Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisements under tbu heart. 10 cents po
ino for iho fltst Insertion , i cents for cncli ub
Rtiiueiit insertion. and $1.60 a line per morlth
o advcrtl ? ctnent tnkon for iostnnn25 cents
tot tbo Oral Insertion. Seven words wll Urn
counted to the mi' ) ; they must rim consocu-
tlrely and must uo paid In adianco. All adver
tisements muni bo bonded In before 1 : no o'cloon
p. m.nn < ] under no circumstances will they bo
tstcn or discontinued by telephone.
1'artins advertising tn these column sndnar-
fngitho answers addressed In care ot TtiKlIm
El > l plense auk Tor n chock to cnnMo thorn to Rot
flelr letters.ns none will IIP ilMlvcred except
* n tirercntntlnn of check. All answers to adver
tisements Mtnuld bo enclosed In envelopes ,
All advertisements In those columns are pub
lished In both morning ntid evening editions
oflnr. lr.K , the circulation nf which aggrc-
mnir-fi more than 14 .000 papers dally , nnd give *
Iho d.vertl erstlio benefit , not only of the city
circnmtlon of Tun Brut but also of Council
Bluffs , Lincoln nnd nthor cltlei ana towns
throughout this pnrt of the west
Trrmsi-tCi ri In nrtvunrfi ,
MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. , IMS
Farnam street Complete abstracts fur-
Dished , and titles to teal estate examined , per
fected and guaranteed 41B
UOR BALE A 39 room furnished flat In tbo
E > " centre of city , doing blir business at a bar *
rain. For particulars apply 314M S > 15th st.
Room 5. 908 27
r ANTED An Interest In n good real cstato
business In Omaha. Must bo a good loca
tion with live , wide nwnko parties. Have
/'plenty of rigs to run the business ; also a nutn-
/fcorof good farms llstel with mo that will bo
/ placed with the firm. Address J. B. Silvio ,
Xlkhorn , Neb. 049oJ
WANTED-An articln of merit or samples
of a staple line of goods to sell on com *
. mtMlon to the trndo of Omaha and vicinity.
Have abilityexperience and reference. Ad-
Orossat once , O 15 , Bee office. 082 28J
T7 OR8AL1S A saloon centrally located , and
4 ? doing airood business. Pnce * 1,500. Good
reason for selling. Address G , 8 , Hue olllco.
94 % 28 }
WANTED-A stock of clothing , boots nnd
, shoes in exchange for good Inside lots Ic
Omaha. Address ( I 7 Heo office. 037
FOR SALE A complete steam laundry hav
Ing twenty horse power engine. J. S.
Dennett , Saunders add Clnrk Rts. 6J9
KH SALE A wholesale business , with a
laying trade established. Capital roqu ( red
bout $4,000. will tuko part Omaha real estate.
Address B 59. Boo onico. 7fO
1J1OH SALE The best pnvlng small hotel In
the city I (2,000 cash will got It. C K Lee ,
1207 Farnam st 799
TCTOR.SALF. Corner saloon , receipts (51 per
C day. (4,500 ; (3,000 cosh , near depot. OK
Lee , 1307 Farnam. st 7M !
TjlOR SALE-By W H Gruon. 216 S IHth st , one
Jof the finest corner grocorlos on N 16th st ,
rood fiosh Hock nnd cheap lease ; also two
mall stocks , small livery stock and good barn ,
good location and cheap ground lease. 832
T710R BALE Ono of the best located moat
JO markets in the c'tyt good business. For
further Information address K 27 , Boo office.
003 27J
BUBINPB8CHANCE On account of sickness
not being able to tend to the business the
restaurant and lunch counter , will rent the
same to some good and responsible parties.
Apply to Jonn A. King. 1303 Douglas st.
WANTED Partner In well established , ( rood
paying office business. (1,500 capital re
quired. Dfil , Boo olBco , 328
FOR BALE Or . exchange , grain elevator ,
Western Iowa , for land In Central Neb .or
merchandise , address box 296 , Central City ,
Nob. SKoctlflj
FOR 8A LK-Moat market. I offer my market
at n reasonably low figure. My reasons
for selling are ; lam not able to see to the
business myself on account of my health and
wish to leave for California soon M possible.
One of the finest locations In the city. No
competition nnd low rent and fine trade.
Illocki ) , tools , wagon and team , and everything
In running order. For further particulars cal
at once at corner 25th nnd Davenport streets ,
moat mar hut J. A. McClure , 827
MMR.-BEVONBH1KK , the gre at clairvoyant
bas just arrived and located at 122S4 , cor
Ifth and Capitol ave. Bhe reveals the past
present anil f uturo. causes speedy marriages
irlvM advice In business , etc , She never falli
to give satisfaction. Hours from9. m. to 8 p. in ,
455 oct ij
\7IENNA fortune teller , 618 S 14th st.
T 831 OOt 5j
" | U"R8. HATK1F.LT ) , Trance business medium.
JJi- The past present and future revealed , sick
holed , lost found , homes made nappy , sittings
dally nt 421 B. llth it. 457 o 15J
DR. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant Medi
cal , business and test medium. Office 119
fforth Uth ntroe : , rooms S 4 a , Telephone 044.
R& DDRANI ClttriToyant from Boston Is
reliable in all affairs of life , unites sepa
rated lovers. H23 n 10th 1. 84ioot4j (
WANTED 31 splkers and track men , 1
teamsters ( a and (2.25. Mutual Agency ,
10OT Farnam. 803 28 *
WANTED 100 men for the south , 50 for
Iowa and Missouri. D. 0. O'Koefo , 309 S.
llth st. 4S 27j
W'ANTED An active man who desires to
engage in a iwrmanont and profitable
business. About (30 required. Address E 71 ,
Bee. 895 t7
WANTED At once , two coat makers , con-
slant employment ; Rood wages. John ,
Morrison. Lincoln. Neb. 881 8
117 ANTED-Five traveling salesmen. Salary
' and expenses. No experience neces
sary. AddreM with stamp , Palmer & Co. ,
lacrosse. Wls. 80-
WANTED Agenta In Nebraska for Gen.
John A. Logan's last work "Volunteer
Boldler , " just published. Address J. M. French
fc Co. , Omaha. Neb. S3
WANTED Men for railroad work. Al-
brlgbt'a labor agency , 1120 Farnam. 804
WANTED A clerk to make out deeds at the
great (10.00 sale at 1415 Farnam street.
Apply Monday. 608
VANTKD , Men nnd women for an easy ,
money-making business which pays four
times better than any other. Worthy persons
with.llmlted means will be offered exlraordl-
k-nary laduoemeBts. Write for free samples and
rpeclal terms. Address Merrill Manufacturing
Co. . H 63.Chicago. 843828 *
VXTANTKD-ShoTelorS for city work at (1.75
V T and (2 per day. 1007 Farnam. U63 28J
WANTBU-JSow class of 20 pupils , diligent
workers , for special short term , full
course , day and evening sessions , at BUke's
Rliorthand Institute , see circulars. Omaha
Business College , 18th and Capitol ovo. 502oot3J
" \\TANTED Young man to sell custom shirt
' In this city , ono experienced preferred.
008 N 16th st 72U
WANTED- once , two good coatmakers ,
r good pantstnakor , nnd vest maker. No
others need apply. Address M. Uordolt .V Bon ,
Boward , Neb. C9J 28
WANTKD-Rrlcklavors. Apply to J. E.
Rlley , Armour's packing-house , South
Omaha. . B3127
ANTED-Mllker at Saratoga dairy , 4115
Saundors. 6.C )
\\7ANTKD 4 experienced coal miners , none
T T other need apply. Inquire 1417 Farnam.
Tt7ANTED The general public to know that
wo eau supply > ou with male or female
help that will give satisfaction ; no delay and
no disappointment. Western Employment
Bureau , 1618 Farnam.
