Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1887, Page 3, Image 3
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY. OCTOBER 2. 1887.TWELVE PAGES. . 3 SPECIAL NOTICES , Advertisements under tins head , 10 cents po Inn for the Orst Inrtrtion , 7 cents for cneh nib Hoqucnt Insertion , find SI. Win line per month ho advertisement tnkcn for lots tnnn 25 cents for the flrst liiiertlon. Hevcn words wll Ibo counted to the line ; they must run ronppcu * tlToly nnd roust bo paid In ndrance. All ndvor- tltomcntK must bo handed In before 1:30 : o'clock p. m. . nnd under no circumstances will they betaken taken or discontinued by telephone , Pnrtirfinrm.'rtiKlnir in thrfe column and barIng - Ing the answers addressed In enroot TUB HRR will please nsk fern cheek to ennblo thorn to trot tntlr letter" . n nonri will bo iMIverod except on orosontntlon ofchcek. All nnRivcr * to lulver- tiiomentfl should tie nrlo ed In envelopes. All ndvcrtlMiinonte In these columns me pub lished In both morning nnd evening edition * . ofliiK lli.r , tlio ' circulation of wlilch negro- eaten morotlinn 14.owpnpcis ) dally , nnd give * the advertisers 1 1m bonallt. nut only or the cltv circulation of TUB tier , hut nl oof Council Illulls , Lincoln nnd other omen nnd towns throuirlirmt this part of the west. Trrins < 'niti In nclvntioo. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. MIDLAND Gimrnnteo nnd Trii't Co. , 150 Fnrnsm Hrect Complete nbtflrnct * . ittr- nlfdiod.nnd titles to teal estate examined , Per fected nnd iruornntcoJ -10 BUSINESS CHANCES. I',011 , SAM ! A drugstore III Hasting ? . NobT : fine locution ; ( food clean stock ; roasoimhl o rents ; boil cnunru In the Ftnto lor u innti with t , lf < 0 ensh , biliincu on longtime ; Mock will Jnvolio about f.1,200. Address box 65 J listings , Neb. 3 0 5J _ " 131011 SAt.K A saloon doing n irood business , M Will bo sold cheap. Call at 201 N. IGtli st. 337 2J HALi : Hoarding business , 212 S 10th st. 32S 7J WANT IID-A elnirfo Imly with $10)0 ) to tnko y lnterc t nud netho pnrt , to start n b i- nnr nnd hou ehold tufllncss In Oinnha or some Inrgo Interior town. Something new. Address O 4' . ' . tlilB ollieo : full particulars will be given In exchange. Good opportunity to rlirht par tins. 35S 2' T710H P\M' An ollko busme s , JSOO per imontn giinrnntecd prollt , tl.tOj cnshlll buy it , ( I : ii : lleoolllcn. HIS FOIt SAI.K-A bank building with vault , flteol snlo , time lock , br.nk llvturos nnd residence , In a town of fiixi inhabitants In Kotithenstun Dakota. No other bank nearer than fifteen miles. A good line of deposits. Mono/ loans readily nl 3 to I per cent n month. A rtu e bargnlii , Address I' . 0. llo.v 7' ' . ' , llrldgo- wntor , Duk. 170 IJ TT1OH SALR-Corner saloon on pnvod St. ! re- JL1 cplpt * I4"i per dny , $2,100 , $1,500 cnsh. G 2X Hoe. 200-11 j 17ANTKD- stock of groceries and general o. , for ) lu loH paid for. C. J. Canan. 11,5 "IT OH HXCHANOnOmaha property for dry- -1 ? goods , grorerlO' ) , hardware , druirs. etc. Omiilin jiroperty for horses and cattle. S. S. Campbell nnd G. W. Hervoy , 310 Chamber of Comn'oice. . Hid Troll SAI.iAgond : paying saloon , with feed - ! ' stable , lee honsus , right 111 n lively busi ness ( own , I'lattocounty ; terms Vi en * h ; cnuso ol ° selling owner goes Into biownry business , This ! it inre opportunity for Iho right party , nnd cannot lie biiuurbt after Nov. 1. Apply to AdlertV Ilciior , 1111 rninnm st. ' . ) ' . ; 2J F OH SAM' Hotel proiiorty , ono of the best In the state. Will sell furnltuio and li n o house , or will sell proport y. Address J. K. Neldhur , Albion , Nob. Mil 7J WAfTIU ) An Interest In n good re'vl estate buxliioss In Omahn. Must be a good loca tion with live , wide nwiiko parties. Have plenty of rltrs to run the business ; nlsn u num ber of good farms llstol with mo that will bo iilnccd with the llrm. Addiesu J. II. Sllvls , ICIlthorn. Nob. OIBol _ ANTI'.D A stock of clothing , boots rnd shaes In exchange for good Inside lots In Omnhn. Address G 7 Heo ollico. W7 _ "IT OU SALUA complete stcnm laundry hnv- - - Ing twenty horse power engine. J. S. Dennett , Fininders add Clark six. 62G A GOOD maikot H badly needed In the neighborhood of Woolworth at. nnd I'ark I ! . ' nvo. , and Btore-ronm can bo obtained at cheaii rent In I'itch block , r. L. Gregory , 320 S. isth it. . 271 TTlOIl \MJ-A wholesale buslnoas , with n 1 ? pnvVng trndo established. Capital roqiilrei ! Kboul ; 4IHXI. Will tuko pnrtOmahu real ostntn. Address K 6P , Hco oH'.co. 7tO FOH SALK-Tho best paying small hotel In the city : $2,000 cash will get It , C K Leo , 1207 Fnrnsm st. 211 "I31OII RALK Corner saloon , receipts $50 per X ? day. $4.500 : $3,000 cash , near depot. CF Lee , 1207 Fariiam st. 7 ! * ) ijlOHSALK Tly W'7l C.reen. 215 S iith : T one 1 ? of the finest corner groceries on N 16th st , good fie h stock nud cheap Icnse ; also two mall stocks , small livery stock nud good bnrn Kocd location nnd cheap ground lcn e. 8.12 BUSINhSSCIIANCK On account of sickliest not being able to tend to the hiiiliioss the restaurant and lunch counter , will rent the ptine to some good and ros-ponslhlo parties. Apply to Jonn ft. King , 130.1 Douglas st. 501 FOH SALK Or exchange , ( train elevator , Western Iowa , for land In Central Neb .or merchandise , address box 2VG , Central City , Not ) . fi.12octlOJ CLAIRVOYANT. V1HNNA fortune teller , 618 S 14th Bt. ' 831 oct 5j lie ? . HATl' IlILD.Trnneo business mndlum. The past present and fntiiro revealed , sick bcnlod , lost found , homos made nappy , sittings dally at 421 S. lltlnt. 457 o 15J Dlt. NANSIKV.Vnrrnn , cl ir oyant. Modi" cat , business and test medium , onleo 110 North ICth street , rooms 2 & 3 , Telephone till. 2J2 _ MHS. DI'IIANT Cliinvoyant from Iloston Is i ) reliable In all iiftiiiri of lite , unites sepa rated lovers. ! I22 n Ifith St. , room 1. 84iioct4J WANTED TflALE HELP. WANTii-Agents : to ennviiss for Hunkers' I.lfo liisuiunco Co. . Liueoln , Nob. None but experienced men need apply. iMl \\rANTI.O Five goo.l . carpenters at 25th and f Tierce slice ts. Jill 2 " \\rANTHD I'iflv men for stone qunrrv : good wages nnd no ollieo fees to pay Mnoros ruiplo ) mcnt ngeney , SOU South 10th. 341 2j WANTKO Ten good stiovolorn to dig trenches for foundations , cor. Seron- lecnth and I'lirinini sis. Monday morning , lolm 1' . Coots 3."J 2' * | X7AVni : > - Agents In Nebraska for ( Jen. V > John A. I.ognil'6 last work "Volunteer Soldier. " Jliht pilhllshed. Address J , M. French Co. , Omaha. .Nob. 8JJ \ \ 7"iNTiiMon : for railioiid work. XT i bright' * labor agency , 1120 Farnam. W4 \\rANTKD-Nuw elii s of 20 pupils , diligent workers , for sp elnl short term , full rourso. dav and evening sessions , at Blake's Fnorthnnd Institute , see circular * . Omahn lluslnoss College , lllth and Cnpltol nvo. ! XUoct2J " \ \ 'ANTKPVoting man to soil oustoni shirt In this city , ouo oxpurlcnced preforreit B03 N leth tt. 72-J \\ANTKD Tbo geiionil public to know that wo can supply j on with male or female help that will frivo satisfaction ; no delay and no disappointment. Western Kiuploymont Iliirrnu , 1(112 ( Farnnm. 