"r rr * * ' v THE OMAHA PAIL" BEE : WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 28. 1887 : [ THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS. . Pair Amount of Bumness Reported From the Wheat Fit. THE HEAVY OFFERINGS TAKEN. 3ontlnnntlnnnrthc Demand For Ca h Corn For Shipment The Sup * ply of Cattle Small Gen eral Quotation * . CHICAGO I'UOnUCE MARKET. CincAoo , Sept 27. [ Special Telegram to the UKK.J The wheat market lacked the snap that characterized it yesterday and there wan rather a dearth of news of any kind. There wan , however , a fair amount ot business done and compared with the dull ness which prevailed a fortnight ago this would have been called a good day. Under very heavy offerings the market opened Me under yesterday's closing figures for Octo ber at 7lU@73c for December and TOtfc , which was exactly yesterday's close for May. The heavy offerings were easily taken with out any decline In prlco and the market held steady and even advanced a fraction. During the first hour there appeared to be a very strong undertone. Outside marketa wore generally strong and public cables quoted spot grain linn with prices tending upward for wheat and corn. The exporters were not noticed as buyers , however , to any considerable extent. Kecelpts at Minne apolis and Duluth were liberal , aggregating 809,000 bushels for the two points. Itt-celpts here were a little less than expected 173 cars of which llil wcro spring and of these 8cars graded No. U , which Is rather better than recent arrivals , although still remark ably low grading. About the middle of the session reports beian to come of wheat posted In Now "York as out of condition. The first report was ot only one boat load (8,000 ( bushels ) , but later reports gave three boat loads and there were rumors of even more. Apparently upon this news , as It was simul taneous with Its arrival , prices declined bout )4c and afterwards sagged another Vc. A portion of the decline was soon recovered and the Inst hour saw a complete recovery under the buying to cover snorts by I'ar- drldito and by Ream. It has been reported for several days that the latter bear has been covering his short sales , but there is good authority for believlnt that his purchases of May wheat to-day were the first made for that purpose. The market closed strong at 71 } c for Octo ber , 74 c for December , 79&c for May , a gain over yesterday's close of He , XQXt , and Me for the three deliveries reflectively. Vessel room was taken for 00,000 bushels ot wheat here to-day. The estimated receipts of corn for to-day were 825 cars. The actual receipts were but 728 cars , an encouraging feature to the gen tlemen who have faith In blither prices for corn. The market opened j c higher than yesterday's close , or at 4le for October and 44Xc for May. The demand for cash corn for shipment still continues good , a feature which has wiped out the premium of the October over the September deliv ery , llutchlnsou sold May corn to-day and was a buyer of October , an was also1 linker. Them was a fair amount of business done and toward the close of the session the fact that but 420 cars were ex pected for to-morrow gave added strength and the close was at nbout the highest point of the day at 42d4'J. ! ! c for October and 45/c for May , a gain of about JVe over yesterday's closing figures. Lake charters for corn to day wore for 443,000 bushels. Oats displayed rather more activity m the speculative branch of the trade to-day and a firmer teellng prevailed In sympathy with the strength In other lines. Trading was of fair volume and the 1 o'clock closing figures were about Kc above yesterday's last bid. October Improved from 2f)3 ( t,2'\'c at the opening to 25c , November from 25c to 26c and May from 20 fc to 29Jf@29c on the split No. a oash oats on the regular market were again nominal , though there was a fair demand to go to store and f. o. b. In provisions the day passed In a quiet manner. October short rlhs , which were again allowed to follow their own course without Interference by the controlling house , opened at S7.bO , or 5c under last night's clos ing , and In the absence of any particular de mand receded with fx ] umps to 87.50 , reacted a little later and finally stood at 1 o'clock at 7.C7X. or 17 , 0 off from yesterday's final quotation. In Urd for the different deliveries the fluctuations were limited and prices showed little or no change , resting at < 0.42 > for October. The January product was un changed , though easier. Pork for this month closed at S12.U7X. lard at 90.45 and short ribs at $0.25. Cash property was quiet. AFTKUJJOON HUSSION. Wheat rather firm ; September closed at 71t"c ? ; October opened at 7lXc and sold at 71Jc , closing at 7We ; November closed at 72Kc ; December sold at October sold at 42V$41Kc ( , closing at 41c ; November sold at 42l42 > 8'c , closing with 42c asked ; December sold at 4ic ; May opened at 45J4C , sold to 45 @ 45 c , split elf to 45Kc. closing at that. Oats steady ; Septem ber about 25 'c : October November offered at 20c , May sold and 2U ( $2U ; c on the split , closing i asked. Pork sold and closed at S13.30 for January ; year remained at 812.00. Lard was steady and unchanged and closed at A42Ufor September and October , S0.87W for November , 10.40 for December and S6.45 tor January. Short ribi for October were advanced r > c. selling at S7.70 ( < i7.72K and closing at S7.7'J } ; January sold and closed at | O.S7tf. O.S7tf.CHICAGO CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CnicAoo , Bent 27. [ Special Telegram to he BKK.J CATTLE The supply was not large , comparatively , but all kinds of cattle except good ones were plentiful enough. There was a good demand for fat native cat tle and buyers had to pay more money for all descriptions of cattle. Sales wore made un evenly. One man said he saw a lot of cattle old at S4.35 and another at 14.50 and ho was not smart enough to tell which lot was the best It was tbe opinion of some that cattle such as sold at 83.90@ 4.00 last week were selling at 84.25 to-day. Dalesmen differed , but nearly all agreed that the Inferior cattle sold no better , while the good ones were lOo higher. Sonic \ery choice beeves sold at 85.20 ( < j5.25. Receipts , 0,000 ; shipments , 1,000. ( iood natives loc higher. A few etas ot fancy sold at 85.20dS5.V5. Blnpplne steers. 