rv r J 7T i ' ( - . - V OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SATURDAY , OCTOBER ] . 1887. Making Beady to Accord Grover a Grand Reception. A RIDE THROUGH THE CITY. One too > lnjr Mm In n Family Ijlkcly to Cniiso n TrnKody A Miss- Inic Bankrupt Other tiocal News. All For CJrovor. Yesterday morning there was a mooting of gctitlumcn in Max Meyer's store to make arrangements for the reception of President Cleveland on tile 12th of October The bonnl of trmlo was represented by President Max Meyer , Johli A McShano and P. K. Her ; the Knights of Pythias by Colonel Hnrrcll , Captain Crapcr and Julius Meyer , and the council by Pres ident licckcl and Councilman IJ.iilcy , Ford , Htiscall and Lowry. Mr. McShanc presided and Max Meyer noted as secretary. It was announced that the president would arrive on the llHIi of next month and that hist stay would not bu longer than an hour and a half , and it was nro rssary therefore that the reception con templated should be in keeping with that time. A drive through the city was decided upon as the me.ins to interest the presi dent and the people. Along the route could be arranged the civic and military sociotic' which should desire to take part in the reception. The Knights of Pythias , it was an nounced , would form on Tenth and Fur- niun streets , or. both Hides of those thor oughfares , and thus extend possibly to Fifteenth , as it was thought there would ho at least U.OOOknigrHs present. Through thoHo lines the presidential party could bo driven , and after the passauo of the sumo the knights would fall in and pa rade until it .should become necessary for the presidential visitors to move at a rapid trait to pass over the route. Several routes were proposed , the most favorable one being the following : Tenth to Farnam , thence to SixteenthInenco to Dodge , Fifteenth , Capitol avenue. Four teenth , Doiiglas.Tentli , llaruey.Klcventh south to a favorable crossing , thence north on Tenth pu t lirownull hall to the denot. This route is subject to rc\ision , and to-day , with this end in view , a sub committee consisting of Messrs. McShanc , Bailey , Hcchel , Julius Mojer and Her will travel over it , meeting afterward to decide upon u Holcction. It is quite probable that the premdcnt will he driven around the high school , from which place ho may bo able to get an excellent view of the entire city. city.A A committee of live on decorations was suggested and this led to the suggestion n meeting of citi/.ens to subscribe money with which to decorate the city on the line of the presidential drive. The committee \\ill meet again this morning. A IIUSHAM ) AM ) A IiOVCIl. Family Troubles Caused Hy 'ion Many Alcn. A. Harvey , a porter on the Union Pa cific railway , who resides on Leaven- worth street between Thirteenth and Fourteenth , is having anything but a felicitous time with his wite , whom ho married six years ago in St. Joseph , Mo. Harvey's duties keep him from homo the greater part of the time. His wife , no doubt thinking it not good for her to bo alone , made a mash on n moke named Johnson who works in a livery stable on Eigh teenth street and had him with her dur ing the absence of her husband. One night recently. Harvey came homo un expectedly and found Johnson enjoying the fruits of his labor and basking in the snnlight of his wife's eyes. Harvey locked tlio door and Johnson started to run oil' but was caught , and now carries u badly punished head. Johnson continued his visits and on n later occasion was warned to keep uway , when ho nourished a revolver at the outraged husband and defied him to do anything. The people in that neigh borhood expect a tragedy to occur al most at any time. ' HoVIIH llankriipt. A man named Walker has been staying nt the Millaid hotel for a few days and has been displaying himself in the most gorgeous manner. > Vlion he wanted to leave the house yesterday lie had no money. Then his trunk was hold. Ho said ho had a bank account at Sibley , la. and asked the clerk to telegraph for any amount. The clerk did oo but the an swer was unsatisfactory. Then the gor geous gentleman wrote : "Dear llattio. Things have gene wrong with mo. The Missouri river claims mo to-night. Kiss Hattie , the baby , for mo. DICK " Ho asked that this note bo not posted until after 8 o'clock. Ho left an envelope addressed to "Mrs. K. Walker , West Third street , Sioux City , la. , " and suddenly disappeared. SOUTH OMAHA NEWS. A handsome little girl made its appear- nnco yesterday at the homo of Mr. and Mrs William Glenn. James Ho wo , of Chicago , arrived yester day morning to take charge of the ollieo of Armour's packing house. The now Hour mill at Albright is boinc put up rapidly and will bo ready for operation in a few weeks. Dr. Downing , of Orleans , Neb. , and an old classmate of Dr. Kirkpatriek , waa visiting the latter yesterday. The doubli ! track on the Union Pacific between this city and Council HI nils will bo ready for use by Sunday. A now store room will bo erected on N street , near Hudson's storo. Harvey Uchr has returned from a trij : ' west , and has resumed hta duties in tUv B. it M. ollieo. A. D. Uonwu.y , n citi/on of Cardova , III. , is in the city with a view of starting in business here. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Heuson , were honored yesterday by the appearance o twinH at their home. The cherubs weigl 7j pounds each. James P. Hayes and A. Kilner hav < returned from a hunting tour through tin valley country. They brought bacl some nice lish and gamo. One plain druuk was brought before Judge Heuther yesterday mottling am mulcted in the sun. of $ U.r > 0. Enterprise Lodge Knights of Pythia held a meeting hero Thursday night am confored the second degree on sixteei > new members. Alderman Locschcr will open his ncv saloon and hotel , the golden gate , 01 Tuesday evening with a grand ball. A number of the republicans of Soutl Omaha met in the Times ollieo Thursda ; and organized what is known as th South Omaha Republican club. F. M Smith was elected president , A. J. liiild win vice-president and L. Carpenter sea rotary. 1 ho club has twenty-one mem bers. There was a little sensation hero Thurs flay night , when a young man fron Omaha hiui-Mnggie Maroney. alms Lill Koarh , alias Ncllm Taylor , a fallen tlpv V belonging toDug Johnson's bagnio nrros ' . ted , The complainant suid the. girl live u Omaha , , was only thirteen } our old , nnil that her parents did not know where she was , but thought she was working for some respectable fam ily. The girl was sent to a hotel in cnnrgo of a policeman , but was released yesterday morning , as she claimed to beef of age. She lias been in the dive onlyfour weeks , nnd was then a very innocent- looking thing , not appearing over four teen , but has been contaminated by the society in which she has moved. The girl's father has been notified to come after her. _ nit ; COUKTS. What WIM Done Urfore the JticlKCH YcHtc relay. There was very little business done in the district court yesterday. The case of Wilson against Shields occupied Judge ( Jroir.s attention and tins Hartman case demanded Judge Wakcley's time. Judge ( Jroir will makn several deci sions in criminal cases this morning and Monday morning ho will commence to hear the criminal cases ready for trial. Judge Wakeloy will take up the equity docket Monday morning. I'OMCU COt'UT. There were six vags and eight drunks before Judge Horka yesterday morning. Four of the former were discharged , ouo ordered to leave town and one got ten days , Of the drunks three were dis charged , two got $5 and costs and one paid til ) and costs. Charles Ktiss , grand larceny , was bound over to the district court in the sum of 500. Five gamblers Tom Presson , Sam Keys , Will Lewis , S. U. Fmley , and Robert Hates had their cases continued until 1 ! JO p. in. to-day Hall , a gambler , had his case continued until October 6 at 2 p. 111 ' - Tlio Coiincllmnti anil thn