641 " \\'ANTIill A boy IS or20 voars of ngo who i' understands tbo care of horses nnd who Is willing to work , mint irlvo good reference s , Inquire ot Wi-storii Cornice Works C. Specht lb < l 5 \\rANTKrT-\bout 0 to 10 carpenters to buy n lot woijh fll ( > , will tnko $ .10 tofldiiout 111 labor right away , the balaiirn can bo p.ild at tbo rate of $10 per mouth. Call O 11 Hichnrds , ZOtliand WotiStor. 20'J 4 "V\r ANTIil ) A few llvo men to soil nn article. never introduced In this city beioro. Sells at Bight Apply room U , 1010 Fuiuntn , 1 ( light uii. WJ'J 2 * " \ \ rANTKlrirstolnsR candy innKer nt > Mullor'D 1414 rui nnuiBt. 201 2 ' \\7ANTKD-lly two young ladles the services ' ' of n dancing professor \\lio is perfectly capable of teaching elog , and jig dnncea Ad- Uresi Mollle Cole , Olympic theatre. 275 2j \\MNTKH A salesman for the silk and rtresa 1 1 goods department , to u competent mail peed f alary will be paid Apply HI oncu to O'DonahoB \ Sherry , l&tti st , next to the post olllco , U20S \VAN"lil : ) 3solloltor9for nnd cofecs ! In the city , good salary to experienced aion , 2113 Cumlng st. 214 2J i -A competent man to Introduce n specially nmong business houses nf this city , good income guaranteed. C , K. Lee , 1207 Farnam ( t , ! HO 5 VtTAXTM ) I'ortcr , reference * required , M. f llcllmnn is Co , , cor IJth itn J Farnam its. Jii'J 2 Y\7iwait ) business men to know we can nil T orders from t > ookkoeper ikm n to pot ter , with first-cluH.s help nt tliu Western Kmploy- vvut ( .tfcncy , I'Uaru ( am at. 2V6 3 w 1ANTF.D-A rood cooknt N. Johnson's lunch room , 21st and Ginning fcts322 8J , "AXTRO-I . . r.ormnn boys to carry papers , -rs. .n- johi , upstairs. CM WANTED FEMALE HELP. irANTKD-OIrl for general housework , > small family. 211.Nl th. SOS 3 ITANTKl ) Dishwashers. I'.mmet Houso. T 10 * ANTl'.I ) Olrl for general housework nt \v "IS 17th st. i ! L _ IJANTKI ) ( lood girl In small family , waircs > $4 per week. Apply 812 N . st. 1612 V ' - second ( , -lrl , 1 } 'diro. Mrs. T. II. Kentinrd. 131 \\rAN ni : > Tnllorcss on custom coats and vests , ( rood wages ntid steady orktn rl ht pnrty , apply nt oneo. fcOl S tOth st. U01 21 AY 7ANTI.D A irlrl to do errands. Mrs. Itlco , lloom 14 Iliislimnn's block. BU -Took mid lnuidrrs . Dr. Colt- man cor St. Mary's nvo and 27th .st , 6.VJ AV 17 AN'l iD : A Good girl nt 2405 Uutnlnir t. AX 'ANTKD 10 irnod trlrls lor penornl house workil noiit Uunnnn nuro jrlrl ; cooks nnd room ( 'Iris. 1H12 I'urinini st. 2DD 2 ANTIID ( llrls and all others who nro look W Ins for n ploco to know that wo do not charjro olllce tee unless pbicn Is secured. Do not bo deceived by eoncoim who take your money without trlvlnif vomi place. ( JntoCity Employment olTlcc. HH'5 S IMh st. _ B3'l IfANTHD-dlrl in small family , 2102 St. > Mnry'snvo. S3i2J \\7ANTKD 2 laundresses for Idaho $ -0 ; ono > > lnnndrt 8 tor Central Cny , one for Siouv O'ty ' , 3 dining room girls for Lincoln , $18 ; ono lor McCook , Neb. .all fares paid. In city 50 girls for hoti ework. n great many very nice places $ .1 lo $5 per week ; girl for officers fam ily $5. girl for small family In country $5 ; 10 u onion for house cleaning , 5 dlnlugroom girls ! 2 dishwashers , 2 girls to nsel t In housework , man cook tor Sioux City , ? .V ) ; man second for Hod Oak , In. : man and wife for private family In clty.tO. Mrs. llrogn.t Son , Canadian Kmp. ollice 31(1 ( S Ifith. Tel S84. 3 OJJ ! Al'ANTKD Cilrl for general housework nt ' No. lid1) ) Capitol nvenuo. N6 ! LOST. STIIAVIID-Thilrsdny , from Walnut Hill , n small , blnclt mnro. ono hind foot whitn , vhlto star on forehend nnd white tip on nose. Plcnsu return to U. W. MedlOek , cor Niniiders nnd I.uko its. ilTt-1 " " ) - , bind foot , whlto spot on foiohund , brnnded on hip. Hctiirn to grocery cor. Siiunders nnd Lake , nud receive reward. ! fl ! 3f STHAYIID A brown gcldlng3 yrs old.weight nnout 1100 llm. Left hind leg cut with wire , Howard paid for his return to It. T. .Maxwell , South Omaha. 310 7j LOST Drown Melton cutnwnv cont. leave nt I'rank .1. Hamgo's , Itamue block , and re celvo rewnrd. 275 OST An uiitlnis'ied coat. Find or of it will bo rewarded. 201 S. lllth st. 207 SJ MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. [ fANTKD Nfco couple "to'rent front room , . wlb or without bonrd , prices very rea sonable ; private family. Address O 41 , Hoe ollico. 3.13 2 w ANTKDA laily rnom mate , room B , old llrowncll Hall building. 34H-4 * WANTICD-Ileforo Nov. 8. a cottage of five or six rooms , not moro than seven blocks from High school , by a famllv of two. Address MlssSlaciaCrowlcyei3S 17th street. 3482- "WTANTF.O A Indy or gantioman agent to * T work with mo In Omaha. Apply before 8 o'clocK in morning nt 113 N. llth ; st. 3J52J TVANTKD-Girlswishing nrst-class fiosltlons T f r.ill at Miss Kennedy's employment ollico , 121 N 15th St. ! tl : . : _ " \ VANTKD Lady to room an ! board ; terms > V reasonnble ; object , comuiiuy. G 3(1 ( , Ileo ollico. . 334 8J " \ATANTKD Soeond hand hnrd eonl burner , ' with oven for baking. Address G , 30 Ileo ollico. 27'J 2J \\TANTKD-lloard and room for gentleman and wife , central location. G,3l Ileo of fice. 273 \\TANTio : 1 want to buy a family conch \ \ team. N Merrlaiii. 2iti ) " \\rANTKD A few boarders and roomers In ' private family. $ ( .50 to $5.00 per week. 710 N. I71b street. 340 3J VtrANTED I'lano In exchange for city board ' nnd room , elegant 7'4 OLIIIVO upright piano , pnit pnvmcnt In city board nnd rooms. Address C 24. Ileo olllce. 201 2 \\7ANTflD (1 ( table boarders , llistclass board , roasannblo rates. Holorenco required. Mrs. Fanny Trumblo , 13 So , Ifilh. 058 \\ANTKD-To buy n whole or half Interest > Inn country b.i ik in eastern Nebraska , Address G 6 , lluoolll , i OJ7 NTKD To buy 'i efurnlture of n smaller or large boiis , contiully located. Co operative Laud nud li t Co. , 205 N 18th st. 693 W ANTKDThree table boarders at 2118 HurtM. 607 MONEY TO LOAN. rONKV'Io loan. Notes nud H. H. tickets L bought and sold. A. Formiin , 213 t % 13th Bt. lill $3uOOi to loan , special rates on fnrm prop erty , Sobotkcr i ; Porrlgo , 1.121 Fiirnam st , .51 $ ; 500,000 to loan m any amount at lowest rate ofintotost. H. II. Irey. Frcner block. ! ! 13 ONISY to loan to parties wlshlmr to build S S. Campbell , 310 S 16th St. . Chamber of Commerce. 214 ONF.V In sums of f fiOO and oor to loan nt M low iiites , Hussoll & larrott,512 ! S ICth st. MM 215 M ONF.V to Loan On Improved oltv property at lowest rates of Interest. No commis sion charged , Sholen & Crumb , room 1 , Darker block' cor 15th and Fnrnam sta. 210 MONF.V to loan on real estate. No delay. First mortKaires bought , llatos , Miilth k Co. , 203 Haiuice building , cor. 15th and Harney. JKI2oet7 MONF.Y lonned on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , etc. , low rates. .l..l.Wlllnson ( &Co. . 1324 I'ainam , over llurlliiKtoi : ticket ofllco. 217 M D.NKVlo loan on ety property. Will buy good notes. Beaver & Wultcomb , lH'j'j'j ' ' 1'arnam , 773 MONKV To loan. Lowest rates. No delay. 3. It. Hlce & . Co. , ever Commercial Na tional bank 218 fllO LOAN Money Loans , > laccd on Ira- J- proved real estate In city or county for Now Kmrland Loan it Trust Co. , by Douglas County bank , Idth and Chlonuo st9. 