Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1887, Page 7, Image 11
llrJW sr * r OMAHA DAILY BEE * . WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 28. 1887. SPECIAL NOTIOES. _ Advertltrmrnls under this hcnd.10 cents po ino for the first Insertion , 7 cents for ench sun enuent Insertion , and $1.60 n line per morlth Iio advertisement tnkcn for less than 26 cents Tor the Orst Insertion. Seven words wll Joe counted to the lin j ; thpy must run consecu tively and must bo paid In advance. All adver tisements must bo handed In bcforo 1 : ao o'cloon p. rn. , nd under no circumstances will they bo latcnor discontinued by telephone. Pnrtins advertising In these column ndhav- Iniri tbo answers addressed In care of TIIK Bin l.l plenio nsk f or n chock to pnnble thorn to got plr lettersns nonn will lie < 1 tivcred oxcoot * n orientation ofo beck. All answers to adver tisements should bo enclosed In envelopes. All ndvcrtlsoinents In tlioeo columns are pub lished In both morning nnd evening editions of 3 MRrv , the circulation of which nggro- fratdi'inoretlinn 14.1)00 ) pnpots dnlly , and gives the advcrtljcrn t ho benefit , not only of the city dronmtlnn of TIIK Br.e , but also of Council Bluffs , Lincoln nnd other cities and towns throughout this part of the west Tprrnn-iCapri In nrlvunnn. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. MIDLAND Guarantee find Trust Co , , 150S Fsrnam rtrent Complete abstract * fur nished , and titles to teal estate eiamlned , per fected and guarantee ! 419 OHAMOES. foK 8ALIC-Aa room furnlshoTfliaTln the centre of olty. doing blir business at a bar- \ Italn. For particulars apply 314Ji 8. 15th at. jloonrC. 0 8 ST kr"lTirANTRD An InTorcst In a good real cstato ' TV business In Omnha. Must bo a good loca- .ton with live , wldo awake parties , llnvo plenty of rigs to run the business ; also n num- /borofgooti farms llstel with mo thnt will bo ' placed wllli the Urm. Address J. n. Sllvls , Blkhorn , Neb. Ol9oJ WANTED-An article of merit or samplns of a staple line of goods to sell on com * . mission to tbo trudo of Omaha and vicinity. llave ability , experience and reference. AU- Qrostat once , O 15 , Bee office. 082 28J FOB SATVR A saloon centrally located , nnd dolngairood business. Price f 1.000. Hood Reason for selling. Address O , 8 , Hue otHco. 915 28J WANTED-A stock of clothing , boots nnd shoes In oxchungo for good Inside lots In Omaha. Address G 7 Boo office. 937 "ITOR 8ALK A complete steam laundry havIng - - ' Ing twenty horse power engine. J. 8. Bennett , ( founders add Clark sts. 6 6 TIHHI SALR A wholesale business , with A A ! 'paying trade nstnbllsliod , Cnpltnl required about 14,1100. Will tuko part Omaha real eslnto. Address R 6(1 ( , Dee ofllco. 7tO TJWlt BALK The best paving small hotel In .r the city : 12,000 cash will get It. 0 B Leo , 1207 Farnam st , 790 FOR , SALE Corner saloon , receipts fW per flay. f4fiUQ : 13,000 cash , near depot. OB Lee , 1307 Farnam it. 7M 1/IOR SALE-lly W II Gruon. 215 B iith : ft , ono JL' of the flnost corner grocorlos on N 18th st , good fioah Mock nnd cheap lease ; also two mall stocks , small livery stock and good barn , good location and cheap ground lease. 832 TjlOR SALE Ono of the best located meat J ? markets in the city : good business. For turthor Information address E27. Boo office. C03S7J BOSINPS8CHANCE On account pC sickness not being able to tend to the business the restaurant and lunch counter , will rent the same to some good and responsible parties. Apply to John A. King , 1303 Douglas st. oul WANTKD Partner In well established , good paying offic * business , $1,500 capital re quired. Dfll , Boo olBco , 328 TjflOU BALE Or exchange , grain elevator , J- Western Iowa , for land In Odntrnl Neb..or merchandise , address box 296 , Central City , Nob. 652octl9J FOR SALE-Meat tnnrket. I offer my market at a reasonably low figure. My reasons for selling are : I am not nblo to see to the business mvself on account of my health and wish to leave for California soon ns possible. One of the finest locations In the city. No competition and low rent and fine trade. Blocks , tools , wngon nnd team , and everything ' In running order. For further particulars call at once at corner 25th and Davenport streets , meat market J. A. McCltiro. 827 CLAIRVOYANT. MMK.-iJKVON8HlKK.the gre at clairvoyant , has just arrived and located at 122i ( , cor. Ittn and Capitol nvp Eho reveals ttae past , present and future , onuses speedy marrlngea , gives advice In business , etc. She never falls to give satisfaction. Hours fromO. in. to 8 p. in. 456 oct 1 ] riENNA fortune teller , 6188 14th st 831 oot 6 ] MRB. HATKIELTl , Trance business medium. The past present and future revealed , sick boated , lost found , homes made nappy , sittings dally at 421 B. nth St. 457 o 16 ] TlR. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant Modi JJ o l , business and test medium. Office 119 ) < orth 18th street , rooms 2 & 3 , Telephone 944. 656 MRS , DDRANT Clarivoytnt from Boston Is reliable in all affnlra of life , unites separated rated lovers. H22 n 10th stroom 1. B4 oct4 ] WANTED KALE HELP. WANTED 31 splkers and track men , 1 . teamsters $3 and $3,25. Mutual Agency , 1007 Farnam. 963 28 * WANTED 100 men for the south , 50 for Iowa and Missouri. D. 0. O'Koofo , 309 B. llth st 043 27 ] WANTED An actlvn man who desires to engage In a immanent and profitable business. About $50 required. Address E 71 , Bee. 895 WANTED At once , two ooat makers , con stant employment ; good wages. John Morrison. Lincoln , Neb. 88128 * 117 ANTED-Five traveling salesmen. Salary TV s > nd expenses. No experience neces sary. Address with stamp , Palmer ft Co. , Lacrosse , Wls. I80-X9 * lITANTED-Agenta In Nebraska for Gen. TT John A. Logan'i last work "Volunteer Boldler , " Just published. Address J. M. French kCo.OuahaNeb. 23) W 'ANTED Men for railroad work. Al bright's labor agency , 1120 Farnam. 804 TIT ANTED A clerk to make out deeds at the T T grout $10.00 sale at 1415 Farnam street. Apply Monday. 