THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 27 , 1887. Blithesome second , My Own third. Tltne- ttlOK. Ono mtlo And tlirco-stxtconth * : Kollai won. Kurns second , Nclanto third , Tlmo- Three-fourths mlln : King Crab won lonllmm second , Dlxlenno third. Time- isiojf. Ono and ono-slxtocnth miles ! Fnrnnes won , Saluda second. Windfall third. Tlrne- Death oT a Noted HOMO. O. , Supt 20. Obcrlln , th 510,000 stallion , dropped ( load while belli i driven this attcrnoon. The driver wa slightly Injured. Oburlln wusalmlt hrotlie of it runl S. and has a record of 2:2. : % . Thn Omaha Ulito Cluli In-Doors. Dr. Worley has been appointed a commit tee ot one by the Omaha Uilln club to secur an enclosed range or gallery In which t continue their weekly target exercise diirlm the winter months. Thn club will hold th present range at Uellcviio until compelled t relinquish It by the cold , Tholr desire 1st get an apartment of largo dimensions when they may use reduced tareets. This wll make their sport very popular during tin winter. _ AN ANTl-DOOOtiE SCHEME. Cook County Commlmilonera Prcpar in it Civil Hcrvlua Rules. CHICAOU , Supt 2 J. [ Special Telegram b the BEK. j At a mooting of the recently re formed board of county commissioners thi aftcruport President Aldrlch proposed a codi of civil service rules for the administration o the county government which would smasl the oxlctlng political machines to splinter and gives a lite tenure to the present incuni bents of subordinate olllcnilt they cor.tlnu to honestly discharge their duties. Th scheme provides for the cstabliohmen of a civil sorvlcn commission whlcl will bo equally etlvlaed between thi two political parties. Provision will bo mad by the commission for a competitive cxainl nation of applicants for olllco and the prc motions for merit or seniority in oflice. AI obligations on the part of appointees to con tribute to political funds will bo removed. 1 board of examiners to test the fitness ot ap pilcants for office will be appointed. Th math feature Is that no ollicor , clerk or othe person employed in any department shal be dlschafeid from ofllco on accoun of his political opinions , and punishment are provided for infringmeut of any of tin provisions before mentioned. The stronges rules are those drawn up for the purpose o doing away with the system of blackmail fo the swelling of political funds hltherti worked by heads of departments or thel subordinates. It Is thought that the bean will adopt the rules. The same Sot was In troduced at the city council meeting to-nlgh for city government and were referred to i committee. A Npgro Murdered at St. Joe. ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , Sept. 20 fSpeclal Tele gram to the BEE.J Thornton Dike anc William McCormick , both negroes , became Involved in a quarrel to-day In the alley a the roar of the custom house. McCormick wa : Inside of the custom house yard and darei Dike to come over the fence. Dlko refused when McCormick jumped over the fence am drawing a pocket knite stabbed him twice once In the abdumun , a gash Uvo Inches long and once In the shoulder. After the woundoi man fell Dike picked up a rock and hit bin three tlmos on the lve d. There Is no horx for Dike's recovery. McCormick made hi escape. . . The Sharp Verdict Affirmed. NKW Yonif , Sept 20. The decision on tin Sharp case has been affirmed by the genera term. All four of the judges concur. Tin case can now be appealed to the court of ap peals , out Sharp will bo sent to Sine Slui Immediately. Attorney Nelson , ot Sharp's counsel , salt to-night that undoubtedly an application for i stay would bo made to the court of lust resort and Sharp would not see the state's prisor pending the result of that application. As ilstant District Attorney Nichols said an ap plication for Sharp's committment to prisoi would be made at once and he would doubt JPSS bo sent to prison within forty-elurh hours. < Accidentally Shot Ilia Brother. ST. JOSKI-U , Mo. , Sept. 20. [ Special Tel egram to the BEE.J This morning Nyi Leonard , nine years old , shot and killed him self while carelessly handling a revolver He and his brother Lester , aged seventeen slept In the same bed. Kyo got up thi morning while his brother was asleep , tool the revolver from under the pillow and wa play Ing with it when the accident occurred Ho died In ten minutes. Nceho Started For the Pen. CHICAGO , Sept. 20. Anarchist Osca Neebc , under sentence of fifteen years In thi penitentiary , was taken from the county jal and started for Jollot to-night. Neebe was taken away with much sccrcc by the sheriffs deputies. None of his friend knew ho was to bo taken away and to none of them did he say good byo. The train ar rived at 10:30 : , and the prisoner was at onci hurried to the penitentiary. Violent Storm In Mexico. Ei , PAso , Tex. , Sept. 20.-A violent storr has been raging In northern Mexico for se > eral days , AtSouz , twciity-clgnt miles norti of Chihuahua , a bridge 200 feut long wa almost completely destroyed together wit ! considerable other property. Several othe washouts have occurred and all trains are de layed. The \lHlblo 8iipply Statement. CHICAGO , Sept. 20. The visible supply o grain , as shown by the reports compiled b the secretary of tbo Chicago board ot trade Is aa follows : Bushels Bushel Wheat soifinooo Corn 7.830,00 Oats ITW.OOO Uyo 3 ( ,00 Barley. . . . ; . WiO,000 A Cnndldiitn itetlren. SvuAceisK , N. Y. , Sept. CO. O. Preston ho candidate ef the union labor party fo ; secretary of state , to-day retired In favor o John Swinton , tlm candidate of the unite labor party for the same olllcn. It Is thonzri the entire unlomlabor ticket will bo retire and the united labor endorsed. ConfoHscit to Bribery. HALIFAX , Sept. 20.-Hon. A. W. McLel Ian , postmaster general , has admitted brib cry by ngents In his election for the house c commons , and his seat for Colhestc Is consequently rendered vacant. Th charges of personal bribery against McLi-l Ian nru yet to bo heard. No ConcliiHluu Hnaohed. NEW i'oitic , Sept. 'JO. The bondholders ei the Cannela branch of the St , Louis , Kansa City & Northern railway met hero to-day fc the purpose of dcvislne BOIIIO means of ec' ' tluit the branch road out ot the hands ot th receiver. They failed to reach any conclu ion. ' /Appointed / K. of IV and H. CINCINNATI , Sept. 20.