Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 30, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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. - - . . . , . , . [ 'HE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; F1tIDAY S1PTEMBER O. 1887. . I.
Tbo Big oaa Feflow Event Which Occure
, In OmahaNoxt Saturday.
CoinWcrahle flUMIflCN Trftnqftctc(1 Iti
the Varloui , Courts-The News in
. South Omaha-Other flits
' of Local News.
; . _ ilng the Corner stone.
Oii Satnrdiiy at 2 o'clock p. m , the corner
nor stone of the now halt of Goodrich
Iogc , No. 144 , I. 0. 0. F. , will be laid
with the 1mposin ceremonies of the
order. The allair v1ll be under the nu-
ices of the Grand ledge of thu state ,
aIi(1 ( the olllccrs of that body will be ; rcs.
, ent.
1ov. Charles W. Savidgo will do.
, N liver the address and the arrangements
arc complete for a most excellent pro-
grainlue. At one o'clok the proccs.lon
. wiIl form at Odd Fellows
hall , corner Fourteenth and
1)odgc strccts antI under the
: marshalship of L. L. Armstrong anU J.
1' . Vetwlll vroceed to the site of , the
' now 0(1111CC , on Saunders anti liatnilton
I streets , where the services will take
place , The committee in charge invites
t all members of the order to partlcipito :
In the oxercies.
2 Goodrich lodge Is one of the youngest
I lodges In the state , 811(1 took Its canto In
. : r honor of Julia Goodrich , a former grand
1 master of Nebraska , and one
who tlitl much for the order
I in Its earlier days in the west.
F- When COTflIletCI ( the hail vill be one of
k which the city as velt its the order Iniy :
; : ' be nroud. In size it vlll be ( iOxSO and a
three story building.
p The ground floor vill be tlivldetl into
, three store rooms each 22x80 ; the second
, floor will be fitted up as a public hail 62z
, 64 , afll the third floor will be the room
- of the lodge , in size GOx12 , with sixteen
foot coiling and iitted UIi in an elegant
, The entire bvildlng will be heated by
! . steam and when completed xviiI have
cost $50,000. nearly 8OOOO of which
Is now In the lodge treasury.
, The interior furnisltinFs of the lodizo
room will cost tiOQO. [ he floor will be
, covered by a Brusrols carpet woven with
the emblems of the order. 'I'o both the
lodto rooni am ! public hail there will be
convenient outer and ante rooms tiLted
, lii ) In a conilortablcstvlennd throughout
. the entire ediico svill be arrangcd for the
comfort and convenience of all wh. . may
; ; have occasion to visit it.
. What Vas Donelieforo the Judgc
ToDit' .
Leo Estello has commenced an action
, against herbert T. Noble for $1,000 fees ,
as attorney. This is onc.ifth of a settlo-
neat m.ido with the Freniont , Etkhorn &
Missouri Valley railroad for damages.
I'Iie defendant , Noble , was injured on
. the road.
The First Congregational church of
Omaha tURtle application to the dis.
trict court for pcrmision to mortgage its
property , to wit : lots 5 aiitl ( I In block 54.
It is alleged that the congregation is en
gaged in the erection of a church build-
lag and desire 3OOO ( ) to be aplicd for
such purposes. The application was
granted by Judge liopewell
Gustave tomy and William Segeike
have sued the Lincoln Insurance coni
pany for * UiO with Interest from July 10 ,
1887 tout served a writ of tittacliment on
the company's iroperty. Fred Stubben-
tiorl is the company's surety on the bond
and tue case has been set for November
7 , 1687.
Messrs. Gityin , Moore and Gearon , for-
rnerly proprietors of the Times-Dispatch ,
sued the Wallace Bros. and Finlayson
- - . , for * 6,200 , alleging damages because of
, false representations in the sale of the
- property. Tue case occupied nearly
three ( lays before Judge Neville and
, a Jury. A verdict of 414 was
returned for the defendants. The jury
- . recognized a counter claim of $ t)14 ) on
unpaid notes , gave the plaintiff 500 ( lam-
. , ages and rendered a verdict for the bat'
; " nce in favor of the defendants.
¶ j . The jury in the case of John Fitzgerald
, vs. Axel Meyer returned a verdict for the
The jury in the case of Mathew Samp.
son vs. Rosa Martin , hoard by Judge
. , L Hopewell , brought in a verdict of * 87.40
for the plaintilt This was an action tssk.
. : ing for judgment on balance duo on no-
; , . count.
; Thecaso of Ferdinand Strertz against
¶ John G. Ilartinan , ot iii. , regatdiiiiz the
4 title of sonic lots in Hartman's aIdition
Is on. trial before Judge Wakelcy in
- chambers.
we .1. ISlays & Co. have commenced an
- lotioRagniust .1. 11. Soutliard , city clerk ,
S br 1 worth of trees. The answer to the
pctitIon Is that when the trees were
, - ordei'ed it was agreed that no delivery
i s.uld be made if the defendant's lot was
* ko * for street purposes as was in-
, dicated. 'rite lot was so taken and Mr.
, , - . Soutbard rtifuscl to pay for the trees.
the case is now on trial before Judge
. . Uroff. It was given to the jury at a late
t kbur yesterday afternoon.
. : Julius Treitseho has commenced an
, iction against M. Sontag for 10O,85 and
' declarin that the defendant has bit the
yr city , an attachment was issued which
. was sorcti by Constable 1Ing to-day.