lllankcts. Several of the councilmen spoke yes terday to a HKI : reporter disclaiming all responsibility for the sufleriug of the prisoners in the city jail , because of lack of covering , during those cold nights. They claim that Chief Seavoy made a requisition upon the comptroller and that the latter had failed to rccogni/c it because- lie had been informed that he would bo held personally re sponsible for any goods delivered to him on his order. Air. Goodrich , ' the comu- trollcr told Mr. Hartman this and further that all that it was necessary to do to secure the blankets was for him to put his name to the requisition. This , the councilman claimed , Mr. Hartman refused to do. How the blankets , were subsequently obtained , the councilm.in could not tell. The intent was not to bo careless of the prisoners but to show that they do not rccognuo the chief , especially when the members of the com mission may do all that is required in such emergencies. of Pythian. The work of preparation for the grand celebration of the Knights of Pythias in this city is progressing satisfactorily. Among the latest to signify their intent of being present are IJrigadier General K. L. Ur.ind of Illinois , Colonel J. II , Lyon of Lea\enworth , Kali. , and Colonel E , II. Ribbon of Marshalltown , who will como with the crack uniformed division of that place to compote for the pri/cs. Besides the lodges already enumerated Ft. Dear born division of Chicago , one of tiio best drilled in the country , will also be pres ent. The intention is to decorate the Farnam street arcli in a most beautiful manner. The cential figure will com prise Damon and Pythias , ami on each of the pedestals will bo a live knight in armour. _ Turtle soup at RoscnmumPs. A Von nc Jockey , Charles Morton , the English jockey , whose last engagement was one of $3,000 n year to ride for Lord William Bcres- ford , brother to Lord Marcus , the olli- cially appointed starter of the English Jockey club , is in town. Lord William Beresford the late was aide-de-camp to viceroy of India , Lord Kipon. When Mor ton rode for him , ho won the viceroy's cup on Reputation , the colonial's cup on Palnierston , the Maraja Sebungus cup on Little Charley , the grand annual on Jack ; also the Umbala stakes and manv other classic races. Merton is here broken down and on his way to Califor nia. He is twentyliveyears old , andean ride at ninety pounds , lie would take any kind of employment to get to the east , whore he could follow Ins calling. Turtle soup at Hosenmuml's. After Kolhory. Officers from Council Blull's were in the city last night looking for Herb Hothery , and they made themselves quite numer ous near several dwellings. District At torney Daily , of the Blull's , telephoned that Kotliory was in South Omaha and thither a whole posse went. The facts are that Hothery is now in Australia , having taken the train tlio next day alter his sentence and gene directly westward to S.m Francisco , whence he shipped , Arc You GoiiiK I2nat ? The Limited Express of the Michigan "Tho Falls Boute " Central , Niagara , which leaves Chicago at 3:10 : p. m. every day , is in many respects the favorite train East , on account of its splendid equipment , admirable service and fast time , for which no extra charge is matio. It carries superb \Vacnor Palace Sleep ing Cars , running through without change to Toronto via the Canadian P.iciuc , to New York via the Now York Central it Hudson Bivor , and to Boston via the Boston As Albany railroads. Ni agara Falls is nassed early in the morn ing and the train halts several minutes at Falls View , where the scene is un rivalled. Another 1'nuklug On November 1 tlio erection of a bricV packing lioii.se will bo begun in Potter A Cobb's addition , South Omaha. Murphy Sr Co. , wealthy beef and pork packers o Chicago , are the projectors , ami whei completed the structure vvill have cos fM.OOO. The situ chosen is on the wes side of tlio Union L'acilic track niu twenty rods