Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 30, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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llvcrtlstuients undertint noad,10 conti p *
[ for the first Insertion , 7 cent * for each tub
ent Iniertion , andl.Wa line pr month
-Idvortlroinent taken for KM tnin M cent *
Itho Hrgt Infortlon. Povrn words wll ] h
nted to the line ; they murt run consecu *
b and must DO paid In advance. All adver-
Wf nt must bo banded In before 1 : n o'olocc
i. , and under no circumstance * will they b
"on discontinued by telephone.
tins advertising In these column andkav-
_ _ Jw answen addressed In care of Turn Bra
111 please aik for a check to enable them to ret
their letters , as none will be dMlverert excrat
on i > re entatlon of check. All answer * to adrer *
tuemonts should bo enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisements In these columns nro pub
lished In both morning nnd evening editions
oflHK Ilru. the circulation of which aggre
gates more than H.tlOO papers dally , and gives
the advprtlnors tbo benefit , nut ( inly or the city
circulation of TIIK BKB , but also of Council
Bluffs , Lincoln and other cities ana towns
throughout tli Is part of the west.
TrinC ari In rivamcn.
MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. , 1501
Farnam street Complete ahitracts lur-
nished.and titles to teal estate examined , per
fected and guaranteed 419
A GOOD Chance for a man to Invest In a light
JL\ . but profltablo business , small capital re-
quired. Western Employment agency. 1012
mam et. 155 : n
u.iOB 8ALK-A bank building with vault.
B steal ante , time lock , br.nk fixtures ami
oildcnoe. In a town of 000 inhabitants In
_ outhcastern .Dakota. No other bank nearer
ihan fifteen miles. A Rood line of deposit * .
jMonoy loans readily at 3 to 4 per cent a month.
JA rare bargain * Address P. O. Dox 7V , llrldgo-
Lwator. IJnk. 170 4J
rANTED A stock of groceries nnd general
mdso. , for city lots paid for. C. J. Citnim.
10H EXCHANGE Omaha property for dry-
. - goods , groceries , hardwnro , drugs , etc.
Omnha property for horsog and cattle B. S.
Cnmpboll nnd G. W. Hervcy , 310 Chamber of
Com moroo. 1M
WANTED 1'nrtnur with two to IIvo thoiiRnnd
dollars In big paying business. Address
O 21 Dee olTlco. ITS ! Wj
LTT10R SALE Agood payingHiiloon , with feed
kC stable , lee houses , right In n lively bual-
ffK town , I'lattecounty : terms ! 4 cash ; cause
r selling ownergoos Into brewery buslness ,
ffhls is ft rnro opportunity for the right party ,
bind cannot be bought after Nov. 1. Apply to
* jfer * Honor , 1114 Farnnm at. wn 2J
BALK Barber enop In n first-class loca
tlon. Inquire Omaha Combination store
10th. 09520J
rANTEU-Mcnwlth from $10 to 1500 cap
ital to In VCR t In a business that will yield
large returns. Apply between 8 and H a. m.
Ht room 3,310 s 15th St. 183 1
"IJTOH SALE Hotel property , ono of the bcsl
J ? In the state. Will sell furniture nnd
Irasa house , or will soil property. Address. ) . E.
Neldhur , Albion. Nob. M47J
IITANTED An Interest In n good real cRtato
VV business In Omaha. Must bo a good loca
tion with live , wldo awake parties. Hare
plenty of rigs to run tbo business ; also a nnm-
porof good farina llstoJ with mo that will bo
llaccd with the firm. Address J. 0. Sllvls ,
Slkhorn. Neb. 04 o3
fANTED A stock of clothing , boots and
shoes In exchange for good Inside lots Ir.
Jmaha. Address O 7 Ileo otnoo. 37
BALB A complete steam laundry hav
ing twenty horse power engine. J. S
llennett , Bnundors add Clark ats. 026
neil BALE A wholesnlo business , with a
paying trnde established. Capital roqu ( red
bout | 4iOO. ( Will tnke pnrtOmalm real estate.
Iddress K 5ff. Doe office. 7SO
fJIOIt 8ALB The best paying small hotel In
P the city : $2,000 cash will got It. 0 BLoe
[ 1207 Farnam st 78
IOII BALE Corner Baleen , rooolpts $50 per
'day. ' $4.500 : $3.000 cash , near depot. CI
oe , 1207 Farnam st. 700
f410nSAIK-Ily H Orocn , 215 B mhst , line
1of the finest corner grocenoa on N IGtb at.
yood fioflh stock and cheap lease ; also two
mall stocks , small livery stock and good barn
flood location and oh cap ground lease. 832
{ USINHSSCHANCE-On account ot sickness
' not being able to tend to the business the
staurant and lunch counter , will rent the
( ame to some good and responsible parties
Apply to Jonn A. King. 1303 Douglas at.
_ . SOI
WANTKD Partner In well established , fjooi
paying office business , Vl.liOO capital ro-
qulred. D fil , Coo olllco. 328
, TjlOll BALK Or oxohaniro , grain elevator
J. Western Iowa , for land In Central Neb..or
nerobaodiso , address box S'Jt , Central City
MMB , DEVONSHIRE , the grt at clairvoyant
has Just arrived and located at 12214 , cor.
filth and Capitol ave. She reveals the past ,
present and future , causes speedy marriages ,
[ IvM advice In business , etc , Shenovorfalls
> give satisfaction. Hours from 9. m. to B p./n.
55 oot IJ
riENNAfortunotollor , SIRS 14th st
_ V 831 oct BJ
MRS. HATK1ELU , Trance business medium.
The past present and future revealed , siok
honied , lost found , homes made nappy , sittings
' -Ilyat421 S. llth st. 457 o 15J
\H. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant Modi-
* J cal , business and test medium. Office 119
North 10th street , rooms t it 3 , Telephone 944.
> 558
DURANT Clitrlvoyant from Boston Is
lollablo-ln all affairs of life , unites sepn-
overs. lean 1. 84 ootil
INTKD Immediately. X first-class cloth-
Ig salesmen thoroughly acquainted with
pineal Address P. O. box : ' 45 , Omaha ,
100 1
.KTKD Men toshlD sourh to-night D ,
. ft'Kecfe , 309 B. llth Bt 130 glj
WANTED Drug olork who speaks German
and does not drink. Address O 20. Bee.
131 20J
il/ANTKD-FIve traveling salesmen. Salary
TV and expense * . No experience neces
sary. Address with stamp , Palmer & Co. ,
LuCronse. Wig. 480-2it
WANTED-Aitontii In Nebraska for Gen.
. John A. Logan's last work "Volunteer
lloldior , " just published. Address J , M. French
* Co. , OmahaNeb. 33J
" \VrAN'rEri Mon * or railroad work. Al-
bright 'a labor agency , lliiO Karnnm.
WANTED A clerk to make out deeds at the
great f 10.00 sale at 1415 Farnam street.
Apply Monday. 8li3
TCTANT Kit Now class or 0 pupils , diligent
' workers , for special short term , full
course , day nnd evening sessions , at Bltke'g
Shorthand Institute , BOO circulars. Omaha
IIUBlness College , 10th and Capitol avc. fttioctaj
" \\T ANTED Young limn to sell custom shirt
ii In this city , ouo experienced preferred.
_ _ _
v\\rANTGD-The general public to know that
, f , ' ' wo can Rupply > ou with male or female
Iv 'help that will give satlsiactlon ; no delay and
.i disappointment. Western Umployinent
lurcaul l8 Farnam. 641
ANTED A young man as porter , S. I.oh"
man , 1108 Kariiam at. mt
TANTED Youug mon or Indies to net
n canvassers. A now article , blv induco-
ncnts. No books or soap to peddle. Canadian
jKraplovmout offtce. Mrs. Brega A Son , 'U6 8.