1,350 to 1,500 .Ibs , 4.bO ( 5.00 ; 1,200 to 1,350 Ibs , 83.50(2 ( 1,05 ; ( XX ) to 1,200 lDs.J3.00 ( : ] .70. Stockers ana feeders , Sl .Xtf'.SO ; cows , bulls and mixed , 1.2o ( < Ji80 ; Texas cows. 8U5X ( .20 ; steers , liaXcjU.OO. Wftstorn rangers Blow ; natives and ualf breeds. 92.5 < 8i.UO : : cows , 82.10 ® MiO. Wintered Texans , 32.85Q3.20. lions Estimated receipts , 17,000 ; last Tuesday , 11.803 ; week so far , 32,012 : same time last week , 24.MO. Trade was slow at the opening , with au even run of prices , though more on the down turn than other wise. Packers paid J4.GO@4.bO for fair to good. 14,35(44.50 ( for common and 84.00Q4.10 for skips. The best heavy astorted sold at 4. X2V03 ; light sorts , 84.00. FIMANCIAU Nisw YORK , Sept. 37.-Special [ Telegram to the URK.I The yacht race proved a better attraction than tbe itoclc market and Wall treet brokers paid little attention to tradIng - Ing , hence a dull , uninteresting market was Witnessed by those who were unable or dis inclined to go down the bay to watch tbe fun. London was quiet and steady and sent fair selling orders for St Paul , which de pressed that stock % per cent , but after the pressure was removed it reacted , a per cent. No property In the list moved over IK and the majority did not average over H per cent There was no outside news to affect the gen eral list Some of the old bears were cred ited with changing to the bull side and ad vancing the argument for their action that their turn had come , and although they did Botexpectan Immediate and largo Improve ment they looked for a | beiter market in the Hear future. Pacific Mall , that exhibited a iocided buoyancy yesterday and advanced 41 point * , was rather tame , and after opening H Ugher broke W , but reacted f parcelt , ft.gossip Is lb V Gould and Sage have Ifeaken ilenry ilart out of part ot the 05.0W , shares hn held and that Gould , llunttngton and Houston will enter the directory. The Coalers were exceptionally strong , advanc ing * i to 1V per cent on the reported ad vance of 10 15 cents per ton In coal. Head ing led , as the earnings show up ble for the nine months of thlsyoar , the net tthowlnx an Increase of 84,3(4,03 ( anil expenses decreased 8700,241. A marked improvement was noted In the feeling toward the close , and although trading did not perceptibly Increase , prices for stocks gradually advanced , last sales being at nearly the outside figures and re corded advances extending 1V per cent the latter being on Headlne. The principal ad vances were Lackawanna % , Lake Shore 1 , New Enuland 1 , Western Union K. Louis ville < fc Nashville } { and Northwestern JV per cent. The declines were Pacific Mall X and St Paul X per cent The total sales were Z22W ! shares , against 2711,050 shares yester day. GOVEIINMKNTS Oovernment bonds were dull , but firm for 4's. YKSTKUDAY'S QUOTATIONS. U. H. 4's coupon .125 C. AN. W . 113 U. 8. 4H'Hconp..lWJf ( do preferred. . . 14H Pacificftsol'95. . 122 i N. Y. C . 108 ? Canada South'n. . K\y \ O. It&N , . 88 Central Pacific. . 35 O. T. . . . . 20V ChlcagoAlton.l40 PflClficMall . 38 do preferred..150 P. , D. AK . 20 O. , B. AQ 134 PullmanPal.Car.148 D. , K * W Itcadlng . Kock Island . . . . Erie. ' ° St J. . AS. F. . . . do preferred. . . . 04' do preferred. . . , Illinois Central..11BH C. , M. A atP. . . I. , B. & W 1E do preferred. . K. &T er. St. P. A 0 Lake Shore 04 I do preferred. . 107 L. &N Cl Texas Pacific. . . . 83 Michigan Cent'l. . 80 Union Pacific. . . . 62 { Mo. Pacific 02' , ' W. . St LAP. . . . 17& No. Paclttc 24 ! { do preferred. . 31 do preferred. . . . 49 % W. U. Telegraph MONKV Call easy at from 4 to 5 , last loan 4K , closlnic otTercd at 3 tx > r cent. PKIMK MEKCANTILB PAPER 7@8. STKULIKO EXCUANOK Quiet but steady at 4.7Uf@4.80for 00-day bills : 84.84 (24.84 ( for demand. ruonucE MAIIKUTS. Chicago , Sept 27. Following quotations are the 3ao : closing figures : Flour Firm. Wheat Opened sllirhUy easier , fluctuated and closed & ® ? s'c above yesterday , with a large business transacted ; cash , 71 kc ; Oc tober , 7lXc ; May.TQvVc. Corn Moderately active and firm : opened xc over close of yesterday and closed higher , hut Irrrittilar ; cash , 42c ; October , 4lc ; Mav , 45Wc. Kye Steady at 4Sc. Bnrley-Qulet at titfc. Prime Timothy Seed-82.26. Flax Seed-81.08 } . Whlsky-Sl.iu. Pork Dull and steady ; year , 812.00 ; Jan uary. $12.ao. Lard Steady ; cash and October , I0.42W ; May , 80.75. Dry halted Meats-Shoulders , 85.ava5.30 ; short clear , 8 .05C < ? 8.10 ; short ribs , 87 .72K. Hutter Easlyr ; creamery , 17@23c ; dairy , l Xs C Cheese In fair demand ; full cream Ched dars , ll@lU.fc : Hats , iltf@12o ; Young Americas. IKgllKc. Eggs Strong at 17@17 > ; c. Hides Unchanged ; heavy croon hides 7c ; light do , 7 @ 8c ; salted bull hides. Cc , green salted calfT8K@9c ; dry Hint , 12 ® Ittc ; drv calf , 12@13c ; deacons 30c each. WTallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , 4Vc ; No. 2 , 3jc ; cakes , 4u. KecaloM. Shipments. Flour , bbls . 27,000 81,000 Wheat bu . 52.000 83.000 Corn , bu . 270.000 88.000 Oats , bu . 223,009 120,000 Itye , bu . 1,000 1.000 Barley , bu . 142,000 50,000 New York , Sept 27. Wheat Ke- elpts , 10 , 000 ; exports , 09,000 ; options moder ately active , prices advanced & < 3c early , ater declined } { @Mc , afterwards rose ? tf@ Kcnnd closing stciidy ; spot shade lilclier ; ungraded red. Hl@85c ; No. 8 red , 81V@81He ; elevator. 83K < gS4' < ? c delivered ; No. 1 red. nominal at bsc ; No. 2 red , October , closed at Corn Receipts. 