-U. L. C. White , o Lebanon , Tenn. , has been appointed si prome keeper of the records and seals of th Knights of Pythias tg till the vacancy occa loiied by ths eleeeaso of .lion. U. K. Cown ot St. Louis. Funeral of Clrtrk HI nips in. WASHINGTON , Sept. 58. The funeral o U. E. Simpson , late enrolling clerk of th senate , took place this afternoon. Mrs. ( ion eral Logan and many other friends of tli . deceased wore present. The remains will 6 J * aken to Carthage. 111. , for Interment. . , Mlko Manonnld hhakes Hit P U. CIIIOAOO , Sept. 20-M. ( X McDonald wl go Into the criminal court to-morrow an surrender Warden Varnell and ex-Count Commissioner Van Pelt into the hands of th law and ask for the surrender ot his bond : S45ooo. Hunlnrs * Failure , NEwYouic , Sept. 20 , James S. Cowlir Importer of laces and small wares , made ai assignment to-day. Liabilities about 8150,001 Assets estimated at trom S-W.tWO to 973,000. Tobacco Crop Damaged Djr Frost. LYNCIIIIUIIG , Va. , Sept. aX-Ueoorts frm all through the tobacco regions show it to Ii seriously Injured by frost. Probably one fourth of the crop b ruined. ARENSDORF HAS TO HUSTLE One of His BaueUmon Gets Frightened am Withdraws. ANOTHER NAME SECURED Dcnth ofa Victim of tha Avocix Wrccl Suicide of n YOUIIR Doctor Farmer Werner's Mur derer * Hold. ArrnirtorPnOld IJondsmon Withdraw Sioux Cixr. In. , Sopt.2) . tSpeclal Tele gram to the UKE. | There was a rumor 01 the street thUmornlnzthat John Awnulorf bondsmen had surrendered him and that h was In the hands of tlio sheriff. The origlnn bond was secured by C. F. lloyt , Willlaii Leech , Joe ifoorsch nnd II. Selzcr. Thi morn In ? Mr. Leech withdrew from the bond nd John Arensdorf was taken Into custod : by Shot I IT McDonald. J03 Boesch also with drow. A new bond was secured by Arena dorf. with C. F. Hoyt , 11. Selzor and Jamci Junk as sureties. Death of Ex-Auditor ( Jattell. DKS MOINKS , la. , Sept. 20. [ Special Telo pram to the UKK.J.-1L Jonathan W. Cattell ox-auditor of state , died at his homo in thi country a few miles east of here yesterday from Injuries received In a runaway on Fri day. Ho was a natlvo of Pennsylvania , bu came to Iowa In territorial days and has beet one of the leading men of the state for man ) years. Ho was at two different periods i member of the state senate , being electee from Cedar county and later from ; * Poll county , lie wa < * elected state auditor , serv Ins clurlnK the greater portion o f the war will Brest efHcency. At the time ot the contro versy between Governor Sherman and Audi tor iirown In 18 * ) , when Brown was removed Crtttoll was appointed auditor and held thi ofllco till the election or Governor Lnrrabei and the restoration of Brown. In person hi much resembled Abe Lincoln , lie wosunl versally raspectrd for his hitch-minded cluw nctcr and faithful public services. Northwest low. * Mcthodlflta. Sioux CITV , la. , Sept. SO.-fSpeclal Tele cram to the BEK. ] Tha Northwest lowi Methodist conference will meet in Slou : City at the Methodist Episcopal church 01 Wednesday , at 0 o'clock. The recoptloi will be held Tuesday evening at the church The address of welcome will be made b' George U. Perkins and Bishop Merrill wii reply. The conference proper will be openei Wednesday mornlne at 0 o'clock , with com munlon services. It Is understood the conference feronce will be called upon to raise 81.CKH to replenish the treasury of tli Law and Order league. It Is understood tha Dr. Bedford , who guaranteed T. P. Mur phy's S400 fee as attorney for the prosecutloi of the Haddock murderers , will not fight thi suit Mr. Murphy has brought against hln for the payment of the feu. The league I asked to make this amount good to the doc tor and will ask the conference to raise tin amount and SGOO more. Alaska's New Attorney. DAVKSPOBT , la. , Sept. 20. [ Special Tola gram to the BKB.J Mr. William Grant appointed United States district attornej for Alaska , is a resident ot Davenport about thirty-live years of age. Ho Is a grad uate of Grlswold college and the Iowa stab university , and Is a practicing lawyer , belni In partnership with nls uncle. Jauins Grant Ho Is a native of AluDauia , which fac throws soiro light on his appointment , a leading democrats know nothing about bin when the announcement was made. They niamu the Rnad. DUIIUQUR , la. , Sept. 20. [ Special Tele gram to the BEE. | The testimony before the coroner's Jury on the Eagle Point colll slou was vury damaging to the company ant to the now rules adopted some time since Elghtenn conductors and engineers belong- to tills division of the Milwaukee road testl lied that they would have acted the same ai Conductor Clark and Knglneor Fales In car rylng out the Instructions sent by the trait dispatcher at Lacrosse. The agreeing testl mony would go to show that the fault I with the new rules adopted by the railway systems of the northwest. Waterway Convention Delegates. DBS MOINES , la. , Sept 20. [ Special Tele groin to the BEE. | The governor has ap pointed the following dolozates to the water way convention at Peorla , October 11 , t represent the state of Iowa : Ex-Gov ornor Gear , of Burlington : John Mahln ot Muscatlne ; B. B. KIchards , of Dubunue John W. Merger , ofSclola ; A. S. Hater , o McGregor : Hon. J. II. Murphy , of Daven port , and J. Fred Myers , of Ueuison. On Trial for Murder. NEW U.A.MPTOX , la. , Sept. 23. ISpoclal Telegram to the BEI : . ) Tfle coroner's jurj in the case of Fred Werner , the man mur dared here a week ago , report as follows : "The deceased catno to his death from blows from a club In the hands of John oT Joseph Frandsen , or both , with criminal Intent. ' Iheir preliminary trial bozan to-day. Pushing the Corn Palaco. Sioux CITV , la. , Sept. 20. [ Special Telegram - gram to the BKE. ] A larger force than evei was at work on the corn palace to-day , Everybody is busy with the decorations am the city Is puttlnc on a novel appearance such as It never had before. The Idea I growing and expanding and next wool ; "the carnival week , " will see corn crownei as klnu' in a way never before witnessed. A Younjj Doctor . Hun OAK , la.Sopl.20. jSpcclal TeleRran tothuBEE.1 Dr. O , K. Hartiuan , a youni and promising physician committed suicid this nttcrnoon , by taking ono ounce o aconlto , din < In less than au hour alter tak Ing the doao. Another Avoca Victim. Knn OAK , la. , Sept 20. [ SpcdaiTelcfraii | ; to the BKK.I Miss Annie Merlll. who wa Injured In the Atton wreck on the 15th lust , died to-day of her Injuries. Died of iVponlcxy. Ui : OAK , la. , Sept 20.