B6th.telephoae _ 84. 078 2UJ
TANTBD-Men for'alllilnds of work at the
Western Employment Agonoy. 1012 Far-
namBt 970 89
l\TANTED- 1 coachman , $ - & per month ; 1
' ' man private familyr per month ; I farm
hand , no per month ; 1 boy. 1C yearn old. learn
trade ; l cook for city ; 1 dishwasher. Omaha
employment bureau. 119 N. lath st114 2V
ITANTKU A competent bookkeeper , man
T or woman. J. B , Kitchen , Puzton hotel.
UANThD- House carpenter , tmnrd ,
at Mlllard hole . HI < j
ANTBD-Trnrrllng dry goods , safes , nnd
- novelty salesmen , general agentii , salnrloil
Jloltors , barnessman , farm bunds , laborer * ,
abloot maker for Kansas Olty , plumber
nlper , lady agents for coffee and tea house.
" "ter lrls for general housework. Head-
i , lamtaniam st room 9. KB sa
\VANTRD-Aboy 1,8 or SO yonn ot age who
' understands the c re of horses and who
Is willing to work , must vivo good reference s ,
luquiro of Western Corulco Works C. ilpecbt.
' 'ANTEDA baker at Chicago bakery , 116
N llth st 131 SOJ
XXT ANTED You ng man to help on raa-
' ' cluncry , ono who has had some experi
ence on team boiler ; cml on Fred Youngs ,
proaaroom. Bee office. 137
, \VAU7E.rcrJft" < 'r 1 PI > ly northeast cor-
mr 14th Capitol avo. Itm 29J
iraphcr. ValonUno'a Sh rthand Infitltnte.
101 n
WANTED-A Journeyman tartar.No 130H
Main st. Council liiuffg. 151
W ANTRD-Young man to assist about
storo. Inquire BIT B. 13th. 171 aJ
ANTBD-Yardraan for hotel In Cole , must
bo ablnto milk , $26 steady work.second
cook In city , $21 ! ono for Bloux City I.VJ ! first
cook for Ix > ng Pine f 40 , man and wife for pri
vate family. $ Ti to Mart on. Canadian Kmn.
olllce , Mrs. Ilroga & Son , 310 S. IMhst. Tel. 831
1ES 20 *
\VANTRD-4 German boys to carry paper * ,
S07-609 8. 12th. upstairs. BM
tVANTKD-Dlnlnr room girl for Wyo , a ) ;
> ' laundress for Neb , flH : cook for Long
Pine , Nob. , 140 : all fares paid , In city man and
wife for private family , 5 dlnlngroom glrlR ,
50 girts for housework f 1 and 15 per week , : i
dlihwasb-jrc , tor hotels ; 2 gtrls to wrap yeast
cakeflil nurse girl ; 3 girls for the country ,
small families 14 ; first and second girl lor Pa-
pillion , 5 and 14 ; 2 flrct rlasi second girl * for
city (4 , Z second cooks for small hotels.
Canadian Ftnp. ofllco , Mrs. Ilroga & Bon , 318 S
Iflth. Tel. W . 159 29J
ITANTKD-Dtshwashurs. Emmet House.
T 10'
W IANTED-Flrst class girl for general house
work , 3 In family ; 1BOS Farnam at.
W 'ANTED Girl for general housework at
C23S. 17th Bt. U81
WANTED-100 girls , big nnd little , old and
young , Mark and white for general
housework , nagca from M to l"i per week. Mrs.
llrega & Son , Canadian Kmp Office , 310 S Kith.
11B 30j
W 1 ANTED-Good girl In small family , wnges
14 per week.- Apply 212 N 1Mb st. 1U 1
WANTRD-Com potent second girl , 1621
Dodgo. .Mrs. F. B. Konnard. 181
W ANTED Cook and chambermaid nt Doran
house , 422 S. 18th st. ncarSt Mary's ave.
W ANTED Girl for general housowori ,
Gorman preferred. 1 08Farnam t. 883
W ATBU-rirst girl , lOlircapitol at o.
WANTED Girl for housework. Inquire
west corner 10th nnd Williams its , U04
r ANTED A good girl for general housework -
work , call at S\V cor Douglas aiidKlh su
WANTED-Goodglrl for light housework
In family or two. tt9 S 19th st 124 29J
W ANTED Young girl , to assist In house
work. 218 N 19lh st. 7 2
WANTED-Fomnlo help of all kinds nt the
Western Employment Agency , 1012 Far
nam st 07029
W ANTED-A girl for general housework ,
small family 1923 California , cor 20th at.
W ANTED-Good nurse girl. Mrs. W. M.
Itusbman , 614 S. 17th st. 617
VITANTKD A girl to do errands. Mri. Tlloo ,
VV lloom 14.Bushman's block. H32
\V ANTED 20 girls general housework , 1
laundry girl , 2 cooks for city , 2 dining
room girls , 2 disliwashur. Leta of good places
for girls at * this ofllco. Omaha Employment
Bureau , 119 N. 16th Bt 114 31
WANTED-SIx sowing girls at 411 S 15th st ,
Mrs. S. L. Petit. lot ) 29j
W IANTED-Cook and laundress. Dr. Coff-
man cor St. Mary's five and 27th st 558
WANTED-Glrls and all others who are look
inc for a place to know that we do not
charge oftlue roe unless place IB secured. Do
not be deceived by concerns who take your
money without giving you a place. Gate City
Employment office. 314H 8 15th st. 630
W ANTED-Girl.2002 California at ,
If ANTED Girl for general housework at
, No. 1018 Cupltol avenue. M6
FOUND A sot'of plans for a church , owner
can bnvo by proving property at Bee office.
140 1
T OBT Span horaes , black and bay , halter on
J-1 black and rope on bay. Hotiirii to 1H40 S
15th and got , reward. 144 30
T OST lllaok spaniel dog , collar marked D.
J-J M. IxjwlR. Return to Pacific Express
olTioo and get reward. 17J ij
STRAYED A light bay mare pony,2 years
old , with small white stripes in forehead.
Finder will receive ruwnrd by returning' to
South Omaba hotel , .South Omnha , Neb ,
11330 *
LOST Specifications on Saunders , Mr. Konls-
ton's house , Ellis , architect. Return to
the lice olllco. 1-t ) 83J
SIXTY-MIX feet frontage on 20th st , one mile
from postofilco wlth3amall lioiieos ; a big
bargain If sold ut onco. Inquiry of ( loo. N.
Hicks , 215 8 . St. MS 30
LOST September 7th , a small grey Mexican
dog pun , about G monthsold , und very fat ;
$10 reward tor return to 2101 Cumlng Ht
1)07 ) S8J
WANTED Lady to room and board In prl-
vate family , lleferonco required. 01UN.
lO.h street. 160 IJ
WANTED Horao and buggy or buckoard by
Stringer & Co. , 1518 Dodge st , as pay
ment for a good lot In OrsharU hill. 129 28
W ANTED-BoarJ for 22-months' old girl
baby. 1037 S. 20th st. 107 30J
W ANTED Horse , buggy and harness , must
be cheap , for cash. 3178. 13th street ,
icy 2 j
WANTED A goon rat terrier and a large
Maltose oat Apply at noon 112 : ) Harney
st 058 30J
WANTED A nice room for one gentleman ,
gas , bath , hot and cold water , furnace
heat , 1709 Dodge at 96 a
WANTED A gentleman roomer ( partial
board If deslrod ( lu an English family.
1021 South 18th Bt 055 2ij )
\\7ANTfiD-Q table boarders , flrstclass board ,
* roasanable rates. Reference required.
Mrs. Fanny Trumble , U13 So , loth , U58
V\"ANTRD-Tobuy a whole or half Interest
> In a country ba 11 In eastern Nebraska.
Address G 6 , Ileo office 1U7
WANTED To buy "ho furniture ot a small
or largo nous r centrally located. Co
operative Land and L ( Co. , 205 N 16th st.
/ANTED Three table boarders at 2113
Hurt at. Bt7 !
M IONEVIo loan. Notes and B. It tickets'
bought und sold. A. Form an , 213 S. 15th at.
