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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FHH3AY , SEPTEMBER M 1887 'THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , The Opening in Wheat Made at About the Previous Day's ' Close , PRICE FLUCTUATIONS NARROW. rV Heavy Iluslncns Iluno In Both Corn lid Oat * A Poor Day In I'ro- vlalonn C'attlo Lower Quotations. CHICAGOI'llonUCE MARKET. CiUCAoo , Sept 20. | Special Telegram to the HEK.I 'Ihoro appeared to be aqultu general opinion this morning that the wheat market had received about all the hammer ing U would Htand yesterday and that a reac tion of some sort might naturally be ex pected. Outside market ! ) all opened from % c to He under yesterday's closings , which ap peared to be the result of yesterday's weak ness here. They strengthened laterhowover , and thereby confirmed the expressed opinion of a lirm believer In the supremacy of Chicago In the wheat market that "The outside mar kets are usually from half an hour to half a day behind us , but they follow us In the end. " ht. Louis was a good buyer here to-day and one theory based upon that fact Is that lighter receipts are looked for from this on by the St. Louis people , who have had the weakest market all along because of the heavy receipts and the unusu ally large stock U.ore. The first public cable gave soot wheat steady , the second quoted .September wheat unchanged , but all other futures lower. Private cables advised that there was not much doing , that holdeisero firm and buyers not Inclined to do anything at the price. The opening \\asataboutthe figures of yesterday's close-October Tie. De cember 73 c and May 78 > c. There was a Might decline at the first , which was Immedi ately recovered under good buy Ing orders anil a slight advance \\as gained. Fluctuations wnre narrow , however , the entire range for the session ibelng from 70 fc to 71 < fc for Oc tober , 73J @ 73c to 7a fc for December and M&c to TUc for May. Cudahy appeared as a Belter and Mllmlne , Hodman & Co. were sellers. Thurber & Gore were among the heaviest buyers. Fleming & Hoyden com menced to buy October wheat and late In the session Walker , and Jones , McUor- mlck & Kennett were bidding for wheat , i he close was exactly at the opening figure for October 71c and at a slight advance for December and May 73 > 4@r.i < fc and 78 @ Wfc , respectively. The recelnts were latgor than expected 7 cars of which 69 were prlng and of these but 3 cars graded No. U. Vessel room was taken to-day for lii,000 : bushels. There was heavy trading in corn to-day and much of It In large lots. The opening was at 4'Jko for October and November , and V o for May. It Is said that there Is a very large quantity of May corn for sale at 4Gc , and It was observed that there was no lack of grain at 45fc , and whenever tnat figure was touched durin * the day there followed a slight decline. Fleming & Hoyden were buyers of cash corn nnd llutchlnson con tinued to buy May and Octooer. 1 he receipts were less than expected outl aw cars and thoshlpments continue liberal. I ho inspection sheets showed 20t,000 bushels of No. a yellow and 178,000 bushels of No. 2 corn withdrawn from store In twenty-four hours. The lake charters to-day for corn were 580,000 bushels. Cables continue tavorablo , quoting corn hlcher , w.ith prices tending up ward , llm closing was firm at the opening ligurosfor October , a fraction higher lor No- Jjniber at 43X@ ; fc , mid at a loss of ; s'c lor , There was a continuation of yesterday's activity and firmness In the speculative market for oats. The Inspection showed a small percentage of contract grades , and with a good consumptive and shipping de mand 8 | > eoulatlvo ollorings , especially of the near futures , were not lar.e. May oats fluctuated within the narrow ranee ot 'J9 < < < a BOo and closed at oOc at 1 o'clock , or kc better. From 25 ; < c at the opening , October eased off to S5 * c. then Improved to 'JOc and closed at ! Kc. November rested at BOJ/c , afjer se ling from 2G@20VC on the split sarly up to ao c. The tone of the market was very firm most of the time. Lake charters - tors were for 148,000 bushel. in provisions the dav's trading made a rather poor showing. Yesterdav's activity and Interest somewhat subsided and in the general market there was no feature to war rant comment or command attention. The Mhorta showed less anxiety about their out standing contracts and with hogs In good supply an easier feeling was displayed. Lard , In fact , was the only teally strong article on the list and at 1 o'clock was held at the prices current at the adjournment last night. In January pork a gain ot lOc and In Janu ary short ribs ot 5c occurred. October short ribs fell off 2 } < c , or from S7.J > i early to 87.70 at the close. January , which was Uie favorite speculative future , sold at S12.42 > { @ 13.35 for pork , 80.500.07K tor lard and 80.32X < 3 .40 for bhort ribs. For these articles the best prices quoted were obtained during the morning and the lowest at the close. The last quotation for October lard was 80.47U , November lard routing at SM3W bid and December at 80.45. Ca h lard sold at 80.50. Cash meats were a little slow. AFTKIINOON SESSION. Wheat stroiicei and higher ; September closed at about 7i > - < tv 71 c ; October sold from 71e to71' c6n the spilt to 71W@71c , on the split , closing at that ; November sold at 73V ( < 72Jfc ! ; De. cember.sola . from 73Kc to 73 c , snllt , tn Ida bor sold at 42 c < < 4ic : ; Octbbiir sold'at 42c and 42fa43c ( , cFosInc at43 @ 43c ; Novem ber sola at 43436c , closing at 43 ; < c : Maj Bold at 45Jifa45Kc , closing wltb sellers nl 45Jfc Oats stronger ; Sentointx > r about 20ci October sold at 25Xo and at 2.r > Xdt3itc on the ipllt , and closed at We asked ; No vember sold at 20 > { @ 2uVYc. on tin unlit , and closed at 201/0 bid Mav sold