Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1887, Page 8, Image 12

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    - *
The Proceeding * of That Body Blnco
Atigtmt 27.
August 27,1887 , board met.
Present , George E. Tlmmc , A. O'Kccfe ,
W. J. Mount
The following resolutions presented
And pasacd. The legislative net incrcas-
ing the number of county commissioners
in counties having over 70,000 population
from three to five being called up It was
resolved that the Urst , Second and
Seventh wards of Omaha be
known as District No. 1 ; the Third ,
Fourth and Ninth wards as District No.
2 $ the Fifth , Eighth and Sixth wards as
District No. 0 ; Douglas , South Omaha ,
McArdla mid Millard precincts ns Dis
trict No. 4 ; West Omaha , Florence ,
Union , Juflcraon , Elkhorn ValleyWater
lee and Chicago precincts as District
No. 8. Commissioners Timmo and
Mount voting In favor of above , Comnilo-
Bloncr O'Kcpfib voting for same with fol.
lowing exceptions : Chicago precinct to
bo nut with fourth district instead of Mc-
Ardlc , and MuArdle with third instead of
The clerk was instructed to advertize
for { Trailing bids between sections II ) and
30 , town 10. range , 12 , bids to be opened
September 3.
Contract for grading on half fcction
hue suction 8 township 14. range 12 ,
awarded to August Duck at 20 cents per
cubic .yard.
Kcbolvcd , That the county treasurer be
instructed to receive the tax on lots 7 and
8 , block 4 , Hcdick's sub , for the years
1881-8.1 , without interest on account of
llond of Gilbert lUuo , constable , pre
cinct No. 7. Approved.
August 31 Hoard met. All members
Uids for building bridge at Waterloo
Milwaukee liridgo and Iron works ,
fo : > t > .GO.
Milwaukee Itridgo and Iron works , if
square piling be called for , $680.15.
C. W. Finn , $1 per foot removing old
bridge , -175.
Ell Johnson's bid rejected on account of
no deposit.
All bids rejected after consideration
and clerk instructed to readvcrtise for
bids to bo opened October 1 , 1887.
Jiida for furnishing hay as follows :
John Tully , first grade , $12 per ton ;
second grade , $ 'J. '
Whitmans Bros. , (8.50 per ton and $3.50
per car added.
Uond of Owen P. Thompson ap
Resolved , That 2.78 acres of land bo pur
chased for road nurposos Ironi Savdius C.
Drowsier , beginning at a point that bears
north 0 iti-gs. 15 inins. , east 775 feet from
southwest corner o section 35 , township 1G
north r.iniro 12 cast , thunco south 00 dogi. , 10
mlns. cast : nHiut. : ! south 45dcgs. 45mlnM.east
655 feet , thence north 72 ( legs.estlft" fet't ,
thence north f > 7 decs. 45 iiilns. , w st 1.009
feet , soutli 83 dec ? . , cast 225 feet , south CO
< lis. 15 mlns. , east 144 feet to place of begin
ning ; located on the southwest quarter of
southwest quarter of section 35 , and south
east quarter of southeast quarter of section
85 , township 1C , north of range 12 , cast of
thn sixth principal meridian In Nebraska.
( This road contemplated , adjoins Irvlngtou
on the northeast.
County treasurer instructed to cancel
personal tax of William Alstadt under
bankrupt law for years 1871-76-77 78.
Road 150 ! came up for final action ; all
proceedings approved and road declared
List of names sent to clerk of district
court from which to-draw juries for Sep
tember term.
First Ward Jesse II. Lacey , William
Dolls , Jacob lleitman , Christum Dcrtel-
eon , VVillhun Cloburnc , 15. F. Madsen.
Second Ward Daniel Shull , Jerry
Mahoney , George Fitchctt , William
Ainscow , George L. Dennis. John Mulu-
hill. George F. Labagh , Max Grossen ,
William O. Itokco , Samuel Kees , J. Dim-
ellv sr. , Henry Brunnlg.
Third Ward-E. J. Tillotson , J. B.
Jardino. Price Sanders , J. C. llubbard.
Fourth ward John F. Coad , W. J.
Welshans.J. V. PattersonPeter Sharkoy ,
C. O. ShaoHer , John G. Carpenter , Al
bert Sharp , C. W. Finn.
Fifth ward 1 $ . F. Redman. John F.
Price , M. W. Doneckou , P. Tighe ,
Otto Horning , O. T.ildo , Tom Swift ,
W. J. Whitohouso , Barney McGinn.
Sixth ward Andrew Daublo , Dennis
Lane. Alex Ulchardson , 0. K. Coutant ,
A. S. Ostrom , C. C. Fluid , 1. Klein , John
Douglas precinct Hans Wintorlict ,
John M. Ycrga , Waterloo ; F. W. Corliss ,
Valley ; John M. Williams , Millard ; John
Ilalleiiuack , Chicago ; Ed Haney , Jeffer
son ; Chris Gutsch , Elkhorn , George
Droxel. Saratoga ; John Hazzard. Flor
ence ; It. M. Cowin.West Omaha ; Robert
Easson , McArdle ; Cacson Rover , Union ;
George Knight.
