Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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He Obtains a Brief LSMO of OfBcs By An
tThli Lia t SIeve Looked Upon An An
OtUraRo-Olllrifc Dp the begat Machine -
; chine Divorce Balu Home
Political Pointers.
( FROM Tnr. BUB'S Lisco'f.x mmnAu.1
There was much excitement in Lin
coln yesterday when It became known
thot the attorney for Police Judge Par-
ons had secured an injunction from the
United States court restraining the clty
council from further action in the in
vestigation and charges that have been
the subject of trial and comment for two
months past. This remarkable proceed
ing fixes December as the time when the
mayor and council shall go to
Omnha and answer why the injunc
tion should not bo made permanent.
This is a remarkable procedure and the
public at largo Is justly indignant. That
the federal courts should interfere in a
.case of this character to prevent the
council nnd mayor from investigating
and removing a corrupt official is a spec
tacle that is beyond comparison and
public opinion that has been divided , is
to-day moving unanimously against the
Iflirh handed procedure ; The city coun
cil has hoard the charges against Police
Judge Parsons through their committee
and the liuding of the committee was
unanimous for removal of the judge
from ollice. The plea was made for a
little further time and the extension of
time has been used to invoke the federal
-fT court In a case between the city council
and ono of the city officials' under Its
control. Public opinion Booms to bo that
if the judge had entered a plea of guilty
from the housetop that the con
fession would have been mild
compared with the proceedings of his
attorneys in this matter. The council is
being urged to pay no attention to the
order from the federal court but to act
on the merits of the case and not lot their
findings bo thwarted by such an unwar
ranted action us this which obviously is
intended to thwart the direct action of
the council and perpetuate in ollico an
official who has been tried and convicted
by a long investigation. This last act is
the crowning folly of the police judge
The district court for this county , that
convenes the coming month , is exciting
the attention of the clerk of the court ,
who is busy getting the docket out for
the term. A grand nnd petit jury has
been drawn for the term , the petit jury
comprising the following citizens : George
Camp , Henry AlundtV. . P. Diikln.
Georeo W. liurtis , li. J. Byers , J. U. Bui-
lock , John O. Wagoner , James Bowman ,
J , li. Nation. J. D. Johnson , J. li. Vail ,
G. W. Einrleson , J. U. Ilarloy , R. H.
Moffitt. Thomas Fitzgerald , J. t . Miller ,
J. Nolan , James 11. Wilson , E. J.
Brithowor , F. G. Wittswiok , Gerritt
Ripen , Henry Miller. William Kiuyon.
O. R. VnnDyro.
Two new cases were entered on the divorce -
vorco side of the ledger yesterday. One
is that of Benjamin K. Roberts against
Jenny G. Roberts , in which desertion is
alleged. The parties were married in
1895 and the desertion dates from that
year. The second divorce casn is that
of Margaret Riley against John Riley.
Her claim is that her husband Is an ha
bitual drunkard , that he is guilty of gross
cruelty , striking und beating her nnd
driving her from the house. She asks
that the property may fall to her.
The contract for the building of the
hospital for the incurably insane ut Hast
ings has been awarded to Ellis , Reynolds
& Spockor , Norfolk. The appropria
tion for the building was $75,000 und the
bids as opened were as follows : J. G. I.
Gloland , Hustings , $ ( > 9,000 ; Scales &
Clark , Hastings , f73\10 ; George E. Ccs-
ney , Hustings , $73,000 ; Samuel Chauey ,
Hastings , $73,300 ; Ellis , Reynolds &
Speoker , Norfolk , $03,900.
Judge S. B. Pond , of this district ,
Imnucd In his resignation as judge to
Acting Governor bbedd at noon to-day.
Governor Shcdd accepted the resignation
to take effect on the 1st which
time Governor Thnycr will be at homo
to act further in the promises. As there
is no term of court to commence until
October 10 it is probable that the gov
ernor will wait unli the judicial district
nomination is made and nominate the
republican candidate to succeed Judge
Socrotarv Laws and Treasiuor WHInnl
went to Norfolk yesterday to visit the
state insane hospital located at that
The call of the Second district cases in
the'supremo court yesterday brought nu-
moro'is attorneys from the bars of Cass
and Otoe counties to the court room.