WANTED-Flrst-class energetic solicitors to
represent Philadelphia nouso ; largest
commissions. Address Hambergrr.earo ot N.
W. Aver & Bon , Philadelphia , fa.
00937 *
'ANTED ' A young man as porter , & Loh-
man , 1108 Farnam st. M4
W - for Wyoming. Aibngbt's
Labor agency , 1190 Furnatn. 61J
WANTED Young men or ladies to act
as canvassers. Anew article , big Induce
ments. No books or soap to peddlei Cunsdlan
XmploTinent olDco. Mrs , Uroga A Bon , 316 8.
ItUi. telephone 884. 976 2UJ
WANTED Men for all kinds of work at the
Western Employment Agency. 1B12 Far-
Bam St. 970 2V
WANTKD-Three bund roil traokla > crs to
work on extension of Illinois t'outrul
railroad north from Cherokee , Inwu , transpor
tation rutnlshoa from bioux City by applying
to agent at Sioux City. F. A. Hill. Vffii 37
WANTED Young man or boy to learn
Uadc.tC3N.101h 61. M7 27 *
4. YlT ANTEU-OooU baker us second hand. 1909
TN f T Cumlng st. 904 }
WANTED-Two good , reliable mon to soil
fooxls. llefsrencc * required. Call 431 ti <
,0th. . UBS8J
WANTED A few llvo men to seU an article
never Introduced In this city bo-
fora. Bolls at sight. Apply room 6 , Win far-
nam. 1 Illght up. 933 28J
WANTED-3 form laborers , $20 per mo , 1
years work , Mutual Agency,1007 Farnam
P63 28J
WANTED Architectural draughtsman , me
chanical doiUncr , dry goods and clothing
salesmen , Ronnral agents , teams tor city , $ .1
day , laborers and shovclors $ l.7"i day , beys as
helpers $1 week , book ngonts , salary $ J and 40
per cent dav. and all clauses of help. Hcnd-
quarters , ifeOilFarnam street RoomH , P2a 87 *
\\'ANTKD 4 Oernuin bojs to carry papers ,
> > 507-509 a IJth , upstairs. 6s
WANTED Practical woman tor cooking and
general work In family of two , wages ,
ti periods. Apply at ICO'J California st.
. 'ANTED Olrl for general housework at
C283. 17th St. 941
W ANTED Good girl for housework In fam
ily of two , 819 8.19th st. IWO 27j
WANTED Second cook , at Windsor Hotel.
KM ) 27
WANTED Olrl for general housework.
German preferred , 1900 Farnam st. 883
W 1 ANTED-Olrl for general housework.
Mrs. 'Ihos. F. Hall , 1645 Sherman are ,
WANTED 1 girl for country , 3 dining room
girls for Lincoln , 1 cook for South Omaha ,
girls for general housework , dishwashers etc.
Gate City Employment office , 314K S 15th st.
IK)827 )
\\7ANTED-Practlcal glove fitter , dining
' ' room girls for Lincoln , $1K month ; din
ing room girls for city. f25 ; .5 glrlt for general
housework. Headquarters , 1WTJ Farnnm st ,
Koom D. 927 27J
W ATED-Firstglrl , 10U Capitol nvo.
928 1 ]
WANTKD--Immcdlatcly two peed girls as
cook and nurse at 71(1 ( N 22nd St.
959 28j
W IANTlID-Goodglrl for family of two. A.
Hospe,315N.17thst. 843
X7ANTED-Good girl. 2314 St. Mary's ovo.
WANTED-GIrl for housework. Inquire
west corner 10th nnd Williams Bts , 304
W ANTED Young girl , to assist In house-
work. 310 N 19th st U7fl 29
W AN lEO-Cook nnd second girl for Wyo. ,
(2Tandl7. Dining-room girl for Coino ,
Colorado. Laundress for western Neb. , (1 .
0 dining-room girls for Lincoln , (18. Cook and
second girl for A ( ill I nnd , nil tnrcs paid , Man
and wife for private family In city , (10. Dish
washer and dining-room girl for Red Oak , Iowa.
For rlty , 4 dining-room girls , S nurse girls , 25
girls for housework , (3 to 16 per week , 4 lady
canvasser * for cltv. Canadian Emp. Office. ,
Mrs BregaIt Son. 316 S. 15th. Tel. 884. 978 27 *
WANTED Female help of all kinds at the
Western Employment Agency. 1612 Far
nnm st U7029
WANTED A girl for general housework ,
small family 1923 California , cor 20th st
W ANTED Good nurse girl , Mrs. W. M.
Bushman , 014 S. 17th st. 517
WANTED A girl to do errands. Mrs. Rice ,
Room 14 Bushman's block. 633
W 1 ANTED Cook and laundress. Dr. Coff-
man oorUt Mary's ave and 27th st 558
'ANTED-Glrls and all others who are look
Ing for a place to know that we do not
charge ofllue toe unless place Is scoured. Do
not bo deceived by nonceins who take your
money without giving vou a place. Gate City
Employment ofllco. HUM S 15th st. 630
W ANTED-Girl.2002 California st , 768
. 'ANTED Olrl for general housework at
> No. 1918 Capitol avenue. 866
STRAYED Or stolen , n bay horse and a
small sorrel mare. Finder will return to
L. P. Pruyn.2213 Izard st. 889 28
LOST September 7th , n small groy Mexican
dog pup , about 6 months old , nndery fat ;
(10 reward for return to 2101 Cumlng st.
JOST Bay horse. Return to 1J05 Douglas.
8 ! > U 26j
WANTED--A good rat terrier and a largo
Maltese cat Apply at noon HZUIarnoy
WANTED A nice room for one gentleman ,
gas , bath , hot and cold water , furnace
heat , 1709 Dodge st. 9C9 3
WANTED A gentleman roomer ( partial
board if destrcdf tu an English family
1021 South 18th st 955 9j
\J17ANTBD 0 table boarders , flrstclass board ,
TT reasonable rates. .Reference required.
Mrs. Fanny Trumblo , 013 So , ICth. 958
Ti'ANTKD-To buy a whole or half interest
' In a country bank In eastern Nebraska.
Address G 6 , Bue office. 9J7
"fXT ANTED Someone to take a bright baby
TT girl of one month old ( brunette ) . Box
754 , City. 940 27J
WANTED-By October 10 , a small cottapro
tor a family of two. Address U 68. Bee
office. 88527 *
Immediately , a 6 room house ,
rent not to nxcood (25 per month. Address
dross "E. 88 , " Bee office. 88.1 27 *
\\TANTED Board for ladr and daughter ,
TT with two nicely furnished pleasant
rooms , between Clark and Ohio sts , references
exchanged. Address D CD , Bee office , with
terms. 84127J
"MrANTED To buy the furniture ot a small
VT or large house , centrally located. Co
operative Land and Lot Co. , 205 N 16th st.
WANTBD-Three table boarders at 2118
Burt si. . 597
M VONEY to loan oil city property. Buy good
notes. Heavers i Wbitcomb,18031i Farnam.
$ SOO,000 to loan , special rates on farm prop
erty , Bobotker * Perrlgo , 1521 Farnam st ,
, to loan m any amount at lowest rate
of interest. H. B. Irey , Freezer block. 407
MONEY to loan to parties wishing to buiM
8. S. Campbell , 810 B 10th fit. , Chamber of
Commerce , 401
ONKY In sums of I5UO and over to loan at
low rates , Russell & Barrett , 313 8 10th st
MONEY to Loan On Improved city property
at lowest rates of Interest. No commla
sion charged. Bholes Si Crumb , room 1 , Barker
blook , cor 15th and Farnam sts. 645
MONEY to loan on real estate. No delay.
First mortgages bought. Bates , Hmlth
Co. , 04 Itnmtro building , cor. 15th und Ilarney ,
902 oct7
MONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs
horses , etc. , low rates. J. J.Wilkinson Si Co.