210 MONKV to Loan Ily the undersigned , who has the only properly organized loan aRanoy In Oiniiluu Loans ot $10 to JUKI made on furniture , pianos , organs , horsi * . wagons , machinery , etc. , without removal. No delays , All business strlutly confidential. Loans so made that any part can bo paid at any time , each payment rediiolnir the cost pro rata. Ad vances made on tine watches nnd diamonds. Persons should carefully cor.sldorwho they are dealing with , as many new concerns MO dally coming Into exUtence. Shauliiyou need money call and see me W. H. Croft , room 4 , Withnell building'J5tli and Harnoy. 224 $500,000 To loan on Oinalm city property at 0 per cent. U. W. Day , a. o. cor. Ex. Uld. 403 | { 1,000,900 to loan , H. E Cole , 310 S 15th. First U mortal ire notes nought. Ilia SHOUT Tlmo loans made on any available security. In reasonable amounts. Secured notes boiiKht , sold or exchanged. General llnanolat business of ntiy kind transacted promptly , quietly and fairly at the Omahn Fi nancial Exchange , N , W. cor of 15th ami Har noy sts , over State National bank. Corhott , manager 127 MONKV to Loan-O. F. IMvM Co. , real es tate and loan agents , 1503 Farnam st . . > * 22(1 ( $750,000 TO LOAN at n per cent. Linnhan .V Mnhoney , 15U < J Fnrn&m. 227 MONKV lOANKDatC. F. Hco.J . & Co.'s Loan Otllco , on furniture , pianos , borfos.wavrous , perfoiml property of all kinds , and all other ar ticles of value , without removal. 31 > S. 13th. over nioghara a Commission store. All buil- ntsa Etrictlv roufidentlal. 8JO MONKV to loan on Improved real e tate ; no commission charged. Leavitt Hum- bam , room 1 , Crolghtou block. 221 ( I'lill CKNT Money. V H. C. Piutcrrou : , 15th and Hair.ey. 222 1\I"ONiv : to lo in , cash on baud , no delay. - " J W. and U L riiuiro , Ml.l Farnnm st , Pax ton hotel bnlldmar. . ' . ' . 'i COMPKTKNT Lady and nmulommi tuichurn nt lllako't Shorthand Instuiito , Ociaha iota uad CueColure. /'ucu'J > CAPH pnld for second hand books t the Antlquftrlnn , 303 X ICth st. 72J o 2IJ TIlADK-lloaullful louth fronl lot , $208 duo In 4 eeml annual pnymcnls from date , to trndo for horse nnd bu/gy , or fire nnd burglar proof safe. 8118 l.ako st. 2dO ! ij ANHIX ) American Mortgngo nud Investment Co , , onico 212J Fnrnktiist. John Culley , manager. 63Soct8IJ _ F1HST cla help furnl he1 on short notice the cltv nnd nil part * of the wc t wh ro fnro Is p.ild. Western Kinplojincnt Aironcr , 1812 rnrtinm ft. 601 _ GOOI ) Pay for extra work. Qualify yourself for high salnrv by taking evonlug course at llliko'a bhorthnnd Instltutq , Omaha Business College , and Capitol nve. SOJoctiJ F Ot ItKNT Organs , $3 per montb. llospe , 1D13 Dounlas. 2Jd rpoKXCIIANli-ror { : cattle , 1 hnvo ( VW aiL -L foity acres of good western land to tradu for cattle , and n good houne and lot near the capital will exchange for cattle. Address S. ( J. llryan. Ashland , Nob. 8.'J TI10 exchange for other property contract for 1BIO acres II II land In Cheyentio Co , Nob. , two miles from railroad , also two i { set1 In Lin coln Co . near rail road. McCullocu & Co. , cor 15th nnd Fnrnam sts. 820 Ol. C.-lIouso furnishing gooJs. all kinds ; cash or installment ; lowest prices at J , Ilonnor , 1315 Douglan st 210 F 01 : itKNr frquaro moutulr. A Homo , 16H DoiiirUs. SSi VTT.W I'rofesslon for Indies , send tor clrcu- -L > lars. lllnkc'R Shorthnnd Institute , Oniiiluv Iluslness Collc o , Iiith nnd Capitol nvo. W'octL'J Dlt. CHASIVS new Ilecclpt Hook nud House hold I'hyslolnn , the "Memorial Kdltlon" , of ovcrHOO pnKt'g. 'Ihe "Crowning I.lfoWiirk" of the irrontc t author nnd benefnctor tlmt overlived Just out. Aircnts mnkln ? Immense silica , mi. terms. Address , K. II. Dickcrson & Co. , Deliolt , Mlcli. Mention this paper. Zllnovlj FOKltKNl-Squsra Hiano U montnlr. A Hnspo.1513 DoilcliiB. --8 PEKflONAL. ! i The haud omcet toilet sets in Jtho city will IIP on exhibition for n fowdnys In the comer show window of Moody's china More , 30.J Noith Kith Et. 357 2 TJKHFONAL-$2 50 will liny n nice hanging lamp nt Moody's china etoro.UIJ North Kith Call mil t/'O the large assortment and get our low prices before buying. 317-8 LHHSONAI < Wanted , room mute by young frontlcicnn. I'.LM ' Knrnnm st. 1U8 2 the IndieToToinnlm. ttyoli want peed rollnbloholp , call nttho Omaha Kmplorment bureau , the oldest Piiiplovmrut ollico In the city. ll'J ' N. ICth sU , 11. II White , proprietor. 11120 PEHSONAIi Ladles nnd Rcntlemen : Wo have n new mid complete stock of boots and sbocR at 41(1 ( N 10th M. . opposite Joiror on Good Goods anil low prices 92i ) 2 > iilSONAI-C. : S. Whitney sells bard nnd Bolt coul , 1513 1'ariiam und Itth nnd Irard. " Piil : ONAl , 1'rlvnte home for ladles durlnir cfiiillncmont. strlrtlv confldontlnl. infnuts adopted , address U42 .lice onice. 1G7 oct 8 FOR SALB MISCELLANEOUS. 1r OIl SAM' A stenotrraph BllBhtly used. Ad- 1 dress "XI 40 , " ileo ollico. ! ! M ! ! Foil SAM ; or oxchiiriKo for a lot Nine head of line cattle , ono llx'ht , Rood driving team. John Nelson , K'U N. 15th. ; Ui 4J Poll PAIjlI Kiirnltnre ot seven-room house cheap , hotuo fur rent. Apgilyth nud Foil SAM ; Moslor-Ilahman fireproof Safe , Day door , Snriront lock , 1750 Ibs ; price f75. Address I' It. Ilco ollico. u.lij 4 ; I.A8K ( nud furniture for f-nlo of n 0 room * tint on ICth st..which rents for Ji.'i pnr month ; a bargain. A. 1' . Ma } no , nw. cor. liith nnd Farnam , U. > S-2 BKAl'TIKCIj Orirnns nt your o n price nt Immense sncrillce , to pay storntfo cliiirirrs , t" > monthly , pnyments tnKcn , elegnnt goods nt your own price , call nt once , Storage Co. , 715 N. Kith St. 1330 "filoll tfAM : A pocond-hund 13-horto pouer J- ' engine and boiler nnd n okestnek for solo cheap. Inquire of Sltnmonds , Iteovcs A : Co. , tf. Wtli st. U12 2J Hiili : : Isu bargain , $ ! 7 , ' > . cost fiXK ) , innirnin- ccnt 7'i octavo upright piano. Greatest bnrgnln nvor nuVrud Tim veins giinrnnteci. Truly a superb In-truinent. Ilnro chance to got n Hue piano. Only used one month. Call t-torngo Lo. , No. 715 N. ICth it. 131 0 FOH SALK 8 year olif horse nnd nenrly new double sent light Mitchell wagon ninth nr- ness. Inquire rear 14'M South 13th st. ' .Ml FOH SAIiK on onsy terms 1'ony $ no 00 1'ony 40DO 1'ony rn Oil Pony harness nnd cart > 125(10 ( lllnekdrlUng hornt , m years old 100 W Grny delivery horse , 1.1KW Ibs Kit ) Oj Gray draft horse 50 00 Grnydrnlt horse 75(10 ( Gray dmft horse 75 OD Gray draft boise 150 CO I.tirht driving team mares 20000 liny saddle horse ( slnglotoot ) 10,1 , 00 Team loan ponies 120 oil Day driving horse 1500 W. T. Seaman , East side Ifith st. noith of Nicholas , Agent for Studebaker llugglos , Wngons. rtc. C6 FOH SALK Hiiek OK | , yearling very gontlo. IPAdilross Box .1 , Fort Steele , Wyo. 152 4J "VTKCKSSITV compels the snlo-A lady In -l-i pressing need of money must sacrifice nn elegant id stop , solid bines walnut , case cabinet organ less than half cost. Plea o call nt once nnd no reasonable olfer refused. SK cor. 21st nnd Webster bts. n : > 2 lOH SALK -Fine mule at 1521 N 27th st , 201 3. FOH RAM : 1 feed rnlll.21 In. Trench burra. 1 Victor slieller. 