Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1887, Page 6, Image 10

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    ffl R # * TJE1V * JT "V
C SellTticd fc ? cniTler m inrptrtot the city at
f . twenty cents per woek.
C H. W.TILTOH , Man ifet
BcRiMtnOrncr , No. 43.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Roller , tailor. Fall goods cheap.
.lames lloun took out a building per
mit yesterday tor n one story frame. Cost
Ladles , see combined writing desk and
tewing machine. Domestic ofllce , 105
Main street.
The lawyers are all attending United
States court , leaving the district court to
take care of itself.
The North Main Street Baptist church ,
colored , is being lathed nnd plastered for
next Sunday's services.
'Squire Biggs is preparing to move his
ofllce to u lirst lloor on Main street to es
cape climbing the stairs.
E. Prntt has moved into his now resi
dence on Third avenue between Six
teenth and Seventeenth streets.
The finance committee instructed Audi *
tor Klnnchan to pay Weightman & Miller
f-1,000 yesterday for sewer intersections.
A Hag stuff was yesterday "stood up"
on top of the government building. It is
not much taller than it is broad , and
looks as if It might stand alone.
The bids for the now flagstone flooring
in the city jail have been opened. Will
iam O'Connor , of this city , bid $ > 23 ,
while Drexel & Foil , of Omaha , bid * 3lr .
Judge Doemcr opened court yesterday
morning in the superior court room. Ho
quickly disposed of the cases that were
ready and adjourned until this morning
at 10 o'clock.
The canning company has discharged
about thrco hundred hands , the busy
part of the season being over. Some
work is still being done , requiring about
one hundred employes.
An Invitation , signed by a largo num
ber of citizens of this city , was sometime
since sent to President Cleveland to visit
Council Blufl's during his western trip ,
but as yet no reply seems to have been
received from him.
The residence of J. 6. Tipton , on
Fourth avenue , between Tenth and
Eleventh streets , was entered yesterday
afternoon , by u sneak thief , who secured
Mrs. Tipton's pocket-book , containing
three or four dollars. There is no clue
to the rascal.
The lecture at the Methodist church by
Mrs. Cudhraan last evening , was very
interesting and well attended. The cus
toms of the people were well set forth ,
as was the work of the mission. At the
close of the lecture a collection was taken
up for missionary work.
James Moore was arrested last even
ing about 0:30 : o'clock by Policeman
O'Brien und Marshal Guanella for the
larceny of two revolvers and a razor
from tlio hardware store of H. T. Fields
on Main street. Moore showed fight and
tried to use the razor but without suc
The engine that was demolished at the
electric light station was replaced by an
other one Sunday and Monday , and tlio
lights were working again Monday oven-
ing. A great amount of worK had to bo
done in a short time , and Mr. Carruthors
is entitled to considerable credit for Ma
energy in making such speedy repairs.
List your property with Cooper &
Judson.No. ISO Main st.
Money to loan. Cooper & Judson.
One thousand head of one , two and
three-year-old steers for sale. Will give
credit to reliable parties. Enquire of A.
J. Greonamayer , 023 Mynster it. , tele-
211. _
Personal Paragraphs.
Mrs. W. H. May Is visiting relatives at
Galena , 111.
Miss Emma Rapp is visiting relatives
in Silver City.
Judge Trimble , of Keokuk , is stopping
at the Beohtelo.
Judge O. P. Shiras is making his head
quarters at the Ogdcn.
Mrs. L. C. Braekott Is sojourning in
the country this week.
M. I. nnd M. II. Sears have gone on a
two weeks' hunt in .Nebraska.
T. O. Carlisle , postmaster of Missouri
Valley , was in the city yesterday.
Ed. Drake came in oil' the road yester
day to spend the balance of the week at
Mathias Snoll , of Rock Island , the con
tractor of the now Catholio church , is at
the Crcston house.
Bob Huntington now goes out on the
road regularly for his house , M. Du
quette & Co. , to look uftor the fall trade.
E. W. Sheldon , of Now York , nnd
Theodore Sheldon , of Chicago , attorneys
for the Wabash railway , are at the
Silver City had n goodly representation
at the Kiel house yesterday U. W.