77,000 ; exports , 105,000 ! ; options & @ } { o higher , fairly active , clos Oats Kecelpts. 12.000 ; exports , 5,500 : active ; shade higher : mixed western , 32K 34c ; white western , 35@40c. Coffee-Spot fair ; Itlo , firm at 819.50 ; options moderately active and 5(410 points ileher : sales , 09.000 baits ; September , S17.80 ; October. Stf.65 : November. 817.95 ® 18.00 ; December , 815.ou@25.ou ; Januarv , 820.00@30.00 ; February. $25.00io.OO. Petroleum Steady ; United. OT c. Eggs Klrm ; western , 17@19c. Pork Dull and easier ; mpss fquoted at 14.7515.00 forold ; 815.75W10.00 for new. Lard Western steam spot quoted at 80.85. Butter Quiet ; western , 13@24c. Cheese Firmer ; western , 9X@ll. fc. St. lionls , Sept. 27. Wheat Closed same yesterday ; cash , C9Xc ; October , 70c ; May , Corn Firm ; c sh,38 ' (340cOctorjer ( ; , Oats Unchanged. Pork Dull and Irregular at 814.75. Lard Firm at 80.35. Whlsky-51.05. Butter Steady ; creamery , 20@24c ; dairy , 15 @ ' , ' 0c. Afternoon Poard Wheat Quiet ; Sep tember , 6 ! Kc bid ; October , 70c. Corn firm- October , 38jfc ; November , 37Kc. Oats-dull ; unchanged. Liverpool. Sept. 27. Wheat Firm , de mand good ; holdeis offer sparingly. Corn Steady and demand fair ; now mixed western , 4s 3d per cental. Milwaukee. Sept. 27. Wheat firm ; cash October , 71/tfe / ; November , 7-JXc. Corn Dull ; No. 8. 4lc. OaU Quite ; No. 2 white , 28c. Kye Strong ; No. 1 , 50c. Barley Firmer ; No. 2 , 59c. Provisions Easy ; pork , September , 814.50Q15.00. Cincinnati. Sept. 87. Wheat Steady ; No. 3 red , 70 66Wc. Corn Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 45c. Oats Barely steady ; No. 8 mixed , 27K Rye-Firm : No. 2 , 54c. Pork-Dull ; $15.00. Lard-Scarce at 80.42 . WhUky-Actlva ; firm 81.05. New Orlean * . Sept 37. Corn Lower ; mixed , 65c ; yellow and white , 55@00c. Oats- Weaker ; No. 2 , 33c. Cornmeal Steady at 82.25(13.00. ( Hog Products Eeasler , but not qttotably . . ' . . . lower. Porlc-Sl.'i.SS. Lsrd-C.75. Built Meats Shoulders , 85.50 ; long clear , and clear rib , 89.37K- Kanaa * City , Sept. 27. Wheat-Steady , No. 2 , September , cash , 02 fc bid ; October , No. 2 bid : November. No. 3 bid. Corn-Steady ; No. 2 cash , 34e bid , 3Cc asked ; October. 35 ; c : asked ; May , 39c. Oati-No. 8 , 21 c bid. JjlVESTOCK. Chtoano , Sept 27. The Drovers' Journal reports as follows : Cattl Receipts. 9,000 ; for good , fat na tives lOo higher ; fancy , 55.20(35.75 ( ; ship ping steers. 84.00@5.00 ; stackers and feed er * . Sl.75@.80 ; cows , bulls and mixed , 81.25(82.80 ( ; Texascattle , S1.50Q3.00 ; western rangers SilOQ'iW. llogs-ltecelpts , 10,000 ; market slow and weaker ; mixed , 84.40Q4.VK ) ; heavy. J4.55 ( < 5.00 ; light S4.50 ( < $4.55 ; rough and skips , 8S.0084.4U. Sheep Kecelpts , 6,000 ; market steady ; natives , 83.00(84.50 ( ; western , 83.00@3.00 ; Texans , 83 3.05 ; lambs. 84.00 5.40. The Drovers' Journal special cablegram from London quotes light supplies nf cattle. Prices > { c higher. Best American steers , 12c per Ib. National Stock Yard * . Katt St. Lout * . III. , Sept 27. Cattle Re ceipts. 3,000 ; shipments , unknown ; steady ; sllnhtly higher ; fair to choice heavy native steers , 83.90(94.70 ( ; butchers' steers , medium tocholce. $3.30(33.90 ( ; Texans anc Indian , common gross to good , corn led , 82.100iS.75. Hogs Receipts , 4,000 ; shipments , un known ; blow lower ; choice heavy to butchers' selections , 84bO@5.00 ; packing and Yorkers , medium to prime , < 4.50@4.75 pigs , common to good , 84.00@4.50. Kama * City. Sept. 27. Cattle Re ceipts , 3,000 ; shipments , 2,000 ; corn fed strong , 5 < 210c higher ; stackers and feeders firmer : good to choice corn-fed , 84.0034.40 common to medium , f 3.25&3.9Q ; stock erx. 'r.i5@iSO ; feeding steers , 82.05(93.25 ( cows , 81.30 2.00. llogi Receipts , 4,500 ; shipments , 3,000 weak , 5 ® lee low'er ' , Blow : common to choice , i.30 J4.J5 ( ; gkJpi aud pigs , -2.a5 < 34.00 , OMAHA MVE HTOCK. ! * r Tuesday , Sept 27. Cattle. There was a heavy falling off In the re ceipts of cattle as compared with yesterday , there being only seventy-one loads in. There were no good heavy corn-fed steers here. There was considerable demand for that class of cattle to-day , and cattle suitable for the dressed bwf trade would doubtless have sold at strong prices. One load of corn cattre averaging 1115 Ibs sold at 54.15. The market on ranee cattle was about steady with yester day but weak and not very active. Hoc * . The receipts of hogs were more than double what they were yesterday. The market opened at a decline of about 15c and con tinued fairly active until the close. Three loads sold early In the mornln e at 94.55 , but aside from them the top was 4.50. The mar ket closed a strong 16o lower. Everything was sold. Receipts. Cattle. 1,400 , 3.200 Shipment * . Oattle 80 cars Prevailing ( Vloai. 8ho wine the prevailing i > ric3S piU for live stock on this marknt : Choice steers. 1300 to 1509 Ibs . . . * 4.10 < 94.40 Choice steers , UOO to tsou Ibs. . . 4.00(44.10 < * at little steers 000 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.7. > fd.8.- : ! 'orn-fed range steers 1200 to 1500 3S.Vd4.2Q lood to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2..VJ(7 ( < : ! .00 Common to medium cows 1.50i3.'i5 Uood to choice bulls 1.7.V42.50 Jood ranee feeders 3.50 ® ' . > .75 0 otxl n at Ivo feeders , 000 Ibs and up wards 2.75@3.00 "air to medium native fcrdersKK ( ) Ibs and upwards 2.no@3.A5 htockers. 400 to 700 Ibs 3.0U' < t2.40 ! 'rl me fat sheep 3.2.v 3.no fair to medium sheep S.Mr B.uo Jommon sheet ) l.no@'j.25 Meht and medium noes < J."OM4.40 iooilto choice heavy heirs 4.40M4.N ) Uood to choice mixed hoes 4.35(31.45 ( Ilopregetuatira Hale * . NA.TIVE3-COIIN-FKD. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr. 23. . . . 1115 $4.15 1IANUK UUI.I.S SWAN I. * C. CO. 19..121'J S1.50 WHSTEHN COWS. 3. . . . 