James ilonner replovined some artt.
; - des of furniture from one John Lacey
. ; yesterday. They had boon sold on tlic
instalment lliiii. The papers were l8sncd
from Judge Read's court , and Constabk
King secured thcni with proniptness and
. " dispatch. Subsequently Bridget , wife ol
. John Lacey , procured repievin paper.
: , from J edge Anderson and took the good.
from Constable King. This is undoubt
, edly the commencement of a big litiga
. Ilo.
t. . FO1.ICE COURI' .
' 'rhero was a plentiful lack of importan
ia at the Police I hcatqunrter
h emtorday inortilug , but the num
, , . disposed of was about aqua
to' the ordinary run. Twonty..iin
iRdlyidlials presented themselves ti
bay. their little ( tituicultics adjusted
tMrteen of whom vero vags , fourtcoi
. drunks-the jialncst , coninioiiest kind
r of drunks , without enough of variety o
s peoularity to cause oven a titter in court
iho vngs were nil discharged , eight o
! the drunks got5 and costs tivewero ill. .
' ; . charged and one case disinssed.
1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dicuizalo arc ti.
r parents of a new eleven-pound boy.
1) . Price , of Ida county , in. , is a guc
' ot Mr. Dennis , of the Benson house.
' , The graders began yesterday a
TWCflt.y'8CVCilth street , reducitig the hi
near I street. ' .Flio dirt vill be used I
till in the railway company's laud f
side tracks aiiut dutiot grounds.
p. j. Ccrrlgan hjq given out the noth
that lie viIl oia In the race for counl
, comiulssioiicr ,
: Albrlght vicinity is builditig up mi
# , idly. Several now dwellings lmve bc
: begun lit the last few days.
A now grocery store has been OflCfl (
in the building ott 0 street formerly o
. cupicd by a millinery store.
. As soon as the out on Twonty.four
Ircct is completed tim iiiotor line vii1 I
: stended.
. . Somq of the 'scluxl board compla
. , .t cQutrac'tur8 at work ou the new iit
rM.---- . - . .
' 1 . . _ _ . : _ . _ _ _
choo1 building do not display the
amount ( if activity necessary to have it
conipleteti in the specified time.
'l'hio building of SMft's packing house
lias been iilshCd ) forward so rapidly that
the foutidiutions of nearly all the depart.
nients arc In 1511(1 the most of the wails
up. The work of ) tittIiig on the reef of
beef hiouso will Soon begin.
v. U. Sloan hiss sold out his Interest
In the N street grocery store to A. W.
Saxe. Mr. Sloati will give all of his attention -
tention to the postotitce ,
Jacob Oestorle , of Keamney , Nab. , is In
the city looking over the trowing town.
Mr. Ocstorle says the boom compares
Very favorably with that of Koamney.
j. A. Wichterman will open a new
real estate office on 27th street.
Yesterday the masons began laying
the foundation for the now depot.
The workmen arc now engaged in
putting In position the apparatus in the
killing and freezing departments of Ar-
mour's pitekinir house.
Workmen are engaged in witlidrawin
the tubing from the prospecting shaft in
the pump house at the stock yards. The
( trill 1111(1 reached a depth of 800 feet
without linllng anything in the way of
coal or gas and It was considered useless
to go any deeper. When the shaft was
begun it was inteiidcd to utilize It
in the end as an artesian wail to
increase the water stilply hut since the
purchmco of the South Omaha waterworks -
works by the Omaha company , it will
not ho required for thiatpurpose. As soon
as the waterworks companycan lay their
mains to the stnni pipe at South Omnhitu ,
the tube sveils , IIVi ( in number , put down
( hiring ihie first year at a cost Ut several
thousand dollars , ivill alsobo abandoned.
The two large boilers used in suppl.ying
power to operate the lflhlulS ) , togethitir
with the liliflhl ) house , will be removed.
Au injtuttce to SPenifti Policemen.
To the Editor of the Ba. : . In Monday
evening's han was an order from the
duct of 1)011Cc in relation to special po.
Ilcememi aiid I think it is not only an injustice -
justice but a misrepresentation of the
majority of the sPecial policemen of this
city. I do not wish to criticise the motive -
tivo that compelled Chief Soavoy to issue
this order , but 1 think it Is a wrong thing
for our chief to make police judges out
of the men composing the regular forca.
For six years I have been u special policeman -
man in the employ of F. Vi. Gray and
George A. Hoaglaud. My first and only
ditty tins becii the care of the property
intmusted to my keeping by my employ-
ems , but while doing my duty by them I
have never forgotten my sworn duty to
this city and county. A man ivhio is al-
dicted to drink or who visits saloons for
any other purpose excepting the per-
fornianco of his duty , Is not ut
to porformn tue duties of a
policeman , in fact is not fit for any
position of trust whatever , but I think it
is an injustice and a wrong done to the
majority of the special policemen of this
city to niake this charge against them. as
the majority of thioni are men of fatuities ,
itnul honest , sober and temperate in
their hialuts. 1 was waited on personally
by Chief Scavoy and Captain ( Jormick
and rcqucstei ly them to send in itt
tramps found on the preluisos over
which I have charge , and they promised
to send the patrol wagon to me at any
time that I should call for itwbich , promIse -
Ise they have faithfully kept tip to date.