Greenwood , J. J. Taylor and son , and J.
A. Frazlor ,
George N. Hubbard , of Jancsville ,
Wis. , representing 0.1) . Uowo , the leaf
tobacco dealer , is in the city interviewing
his customers.
If The senior member of C. B , Jacqucmln
1 &Co. is visiting in the city. Hols sta
tioned at Helena , Montana , in charge of
a branch house of the lirm ,
The many Council Bluffs friends of Mr.
nnd Mrs. Voss winkle , of Fairbury , Neb. ,
will boglud to learn that their home has
been happified by the arrival of n llttlo
The Crcston house has its share of
Uncle Sum's jurymen , among them be
ing. C. H. Hall , of Villlsca'OJ. : Gilraoro ,
of Brooks ; J. B. Blackburn , of 1'rcscott ;
J. W. Perry , of Greenfield , C. L. Burnett
and J. S. Cook , of Ited Oak ; F. C. Rush ,
of Mt. Ayr ; J. M. Shaffer , of Glcnwood.
J. T. Hurley , master ot ledge No. 83.
in this city , of the Switchman's Mutual
Aid association of North America , also H
member of the grand lodge with head
quarters in Chicago , is attending the con
vention of the association in Indianapo
lis and the papers of that city tire an
nouncing Mr. Hurley as one of the big
gun 3 of the convention. Jack will see
that Council Bluffs gets till the f roe ad
vertising ho can got for it before his re
turn homo as ho Is away up in the order.
Visit the new jeweler , C. Voss , No. 415
roadway , if you wish anything in his
no. He has u tine assortment of the best
goods. _
J. W. and E. L. Squire loud money.
All members of Co. A are required to
bo at hall for drill and business meeting
at 7:30 , sharp.
By order.
A Change of Agent.
0. M. Ourslor , who was displaced as
freight agent of the Union racilio in
Omaha a month ago , has secured the
position of agent at the Broadway
dummy , vice L. E. Roberts , who , it la
understood , will probably be sent out a
hort distance on the Union Pacific , there
to act as agent. The Broadway depot
agency is worth fl.gQO a year.
The elegant furniture for the Business
llen'i olub was furnished by C. A. Bee be
' JfCo. .
The Notorious "Major" Wants Damages
For Fake Imprisonment.
The Clab to Be Not Only For Pleasure
But IlnMncMv The Lost Grad
ing Hesolutlon Uncle
Hani's House.
A Social Bnnrd of Trade.
There Is some talk of forming a now
board of trade , or at least a reorganiza
tion of that body. By previous experi
ence it has been shown that a board of
trade in Council Bluffs , as well as other
cities , amounts to very llttlo. In this
city there has been llttlo work done
bv the board compared with what a body
pi that kind could have done had it
ad the enthusiasm necessary to back it.
The club has been organized by the busi
ness men of this city , und besides being
> n a good financial basis it is composed
if the very best business material in the
ity. Its rooms arc conveniently and
uxurlously arranged for the reception of
visitors to this city , und there seem few
f any objections to letting the club do
.ho work supposed to bo attended to by a
joard of trade. The club rooms arc as
Jcgantly furnished as those of
any city in the west , and
although , perhaps , not as spacious as the
rooms of tbo Omaha club , they are as
elegant in their appointments. The
merchants and professional men moot
lioro , and knowing it to be to their in
terest , they can constitute themselves a
board of trade and use their influence in
he proper direction. It is in their rooms
ind through their hospitality that the
weak spot in a manufacturer's heart can
bo reached , and many a manufacturer
can , when properly approached , bo
iccurcd for Council Bluffs. Manufactur-
ng is what the city needs and there
looms no good reason why it cannot bo
_ It has proved almost impossible at
imcs to get even a quorum of the old
board of trade to attend a meeting. Not
a night will pass without thcro being a
goodly number of representative busi
ness men , who can bo easily gathered at
'he club roomsto consult on any matters
> f public moment , and take the initial
Human FralltlcB.
Business in Judge Aylcsworth's court
r'csterrtay morning was about as usual.
oscph Mahoney , a homesick Minncapo-
is youngster of seventeen , charged with
agrancy , was discharged , as ho said ho
would immediately start for home and
profit by the good advice given him.