south of Obern it Hoosick' slaughter house , in South Omaha. DDr S. U. Patten , dentist , room illfl Kamgo buildinu , Omaha. Telephone 0i ( Waterworks lOxtrriHlon. The waterworks arc now building ; It-inch main from Fourteetliand llownr to Twentieth and Vinton streets. Tlii main when completed will bo used t supply the territory lying south of th Union Pacilio railroad tracks , parttcu lady along Tenth , Eleventh , Twelfth Fifteenth , Sixteenth and Seventeen ! streets. Other mams will bo speedily k cated in ditleront parts of the city. Got a Hocking Chair. Ed. LePago , a mall carrier , was mar rled Thursday evening to Miss Emmr Dunn. The mail carriers marched to th home of the nowly-mnrried man and pr < ented him with an elegant plush rockin chair. The presentation speech on bolial of the carriers was made by Mr , T. \ Monroe. Democratic Kconnmy. Postmaster Gallagher says that throng some system of economy which ferbii ! having a tire in the grates they are a shivering in the postollleo buildin ) However , next week this freezing matU will bo remedied. , ' W. C. T. U. Progress of the Work of the Third An- ual Convention. At yesterday morning's sessionof the W. C. T. U devotional exercises were con ducted by Mrs. Klla Pearson , and , after reading minutes of the last convention , and receiving reports of committees on credentials , and the roll call of officers and delegates , tlio report of the local unions took placo. These were highly interesting. They dwelt upon the pro gress made in the work nnd the genera , good to the community established. One report stated that there was not a saloon to he found anywhere in Burt county. The semi-annual report of the trcas urer shows the society out of debt , and u balance in the treasury of f J5. The ex penditures were slight only ft.31. ) Mrs. Clack , the president , stated that the little church on Dodge street , where the morn ing meetings are held , was owned by the society , and that the lot , estimated as worth f3J,000 , was owned by other parties. The afternoon exercises have opened with prayer by Mrs. Mary Bond , anil reports followed from unions , and re ports of superintendents were read. The reading of the following p.ipers con sumed the larger portion of the after noon : Juvenile Work , Miss Eva Byron ; Hygiene and Heredity , Miss B. M. Rogers ; Evangelistic. Mrs. Ella Pearson ; Jail and L'rison , Mrs. A. M. Bookings ; Social Purity , Mrs. O. M. Leader ; Fran chise , Mrs. M. Carrican ; Scientific In struction , Miss M. A. "Kendall ; Young M omen's Work , Mrs. O. N. Unthank ; Union Signal , Miss Lottie Fullen. The old board of ollicess was then reelected - elected with the exception that Mrs. Dr. Bryant was elected corresponding secrc > tary in place of Mrs. Olive M. Leader. 'Iho evening session was held in the First Baptist church , and was largely at tended , It was commenced with the reading of the scriptures by Mrs. Dr. Bryant , and prayer by Rev. Dr. Footer. The committee on resolution made a rci port , as also did the committee on plan of work. Mrs. A. H. Richards , of Au burn , read an original poem entitled "Drifting"Mrs. F. P. Day rendered a soprano solo , and Mr. Frank Smith and Mrs. Day rendered a duet. Drs. Black sang "Ninety and Nine , " Mrs. Annie M. Palmer made an interesting address on temperance work. Mrs. Ellen Blair , of Creighton , also made an interesting and instructive address. The closing exercises of the meeting will bo held at the W. C. T. U. rooms , Dodge street , this morning. On Sund.xy afternoon Mrs. Mary \ \ oodbridge , national recording seoro- tary of tlio orgamationill deliver an address at the Congregational tab ernacle. _ Arrest ofn , Hublior. A German named C. J. Schaefer was arrested la t night for attempting to rob a young Swede named Charles Carlson at Palmquist's board hit : house on Uie corner of Tenth and Dodge streets. Schaefer , in company with a younger man , took lodgings at the boarding house yesterday afternoon. About 0 o'clock