Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1887, Page 5, Image 9
I - , " ' ' , ' ' - 1 : r" . : ' . . I , . P1f1 oMAnALDAIT4T : : BEE : t8 ? . , . . . PARSONS' CROWNINC FOLLY , He Obta1n a Brief Leuo of Office By An Injunction. LINCOLN pEc INDIGNANT. 'Ibis Last Move Lwokod UpoI Ar , An L $ OUrago-OIIIng Vp ttio liegat Ma- , ChIiit-DiyorOo ! PolItical Pointers. : IPROM TIT fltE'8 LTCOf. MJJr.Att.1 L ; There wa much excitement In Un. colnyosterday when I became known thot the attorney for Police Judge Par. ; sons had secured nn Injunction from the , United Satcs courtrostrainlng thcIty j council from ftirthor action In the In. ? yostigatlon and charges that have been ; - the subject of trial and comment for two " months past. This remarkable proceed. log fixes December as the tIme when the : mayor aind council Bhahl go to k Omaha and aniwer why the injunc. . tion should not be made permanent. . . This 18 a remarkable procedure and the public at laro 19 justly Indignant. That the federal courts should Interfere In a I , casu of thIs character to prevent the , ( council and mayor from Investigating and removing a corrupt olliclal Is a spectacle - taclo that Is beyond comparison anti public oiinion that has been divided , is movingunanimously against the high hatided procedure Thu city coun cli has heard the charges nainst Police fr Judge Parsoiis through their committee and the finding of the committee was unanimous for removal of the judge - from olhico. 'l'lie plea was made for a little further time and the extension of , time has been used to Invoke the federal court In a case between the city council and one of the city oflicial under its .oontrol. Public opinion uoms to be that if the judge had entered a plea of guilty . from the housetop that the eon fossion would have been mild ! compared with the proceedings of his attorneys In this matter. The council is t being urged to pa no attention to the L order from the federal court but to act the mcrlt.s of the case and not let their I findings be thwarted by such an unwarranted - ranted action as this which obviously Is intended to thwart the direct action of the council and perpetuate in ollico an official who has been tried and convicted by a long investigation. This last act is - . the crowning folly of the police judge himself. PI1EPABING FOR OOUUT. The district court for this county , that convenes the ooniing month , is exciting . the attention of the clerk of the court , ? , who is busy 'ettIng the docket out for . the term. A grand and petit jury has been drawn for the term , the uctit jury comprising the following citizene : George Camp , henry Mundi , W. I. Datkin , _ t Geotjro W. hurtle , I. . J. flyers , J. 11. But. lock , John 0. Wagoner , Janies Bowman , J. H. Nation , J. 1) . Johnson , J. B. Vail , G. W. E"iiteson , .1. 11. harley , it. It. Moflitt ilioinas 1'itzgcrald , J. tx Miller , , J. Nofan , James II. Wilson , E. J. Britliower , F. G. Vittswiok , Gerritt Ripen , henry Miltor , William Kinyon , C , . it. Vnn Iyro. Two new cases were entered on tim dl. , vorco side of the ledger yesterday. One is that of Benjamin K. Roberts against Jenny G. RobcrtM , lii which desertion is . alleed. Ttio parties were married in 183i and the desertion dates from that year. The soeond divorce case is that of Margaret Riley ngainst John Riley. ; 11cr claim is that her husband is an ha. bitual drunkard , thathe is guilty of gross cruelty , striking and beating her and driving her from the house. Situ asks \ that the property may fall to tier. STATE I1OUS NOTES. The contract for the building of the hospital for the hicurablyinsano at liast- hugs has been awardct to Ellis , Reynolds ? 1a.-/ & Spccker , Norfolk. Tim appropriation - . tion for the building vis $75,000 anti the bids as opened were as follows : J. U. I. Clelan4i ilastin S. $ IW,000 ; Scales & Clark , hastings , 78.ilO ; George E. Ces- hey , hastings , $78,000 Samuel Chian.iy. hastings , $73,300 ; Efils , Reynolds & Specker , Norfolk 03OOO. Judge S. B. I'ond. of this district , ininued in his resignation as judge to Acting Governor Shedd at noon to day. Governor Slietiti accepted the resignation to take effect on the 1st otOctoberat which time Governor Thiiycr will be at home to act further in the promises. As there is no term of court to commence until October 10 it is probable that the goy- ernor vihl wait unhl the judicial district nomination Is made anti nominate the republican catididatu to succeed Jud'e Potiti. Secretary r4tws : and Treasurer Willard vent to Norfolk yesterday tovisit the state insane hospital located at that place. 