-Spoclal | Tele gram to the BEK. ] Mrs. Clark , wife of Jmlg Clark , ono of Iowa's oldest settlers , did to-day of apoplexy. Natural Produces a nit : Boom. HKII.VUOK , fa. , bopt ua-fSpoclal to tin BKE.I U Is doubtful If any town In low ; over had such a boom as Horn don isnow having. It U all on account of the natural gas found here. Tea wells have boon borei and In every case the gas was found at : depth of from 115 to 130 feet. The pressur Is variously animated at from 30 to 70 pound to thesquaroinch. The ilerudon Natural Ga and Land company have secured 3Su acre for a town site. They are men of wealth am experience and are u.slng every efTorf t boom the now town. Quite a number o business llrms have been induced to locati I'uru and at least three manufacturing estab lUhmuntsJiave been secured , viz. : A larg foundry and mnctilne shop that will run en tlrely by natural gas for heat and power ; i blixulng mill and a broom factory. No otla tlons are now uoins on with several others U Is thought the Chicago , Milwaukee & Si 1'aul company will build repair shops hero. llorndon Is located in the northeast corno or Giithrlo county , 110 miles from Counci UlulTs and lifty-two miles troiu Des Moluos nt the junction ot the Wabasli Western am the Chicago. Milwaukee & St Paul railroads on a perfectly level prairie In a rich farmln , country , and there U no town within UfUMii miles In either direction except 1'auoe , twulv miles southeast Three- weeks ago the popu liulon of llerndon was less than lifty , wlill now It must bu 200. Two families are al ready using the gas for cooking , lightlm and heating their houses. The Land coin pany display the gas in their olllco In a gram Hhape. Three brick blocks are In course o erection and small frame houses are belni built at a rapid rate , nnd everybody Is will with excitement. The adjoinlnir landsliav either buen boiuht or aru hold at fabulou prices. Over 200 lota have been sold In tb last two we its. A larire gang ot men am teams are at work grading the streets. Th Uerndon Weeklv Herald umda its first r pcarance yestanlay , A CLiOBE CALK The New York Veteran Flremen'i Train Wrecked In Mln ousl , HoMiKX , No. , Sept.20. A fearful rallroae accident occurred here on the switch nnrtl ot Ululim' . " elevator , b ; which two person : lost tholr lives. The special excursion train of olzht coaches , carrying the Now Yorl vererrui Uromen on their return homo frou tholr recent visit to San Francisco , was pass Ing eastward at a rapid speed , when It sud dimly turned.on a switch which had been lef open through the carelessness of Yanlmaste George Tiitthlll. The train there collltlec with a freight standing on the side-track waiting for the excursion to pvu. Tin freight engine and tender wore complete ! ] demolished , and the passenger engine , ten tier and tmggagu car were b.nlly wrecked James Iteed and William Kamsoy , twc negroes living at Warronsbure. who were boating their way homo from Kansas City on the- front end of the ba zago car , wen Instantly killed. Their bodies wore horrlblj mangled , almost beyond recognition. The veteran firemen showed skill und oxperl.mci as experts in gathering up the remains of thi bodies and In restoring order In the clioas o ; the wreck. Several ot the regular passengers gors were bruised and slightly Injured , AMU8EMKNT8. Mr. and Mrs.V. . J. Florence Appeal In Our OoTcrnor. Pinto Perkins , the character assumoc by W. J. Florence in "Our Governor. " is an exaggerated type of Arnorlcat character , more pronounced even that that of Bardwoll State. In the oarliei years of our national history there havi been legislators who Justified the travest : outlined by Mr. Florence. But such i man as Pinto Perkins never existed Pinto , no matter how much soovor Mr Florence may endeavor to show that hi is a victim of habit , of mental oblivious nessis a prevaricator ot adamantine dons ity. lie Is such an ono of whom it ha been said that oycn Omnipotence couli not enlarge his lying mouth without cut ting off his oars. Aside from Pinto1 ! tendency to exaggerate , which is bu another word for lying. Mr. Florence' , interpretation of the character is sohol nrly and artistlo. It is dlgulliod with thi rarest touches of pathos and comedy although it shows , at the same time , botl presence of mind and intelligence whet ho rushes In and happily prevents tin disintegration of n young couple wlu ought to he , a.4 husband und wife , a : happy as mortals can bo under the cir cumstances. The first act last night pro yoked but little enthusiasm among the auditors. AU the performers , with the oxccptior of the stars , wore strangers Miss Stella Bonifaoo , nlthougl dressing in some ot the sccnoi with loss taste than profusoness. ane though handicapped in other ways , played Mrs. Kmgsley in an oxcollonl manner , despite the fact that the part o : u female schemer is not nloasant to con template ) . There is little difference between twoon the Miss Matilda Starr of Mrs Florence and her Mrs. tiuneral Gilflory , Both are of the conventional order , and Miss Starr is less an English woman even in exaggeration than Mrs. Gilllorj is an American. To-night thcso worthy people , no mat ter how much lliov may bo criticised it minor details , will receive the mood of t largo house in their play of "Tho Flirt. ' Permits to Wed. The following marriage licenses wen issued yesterday by Judge McCullough : Xamo and Residence. Age ( Perry II. Streoter , Omaha 21 I Llna Cullslon , Omaha 1 ! j James A. Htuikin , Omaha 2 ( | Louise M. Mills , Omaha 2 ( i Oscar B , Williams. Omaha 3i I Alice L. lingers , Omaha i > 2 I Emlle Carlson , Omaha " { Katie Johnson , Omaha 3 j Casper Carl Casperson , Omaha 3 ) Julia C. Nuppman , Omaha 3 ( James McDermott , Weeping Water 2 ! I Susie Uallln , Omaha j Robert lllloy , Marlon , la 3 ( Mary Jensen , Omaha 1 Another Fa iluro Story. The threadbare report again rcachoc this oflico yesterday that G. E. Maym had made an assignment. A BKG repor ter interviewed Mr. Miynu