Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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    T4-J .L-J- :
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4 ! rnE : OMAHA 1AILY BEE : (1DNESDAY. ( EPTEM13ER 818S7. . .
. Empire taton "Trooly Loll" Having a
: _ high Old Time at Saratoga.
A Great Ihptity of Bourbon f'roer
. Ity on Ivnry IIaII-t Lot
ConteMt-TIic Pro
, . ( cetqIIng.
The frtnncracy itt HsirAtogn.
SAI1A'rOflA , Sept. 27.-'I'Iio democracy Ius
. . , Vones.Ion of tII'3 town , Sutiinior visUors
jin'Vd 'flown arni the event of ttio day 'for
ev'rybody was the uponInt ses.lon ot the
tlwuoctntlc.atato conveiition , svhikbi btgan at
noon , The city presented a trIkIiig contrast -
' trast to the Saratoga of two veoks ago. Ttian
the crowd sconied to bo more or Ies Poverty
r . Mrtckft1 , and It WIS openly asserted
that the one day convention was duo
, , to that fact. 'ro.clay , however , the optoslte
. Wn5 tile truth. 'rue KIlk hat , the cigar , the
. gold Watch and chain are everywhere and an
' . . evIdence of money enoughi nt a wiLlingness
T to iqond It were aliuarent on all hands.
Two weeks ago not a single band of music
- . was In towti except small orchestras as hotel
4 attractIons. Today Ihero are dozemiB , and
the 8lreets are gay with the 8trauls of splon.
w did marching organizations.
. ( ; eorgo Italnes of Itochester was
mnously chosemi temporary chairman of the
convention. Ills allusIons to 11111 and Clove.
land were greeted with applause. 8ornebody
called for tlirt'o cheers for Hill but liey vcro
. not given. ill , condemnation of the foreign
proprletorshlpofland andalluslon totleneral
klrant wore also apolatuled. The chair ruled
that all contests , of which there were a great
Illany. - must be referred to the committee
on credentials. While the commIttees were
. . being announced a dispatch from the Asso.
s clsted press was read , announctng the fact
. that ( lie Volunteer was niieat of the Thistle
' Inthe yacht raeo and was gaining every mo-
Iflent. it was greeted with great applause ,
tIm conventIon rtsiig and giving three
A resolution was olTPred as follows :
ltem4olvel. 'rust the iaw8 of sssessmont and
taxation should be readjusted anL reformed
, . so that all property shalL ratcably share in
tliesuppol t f the wovernment and relieve
larmlng and other kindred pursuits from tim
, disproportionate burdens imposed under
the present laws , and that national logisia-
tion should hO modified and amended that
agricultural shall no longer be embarrasod or
impaired by unwise discrimInatIon.
The conventIon thou took a rooss until
S o'clock thIs evenIng.
A S p. in , there were not fifty delegates In
their places and tim conventIon took a recess
intII to-morrow at 10 o'clock. There has
been much talk of a schism between the
Cleveland and 11111 men , but If there be any
auch there arc no outward demonstrations
of it.
Ienlai That Mr. Senimes I Seeking
the Appointment.
\VAsNoTo , Sept. 27.-ESpecIal Tolo.
grain to the Ba.J-hlon. E. John EuhIs , ox-
congressman fromu LouIsiana , was asked so-
day wnat truth there Is In the report that T.
I ; , . Sonimes , of Now Orleans , has arrived with
ft delegation of friends to press his appoint-
nontto thobouch. lie replied : "It is true
only in the fact that Mr. Somnmos Is In this
city. Lie is not here with a elozatIon of
rionds ; lioi not hero to see time president ;
lie is not here directly or remotely , in reference -
once to the supreme bench vacancy. Ho is
here to study and prepare the ( alnos case
pow on npical to the supreme court and
assigimoil forhearlng early in October. "
"Uavo you seen Mr. ienunes since hIs
arrival ? "
ht " 1es , he was In my office an hour thIs
imiorning. lie strongLy depreatos the lmnpras.
shon created by the newspapers that ho
Is here seeking limo appointment. lie has
not eeii the president nor wiLl ho seek to
see him either personally or through friends.
Ii is view of a place on the suprrnno bench
Is the lofty and correct view. 'l'imo pinco
alionid seek tim than anil not the maim ttio
roan the 1)15cc. You may say posItively that
' Mr. Senimnes visIt here is purely private and
. rotessLonal and for the preparation of a
great case , and if you want to hInd him , go
to the law library at the espital at any time
between U and 4 o'clock. Ito Is too great as
a lawyer and too good as a man and hIs lIfe
too busy to be lingering about Washington
hunting an 0(11cc. "
l'ogtai Ohange.
\VASiIINGToN , Sept. 27.-ISpectal Telegram -
gram to the l3iii.I-Starschedulo changes In
ebraska-Ciarkson toCurry : Leave Clark-
mon Tuesdays and Fridays at 2:10 : p. in. , ar-
iive at Curry by 4:10 : p. m. ; leave Curry
Tuesdays amid Fridays at 4 p. m. , arrive at
Clarkoon by 5:20 : p. in. Nlobrara to Yank-
ton : lisavo Niobrira Mondays , Wednes-
dayo and Fridays at 1:30 p. in. , arrive at
addIson by I ) p. in. ; leave Addison Mon-
lays , Wednesdays and Fridays at a. rn. ,
arrive at Niobrara by 12:30 : p. in. ; leave Addison -
dison 'ruesdays , Thiirstays and Saturdays
t5a. m. , arrive at Yankton byl2:30p. : in. :
'eave ' Ynnkton 'I'uesdays , Thursdays and
tiaturdimys at 1:30 : p. in arrive at Addison by
U p. ni. AlaniIra to Zhrd : Leave Alemirla
ally , except Sundays , at 5 a. m. , arrive at
Willow Sirlngs by 1 p. in. ; leave Willow
3prlnga daily , except Sundays , at 12:50 : p.
In. arrive at Alemnira by bhO : p. in. ; leave
Whlow Springs daIly , except Sundays , at2
p. in. , arrive at Ord by a :30 : p. mu. ; leave Ord
tlaiiy , except Sundays , at 7 a. m. , arrive at
. Willow Springs by 11:30 : a. m.
Iowa-MacedonIa to Vhaaler : Leave Mace-
donla Mondays and FrIdays at 2:30 : p. in , , ar-
_ 4 , live at Wheeler by 4:30 : p. in. ; leave Wheeler
7stondays and FrIdays at 5 p. in. . arrive at
7dacedonia by 7 p. m. From September 23 ,
lswr. iticevilie to Wentworth : Leave itice
. 'vIlle ' Tuesdays , 'rimursdaya and Saturdays at
- a. nt. arrive at Weutwortti by 9:30 : a. m.-
eave * entwortlL Tuesdays , Thursdays an
taturdim's at 10 a. ni. arlivo at Itleevilie by
32 iii. l'rom Septeiider , iis. irorestvhlle
to Dundee : Leave Forestvhiie Mondays ,
Wednesdays and FrIdays at 2'JOp. : in. , arrive
tDundeeby3p. mu , ; heave Dundee Moe-
days , Ve.lnesdays . and FrIdays at :3O : p. in. ,
arrivoat 1'ort'ityilio by4:30p. : iii. 1romn Sop-
tciiiber23 , ISS7.