Bill ol George B. Ayrcs , M. D. , for
services at post mortem examination of
GoorgajClarko , rejected.
* Bill for Dr. Arthur Ginu for same serv
ice , rejected.
Aourned. .
September 8 Board met ; all present.
South two-thirds of lot 0 , block 14 ,
Kountzo's third addition , declared ex
empt from taxes for year 1S80 on account
of Kama being church property.
Resolved , that county pay for ten
deputy Bhorift's for special duty at fair
grounds during fair week.
Bids for grading at Irvington opened.
Louis Thomas side hill work live cents
per cubic yards , wagou work fourteen
* II. Luddlngton fourteen cents per
cubic yard.
Contract awarded to Louis Thomas.
Two bids rejected not being accom
panied with deposits.
' Adjourned.
September 10. Board mot ; all pres
Kesolved , That It Is the sense of the
'county ' board that on and alter September
15 , lbS7. nil paupers shall bo burled by the
superintendent of poor farm. In the ab
sence of the commissioners It shall bo the
duty of the clerk nr his representative to
notify the superintendent of the poor farm ,
whose duly It shall bo to ascertain If It Is a
necessity , and if so , shall proceed to bury
corpsetho ; superintendent to make a monthly
report of sucii parties burled , giving date ,
name and residence of deceased.
Two competent experts to bo employed
to examine the correctness of the new
numerical index and report on sumo at
Whereas , In case of havlnc to refer back
to vo'ichers passed upon by the board under
the present system of liltne ; them , It is too
tedious and too ireat a waste of time to tlnd
Uesolved , That the county clerk be
instructed to prepare and Keep up on Index
tor vouchers commencing with the present
focal year.
Grading contract cast of Reeves road
lot to William D. Ilauoy at 18o pur cubic
The following are the disbursements
by the county commissioners since July
21 :
EU Johnson , trrftdlnir t WO 00
O. A. Jensen , grading , . . , . 1)77 "fl
(1. It , How * , grading 7UO 00
O. A. Jensen , vradlnv 300 00
IL I' . Knltiht , tfradlnjr S4th 8t 6M 15
> I. I1. Neliuu , l ) m nes on road K 00
William Kupper , laborer , / 28 00
1) . Kal. grauW. . . . , ' . .110 ( X )
O.K. Pattnn. hauling 2 75
> TIlllnm 1 ullnKf uJ. . . . . . . . . . . . 15 00
* etorae McDonald. Rraainy-ct house
ground * , . . , 1:00
F.nJolinion , grading . . ww oo
T. F. Hrennan A Co.-laylnir-sidewalk , 1.SIJ 00
LowUTnoma * , grading. . HI 00
0. A. Jcnwn.graJIntrln full.- . , . . . . lU8 44
JohnW. HIUI , supervisor (2 . ' &
W. Tex , appraiser . - . 6 00
gfcui aUlVMkerplorr , to U n
Chas Miller , datnagel on road M no
J'ted Lowls , ( UniitKu oil rod. . 4000
N. Petenon , damage on road 4000
Herald I'uulitlilng Co. , advertising. . 33 50
Dminnna Hepubllcan , advertising. . . . 5 25
ChM , Tlctmperrlior road B4 TO
ChM. Toltz. grading turnpike road , . . Bl ( S
II. It. Avery , tupervlior 1M 75
Oliver Hanoy , grading 7s 00
II. P. Knight , grading 500 00
John II. tewl , supervisor 27 03
Henry Ilollcn , treasurer , vouchers
cashed 427 4.1
T. J. lllckor , supervisor M fiO
McKmneyillrown. irraaing 800 UU
HoblnionACo. , grading 1I4 ! 10
B. J. Fry , supervisor TV 50
August llorck , grading TO 00
U. I' . Knight , grading 2b5 05
J. W. Ravage , Insane commissioner. . 12900
vrm. Cr.burn , sheriff , iniane commls-
noner 28970
Wm. Coburn , boarding Insane Oil M
ttm. Coburn , transportation 27 09
Mrs. A. K. Doollttlo , clothing f or fee-
blomlnded 795
Thos. Hlloy , services as auctioneer. . . 80 00
I * . A. Allrti , torvlcoi ns auctioneer , . Oil 00
K. K. Myers , plans 2,240 00
B. K. iljera i Son , plans for hospital 1,400 U )
Byron HcedCo , blank ilcodg 12 60
World Publishing Co , adrortlilnir. . . . 1.1 80
Hyan tc Walsh , gradlnir at hoBpital. . . 2,00000
World Publishing Co , mWertlslng. . . . 14 65
II. Edwards * Co. , ndvertlllng 480
