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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1887)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; WEDNESDAY .SEPTEMBER 28. 1887. COUNTY COMMISSIONEUS. The Proceeding * of That Body Blnco AttRtut 27. August 27,1887 , botird met. Present , George E. Tlmmc , A. O'Kccfe , W. J. Mount. The following resolutions presented and passed. The legislative net Increas ing the number of county commissioners in counties having over 70,000 population from three to live being called up it was resolved that the llrst , Second and Seventh wards of Omaha be known as District No. 1 ; the Third , Fourth and Ninth wards as District No. 2 ; the Fifth , Kighth and Sixtli wards as District No. r \ Douglas , South Omaha , McArdle and Millard precincts as Dis trict No. 4 ; West Omaha , Florence , Union , Jefferson , Klkhorn ValleyWater lee and Chicago precincts as District No. i ) . Commissioners Timmo and Mount voting in favor o ! above , Commlo- eloncr O'Kopflo voting for same with fol lowing exceptions : Chicago precinct to bo nut with fourth district instead of Mc Ardle , and MuArdlc with third instead of Chicago. The clerk was instructed to advertize for jzruUlng bids between sections 11) ) and 80 , town 10. range , 12 , bids to be opened September 3. Contract for grading on half section line section 3 township 14. range 12 , awarded to August Duck at 20 cents per cubic .yard. Resolved , That the county treasurer bo instructed to receive the tax on lots 7 and 8 , block 4 , Hedick's sub , for the years 1881-85 , without interest on account of over-assessment. lionrt of Gilbert Blue , constable , pre cinct No. 7. Approved. Adjourned. August 81 Hoard met. All members present. liids for building bridge at Waterloo opened. Milwaukee Bridge and iron works , 1050.00. Milwaukee Bridge and Iron works , if square piling be called for , 1080.15. C. W. Finn , $1 per foot removing old bridge , $73. Kli Johnson's bid rejected on account of no deposit. All bids rejected after consideration and clerk instructed to rcadvcrtiso for bids to bo opened October 1 , 1887. Hide for furnishing hay as follows : John Tally , tirst grade , $12 per ton ; second grade , ft ) . Whitmore Uros. , $8.50per ton and $3.50 per car added. liond of Owen P. Thompson ap proved. Resolved , That 2.78 acres of Innd be pur chased for road purposes troiu Savdius 0. lirowstcr , beginning at a point that bears north 0 ( legs. 15 nilns. , east 775 feet from south west corner of. section 85 , township 10 north Mnijp 13 east , thunco south 00 degs. , 15 mliiH. east iii ) : f cut. south 45 dogs. 45 mlns.east 655 feet , thunco north 72 clegs. , west 103 fret , thence north 67 decs. 4.i inlns. , wtst 1.000 feet , south 83 dec ? . , cast 225 feet , south CO ings. 15 ndns. , east 144 feet to place of begin ning ; located on the southwest quarter of southwest quarter of section 35 , anil south- past quarter of southeast quarter of section 35 , township 10 , north of range 12 , east of the sixth principal meridian In Nebraska. ( This road contemplated , adjoins Irvlagtou on the northeast. County treasurer Instructed to cancel personal tax of William Alstadt under bankrupt law for years 1874-76-7778. Road 1150 came up for final action ; all proceedings approved and road declared vacated. List of names pent to clerk of district court from which to-draw juries for Sep tember term. . First Ward Jesse H. Lacey , William Dolls. Jacob lleitman , ( Jhrlstam Dcrtul- son , William Cleburnc , B. F. Madson. Second Ward Daniel Shull , Jerry Mahoney , George Fitchett , William Ainscow , George L. Dennis , John Muln- hill. George F. Labagh , Max Grossen , William O. Bokeo , Samuel Keos , J. Dou- oily sr. , Henry Brunnig. Third Ward-E. J. Tillotson , J. B. Jardino. Price Sanders , J. C. llubbard. Fourth ward John F. Coad , W. J. Wolshans.J. V. PattersonPeter Sharkey , C. C. Shadier , John G. Carpenter , Al bert Sharp , C. W. Finn. Fifth ward B. F. Hcdman. John F. Price , M. W. Doneckon , P. Tiglie , Otto Horning , O. T.V lido , Tom Swift , W. J. Whitehouso , Barney McGinn. Sixth ward Andrew Daublo , Dennis Lane. Alex Richardson , C. K. Coutunt , A. S. Ostrom , C. C. Field , 1. Klein , John Cano. Douglas precinct Hans Wmtcrlict , John M. tforga , Waterloo ; F. W. Corliss , Valley ; John M. Williams , Millard ; John Ilalleuback , Chicago ; Ed Ilanoy , Jeffer son ; Chris Gutsch , Elkhorn , George Droxcl , Saratoga ; John iiaz/.ard , Flor ence ; 11. M. Cowlu.West Omaha ; Robert Kasson , McArdle ; Cacson Rover , Union ; George Knight. Bill o ! George B. Ayres , M. D. , for services at post mortem examination of George .Clarke , rejected. ' Blllfor Dr. Arthur Ginn for same serv ice , rejected. Adjourned. ' September 3 Board met ; all present. South two-thirds of lot 0 , block 14 , Kountzo's third addition , declared ex empt from taxes for year 1S80 on account of same being church property. . .Resolved , that county pay for ten deputy sheriff for special duty at fair grounds during fair week. < Bids for grading at Irvington opened. Louis Thomas side hill work live cents per cubio yards , wugou work fourteen cents. ' II. Luddlngton fourteen cents per cubic yard. Contract awarded to Louis Thomas. Two bids rejected not being accom panied with deposits. ' Adjourned. September 10. Board met ; all pres ent. ent.Resolved Resolved , That It is the senao of the 'county ' board that on and after September 15 , lbS7 , all paun rs shall bo burled by the superintendent of poor farm. In the ab sence of the commissioners It shall be the duty of the clerk nr his representative to notify the superintendent of the poor farm , whose duty It shall bo to ascertain It It Is a necessity , and if so , shall proceed to bury corpsetuo ; superintendent to make a monthly report of such parties burled , giving date , name and resldeice of deceased. Two competent experts to bo employed to examine the correctness of the new numerical index and report on same at once. Whereat , In case of havine to refer back to vouchers passed upon by the board under ttip present system of tilluu them , it Is too tedious and too great a waste of tluio to tlnd them. Hesolved , That the rounty clerk be Instructed to prepare and Keen up an Index for vtiuclie'rs commencing with toe present liscal year. Grading contract east of Reeves road lot to William D. Ilanoy at 18o per cubic yard. Adiourued. IHS1IUKSEMENTS , The following are the disbursements by the I county commissioners since July 21 : HOAD FUND. BU Johnson , irradmir t end 00 C. A. Jensen , ( trading 97778 (1. H. lloirKJ. grading 7UU 00 O. A. Jcnion , trailing 300 00 a I1. Kninlit , vrndlnir 24th at 6fu 45 M. 1 * . Neliou , DnmiiKCi on road 1.1 00 William Kupner , laborer , . * . . . . . . "S ( K 1) . Kal , irradW. . . . , ' . 110 ( X O. F. I'ntton , baullnir , 2 75 am I S.ll ullnKf uJ 15 CO tfe McDonald , sraainyet houie ground * , . . . i2 03 EliJolinton , grading MOW T. F. llrennan * Co.-laylwr ttdewalk. 1.2U U LowU Tbo na , grading- no ft 0. A. Jcnwngrading in full , . . . . l.ltH 46 TohnW. Hall , iuperylwr 6S M. TftX , appraiser 6 00 Cbas Milter , damages on roul , M 00 Kred Lewis , ( lainu en rnitd 40 00 N. Peterson , ilamavo on road 4000 Herald PutiliihlngCo. , ndrcrtlitag. . 85 Ml Ommaba Kepubllcan , advertising. . . . S 28 ThM , Tletz , iiiperrlior road 9470 ChM. Toltz. griding turnpike road. . . VI W II. K , Avery , supervisor BO 76 Oliver llanoy , grading 7H 00 II. P. Knight , gradln * COO 00 lolm H. Lewis , supervisor. , . . . . . . . . . . 27 03 Henry Boilcn , treasurer , vouchers cashed 42743 P. J. lllckur , supervisor M 60 MoKmney&llrown. irradlng 900 W toblnsonCo. , grading 114 ! 10 B. J. Fry , supervisor 79 50 August Ilorck , grading 7000 U. 1' . Knight , grading 2 > 95 INSANE FU.ND. I. W. Savage , Insane comtnlsiloner. . 129 00 Wm.Crburn , sheriff , insane commls- iioner C89 70 iVm. Coburn , boarding Insane oil M 'Vra. ' Coburn , transportntlon 27 04 Mrs. A. K. Doollttlo , clothing for fee bleminded 795 HOSPITAL FUND. fhos. Itlley , services as auctioneer. . , t 00 00 ' . A. Allen , sorvlcoi as auctioneer. . Bi 00 a. K. Myers , plans 2,24000 S. K. JJjera k Son , plans for hospital 1,400 00 Ivron KcedCo , blank dco < l8 12 80 World 1'nb.lshlng Co , advertising. . . . 15 BO ; tyan Ic Wnlsb , gradlnir at hospital. . . 2,00000 World Publishing Co , advertising. . . . 