Carlson came homo and wont into his room , which happened , to join that of the two strangers. Following him into his room , they sei/ed and tried to strangle him , meanwhile attempting to rillo his pockets. Carlson fought des perately and managed to keep them at bay. Alarmed by his loud cries for help the would-bo robbers lied without obtain ing any booty. About 10 o'clock bhaefcr was captured by Ollicers Bloom and Cullen - len in a .saloon on Ninth street near Dodge. The younger thief is still at largo , but the olliccrs expected to have him in custody by this morning. CHICAGO , KOCIC ISLAND & PA CIFIC IIAIIAVAY'S Grand i\ciirwlcm : to Chicago $17.15 Tor the Hound Trip. On October Itii , 7th and 10th , ( lie C. R. I iSs P. railway will sell tickels from Council Hind's to Chicago and return in cluding admission to the International Military Encampment for sflT.ir . Tick ets good G dajs from date of sale. Two trains daily running. Now elegant Pull man palace sleeping and dining cars. Ticket olhce IDM r.irnam street. S. S STKVI'.NS , General Agent. Kiilciilcd hy Drowning. About noon yesterday Jacob Rhoadcs committed suicide while under the in- llueiieo of liquor , hj jumping from a skill'in which ho and two companions were crossing tlio Missouri river below tiie city. The suicide came here recently from Columl us , Ohio , where ho was en gaged m the commission business. It is understood that a woman was indirectly the cause of his la li act. The body has not been recovered. I'olico Alarm Knyx. Couucilmon Bailey and Manvillc have noticed that there are certain police alarm boxes which are beyond the beats of the nearest policemen , and to which no keys can bo had in case of need unless by hunting up tlio nearest olliccr , who may bo blocks away. They suggest that keys in such cases ought to bo left for use with some of the most reliable and intell igent neighbors , the same as is dono\Mth lire alarm kejs. Stenliuc a Cal > . Yesterday morning a follow whowanted to make some money out of another's property jumped on a cab at the Ameri can District telegraph oflieo and was driv ing it off at a rapid gait , when the regular driver of the vehicle overtook him and , treating him to some sound kicks and blows , let him go. Contractors Notice. The time for receiving bids upon the Industrial College building of the Uni versity of Nebraska , is hereby extended until 12 o'clock noon , on Monday , Octo ber ! i , 1887. By order of the committee in chartrc , J. S. DAI.KS , Secretary. Lincoln , Sept. 20,1387. Rlt Hy a Tiger. The man who discoursed so freely con cerning tlio amiability of the animals at the circus had his hand terribly bitten by one of the tigers. He was feeding them at the time , \\lien the animal sprang upon him tearing the llesh in an ugl > manner. A Grant Kllllnc. Ed Bothcrty's dog , Pete , killed fiftccc rats in two minutes yesterday morning , which is considered remarkable time The rats had boon trapped in thoFashioi restaurant and wore delivered from tin trap to the dog at a pell mell spceit. Gate City IlrnsB Hand. The old North Omaha band will Here after bo known as the Gate City Bras : band , with A. J. Langnr as leader , Join Kastumn , president : 11. Kreimir , secre tary , and Charles Walker , treasurer. Turtle soup at Rosenmund's. To the Hungo. Lieutenant Wright , Second infantry with twonty-ono unlisted men , wont yes terday to Bellevue range to complete tht'i rille tiring for the season , and will rcturi to Fort Omaha about October 10. The Chief' * Upturn. Chief Galligun , of the fire department has returned from nttcudiug the lir chiefs * convention nt Atlanta , Ga. Ho looks as ruddy aa if ho had just attended u conflagration. A life Brickyard. A Chicago firm lias leased ground * one and one-half miles south of Albright , for the purpose of manufacturing brick. This enterprise will give employment to 100 men. _ A Minister Called. The Congregational church on Hamil ton street , has extended a call to Rov. W. J. Palm of Alexis , III. , to como hero and accept the pastorate of the sumo. A Defective Flue , A small lire occurred yesterday morn ing on Fifteenth street , near the St. Paul depot. The damage was little or nothing. A defective Hue vuis the cause. ive Thnusntul. S. L. Wiley has sold to Joseph It. Blair tiie one-story buildings and lots at the corner of Capitol avenue and Seventeenth streets tor 85,000. , In this city , September 29 , by the Ucv. T. M. House. Mr. Ernest Gibson uiid Mrs. .Min nie Pugslcy , both of Um.ilm. Boston papers plea e copy. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of pur ty.etrotiKth and wholesomenoss. Mare coon- omicil tlmn the ordinary kinds , and cntmot bo sold In competition with the multitude ot low cost short weight nlum or pho phnto powders. Sold only In cans. UOYAI. DAKINU I'owDKR Co. 181 Wfill-Bt. . N. Y. PRIVATE DISEASES lllood poison , M-nercnl Hint , Elect stricture , tuninnl emis sions , lo 8 of Bcxual porter , wiiknets of tiie eexual or- pine , Hfint of cliuiru In mulu or f c in n 1 c , whither from i in p r 11 d c u t h a li I t B of young or per- nil Imhita In mature year * , or any cnuic thatiltliilitjitis the R c x u il functions , speedily and permanently tiirid. Consultation tcea and strictly confidential Medicine suit free from oWnntion to all parts of the United btiitcs. Corrccpondcnce ncthca prompt nttentlon No Itttcrf luiswcnd unlcis accompdiilcd by four cents In etampa ' bend ten cult * in ftnmps for pamphlet and list of questions. 'Krmittrlctly cnsh. tall nnoraddttm i > u ro\viii. : : itKinxs , No. 3H South nth bt. Omaha , Nib CAPITAL PRIZE , $150,000 , "Wo do hcrobv certify tlmt we < upnrrln the rrani-r'nH'iits for all the Monthl ) und bomi Aniiuiil Iru\\lnt3 ) of 'Hie I/ouhlanii Miito Lot pry I'oinpnny , and In person nmmisro iiiul con to ! the driiultius llu'in ohes. and tlmt thn ntno am ( ' ( iniliiL'tcil with honusty , fall lies * and n food faith towatd all purtlos , mid uo ititthor /i the Cuinpnny to use this cortlllcato nli lao timilex of out biKiiilttiri ! attached , in its udvur iseiiients " COMMISSION'KHS. Wo the undersigned IlnnkR nnd Dnnkcrs will P y all I'rlzoa drntvn In The Loulalnna Stuta " ittcries which may bo presented ut our coun- era. .1. II. or.t.rsnY , I > res. I.oulslixim National Rk. I'lKRKE I.ANAU.V. I'ris. Stiito Nutioiuit 1U A. IIAI.mVIN , I'res. Now Orleans Nitt'lllunk CAUL. UUIIN , I'res. Union National Uunk. NPRECEDENTI-nTATBTACTION ! U OVER HALF AJILLION DISTRIBUTED. Loulsania State Lottery Company Incorporated In N .for 21 yosruDr the l.cg l lnturn for cdiicitlonal anil churltabio purpo fi with u rnplml of Jl KlUlXXJ-to nhun reserve fund of over ( , ' > 50UUUhai tlnce been added. llrnnoterwholiiiinii iinpulnr vote Its frunchlio WM made K pnrt of tht nresent state constitution adopted December 'nd. A. D , H.1. Ubooniy lottotr ever Toted on nnd endorsed by the people of any state. H nnvor scales or postpone * . ItBGrnml Slncle Number Drawing takoplnte monthly , nnd thn Semi-Annual Draninvs iejU- larlj every slv months ( Juno and Doccmlipr. ) A SPLENDID 01'1'OHTUNITV TO WIN A OUTUM : . Tenth Grand Drawinjr , this ? K , In the Acitdfliny of Music , Now Orleam. Tuns- day , Dctobcr U , 1887 awth Monthl } Draninif. CAPITAL PKIKK , fill50,000. Vf Notice-Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves , * 5. Fifths , $2. Tenths , SI. LIST OK I'llKLS. 1 CAI'ITAIiPUl/.K OK J1W.OOO , 1UKANII I'ltlZK OK W.UOO . . . fiO.dOO 1 ( JltAND I'ltlZnoP Mm ( . , 20.0JJ 2 I.AUCK I'UI'/KSOK 10.000. . . , 2U.OJJ 4 LAUdK 1'itl/ES OF fiXX ) . . , 0.000 SO I'Ul/.ES OF 1,0(11) ) . . . ftfl * * 600 . 