'L'hic call of tim Second district cases in 1 thesupremc court yesterday brought nu. mero'is attorneys from the bars of Cass 51 and Otoo counties to the court room. e RAILROADS iEItNiiOUSLY ACTIVE. As the day for holding the republican state convention draws near the Interest . , - - in the gathering increases. The roads , . that have set out to retire Judge Mitx- well have relaxed none of their ellbrts , , and on the other hand the people over the state arc awakeningtothio realization - that the railroads are more desperately . in politics than over and endorsements of . : _ thit efforts of the board of transportation to lower freight rates come up from all sectiour of the state. Among the counties 1'i of late to hold conventions are Seward t.3 4 , . _ _ . that endorses the efrorts to reduce rates and sends Attorney General f.ceso , of the state board , as one of the delegates. Red I Willow county , the home of Secretary Laws who is also it member of the boara , . , sends that offIcial as one of the state dci. egates. The line work of the roads eon- tlnues and the familiar faces of oil room patriots arc ngtiii seen in the hotel lob- I bies. The scheme to have several candidates - , . dates for judge who in turn are to unite on any man to beat Maxwohlls being rig. orously worked with Dhiiworth at thu , . - . hientl working a sectional interest in the wustcrn plrt : of the state. The question of two regents of the atato university Is attracting more thorn customary attention iiiid the Contest for the two places on the board promises to be more lively thiitn usual. Amolig the CaflijdatCS for regents are Dr. Davis , of McCook , who hits selected his delegates . to the state convention and who has a - numerous following in this rart of the I state. State Suiiator lIicklojohin , of a Nanee county , is frequently and tavora. bly muntlotimi for one of the regents while McAllister , of Central City , is also a proininoiitly mentioned northi.of.the. Platte ouididatu. anti King , of I'olk , a former member of thin legislature , is do- veloplug streiigthi. it Is also stated tliiit i Rerescntative MCaiin , of Stioridui , t wilt be boomed b.v his frIends for re- gent. . 'rim SUI'IIEME counT. Tuesday , September 37 , 1887 , court met . pursuant tO ndjournnient. Carroll vs . u' Brown and Grimns vs I'arker , dismissed , Stiehlenbarger vs State , stricken from the docket. Tim fohlowin oases wore argued VI anti ubiiilttcd : Coquillard vs Itovey , on . motion ; MerrIiun vs ltaucn , Stanton vs Spence , Brown vs Brown , May vs School - District , Wilkinson vs Carter , W'alhaco Vs Fleischman , Cooper vs h1ali cx parto John Carr , Greg& vs Loomis. Court at- jomirned until to-tiny , September i9 , at O ocloek a. in. ' ? tIANYsufTor from irritation of the KId - . flora and bladdervhthout kuowing what . is thp matter with them. Dr. J. 11. Mc- . it1 Loan' . Liver and Kidauw Balm will give relief. . . . . . - - ItFAb tMTtTE. Transfers Plied September 20 , 1887. John LlnpR and wife to George Mlmt- man , eta ! . hots 4 and bik 1 , Jetters a dci. wd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I , M Anderson and wife to Alexander Atklmon , loi.5O7Bbik 5 , Centai prk.x ed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.000 Win II Cowhes et al by It W Day. his attorney In fact to John 11 Kcedle , lots2T2S29 , 0067 , North side add , % , ii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1,000' Frank Novak to Robert F Klokelotmi 17 15 I91i2Land3 blk2'J , George II IlOggafldl , W d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 900 John A Lovren audwifo toClirisilna Larson an undiv , ( ofldsorlglnalj oflotsl3and13SIihloh , w d. . . . . . . . , 87 Diana Goddard to John A iloliman , hot it ) Millard & Caidwell's add ' w d 15,000 w ( i A1brlht and wife to E It l'Iow- .Iand 25 ft from the e side of hot 14 bik 32 Aibrighta Choice add to South Omahawd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15T.0 Wm Latey et at to the public. B V Smith's add , thus 10 ft of thd a 44 ft of lot ! ) bik l9dedlcation. . . . . . . . . . . . William taty at al , to public tim a 10 feet of lot 2 : , , in Ilanscom Place add. dedIcated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John 1' . Paulsen and wife to Edmund I'aulson , lot ; o In Paulson's add. w d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 John Vi I'atil to Nets P .Johinson.lot 19 In Ilurdotte court , wd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 B 11 Smith to Orin W i'lckard , bezin- ninE 120 feet e. of ii. w. cor. of block 7 In Ilanscow I'lace , thence a. 100 feet , thence e. 40 feet , thence n. 100 feet , thence v. 40 feet to beginning. wd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,000 John A Creighton and wife to the U 1' R1ICo. astripof thenw'otn ooftho n eot tini n w ant the so lI of ttio a . . . of section 1I5 , 13 , 100 feet in width , Wi . . . 