at SOc and closed at SOc bid. 1'orh was advanced 5c for January , which sold al B13.45(31'M7 ( } { and closed at 813.47K ; yeai was quoted at 812.15. Lard was 2Jjc hUhei and closed at 10.50 for September and Oc tober , 0.45 for November , 80.47K for De cember nnd S0.52X for January ; Octobei old at 80.47X 0.50 , November at SA.4.S am January at 8o.52K. Short ribs were 2U& Cc higher ; October sold at S7.707.75 am closed at S7.75 ; January sold nnd closud a 10.35. CHICAGO 1,1 VH STOCK. CHICAGO , Sent 20. ( Special Telecram t < the BEK.CATTLE | With 10,000 cattle agali to-day , making a dally average of over 10,00 for the week and with a largo and moru that ample proportion of good cattle , It was no lurprlslng that prices should bo lower fron the outset , and. as much lower on good one as others. Of cows there were some sale ; KglOc lower and others again 20@'i5c lower but on a general average prices were full ; 10@l5c lower than yesterday. The eommoi cattle were In largo supply and sold badly but the market for choice heavy cattle of tlm quality was about as bad as for others The trade was dull , weak and lowc simply because the market was excessive Alotof 1208-lb distillery cattle sold at 84.2 and there were a good many good to cholo 1300 to 1500-lb cattle sold at 84 25Q4.05. t car of 14so-lb steers sold at 5.20. Half o them were grade short-horns and half grad Hereford * . Receipts , 1,000 ; shipments 8,500. Natives 10 < < Jl5o lower. Extra , S5.00C 6.30. Shipping steers , 1320 to 1500 Ibs 84.40(34.90 ; I'.VO to 1350 Ibs , S3.60i ( C50 ; 050 to 1200 Ibs. , 82.75@3.CO. Stockera am feeders , l.&Ot&UX ) ; cows , bulls and mixed 1.25ftUC5 ; slop fed , S4.25. Texas cows 1.60(31125 ; hteers , 83.15(33.85. ( Westen range steady ; natives and halt breeds 3.35@3.00 Wintered Texans , 2.aoow.w. Moos-Estimated receipts , 18,000 ; las Thursday , 13.U10 ; week so far , 07,054 : sam time last week , 57.210. Trade was fairly ac tive , with a down turn ot about &c on the 01 dlnary run ot packing sorts. Anything tha was really ood. either light or heavy , sol nearly as high as yesterday. The bulk ot th packing sorts sold within a range ot 84.50 ( .70 ; the best heavy at 84.75R4.00 with sklii and common as low as 8:175(34.25. : ( Llgl forts. 84.00ir4.vO ( ; Yorkers , S4.b5@4.W ; singi Ing pls , 85.0U. FINANUIAU NEW YOHK , Sept. 20.-Speclal [ Telegrai to the BKK.I There was a better feeltn lathe stock .market and pjlces average The conference between becreUi Falrchlld and the New York bank presidents at the sub-treasury yesterday showed that It was the Intention of the government to pro tect the beU Interests of the community by every legal means. This went far toward restoring confidence among the heretofore demoralli'ed speculative clement. The openIng - Ing this morning , however , was quiet , with only fractional changes. London sold a lit tle easier and bought Reading and Lake Shore. The yacht race drew a largo number of the brokers from the market but enough remained to transact a fair amount of busi ness , and their absence was hardly missed. Room traders were mostly bullish , and It was said the Vanderbllts were buying their prop erties. This accounted for their strength. The advances , however , were slight. Mis souri Pacific churned up and down wlthlo a range of 1 per cent , and showed the elfects of manipulation. Lackawanna , Jersey Cen tral , and New England developed more strength and advanced % to 1 } { per cent. Heading took an Independent tack and dropped % per cent , but remained nervous and rallied slightly. St. Paul was one ot the few weak properties. Mr. Armour attributes the decrease In earnings to the fact that farm ers along Its Una are not selling their grain , but § ays that the expenses have been reduced and the net earnings will show an Increase. A rumor was afloat that the St. Paul was making n cut rate of 23 cents per 100 pounds on wheat from Minneapolis to New York via the Lake Shore. After a K per cent advance offerings Increased and a ? ( per cent decline occurred. Northwestern was not affected by the rumor of cut rates. Its Iron business Is paying well and no decrease In earnings is expected to result from a light movement of the crops , instead of following St. Paul It advanced % per cent The rest of the list re mained quiet without new or important feat ures. Tim market eased elf the last hour and closed tame. The net declines were Heading , St. Paul , ' * , Louisville & Nash ville Jf , Lake Shore If , Western Union } { and Northwestern V per cent. GovKu.vMKNib Government bonds were dull but steady. YKSTKHOAY'S QUOTATIONS. U. S. 4's coupon .125 C. &N. W U. S. 4W'8COUn..lOS # do preferred..114 Pacific < Fsol ' N. Y. C , CanadaSouth'n. . 5Sjf O. U. AN- bO Central Pacific. . 34 O. T. . Chicago A Alton. 140 Pacific Mail do preferred. . . .150 P. , D. &K 21 C. , B. AO 1.T4 Pullman Pnl.Car.14d D. , L. & . ' Heading 603 , D.&U.0 . 24 ? Hock Island . . . .r Erie . 29V St , L. AS. F. . . . 85H do preferred. . . . C5 do preferred. . . . 71 Illinois Central. . 117 0. , M. ft StP. . . 79 do preferred. ' ' ' " St P. & O Lake Shore ! . . . . 04 % do preferred..107 L. &N 61 Texas Pacific. . . . 25 Michigan Ceut'l. . 87 UnlonPacltic. . . . 53 Mo. Pacific 92 } . , W. . St LAP. . . . 18 No. Pacltio 24 % do preferred. . 32V do preferred. . . . 