1324 Farnam , o\er Burlington ticket office. 419
V 1,000,000 to loan , H. K. Cole , 816 815th. Firs
mortgage notes nought 376
MONEY to loan on city property. Will buy
good notes. Seavor & whltcomb , 16
Faruam. 773
MONEY To loan. Lowest rates. No delay
J. L. Rico 3t Co , , over Oommsiolal Nd
tlonal bank 410
LOAN Money Loans placed on Ira
proved real cstato in city or county for
New England Loan a Trust Co. , by Douglas
County bank , loth und Cbloaiio sts. 414
ONEY LOANKDat C..F. Reed & Co.s Loan
oess strlctlr tonfldentlnl.
MONI'.Y to loan on Improved real estate
nn commission charved. Louvitt Burn
ham , room 1 , Crolghton block , 4IJ
It C. Puttcrsoa , ISth nnd Hartley , 401
§ 1600,000 To loan on Omaha city property at 8
4 > percent U. W. Day , a. o. cor. z. Did.
MONEY to Loan By the undersUnud , wno
has the only properly organized loan
ugcmay In Omaha. Loans or $10 to Jiuo made
on furniture , planns , orirnnn , horses , wagons ,
nuichlnory. etc. , without removal. Nodomvs ,
All business strictly contldcnttal. Loans so
m ml e that any pnrt can bo paid at any time ,
each ptiyment reducing the cost pro rain. Ad
vances made on Una watches and diamonds.
Persons snould carefully consldsrwho they are
dealing wltb , as many new concerns are dally
com In if Into existence. Should you need money
o lt and see me. W. R. Croft , room t , Wltlmoll
buUOlnjr , Uth and Haraa/ . ill
N. W. corner of Harney and 15th streets ,
over State National bank.
Is prepared to make short time loans on any
available security.
Loans made on chattels , collateral or real
Long time loans made on ImptovoJ real os-
ate at current rates.
Purchase money mortgages noxotiatcd.
Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged.
Short tlmo loans made on second mortgage ,
according to marginal Interest , at collateral
Real cstato to oxchsngo tor good Interest
icartng paper.
General financial liuilnosi of all kinds trans
acted promptly , quietly nnd fairly.
Money always on hand for approved loans
of any kmd.wlthout delay or unnecessary pub-
iclty , Corbott , Manager. 418
MONirv to loan , cash on hand , no delay ,
J. W. and K L. Siiulro , 1113 Farnam st ,
Paxton hotel building. 411
M ONEY to Loan-O. V. Davis Co. , real cs
tate and loan agents , 1505 Farnam st ,
$ 760.000 TO LOAN at 6 pop cent.
> iuhonoy , 1509 Farnam. 403
GOMl'KTKNT Lady and gentlemen teachers
at Blake's Shorthand Institute , Omaha
Juslness College , 16th and Capitol avn. COJoctZj
CASH paid for second hand books at the
Antiquarian , 308 N Uth st. 723 o 8IJ
A NdLO American Mortgage'and Investment
jt.Co. . , olBce 8483 Farnam st. John Culloy ,
manager. 68Soct81J
BOAHDING - Good board and room at Ml So
18tn st 68127J
F1IIST class help furnished on short notice
the city and all parts of the west whore
fare Is paid. Western Employment Agency.
1613 Farnam st Ml
GOOD Pay for extra work. Qualify yourself
for high salary by taking evening course at
ntake's Shorthand Institute , Omaha Iluslnoss
College , 15th and Capitol are , 602oct2J
TjlOKUKNT Organs. M per month , aoape ,
f lUB Doutrlas. 425
TO EXCIIANOR-For cattle , lhavo 00 and
forty acres of good western land to trails
for rattle , and a good house and lot near the
capital will exchaniro for cattle. Address 8. O.
Ilryan. Ashland , Neb. 4.1G
rpo exchange for other property contract for
JL 040 acres It It land In Choyenrio Co. , Neb. ,
two miles from rnllroad , also two H sec In Lin
coln Co. . near rail road. McCullooh & Co. , cor
15th and Fa mum sts. RIO
OL C.-Houie furnishing goods , all kinds ;
cash or installment : lowest prices at J.
Conner , 1315 Douglas st 420
F Ion RENT square riajo , ( montnlv. A
Home. 1513 Douirlas 425
NEW Profession for Indies , send lor circu
lars. Blake's Shorthand Institute , Omaha
Business College , 10th and Capitol avo. 503oct2j
DR. CHASE'S new Receipt Book and House
hold Physician , the "Memorial Edition" ,
of over 800 pages. The "Crownln < LlfoWork"
of the greatest author and benefactor that
overlived. Just out. Agents maklnp Immense
sales. Big terms. Address , F. B. Dlckorson &
Co. , Detroit , Mich. Mention this paper.
TTTORKBNT-Sq'jare Piano ( d monthlr.
J ? Hospe. 1513 Douglas. 4.5
PERSONAL Ladles and gentlemen : We
have a new nnd complete stock of boots
nnd shoos at 410 N. 16th st , , opposite JefTerson
square. Good Goods and low prices 9-U2 !
PEKSONAL-C. S. Whitney sells hard and
sott coal , 1513 Farnam und 18th nnd Izard.
47583. )
IJERSONAL Grtoly , consider our acquaint
ance ended unless you bring mn a war
ranty deed for one of those $10 lots to bo sold
at 1416 Farnam st during fair week. Imogone.
PBRSONAL-E. Wiehlo , M. A. , teacher of the
piano , organ and vocalization ; Instruction
Invariably of highest order ; Al reference.
Office : Max Meyer .t Bro. 395s3 > *
"PERSONAL Private homo for ladles during
JL conflnomsnt , strictly confidential , infants
adopted , address E 42 , lcooffice. 107 oct 8
EXPECTING to ho absent for a year or more ,
I offer at private sale the following prop
erty on low and onsy terms :
4 head of highest bred Jersey stock
4 head of homos , the horse known as John
D , ono Altlmo year old colt , ono Altlmo nuiro 5
years old and ono boy's pony , ono carriage and
harness , one phnoton , ono cart , ono road buggy
nnd one express wagon. James Neville. MWolj
FOR SALE A second-hand 13-horso power
engine und boiler and smokestack for sale
cheap. Inquire of Slmtnonds , Reeves & Co , , S.
13th st. 912 2J
FOR SALE-8 ) ear old horse and nearly now
double seat light Mitchell wagon and har
ness. Inquire rear H3i ) South 13th st 9.112
FOR SALE on easy terms-
Pony ( 3000
Pony 40 00
Pony 6009
Pony harness and cart. . . . - . . . . . < 12500
lllaok driving horse , 4K rears old 100 ( >
Gray delivery horse , 1,000 Ibs i 0 00
Gray draft horse , . , 5000
Groydroft boise , 7500
Gray draft horse , 7500
Graydraft horse 160 00
Ltirht driving team mares 20000
Ray saddle horse ( singlofoot ) 100 00
Team roan ponies 12000
Buy driving horse I'M ) 00
W. T. Seaman ,
East side 16th at north of Nicholas.
Agent for Sludebaker Buggies , Wagons. Etc.
T71OH SALE Very large thoroughbred blood-
-L' nound , two and a half years old , Enquire
this week at 2308 Burt St. Ralph Modjeski.
954 30J
I 1OR 8 ALE-At great bargains.
1 Hat top desk.
1 large wall map of city.
Several office chairs.
1 horse , buggy and harness.
Will sell at a bargain and on time If desired.
F , Barrett , 817 S Ifitb. 852
bICIt SALE-One team draft horses , call and
see them. Llnlnger & Motcalf Co.
811 30
TjlOR SALE-Family horse nnd buggy , (1W.
-L Ono hard coal burner (10 , ono (15. owner
leaving city. Address E. 44 , lice office. 7 > 4 28j
FOR PALE-Fine buggy team ; also drhea
splendid single. Inquire Ogg & Palmer's
liter } stable , cor. llth and Howard.