662 \i ; ANTED Men and women for an easy , > money-making business which pays four times better than nny other. Worthy persons witKllmlted means will l > e offered exlraordt- Q MyiBduoemoBts. Wrltoforfreesamploa and ipcclal terms. Address Merrill Manufacturing Co. . R 63 , Cdloago , 842 828 * lATANl'KD-SboTelors for olty work at $1.7 TV and $2 per day. 1007 Farnam. U63 28J WANTKU New clan of 8) pupils , diligent workers , for special short term , fill Bourse , day nnd ovonlng sessions , at Blake's Shorthand Institute , see circulars. Omaha Business College , 10th and Capitol avo. 502oot2. "WANTED Young man to sell custom shirt In this city , ouo experienced preferred. DOS N ieth Bt. rat WANTED At once , two good coatmakerg r good pantsmnkor. and vest muker. No others need apply. Address M. Uerdolt .V Sou toward. Nob. C9J 23 WANTED-llrlcklavors. Apply to J. R Illley , Armour's packing-house , South Omaha. , 63127 w ANTBD-Mllker at Saratoga dairy. 4115 Baundars. 6.CI W ANTED 4 experienced coal miners , none other need apply. Inquire 1417 Farnam \\7ANTHn-The general public to know that we eau supply jou with male or female help that will give satisfaction ; no delay am no disappointment. Western Employ men Bureau. 1613 Farnam. 641 WANTED-Flrst-class energetic solicitors to represent Philadelphia house ; largo * commissions. Address Bambergcr , care of N W. Ayer It Bon , Philadelphia , I'M. WANTED A young man as porter. B. Leh man. HUH Farnam st. 904 W 1ANTKD-50 men for Wyoming. Albnght' Labor agency , 1190 turnam , 613 -\\7ANTKU-Young men or ladles to ac TT as canvassers. Anew article , big Induce Bents. No books or oap to peddleCunsdlan Kmplorraent olHco. Mrs. Brogs ) A Son , 318 S. lith. telephone 884. 976 29J _ WANTED Men for all kinds of work nt the Western Employment Agency , nilFar - aamst. 970 2 _ WANTBD Three hundro.1 track layers to woik on extension of Illinois Centra railroad north from Cherokee , Iowa , trnnspor tatioiituinUhea from tmux City by applying to agent at Sioux City. F. A. Hill. WB _ _ WANTED Young man or lioy to loan trado. 923 N. IBthst. Wl 27 'v2A ' TIT ANTEU-Good bakorlis _ second hand. _ 1900 | TS VY Oumlng st. 9tf4 J VYW W ANTED-Two ( rood , reliable men to soil ( bods. References required. Call 431 B , WANTED A few UTO men to soil an article never Introduced In this city bo- oro. Fells at sight.PP'7 ' room * , Win rnr- nam , 1 HlBhtup. KM 28J w ANTED 3 farm Isborors , f30 per mo , 1 years work. Mutual Atftncj'.lOO ; Knrnnm P 3 28J WANTED Archltpcttirnl drnuirht'timn , me- chnnlCHl designer , dry eoods nnd cloihmir nlesinen , Ronurnl aircnt , teams tor city , f.t ay , laborers and shovclors Il.T.'i day , boys as iclpers $5 wnck , book ntronts , nnlary $ J nnd 40 > er cent tlnv. nnd nil omsosof help. Hend- quartcrs , liJFarnam < strctt , HooinU V-i 27 * \\'ANTKD-4 Herman boyg to carry papers , > 607-603 8. 12th , upstairs. end WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTKn Practieafwoinan tor cooking and general work In family of two , wages , 15 per n eck. Apply at tOO'j Callfornln st.91fl 91fl \VANTED-Glrl for general housework at WS > 1U''Bt- ' 9ai w ANTED Good girl for housework In fam ily of two , 819 S. 10th st. 9Jfl 27j WANTED-Second cook , at Windsor Hotel. sjon WANTED Girl for general housework , German preferred , 1900Farnam st. BBS W ANTED-Qlrl for general housework. Mrs. Tbos. F. Hall , 1645 Shermnn nvo , 695 WANTED 1 girl for country , II dining room girls for Lincoln , 1 cook for Houth Omahn , girls for general housework , dlshwnMiori , etc. Uato City Employment oQIce , 3144 8 15th st. COti 27 \\rANTED-Practlcal glove nttcr , dining " ' room girls for Lincoln , SIH month ; din- ng room girls for city , f25 ; .5 girls tor general liousowork. Hoadqunrters , 1WTJ Farnnm Bt , Itoom 0. 927 27J , 1013 Capitol nvo. 920 1 ] WANTED Immediately two peed girls ns cook and nurse ut 710 N 22nd it. 939 28 ] W "ANTED " Ooodglrl for family of two. A , Hospe.315N.17tb St. 843 VITANTED-Good girl. 2314 St. Mary's ave. W ANTED Girl for housework. Inquire west corner 10th and Williams sts , 3H ( W ANTED Young girl , to assist In house work. 318 N. 19lh st U7f > ' . ' WAN I ED Cook nnd Rocond girl for Wyo. , $25 and $17. Dining-room girl for Como , Colorado. Laundress for western Neb. , 118. 6 dining-room girls for Lincoln , f 18. Cook and second girl for Afihlnnd , nil fares paid. Man and wife for private family In city , $10. Dish washer and dining-room girl for lied Oak , Iowa. For city , 4 dining-room girls , I ! nurse girls , 25 girls for housework , $3 to 16 per week. 4 lady canvassers for cltv. Canadian Emp. Offlco. , Mrs Brega3c Son. 310 B. I5tb. Tel.884. 978 27 * WANTED-Fflmaleliolp of all kinds at the Western Employment Agency. 1812 Far nam st U7029 w ANTED-A girl tor general housework , small family 192J California , cor 20th st 061 W ANTED Good nurse girl. Mrs. W. M. Bushman , 014 S. Kth st. 517 W ANTED A girl to do errands. Mrs. Rice , Room 14 Bushman's block. 633 WANTED Cook nnd laundress Dr. Coff in an cor Bt Mary's ave and 27th st 558 WANTED Girls and all others who nro look Inp fora place to know that wo do not charge ofllce too unless place Is secured. Do not bo deceived by conceins who take your money without giving vou n place. Gate City Employment ofllco. 1114 S 15th st. C3tl W ANTED-airlS002 California st , 768 IVANTED Girl for general housework at T > No. 1918 Capitol avenue. 806 LOST. STRAYED Or stolen , a bay horse and n small sorrel mare. Fmdor will return to L. P. Pruyn.2213 Izard st 88-J 28 LOST September 7th , a small grey Mexican dog pun , about 0 monthsold , nnd very fat ; $10 reward for return to 2101 Cuminy st _ _ U07 2SJ JOST Bay horse. Return to K05 Douglas. 8 U 26J MISOELLANEOTJS WANTS. WANTED A good rnt terrier nnd n largo Maltese cat Apply at noon 1123 Hnrnoy St W58 30J WANTED A nice room for one gentleman , gas , bath , hot and cold water , furnace heat , 1709 Dodge st. 909 3 WANTED A gentleman roomer ( partial board It deslredf In an English family 1021 South 19th st 055 29 ; WANTED 0 table boarders , firstclas * board , roasaniiblo rates. . Reference required. Mrs. Fanny Trumblo , 013 So. 16th. 958 \VANTBD-To nuy a whole or half Interest ' ' Inn country bank in eastern Nebraska , Address U 6 , Bue office. W7 WANTED Someone to take a bright bnby girl 6f one month old ( brunette ) . Box 754 , City. 940 27J WANTED By October 10 , a small cottage for a family of two. Address E 68. Bee office. 