As the day for holding the republican
state convention draws near the interest
" in the gathering increases. The roads
that have sot out to retire Judge Max
well have relaxed none of their efforts ,
and on the other hand the people over
the state arc awakening to the realization
that the railroads are more desperately
in politics than ever nnd endorsements of
the efforts of the board of transportation
to lower freight rates como up from all
section ? of the state. Among the counties
of late to hold conventions are Seward
w- that endorses tbo efforts to reduce rates
and sends Attorney General Loose , of the
state board , as ono of the delegates. Red
Willow county , the homo ot Secretary
Laws who is also a member of the boaru ,
sends that official as one of the state del
egates. The line work of the roads con
tinues and the familiar faces of oil room
patriots are again seen in the hotel lob
bies. The scheme to have several candi
dates for judge who in turn are to unite
on any man to beat Maxwell is being vig
orously worked with Dillworth at the
head working a sectional interest in the
western part of the state.
The question of two regents of the
state university is attracting more than
customary attention and the contest for
thu two places on the board promises to ,
be more lively than usual. Among the'
candidates for regents are Dr. Davis , of
McCook , who has selected his delegates
to the state convention and who has a
numerous following in tills part of the
state. State Senator MicKloiohn , of
Nance county , Is frequently and favora
bly mentioned for ono of the regents
while McAllister , of Cunt nil City , is also
a prominently mentioned nortli-of-tlio-
Platte candidate , and King , of Polk , a
former member of the legislature , is de
veloping strength. It Is also stated that
Representative McCann , of Sheridan ,
will bo boomed by his friends for re
Tuesday , September 37,1887 , court met
pursuant to adjournment. Carroll vs
Brown and Gritus vs Parker , dismissed ,
Sbnllonborger vs State , stricken from the
docket. The following ousus were argued
and tiubmittcd : Coquillard vs llovoy , on
motion ; Merriain vs Rauen , Stanton va
Spence , Brown vs Brown , May vs School
District , Wilkinson vs Carter , Wallace
vs Fletsohman , Cooper vs Hall , ox parto
John Carr , Gregg vs Loomis. Court ad
journed until to-day , September 28 , at
o:30 : o'clock a. m.
M , NY suller from irritation of the Kidneys
noys and bladder without kuowmg wha
is the matter with them. Dr. J. H. Mu
Lean's Liver and Kidaow Baliu will give
Transfer * Filed September 26 , 1887.
ohn Lint * and wife to ( ieorce Mitt-
matt , el at , lots i and 5 blk 1 , Jotters
add. wd . 9 3,900
i M Anderson and wife to Alexander
Atklnoon , lots 6 07 8 blk 5 , Central
park.x od . . . 2.000
Win U Cowlos et al by R W Day. his
attorney In fact to John 1) Kecdte ,
lots 27 JM 23 , GO 07 , North side add ,
Wd . . . . , 1,000'
Prnnk Novak to Robert F Klokelots
17 18 19 20 aland 23 blk W. George U
Hogesadd , w d . BOO
lolui ALovvren and wife to Christina
Larsen. an undir V of his original K
of lots la and 13 Slmoh , w d . 875
Diana ( Jwldard to John A Hollmnn ,
lot 19. Mlllard & Caldwell's add. w d 15,000
W U Alurlelit and wife to 11 How-
.land S& ft from the u lido of lot 14
blk S3 AlbrlKhta Choice add to South
Omaha , wd . 157.50
WmLateyetal to the public. E V
Smith's add , the s 10 ft of the n 44 ft
of lot 0 blk 19 * dedication .
William Latey et al , to public , the s 10
feet of lot SJ , In llnnscom Place add.
dedicated .
John T. Paulsen and wife to Edmund
1'aulaen , lot 80 In Paulson's add.