A. new 0111cc has been establIshed at
'Thatcher , Cherry county wIth James It. Eu-
. wood as Poslilmaster , Fred Schwartz has
been commissioned postmaster at Abbott
: Neb. John O'Leary was to-day appointed
i postinasterat La Platte , Sarpy county , vice
John ColyLu , rcmoyed.
Lecretary flayatd'e Joint Coin , uis'don
, VAsm1Nt1ToN , Sept. 27.-IsoecIni ' [ 'ole-
grain to the ligg.J-lt Is understood thai
l3ecrotary Ihayard intends that his "joIni
conimlsslon" ahali not only consider and dis
hose of the fisherIes controversy , but shall
also adjust disputes concerning the Jurladic.
lion of the United States over liebrings see
and the boundary between the UnIte
states and British Columbia and settle thm
question of reciprocal commercIal relatiom
- iwiwevn ite UZLti5.I11d Vintli.Thil
II an ambitious programme and Ii is not sur
prlslug , therefore , that Bayard experlence
aouio difllculty In finding men who are suit
ablotoactascommlssionerson beimalfof thu
United States. Tue Star says : 'sit is diM
cult to get any man of prominent ability Si
go on the committee because there Is notbini
lii the posItIon that pmmlsea anythIng bu
severe criticism. They will not have any di
roeS power and It is altogether probable thti
congress will repudIate anything that tbe
dci. Organized , is they wlii be In direet vie-
) atlon of the expressed wishes of the las
, congress vhich by Its action do
dared that no treaty was wantei mi
authorized retaliatory measures for the viola
ilon by tim Canadians of tim comonhlty o
limitiins , , liavard , it Is aasorted , has eonceede
to Canada that the treaty of iSIS is In force-
a hung which was dtbputod both In the boua
and senate. The commission would have ti
. treat upon the basis of this concession ani
'would probably bring upon themselves sever
pubilo critIcIsm and possibly the dlree
censure of congressandpolitical ruin. "
, L'atents Granted.
U. V&ahmtNoTow , Sept. 7.-SpeclalTolograr
to tim lhsir.J-The following Iowa and No
braiska penalous were granted to-day : 1im
lard , James PT. , and H. ii. Flaher , Toledc
In. , asaIguori to howe manufacturlug corn
, pany , ditchIng machine ; lies ; William 0
bewird. slIdIng door fastener ; IirIcklo
' inier K , Anita. Ia. , spring gun ; hardim
, . ,
. ' , .
i , . .
ct . . .
Eugene F. , assgnor to Dinges , McGahey &
Cu. , 1.incoIn Nob. , car door faqtener harris ,
Edward and J , N. Tlmrer Waverlv , Neb. ,
c'iiltI'ator mtttachtuent ; Iiobbi , PhilIp M. ,
Vyrnore , Nob. , cow mIlker Klnir , James
si. , assltnor to humnsoif and J. C. Ilelfrich ,
ileimron , Nob. , ; , rnnlng hook ; Lewis , Robert
A. . Chierokoo , 1 * . . tIre hontlnm furnace ; Ma-
thins. levIs cliii V.S'ztlkup , Auilubomi ,
In. . ald Vakiip assizuor to said .iatliIa ,
rackanti plnlan device : Thumnn , James W.
\'eeiing , Water cacti Planter ; Wheeler , Fred
I. . , Ocheyetiami , is. , neck 3'OlO.
h4evon Preildcntlal rardons.
WAsi11NOTo ? , Sept. 27.-The president has
granted a pardon In time case of WillIam
Brooks , Jannum Fitzgerald , Thomas Jackson ,
Wiiilaiii hlenilerson , John l'ahmnor , Reuben
Oolns and George horton , who veru con-
vlcted In the United Slates court for the
vvstern ( listrict of Arkansas last August , of
manslaughter and whose sebtencos w rc sus
ponleI. Tim pardon I , granted on the
ground that the convIcts had reason to sip-
preheod bodily harm frau : the men whom
they killed.
ISi'smervc Agentis Approved.
SVAslhIuTo , Sept. 27.ISpeclal Tale-
gram to the llu.-The selection of the
FiratNational bank of Omaha as reserve
agent for the First National of helena
Mont. , antI of the Jilacicatone NatIonal o
Boston , Mass , , for time Capitol National of
Lincoln , Neb. , have been approved by the
coinotrohier of the currency.
will lieS the Brewers Atone.
WASIiTNOT0N , Sept. 27.-Miller , commis-
abner of Internal revenue , this morning do.
nled that lie Intended making a raid on the
brewers hi analyze their hoer. As the brew-
cr5 all pay their taxes It is not his duty to
make such an examination.
Yesterday's hoed Offering. .
WASILINQTON , Sept. 27.-The total bond
offerings to-day wore 5717,850 , of which
amount O,5OO were 4 and $13t,35 4 er
cents. _ _
flualnosis Troubles.
NEW YORK. Sept. 27.-Carrutbers & Co. ,
commission nierchanta , to-day flied ached-
tiles In assignment , showing the liabilities to
be $93,913 and the actual assets $19,710.
Comnln Meeting of' the Co-Operative
Board to He an important One.
bfmNuAi'ot.ts. Sept. 21'--Speciat [ 'role-
grain to the IiEE.1-Several of time members
of the general co-operatIve board of the
Knights of Labor arrived in the city to-day
and the otners are exocetod to-morrow. Thisi
first session of time board vlll be held at the
Vest hotel to morrow. Thelrcomlng session
will be an important one. On the acilonof the
boare and the ratification of time sammie by the
general assembly largely depends the future -
turo success of co-operation in America.
The board has arranged to bring to Minne-
apohls to their meotin the representatives of
a great many of tue co-operative enterprises
from all over the country. This has been
done to gIve the board a direct insight into
time workings at the various co-operative
institutiomis simm ! enable time board
to deline a larger aumd more
useful field for the Knights ot
Labor organization. The board will ask the
general assembly to repeat that portIon of
the present law which obstructs the free
actIon of time board and to enact new legisla.
tlon gIving the board moro opportunitIes to
follow thu English co.operatlve plan for the
collection and distribution of co-operative
literature. Since the meetIng of the international -
tional co-operative congress lastJuno a large
amount of correspondence has been received
by the secretary of the board asking that the
board at this meeting take some action to
bringahout a meotIns of co-operatIve Inter-
esta in time United States and Canada and
the establishment of a North American con-
gress. Undoubtedly time board will decide to
enter into correpommdenco with Mrs. lie-
ogone C. Faies , presiIent ( of time American
Soclalogle society , i'rof. Iticimard Eli , of
Johns hlopklmis university. and oilier prominent -
nont advocates of co-operatIon with this end
In view.