\Vliile havin the greatest of respect anI
confidence in our chief and his assis.
tants , I will say that I will from this day
forward until this order is revokeil make
no arrests , except I hind any vorson interfering -
torfering with the property intrusted to
my charge , and I vill in no case turn my
prisoner over to any other poticenitun
until I place him In the hands of time
jailor mnyelf , and if 1 get into any
trouble for a violation of orders my employers -
ployers will see me through with it.
AiJead Contractor.
All of the present city contractors and
mitny of our citizens of a few years ago ,
wilt remember the welt known lirm of
MoBain & Ilubbard. They were in the
granite paving business and be-
canie noted in charges which
were tiled against then cur-
tam city oflicials , tutu ! winch were
subsequently tried in the. courts. The
former mind scimlor member of the firm ,
Mdllain , is now dead , having died a few
weeks ago in New Orh.aiis , though the
news reached hero only yesterdaY. lIe
was a poPular maim among his associates ,
and found many frieiids among citizens
of Omaha.
Dr. S. IL Fatten , dentist , room 813 ,
Iiamge building , Omaha. Telephone 50.
inforinattoti Wanted.
The wife of a John L. Sullivan asks
Postmaster Gallagher , by letter from
Sacramento , Cal. , if he can gwo her any
information concering her husband
whioui she learned was stabbed in a saloon -
loon in this city a couple of yours aro.
Sullivan has been in several cities of flie
state , among others Lincoln and lion.
trice , and any iiiformition pertaining
to him would be gially received by his
wife at No. 1408 Sixthstrcet , Sacramento ,
Cal. _ _ _
- S
Parnelt Social Club.
The first ball of the third annual series
given by the Pamnoll Social clu b took
piaco at the A. 0. 11. hail. About
ono hundred couples were prcsent
and with the assistance of a good
orchestra and an efficient cents of floor
umnagers , SliCCeCted In spending mu tie-
highitful evening. Time balls wiiibe , given
on Wednesdays of every other week.
Coining to Omaha.
Messrs Meagher & Sproat , general
agents for 1)icboid Safe and Lock Cowill
I Oct. 1st OPCR their store in 1415 Far.
nam st , and wilt be fully prepared to fur
nish safe and bank workof all kinds.
_ _
The Owyor Quarry.
: To time Editor of the Uza : Tue state.
mont matte in your paper that thic
Gwyer stone quarry had been sold tc
t ; I\IcCiugue Bros.1 was a iuisttuko. Nogoti
S mittens are ) entting between us and thi
- representative of a syndicate compOsc
of persons unknown to us.
a MCOAGUE Bites.
a - - -
I , Postponed.
Li The musical and literary entertain
S mont for the benefit of Mr. S. J. ltic
r will take place on Monday evening , Oc
; tober 3 , instead of last evening , as wa
. annOllflCel ; two of the pmtrtlcpauts of thii
I. programme being prevented , througt
sickness , fromuttcnding.
New Manufacturers.
a It was announced yesterday that tb
West Davenport Furniture company. est
st have acccptcd a bonus of * 11,00
to settle and build at 'est Atlmmighit , ii
n this city. It is also stittctt that an Iow
Ii axe.lmaudlo manufactory is desirous aLe
Lo settliiig in this city.
) r
Nineteen Years Old.
' 0 The date of holding the nineteenth ar
y nivemsary of the Concordia club has bee :
chiangeti to next Saturday and the pluto
) ' to Metropolitan hail. Thu club will giv
( ii a concert in the earlier part of the eves
big anti close time festivities vittm a bali.
Acrushed Digit.
Alfred Pierson , a laborer on the Uniom
Lb Pacific , liati a finger crushed yesterda
Lie , niorniug , antI wits attentlnd by lr. Sn
liytui , who. is uctinir Union Pacitio sui
in goon durlng tIme absence of .Drs , Ga
f1 brtuith tiuct Uurjutur , , . :
Can libe Prevented by Inoculation-
A Test Ithould be Made.
To the Editor of the Omaha lizn : 'In '
the report of the live stock sanitary corn-
mission and the state veterinarian to the
governor of Nebraska , December 1 , 1880 ,
It was stated that untIl the benefits to be
derived from inoculation had been
thoroughly tested , It would be absolutely
necessary to resort to the stamping out
process , quarantine regulations , tisln-
fccthons , etc.
About that time Dr. Frank Billings
Was conducting a series of oxtcnstve in.
ocuiatlon experiments at tIme State uni-
versity. The objects of the experiments
were to had , or raLlier prepare a vaccine
that would prove beneficial in checking
the ravages of hog cholera. The live
stock sanitary commission was hopeful
that Dr. BIllings would in time give us a
practical remedy that could be applied
In the field for time benefit of'Elie swine-
breeders of Nebraska and sincerely ap.
predated the effort of time university
authorities to hind a remedy that would
tend to. render less severe the annuitti
losses sustained from hog cliolertu.