on the subjcc last night and was informed that the re port was false and probably started hj some maliciously inci mod person. Mr Muyno is working away at his ollico w. usual and says there is no danger of hi ; making an assignment. Brevities. Yesterday's internal revenue colleo tions amounted to $11,069.71. The Brick Moulder's union hold i meeting last night in Kcsslcr's hall. The mooting of anarchists which wa : called to take place in the old Bohemia : hall , on South Thirteenth street las night did not materialize , t B. Easton , n gentleman of color , wai arrested yesterday afternoon in Iag < alloy for his flights , of oratory , while under the inlluenco of budge. His objcc tion to be taken to the station was tha he always gets robbed there. The threatening aspect of the sky las evening kept a good many jacmhors o the board of education nt homo , nnd as : consequence there was not a quorun present at the proposed adjourneel meet ing. Where the Cigar Got Its Name. Chicago Tri-buno : The origin of tin word cigar is of some interest and is note to be found in the ordinary dictionaries The worp , of oourso , is Spanish , am Littro in his French dictionary says tha it is derived from cigarra , the Snanlsl name for grasshopper. When the Spaa iards lirst introduced tobacoo into Spair from tlio island of Cuba in the sixtocntl century , they cultivated the plant In thoii gardens , which in Spanish are callei cigarralcs. Each grow his tobacco ii hi" cigarral and rolled it up for stnokin ; as ho had learned from the Indians in thi West Indies. When ono ofTorod a smoke to friend ho could say : "Es do mi cigar rol" it is from my garden. Soon the expicssion came to bq : "Esto cigarro ci do mi clgarrol" this cigar is from mj g rdon. And from this the word cigai spread over the world. The name ci garral for garden comes from cigarra a grashopper , that Insect being vary com rhon in Spain , and cigarral moaning tin place whore the cigarra sings , in thi : way the word cigar comes from cigarra the niimo of the insect , not because it re sembles the body of the grasshopper but because it was grown in the place i frequents. The SnnVrors From Colds. Philadelphia News : Dr. Boorhaavc , n famous Gorman physician , is quoted as having once snid : ' 'Only fools und beg gars suffer from the cola , the latter nol being ablotogot sutllciont clothes , and the others not Having the senseto wear them. " John Hunter , a colebratei English surgeon , cave three simple rulw for the roaring of children , and they are Justus applicable to adults. They arc "i'lonty of sleep , plenty of milk anel plenty of llannol. " Winter will bo alonjj almost before we know it , and it is jus ! as well to boar these wise sayings ir mind. Walking through a great crowd this morning with a doctor , ho pointed out some of the follies of children' ! dress. "Hundreds of children die ovorj year from lung discaso , duo to ignorance or neglect , " said ho. "Tho legs nnd chests of children should not bu unduly exposed to the wind. Never wear wet 01 damp clothes ono moment longer than possible. Never let wet stonkings 01 shoos dry on you unless you are anxious to ill ! an untimely grave. " TRIED TO. Kl HIS WIFE A Jealous Negro Walter Firas Throe Shot With Mufrjeious Intoat , FIGHTING FRENCH NEIGHBORS ID i A Can Flar tlllj } Rat No Harn Done A. Workman Crushed to Dcnttf 'An Insane , > V'ld Acli. ! I'H AttompttHt Murder. About 3 : 0 yestonlay afternoon , Jntuc Rccd , a negro \yattor at the 1'axton , Hv ing nt 1110 Casaatroot , attumplod to mur Uor his wife , firing at hot with a rovolvoi thrco or four tlmos. Ho waa porfoctb sober at the tirao , and admits that hi was prompted by jealous motives. 11 has ol late boon charging hts wife will unchastity , and Sunday evening he throated to stab her with a butcher knit i and was only prevented from raurderlnf horby neighbors disarming him. Yesterday , while his wife was at i neighbors , ho ordered her homo , and 01 reaching the house ho drew a rovolvoi and told her ho intended to kill hor. She however , never dreamed that he rcall' meant to carry out his threat until In took deliberate aim at her and fired Seeing her peril she rushed scroamlni into the street and ran into the resident of Mrs. Glllon across the way. Ueed fol lowed , firing at her three times , but fortunately tunatoly none of the balls took effect booing that she was still pursued slu ovadeH him by slipping out of the baol way into the.residence of Mrs. Ktnscy next door. Uillcer Newman was only a block awai at the time the shots were lircd and hurried riod np to the scene and attempted to ar rest Rood. The would-be murderer at tempted to escape , but after a livol : chase of an block or two ho was cnpturci and lodged at the Central police station FIGHTING FUENOHMBN. Neighbors Introduced to Each Othoi With a Cooked Gun. Garneau , a Frenchman who lives at Fortieth 'and Nlnton , has a neighbor named Charbonnoau , another French man , who hvos about a block away , These men have known oaoli other about a week. They never had any dispute 01 quarrel of any kind , according to Gar- noau.- About noon yesterday ( Jharbon neau filled up with gin and other things and wont out to interview his country man. Ho did It by approaching him with a cocked revolver and tolling him to hold up his hands. Garnoau was upholstering : a sofa in his yard and diirt hold ui his hands , butr ran into the house to got his 4 own revolver sc that the little i > improptu iifl'aii could be made mevb intorcsting. The man with the gun followed him into tin house , and as Garieau couldn't get ai his own revolver , , in time ho amicablj held up his hands a4 called a truce. The weapon was lowered , and u list fight pro posed. These littiu civilities Garneau 10 fused. His wife wriS sick , and the wife of the man of gorv1 { intentions followed him into the houso'rtnd proposed spiking the guns by withyr/vwing / the charges from the revolver , prj Rotting them out in some way. A hurried consultation was hold and proposals'iibandoned. ' The man was forced away by , liis friends , and a warrant wits issued ' for his arrest. Ht was captured by tho/polico yesterday af tornoou and looked Up. CHCSUEI ) TO DEATH. "William Coolcy Accidentally Killed In a Stone Yard. William Cooley , a laborer aged about forty years