1485 II. Edwards ft Co. , advertising 4 BO Tnos. Illlcy , services advertising 7000 Lewi * 'I m > mns , grading 10000 Win. F. Klynn , gradlnir W7 00 XII. HOWOB , doputr county surveyor 157 OQ A\ery , grading 6000 John Hancy , cutting woods 16 00 Bardlns C. llruustor , land sold for road 42500 I. P. Knight , pradlnr 24th st 200 00 ienry Huhun , grading 0 00 A. J. lllshop , hauling 6 87 LowltfThoraas , grading 6000 A. S. Hluert , supervisor , Waterloo road 39 OS tow KraMfgCo. . supplies 885 75 John Hallsupervisor 7fl 60 Kll Johnson , grueling 40000 311 JotiDson.gnullng ut Elkhorn 115 00 * . Klcbards , work on road IB 60 Dotlof Kal , hauling and Oiling 80125 Dotlef Kal.supervisor 81 50 John Grlebel , supervisor 25 CO tlcKlnnoyJc llrown , grading 67200 a P. Knight , grading 1,17440 II. Helse , siiiiorvlsor. 6700 , cwls Thomas , grading ISO 00 I. Hall , grading Mandcrton avenue. . 250 00 I. M. mineral , appraiser 19 20 1 A. Jensen , grading Missouri nvonuo 84072 Oliver Httnoy , grading McArdle road. 216 44 SamuulS. Wilt , supervisor DO 60 ) . P. Knight , grading Twenty-fourth street 60000 llinou U. McCarty , work on road. . . . . 81 50 I. Hall , Kradlng Mnndorson avenue. . 103 80 ' . . T. Iuke ) , hardware 166 60 Ueorgo McDonald , grading and sod- ding . . ; 10580 OEXEUAI , FUNI ) . Ue lnnlne August 30,18b7. it. M. Hlnsol , groceries 8 00 M. H.HIn eI , groceries 10 00 lacob Heltman , witness 4 00 ' 'rank Uolln , hauling corpse 1 no \'eb. Tribune Co. , advertising 6 25 Child's Hospital , board for Johanna Hnssuth 64 00 ) worak llros. , groceries 2420 Uoorga Kellcy , janitor city court building 65 00 Dr. W. P. Wllcox , witness fees 4 00 K. J. Fit ) , groceries 17 CO Diinl Hurley , talcs Juror 1001) ) Henry Helm , treasurer county olllco cipouacs - , 313 43 [ .oulsOrobc , bnillff 28 00 frank Lnngpaul , witness 200 Jaxton & Vlerllng , Iron work RIO HI iVolshans & McKwan , plumbing 1(14 ( HO 3. II. Havens & Co. , coal KJ flfl B. A. Koluol8lroin. | medicine 445 I ) . II. Houck , bnllilt 8 00 Ismloro Bchlcsslnger , witness fees. . . 2 no Adiun Snyder , meat 0735 Forest Lawn Cemetery association , graves durlmr July 67 50 tlrg. J. II. Jardino. cure of sick 10 ( X ) Qeorgo McDonald , godding court house grounds 100 00 : ' . J. quealy , soap ai oo ( obert MoKlttrlcK , oil 7 50 I'liomus I' , llronnan , Juror 4000 Omaha Republican Printing Co. , printing 878 oo .V. . Kupci- , laborer 38 40 vlmrles Schruhl , brick laying 8 10 George I ) . Strvker , bailld ft ; oo lacob Kcndls , witness o 00 Ixnils Orebo , bailiff 800 F. W. liiuidhauer , bailiff 1400 J. Montgomerytaoat for July ES 49 J. II. Moore , grojorles 8 00 Itlcbardson Drug Co. , drugs 69 48 II. Dit/engroceries 21 oo John Dwyer.drugs 4 25 Porter Ilros. , groceries 5 ft" ) Uuok llrogrocerles a oo Wm. Gentleman , groceries X ) 00 1 T. Bummersgroceries 8 00 las. Forsyth , drugs 2 75 C. 11. Wirth , druxs a 60 Max llocbt , drugs 270 Max llecht , dnitts 28 25 II. Honrlckson , groceries is 50 Clark nros&Co.tea 1755 Clark Ilros. & Co. . coffee 25 00 ! ) . B. Houck , bailiff n oo Hey or A : Itaape , groceries f , 05 Wilde * Larson , groceries on oo Wm. Fleming & Co. , groceries 24 00 Joseph Mcgwath , shorthand books. . . , 82 50 Kennedy & Gilbert , examining title. . 2500 W. P. Morse 4 Co. , shoos i 00 M. Goldsmith.pants i 50 H. K. Hurkott , collln and conveyance It oo llarrot & Hcaffoy , coffln . . . ] j oo llnrret4 HealToy , collln goo Johns &Lohman , dry goods 4 45 Unltoo States Wind Knglnu & Pump Co. , repairs at poor farm 7 00 Murphy & Lovott , Insurance , 2500 F. J , Kasper , editor Norodln Llstz. . . . 3 oo Michael Lahey , onglnoor and super intendent of building WOO John Gorman , janitor 60 00 Albert Slmrpe. Snlary 20 00 Pat McDonough , labor at court house 50 00 J. 8. Miller , Jailer tor August UJ 09 John Norburv , bailiff o 00 Paxion V ( iallHKlior , groceries S2 0 Ftank K. Moorcs , tritnsportntlon 11 25 A. Hoipc , Jr. , picture trames 14 so Clark Uros. & Co. , mustard , etc a 80 Wright 1 Co. , anchors l [ 0 Neb. Telephone Co. , telephone June aitoM sno Nob. Telephone Co. , telephone J nly. . Ti 00 Nob. Telephone Co.tolophono March Itolll Kl BO Nob. Telephone Co.telephone August 22 00 Nub. Telepcone Co. , telephone May Ito 31 2350 Nebraska Telephone Co. , telephone April 1 to : 2350 Hughes & Schmidt , drues 5505 A. D. Morse , boots and shoes 56 30 Hlmubajgu & Taylor , lawn mower and rake 16 70 Union Pacltto Hallway Co. , trans portation 15 80 B. * M. Hallway Co. , transportation. C5 bS Jaiiiea Hoaton. undertakerLincoln. . 