50 W. U. Telegraph MONKY Call easy at from 4) to 5 , last loan 5 , closing at 5 per cent. PRIMR MEIICANTILB PAPEH CJ @ 8 per cent. STICRMNO EXCHAKOE Dull and steady at S4.79K tor 00-day bills ; S4.83 > for de mand. _ I'UObUC'E MAUK.KT3. Chlca.o , Sept. 29. Following quotations are the 2:30closinit : figures ; Flour Unchanged. Wheat Firm ; opened rather low , with closing % ( & \tc higher ; cash and October , TKMGc ; May.TOC-lGc. Corn Quiet , steady nnd moderately active , nit later closed } i@ > ) fc above yesterday ; cash nd October , 43c ; Mav , 45Xc. Oats Steady , with fluctuations within a mall range ; cash , 'JGc ; October , 25 15-lCc ; lav , ; c. Hye Steady nt 4Sc. Harley-Quiet at 70c. Prluin Timothy Soea § 2.21(32.23. ( Flax Seed1.05K. . Whisky ) . Pork Steady and moderately active ; year , 812.10 : January. S12.47j < f. Lard Steady ; cash and October , SG.50 ; May , 50.80. Dry halted Moats Shoulders , S5.avffl5.30 ; hort clear. S8.15W8.20 ; short ribs , 87.75. Hutter Firmur ; creamery , lfl@24c ; dairy , rxaitic. Cheese Firmer ; full cream Cheddars , 11@ IJ/c ; llats , llKll } c ; Young Atnencas , Kggs Flrtn at 17@18c. Hides Unchanged ; heavy green hides tfc ; light do , 7J/(28c ( ; salted bull hides. te , green salted calf , 89c } ; drv flint , 12 ® 13c : dry calf , 13@13c ; deacons 30c each. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , 4'g'c ; No. 2 , 3Xc ; calces , 4) ) < c. UocolDts. Shipments. Flour , bbls 21.000 11,000 Wheat , bu 43.000 C7.000 Corn , bu 218.000 211.000 Jats , bu 212.000 111,000 tve , bu 17,000 none Uarley.bu 05,000 47,000 New York , Sept. 29. Wheat He- olpts , 90,000 : export" , 115,500 ; options opened weak and declined M < & } ( c , subsequently ruled stronger and reacted K@fc , closing Irm at the best prices of the day ; spot was lirm and rather quiet ; No. 1 red , nominal at bSc ; No. 2red , 81 } @ 815 c In elevator , 81sc f. o. b. , 82X@s.c delivered ; October closed at Sic. Corn Hecelpts , 13-1,000 ; exports , 97,000 ; options } ' @XC higher ; spot firm ; ungraded , 5fx@52 ? < c ; No. 2 , KiJ c lu elevator , 52c In store , 5H } ( { f > tyQ delivered { .October closed nt 5lc. Oats Hecelpts , 80,000 ; exports , none ; shade higher ; mixed western , 3. ! > ( 34c ; white western , 34@40c. Colleu Spot , fair ; lilo , steady nt SJ 10.25 ; options opened 20C430 points lower , closing firm with decline partly recoveied ; sales , 43.500 bags ; September , 817.25 ; October , 17.20@17.45 ; November , S17.40 < 317.C5. ! Petroleum Firm ; United. CT'Hc. Kggs-Firm ; western , 18X@2lc. Pork Fairly active ; mess was quoted at 814.50(314.75 ( for old ; S15.25fi i6.80 for new. Lard Shade Igher : western spot , S6.95. Uutter Firm ; western , 13@5c ! ; western creamery , 10@25c. St. Lnul , Sept. 29. Wheat Lower ; cash , 09J/e ; October. 6'Jc. Corn Firm nud highe ; cash , 38 < § S9Vc ; Octooer , 39c. Oitts Firm and better ; cash , 24 > fc ; Octo ber , 23J c. Pork-314.75. Lard-50.37V < . Whlsky-Sl.05. Uutter In fair demand ; creamery,20@22c ; dairy , iSQlflc. Afternoon Hoard Wheat Higher ; Octo ber , 70c bid ; November , 71c. Corn Quiet nud firm. Oats Steady but dull. Minneapolis. Sept. 29. Wheat Closed firm with fair busnessNro. ! ; 1 hard , cash and October , 71iCo ; November , 72c ; No. 1 northern , cash nnd October , C9c : November , 70c ; No. 2 northern , cash and October , Me : November. 05c. On track Xo. 1 hard , 73c : No.l _ northurn , 70Gi71c ; No. 2 northern , 6C ' Flour Firm ; patents , SU5@4.80 ; bakers' , J3.253.50. Hecelpts-Wheat. 153.000 bu. Shlptnents-Wneat , 20,000 bu ; flour , 22,00t bis. Kansas City , Soot. 29. Wheat Strong : No. 2 sott. cash , 04 > c bid , 75c asked ; May , 74't'c bid. 74c asketl. Corn No. 3 cash and October , S6c ; bid November , bO c bid. Oats-2-JHo bid. 23Xo asked. Liverpool , Sept. 29. Wheat Steady will demand ( alien elf ; holders olfer moderately Corn Firm nlthdemand good ; new mlxei western , 4s 5d per cental. Milwaukee. Sept. 29. Wheat Higher cash and October , "OJfc ; November , 72tfc. Corn-Quiet ; No. 3. 42/c. Oats Steadier ; Xo. 2 white , 23 > j'c. Hye Strong ; No. 1 , 60c. Uatley Firm ; No. 2 , 5 Kc. Provisions Firmer ; pork , SU.50@15.00. Olaolnnatl. Sept. 29. W Heat Strong No. 3 red , 7UXc. Corn Steady ; No. 3 mixed , 45c. Oats Easier ; No. 2 mixed , 27O27 c. Itje Firmer ; No. 2 , 54c. Pork-Easy nt 115.00. Lard-SO.45. Whisky-81,05. New Orleana , Sept 29. Corn Kaslor mixed and \\hlto , 55c ; yellow. 55@5Cc. Oats-Firmer ; No. 3 , 83OSlko. Cornmeal-Stendy at 92.25@3.00. Hog Products Easier , but not quotabl ; lower. Pork-S15.35. Lard0.75. . Bulk Meats-Easier : Shoulders , § 5.50 ; Ion ; clear and clear rib. 83.25. . LIVE HTOOK. Cbtoaito , Sept 29. The Drovers' Journi renuruaa followBt . CattlKec lpu , 19,000 ; lt(815c ( lower fe natives ; fxtra. 85.00(35.20 ( ; shipping steers , S2 75(34.00 ( ; stockers and leeders. Sl.5031.00 ; cows , bulls and mixed , S1.25 3.G5 ; Texas rattle , 81.5032.b5 ; western rangers , 9-0@ ! ! ! 3.00. HoKs-Ilecolpts. 19,000 ; market about steady , closing lower ; mixed , 84.a > ® 4.l : heavy , f4.45M4.05 ; llcht 54.40rJ4.05 ( ; rough and skips , y.00( ( Sheen Kpcelpts. 0,000 ; market steady : na- tUcs , S2.75gU.25 : western , 83.003.70 ; lox- ans , J2.203J.50 ; Iambs , 54.20 ( 5.40. Nationnl Stock Varili. Kant Ht. iMult. III. . Scot. 29.-Cattle Ke- celnU , 2.000 ; shlpmeuts. 1,000 ; low : fa r to choice heavy natives , 83.05(34.70 ( ; butchers' steers , S.30@4.00 ; fepdcrs. a. 7003.25. HOKB Kncelpts , 4,000 ; shipments. 1.000 ; market lower ; choice heavy and.butchers' se lections , 84.80(84.05 ( ; packlnr and Yorkers , 84.45Q4.75X ; plRS , S3.75Gi4.40. Kftnaan City , Sept. 20.