7rank Motter , alias "Suot , " a hack-
driver , was taxed $21.30 for assault and
battery. The victim of his surgical skill
was William Jefferics , whoso scalp ho
"aid open , the instrument used being a
ivagou wrench. When informed of the
amount of his line ho expressed a desire
to have Jcffcrics arrested on the same
charge and his wish was gratified. James
Owens , a farmer of Oak township , Mills
county , was charged with being drunk.
Ho told a story of the unfortunate alllic-
tion that caused the extreme unsteadi
ness of his logs and the pain in his bead ,
but admitted that ho had been in a
saloon for an hour just previous to his ar
rest. His honor said he had no wish to
ino a man for sickness , and discharged
him with the advice to keep away from
even the smell of whisky hereafter , as the
odor seemed to make his ailmet worse.
James Adams came up smiling , and m
answer to the judge's query , said he had
slept very well indeed. Ho was regis
tered as the "umbercll man" the previ
ous night , but now gave his proper name
and said ho was a tinner from Syracuse ,
N.Y. Ho admitted that he was very
drunk when arrested , and had money to
nay a lino. When invited to contribute
$8.10 to help the cause along he wanted
his fine remitted , and promised to leave
forthwith for treraont , Neb. , where he
lias work , but the incredulous judge was
afraid ho could not withstand the en
treaties of friends in Omaha , and would
not have it so.
The licit Grading.
The resolution at the last mooting of
the council , calling for the grading of
Sixth , Seventh and Eighth streets , was
leclared lost. The vote stood three to
two , Aldermen Wells , Metcalf and Lacy
voting for the resolution , and Aldermen
Keller and Danforth voting against it.
The vote was declared by Alderman
Wells , who was presiding , as lost on the
round that it required two-thirds of the
council to vote in its favor. The alder
men who voted against the resolution
justify themselves in doing so on the
ground of economy , wanting to save the
city from the expense of the inter
sections. On the other hand it is
claimed , with a good showing
of sense , that the resolution would have
secured a largo amount of improvement
with little outlay from the city's funds.
The real effect of the resolution is to
compel railroad companies to till in their
yards and tracks end raise thorn to
grade. Mayor Gronoweg is of the opin
ion that ttio resolution should have boon
declared carried , as there were three
votes for it ana only two against it ,
which , under the rules , as ho construes
thorn , carried the resolution. The lire
system was accepted by a resolution
passed by such a vote exactly. If one
was void the other was. There is a dif
ference , under the rules , between im
provements petitioned for by the prop
erty-owners and those ordered by the
council of their own accord.
The Major Wants a Pension.
The statement has boon going the
rounds of the Iowa press that Dr. Cross
was trying to get the state of Iowa to
grant him money enough to recompense
him in part , at least , for the damages ho
had sustained by beiutc arrested and tried
for the murder of Dr. McCuuo. Most of
those papers which have commented on
the claim have criticized It very sharply ,
but this does not seem to have dampened
the ardor of "Major" Williams , the con-
fiionco man who was arrested and tried
for killing Hughes in the old Union Ave
nue hotel , lie has kept very shady since
ho was acquitted and allowed no time to
be wasted in putting a safe distance bo-
twcen himself and Council Bluffs * Ho
still keeps his whereabouts a secret but
writes a very touching letter in regard to
bis situation : '
To My Council Bluffs Friends ( that Is , If I
hare any ) : I happened to come across a
paper by which 1 learn that Dr. Cross is mov
ing to get the state of Iowa to give him dam
ages on account of his having been Impris
oned and sentenced to be hung , and alter-
wards declared not guilty. 1 am clad to
learn that there Is fair prospect of his bolus ;
given his claim , lie ought to get at least
§ 500,000. I wouldn't want to RO through
such an experience as that for half that
amount and the doctor Is twice PS good a
man as I am. He ( uttered rnoro than I did.