and unmarried , was fataUj injured at Drexel & Foil's stone yari shortly before noon by the falling of r largo pieceof * flagging upon his stomach The injured man vwas removed to the private hospital owned by Dr. Graddj Twentieth street near Harnoy. At I o'clock last evening the man died , and tin remains wore taken in charge by Coronci Drexol. The deceased is a Canadian b ; birth , and has no friends or relative' that are known of by anybody in Omaha He will , however , receive a proper burial D ANGEUODjTjN S AN 1X V. ' A BrlofBut Exciting 'Crazy Fit oft Negro. Knut Nelson , of 8804 Davenport street was taken with a strange temporary II of insanity yesterday. Ho was in Dukc't hardwaroistoro about 11 o'clock , when it was first noticed. Ho had asked for i spade and picking one out throw it ovoi his shoulder and started to walk out with it. Ho was reminded by the clerk thai he had not yet paid for it , when he turned furiously on the salesman and attempted to brain him with the spado. The othci persons in the store rushed to the clork'j assistance , whereupon Nelson threat once to kill the whole outfit. A policeman was called , and after a desperate struggle Nelson wai captured and taken to tlu central police station. Hero ho was OX' amined by Dr. llalph , pronounced in sane , und ordered sent to the county jail where lie could bo more properlv cared " for. After being removed to tho" jiiil he began to stop raving , and aftfir a while acted so rationally that medical help wa ; again summoned and a second examina tion resulted in his discharge as a per- ] ictly ! sane man. He was not mtoxic.itct ] at the time , and has no remembrance o of the events that transpired during hi ; brief lunacy. UAILillOAD'NEWS. Does the U. P. lloacl Want a Iilno tc Chicago ? An old rumor has again taken wings and is llying around to the effect thai an arrangement is , to bo clfcctcd bj which the Chicago' ' Milwaukee & St. Paul road is to ontojjOmaha by way ot tlio Union Paciuo bridge , and the Union Pacific Is to run if trains direct to Chicago over the former road. Thorcris a color of plaus < ibility In the theory1hat ? { the Union Pa cifio oucht to haven a direct line to Chicago , especially1 * the Northern Pa- clflo and Santa Fo , $ ojh rivals , are build ing to that point from St. Paul and Kan sas City , respectively Mr. Dokenson , who was spoken tcyibout the matter , said that ho kuow nothing of the con summation of such'a'.project , but hoped that something of the ( chul would bo done Mr. Kimball saiditho story was for warded probably upon the negotiation ; which were pending some time ago , bj which the Chicago , Milwaukee & St Paul sought to train entrance to Omaha over the Union Pacific bridge. With the facts premised above , however , he thought it was all theory and conjecture , Spunking of the matter another rail road man said the idea was visionary. . The privilege of the Milwaukee road te enter Omaha over the Union Pacific nriilco would In no way compensate it for the use of TOO miles of its track tc Chicago by the Union Pacific. As a con sequence , the latter would bo compelled to pay an enormous trackage , which would bn more than the interest on the construction of anvr \ lino. " 1 would rather believe , " said the same gentleman , "that If unytlilrtjj of the kind is contemplated , the Union Pacific will aoo that it will bo t its Interest to build a line of its own t the lake motropolis. The Union Paclfi cannot contract its freight to Chicago t that degree as to send It over one Inn 'i ho shipper can order his freight oas ward from Omaha by any of the low lines , no matter how much soovor th Union Pacific might desire to throw it t the Milwaukee. " Mr. Kimball was again soon and asKo if the fact of the Northern and the Soutl fcrn Pacifies making a line into Chicaz would not give them an advantage eve the Union Pacific. Ho replied : "Not thi lines runmnc eastward from her give the s.imo facilities to the Union I' ; clfic that the other Pacific lines expect t receive from tholr extension. " Such It cllitins , ho thought , the Union Pacili now onjoyed. THE UNION PACIFIC CLAIM l > EPATtTMEN" It lsprotty well understood by som people that there is a chance to bo mad about October 1 In the claim dopartmot of the Union Pacific. This dopartmor now gives employment to between thirl and forty clerks , who are the romnui caused by some ot Mr. Potter's rodu < tions in the forco. Their tluty is that < attending , under supervision , to tli overcharges which take place frequent ! all along the lino. Over them is a hoa clerk , who is accountable to Freigt Auditor Van Kuran. Until rocontl branches of this claim department wet located in San Francisco , Denver , Sa Lake and Kansas J3ity , their duty boln to attend to the overcharges in thos places. These branches have bee abolished and their work is now bom done by the freight representatives c those point ? . This has resulted in a cutting down c about fifteen men. As a consequence good dual of the work untlmshod b' thorn has been sent to Mr. VanKuran'i ofllco and some of it is still in hand When that is finished it is quite Jikel that there will bo a letting out of semi clerks in the department hero and then : transfer of the work of the ofllco to th < superintondonoy of the freight depart rnont. which will of course bring it undo the direction of Mr. Monroe. A BEK reporter spoke to Mr. VanKurai about the matter yesterday , but ho sail ho had not yet been made aware of tin proposed chango. Mr. Kimball said that there were tw < ways of running claims departments One was as the Union Pacific had bcoi running its claims , as outlined above The other was placing thorn in th charge of the freight department mont , a feature which wa now receiving some consldoralioi from the Union Pacific people. Itwa such a system now obtained on the Hur lington and ho thought in this respect Mr. Potter favored the Burlington sys tern. tern.There There is little reason to doubt , there fore , that on or about the time montionei above , the change above referred to will bo made. NOTES. J. S. Tebbitts and Hoyt Sherman cam in yesterday from Kansas City. Th former reports that the Kansas Clt brought the Now York firemen fron Denver to Kansas City on time , making the run of 630 miles in seventeen am qne-half