Tnos. Itlloy , service ! advertising , , . . . TO 00
I < owlnTm > rnaiKrHdltif | UK ) 00
Win. F. Klynn , gradlitK < " 7 00
C.I1. llowos , deputy county surveyor Hi7 Oo
U.K. Avt-ry , KradliiR 6000
John Hnnoyctiltlrif ( weeds 16 W
Sardlus C. llruustor , land sold for
road 42500
II. P. Knight. pradlnr24tlilt 20000
Henry lluliun , grading 6 00
A , J. lllHhop , liaullntr 5 x
I.nwls'J'liomap , grndlnir CO 00
A. 8. Hlbert , Buporvisor , Waterloo
road 8 ! ) Ki
Nnw KraMfir Co. . supplies 085 T5
John Hullsupervisor Til 60
Kli.Johnson , KriulniK 40000
Ell Johnson .Knitting tit Clkhorn 115 Oil
S. Illchnrcls , work on road 13 60
DctlorKal , haullnir and lining 30125
Dctlef Kal. suporvlior 61 M
John Urlebcl , supervisor 25 CO
McKlnnoy& llrown , grading 57300
II. P. Knight , Kradlng 1,17440
H. Helse , supervisor. 6700
Lewis Thomasgrading 150 00
II. Hall , Kradtntr Mandcrson avenue. . 250 00
J. M. Slmcral , npprulsnr 10 20
0. A , Jensen , grading Missouri
nvonuo 84072
OIKer lluney , KrcdliiK McArdlo roud. SIS 44
Samuel B. Wilt , supervisor ( K 50
II. r. Knight , Kradlng Twenty-fourth
street 50000
Blinun U. McCurty , work on road 31 60
H. Hnll.KradlnK Mmidorson avenue. . ] ( KI 80
K. T. fouke , hardware 16860
Ueorpo McDonald , grading and iod-
ding 105 0
IJpijInninir August SO , 16b7.
M. M. Hlnsol , groceries 800
M. M.lllnsel , groceries 10 00
Jacob lleitman , witness 4 no
Frank Oolln , hauling corpse 1 M
Neb. Tribune Co. , advertising 5 25
Child's Hospital , board for Johanna
Ilnssuth (14 ( 00
Dwornk Uros. . groceries 2420
George Kellcy , Janitor city court
building 6500
Dr. W. 1 > . Wlloox , witness fees 4 00
F. J. ntlRioccrles 17 CO
Danlllurloy , talcs juror 1000
Henry Helm , troiiiuror county ollleo
riponscs 38042
Louis Orebc , bailiff 20 00
Frank Lnngpaul , witness 200
Paxton * vlorllnt ? , Iron work H10 Bfl
Woliliaus &McKwnn , plumbing 104 30
C. 11. Havens 3i Co. , coal ) M
E. A. Foluelgtroin | , medicine 445
I ) . II. Houck , bullift 8 oo
Isadoro Schlcsilnger , witness foes. . . 2 no
A ( I inn Snj dor , moat 67 35
Forest Lawn Cemetery association ,
irrnvcRdurlnir July 67 50
Mra. J. 11. Jardino. cure of sick 10 00
Ueorgu McDonald , sodding court
homo grounds 10000
P. J. Quealy , soap 21(10
Hobert McKlttrlcK , oil 7 50
Thomas K llronnan , Juror 4000
Omahii Itopubllcan Printing Co. ,
printing 878 00
w.Kupor , laborer 38 40
Charles SJchruhl , brick laying 8 10
beonro II. Stryker , ballltl K 00
Jacob Kcndlswitness 000
Ixjiils Orebo. ballllT 800
F. W. liaudhauer , bailiff 1400
J. MotitKouiory.iaoat for July gg
' ! . 11. Moore , groocrlci 3 00
Itlchardion Drug Co. , drugs 69 4H
H. Dit/engroceries 21 00
John Uwyor , drugs 4 25
Porter Ilros. , groceries 5 ft- ,
lluok Ilro . , groeerles a oo
Wm. Gentleman , groceries 33 oo
C. T. Bummers , groceries H 00
.las. Forsyth , drugs z 75
C. 11. Wirth , druiil 360
Max Ilocht , drugs 270
Max llocht , drugs 2825
It. Henrlckeon , groceries is 50
Clark Ilros&Co.teu ] -
Clark Ilros. Ac Co. , coffee 25 oo
D. a Houck , bailiff 14 oo
Meyer A : Uaape , groceries r , 05
Wilde * Larson , groceries MOO
Win. Fleming & Co. , groceries 24 oo
Joseph Mcgwatb , shorthand books. . . . 33 50
Kennedy & Gilbert , examining title. . 25 00
W. P. Morse & Co. , shoes j oo
M. Goldsmith.pants j 50
H. K. Hurkott , cofttn and conveyance II 00
Harrot & Hcnffey , colHn . . . 11W
llarret & lleaney , colHn e 00
Johns * Lehman , dry goods 4 45
Unltuo States Wind Unglnu & Pump
Co. , repairs at poor farm 7 oo
Murphy & Lovott , Insurance 2500
F. J. Kasnor , editor Norodln Ustz. . . . 3 00
Michael Lahey , engineer and super'
intotiilonl of building 00 00
John Gorman , Janitor 6080
Albert Ktuirpe , Salary 20 00
Pat McDonough , labor at court housa r > 0 ( X )
J. B. Miller , Jailor for August ut : O'J '
John Norbera , bailiff 6 00