According to statements published
from time to in time Nebraska State
, Journat by Dr. Billings , our hopes imave
been more titan realized , for tie says in'
tim Jotmrnal of Jaiiuiary 20 , 1887 ,
"Under time auspices of tlmc state university -
sity , I had been successful in domotistrat-
lug that this disease can be absolutely
prevented by means of artificial itmoen-
lation , and we are prepared to make any
test that may be desired with the small
number of hogs at our command. *
S S As it iS , WO have sufficiently dc
nionstratei the fact that vaccine prevention -
tion is practicable and Possible , as we
have done it in a large number of hogs-
for the tests have been far more severe
than could possibly occur to hogs in any
infection in a natural condition. "
.Jantiary 22 1887 , in the same paper , ho
makes time foiiowmng statenmelit : "All we
now iiecd , is the means to maktm one
grand test experiment , which 1 propose
to do as soon as time funds you have so
kindly askeu for , are itt our disposal. "
"I shall than request a coiuniittee of
the board of agriculture to watch the cx-
pcriiuont nni shall inoculate one hundred -
dred pigs in different amounts and then
place an eqtimsl number of diseased hogs
among them and some tifty healthy ones ,
and am conhident that I shitull be able to
ircviouislY name the hogs that will witlm
stand infection on such exposure. "
On 'cbruary 0 , 1887 , he states in time
Journal : "Hog cimuiera is nrevcntnhle
both by a vaccine and by vctcrmnnry P0
lice regulations. "
"Wiui regard to vaccine , that work
vili also be completed time present summer -
mer if time state supplies time means , etc. "
Now , if Dr. 13mihing had achieved time
success that he clthiim : , lie is entitled , hot
only to the gratitude of time people of time
west , but of the whoic couintry.
At present , nothing remains to be dane ,
excepting to make time cpcriments suggested -
gosted by Ir. Billings , under time supervision -
vision of a comimiitteo appointed by the
state board of agriculture. Thus commit.
tee , it niigiit be mentioned , should consist -
sist of experts only.
Time board of regents made a very generous -
erous apiropiiuutmon for time doctor's use
in the mimonth of April , settingutside * 5.000
for expcrimnentuml purposes in addition to
* 2,2'25 for apparatuses uimd labratory
etui pments.
iho weather is favorable at present ,
and will probable continue so for a few
months , and as Dr. Billings has had
ample time mind means at his disposal to
prepare for the test experiment suggested
by himself last wmnter , we know of no
reason why the cxperinmciit should not be
made at once.
Dr. Salmon , chief of the United States
bureaum of Animal Industry , of Washington -
ton , 1) . C. , has kindly consented to send
out a government expert to WitlitisS time
experiment , and our state commission , I
am assurrod , will cheerfully bear ttme cx-
penscs of one or two others.
It is to be hoped that time state board of
agriculture wilt appoint a committee
without unnecessary delay , as later on
the inclemency of time weather mIght
possibly interfere with time making of a
satisfactory test.
Should time experiment prove a success
and inocutation be practical time state
live stock sanitary commission will use
its utmost endeavors to ttJply it in time
field. J. GFmu'rit : , .J1 { . , D. V. S.
LINCOLN , Nob. , September 28.
Not a liatlu lii it.
James Brennan , time welt known ulas-
tercr mitt calsommner , points to time big
Paxton blpck , corner of Sixteentim and
Famnium streets , and says :
" .l'imere is time first block in Omaha timat
hasn't a lath in it. I ala plastering it.
and know whereof I speak
Parlqh Reception.
Time social reception of St. , Bamnabas'
parish was held last evening at the
residence of Mr. James Van Nostrand
on Fairview street , east. side , hirst door
north oh St. Mmtr.y's avenue. A large
number of the members of time comigrega-
tion anti their friends were. present.
Pauper hut led.
John Mahoney , superintendent of the
county poor farm , went to South Omaha
, estemday for the purpose of burying an
infant named Jauowski , whose narents
. wert , unable to bear time expeimso.
( DUimLIN ) .
1518 DODGE ST. 10 A. M. TO 4 P. * 9.
Union TrustCo
30S S. 13th St. , Oniahin , Ncb.
. Capital , -$300,000
: 14011111 MildO on Real Ettato.
School , County and Municipal Bonds No.
WM. A. PAXTON , Wm , (1. MAca.
I'reBUent. Vice t'rcs.
ROUT. L. GAItLICIIS. F. Ii. Jouxsoi ,
Secretarj Treasurer.
wu. A. PAXTOi , hENRY T. CaAmumta ,
) w. G. idAuL. I. H. WILaIAM5.
ItwiT. L. oAaatcns. S. ft. JoflhSON.
; F. ii. JOmtsot
010 North 16th Street ,
a _
Paid in Capital , . - - - $ IU0,00 (
a CEO. ) ? . UAIIKER , Preildent.
a EOUT. L. GA1SLICIIS , Vlce.Presmdent.
f . F. U JOIINSONCaahlet
AtUZI1tJOflNSO ? , alo. If. flAnKrrm ,
I. itonT. L GAIILICJIS , WM. Sttvium
a F. U. JomwsoN.
0 A general banklnr business transacte L
C Interest allowed on line dsoo
' .
r.twr. u.emi. . . , Ic.r.suittht horn indL.crettoni or
: i
y . . .i. b..k u.s tros. Should 1. . read b' E&tbers
$ -it. m.t.wmalo rm&.louotittustMis * .
. . . .
Absolutely Pure.
This powdernsyeryarls. , A marvel of irnr
tyetrength sM wholesomeness. Iare econ.
oIosi than the Ordinary klnd , ar.d cannot be
sold Ii competition wiuk the mumitltimde of low
colt short weight slain or phophato powders.
sold only In eanq. RoYAL HAKLNQ l'ownzmu C .