515 28J
ONLY ( J75 , cost (800 , (10 per month , clegnnt
rosewood case upright piano , only need 1
month , good as new. Call rurgorson Storage
Co , 715 N 10th at 804 30
/ \KGANS at great sacrifice , one-half vuluoto
V pay storage charges , beautiful goods at
your own prlco , easy payments fancy
prices. Call at once , Furgerson Storage Co. ,715
NlOthst 80130
H SALE-Ico in car lots. Gilbert Bros. ,
Council Bluffs. 78UOCI5
] , OR BALK At a sacrifice.
1 Nine thousand dollars worth of
Miscellaneous Books , which I desire to close
out previous to my early removal to past side
of 10th st , north of Nicholas st , where I will
carry the largest variety of buggies , phaetons ,
carriages and wagons to be found at any one
place in the cky.
W.T. Seaman.
Now at Farnam and llth sts.
Agent for Studebakor. 603Oot 20
FOR BALE Furniture and lease of good
paying hotel In South Omaha , Benawa
& Co. , 15th st , . ooDOslte postoflice. WJ
FOR SALE Here Is a bargain on a piano ,
only (275 , cost (600 , taken tor debt and
must be sold , elegantly carved , 7tf octave , su
perb tone , French repeating action , one string
Bodour upright piano ; greatest bargain over
olforod ; must bo sold and moved at once. Call
rurtiorson Storage Co. , 715 N 10th St. , Omaha.
. 696 SB
IiOll SALK-Sotgood double harness , almost
1 new. f. F. Harrison , 418 S. 15th st.
FOR RENT Nov. l.brlok warehouse stories
tilghbaBoment,44xi20sida-traek at rear , oest
of locations. Inqulco 1505 Farnan. A. C.
Powell. 986 29 *
R RKNT-Ten room brick house , 1731
Dodge. All modern Improvements. 704
OR RKNT-Offlco space at 1523 Farnam st
and furniture for sale , A. H. Comstook
5 i Furnam st. 7t 3
FOIt RKNT Nicely furnished bouse , 6 rooms
Shlnn's 2nd add. Inquire 1311 s. 10th st ,
near Hickory. 815
nae applicants 'for 50 bouses , from 6 to
10 rooms , to rent. IL B. Cole , 313 s. l&tb ,
1OH RUNT Cottage of seven rooms with al
J. coovenlauoss , and furniture for sale , In-
qulro on premises , M3 8 ITtb it T , J. FlU-
worrll. TM
FOR BENT 6 to 10 room bousos. Good loca-
tlon. H.B.Colo3l68tfth. _ 410
TJ10R RENT 5 houses , 7 rooms each , wltb
J- modern Improvements , In Windsor Place ,
on Park street car line , ofip of the finest loca
tions In city , rent roasonrffJW , Sol Jen Bras. , 524
8. lath st . pr,727
i "n
FOR KENT- Residence on street car line , all
modern conveniences : Owner and wife
wish to board with tne family. Enquire on the
remises , ICO'J North 18th f ) . _ 9J329J
IJ > OR HENT-Tlouies in t rt class locality.
Apply M. Eiguttor. l < fll Farnam st. 771 29
OR flENT-10-rootn fltf all modern Ira-
provemeuts , Inquire W19 Davenport
nc & 5J ol *
RENT From Oct. l.lnruo house of 13
A ; rooms heated by steant and water on each
floor , suitable fora Jlrst-rf-'lass family hotel )
carpets , range and window shades for sale ,
Retfrcnces required. Nathan Shelton , 150) Far-
nam tt. 0(15 ( 29
TjlOR RFNT House , snd furiuturo for sale ,
-a ? nearly every room occupied. House new ,
nil rcodcrn conveniences , three blocks f mm
postofNco. Address E. 41 , Bee. CU 28j
tilOR RENT New 8-room house , nil modern
JL lmpro\emonts. on Georgia nvo. R. C. Pat *
lor < oncor 15th nnd Harney. _ 397
TjTOH RENT Oct , 1 four rooms for house- ,
-T keeping , sink and city water. 2223 Call-
fornla st _ 925 27j
FOR REN1 Oommorolal house at David
C.ty , Nob. Address llonry Will , Rising
Cltyjfcb. _ HOT Oct OJ
FOIt ItENT-Baaomout of 316 8. 15th st suit-
able for barber shop. Apply to M. F ,
Martin 617 8 , Uth st. 844
F'OR RENT Furnished rooms with board ,
1903 Farnam. 307o < T > j
"C1OR RENT Nicely furnished front room for
JL' two gontlemon. 2424 Dodge street 867-SOj
1J1OR HFNT-Ploasant and comfortable rooms
X ? ono blook from P 0,1505 Capitol avo. 674 27j
FOR RENT Nicely furnished suite of rooms ,
steam heat and gas freealso other rooms.
201 a 24th st 080-olj
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms
with gas and bathat61H South 17th st
H41 30J
F I OR RENT-Furntshod room , UI7 Dilvon-
port st. 719 27J
FOR RENT Largo front parlor with Day
window , and alcove , also other rooms with
modern conveniences at 1621 Farnam st , ono
block west of courthouse. 821
F ° IR RENT Furnished rooms 1MB Dodge.
(169 oct U
FOR RENT To a small family , 7-room house ,
1134 Nort ITtb. Kaufman Bros , 1009 Far-
nam st > U $
F ° R RENT Ofllco rooms nnd basement at
1204 Farnam St. 713 27J
FOR RUNT Nicely furnished room , hot and
cold water , bath room. 618 South 17th.
FOR HENT-Nloely furnished parlor with
beat , 125. Small room , (10. 1021 Farnnm
St. 727 28
F I OR RKNT-Unfmnlshed parlor nd bed
room , 1921 Chicago. 705
FOH HUNT-Office spaces on ground floor ,
one front window. Enquire at 1509 Harnum
st , of J. 3. Blcbardbon. 699 oct3
TfOR RENT Nicely furntahod room suitable
-I f or S gentlemen , Inauleai-'on St Marys ave.
6(8 (
FOR RENT Kloirantlv gurnished room on
first floor , with modern Improvements ,
1917 Cass. ' 6S5
Fc u r rooms , furnished ,
southwest corner 20rh nnd Webster. 318
FOR RENT One large pleasant room , south
front , brick Hat , suitable for 2 or 4 gentle
men , 1416 Chicago st. , ( i 2S8
F I OR RENT Nicely furnished rooms to gen
tlemen on'.y.'OU Douglasst. 59J 30
TTOR RENT Largo and iVttl furnished sitting
-C and bedroom BUltahlu for two gentlemen ;
fuinacu nnd grate firesiliot and cold water
closets , bath room , etc. , cpmculeut location.
Address O 10 Bcc office , , , , 950 211
F I OR RENT Furnished room 603 S. 17th.MO .
B OR RENT 5 rooms on 2ort floor 403 B. 18th
st , . References required. Also a tiuso-i
mont for tinners , or storauc. Hamilton Bros. ,
builders. H7730J
F I OR RENT B rooms furnlstiod for house
keeping. Trice reasonable , 810 North Iflth
(171 ( UW
F - unfurnished rooras.HEW S. 12th.
971 S8J
F I OR RENT Nicely furnished front rooms ,
1609 Daronport st. U73 3DJ
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms , board
if desired , everything first-class. Rates
reasonable. 201" ilarnoy. t)72 ) 24 *
FOR RENT Rooms In private families , with
or without boaid ; stable room for one or
two horses. Call on or address Lyon , l'iQ7 i'Ur-
natn. ms S7J
I OR RENT-Fy.nfShed slncle
F rooms or en-
SU'.te , With or without board , 1615 Dodgo.