Tins Pollue Muit Walk.
CORK , SOjt. 27.-Tue rails on. the . railway
between Cork and Youglmai , whIch the police
must traverse in order to reach the Ponsomby
estatesfromn Cork for time purpoo of aiding
In the eyletlomms to be executed there ,
was torn up last night , and the telegraph
wires cut. Captain i'lunkett arrived at
Youglmal to superintend time evictions. but
no troops have got there yet.
National Vetoranp.
Cr.EVELANI' , Sept. 27.-Time second national -
tional encampment of the NatIonal Coin-
timed of Veterans of the UnIon met bore last
night , M. A. Dillon , of Washington , D. C. ,
grand conmrnander.In-chlef , presiding. Jcle.
Rates aropresent from Massachusetts , Now
J er&'y. NewYork l'ennsyivanui , Con nectl-
cut , Illinois , Michigan , District of Columbia
and Ohio.
Death era Seil-Coimfeseed Murderer.
JOMET , Sept. 27.-James Young. a self.
convicted murderer , dIed in the prison to-
day. Whilie serving a ten year burglary son-
tonced. Ho confessed to tile murder of Mr.
Allan , ot Sandwich. ill. , in iSbO , for which
crime WillIam Thomas had boon sentenced
to seventeen years imprisonment. Thomas
served six years ot lila Semi before Young's
confession liberated him.
. Personal Paragraph , .
Sot Levi , of I'lattsmouthi , is at the Pax-
M. S. McDonald , of Des Moines , Is at
the Paxton ,
: E. S. Noble , of Blair , was at the Arcade
S. II. Audrewe , of Genoa , Is staying at
the Arcade ,
If. H. Eyman , of Genoa , is a guest at
- the Arcade.
Charles B. Eaton , of Kansas City , Is at
the Arcade.
13. A. Gibson , of Weeping Water , is at
the Millard.
T. R. LewIs , of Shelby , Is. , is registered
at the Millard.
Henry G. Hay , of Cheyenne , ts a guest
at tbe Millard.
; N. E. Marsim , of Des Moines , was in
town yesterday.
Miss Oeorgia howe , of Seattle. W. 1' . ,
is at the Paxton.
Mrs. Folder and daughter , of Schuyler ,
are at time Pmtxton.
W. Claypool , of Lmncon , was in town
on business yesterday.
L 1) . F. hawks , of Atlantic , In. , was at
the Arcade yesterday.
Pierson 1) . Smith , of St. Edward , P
L registered at time Paxton.
S. 11. Jones , a well-known business
of Wahoo , is at the Arcade ,
Mrs. G. W. Logan and daughter imavo
S gone to Valparalso for a few days' visLt
H. 1st. Sage , general fright agent of th
Rocic Island , came me on thoQ.ycstoraa3
A. Chapolie , manager of the Dakoti
. Granite company of Sioux Falls , is regis
tered itt time I'axron.
H. Miller of Norfolk , eroprlctor. of the
: i railroad house sit that place and at Long
Pine is at time Miliard.
Ii. B. Rlclmardr , a batting capitalist itmit
- president of the First National bank o :
t Dubuque , is in time city.
r Jacob and Ben hirabat have returnet
train Peoria where they put in bhts fo
time new custom house which Is soon Si
- be erected there.
3 , E. McClure , of the Chicago.Mliwsu
f kee & St. Paul road went west yestorda.
Li morning over time St. Joe & Weston
; railroad territory , in time interest of him
a hloim , Vi , A. Paxton arrived from
0 flying trip to Cheyenne yesterday morn
it Leg.
1' . N.Skinnor , inchmargoof thoPulimam
Palace Car conmumtuy'a affairs In this city
arrived on the overland train ycaterda
morning. lie has been on an Inapeotiom
tnipoyer the entire division. which reaohe
as far as Portland , Ore.on , Mr. Skmnne
) , was accompanied by ills brotber
Mr. Kelsey , of Kansas City.
: Yesterday's Internal tevenuo collec
I , Sbus ittuoumited to 3l5,83t.4O.
. -
Time Swamp EagloCondacti a Case I
PoiletI Court.
Attorney J. W. Lyons , bettor known
to facto as time swnmn ) eagle , " had a
case iii the police court yesterday , and
for nearly an hour his voice rang mm the
corridors of the Jail like the musIc of a
snw.stmarpcner. Ills client was Harry
KIngsley , who was charged with stcailng
a valise bolougini to S. A. Conley , a
travelIng salesman for l'oycko Bros. , and
in honor of time ovenS lAyette arrayed
hminmself In a clean piper : coliar timatahmone
out resplendent amid time contIngent
darkness. Lyons demanded a jury trial ,
bilL ! after consmdorablo trouble Officer
Vimrtlon secured six good man and true ,
but fell tinder the dlsoleasure of time do-
fondant's attorney by refusIng to Im.
anei a jury from the loafers poet lug
through the screen.
\Vittt.a dignity befitting time occasion ,
Lyons qumestionot each juror as closely
as though ho Intended omubolhishlug his
future history of this case with an ox-
teuided biography of each jtmryman. Mr.
Butler , the janitor of tile city hail , was
deemed disqualified for a juror on the
groummd that he was In the service of time
state and would therefore be prejudiced
In the state's favor. Mr. Roe was next
rejected because ho was seen to nod to a
poilcemnan 'vito happened to be In the
court roon. After learning the next
juror's name , Patrick It. Sullivan , time attorney -
torney , In a touchIng fit of levity , remarked -
marked :
"Then you mire not thepugiliatSul-
hlvan I"
"No , " replied the juror , "but I sometimes -
times would like to be. "
Thinking that Mr , Sullivan might be
ontcrtminlng bellicose notlon towards
hilni , down foil the legal guillotine and
off fell Mr. Sullivan's head.
Mr. Maloney , thesuporintondont of time
county poor house , was time next Inline.
Upon being asked where ho resided Mr.
Maloney replied. "At the poor farm. "
Timat settled it. No pauper was qualified
to sit on is Jury. Despite all protesta-
tlons Lyons kept tip thu wlmolesile :
slaughter of jurors until lie had reachmmt
timu limit time law allowed him.
The testImony produced showed con
elusively that Kinsloy was guilty.
Despite this , however , Lyons arose
and commenced hIs defense with
an air thinS simowed hIs
promo contempt for evidence
anti implicit reliance in his powers to
sway a jury. He eloquently quoted from
ml "burgullery" case lie once lost In the
district court , and fiercely charged the
prosecution with having blood in Its eye
mum time present case. He spoke contemptuously -
temptuously of the stolen yauise and contents -
tents and their being valued at $ GO. ye-
marking "great hmeaveums but I'd lika to
sell valises at that price. " Ho ended his
flight of oratory with his. charge to time
jury , informing timom that Judge lierka
had to "set" still iii timis Case and lot him
( Lyons ) post thnnm on the law. After a
brief speech by Mr. Davis , the case wont
to the Jury , who rottmrned In about fifteen
minutes with a verdict of "guilty. " Time
Sentence of the prisoimer was fixed at
thirty days , lifteen on bread and water.