-Cattlo Ke- celpts , 8,800 ; shipments , 3,000 ; best corn-fed stronger ; others steady ; coed to choice corn- fed , 84.25@4.M ; common to medium , 8i.2.r : 4.10 ; Btockern , 2.i5@2.CO ; feeding steers , 52.6fxa3.25 ; cows. SUWC.GO. ! lloKR KecplntB , 5.000 ; shipments , 2,000 ; opened weak , but later the general market was steady ; common to choice , 4.10 4.60. OMAHA I.1VK HTOCK. Thursday , Sept 29. Cattle. The receipts of cattle were heavier to-day by 500 head than yesterday. There were sev eral loads of corn-fed westerns In which sold on the market , but not many corn-fed natives. Thn offerings of ran e cattle were liberal. The market was inclined to bo slow and a shade easier on all grades. The mar ket did not close until quite late , the largest bunch sold during the day did not go over the scales until near 5 o'clock In the after noon. _ linen. There was a slight falllnjrou In the receipts of hoes as compared wltii yesterday. The average quality of the hogs was not quite up to yesterday's standard. The market to-day was merely a repetition of what wo have been havlnc for some days back. It opened about fx1. lower and with rather Ik'ht offer- Inge. The market was not very active but the buyers bought everything offered and took the later arrivals about as fast as re ceived. A few of the last loads received were not sold until afternoon. The market closed with everything sold but with a very weak feeling on account of the extremely un favorable reports received from Chicago. Sheep. There were none in and nothing doing on the market. _ llcoolpt * . Cattle. . 1.200 UogS . . . 2.BOO Shlptiiunta. Cattle . dears iiogs . . . 5 " Prevailing : Prioot. Showing the pnivalllnit prlcjj pild for II va stock on Ibis market : Choice steers. ISOO to 1500 Ibs . . .84.20 4.50 Choice steers. 1100 to 130J Ibs. . . 4.10@4.20 Fat little steers 000 to 1050 Ibs. . . . Corn-fed range steers 1200 to 1500 8.85rai4.20 Good to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2.50 ( < eB.OO Common to medium cows . 1.50 ( 3.25 Good to choice bulls . : . l.7.vas.GO Good range feeders . 3.5003.75 Goodnatlvufeeders,0001bsand up wards . 2.75@i.OO : Fair to medium native feeders.OOO Ibs and upwards . 2.50@2.05 htockers , 400 to 700 Ibs . 3.0UM2.40 Prime fat sheep . 3.35 < a3,50 Fair to medium sheep . 2..WH3.00 Common sheen . 1.50(3)2.25 ( ) Light and medium noes . 4.20W4/.IO Good to choice heavy hogs . 4.0f : ! < 24.40 Good to choice mixed hogs . 4.25(5)4.35 ( ) Ilopro-iontntivo > 'ATIVE3-COIIN-KKD. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 10. . . . 71 SI.12 } WKSTHUX rOll.V-KEI ) . 54. . . . 1510 S4. 45 51 . .1403 S4.45 hANOKIISIS. . * WYO. , L. AC. CO. All sales ot stoctt in this market are made per cwt. live weight unless otherwise stated. Dead hogs sell at Mo per Ib. tor all welzhti. "Skins , " or hogs weUhlnz less than 100 Ibs. no value. Pregnant sowsaro docked 40 103. and stagsSlIbi. bythnnubllo Inspector. LilTO Stunk Notes. Hogs still lower. Cattle a shade easier. U. W. Wlrt , York , marketed a load of 40o hogs. C. A. Daniels , Arcadia , la. , was In looking for feeders. J. E. W. Chandler , New Hampton , came in with cattle. 11. F. Church , liassett , was In with three loads of cattle. Amonir those in with hogs was J. S. Wil son , Manning , la. D. D. Dorn. Council Bluffs , sold a load of 235-lb hogs at 84.40. H. W. High , Grand Island , was among the visitors at the yards. 11. H. Jones , lleatrlce , was In and bought two loads of feeders. J. IHick , Crete , Neb. , marketed a loaJ ol 287-11) hogs at 84.42X. W. U. Ilenshaw came In from Thatcher , Neb. , with a load of cattle. E. A. Shane , EUln , was here and mar keted a load of 37Xc hots. M. C. Peterson , Dannebrog , marketed a load of ace-lb hoes at 84.45 , the top price. A. L. Spe rman , Springtield , Neb. , marketed koted six loads of corn-fed western cattle. John Green , of the linn of Green & Harr Greenwood , was here and sold two loads ol hogs. Charlie Hurt , of tt. D. Reynolds & Co. Central City , was In with a load of hogs aui a load of cattle. F. Trekel , of the well known firm of Tro kel & lieahm , Cortland , was among the vlsl tors at the yards. W. P. Herring , a heavy shipper and ranch man ot southern Kansa" , was hero looklni over tno yards. He Is looking for a place t < feed cattle In this state. OMAHA WI10L.lSS.\Ijt2 MA.HK.liTS. Thursday , Sept. 20. 1'roduoe. The following arc the price * nt which rotuul lots of produce are sold on UUa innrhet : To-day the receipts of eggs audlmtte were better than for a tew days back. Potil try was also plentiful. The prices on ° th more necessary products , are firmer but havi pot advanced very materially. F.uaS The market Is almost bare , ani r J stocks move rapidly at 17@18c. . it Creamery , West Point , SOc ; other , 22 < 32ic per pound ; choice dalrv , IS ® 80e ; medium grades , I3@15ot'Ordinary , 010c. CHKKSK Market fair. Fancy full cream Cheddars , slnzlo 13c ; full cream twins , 13c ; young Americas , ISXc ; brick cheese , 11)0 ) Ibs in ca e. 14c ; l.iniberger , 100 Ibs In case , 13 , c ; Satirs' fancy Ohio , lOc. Pot'i.TBV Fair market : gfirlng chickens 82.oont2.50 ; old fowls. y. < t3.oo ) ; ducks 82.25 < i2.75 : turkeys. In very lli ht request , ( K37c per Ib. OAKK Receipts Heht : prairie chickens , S3.75 ; mallard ducks. Sl. > ( $1.75. Otiall , S1.25.i1.50 ; teal and mixed ducks. Sl.OOQil.75 ; snltie , 75cQJ81.00 ; jack rabbits , 40@45c each ; jack snipe , 81.00 per dor. , CKLEHY The recelpta are larger and the stock better. Good stocU brlnxs 35 ( ( < 40c a bunch. ' ' . CxnnAOK-Callfornle stock. larso round heads , 2 } c per Ib. ; home grown 50c per dozen heads. OVSTF. BS-Shell , 82.00 per hundred ; bulk , 81.35 per hundred ; selecti , 82.20a gallon ; Cans , New York counts , 45c ; selects , 35 © 40c : standard , 27030C. SWKRT POTATOES The market Is well supplied and they sell at 2@QKc per Ib ; Vlr- glnfa stock 3c per Ib. CIDKII Choice Michigan elder , 80.00@0.50 per bbl of 32 irnl. POPCORN Choice , for stands. 