UNK forthoflrBt Insor- lonnml . 'IvoContBl'erUiiofo.-each suliseiuoni Ineottion. Li'rtvo advertisements nt our oIUco No. li I'oarl sticet , near Uroadwuj. Council Blurts. WANTS. I/'Oll HUNT A newmnilarnolKlit room house ' very convenient , within -14 hlocKb dummy dopot. Wuru , ovur Savings bunk , Council . \ NTT.IAt once , tliroo or four mini to W.NTT.I work by thu month In gnrdon. .1. II. Mu- I'lii-rtoii. FOIt HUNT Two furnlslUKl rooms , t.1 nnd 10 , No. 737 Mynstur street. \\rANTIJI ) A yoiint ; trirl to take rare of n bnliv. Apply to Mrs. C. I iahiT , cor. M ln at. urn ! Willow iivo , , u FOH ItKNT-.My residency , corner fourth nt. mill Willow HMMIUC , two blocks Irom po t- ollice. Nine rooms , city water and tlneo els- torus stiiblo upon the prumUoa Tor Uvo horsua nnd cm rlairo , all in food rupalr. 1'rlco J5U per nontli. N. I' . _ FOH URNT-Two of the now Warren lints on Klttli iHunuo. Most df-lralilo location in the city , near the dummy depot , all modern Impicmiimmts. Apnly to Odoll llros. & Co. , No. 10 1 I'oarl Btiect , Council Illull * . O Apple liucrs < i'l ' bii9hel < host winter nunlos In orchard in Council llliills. Ap ply to lloiace K\erott. T17 ANTED Wood choppers to cut 1,0 0 cords Wet wood. I'ivo miles Irom to n. llorueo Kverett. > 100.1)00 ) to loan on real estate and chattels by ) 1..1 Jlny.II'J 1'cnrl bt. 1 > UIIjlINi ( lots and ncro propuity for Hiiloby K .1. 11'unrlbt. WANTKI ) To liny n few lots uheap from thoownora. CtiRli or on time. Aildross K. C. , lli'O olllco , Council illutrs. IVANTI'D A Kill for Koneral hoii ' Small liumly. handy kitthmi. JjO'.iflth OK SAIiK-Stock of diutrs In central No- brnslm. Will Invoice ahout fl.i W. In- ( julro of llarle , Has * iV Co. , Council Itluir , In. ioif SAI.K Oil ritAUK.-For Connoil Wilds > property 40,000 acres of IOWH and Ne braska land. J. U , Hlcf , HU Mum at. . Council HIiKTs. _ _ _ _ REAL ESTATE , Vncnnt Lots , I.nnds , City Hcsidoncos nnd 1'iutiib. ALTO propertytln western pait of city All bolllnir cheap. R. P. OFFICER , Real Estate & Insurance Agent , Ucoiu 5 , u\er Ulllccr & 1-iitey'B Hank , Counu lllullh. FINE MILLINERY. New Kail Styles Open. I. > l I Do ! . ' / ' ( St. ( > Mllll , Si'h. OWtL'Mlt < V 1'UbKX , nee liroatfwuy , Council KstablUbcd IsOT. HARKNESS BROTHERS , Fall ooas , NEW GOODS , BEAUTIFUL GOODS , GOOD VALUE and CHEAP , CALL andSEE THEM We have now In stock onrnetv purchases in SttkiJrcss ( inmls , Under * wear , Flannels , Domestics , etc. , etc. llcadtiitat'lers for CARPETS And OIL CLOTHS 71V Iiavc the Iwuest selection and finest pattern * of carpets in the city ot the west. They comprise Axminster , Moquettes , Body Brussels , Tapestry Brussels , Three-ply Ingrain , Matting , Rugs , Etc. , Etc , ire shall be pleased to meet and showonr catomcrs these new and cholct fabrics. Do not forget the place. HABKNESS BROS. , 401 Broad way , Council Bluffs , Iowa. DR. BICE'S Common Sense HernialSupport Greatest Invention of the Aye. Rupture or Ilumiii a .Specialty SICMI roil ii.i.L'srn.vTii : > r m : KIAUI : * rK.tiAM ; I ISIA : > IS : A M-I : < r\ivrv. Cures nil kinds of rhronio Dlsuii'i" ) that nro ourablo with hi ? most Won Icrftil Vegetable Homcdlcs. JH thu oldest and most Hnccoixliil Specialist In the WCM. Cull and e u him. orriui : , NO. 11 num. si-iiiir : , , . - i1 TJIi-i-fTo / / Olllco Hours : 8 tola a. in.,1 to 5 and 0 to 8 p. in. OOUUGII ± 3111.113 , BEST iiAKES AND HIGHEST GRADES OF Pianos and Organs Persons wishing to purchase iiibtnuneiitH will find it lo their inlc-reit to call on us. fc Iiittriiuicnf H Tuned nnd ICt-paircd. We nrvor Fall to give mill tl'ucf f nn > Over UO yciir * ' r.xpci'icnce in Piano and Oruaii ll'orli. Swanson Music Co. No. 329 Broadway , Comic-it Bliiil's , Iowa THE AUTOMATIC TRUNK Itiats tliuin nil for .Si li ! Trunks and Cu s , I'lioutri- pal uiul Tourists' Trunks , Hunt fail to sou it. The Ladies' Ktivoritn. 'I Ins aii' ' all otm" ' Kiinls ot Trunks lllitl M inaiiit- by Zimmerman < fi Youny Bros. Ami .sold at wltolu- A.ilu ami retail. T\\o carloads on uy . , ! Bluffs , low ittars and J'rlcrs ,