But novertiteless Mr. Lyons had covered
himself with glory.
Mrand Mrs.W.J.Florenoo In "rho
FUrL" ' Last .
at lloyd's Night.
'rho people of this city are most familiar -
liar with Mr. W. J. ( Billy ) Florence in a
round of characters , among which ,
noticeably , are those of Bimrdwehl Stote
and Pinto Perkins. In each of these , the
physical persoumaiity of the star Is lost be-
neatli a skillful disguise. In "The Flirt , "
however , Mr. Florence , appears , without
that extraneous aid , which so , contlnues
to ( lostroy intientity mind appears as.a
gay , lmappy , irresistible individual who ,
iii Imis personnel , may well expect un-
sought.for conquests of the female heart.
lImit Mr. Florence has a rotundity of form
and immeolmanical vivnclt which do not
satisfactorily set oil' imla Syhvcstur Sparks.
time "Attmlettc Flirt. " His voIce is that of
Pinto and Stole , though his face , barring
its3 ruddy , good.nature and rotundity ,
Is time same as when , in years gone by ,
ho was the admired of crowded auditor-
linus. Mr. F'lorenee's forte hereafter , as
it 1m lain indeed for seine tmnmo in time
past , depends upon character sketches.
In his repertoire he is not without a selection -
lection from which to draw , neither is ho
without a character which Imas not
already , in its own way , brought to him
fame as well as fortune.
Mr. Florence's engagement closes to-
niglmt , and though he appears in "Uncle
Bob. " a character which will certainly
enable him to satisfy his auditors , the
piece Is of bat an ephemeral nature ,
which can in no way satisfy a people
who arc bent upon the realism of the
itngo in so far as that realism can be
In Mr. Florence's 1)1000 to-nIght ,
played for the first time in this city , the
star is an uncle of time stereotype form ,
.though it is said that time character is one
of Mr. Fiorenomm cimoiccat creations.
in the piece last night Mr. Florence's
company appeared to better advantage
than it did on the opening night and
greatly to the satisfaction of the audience -
dienco ,
' 'fT I fl ii I 5 , . .
Williams-Rogers ,
Yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock
Oscar B. Williams , of this olty. was
married to Miss Alice ogors , one of the
most admirable young women was
daughter of AlliSon Rogers , of this city.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
Thomas 0. hall , formerly of the South.
west Presbyterian church of this city and
now of Chicago. It was performed at
the resIdence of the bride's parents anti
wits attended only by the Immediate rola.
tivos of time contracting parties. Of the
latter , timoro wore not more than eleven
couples In attendance , because time mn
tent was to confine the ceremony tc
but it few people. Time couple loft last
night for the east.
Fiumoti Fur KillIng a Dog.
Thomas McNanmara was tried yeater-
day for shooting William Dahlniau'm
m dog , which bit him so severely on the
20th lest : Attorney Ritchie appeared tom
tim prosecution , but Me. ido'iainare
pleaded In his own defense. in his
promises the defendant admitted that b
had broken the law , but he maintained ii
was necessary for him 'to ' kill the dog
becauao If ever In the future the do
shoimld go mad lie , too , would be seized
with hydrophobia , as would all othei
persons who had over boon bitten ny tht
dog. Mr. MoNamara also spoke in
glowing terms of his services In thi
army , but desolte all these argunmeimb
the obdurate jury found him guilty anc
r was assessed $14.
The wedding of George Knight White
auditor of time Patrick Land company
and Miss AlwaldaBorlin occurtod yester
day afternoon at time' residence of thu
a bride's mother , corner of Nineteentim aiim
- Iavenport. streets. itev. Dean Gartlnei
olilciated. Robert Patrick was best nmau
ahmU Miss Klnzio was bridesmaid. Thim
affair was a quiet one , only a few fnicnd
: and relatIves of the bride mind grooim
being present. The happy couple left ou
8 short brIdal tommr last evenimig , whiol
will embrace a visit to New Yo k nut
' other eastern cities.
Deadly Assault In a Saloon.
I. 'rwo Swiss camnorters named Geor
Waawoe and Emil Sollontlabler caine Ii
. . . . ' . . : _ . -
hard words over th tr cupa In the Elkhorn -
horn Vaulay lmotmse yesterday afternoon.
In the heat of passmn Wasmee solzod a
large stone maeh box and struck
Soiloimdalmler a fem'tul blow in time taco
with it. Three Wjiqnmls were inflicted-
one On time brow , mtilbtimor on time cheek ,
and a third nord. time nose. Wasmeo
was arrested on. tjhe charge ot assault
with intent to kilt.m .
, m ,
Conmfortsli'or Prisoners.
As there seemstd ! be no imopes of getting -
ting furnaces amW ? proper heating imp-
paratus for tliejocntrat police station
for some time , } wnty.ilvo new ( iOUble
blankets were to keep time
prIsoners from sulFuring witim the cold
during the red tape proceedIngs of time
circumlocution society. As the jail is
gcttimmg to be a sort of hospital , three
flow cots and mattresres were also pro-
_ _ _ _
A Gasoline Lamp Exploded.
The fire depantnuient was called out
Iastniglmt about 10 o'clock to the corner
of Jiurt and SIxteenth streets by a blaze
caused by the explosion of it gasoline
lamp belonging to a popcorn stand. Time
flames were subdued before they had a
chauice to spread to Dayis' saloon adjolmi.
_ _ _ _
John Drexel It is thought will be a
candidate for coroner on time democratic
ticket and Is wIthout a rival for the
ofilce in his party. The republican aspir.
antanre Mr. Barrett , of Barrett & hleafy ,
and Dr. C. % Y. Hayes.
Waterwork. Did. .
Bids will be received until October 3 ,
for the excavation of about 200,000 yards
of earth on time waterworks company's
new settliug basins i Florence.
The remains of Mkflmnol Cody were
taken last ovenlug to Waterloo , Nob. , for
All members of time W. C. C. ox.Stu-
dents' associatmon are requested to meet
at the ofilce of It. M. Patterson , rooms I
and 2 Omaha National Bank building ,
this OVednesday ) evening.
Singer's SVfves'and Wealth.
A recent cable dIspatch announced the
death , at Paris , of the Duke Canepo Sd-
ice , who was described as the husband of
one of time beautiful daughters of Isaac
M. Singer. Time duke died of heart dis-
case and was a millionaire. Hardly a
twelvetnontim passes withotmt the occurrence -
renco of some incident , either foreign or
domestic , which recalls memories of the
patentee amid first manufacturer of time
Singer sowing maclmine , Isaac M. Singer ,
whose immense wealth and total disregard -
gard for matrimonial bonds made him
notorious on both sides of the Atlantic.