2@2Kc per Ib. ONIONS Choice large California onions are offered on the market at SOc per busho .The demand Is light Eon PLANT Slow sale at C0@75c per doz , fet choice stock. POTATOKS The market Is well supplied. Salt Lake and Colorado stock sells at 70iMc. ) Nebraska and Iowa stock 60 ( COc per bushel. HONKY Good honey In neat one Ib. frames 20c per Ib. BKANH. Hand-picked navy , | 2.00 per bushel , and other grades down as low as 81.85. t'ruita. Orders from the eoitntri/ requiring se lected stoat ami c.ttra care lu ititoktivi ca/t- Tiot liori/s | be Jilted tit tlic same price * , quitted to the local triule for common xtoctt. GIIVIT.S Homo-Brown stock Is In liberal Rtipnly and Is moving feely at 4c per pound ; California , Tokay S1.7W32.00 per crate ; Muscats 51.50. CiiANiiKnnir.s The market is fairly well Minplled with good stock. Bell and cherry , 80.00. Cape Cods SfO.OOjlO.OO. ( ! PnAciiF.s Choice California stock Is going at Sl.25fai.50. CUAII Ai'i'j.ES-Cholce Siberian , S3.OOC-i3.50 per bbl. OnANOF.a Fancy Uodl , 160 per bov , S5 50 ; fancy Rod ) , 200 per box , SO.OO ; choice Naples , 200 per box , 85.50. LKMONS Choice Palermo , SO.OO ; fair Pa lermo , 85.00M5.50 : choice Messina , SO.M ) ; fancv Messina , 37.00 ; extra tancy Rodl , SS.r > o ; extra fancy Mnlorl , S8.50. | PKAits The market is well supplied with the later varieties of Callfoinla pears which are selling at $2.00(32.25 ( per box. APPI.KS The supuly Is llbctal , Ohpcclally of home-grown stock. Choice Michigan ap ples. ? 2.75@3.00 ; home-grown , 82.25(83.50. ( BANANAS The market Is well supplied with bananas at $2.50@3.00 per bunch. COCOANUTS Good stock , 85.00. Flour and Kned. flic following arc the lobtiliifi iirlcci : Mlnuesotapatcuts. 82.50percwt. : Minneso ta Bakers' straight , 82.20 percwt. ; Kansas and Missouri winter fancv patents , $2:4r : > ra2.iiO ) : Nebraska patents , S'J.2.2.35 ; rve Hour , 81.75 91.00 per cwt. ; rye Graham , 81.40 per cwt. ; heat Graham , 81.75 per cwt. ; corn menl. cllow , ! Kc ) per cwt : corn meal , white. Sl.OO iei cwt ; chouped feed , SH.OO@1(5.00 ( pur ton : ran , 312.00 ( 13.00 per ton : screenings , SO.OO 312.00 per ton. HAY Upland prairie , S8.00@0.00 ; com- non coarse. S7.00@8.00. Grocer's tiint. COFFKK Ordinary grades. 2021c ; fair , lK@33c ; mime , 2223c : fancv green and rellow , 2 : > ( g-25 ( > ; old uovernmeut .lava , 23ij ( iOc ; interior Java , 25@ Se ; Mocha , as SOc ; Arhuckle's. roasted , 2fi'/c ; McLauclilln'.s XXXX , 20' ' c ; DilworthV 20c ; Ued Cross. Hr.FiNKD LAitn Tierce , 7Ve : 40-lb square an , 7kc ; 50-lb round , 7rfc ; 20-lb round , J 'o ; 10-fb calls , 7&c ; 5-lb pails , 7J c ; 3-lb lails , 7Kc. SuoAit-Granuiated , 0,6 < @Ti < c ; conf. A , l < @ 0c ; white extra C , O' C' OVc ; extra C , M0 , ' < c ; yellow C , 5)fc ; cut loaf , 7jf ; pow dered. 7'4c. ' 1'itovisioNS Hams , llkl"c ; biealcfast bacon. llK@l'-'cl-l : bacon Hides Uia > 10edr\- salt , 8JfC'i9c ! ; shoulders , ! ® > jc : dried beef mms , lucsiilc ; dried beef regular , VK@lO > c ; lams plrnlc , BJtSJ c. DRIKD KHUITS Apples , now , Jf's Oc ; evaporated , 50 Ib ring , l.i@U } o ; raspberries evaporated. 2Uc ; blackberries , evaporated , - - * - - pitted cherries , coaches , new , , . . . - - . evaporated peeled peacnes , e ; tvapontted , unpared , lfik@17c ; new currants , " & ( s7Jic ; prunes , 4 ? tff5c ; citron , 25c ; rai- ilns , London 1 aye is , fcJ.lOffl'J.t.'i ; C.Uitornla , oose muscatels , Sl.90@j-.oO ; new Valeucias , > i'Ci ' ' 'SY'RUP No. 70 , 4-callon kegs. 81IO@l/)0 ; New Orleans. ; < er gallon. 3b ( < i40c : maple oyrtip , halt Ibbs , "old time , " per gallon , bOe ; 1-gallon cann , per doz , S10.50 ; half-gallon cans , per doz , $0.25 ; quart cans , S.J.25. CANNED GOODS Oysters , standard , per case , S3.00@3 10 : strawberries , 2 Ib , per case. SJ.OO(33.10 ( ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case. S3.1XK < J.10 ; Calllornla pears , per case. S4.OOtS4.70 ; tpricots , oer case , S4.lOiM.23 ( ; peaches , per case , S5.75@5.85 ; white cherries , per case , SO.OO plums , per CUSP. S3.bO@3.tK ) : blue- jerries , per case. 82.30@J.40 ; egg plums , 2 b. per case , 82.50 ; pine.ipples , 2 Ib , Der case. 53.20@5.75 ; 1 Ib salmon , per Aot , 5i.OOOi2.05 ; 2 Ib gooseberries , nor case 83.25 33.33 : 2 Ib.string beans , per case , S1.75 : 2 Iq Una bean ? , ver case , SI.GO ; 2 Ib marrow fat peas , per c.tsc , S2.50@y.bO ; 2 Ib early Juno neas. _ per _ case , .75,3 ; Ib tomatoes , 82.40 02.50 ; 21b . " . . , s .ilO . . . PICKI.BB Medium , Tn bbls , SO..V ) ; do In half bbls , S3.75 ; small , In bbls , 87.50 : do In half bbls , $4.25 ; gherkins , In bbls , SS.50 ; do la half bbls. S4.75. WoonuNWAnK Two-hoop pails , per do/ , < 1.45 : 3-hoop palls , $1.70 ; No. 1 tub. 80.50 ; No. 2 tub. 85.50 ; No. 3 tub , 84.50 ; wasu- boards , $1.75 : assorted bowls , $2.25 ; No. 1 'hums , $9 ; No. 2chuins , SS ; No. 3 churns , i'oiucco Lorillard'sCllmax , 44n ; Splendid " - - ' ' " " ' " " * ' did , 4lc ; Aleyer's ! moml'sl . Spearhead , 44c. I HOPE Seven-sixteenths inch , 12J- STAncii Mirror Uloss , 5c\ \ Graves Corn , 0/c ; Oswego Gloss , 7c ; OSWOKO Corn. 7c. HitooMS-Kxtra 4-tle.82.00 ; No. 1,92.00 ; No. 2,81.75 : heavy stable , $4 CANDY Mixed , S Mllc ; stick , 8H@9Ke. CRACKEKS Garneau's soda , butter and picnic. 5c ; creams , 8c ; ginger snaps , be ; city soda , 7c. TBAS Japan. 20a55c ; gunpowder,20@flc Youn < Hyson. 25d5.1ic ; Oolong , 20jtOOc. ( JEU.lKS-30-lb palls , SJ.OO. Dry Goods. COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dis count LL , OJfc ; CC , 7k'e ; SS. 8/c } ; Nameless , 5Ue ; No. \ Oc ; EK. 9irc ; < ! (5 ( , lOXc ; XX , 12c ; OO. 14c : NN , lOc , HX , 18e ; Jl.20c : No. 10 , BXo ; 40 , lOJ-jc : 00- lOKc : bO , 15o ; no , Colored , lOc : 50 , coloicd , I2c ; 70. colored , 15c ; Urlstol , I3 > c ; Union Pacific. 18c. CAIII-IT : WAitr Hlbb white , 18J < c ; col ored , 20 > { C. IJATTS Standard , 8c ; Gem. Ho ; Beauty , 12Kc : Boone , 14c : B. cased , SG.50. PRINTS Soi.iiijCoLoiiK Allan ta5 } < c ; Sla ter 5c : Berlin Oil 0 Garner \ Oil 0 to 7. PINK AND HOIIKS HlchmondOc ; Allen6c ; Hlvor- pnlnt5c ; Steel KlvcrCn : Hlchmond Oc : Pacific OKc. iNDiooBLUE Washington Oc ; Ameri can 0cArnoldOKe ; ; Arnold ! ) lie ; Arnold A 12c ; Arnold Goldseal 10 > < c. DitKSs-Char- tcr Oak4 } < c ; namapo3 c : Lodl 4 ! < c ; Allen 5Kc : Hlchmond 5ic , Windsor Oc ; Kddystone c : PaclhcOc. GiNOHAM-Plunkett checks 7 > e ; Whlttcn- ton 7Kc ; York 7)fc ) ; Normandle Dress K ! < C ; Calcutta Dress. , S c : Whlttenton Dres Oo ; Henfrow Dress 9o to 12' < c ; CAMnitirH-fclater4Ki ) ! ; Woods 4tfc ; Stan dard 4J c ; Peacock 4 } < c. ' COIISKT JKANS Androseoggln 7)fc ) ; Kear- sage 7'fc ; Hockport 0 > < c ; Conestoga O c. DUCK West Point 20 | p8o . , 10 > < c ; West Point 29 In. . 