75 bu per hour. 1 bolt for buckwheat or meal. 40 ft 2 in shafting , fi hangers , elevator belt etc. Addtess 20ii S 20th 8t. , Onmhu. Neb TTlOIt SAM ; or trade llvtra nne tenni witl Jfinriicss anil carriage. Will exehnngo for mortgage notes or good Inside property mu pav dlllereiico. S. S. Campbell undG. W Horvey , 310 Chamber of Commerce. 1R3 EOll SAMHeatlng stove with oven In gooi order. Inquire lit roo-n 4 , exposition bill , or 2508 Chnrlos Bt. ' . ' 07 2J "CllJil 7iATi-At : great linrtmlns. i1 1 lint top desk. 1 largo null map of city. Several ollico chairs. 1 horse , buggy and harness. Willsell ata Imrgnln and on tuny If desired. * \Jlnjj ttjU7 S 1.1th. 853 " ' " " "C'OTTSA'iTlT fee"in "cur lota. Ullbcrt HrosT J ? Council Illulls. * MioctS 1r > OH SALK At a sacrifice. \ Nine thouMiiid dollars worth of Mlscclt incous Hooks , which I dejlro to close out previous to my early removal to en t side of Kith st , north of Nicholas st , where 1 wll carry the largest variety ot buggies , plinotons carriages and wagons to Oo found at any one place in the city. . W.T. Pentium , Now at 1'nrnnm and llth ts. Agent for Studelinker. 00 lOct 20 J7 > OH SAM ; rurnlturo oT a"six-room lint' 1 ready for housekeeping , leao until July. 1RV , or longer If desired , rent $35. Address G 11 , Ileo ollico. 093 IJ ] ? OK BENT HOUSES and LOTS. FOH Ill.NT Nnw , largo Innilorn innToviii bouses. M. iigutter. : 1001 r'nrnnm st. 2-I. 7 "IT1O11 IlKNT 5 room bouse , corner 2Ist am J-1 Grant , iM ; 9 room houn < 2 barns large ynn well and cbtern , JOJ , part or all tbu furniture for salu ; 0 loom brick boti o 'i ' block Irom I1. O 310 , f urnituio f 100 , f 10 I cash bnl. j-'J.'i per mo Knur room house rent t'M , funuturu lor sale (2i5l ; ! room hoiiso $ ! n , furilltiiro $4,10 , 'i ' cash 0 room flat JIW , furniture costing f < M lor salt at JM ; 1,1 room brick flat nnd restaurant Jl.tOJ 'j cash , roetiuiriuit will be bold separate frou tint , frevcral other places centrally located toi numerous to mention , ulso hoii-es nnd lots li nil piirtsof the city. Cooperative Land .V Io Co. . 205 N. ICth st. ; ui u 1T1OH 1IBNT-Store room on lkth st. near St J Mnry'snvo Iiuiulrp 123 S. Ibth st. 117 Foil lll\T-9 ; room housnTT e l'arre Wlldo Ave. ; cw 6J HRNM'-iXB Colfnx ft , V rooms nnd bath f 55 00 3007 Jackson tt , 7 rooms and bath ; > l 0 IWll'ark avo. , U rooms and bath : w ( x 1'iO'J 1'ark iivo , , large new stoic-room . . . 40 IK Corner Patrick live , nnd 27lb st. .0 rooms s'l 0 ( Corner Krsklno st. nnd 27th St. , 7 rooms. . 2. " > U : IO Webster bt. . now , 0 rooms 180 3 barns netr l.cnvcnworth and 1'ark n\e , 5 00 If. L. Urcgory , t20 tf. IDth st. 270 FOIlHUST-Well fuiKiicd homo. 1) ) room- " bnth room , not and cold water , barn , ute. furniture tor rait * , Inoludmi ; oirpots , piano parlor anil bed teem sets , etoves , range , etc , WOtilbthet ia 3J FOH IIK.XT Lower story part Imeomont o 207 S 2lth , on car line , between I'nrnun nnd Doiu-lus.ri rooms , hot unit cold unlcUtori water , iru-t und fiirnaoe , tilco yard , also fur ulotied frunt jmrlor uud budroom. j 2j FOH lir.N'T Itmi-H nnd ftirniturn for sale , one block from cipoiltlon tiullJlng. House ullof roomers. Address 0 U2 , llec. _ 2t'7 moll HUNT 7- oem brick flat , cor , Ifth and Ciimlnir , | i -S > 2J F 10H KKNT-g room house , WJ 3 22d. SJ03J Foil HUNT Two lints for rent ami furniture for nlo. Flnts bring $ Gj over the rent. Ad- drcfS Q 2V ) , Ilco. 273 3J _ FOH HKNT House 4 rooms cor Hartley and 2l t its. , $ J5 per mo. S. A. Slomnn , Hcll- nnn block. "Mi FOH HUNT House S rooms In 11nn com Plnco to n good parly. S S. Campbell mid 0. W. Hervcy , U10 S Ititu et , Chamber Com- norco. i 1H7 IjlOll HUNT A novrS room house with Flos * - el * , tmtitry , hard nnd soft wnlcr , good lo cality , 1519 8.1st et , between Center nnd Dor- civs M ? . 117 2J FK ( ) IIKXT 8 room and cellar home , ono silimru trom 8 cur lines , $ JO. Uoncwn * Co. IpOH HK.N'T -Nlco P-room house on N 17th st , with bath room , gas , etc W , G.Shmor , opp. 1' . O "i" FOH HUNT An S room lieu o nnd good barn 22d and I.niivanwortli. Uniiulro ot C. Spccht , 5US tf. l.'th st. 1M 5 F OH IlKXT IIy Calm & Woolly , I3J2 rnrnitm st House of 8 rooms , it e cor 2.M nud Irani sts. , $30 per month lloii oof 8 rooms none Hnuscom Park , all modurn conveniences , $10. - hoU'esof 7 rooms each , hot aim cold water ; uith rooms , Jl.'i llousuol 7 looms near llnnscom 1'nrk , $ ; v ) . UJ'J FOH HUNT llnscmont , ft rooms , liydrnnt , clo et , c"pbnnrd. splondld location , $ IS per month , "IU'1 ChltiiKo At. oOJ "j OK ITr.NT-lIousen sliolcfl Jk "Cruinb , loom I , Darker block. 7-room honsu corner f Dodirn nnd SAth its. , nil tnodurtt con- vcnlcnocs , rent f 10 per month , fi-room housn oti Corby st. near shornmii nvo ; now. lleut { ' . * > per month. -19 0 IlKNT Ton room brick house. I7JI Dodtro. All modurn Imprpvumonts. 751 Clou Itr.VT :2 tints ever 11 Spljilo's fiiriilttiro store , 1311 Doiislns bt. " ( HIJJ T/'OIt ltiST : A new residence of li rooms , S. X ! U. front , nil modern Itnprovc'ini'nts with Ftnlilo atul cnirlnue bouse In Koiint/o I'lncc , eor.'Oth nnd West streets. Itiquliuof 0. Speuht 50SS I''th St. 1S7 B 'OH HKN I'A large nnd well finished store - . loom , prefer n llrtn tlmt will handle ready made clothing nnd gents luriiishlng goods. Address W. F. Con veil , Oakdalo , Neb. 1-5 12 FOH UKNI' Oltlco spnoo at I Ml Fiirnntn st and furniture for sale. A , II , ComRtouk , l.W ! l-'iirnum si. 7tC FOIl IlKNT Nicely furnished house , ( i ro.itns , Shlnn's 2nd add. liniulro 1U1V s. 10th st. , ncnr Hickory. M5 FOirTlKNT fi"to ID loom houses. OooTlTociT tlou. H. i : . Cole 3IBS 11th. 410 FOH IlKNT New 8-rootu house , nil modern Improvement" , on ( ioorgin live. H. C. Pat terson , eor Ifith nnd Hartley. S'lT rOHUHNI Commotelal house at David Citv , Nob. Address llcnry Will , Hlslug City.Neh. ( W ) Oct ( IJ FOR RENT ROOMS. 011 HINT : A newly furnlstied room for twoirontliinon with board , $15 , gas In cluded , 113821th. 2M 2j OIt HINT : lurnished room mid board. ii.)0 ) L 8.17tli st , ! 12i ! 2J I71OH HKNT Largo furnished tooni. Call -L during evonlnjr. 712 N luth st. 3i' > 2-/ FOH HKNT Hooms Very desirable fur nished rooms for three or four gentlemen ; all conveniences on bumo floor. Apply tit 1712 Capitol avo. 352 4 * FOH HKNT Furnished room ? , thieo blocks from lloyd's Opera house. 507 S. Idth st. 3,15 3p Foil HKNT Newly furnished front room ; meals second door. 262J Cumliig at. 332 b * FOH HKNT Well lighted basement , com prising 2UO ) Riiaro feet of Mooring ; wafer and gas ; In an excellent business loeiility. Ad dress G 37 , Hoe ollico. 3 U 8 rp\VO furnished rooms , ono ? 9 , the other $0 , JL two blocks from car ; 814S22iidst. 341-2 * FOIl HUNT Ilousu of 0 rooms and furniture lor sale , Inquire H23 N 21st St. 215 14J tT'OIE UK XT Furnished rooms With bourd , V 1W3 rnrnam. 307o5J FOH HKNT-Nicoly furnished front room In nice eottago , suitable for two gents , In private family , $10 per mouth , 401 U illlams St. , 8 minutes wnlx southeast U. P. depot. ! D5 FOH HKNT--A nice room for one gentleman , gas , bath , hot and cold water , furnace boat , 1700 Dodge st. UG'J 4 FOH HKNT In now bouse , largo front room with bay window , suitable tor 2 or 4 gen tlemen and ono for light housekeeping. Hef- orenco required. 