2 11 0 Clark and wife to Ehizaheth . . McClintnck , lot 10 , blk 2 In l'ruyn's parksubdly of blk 8 in Hyde park w a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 Jacob F Martens and wife to Carl l'aralcenings OX of the sw of s'c4-l5-1 , w d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,520 Sarah .J Moore and husbaiid to the Mu. ttial loan 3 Buhtdinz assoc , lot 23 bik 1 , and nih of lot 21 , blk 1 oxcep the n 50 ft In ltanscorii place , wd . 3,000 Wlhliamii 11 P Sehestedt and wife to Soren Jonasen , lots 23 and 20 in W A Itedick's add , v d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,000 Frankl'Ilanlon trusteetoJA Phillips , lots 1 , 2 , 10 and 11 In blIc 23 in Vest bide w d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,800 John lerks MIg Co to J ii Noel , lot 23 in blk 9 West Albright'a add , w d 350 Louts Schroeder , trustee , to John Steinbrunner , lots 23and 24 , blk 4 , in Brownparkwd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2000 John I Redick and wife to George E Barker , the o of Iota Oand lOin bik l9I $ , .city of Omaha v (1. . . . . . . . . . 0000 John I Itedlck to MarthaM Lab , begin. ning at a point in w line of Park are 3113 ft Ti of se cor of bik 7 , 8ub. division of John I Itedick's add , thence w 140 ft , thence n 2 It , thence S 140 It , thence s 2 ft to place ot beginning - ginning wd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . too Andrew 11 More to ( ihas F Goodman , Iota 14 , 15 17 , and the undivided ofIotsS.I6lOand2O In bik 470 in city of ( lrandvlow w ii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1400 Geti II BoggsandwifetoJohmi w bite , hot l4in bik 2 , in Arbor Place w d 250 v i Selby and wife toJolin ( iootZ , tim 8 ft of Iot3 in blk 2 in Klrkwood WI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ( J Eiiwln S Rood and wife to P Itocco Bro5 & Co , lot 4 , bik 0 , Albriitht's annextoSouthOmahawd . . . . . . . . . 10 ldaiyu ( I YaWs and husband to Rich. ard Nunii , beginning 30 ft n of sw cor of lot 5 bik 6 , l'ark 1'Iace add , thence o 00 ft thence n 120 ft thence w 83 ft thcnco 120 ft thiencee 29 ft to piaceofbeginningwd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,700 w A b Gibbon and wife to Joseph Rannie , all of bilc 1 In Cote lirhill. ant addwd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,600 Mary S Cowicis to liarriett M Smith. the s of sw 3 ( of section ) , 10 , 10 , also the nw 3 ( of the sw ( of section 29 , 16. 10 , wd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,800 Chits F Falis to Rebecca Gorhmun , lot 2 In blk 77 in South Onialis , wit . . . 3,500 John A. 11orachi and vhfe to L 'V Morse at ai , 85 ft front on w side of 20th St in hlorbach.s 2i1 add , extend. lug v 133 ft. being the a 10 ft of lot 2 anI all of lot 1 blk 7 In Ilorbachi's 2d add , wd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500 Clifton B Mayne and wife to F B Johinsoii et al , lots it and 14 In blk 1 , a lots 0 , 7 , and 13 bik 2 , lot P bik a , lot 10 blk 4 , lots 2 , 10 , 11 , 12. 25. bik 7 , lots 34 and 35 blk 17 , in Oreiiard Ililiqcd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i Thirty-two transfers , argregatlng. . .75,805 50 IIIJILDING 1.1ILM ITS. Issued September 20. Peter Ilower , one-story franie cottage - tage , California and \Vebster streets..s see WestinhiisterPresbyterlan Societyoiie. story frame church , Twenty-n In iii and Mason streets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,000 WIlliam i'oesch , one-story ( Nine store room , Fourth and Cedar streets 300 Anton Albrecht , one-story frame addi- lion to dwelling , Twelfth and Will- lains streets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 \v. C. Miller , one-story frame cottame , Richardson near Dcliii street. . . . . . . . 800 Omaha Milling anit Eievator Coin- Pliny , four-story brick bmihltiir.g amid bolter house , North Sixteenth , oppo. site Siieruian avenue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,500 Charles F luce. two story franie store and fiat , Twenty-fourth near lilmimicy 2,500 Jcnmiie Stroiig , One story frame cottage corner ilimmit and ( laid sts. . . . . . . . . . . Stephen Nieberrer , oiiu.story frammie cottage. 