He was tried twice , If I remember right , and
one time wa * found pullty and came very
near having to stretch , but ha sot a
new trial and was acquitted. While
1 would not have one cent cut off his allow
ance , yet I feel that my allowance should be
as much as his. for while ho Buffered more ,
yet he did not sutler as unjustly as I did. J
was looked up In the county jaQ for a loins
time , was tried as a murderer , but without
even going on the stand myself. 1 was ac
quitted. No jury has ever said I was guilty ,
Or. Cross admitted that he killed Dr. Mo
Kune , but proved that he did it In aelf-de
fense. 1 neyer admitted that ikilled , Hughe *
There were many who Bald I shot Hughes
down In cold blood , and some believe It now ,
but they did not swear to It positively
eiioiuh to convict me , and I never admitted
that 1 killed him at all. 1 have always held
myself to be Innoceut , 'and no judicial has
said I was guilty.
The county has had to spend about 310,000
In trying Dr. Cross , but one trial was all 1
had , and that a cheap sort ot affair , so far as
the county was concerned. Under nil those
circumstances 1 think I am justly entitled teas
as much damages as the doctor.
Further than this 1 really need the idoncy
more than the doctor. He has a better pro
fession than I. The confidence business Is
rather unprofitable now. It has hiul
too much free advertl.sment. 1 think that the
slate of Iowa would give me half of what I
think the doctor expects S5UO.OU01 would be
Hatlsned. I could then start a savings bank ,
and after a while could Bather uo a stake In
the usual method. If you could see mo in
my present deplorable condition , and realize
the scarcity ot suckers , 1 am sure you would
take pity on mo , and urge the grand state of
Iowa to pension me liberally. 1'lease get up
a petition to the governor , and help mo get
this through. Yours Confidentially ,
Watches , clocks , jewelry , etc. , the best
in the city. C. Vosa , jeweler , No. 415
Broadway. Repairs a specialty.
Uncle Hum's House.
The bids for finishing up the interior
of the new government building
were given in yesterday's telegraph col
umns of the BEE. It appears that the
Council Bluffs bidders were several
hoiisand dollars above others , and the
lontract therefore will doubtless go
way from homo. The bids include the
whole interior finishing , plastering ,
lathing , hardware , marble work , iron
work , carpentering , etc. The con-
' .factor . , whoavor ho may be , cannot
jopln work until the plumbing is done ,
jtrang & Co , of Omuha , have the con-
: ract for this , and the work is to be com-
ileted sixty days from September D , the
ate of the contract. The steam heating
s to be completed by the 80th of Novem-
) er , a Cincinnati lirm having that con-
ract. After that the work for which
hose last published bids were made will
begin. It appears that the day of final
ntry upon the actual occuoany of the
luilding is yet some ways off.
Dr. J , T. Van Ness , physician and sur
geon , olllco room 3 , Opera House hlock ,
will attend professional calls day or
ulcht. Residence corner Eighth avenue
nd Fifteenth street.
Chantauqua Aaiomblr.
Notwithstanding the outward weather
f last evening Masonic temple was fairly
filled with those who are laboring for the
establishment of a Chautauqua assembly
hero. President L. W. Tulleys presided
nd stirring addresses were delivered by
Rev. D. H. Tooley , Rev. Dr. Phelps , Rev.
T. J. Mackay , Mr. L. W. Ko s and others.
The advantages to bo secured wuro ably
[ nd fully presented. Letters were read
ihowlng the success that has already at-
.cudcd similar institutions elsewhere.
Questions wore freely asked and an-
sword enlightening those who were not
r personal experience familiar with
lautauqua work. Altogether the mooi
ng was rather informal than otherwise ,
but great impetus was given the work on
hand , and Us details , leading to a final
consummation of this earnestly wished
Tor result , will bo the more ardently
prosecuted. Music was intcrpersed by a
juartottc constituted of Miss Fanny Wes-
iott , Messrs. Paul Tulleys and Frank and
? erry Badollct.
Tlin Foil oral Court.
The United States district court for the
outhcrn district of Iowa convened here
rosterday morning and will bo in ses
sion the greater part of the week. The
grand jury was called and then dismissed
until 10 this morning. The petit jury
was dismissed until lIiO : p. m. Judge
Shiras opened court but Judge Love pre
sides at this term. . Thrco now members
wcro admitted to the United States bar :
George H. Stillman , of this city. Burg
Brown , of Adams county , and M. M.