750 J. P. CaulHold. blank books 1 60 W. V. Morsu & Co. , shoes 10 00 W. V. Morse & Co. , shoes 225 John McDonald , witness 400 Win. Oatenood , witness 2 00 Anton French , witness 200 Frank lleluno , witness 200 Mrs. A. Tunkhauicr , witness 200 Mrs. Porkenoy , witness 2 00 Ellas WallonJuror 630 P. W. Borkha-jsor , Juror 14 00 J. O. Corby , juror 800 John Trabor , juror 6 10 Charles P. Swan , talcs juror 200 John Yost , tftlea Juror 2 oa W. F. Day , Juror 2 00 J. J. Woodland , juror 200 Kdmund Paulson , juror 2 00 Win. bllrlnifJuror 200 U F. Dow.juror 200 F'.D. Huotoii , Juror 2 00 Frank Porak , juror 2 00 1'ettr hlmrkey. Juror 200 Toos. Ueary , Juror 200 John I. Painter , ji o 200 D. L. Holmes , jiin 00 Win. Dlxon.luror 200 IX Vettajuror 200 P. Katrerty , juror 2 00 I'rank Billet , juror 200 A , P. Krapp , Juror 6 30 Wm. Alnaworth , juror i W Goo UlllBion. juror 4 90 F. Moulton , juror i W ) J. W. bhomaker.juror i ( K ) J. 8. Alexander. Juror 4 IX ) Jno A. Marsh , juror , 8 00 Peter Dccke- , juror fi 10 Fred Wheaton. juror 6 00 W in. Dobson , juror BOO Dan'l Kepler , juror 680 U. Neal , juror 6 IX ) J. It. Noyce , juror 670 1 > . Bwlck , juror . ' S 00 J.K. StrathorJuror 400 D. W. Van Colt. Juror 200 J. S. Skinner , juror 2 00 Sam'l J. Howell , juror 200 J. W. Kaniay , juror 6 H ) KdKoet , juror 200 Ishmael Brink , tales Juror Z 00 U. P. Morrs. tales juror. S 00 Jacob Sculller , tales Juror , 8 Ou Wra. A. Uwger , tales juror 2 Oil Jno. II. Dillontales juror. 200 K. W. Blmeral , county att'y. 40000 Jas. B. llruner , supt. public instruc tion 133 X J. J , Mahoney , service at poor farm. 241 tf. J. A. Bunderland , witness 2 W ( J. It. Havens 4 Co. , coal 8900 Itaobor Asphalt Co. , asphaltum 69 60 Myer Uroi. bread 45 05 Cbaa. Sohruhl. curbing' (000 Chas. KOM , salary for Aug 100 i * Hughes & Bohinldt , drugs 128 W Louis Gralil , bMlii ? : n 00 N.J. Mount , commissioner Aug 121 00 lI. Ktfri ' .naualislonor Aug izeoo fico. K. Tlminu , commissioner r. U8 K O. llalrtli , meat , , , lit K Win. Coburn ( sheriff ) , boarding pris oner * . . . , , , 1,371 71 Chas. Kiewo.colHus 1670 B.T. Grnhout , physician's services , . 8 K M. Goldsmith , clothing 8 M J. Kvaos , grui icrt , , . , . , . . . . , , H 00 Valley Enterprise1 Co.advcrtitng. : . . . S 10 A. D. Morse , clothing M 80 A. Polack , clothing 200 lee Publishing Co. , advertising , ' . , . . 172 00 F. H. F. Lehman , drr goods T 35 Omaha Lumber Company , lime , cemnteto 47 M 'olin ' J. Conlon , stone cutting. . . 7 ZO Jr. 8. P. Keogh , salary August 6000 lansenACo. , groceries 850 : has. Bnlverlck , furniture 6826 lax llecht , druirs 9 25 ) maha Carpet Co.carpets ' 2340 J. JloVlttle. groceries 1875 fax Ueoht. drugs 1260 : ity of Omaha , Inspecting boilers. . . . 10 00 ohnF , Coot , Iron work , etc 4 26 'red Knflcld , Waterloo , drugs 12 M ohn H. Harto , doom for boiler room 138 60 ) ewey A stone , furniture. . . . . 79 60 I. AM. R U. , transportation to W Vm. Gentleman , groceries 4860 Chas. J. Frice. drugs 1:1 : W ) X D. Wood worth & Co , whips , etc. . . . l 76 iamllton llroi , work In dis clerks office 190 Augllenzon ft Co , Ice 68 90 Iraeina Ilros , groceries , . . . , us 20 A. D. Morse , shoes 13 00 lax Cnnrnd , drugs. . . . , 34 25 ' . Olsen. groceries , BOO Mrs. Sylvia Hicks , attending and boardlngslck 18 00 laml liees Print Co , printing bonds. . 148 00 leorgn Scaton.Jury fees o 00 ) . H. Wheeler , pres Douglas Col Co aid to agricultural society on ace of fair 1.37010 , ouls Grebe , halllff 12 00 Jmaha falrass'n dop. sheriffs. . . 171 00 atnes P. Kwlng , bailiff 400 Andrew Murphy , blacksmlthlng 48 15 lonry tlolln , treas. vouchers cashed 130 80 'has. J. Uyan , eitra com. as assessor 15 00 'has. Schruhlo , curbing. . 53 44 F , B. Munn , service aa ass't to Co. att'y 40 00 'red Gibbon , juror services 0 00 'ortor Bros , groceries 000 ) woark Ilros. , groceries 18 40 O. H. Gardner , tlag fur court house , . 