Paxton iCallairlier , groceries K m
Frank K. Moorcs , trimsportiitlon n 5
A. Hoipc , Jr. , picture frames 14 30
Clark Uros. &Co. , mustard , etc 3 60
Wright & Co. , anchors l u >
Nob. Telephone Co. , telephone June
aito 'M 2.150
Nob. Telephone Co. , telephone J uly. , gz 00
Nob. Telephone Co.telephone. March
Ho ill Kl 50
Nob. Telephone Co..telephone August 22 00
Neb. Tulupcono Co. , telephone May
Ito 31 2350
Nebraska Telephone Co. , telephone
April I teX : ) 2360
Hughes & Schmidt , drugs 5505
A. I ) . Morse , boots and shoes 5030
Hlmubajgb & Taylor , lawn mower
nndrato 16 70
Union PnclUo Itallway Co. , trans
portation 15 80
B. & M. Hallway Co. , transportation , Co (15 (
James lloaton , undertakerLincoln. . 760
J.Caulttold , blank books l ( to
W. V. Morse ft Co. , shoes 1000
W. V. Morse Ac 2 'M
John McDonald , witness 400
Wm. Gatewood , witness 2 oo
Anton French , witness 200
Frank llolono , witness 201)
Mrs. A. Tunkhaiiior , witness 200
Mrs. Porkonoy , witness 2 00
Kilns Wullon , Juror 530
P. W. Borkhauscr , Juror 1400
J. O. Corby , Juror s 00
John Trubor , Juror 610
ChurleaP. Swan , talcs Juror 200
John Voit , talcs Juror 2 00
W. K. Day. Juror 200
J. J. Woodland , Juror 200
Edmund Paulson , Juror 200
Win. bllrinir , Juror 200
O F. Dow.Juror 200
K-.l ) . Huctou , Juror 200
Frank Porak , Juror 200
1'etir Mmrkey. juror 200
Thos. Geary , Juror 200
John I. Painter , J. o 200
I ) . L. Holmes , juri 200
Win. Dlxon.luror . < 200
IX YettaJuror 200
P. Katrcnr , Juror 2 00
TrankBlltev , Juror 200
A , P. Krapp , juror 6 30
Wm. Alnsworth.iuror 4 DO
Goo ( illlston. juror 4 00
F. Moulton , Juror 4 W
J. W. bhomakerJuror 4 ( H )
J. 8 , Alexander , Juror 4 VO
Jno A. Marsh , Juror , S 00
Peter Decker , juror. . . . . 610
Fred Wheaton , juror 6 00
Wm. Dobson , juror 600
Dan'l Kepler , juror 6 so
C. Neal. juror 6 fiO
J. H. Noyce , juror 670
P. Bwlck , Juror 200
J.K BtrathorJuror 400
D. W. Van Colt. Juror 2 00
J. S. Skinner , juror 200
Fam'l J. Howell , juror 2 00
J , W. Kimay , juror 6 H )
Ed Koet , juror 200
Ishmael Brink , talcs Juror t 00
U. P. btorrs. tales juror S 00
Jacob 8cnLiter , talcs Juror 2 oo
Wra. A. Gwger , talci juror 200
Jno. H. Dillon , tales Juror. 200
K. W. Ulmcral , county att'y. 400 00
Jas. D. llruner , aupt. publlo Instruc
tion 13333
J , J. Mahoney. service at poor farm , 241 tO
J. A. Suiiderland , nltucis 2 Ot
O , 11. Havens i Co. , coal 09 00
llaobor Aiphalt Co. , aipbaltum 59 60
Myer Uros , bread 45 05
Chaa. Hchruhl. curbing 60 00
Chaa. KOM. salary for Aug 100 00
HutfheaJc Bohmldt. djcugs 128 90
Louis Gi-ahl , balliir n uu
N.J. Mount , commlsaloiier Aug 121 00
lu t5JCtsfS ) ' .nauulssioner Aug 12800
fJeo. K. Tlmmu , comniibsiouw r , 12810
Q. llalrth.ineat , . U 50
Wm. Coburu ( shvrlQ ) , boarding prli-
onerf. ' ; . . ' . . 1,371 71
Chas. Klewo.coflins 167 OC
K. T. Krnhout , physician's services. . 2 K
M. Goldsmitn , clothing 8M
J , Evane.grasiH'id. . . , , „ , 9 00
ValHy Itntfrprlid Co.ndTcrtiinc. : . . . t 10
A. 1 > . Morse , clothing. . . . K 60
A. Polackclothing . . . . 200
lice Publishing Co. , advertising' . . . , 172 60
J. H. F. Lehmandry goods 7 33
Omaha Lumber Company , lime ,
cement , ety. . . . . 47 W
John J. Conlon , stone cutting T 20
Or. a. P. Kcogh , salary August 60 00
Hanson A Co. , groceries 660
Chas. Bnlverlck , furniture 6825
Max Ilecht , drugs B 25
Omaha Carpet Co.carpets 23 40
J. MoVlttle , groceries 1875
Mai Ileotit , drugs 1260
City of Omaha , Inspecting boitori . . . 10 00
JohnF. Coot , Iron work , etc 4 26
Fred KiitlcM , Waterloo , drugs 12 BO
John II , Harto , doocs for boiler room 138 60
Downy * Stone , furniture 70 60
II. A M. IL It , , transportation (0 M
Win. Gentleman , groceries 4660
Chas. J. Frice. drugs 1.160
C. U , Wood worth & Co , whips , eta. . . . I 75