IQ1Wailst. , N.Y.
H : :
Vose & Sons
Instru tim en ts cxchu , , gcd , renteti and
sold OL eUsf , pajjiiei.ts , below
Factory Prices1
Inzlrumcnts slliIlitlII WCl al
iViax lVleyer & Bro
Omaha. Neb.
_ _
. . ; ' * , _ _
. , :
ai4 S. 13th street , ( Jrnah ,
Estabtished for the Scientific arid Speedy
Cure of Chronic , Nervous and Special
The Old flellabla Spoeiaijst or man years cx-
perlence , treats with wonderful Success nil
LA RJ1'TURE ( , cured wmthout KNhFE Oil
Treatsait forms n Throat Lung , Nerve and
Blood diseases , It Ctroimic dlsews mmd Do.
tormitics fur In advance of any Institution In
this country. Timose who contemplate going to
Bet SprIngs for the treatment of any Privateer
or Illood disease can be cured for ono.tbrd , the
cott at our Private Dispensary , 3i4 South 13th
Street. Omaha , Nab.
ItUI'TURE curcd without paIn or Iminderance
rem it.lncss. ,
iIythItroatmOnt a pliro Lovely
L IDlES Complexion , free tromn slowness ,
freckles , , eruptions , etc. , Brilliant
Eyes . and . perfect health can be bad.
Ia.- That 'tlrod" feeling and aim fotnale weak.
nesses pronmptly cured. Bloating Headaches ,
NorvoU ProstratIon , ( Joneral Debility Sleep.
lessness , Dapresmion and indigestion , varlon
trouble , , inflammation and Ulceatleu , , Failing
and Dlsplacenents. Spinal weakness , Kldnny
conpialnts and Change of Life. Consult is
old Doctor.
E YE AND EAR sination AcuteorChrontclnflam of the Eyctlde or
( imobe amid tar or Near Sightedness , Inversion
or the Lide , Scrofulous Eyes , t31crStlon In.
tiammations , Abscess , Dimness of Visionof one
or both eyes , and Tumor ! of Ltd.
- lnliammatkin of the Ear , Ulceration or
Cstarrh Intornl or External Doafnes , or
i'ar&iys , Singing Or Roaring noises. Thickened
Drum. etc.
DebilIty , Spermatorrhcea , Sam-
N ERYQUS teal Losses , Night EmissionS ,
Loss of nai Power , Sleeplessness , iesjOnd.
ency , Loss of Memory , Confusion of 1dea ,
Blurs Before the Eyes , Lassitude , Languor ,
Gionnilmiess , Depression of Spiriti. Aversion to
Society Easily Iiscouraged , Lack of ConS-
dence , bumi , LIstless , Untit ror Study 0r Bust.
ness , and finds Ilf a burden 3.sfeiy , l'erma.
nentiy and Privntiy Cured.
B LOUD & SKIN5055es.sYt in
Its resuitg-completeiy eradicated without the
use of mercury. Scrofuia , Eryalpelas. Fever
Sores , Blotches , Pimples. Ulcers , pains In the
Ileitci and Hones , SyphilitIc Sore Throat , Mouth
and Tongue , Glandular Enlargement of the
Neck , itheumatisin , Catarrh , etc. , Permnsnonhiy
Cured When Others have Fulled.
KIdney and liladdor troubles ,
U RINARY , Weak Hack , Burning Urine ,
Frequency of UrinatIng Urine high colored or
milky sedlnmenton 8tmtndng , Oonorrhna , ( Ileet ,
Cystitls , etc. , promptly and smttuly cured.
Charges reasonabl
00d polon
venereal taint
gleet , stricture euiInaI emissions , loss of sex.
ual power , weammo ot the sexual orgammwant
of desire In male or female , whether from Its.
Prildeuttiabits ot young or sexual habits In
mature years. or ay cause tlmat debtiItate the
sexual lunctions , speedily aud permanently
Consultation fres and strictly con5dentlai.
Medicine sent fres from observation to all
parts of the United States. Correspondence
receives prompt attentIo No litters an
swered unless acoumpanicd by four cents in
Itamnps. Send Stamp for pamithlet and list of
questions. Termistrictir cash. Call on or address -
No. Sit South 13th St. , Omaha , Neb.
( Successors to John 0. Jacobs. )
tJudrtakci aild illbalmrs
At the old stand , 1407 Farnam St. Order
by telegraph solicited and promptly at
tended to , Telephone No , 225.
enea1 1iisiiaic Agi ,
- ( Fire , Lightning ami 'rm'na'lo. )
N.v. . Cor , 15th and Ilarimey Ste. , Omaha , Neb
Telephone ttt
S. T. BALDRIDGE , A. I1. ,
Ofilce , Cor , 15th and Farnamu ets.
Resid nce,2621 Farnarn ut. .
hour. . 9 to 11 a. rn , 2 to 6 p. in.
- - - - - -
The time tor neavy underclothing is at hand and we are prepared L
supply the whole city with these garments. We are large buyers h
means low prices. We buy these goods direct from mills and oommis
sion houses-pay no jobbers profits and we guarantee to save yet
from 25 t 50 per cent , and on the finer grades even more. Our asort- .
ment comprises over 50 different qualities , among the leading styles J ?
of' which we recommend an excellent all wool scarlet shirt and drawers - ' '
ers at 50c , and a splendid camel's hair regular made at 55e apiece. El'
thor one is sold by other houses for double the money. We also carry ; ,
a large line ofCalifornia flannel underwear , and particularlymehtion
one we sell at pne dollar as being a better shirt than you buy eli. :
where for $1.50.