wd . , 2,000
John W Paul to Nols P Johnson.lot I ! )
In Durdette court , w d . 600
R U Smith to Orln W 1'lckard , bezln-
nlnit 180 feet e. of n. w. cor. of block
7 In llanscom 1'Iace , thence s. 100
feet , thence e. 40 feet , thence n. 100
feet , thence w. 40 feet to beginning ,
wd . 8,000
John A Crelghton and wife to the U
P R R Co , a strip of the n wi \ of n
e H of the n e } { ot thn n w x and
the sei \ of the n w } { of section 2,15 ,
13 , lee feet In width , wd. . . , . . 3
H U Ulnrk and wife to Elizabeth D
McCllntnck , lot 16 , blk a In Prurn's
parksubdtv of blk 3 In Hyde park w
d . . . . 400
lacob F Martens and wife to Carl
ParakenlnRS the e ) of the swjf of
6PC4-15-11 , wit . 3,520
Sarah J Moore and husband to the Mu
tual Loan < t Uulldlni ; assoc , lot 23 ,
blk 1 , and all of lot 21 , blk 1 except
then 50 ft In llanscom place , wd . . . 8,000
William H P Sohestedt and wife to
Soron Jonasen , lots 25 and 20 In W
A Redlck's add , w d . 4,000
Frank PUanlon trustee to J A Phillips ,
lots 1,2 , 10 and 11 In blk 32 in West
bldo , w d . 1,800
John Dlerks Mfg Co to J U Noel , lot
23 In blk 9 West Albright's add , w d 850
.xnils Schroeder , trustee , to John
Slembrunner , lots 23 and 24 , blk 4 , In
Brown park wd . 8000
John I lledlck and wife to George E
Barker , tbe o Wof lots 9 and 10 In blk
WVf city of Omaha vr d . 9000
John 1 Redlck to Martha Mlith , begin
ning at a point in w line of Park
ave , SOS ft n of se cor of blk 7 , sub
division of John 1 Redlck's add ,
thence w 140 ft , thence n 2 it , thence
e 140 ft , thence s a ft to place ot be-
Klnnlng wd . 100
Andrew li More to Unas F Goodman.
lots 14 , 15. 17 , and the undivided %
of lots 5.10 , ID and 20 In blk 470 in
cltv of Grandview wd . 1400
3eo 11 Uoggnand wife to John vv'Llte ,
lot 14 In blk 2 , in Arbor Claco w d. . 250
W L Selby and wife to John GoeU , the
s 33 < { ft of lots In blk 2 in Kirkwood
w d . 500
Elhvln S Rood and wife to P Rocco
Bros A Co , lot 4 , blk 9 , Albright's
annex to South Omaha w d . 150
Idalyn ( J Yates and husband to Rich
ard Nuini , beginning SOftn ofsw
cor of lot 5 blk G , Park Place add ,
thence o GO ft thence n 120 ft thence
w 83 ft thence s 120 ft thence e 22 ft to
place of beginning , wd . 2,700
W A L Gibbon and wlte to Joseph
Kannleallof blkl in Cote Brlllt <
ant add , wd . 2,600
Mary S Cowles to Harriett M Smith.
the s if of swX of suction 29 , 10 , 10 ,
also the nw Ji of the sw } { of section
29 , 10. 10 , wd. . . . . 2.80 ! )
Chas F Palis to Rebecca Gorham , lot
2 in blk 77 in South Omaha , wd . . . 3,500
John A llorbach and wife to L V
Morse et al , 85 ft front on w side of
20th st in llorbach.s 2d add , extend
ing w 133 ft , being the s 10 ft of lot 2
nn. I all of lot 1 blk 7 In llorbach's 2d
add.wd . 1,500
Clifton K Mayne and wife to F B
Johnson et al , lots 11 and 14 In blk
1 , s X lots G , 7 , and 13 blk 2 , lot 3 blk
8 , lot 1G blk 4. lots 2 , 10 , 11 , 12. 25. blk
07 , lots 34 and 85 blk 17 , in Orchard
Hill , qed . 1
Thirty-two transfers , aggregating. . .75,805 50
Issued September SO.
Peter Hewer , one-story frame cot
tage , California and Webster
streets . $ 800
story trame church , Twenty-ninth
and Mason streets . 8,000
William Poesch , one-story frame store
room , Fourth and Cedar streets . 300
Anton Albrecht , one-story frame addi
tion to dwelling , Twelfth and Will-
lams streets . 400
W. C. Miller , one-story frame cottage ,
Richardson near Delia street . 300
Omaha Milling and Elevator Com
pany , four-story brick building and
boiler house , North Sixteenth , oppo
site Sherman avenue . 7500
Charles F Luce , two story frame stole
nnd flat , Twenty-fourth near Ulnuey 2,500
Jennie .Strong , one .story frame cottage
corner Hunt and Gold sts . 1.000
Stephen Nleberirer , one-story frame
cottage. Twenty-first , between Mar
tha and Dorcas sts . SOO
L i' Priiyn.thrce two-story frame dwel
lings , Seventeenth bet Corby and
Ohiosts . o.GOO
J llKvans , one-story brick olllee , lll'J
Dodge . 700
EC Espllnsr. two-story block of stores
ttnd Hats , Sixteenth between Onto
and Corby sts . 7.000
A S Adams , one and one-half story
frame barn , Twenty-second and
Spring sts . i ° 5
Thirteen permits ; aggregating . 835,525
A Wonderful Machine , Dut It Will
Wear Out.