Hamilton Ilros , work In die clerks
office 1 BO
Augllenron & Co , Ice 68 90
Braeina Ilros , groceries IW 20
A. 1) . Morse , shoos 1,1 00
Max Conrnd , drugs 34 25
P. Olstn. groceries 600
Mrs. Sylvia Hicks , attending and
boardlngtlck 18 00
3aml Iteos Print Co , printing bonds. . 148 00
[ loorgo Scatonjury fees 6 00
U. II. Wheeler , pres Dougla * Col Co
aid to agricultural society on ace of
fair 1.37010
t.ouls Orebe , bailiff 12 00
Omaha fair ass'n dep. sheriffs 171 00
James P. Kwlng , bailiff 400
Andrew Murphy , blacksmlthlng 48 15
Henry Polln , tieas. vouchers cashed 130 80
'hnt. J. Uyan , extra com. as assessor 16 00
Jhas. Bchruhle , curbing 63 44
F , U. Munn , service as ass't to Co.
ntt'y 40 00
[ fred Gibbon , juror services 6 00
Porter Uros , groceries 000
' ) woark Ilros. , groceries 18 40
O , H. Gardner , flag for court house , . 25 00
Oscar Martin has accepted a position
at Mankato , Minn.and Charles Long has
uken his position us baggageman on the
Jnion 1'auilio.
Real estate was moving rapidly to
day every body's feet were full of ft.
Strangers in South Omaha often take
.he bill clerk's room in the freight depot
'or the post oflico and call for letters ,
while others drop letters in the mail box.
Alderman UatTcrty has purchased tweets
ots on the corner of Twenty-fourth and
S streets , and will erect business houses
The school board has advertised for
Ms for furnishing fuel for the school
louses. The bids will bo received until
The opening ball at the new Reed
lotol will bo given by the order of Odd
Fellows as soon as the building is com
A Mr. Merrill is erecting tx dwelling on
Twenty-seventh street.
Alderman F. M. Smith is spoken of ns
a prospective candidate on the republican
.icket for county commissioner. His
riemls arc confident that if he will allow
lis name to be used ho will receive the
nomination and that his election will be
The condition of the streets hero dtir-
ng or shortly after a rain aru almost im
> assablo by either teams or pedestrians.
This has been the case mnco South
Omaha became a town , and business is
very much impeded. It is almost time
sidewalks wore built. The city ollicers
say that as soon as the grading on N
street is completed the sidewalks will bo
put down , though that may not bo until
winter sets in.
The council hold an adjourned meet
ing Monday night in the council chamber
Mayor Savage presided , and the * mem-
uers present wore Messrs. llurke , Uary ,
Smith , Railerty , Loescher and Strath-
man.On motion of Mr. Smith the clerk was
censured for the unreliable manner of
keeping the record of the meetings and
they were returned to the clerk for cor
A few ordinances wore disposed or.nnd
James Flamming presented a petition to
sell liquor ; the petition was incorrect
and was returned for correction.
DThe three warrants which were pre
sented at the last meeting were given tea
a committee consisting of Railerty , Gary
and Smith to report at'the next meeting.
Bills were presented by the following
persons :
Michael Donehue 514 50
O. M. Hunt 2 40
C.I ) , Wood 300
K. K. Wells 2400
James Nowln 11 50
11. Tlieinhardt 0200
These were referred to the linnnco
The finance committao made a return
on the report of the city treasurer to the
oiled that it was correct. The report
was accepted.
The mayor appointed a committee to
investigate a license permit issued to
John Bliovernicht.of the Third wardwho
did not pay back license.
The report of the city marshall was
accepted and placed on tile. Police
Judge Heather submitted his report
which was accepted.
The committee on streets and alleys
was instructed to repair U street from
Twenty-seventh to Thirty-street.
oTho committee on the grading of N
street reported tbat the bid of Peter Hansen -
sen hud been accepted and ho was under
bond. The report was adopted.