. . 13&
MONEY to loan on city property. Buy good
notes. Souvera & Wbitconib.lSMtf Farniim.
$300,000 to loan , special rates on farm prop
erty , Sobotkcr ft Porrlgo , 1521 Furuura st ,
, to loau m any amount at lowest rate
of interest. H. B. Iroy , Frcnior block. 407
ONEY to loan to parties wishing to bulU
8. S. Campbell , U10 B IBth St. , Chamber of
Commerce. 409
M ONEY In sums of $500 and over to loan at
low rates , Russell & Barrett , 3M 810th st.
i 704
MONEY to Loan On Improved ; city property
at lowest rates of Interest No commis
sion charged. Sholes & Crumb , room 1 , Barkei
block , cor 15th and Farnam its. 645
MONEY to loan on real estate. No delay.
First mortgages bought. Bates , Smith A
Co. , 203 itamgu building , cor. 15th and Harney.
003 oct7
MONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs ,
horses , etc. , low rates. J. J. Wilkinson & Co. ,
1324 Farnam , over Burlington ticket office. 4
* 1,000,000 to loan , H. K. Cole , 316 815th. First
m mortgage notes nought 376
MONEY to loan on city property. Will buy
good notes. Seaver A Wbltcomb , IG'/JjJ
Farnam. 773
MONEY To loan. Lowest rates. No delay ,
J. L. Rloe < Sc Co. , over Commeicldl N-
tlonal bank 410
TO LOAN Money Loans placed on. Im
proved ronl estate in city or county for
Now England Loan Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank , lath and Chicago sts. 414
MONEY LOANED at C. F. Hood * Ca's Loan
Office , on furniturepianos , horseswagons ,
personal property of all kinds , and all ether ar
ticles of value , without removal , all a. 13th.
over Rlngbara a CommlRSfon store. All busH
newi ttrlctlvronfldontlnl. 415
MONBY to loan on Improved real estate !
no eommliiUm churgud. Loavitt Burn-
ham , room 1. t'ralghton block. > .413
" ' '
( ! PKB CENT Moiioy . , .
V " < \ Patterson , KtU and Uaroeidi
THE OMAHA Financial F.xcn tinge.
N. W. corner of Harney and 15th streets ,
over State National bank.
Is prepared to make short time loam on any
available security.
Loam made on chattels , collateral or real
Long time loans made on Improved real es
tate at current rates.
Purchase money mortgages negotiated.
Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged.
Short time loans made on second mortgage ,
according to marginal Interest , at collateral
Heal estate to exchange for good Interest
bearing paper.
General financial business of alt kind * trans
acted promptly , quietly and fairly.
Money always on band for approved loans
of any kmd.wltbout delay or unnecessary pub-
liclty. Corbett , Manager. 418
, To loan on Omaha city property at B
per o nt O. W. Day , s. e. cor. Ex. Bid.
MONEY to loan , caxh on hand , no delay.
J , W. and K. L. B'lUlre , 1413 Tarnam st ,
Paxton hotel building. ill
MONEY to Loan-lly the undersigned , wno
has the only properly organized loan
agency In Omaha. Loans of f 10 to SUM made
on furniture , planoi , organs , horses , wagons ,
machinery , etc. . without removal. No delays ,
All business strictly confidential. Loans so
made that any part can be paid at any time ,
each payment reducing the cost pro rata. Ad-
Tances made on fine watchot and diamonds.
PorRons should carefully consider who they are
dealing with , M many now concerns are dally
coming Into existence. Should you need money
call and see me. W. It Croft , room 4 , Wlthnell
building. ISth and Harnoy. 417
SHOUT Time foant made on any available
security. In reasonable amounts. Scoured
notes bought , sold or exchanged. General
ItiHiiclal business of any kind transacted
jiramptly , ciilotly | and fairly at the Omaha Fi
nancial Exchange , N , W. cor of 15th and Har
ney t , over State National bank. Corbett ,
manager. 127
M ONEYto Loan-O. F. Davis Co. , real es
tate and loan rfgonts , 1K)5 ) Karnnm at.
$ ; 750,000 ' TO LOAN at 6 per cent. Llnahnn
Muhonoy , I5U9 Karnam. 40,1
COMPETENT Lady and genttoinen teachers
at Blako's Shorthand Institute , Omaha
Business College , IStb and Capital avn. S02oct2j
C ASH paid for second hand bonks at the
Antiquarian , 308 N 16th st. 723 o 21J
A NOLO American Mortgage and Investment
Co.ofllco2423 Farnarast. John Cnltey ,
manager. B3Soct21j
F1IIST class help furnished on short notice
the cltv ami all parts of the west wh ro
fare Is paid. Western Employment Agency ,
lfil2Fnrnamst. SOI
GOOD Pay for extra work. Qualify yourself
for high salary by taking evening course at
Pinko's Shorthand Institute , Omaha Business
College , ISth and Capitol are. 50 oct3J
TpOR RENT Organs , M p r montn.
J ? UlSDouglai. 425
mo EXCHANOB-For cattle , 1 have ( WO nnd
-L forty acres of good western land to trade
for cattle , and a good house and lot near th *
capital will exchange for cattle , Address S , G.
Bryan. Ashland , Nob. 439
TIO exchange for ether property contract for
010 acres It 11 land in Cheyenne Co , , Neb , ,
two miles from railroad , also two U sec In Lin
coln Co. , near rail road. McCulloch ! c Co. , cor
16th and Farnam sts. 920
Ol. C. House furnishing goodl. all kinds ;
cash or installment ; lowest prices at J ,
Conner , 1316 Douglas st 423
F I OK KENT Hquare jflano , ft montn IT.
Hospa. 1613 Don via a. 425
VfKW Profession for Indies , send tor clrcu-
-L > ! rs. lllako's Shorthand Institute , Omaha
Business Colleec , 10th and Capitol ave , 502oct2j
DB. CIIASK'S now Ilocrlpi Book and Household -
hold Physician , the "Memorial Edition" ,
or over 600 pagos. The "Crowning Life Work"
of the greatest author nnd benefactor that
overlived. Just out. Agents maklnv immense
sales. Big terms. Address , F. B. Dlckorson &
Co. , Detroit , Mich. Mention this paper.
FORKBN1 Square Piano U monldlr. A
HnRpe.l613lJOueaK. ; 425
JIIllSONAL-Matnio : Calf's head , Thursday.
Como In. Hob. 12J 2SJ
PEllSONALtntho Indies of Omalm. If you
want good reliable help , call at the Omaha
Employment bureau , thn oldest onitdovnient
ofllco In the city. ll'J N. Ifith at. , II. K. White ,
proprietor. 11429
PEBSONAL ladles and gentlemen : Wo
have a now nnd complete stock of boots
nnd shouH at 410 N. 16th at. , opposite Jotforson
Good Goods uud low prices 92U2
T > KUaINAI.--C. S. Whitney soils hard and
-L sott coal , 1513 Farnam and 18th and Izurd.
4751 31) )
"pEKSONAL-Grlzzly. consider our acquaint-
JL ance ended unless you bring mn a war
ranty deed for ono of thosn $10 lots to bo sold
at 14 IS Farnam st during fair week. Imogeno.
PERSONAL K. Wlehlo , M. A. , teacher of ( he
piano , organ and vocalization ; instruction
Invariably or blithest order ; Al reference.
Office : Moz Meyer A ; Bro. 39's29 *
PERSONAL Private home for ladles during
confincm3nt , strictly confidential , mrants
adopted , address E 42 , Bee oflico. 107 oct 8
TfilOK SALE OrTrado-flyoar old horse nnd
-U spring wagon ; Address G 25 , Bee ofllco.
i i > aoj
EXPECTING toe absent for a yearor moro ,
I offer at private eala the following prop
erty on low and easy terms :
4 head of highest bred Jersey stock
i head of horos , the horse known nt John
D , ono Altlme year old colt , ono Altirao inaro 5
years old and ono boy's pony , one carnage and
harness , one phaeton , one cart , one road buggy
and one express wagon. James Neville. 88SolJ
FOB SALE A second-band 13-horso power
engine and boiler and smokestack for sale
cheap. Inquire of Blmmonds , Beevoi le Co. , S.