04(5 ( 82.00 ! . . . . 080 82.10 J..1KK ) 2.0U WKSTKUN COWS STANDAIIDC. CO. 48. . . . i)75 ) S2.10 WKsriii.VFiKi : : > iits. : 50. . . . 108.5 2.20 TKXA8 HTKKItS CIIKYKNNB L. 4 C. CO. 21. . . . 1034 S2.UO Lire Stock Sold. Showing the nuiubar of haal of stock sold on the market to-day : CATTLK. O. II. Hammond Ac Co 482 Local 39 Feeders 233 Shippers 82 Total 770 HOGS. Anelo American Packing CO asss O. 11. Hammond & Co 430 Total 3209 All sales ot stock in tins mancet ara made per ewt live weight unless otliorwlsa stated. Dead hogs sell at Kcper Ib. for all welzhts. "Skins"or hogs woUtiinit leas than U ) Ibs. no value. Pregnant sows are doc'cail ' 4) 1m , and stagsBO Ihi bir tharmbliu Impostor. litre Stock Notes. Cattle steady. HOJS 15c lower. Hogs averaged sixty-eight to the car. U. L. Smith , Ulysses , sold u load of 243-lb hoes at 84.60. Charlie Gorham is back from an extended western trip. Jim Frazler , Central City , was amonc the visitors at the yards. A. W. Bealini , Cortlanil , was hero and marketed a load ot hogs , Thomis Harris , Central City , marketed a load of 258-lb hogs at S4.50. Among the stocKinen visiting at the yards was V. G. Itogge , of Massena , la. D. A. Oinmerman , Norfolk , came In with a load of 1115 > lb cattle , which sola at $4.15. Mr. Gillmorv , Brooks , ami Mr. Perry , Greenfield , weru among the visitors at the yards. C. K. Bruen , Kmerson , la. , came In with n load of 270-lb hogs , which sold on the maiket at 54.45. George F. Dodge , ot Dodge Bros. , Wood River , was here and marketed a load of 235- lbhos at 54.40. Colin Eluntor , of the Y. T. Cattle company came In with sixteen loads of cattle which sold on the market. Mr. Monteen , of the Farmers Grain and Stock company. Mead , Neb. , was in and sold a load of 45c hogs. J. . Thompson , the well known shipper of Council Bluffs , who has been sick lor snv- era ! weeks , was over Yesterday calling on his friends. Mr. Hay , of the firm of Whipole & tlay , Cheyenne , was looklnc over the market They will have in a train of cattle on Friday fioui Uva. OMAHA WHULKSALiK MA.UK.Em Tuesday , hopt. 27. Prod u OB. Tlie following are the prlcci at which round lots of produce are sold on this market : EGOS The market Is almost bare , and stocks move rapidly at 17 < J18c. UUTTKit Creamery , West Point , 80c ; other , 22 < < J24c per pound ; choice dalrv , Ife ® 20c ; medium grades , I3@l5c ; ordinary.9@lOc. CHKESE Market fair. Fancy full cream Cheddars , slnzle 13c ; full cream twins , 13c : young America ? , 13)c ; brick cheese , 100 Ibs ( n case. He ; Ijluibergcr , 100Ibs In case , ISJ e ; Satire' fancy Ohio , 1'Jc. POULTHV Fair market ; spring chickens 2.00@2.50 ; old fowls. SJ.MXJH.OO ; ducks 32.25 ( 2.75 : turkeys , In very light request , 6@7c per Ib. GAME Kecelpts light : prairie chickens * S2.50 ; mallard ducks. 81.75 ® 100. quail , S1.2.X41.M ; teal and mixed ducks , Sl.00@il.75 ; snipe , 75c@Sl.00 ; jack rabbits , 40&45c each ; jack snipe , Jl.OO per doz. CAUIIAQK California stock , lar e round heads , 2Xc per Ib. ; homegrown 50o per dozen heads. OYSTKRi-Sliell , JiOO cer hundred ; bulk. S1.35 per hundred ; selects , 82.20a gallon ; Cans , New York counts , 45c ; selects , U5Q 40o ; standard , 27 30c. SWEET POTATOES The market Is well supplied and they sell at 2i2H'c ( per Ib ; Vlr Kinfa stock So per Ib. CELKHT The receipts are lareer and the stock better. Good stock brines 35c a bunch. CIDEH Choice Michigan elder , 50.00M0.50 per bbl of S3 cat. POFCORN Choice , for stands , 2@2 > cper Ib. TOMATUKS Commission men are onlr handling a very few. Good stock 40@50c per bushel , ONIONS Choice large California onions are ottered on tha market at 80c tier buslie The demand Is light KCHI PLANT Slow sale at C0@75o per doz , for choice stock. POTATOES The market Is well supplied. Salt Lake and Colorado stock sells at 70&80c. Nebraska and Iowa stock MXgOOc per bushel. lloNET Good honey in neat one Ib. frame * 20c per Ib. -Hand-picked an1,2.00 ti > uihel , and other xrades down as low as 81.23. _ : ' fruit * . Orders from the rotmtrjr rcii/irlnj / te- ccledntockand crtrn cnre.tu pdcA'lit'can - lot altrnbe ) filltd nl the ttainc price * . ynutetl to the local tniitc for cowrrum stock. UnApKB Home-grown stock Is In liberal supply nnd Is moving fecly at 4c per pound ; California , Tokay 81 > 75 < 2.00 per crate ; Muicats 81.50. CiiANiiEitRiF.s The market Is fairly well implied with good stock. Hell and cherry , 80.00. Cape Cods 80.00 ( ; < ? 10.00. I'K.AciiKs Cholce California stock Is eolne at 81.25@l.r.O. CHAII Ai'PLKS-Cholce Siberian , S3.00C't3.50 jer bbl. OUA.NOES Fancy nodi. 160 per box. 85 50 ; fancy Itodl , 200 per box , 30.00 ; choice Naples , 200 per box , 83.50. LEMONS Choice Palermo , 80.00 ; fair Pa * lermo , 85.005.W ( ; choice Messina , Ffl.50 ; fancy Messina , 87.00 ; extra fancy Itodl , 88.5d ; extra fancy Malorl , 88.50. RPKAns The market Is well supplied with e later varieties of California pears which are sellln ? at 83.03(3-.23 ( per box. APPLK" The supoly Is liberal , especially of home-ernwn stock. Choice Michigan ap ples , u.7 : > © 3.00 : home-grown. 82.85Qfj.50. BANANAS The market Is well supplied with bananas at $160(33.00 ( p .r bunch. COCOANUTH Goon stock , 85.00. Flour and Feed. flie following nre the lohblng i > rlcei' Minnesota patents , 83.50 percwt : Minneso ta Bakers' straight , 83.20 percwt. ; Kansas and Missouri winter fanev patents , 83:45f : < 'J.OO : Nebraska patents , 83.253.35 ( ; rve Hour , 81.75 (91.00 ( per cwt ; rye Graham , 81.40 per cwt. ; wheat Graham , 81.75 per cwt. ; corn meal , yellow , OOc per cwt ; corn me.it , white. 81.00 iiercwt ; chopped feed , S14.oo@lO.oo per ton : jrnn , 813.00(413.00 per ton : screenings , 89.00 @ 12.00 per ton. HAY Upland prairie , S8.00@9.00 ; com mon coarse. S7.UO@8.00. Grocer' * tilar. COFFER Ordinary grades , 20 > @ 31c : fair. 31X@82c ; prime , 2293c ; fancy green and yellow , 23 < ( 25c ; old eorernmt'nt Javn , SS < $ 30c ; Interior Java , 25(3.8c ( ! ; Mocha , StS@30c ; Arbiicklo's. roasted , 20c : McLatighlln'N XXXX , 20Kc ; Dilworth1s , 20c ; Ked Cross , 80 ' { c. KKFINF.D LAUD Tierce. 