Singer. was born in Massachusetts , but
spent time earlj part of his lifo in and
around New York 'City. After obtaining -
ing his patent Singer , in order
to protect iilmuuit against Howe
associated himslf with a lawyer
mmamod Clarke In the manufacture of
immachmncs. Ciarkomnmnnagcd time business
and in reality made time money for Singer.
After the organizuiViin in 1853 tIme style of
time item was Isami.b M. Singer & Co. ,
Clarke being time cqjdpany. Singer made
the most , it not all pf his gigantic fortune
between the yearstoZ 1SJ and 1863 , for
during the latter your the company was
incorporated as tiid Singer Manufacturing
company , anti Singer himself , having
been married about sour times more than
time law allows , sold faIl of 1mm property ,
retaining only sombjof time stock of time
imewly organized company and crossmzmg
the Atlantic tookup his residence in
England with the q e of his five wives
with whom he wasmostimpressed , at time
time. Hero Singctdlti4jn 1873 , and litm
gation of his estate of over fifteen million
is hot yet emmded.
Time wife of time Duke Camnpo Solicc Is
thought , by Chicago persons who know
something of Singer's history , to be one
of the clmlldron ot the union maintained
by Simgor anti one of his wives for ten
years in England. Several daughters ot
the renowned Singer reside in New York
city , and attract considerable attention
through their great personal beauty and
style , Some timree years ago the imototl
actor Frank C. Bangsmarriotl one ot them ,
but a sensational separation followed the
wedding before time honeymoon was
passedand later on the actor instituted
stilt fordivorco. Sometime within a year
passed an entorrising newspaper corres-
PontIent unearthed , were , one of Sin-
gor's widows down on the Jerady coast
near New York cliv , where slmo had been
living for years under an assunmcd name ,
and having given up all hope of obtain.
Ing any portion of Singer's estate. A
brother of Isaac Singer has hived In
various portions of Illinois for tIme past
ton years. lie is of a roving nature ,
however , and chooses fmmrmln as his
vocation. The brotlmer'a name is John ,
and lie occasionally comes to Chicago.
About mm year ago he stepped into the
Singer. manufacturing agency , on Wabash -
bash avenue and Jackson street , Intro
duced himself to the managers , and after
spending a few moments in conversation ,
disappeared as suddenly as he had come ,
and has not been heard from since.
MillIonaire hearst.
Cosmopolitan : One of the most sue-
cesaful men on thePaciflo coastis George
Hearst.recently elected by the denmocrats
as United States senator Irom California.
Hearst is a Plain old Missouriamm , of small
ethmcatiomm , and no polish ofmanners. lie
lmas spent most of hislifo Inrougfm mining
camps. Upon mines and quartz mining
his judgment is almost infallible. Since
then he has touched nothing wInch did
not turn imito gold. He owns time richest
mine in Montana- has valuabin mines
iii Utah , idaho , I4evada and Mexico.
'imon ho hogan to appear as a power ,
: Ilagin amid Tcvls Invited him to become
an associate with them. 'rhuis ho huts ztc
qimiroti large Interests in California lands.
lIe is a man slow of specohandof actioum ,
lie Imesitates over a decision , but lie can
be rapid when the occasion calls for
prommpt ! action. Thins lie had been nego-
tiatmug fora large ittican ranch just
over time border , whleh imad been allowed
to go to rmmin becau it was on the trail
that Geronimo mmlwmtyaiumsed when on ono
of his periodical raid. hearst got early
intelligence of thocplure of time Apache
chief anti ouri tkn hind at about 20
cents mm acre. For$00,000 lie obtained
a body of rich land that is worth t0iay
I seveniil million. .
Many amusing stories sire related of
L hearst's peculiarities , but with all his
oddities lie comnuuqtmds respect for his
honesty and his loyalty to friends two
I traits not conspicdo4 among mlmmng
millionaires. lime gthQroslty to the deem-
ocratie part.y in CauItruia led to iis ole-
I vatlon to the scnat.oJ lie had strong
m political ambition , biiIhmia advisors have
usually been badly spl oted. Thus , when
he was placed In norqitjatiomi for governor
of California , ho mudea speech so limit of
learned words and florid. rhetoric that
every one knew It had been written for
him. It fell that , and General
Stoneman secured the nomlna-
: tlon. But after the rosmilt
was announced llearstcame forward anti
In smmplo , plain language' deciared
that ho would work for the candidate
r sincerely ammd faitlmftihly. His speech was
the event of the convention , and one of
3 the audience called out : "Uncle George
S if you had taiked that way before time
vote vou would have got that nomipa-
m tioni
Senator Ilearat's wealth Is estimated at
$15,000,000 and his income at $80,000 xi
montim. lie recently inatle a pr $ ent te
imis only son of at newspaper in San Frau
cisco. 'l'kie young maim has a atrommg tast4
a for journalism amid nu almost tmnoxamu
a plod opportummity for gratifyiimg 15.
. .
. - . , : _ ' .
A Very Isarge Amount or Routine
flimsiness rranaatetl.
A regular adjotmrimctt umeoting of time
city council was lucid last eve iilmmg with
l'rcsldont ilechel in time chair. Messrs.
Alexander , Bedford , lkmrnimamu nuuti [ Cuts-
per were absent.
Commimunleatiomis wore received mis follows -
lows : Approving contract anul bonds of
Stuimt & Hamnel ; approving ortlimmanice.4
lasscti at the inst meetimmg ; approving
contract of Iluigh Mtmrptmy for paving ;
appointing aptrausers on certain tin-
provewents ; from time city treasurer noti-
tying time board of time tender of dimniages
to certain peroums : imon.approvat of
Acting Mayor l chet of time ortilxmnnce
regarding time Isstiu of pay-
mug bonds ; notification front time
city treasurer the imtymcnt of certain
roery owners' shares due in time grad.
hug of Dodge street from Twenty-sixth to
'rimirty.slxtlm street ; George V , ' . Tilson ,
city cngiumecr , asked for a two weeks'
lcmivo of abscuico , granted ; froni time city
troasumrer aimnouneing thut Bell & Mc-
( Jantilisim had paid $500 for time opening
of alley in block 4 , Kountze'a third ad-
Thecmty engineer , In a communication ,
stated that the easIest way to ome to a
decision mis to the best means of chang-
leg the grade of Capitol avommuo would
be to call a meeting of thu property
About * 8,000 In estimateawore received
from time board of public works and were
'l'imo contract and bond for time con-
strtmetlon of time sewer In district No. 61
by Hugh Murphy were anprovod.
Time contract of Regan Bros. & Co. , for
paving of certain streets wits approved.
A conimnunmcation was read from time
residents of Vobster street between
'rwcnty-elgIth , anti Timirtletim streets , ask-
tog that the Street be brought to mm proper
grade at a reasonable expense to timem.