Our line of cassirnero shirts , winter liosieryglovcs and other . furitishings is equally 1a
and pricestliroughout very low. j , _ .
Our hat department is a great success. 'iVe venture to say that we are selUng more h4 (
than any exclusive hat house. Aiid why shouldn't we ? . It will not suipriso YOU .Wheti1
you compare our prices with those of ot1iert. An elegant fur derby of the latest bgekm 4
for $1. Just one-half what others cliargo for same quality.
For rainy days we call attention to our large stock of rubber clotililIg and umbrellaa , at )
of whicli we sell at less titan wholesale prices.
All goods marked in ulain fi 'ures and at strictly one p140. at ) '
I 4k ¼
Nebraska Clothing Compa
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha.
Nebraska Natiollat ilailk ,
Cmau.o. ,
Paid up Canital.$250,000
Surplus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42,500
H. W. Yates , President.
Lewis S. Reed , Vicc.President.
A. E. 'I'ouzahin 2d Vice-l'resident.
\v. II. Ii. Iluglmes , Cashier ,
v. V. Morse , John S. Collins
H , W. Yaths , Lewis S. Reed
A. E. Touzalmn
Cor. 1'ith and Farnam its.
A General Bankinr Business Tmansacte
Cor. 13th St. and Capitol Ave. , OMAHA , NEB.
) ( ) it Ttm vItEAThINT OF , AL.
$ nt ( .dll , ! , . . .pl.r.tI , , nd rm.dln Jr , , ien.tut trntntnt .1
snry ni , , ur.tenn requiring * 1.45.1 or t'siigir.t trntmnL ,
ere , 0' ? % LIKtI.AOt 0. IJtofliStltI mud urge , . . ( .Iih Fe.t ,
( 'urvatlire C rile Spine , tII. Turner. Cancer , C.t.rrh. Ilrniiel.liI
tlnlIlnn. El..trlcity. t'oroIy.s. 5piiep'y. Kl4ey , flhoddir. kj
t.r , 5kI , mim , & ,1 .li Suricsl uj.r.tkn. .
Book oiL ltseases of Womnen FREE.
Alt Bl.n.I IM..w. t&td. 57ptutlc ) 'rI.oo rmo'4
$5. n.ttlfl , nercury. New Untorativ , Treatment tot
from $
t.oo of ViI.t Power. m' . . . , , . . .si. sa , tdt , i. may I. tue.t at
bent , by tori , , ioitItn i. Alt rorununlallon. ConSdesttsl. , 1h41.
CI , , , . or o.trirneulII 1.1,1 L.y , iiII or oxin.i , , ecirelv 1i.eked. Ito
.t.rks to Ititikats rOtIPItI or Smiler. On. to , vttt.l Inter , SW pr. .
fr,1 Cati .nt , on.ttIt to , or . , tot tI.tory oyoor ci. . , , , ,
. . .4 . . . wilt souti tO IaIa . , rap.r , .ur
Upon Private. SIOtIII $04 NITY,00 tt.te , , S.oto.i w.ak , , ,
51erteorrhrI. tttpoteney. Sy1thlIl. . Gonurrboa , GIe.t , anti '
cocle. Roan , ttt 1iatiiti Attire. , ,
; .McItfamy , Ccl , 13th it. k OaDltol Ay.Oluna. . Nib.
MIicat Books orFaper Free.
Tue proprietor ot ISo Oniaha Medical auci Surgi-
cci instItute ttis pubitotied a yoluable IS. ot bookS
anti puperi upon cirotitund : stirgtcai diOoas and
ticioriuttles , , , ntt tue metPods or cure which htoye
given hIm tile roputattoneC being th. moat iltittut
autO succenittii specititi't In the west. and mittu the
Institute so ceto'rated that medicines are sent to
.ntt patient. recuied front cYery stute in the unton.
Among thu books is itne IlhiltU tile dtsoaes of
woaler one utton , tery000. specisi and private 'Ii. .
eales or the , exuai end urtnary organs ; vSrtcoCute
cured by aiiritIcti operations. tinS ttetr istelyluyent
ott ctump compress su.pnsOrY br the relief unti
cotent yartoocete. lirryona exhaudtlon and . .xuftl
debility. new restorstivo LrJtnent. , i'atera , , pou
.urgical braces. plido , cancer. paraiyii. , Sti. Ziac.
tricity alid te , nate niagetmoijattery for borne use ;
catatrli , .nd inhai5ttoi , , etc. tJltke mut books
i.ued by doctors free , ttiey do not COnnist of tetl.
, .ontala with tictitioul nasiesand itItIdls. or rubbish
of that kInd , but are pluto deacrihittons of titsosies ,
symptoms hew cticovertei in uiettcine , Burger ?
and electricity. utnut are well worth ( he peruisI. and
csn be obtitineui free b iutitire'ing tue Omaha Medi.
cal and Surgical lnntttuto. iJtts street Cud Capmtoi
avenue. Omens. ieUruka.
Remarkable ior powerful sympa-
thietic tone , pliable action and ab.
solute durability ; 80 years' record ,
the best guarantee of time excel-
hence of these instrtimnents.