Beck , of Avocu. After tlio calling of the
docket , the court adjourned until 3 p. m.
Prominent attorneys are present from
all parts of the state , amonz the number
being Judge Hubbard , of Cedar Rapids ;
District Attorney MoPhorson , of Red
Oak , W. T. Rankin , of Keokuk , and
Senator Clark , of Clarinda.
Ho Preferred Walking.
The patrol wagon yesterday answered
the call from box No. 40. Jake Shoup
ausod it. Ho had got drunk again. But
when ho saw the patrol wagon ho sob
ered up and informed the police that ho
would walk to jail. "I won't ride in that
wagon , " ho said. "I shall not pay for it ,
if 1 do. Remember I am willing to walk
und will refuse to pay for the rule. " Ho
evidently know that the ride to jail would
cost him 50 cents extra.
The bar fixtures and furniture of the
the St. Louis house will bo sold at sheriffs
sale , Mouday , Oct. 3 , at 0 o'clock a. m.
Death of Mrs. Ingolflabjr.
Mrs. Mary Inguldsby died at 8:30 :
o'clock Monday night at her late resi
dence , No. 3S3 South Sixth street. Sbo
was a native of Scotland , of tbo town of
Forrest , and came to this town when fif
teen years of age. She was in her sixty-
eighth year , and wasadovotcd Christian.
She leaves a family of eight children.
The funeral will take place from St. Fran
cis Xavier church at 10 o'clock Thursday
morning. Friends are invited to the
funeral without further notice.
The Government of Cities.
Scribnor for October : If popular gov
ernment and universal suffrage arc to
have any real meaning , the people must
be placed in a position to know what is
going on ; whereas all our present ar
rangements , whether by the secrecy of
committee rooms , or by that of executive
officials , who novcr appear before the
public at all , are such that the people
never know any thing of that with respect
to which they are yet expected to judge
and to decide. .In the Now England town
meeting , the selectmen appear once or
twice a year bcforo the whole assembly
of the inhabitantsand are cross-examined
by individuals. The test is so
severe , and the judgment follows
so swiftly at the elections , that corrup
tion and even political intrigue
are almost unknown. When a town
becomes too largo for such u meeting ,
the change is made to a city government
with one or two representative councils.
In theory these councils should do the
work of tlio town mooting that is , watch
tbo course of administration , enforce
responsibility , and keep the people in
formed. In practice they get possession
of a largo part of the administration ,
break up and destroy responsibility , and
oflectiuvlly conceal both their own doincs
and those of the executive. The offset
and safeguard in entrusting extensizo
powers to a mayor is in providing a
tribunal before which ho and his agents
may promptly , easily and continuously
bo held to public account If a body of
one or two hundred men from all parts
of Now York were to assemble , say once
u monthbeing debarred by law from any
interference with administration , having
no power to dictate any action or to vote
any appropaiation except upon proposal
of the executive , but with full power of
suggestion , of criticism , and of veto ; if
the mayor and his chief officials were to
appear publicly before this body at each
session to submit their plans , answer
questions. and ask for votes of
money , the people would bo perfectly
able to judge of the character and ac
tions of their servants , and to . express
their opinions ut 'tho polU. Then , and
not till then , can yro hold universal suf-
fragu responsible for failure of govern
Are you weak and weary , overworked
and tired ? Hood's 'Sursaparilla Is just
the medicine to purify your blood and
give you strength.
Hlnaulnr Coincidences.
Philadelphia Herald : Ono of tbo many
pleasant incidents during the centennial
celebration last week duo to the open
hearted hospitality shown by citizens to
visitors occurred on Friday , and is worthy
of note.
Charles Hanger/ Cheyenne , came
cast to take part in the exorcises , bring
ing with him two nieces from Davenport ,
la. They started out on Friday to view
the parade , the first object being to obtain
good positions without being compelled
to stand In the crowd. On passing the
southwest corner of Thirteenth and
Chestnut streets , Mr. Hanger observed
some workmen erecting scats in the show
window of the store of Thackara Sons &
Co. Ho offered to bear the oxpcnso of
their construction for the use of thrco
seats. Charles Thackara , of the lirm ,
was summoned , and learning whore the
visitors wcro from generously offered
them seats and gave them every attention
One of the young ladies happened to
address Mr. Hanger as "Uncle Charlie"
while Mr. Thackara was present. The
fact of them bearing the same Christian
name was commented upon as a rather
singular coincidence , particularly as they
had been born on the same day.