'l'wenty-tirst , botvien Mar- tim and lorcas sts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L t' Pruymithii'eo two-story framuedwol limlg8 , Seventeenth bet Corby and Ohio ats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,600 J 11 Evans , omie-story brIck ollice , liltI Dodge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700 E (3 Espiin , two-story biock of stores hilt Ihits , Sixteenth between Oulo and Corby sts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.000 A S Adams , one and one-half story framime barn , Twenty-second and Spring sth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thirteen hermits : agzregaiing. . . . . . . . A Wonderful Macblue , Hut it Will Wear Out. There is no doubt that man is a fine niechanismu , but like every other machine lie wears out by friction. It is said lie is born again every two om three years. his body is virtually remade from food. To retard this niaking over Is radically wrong , as a mami loses so much vitality in the delayed process that it takesa long time to recuperate. The process of making - king a now is so accelerated by purging with JIIIANIInETII's Pitm.s that a new man , as it were , may be made in two or three niontlis , and thin change In the mechian- ismn is such that the worn out part ir replaced - placed by the new without thin iisminl ning down of the entire maclime. i on don't have to stop for repairs. Purge with 1littniiormi's I'iLLs away the old , diseased anti wornout body. .t Knife lii at I'isti. Cassell's Magazine : A recent bulletin of the Unitcul Smatea Fisit cotulumssion reports - ports the capture of a coullishi mit Gloti. coster , Mass. , in September , 18811 , which comitninct a pocket-knife of curious work. mmimishuip embedded in its Ileshi. Tue knife has a brass handle curved and tapering with a slit In tim hollow side for the blade , which Is ot lance shape. It is 6 inehus long , anti it Is thought 'tim owiier iiitist lowe been some aborigineor iorhaps a sailor. 'Flue knife was tliscoy- ered uccldentahiy in hiantihiiigttie cod. S ' FIre.L'rnof be " , Papur May Made , says a selcntitio exchange , "tromu a pulp , consisting of one Pmurt vegetable libro , two parts asbestos , omic.tomith part borax , anui one-fifth part alum. " It is a pity that such facts as the one following cannot - not be writteu , printed or otherwise pro. berved , upon some sort of indestructible PaPer. "My wife sulFured seven years antI was bedridden , too , " said \ % . E. Iluestis , of Emporma , Kansas , "a miumber of physlciamis failed to help her. 1)r. Pierce's 'Gohdemi Medical Discovery' cured liar. " .Mi druggists sell this rein- edy. Everybody ought to keep it. It only neetls a triall - - Dodge Street Sewer. There was a niceting of the board of ) ) UbhiC works yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock , at which the contrac ; for laying the sawer on Ioilge street between Twenty-fifth and 'I'wenty.olghth avenues , wits let to hugh Murphy. ' " _ . ' 'a- . - . - - - - - - - ' FALL SUITS' ' New Styles , ' 4-Button Cutaways , Straight Cut Frocks , . 1 Button Cutaways , English Walking Coats Single Breasted Sacks , 4.Butthn Cutaway Sacks , Square Cut Sacks , Double Breasted Sacks High Cut Pemberton's. Full Dress Broadcloth Suits , Au Lfied tuith Silk , Satin or Serge. 1119 Farnam Street , Bet. 11th aM 12Th. NEW Omaha , September , 1887. GENTLIMAN-WC beg to call your attention to the fact of our Mr. Jamcs Goldsmith's return from tile cast , and at the same time to tue arrival of our Fall stock of' Genuine Merchant Tailor Made Garments. We have surpassed any former display - play ever made by a clothing house anywhere. ' I MISFFITS. I Prince Albert COATS & VESTS Double and single breasted , in imported fabrics , 4 Made by some of the Loading Artist Tailors of the Great East. These garments must be seen to be appreciated , mid their beauty and worth are well calculated to cause their a wearers to be the envy of their friends in their good clothes. Misfit Parlors , Three Floor3 and Basement. The statement in the space above is a broad one , but its truth is salt evident when you visit the Misfit Parlors. We claim and we prove that we carry the finest clothing that tailors can make. We claim and we prove that we allow no garment - ment to leave the house