J. P. Hayes offered a petition asking to
bo appointed city scavenger. The peti
tion was referred to the committee on
A number of bills aggregating tvbout
$207 were presented and referred to the
linnnco committee. The bill of D. U.
Miles of 5,750 for filling in the streets
was ordered paid.
The city marshal was authorized to
notify the Stockyards company to re
pair the bridge on Q street.
The committee on public buildings
wore instructed to find a more suitable
place for the reception of prisoners.
Adjourned until next Monday evening.
Route ofForepnugirN 1'arade.
Leave show grounds 31th and Paul ,
south to Cumings , east to 10th street ,
south on 16th to Dodge , cast on Dodge to
12th street , south on 13th to Dougla *
street , east on Douglas to SHh street ,
south on Oth to Farnam street , west on
Farnam to 15th street , north to 15th
street to Douglas , west Douglas to 10th ,
north on 10th to Cnminc , west on Cum-
ing to 23d to show grounds.
Political Affairs.
A meeting of the Fifth Ward Demo
cratic club was hold in Justice Kroeger's
oflico. Speeches wcro made by a
number of people. Judge Shea was
not satisfied with Governor Thayer's al
leged mingling with Omaha affairs ; Dr.
Beckett wanted prohibition opposed ; Mr.
Modlock wanted all young men to cast
their lot with the democracy ; Judge
Kroeger entertained the same views j Mr.
Ostholl'also gave prohibition a slap.
The chair then appointed Messrs. Flem
ing , Shea , Gallon , Beckett , O'Connor ,
Kroeger and Flynn to act as candidates
to be voted for at the primary election as
delegates to the county convention which
is to oo held on next Wednesday week.
Mr. Modlock was appointed inspector of
the primaries.
The following committee on registra
tion of voters were appointed : First dis
trict , O'Connor , Krooger and Coulan :
Second district , Shea , Osthoff and
The next meeting of the club will beheld
held on Friday evening at 8 o'clock.
A very enthusiastic mooting of the
Fourth Ward Republican club was hold
in Uormanla ball last night. About
thirty new members were added to the
list. The president of the club. J. R.
WQpster , delivered few remarks and
was followed , by several others. It was
decided to appoint a committee of live to
act in unison with similar committees
from the other Van ! cluba to try and st )
euro Uio republican national convention
at Omaha. The treasurer and secretary
wcro instructed present at the pri
maries and Inrito all ttio republican
voters of the ward'to join the club. The
necessity of registration of all voters was
discussed and Imrrrressed on all present
The club endorsed the candidacy of
Frank Moores forihe olllcc of clerk of
the district court and gave him the priv
ilege of appointing the delegates from
that ward to the county convention.
Moro addresses were delivered and thn
meeting then adjourned until 7:30 : next
Thursday night.
The Second nndlSixth ward democrats
also held meetings but little business of
importance was tcansactcd.
The republicans of the First ward will
meet In McU * hall this evening.
Bnlirmlrm Bencvntcnco.
Mrs. Frank Bnndhiiucr and Mrs.
CharlesKnufl'man wcnltoSchuylcryester
day morning to attend the installation of
the ollicers of the Ladies' Bohemian Be
nevolent society of that place. The first
named lady lias been delegated by lodge
No. 20 of this city to initiate the ollicers.
The installation will take place this even
ing and thu preparations indicate that
it will bo u big affair.
Coming to OmaTin.
Messrs' Mcagher & Sproat , general
agents for Diebold Safe and Lock Go.will
on Oct. 1st open their store in 1415 Far
nam st , and will bo fully prepared to fur
nish safe and bunk work of all kinds.
Indignant Cltlzcna.
Monday night's ruin placed both ap-
approaches to the Eleventh street viaduct
in a horrible condition. There were
muddy lakes at both ends of the viaduct ,
and no pedestrian had any business to
attempt to cross. The fact is the via
duct is not completed , and n number of
citizens gathered around thu Jackson
street end yesterday and loudly expressed
their indignation.
Dr. S. R. Patten , dentist , room 318.
Ramgc building , Omaha. Telephone 5G ,
The Hoard's Concert.
Thn board of trade has had engraved
largo cards of invitation to the promenade
concert which is to bo given in the new
chamber of commerce building , Monday
evening , October 3 , at 8 o'clock. The
cards tire bountifully engraved , and will
bo sent to representatives of outside
boards as well us to local people.
Arc Yon Going East ?
The Limited Express of the Michigan
Central , "Tho Niagara Falls Route , "
which leaves Chicago at 3:10 : p. in. every
day , is in many respects the favorite
train East , on account of its splendid
equipment , admirable service and fast
time , for which no extra charge is made.
It carries superb Wagner Palace Sleep
ing Cars , running through without
change to Toronto via the Canadian
Paciuc. to New York via thu New York
Central & HudsoniRiver , and to Boston
via the Boston & Albany railroads. Ni
agara Falls is passed early In the morn
ing and the train halts several minutes
at Falls View , where the scene is un
"Marriage and Its Consequences. "
The G. K. of A. have secured the scry-
ices of Rev. M. P. Dowling , S. J. , vice-
president of Greighton college , to deliver
a. lecture for their benefit on the 30th
of next month. The subject will be ,
"Marriage and its Consequences. "
Contractors Notice.