Referred to the committee on grades anti
From 0. V. Gallagher and otimers , that
Webster street at certain points be re-
graded flnl waiving all damages. Re-
ferrect to the committee oa grades and
II. D. Estabrook , G. P. Diets and
bttmers petitioneti [ lint the gas mains be
extended up Decatur street as far as
! l'wonty.eightim , anti north on time latter
Street as far its time sixth block. iteferred
to the committee on guts and electric
A petition from several resitlenta of
Blaimmo street asking timmit said street be
qpcmmcd , extended mind widened : rsnn
Tenth to Thirteenth streets. Refcrid to
the oonimnitteo on grades and grading.
Petition from A. and II. Kountze ,
and others , for time grading of time
alloy north of Hickory street , between
Eighth and 'fetiSh streets. Committee
on grades and grading.
An invitation from James W. Savidge ,
president of the board of directors of the
public library , iimviting the members of
time couincil to their annual nmcotmng , was
A communication from J. M. Eddy ,
superintendent of time Missouri Pacific
railway , stating that ho thought the
rules governing time Sixteenth street
crossing of time Belt line are simfilcient to
protect time travclingpubllo , was referred
to the city attorney.
A communication from Artlmtmr S.
Walcott , notifying the board
that there is an mm-
healthy pond of stagnant water at
Thirtieth and Chicago streets , was no-
ferret ! to the comumnittwi on streets uumtt
\v. H. Smmtlu waived all damages by
reason of grading howard street from
Twenty-second to Twcmmty-fourth Street.
L'laced oum file.
H. 0. Ctmshming , Frank Colpctzor and
others , by a petltmon , asked that time order
providing for time lowering ot the grade
of 1)odge street , from Twenty.fourtli mtve-
flue , east antI west , be rescinded as it will
entail a great loss to time property owners
in time vicinity , and a cost of 8,000 or
$10,000 to the city. R3ferrod to the corn-
fluittec on grades and grading.
1-hugh G. Clark and others were given
the privilege of keeping their powder
magazines in their present location until
Juno 1 , 1888 when time locmtioum will ho
voluntary changed to outside of the city
A conmniunlcation was received from
Hogan Bros. & ( Jo , , announcing tlmat nil
gratiimmg and paving lies been abated
owing to the fact that there are no more
streom curbed and ready for grading
and paving. They claim that this involves -
volves a loss to them of nearly $106 a
day , and they ask for Instructions. te-
ferreti to the comwitteo on paving , curb-
lag and guttering.
The following changes in election ofl'm-
cors were made : H M. Sampson in
place of E. 0. Ballou r , first district ,
ein-hth ward ; Herman iVagner in place
of'Jotmn bucks , d , second district , ei'hth
ward ; J. .J. O'Connor In place of S. I.
Hawk , d , first district. fourth ward ;
'l'hoinu Cleveland In place of David
hlmmrpstcr , first district , fifth ward ; Thomas
Leddy in place of B. B. Neoly and V. H.
Brereton In place of P. A. Gaven , imintim
ward ; John Brnndt in place of - Ron-
bins , W B. Pimyton in place of Julius
Cooley , third ward ; James J. McCabe , ml ,
Sclmimylor VaketIeld , r , clerks in second
( listnict , fifth ward , In place of John
Mchitirmitt mind Ed A. Taylor ; Charles
Thomas anti 0. P. Seward , judges ; C. A.
l'otter , clerk , sovoumthm ward , first district.
Itesoiutiomis were adopted as follows :
'l'hat thu Lolicc commissluimers be in.
structed to grade tha soutim side of Cum-
lug street from Timirty.sixthi street to
Lowe avenue So that the sidewalks can
be laid ; timat the democrats be allowed
time misc of time city hail for a immecting on
October 5 ; notifying the Chicago , St.
Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha railway , and
also the Belt , Line company , to plank
their crossings across Twelfth n.nd Cass
streets ; authorizing time chairman of
time hearth of ubiie works to
mumako contracts for tIme gratling
of Webster street. froni 'J.'wonty.cighth
avenue to 'rimirtietli Street ; directing tIme
chiniruien of time board of public works to
contract with Riley & Co. for time repair
of Tenth street froumm hlmirney to Mason
Wherever the street pavement has boon
displaced in the constrtmction of time
trucks of the Cable Tramway company ,
mind time latter company be charged with
time cost , providing they do not do time
necessary repairing timemselves before
ten days ; directiiig the notification of the
Cable Tramway COflhlLmnY to renmoro all
obstructions on 'J'ontb street , especially
time castings omm the sidewalks anti in time
gutters ; authorizing the placing of dee-
trio hlgimts at time railroad crossings on
Ninth street , between Jones and Leaven-
worth streets ; that time nmayor take time
nroper steps to remove three or four
houses of prnstitutlomi Oti Eleventh street
and Capitol aventme , saId houses being
nine toot on the street and being a pimbhie
The following reports of committees
wore received and adopted :
Referring the clainis of Frammems E.
Wilde and Oren Smith to time city attorney -
ney ; that P. J. Quamloy be lormitted
to place dirt on South Twenty-sevomitim
street , granted under thmo directions
of the city engineer ; that the hmrni of May
, k Ettingr he allowed time privimege of
erecting scales In the alley In block r,7 , ,
city ; recommending the opening of
Timmrty.tlrst street to Davemmport street.
Time committee on having , curbing and
guttening recomnmneniled thmat the bill of
: liarber Aspbaitoonpauiy , svimlchm amounts
to $ i,47l,20 , for [ lie roairiflg of I'enttm
street trommi ( 'onter SO Williams , be allowed -
lowed , ¶ Iho recomnineuidatlon was imot
I granted and the bill was referred to the
, city attorney.
'Xbu same committee recowunomidad time
' - . . - - . .
passage of an.orttinancn crcmitlumg sewer
district No , 183.
This committee recommontieti also the
PhYnmelmt of $ J07.6S iii favor of time Barber
Asphalt ctiinpammy for lnbor amid nmaterlitl
iii cimmumgti at time immterseetioui of Flfteoimtim
: tntl himunimey streets. Adopted.
l'iie following ortilnances were
Creating sewer dIstrict No , 63 , auth
tilroctimig time coumstruetioum of time sotver ;
ordorliug time paving of StWoimtccmithi uintL
Eigiitcemmtim streets from Ihirumey to
Farnam streets ; declaring time necessity
of cimuunging time gratte of Twenty-
soconti street froumi St. Mutrys
avenue , to Leavenworth street ; ordering
time paylmmg of Soventeeuit street fromim
Davenport to Cunmmmng streets with cedar
blocks with concrete base ; tiecianluig
Newton street In ( Bse's addition , from
1)avenport snb division to Thirtieth
street , open for travel ; creating pavIng
dIstrict No. 13.3 ; ortleriimg time gnatilmig of
I'ierce street to a poiumt 100 feet south of
Mason street ; provitlummg for thu issue of
district naviimg bonds 1mm tlmstrmots Noi. 81 ,
87 and 9(1 ( , ned to create a sinking fumed
for time 1)iYnieult : thereof ; providing for
time Isumo of alley district paving bonds
in alley paving dIstricts Nos. 33 ,
34 , 85 , 80 anti 87 , immmti time
creation of a sinking fund for the nay-
mont thereof , ordering time gratling of
that part of .Toftesistreet from mm ioint $00
feet cast of Twenty-fourth street to
Twenty-smxtim street , and ordering the
board of publlo works to cause said
work to be done , declaring the necessity
of appropriating certain property and
lands for the use of the city of Omaha
for the purpose of opening Thirty-first
avenun to Davenport street ; changing
the grade of Castellar street from the
cast curb of Fifteenth street to time cast
curb of 1"oumrtceutlm street.