417 S lUth st. ; U1 3j I neil HBNT 1 largo iniiurnlshoil front room , 1 modern conveniences , references re quired. At 2316 Douglas st- 313 3j FOH HKNT Largo front room for gentleman only , references required. 2.107 rnrnam. 317 2J FOIl IlKNT- I nice rooms In a flat with nil modern conveniences on the n w coiner of 171 hum ! Webster , Apply tuM. F. Martin , 310 S 15th st , 327 FOHHRNT Sorfl nice unfurnished rooms suitable for housekeeping. TO.1 ! , Pacific st 3.17 FOll HKNT 0 unfurnished rooms , 1027 N 20th street. 3-7 ! 3/1OII HKNT Suit of furnWied rooms without board to gentleman ami wife , 2115 Cnllfor nla st. 301 3 FOH IlKNT ruruithed room , 2eOfl Franklin Bt. 307 Ilj "iroll Itr.NT Nicely furnished room siiltahlo J for 2 gentlemen , Inqulro2ill ! St Maijs n\0. n is FOH HKNT Furnished rooms 181(1 ( Dodge. W'l oct 0 FOH HFNT A largo , handsomely furnished room with alcove , gas and use of bath loom , suitable for two or three gcetlomcn ; private family. F.nquira ntl'22 ' N I'.ilh ' st. l'J7 2 FOIt HKNT-Nleoly tin lushed room for single gentleman , gas , bath ami tire $15 per month , 11.05 . Dodge stiect. 291 3J I OH HKNT- Furnished front room with board , tultablo'lorthrce , 1721 Douglas st. 271 3J FOIl HFNT Nicely furnished rooms from to $15. 20l2linrncy.t 2M Jj FOH IlKNT Newly furnished fiont loom suitable for two gentleman. Ill S mil. Foil HF.NT-rLargo front room sulHblo fora Inquire 8JGS 22nd. 2C13J HKNT An elegantly furnished large alcove front room , new bouse , all Improvements , with free and gas , two blocks from postollleo , 1707 Dodge st. 00 ; Foil HKNT Furnished rooms. 11)13 ) I'lirniim St. 1214 j 17011 lir.NT A nice room for two , $10 , with 1 or without board. BI2 S 22d ft. 2'J2 7j TjiOH HKNT Furnished rooms at 1WI N 27th .E Bt. 2ii | 3J FOH HKN1'-First-class 1001119 with board , 1513 How mid. 2SH2J IT1011 HKNT i urnUhf.d room. 2027 I'm nam. - iy.i _ 5 Tj OR HF.NTruriitshud rooms , 220J Dodge , FOH HKNI' Ton small family. 7-rootn house , 1134 Nort 17th. Kaulmuu Ilios , lOO'i Far- nam st ; i2 "I71OH HKNT Mcoly ( nrnlshod room , hot nnd -L' cold wnlor , bnth room. 018 South 17th. 47fl rpOKHKNT-UnfurnUhod parlor.lMl Chicago FOIl HKNI'-Ollieo spaces on ground tloor , ono front window. F.uijulro at IVl't 1-nrnnm St. , of J S. Hicliardsoil. L'Jll octJ FOH HKNT-A newly InrnUhed room foi two Kontlomcil , $45 , gas included , 1)3 ) S 24th. 171OH HKNT Klogiint furnHliod suite of J- rooms In private fnmily , 8403 St. Mary's nvo. : ni 2j IfOH Itr.NT Furnished room with or * Mth- out bo.ird , 2142 Capitol avenue , 2.1(1 ( Bj FOIl ni'.NT l.argo furnljhod room for2 or. ) _ _ gents. 117 S 17th. lit ) 5J POH UKN I' N'lcely furnished parlor with beat , tJj. Small room , $10. 1WI Farnam et ' -7 3 1/iOH lir.NT Nicely furnished rooms n.'O N. 15th st. : M fj | 7 < OI' Hi'.NT-Lurro front room sultjiblo forl * ; xentleuien , mudera conveuiencoi , OiO N. 17lU t , S4tf HKNT-Ntcely furnl ho > l rooms with flrst-clnM board In new brick building with nil inixloru improvements. Mrs , \\m. Voting , . " VJ Douglas st. ? 2v ) 2J FOH HKNT-lllcirantly furul < hod room on first lloor , with modern Improvements , IV17Cn a. _ J ( i > S FOH llKNT-l'lcn 'int rooms , furnished , southwest earner 20th and Welxtcr. HIS 1 011 HKNT One lai yo pleasant room , south -L front , brick lint , suitable for 2 or 4 gimtie- nicn , HID Chicago st. 2sg HF.Nf-dnn furnished room , "suitable for two gentlemen , $12 ! also one room for $8 , Inquire IWI Douglas ! t. 2372J 17OH ItKNT-froufroomTltll ) Dodgn. JU 251 IOil lir.NT Furnished looms lurtreunlgblk , . eor Mth nnd Dodge st. , Davis , Mlllntd Hotel llilllnrd room. 2J1 FOH HKNT rurnlshed room ? single or en- suite , with or without board , 1(116 ( Dodge. CCO IfOH HUNT Furnished rooms In private fam * ' ily. g.'US 82Ist st- trOS o2J _ _ ' poll ilKN'INleoly furnished loom with board , ncnr car line Address ! < 72 , Ilco oniee. TOJ 2 IlKNT- Suit of rooms suitable for 2 or 4 gentlemen , 16DoOgost ! , H 8 HKNT-Mctiy furnlshen looms , to gen- tlemcii only , 2J. ) N. Pith St , lloom 2. VJJ SITUATION WANTED. WANTKI-Dy a young man , n sliuntion in dnlrv ; also belli ) ? goo 1 milker. Address "G 3'V Ileo olllce. 351 2 * \lrANTKI-Ily n young man with ollico ex- ' ' perlciieo. u position that will lead to salesman , nddrcss ! : , ill llco otlice. 347 8 * \\rA.VrKD-ritiit-elim stenographer and typewriter ojierator dealies emplovment. Ten jeais exi > erfeiiee ; can fillnish machine. Address "G 38. " lice ollico. 3M-fc \\'ANTF.D-Situatloiis. We have n number ' ol young men ol dlllcrent nationalities who have good refeioncc.s anil want employ ment as porters , coachmen , ynrdmon , etc. I'm tics In need ot help of this kind will bo furnished free of charge. Canndlnu limp. Of fice , Mrs. Hregn * Son , 310 S. 15th , tcl AVTKD Situation by n nleo Scotch girl to do second work and sou lug. CutsIlls nnd drupes beautifully. 'Iho most competent girls for all kinds of work can nlu ays be found ut Mrs. llioga.V Son's Canadian Kmployment of- lice , 31(1 ( S. lAth st. Telephone 84. ; nu 2J " \\7ANTKD A situation by n competent > ' druggist , 12 years experience , 5 in western trade. Giaduata P. C. P. riie.xceptloual let- erences. Addioss (5 ( 35 , Ileo olllcu. 35 4J " \\'ANTI.D Position by a > oung man with six ' years oxpcrleflco as bookkeeper nnd.eor- rospoiiilont. Speaks und writes four languages , llcgt icfcrciiics. Address G 34 , Ilee olllce. 3J1 7 * l/'ANTii-llouspiecpers ; , situation or any i work suitable for n middle aged , practical woman , with good rofeience Address Westein Kinployment agency , 1(112 ( Fnrnam st. 2' 7 WAN'lKl ) Situation by n first class jeweler nnd diamond Hctler , general workman Addievs t , 28 Ileo ollico. 2(11 ( 4 | STOKAGE. QTOUAUK - Furniture , boxed poods , ' \cT k- terms reasonable. 711 Pacific. 2.1) f OK SALE HOUSES LOTS. SALK Several bouses on easy pay ments. A. 1' . Mavuc , It th and I'anmin - lj > OH SALK-Or Irndo , L. V. Criini , F. J ? Ilishop. 31 S. 15th st. 3.151 ] " 1ST your houses lor lent with H. K. Cole , 31(1 ( S llth. A few more lots left nt ? 150 ; easy terms. .Money In this. Investigate. II. K. Cole , 3P1 s. 15th 311 Al INK7 room eotimra on Lake near Saiin- dersat a bargain for cash. A. F. Maync , Idth and Farnam. 3it-2 ) TAMl SALi-Lot41HurrOak,1lIO : ) , $5''J ' ' cash , -1 linliincoS years. Lot 3) , block 8 , llnn < com 1'lncc , $3fiOO , } j cash. Lot HIblock 17. Ilmiscom Place , $3,100. Lot 5. block 5 , J. I. Hollck's sub , $7,100. Lot 10 nnd south 25 feet lot U , block 5 , J. T. llodlnk's sub. , $ ' .i.00 > . Lot 10 , block t , Hlllsldo ndd. No. 1 , $2,803 , $1,100cash , balance3years. Lot 5 , block 7 , Hlllsldo ndil. No. 1 , $2,500 , f 1.0,10 cnsh , bnliinee3 > cars. Lot 4 , block 212'i , city , $ : J,000 , rents J175 pel- month. Lot3. block 212'S ' , city , $111.000 , rents $120 per month. Lot 2 , block 212'i ' , city , $ JOiOO ( , rents $40 per month. Lot (5 ( , block 173 , elty , $10,0)0 ) , routs $ sfl per month. Lot ( ! , block 73 , city , $ ,10,000 , rents $ 'J7.50 per month. Lot 3. block 7,1. city , f 18.00J. Lot I , block 16,1 , city , $ , i',000. ) routs $51 per month. L-jt 0 , block 71 , city , $ -0,000 , routs $100 per month. ! < ots I nnd 2 , Windsor plnco extension with flno house'$10lOOone-thlrd ( cnsh i cuts UMpor month. Three lots , Siinyslilo , $2,100 each. li.l ! ft on Cuiiling st , by'a \ ft on 3W st , $14,700 $ . " ,0ii < ) cnsh. 5 lots In blk f > , Orchard hill , ? 