The time for receiving bids upon the
Industrial College building of the Uni
versity of Nebraska , is hereby extended
until 12 o'clock , noon , on Monday , Octo
ber 2 , 1887.
By order of the committee in charge ,
J. S. DALES , Secretary.
Lincoln , Sept. 26 , 1887.
Omaha's Orator.
Judge Julius Cooley , candidate for the
supreme court bench , has accepted an
invitation to deliver nn address nt Kear
ney before the district fair next Friday.
The people of Buffalo county arc to be
congratulated upon securing the services
of this eminent orator.
That Arch.
The Knights ol Pythias have secured
thn triumphal arch on Sixteenth and
Farnam street , and will decorate it for
the meeting of the grand lodge.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varlns. A marvel of pur
t7itreuffth and wholesoraonois. Mare econ
omical than the ordinary kinds , and cannot bo
sold In competition with the multitude of low
coil short weight alum or jihoephnte powders.
Bold only In cans. UOVAL BAKING POWDER C .
Ill Wall-it. . N. Y.
1518 DWQE ST 10 * * > > TO 4 P. M.
The time lor neavy underclothing is at hand and we are prepared to
supply the whole city with these garments. We are large buyers which
means low prices , we buy these goods direct from mills and cominis *
sion houses pay no jobbers profits and we guarantee to save you '
from 25 to 50 per cent , and on the finer grades even more. Our assort
ment comprises over 50'different qualities , among : the leading styles
of which we recommend an excellent all wool scarlet shirt and drawers -
ers at 50c , and a splendid camel's hair regular made at 55c apiece. Either - ]
ther one is sold by other houses for double the money , we also carry"
a large line of California flannel underwear , and particularly mention , i
one we sell at one dollar as being a better shirt than you buy else
where for $1.50.
Our line of cassimero shirts , winter hosiery , gloves and other furnishings is equally larga'
and prices throughout very low.
Our hat department is a great success. We venture to say that we are selling more liattf
than any exclusive hat house. And why shouldn't we ? . It will not surprise you whom
you compare our prices with those of others. An elegant fur derby of the latest block&J
for $1. Just oiiG'lmlf what others charge for same quality.
* I
For rainy days we call attention to our large stock of rubber clothing and umbrellas , all
of which we sell at less than wholesale prices.
All goods marked in t > lain figures and at strictly one price at
Nebraska Clothing Company
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha.
Cor. 13th St. and fapttol Ave. , OMAHA , NEB.
Book on Diseases of Women FlttE.
lt < > iiMimrrMfiil1rtrrif"l. Prplitlltlc Poloon rrmovnl
from ! hf y lf ni without mmury. New llrtvrulhe Jiriinciit for
IxiMufMt * ! 1'owfr. l > r * > n unable to vtiltu * niy lie trcalrJ l
tiainr , b ) Corrt"imltii | < Y , AH roinmunlctliontConfidrntltl. Utdi *
clnetor liutrmnwill Mill l > y mallm iirci | , rurehr ( ncked , n < i
tnrki1oliKllrit contrntavf f n Vr. line | * rfcuiml fnt rTlf | > r -
frirj Cull iiJoon'.iiltuorfccnl itMuCy CfjdUf curt , wiA stsrr , " ,
iidT nill lend lu J'Uln i iipcr , our
tpm TMv te , PTU1 | nnl Nervous Tm t , Srinlit * ] Mftknfi *
fpcniiitnutiuA. IiiiK | > trn < y , Syphllii , * .onjtiiaa , Glitt , niiU ' * 1-
cocci j , limn ni for | mtkuU , At I lie i ,
Pv.Hcaenamy , Cor. 13th st. & Capitol AvjiMa. Neb.
Medical Books or 1'apcrs Free.
Th proprietor or lh Omulm Meilloal anil SurzN
CR | Initltuta li s pabll.hed a valuable su. uf boon
uml lupera upon ulironlc uiiil nurcicHl < ll ease < and
deformities , and tno molhoda of euro whlcli Itavtf
Klven him IMO reputation of bulne tba must skillful
mid HUCceMful ipet.lallat lit ilia west * Hint rumle tuo
Institute so celcnr te-l that m''illcmoi aruacntto
and pntlunti rcceltod from every atata In the union.