7Vc : 40-lb square cans , 7 , ' c ; 50-lb round. 7Cc ( : 20-lb round , 7 c ; 10-lb oalls , 7 e ; 5-lb palls , 7Jfc ; 3-lb palls , 7 c. SUOAK Oranulatod , O T@1Vo ; conf. A , 6W@OXc ; white extra C , U o ; ' < c ; extra C , COflJd'e : yellow C , 5Kc ; cut loaf , Itf ; pow dered. itfc , 1'itovisioNB Hatns , HU@12c : breakfast bacon. ll ( e l-'c > 4' : bacon sides Uf$10cdrv salt , 8 > ( ( itsc ( ; shoulders , 7@7 c : dried beef hams , lecSllc : diicd beef regular , K@10Kc ; hams picnic , 8' < iS c , DRIED FRUITS Apples , now , k's Cc ; evaporated , 50-lb ring , l-@l'4ic ; raspberries , ev.tpor.itod , 2flc ; blackberries , evaporated , 10lOkc ; pitted cherries. Beaches , new , W , 7Jc : evaporated pneled peacnes , c ; evaporated , unp.ued , 10 317c ; new currants , 7W@7Kc ; prune * , 4Vuj5e ( : citron , 25c ; ral- s''iis ' , London layers. S .ltWJ.l. ' ) ; California , loose muscatels , S l.W@ 2. 00 ; new Valenclas , SYIHIP No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs. Sl.40@1.50 ; New Urleans , per gallon , : SS$40c ( ; maple syrup , half Ibbs , "old time. " per gallon , 80c ; 1-gallon canri , per doz , 810.50 ; half-gallon cans , per doz , 80.29 : ntiart cans. 83.83. ( Joons Oysters , standard , per case , 83.00 < ft3.10 : strawberries. 2 Ib , per case. S3.ooa3.10 ( ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case. 83.00 ® 3.10 ; California pears , per e.ise. 54.0014.70 ; apricots , ner c.tso , S4.10f il.'A" ) ; peaches , per case , 85.7rKg5.b5 ; white' cherries , per case , 50.00 plums , per casi'S3. ' . 80(33. ( W ) : blue berries , per case. S2.SO2.40 ( : ojg plums , 2 Hi. per case , H3.50 ; pinetpple , a Ib , per case. 83.20(35.75 ( ; 1 Ib Halinon , per dor. , 8i.OUa3.tt ( > : 2 Ib ( 'oosebor.ries. per easp. Sa.85 3.35 : 8 Ib string bonus , per case , 51.75 : 2 Iq lima beans , nor case , 81.00 ; 2 Ib marrow fat peas , per case , S2.50CW.60 ; 2 Ib early Juno peas , per ca < e , $2.75 ; Ib tomatoes , 88.40 ( S2.50 ; 2lb corn. S2.HO < J.40. PICKI.ES Medium , In bbls , S0.50 ; do In half bbls , S3.75 ; small , In bbls , 87.50 : do In half bbl.s. 54.2,5 ; gherkins , in bbls , $8.50 ; do In half bbls. SI.75. WOOIJKNWABB Two-hoop pails , per doz , ftl.45 : S-hoop palls , 81.70 ; No. 1 tub. 80.50 ; No. 3 tub , 85.50 ; No. 3 tub , 84.50 ; wasit- boards , 81.75 : assorted bowls , 82.25 ; No. 1 churns , 89 ; No. 2 churns , 83 ; No. 3 churns , TonAcco Lorlllard'sCllmax. 44n ; Splen did , 4ic ; Mechanic's Delhdit , 4tc ; Leggett & Mo e ' 9 Star , 41c ; Cornerstone , 34o ; Drum- mond's Horse Shoe , 41c ; T. J. , S7c ; Sorg's Spearhead , 44c. Kwi'K Seven-sixteenths inch. K @ \ { n STAKCII Mirror tJlo.ss , 5 = 0 ; ( Jraves Corn , 0 > fc ; Oswego ( ilosa , 7c ; Oswego Corn , 7c. BIIOOMS Extra 4-tlc.82.CO ; No. 1,8'J.'X ' ) ; No. f 8,51.75 : heavy stable , 84 CANDT Mixed , 8KGllc ; stick. 8H@9Kc. CHACKEIIS ( inrneau's soda , butter and picnic. 5o : creams , 8c ; glniter snaps , Be : city soda , 7e. TBAS Japan , 2055c ; guurxiwder , Youn < Hyson. 85 < a55c ; Oolong , 20cCOc. ( { JELI.IKS-30-lb palls , & 2.UO. General Markou. SpraiTs Cologne spirits , iba proof , 81.10 ; do 101 proof , 81.12 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof. 81.10 ; do 18a proof , 81.09. Alcohol , 188 proof. 82.10 pur wine gallon. Redistilled whiskies , Sl.00@il.rjO. Gin blended. Sl-50@ 2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , 88.00@0.00 ; Ken tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 82.0030.50 ; Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , SL50@3.00. Brandies , imported , 85.00(38.50 ( ; domestic. S1.30.5.K ( ) . Gins , imported. 84.50 ® 0.00 ; domestic , 51.25(33.00. ( Champagnes .Im ported , per case , S28.00@33.00 ; American , per case. 31U.OOft210.OU. UKAVY HARUWAKE Iron , rate , 82.70 ; Plow steel , special cast , 4'c ; crucible steel , 0 > c ; cast tools , do. I2dtlhc ; waon spokes , per sot , S8.00C4".50 : hubs , per sel , S1.5J : fol- lees , sawed drv. 81.00 ; tongues , each. bOc ; axles , each , 75c ; square nuts , per Ib , l"c ; coil c' aln.piT Ib , ; Malleable , 8(31 ( ( > c ; Iron wedges , Co ; crowbars , Cc : harrow teeth , 4-Vc ; spring steel , 4(35c ( ; Bmnlen's horse shoes , 54.75 ; Burden's mule shoos , 55.75. ISaroed wire' in car lots , $4.00 per 100 Ibs. Iron nails , rates , 10 to 53 32.40 ; sleel nails , Tiinns Green butchers' , 5 } < @ 6c ; green cured , 7c ; dry Ulnt , lie : dry salt , 9c ; green calf skins , 7Xc ; damaged nldes , two-thirds price. Tallow 3c. Grease Prime white. 3c : yellow. 3c ; brown , IKc. Sheep pelts , 25(3 ( 40& . CHA.I , Kgr , 89.50 : nut , 39.75 ; range , 89.75 ; Iowa lump , $3.00 ; Iowa tint , S'-.7r ! > ; walnut block , 88.00 ; Illinois , 84.25 4.75. Dry Good * . COTTON FI.AXNEI.S 10 per cent trade dls count LU 6J c ; CC , 7 > u'c ; SS. 8J4xc ; Namelcos , fikc ; No. 5 , Oc ; EE , 9Kc ; ( ! ( } , lO c ; XX , 12c ; OO , 14c : NN , lOc , ItX , isc ; It , 200 : No. 10 , Kc ; 40 , loj c : co- ISKc : 80 , 15c ; so , colored , lOc ; 50 , colored. 12o ; 70. colored , 15c ; Bristol , I3 > < c ; Union Pact lie. ISc. CAIIPI-.T WABP Bibb white , 18fc ; col- , . BATTS Standard , 8c ; Gem , He ; Beauty , Kc : Boone , Kc ; B. cased , 80.50. PitiNTS-SoLiDlCoLoits Atlanta 5Kc ; Sla ter 5o ; Berlin Oil OKcGarnerOIIOto7. ; PINK AND Koiii'.s Richmond Oc : AllenCc ; Hlver- polnt5cSteel ; Hiverrn : HlciiinondOc ; Pacific OKc. INIIIOO BLUR Washington Oc ; Ameri can C > fc ; Arnold OWc ; Arnold ! ) Ho ; Arnold A 12c ; Arnold Goldsp.il 10 > < c. DitKSS-Char- ter Oak4Xc ; itamapn 3 fc : Lodl 4Kc ; Allen 5 } < c : Kichmond 5Kc , Windsor Oc ; Kddystone c : Pacliichc. > GiNOHAM-Plunkett checks 7 e ; Whltten- ton 7'ic ; York 7 cj ; Mormandlo Dress 8Vc ; Calcutta Dressj.TbKc : Whlttenton Dress c ; Itenfrew Dress 9c to Wife ; CAunitics Sinter 4 c ; Woods 4 We ; Stan dard 4Kc ; Peacock 4 > 'c. COIISKT JKANb AndroHcogglu 7 > c ; Kear sage 7 c ; Kocknort 0)/c ) ; Conestoga C c. DOCK- West Point 8t Jn. . 