"Aro you a married man ? " inquired
Mr. Thackara of his now-found friend.
"I am , " was the reply. I was married
on the 27th day of Mav , 1872. "
"That's singular. That's the day on
which I was married. My wife's liamc
Ida. "
"So is mine , " almost shouted the west
erner. "Have you any children ? "
"Yes , I have one son. "
"So have 1. What's your boy's name ? "
"Fred. "
"Well , this is the most singular thing I
heard of. That's '
ever my boy's name ,
.00. "
The comparison ended hero , however ,
'or ' Master Hanger was born nine days
before Master Thauknrn.
The singular circumstance of the two
men bearing the same Christian name ;
being born and married on the same
days ; both marrying ladies bearing the
same name , and each having but one
son , and these sons bearing the same
name , was the principal subject of con-
versati"n in a group of friends who occu
pied the windows in Thackara's store for
ho remainder of the day , und the acci
dental acquaintance of the gentlemen
will no doubt ripen into a friendship
which will continue through the remain
der of their lives.
Complexion Powder is an absolute
necessity ot the refined toilet in this cli
mate. roMonl'a combines every element
of beauty and purity.
An Eccentric KngllKhinan.
GAI.VESTON , Tex. , Sept. 93. A young
Englishman -arrived in the city to-night
and registered at' a hotel as Carter ( i.
jlordon , from Savannah , Ua. Shortly
after ho created quite a sensation by
walking up and down the principal
streets clad in knee breeches , a peaked
straw hat , and a 'huge ' capo overcoat ,
although the weather was sultry. His
eccentric conduct soon attracted atten
tion , particularly as lie was lavish with
money , slapping down $ 100 bills for trif
ling articles and declining to accept any
change. It appears that lie arrived from
England a few months ago , burdened
with more money than ho knew what to
do with , and to gratify u singular freak
made a bee-line for Texas. Heanns that
the town of Ballinger was a good place
at which to invest capital in lands he
quickly went thcro and caused consider
able astonishment by not only buyinc
lands , but by buying almost every
thing in the city. Ho purchased a train
ofs vagons , purchased all the guns and
ritlcs and pistols in the town , hired a
number of men to serve him , and then
organizec a force to hunt Indians and buf
fi a-To.
Such is a history of his earliest exploits.
The Indian hunting scheme fell through ,
however , and the eccentric young Eng
lishman took a trip to Sail Francisco and
soon left that city for Georgia. He was
evcrcomo with a desire to see Texas
again , however , and he explained his ac
tion tonight by saying that he was par
ticularly impressed with Ualvcston , and
thought he'd buy out several wealthy
syndicates. Whatever truth thcro may
bo in his story , ho certainly scums to be
overstocked with money. Occasionally
he would bo surrounded by curious
groups on the street corners , and before
leaving them he would present two or
three in the crowd with a roll of bills.
H e said to tlio Globe-Democrat correspondent
pendent that his next objective point
was St. Louis , where ho intended to bo
luring the Grand Army encampment ,
and whore ho intended spending bushels
o f money.
How the Chinese Scare the Drivll.
San Francisco Examiner : The begin
ning of the annual Chinese festival
known as "Gheo Koung Tung" took
place at the joss house of tlio Ghee
Kong Tung society , in Spofford alloy.
The alloy was ablaze with candles and
sandal paper which emitted malodorous
At the entrance of the joss house wcro
two giant figures made of paper , repre
senting great potentates of a former
period. Inside , candles and punks were
burning amid decorations of most bril
liant colored papers , giving it a most de
cidedly oriental appearance. On a plat
form in front of each of their special
idols wcro all the fruits of the season
candles , cakes und other chmcso luxur
ies. Sandal wood was burning on every
Promptly at 13 o'clock midnight , a
procession formed in front or the joss
house , headed by several pagans bearing
burning wood on a wire screen , witn
which they lit the prepared parcels com
posed of punks and grensy paper , whicli
wore placed lu front of each door on the
line of march. After this came the lan
tern-carriers , followed by the prominent
members of the society , who were dressed
in long gowns und a peculiar shaped
turban hats on tlicr | ho.ids ; About a
dozen Chinese children worn in the wako
of tlio procession , also in holiday attire.