P1OR RENT-Nlcelr furnished rooms. 1B13
Dodgo. 5 6437J
FOR RENT-Two nicely furnished rooms , * 9
and $14 per month. Brownoli Hall , s. 17th
st 816 27 *
FOIt HENT-Furnishod south front room
with board , modern conveniences , for 2
gentlemen. 1814 Dodge. 753
T7IOR RENT Newly furnished rooms for 1 orE
-E 2 gentlemen , IU 8 2tth. 911 27J
F 1OR RENT Furnished rooms in private fam
ily. 8 9K821stsf B'lS o2j
FOR IthNT-A nicely furnished front room.
Apply at 5251'airvlow or S 28th 8t. 903 Ij
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room with
board , nosr oar lino. Address K 72 , Bee
office. ( OJ 2
FOR RENT Handsomely furnished suite ,
for 2 gentlemen , or gentleman nnd wife ,
gas , bath. 1 > 0 per mouth. Call at Idol Dodge
st. 901 2f"
FOR RENT S aril rooms furnished or unfur
nished. 114,1 Park ave. 916 ? Sj
F OB RENT-Suit of rooms suitable forSor
4 gentlemen , 16-M Dodge st. 918
FOR B.ENT Nlcelr Jurnlshod front room In
nlco cottage , suitable for two gents , in
pilvato family , $10 per month , 4W1 Wllliains st. ,
6 minutes walK southonst U. P. depot. ' .IV >
JiOR HBNT-NIco rooms , furnished , 1613
? Chicago st 93828J
FOR RENT An elegantly furnished largo
itlco\o front room , new house , all modern
Improvements , with free heat and gas , two
blocks from postolHco , 1707 DodrfC Bt. 002
FOR RENT Furnished rooms In Qrounlg blk ,
cor tilth and Dudge st
Davis. Millard Hotel Billiard room. 23.2
TTIOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms with
-L tlrst-class board In now brick building with
all modern improvements. "Mrs. W m. Voting ,
2209 Douglas st. JS1 823 2J
TI1OR HENT-2 furnished' 'rooms suitable for
-1 ? 4 gentlemen or light housekeeping. 619 N
19th Bt b : 610 28J
"IJTOR RENT-Nlceiy furnUhod looms , to gen-
-C tlemcn only , 220 N. ictni t. , Room 2. 439
' ( I
/CANADIAN Employment , Offlce furnishes
V clerks , accountants , stenographers , etc. ,
free of charge. Dcmostto help supplied on
short notlco , and sent to all parts If fare Is paid.
Mrs. Uroga & bon , 310 South 15th. TeL Ml.
HP B" ' '
WANT-ED By experienced drng clerk a situ
ation , the host of H-feronoos furntNliod.
Address O 3 Bee. tjT | OZl 1 *
ANTED-Sltuntmn in the city by 3 Brst
class women , moat and pastry cooks ,
Inquire Mrs. Brega ft Son , Canadian Emp.
Offlce. 316 B. 16th it. Tel. 884. 942 27J
rpHE Western Employment Agency , 1612 Far-
-L nam street , has good places for girls , men
and boys out ot employment. Call at once and
secure them. U70 20
W ANTKD-Situation as coachman , groom ,
etc. , by an American man ot experience ,
and best of references Moderate ages. Wil
ling to work. ( No ollice fee. ) Canadian Em
ployment office , Mrs. Brcga & Son , 310 a 15th ,
tel i > hone 854- 975 2SJ
WANTED-Sltustlon by stout iiclho ( Jor-
man25 yrsold , single , willing to loako
himself generally useful and work tor moder
ate wages. No oQloe fee , Canadian Emu.
Office , Mrs-Broga * Eon , 319815th. Tei. 884.
941 87J
ANTKD By an experienced cook woo un-
dei stands his business , as bead In a first-
class house , either In or out of town. Address
OS , this office. KH27J
WANTED-Uy a young lady , good musician ,
position to play the piano ovijnlntrs , ad-
mSPKCTABL'B woman require ! plain sowing -
> > ing atownhome. 19'S Farnam st 72 2SJ
OTORAOE Furniture , botoil goods , Ac. ,
C * terms reasonable , 711 Pacific. IVI
S' [ TORAOE Flrt-clasi storage for mc tut-
1 nlturo or boxed goods , atlMJ " - ' '
"IPOR SALE-Ono nlco east front cottaeo ,
JL1 1'nrk avenue , near Loiivonworth. The W ,
C , IVM Co. , No. i)13 ) 8.14 th Street. 8SO-27J
F Oil SALE Two selocto d outh front lots ,
Capital nveuuonearUJth. ( f2,7SO oncli ; this
Is f 500 per lot lo s tlmn market prlco. The W.
C. Ives Co..313 8.14th street. 887 37J
TTtoR SALE-Ono first-class residence and
* ' bnrn , tire minutes wnlk from high school.
IhoV. . C , Ivc.iCo. , No. ! ) I3 S. 14tb street.
885 27 J
FOIt SALE firaiiam. Crcighton block.
12 fret on Saundcn St. , (100 per foot , cor.
Lot II , block 0 , Shinii's Sd add. , south front ,
Elegant lot on Charles st , nonr 27th , $2.300.
East front lot hi .Nelson's add , (3,000 , U cash.
Seven lots for sale or trade nt a bargain
In Cloverdnlo.
Hood south front lot In block 0 , Orchard Hill ,
Pouth front on Hamilton.on
Corner lot and house just west of Baundcr *
St. , $3,000. 78887
LIST your property for oaie with Charles C ,
Spotswood. a05M 8 Iflth at. 642
WHAT have you to trade for fine 2-storv
residence and two lots In the west part of
town ? Joha C. Thompson , Herald office.
G OOD lot on Bristol st. (1,300. Graham ,
Crelghton blook. T)327 )
WE nave some good Omahi property to
trade for land or merchandise and a
good farm to trade for city property. If you
wish to buy , sell or exchange property see us.
Cone ft Johnson , 724 N 10th st. 722 o 1
IjWH SALE-A beautiful two-story house of 7
X : rooms just completed ; city water , gnsnnd
modern Improvements , In Mlllard A Gild well's
add , on I/ociist st , overlooking Kountze add ,
and within two blocks of the street car lino.
This lioiise Is offered for sale for a short time
on the most reasonable ! terms. It is located In
ono ot the best parts of pity , and will increase
in value. For all particulars apply to Charles
C. SpotswoodU05K S. Iflthst. 751
1T10R SA l.E A first class hotel property doing
JD excellent business. Must fell In sixty
days. For price nnd terms nddrcss II. S. Lilly ,
real estate dealer Broken How , Neb. 293
FOR BALE -132x131 : ft on R R track on Niche
las Htid 13th with ware house 38x 1 ft3
stories , pi Ice (14,000. Addicss Shaw & Field ,
box 5'JH , Omalia. 20J ol2
SEVPN lots for sale or trade at a bargain In
Clovordalo. Graham , Crolghton block.
TO EXCHANGE Homo money and choice
land for first class , improved Inside prop
erty. H. U. Colo.31(18 ( Uth 411
T310R SALE -131x100 It cor Howard and Kith
JBts , next blook to Kasaon , Brady It Mar
tins bouses , (7,500. Address E 33 Bee odloo.
8 AUNDERS St.,128 foot nt (100 per front ft.
GrnliainCrolgbton block. 7U9 27
CjlOR SALE-At a sacrlOco , lots 3 and 5 , lilk
-L 14 , Albright's annex. Lot 8 in Polhnm Place ,
1 share Lowe Aventio Terrace Building associa
tion stock. F. Barrett , with Helln It Thomp
son. 317 S 15th st 851
FOR Tit ADE-Hotiso and lot 5 block 2 Kountzo
4th add , house will rent at ( 5 a month ;
no encumbrance , will trade for a vacant lot or
halt lot In llaneeom place or thereabout to cost
from J2.000 to (2.TOO nnd will take mortgage on
property for the balance. Chnrlos O. Spots-
wood , 305 ! . ' , S 16th. 705
FOR SALE Bargains In lots In PInlnvlow
and Klrkwood add , their owner must htno
money for Improving nioporty close by. No
commbslons. Address G I ) UoeolUeo.