4SOO. "i cash Lots , Windsor Place with iJ.1UOJ Improvements monts , ? 5)oiio Lot In Potter & Cobbs addition , South Omnhn from $37.1 up. Acre property near South Oninlin from $200 to $ .11)0 porncro. orwill trndo tor inside prop erty. Potter .V Lobb , 10)1 ) Farnam st.llnaid ol Trade llulliling. 3n2 3 SLAP fiOxl.V ) one hall block from postolllcn In South Omaha for < 4.100wlth $2.iODcash 01 JI.20D with $1.000 cnsh. F. U Gregory , 320 S. 1,1th st. 272 ONHeal Kstilte , 311 South 15th J street. 3s leet on Farnam St. , per toot ? 525 HO fi'lfectonSaundPianeiuMirnco ' 6'flO OJ Trncknvi ! lot ISstieet and U. P. II. 11. for silo or lea o Cheap 1-rooni hoiisound'i ' lotonS. 17th St. . . l,7nO 00 Corner on 2Jth nuar Vintoii s.t liuO : 00 2(11 ( ' double lot on cor. Ca s and AHKAUTIFL'lj Lowe ave , must be sold. Call for Inspec tion and terms. F. K. Darling , 410 S 15th. 1112 I 1ST jour proportyfor snlo with Chnrloa C. ' SpotHwood , 30 > < 9 S Idtli st. Iil2 \\7llATIrivo you to trndo for line 2-story T residence an-1 two lots In the west part of town ? John C. Ihoinpsoii , Herald oltlco. 674002 LOOK at lh ! for cheap acre property , ten acres , lot 13 , Forbes' Bill ) . , rjicclleiit soil for garileiilnir , now under lull crop , $1,003. Omaha Heal IMnto k Trust Co. , 1504 Fariiam M 2.H 3 FOHHAHOAINS call on A. 1' . Mnyno. inth nnd Farnam. : i5H-2 I 1ST your house for rent with II. K. Cole J31HS I5th. A few moro lots left at f 150 ; easy term . Money In this. Investigate. H. K. tole,3K ) S , llth. 311 SNAPKlcKiint [ east front lot In Arcade - ' place , on , 'litth st between Leaveiiwortli nnd poor farm. { 2UOJ , F , K Oregory , 320 S. 1.1th St. 272 LIST your nouses for rent with H.K.Colo 310 S. 15th. A few more lots left at $150 : casv terms , Money In this. lnestimate. . H. K. Cole , 31(1 ( S. 15th 3.11 FAHNAM street fiOxlt' feet nt 33rd st. , $1,000 , this I the best bargain on the street. No- tlco thciHl/e ot this lot. Omaha Heal Kstato .V Trust Co. , 1501 Farmim st. S8 ! 3 TIST your property with S. S. Campbell and J ( ! . W. Hervy , 310 Chninber ot Commerce spoflal attention given to the exahaniro of all Klii'ls property , Impiovod and iiiiimpiovnil city jnopcity , farms , bor'es , cattle , block * of goods , etc. N ) < IT' F. HI NO KH , 11UN. 15th st. l J j t-.iiOO Shinn's Ut , ! D\1 ! ' ) , hou o , 10 looms , will vvulinniro for lots In Kount/o Pliien. 0.501) ) 4 lofsou snundurs st , opposite KounUo I'lui'e ; wort li ill,1JO. 13.0JO Mxliu , dounlo houo , R rooms cai'h Inith room , flty water , elo.renis for $1110 per month. $ , ) , ' ) cash , $1noij In other pro | > t rty , $5,0 l on tune , 5,000- lots. hon e fl looms , barn , etc , Shlnn's 1st and. I/its alone would bu thtnp at the price asked. 18,11)0-8 modern lioiisiis , 7 nnl 12 rooms eaeh . 72xlin , near 23d , runts for $151) ) per month. 25.0J3 ( ' (1x120 ( , buildings cost $ S,000 n'ld cn\or nearly all the ground , ulll rent tor $150 per month. Ji.ooi ) cash , $8,00 , other propinty , balance 1 and 2 jenrs $2,0 < , OiK ) Mnrth ot pioierty | in all iiarts of tin city. If you want to buy or toll sue K. F UlngiT , III ) N. Mth ' . HJ . AOIII.S near Cabin linn In west part ol 'J toun , lien beautifully and is a line piece of property to suit down now for n fitur home Will be eold at n bargain for cntli. F. K liar ling , 410 S I5lh. 1412 1 1ST your proiierty ivlth S. " . < 'iunj'boil ' am J O , W iler\y it yini wiuit to Bell or ox 310 Chamber ol Comuiurvv , W7 CJ A. 8tOMA ° K , Ilenl r tate.131t Piirnnmst. O. 1'nriiAtii si. betoeen Twentieth and Twenty-third , 116x13.2 , per foot . t 4JJ 'arnnm st corner Ihlrty-tlrst , 130x132 , per foot . . . . i. . . IV ) 'nrnnm st. nrnr pavement , 47x132 . . 4.1.V ) 'ariiam st. nearpavemciit.t'.lxlJ. . K3'i ' ( ) 'nrnnm st. corner Forty-third , 44x13' ' . , 3,600 'nrniim pt corner Nineteenth , liu- proxed , 22x11 , ' . 20,000 'arnnm st , between Nineteenth and Twentieth , Improved , 77xli2 : . . . . 40,000 'nrnam t near rieventh,20xlJ2 : , irnts for $1,5-0 . . . 23.0W 'nrnnm st uearT enty-SoveiithNxlM ) per foot. , , . . . . . . 200 larueyst. near Twentieth , Improved 17lxf(17 ( . W.OOO Inrnev st. Twenty-third , Improved , Mx ) , . 11,000 lartiey st. near rifleenth , ItnprovedBJx ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Shteenliist'ncnr Nicholas ( < ) { xl'liJ . . .I ts''tVM sixteenth st. south of viaduct , 40xlW . . ) otiBbis st. of Twenty-third. Otfxl3J . li.lKX ) Twentieth st , near at. Mary's nvo , im proved. 10x120 . H.PCM Twentieth st , between Douglas and Dodge , Improved , 3.'xM ( . P.WO "aiinijers st , corner Hurt , IKOxJt . . . . 7VW Alice st , near Fnruam , vast front , 47x1 U. 1,8)0 r'lftcenth st , corner Jones , Improved , Co XI3J . . . . . 30,000 'ouiteeiilh st , corner Jnckson , Improved , Cilxl.U . . . . . 30OC > 0 fourteenth st.coiiicrChli'ago.lmprovcd . . . . . . Twelfth st. corner Jones , Improved , mix 132 . . . . . . ! . 25,000 . ' . , 'nvpnth st. corner Nicholns , tiackage , ililvl.i ; . . . . . C.OOO Thlrt < cnth si , Paddock place , trackage , rtixlt : : . . . . . . , . 2,130 I'lilrtecntli Bt , corner California , 1m- proved , rents jlnti . 2..000 I'nrk ivo. opposite Park , 60x150 . 2,000 Oavenport st , opposite lllich school , tine modern lourteeu-room house OJ xlK . 16.010 Cuss Bt. , between Nineteenth and Twen tieth , twelvc-ioom modern house , MX 112 . 15,000 Nicholas ft . corner Twenty-second , trackage , ll.\ri. . Improved . 20,000 Charles H. , near St. Mary's , lmprovedi4 ! Calpy stHP4ir Crclithton college , modern ton-room house , : ixM2 ) . C.250 Pieiee st , near Tw entleth , CflxlM , fronts two streets.lmproved . . . . . 5v > 0 Iloduo 't. , near T eiity-slxth , 3Sxl32 , Im proved . . . . . n.OO Tw enty-socond st. , near draco. fMxt8il . . 3liOO West tnnahii , In boil ton locality , lUorOJ -X165 , per loot . " Tenty.flrst , corner Vlnton , 52x100 . . . l.iOO Cnslcllnrst. , ne\t corner Klghth , Ol'ix Thirty third st. , 'corner Delnware.ilans- com Place HWx 100 . M I MivetiwortlHt. near Sixteenth , 2fxt2. . 0,000 WehstorRt , ue.xr Twenty-eighth , 50x110 , on grade . , ' , , In nddltlon to thn above 1 hnvo lots In nil choice ndilitloiH at low figures , i 'J HOWN & CHF.inilTO.vS llnrgalns. * lmpro\ed. 6 room house and lot on Corby Itroet , $2,100 , . . (1 ( room house , nud lot 60x1 H on S 10th street , fi.lM l , $ , ' , ( ' 00 cash. t room house , and lot 51x1,10 , Hnnscoiii place , $5,750 , $ MWO cash. i < room house , and lot , Idlowlld , $1,100 , $2,000 cash , 7 loom bouse , and lot 2ith ! near Cumlng , 11,000. $1,50) ) cash. M\I32 Improved on Farn.ltn , $10,000. > j cash. rnlmnrovi'd fO\J ) , Patrick's 2nd , on 80th street , t ) , < X)0easy ) terms LntfimihoftiiT lot 5 , city trncknire , $1WO ( , $ iS'iileaoh. ' Lot ( iiHllOon Snuii'lois ' street betweou Clark and dnice , $ " .5 0 , M.oODcash. Lot 88 toot front on Itlth , corner Ornco,17WJ , a cn li. l it WlxIW. Summit Place , $ .1,100 , $1 , ( X ) cnh. Lot ! lsva\12. " ) , comer on Fninam street , $ " .1 a foot , ' cnsh. Lots In lied ford Pliien , Hoyd'R add. . Orchard Hill , Walnut Hill , Wcsl lde , Klrk\\ood , and nil over the elty. , Acres for Platting. 