The latter arc known as the Ghee Koung
Fung Cheng Tmug.or the societies' altar
boys. After marching around Dupont.
Washington and Clay streets , and thJ
alloys abounding in that neighborhood ,
they re-entered the joss house and the
feasting began.
The festival lasts four days , and each
day ft m two to thrco hundred China-
mon are fed gratis. The festival is an
ancient one , and is held at every city
where Chinamen who belong to the so
ciety abound.
The Ghee Koung Tung festival is a
feast in honor of the great dead. The
burning of the papers , candles and punks
is , it Is said , to keep the evil spirit away
from the living as well as the dead. This
religious society is the richest as well as
the most powerful amongst the Chinese.
From $5,000 to f 10,000 are spent every
year in this city in the idolatrous festiv
ity. This fund consists of contributious
from members of the society.
New Fall Styles Open.
1314 Dtuglas St. , OMAHA ,
.I. Say ! In there n fire any where f There' * Hit
awful crowd rushing up the street.
II , Hey f Flie ! N-n-w. Ilaliit > licard 'lioul
the H ccnl Curtain mile the Council It I u IN Car
pet Co. It n havln' this week f That's wluir the
crowd Is n goln' .
J. That's so. They give n pole with every pair
or curtains sold. GUCKS I'll go myncir. They arc
at Xo. JOS Broadway. p
li.-Wnlt till 1 get my snrtoiit , an' I'll go 'long
with ye.
Special tdvoi-tliomcnts , such M Lost , Found
loxi nFor Bnla , To Rent , Vimiti , Boitrdlnir ,
etc. , will bolni rt 4 la thli column t the low
nteofTKNCENTiJPEK LINK for the Uric laser-
Ion /IveCentirerLlnefo.-okch subiequout
hmitlon. lieave adrerlliomcnts nt our oBu
Ma U I'eurl tti-eet , ne r Broadway. Council
fTANTS. _ _ _ _ _ _
" '
TO"Ap'pio miycre-600 busliols best winter
nmilos In orchard In Council II luffs. Apply -
ply to lioracn Kvurett. _
ANTKO-Wood choppers to cut 1,0 0 cords
ot wood. Flvo miles from town. Horace
Everett. _ _ _ _ _
, to lonn on real estnto nnd chattels by
$100,000 Day. 39 I'oarl Bt. _
BUILDING lots and ncre propurty for Bftloby
F. J. Day , U3 1'curl at. _
WANTED To buy a few lot cheap from
the owners. Cash or on time. Address
K. C. , llco olllco. Council llluffs , _
- Klrl for pcncrnl housework.
WANTFD-A , liandy kitchen. ' 09 8th avo.
" Oil BALK At a Imrpnln , a Hnoyotinif Ham-
ulclontan horse , with biiMinr nml harness ,
nearly new. Call at Weatherby's sttiblo or nn
L. A. Devlno. _
FOR SALE- Stock of druirs In contra ) Ne
braska. Will Invoice nl > out JI.OOO. In
quire of Harlo , Ilass & Co. , Council bluffs , la.
BAIiK OK THADK.-For Conncll Illuffi
property 40,000 acrei of Iowa and Ne
braska land. J. It. Rice , 110 Mam St. Council
Bluffs. _
Having opened , the time for purclmsing
heavy clothing approaches and every one
wishes to know where to go to get the best
quality for the least money. If you will
before you purchase elsewhere , you will be
enabled to see about what you can pur
chase your selections for. It will not be
necessary for you to buy of us , we simply
extend vou an invitation to call and ex
amine the Finest and BesJ Selected stock
of clothing ever in Council Blufl's. We
offer for sale a large line of
suitsin sack or frock styles , in the hair
lines , silk mixtures , gray mixtures , brown
mixtures , crimson mixtures , broken plaids
and all the new styles. These to be ap
preciated must be seen. They are neat
nobby goods. We have a fine line of
Coats and Vests , as well as four-button
Cutaways , in all colors. These goods in
cut , fit , finish and 'rimming , are equal to
the best tailor made goods and we ofl'cr
them for lese than half a tailor could make
them for. Youths' and Children's suits
We show a fine line of these goods as well
as a full assortment of the cheaper grades
or school wear. A full line of knee pants
and boy's shirt waists.