051 3J
TIIOR SALE Here Is a ll.oTO tor some ono.
-L 102 feet east and south front and n corner
on Lowe nvo. bet. Cummlngs and Farnam , at
$18.50 per front foot. Inquire 1009 Howard. 2d
lloor , west side. 767 29j
P OT II , block U , Shlnn's 2d odd , nt $2.hOO. 900
U cash. Graham. 73'J 27
SPECIAL 11AKOA1NS-8 room house and 9-t
Ihtln Denlse's addition , with barn , (3,700 ,
(1,000 cash.
13 room house , full lot onSoward near Saun-
dors. all modern improvements , (8,000 , (3,003
5 four room houses in Logo's addition , (1,590
each ( "JO cash , Imlunco on easy terms.
Beautiful lot in Ilanscom Place , (3.500.
5 room cottage and 2 lots , Walnut Hill , $2,000 ,
one third cash.
Fine corner in Kilby place , (1,850.
Also Rome choice bargains In Orchard Hill
and Lowe's addition , II. R. Ball and Co. .
_ U52 _ _ 113 N. 10th 8t
TJ / oU SALE Fine unproved farm ot 330 acres
JHouse Gosper Co. , Nob. , all under fence , good
House , and all out building , price 51.000. Ad
dress J. R. Shaw , box OlJ.Oity. 201 o2
* r.AitllATN-Twolotsln Saunders .1 Hlme-
Jbaugh's addition to Walnut hill. Address
A. B. Lnthrop , AInsworth , Nob. 91029J
BURR PLAOE-75 rosldence lots situated
from ono ro Hve blocks south of the South
Omaha , brewery. Prices from ( .150 to (000.
One-third cash , balance on easy terms at 8 per
cunt Interest J. J. O'Rourke , solo owner.
736 olj
FOHSALE-12afeot on Saunders st.nt (100
per foot. Graham , Crolghton block. 7J8 27
FOR SALE A Kountze Place corner lot very
chonp. E44Beootlico. 833 30J
T F. RINGER. 119 N. 16th St.
I 8,000 Shlnn's 1st , 90x120 , house , 10 rooms ,
will exchange for lots In Kountzo Place.
9.500-4 lots on Baunders st , opposite Kountze
Place ; worth ( H.5JO.
13,000 50x140 , double house , 8 rooms each ,
bathroom , city water , etc..rents for
(100 per month , (1.000 cash , (5,000 in
other property , (5,000 on time.
5.000- lots , house 6 rooms , barn , etc , fin Inn's
1st add. Lota alone would bo cheap at
the price asked.
18,500 2 modern houses , 7 and 13 rooms each ,
72x140 , near 23d , rents for (150 per
2j,000-ftiil _ > 0 , buildings cost (8,000 and cover
nearly all the ground , will rent for
(150 per month. (5,000 cash , (8,000
other property , balance 1 and 2 years.
(3,000,000 worth of property in all parts of the
city. If you want to buy or sell see E. F.
RIn or , 119 N. 15th St. 819
F I OR SALE-2 olcgant lots on Spring St. , In
Croston. firutmm , Croigton block. 7 27
TACKSON & NASUN No. 1015 Farnam st. offer
tl for a few days some special bargains in In
side property ainonir which arc oholoo resi
dences , vacant lots for dwellings or business
and one good lot for warehouse at a very low
price. 87i : 28
FOR SALE Elegant 10 room bouse , all mod
ern convcnloncex.only f 500 cash required.
H. F. .Cole. ai6bl5tl ) . 813
I 1ST your property with S. 8. Campbell and
J O. W. llervy If you wiint to sell or ei-
change. 010 Chamber of Commerce. 807
milOMPSON.IW 8 15th st , buys and soils real
X estate , loans money , purohaaoa securities ,
has a good list of property for snlo and want
more. Notary public. 854
LIST your pioporty with H. E. Cole , 310 8.
15th. room 1. 409
NOT1C1I-2 trackage lots in center of city to
leasti cheap , for a term of years. For par
ticulars address P. O. box 457. 7742'Jj
mo EXCHANOE-Kqulty In. 4 , 8 and 10 room
J. bouRcs and lots for paid up lots. U. E.
Cole. 316 8 ISth. 410
LIST your property with II. U. Cole , 310 a
15th. room 1. 40
I" 1ST your property with H. U. Cole.'HIB 8.
Lt 15th. room 1. 409
6 room house nnd lot on Corny itreot , 12,600 ,
$500 cash.
8 room house , and lot 66x138 on 3 10th street ,
t-I.IXW , f 2. < I00 cash.
8room house , and lot&OxlrX ) , Hansooiu place ,
15,750 , ( .1.000 cash.
H room house , and lot , Idlewlld , 15,500 , $9.000
7 room house , and lot 26th near Cumlng ,
14,000,11,500 cash.
G6xltilmpro > ed on Farnam , $10,000 , K oash.
80x90 , Patrick's 2ndon2Cth street , $1,000csjy
Lot5 blk 132 , city trackage , tl.WO , $600 cash.
Lot 66x140 on Saunders street between Cmrk
and ( iraee , I9.&PO , | 6,000 cash.
Lot 83 foot fronton Iflth , corner Graco,17WO ,
H each.
I/it 50x136. Summit Place , $3.500,11.000 cash.
Ix > t 60x70 Itedlck's U rove. II. 100. 750 oash.
Lot 38 x125 , corner on Varnam street , $1,225
a font , cash.
Lots In lledford Place , Boyd's add. , Orchard
nil ) , Walnut Hill , Weslslde , Klrkwuoa , and all
OTur tbo city.
Acres for riattlnif.
U5 acres 4 miles from postntttee , '
IU across miles from poetattlce.
8acres ! ! miles from | > o tomoo ,
6 acres 3 wiles f rum postofflce.
6 acres in Newport
2 aorf s In Be7S.jerO. !
Bro n n Crelpbton , se corner Iflth and Doug-
MM. , "VI oct V
$ S50 will buy 40tl27 > ( t south front Apply
at3414Decaturstroct 'ill S2SJ
SA. SLOMAN. Real estate , 1301 Karnamst.