88587 * WATTED Immediately , n 6 room house , rent not to nxcood $25 per month. Address dross "K. 8 , " Boo offluo. B81 87 * \\7ANTEn-Board for ladr and daughter , TV with two nicely furnished pleasant rooms , between Clark nnd Ohio sts , references exchanged. Address D OB , Bee office , with terms. 84127 ] "IT17ANTED To buy the furniture of small TT or large house , centrally located. Co operative Land and Lot Co. , 05 N 16th st. . 693 W ANTRD-Three table boarders at 2118 Hurt si. . 697 MONEY TO LOAN. M ONEY to loan on city property. Ruygood notes. Heavers & > Vbitcomb,169 % Farnam. 1T1 $ SUO,000 to loan , special rates on farm prop erty , Bobotker 4 Perrlgo , 1521 Farnarn st , 261 , to loan m nny amount at lowest rate $500,000 . II. II. Irey , Frenzer block. 407 MONEY to loan to parties wishing to bulM 8. S. Campbell , 010 B 10th St. , Chamber of Commerce. 409 ONEY In sums of f 500 and over to loan at M low rates , Russell & Barren , 312 S 10th st 704 MONEY to Loan On Improved city property at lowest rates of Interest. No coromls ion charged. Sholes & Crumb , room 1 , Barker blook , cor 15th and Fnrnam sts. 645 MONEV to loan on real estate. No delay. First mortgages bought. Bates , Smith & Co. , 1U Itanuro building , cor. 15th and Harney. 002 oct7 MONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , etc. , low rates. J. J.Wilkinson 4. Co , . 1324 Farnam , o\et Burlington ticket office. 418 * 1,000,000 to loan , H. E. Cole , 316 S 15th. First 9k mortgage notes nought 376 ONEY to loan on city property. Will buy good note : ) . Heaver A wbltcomb , IGWji Farnam. 772 MONEY-To loan. Lowest rates. No delay. J. L. Rico It Co. , over Commercial N - tlonal bank 410 TO LOAN Money Loans placed on Im proved real entato in olty or county for New England Loan a Trust Co. , by Douglas County bank , luth and Chicago sis. 414 fVfONEY LOANED at O. f. Koed * Ca'a Loan JU. OBoe , on furniturepianos , horseswsfons. personal property of all kinds , and all other r- tlclee of value , without removal. U > 8. 13th , over Blngham a Commission store. AH buai- ceas strictly confidential. 415 MONEY to loan on Improved renl estate ; no commission charged. Leavitt llurn- hnm , room I. Crelghton block , 41J GPKR CiNT : Money. It. U. Piittcrsoo , 15th and Harney. 401 $800,000 To loan on Omaha city property at 6 per cent U. W. Day , s. o. cor. Ex. Did. MON'BVto Loan Ily the undersUnod , wno has the only properly orvanued loai agency In Omaha. Loans or $10 to * 1'JO ' made on furniture , pianos , orirans , horao * , wagons machinery , etc. , without removal. .Sodoliim All business strictly conildrntial. Loans so inadu that any pnrt can bo paid at any time each payment reducing thn cost pro rain. Ad vanoos made on line wutohoi ami diamonds. Puritans snould carofuljr cor.ildsrwho they are dealing with , at many new concerns are dally i-omlnif Into iixlitunoo. WhoulJ you nned inonej cxli and see me. W. It Croft , room i. Withnol buUdinv , IStU and llama/ . UT rpnE OMAHA rinnncltl r.Tcningo , IN. . W. of - - corner Harney and 15th streets , ever State National kank. Is prepared to mane short time loans on any available security. Loans mftdo on chattels , collateral or rent estate. Long time loans made on ImotovoJ real os- ate at current rates. Purchase money mortgages noucitmtcd. Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged. Short tlmo loans nindo on second mortgage , according to marginal Interest , nt collateral rates. Real c'tato to oxchitngo for good Interest icnrlng paper. Oenernl financial business of nil kinds trans acted promptly , ( ( iilotly nnd fnlrly. Money nlways on hand for approved loans of any ktnd.wlthout delay or unnecessary pub- iclty. Corbett. Mnnnger. 418 MONIIVtoloan. cash on hnnd , no dr-lny. J. W. nnd I ! L. Squlro , 1413 Fnrnnin st , Fnxton hotel building. 411 MONEY to Lonn-O. V. Davis Co. , real cs tate nnd loan iigonts , 1505 Farnam st. 406 $7M.nx ) ) TO LOAN nt 6 per cent Llnnh.m ft Mnhonoy , 1509 Fnrnam. 4 < XI MISOELLANEOT7R. -HOMPCTENT Lndy and gentlemen tenchers \J at Blake's Shorthand Institute , Omnha Business College , 16th nnd Capitol avo. &OJoct2j C ASH paid for second hand books at tbo Antiquarian , 308 N 18th st. 723 o iilj A NOLO Amerlcnn Mortiri ( ro"nnd Inrestment 2Co. . , office 242J Farnamst. John Uulloy , manager. 688 oct 21J > OAKDINQ - Good board and room nt 501 Bo > letnst 62127J F1I1BT class help furnished on short notice the city ami all parts of tbo west whore Tare Is paid. Western Employment Agency , 1012 Farnam st f/H GOOD Pay for extra work. Qualify yourself for high snlarv by taking evening course at nuke's Shorthand Institute , Omaha lluslnoss College , 16th nnd Cnpttol are , 602oct2J TpOKHKNT Organs. $3 pr month , rionpe. E 1U3 Doutrlos. 43i TO EXCHANOK-For cnttlo , 1 hnvo (100 ( and forty acres of good western land to trade for cattle , nnd n good house nnd lot near the capital will exchanire for cattle. Address B. o. llryan. Ashland , Nob. 4tfl rriO exchange for other property contrnct for X 040 acres U It land In Cheyenne Co. , Nob. , two miles from railroad , nl o two U sec In Lin coln Co. . nonr rail rond. McCullooh & Co. , oor 15th and Fnrnam eti. 920 OL C. House furnishing goods , all kinds ; cash or installment ; lowest prices at J , Bonner , lillS Honglas st 428 B1OU BENT Square jflano , ( t montnir. A Home. J613 Douitlas. 425 NEW Profession for Indies , send tor circu lars. Illnko's Shorthand Institute , Omaha Business College , llllh and Capitol nve. Dlt CIIASK'S now Kocclpt Hook and llouso- hold Physlolan , the "Memorial Edition" , of over 800 pages. The "Crpwnlni ? Llfo Work" of thn greatest author and benefactor that overlived. Just out. Agents muklnr Immense nales. nig terms. Address , F. II. Dfckorson & Co. , Detroit , Mich. Mention this paper. 244nov4j TpORBBNT Square Piano $ J montnir. J ? HoBpe.JBll DouirlRS. 425 PERSONAL. PEttSONAL Ladles and gentlemen : Wo liave n now nO complete stock of boots nnd shoes at 410 N. ICtb St. , opposite Jefferson fiqunrp. Good Goods nnd low prices 9-02 PKltSONAI . S. Whitney sells hard and sott coal , 1513 Farnam and 18th and I/.srd. 475 s IM "I'JEIISONAL Ortoly , consider our acqualnt- X ance ended unless you bring inn a war ranty deed for one of those $10 lots to bo sold at 1415 Farnam st during fair week. Imogeno. 