There is no doubt that man is a Dno
mechanism , but like every other machine
he wears out by friction. It is said he is
born again every two or throe years.
His body is virtually remade from food.
To retard this making over Is radically
wrong , as a man loses so much vitality
in the delayed process that it takes a long
time to recuperate. The process of ma
king a new Is so accelerated by purging
with BKAMUIETII'S PILLS that anew man ,
as it were , may bo made in two or throe
months , and the change in the mechan
ism is such that the worn out part ie re
placed by the now without the usual run
ning down of the entire machine. You
don't have to stop for repairs. Purge
away with BKADIIKTH'S PILLS the old ,
diseased and \vornout body.
, , \ Itnife In n
Cassoll's Magazine : A recent bulletin
of the United Statea Fish commission re
ports the capture of a codlish at Glou
cester , Mass. , in September , 1880 , which
contained a pocket-knife of curious work
manship embedded in its llosh. The
knife has a brass handle curved and
tapering , with a slit in the hollow side
for the blade , which is ot lance shape. It
is GJ- inches long , nnd it is thought the
owner must have boon some aborigino.or
perhaps a sailor. The knife was discov
ered accidentally in handling the cod.
' , FireProof Paper May be Made , "
says a scientific exchange , "from a pulp ,
consisting of one part vegetable libra ,
two parts asbestos , one-tenth part borax ,
and ono-h'fth part alum. " It is a pity
that such facts as the ono following can
not bo writteu , printed or otherwise preserved -
served , upon some sort of indestructible
paper. "My wife suffered seven years
and was bedridden , too , " said W. E.
Huestls , of Emporta , Kansas , "a number
of physicians failed to help her. Dr.
Pierce's 'Golden Medical Discovery'
cured her. " All druggists sell this rem
edy. Everybody ought to keep it. It
only needs a trial !
Dud co Biroel Sower.
There was a meeting of the board ol
public works yesterday afternoon at 3
o'clock , et which the contract for laying
the sewer on Dodgu street between
Twenty-fifth andTwdnty-oJghth avenues ,
wak let to Hugh Murphy ,
New Styles ,
4-Button Cutaways ,
Straight Cut Frocks , .
1-Button Cutaways ,
English Walking Coats ,
Single Breasted Sacks ,
4-Button Cutaway Sacks ,
Square Cut Sacks ,
Double Breasted Sacks
High Cut Pemberton's.
Full Dress Broadcloth Suits ,
All Lined with Silk , Satin or Serge.
1119 Farnam Street ,
llet. llth and 12th.
Prince Albert
Double and single breasted , in
imported fabrics ,
Made by some of tbe Leading
Artist Tailors of the Great
These garments must be
seen to be appreciated , and
their beauty and worth are
well calculated to cause their
wearers to be the envy of their
friends in their good clothes.
Misfit Parlors ,
Three Floors and Basement.
Laundry Philosophy.
San Francisco Chronicle : Wong Fat
yesterday found among the clothes ready
for delivery at his laundry a gaudily
striped garmcnfcthat looked like an ulster
for a barber's polo.
"What him for , oh ? " inquired the
washman of Lee Fun , as ho held out the
conglornmcration of brass buttons and
vermilhon dye. ;
"Him him tennis ; you sabbe tennis ?