13th at. 913 2J
TTKHl SALB8 year old horse and nearly new
J-double seat light Mitchell wagon and har
ness. Inquire roar 1430 South ISth st. 9312
FOB SALE OB easy terms-
Pony $ 3000
Pony 4000
Pony harness and cart % . . . . . . . . . 125 00
Jllnck driving horse , 4 H years old 10000
Gray delivery horse , 1WW Ibs 1UO oj
Gray draft horse 5003
Gray draft horse 7500
Gray draft horse 7500
Gray draft horse , 15000
Llirht driving team mares 20000
Bay saddle horse ( alngloCoot ) 10000
Team roan ponies 12000
Bay driving horse 15000
W , T. Seaman ,
East aide ICth st. north of Nicholas ,
Agent for Studebaker Buggies , Wagons. Etc.
FOIl BALE Buck olic. yearling Tory gentle.
Address Box 6. FortSteele. Wyo. 15J 4J
ECESSITV compels the aalo-A lady In
pressing need or money must sacriUco an
elegant 10 stop , solid black walnut , case cabinet
organ loss than half cost Please call at once
and no reasonable offer refused. BEcor. 2lut
and Webster sts. 142 3
FOB SALE or trade-Extra fine team with
harness and carriage. Will oxcbango for
mortgage notes or good inside property and
pav dltforoncu. S. S. Campbell and O. W.
Horvey , 310 Chamber of Commerce. ll8 !
Fir8AiiB-Very large thoroughbred blood-
hound , two and a half roars old. Enquire
thlswoek 812308 BurtNt. ffalpa Modjoski.
854 30J
fjlOH SALE-Ai great bargains.
J ? 1 Hat top desk.
1 large wall map of city.
Several ofllco chairs.
1 horse , buggy and harness.
Will sell at a bargain and on time if desired.
F. Barrett. 317 8 15th. K,3
TjICH BALl-One ! team draft horses , call and
- isothorn. . Ltntnjer & Metcalf Co.
ONLY * 375 , cost * , * 10 per month , elegant
rosewood case upright piano , only used 1
month , good as new. Call Furgerson Storage
Co.,718 N HUliit. B01 30
UHGANS at great sacrifice , one-half value to
pay storage charges , beautiful goods at
your own price , easy payments taken , no fancy
prices. Call al once , Furgorson Storage Co. , 715
NlCtnst DOT ;
I JOB SALK-lce m car lots. Gilbert Bros. ,
' Council Bluffs. 7H0oct5
, - SALI At araerlflee.
1 Nina thousand dollars worth of
Mlscollineous Book * , which Idejlro to close
out previous to my early removal to east side
of 10th st , north of Nicholas et , where I will
carry the largest variety of buggies , pnietnns ,
carriages and wagons to no found at any one
place In the city ,
W , T. Seamun ,
Now at Farnam and llth stg.
_ Agentfpr8judob kar. oailXit 20
FOlf SALE Furniture of H six-room Hat ,
ready for housekeeping , lease until July ,
1889. or lonzcr If destron , rent { 35. Address G
11 , Boo olllco. W34J
POH HEST atoro ruomon ISth st. near St.
Mary' vc. Inquire OS S. 19th it. 117
T710R RENT New houce 12 rooms , good barn ,
JL' city water , all modem ! Improvements , on
Snundors St. , $00. J
New house 7 rooms , good barn , city water ,
on Ssundcrs St. , (50 ,
2 Hats , 0 rooms each , on 10th near Cumlng ,
$ .15 onch
House 8 rooms , 22d and l.eavcnworth , $10 ,
House 8 rooms , 20th a Pierce , good barn ,
4\ottnge In Walnut 11 At2.M.
fi-rooni cottage , WalnuHiII , $15.
Double house 11 room nth and Dorcas , $50.
Small bouse , South OtftBa , $10.
House 5 rooms , 28th andJBarney , 120.
C. K. Mayne HcM Estate and Trust Co.
! < > > 1
FOB BENT House a rooms In Hanscom
Place to a good party. 8. 8. Campbell and
O. W. Hcrvoy , 310 B tcth at , Chamber Com
merce. _ lt7 !
IjlOR BENT Wagon and paint shop In good
r order. Win. Bpurllng , DoWitt , Nob.
FOK BUST Anew S room house with clos
ets , paiitrys , hard and-soft water , goud lo
cality , 153V B , 21st st , between Center and Dor-
cas sis. 147 2J
FOB BENT An 8 room house and good barn
22d and Loavenwortb. Enquire of C.
Spccht. 5U8 S. 12th St. 185 S
FOB BENT Now homo with fi rooms , Cal
ifornia , between 33d and ,13d sts. , $15 per
mouth. 150 2HJ
OB iir.NT-By Cnhn & Woolly , 1322 Farnatn
at House of 8 rooms , n o cor 2 d and
I/ard ats. , : n per mouth.
House of 8 rooms near Hauscotn Park , all
modern conveniences , $10.
2 houses of 7 rooms each , hot and cold water
bath rooms , $1.1.
Rouse of 7 tooma near Hanscom Park , $30.
TjlOB RENT Cottage , 4 rooms , cellar , cistern ,
-E ? well. 1(4 ( blocks Farnam and 24th st. curs.
aa > Davenport Bt. 183 30 *
FOB HKNT Nov. l.brlck warehouse stories
Iilghba9cmont,4lxl 0sido-track at rear , boat
of locations. Inquire 1505 Farnam. A. C.
Powell 9 fl 29 *
OIlTlENT-Ten room brick" house , 1731
F Dodge. : All modern improvements. 7G4
FOnilBNT Well flniilahed house , n rooms ,
bath room , hot and cold water , barn , etc. ,
furniture for siilu. Including carpets , piano ,
parlor and bed room sets , stoves , ranirc , etc , ,
fcOEISttist. 122 ihlj
1/IO11 HKNT A now residence of 12 rooms. S.
K. front , all modern Improvements with
stable and carriage lioupc In Kount/e Place ,
cor. 20th and Welt streets. Inquire of C. Spocht
S03S12tbst. 187 S
OK RKNT-A largo nnd well finished store
room , prefer a firm that will handle ready
made clothing and ( tents furnishing goods.
Addroas W. F. Conwell , Oakdalo , Neb , iwi 12
F IOII RENT Store cor. 31st and Hamilton
sts. Inquire In rear. 174 1J
Foil HENT-7 room house on 10th at near St
Mary's avc. t'V > 0 ot furniture for 100. 6
room house rent $25. furniture for $200. U room
boarding house. H block from p. o. , furniture
(00. ( flOO cash , bal f25 per month , Co-opera-
tlvo Land and Lot Co. , 201 N 18th at. 101 ; w
FOB HKNT-OlTlco spaoo at 1533 Farnatn at
and furniture for gala. A. H. Coraatock ,
1523 Farnam at. 7K !
FOIl BUNT Nicely furnished house , 0 rooms ,
Shlmi'a2nd add. Inquire 1319 s. 10th st. ,
near Hickory. 615
WH have applicants for ft ) bouses , from 8 to
10 rooms , to rent. H. E. Cole , 310 s. 15th.
< OH HKNT Cottnifo of seven rooms with all
F conveniences , and furniture for sulo. In
quire on premises , 042 S 17tti Bt. T. J. Kltz-
morrls. 47B
. . BENT 5 to 10 room houses. Good loca
tion. H. K. Cole 310 S l th. 410
FOB BENT-Hesldonco tt street ear line , all
modern convonlenc Ht Owner nnd wife
wish to board with the fanMly. Enquire on the
premises. 1609 North 18th it IWl 20J
F > OH RRNT-Housos inVrat class locality.