12.1 acres I miles from pesto lies. 10 aoicsi : miles from postnlllce. 5neres3 miles fiom postoince. ( ! ncres3 miles from postolllcu. fiaeiosin Newport. 2ncres In Ilelvedere. llrown * Creifhtoii , so corner 11th and Doug las. ' .i23 > ctJ I'Kxl'ii ft o n H H track oil Nlcho- - - bis and 1'tth with ware house 3iixirt2 stories , price $14,000. Addruj * Shaw .V Field , box 52S Omaha. 202 ol2 1ST your property with II. K. ColoHi ) S. LBl'HH . loom 1. 4A)9 ) Bl'HH PLAOK-75 rcslik'tice lots situated Irom one to live blocks south of the South Omaha brewery. Prices from $ )50 ) to $ BiK ) . One-third cash , balance on etsyteriiiR at 8 per cent Interest. J. J. O'ltourke , sole owner. r.)0oij ) ( FOH SALK-Lot3 In blk , Shlnn's 1st add , n good six roomed house , cistern nud barn , line shade trees , ? 4HH ) , $ lOlJ ) eneh , balance S'o per mouth. Henawa .V Co. , 15th st , opp. P , O. FOll SALK At a bargain , lot In Shliin 8 3d add , nuwR-room house. 2 clo ets , pantry , good collar , cistern. Will sell liiriiituro il pur chaser desires it. Price , $ .1,800 , $1,000 cash : balance in 3years. Call or address HI,21)12 ) ) Clnirlesst. _ _ 1(1J ( 4 * TNVKSI'IGATK This. Finest corner In J Koimt/o place. 1-0x121. niico$1W. It will take $ .125 cash Addre-s G I'J ' , lloo ollico. 12A2J DODGK stii > i < t , liUxllO feet near the high school , thls-is the cheapest property on this street. Omaha Heal Kstulu .V Trust Co. , 16114 Farnam st. 2I8 ! 3 1. 1ST your property with II. K. Cole , 3I 8. JJ 15lh. room 1. 4 < W QIT.CIAL HAllGAINS-Htoom house and'J-3 n lot In Denise's addition , with bain , $ , ) ,700 , $1.0 > )0cash. ) 12 mom house , full In * . onSeward noir Siiun- ders.nll modern iinpiovcmcnts , $ SJ ( ) < ) , $1,00) ) cash. 5 four room houses In Lowe's addition , $1,100 each $ ; nu cash , hnlaneu on easy term < \ llcaiitilul lot in Hanscom Place , $3.5')0. ' ) 6 room cottage and 2 lots , Walnut Hill , S..COl , one third cash Finei'onuir in Kllby place , $ lf50. AlsiiKoiiinchnU'e. bargains in Orchard Hill nnd Lowe's addition. H. It. Hull and Co. , 1152 113 N. Kith St. "VJ"KW 8-ioom eot'ngo nnd full lot In nicest -L > residence tmrt of city , only tvviisnuires from street cars , tor hnl < > on monthlv pay ments F. 1C. Dm ling. 411) ) S Ifith. 1152 TPO KXCHANGK Homo money and choice J- land for llrst class. Improved iiiaide pioii- crty. II. K. Colo.IllilS lllh 411 FOlt SALK -121x101) It cor Howard and 31th sts , noU blook to Ka-son. llrndy .V .Mur- tins houses , S7.VJO. Aildiessi:3J : Ileo olllco. FOHTHADlMIouso and lot 5 block 2 Kount/o 4tb add , house will tent at1 a month ; noenuunibniiice , will trnite for u vacant lot or hall lot In HaiiHconi place or thereabout to cost fiom ! S2K ( ) to $2.1in ( and will take mnrlgiigiMin property lor thn balance. Charles C. Spots- wooil JUVj S Hitli. 705 IJIOH SALK--IlargiiliH In lots In Plainview -I and Kirkuood add , their ounur mii t havn money for Improving propeity close by. No commissions. Address ( i u Itcoolhcu. 51 3 | riM ) KXrilANGK-Kqiilty In 4,0 nnd 10 room 1 hoti'es and lots tor paid up lots. H. K. Cole , 3111 315t i. 410 rpllOMPSON,3l4 S 15th st , buys and soils real -L estate , loans money , purchasus securities , has u MMI.I list ol property for sale and want more. Notiuy public 814 ' 1 ,181' your pioportyvlth II. K. Colo. 31d S. JJ 1,1th , , room 1. 41'J _ MAHSHALL & LobeokChamber of Com * iniirru , Mth and Fnrnnin , ulfor the lollow- tng speclnl bnrgnlni ) : Next to corner -'nth "mil Lake , $7 , ' 00. Lot I'l , 6 ncies , 'spilnir Valley , 5500 per acre , $ l,0)Dra8h ) , b.ibmcoto suit. 20 nnd 2I , block 'J , Mnyno's nddltlon , $ liOO each. Corner lllth and Madison avenue. Washing ton Square , lot 3 , $ lSjl. ( 'i cash. I'ornur lots In LiFhPck'ri tiibdlxlslon , $2.n , 10 per ( cut cash , bulanco to suit. 'J"-1 Ipfll ) SALF.-Au east trout rottnvo Insiibdh ot .Ino I. lludick'H mid , 7 rooms. Lot IsvllO city watei In yard , good lawn , shrulibiny , ion hoiiH' , cess | ) oolceini < iited collar , liennttlll little tlo cottage home within one block of 5-inlnuln strict car survke. dionud worth what Is askei for property Price $ 'iOOOJ 1 , 400 cash nud assume mortgage. This price iroo I only till Oct. llth K\niis , V limcKliurii , 1.110 Dodge. 115 1 CLAIIICSON ft IIKATTV'S special bargains Flno biilldlng site in Highland I'lacii , comer HO * 1,1,1 , only f'VKiO. Kiiino block with Itogurs , V Wlihnell. 'I w.i flue blocks In Hojd's uilditlon fl.uocach below value Hero Is u fcnap for some ono Pinning mill will be In operatloi soon with < iO men and 21 homes could bo rentei or sold them at once. The low price we have Is only good for u short time. Call nud KC pricfs and terms Liue bt , U'l It , comer , only $3 , < )0) , 1WO cash bill easy. So. lUth Ft .fiilxHO , beautiful lot with shade nnd n good cottage , only 41,500 , $1,250 < n h lial very easy. Tbu ground alone la woith the iiinnoy We linvo n loigo list of Impiovrd residence propoily from $1.100 to $ I5U'U , nnd ninio ot \riyiusy puj munis. Claiknon & Unity , 21 SlUhbt. 0l J _ _ _ _ _ 17 > OH SAM- : Flue nntiroMil liu in ot 320 aeie in Gasper Co , Neb. , uli iindcTtenre ooi bouse , and all out biilldlnir , pncu JtX , Ad iliesi J. I ! nimw. mix .V.'s.L'ity 2il ) oUI > IIAMSiiMi ) : resiliences with ail modern > coini'iin in es , l"i salu at a burg.iln , U linn" ! mil pi it-o t ml ami nno the u II > ou arc look ng for a nemo , as llirv will bu noli ) ut r. K. Durlluif , llfiHUUi. LOOK thH oirr for bargain * . Lot ft , block 19Wd t lml ! on l'nrnini . . st..Vix 1st 1 cot 15,091 0.1x133 feet south nnd cnsl corner on Knr- nam st.otily ( i,00f 2.1 loot on Fnrnam st.near Twentieth . . . 8,791 JL Ixtt HI , Kluabeth Place , on Twentieth st , | j iVxUOfcot. wlth hoil o , . 4,001 f Lot 4 , block 7 , Kllby l'lacoen t front.ono- tilth cash . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,101 ' Lot 17 , block'.HIiuebnugh'sadd.ono acre ; with house 1,503 I/it II , Washington Suiaio , south front , I this Isn biirgnln , only 1,509 . . CO\llil on DoiUii high school , " with 12 room house 12,500 1 , ' 1 his U the cheapest Improved property oa this street. Onu south front lot with house on Spruce st , n nr Tvuuilloth . . . , . . $2,750 Lot 1 , block 7 , Kllby Place , corner on Davenport St.only one-fifth cash , , . . 1WO j 1 lot In Cntnlpa Place 1,2(0 ( Lot il , Wnsiiliigton Siiunro 3,000 Lot Id , Wiifhliniton square . . 3 , < 6v1 > Corner on Walnut nvo and Kurokn ft , In I S mid H. nddltlon to Walnut Hill , ono- tlflheish 1,900 I Lot t , block 14 , home nud barn , Isaac & Belden 3,500 Lot 4 , block L , Sliinu' * econd , with six i room hoii o 3,500 I-ot 4 , Vntos \ Heed's , * l\ room house . . . 2,200 Ixit t , block 3s , city , with eight hottses.tho be t tnu'Kngo lot In city .21,009 Lot 2 , Sunn ) side , corner , and good teen room hou-o 5,509 ' Lot .1 , block 14 , Omnha View , and four room honso 1,60(1 ( South to feet of lolsil and 4 , block 12elty , seven mom housoon Nlneieenth st. . 7,009 ri\l.1l1i.lohn on'snildllloiitliroo houses icntlugW per month 10.003 Lot 2.1 , Hoes pmco , snveu rotim trouso . . 