603 T3EIISONAL-K. Wlehlo.M. A. , teacher of the Jpiniio. . organ nnd vocnli/.atlon ; Instruction Invariably ot highest order ; Al reference. Office : Max Meyer < t Ilro. PERSONAL Private homo for ladles during conflnomsnt , strictly conflduntlal. infants adapted , nddross E 42 , llcoomco. 107 oct 8 FOB BALE MISCELLANEOUS. EXPECTING to bo absent for a yonror more , I offer at private sale the following prop erty on low and easy terms : 4 head of highest bred Jersey stock 4 head of homos , the horse known as John D , ono Altlrno year old colt , ono Altltno niaro 5 years old ana ono boy's pony , ono carriage and harness , one phnoton , one cart , ono road buggy nnd one express wagon. Jarao * Neville. 80SolJ FOlt SALE A second-hand 13-horso power engine nnd boiler and smokestack foraalo cheap. Inquire of Slmmonds , Itcevcs & Co. , S. 13th at. 912 2J TJIOR 8ALE-B year old horse and nearly now -C double seat light Mitchell - wngon and har ness. Innulrortnr lljij South 13th st Dill S FOH BALE OB easy terms- Pony $ 3000 Pony 40 00 Pony 50 on Pony harness and cart 12500 Illaok driving horse , 4K rears old 100 on Oroy delivery horse , 1,000 Iba , . ioO oo Orny draft horse , . , 5000 Oray draft boise 7500 Gray draft horse 7500 Oraydraft horse 150 00 Llvht driving team mares 20000 Buy saddle horse ( slnglofoot ) 100 00 Team roan ponies 13000 Buy driving horse 11000 _ W. T. Seaman , East side ICth at north of Nicholas , Agent for Bludebaker Buggies , Wagons. Etc. 788 FOH 8ALB-Very large thoroughbred blood- nound , two and a half years old , Enquire this week nt2JOS Hurt St. Ralph Modjoski. 054 30J F I OR SALK-Al great bargains. 1 Hat top desk. 1 large walfmap of city. Several office chairs. 1 horse , buggy and harness. Will sell at a bargain and on time if desired. F , Barrett,317 S 15tb. K > 3 blCH SALK-One team draft horses , call and see them , Llnlnjer & Motciilf Co. 811 30 TJIOH SALE Family horse nnd buggy , -13 Ono hard coal burner $10 , ono $15. owner leaving city. Address E. 44 , Roe oRlco. ill 'Mj "C10R PALE-Fine buggy team ; also drives JU' splendlil single. Iniiilre | Ogg & Palmer's Iherj stable , cor. llth and Howard. 515 28J ONLY $275 , cost $800. $10 per month , elegant roeowood case upright piano , only used 1 month , good ns now. Call Furgorson Storage Co.,715N10thst. 804 30 / \KOANS nt great sacrifice , one-half valuoto storngo charges , beautiful goods at your own prlco , easy payments taken , no fancy prices. Call at once , Furgerson Storage Co. , 715 N 10th st 801 30 F OR SALK-lco in car lots. Gilbert Bros. , Council Bluffs. 7Woet5 ! | 7 < OR SALK-At a "acr'iflce. J1 Nine thousand dollars worth of Miscellaneous Books , which 1 desire to clogo out previous to myearlr removal to past sldo of 10th st , north or Nicholas st , where I will carry the largest variety of buggies , phnetons , carriages and wagons to tie found at any ono place in the cUy. W. T. Seaman , Now at Farnam and I Itb sta , Agent for Studebakor. 603Oot 20 T71OR SALE Furniture and lease of good J- paying hotel In South Omaha , Benawa & Co. , 15th st , , ODooslte postodice. 9U2 FOR SALE Hero Is a bargain on a piano , only $275 , cost $000 , taken tor debt and must be sold , elegantly carved , 7 K octave , su perb tone , French repeating action , one string Bodour upright piano ; greatest bargain over offered : must bo sold and moved at once. Call I'uriiorson Storage Co , , 716 N 18th it , , Omaha. 17 < Olt SALK-Setgood double barneu , almost A now. C. F. Harrison , 418 S. Uth st. 639 FOH BENT HOUSES and LOTS. FOR RENT Nov. 1.brick warehouse stories blghbasoraent,4lxl20sida-traek at rear. Best of locations , lnqulr.0 1505 Farnam. A. C. PowelL 980 29 * R IIENT-Ton room brick house , 1731 Dodgo. All modern improvements. 751 FOR RKN r-Ofllco spaca at 1523 Farnam st and furniture for saltA. . U. Comstook , 152:1 : Farnam st. 7tU FOR RKNT Nicely furnished house , B rooms , Hhlnn's 2nd add. Inquire 1311 a. 10th st , near Hickory. VITK nave applicants for M houses , from 8 to 10 rooms , to rent. IL E. Cole , 316 s. 15th. 1J > OH RKNT-Cottatie ot seven rooms with all conveniences , and furniture for sale. In quire on premises , M3 8 17th st Ti J. Fttt- norrU. . . TO , R RENT 5 to 10 room .bouses. Good loua- tlon. H.r Cole 318 Biryh. 410 FOR RENT % houses , 7 rooms each , with modern Improvements , In Windsor PI nor. on Park streetcar line , CHIP of the finest locn- tlons In city , rant roasoniit > t6Polden Ilr s. , 624 8. 13th tt 85727 T710R HRNT Residence oh street car line , all K modern convpnlences1. Owner and wife wish to board with tne family. Enquire on the promises , 1809 North lEllnJ , UVI29J IJ/Olt RRNT-llouses irwaiMt class local I tTT V Apply M. Eigimur. IftU Farnam st. 77129 FOR RUNT 10-room Ttrtt nil modern Im provements , Inquire Mia Davenport. lie CM ol OR HENT-From Oct. l.lnreo house of IS rooms hontcd by nteant and water on each floor , suitable fora llrstii-'laM family hotel , rnrpotft , rnnge and window ahndos for lalo , Refcroncos required. NatUnn Shclton , 150 > Fnr nnin tt. W5 29 FOR RFNT House , and furniture for nle , nonrly every room occupied. House new , nil modern conveniences , three blocks from post offlco. Address B. 41. llco. 9i28J _ TpOR RENT Now 8-rootn house , ntl'modern - > J Improtetnonts. on Georgia nro. R. C. Pat * torsoiMJor 15th nnd Hnrney. _ 397 R RENT-Oct , 1 four rooms for keeping , sink and city water. 2223 Cali fornia * t 925 27J FOR RENT. Commercial house at David C.ty , Nob. Address Henry Will. Rising Cltyjfcb. 8 < 1 ! > Oct llj 1TOR RENT-Bademout uf 316 a 16th st suit- -L1 able for barber shop. Apply to M. F , Martin C17S,13lh st. HH FOB BENT BOOHS. F'OR RENT Furnished rooms with board , HIM Farnam. 307oo5J THOU RENT Nicely furnished front room for -C two gentlemen. 2424 Dodge street 8C7-DOJ FOR HFNT Pleasant nnd comfortable rooms ono block from P 0,1505 Capitol avo. 67127J FOR 11RNT Nlcoly furnished unite of rooms , Rtenm boat and gas freealso other rooms , 201S.g4lhst 9tO-olj FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms with gas nnd bath , at 61K Sout h 17th st. Ml 30J F RKNT-Furnlshod room , 1JI7 DAvon- portst. 719 27J FOH KENT Largo front parlor with Day window , and alcove , also other rooms with modern conveniences at 1821 Farnam st , ono block west of court house. 