Apply M. Elgnttor , 1001 Farnam st. 771 2'J '
BEXT 10-room flat , all modern im-
provomonts. Inquire 21)10 ) Davenport
! > of
FOB HENT-From Oct. 1. largo house of IS
rooms hontad by Rtoam and water on each
floor , sultablo fora first-class family hotel ,
carpets , range and window sliudos for sain ,
Hotcircnces required. Nathan Shelton , ir > 0 Far-
nntn st. 35 29
F OIl BENT Klcgant brick residence corner
21th and Furimm st , Goo. N. Hicks 215 8
BENT Now 8-rooin liouso. nil modern
Improvements , on Ueorgia nvo. It. C. Put-
torson , cor ir > th nnd Harney. 3'.i'
Foil HENt-Commoroial houao at David
Otv , Nob. AJdnisg Henry Will , Rising
City.Nob. 8fia Oct lJ )
U < OB BEN'T-Furniahod rooms with board ,
I1 1003 Farnam. 307oc5j
HENT-Tlirco furnished rooms , 4.12 . , $14
ami $18 per month , furnace hunt , ias and
bath included. North sldo Loavenwnrth , hot
17th and 18th. 007 30j
[ IOII BENT Nlcoly furnlsliod front room for
two gentlemen. 24'M Dodge atroel 807-30J
FOB Iir.NT Nicely furnlsliod suite of rooms ,
steam boat und gas fioo.also other rooms.
201S. 4thst
FOB HENT-Two nlcolv furnished rooms
with gas and bath , at 010 South 17th st.
K41 30j
FOB BENT Largo front parlor with Day
window , and alcove , also other rooms with
modern conveniences nt 1321 1'arnam Bt. ono
block west of court house. 821
F [ OR RENT Furnished rooms 1810 Dodge.
'Jt9 ! oct U
TT1OK RENT To a small family , 7-room house ,
J ? 1134 Nort 17th. Kaufman Bros , 1001) Far
nam at ; tS2
OR RENT Nlcoly furnished room , hot nnd
cold water , bath room. 018 South 17th.
pflOR RENT Unfurnished parlor and bed-
-C room , 1931 Chicago. 705
FOR RENT -Office spaces on ground floor ,
one front window. Enquire at 15011-arnam
st , of J. S. Richardson. OV3 oct3
IfOB BENT Nlcoly furnished room suitable
for 2 gentlemen , Inquire 2011 St Marys avo.
BENT-Nioo rooms , furnished 1113
Chicago st. 93S Ij
F OH HBNT-Furnlshrd room , bath and mod
ern conveniences(01 n 15th at. 149 30J
FOB RKNT-Largo furnlshod room for2 or3
gents. 117 S 17th. 14 ! ) 5J
FOR RKNT-Nlcoly rurnlshod rooms to ladies
orgentlcmen , C12 , $15 , { 20,311 N 12th.
141 30'
F OB HENT-Furnished front bedroom , 1113
Douglas at. 132 Ij
F OH HENT-3 unfurnished rooma for hoiiBe-
kcoplnif , ' 521 Caldwell st. ISA Ij
FOR HKNT Nlcoly furnished parlor with
heat , $23. Smull room , $10. 1021 Farnam
st 7273
_ _
TflOR RENT 1 large front room aultablo for
- ' fourgontlomen. HOWIoward at ,
iJt 17(1 ( TOJ
_ _
1POH RF.NT-3 or 4 furnished roome for
-L1 housekeeping. AddSVjas G 22 , Beo.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 171 Ij
OR RENT Two'iinfirfnlshed rooms ln a
cottage , centrally looifted. Inquire Sturgos ,
1516 Dodge gt , _ . 172 29J
FOB BENT An elegantly furnished largo
alcove front room , now house , all modem
Improvements , with free heat and gas , two
blocks rrom postofflce. 1707 Dodge st. 602
FOR BENT Nicely funjVhed rooms with
first-class board In new-ivick building with
all modern improvements. Mrs.rn.Young ,
! ! 209 Douglas St. 92i ) 2J
FOH HKNT-Nc ! ly furnished front parlor
and bed room , Gus and bath , third floor.
1011 Howard at _ 118 30J
FOB HENT-Eleiraiitly furnlshod room on
first floor , with modern Improvements ,
HUCass. ass
T71OH HKNT-Pleasunt rooms , furnished ,
-i- southwest corner 20th and Webster. 318
T71OH RKNT-One largo pleasant room , Routh
J- ' front , brick Hat , suitable for 2 or 4 gentle
men , 141 Chlcagost . 288
FOR HENT-Nleely furnished rooms to goiv
tlemenonly.iOia Douglaa . 6HJ 30
FOK BENT-Furnlshoa roomC03 S. 17th.
_ _ oi aoj
Tj'OH HKNT-6 rooms on 2nd lloor 40S 3. IHth
J- st , Itoforencci required. Also a base
ment for tlnnors , or storage. Hamilton Bros. .
builders. U7730J
FOB RKNT-3 rooms furnlshod for housi >
kouping. Prlca reasonable , bio North 18th
_ _ 071 2'J'
FOB BBNT-Nlcoly furnUhod front rooms ,
_ IflW Davenport st. _ 073 30J
FOB RKST-Two nicely furnished rooms for
uentlemeu Enquire Woda * Agency ,
HM.-S Capitol are. . . l 5oj
F OH RENT- * Furnished rooms. 1913 Farnnra
123 4J
OH HHNT-Furnlsnod rooms In Orounlg blk ,
cor 13th and Dodge st Inqulru otOro. B.
Davis. Mlllatd Hotel Milliard room. ZU
FOH BENT Furnished rooms , bedroom with
parlor , wltn or without furniture , new
house , good location , splendid view. 2210
Mason street , near 22dst , 04 30J
T71OH BKNT To gontlonion only , two nicely
JC furnished rooms with modern conven
iences. 1701 Capitol avo. 9X1 lj
FOB HUNT Largo and single rooms en sulto
also two unfurnlsned rooms cnsuito. 172J
Capitol avo. 1M I ]
F REST Furnished front room with nl-
- cove , also other smaller rooms , S ! 10 Far-
nam st 1UI IJ
171011 RENT-3 roorai nt 311 Woolworth st.
JD Inquire 608 N. 13th St. 10.3 < ) J
FOR KENT Very desirable front ronms.fur-
nlshcil , 1811 Capitol nvo. 110 SOJ
F 1 OR RUNT Furnished room * single or en-
suite , with or without board , 1015 Dodgo.
! ' OH HKNT-Largo front parlor , furnished ,
tlSper month , 1038 S. LIUh st. 1S4 2 J
plOH UKNT-Furni lied south front room
L1 with board , modern conveniences , for 3
fcntlomcn. 1914 Dodge. 753
FOIt KENT Furntthod rooms In private fam-
lly. WA 821st sf W8 o2J
TT'o'lt IthNT-A nicely furnlRhed front room.
-T Apply at 625 1'alrvlow or 8 2 th st. 90(11J
C1OH HKNT-Nlcoly furnished room with
X ? board , near car lino. Address 1' 72 , Ileo
offloo. ttJJ S
F OD ItEST-Pult of rooms suitable forSor
4 gentlemen , 1623 Dodge Bt. 913
FOIl UENT Nicely furnished front room In
nice cottage , suitable for two gents , In
private family , flO per month. 4M Williams St. ,
8 minutes walK southeast U. P. depot. P35
FOIl HENT-Niceiy furnished looms , to gen-
tlpmon only , 220 N. 10th St. . lloom 2. 4 !
/CANADIAN Employment onico furnishes
\J clerks , accountants , stunotrriiphors , etc. ,
froti or charge. Ik inoatia help auppliod on
short notice , and sent to all parts If fare is paid.
Mrs. Ilroga & Son.318 South 15tb. Tel. fttll.
U77 1 *
\\rANTBD Position by ayounif mnn ; spraks
Vt' ( lorman ; willing to do any kind of work.