unless it fits perf'ec tly We claim and we prove that our Misfit Gar- inents cost no more than hand-me-down or ready-made clothing. We claLn and we prove that everyone buying from us gets more stylish and finer qualities of garments than they woud elsewhere. S We claim and we trove that we cater to ev- ryone's trade that understands a fine gar- nient , and we treat the unknowing precisely ! the same as the critic. II New York Pants In New York they wear wide pants , In Chicago they wear them small. . : In Africa they wear none at all , But get there at a ball , I We have opened the ball of the season , but for the benefit of our numerous customers with their own ideas of how to wear pantswo have all kinds lVyht , wltfe , large , fljj ( , tfraight , H ' ring bttoi and knee jiants , iii Farnam St. Oon't Forgot lit Laundry Philosophy. San Francisco Chronicle : Wong Fat yesterday found among the clothes ready for delivery at his laundry a gaudily striped garmenbithat lookeduike an Ulster for a barber's poic. "VIiat him for , elm ? " inquired the washinian of boo Fun , as lie held out the congiommeration of brass buttons mind vermiilion dye. ; "Rim-him tennis ; you sabe tennis1 Alto same shinney you own side. " The boss laundryman shook his head and Lee Fun went on to explain : "You smibbo dude , him stanu on Kearny St eet , wink lady , but no catchice on ; lady go by , say to phicoman ; me sabbe one hoodlum down stlcot wimikee me ; you ketchee him. The dude see ilicO- man come , dude say himself no use , me go play tennis-put on Ilannel pants , stiped vest , nile same barber pole ; lady come see me lite away ; say vcliy fine , veliy fine ; him no dude smLmci Koarny shoot masha ; hiiii society man , veily good , velly good. " "Do lady go see him ? " inquired Wong Fat , who was listening with deep inter- est. est."Oh , yeiil i"ino Judy go see him ; go clazy ; clap him Iiimul : ; shout like blnzeo ; bavol bavol gooulee man ; velly good- you my size. " WTolIn. Fat rapped the tennis shirt gracefuhy round his sinewy frame , looked prouhh.y at his rehluction in a barrel of stagiiauit soapsuds , mmml remarked - marked to Womig Fat : "Nox week me get teiinis do ; take walk Kuni Cook alley. Fey Sum Tow [ the hello of tue ahoy ] very much like tote to talk muo yesday. " "All lime. You get tennis do ; waik ulown aileyt kotehien 1dm dead shim , " said Lee Fun , and hc wrapped up the striped garment with a torn utulorsiiirt and ii iiaii of socks and iuimitlo a bee hue for Neb 1,111 , , as it was already after banking hours. Removitig a Serious Obstruction Gently. Dynamite anti giant powder might answer admirably to remove obstructions - tions from I1ll Gate in East luver , New York , but explosive measures l.i mnediea- tion are ever attended with ilisastrous consequences. For imistance , tim bowels Canilot be violently drenched with safety , nor is there the slightest necessity for so dointr. On the contrary , it is most tin- sviso. None but the purblind adherents of atitiqumiteui theories in medicine advise - vise or samiction audi a course. To weaken the intestincs-thieelrect of drastic - tic purgation-is to conhlronIso the health of time entire system. Witi hog- tetter's Stomach Bitterz. on tim other hianti , thic bowels utre rel.ixed , not by a convulsion of nature approxmniating to an eruption of Mt. l'opocattpotl : , hut gralIimtiIy , benolicially , without wreichi- , jug or drunehiinir. The liver amid stom- : ich , as well as the bowels , are tomied and benelittod by it. ItItlv , Tit , i , it tr Trauiu. . Chicago 'tribune : A tramp called at a house In a Chicago suburb a few morn- iugs ago anti asked for some colt ! vie- tuals. lie was given a plate of oatuiual mush , some raw dried prunes , a tomato and a saucer of hioniiiiy , the whole without - out seasoninir of any kind. 'l-I-can't you hot see howe some miiilk , anti some sugar , salt mind Pepper ? " inquired - quired thin embarrassed tourist , as lie surveyed the spread. "Milk is not wholesome , " replied the lady of the house sweetly , "and we iiever Liso condiments. I can let you have some cracked wheat , if you like. " "haven't you any meat ! " 'Oli , no ; we miover use meat ; it is miot lit for the human stoniach. Wouhd you like Sonic gruel ? " "Is this the kind of stiilTyou live on ? " 'Certninhy , my friend , Meats , seasonings - ings , gravies , coudinients of all kinds , and heating foods have a tendency to injure the coating of the stomach ; impart an unnatural conitiomi to the system , -why , here ! let me read a chapter of this book to you. I can show you in huh an With a yell of consternation the tranip fled. As he went out through the frpnt gate liopaused long enough to write on . : , L * . ' . t ' - . , ' - - " 1 : , ' the front gate Post with chalk these works : "Kranksl Keep awayt" Cow-Boy Dialect. Scribuer for October : it becomes , in- ileed , a familiar and useful addition to your conversational stock of tue vernacti- mr. Nay , you even find thie dolt of its usefulness enlarging , for the term of time 'round up" anti the ' 'brmiiidiig' , ' md sheep shearing are more or less piqu1it and lend tlionmseivcs easily to applica. tions remote from their primitive usage. Transposed to the ordinary business or social concerns of modern life , they come to have a sort of zest in them ; they reveal new sources of humor ; thioy place ola svs and old customs - toms in a sharp lialit , a frishi illumination - tion ; but always by that undercurrent of suggestion , by contrast or association with the original pursuits. which the words ( lescribed. So I heard last year , a politician speak of a bolter of the repub- licmtn ticket as a "bucker. " A "bucking horse. " is one "that jUmUl ) smdcwiso or forward , up and down , with his legs stiffened - fenod into unrcla'ccd ' ' an , percndicular , and the image certunhy timis a klmitt of at- unity with the moral action of a refractory - tory voter. S "bar thy sweet hands in mine , ' ' lie saul , but sue only reniarked that she limit neuralgia and niust liolil her head. lie gave her Salvation Oil and now lie holds her sweet hamuls by the hour. From almost every section of tIme state conic .reports of it general improvumelit of the health of our peoic uiue no uloult to the iniluenco of lr. Bull's C.ugit Syrup which costs only 25 cents. 'Watches For Itlind Poiks. "This is omie of the cutest things in the vatchi line thimit has yet appeared , ' ' said Jeweler Chiarles S. Crossmnan , holdimigup one of the new Swiss watches tlesigneti for the use of the blind. "I'hio old raised liguire watches were clumsy , anti the blind peoiiie were constantly bending or breaking the watch hands by touching them. In this watch a small peg is llaced in the center ofeacli higure. When the hour -himmnd is approaching a certain hour the peg for that hour drops when the quarter before it is iassod. rho person - son fuels the peg is down , amid then counts back to twelve. lie can thus tell time tmnie wIthin a few minutes , and by practice lie can become so expert as to tell time time almost exactly. lucy hiavo been in use about six mouths , amid there is mi steady and growing dt'nimind for them. , -jit. WEfG-- U ; ; = nPRiCEb CREAM I AK1NG fOWERI ltssmiperlor owellenuo proven In millions 0 homes [ or lilore than a ( uur1er of Century. It Is ucd by the Unltu&I ttstes ,00vernmnet. } , nIorbtni by tlo heads of the great univorsi. tl s , as die itroigust , l'uroat umi Not health- ful. Dr. l'rlco'e the only Baking l'owtler that does hot oontltli , AinuaoniaLImo or Mum. 8oId only In . emiL i'iticu nAiciwo POWDU cc. , New iork CWcsgo St. Louis ' " : I , _ , ' 4 CAPITAL PRIZE , $59OOO. wo ( to loroiiy certify that we supervIse the arrangelIonts , fur all the 1ontitiy ! aiid Somu Annual irnwliigs of 'l'lmo LoiiIlana State Lottery tory Company , and lii porwu manure anti con ti'ul the drawings thetuzoives. und thitt the 801110 are corminctod with honesty , Iairness anti lii good ratlui toward all pmrtln. and we author 1,0 tilO Company to use tIIs , ccrtlllcnto with ( no airimilo , of our signature attached , In Its advor tl8onmont S. " rn ; COMMISSIONERS. . Yothe underslgneIuanks and flankcr will pay all Prlzos drawn In The Louisiana State Lotterlo which may bo presute tit our coun- tots. j. H. oor.Esnv , Irot. Louisiana National ilk. i'lEmliE I.AAUX , i'rts. Shito National mc A , BALiis'mN , I'ros. Now Orleans Nmt'ilhink CA1IL. K4)llS , l'rc. . UnIon Nimtionsl lmttnk. NPRECE DENTED ' ' U ATR'i'ACTIoN ! OVER HALF A MILLION DiSTRIBUTED. Louisauia Stittobottery Conipaiiy lneorporato(1 h , th. bilaturS for edtiCtioal , aitU cliztrjlstuo I'Iree-vIth a . 'tpltii ot $ i.U.liXK-to ( ) whtcu a ro8orvo ( tinS of over i&e.uu ha. shieS been adilnu. Jiyi overwhelming poiIar yoto It frtinchIta wa made a part of the Ure400Istato constItutIon doptel ioct'niber2cI. , , A. I ) . 