Pianos & Organs
. I'rlccs.
Itetnllcd itt VIIUICP'1LIC
Write for cataloglies. irlces and tcrmis amid
save from 55i to fuse Iii the purchase 01' ttil Ia.
' , ' St. . M
JIIJVE'fV BROS. . .105cpU ,
uttetcu , . ° .ervoustobuIItYeat1ed
through errol. amid bad jmractIcs CURED.
luL.hIN t1L CU,1sLeeubt. bt.LttUiS
. : . .
I !
erchant , silver ,
' .1
Short IAi
Couui1 ilitiffs
Aild Cliiao
The only read to take for Des MoInes ' nr-
shalitowit , 0 edar liapIds , Clinton , Dixon , Chlca-
go , MIlwaukee and nil , oIts , , east. To the i'co-
Ia or Nebraska , Coloriudo ' Wyoming , utal'-
I daho , nevma'a , Oregon , \Yas'lulngton , and Cuipi
forimia , It offers superior ndvammtages nut lossi.
ble by any other line.
Amnotig mm low 0 tile numerous lolmmis of sum-
pc'rlorlty enjoyed by the matrond of thIs toad
btweemm omaha and Chlcagonro Its two ( mitts
adayoffliY COAChES , whIch arothe Ilnest
that human art and hmganulty cumi creuutu. Its
PALACES SLEE'iU CAlls , which arc modcI
of contort , and elegance. its I'AitLOi ( DitAW.
1NG itOOM CAllS UiiUmi'flssed by tummy , tund its
widely Celeirmttedl'ALA'tIAl. IINLNG CARS ,
the equal of wliclm cannot km found eisowiiure
At Council ultitretlie traimis of ( ho Union Pacific
ity. connect In union Depot with those of tie
Chicago & Northwestern iy. { In Chlcaro the
trainsofthis line muske cloSe connection with I
those of nil eastern lines ,
For Detroit , Columbus. Indlanmtpolls. Cincin. I
nati , Niagara Fails , Butralo , I'IttsburgToronto. I
Montreal , Iintnu , New York , Phliauiolplimt , I
Unitlmnore , WashIngton and all points in time
east , ask for a tI'ket na the
, .
If you wish the best accontinodatlon , All ticket
agents sell tickets via this hliuo
H. IluOhtI'Pl' , IL P. wILSON.
Geni. Manager , Geni. Pass'rAgeut
iv' . M. flAflCOCKI0 ? HOLLES ,
Western Agent , City Pass'r Agent ,
( ) niatmS Nelimaskit.
106 N. 18th Street.
7 5 .OtOMPCeft
, ( /C $ \
sireAmuitro IIIIAPOVLTH ( LuILOmKLVALLLt\\ \ \
_ : ; I
PUILE CAI.IFO1tNIA WINES , shipped direct
from our vineyard ; htloaling , Gumtouiel Clarets ,
Iort , Sherriosotc , Sin .loso Vaults Seventh.
Eighth , Sail Salvador and WillIam sts. , San
Jose , CalIfornia.
Lincoln , Nob.
Time best known nd most popular hmotoh In
the State. Location central , appointments flrst
dais. Headquarters for comumoereluti men md
all political aud public gatherings.
Ii , P. R000EN , I'morietOr.
-r .k . . . .Ko:1E ; N , . Iutdt.creiion. Iiobflhtat.d th& or
: : IC ' I , Wt OtACANTII 70
( CRab , itt. Naw lemnoyru
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ scitortyr TLoaNrs. . gis-
. . , , of
Ei5cVlc..o. itydtr.cuiy ibrough .rntIti. .ti..k ioothligeunen pail. r.tor.
ingtk.ns .tq h.atItt and Ytgoraui St.rgih. Liectr@
Curtitt . , ' -felt iustantty .r .a torflt $ u.isio In raiL.
. ' . . . . , , . . .
( irstt at othrr belt. WorI to io.
tnanintty rureti in three month. Stolid rnmrhtutde. tamp
the 8.ndsn Ei.ctrla Ce. 169 LsSsIi si. , ChIc.5
WM. itO INTOSI' is. r , nonwaa
Real Estate Dealers
110 South Spring Street ,
Dealers in city and country ItrIiorty ( If nil
descriptIons. ( loimcrai Inlotimiuttiumi to mmew-
corners freely lvemu.
lt ? the tody sniarged an4 strentthrtled. Full paulo-
' 51&i ( ,5s1d flc. UL ALIW , CO. , JtiUsio , ZkT. ,
. . . . , . ' . , . ,
° ' : ; . , .
. -
WI. ) ii VXACQuAISTZD witmu vii aioesspsy or p ,
cousrar wit. ! . Bar ax zxi.uzuio Tiua SAP tIUT T J .
it ( a * .4 _ _
' _ _
, _
00 50 _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ A P 6
_ _
a : ; / a p
Sr u.Y - -I 1
a1 r.on of Its central posittot 520sS relation to Ua' .
zast of Chicago , and contin4ug lmn as krmtr'i ,
pointS We't , ! ortIuwnst tint Southw.iI , Ii lb. tr
middle link In that trancontinentea eyelets whlai
Invites atd facilitates tr&yai ar4 trao b.twsenb' , , ( t
AtlantIc and CeriSe.