Alle same shinnoy you own side. "
The boss laundryman shook his head
and Lee Fun wont on to explain :
"You sabbe dude , him staua on Kcarny
stlcct , wink lady , but nocatchecon ;
lady go by , say to plicoman ; mo sabbo
ono hoodlum down stleot winkeo mo ;
you kctcheo him. The dude sne plico
man como , dude say himself no use , me
go play tennis put on llannol pants ,
Htipcd vest , allc same barber pole ; lady
como see mo lite away ; say vclly line ,
velly line ; him no dude same Kcarny
sllect raasha ; him society man , vully
good , velly good. "
"Do lady go sco him ? " inquired Wong
Fat , who was listening with deep inter
est."Oh , yeh ! Fine lady go see him ; go
ela/.y ; clap him hand ; shout like blazuo ;
bavol bavo ! goodce man ; velly good
you my size. "
Won" Fat ranpcd the tennis shirt
gracefully round his sinewy frame ,
looked proudly at his reflection in a
barrel of stagnant soapsuds , and re
marked to Wong Fat :
"Nox week mo get tennis clo ; take
walk Kura Cook alley. Fey Sum Tow
[ the belle of the alloy ] very much like tote
to talk mo yosday. "
"All lite. You got tennis ole ; wajk
down alloy t ketchee him dead shu , " said
Lee Fun , and he wrapped up the striped
garment with a torn undershirt and a
pair of socks and made a bee line for
Neb hill , as it was already after banking
Removing K Serious Obstruction
Dynamite and giant powder might
answer admirably to remove obstruc
tions from Hell Gate in Kait Hivor , New
York , but explosive measures In medica
tion are ever attended with disastrous
consequences. For instance , the bowels
cannot bo violently drenchea with safety ,
nor is there the slightest necessity for so
doing. On the contrary , it is most un
wise. None but the purblind adherents
of antiquated theories in medicine ad
vise or sanction such a course. To
weaken the intestines the clVoct of dras
tic purgation is to compromise the
health of the entire system. With' llos-
tottor's Stomach Hitters , on the other
hand , the bowels are relaxed , not by a
convulsion of nature approximating to
an eruption of Mt. Popocatapotl , "but
gradually , bonoliciallv , without wrench
ing or drenching. The liver and stomach
ach , as well as the bowels , arc toned and
beuclittcd by it. : - it fir Trninps.
Chicago Tribune : A tramp called at a
house in a Chicago suburb n few morn
ings ago and asked for some cold vic
tuals. Ho was given a plate of oatmeal
mush , some raw dried prunes , a tomato
and a saucer of hominy , the whole with
out seasoning of any kind.
"I-1-can'l you lot mo have some milk ,
and some sugar , salt and pepper ! " in
quired the embarrassed tourist , as he
surveyed the spread.
"Milk is not wholesome , " replied the
lady of the house , sweetly , "and we never
iiho condiments. 1 can let you have some
cracked wheat , if you like. "
"Haven't you any meatf"
"Oh , no ; wo never use moat ; ills not lit
for the human stomach. Would you like
some gruel ? "
"Is this the kind of stuff you live on ? "
' Certainly , my friend. Meats , season
ings , gravies , condiments of all kinds ,
and heating foods have u tendency to
injure the coating of ilio stomach ; impart
an unnatural condition to thu system ,
why , herel let nw read a chapter of this
book to you. I can show you in half an
hour - "
With a yell of consternation the tramp
.lied. As ho went out through the front
gate ho paused long euougu to write oa
Omaha , September , 1887.
GENTLEMAN "We beg to call your attention to the fact of
our Mr. James Goldsmith's return from the east , and at the
same time to the arrival of our
Fall stock of Genuine Merchant Tailor Made
Garments. We have surpassed any former dis
play ever made by a clothing house anywhere.
The statement in the space above is a broad
one , but its truth is soli evident when you visit
the Misfit Parlors.
We claim and we prove that we carry the
finest clothing that tailors can make.
We claim and we prove that we allow no gar
ment to leave the house unless it fits perfectly
We claim and we prove that our Misfit Gar
ments cost no more than hand-me-down or
ready-made clothing.
We claim and we prove that everyone buying
from us gets more stylish and finer qualities of
garments than they woud elsewhere.
. We claim and we t > rove that we cater to ev-
"eryone's trade that understands a fine gar-
'Hient , and we treat the unknowing precisely
'the same as the critic.
the front sate post-with chsilk these
works : "Kranksl Keep away ! "
Cow-Boy Dialect.
Scribnor for October : It becomes , In
deed , a familiar and useful addition to
your conversational stock of the vernacu
lar. Nay , you even find the liold of its
usefulness enlarging , for the term of the
"round up" and the "branding" and
sheen shearing are more or less piqualit
and lend themselves easily to applica
tions remote from their primitive usnge.
Transposed to the ordinary business or
social concerns of modern life ,
they come to have a sort ol zest
in them ; they reveal now sources of
humor ; they place old saws and old cus
toms in a sharp light , a fresh illumina
tion ; but always by that undercurrent of
suggestion , by contrast or association
with the original pursuits , which the
words described. So 1 heard last vear , a
politician speak of a bolter of the repub
lican ticket as a "bucker. " A "bucking
horse , " is ono "that jumps sidewise or
forward , up and down , with his logs stif
fened into an unrelated perpendicular , "
and the imago certainly has a kind of af
finity with the moral action of a refrac
tory voter.