We have everything imaginable in
Including Hate , Caps , the finest line of
Neckwear ever in the city. Silk , Alapaca
and Gingham Umbrellas. A full line of
White Shirts , besides Percales , Cheviot
and Flannels of all colors.
We are here to show goods and trust
the public will favor us by giving us a call
and at least inspect our lines , which we
claim equal to anything ever in this city.
No. 416 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Next Door to The Manhattan.
Hides , Tallow , Pelts ,
Illtihest afarhet Prices. Promp
820 and 8-22 Main Street , Council Bluffs
Creston House ,
Main Street , Council Bluffs ,
Only Hotel in the City
with Fire Escape ,
Electric Call Bells.
Accumniodatluiit Flrt Chun ,
And Hate * Rcnuonnbte
Max Mohn , Proprietor
Pianos and Organs
Persons wishing to purchase instruments will find it to their interest to *
cull on us.
Instrument ! Tuned and Repaired. We never fall to give RntUfHctloH *
Over 3O yean' Experience In Piano nnd Organ Work.
Swanson Music Co.
No. 329 Broadway , Council Bluffy Iowa
Best $2.00 a day house in the west.
Regular : Boarders : : Reduced : : Rates.
NO. 336 & 338 Broadway , council Bluffs.
Common Sense
Greatest Invention of the Age.
Rupture or Hernia a Specialty
Cures all kinds of Chronic Diseases that are curable with his most Wonderful Vegetable
ilomedles. Is the olclost and most successful Specialist in tbo west Call and s o him.
flrtiiii/iO T31ii-ffin
Oflico Hours : 8 to 12 a. m. , 1 to 0 and 6 to 8 p. m. OOUllCll JDiUIIS ,
CARTER & SON , Proprietors.
) AND (
Order ? for rcpulrs by mall promptly uttonilo
to. Satisfaction iruaruiitocd. Tenth Avo. ad
joining the Ogilon Iron Works , Council UlulTi.
Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards
Broadway , Council Bluffs , Opp. Dummy Depot
Horses anil mules constantly on hand
for sale at retail or in car load lots.
Order * promptly iilled by contract on
short notice. Stock sold on commission
Telephone 114. SBLUTKK & BOLEV.
Opposite Dummy Depot , Counoi Ulu ffs
Justice of the Peace.
Olllce over American Kxprcss.
800 Broadway , Council DlufTsJowa.
Established IbST.
In Amber ,
tic.Hair On
nnrncnts , as
vrcll as the
newest nov
elties iu lialr
Hair gonda
niaUeto order
Mri. C. L. Gillette
20 H&iu St. , Council lilutla , Iowa , Out
of town wqrk solicited , and alt mail
"dtra promptly attended to , . .
Vacant Lots , Lands , CltllcBldoncei and
Farms. Acre property in western part of city
All Eclllnir cheap.
Real Estate & insurance Agent ,
Moom C , over Officer & Fiisoy's Bank , Couno
Finest Landaus
Coaches and Hacks in City.
No. 418 Broadway The Manhattan1
Telephone No. 88
Na. 615 Main Street , Telephone No , 9
The Sutler house in Missouri Valley ; fur
nished first-claps throughout and with a
large business established. Will be rented
on liberal terms to responsible parties. Call
on or address. HUGH 1'KUCY ,
Missouri Valley.
Attorneys at Law ,
Practice in the State and Federal Cour t
Rooms 7 and 8 Shugart-Beno Block.
K. S. JiAlttfETT ,
Justice ot the Peace ,
410 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Refers to any bank or business house in the
city. Collections a specialty.
Price * Veru TMW ,
W. S. .HOMER & Co. ,
JfO. 23 MAIN ST. , * ' $