26,00i ) 100 " [ 10,000 200 ' 40,0(10 ( WO " 50.00U AI'I'nOXIMTION PI 100 Approximation I'li/csot s.too. iSl 2'0 100 ' 10KK1 ( l.WW Ttrmlnnl & 0 w.ouo 2 17H Prlppi ntnonntlnir to . fM'i. Aulillratlon for r U to cliib nheulrt lie mime onlf to tm-oftlceof thecompunjrln .Vow Orl in . Vnr further liifiirinntlnn write clenrlj , Elrlns full ddre" . I'OSTAI.MJTKS , iiiretimoner ordurs.or ( > \ork Eioli iiB l" ordinirT letter. Curroucy lir - l t ' ' " ? " ' . ipri-M ourcl'ieni'j"I'n.i.v NEW , LA. , OrM. A. . WAbHISOTOS. D. G Iteolntcreil letter * to MSW OKI.KA.V8 NATIONAL HANK. Out K\NS T > f Ij Tn t the presene * or r > W xr 1 ? \T It Jj ! M lii ai li rj It oeaeruli ilenureitiird and Earlr , who re In chsnia of th druwlngi , u a guar antee ct ab olutn falrneu and IkKzrur , tbac tn eaancctarealieiiml , and that ne one oa potilQif ClTlne wont number will draw a 1'rlie. . nUMKMIIK.lt that the payment of H PrUe Is OUAIliVTflK V KOI'll NATION U. HASKSOf New Orleani.and tbo Tlcketmre tinned t'T ' the pre < la j otan Initltutlon , whoie rhirteret rl Hl nre rocoj- ntted In tbe hluhest ( oiirts : therefore , bewara of aur ImUatlonioranonrinoui ichooiai LYON&HEALY ST , MENS UNDERWEAR , The time tor neavy underclothing is at hand and we are prepared to supply the whole city with these garments. "We are large buyers which means low prices , we buy these goods direct from mills and commission - * sion houses pay no jobbers profits and we guarantee to save you from 25 to 50 per cent , and on the finer grades even more. Our assortment - * ment comprises over 50 different qualities , among : the leading styles of which we recommend an excellent all wool scarlet shirt and drawers - * ers at 50c , and a splendid camel's hair regular made at 55c apiece. Ei ther one is sold by other houses for double the money , we also carry a large line "of California flannel underwear , and particularly mention one we sell at one dollar as being : a better shirt than you buy else where for $1.50. Our line of cnssimerc skills , winter hosiery , gloves and other furnishings is equally largtl and prices throughout very low. Our hat department is a great success. We venture to pay that we are selling more hats than any exclusive hat house. And why shouldn't we ? . It will not surprise you when you compare our prices with those of others. An elegant fur derby of the latest blocks for $1. Just one-half what others charge for same quality. For rainy days we call attention to our large stock of rubber clothing and umbrellas , alj of which we sell at less than wholesale prices. All goods marked in nlain figures and at strictly one price at f Nebraska Clothing Company Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha. OMAHA MEDICAL & SURGICAL INSTITUTE. Car , 13th St. and Capitol Auc. , OMAHA , NC3. roU THE TRF VTME.NT Oh At I. CHRONIC v SURGICAL DISEASES DRACES AND APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES. TRUSSES , AID THE NEW VMICOCEU SUSPENSORY CLAMP COMPRESS. TVrt fnollltlc * | p r t 14 nM r ni tlr ft r ucr > * ftillrilm.nt ' vi-nr foniluM . Mir | Uirili He lit 1 or * tirji ! trrnhnpiit WRIT * ton ( I at lit u ra llrfoniiitira liiti } [ ia < rn < lull I * ftt Cur lui < llli ' 'plii I llf , Imnnri , L ncrr C.linli Ilinncl Ills Inll.l.tin II > lrl ilv I'lriloU hiile | | > Mlilfy , UUJJ , . , Ve , K r , * ) kln , mi t lllovl , tinj All uigicil OK.I UUUI. Book on Diseases of Women I'ltHI ! . Only Reliable MEDICAL INSTITUTE M \KIV5 A DI'LCMm Of PRIVATE , SPECIAL aid NERVOUS DISEASES , .All BUxxl III * MM MinwtftillvtrcfttM Pji hllitle r < % i on remm l fruiit It ) * * ? ' Inn mltnul iiicicury New Ittklnmtlvo liritn put fi r lx.fi orltil IVmr 1 eiMii * uuabla t * i it immav latieaul * t littnt 1 y Oinr | nlfitfcUruiiiimin1fitl mConf lentinl Hwli cjiuaoi Iintriiiiiciiltwnt bv mailer eipit-M KiurHy j ikfJ no mirk * lot i otilrutu ti ! rr One | - * * | intinEtw lull n t ntultin or II ItiMuj of > wuIBK , lth U 1 ill lUtn iUH'i vur BOOK FREE TO MEN ! t'prtnPrl * l el fl.l nn ! VrirtUI DiM-.Kt &rmlilfll wmkrfM Kirimal' uli * Imjmlpiicy , Hyplnli. tjwiimli < jiiiljlt t , uj " 1 vr\ \ * Kt iln fur 1 llciit > . AUl .l , , /'iiu MHHCU , tt sritniruj nsriTir , or ? .fjcilenamy , Cor , I3tti st. & Capitol AT .onjna , iieb. ilal'NMCI ' ' orl'upers Free. 1 he proprietor of thu Omaha .Medic il antl xur l * eal Institute h