"Lay thy sweet hands in mine , " ho
said , but she only remarked that she had
neuralgia and must hold her hriul. Ho
gave her Salvation Oil and now he holds
her sweet hands by the hour.
From almost every suction of the state
como xeports of a general improvement
of the health of our people due no doubt
to the inlluenco of Dr. Hull's Cough
Syrup which costs only 25 cents.
Watches For liitnd Polks.
"This is one of thu cutest things in the
watch line that has yet appeared , " said
Jeweler Uharlus S. Grossman , holding up
one of the new Swiss watches designed
for the use of the blind. 'The old raised
figure watches were clumsy , and the
blind people were constantly bunding or
breaking tbo watch hands by touching
them. In this watch a small peg is
placed in the center of each tiguro. Vvhon
the hour-hand is approaching a certain
hour the peg for that hour drops when
the quarter before it is passed. The per
son feels the peg is down , and then
counts back to twelve. He can thus tell
the time within a few minutes , and by
practice ho can become so expert as to
tell the time almost exactly , llicy have
been in use about six months , and there
is a steady and growing dtunand for
Its superior excellence proven In million * ) o
homes for more than u quarter of n century.
It U used by the United States ( lovernroent.
Kndorood by thu heads of the great unit-oral-
tlc > , imtho Strongust , Purest and Most Health
ful. Dr. Price's the only Unking Powder that
does not contain AmmoniaLlino or Alum. Bold
only In cans.
Now Vork Chicago St. Louli
CAPITAL PRIZE , $ (50,000. (
"Wo do 1iorol > y certify that wo supervise tlie
arrnDKOiiicnts Tor nil the Monthly and Soini
Annual Drawings of The LniiKhmti Stnto Lot
tcry Company , and In person innnuxe ntiil con
tiol the drawings themselves , und that the
Farno are conducted with honesty , lalrnoss and
ingrond faith toward all pit-tins , and wo author
l/o the Company to uno this oertlllcato with fao
BlmlloB of our slgnntnro attached. In Its udver
tlsemonts. "
. Wo the undernl&nod Hanks nnd Hankers will
nay all Prizes drawn In Tbe Loulilana State
Lotteries which may bo presented at our coun
.T. II. oiU.KSRY , Proa. Louisiana National nk.
I'lUKKF lAIf AUX. Prcs. State National Bk
A. IJAI.nwiN. Pros. Now Orleans Nat'lllank
CAUL KOH.V , Prog. Union National Hank.
Louisania State Lot lory Company
Incorporated in IM.fnrSijonrsny the lpg Ulntura
for educational mill clinrltiiDiu purposes with A
rnpltnl of $ ldOUOUO-to which a reserre fund of over
( UiO.lXU lias Klnce been Added.
HyaiiororffhelnilnK popular rote Its franohlso wat
ni.'ido a purl of the ure'entstato constitution ailoptoJ
Decvm tier 2nd. A. 1) . 187U.
Tlio only lottery over voted oa find endorsed
bytno people of any stato.
it never scales or postpones.
Its Giand Blnirlo Number Drawings takoplaoo
monthly , nnd thu Suml-Annual Drawlnicl regu
larly every BU months ( Juno and Docombor. )
FOHTUMK. Tenth Orand Drawing , class K ,
ID tbe Academy of Music , New Orleans. Tues
day , October 11 , 1887 209th Monthly Drawing.
CAPITA ! , PR1KE , 815O.OOO.
tf Notice-Tickets are Ten Dollars only ,
Halves , $5. Fifths , S2. Tenths , SI.
1 CAPITAL PIUZK OF $150,000. . . . $150.00)
IGKANUl'HI/.i : OF 60.000. . . . 50,000
1 ( IHANDl'IUZKOP 3),000. ) . . 20.000
2 LAHGE I'HIZKSOP 10.000. . . . 1M.OJ1
4 LAHOB PHIZES OV fi.OOO. . . . ! M,000
SOl'lUKIiS OF 1,000. . . . 20.000
BO " 503. . . . rooa
lee " noo. . . . iio.ouo
200 ' 200. . . . 40,000
WW " 100. . . . 60,000
100 Approximation Prlies of f.'SOO. . . . f.10,000
100 " " J ( > 0. . . . 20,003
100 " " 100. . . . 10,000
l.WWTormlua ! " W. . . . 60,0)0 )
2,179 Prl/es amounting to . f.135,000
Application for rules to club should bo ra.ide oulr
to the offl-e of the company In Now Orloani.