Address C II City hotel. 177 SOJ
\ \ rANTKDSltimtlon as bouscKeopor in gon-
' tloman'g family , or liny position of trust ,
by competent lady ; address Western Employ
ment agency , 1012 Farnam st , 150 30
WANTKU-Situatlon by smart actlvo boy ,
where ho can do chorea night nnd morn-
[ nir for bis board and gn to school. No office
fe * . Inquire Mrs. flrcca Ic Son , Canadian
Kmp , olllce,310 Slfith. Tel. 8HC ISO 2)'J ) '
\\rANTED Situation by young man.Ocrman
TT ns coachman , groom , yardman , etc ; very
brst of city references , 2 yrn in last pliico ; no
offlcofoo. Mrs. llroira 4 Son , Canadian Kmp.
office. ! ) lt ) S 15th. Tel 884. 120 2lj !
\VANTED-Sltiiiitlon as coaohmiiu orpnrtor
' > by a Btout , nctlvo and nent nppoarlng
colored man , good city references , no office
foo. Mrs , Ilrcgn Ic Sou , Canadian Euip olllce ,
am s nth. TO ) MI. 120 ay
WANTED-Posltion by experienced stono-
grapher , with No. machine. Address U
17 , llooofllco. ! W8 ; iOJ
UTANTEII Aootof books to post up ovon-
Ings by good , responsible person. Ad
dress G 14. Iloo ofllco. 9SO liOj
W ANTED Situation by flrst-cluss miller.
Address (1 18 , Boo ollice. 101 30j
AtrANTKD-Sltuatlon by experiencedstonog-
> raplior and type-writ l t Beferenccs
given Address Hello Carver , York , Nob.
1)9,129J )
\Vr ANTED-By experienced drng clorka situ-
T T at Ion , the best of rcforouccs furnishod.
Address G 3 Ileo. 921 1 *
TlHi ; Western Employment Agency , 1012 Far
nam street , ha * good places for glrla , men
and lioys out of employment. Cull ut once and
aecuro thrm. U70 2'J
OTOUAOU Furniture , boxed goods 150ic. t . ,
terms reasonable , 714 Pacific. 150
S' TOHAGE ' Klrst-claas sturaga for nice rur-
ulturo or boxed gooda. atlMJ Dodge-st
A BEAUTIFUL double lot on cor. Caps and
Iowo nvo , must be sold. Call for Inspec
tion and terms. K K. Datliug , 41G S 15th.
1ST your property for sale with Charlw C.
J Spotswooil , 30i S 10th St. I2
\\THAT have you to trade for fine 2-story
T v residence and two lots In the west nart of
town ? John C. Thompson , Herald office.
WE n ave some good Omuhi property to
trade for land nr inorchaiuliae and n
good farm to trade for city property. If you
wish to buy. sell or exchange property ace us.
Cone & Johnson , 721 N ICth et. 722 o 1
Full SAM'A beautiful two-story houao of 7
rooms just completed : city water , gnsiinil
modern linprovoiiiutits , In Mlllard .VOildwell's
add , on Loouat Bt , overlooking Kount/.a add ,
and within two blocks of the street car lino.
This house Is offered forflalo for a snort time
on the most reasonable terms. It is located In
ono of the best parts of city , and will increase
In value. For all paitloulars apply to Clmrlos
C. Spotswood , 305tf 8. ISth at. 751
FOIl SALE A first-class hotel property doing
excellent business. Must eell in sixty
days. Tor price and terras address B. S. Lilly ,
real estate dealer Broken Bow , Neb. 233
FOR SALE -ii2xl3J : ft on R R track on Niche
las and 13th with ware house 3Uxxtft2
Rtorlcs , price $14,000. Address Shaw & Field ,
box 52x , Omaha. 302 o2 *
ft-HOOM house nnd lot In South Omaha , on
J easy monthly payments. F. K. I arltng ,
410 8 15th. 1452
mo EXCHANGE Some money and choice
-L land for first class , improved Inside prop
erty. H. I ! . Colo. 310 S nth 411
FOH SALE -121x100 tt cor Howard nnd a > th
ats , next block to Kasson , Brady Jt Mar
tins houses , $7,500. Address K33 1 Bee olllce.
FOH SALE-At a sacrlflco , lots 3 and S , blk
II , Albright's annex. Lot H in Polham Place ,
1 aharo Lowe Avenue Terrace Building associa
tion stock. F. Barrett , with Helln & Thoinp-
Bon. 317B15tbst 851
FOHTKADK-Houao and lots block 2 Kount/o
4th odd , house will rent at $25 a month ;
noonuumbriinco , will Irado fora vacant lot or
ball lot In Hniiscnni place orthoroiibout to cost
from J2.UOO to $2,500 und will tuko inortgagoon
property tor the balance. Charles C. Spots-
wood , 3J5H 3 ICth. 705
FOHSAfiE Rargalim In lots In Plulnvlow
and Klrkwood add , tholr nwnnr must have
money for improving property close by. No
commissions. Address Gil Ileo olllco ,
' 051 3J
FOR SALE-Hero is n $1.010 tor some one.
102 feet cast and south front and a corner
on Lowe ave. bet. Cummlngs ami Farnam , at
$18.50 per front foot. Inquire 10U3 Howard. 2d
floor , west Bido. 787 ifJj
S TlUNO Elf& CO. , 1518 Dodge will soil 2 lots
In Walnut hill for (1.150 ou very easy terms ,
and ono lot In Orchard hill for $700 , $220 cash ,
and a good high-lying lot. _ 12J 28
NOTICE 2 trackage lota In center ot city to
leasti cheap , for a tonn of years. For par
ticulars address P. O. box 457. 7742'JJ '
mo EXCHANGE-Equlty ln.4 , a and 10 room
JL houses and lots for paid up lots. H. E.
Cole. 316815th. 410
_ _ _ _
INVESTIGATE This. Finest rornnr in
Kount/.o place , 84xU'4 , price $ . ' 1,5)0. ) It wll
take $525 cash. AddregJ G 1 ! ) Bee olllco.
miIOMPSON,3l4 S 15th at , buys and Hells real
-L estate , loans money , purchusu ) securities ,
has a Hued list of property ferDulo and want
more. Notary public. 854
LIST ynur property with H. E. Cole , 310 a
16th , room 1. 409
MAHSHALL i Lolwck-Chumbor of Com
merce , 16th and Farnam , offer the follow
ing special bargains :
Next to corner 2Jth and Lake , $7,000.
Lot ID , 5 acres , Spring Valley , f UM per acre ,
$1,000 uaah , balancoto suit.
20 and 21 , block u , Muyno'a addition , $800
Corner 10th and Madison nvoiiu * , Washing
ton Square , lot 3 , $4.f > no , H cash.
Corner lots in Lobcck'a fciibdlvlslou , $25) , 10
per cent cash , bulunco to suit 9 5
SALE An east front cottuiro In sub dlv
of Jno 1 , lledtok's add , 7 rooms. Ixn 48x110
olty wutor III yard. Hood lawn , shrubbery , ion
house , cess pool , cemented cellnr , bcaiitful little
tlo cottage home within ono block of 5-minute
street car M > rvlco. Ground worth what Is askcc
for property , i'rlon > .XVO$1,400cush and nsKiiino
mnrtguiro. This prlco too I only till Oct. I.ltli
Evans & Blackburn , 1510 Dodge. _ 115 4
"VTBW g-'room cot'age und full lot lii nleoo
-l-l residence ) uart of city , only two squaruii
from street cars , for sale on monthly pay
wont * , e. K. Darling , 418 S litb. 11 * a ,
i V. Sf.OMAN , Real estate , 1301 Ftirnamst.