821 F I OR RENT-Furnlshed rooms IHlrt Dodge. M9 oct U "IjlOfl RENT To a small family , 7-room house , -I ? 1134 Nort 17th. Kaufman Bros , 1000 Far nam st < < K9 F ° It KENT Office rooms nnd basement at 1204 Farnam St. 7111 27 ] FOR RENT Nicely furnished room , hot and cold water , bath room. 018 South 17th. 476 FOR RENT Nicely furnished parlor with heat , f25. Small room , $10. 1021 Farnam st 72728 _ I OR RKNT-Unftirnlshod parlor and bed room , 1921 Chicago. 705 FOR HUNT -OIHce spaces on ground Moor , one front window. Enquire at 150V Farnam Bt. , of J. a Richardson. 69 ! ) oct3 li'Oll RENT Nicely furn4 hod room suttablo -I for 2 gentlemen , InqulKe/.dll St Marys ave. 648 FOR RENT Eloirantlv fiirnlphod room on first floor , with modern Improvements , 1917 Cass. ' 6S5 FOR RENT-Ploasant crooms , furnished , southwest corner 20rh nnd Webster. 318 FOH RENT One largo pleasant room , south front , brick Hat , sultablp for 2 or 4 gentlemen - men , 1416 Chicago st. , Q 2ii8 F I OR IlENT-Nlcely furnished rooms to gen- tlomeu ocy ! , 201J Douglas st. G'.ti ' so FOR RENT Largo and * Ml furnished sitting and bedroom suitable for two gentlemen ; furnace and grate llreBthot and cold water closets , luitli room , etc. , convenient location. Address (110 Bee office , , , , C50 21) ) F I OR RENT Furnished room 603 S. 17th. H58 ' 'OJ TJ OH RENT 5 rooms on 2nd floor 408 a. 18th Jl stn Hofercnccs roqulred. Also a buso- mont for tinners , or storage. Hamilton Rroi. . bulldoM. 97730J F OR HUNT . ' ! rooms furnlahod for house keeping , i'rlco roasonabln , 810 North 18th mi at * FORRENT-2 unfurnished roomslfi20 S. 12th. 971 28J FOH HP.NT Nleoly furnished front rooms , 1609 Daronport 8t. U73 ! MJ FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms , board If desired , everything first-class. Rates reasonable. 2012 Hurnoy. U73 24 * FOB RHNT Rooinfl In private families , with or without board ; ( table room forone or two horser. . Cull on or address Lyon , ISQ'i'sr- nam , ojs 27J F I OR KENT -Foinished rooms elnirle or on- 9 < ! ! te , With or without board , 1015 Doiliro. BCD B1OH RENT-Nlcelr furnished rooms. 1A13 Dodgo. 5 8427J FOR RENT Two nlcoly furnlslipil rooms , 10 nnd 914 per month. Rrownoll Hall , a. 17th t. 816 y " FOR RENT-Furnished south front room with board , modern conveniences , for 2 gentlemen. 1814 Dodge. 753 F I OR RENT Newly furnished rooms for 1 or S frentlemen , 113 B 21th. 911 27j F ; Olt RENT Furnished rooms in private fam ily. e.'OSS S2l8tsf B'W Olj FOR IthNT-A nicely furnished front room. Apply at 523 Fairvlow or S 20th St. 903 Ij FOR IlKNT-Nlcoly furnished room with board , near oar line. Address K T' , lice office. ( Qj 2 * F'OR RENT Handsomely furnished suite , for 2 gentlemen , or gcntlomun nnd wife , gas , bath. I'M per mouth. Call nt lBH.ri Dodge st. 90 ! 2S POR HKNl' " or il rooms furnished or unfur- utsbod. 1113 Park avo. 'J187SJ F OB RENT-SuIt of rooms suitable for 2 or 4 gentlemen , )6-3 ) Dodge Bt. sit ) FOR Iir.NT Nlcoly furnished front room in nice cottage , suitable for two gents , In iirlvnto family , $10 per month , 4M Williams st , , t > minutes vralK southeast U. P. depot. UTi RENT Nloo rooms , furnished , 1013 Chlcngost 1)33 ) 28J FOH RENT An elegantly furnished largo ulcmo front room , new house , nil inodorn Improvements , with free heat and gas , two blocks from pogtolflco , 17U7 DodrfO St. G02 FOH RENT Furnished rooms In Grounlg blk , cor 13th nnd Dodge st Davis , Mlllurd Hotel Ililllard room. 23. ! "ITIOIl KKNT Nicely furnished rooms with -L tlrst-class board In now brick building with all modern Improvements. "Mrs.rn.Voung , 22001 > ouglas6t. JSJ 923 2J TjlOR RKNT-2 furnished" ' Brooms suitable for JL 4 entlemen or light housekeeping. 619 N 19th Bt bi 019 28J fTIO R HENT-Nlceiy furni hocl looms , to gentlemen - X ? tlemon only , 220 N. 16tB' ' t. . Room 2. 479 8ITTTATZON WANTED. m CANADIAN Employment , Offlce furnishes clerks , accountants , stenographers , etc. , free of charge. Dcnioslh ) help supplied on short notlco , and sent to all parts If fare Is paid , Mrs. Broga & Son,316 South 15th. Tel Ml. 977 ! \\rANTED-By experienced drng clerk a situ- TV ation , the bust of rt'fercuocs furntshud , Address O 3 . . ! W ANTED Situation in the city by 3 Drat class women , moat and pastry cook * , Inquire Mrs. Breea A Son , Canadian Emp. Office. 316 8. 16th St. Tel. 884. _ 942 27J rilHK Western Employment Agency , 1BI2 Far- X nam street , bas good places for girls , men and boys out of employment. Call nt once nnd secure them. U70 29 ANTED- Situation as ooachmnn , groom , etc. , by an American man ot experience , and best of roforcm-os Mode rate wages. Wil ling to work. ( No ollice fee. ) Canadian Em ployment office , Mrs. Rrcsa & Sou , 310 S. 15th , telephone BM. _ 976 2flj ANTED-Sltustlon by stout active German - man 25 yrsold , single , willing to make himself generally useful and work lor moder ate wages. No otlloo fee. Canadian Euip. Offloo , Sirs. Urc a& Eon , 819 B 15th. 'let. 8T 'ANTED By an experienced cqok who un- dei stands his busfneta , as bead In a first- clasa house , either in or out ot town. Address 05. this office , _ EH27J WANTED-By young lady , good musician , position to pUy the planu ovonlnirl , ad * "OESPKCTABLB womnn requires plain sew- J-V ing nt own home. ISIS Fnrnam st 7242 STOKAQE. CTOHAGB Furniture , IKJXOC ! goods. Ac. , C terms reasonable , 711 Pacific. l.VI STORAGK First-class storage for nice fur niture or boxed goods , atinU Dodce-it FOB SALE HOUSES LOTS. "ITIOR 8.\LU-One nice ea t front cottaffo , J. Pnrk avenue , near Iicnvenworth. The W. a Ivcj Co. , No. : iii : S.14 th street 8SO-27J FOR SALK Two selecto lUouth front lots , Capitol nvcununear JWtli. (2.7uO oai'li : this Is fWO per lot U < s than innrKot prlco. Thn W. C. lvosCo.,3IJ 8.14th "trcot. 887 27j "plOR SALU-Ono nrst-clnss resilience and ! ' barn , live minutes walk from hlvh school. Iho W. C , IvcaCo. , No. UI3 S. 14tb street. street.8S5 27J FOH SALK-flralinrn , Croighton block. 12(1 ( feet on Saiindora St. , $100 per foot , cor. IiOl II , block G , Shinn'a 2d add. , south front , "ivlejiniit lot on Charles st , near 27th. $2.300. int : fiont lot In .NcUon's add , $3,000 , U rash. Seven lots for sale or trade at a bargain In Cloverdalo. Good south front lot In block C , Orchard Hill , $900. South front on Hamilton , on motor linoII , SOO. Corner lot and house just west of Snundcrs St. . $3,000. 