Korfnrthor Information wrllo rlcnrlr. Kl l"Z full
HddrrM. I'OSTAI , NOT1JS. exprens money orders , or
New York Kichaniffl I" nrdlmirj latter. Currency U/
ciprc s ( utourerpenseliKtdesBea
31. A. IIAUl 111.1 ,
OrAI. A. nAUTIIIl * ,
AthlresK Itvtilstered letters to
R F M R Ar " T1" " ' ' " > 8 < i"
H , Hi ill Ei iU U "K It QencruU lleaureaard pre nd or
Early , who sre In olianze of tbo drawings , Is airuar-
kotea ot absolutn falrnoii and' Integrity , tbat ta <
chicccaareall e < iu > tt. and that no ono can oos&lbtr
dlTlnswuat number will draw a Prlia.
HKM1CMIIKK ttiHt thn imrtoenl of all prliei U
OUAIUNTKID 'I ' V 1'limi .VATIC ) VAI. 1IANK1 Of Naw
Orleans , and tha Tickets are elgnoj hy tbe preildent
otanlnitltutlon , wboia chirterol rUhti are reooj-
Sited In tb < iiluhcst courts ! therefore , bawaru of an/
Dilations or anonymous ichem * ) !
- licit *
tTruAtcomblncU. Ouaranteedtbo
* unljr ono In tti world frencntlne
ftcontinunn * Electric tt Waonttto
cvrrtnt. bclcntloc , 1'owerfui , Dur&ble
v unifortabie ftutl Kffeotlvo. ArolJ f run U.
Orer 11,000 curfd. Bnd Httrnp for namtihlot ,
incomparably the Boat.
of tbe boiljr ealirgeil and Urtnjthtne.l , full J > ttlo-
alri U < * 1 * > 1 > Zrc . JMUK MEI ) , CO. , IlutUlo , N.TC.
All I but they are beauties.
So fine , so soft , and such fit
ting garments. They show
the graceful outline of the
form and yet leave the wearer
perfectly free in his every
And in such a great variety
every shape , every color , every
kind and every price. Why
don't you look nt them ?
MISFIT PARLORS , 1119 Farnam
New York Pants
In New York they
wear wide pants ,
In Chicago they wear
them small.
In Africa they wear
none at all ,
But get there at a
"We have opened the ball of
the season , but for the benefit
of our numerous customers
with their own ideas of how
to wear pantswo have all kinds
Tifjlit , wide , large , small , straight ,
Hitrlng bottom and Icneo panto ,
1119 Farnam St , Don't Forget
You'll Ond It pouil to rofrnlato
The organs of both small and frrnat ;
It chocks Hick Headache , and the woo
That sad Dyspeptics over know.
In 'I AH KAN l"h KKI.T/.UH people Und
A remedy and treat comiucd.
Mention ibis paper.
314 S. 13th street , Ormihn ,
PRIVATE l > I l i\SAKY. :
Established for the Scientific and Speedy
Cura of Chronic , Nervous and Special
The Old Itollnbla Specialist ot many years ex
perience , treat * with wonderful success nil
LA. UUIT.'UKE , cured without KNIKK OH
Treutaall forma of Throat Lung , Nerve and
lllood diseases , all Clironlo diseases nnd De
formities far In advance of anr Institution In
tint country. Those who contemplate going to
Hot Springs for the treatment of any Privateer
or lilooil disease cnn be cured for ono-thml tbe
cost at our Private Dispensary , 314 South loth
street. Omaha , Nab.
KUPTLWK cured without pain or hlnderanoo
rom bimlnoss.
I IDICC Hy tfiis treatment pure Lovely
LIIIIICi * Complexion , free from slowness ,
freckles , blncklieada , eruptions , eta. , llrllliant
Eyes Hndporlcet health cun bo bud.
V& That "lired" feeling andnhfoiniilo weaknesses -
nesses promptly cured. liloatlng Hoadiiufius ,
Nervous Probtration , ( ienoral Debility , Sluop-
lessness , Depression anil Indigestion. Ovarlon
troubloH , Iiitlnininutloti and Uk'ciutlon , Falling
and Ulplaeoiiients , Spinal weakness. Kidney
complaints anJ Chance of Life. Consult th
old Doctor.