AnionK the books Is one upnn the illBO.i-.iM of
women ; nno upon nervous , npeclttl mid prlvnto tllH-
cusCKOf tliu'cxual and urinary organs ; v rlcoc lo
cured by surjiciil operations , unit their lutclrlnvent-
eitclimp rorapruas sujp-nsorr for the relief and
cnreof TUrloocele , ni-rvous eihnnstloii anil sexual
rninrrn nuu imminiiun , vie. uniine most nooki
iFsued liy doctors Ireo , they do not I'onslstot tOitl-
raonlaN with fictitious nurai'nuiiil Initials , nr rubbish
ot that kind , Imtnru pi ilu descriptions of diseases ,
symptoms , new d ! covcrlo > In medicine , surtcrr
and electricity. nd nrovr.'ll worth the perusal , and
can he nlitiilncillrnabi Hdilronilju the Omaha Medi
cal and Surgical InMltute , IJtli street anil Capitol
avenue , Umunu. Neurnska ,
) > irI'HI : A 8BMIXAUV
KOKVOUNU I.AUIK3.I3.U North nroaiHt
I'hiladolptila. 17th year boidnn Sept. 21st , 1847.
Address Miss U. K. JUDKINS , Principal ,
who refers by epcclnl permission to
Mr. and Mrs , John N. Jowott , I
Mr. and .Mrs. 1'hlllp I ) . Armour , > Chicago.
Mr. ana Mrs. HorucoF. Wiuto , )
And HOOT 12 SCHOOL , for 4 > illtlS.
KANSAS CITY MO. Kill ) corps of nroompllxh
Teachers. 1'uplla received ut any time. ForclrculH
apply to , Miss K. McCOMAB , frlnclpal.
Howard Collegiate Institute ,
For YoungLailios reopens Sept Sit. Collojro
Preparatory , Classical and SclciUlllc flrmluat-
intr couices. For circulars address KMMA O.
CON HO , 1'rlncipal , or II. II. HOWAItl ) , Secre
tary. West llrldifewator. Mass.
Pianos & Organs
Bctalled at Wholesale Irlecn.
Write for catalogues , prices and terms and
iiivu from | 5'J to 15ij In thu purchase of uu in
r IIKOS , , M. Joseph , m
Real Estate Dealers
UO South Spring Street ,
Dealers In city and country property of uil
descriptions. General iulormutlun to new
comers freely irlveu.
_ Jmr inT WIAIMHBtlr-
Iinuo9f.ulld. foothill current , of
_ _ _ _ _ _ . hi lktodVlcoiouietr.Elth.ilictlit * > „ frlllnit ntlTer furf lt | .t0 laeiih.
OiMt.rt Impra miiti icr > fl olker b lli. wont c. i p < r
MM.tlj curtj la thr.4 uo&tbi , st.lid | > .inphl.t4 . ctim
TIM tiadia ElKtrlo Co. li UIHU tt ChUa %
Latest Styles ,
i Finest Goods.
Lowest Prices ,
The Illustrations above are made from photographs ) . The adjustable parts do not chant ; * tb *
appearance when uaed us a Btreot carriage ; they can bo used or uot at the pleasure of th * pur *
chaser. The HOLMAN CARRIAGES are warranted for two years. Every part la absolutely per
feet. Over 1OOO sold In Chicago since March 1st. Bent to all part * of the United Btatea and aaf *
delivery guaranteed. Bend for a > catalogue containing latest atylei , cheapest to finest.
HOLMAN ADJUSTABLE CARRIAGE CO. , 275 Wabash Ave. , Chicago , lilt ,
" >
Cincinnati , O. For Bale by the following agents : Richardson Drug Company ; Blake , '
Bruce & Co. , Adler &IIeller , Frank Dcllone & Co. , R. R. Grotte. BorkolV & Mack
Families supplied by Gladstone Bros. & Co. Sample bottle free. For sale by al ,
wholesale and retail druggists , liquor dealers tind wine merchant * .
Diamond Merchant ,
A prominent Now York manufacturing com
pany , with an established and highly remuner
ative builnnsg ( practically a monopoly ) , lui truly
putronUod by merchants , bankers , corpora
tions and the ( reneral public. iloslroH an active
and rcaponslblo roprogcontatlTo In every state
or city. 10) ) percent upon llmlti'd Investment
Black Walnuts , hnlli on , f. o. b . . ( Vto per bu
llluck Walnut , hulls elf , " . . 11.81 per bu
Ilex Klilor Seed , lUo per Ib
Ash Seed , Kto per Ib
Honey ix > cust Bccil , 2.'x ; per Ib
llusslun Mulbetry becd , aM ) peril )
1.00 peril )
C'itulti8eis [ ) < l ,
Aso ill K uls of Fr-Jlt and Fo cat Tree * for
salt VddreVs , hHKNANilO.UI NllltSKKV ,
L S LAK15 , 1'roprlelor , bUKNANDOAII , IA.
MANHOODj TEuuurn IH / . ervun
HfUlltT.Unt hood.tlc.h vlnnirli < Jlu * L.
vtrr known reir.MT. h dl . - < .vfrod a fliuplo
tlf-cnra , wlrtch be will vnd fjllff I l > f Uo riuftinut
. . . . i , KAJWH. rm .t f& > " N * cit *
37 Cliatuhor of Commerce.
Beit Wo
Ouirmntted. 100p B Iiitt' |
t 7 §