26 iX ) MOUTH OMAHA NEWS. Oscar Martin has accepted a position at Mankato , Minn.nnd Charles Long has nken his position us baggageman on the Jnion 1'acllio. Real estate was moving rapidly to- lay everybody's feet were full of ft. Strangers in South Omaha often take he bill clerk's room in the freight depot or the post office and call for letters , while others drop letters in the mail box. Alderman RafFcrty has purchased two oU on the corner of Twenty-fourth and S streets , and will erect business houses horeon. The school board has advertised for > lds for furnishing fuel for the school louses. Tim bids will bo received until Saturday. The opening ball nt the new Reed lotol will bo given by the order of Odd 'cllows as soon as the building is com peted. A Mr. Merrill is erecting a dwelling on Twenty-seventh street. Alderman F. M. Smith Is spoken of as i prospective candidate on the republican icket for county commissioner. His riends are confident that if he will allow lis name to bo used ho will receive the lomination and that his election will be assured. The condition of the streets hero dur- ng or shortlv after a rain are almost im mssable by either teams or pedestrians. Phis has boon the case since South ) maha became a town , and business is very much Impeded. It is almost time idowalks were built. The city officers ay that as soon as the grading on N trect is completed the sidewalks will bo nit down , though that may not bo until winter sets in. COUNCIL MEETING. The council hold an adjourned meet- ng Monday night in the council chamber tlayor Savage presided , and tliOi mem- > ers present were Messrs. Hurke , Gary , Smith , RiUFerty , Locscher and Strath- nun. On motion of Mr. Smith the clerk was ; ensured for the unreliable manner of ceeping the record of the meetings and hey _ were returned to the clerk for cor rection. A few ordinances were disposed orand James Flemming presented a petition to sell liquor ; the petition was incorrect and was returned for correction. 3The three warrants which were pre sented at the last meeting wcro given tea a committee consisting of Uallcrty , Gary and Smith to report at'the next meeting. Bills were presented by the following icrsons : Michael Donehue $14 50 3. M. Hunt 240 J. D , Wood 200 K. K. Wells 2400 James Nowln U SO 11. Tholnhardt 0200 These wore referred to the finance committee. The finance committao made a return on the report of the cily treasurer to the ollcct that it was correct. The report was accepted. The mayor appointed a committee to investigate a license permit issued to John Uliovernicht.of the Third wardwho did not pay back license. The report of the city marsliall was accepted and placed on tile. Police Judge llouthcr submitted his report which was accepted. The committee on streets and alleys was instructed to repair R street from Twenty-seventh to Thirty-street. oTno committee on the grading of N street reported that the bid of Peter linn- son had been accepted and ho was under bond. The report was adopted. J. P. Hayes offered a petition asking to be appointed city scavenger. The peti tion was referred to the committee on ordinances. A number of bills aggregating about f307 were presented and referred to the finance committee. The bill of D. R. Miles of $3,750 for Oiling in the streets was ordered paid. The city marshal was authorized to notify the Stockyards company to re pair the bridge on Q street. The committee on public buildings wore instructed to find a more suitable place for the reception of prisoners. Adjourned until next Monday evening. Route ofForepnuitli's I'urmde. Leave show grounds 24th and Paul , south to Cumlngs , east to 10th street , south on 10th to Uodgo , cast on JJodgo to 12th street , south on 12th to Douglaa street , east on Douglas to Dili street , south nn ! ) th to Farnam street , west on Farnam to 15th street , north to 15th street to Douglas , west Douglas to 10th , north on 10th to Cuminc. west on Cum- ing to 23d to show grounds. Political Affaira. FIFTH WA11U DF.MOCItATS. A meeting of the Fifth Ward Demo cratic club was held in Justice Krocgcr's office. Speeches wcro made by a number of people , Judge Shea was not satisfied wlth'Govcrnor Thayer's al leged mingling with Omaha affairs ; Dr. Ucckett wanted prohibition opposed ; Mr. Medlock wanted all young men to cast their lot with the democracy ; Judge Kroeger entertained the same views ; Mr. Osthotf also gave prohibition a slap. The chair then appointed Messrs. Flem ing , Shea , Callcn , lieckett , O'Connor , Kroeeer and Flynn to act as candidates to be voted for at the primary election as delegates to the county convention which is to oo held on next Wednoiday week. Mr. Modlock was appointed