is p ibil hcd a \ ilnub u BO of buuk * unit pupur upon thronl Hint surKlnl itNotttes und lelonnltlt * . aud the tnntbods nt euro wliloh h ivo Ktven linn the reputation of hi ! nt ; the nnist ekillful ind dUCLOctful ipu l.illtln ho nt > < tt , and niidu tin * nstltulo bo tt'lo iralod tlmt lu tllcines .ruti.ntlo ind patients rocol c 1 from eri'iy state In thu union Amoni ; thu booki I * una upjn tbu UHcuitM of xiraun , nno nuun titrroii" , puilul and private "Is- JU H of the rfpxinii and nrlnury orArauii , v rk < > ( i.lo curud by an rule il o lerft'lom ' and their lattilv Inruiil * oil clamp ounpri'si ausp 'ttsory lor thd relief nnd rurcof viirlcucele. ni'rvoiii oiliau tlon nnUsevu.il deIn lt > MOT reitoratlvu tr atniunt 1'an.rs ution MiiKit' il braces ptlo < , tint-er ( * , paiulyaU , titn. Kluo * trlcitjr nnd t ie nax mugni'tle butiery lor homo line ; ulHirh mid lnl lMtlon , etu Unlike mint b nk < i Mied by doctor * Ireo , they do not con lst of tojtl- roonl.'iU with ttctltloui nnmi'sanil Initials , nr rnbblili ol that kind , I'UtHre ' pi iln desirlptlonn of ill-oaso. ympuim . new d * cofi'rle In in. Heine , nursery and elo'-trklty , and arc wi'll worth thepuriiinl nnd an be nutalnrdfreob ) iiitilru"liiL' the Onialm Updl- . ' I and Suri-Mcnl Initltute , Uth street anil Capitol BTcniio , Omiina. " - - WILL NEVER BREAK FOR SALE EVERYWHERE nulUd ucd Eiit ( . u u id natiuiui U. S. UEI'OSITOUY , Omctlia , Paid up Capital $250,000 Surplus 42,500 H. W. Yates , President. Lewis S Hecil , Vlci-I'rosldrnt. A. K. Toii/alin. 2il Viee-PrcsUlcnt. W. 11. a. Ilti hud , C.ibhler , DlUKCTOHb : W , V. Morse , John S Collins H. W. Yates Lewis S. Kcml A. E. Ton/aim. UANKINO OFFICE : THE IRON BANK Cor. 12tli and Farnam Jjls. A General Uankin" ; Business Transacto STECK PIANOS Remarkable lor powerful fympa- thet'c tone , pliable action and ab solute durability , 30 years' record , the be t guarantee of the excel lence of these instruments WOODBRIDGE BROS , W UJJDEVELOPED PARTS of the tody mlarjid and itfnstti nid Full v rtlo- , iw MU ) , < ; c BOTTLE Cincinnati , O. For sale by the following agents : Richardson Drug Company ; R' ' kf , Bruce & Co. , Adlcr &IIelIer , Frank Dellone & Co. , K. R. Grotte. Uorkoll ft Mack Families supplied by Gladstone Bros. & Co. Sample bottle free. For sale by al , wholesale and retail druggists , liquor dealers and wine merchants. _ _ DEWEY STONE , FURNITURE | A magnificant display of everything useful and ornamental in the furniture maker's art , at reasonable prices. SS , FELKER , OMAHA , NEB , 100 N. lUtli Street. PI'HK 0AM1 OHM A WINKS , fihlppid dlrrct from our \iiiojind ; Itltsllnir. Outudul Ciurem , I'ort.Sheiriusotc1. Hun .lus < * Vntills Povunth. KUhtli. San Salvador and \ \ llliurn its , Hun Jose , Cttllfoi nla. THE CAPITOL HOTEL Lincoln , Neb. Thn b' t known nnd inoit popiiltir liotol In thubiato Location itntral , iippointiiionlH Diet cliss. Heiidiiunilfin lor cotnnierciul men and all nollticnl uiHl tnilillo ' . j-'Htlicrlnirn E. j. . ItoOUBN. I'ro.irletor. EDUCATIONAL. ST.LOUIS LAW SCHOOL LAW DEPARTMENT OF WASHIyNCTpNhUNkYERSITY | : K XAMINATIO1 for bdnc * d fttnil < llli { MfNI > 4 YI OC Ft 10th.lt u in , l.ntlru caurmi m * l rnmi triad In iwn > or tlirMy < * ri atoi tlon of btu Irnt Diploma HilmltMo H&t 'luttloii t > l r r annum t or ( lalalniiiiM , ftc , , adiSrwa , 'WILLIAM o. HAMMONDiC-o. , Dean of faculty , 1417Luc Place , ST. LOUIS. MO. -l > HllAlKl'mA8KMINAHV ( ( ] 'lillMdiilihlit. | 17th year bc > lnopt. ! . ilft , 18S7. Address MiMll K. .UTDKINrf , I'untlpal , who ri'fi'r * by npculul imrinii'iloii to Mr. and Mi8.lohii N .lowittt , ) Mr. nnd Mrs I'hlllp I ) . Armour , VChic so , Mr nod Mri Horace V Wnito , ) YOUNG LADIES' ' INSTITUTE Anil HO.Mi ; S ; ilO < ) l , for Ollll'H. KANSAS t'l'l V Mil. riillinrn of nieonipllihi 'lrarh r . J'uplu itti ; ited.iit.iiii/ iiinv . . lorclrculK . .11 , Mix K MiUJMAH , ITIncliml , Howard Collegiate Institute , turv.Writ llrldifowuter , Muss. ciiuis und BtAt ,