7,001) ) Lots 4 and 5 , block Ambler placis line Seven loom house nnd Improvements , 3,50 ! LOIR 17 nnd is. blook V , Ambler place , good house , eight looms and Improve ments 5,501 ] Lot S block U , Si-hull's second 2,80(1 ( Lots I nud 2 block II , Jerome park cor. 8,000 Lofll IIIOCK 181 , city trackage , Sixth nnd , laeki > oii 10,000 i LolRil iind7 , Allen'ssub nl llegau'H . . . . . 3,500 ) Lot 8tllilook 3. Mnyno Pliieo 2,100 ' Lot 8'onth front , Hedlok's drove . . . 2,200 Lots 1 ? , 13 nnd 14 , south front , Poppleton park.oiioh 1,500 Lot 41 , Windsor place extension 1,10 Lot 5 blcck 2 , Creston lfl I Ixit 20 block 20 , Wllcox's serond 2,200 Lot 5 blooK 6,1'ottor \ Cobb'ssubof Piuk Plnce. . . . . 1,706 Lot 10 , Diivoiipoit'N HUbdiv 1.NX ) Lot 10 block 1. Ames1 PI 100 1,001) ) , Lots 5 nud ( I , block II , Shlnn's ndd , cor , 180x127 , grand opportunity for block of . Hats. 10,000 U < ll\tl2 It south front on Harnoyst , In West F.nd , graded and sodded , for. . 10,000 fiOxIQi feet near Twentieth st on liar nov t 12.000 Lot ilbloek.1 , llnwthoruo l , 0fl Lot 5bloik I , Paddock plnco . . . 4,000 , Lot * A nnd n block 4 Paddock place on Sherman ave , per front loot 175 Lots In blocks 21 mid 22 Cartilage , each . 850 lot li block I. Clarendon 1,750 Lnt21lilk I , Hodlcks park 1.000 8.\I2.1 ! ' , Cri'ooetit pniK 5,200 Lots2and3 blk3 lllilsiile No 1 3,5H ( ) Lot I block 4 , Knkwuod : 1,750 Lot * 1 2 and 3 block 1. A S Patricks add with bouse and barn 10,000 Lots.4 ! , 5 , atidO block H , Isahollu ndd , tinrkago . 0.000 Lot 11 block 2 , Fosters n Id.per front foot 100 S > < lots 10 nnd II block 3 , lionise add OOx IIKI , corner per front loot 100 Lot 3 block 1.'east front on Sniiudors st III Pntrleks"d nddpec front toot 100 I nero PniK plnco , lot il blook 1 between Woh-UT nnd Hurt four houses 8,300 10 aero lot 1' ) Follies'siibdiv tliiest gar den soil now under full crop . . 6,000 'i-ncio lot , I.'M feet I rout , Twenty-eighth and I'liming sti 14,000 fi-norolot. lljdo Pink 5,000 Lotin.l. K Itlloy'Bsnb , $1,10) to 1,000 Lots In Priiyn Park 500 Lots In ( iramineiey Paik , J700 to . . . WO Lots In Fnlrniount Phicn. * < " > ( ) to. . . . 1.800 Uts In M.voisllliMianIs * Tlldoil's.1CO to i.OOO Lots In llrlggs Pliioo , $1.5"0 to . . . . 3,100 Lolc In Kount/o Place. $ " 'iHlto 4,500 Lots In Hnneeoin Park add l'50 ' Lot and U room house , Oak Chatham. . . . 3,000 Lot and house. Kount/o 4lh mid 3,500 Lot and hou o , Ponoekou's add , . . 1,500 Lots In Highland Pink , onu-lunth cnsh , tUM to 350 > Lots IT , Omaha Heights , one-llfth cash , . $3ifl ) to 57S Lois In Ml. Pleasant , $15010 700 l Lois In Catnlpa Plaoo , $ l.Wto 1WK ) Lots m S .V II. ndd to Hill , $ l'0 lo 1,500 Tim above nre but n feet the many cholco lots that wo have for sale. Lbt > our property with us nnd have It sold. Omahn Ilenl I'stnto Jc Trust Co. , V C. Illinobaiigh , Piosldoiit , Alvln Snittnlors , Secretary and Treasurer , 1501 Fnrnam HI. 81H3 SNAP One of these elegant corners 75xt27 ! ( , , on diaries st with 4 room house and barn for $2inoousy terms or ti.OOJ all ensh.F.L.Oref ' ory , 3'0 S 15th ft 273 FOH SALiAt : n nacrlllce , lots 3 and 5 , bile II , Albright's annex. Lot 8 m Pelliam Plnco , 1 share Lowe Avenue Turrtico llulldlngassocln- tliin stock. F Harrutt. with llclln .V Thonip * pen. 317 S 15th st. 8.11 _ CALIFOHMA street elegant south front icsliloiKo noar23td Ht..oleveuroom house , all modem ImprovemoiitH and good barn built | by thoownor and In tlist-elaso condition , $17.- lioo , very easv teims. Omaha Heal INnito & Trust Co. , 1.104 Fin nam si. 2'JS 3 SALK Klogant 10 room hou ( i , nil niod- FOH ern convenloni'es.oiily $ .1JO cnsh loipilrcd. I H. K .Cole , 3101S Ifltb. 813 N'ICi : cottage nud full east Trout lot near two car lines , $3'iOO , easy payments. P. 1C Darling' 4IB S. 15th. | I4B 2 rC-ltOO.M house and lot In South Omnhn , on . 'J casv monthly payments. F. 1C. I'lirllng ' I 410JM5th. 1453 j "IJ10K SALK Finest location for n homo In JWuat Omaha , adjoining the mansion homes of KlrkendallCo , llrady , Knsson anil othom Nothing tlnnr In the city. Can sell 111.1x187 or los : lor firicos and terms see S. A. , 1,101 Farnam st 7J3 CiOODHICII The Corner Slono linid by the Odd Fellows YcstniMi.ty. lleaik-d by the Union I'.ieiliu band , the va rious lodges of O.lil Fellows in full nunlin , yi-sluiilny innrcliuil to tlio curlier of Saundora nnd Hamilton sticcts. Tburo was performed tlio Impressive cctomotiy , accordiiiK to tlio ilitml , of laviiij ; tiiocortior stuiio on tliu slto ol tlio niiw ( ioodili'h linll , A doli'Katlon Ol Iho various stale olllcers nri'swit. Alter llm .services us prescribed bv Iho rit ual were perlornu'd , tun cornur stoiii5 was laid , alter wnlcli Uuv. Charles \V. j.u'Il ; o ( lollvered tliu nililruss. Itnsldcs bcliiK a sta tistical leviewol tlio onlor. .sliowliu in UK * uri'.s UK Iticrcaso nud by te.sUiuoiiy Its tisuful- nes , 1m ointloii was fiiuhly i > nlo.Utlc ; and nuliivur diutoilrnl cllnit , icllecliiig crcdiliibly allliuuti tlui ordci spokoi ) of nnd tliu merits < il the otator. Accnnllnu' to tuu IlKurus sub- iiilllnd , thi ) order nl Odd 1'Vllows bad itrt ori gin in London In 171.1. Its muiiiburbliit ) waa low unil Its condition poor. Krom thn litun * bio otlclii tints poitraved , It was sliowii that tlio mciiihui.shlp nil over tlui world amounted to fj'J\00 ( ) niLMiibers , ol wliloli Nubr.tska tilono conli United its quota ol .1,010. Union sowinfMHiicliiiiP , IfiOO Ho want nt , A Yoiinc Iliuliwayiiiuu Cnpturoil. About 0:1)0 : ) last ovi'iilui ; a wull Un-hscd young tou'11 nntiied John ICInc Htopped .John Cniineuly nn tliu corner of Jackson nnd Kleventli streets and dum indi'd Ills iiionuy , Upon IIPIIIK iiifnsoil liojr w very insolent nnd thrcatciicil to 1:111 : Conncely. Hut Hint ieiitli'iiinn turned on Ills lied nnd iiitmini ; down to Tenth slrcot inlniiiiL'il Olllcur Di'iiipsov nf tbc nlTilr : , Alter n short scarcli tbo > oung liik'liwayniniivas ciitiited | In n Tlilitt'iMith htrci't saloon. Union sowing machine , 100 ! ) Howard st. Crlnilnuls ScnliMiDiMl. Ycsterdny was n busy day in the criminal jmisiliellon of .liulgu < i roll's court. bc\on piiFonurs woiu convlutud and suntcnci'd us itllov ) > - : Cli.irlcs Sinitli , robbery , llvo years ; L. U. Taylor , Imijjlary , sovi'ii ycait. ; Joint Jones , lobbcry , be\en years : Ki'lix lt"ddy , pocket plckini ; , tlnco ycnii ; ( 'h.iilcs Lyons , Kaiulillng. S100 line ; Itcnj.imin I ) . Duvino and John U.illey , lobbury , tlnui ) t-.icli. Inli'rniil KiiviiiiiKt ( "itllrot IOIIM Voatcnliiy's Intein.vl rL'\L'iiuo collcictiotis ninounted to Sl-J.ia-i.OI. Tim culluulioiin for tliu last mouth aru as follow- , : llcer stamp- , . S If5i7\05 : .Spiiit statiips . riKrti stiunps . Tobacro htanips . .Special tax . , 'J'.I1.CO 1'uiniltlu ? . > .tO Total . 5lvj,5u5.6J ( Union sewing tnachlnn , Kid ! ) Howiiut tt , Short ( "ri'illt Vcsteiil.iy thi * eniiiniKsion iiiun rnted tin- new sy > tiim of sliori crudil. For merly llic er > - lit iritun w.i- > thirty tlnys , w.tti RiM'Vlt'iiHiiui in la\ < > r ot cn'dilurs ot ulll- cii'iit st u.ilni' ' . ' . I inter tin' ni'U nun a | nduiiie > i , nil | ianiunb ; uu to bu wuijo nnil collecUJ weekly ,