O. Farnam tt between Twentieth and
Twenty-third. IMiliC. , per foot $ 400
'arnum st corner Thirty'first 138x132 ,
per foot. . . . IV )
'arnam st. near pavement , 47x133 4.1W
'arnamst near pavement. U5xl32 B.lliU
'arnam at. corner Forty-thlnl , 44x133 , , . 3WO
Farnam Bt. corner Nineteenth , Im
proved. 22xlt2 : 20.0UO
' 'nrnam st between Nineteenth and
Twentieth , Improved , 77xlQ : 40,00)
'urnnm st near Eleventh , 20x132 , rents
for l,500 : 25,000
Britain st , near Twenty-Seventh , 80x133
per foot . ' . 300
larney st. near Twentieth , Improved
171x187 50,000
larney it. near Twenty-third , Improved ,
50x32 11,000
larney st. near Fifteenth , Improved33x
13 * 7. )
Btitecnth ft. near Nlohn'.ag.OO xirU 12,000
' 'l.xtpenth st. south ot viaduct , 40x102. . . . S.two
louglns st. astot Twenty-third. 06x131. . U.OOO
Twentieth st , near St. Mary's ave , I in-
proved. 40 il''O 8,000
Twentieth st , between Douglas and
Dodge. Improved , : < 2x68 5.nK )
Sounders st , corner Hurt , 100x51 7,5)0 )
Allen st , near Farnam. east front , 47x1,12 , 1,8JO
Fifteenth st , corner Jones , Improved , 60
XI32 30,000
Fouitecnthstcorner JacksonImproved ,
80x132 ! 30,000
'ou rt Denth stcorner Chlcago.lmprovcd ,
60x132 18,000
Twelfth st. corner Jones , Improved , AOx
132 . . . . . ; 25,000
vlrvcntli st , corner Nicholas , trackage ,
eexiaj. 7. . . 0,000
Thirteenth at , Paddock place , trackage ,
00x112 „ S.BOO
Thirteenth st , corner California , Im
proved , routs $ limo 55.000
ark vro , opixislto Park , 60x150 8,000
Javenport st , opitoslto High school ,
fine modern fourteon-room house 00
x33. 18,000
C RS St. , boiwoon Nlnotpcnth and Twen
tieth , twelve-room modern house , MX
1118 1. . . . 15,000
ftcholaa At. corner Twenty-second ,
trackage , 13''xl32 , Imprnved 20,000
Charles St. , near St. Mary's , lmprovod,04
x28 ! fl,400
Culpy st.ncar CrclK'htoncollegemodern
ton-room hnuso,33xl42 6,250
'leicc fit.near Twentieth , 00x183fronts
two streetsImproved
) edge st , near Twenty-slxtB , asx32 ! , Im
proved 3,000
Twenty-second St. , near Oruco. 00x120. . . 3,000
West Omaha , in bon ton locality , 40 or 61
X185 , pf-r foot 75
fwenty-ilrst , corner Vinton , 52x100 1,500
CaMcllar St. . next corner Eighth , OHJx
Thlrty-th'lril at"cornet Dofawaro.Hans-
coml'liicc liWxlOO 5,100
' .cavenwortlist near Sixteenth , 2 < x't2 , . 0,000
Wobsterst , near Twenty-eighth , 50x150 ,
on grade l.POfl
In addition to the above I have lots In all
chojco uilditioim at low llgurori. TJV
HOIISKS for sale by Stringer & Co. , 1518
Dodge st.
12-raom hoi'se and largo lot on Dodge st , the
very boat location and ono of the host houses
n tbo city , close to High school.
A now. elegantly finished 10-room house , on
? alirornla. close to Crolghton college , only
A good 7-room house , east front , on Georgia
ivonuo. between Jackson and Leavenworth ,
very cheap at Sil.OOO.
A now , woil finished 7-room house , close to
Fiunacom Pnrk , beautifully located. Price ,
Tho' beat built 0-rooin house in Omaha. North
S2nd st , one mile nnd u half from poatofllco for
(5,500 ( , terms easy.
A nice comfortable homo on North 18th st , 1
mile from postofllce , S rooms , a bargain at
,000 , very caay terms. 128 28
FOS 8ALI' Choice aero tracts for gardening
purposes. George N. Hicks , 215 S. 15th st.
112 30
I 1ST your property with S. ' S. Campbell and
t G. W. Horvy , 310 Chamber of Commerce
special attention given to the exchange of all
knds ; property. Improved and unimproved
city property , farms , horses , cuttle , stocks of
goods , etc. 808
E F. HINGEB , 119N. ISthst.
t 8,000-Shlnn'g 1st , 93x120 , house , 10 rooms ,
will exchange forlots In Koiint'o Place.
9.5004 lots on Saundura at , opposltu Kountz.o
Place ; worth $11,5JO.
13,000-50x140 , douulo house , 8 rooms each ,
bathroom , city water , etc..rents for
$100 per month. (3.0(10 ( cash , * " > ,000 In
ether property , $5,0t)0 ) on tune.
6,000lots , house6 rooms , barn. etc..Shltin's
1st add. Iitita alone would bo cheap at
the price asked.
18,500-2 modern houses , 7 and 13 rooms ouch ,
72x141) ) , near 23d. routs for $159 per
month ,
25.000 Crtxl20 , buildings cost $8,000 and cover
nearly all the ground , \sill rent lor
$150 per month. $3.000 cash. $8,000
other property , balance 1 and 2 years.
$2,000OiK ) worth or property In all parts of tbo
city. Ir you want to buy or Ball sue P. K
Hlnger , 111) ) N. 15th at. 819
5 ACHES near Cable line In west part or
town , lies beautifully and is n flno ploco of
properly to Halt down now for a tuturohomo.
will IIP sold at u bargnln for cash. P. K. Dar
ling , 410 S15th. 14.12
6 room house and lot on Corby st root , $2,500 ,
$51)0 ) cash.
room house , and lot 03x134 on S 10th street ,
$ " > , UO'i , S-i.nJO cash.
Kroom house , and lot 50x150 , Hansoom place ,
$5,750 , $ IOJO cash.
n room house , and lot , Idlowild , $5,500 , $3,000
7 room house , nnd lot 20th near Cumlnir ,
$1,000. $1,50' ) cash.
OU.xKMimproved on Farnam , $10,000 , K cash.
80x03 , Patrlck'b 2ndon26thstrcot , S3,000casy
I/t5 ub of tax lot 5 , city trackage , $1,600 ,
$ li HI cash.
Iot 6(1x140 ( on Snundors atroot botwcon Clark
and G race , $ < i.5 fl , * 5,01X1 cash.
Lot 88 foot fronton Kith , corner Grace,17.WO ,
' 5 cash.
Lot 50x120. Summit Pluco , $3,500 , t ! , cash.
Iot MS W ) , corner on t'arnum street , $225
afoot , 'i easli.
Lots lit Hod ford Plaoo , Iloyd's add , . Orchard
Hill , Walnut Hill , Westside , Klrkwood , and all
over the olty.
Aeros for Platting.
125 acres 4 miles from postollloe.
10 acres : i miles from postolllco.
5ucros3 mllns from postolnee.
tlacres3mllus from postolflco.
5 acres in Newport.
2 acres In Bolvodoro.
Brown * Crolchton , so corner 10th and Doug
las. WSI oct
BABGAINS-8room house nnd3
lot in DenUo's addition , with burn , $3.700 ,
$1,000 cash.
12 room bouse , full lot. on Sovran ! Saun-
ders.all modern improvements , $ S,000 , $3,000
cash ,
! > four room houses In Logo's addition , Sl,500
each , $200 cagli , balance on easy torms.
lioautlfill lot In Hanscom Pluco , ? 3.500.
5 room cottage and i ! Iota , Walnut Hill , $ ' ,003 ,
ono third cash.
Fine corner in Kllby place , $1,850.
* Also some choice bargains in Orchard Hill
and Lowo'B addition , U. B. Hull and Co. ,
1153 113 K. 10th St.
SALE Flno improved farm or it30 acre
In Gogpor Co. , Nob. , all undcrronco.good
bouse , und all out building , prlco f 4C. Address -
dross J. It. Shaw. DOX 52iClty. 201 o3J !
BABGAIN-Twolotsin Baumlurs .1 Hlino-
bangh'a addition to Wnlnut bill. Address
A. B. Lathrop. Alnsworth , Nob. U1021IJ
BUBB PLACE-75 residence lots situated
trom onn ro five blocks south or the South
Omaha browory. Prices from $11.10 to $000.