. Tarnam st between Twentieth and
Twenty-third. 118x132 , per foot $ 4JO
Karnam st corner 'Xhlrty-drst 130x133 ,
porfoot , . , . l.VI
Tarnam st. near pavement , 47x132 , . . . , . 4.1M )
KaniHinst. nrariavementKixl | ] . , , . . . . 8. : > )
Farnam Rt , corner Forty-third , 44xl3J. . . 3,1)00
Furnam st. corner Nineteenth , im
proved , 22x132 SO.OUO
Fitrnam st. between Nineteenth and
Twentieth , Improved , 77x133 40,000
Farnam * t near Eleventh , 0x132 , routs
for fl,500 25,000
Farnnm 't near Twenty-Seventh , Mxl3J
ner foot. , , WO
Ilarnoy st near Twentieth , Improved
174X107 0,000
/lamer st. near Twenty-third , Improved ,
50X.B 11,000
Ilarnoy st. near Fifteenth , Improved33 <
132 lBno )
BUtccnth it. near Nicholas , OOHxl02 ID,000
Sixteenth t south of viaduct , 40x102. . . . 5,000
Douglas st a of Twenty-third. Oflxlft ! . . 9,000
Twentieth st , near St. Mary's ave , im
proved. 40x120 , . , 8,000
Twentieth st , between Douglas and
Dodge , Improved , 112x69 , ft.000
Saunders st , corner Hurt IRiHSl 7VH )
Alice st , near tanmni , east front 47x1,13 , 1,8
I'lfteenth st corner Jones , Improved , 6b
XI32 30,000
Fourteenth stcornor JacksonImproved ,
noxiin ,
Fourteenth stoornerChlcagolraprovcd ,
66x1-13 ! 1J.OOO
Twelfth st corner Jones , Improved , 0x
132 . . . . . : . 28,000
Eleventh st , corner Nicholas , trackage ,
08x183. 8,000
Thirteenth st , Paddock place , trackage ,
6(1x112 ( 8,000
Thirteenth st , corner California , Im
proved , rents $ ! , WM 10,001)
Park tvo , opposite Park. 60x150 8,000
Davenport st , opposite High school ,
fine modern fourteen-room house 00
x33 16.000
Cuss st , beiwoon Nineteenth and Twen
tieth , twelve-room modern house , G8x
ia I. . . . 15,000
Nicholas st. corner Twenty-second ,
trackage , 132xlu , Improved 20,000
Charles St. , near St. Mary's. lmproTod,64
x2H 0,400
Calpy stnoar Crelghton colloge.modorn
ten-room house,33xl42 , 6,250
Pletce st. , nonr Twentieth , 60x18.1 , fronts
two streetsImproved 5,150
Dodge st , near Twenty-sixth , 38x13 : , 1m- _
proved 3,000
Twenty-second st. near Grace. 06x120. . . U,000
West Omaha , In bon ton locality , 40 or 60
X165. per foot 75
Twonty-llrst , corner Vlnton , 52x100 1,500
Castellnr st. next corner Eighth , OHix
ThTrty-fhlril st""corner Delaware'.Hans- „
coml'lico KIOXlOO 5.400
Lcavonworthst near Sixteenth , ZSx'C. . 0,000
Webster st , near Twenty eighth. 50x150 ,
ongrado l.MJ
In addition to the above I have lots In all
choice additions at low figures , 739
1ST your property with S. 8. Campbell and
* (1. W. Horvy , 310 Chamber of Commerce
special attention given to the exchange of all
kinds property. Improved and unimproved
city property , farms , horses , cattle , stocks of
goods , etc. BOS
TpOH SALE Finest location for a home in
* ? Wust Omnhh. adjoining the mansion
homes of Klrkcndall.Coo , Brady. Eas on and
others. Nothing flnnr in the city. Can sell
10.1x187 or los : for prices and terms sooS. A.
gionian , 1JOI Farnam st 739
Douglas anil 14th Streets.
per foot (50x140) ( ) on California near 34th
st Will pay to look at this.
per foot (100x160) ( ) Hurt St. , east Sacred
Heart Academy.
IOC per foot , lots 28 and 29 , Clark Add. ,
I ZO cast and west frontage. Bargain.
( MOflfl 10)xl25 ) , corner blookl , Myers ,
4 > I OUU Richards & Tlldcns add , H cash.
ff I Cnn House and lot in Hawthorne , east
J > luUU front , on grade.
( MCnft Tor lot 9 , block 7 , Plalnvlow , ono
4) ) I DU U block from cable lino. A coiner.
( C I inn Ellch for -1 lotfl' California st , very
4) ) I I UU sightly ; only H cash ,
House and lot ( . " > 2'cI09)on ) Cuss , near
34th street South front
Tor 130 foot trout on Lowe Avenue ,
near Hamilton. A bargain.
Corner 17th and Center streets , ( GOr-
150) ) . A snap.
For W lot. corner Howard and Convent -
vent , cast front , 8 room houso.barii ,
city water , sewer , (2,5 10 cash.
1 < ot 1 ° > Mock t , Slilnn's add , house
s roomp , eo ! ots , water , street car ,
etc. Only f 2,500 can.
( f I nr nn Takes east front lot on 18th Bt. MX-
4 > I U 3 U U HO , 2 houses , mo Jorn improvements
Leave Arrive
Omaha. Omaha.
Depot 10th and 1'ieruo sts.
Paoiflo Bxpiuss 8:10 : p. ro. 7:10 a. m.
Denver Express lOi.MSa. m. S:20p. : m.
'Local Express 6:03 : p. m 11:00 : a. in.
Except Sunday.
B. & M. R. R. R- .
Depot 10th and PaolBo sts.
Mail and Express 10:05 : a. m. 6:30 : p. m
Night Express 7:45 : p. m. 10:00 a. m
C. B , & Q. R. It-
Depot loin and Pacific sts.
Mall and Express :00p : , m. B:20 : a m.
Chicago Express 8.40 a. m. 6:55 : p. m
K. C , St. J. & 0. B.
Depot 10th and Pacific sts.
Mali 8:40a. : m. 0:55p. : ra.
Express 8SOp. m. 7:00 a. m.
C.,8t. P. , M. * 0.
Depot 15th and Wnhsterst
Bloux City Black Hills Ex 8:15 : a. m. 4 : t.1 p. in.
Bancroft Express 4 ; p. m. 10:40 : a. m.
Blaok Hills Passenger. . . . 6:35 : p. m. 740p. ; m.
Except Sunday.
Depot 16th and Webster st
Day Express 10ir > a. m. 6:25 : a. m.
Night 1'xpress 9:11) : ) p. m. 5 to p , ro.
Running Between Council Bluffs and Bouth
Omana. In addition to the stations mentioned ,
trains stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth
streets , and at the Summit m Omaha.
WON i wn ret.
Broad Fransfer. Omaha. Shoel'ys. Block
way. Yards ,
oTl5 " "ear" 6:35 :
(1:40 ( : 8:47 : 7:05 : 7:17 : 7:25 :
7:40 : 7:47" : 8:17 : 8 lift
8:10 : 8:47 : 9:17 : 9:25 :
u:40 : 0:47 : 10:05 : 10:17 :
10 : < 0 10:47 : n:05 : 11:17 : 11:25 :
11:40 : 11:47 12:17 : 12:25 :
12:40 : 12:47 : 1:05 : 1:17 : 1:25 :
1:40 : 1-.47 2:17 :
2:40 : 2:47 : 8-05 317 ;
8:40 : 3:47 : 4ur. : 4:17 4:25 :
4:50 : 4fi7 5:15 : 6 : 5:33 :
5:4 : > 633 ; 0:23 : 0t2 : :
6:17 : 7:00 : 7:11 : 7:18 :
7T3 : 10:09 : 10:12 : 10:20 :
O.OS 9:15 :
10tf' 11:2.1 : 1:32 11:40 :
11:45 12.05
Stoek Sheol'ys Omohu , Transfer
7:60 :
BriO :
9:50 :
10:35 :
11:50 :
12 : 0
4:50 :
6:40 :
n:40 :
10:30 :
11:45 :
1,0 4 VO Arrive
CONNECTINQ LINES. Transfer Transfer
depot. de | > ot
C..R. I. * P.I 9:40 : a. m. 8:15 : a. m.
All trains run Dully. fl:40 : p. nu 700 ; p. m.
0. * N. W. 9:40 : a , m. 9:15 : a. ro.
All trains run Dally. 6:10 : p. in. 7ou ; p. m.
C. , (1. ( He Q. fi4'a. ; m. 9:110. : ra.
All trams run Dally. 6J ) p. m. 7 : txi p. in.
C..M. * St V. 915a. ; in. 9:11 : , ra.
All trains run Dally. 0:4D : p. m. 7:00 : m.
Kloux City. 1:35 p. in. 12:00 : m ,
K. O. , StTj. * C. B. 9S5 : a. in. Btftl a , rru
All trains rU2 i. ; . ! ? , SllS Jl. m , 7:13 : p. iii.
W. . StL. le P.
All trains run Dully. 2:15 : p. m. 12:15 : p ro
* ' 9:41 a , in. HiVi ii. in.
AUtrai ruii'Du"y. 7W ; u. lit. 7Wp. : DL
NOTICK or imsrmirtox.