8 oz. . lOWc ; West Points In. . 10 oz. , 12Kc , : West Point 89 In. , 18 oz. . 15c ; West Point 4 in. , 11 oz. , lOc Checks-Caledonia X. 9Xc : Caledonia XX , loVc ; Economy U to Btfc'Otls9 ' to9Xc. ICKB Lewiston 80 InJ. 12Wc ; Lewiston 32 In. , l3Wc ; lork 32 In I4c ; Swift Ulver7Kc : Thorndike O O , 8'/o ; Thorndlke E F. 8kc ; Thorndlke 120 , 93e : Thorndlke XXX , loc ; Cordls No. 5. 9Ho : Cordls No. 4 , lie. DENIMS Amoskeae oz. , Wo : Everett 7 oz. , ISnj York 7oz. , 13c ; Haymaker 8Kc ; Jaff- r iy XX. HJie : Jaffrey XXX , l Kc : Beaver Creek AA. 12c : Beaver Creek BB , He ; Beaver Creek CC , 10c\ KENTUCKT JKANs-Memorlal 15c ; Canton 18c ; Durham 27Kc : Hercules 18c ; Leaming ton 22tfo ; Cottswold 25c. CRASH Stevens' III 6c ; bleached 7c ; Ste- Tens' A 7Wa : bleached BUc : Stevens' P 8 > < c : bleached 9Kc : Kt vens' iV 9 } < c ; bleached lOWc ; Stevena' S K T l2K < x MlscKLLANKOUfl Table oil cloth 82.85 ; plain Holland BWc to DC ; Dado Holland 12Jfo. FLANNELS Plaid Itaftsman 80o ; Got hen 82U0 ; Clear Lake 83 ct Mapln City SOJ.'c. Whlte-O. H. No. t , % 21c ; Gru. No. 1 , W , 87KcB. : H.No.3i/.4i2Mc ; B. U. No. 1 , W. 80c : Quechee No. l.Jf , ct Ouechoe Na 3 , H37H5J Quechee No. 3 , & WKc ; Anawan 13Xc ; Windsor tSUc. Red-C , 84 Inch , 15Wc ; K. 24'lnch. Sic ; Gff. 34 Inch. 18c ; H. A F..K , 85o ; J. R. V. , & 27 0 ; G. . if , 35c. COalPOKTEns-86.W335.00. BLAKKiTS-Wttlte , lXXa7.W ( ; colored , 11.10(28.01) ( ) . Dnowx SiiEimxos Atlantic A , 4-4 , "Vc ; Atlantic 11 , 4-4,7c ; Atlantic D. 4-4 , OUc ; At lantic P , 4-4 , 6 { o ; Aurora LL , 4-f fihot Aurora C , 4-4,4 > ic ; Crown XXX. 4-4 , 6kc ; lIooslerLL , 4-4 , fi 4'c ; Indian Head , 4-47 > < c : Lawrence LL. 4-4 , 6 fc ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 6Kc : Pepperell 11 , 440 > { c : Pepperell O , 4-4 , Oc ; Pepperell , 8-4. ICc ; Pepperell. 9-4 , ISc : Pepperell , 10-4. 20c ; Utlca C. 4-4. 4Vc ; Wachnsctt , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora It , 4-4 , Cjjc ; Aurora B , 4-4. Cc. BI.KACHED SHEKTINO Berkeley cambric. No. 60. 0 } < c ; Ucst Yet , 4-4 , C c ; butter cloth OO.4Vfc : Cabot , 7Kc : Farwell , be : Fiuit of Loom , 8l/c ; ( Sreeno G , Oc ; lloi > o , 7j < c ; King Phillip cambric , lie ; Lonsdalc , tlttc ; Lons- dale , 8 < c : New York mills , lOWfc ; Pepperell , i , louc : Pepperell. 40 Inch , llWc ; Pep- sutta , Ho ; Valler. 5c. Dry Inmnber. DIMENSIONS AND A 0 In. White Pine 833.50 C , 829.50 B " " " 33.50 D , 21.00 X " " " ( Sol. Fenclni.19.00 ) F1NIS1IINO. 1st andSnd , clear , 1,1" Inch. s.2s 850.50 3d , clear , 1 Inch , s. 2 s. , 45.50 " " IV , IK , 2 In 40..M ) A select , 1 inch , s. 8 s. , 40.00 " " in 44- ° ° I,1IJf2 - B " Ifnch , 8.2s. , 80.00 " " IK , 1H. In S7.00 I'oi'LAit i.imnr.a Clear Poplar , Bx. Bds. ) ( In. , s. 2 S..93.V50 M In. Panel , s. 2 s 27.00 " " Corrugated Celling , # . . 28.50 nATTENH , WKI.L TUU1NO , I'ICKKTR. O. 0. Baits , 2 $ In 800.75 " Kx3 in , s.ls 00.4'i 3 In Well Tubing , D A M and HOY. . . . . 2:1.00 : Pickets , D. A 11. Flat 20.50 " " Square 81.00 HOAUIt.S. No. 1 , com. sis 818.00 No. 2 , com , si s 817.00 No. 3. 815,50 No. 4 , 813.00 FENCING. No. 1. 4 AOIn , 12 A 14 ft , rough 819.50 No. 1 , " " 10 ' " 19.50 No.2 , " ' 12A14" " 10.00 No.2 , " " 16 " " 17.50 siliINfl. A. 12. 14 and 10 ft 821.50 C , 815.50 B. tl " " 20.50 D. 12.50 CKIMNO AM > 1'AIITITION. 1st com , ; ; In White Pine Celling 34.00 2nd " 28.00 Clear , ? In. Norway " " 10.00 ndcoui.yin. . " " " 14.00 STOCK IIOA11DS. A 12 Inch s. Is 845.50 No. 1 , corn. 12 In. s. 1 s. , 12 ft 20.50 " " " " 14 ft 19.00 " " " " 10 ft 18.50 No.2 , " " " 19.00 " " " " 10 tt 17.50 Inch Urooved Roofing 81.00 | > er M more than 12 Inch Stock Boards same length. SlllNOr.K" . I.ATH. XXclear . .83.10 Extra * A * 82.90 * A Standard . . 2.75 A11BAB 2.55 0 in. clear No 1. . 1.50 Lain 2.05 POSTS. White cedar , C In. , s. , I2c ; 9 In. qrn. . He ; 3 in. qrs. , lOc : 4 in. round 15c ; Tennessee Red Cedar , split , 15c : Split Oak. 12c. M MI : , KTO. Rulncv white lime ( l > t sl ) . OOc : Akron CO ment Si.75 ; hair , ! ! 0c ; plaster , S2.7. > ; tar board. 81.75 : sash , 40c porct ; doors , 40 per ct. : blinds , 40c per ct. ; mouldings , 40c per ct tar felt , per cwt. , $2.75 ; straw boaul , soUTrrfntN VKI.LOW IMSE. Com. 4 & 0 In. Flooring 817.50 Star " " 81.50 Clear In. Celling 21.50 " % In. Partition 85.00 " Flnlsh.l &l ) in.s.2s - 9.00 " Corrugated Cuillne , 4 In 25.00 " Yellow PhiB Casine and Base. . . 27.00 HUH' LAP. No. 1 Plain. 8 A 10 In S10.50 No.8 ' 17.50 No. 1 , O. O. , 8 In 1(1.50 ( THE CHIC AGO North- NorthWestern Western Sliort Line Aod Chicago The only road to tnVo lor DCS Molnes i nr- ihalHown , 0 ednr Kunlds , Cliuton , Ulzon. Cblca- KO , MIlWHtikue and all points eastTo the people - plo of Nubriiskn , Colorado , Wyomlnr , Utah , Idaho , Msvm'a , Oregon , WualiinKton , and Call- lornitt , it olTera superior advautiiKes not possi ble by any other lino. Amotijr nicwo'tne numerous points of su periority enjoyed by the patrons of this road iii-Ween Oinalm and Cilcngouro ! Its two trains a day of DAY COACHES , which nro the fluost that human art and Inirjnulty ciui creuta , Itg PALAOEESLEKl'IKG OAHS , which uro models of comtnrt nnd elegance. Its 1'AHLOlt DIIAW- 1NO ROOM ( 'Alts , unsurnnsscd liy uny. nnd Ha w'dcly ' ceJelirntod I'AI.ATJAL DININU OAHS , the cquHl of which cannot be found eHowliore At Council Illuffstlie trains of the Union 1'nclflo Ky. connect In Union Depot with those or the CblcaKOJc Northwestern Ky. In Chicago the trains of this line make close connection with those of all eastern lines. For Detroit. OoliunbUK , Indianapolis. Cincin nati , Nlavara Falls , Onffalo , 1'lttsburirToronto , Montreal , Boston , Now York , Philadelphia , Ilaltlmore , Washington and uli points In the east , ask for a ticket /la the "NOUTHWESTEilN. " If you wish thn best accommodation , All ticket a ntB sell tickets via this line * II. HuGHlTT. E. P. WILSON , Qenl. Manager , Genl. Puss'r Airent Chicago , ill. W.M.BABCOCK , t. H. IIOLLKS , Wentarn Agent , City I'Hss'r Agent , Omaha Nchrasku. LEAKY ROOFING , Tin or Iron , Repaired. And Pnlntod und Ktiaruntced tlplit for number of years. Pulnts never blister. GRAVEL ROOFING Manufactured and repaired. Flro Proof Pulnt applied to shin vies , 1.1 years ozperioncu. WM. II. CUltltAN &SON , 2111 S.lllt St. Hot. Arbor and Vinton. BOYNTON FURNACE CO. , Sol , Hanufacturtn ef BOVNTONS FURNACES , RANGES THEATERS ; With All MODEHN Improvements. 