inspector of the primaries. The following committee on registra tion of voters were appointed : First dis trict , O'Connor , Kroegor and Conlan ; Second district , Shea , Osthoff and Cullen. The next meeting of the club will beheld held on Friday evening at 8 o'clock. FOUUT1I WAUD ItEl'UULICANS. A very enthusiastic mooting of the Fourth Ward Republican club was held in Ucrmanla ball last night. About thirty new members were added to the list The president of the club. J. R. Wgbstur , delivered a few remarks and was followed by several others. It was decided to appoint & committee of five to act in unison with similar committees from the other ward clubs to trj and W * euro tbo reuubbcan national convention nt Omaha. The treasurer and secretary were Instructed to-bo present at the pri maries and Inrho nil ttio republican voters of the wanMo join the club. The necessity of registration of all voters was Itactisscd and Irnrnressed on all present. The club endorsed the candldnoy of frank Moores for lite office of clone of ho district court and gave him the prlv- lego of appointing the delegates from hat ward to the county convention. More addresses were delivered and the meeting then adjourned until 7BO : next Thursday night. OTHBR WAKUS. WE * The Second andt Sixth ward democrats also held meetings but little business of mportanco was transacted. The republicans of the First ward will meet in Mcti' hall this evening. Botipmlnn Benevolence. Mrs. Frank Handhaucr and Mrs. Charles Kaufl'man went to Schuyloryester lay morning to attend the installation of the officers of the Lndics' llohcmlan Ho- novolent society of that place. The first tamed lady has been delegated by lodge Vo. 21) ) of this city to mitiato the officers. Pho installation will take place this oven- ng and the preparations indicate that t will be : i big affair. Coming to Omahn. Mcsira' Mcaghcr & Sproat , general agents for Diebold Safe and Lock Co.will on Oct. 1st open their store in 1415 Far nam st , and will be fully prepared to fur nish safe and bank work of all kinds. Indignant citlzonn. Monday night's rain placed both ap- ipproaches to the Eleventh street viaduct n a horrible condition. There were muddy lakes at both ends of the viaduct , and no pedestrian had any business to attempt to cross. The fact is the via duct is not completed , and n number of citizens gathered around the Jackson street end yesterday and loudly expressed their indignation. Dr. S. R. Patten , dentist , room 313. Ramgo building , Omaha. Telephone GO , The nnartl's ) Concert. Thn board of trade has had engraved arge cards of invitation to the promenade concert which is to bo given in the new chamber of commerce building , Monday evening , October 3 , at 8 o'clock. The cards are beautifully engraved , and will 30 sent to representatives of outside boards as well as to local people. Are Yon Golnc East ? The Limited Express of the Michigan Central , "Tho Niagara Falls Route , " which leaves Chicago at 3:10 : p. in. every day , is in many respects the favorite train East , on account of its splendid equipment , admirable service and fas ! , imc , for which no extra charge is made. [ t carries superb Wagner Palace Sleep- ng Cars , running through without change to Toronto via the Canadian fticiuo. to New York via the New York Central & Hud&ontRiver , and to Boston via the lioslon & Albany railroads. Ni agara Falls is passed early in the morn- ng and the train halts several minutes at Falls View , where the scene is un rivalled. "MnrrlBRO an tilts Consequences. " The C. K. of A. have secured the sery- ces of Rev. M. P. Dowling , S. J. , vice- president of Creighton college , to deliver a lecture for their benefit on the 30th ot next month. The subject will be , "Marriage and its Consequences. " Contractors Notice. The time for receiving bids upon the Industrial College buihiing of the Uni versity of Nebraska , is hereby extended until 12 o'clock , noon , on Monday , Octo * bur 2 , 1887. . By order of the committee in charge , J. S. DALES , Secretary. Lincoln , Sept. 80,1887. Omaha's Orator. Judge Julius Cooley , candidate for the supreme court bench , has accepted an invitation to deliver an address nt Kear ney before the district fair next Friday. The people of Uull'alo county are to bo congratulated upon securing the services of this eminent orator. That Arch. The Knights of Pythias have secured thn triumphal arch on Sixteenth and Farnam street , and will decorate it for the meeting of the grund lodge. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tali powder never varies. A marvel of pur ty , itreniftb ami wholesornonoss. Mure econ omical than the ordinary kinds , and cannot bo Bold In competition with the multitude ot low cost ihort weight alum or phosphate powders. Bold only in cans. UOYAL BAKING ' I'OWDER C . 111 Wall-it. . N.Y. DIAMONDS , WATCHES , JEWELRY , BRONZES -AT- Importer's Prices MAI MEYER PRO. RICHARD NUNN , M. D. , ( DU1IL1H ) . OCULIST AND AURIST. 1518 DWSE ST W * . * M. TO 4 P. H. MENS UNDERWEAR , The time lor neavy underclothing is at hand and wo are prepared to , supply the whole city with these garments. Wo uro largo buyers wMuh. means low prices , we buy these goods direct from milla and oonrms * sion houses pay no jobbers profits and wo guarantee to save you from 25 to 50 per cent , and on the finer grades oven more , Our assort ment comprises over 50 different qualities , amonpr the leading styles of which we recommend an excellent all wool scarlet shirt amUlraw- ers at 50c , and a splendid camel's hair regular made at 55o apiece. .Cir ther one is sold by other houses for double the money , wo also carry a large line of California flannel underwear , and particularly mention one we soil at one dollar as being a better shirt than you buy elsewhere - where for $1.50. / Our line of cassimero shirts , winter hosiery , glyvos and oilier fumlHhlngH IH equally Inrgu' * * and prices throughout very low. Our hat department is a great success. AVe venture lomiy that wo are Milling1 nioro liatrt than any exclusive hat house. And why shouldn't we ? . It will not rjurprlno you when * * you compare our prices with those of others. An elegant fur derby of the latest Monk * for $1. Just one-half what others charge for same quality. For rainy days we call attention to our largostock of rubber clothing and timbrollan , all " * of which we sell at less than wholesale prices. All goods marked in ulain figures and at strictly one prioe at Nebraska Clothing Company Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha. OMAHA MEDICAL & SURGICAL INSTITUTE. Cor , 13thSt , and 9aptlot Aug. , OMAHA , N B. rOK TUB TREATMENT OP AL ! , CHRONIC * SURGICAL DISEASES BRACES AND APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES. TRUSSES , ASD THE New VMICOCELE SUSPENSORY CUMPCOMPJUSS. B it f cilItlM .ppArlttt * unil rfmnllf fjr iucf # , fiilrf.tiiifiii ! .f virv form uf < lta.0mulrlNy | MMllcxl or Pnrglcal trtnlmfnt. WRIT * ion ( 'men * * , e * Itefurmillrt and lli mtUub Fwt , Curvature oflha Bplnr , rites. ! utnor. , C.nrtrCatarrh , ItnmrLllli , InriilaMin , r.l oirk r , P ralT.I , Epltfptjr , Kl.lutril JJ r , Ej. , lar , Hkln , auU lllootl , ana lfburicatUieralloui | , Book on Diseases of Women FREE. Only Reliable MEDICAL INSTITUTE UAKIXd A SPCCIALTT OP PRIVATE , SPECIAL aid NERVOUS DISEASES. All D1 < x > 4 PltcNBM urrt fully trritM , ffypltllllle Fol on rrmovM fiom tti * y tf" without mmury. NeT ltr It > rali'Jitattncut l\ir I.OM ofittl 1'imrr. IVrtvin * mm Mo t < > vUl.ux mir l > e IrtAtf J theme t home , bv CorrwiiOM < . iicf. All fommunk tioni Contldrnllil. Midi * clneior ntl "it by inallor tiprcii , MCurelr | i cktd , no tn rk lo Indicate contriltivr Mitler. * 'np | > rrftui l Interview pr * * friej Cull ! iJr > itultuor en < 3lnitu.'y 8f jiuf catl , W. & i : = rr , " , ndT nlll itnJ lu | iUlnri | > pcr , our BOOK FREE TO MEN ! 1'p n Tiiritf , QjMrUl nil Nrr\ou PIV W , SemltiH. wnkr" ! * rj/crmtimilmii. ImiMitrmy. Syplill.M , Gonimhud , Olett , NIK ! * * V cotcli. Kooini for ) ttleuts. Ail hen , 3X&1U MEDICAL A SUIUJIC.U , IXSTITL" , or ? v. acasnamy , cor. 13th st. & Capitol Avjnidaa , Neb. Medical Book B orl'apers Free. Tliu proprietor ot the Uiimlia Medical untl Suriii- en ! Institute IIHS pabll'hed a vuhmblo ga. of books ami iKtpemupoiiiMirontounit BUIIICH ! itl oa > i and deformities. < tnd tno metr.oili or curs wlilcli liava Riven him me reputation of bulnic the most ikllirul nndnuccefsful lpoclulls [ In tlia west , Hn.t rando tlio Institute so colonr te 1 that mvillcltioi arueoiuto and pntlonts rccel i ed from every ntuto In the union. Among the book ! li one npnn the illacusei of women ; one upon nervous , epeelul nnd prlrnto dl . cuBonodhoKCximl and urlitury or/am ; \ rlcoculu cured by ursleil : operations anil their lutclrInvent- ed clamp oomprcM ujp > nsorr tor the relict itrnl cnreor Ttirlcocele , neriuut oihanatluii undiexnil debility , now restorative treatment. 