One-third cash , balance on easy terms at 8 per
cent interest J. J. O'Hourko , solo owner.
730 olj
FOB SALE A Kountio Pluco corner lot very
cheap. E 44 , Ileo olllco. NT > 30J
S OUTII "OMAHA-For Salo-Thlrty cnolco
business lots on llollnvuo street , the lead *
ing thoroughfare connecting thy city und
South Omaha. Also twenty otoimnt residence
lots In the northern part of South Omaha , this
aldo , northca'tof the stock yards and business
portion or the town.
Thle property was nil bought of the original
South Omaba land syndicate at unoaily date ,
and 1 now offer thoao lota , ttio choicest In Iho
addition , nt prices that will inukotho purchaser
100 per cent on every dollar Invested. This
la nil Inside property , nnd Is the finest
opportunity > et offered to secure on such ensy
lorins , choloo lots on the main streets und di
rectly In the wuy oftho growth or both towns.
You can put from two to tlvo houses on nny or
those lots , an 1 I will giinrantoo to rout thorn at
prices that will not the owner from 15 to 'JO per
cent per annum on an investment
What can bo safer or a bolter Investment ?
Tuko the map of Omaha , look over the addi
tions , north , south , east and west , and then
note where this property Is located ami the po
sition it occupies In the way of Improvement
nnd development of olilior the olty or stool :
yurds. South Omaha and the stock yards on
the smith , the cltr of Omaha on the mirth , and
and three great lines of railway nn the writ ,
muKelt Insldo propoif , Hnfe and Burn. Goo.
N. Hlcks.j j 5JtlisUpot 113 30
BEAUTIFUL Orgnns at your own price nt
Immense sacrifice , to pny storage cliiiriros.
$5 monthly , puymenis taken , ulogunt goods ut
your own price , call ut once , Sturauo Co , , 715
N. 16th at. 1 ! B
T 1ST your property with 8. t > . Cnmpboll und
1 G , W. llnrvy It you want to sull or ex
change. 810 Chamber of Communie. H07
FOIl BALI'-Lot ! l In bTk . Slilnn'a 1st add , H
good six roomed house , datum ami burn ,
flno Hlindu trees , $4djJ , 11.000 cmli , balance i ! ' .
per month. Heimwa i Co. , 15th st , onp. P. O ,
HO ! l
TfOll SALU-At u bargain , lot In Blium'B 3d
Jmid , now D-room house , 2 ciosotR , pantry ,
good cellar , ( lUlorn. Will sidl iiiniitiirn if pur
chuiior. doairea it Price , 13,200. $1J 0 cash ;
Imluncn In'Syturs. Call or address IID.SUK
Charles st. . '
LIST your property with H. R. Cole , M ft
15th , oora I. 409
LIST your prtmorty with It. E. Cole , 1168.
15th , room I. 4 < M
H Kilt ! Is a bargain , $ J75. cost I ( WO , mignin-
cftit "li octavo unrlitht piano , Herat ori
bargain ever altered. Ten years guarantee.
Truly a superb Instrument , Bnro ohnnco to
got a flue piano. Only used one month. Call
btorngo Co. , No. 715 N. 16th jt 1.14 5
FOB SALE Elegant 10 room house , all mod
ern eonveiiloiieemonly $5'JO ' cash required.
H. K.Colc. 316 b 1Mb. HI3
O HANDSOME residences with nil modem
' conveniences , for sale nt n bargain , In
Hansvnm pUco. Call and see these If you ar
looking for a homo , as thcv wl'l be sold o *
easy terms. F. K. Darling.41H 8 Kin , Mia
" \TICB cottage and full east front lot near two
-i > car Hues , $3,300 , easy payments F. K.
Darling' 416 S. ISth. | 145 3
OisALE Finest locution for a home la
West Omaha , adjoining the mansion
mines of Klrkptidall , Coe , Brady , K s on and
then. Nothing flnxr In the city. Can sell
05x187 or lcs < : for prices and terms ROD S. A.
Ionian , 1301 Farnam st 7.H
Dotigln * ml 14th Street * ,
tf/n per foot (50t ( 140) ) on California near < Htk
4 > * rU st Will pay to took nt this.
/r nor foot ( IllOxlOO ) Burnt , oust Snore *
4 > ir J Heart Academy.
l n P per foot , lots 28 und 29 , Clark Add. ,
$ I ZO east and west frontngo. Bnrgulu.
( MQnnt'or I0)x125 , corner block I , slyori ,
) I OUU Blchnrds * Tlldous add , H cash.
Cinnn House and lot In Hawthorne , east
4 > I 3UU front , on grade.
< t I COR r < nr lot ° < I'lock 7 , Platnrlpw , on *
4 > IOUU tiloek fmiu cnblo lino. A corner.
< t linn I''h ' for 1 lots.CalHornla st. , very
4) ) I lUU sightly : only H civsh.
ffinnn Ilonsn and lot (52x16 ( , ) ) on Cu ji , near
4 > ZUUU 31th atroot. South front
( tlOnO For 130 foot ti-ont on Lowe Avenue ,
4 > 'ZUU near Hamilton. A bargain.
( tCnnn Corner 17th and Center streets , ( Mr <
4 > OUUU 150) ) . A snap.
rgnn ForJ { lot-corner Hownrd nnd Con
4 > uOUU vent , cast front , 8-room housebarn ,
city wntor , sowor. $2Ji K ) cush.
Cinnnt' < > t 1 ° - block t , Shlnira add , lions *
4) ) I UUU H rooms , closofg , wator. street car.
etc. Only 2/iOO casn ,
< t I nCnn Takes east front lot on 18th St. OOr-
4 > I UOUU 140 , S housesmodern Improvement *
IDS will bo received until Oct ! 1nl forth *
excavation of about SJJ.OOO ynrds of o irlh
on the Water Works Giinpuny * now Rcttllng
basins at Florancii. The company roRorvos tli
right to reject any or all bias without regard to
Plans and specifications can be ceou at com
pany's olllco , 1U12 Capitol nvenuo.
Proposals for Subsistence Stores.
OBco ! ( Jhlof Coinmis ary of SubslHtonoo. V
Omaha , Nob.Sopteiuber I , IKS * . )
GEALED Proposals , in trlpllcato , addreaiod
k3 to the undorRlgiiail , will bo received at thH
oinco until 13 o'clock , noon , contra ! standard
line , September ; W. 1887 , for furnishing and
lellvory at tnu subsistence storehouse In this
city , the following articles : vtnogar , laundry
Kemp , taniily Hour and lard. Proposals will
also bo received and opened at the saino time
at this olllco ami by the subsistence officers at
ho foltnwlng named places for such ati.ount *
of Issue Iliit'r , onions and potatoes ns may bo
required to ho delivered at those places , or on
xiard cara , produced or manufactured In the
vicinity thorunf , vi/ ; Cheyenne depot. I'orU
llridgor , Douglas. Du Chosiio , Laramle , MeKln-
nay , Nlohrura , ItabliiKon , Hldiiny and Camp
Pilot llntto. Tlio right Is reserved to reject anr
or all proposals. Specifications showing In do-
tall the articles and quantities required and
giving full Information will bo furnished nil ap
plication to this ollluo or to the subsistence
oftlcors at the places nanuid.
JOHN P , HAWKINS. Major oii'lC. S.
Running Between Council Bluffs and South
Omaoa. In addition to the stations mentioned ,
trains stop at Twentieth ana Twenty-fourth
streets , and at the Summit in Omaha.
M. It. JtlUDOX
Merchants' Nutloual Hunk Building , 10ioui :
Tclopbonq No. 375 , Omaha , NubrusVa.
Ptoonlr.I/indon , Knirland. ; $5,721,374.1)
Klremen's.NoHurk , N. J. . .
Glen's Falls. Gloifs Falls , N. Y. 1,402 < ] , R4
( llrurd , Phllndelpiiiu , Pu. ,
Nuw YorK N. Y . . .