47 and 49 Dearborn St. , J. H. MANNY , MANAGER. CHICAGO. ran BALE nr HENRY E. COX. Omaha , Neb RUPTURE CURED By Dr. Snedlkcr's incthoil. No operutloni no pain ; no detention from business. Adapted to children ai well uigiown people. Ilundrodiof autograph tustimonials on tile. All buslnost Unctly confidential. Consultation free. PROF. N. D. COOK Room 0 , 1614 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb. S. T. BALDR1DGE , A. M. , Flxyelclaa and. Svurg-eo Onice. Cor. loth and Farnam sts. Residence , 2621 Farnam st. Hours. 9 to 11 a. m. , 2 to 5 p. m. Beat and aaortMi I7it m now in UM. ClrouUr * Tr . JOBBERS' DIRECTORY Agricultural Implements. CHURCHILL PARKER , WhoUtalo Dealer In Agricultural Implements , Wnpons , Ourlagei ami Ittifglci. Jones > trect , between tth ilia lOth.Onmhii , Net" . ' LINIXGER , c METCALF co.t Agricultural Implements , Wa nn .Carrla . natllea. Hie. . Wholetale. Piti-ha. rARLINORENDORFJC MARTIN Wholciale Dealer * In Agricultural Implements , ITMonn and ButHei. Ml. 9M.101 and W7. Jonta tt 1 * . I1. MAS ! ' it CO. , Manufacturer * nf Bitchei/e Drill * , Sccdtw , Cultivator * Hay Itakci , ClilprMllln and l.nlmn I'nlverltori. Cor. North llth nnil NUholiis flu. WINONA IMPLEMENT CO. , Wliolcnalr AarlcaUnntl Implement * WnKons ami DUKJOA. | orncr 14th & Nicholas sts. Artists' Itattrial. A. H08PE , ,7Jf. , Artists' Materials , Pianos anil Organs , itIS lo fl § Ctrcft , Omaha. Boots and Shots. w. r. MORSE < e co. Jobbers of Boots anil Shoes. 1411 Parnam tt. , Omaha , Neb. Manufactory , Summit treet , lloilon. _ KlKKhNOAU , , JONKh At CO. Successors to ltrrd.lonc'S It Co. , Wholojmln.MaiiufartnrurHot Root * & Shoes. Airtst for Hnston Itnhhor Shoe Co. 111' . ' , tliu & iim "nim.st "I.V'IH. ' vhr kn. Coffee , Spices. Etc. Cl.AKKh COKl-'hli CO. , OmnliH OJ < TCO unit Spice M lilt. Tom , Coffees , Splco" , Hrtklnir 1'owiler , Flavoring Kxtrncte , l.iimulry Illuu Ink , etc. U14-141U Hnrney St. Omiihn. Nobiaskii , Crockery anil Glassware W. L. WRIGHT , Afantfor * hc llauutacturen and Importer * of Crockery , Glassware , Lampi , Chimney * , eta. OBce , 817 Bouth llth ft , Omaha , Neb. . Commission and Storage. D. A. JIURLEY , Commission and Jobbing : . Bitter , Kfgland Produce. ConilRnmenu ollelted. Headquarter ! for < Htoneware , Berry Helen and Urape Baikete. lilt Dodie itrest , Omaha. JtlDDELL C RTDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchant * , Bpeclaluei flutter , Kittt. Clioc c. Po iltry , Uaino , Oyilen. etc. , eta. 113 8. illh 8L WIEDEMAN A CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , reoltry , lluttor , Uirae , Ktulti , etc. 230 B. lUhit Omaha. N > li. . . * . l.flU.llletiri I * a * GEO SCHUOEDER&CO. , SUCCOM-OM to McSkunu \ i-ulirciodor. Produuu Commission and Cold Storage. Onmha , Nel ) . Coal , Coke and Lime. Oio. F. l-Anxon. Pron. C. T. noon MAN , T. Prat. J. A. MUNDIRI.AND , Sea. and Treat. OMAHA COAL , COKE A LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , S09 South Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Neb. Manufacturers of Illinois White Limo. And Fhlpper of Con ) anil Cnkp , Cement , I'lamer , Unio. Hair , Klre Ilrlrk , Drain , Tile nnrl Snirer I'lne. < mi < i > , 1'aitoii lioim rit-im it , , Omaha , N b. Telephone 811. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Conl nnd CnHet 214 S. llilli St.Omaha , Noli. Dry Goods and Notions. M. E. SMITH tft CO. , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions 1103 and 1104 DouKln , cor. llth St. , Oranha.Neb. KILI'ATRICK-KOCH , DRY GOODS CO. , Importers nnd Joblirrs Dry Goods. Notions , Rents'FiiriiMilnir Condi. Cor. llth & Hartley Bta. . Omnhii. Furniturt. DEWEY tC STOKE , Wliolesale Dealers in Furniture. Farnan at. . Omaha , Neb. CHARLES SHIVERICK , Fnrniture , Bedding , Upholstery , MlrTOn , etc. 1206.1308 and U10 Farnam it. Omaha. Groceries , C co Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , NOG. 795,707 , 709 and 711 B. 10th St. Omaha. Neb. McCORD , BRADY C CO. , Wholesale Grocers , lln and LeaTenworth tit.Omaha. Grocers , 1210 , 1KI.123I HarnoySt. , Omnlm , Nob. ALLEN BROS , Wltolciiiile Grocer * , 1114iind llin Hnrnoy Ptrrot , Onmha. Hardware. LEE , FRIED < C CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Sheet Iron , Kte. A entt ( or Howe Scale * , and Mlamt IlowderUo.Omaha.N b. HIMEBAUGH C TAYLOR , Builders'Hardware & Scale Repair Shop MechaolCB' Tools and Buffalo Eralet. 14 % Douilaa it. Omaha. N b. it WIUI1KL.MY CO. , Wholesale Unrdii'tire , 10th and ilanioy Street * . Onmlia , Neb. Western Agents for Austin I'owdor Co. , JoftYr- eon Steel Nails , Kulrbunks SlunUind Heavy Hardware W. ,1. BROATCH Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , ( Springe , Wagon Rtock , Dardware Lumber , etc. 1201 and 1211 Hamey it. , Omaha. EDNEY < S > GIliBOff , Wholesale Iron and Steel , Wagon and Carriage Wood Stock , Heavy Hardware ; Kic. I21T and 12I Leuvrnworth it. , Onmlm , Neb , Hats , Caps , te. W. L. PARKOTTE & CO. , Wholesale Hat * , Cajm & Straw ( jootli , HOT Harncy Street , Omnlm , Neb. Liquors. Dlitlllen of Mqnori , Alrnhol and Splrlti. Importer ! and Jobberol Wlneiaod l.lquon. WILLOW SPRINGS DISTILLE' CO. ami ILER d > CO. , Importer * and Jobber * of Fine Wines and IJquort. Solemanuf * tarcrso ( Kennedr'n Rait India Hit ters and Dompi'lc l.lquorn. 