hours. The firemen wore delivered livered to thorn ton hours behind time. DOAUD OF * Tit APE. A Now Oil ii roll anel a Tannery I'rojcc Considered. The directors of the board of trade hcli a meeting at their rooms last evening President Meyer presiding. Messrs Evans and Martin were absent. Amoni the communications was one from ai eastern man asking the prospects of sue cess In the organization of a Univcrsallsl church in Omaha. The letter was lef to the disposal of the hocrotary , who wit look the matter up and return an an swor. A communication was road from i Washington , D. C. , party , asking thi practicability of establishing a tanner in Omaha. This opened an interesting discussion. Mr. Wakelicld thought tha if a tannery could bo established in thi : city which would consume all the hide to bn obtained at Soutli Omaha , it wouli be the means of establishing hero ftvo o six boot and shoo manufactories. Mr Mcday , manager .ol Hammond & Co. ' packing house in South Omaha stated that the project wouli be impracticable , owing to the dearth o hemlock bark in this part of the countr which must necessarily bo used in tli tanning process. Ho further stated tha the tannery at Lincoln is not a success and that the acid process , which hae boon in the meantime suggested , wa also a failure. The communication wa placed on tile. The directors then made the final arrangements rangemonts for the dedicatory exercises A list of names ( about seven hundred ii all ) was prepared , to whom invitation to the promenade concert will be for warded. Chairman Walker , of the ban quet committee , reported that his com mittco hau made complete arrangement ! for the banquet. CAI'TUitED A jBUUGLAK. Ofllcer HI no hey Gatohes n House Breaker In HnslncHB , At an early hour this morning Tor Carson , a tramp , forced an ontranc through a window into a saloon 01 Twenty-fourth street , south of Vinton While lie was looking the place over am forming some idea of what ho desired t take away with him , Ollicer Hincho dropped in on the suono. Carson wa tak3n into custody and locked up at th central police station. In his pocket wa found an ugly looking gun. Synagogue Sunday afternoon there was an clce lion of ollicors of the Jewish synagogu association which resulted as follow * president , Meyer Hcllman ; vice presi dent , J. L. lirandois ; treasurer , Ma Meyer , and secretary , J. Blath. Messrs Ben Newman and 1J. Black were olccto trustees for three years , instead of ] Oborfoldnr and S. lloiohonbcrgcr , wh have served four years , or from th infancy of the association. Mr. Obor folder was also president of the assocla tion , and in recognition of his services hi was allowed to select his successor n above. His devotion to the assoomUoi has been remarkable and tended in i great degree to make it as prosperous a it is , with a membership of 1130 und fund ; in the trt-asury. lirnught Hack From Illinois , John Croon was brought buck fro it Gaiesburg , 111. , Sunday night by Mile ; D. Honck , agent for the state of No braska. Green was immediately lodgoi in the county jail charged with ciubes zlement from Mcssemtorf & Co. Hi was recently employed as n collector fo the above firm , and after ho loft thi city his accounts were found to bo abnui | 5J short. Fourth Ward Uopiibllcruis. The Fourth Ward Republican olnb wil meet at Gormania hall , No. 1823 llarnoj street , on this ( Tuesday ) evening , September bor 27 , at 8 p. in. Important buslnesi will come before the club and a largo at tendance is desired. "Nip the evil In the bud. " Stop tha cousrh in its first stages ! before sorioui consequences ensuo. Dr. J. 11. McLoiin'i Tar Wmo Lung Halm is an clluctivo rcm ody , 85 cents a bottlo. Too Much Cure cannot bo taken in the selection ot loile RoapH. ' Colgate & Co. 'a uro the host. Trj Cashmere Houquct. MATRIMONIAL. lIAtEY-CUPIO. The first wedding to ooour In the nov St. Peter's cathedral was that of Andrev B. Haley and Miss Magglo Cuslc. Tin event occurred before many friends ant and relatives yesterday morning , am was solemnized with a nuptial muss per formed by H v. P. J. Ue > ylo. John Mur phy had the pleasure of being the bos man , and Miss Annie Haley was thi bridesmaid. After the ceremony a wed ding breakfast waa enjoyi'd at the real deuce of the groom's mother at No. 101 ! Mason street. Last evening a reception was given at which there was a largi number of callers. This morning thi bridal party will leave on a tour , whicl will embrace a visit to Chicago , and tht homo of the bride's parents in Crcs ton , la. Nir.3-AVAI.DVOF.OEr. , . Last Saturday Conrad Nles and Elizabeth both Waldvoegol wore married by Judgi Novlllo. Both Imve corao recently fron Now York , and Mr. Nlos is one of tin now members of the Baurois & Pills Gor man theatrical company. The rccoptioi took place at Prof. Hempols. MAUIUED IN ST. LOUIS. Mr. Albert Bannerman , treasurer o the Omaha Saddlery company , while visiting in St. Louis during the past tet days , joined hands in matrimony witli ono of St. Louis' most estimable younj ladies. Ho reached homo again yostor day. Hearty congratulations are o.\ tended to Mr. and Mrs. liannerman b ; all tholr friend1 * and acquaintances. Dank tClearnncen. The bank clearances for to-day won 1547,488.00. _ Personal Paragraphs. Charles Eble , of Norfolk , is at the Can field. field.B. B. E. Smith * , of Fremont , is at the Mor chants. F. II. Whitney , Atlantic , la. , is at tin Millard. 13. F. Warren , of Nebraska City , is a ! the Paxton. D. M. Lewis , of Nebraska City , is a the Millard. W. F. Scott , of York , was at the Mill ard yesterday. Charles F. Luco , of Logan , la. , is rcg- tared at the Millard. J. F. Lothroo , of Sioux City , was at the Paxton yesterday. S. S. Hadloy , of Cedar Rapids , is guest at the Paxton. S. E. Shatter , of Kansas City , was at the Paxtou ycstorday. John M. Cotton , of Lincoln , was at the Merchants yesterday. Mrs. Philip Andres and her nlcco have returned from Now York. S. Aufgartcn and W. B. Tyler , ol Ogallala , arc at the Millard. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Boll , of London , Eng. , are at the Merchants. James Ewlng , a prominent man ol Wood Uivor , is at the Millard. C. W. Scarffj secretary of the board ol trade , Grand Island , is m the city. Senator A..S. Paddock and wife , ol Beatrice , are staying at the Millard. John I. llodlck , of Los Angeles , dined at the Paxton yesterday with Will A. Uodick and family. County Commissioners Mount and O'Keofo are in the country for a few days looking after bridges and culverts. County Treasurer Bolln has returned from a very enjoyable trip to Denver , and assumed his accustomed position in his oflico yesterday. Prof. J. D. Everest and family , who have boon visiting his sister , Mrs. 8. U. Chase , at 1Q21 Douglas street , left with his familv yesterelay morning for his homo in New York. Mr. Adam Widener , a pressman from Leadvillo , is stopping for a few days with his brother , John Widener , of Hosonberry'tf mill. Ho is on his way to his old homo in Bolvidorc , Now Jersey. Adolph Meyer has returned from Den ver where ho witnessed the festivities in connection with the Odd Follows mid Veteran Firemen's reception. Cappa's band , he claimed , played to an audience of 10,000 pooplo. A. 1. Harmon , of this city , and E. L. Harmon , of Shelby , Nob. , loft last even ing on the B. & M. for arf eastern tour. They will visit friends in Vermont , Mas sachusetts , Connecticut and Now York , ana bo absent four or five weeks. Charles Barker , the bookkeeper for Peycke brothers , has returned after a trip of several months in Europe. He was accompanied by Edward Boose , a brother of Henry Bocso. They were mot at the depot by members ot the Kamaradschatt Verein. M. O. Maul loft last Friday night for .a mouth's visit in the east , lie is now enjoying a few days ii Illinois , and in a few days ho starts from Chicago on a special train for Toronto , Canada , with a largo party of delegates to the world's convention of Knight Templars , to which ho is a delegate from this city. After the convention ho will take a trip down the Hudson to Now York City , whore he will remain a few clays , and will then start on bis journey homo. The Theatrical rrofciilon. Merit will win nnd receive public recognition and prtusc. , Facts , which arc the outcome of general cx < pericnco. fe-rowliif through years oC critical aiid practical tot , become &j rooted and Immovable ni the rock of Gibraltar la publlu opinion , and hcnco- fortU need no further t'uurnnl-w & * to tbclr gcuu ineneu. The Indisputable fact that Snlft'd Speclfla Is the best blond purifier In tbo world , Is ono ot tncBe Immovable Gibraltar rock facto or which we have epokeu.utid etery ijay's experience roou tliKcon- vlctlon deeper and dei i > cr lu publlo opinion. Kvery clue * ot our people lu Amirlca nud In Europe. every trade , calling and profession. Including Uiu medical piofcsilon , IIUTO burno voluuuiry "estl- mony to the remarkable virtues of a. t ) . 8. mid Its infallible ) c money in curlnK oil < Ils < wn > of the blocHl. Tlieso tcstluKinlaU or on fllo br tbo thou- funds , nndoiien to the Inspection of all. Now come. unsolicited , ( wo distinguished members of tue thont- rlml profession , who gratefully testify totbo wonder ful curatho qualities of the Bpcclllo in their Indl- Mdual caws. Thrlr testimonials are herewith sub mitted to the pnbllo without further comment-let them speak for thuinmlves. The lady Is B niembcrof thofamoua Thalia Theatre Company , of New Vnik , nnd formerly nf tl.e Hcsldenra TMiatriBerlin. . Our- Riany.and of MoVlcker'shtock Company , ofCldrnKO. T.ho Kjntlemnn Is n well known member of the Nuw York Thall * Tlientro Company. Iloth ore well known lutbentrlcal circles lu tbls country and la Europe. Chnrlolio Inndow' Tciilmonr. Niw YORK , May S , 1S8T , Bwlf t Specific Company , Atlanta , Oa. : Oenllcmon H Tlng been annoyed with pimples. eruptions nnd rouabnrssof the sVlu , from bud eou- altlun of my blood , for more than a year , 1 uwd a leading preparation of sartaparlllaand otlitradrer * tlsed remedies to DO rffcct. Tnea I consulted B prom- Incnt physician , tuid from hts treatment received no bjueflt. I then concluded lo try tlie N. S. 8. rem edy for the blood , and nva or six packages , by a thorough eradication nf my troublu aud restoring iiioi > thness lo my skin , hare made me happy , and 1"rli" . ? Blvo yw.lWs testimonial for such use u J publicity M you wUu in make of it. CrUKLOTTK IUMDOW , 113 Bowery , tu-ar Canal Street. lingo IIoKsberl's ) Testimony. The Swift Specldo Company , Atlanta. Oo. : Oentknien-For Iwo years I had a severe rue of CCfcmn. luted Iar oawsulphursoap8niid | various ollitr remedies , and was pn-wrlbvilfurliy niiiiilx-rs of physicians , but found no relief. Atlast I dner- [ Ulued totrythxH. 8. H. remedy , and suvenorelKlit bottlrs bavo thorougbly relieved mr. and ) uu cau use tbls certificate lu any manner ) nu wish. 1IUUO . . Member of IbulmTliiatr * hew York , May 3 , 1867. Treatise nit lilood and Skin Diseases malted free. Tu bwirr HI-EC we Co. , llrnwiM. All nm n- > TO BUSINESS MEN. A prominent How Vnrk manufacturing rom- pany , with an CHlnbllshixl and highly rcmuner- utivo buslnnsg ( practically a monopoly ) , largely patronized by merchants , bankers , corpora tions and the general public , doslroi an nctlvo and responsible reprosoontativo In every mite or city. Itfl porccnt upon limited Investment guaranteed. Sevnt at states alrnud/ under i on- tract. Address TIIK UNION NATIONAI , CO. , 741 HKOAUW/VY , NKW YOKK. ' 27d3tOOd MARKET GARDENING. An Interview With Ono of Oma Vegetable Gardener * . An Article of Interest to All The Life ot a Sailor How the Good Shlp"HcaHh" was Foundcied , Etc. , Etc. Tliollfoof a fsnllorln often vorr Interesting VT w < muling to the citizens ot the western country. > Knowing this to be the I act a reporter Mioul- ' V UorliiRhH note book nnd Kiibor No. 2 , ctnrtoJi's out to tlml an olilsnllor , nnil Interview him on the mutter. Tlio reporter mot Mr , llnriinrd Cnrstons , who resides in ' 'QtUrul I' rk near the city limits. Mr. Carston's , n Gorman bjr birth Is In business m n piinlnor nml truokor and supplies the hotels mid restaurants of Omnlia : } - ' with fresh vccotHblea every mornlntr. On boln * > 'T accosted liy thn reporter hosnlil : "Yes , I Halloa ' % the Ron * ( or about ton Yc'iirs , nnd In that visit * , . ' ' . * - ml almost every country In the world. 