For travelers it 1s a necessity , Time
genuine Brown's Ginger , Frederick
Brown , l'lmiladclpimla , 1822.
- -
Arrest or . Notorious Cutthroat and
flighwayman in Omaha.
M. B. Flonis has a record-and a bad
one. lie Is a Mexican. Some twelve
odd years ago lie was time envy of youth.
ful desperadoes for imis daring deeds. lie
was popular nniong time westenum border
thieving clmmss for his recklessness and
disrcgarti of tIme gentler forms of living.
He cotmlti cut a timroxtt with time same
neatmmcss thmat ho could rob a coachin
the latter business ho was something of
an expert. lie becanmo bold in that call-
leg umitit time oflicers nipput him and that
time ho served tivelvo years. Time
penitentiary did mmot improve his morals.
Wimen out lie began his old him of trader
and mnany are the escapiuttes lie has had
with the ofhiecra amid others. lie cmmme
to Ommihma. It was an evil tiny , lie
made nothing hero as far as is shown ,
but being shadowed amid his cimaractor
known , hue was taken cairo of by Oflleor
Ormsby. The jtil : holds hum until time
time of hmi preliminary hearing.
Thfrteenlh Street Gang.
Officers are on the outlook for time Mo
Donalti boys , members of time umotoriouxi
1'hirteonth Street gangwlio attoniptcd to
muse a row at Kessler's garden last Sun-
day. Constable Stegcman gave thenm a
severe clubbing , and the probabilities
are that they can be distinguished by the
marks they bear upon their heads.
Time Coumimiy UoiimmiMslonere ,
The three county commminmssioners are
now in time country fixing tip culverts ,
bridges , etc. A well-known Politician
remarked yesterday that In his opimi-
ion they were fixing imp "fences" for time
fall campaign.
Hood 's Sarsaparilla
Combines , 1mm a manner peculiar to itself , the
best blood-purifying and strcngtlmenlmmg renie-
dies of the vegetable kingdom. You will fled
this wonderful remedy effective ivimere other
immedicines have failed. Try It now. It will
perRy your blood , regulate the digestion ,
and give now life and vigor to the entIre body.
"flood's Sarsaparllla did inc great good.
I was tired omit from overwork , and it toned
mo up. " Mite. U. E. SIMM0s , Cohmoes , N.Y.
" I aufferod tlmree years from blood 1)OlSOfl.
I took Hood's Sarsaparllla and think I am
cured. " Mits. Id. J. DAvis , iirockport , N. Y.
Purifies the .73tooc
ilood'aRarsspaniila Is clttracterized by
three peculiarities : fat , time conaincJha of
remedial agents ; 2d , the proportion ; ad , the
process of securing the active medicinal
qualities. Time result Is a medlcimic of unusual
strength , effecting cures hitherto unknown.
Send for book containing additIonal evidence ,
4' Rood's Sarsapariila tones up my system
purifies my blood , sharpens my appetite , anti
seems to make moe over. " J. 1' . TU0MI'SON ,
egister of Deeds , Lowell , Mass.
"Hood's Rarsiapanilla beats all others , and
is worth Its weight in gold. " I. BAIUIU'IQTOX ,
130 Bank Street , NuwYork City.
Hood's SarsaparHa
8old by'ail druggists. $ i ; six for $ . Made
only by 0. 1 , hOOD k CO. , Lowell , Mass.
100 Doses One Doflar.
BflOLD , "Sweet Sixteen. " who Is
the , , rch&rd. c.vpr iii , , m.odowa . rides Tompa on the
s.eboch rambles over thu mountain. aui es.
Jo cmi the iiviy outdoor game , , auti pormg.
jt.t me , Jee , Neek , Arm. , and * Innd crc
pcrtect ptciurt.Of fle.uuy , whieiiiie yrecrvc
by UluI.g
Magnolia Balm
tor the Cusisplexion. it mako. a ia.iy of 40
c.pear but tie. 'Tic s iinrniei. ' , IIqui,1 ,
LL.miied Inau.autiy. Cau'i be Ieiecl.d ,
Abates the iii eftectsot 1101 , Dry. ' , Vlclj'
W.sllisr. ioecawcy wiih Tan , S5uebura ,
Freckle. , Triter and evtry5ki , , Iiienm.h. ,
W.odrt1llr Refreshing. fake ii vit.
item lu the bacberu an.l uuma1ac.
'v JeZ
vcry lady wiio destics perccton , in style sii , Iorui
should wear them. ) Ianusctued oniy by Ui
.Wuzcetcr , Mass. sno at Ma.ici cuect , iIlcsQ
C- .1
AU ItitcrIet' sVfhIi Otto or Orna
Imn' . 'etcIiibk OnvdeiICra.
An Article of Interest to All-Time Life W
5. Sailor-flow time Gooti Shmip"hlcalthm"
was Fotmnticred , Etc. . Etc.
. -
The life of a sailor it ; often verr interesting
reatuummue tt ) the citizens 01 thu western coummury.
Kumowluir title 1(1 ( be time fact a r.JortOr iiotil- S
'icritig his unto book amid Futior No , 2 , i'taried ,
omit tt ) flint xiii ( iti sailor , ammti lmmtorview iiini on
( hue mutter. The reporter nmot ilir. tiornartl
Cnm-m'tonq , who rosiiios ii , ontral Park near time
city ilumlts. Ne. Cmirstom'5 , a ( lerimmaim by birth
Is It bmmshtmess a.t mm gsmnuier , mind trtiOkot ammd
etippitos the iiotoi amid rt'stmmuirnnts of Omnith '
whim frcii vegetables tivery mnnrnhmif. Ommt'&ng
tiecosteil ty tim re.tJrter $ ito nid f " 'i cc I seliod
tiu em * for about ton Ytir , , anti In tiiat v1sit - .
ttt itlnmoet oteryctUntry iii thu world. I liars to
Olmimimi , Amitraiin , Now Zoalammii , time East In ,
( mitts , amid almnust over' soimi'ontelaine the Mcdi-
. ( cmrtmfleflim $05. Timi hiloot it sailor is ft hard OnO'
its , woii as a dengorous ono , and oimiy a man
with a very good constitution can stand It very1
long. leimJoyoti mmiv life on the aea * mind WM
always healthy there. in fioll noverbad a days I
sickness until atoimt omue year ago. "
"Then yOU have boon sick lately , " asicod the ' '
rovorter. . wastakun sick lasttalL 1 lost maylpu
petite , could not eat enough to keep a
child alive , imni night sweats. would got up in
themnorningfeeilng worse than a main who
hind not siopt mit alt. oouid only alit a Ilt.tle ,
broskfitct , anti would hero to vomit that Si
very soon sitter eating it. I was attaekcd Wit
a bad imacking cough which wouid cause me
hmmteuiso lamn him my chot mini iupgl , would have
chums and lever every three or four ttay , My
ctndltIon became alarming. I oouitl icitreoly
lift as much us a child. As I aahdt'.foro I be-
cameo alarmed , amid hearing anti rouulimg comm.