1i47J. tIllO Olily lottery over Votmi on and endorsed bytilo icoploor any state. Jt lIver , senios or postpohos. Its Ot'tmmnl Slnglo Nunmiter Drawlmmgs tnkoi'lnoe ' monthly , amid the Somnl.Anmmuni DrWIiure rogu- IarIy oveiy Ix months ( Julio atiti ioeomnbor. ) A SPf.ENItl ) O1'I'OIITUNITv TO WIN FOltTUNi. Tenth Grand Irawlng , cmx , K , In the Academy of Music , New Orleans. Tuea- day , October 11 , 1$8T-2d'Jth Monthly Drawing , CAI'ITAI , . PRIZE , 8150,000. tNotco-.Tickots , are Ten Dollars only , Halves , $5. Fifths , $2. Tenths , SI , 1.tSt Or i'RXZE3. 1 CAI'i'i'ALPILiZE OF $ l0,0O ) I ORANI ) PIIIZF OP 50,0K ) . . . . . 1 UhtANl ) i'I11ZF ( IL" 20.000. . SOOE ) 2 I.AIOE 111l'/.ESOF 10.000. . . . 20,031 4 LAILUE I'ltiZES 01' 5,000. . . , 20.000 201JtIzES OF 1,000 20.000 SI ) " 101. . . . 2&OOJ we 'a 0041. . . 200 'a 2(5) . . . . 49,11 * ) ( .00 ' - 100. . . APPROxIIATION pitizits. 100 pproxlniattIon Prites . , of p000. . . 30O00 100 , 200. . , . 20,0(11 ( lot ) " ' 100. . . . 10.001) ) lIjOO TermInal " ; : I7D Prlzo ninominhlng to. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AnClicutlola for into , to Club , houlal bg mane Oul' to thoafmIo ot the company In New Orlesni. For turthOr Informstain wrIte clearly , gIyln ( till iuidre , , . PoSTAl , NYl'lS. ( Ozpreu , , money order.or Nw York ExcIsnize , jn n.dtnary letter. Curronej tjj expre , , ( Ut OUt N , Naw OIII.SANS , LA. , Or 51. A. D.ti1l'limi , W.SIImNalTOg , I ) . c. .eIhli eM IkfJIsfrre(1 letFes to N1V Oill.IANS NATIONAl , lI.tNit NEiY OnrzAss p B M E : i I Geocriahs ' the presenci or IleauregarS anti Eatii , who are in charge of the drewIng , I. artist. Snt.e of abolutn talriie.s and inWgrIIy , that time chancCCarealieitital. anti that no ono cus poIbdy divine what number will draw a Irtae. itlMltMlitcIt ttstat time pdaymoni of all priass i. OtAItANrrIi ) ily vaunt NATiO5Af. lltNKS of New Orleans. and the TIckets are elno4 by the president Otsa institiiliofl. Wimoi Chsrterei i.iht. are reoo. nice' ) In the biehet courtS ; thorsiore , biwsru ot any Imitations or anunyinoui scheettis 1iRUPURE _ 'lf _ - " , ' . . I'o.ttiv.lieur luau d&bJiJr S tIn , . LliwtroiiagupiIc 11.11. 5' - Tru.eomblned. ( iuranIe.dIbo only ono in iSo wurtti wcncrntlng I . _ - . . scoetlflunus , rgro .5 _ ' ei.rrett. ltcici'ti me.Powtrfui. , SitU EaqtIvo. Avoid iruisij. , Ovens Cdii sun'S. Eentilltt.mj ) rorpatnphlut. ALI4I , EI.Irffl kilLT5 Foil Pi5EAHl.M. Ui HUUNE. INVZNTCR. 191 WABs:4 : flHICAcD. FOUNTAIN FINE CUT AND PLUG. incomparably the Uost. ' - - W3'1. ' 1 UDEVELOPED } 'of time 1)0(17 eplarged and strengthened. i'ull partlo- niar. ( Ie&1.43 tics. &IZ NED CO. , finEalo , NT. - . C . - . ' . - OVERCOATS ' Ahi but they are beauties. So fine , so soft , and such fit. thig garments. They show the graceful outline of the form and yet leave the wearer : perfectly free iii his every movement. ' And in such a great variety every shape , everycolor , every kind and every price. Why don'tyou look at them ? MISFIT PARLORS , 1119 Farnam INVALUABLE for , LADIES and CHILDREN. You'll find it goui to regulate Thin orgitna or tiothi atitilil anti great ; It ( 'hOCkS Sltk Iloatlacho , end the woo That sad L'yepoptics ' over know. in 'l'AItiiAi "F' 8 SEI.'l'ZOI4 people and A remedy and treat coinimied. talorithon this iiatier. at . - ' st-i ; 'fi. " 5" 5"S ' _ _ 4' _ _ ' \ ' - -i _ _ ' R' - DR. POWELL REEVES , 314 S. 13th street. Omaha , PRIVATE 1)ISI'ENSARf. Established for the ciantific and Sceedy Cure of Chronic , Nervous and Special Diseases. The Old Itollabla Speciail.t of man1 years ox- perlonco , treats with worialorfni success all LUNG , TIIIIOAT , CANCER , PILES. FS'I'O LAbiwi'ruitn , cured without KNIFE Oil Treats all ( orbS o Throat Lung , Nero and Ulooti diteSfies , all Ctiroiiie diseases and Os , . formitlos far in utivanoc of any instItution in thii country. Those who contcimlnto , going to Ilot SIlting. fortiio treatment of any I'rivnto or Jibed disease can ho cured for cue-thu-il the cost at our I'rivamta Dispensary , 314 South 18th street , Omaha. Not , . RUI'TUItE cuwd without ) ) aln orlilnajeratmee rem 1uslnos. L IDlES Iiytjmistroatmont a illro Lovely Cuinpiexioti , tree from aIownog. freckle , hiackiioads. eruptions , etc. , lIrfihlant Eyes , tn'poriect health can be had. I'riiitt "tired" . feelIng anal all ( ohmic weak. 110505 proniptiy cured. Ifloating Iloadauo's , Nervous i'roet ration , ( onorai Debility Sloop. Iessna'ss , Doprostilon niti liiillgestioii , tSvnrion troubles , lnmlutnllatlon anal IJIeei'atlon , Falling and 1)IsltIacosIeIit5 : , SPIUIII woaknos , Kidity , complaints anti Change ( if Life. Consult its old Doctor. E YE AND EAR Acute