1'aperi upon urulcal brnceii , pile' , oanCers. panilytU , nti. Klcc- trlcity niiilt-.oneir magnetic battery lor homo me ; ratnrrh nnil Inhalation , etc. Unlike mn < t book ] Irsued by doctor * free , they do not conrljtof teitl- raonUli with Mctltlous namoBumt Initials , nr ruboisti of that kind , but tire pliln ilcscrlptlons of illsoioea. ympiom , new ai covcrlOK In medicine , nur > rcrr and electricity , and arc wll worth the perusal and can he obtained Irtte bj iuUlro .liu the Omaha Mertl- c l and Surgical Initltute , IJth street n1 Caoitol aTOtiuo , Oraanu. Neuranka. EDUCATIONAL. I > HlliATKPHIA BEMINAHY I-OK YOUNU I.Al > IES,13r > North HroatHt 1'bllailolplila. 17th year boidni Sept. Ist , IBjT. Addrcxi Miss It. K. JUDKINS , Principal , who roferB by special pormlaslon to Mr. and Mrs.Joliti N. Jowott , } Mr. and .Mrs. 1'hlllp I ) . Armour , VChicayo. Mr. ana Mrs. Horuco F. Wmto , ) YOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE And HOUIi : SCHOOL , for tilltl.S. KANSAS CITY MO. Kill ! corp of iircomplhh Teachers. 1'uulla rccelveil at any tlmo Forclrcula apply to , Ml s K. McCUMAB. ITInclpal. Howard Collegiate Institute , For Young Ladles reopens Sept 21. College Frepuriitory , Classical and Scientific Oruduut- Inircoutees. For circular" address EMMA O. CONKO , Principal , or IJ. II. HOWAltl ) , Sccro- tary.Wcst Uridtrewator , Mass. JjCtuwitJt SCIENTIFIC GI.UCK & WILKINSON. Pianos & Organs Retailed at Wliolcmilc Price * . Write for catalogues , prices and torma and save from | 5u to WM lu the purchase of an In. itruincnt. IIKO.S. , st. Joseph , n WM. MO mTOsn B. r , nonwELi. IIOUWELL , & MfI.VrO.SII , Real Estate Dealers 110 South Spring Street , LOS AXGELES , CALIFORyiA. Dealers In city and country property of uil descriptions. General Information to new comers freely irireu. lalld. footbUf ci.rrinu of rough til , _ _ Jilllntunllytr v.forftltjt.un iactik. aproi. ni.itiOMrifloiktr twlu. If orit . . c . wip . r. * " " u. w. K uiMUTcurttlialkrM voatfe tket ad atl tUioC9. HOLMAN ADJUSTABLE BABY CARRIAGE COSTS NO UOBB THAN THE OLD BTYLK , AND CAN UK RRAD1LT ADJUBTUU. Latest Styles , Finest Goods , Lowest Prices , BABY CRADLE. MOUSE CARRIAGE. The Illustrations above are made from photograph * . Tba adjustable parta do not change tke > appearance wbon mod as a street carriage ; they can bo used or not at the pleaiuro of the pur * chaser. The HOLMAN CARRIAGES are warranted for two years. Every part la absolutely perf feet. Over 1OOO Bold In Chicago utnce March lat. Bent to all parte of the United Btatea and aafej delivery guaranteed. Bend for catalogue containing latest styles , cheapest to Quest , HOLMAN ADJUSTABLE CARRIAGE CO. . 275 Wabash Ave. , Chicago , life , BOTTLE MEN ] WOMEN MIHALOVITGH5 HUNGARIAN * ; r DIARRHOEA , DYSENTERY I f CHOLERA MORBUS.t" : * V i Cincinnati , O. For sale by the following agents : Richardson Drug Company ; Blake , Bruce & Co. , Adler &IIeller , FranV Dellone & Co. , R. R. Grottc. UorkolT & Mack Families supplied by Gladstone Bros. As Co. Sample bottle free. For sale by 1 , \ \ wholesale and retail druggists , liquor dealers nnd wine merchant * . . l ' m < f > ] vi TO BUSINESS MEN. AnromlnontNow York manufaeturtnK 'om- . an established and liluhly remunor- utlvo bnslimsa ( practically a monopoly ) , luwuly . imtronl/cd l > y merchants , bankers , < - < irpora. tlons and thu ( fcnorul public , iloslron an active FOR PLANTING TIMBER CLAIMS. Illnck Walnuts. hiilU on , f. o. b Jo per bii Illack Walnut , hulls oir , 'j U l' r bit ° rSot ) < l > X ib ° d Hono8y iicustPced , " ' ' - ' " Asoull Mi'ls of Knit and Foi eat Trim fnr . . .ui8AddreA. . " * - ' * { ' " " .Jf1li'7IKlAt 1) . S. LAKK. 1'roprletcjr , feHr.NA.NDOAII , IA. j. B. HAYNBS OFFICIAL STENOGRAPHER TJIIllD JUDICIAL DISTRICT , 37 Clmmhur of Commerce. TYLER DESK CO ST. IXJUIS , ICO. ( * DESKS. BANK COUimtRl BANK , COURT BOU8X , OOVERinfENTWORKsnlt Beit F OuaruUed. 100 pi Ttnetttvef Drintfd , lentfrr. . E