sidorabionbommt liii. McCoy and henry r eon-
eluded to call 1,1)00 thom , which I did about
three week ago amid was examine-i.
toiti mo I had catserhimml eonstmmptton and
pi-omisod to cure moo Iii two months. Not quite
It month hits elapsed mind 1 ama well again. I
have mm imiore night sweats , no nmnrc cimills and
fever. do not voniit any more iii time morning , '
aiid to toil the truth fool ilko a now mean alto'I'
gether. I feel its tmiouglm I could not any enough
for irs , McCoy and henry for they have ia-
doodwo'icdwonders mini casoi
alit. iiiNAitD CARSTENS.
The above cut i mm very good portrstt of Mr.
Carm.tens , who rvsidoq Iii Central l'ark , near tb4
city itmnits , where he wiii gladly corronorato tht
above stateniont to anyone who will take thi
roubio to call or address bun there ,
lsTmnF.srisu 5.1IRNCa OF ) . CONDITION NOT TO
'him TitiVI.zu ) WiTh ,
When cntarrh iiims existed in the head amid the
Upuer part of tue throat for tiny length of time
--tre patient living 1mm a tiItrlct whom people
mire stihjoct to ctttimrrhai mmiTtctioim-anti the die.
ettse has been ieit mmnctired , tue cuttirrhm Invari.
ably , aomotiiiios iowiy , uxtond dowmm tOo
wimmdpmpo and into tiio broimchiaI tubes , which
tubescoflvcv the ahr to tlio diiforont i.mrts of
use mugs. 'The tubes bacomno affected from
limo woliiiiir sOd ttio mucous arising from
cntarrh ' nnd , In sonlo ln4tahicos , bocomno iitiggod
lip. 50 t'bat time air osmoimot got in an freely neit
tioUid. Sliortiless of breath follows , lied time
1)Iltieflt breathes with laboranti dilllnuity.
lii either case tiloro is a sound of crackling
and wlieoMng imishie the cijoit. At this stage of
the diseasetho broittiiinm Is usually momrnpitlL , t.
titati wimoim in health , . 'rime patiunt 1ia alsO hot
diuthos over his body.
The paIn whlclm scoompanios this condition is
or a tiuil charactorfeIt In the chtht behind tue
iirott bone , or tinder tiio siiommlderbindo. The
jiiiim may como mmmd go--last few titlyB aimd thea
be absent for several otbor. The cough that
occurs in the first stagea of bronchial oatarrh is
dry , comes on at intervals , hacking In ehmarso.
icr , anti Ii uuaIiy mot troublesome in time
mornung on rising , or going to bed at night and
It may be in the ihrt evidence of the disease ox-
tcntming Into time lungs.
Sometimes there are fits of cotmgltlng induced
by the tough muons so violent as to cause vomn-
ititig. Later on the mucus thmit is raised , ha
intmnd to contain small partlcio of yoilow matter -
tor , which iimclicittes that the imaul tubes In the
lungs are now aff'ctcd. With tihiS there are
often Streak8 of blood mixed with the mucus.
in some 05805 time Patient becoiiios very pale ,
litme fever , and expectorates before ammy cough
in some caaes smai hnasaem of cheesy 5ut , .
Stance arc spit up , which , vheii pressed between -
twoon thofltgorsomit , a bad odor. In other
cases , particles oC it hard , chalky nature are
sPit ll. 'rite raising of cheesy or chalky limp.
indtcato serious mishlef at work in the lungs.
What it Meatia , lime it Acts , and
What it is.
You sneeze when you got up in the morning
you try to anoeo your nose off every time you
cr0 exposed to the icast draft or air. You have
ft fulimmoss over the front of time forehiond , and
time nose fools as it there was a plug in each
nostril which you cannot.diaiodgo , You biome
your umoso Until your ears crack , but It don't tie
any good , md the only resuit Is that you euc.
Coed In getting up a very rod nose , and you so
irritate the lining memntrano of that organ
thiityou are unabie to breatbo through it at all.
This is a correct and not overdrawn piotuie of
an acute attuok of cat.arrh , or "Snoozing
Catarrh" as it is otiiod.
Now , whmmtdooe this condition indicate ? Virst ,
a cold that causes muons to be poured cut by
th. giaimds in tiio nose : then timoo diseased
glands are attacked by swarms of ilttio germ.
-the ontarrh germ-that heat in tIme iir in u
iocauity where tiio disease is prevalent. 't'hoee
imiilmmiomilae , in their eiforts to iiimd a lotigmont ,
irritate time sensitive membrane lining the nose
and natmmro undertakeS to rid herself of them
by producing a lit of snoozing.
Stiioii thin nose becomes fluloti vlth timiokonod
timid tilsoasoti nmmmous tim natural chtmimnels rsir . . 4
tlmo Intrtduotion of air into limo iumigtt $5 Intor-
Cored with , timid time porsoim so oifctod irmuat
iroathe through tIiO mouth , anti hmy aucti
tnoaims time ttmrotmt tiucoinoR parched and dry
smmorirmg is produced , ttnti thou time catsirrhal
disease gains ready umecoss to the thotitsiutJ
II Cresap . -
Late ofBellovuo Hospital , N.Y
AND noc'ron
Columbus Henry
flavo Ollices
: .
Cor. 15th and Harrsey Streets
Omaha , Neb ,
Whore all curablu cas.a are ti-cited With sue.
etas. Modict ' tremutoti ilmiifmiiiy , ( Jon.
tmmnptioui , hirmgimt's flhstase , iyamopitsi ) , , lthou.
inmutisImI , amid tilt Nititvous liSiimls. il , ui.
50505 si specialty.
txNstJl'I'A'rISN ( t oflico or by mall $1.
( ) ilIco imouri : tJ to 11 mt.mnm S to 4 p. iii. ; 7 to -
sp mu. f3undsy included.
torrespomidonco rcocivea prompt attention ,
) iimnytilseastos mire treated succesetIhily by lit
McCoy through the flialid , and it is timmis pout ,
bio fur those Unsitthmto make milourmicy to oh.
mum sUecessrui hmUBiiitsii troatiminimi t Ihsoit
homes. No lpttor , unless accounpa.
nitstl 4o ,
by Instmmpa.
Address aiiittor to Di-J. C..McCoy rpotu '
. lu iuid Ji I ltsimngo Uuhitiiimg , Omaha , N.h. .
. .