10 oe. . . 12Kc ; West Point 29 lu. , 12 oz. . 15cest ; Point 40 In. . 11 of. . lOp.- Checks Caledonia X. } ? c : Caledonia XX , lOKc ; Economy U to 9 c ; Otis U to \ > yc. TICKS Lewiston SO in. , 12Ke. ; Lewiston . ' 13 In. . 13U'eork ; 32 In. , 14c ; hwlft Hlver7Kc : Thorndlko O O , 8/c ; Tliorndiko K F. 8Hc ; Thorndlke 120 , 9)c : Thorndlko XXX , 15c : Cordls No. 5.9 > < c : Cordls No. 4 , UP. DENIMS Amoakeag tioz. , lu- : Everett ' > Beaver Creek CC. lOe. oKKNTUCKY JKANs-Mfmorial 15e ; Cantor 18c ; Durham 27Kc : Hercules We ; Leaminu' ton 22Ko ; Cottswnld 25c. ( 'HASH Stevens' B.Oc ; bleached 7c ; Ste vens' A 7Kc : bleached 8 } < e : Stevens' P bWc bleached OKc : Stevens' tf 0 > c ; bleacheC lOKc ; Stevena'S H T12WC. MISCKLLANKOUH Tabla oil cloth > 3.b5 plain Holind8Uc | to9c ; Dado Holland 13''c ' FLANNELH Plaid Raftsman 20n ; Goshei 3-J c ; Clear Lake sa > < c : Mapln City 30 > c Wuite-u. u. Ao. a , J4V iilc ; U , U. No.,1 , % UTtfc ; B. II. Xo. 2 , / . S2Wc ; H. 11. No. 1 , / . SOc : ( jttpcheo No. 1. > / , 4i5c ; Ouechee No. a , ? / , 37Ue ; Ouecheo No. 3. / , : i2 > fc ; Anawan 13Xo ; Windsor * 2 c. Red-C. 24 Inch , ISWc : E , 24 Inch , 2lc ; GO. 34 Inch , ibc : 11. A. F , , Jf , 25c ; J. R. F. , X , 27Kc : ( . , h , 35c. CoMFOIITKns 80.f)0ilt5.00. ( : HI.ANKETS White , 81.00Q7.505 colored , Bnow.v SItKF.TI fo9-Atlantlc A , 4-4 , 7.l/c ; Atlantic 11. 4-4,7c ; Atlantic I ) . 4-4 , Gfc ; At lantic P. 4-4 , 6c : Aurora Lh , 4-4. 5'ic ; Aurora C , 4-4.4Wc ; Crown XXX. 4-4 , o < c ; Hoosier hL , 4-4 , & 4'c ; Indian Head , 4-4 7j < c ; Lawrence LL. 4-4 , 5 fe ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 6KcPcppcrclI 11 , 4-40 } < e : ivppereil O , 4-4. Cc 1'eppcrell S-4. ICc -4 18c : ; , - : Pepperell4 , , Popperell. 10-4. 200 ; Utlcatx44. . 4 > fc ; Wnchusett , 4-4. 7c ; Aurora It , 4-4 , Cie ; Aurora B , 4-4 , Ce. IH.KACHKD SHKKTI50 cambric _ _ . Berkeley . . . . , X * tut ni i * 11 a V- * j t at x- t. > * * ! * ( lljic ; dale , 8' < c : New York mills , 10We [ ; repperell , 42 Inch , JOWc : Peppcrell. 40 Inch , like ; Pep- pcrell , ( M , 15c ; Pepperell , M , lt < c : Pepperell , 9-4 , We ; Pepperell , 10-4. vwj.'c : Canton , 8 > fc ; Canton , 4-4 , OKcj Triumph , Co ; Watn- sutta , He ; Valley , ! > c. General Markets. SPIRITS Colojne spirits , 18t > proof , SI.10 ; do 101 proof , 51.1'J ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , 81.K ) ; do 18s proof , 81.W. Alcohol. 188 proof. JilO per wine callon. Uedlstllled whiskies , S1.09l.rx ( ) . din blended. Sl.r > 0@ 2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons. 33.00(31.00 ( : Ken tucky nnd Pennsylvania ryes , $ 'J.OO ® < ! .50 ; ( lolden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , SL50@3.00. Brandies , Imported , 55.00d8.50 ; domestic. 91.80 ® 1.00. < ! lns , Imported. $4.60 ® 0.00 ; domestic , 5l.2fiOWoo. Champagnes .Im ported , per case. S28.00@lt3.00 ; American , per ease. lO.OOrt G.OU. UKAVY ItARnwAiiK Iron , rate , S2.70 ; plow steel , special east. 4'fc ; crucible steel , O'/c ; cast tools , rto. I2lx ! : ; waion spokes per set , sa.OO\M ; hubs , per sot , 81.5J : fel lees , sawed dry , SI.60 ; tongues , each , SOc ; axles , caeh , 75c ; square nnts , per Ib , 0'31.uc ; coil chain , per Ib , OK@iyc ; malieablc , 8C * U > c ; Iron wedges , Oc ; crowtiaro , Cc ; harrow teeth , 4Kc ; spring steel , 4 ( < * oe. ; Hnrden's horse Blioes , 4.75 ; Burden's mule shoes. * .V5. Barbed wire' In car lots , 84.00 per 100 Ibs. Iron nails , rates , 10 to 50 82.40 ; steel nails , CO t " f "liifE8 Green butchers' , BX ( 6c ; green cured. 7J c ; dry Hint , lie : dry salt , 9c ; green ralf skins , 7Hc ; damaced hides , two-thirds price. Tallow lie. Grease Prime white. He : yellow. Sc ; brown , IHc , Sheep pelts , 25 ® 40C. 40C.COAT. . Ege , 80.50 ; nut , 80.75 ; range. $ ' . ' .75 ; loualiimn. sa.OO ; Iowa nut , Si75alnut ; block. 83,00 ; Illinois. 84.'J5@4.75. FINISHING. 1st and2ndclear , l.Uf luch , s.2s 850.50 3d , clear , 1 Inch , s. 2s. , 45.50 " " 1J _ , IK , 2 In 4fl.M > A select. 1 Inch , s. 2 s. . 40.00 " " I,1/ , lV.2in 44.00 B " l'inchs.2s. , SO.OO " " W , IK , 2 In 37.00 I'OPLAR I.UMIIEU. Clear Poplar , HBds. . K In. , s. 2 s..835.50 " K In. Panel , s. 2 s 27.00 " " Corrugated Coiling , K. . 28.50 TIATTENS , WKLL. TtllllNO , PICKETS. O. G. Halts , S ° ° .75 * 3 In Well Tubing. D'jfc M and liov. ! . ' . ' . ' 83oo ! Pickets , D. & H. Flat 20.50 " " Square 21.00 HOtUDS. No. 1 , com. sis 818.00 No. 2 , com , sis 817.00 No. 3 , 815,50 No. 4 , 813.00 FKNCINO. No. 1. 4 it 0 In , 12 Jt 14 tt , rouirll 819.10 No. 1 , " " . 10" " 19.50 Vo.2 , " " 12&14" " 10.00 S'o.2 , " " 10 " " 17.50 SIIIINO. A. 12. 14 and 10 ft. Wl.50 C , 815.50 J. " " " 20.50 D. 12.50 rEII.INO AND 1'AIITITION. stcomin White Pine Ceiling SUOO ml " " " " " 2b.OO : iear , % In. Norway " " 10.00 ndcom. iViii. " " " 14.00 STOCK 1IOAKDS. 12 inch s. Is 8 < r'.5 ( ) No. 1 , com. 12 in. b. 1 s. , 12 It 20.50 ' " 14 It 19.00 ' " " 10 U lb.50 No. 2 , " " " 19.00 " " 10 tt 17.50 Inch Grooved Hoofing Sl.OO per M more han 12 inch Stock Hoatds same length. SIIINOI.KS. LATH. XXclear . .83.10 Extra A * 82.90 * A * Standard . . 2.75 * AHB&B 2.55 in. clear No 1. . 1.50 Lain 2.0-5 POSTS. iVhite cedar , C In. , } $ s. , 12c ; 9 In. qrs. , He ; s in. ors. , lc ( ) : 4 in. round 15c ; Tennesjaee led Cedar , split , I5c : Split Oak. 12c. I.IMI : , K.rc. Rulncv white lime ( best ) . We : Akron ce- uent , Si.75 ; hair. We ; plaster , S2.75 ; tar ward , $1.75 ; sash , 40c pur ct. ; doors , 40 per ct. : blinds , 40c per ct. ; mouldings , 40c per el. ; tar felt , per cwt. , 52.75 ; straw board , 81.75. ROUTItr.KN YEM.ON PINE. Com.4fcOIn. Flooring 817.50 Star ' " 21.50 Jlear Jn. Celline 21.50 " J ( In. Partition r 25.00 " Finish , 1 < t 1U In. s.2s 29.00 " Corrugated Ceiling , 4 In 2P.OO Yellow Pine Casing and Daw. . . 