738 27 T 1ST your property for sale with Charles C. JJ SpotSWOQd.iMSM SIBthst. 642 WHAT have you to trade for fine 2-story residence and two lots In the west part of town ? John C. Thompson. Herald office. 674003 GOOD lot on Bristol st. $1,300. Graham , Crelghton blook. TO27 WEiiaro pomo good Omiilti property to trndo for land or morcbandlso and a good farm to trade for olty property. If you wish to buy , sell or exchange property see us. Cone & Johnson , 724 N IGth st. 722 o 1 T71OR SAL1'-A beautiful two-story house of 7 X ! rooms Just completed : city water , gas nnd modern Improvomunts , In Mlllard * Gild well's add. on Locust st , overlooking Kountza add , and within two blocks of the streetcar lino. Tills house Is offered for sale for n snort time on the most rcnsonablo terms. It is located In ono of the best parts of city , aud will increase In valuo. For nil pnitlculars apply to Charles 0. Spotswood , 305 > i S. Kith St. 751 FOR SALE A first class hotel property doing excellent business. Must toll in sixty days. For price and terms address B. 8. Lilly , real estate dealer Broken Bow. Nob. 2t > 3 TTlOlt SALE -132x132 ft on R R track on Nlcho- J ? las nnd 13th with ware house 38xHlift3 slorlop , pi lee $14,000. Addicss Shaw & Field , box 52S Omaha. 20J o2 * SBVPN lots for saloor trade nt a bargain 111 Cloverdalo. Graham , Ctolghton block. 7J9 27 PTU ) EXCHANGE Some money and cholco JL land for ilrst class , improved Inside prop erty. H. U. Colo.318 8 16th 411 TR1OR SALE -121x100 It cor Howard and 3r > tu X ! at * , next blook to Kasson , Ilraily & Mar tins bouses , $7,500. Address E33 Bee ollleo. I AUNDERS St. , 126 foot nt $100 per front ft. ' Graham , Crelghton block , 7J9 27 CTOR SALE At a sacrifice , lots 3 and 5 , bikE -E 14 , Albright's nnnox. Lot 8 in Pelhnm Place , 1 share Lowe Avenue Terrace Bulldlnif associa tion stock. F. Barrett , with Hclln & Thomp son , 317 8 15th st 851 FOR TRADE-Hoiiso and lot 6 block 2 Kountzo 4th ndd , house will rent at5 n month ; no encumbrance , will trnuo for a vacant lot or bait lot In Ilanpcom place or thereabout to cost from $2,000 to (2,500 and will take mortgage on property for the balance. Charles 0. Spots- wood , saw s iisth. 7on FOR BALK Bargains In lots In Plalnvlow and Klrkwood add , tholr owner must ba\o money for Improving tuoporty cloio by. No commissions. Address G I ) UeeolUoo. 051 3J TpOR SALE Hero Is n fl.olO tor some ono. -L 102 feet east and south front nnd a corner on Louo nvo. hot. CiimmlnKS ami Farnam , at $1(1.53 ( per front foot. Inquire 100 ! ) Howard. 2d lloor , welt slilo. 767 29J OT II. block G , Shlnn'a 2d ndd , at $2.800. ? - * euli. Graham. 73'J 27 SPECIAL 1IAHOA1NS-8 room housoand l Kln Denlse'B addition , with barn , * 3.700 , $1.000 cash. 12 room hoiiso , full lot onSownrd near Snun- dors , all modern improvements , $8,000 , $3,009 cash. 5 four room houses In Lowe's addition , $1,500 each $200 cnsh.lmlnncoon easy terms. llonutiful lot In llunicotn Place , f3.500. 5 room cottage nnd 2 lots , Walnut Kill , 82,000 , ono third cash. Fine corner in Killiy placol,850. Also some choice bargains In Orchard Hill nnd Lowe's addition. II. R , Unit and Co. . _ 1)62 ) 'ilJ K. 10th Ht T71011 BALE Fine improved lv\n ot 330 acres A in Gospor Co. , Nob. , all unr.tirfonoo.good house , and nil out building , price $ > ,000. Address - dross J. R. Shaw , box 0"J6ivy. 201 olZJ * ' . ; Al 3ATN-TwolotSln Saunders i jtbaugh's addition to Wnlnut hill. Address A. B. l.athrop , AInsworth , Nob. 91029J BURR PLACE-75 residence lots situated from ono to nve blocks south of the South Omnlm brewery. Prices from $ .150 to $000. One-third cnsh , balance on easy terms at S per cunt interest J. J. O'llourku , solo owner. 736 ot ] FOR SALE-12A feet on Saundorg St. , at $100 per foot. Graham. Crolghton block. 73427 FOR BALE A Kountzo Pluco corner lot very cheap. E 44 , Bee ollice. 835 30 ] E F , RIMOKR , 119 N. 16th St. f B.OOO-dhlnn's 1st , 00x120 , house , 10 rooms , will exchange forlots In Kount/e Place , 9.500-4 lots on Saunders st , opposite KounUo Place ; worth Sli.SJO. 13,000 50x140 , double house , 8 rooms each , bath room , city water , etc. , rents for f 100 per month , * : i.OOO cnsh , r > , OOU in other property , | 6,000 on time , 5.000--2 lots , house 0 rooms , barn , etc. , Rhlnn's 1st add. Lots alone would bo cheap at the price asked. 18.TOO 2 modern houses , T and 18 rooms each , 72x140 , near 23d. rents for floO per month. 2,00-G6xl20 , buildings cost f8,000 and cover nearly nil the ground , will rent for $150 per month. $5.000 cash. $8,000 other property , balance 1 and 2 years. 13,000,000 worth of property In all parts of the city. If you wnnt to buy or sell see K. F. Ringer , 119 N. 15th St. 819 F I OR SALE-2 olcgant lots on Spring St. , In Uroston. Cirabum , Croigton block. ' TACKSON d NASON No. 1015 Farnam st. offer O for a few days sonic special bargains In In- sldo property amoncr which arc oholco resi dences , vacant lots for dwellings or business nil ono good lot for warehouse at a very low price. 873 28 FOR SALE-Elegant 10room houno , all mod ern convcnlencei > , only $500 cash required. H. K.Colo , Ulthl5tb ( , 812 I 1ST your property with S. S. Campbell and i G. W. Jlervy If you wnnt to sell or ex change. 310 Chamber of Com morvo. 807 rpllOMPSON , 314 S st , buys and sells ronl X cstato , loana money , piircluuns securities , has a good list of property for sale and want more , Notary public. 854 LIST your pioporty with H. E. Colo.310 S. 15th , room 1. 409 NOTIC1 ! 2 trackage lota In center of city to least ) cheap , for a term of years. For nar- tlculara address P. O. box 457. 7742'JJ ' EXCHANOE-Equlty ln.4 , 8 and 10 room -L bouNca and lots for paid up lots. U.K. Cole , 310 S 15th. 410 LIST your property with II. U. Cole , 31H S. 15th , room 1. 409 1ST your property with H. IS. Cole , 316 B. t 16th. room 1. 