XtOTICK Is hereby glvx-n that the copnrtn * *
- > ship heretofore atlstiiur between WllllaM
H. Spelman nnd Ihibort V. Plerco In the
plumbing and gas fitting business Is this day
dissolved by mutual consent of Iho parties ,
Mr , vpelmnn will collect all bills and pay all
Hnir.iiT . 1'ir.ncB.
TO TllK Pl'BLlC.
I desire ( o notify the publio that I shall eon-
tlnuotho biMlnois ot plumbing and gas tlltlnf
it the old stand of Hpolmnn * 1'li-rco. 1211
Douglas street , and I shall , a * heretofore , b
propnrol to do nrst-class work In our Iluo.
820,131 WM. H. Sl'Kt.M * l .
Notice to Contractors.
SI'.ALKD bids will bo tocalviHl by the Ilonr.l of
Publio Lands and llullillngsatnny time b -
fore September 2o , 1SS7 , ut2 p. in , , for all work
ind iimterlnM to complete main bulldlnvf fet
ho Incurable Insane on grounds selertatl for
hat | iurKso | nt llastlUKs , Nebraska , suoh
work nnd matorlnN to include sloain heatlnr ,
ilumblng and sewerage , and all to bo done In
itfoordani'owlth plans and specinoatlonj now
on fllo with the Commissioner of Public Lands
and Building * . , . . . . . .
Bids imm bo accompanied by bond In the sum
of $5.000.00 , conditioned that accepted bidder
will enter Into contract to do the work.
Successful bidder will be required to glT
bond In the sum of $ , M.O .00 conditioned tor
faithful performance of contract
Contractor to reeclvo sixty per cent of con
tract prlco when building la up and root OB ,
ind forty per cent when building U completed
WRlght ° reserved to accept any or reject aH
bids. '
By onto ? IfSlSS. . of Public
inifs. "
IDS will bo received until Oct. 8nl forUy
oxcavntlon nf about SJO.tKW yards of cnrtm
the Works Oimpany's now * ttllnf
OB II1U Water l Ul B * * f si | tirf v - ii"T
basins at Florence. The oompnny reserves th *
right to reject any or all bids without regard to
Prplans and specifications can bo seen at co
pany's oDIco , 1012 Capitol avenue.
virtue of an order of snlo on attaohinenl
issued out 'or the district court within and
for Douglas county , Nebraska , In mi uction
Bonding thoreln , wherein the J. T. lloblnson
Notion Company Is plalntK and IsadoroLnd.
berg nnd Lewis llorghofT. " * ? ' ; . ' ,
borg * Co. . are detendants , I will on the 7th
10 o'clock a. in. of said
day of Ootobor , 1887 , at
Say , nt No" 404 South 10th street . In the city ot
Dinahn , Douglas county. Nebraska , sc II pub.
in nimunn fnrnnsh the goods and chattels do
Mri odUff..MS"oror ilo. i-onshtlnK or boot.
and shoes , hats ,
RhorllT of Douglas Co. , Nob.
Onmha , Nebraska , aeptoinbor 20. 1887. um
RmlrKvUl. Infomwllnn of'j > ll > * l' ' * " " " .
W .uv rfc.
mo is UNACQUAINTED WITH tin oiocnuriir or Ton
Hr r ion of lt > central poult Ion o'.o-w relation to lloM
st of Chlcak-n. niul ( lin > t tertnlBM
polnU West , Morthwvit and Soathweit , la the true
middle link la that tratwontlncnUi pyitFiu whl
InTltci met facilitate * trarel and tzmfflo Ixtnoea tk *
Atlantic and Tactile.
The Rock Iilanil main lln and branches lnclud Chl >
taffo. Jollot , Ottawa , l.aRallc , Ponrla , ticncceo , Hollas
and lloclc Island , In Illlnolli Darcnport , Mu < ratln ,
\VochlnEton , 1'alrfleld , Ottumwn , ( ) k lee \\citLlb. .
ertyloaCltyDciloiictslmlanolAWIntcrbct ( ] , Atlaiv
tic , KnoxTllle , Audubon , Itarlan , Outlirlo Contra ant
Council niulT > , la lowai Oullatln , Trenton , St. .icpk ,
Cameron and Kansoa City , In Missouri i I.eni morttf
and Atohljon , In Kaniani Altwrt Lea , tllniif apolld ana
St. Paul , m Minnesota ) Wntertown and Slonx 1'atli , la
Pakota , and hundredj of lutemiedlata clUe * and town
"The Great Rook Island Route" i
Gnarantoei tp d , comfort , cortatntr and fcty. M
pennancnt way I * dlitlngulihod for IU excellrnco.
bridges are of itone and Iron. IU track Is ot
teelIU rolllogitockperfect. IU pataengereiiulpniB |
b > i all the tutety appliances that eiperlcno has pn > r4
useful , and for luxurious accommodations Is uJ lt
passed. Its Kxpiesa Trains consist of superior Day
Coaches , elegant Pullman Palace Parlor and Sleeping
Cars , superb Dining Car' , providing delicious meals ,
and ( between Chicago ana Bt. Joseph , Atchlion ant
Kansas City ) restful Reclining Chair Oars. Its ma
aireraent U conserratlT * , IU dlsclpUno exacting
"The Famous Albert Lea Roure"
Between Chicago and Minneapolis and St. Pa. Is the
favorlte. Orer this luio Bolld f as | Kinross Ti alns rus )
dally to attractlre rosorU for tourists In luwa ani
Minnesota , nnd , Tin Waterto * n nnd Rloux Falls , to the
rich vhrat and grating lands of Interior Dakota. Tl
Seneca and Kankakeo , the Hoclc Island offera superior A
Inducements to trarelera between Cincinnati , Indian *
apolls. LafayetU and Council Bluffs , nt. Joseph , Atchl-
on , Lcarenworth , KansM City , Bt. Paul , and Interme
diate polnU. All patrons ( i specially Udlni and oltll *
( Iron ) rocolro protection , courtesy and kindly attention.
For tickets , mnps , folders , copies of Western Trail , or
any desfrod Information , apply to principal ouloes !
the United BtaWs smd Canada , or address , at Caloaco ,
1.1. CABIE , E. ST. JoMi , E. A. HlllUlt ,
rniao..iM > < M ( MiOBiMtMH , . On.marus.itt
Chicago , Milwaukee &S1. . Paul Ity
The Best Route from Omaha and
Council Itlujfit to\ \
Two Trains Daily Between Omaha and
Council Bluffs
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRapidS
Rock Island , Freeport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Tancsville ,
Beloit , Winona , La Crosse ,
And all other iinportiint points East , Northeast
and Southeast.
For through tickets call on the ticket agent
nt 1401 Kanmm street , In Paxton Hotel , or at
Union Paultlo depot.
Pullman bloopers and the Quest Dining Cart
In the world are run on the main line of the ,
Chicago , Milwaiikeo & St. Paul Railway and ev
ery attention is paid to pansengers by oourtt'
ous employes of the company.
R. MIIJ.KII , ( lonoral Manager.
J. K. TUUKKR , Assistant Uuneral Manager.
A. V. R. CAiii'KNTKR , Uonoral Passenger anj
Ticket agent.
Gee , K IlEAvronn , Assistant Oonoral Passen
ger and Ticket Agent.
J. T. CI.AUK , Oeeral Superintendent
Lincoln , Neb.
The best known and most popular hotel In
the slate. Location control , appointments Oc t
class. Headquarters for commercial men and
all political and publio gatherings.
E. P. ROOUBN. Proprietor.
100 N. 13th Street.
PUUK CALirORNIA WINKS , Shipped direct
fromnur vineyard ; Jtl < ; aiing , Outedol CmreM ,
Pnrl , HhcrrloM.otOj clan Jose Vaults Bevtnlli.
Klghth. Hun BitlVador and William Bts , , B.t