11H Ilirnt ; HI. Lumber. nrv vw * OMAHA LUMBER CO. , Dealer' . All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale IBlh Street and Union facitlo Traeli. Omaha. ' " LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lnmbcr , Lath , Lime , Sash , Doors , Etc. Yards Corner7th and Douglas ; Cornel tth ami Dum las. C. JV. DIETX , Lumber. 13th and California Ktreets , Omaha. Neb. fRED W. GRAY , l > urobfr , Lime , Cement , Etc. . Etc , Cor.WbaDil Uouilsnu , Omaha.N J. T. W. HARVEYLUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only. Otice , 1403 Karnsm ilreelOmaba. JOBBERS' DIRECTORY CHA9. Jt. LEE , Hardwood Lumber , Wood Cartel ! and raro.net Flooring. Onaha. JOUA'A. WAKKFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. and American Portland Cemtnt. AcntforMllwaukte It ? raulTe"ceiue'nt and Beet yulnc ; WhIMl.lm * . Millinery tnd Htttens. J. OHERFELDRR , C C'O. , Importers and Jobber * of Mllltncrii find JVofftmn * iS. llth 8t. Motions. r. T , xozixsoif NOTIONco * " WhoUul * D il r In Notions and Furnishing Good * , Ktlanimtt B.Ttnthm. . Omaha , VINYAR1J & SCHNEIDER , Wholesale Notion * and Gents'Fur * nMtliig ( loodn , 110.1 Unrncy tttrret. Omnha , Nob. i ' ° ils' coj uiTA mr'r CmruJjE co. , Wholesale UcHlurs In Rc/lnrd and Litbrlcatinu Oil * , Axlu Orcnsc , etc , Omiilia , Nub. A. It. lllshop , Miituuur. PAPER CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers. Carry n nlco tnekof 1'rlntliie , Wmiiplif an'l Writ Ing | i per. ijp Inl attention vlrou to car load of orilori Printers' Materials. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION Anilllnry 1'iibllRhcrB. IMalen InT/pe. Pre i and Prlnlen'SupplUn. K buutli Twelfth Ptreet. I Rubber Goods. OMAHA RUBBER CO. , Manufacturer nnit Dcalara In all alndiot 1 Rubber Goods , Oil Clothing nnil l.rmhcr lleltlni ; . IOH Farnam * > . S'eam Fittings , Pumps , Etc. A.L. STRANG CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Engines , Bteam , Wattr , Railway and Mllllnf Suppli . KMk MO. Iffland VH Karnam at. . Oaaha. Neb. , CHURCHILL PUMFt CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , FHtingrs , Btoan nnd Water Supplier Headquartrri fur UaJl Foi > tV'iaoo < l . liltlianiam it.Omaha.Nab. U. S. WIND ENGINE and PUMf COMPANY. nnllortST VTInd Mlhij flora and Water ffnpnllea , 1'luinblni ! Ooort ; , lleltlnii , lloic. UIH anil irju far nau it. , Omnlm. B. K. Kelton , Mauiuer. Telrphnne No. 210. BROWNELL C CO. , Manufnctnrerii and Dealon In Enplncs , Boik'ra & General Machinery tiheet Iron Work.Bloiitn I'uiiips. Saw Mills. 1-HL'I5 | : U'nvemvortli Ht. , Onmha. Seeds. PHIL. STIMMKL & CO. , AMIOLEBAI.B Farm , Field and Garden Sccdst Nos. 011-013 Jones Street , OmaliB , Nob. Storage , forwarding & Commission. ' ARMSTRONG , .PETTIS & CO. Storat/c , Forwarding C Comtnlsalotl llrancli IIOIIPO ot the Honnor FliiKlfy Co. Hiir- | rlo8 at whoksalo anil rctnll. Nos. 1308. 1310 and II1I2 Izurd St. , Umubu , Noli. Tulophouo No. 71,0. Teas and Cigars WM A.VVILSOT &CO , Importers nmlJoblicrs of lean and Claars , Splcos nnd D.ilsy llaklnK 1'ondor. 1(10 and 14111 Hanioy Street. , Oiimlia , Nub. OMAHA MANUFACTURERS , Cornicf. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , John Epenctcr , Prop. Mannfaetnrer of Oalranliod Iron and Comic * . < 3t IKxl e and 103 and 10& N , 10th U Omaha. Neb. Smoke S a is , Boilers , Etc II. K. SAWYER , ManiiractiirliiRr Dealer in SmokoStackg , Urltclilniis TKiilo. anil ncnorul Bolli-r llepalrlnt , 1IU Dul-o troc'.Oinnlia " " ' 'iron Works. PAXTON.K VIERLING Iron Works , t and Cait Iron Building Work , Iron rUMra. Hailing , llcami unit Ulriler * . Steam Unulno. liraM Work , ( Ibnoral Foundrjr , Machine and ll'ncksmltu. \ork. Office HP JWorki , U. I * . Hr.amlKtlntieet. OMAIA WIKIC AiiKON WORKS , Miuuifnctnrcrfi of If ire and Iron llalltnt/iifrfitl : Nalln , Window Guards , Flow(3i-Htimd6 , Wlrn Signsetc. KN. \ . lOlh. OMAHA SAFE & IRON WORKS G Andrein , Proprietor. Manufacturer of Flro and llnnrliir Proof Safe * . Vaults , Jail Work. Iron und Wlcu Fcnulntr , , etc Cor. Mill nnd .laukhon st. Oinahii. Overalls. CANFIELD 'MANUFACTURING- COMPANY , Manufacturers of Overalls , } * ant Pantt , Shlrti , Kte. 1101 and 1101 Doujlus Street Uniaha.Ncb. Sash , Doors , Etc. M. A. DISBROW C CO. , Wnoliial * Manufacturers of Sasli , Doom , lillnda and Jlouldlnifg Ilraneh oBlc ,12lU and lJ.-ra M3.Oi33hr. , > > * > . BOJT2V MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Monld'/iKB.Stalr Work and Interior Hard Wood Klnlih Juil opened. N. K.cor. Btli and LeuvenwurthBU. Uinaba , Neb. OMAHA PUANl.NC ; Mil.I. CO. , Manufactures of Mouldings , Hash , Doors and IJUiidsTurning .Stiilr-wotW. Hunk und Ulllco FlttlriKS. ZOth unit 1'opplcton Avenno , Brewers , STORZ C ILER , L ifer Jleer Brewers , North 15th ftrcet , Omaha , Nab. SOUTH OMAHA , C. II. I'AI.MKK. N , I' . IIICIIMAV. J. II. III.ANCN AIIU PALM Kit , RICIIMAN ,0 CO. , Live. Modi Cominliwlon Mei'duints , Onice ltoom"l , Uppusltu llulldlng , Union Stock Viuds , South Onmlui , Nub , Mcb 0 V ItROS. , Live Stock Commission Moi-rliants. Mnrkct furnlKlieil free nn Uiillatl'ti. | | btuckin in feeder ! fiirnMinl on vo > l terint , Rafaraao * Onialiu Nutlonul II ink ami H'jtUU OmtiU t N ill ia\ Union Mock Yunlt , 8uutli Uuiulm. LORIMIJK , WBSrURK'I.D& MALEY Lira Sto k Ctinnnlmlitn , Ho oni 15 I'xc'huiivo luilldlnn , I'lilon Stock Vanlj , t-outli Dniiilut , Neli. iioirx & * SIIAKPI- : , Coinmli-sloii Dealers In I. ho Htook , liooin 2.1 , H ; chiuiKe llulldliiir , Union Stuuk.Vils. , f. Oinulif IterercncoHI'nloii Nivt'l Hank , Umtihii , Union t > K c Yards Hunk. H. Omalm , I ! , rt. Howler Vrcs. Am. Hunk .V Ti nut i ; . , Oiimlia. _ _ _ ALK.XANDKR & KITC1I , Doalurs In l.lvo Htock , Itooni J3 Opposite Kxi'liiini. " HulMliiK , 1'nlcn Hiock Vurds , H < mth Uniitha , Nub. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha. John r , Bo/4 , BupgrlntacJaat.