27.00 w Cov 13tli and Douglas sta. Capital Stock $150,000 Liability of Stockholders 80O.OOO The only regular savinirs bank in the state.Five l > cr tent interest pu'.U on deposits. Loans Made on Ryal state. OFMOKKS : OuvC. HAIITOV , Piesldent ; J. J. Bnow.v. Vice President : | j. M. llns'VKTr. Mauaxinr Di rector : JOHN K. Wn.iiuii. Cashlur. Union National Bank OMAHA , NEB. Paid Up Capital , $100,000 Authorized Capital 600,000 W. W. MAHSII , President. J. W. RODBFKR , Cashier Accounts solicited and prompt attention given to all business entrusted to its care. Pay 5 per cent on time deposits. No 206 Masonic Building , cor.Capitol Av enue and Ib'th bts. Telephone No 842. Capital $500,000 Surplus 1OO.OOO Herman Kounlze , President. John A , Creighton , Vice-President , F , H. Davis , Cashier , W , H. MevQuier , Assi.-Casltiei , H. K. BUtlKET. Funeral Director & Embalrnei ' 111 North 16th Street. - JOBBERS' DIRECTORY Agricultural Impltmtnls. CHURCHILL PARKER , Vf hoUMilo IXtltr In Agricultural Implements , Wngons , C .rrl ie * ud DIIH | . Jnnri street , tietwt'vn Mb _ iul IQth.Omnhn. Nub. _ L1XINGER ,0 METCALF CO. , Agricultural Implements , W nni.C rrm . Raffles , He. , WhotcMlp. Om sha. PARLINORENDORFtV MARTtS Vf holtnale l > clf r In Agricultural Implements , IT oin and Buttlea. Ml. B. HM nd ? 07. Jone it' P.P. MAST & CO. , Manufacturer * nf Ruclic\ie \ Drill * , Sccdvrn , Cultivator * HAT lUkes , Clilr-r Mill" mul Luhnn Piilverlicn. Cor. Nurlll tltli nl l Nicholas Mtt. WINONA IMPLEMENT CO. , Wholesale Ayrlcitltitral Implement * Wagons and * . orner 14th Jc Nleholni ( ? . Artists' Material. V VVAAt * * * . * * * ' vf VN " * * ' " ' " " ' > ' ' ' 'S * * W * A. HOSPE , JR. , ArtistB' Materials , Pianos nntt Orpnns , lit I IKiiulm Ptrrct , Om h . B oofs and Shoes. Jobbers of Boots and Shoes. 1411 Karnaui ft , Omaha , Neb. Manufactory , Summer utrect. lluiton. _ _ _ _ _ K1KKENDALI , . JONES * CO. Siircc88or < to llreil.Joui'S ACo. . , WlmloitHlo MutiilliK'tUiiirH nl Hootn .V Shoe * . AirlH lor Huston lltlliboi- Shoo Co. 1113. 1104 A 1111'Hurnm-St ' ntn"lin. Vi'hr < lcn. Coffee , Sp/ces , etc. ClAKKh , COKKKli CO. , Omulm C > ( Tee mul Spice Mills. Teas , ColTco , Spices , linking 1'owilor , Fltivnrlntr Kxtrncts , Laundry Itluo Ink , etc. 1414-1410 llarney St. Oiimtm , Nohinskit , Crockery and Glassware * W. L. WRIGHT , Agent for 'he Manufacturer * find Importer * of ( rockery , Glassware , Lamps , ChlmnuTii , etc. OIBce , 317 South llth St. Omaha , M u. . Commission and Storage. D. A. HURLEY , Commission and Jobbing. Bnttrr , EHK < nnd Produce. Cnnelicumcnti solicited. Ileailqunrters for Htiinewnro. Ilvrry lloxra Rud Ormpo HnnlMtK. 1111 DoilfBitrrntm ) h . R1DDKLL H ) RIDDELL , Storage nntl Commission Merchants , BpcclsUlM Butter , RKK * . Cliceno , Poultry , Uamo , Ojitcrs. etc. , etc. IU8. ilth tit. WIEDEMAJf C CO. , Frodnro Commission Merchants , Poultry , Mutter , ( lame , I-mitt , etc. 230 H. 14th ! , Omutia. Nvl , . l.MUIillfllt II I-.I. GEO SCHKOEUEIt & CO. , Successors to McHiumi \ S-uhroedor. 1'roilucu Coiiiinlsslon anil Cold .Stontgo. Oinnhn , Neb. Coal , Coke and Lime. Oio. F. LAnAon , T'roR. C. F. OOOPMAW , V. Pisa. J. A. WUNiitiil.ANI ) , Sec. and Trem. OMAHA COAL , COKE cl ) LLUE COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. 20U South Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Neb. . . * . a- ; * . , Mannfartnrers of Illinois White Lime. And Shipper * of ( Mil Rml Coke , CenuMit , Planter , Ume , llHtr , Hro Ilrlrk , llriiln. Tile nml fnwer 1'lpe. OHIiP. I'aiton Ilote ! Vuiim tt. , Unmlia , r ut > . Telephone 811. _ " "NEBRASKA Fl'EL CO. , Shippers * of Conl and Cake , 214 S. Illlh St.Oinnlm , Net ) . Dry Goods and Notions. " M. E. SMITH C CO , . Dry Goods , Furnishing1 Goods & Notions lliBaml HIM Doiih'lnn , cor. lllh St. . Omiiha.Neb. KILPATRICK-KOCII , DRY GOODS CO. , inpoituis mul Joblii'i-s Dry Qooils. NotlonH , dents' Fiirnl-lilMif Cuoils. i or. llth X lliirnoy 8t . . Oinnliii Furniture. DEWEY C STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture. i'aniam st. . Omaha. Neb. CHARLES Furniture , Heddinff , Upholstery , Mirrors , etc. HOti , 1209 and 1210 Farnam Bt. . Omaha. Groceries , J'AXTON , GALLAGHER ,0 CO. , Wholesale Groceries and I'rovisions , NOD. 705,707,709 anil 711 . 10th St. Omnhn , Nab. McCORD , Jt.KADr cC CO. , Wholesale Grocers , l.itn and T.eavonwortli Bt . , Om la. ] iJ. iM. ft 1 It-l ! , ! . ! ' . ic CD , , Wliolcnalo Grows , 1210 , r. l.l l Hiirnny St. , Omulm , Neb. ALLEN IJKOS , hnlcRiilf. ( trocars , l 1I1U Hiirnoy Ptrcot , Oinitlin. Hardware. LEE , FRIED tC CO. , Joljliera of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Nheat Iron , Ktc. A nt for Howe 8c lt , uiul Miami I'o d r ( o.OmnhaNrb. TAYLOR , Bnilders'Hardware&Scale Repair Shop Mechanlco' Toola and Duffulo hcalvi. 1406 Duui ! * lU Omaha , N < b. _ _ i\s VVlUllliLM Y CO. , 10th nd llnrnuy Ktionts , Oinalm. Nob. Wohtorn AirontH for Austin i'owdur Co..lcfrer- sou Stool NalU , KuhlmnUi StiinUiinl hculca. Heavy Hardware W. , T. JtJtOATCn , Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , rliiKd , Wagon Slock. Ilardwaru Lumber , etc. 1209 anil Ull lUrner ft. , Omaliu. EDNEY ,1) ) CIRJiO\ , Wliolcsalo Iron and Steel , Wncon and Carrliiiio Woml Stock , Keiivy 11 art war * , Ktc. KIT und U\'J \ ' I.uuvcnworlli Bt. , ( Imiiha , Neb. Hats , Caps , Ete. W. L. PARROTTE & CO. , Wholesale ilntn , Caps < fi Straw ( loodn , 11 ( IT Iliuncy Htrt-ot , Omnlin , Noli. Liquors , Dlittlleri nf I.lqunn , Alcohol and Pplrlti. Importer ! and Jouberiof Wlnciaml l.lquon. WILLOW Sl'RIlfGHDIHTILLE'f. CO. and ILER < t4 CO. , Impnrtom and Joblierenf Flno Wines and l.lqnon Solem nuf fltur r of K nnod > ' > Ka t Inrtla Ult- t r nnil Dunni'lc I Iqunri. 