CVC lUfl BID Acute or Chronlolnflam
CIC mill GilHiinatlonnr the Kyellds or
Ulobu and far or Near Blghtcdness , Inversion
of the Lld , Scrofulous E > es , Ultnratlons , In-
llHinnmtlons , Absress , DunneRfiof Vision of ono
or both eyes , und Tumors of Lid.
t'W Innnmnmtlon of the Ear , ITlcoratlon or
Catarrh , Internal or External Deafness , or
Paralysis , Singing ° r Rourlnv noises , Thlckonud
Druin. etc.
Debility , Spermatorrhoea , SemInal -
NERVOUS" ! Losses , Night Krulsslon.s ,
l < oss of Vital Power , Sli-oplessnoHs , Despond-
onoy , 1/188 of Memory , Confusion of Idinu ,
lllurs lltlore the Kyus , I.iusltudo , LHii uor ,
( iloomlnes'3. Depression of Bplrlts. A version to
Society. K slly Discouraged , Luck of Conll-
dcnco , ( hill , Ll8tle.ii , Unlit for Study or llusi-
rices , und Unds llfo a burden. Safely , Pormu-
nently and Privately Cured.
HI finn f. 0r'l > l8ca.sC8.8yphllls- -
DUUUU Ol ORIHseuiii nioit horrible til i
Its resiilts-complotely oradlcnted without the
use of mercury. Bci-ofuU , Kryslpolas. Knver
Bores , Illotcbcs. Pimples , Ulcers , pains In the
I loud and llonen , Syphilitic Sere Tniout.Monlli
nnd Ton.cue , niandulur bnlargt-mont of the
Neck , IHioumfttism , Catarrh , oto. , Permanently
Cured When Ollmri Have Palled.
IIDIUIDV Kidney and Itladdor troubles ,
Unlllllnli Weak lluck , llurnlng Urine ,
Frequency ot urinating , Urine high colored or
milky hcdimeiuon stamllng , ( jouorrhii'ii , ( lloet ,
Ojhtitlu , eta , promptly and sulcly cured.
Clmrgrs rcanonublo.
gleet , ktricturo , seminal tmlvilnns , loss of sex
ual power , weakness ot the sexual organ a , want
of di'flro In male or female , whether from Itn-
prudeuthabits ot young or "oiunl liubltn In
mat u re years , or any cause that debilitated tnu
sexual lunctlons , speedily and permanently
Consultation frco and strictly confidential.
Medicine sent free from observation tu all
parts of the Unite J States. Correspondence
receives prompt attention. No letters an-
BK-crcd unloH aeoomimnled br four cents In'
itarnps. Send stamp ior pamphlet and ll.i | of
questions. Terms strlctlr rash. Call on or ad-
dresi l . TOWKM. KKViS : , ,
No. SUsoutU latltSt..OmahaHob ,
. . .
1707 Olive St. , St. Louts , Mo.
Of the Missouri State Museum of Anatomy
St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hospi
tal , London , Giesen , Germany and New
York. Having devoted their attention
Nervous , Mo and Blood
More especially those arising from iinjuii4-
dence , invite all so suffering to correspond
without delay. Diseases of infection and
contagion cured salely and speedily with
out use of dangerous druai. 1'aticnU
whose casrs have been neglected , badly
treated or paonoundcd incurable , should
not fail to write us concerning their symp
toms. All letters receive immediate at
And will be mailed FREE to any addrcw
on icceipt of one S cent stamp. "Practical
Observations on Nervous Debility and
Physical Exhaustion , " to which is" added
an "Et.say on Marriage , " with important
chapters on Diseases of the Reproductive.
Organs , the whole forming a valuable med
ical trcatUc which should be read by til
young men. Address
1707 Olive St. . St. Louis , Mo.
Paid up Capital . $260,000
Surplus . 49,600
11. W. Yates , President.
Lewis H. Reed , Yicc-Prcsident.
A. E. Touzalin. 2d Vioe-Presldent.
W. H. S. Hughes. Cashier ,
W. V. Morse , John S. ColliiH
H. W. Yates , Lewis S. Rood
A. E. Toii7.alm.
Cor. liith and Farnam Hts.
A General Blinking HusincHs Transacte
Remarkable tor powerful sympa
thetic tone , pliable action and ab
solute durability ; 'M years' record ,
the bci > t KuaianUe of the excel
lence of these instruments.
lliiuui : ! ' enui-ii itilil liad luiifilimu CURED. '
MKALCU.rjl.utUi.tbt ht.J > JiiU
* H