or Clarorilolotiam unction of ttio EyelitF , or ( ilouto and ( Kr or Near I4lghhedness , Irlvort.ion ( it tile ScrofUlou I'es. Uicriralloiss , iii. ilttnmittlon , , , Aheess , 1)inrt-ss , , of V Itloti of one or both eyes , und 'I'aiinors of 1.10. E-ir lnflimniatlain of the Ear , tJlcoratlurm or Calarri , , Internal or External Ioafnoq , or l'aralysss , SingIng 0r Roaring noises , 'rhtck.tiod Drum. eta. loWihty , Sporlnhitorrhuma , N ERVOUS html Lass'sc , Night EluISslormis , Itola of VItal l'owor. tileeplesiotis , , loj'ond- ( illoy , ltftM _ ot Memory , Confaigl , , , , or ) dotts , fiRsts ikt'ot'e thio Eyas , 1nsltuUo , Langllor , ( Daiislnetss , , floproisslon Of Bptrltt , Aversion to Society Easily llscouragntl , Lack of Oiil. , ! dance , iltill , I.iLless , Ulihit fair Stiiily or lliitm. rio'a. and ilnOt Ilfo a burden Safety , l'Ortiiii llenthy anal l'rlvately Cured. dl. SKIN B LOUD & Sense most horrlblu In its retsiilts'-cotnjiiotoly oriullentod without thin 1180 of mercury. Scrofulam , Eryalpolas. Fever l4airai , lilotches. 1'llnlleas , , Ulaori. jittlilit Ill thin Ilatad and Dories , SyphIlitIc Sere 'throat , Moiitii 111,1 'longue , ( lnndtiltir Iwilargemorit of thio Nek , lttuoimstistn , , Cntarrh , eta. , l'orrnaiianily Cured When Others have lallotI. Ii BINARY Kidney atal Iliadalor troilhiol , Voak Ihuck , ilairnilig urIne. ) -rtaliia.ncy or Irlriatliig Urine high colored or Ill ilky I.edirilOn t en stunal lii g , ( oiiorrhos , ( I loot , Cytailtlti , etc. , Praamliptly stud solely cured. Chiarget realonalila' . PRIVATE limed , oisoii DISEASES vttritsreal 1.41111 gloot , trIeture ' ouililat1 emis'slou , loss of sex. ual power , woa'lcllesti of the sexual ( irgauliwalt , of altadro In male or female , whether from Ira. lirlitleut hiitblt a o I you us or sex as iii liitblts In flhlmtllro or any cause that aleltlIIat.ti , the SPxIlttl lunctions , SPOOIIIIY suit Porllltiiolltly , corel. ConsultatIon tree anti strictly COliiIIentiii. , , MedIcj sent [ too ( ruin obsou'atluit t , , all Itarta of the ( Julie-i States. Cmrospondtneu , recalyot PrOtUlt nuontlomi. No lettet's uti sworoI uiihiss at000rnlstnlnI , by four tonIs In stump , . Scaitl r.taino for iiniiiililut , sill Ibm of ciuostiotis , Tories strictly Cili. . Cull oti or address - dress lIlt. IYEIt , ittcuvis : , 110. 3j4 5outI'l3thi St. Omaha , Nob. : _ , _ . _ , _ _ - _ DRSI S. &D.DAYIESO 1707 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo. Ot the 1iliesouri State Museum of Anatoray St. Louis , Mo. , University College hlospL- tah , London , Giesen , Germany and New York , hlavilig devoted their attention SPECIALLY TO TilE TREATMENT Meivotis , Chrouic aud Blood DISEASES , More especially those arising ( toni linpur- dence , invite all so suff'ering to correspond without delaj . Diseases of infection and contagiomi cured Bahely and speedily with- mit use of dangerous drug. , i'atienti whose casts have hce&i neglected , badly treated or paonounded incurable , should not fail to write us concerning their symp. . , tomni. All letters receive immediate at- tention. JEST PUIILISUED. ? tnd will be mailed FREE to any address on receipt ofone 2 cent stamp. 'Practical Observations on Nervous Debility and l'hysical Exhaustion , " to which is added an "Issay on Marriage , " with important chmapters on Diseases of the Reproductive Organs , the whole forming a valuable med. ical treatibe which should be read by sit young men , Address . DRS. S. & D. DAVIESON , l7O7Ohive St. , St. Louis , Mo. Nebraska Natiollal Ball 13 , S , IEI'OSITORY ) , .5 Paid up Capital.$250,000 Surpliw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42,500 11.V. . Yates , PresIdent. Lewis S. itoed , Vice-President. A. B. Touzitlin 2d VIce-President , w , ii. I ; . hughes , Cashier , DIIIEOTOILS : v. V. Morse , John S. Coihint U. % V. Yates , Lewis S. Reed 5 A. E , TOtizItilu. IIANKIN ( ; OFFICE : TILE IRON BANK 5 Cor. 12th antI 1arran1 3ts. A Goneriti Itimukin r Business 'l'ransaete S STECK PIANOS Remarkable br powerful syhnpa- thietic tone , pliable action aimul ah- solute tlurabihity ; 80 years' record , . - the hc.t guaratitce of the excellence - lence of hlicsc luistrulinents , W000BRIDGB BROS. , \ \ . ( Ir4qi-5 : I . .oR SAU a77' lItlhtil we T A''rMANHO0rl'lssthi fl , , l , , &I'4/i ii Iluajeica urm IUftiJuliIlIIIeswl S liii (111411 (1 I I SI S 41 I tl hitad lrttt't itit L fl ED. . tWLIIEN NkL tuiI.ucustst : bt.Louls . 5- ' S ' S . - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' ---5---