1112 llnrney St. Lumber. OMAHA JXnritER CO. , Dealc' . All Kinds nf Duildingr Mfitcrial at Wholesalo. 19th Street and Union 1'aelllo Track. Omaha. LOUIS 1UIAJ > FORD , Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Lime , Sasb Doori.Ktc. YarUi Corner 7th and UougluBj Cornei iilhund IKju < Ui. C. JVi DIETZ. Lumber. 13th nnd California street * , Omaha , Neb. FREl * W. GRAS , Lumber , Lime , C ment , Etc. . Etc , Cor.ttb and uouf tai > M Omaha.No1) . 2V W. HARVEYLUMRER CO. , , . To Dealers Only. Pttce , 14031'arnam itrtMt.Omaba. , OMAHA JOBBERS1 DIRECTOR ! CITAS. It. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wood C rp ti and r rqs t rioorlcj. JOHXA. WAKEF1ELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. Imported and American I'ortland Cement AitntforMllnaukeo Hfriraullo Cement and Beit ( julncy Wblttl.ltue. 4 J. OltERFELUER t > CO. , j ' * Importer * and Jobbers of " " fiml Notion . llth St. J Motions. j. T. RoniNsdyr jffofidJT \Tho1tule IXaltrs In Notions and Knrnlshliisr Goods , l l and 4U& 8. T nth ft. , Omaha. V1NYAR1) &SCHNEI1JEU , Wholesale Notions and Gents' Fur * iiMilng ( foods , 1105 llnrnoy Street. Omaha , Nob. Oils. CONSOLIDATED Whnlcaalo Dvnlurs In Rcjlned and Lnbrlcatinn Oils , Axlu ( Ircftic , uto. Onmlm.Nub. A. II. lllsliop , Mmmjur. PAPER CARPENTER PATER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers. ( arrr a nlco ntcck or I'rlnllnit , Wtnnplnt anl Wrll Inn paper. Kpeolal attention glten to car loalor ord r > Printers' Materials. WESTERN'XEWSfAPER Auxiliary 1'nblisUors. DealeralnTrpo , Prooiea and Prlntera' Supplies. 109 South Tweltlh Struct. Rubber Goods. OMAHA RURllER CO. , Munufuiturer and Dealon In all kind lot Knbbcr Goods , Oil Clothing iiml Lcaihi-r llcltlng. ItHM Farnam SU S earn Fittings , Pumps , Etc. "A. L. STJtAG CO. , Fumpf ) , Pipes and Engines , Bfce m. Water. Itallwar and Milling Sitppllci. HO , 920 , Vtl and W4 b arnam St. . Uamha. Neb. CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Bteaninnit Water Supplies , lleadqiiarterii for Ma % Ko3 t in'a Uoo < ls. illl * niam St. . Omaha. Neb. U. S. WIND ENGINE and PUMF COMPANY. nnlladar Wind llllm : r-leam and Wttor Rnppll * * , rlumblDB ( loodn. lleltlnn. Hone. 118 and VM tar- naui St. , Oumhn. H. K. Kelton. Mnnaiier. Telephone No. IO. JIROWNELL C CO. , Manufncturers and Deulera In Enpinca , Boilers iV General Machinery Shout lion \Vork , SICIUTI I'liiiipx. Saw Mills. I'-'liU'-'lS -BVfiiwortli St. , Omulm. Seeds. PHIL. STIM TEL & co. , ' ii'/ii , Field and Garden Seeds , NOH. U11-SIKI Jones Street , Oinahii , Nob. Storage , forwarding & Commission. ARMSTRONG , 1'ETTIS & CO. Slaraur , Fonranllno cP Commission Irntich hon oof the Hormor Hnjriry Co. llnir- KlcB at wlioli nlu ami retail. NOB. 1303 , lillt ) nnd KllIrurd St. , Umaha , Nob. Tuluphoua No. 7.,0. fens and Cigars \VM. A. WILSON & CO. , Impoitorsnml Jobber ? ot 'leas and Ciuarx , plcos anil Daisy llnklmrl'OHdor. 14l andl418 -j llmncy Ptiect. . Onmlm , Nub. OMAHA MANUFACTURERS , Cornicf. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , John Epencter , Prop. - < l Uannfaetnrer or OalTanltod Iron and Cornice. M ; led e and 108 and 184 N. 101 b U. Omaha. Neb. 3i Smoke S a ks , Boilers , Etc - ' " II. K. SAWYER , \ ManufactiiriiiR : Dealer in Smokestacks , * . nrltclilnx , Tnnkv unit ( tunurnl Holler Itopilrln , Ills l i tt"o tri'ft Otiiniin Iron Works. Iron Works , Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work , Iron Ftnlri , ItallmK , Jlcania and ( tlrUorn , Htenra KiiRlnen , ItraBi Wort , Ufcneral KounUry , Mncblnu and lllnckiiultb Work. omc nJWor . tl. P. Ur.anil I'tlmtieet. "UMAUA W1K1C A : IKON WORKS , Mantifni'turrrH of Wire and Iron lliiiUn'j * , / ) < > / , Nails , Window ( Iiiards , riowiu-Stniiils , Who HlBiis.oto. 12.1 N. 18th. OMAHA SAFE & IRON WORKS G. Andrcin , Proprietor. Manufacturer of Flro nnd IHiiBliir 1'ront HafcH. Vuullp , .lull Work. Iron itnil Wlco Kunulnir , , olo. Tor. 14th ami . .Iauk8on- . Omaha , Overalls. ' CANFIELI ) COMPANY , Manufacturers of Overalls , lean * I'anti , Rhlrti , Ktc. 1103 nnd 11M Dou ; lan Btrcct , Omaha , Neb. Sash , Doors , Etc. M. /5BK07rTc ; CO. , WhoUiale Mainifncturcmof Sasli , Doors , liliinlH nnd Mouldlng'S , llianch oHice.niU Hint liurii ete.r.isaNe ! > ? . BOJTJV MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , air Work and Interior Hard Wood Klnlilj Juet opened. N. K. cor. 8th mid Leuvcnworth Bta. Oiuolia , Neb. OMAHA PLANIM ; MILL co. , Mumifui'tiirriK of Moulilliik'H , hu li , Doors mid HliiKlsTurning .Slulr-work. Hunk und OIIIUH FlttlllRM. 20th ami I'oipli'ton | Avunuo , Brewers , KTORZ C ILER , Lojrcr Itertr Urewers , 1M1 North l th Htrprt , Oranhu , Neb. = 3 ,5 , SOUTH OMAHA. C. II. I'AI.MHII. N I * . IIICIIMAV. .1. II. HI.ANCIIAItU PALMER , RICIIMAN .1) ) CO. , Live HliM-li CHininlmltHi , McrclutntH , OMlop lloom'JI , Oipo | ltu IlxchiuiK * ' llulldlnir. Union Stock Viir.l- : , South Ouuilui , Nub. McCOY HROS. , Live Stock ConiinlHsioii Murket furnlnhuil ( rod nnuii illrutl'in. bt'i-lr < jr < i | Iccden ( iimliliul oil K' l toruiH , Ito'urJno * Oinnliii Natlonul II ink mill H'l.lth I ) n.ihi N itl JUI Union block Vurili , Moutli Uiiulm. LOIUMEK , WESTEKPLI ) Si MALICY Lice. Sto-le C' { > iiiiitiion , Itoom 15 CxchitiiKu liull.lliiK , t'nlon Slock' YuriM , .South Onmlin , Nub. HOKN As SIIAKPE , Commission Uculori In I. ho Slo k , llooin ) , Kx cliungu llullillnif , I'lilon Stock Vili. , H. Oinalia lliilcrunc sI'nion Nut'l llaiUiniiliiil'iilou ) ( Mocic Viuils Hunk. H. Uiiuiha , \ ' . h. Howl u/ 1'rcs. Am. llunk.V Trust Co. Oiimliu. , ' A UCX A N UEK As FITCH , Donlurs In l.lvo Stocit , ItoomJ Opposltu KxclnuiKii IliillilhiK , Uiilijn Stock Viirds , Houtli Oinnliii , Nub , UNION STOCK VARDfrCO. ; Of Omaha ; - . LlmlUd. Joba'K. Ilojd , BVrloUu ! oU