409 BROWN Si CREIUTON'S Bargains. lmpro\ed. 6 room house and lot on Corby itreet , $2,600 , | 5 < IO ciisb. fl room house , and lot 6Axl38 on S 10th street , 95.UOO , $ .COO cosh. Broom house , and lot WxlM , Hansconi place , $5,750 , $ .1.000 cash. ri room house , and lot , Idlewtld$5MX ) , $9,000 cosh , 7 room house , and lot 26tb naar Curolnr , $1,000 , $1.50)1 ) cash. jrlttlmpro\n ; < 1 on Furnam , $10,000 , H cash. Unlmuroved. BOxM , Patrick's 2ndon2 th street , $ .1,000casy terms. Lots blk 132 , city trackage , $1.400 , $ cash. Lot Mxl40 on Paunders street between Clark and Grauo , IV.VX ) , f5.000 cash. Lot 8S foot fronton IGth , corner Graco.n.OOO , H caoh. I/n 5UX13A. Summit Place , $3.500 , (1,900 cash. Ixt 8HX7 > > Redlck's Drove. $1,100 , $750 oiiBti. Lot 38Hxl2. % corner on Famam Mrcet , $1,223 afoot , K cash. Ixits In lledrord Place , Iloyd's add. , Orchard nil ) . Walnut Hill , \Vestsldo , KlrkwuoU , aud nil oror tbo city. Acres for Platlln ? . Ii5 acres 4 miles from postntnee. ' 10 across miles from poilnRlce. 6 acre * 3 mile * from pottoOloe , B acrui 3 miles from postolUco. 6 acres in Newport. 2 torts In R i7iucrO. D'C7n t Crelvblon , se corner Uth and Dou . IM. . ' -O oct 9 , $800 will buy 49xt27i ( , south front. Apt atatUDoeaturslrocU III 8 S23J SA. SLOMAN , Real estate , 13.11 Karnamn. . r rnam st between Twentieth and Twenty-third , 116xlU , pnr toot $ 4JO Farnam st corner Thlrty-nrst lllOxlX ! , tier foot , IV ) Varnamst. nrar imreinent , 47xii2.x. : . . . 4.1M Varnnmst. near pavement , ! fixlJ3 ? , : K ) Fnrnnm ot. corner Korly-thlnl , 44x132. . . 3,600 Kurniiin st. corner Nlnetoonth , Im * proxcd. 22x132 M.OuO Fnrnnm st between Nineteenth and Twentieth , Improved , 77xirci 40,000 Fnruuin M near Eleventh , X'OxlK , routs for JI.500 25,000 Farnnm t iienrTweiity-Sovehth , Wxl3J tier foot , , , . . KM llnrnoy st near Twentieth , Improved 174X107 Wl.OOO Htmier ft. near Twenty-third , Improved , fiOxffi 11,000 llarnoy st. near Fifteenth , Improved33x 132 15,003 SUteetith it. nonr Nloho'.on , 00 x102 12i ( Sixteenth st. south ot vlndurt , 40x102. . . . 5.000 Douglas st n t of Twenty-third. 0(1x132. . 9,000 Twentieth t. near St. Mary's ave , im proved,40x120 , . , 8,000 Twentieth st , botwoun Douglas and Dodge , Improved , tUxM 8.0K ) Banndersst , corner Hurt , XWv.,11. . . . . . . . . 7,500 Allco st , near Vnnnini , cant f rent 47xlH. 1,8 JO 1'ifteonth st corner Jones , Improved , 06 xm ; . 30,000 Fourteenth st.corner JacksonImproved , WHIM 00,000 Fourteenth 8tcornerChlnngolmprovcd , MxIKJ 18,000 Twelfth st. corner Jones , Improved , 00.x 132 ; . . . , . . . . . . ! 25,000 Eleventh st , corner Nicholas , trackage. Mxl3i 6,000 Thirteenth st , Paddock place , trackage , 6 > txll2 8,500 Thirteenth st , corner California , Im proved , rents $1,001) t',000 Park HVO , opposite Park. 60x150 1.000 Davenport st , opposite High school , fine modern fourtecn-rootn house 00 1133 18,000 Cuss st , between Nineteenth and Twer.- ttptb , twelve-room modern house , GSx in : ! . . . . 15,000 Nicholas St. . corner Twenty-second , trackage , lir.'xl.tJ. Improved 0,000 Charles St. , near St. Mary's. ! mprovodG4 ' ' ' ' CalpyVtViioar'cre'tghtoncolloge'moi'orn ] ten-room house.3Jxl42 6,250 Pleice st.noar Twentieth , 60x18. ) , fronts two stroctfiImproved 6r150 Dodge st. , near Twenty-sixth. 33x132 , Im proved 3,000 Twenty-second st , near Grace. Mxt20. . . 3,000 West Omnha , In bon ton locality , 40 or 80 Xieti , IHT foot 75 Twenty-first , corner Vlnton , 62x100 1,500 Castellur st , next corner Eighth , OHJx ' ' " ' ' Thlrty-t'h'lrd 8t"corner'DolaIare'iian9 ! coml'lico UWxlOO 6.400 Leavcnworthst near Sixteenth , 2Sx't2. . 0,000 Wcbstorst , nuarTwunty-olghth. 60x150 , ongrado , L oJ In iKlJItlon to the above I have lots In nil choice nddlltons at low figures. 739 T 1ST your property with S. a Campbell nnd JLJ G. W. I lorry , 310 Chamber of Commerce- special attention given to the exchange of all k.nds property. Improved and unimproved city property , farms , horses , cattle , stock * of goods , etc. 80S FOR SALK Flnost location for a home In West Omnhh , adjoining the mansion homos of Klrkendall , Coo , Brady. Ens-ion and others. Nothing nnnr In the city. Can soil 1Gr > xI87orlosn : for prices and terms see 8. A. , IJOl Farnam st 73) VanBeuren&Co Donaltis and 14th Streets. * / n per foot (50x140) ( ) on California near 31th 4)4U ) st Will pay to look nt this. per foot (100x1(10) ( ( ) Hurt St. , onst Snored Heart Academy. per foot , lots 28 nnd 29 , Clark Add. , $125 cast and west frontage. Bargain. For 101x125 , corner blook 1 , Myers , $1300 Richards It Tlldcns add , } j cash. House nnd lot in Hawthorne , east $1500 front , on grndc , For lot 0 , block 7 , Plnlnvlow , ono $1600 block from cubio lino. A comer. Each for 3 Into. California st , very $1700 sightly ; only H cash. House nnd lot ( SS < lBlon ) Cnsj , near $2000 : ilth street. South Iront Tor 130 foot trout on Lowe Avenue , $2200 near Hamilton. A bargain. Corner 17th nnd Center streets , ( OOr- $5000 150) ) . A snap. For Yt lot. corner Howard nnd Convent - $5800 vent , east front , B room lioiiso.barn , city water , sewer , $2,5JO cash. Lot 10 , block 4. Shlnn's add , house $7000 8 room ? , closets , water , struct car , etc. Only f2f > 00 ca ti. Takes east front lot on 18th nt.fiflx- $10500 140 , S housesmodern Improvements THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES. OMAHA. UNION PACIB'IC. Depot 10th and 1'leruo sts. 1'aolflo Kxpiuis Denver Hi press Local Express Except Sunday. n. & M. ii. R. R. Depot 10th and PaclOo sts. Mail and Express Might Express C. B. & Q. H. R. Depot lot n and Paolnosts. Mnlland Express Chicago Express K. 0 , St. J. A 0. D. Depot 10th and Paolflu St * . HttTl Express C.,8t. P..M. 4O. Depot 15th and Wnbsteril Bloux City Illaok Hills Ex Bancroft Express Dlaok Hills Pastongor. . . . Except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC. Depot 15th and Webster st Day Express Night llxprei DUMMY TKAIN3. Running nctweon Council muffs and South Omnna. In addition to the stations mentioned , trains stop at Twentieth ana Twenty-fourth streets , and at the Summit in Ornuba. WoHtwnrrt. COUNCIL WAJFF8 NOTICR OF DISSOLUTION. NTOTICKlii hereby given that the n > partn t -Li ship heretofore o tilting between Wllliaa II. Speiman nnd Hubert W. Plereo In the ilunihlng Htul gns fltilntr business Is this day llsiolvoil by mutual iimaont of the pnrtlos , Mr. ppelman will iTlleet all bill * nnd piy all obligations of the tlrm. WM > . pprtiMW. Ui'iir.HT W. 1'ir.uca. TO THE Pl'BLlC. T desire to notify thn public thnt 1 shall con- tlmio the