1 Imvo to . " ' China , Australia , New Zoolund , thn Kuct In- dins , mid almost every seaport nlonff the Mo < ll- ' . Tt tcrrnnonn BO * . The moot sailor is a hard one ( V- aswoIlM ndanvorous ono , and only a man X. with a vorr ( rood constitution can stand It very ' , Ionic. leiijorod mvlifo on tha sons and was alwnjrn healthy there. In fact I never bad a days ' Blcknoss until about ono yenr ago. " . , . "Then you have boon stole latolr , " aikod th reporter. . " lYe . I wits tnkon tick tnst fall. I lostmjrnn * pctlto , could not eat enough to keep K child allvo , had night itwontft , would got up la the morning foollmr vrorso than a man who had nol slept Ht all , could only out a llttl * breakfast , mid would hnvo to vomit that up verrsoonartoroAtlnfflt. t wa * Ht tacked with a biul bucking couiih which would cause tn Intense pain In my client and lung * , would hnv t chills nnd favor every turoo or four days. Mr condition bocnmo nlarmliiK. I could si'nrcolr lift as much its n child. As I Raid before I became came alarmed , nnd hnnrliiK nnd funding oou < _ , t fldernblo about Drs. MnCoy nnd llonry I con- < f < A _ eluded to call upon thorn , which I did about * & throe weeks a o nnd was examined. Thor told mo 1 hud o.itarrlial consumption nnd promised to euro mo In two month ! ) . Not quit * " n month hits olnpsad and 1 mn well Rffnhi. I have no more night sweats , no more chills nd . ' f over , do not vomit nny moro In the morning , , nnd to toll the truth fool Ilko n new man nlto * * x * Bother. I fcol ns though 1 could not say enough Mv for Drs , McCoy and Henry for they have iW . j' deed worked wonders In my casa : -TK 38ft1 Mil. TIEUNAnn CAHSTENI The above cut Is n very ( rood portrait of Mr , Carstnns , who resides In Central 1'urk , near tn city limits , where he will gladly corroborate th < above statement to anyone who will take thi rouble to call or address him there. LEADS TO CONSUMPTION. iNTimERTina BvinnNce or A. CONDITION ROT TO 111 ! Till FLED WITH. When catarrh hns existed In the head and the upocr part of the throat for any length of time --Ire patient living In n district whore people nro subject to rutarrhnl infection-and the dis ease has been loit unciitcd , the catarrh Invari ably , sometimes slowly , extends down the windpipe nnd Into the bronchial tubes , which tu&psconvey.tbo air to the dllforcnt pirtsof the lungs. Tlio tubes become alTVctttd trom the swelling and the mucous arising from catarrh.and , In sonic instances , become plugged up. so that thi ) air cannot got In in freely as It should. Shortness of breath follows , and the patient breathes with labor and dlllloulty. In either case tnoro is n sound of oracklin ? and wheezing Insldo the chest. At this stage of the disease tlio breiithlntr Is usually more rapid than when in health. The patient has also hot dashes over bin body. Tlio pain which accompanies this condition ls of a dull characterfelt In the chest , behind the breastbone , or under the shoulder blade. The pnln may eomoand fro last few days and than be absent for several others. The cough that occurs In the first stages of bronchial catarrh Is Jry , comes on at Intervals , hacking in rharao- ter. and Is usually most troublesome In tno morning on rising , or going to botl at night and II may be In the first evidence of the disease ex tending Into the lungs. Sometimes there are fits of coughing Induced by the tough mucus so violent as to cause vom iting. Later -on the mucus that Is raised , Is round to contain small particles of yellow mat ter , which Indicates that the small tubes In the lungs are now affected. With this there are men streaks of blood mixed with the mucus. In some cases the patient becomes very pale , nis fever , nnd expectorates before any cough ippcars. In some cases smal Imns os of cheesy sub- ttanco nro spit up , which , when pressed bo- : wocn the lingers , omit u bad odor. In other : asos , particles of n hard , chalky nnturo are , ipltup. The raising of choosy or chalky lumps ( ' ndlcuto serious mlshlef at work In the lungs. SNEEZING CATAKIIBI. What It Means , How It Acts , 4 < J 1 ll'ltut It In. You snooze when you got up In the morning , rou try to snoo/o your nose oil every time you ire oxposea to tlio least dratt of air. You have i fullness over the front of the forehand , and .ho tools as If there wits n plug In each loatrll which you cannot dislodge. You blow tour nose until your ears crack , but It don't do my good , nnd the only result Is that , you suet- : eod In getting up n very rod nope , and you BO rritato the lining membrane of that organ hat you nro unable to nrcathothrough Hat all. u rnls is a correct nnd not overdrawn plctuie of * * m ncuto attack of catarrh , or "Sneo/.lnif Catarrh" as It is called. Now , whntiloos this condition Indicate ? First , l cold that causu.s mucus to bo poured out by : ho glands In the none ; then thoAO diseased { lands are attacked by swarms ot little germs -th catarrh germ that In the sir in a locality where the disease Is prevalent. These ' uilmalculuo , In tnolr e-lloits to Ibid a lodgment , rritato the sensitive mumbrann lining the nose mtl nnturo uiulnrtakns to rid herself ol them „ . - : iy producing n fit or cneo/lng. * When tlm nose becomes Illlod with thickened " * \ ind diseased mucus the natural channels for * ' -J ' " " ho Introduction of nlr Into the lunirs H Inter- ? 7"5 ured with , nnd tlio person so olTctoil must " 7 $ iroatbe through the mouth , nnd by Buca , ; C nouns the throat become ! ) parched und dry , , y , 'norlii1 ' ; IK | > roditcod , and thun the cutiirrhiJ , lison > > o gaiiia ru.idy nuuuss to the throat and. . V ungs. DOCTOR ' Late of Bellevue Hospital , N.Y # i A\'S > I OCTOU IjavoOfllccB 310-311 RANGE SUILDl'IG and Harney Stroot3 Oraalia , Nob. Vhere nil curablu cases nro troutol with silo- ces. MndlculdlseuhcHtiiiiitudiiKllfully. Oou- uinptlon , HrlghlV imcaso , Dyspoimli , Kieil. irttlhin.andull M'.llVOUS DISIiArtl'.S. Alldl. BOJ ! < ja WNStJI/rATleiN at olllco or by mnll SI. elhco litiur * : u toll a.m. ; a to < p.m. ' : 7 to P. in. Sunday * Included. C rocohoK prompt attention. MiuiyillscKsi.rt are t rented imoatMsfiillv by lr IcCoy through the iimlU , and It U thus iioML lo for thoio unaliloto muko a Inurnev to ol - uln HUtL ( < g-ful hospital truatniunt at thulr oinos. No lutcors answered unless ucooinpn- ' Idil by 4o Instiunps , , Address all lutlorH to Or , J. 0. McCoy , roomi Wand Jll Haintre lluildhiK , Oinahu , Neb < * > : j