Iiie Rock Island , netniineandbraaeh.sineIndsC3t
cagoJohiotOttawe , LeDnlio , I'.orts , GeneaSo. MoiUi& )
and itock siand. in Illinois ; Davenport , Xu.c&tI. '
Waahlngton , FatrftciI , Ott unuwu , Oakaiooaa , WeeSU
erty , tone CityDeaNoineo lndisnoteWiDteflst.AU' ) 1
tic , Knoxsiiie , Audubon , iiaian , ( iuthrto Clatri al
Council htiufri , in Iowa : Gailatit , Trenton , St. .isr t
Cameron and Kana City , in iI1sourl ; Lee.owor ,
and Atchison , in gananm ! tibert L.a. Dtlnnsepoilu eel
Et.l'eiuiinbllnneota ; Watoxtowfl and Sioux retis.l
ekota end hundreds of intemnudiete cities and town4'
, t'The Great Rock Island Rout&'a
fluiranteta ipred , comfort , certainty an , ! safety , ItS
permanent way ii ditlnguiuhed for ito cacehione. . It
ridges are a stone and iron , Its track Ii of .0114
te.lit. roiihngstockpert'ct. itIP&iengsreqdipmss
ban oh the , afetyappilancei tintexpsuienceha.prere
vefut , and for luxuriona accommodation , 1. i
paeti. Its Epres Trains consist of fliJ , I '
Coaches , elegant l'ulinian Caiace 1'arioraadpaa J ' " *
Cars. .uperb Imntng Cars , providing deI1cio ,
end ( between Chicago an St. . . '
) Zaoan City ) restful Reclining Che r , Li
gemomtt is conierratili , Its dirciplisu ex
"The Famous Albert Lu R.
Imatween Chtcago anti Minneepoti and St.
toronto. Oyerthiohino Solid ? ut Zxproa. Tr
daily to attractlro ronort. for tousleS. in I
Stinnenota , end , vleWatertown&itdSIoiiiV 4
rich wheat and grazing lanis of Interior Daku 1
Seneca and Ifankakee , thuItockIsIsadoeri.
Indticrmrnte to traveler , . ietweea CInatna
apoii. I.efayette and Councli Biuftss. Jo.e
Boo , Leaxenworth , Kansan City , St. cci , . k
diets points. All patrons ( eptcialir mcdl and
dren ) reeemveprotectlon. cOurt..7 a . .
For ticicata. moult. , toilers. coplel otW..tsrnrrsU , n
say detred information , apply to principal .Mcei
Site United Statea and Canada , or addreu , aS Ckiea5q ,
I. I. CAlLS , I. IT , 1055 , 1. A. IISIl ,
1ve SSOCU. .I GO10NSB. lBS. I. iPIIIh1F
Chicago , MiLaukeg&Sta _ ? I
Time Best iloute fa'ot Omaha an41
Council 1luffzs to .
TIE3 : EL&sr
Two Trains Daily Between Omaha *
Council BIufl
Chicago , -AND- Milwaukee :
St. I'aui , l's ! inneapoiit. , CedarRapid
Rock Island , F'reeport , Rocklord ,
Clinton , Iubuqtie , 1)avermport ,
Elgin , Madison , Janesviile ,
Beioit , Winona , La Crossi. I
Ammd all other mniportunt poInts East , Nortb.s
ailti Suit leAst.
For tliromgh tickets call nil limo tIcket aget , ,
at 1401 Fitriltill street , 1mm i'uixtotm ilotol , era ;
Union I'acifto ulupot. j
I'uiiiiman Sleelerd anti time tinest Dinlar Ca
in the world Irt , ruin on the triain line of list
Ciilcttgo , .Mliwaukeo & St. Paul Railway mdci
ery atteiitlott Is laid to pasiotigors by
ous cinidoycs of time eomnplmtly.
It. SI I i.iJU , ( loimoufti Mutiager.
J. F. TUCKER , Aqslstnntleneral Mannier ,
A. V. It. CAiti'gTSim , ( Jenorat l'ussenge
Ticket agent.
tine , l. ILF.Al'IOttD , Asalstlmnt General Pmus
ger null , 'l'lckot Agent.
- J. 'I . CfAHK EDUCATIONAL. , ( lecriul Superlntondent - - t I
TlTwnty.tlrst year of titi. wIi known ck09 *
berm ' ' . . ou\V0IflSrDtTCT.l
ExAMINATION or otivanted ataitling Moway ,
lOut , , U ala. , Iutlru : torts snay ho trtmitiat.t a two . t .
tiroayaornat.mtlonoittil.nt. ) .
¶ iuttion tilt ) ( or ROIIUW For ( taisioguo. . . etc ci. ,
of k'ecuity , m 17 Lucas lace , "
iliuck % Vaiiutehuhls otifo. U . . , GOo peril
Illiwli SVahimutt. hulls oil , , . $ LLS icr I
hlox I2tiet Seed , " : : . . lOc et sb
Ash Sooti , 5 , . , , , Iki ( miom lb
honey I.ocust Seed , " . . . . : ac icr ih.
Itums'immn itulbemry Seed , " . , 8.50 her ID
C.itdltult Seed , ' : : . . i.o p : 1
Also all klmmtis of Frilt amid Forct Trco
LTt' . .titIreps. , SI I ENANIO.t ii NVSt ;
D. 8. rroprietur , SlihiNANLl
. . ,
, .
" 4.g " te' °