business ot plumbing niid gn nttin | it HIP old Mnnd of Spoltmtn * I'lorco. l.ll Douglns street , nnd I shall , n * prepared to do first-class work In our lino. 1a2M3t WM. II. Sl'KMUK. Notice to Contractors. ISA LED bids will bo loi'olved by the Hoard"of S I'uhllo Lands ami Buildings ninny timobe- fore September 2u , 1W7 , nt2 p. in. , for nil work ind mntorlals to complete intilti Imtldlnir for the Inoimiblo Insimo on grounds aeleetol for that punioso nl Hnsllnifs Nebraska , miab work Mid material * to Include slonni hoatlnit , plumbing nnd sewerage , and nil to bo tlono In Hujordnnco with pinna and speclflontlons now > n fllo with the Commissioner of Public Lands UMfl mti't bo accompanied by bond In the sum of 15,00000 , conditioned thnt nccoptod bidder will enter Into contract to do the work. Successful bidder will be required to glT bond In the sum of $1),0x .00 conditioned tot fttlthful performance of contract Contractor torerelvii sixty per cent of con tract prlco when bulldlnir la up and root OB. nd forty per cent wlion , building Is completed " " "ugnTrosorved to accept any or reject att bids. s5to2Ti MJT1CK TO fJONTllACTOHR. bo received until Oct. nl forUj BTDSwlll of about 3JO,000 ynran of earthen on the Water Works Ounpany's now siiulln bnslus nt Horenoo. The oompitny resurvus thij rljrht to reject any or all him without regard to PVans ? nnd iiioclflcntlons can bo seen at com pany's olllco , 1012 Capitol arenuo. CTdJt TIIK AMKUIOAN WATMIYoiiKH Co. S1IKHII'1"S HAI.K. virtue of an order of snlo on attanhmenl BY - out or t no district court within and for DouKhis romtty , Nobrn kn , In nil c wn pondliiK therein , wherein the J. T. lloblnson and Isntloro Lnd. Nell mi Company Is plaintiff bow nnd Lewis imwhoff. P rtI"ornV'-.J'lnt1 : horlr * Co..nro di'temlRtits , I will on the 7th any of Ootobor. WOT , nt 10 o'clook a. in. of said day. nt No. 404 krnth 10th Bt root , In the city ot Oinalm , DouKlns county. Nobrnskn , jell a pub- lloniiotlon for cash the uoods and chattels do. "crlbpd In nld order of ealo. conslitlntf ot boou nnd .hoe8. hats , to ShorllT of Uoutflt" Co. , Nep. Omnha. Ncbrnska. September l. 1H87. unit "in iSaM ADE STRONG -Rsplf te will. Informrtlbn of la < | to all ' "e . WITH TNI oixnuriiY ( or nra COU.XTRV wai. us BT BXAjuxua mu tur TUIT TM CHICA60.ROCK ISLAND &PWFIC RAILWAY Ily rtiuonof Its central poiltlos s'.oid rotation to tint * Fast of ChlcftKn , ntiil tontlnii iu hn nt tcnnlnM point ! West , Northwrst and f ) ath est , li the true mldJIo link In tlvat trunteontlncntki nj-ntriu whldi Intltos unl faclliute * trarol ami trafflo bttnixn tke Atlantloandl'aciac. The Ilock Island main Una and branch M Include Chi. eago , Jollet , Ottawa , Laftallc , Fvnrla , Ocncspn , Malta * anil Kock IfilaniJ , In Illinois ; Darenport , Mu ratlnfl > VothlnKton , 1'ilrflelit , Otlumwa , Otk lon , Wet Lib- ert J.IOTI a CltyDclHollips , In.lIunoln.Wlntcriiit , Atlan , tic , Knozrllle , Audubnn , Ilnrlan , Ontlirlo Contro and Council Illulh , In Jowai Oallatln , TrriHon , St. . .ii > pB. Caniernn and Kansaa City , In Mlvourl ) I.rm iirorllj and Atohlson , la Kantaoi Allwrt Lea , Jtlnnmpollii an4 St. I'atillnMlnno ota | Wntertown and Slonx Tails , ! Pikota , anil hundreds of lutenuedlata clUes anil town * . "The Great Rook Island Route" i Onarantoe > ij > CKl , eomfort , certainty and safety. IM permanent way la dlstlnirulshod ( or Iti eicellrnco. It ) are of itona and iron. Its track Is of solU sted.lUrolllnf stockptrfect. ltipasMniar iiul | > nwaS bis all thn safety appliances thateiptrlencahasproTM useful , antt for luxurious accommodation ! ! mu4i > passed. Its Kipiesi Trains consist of superior U T Coaches , elegant Pullman I'alsco Parlor and Btcoplnj Cars , superb Dining Cars , prorldlnff delicious meals. and ( between Chicago nnd Ht. Joseph , Atchlson an4 Kansas Cltj ) restful Reclining Chair Cars. It maiv airement It conierrattT * , Ita discipline exacting "The Famous Albert Lea Roi'.re" Petwsen Chicago and Minneapolis and Bt. Pa. It th * favorite. Oror this line Solid fas ( Exprcsi Ti alns ru dally to attractlre rnsorU for ( ourlsls In Iowa an4 Illnnonota , find , via Waterloo n and Bloux Falls , to the rich wheat and gratlnglandsoC Interior Dakota. Tla Seneca and Kanlakeo , the Itoclc Inland otfera superior Inducement ! to travelers between Cincinnati , Indian. apolls , LafayotU and Council Bluffs , Fit. Joseph , AtcM- snn , Lcavcnworth , Kansu City , 8t. Paul , and Interme diate points. All patrons ( ispuclallr UdlM and oUU- drtn ) recolvo protection , eourteny and kindly attention. For tickets , mnpn , ( olden , copies of VYosteru Trail , or any desired Information , apply to principal cdloes ! tbo Unltxl RtaWs and Canada , or addreas , at Caloafo , R. I. CABIE , I. ST. JDH , E. A. MNIIOII , M. < MlO lM > MMr. 0 .nt TUB CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF THE Chicago , Mil waukee&St , Paul Rj The Best Route from Omaha and Council Itluffn to' , THE H3A.ST Two Trains Daily Between Omaha and Council Bluff's Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , CcdarRapidS Rock Island , Freeport , Rockford , Clinton , Dubuque , IJavenporti Elgin , Madison , Zanesville , tteloit , Winona , a Crosse , And nil other important points East , Northeast ami Southeast For through tickets call on the ticket ngonl at 1401 Kuriiam street , In Pnxton Hotel , or at Union Puultlo depot. Pullman Sloopurs nnd the Qnest Dining Carl In the world are run on the main line of the , Chicago , Mllwaukeo & St. Paul Railway and t Very - ory attention is paid to piusengers by oourtb- ous omployc-s of the company. R. MII.I.KII , llonoral Manager. J. F. TUCKKH , Assistant General Manager. A. V. R. CAiii'KNTKii , Oonoral Pussougor anj Ticket ngont. Goe. K HuArroiii ) , Assistant Qonornl Paison- per and Ticket Agent. J. T. CI.AUK , Geeral Superintendent Lincoln , Neb. The best known and most popular hotel la thestato. Louatlon central , appointments Out class. Headquarters for commercial men and ail political and publlo gatherings. B. P. UOGUKN. Proprietor. S. S. FELKER , OMAHA , NEB. 100 N. mil Street. ' 1'UIIK CALIFORNIA WJNK3.shipped dlrr-ct from our Vineyard ; Jll'iaiihg , Guterlol Cmrots , Porl.HliorrleH.ot Ban Jc o Vaults Bovnilh. . San Salvador -and WJIIInm ets. , U.i elirornlav