B * THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , SEPTEMBER liO. 1887. SATURDAY MARKET FIGURES | r The Usual Last Day's Dullness Helped Along Bj Various Causes. \ ' V/HEAT LOWER AND DECLINING. Corn Vnlnc * HI rene With Ijlttlo Dual- liens Done 1'rovlsloim ICxtilhlt In- oronxcd Inicrcnt Cuttlo Very " Scarce Quotations , CHICAGO iMioDucn MA UK HT. CHICAGO , Sept 24. ISpoclal Telcsram to tno UKB.J Ueslcles ttia natural anil custo mary dullness Incident to the markets on Saturday and tlio ' 'ovcnloK ut > " process of thu last day of tlto week , nn election of two directors and the voting on an amendment to tlio rules especially tended to make busi ness light to day , Members were evidently more Interested In the rule by which , ac cording to their several judgments , they weroto reap larger or smaller profits for their work In tlio future than they were In the possibility of Immediate profits , Tlio wheat maikot opened , ' < c below yesterday's closing lizure and declined still another 'i'e under free selling by Itcam , Cudahy and S njrer , possibly aided by the Now York cholera scare , which , however , seemed to have expended most of Its forcn In the short session of yesterday afternoon. Late private London cables , howuver , were firm and brought bids for wheat It was re ported that Minneapolis would show no In crease In the stocks In store thcro on Mon- day. The Duluth market was strong and ntlll remains higher than our own , indicating that the receipts there are disappointing either In quantity or quality or probably both. With this sort of news prevalent , when tlio above- named bears and their following ceased hammering , and Fleming ifc Hoyden , Geddes , and Mllmlne , llcxlumn & Co. ap peared as tcood buyers , there was a speedy reaction , helped probably by the covering of the short sellers , who followed tlio blir bears early In the day. From the low point the Advance was quite utendy to the close , but the volume of business WAS not large. Hhlnmrnts from the seaboard were reported as 155,000 bushels of wheat. The receipts to day were 116 cars , 48 cars more than were expected. There was one car of Inspected .No. 8 spring. Hankers .report that consider able money Is now Roinirinto the country for the purchase of the new wheat crop. The closing hour was strong at almost the highest point of the dny October 7070Vc , Decem ber 73@73 > c , May 78M@ 8Jc. The gain for the day was JfWXc on October , but the May option closed at exactly yesterday's closing . . , Corn opened at about yesterday's closing figure and the market was stronsr , but with comparatively llttlo business done. The only feature appeared to bo the continued buying by W. T. Baker , who Is taking a large share of the offerings of cash corn. There are men on the iloor who believe thai these purchases are In fact for Ilutchlnson , and plenty of traders who credit the continued strength In corn to these pur chases. The receipts to-day were somewhat less than exnocted 447 cars. The shipments weru fair BTO.OOO bushels. Vessel room was taken for 470,000 bushels of corn to-day. The fluctuations In October corn were from 40 % < $4UXcto 41K@4l ? c , and In May between 0 and 44JJC. Tno closing wan steady at for October and 4444 { o for Speculation In oats was about the same In volume as on the procedintrdays of the week , bcitie rather light In all futures and almost ontlrely local. October opened at USkfr , sold from ! I5 ® 25J/c , on the split to SB c and closed at outside llgtirus , or a shade stronger 5thati yesterday nftornoon. November opened and closed at 2.Xc and sold a split both above and below that May sold and closed at 29J c , which was a small fraction , lower , the market touching J c at one time. Charters wore made for 117,000 bushels by lake shippers. lu provisions mnro than usual In terest was exhibited for the closing day of the week. Traders of all classes were re markably well Inclined to take hold , and In the Kenoral market there was not only com paratively fair activity , but a stronger feel- Ing. Hairing September and October short r'bs ' , which declined 31Kc , higher prices were "tlio rule. Lard for deliveries Included within the present year was advanced 5c , year pork 15c , January pork 12 > c and January lard and short ribs 7 > e. In the speculation witnessed January was the most active future. It sold for pork at S1U 15@13 SO. for lard at 8(1 ( 40@C 47& , and lor short jibs at SO 17 @G 27)4. ) Thu inside prices quoted prevailed early , and at the close pork for January stood at 812 BO. lard at SO 43 < < ? 0 47K and short ribs at n 25@rt 27 } $ . Vor October lard ranged at 80 ! @ 0 4r . and Bhort ribs at 88 22X@8 M , closing at SO 42J < ( JO 45 and 88 25. respectively. Lard for No vember closed at 50 87k0 40 , and for De cember at SO 40. Cash lard was 2)c higher than October , anl In good demand. Cash meats were In better request. CHICAGO l.IVB STOCK. CHICAGO , Sept 2-1. [ Special Telegram to the BKE.I CATTLE Estimated receipts , 1,000 ; last Saturday , 2,038 ; week. 51,077 ; last week , 49,044. There was scarcely a sufllcient number on sale to make a market , as nearly It of the 1,000 fresh cattle worn the property of our local beet dealers that came on direct from Kansas City. There Is nothing strange or new In this Incident , as the same happens nearly every Saturday , as it Is now an estab lished custom to do as little business as pos- L Bible In the cattle line on Saturday. Trading during the week has been fairly active. The 60,000 rattle that arrived were disposed of each day with llttlo or no trouble. Prices on prime natives are a shade higher than at the opening of this week , but plain and mediums .remain about the same. Tcxniis nrd northern rangers have solo for the low est prices on record , llecolpts. 1,800 ; steady. ShlpplozatCors , 1,350 to 1,500 Ibs , $8.00@"l.OO ; l&ttfo l.ilfiO Ibs , 9J.7094.40 ; 050 to 1,200 Ibs. , JMJX(33.r ) ( > 0. { StocUrs and feeders. S1.50@.UO ; oows , bulls and mixed , Sl.MXfyJ.75 : strum , 3.1W'I.O ) ; cows , 81. : > 0 ia SO. Wr-torn rangaia nominally ste.ulv ; feeders , SiJi'(3 ( B.CO ; natives iind half broods. 83.8 < Viti.wi : : cows. 82.20(3450. ( Wintered Texans , S2.4Q Cjasa. llois--E ( > itlmi ted receipts , 8,000 ; la't Snt- nrdar , 10.H17 ; week , TU.litt ; last WI-CK , 63.128. ' 1'railQ was rather slow and nn unsatisfactory Itiarkot for sali'sinon. In thu llock Island division prices were 10@l5c lower tlian yes terday morning. In the liurllimton division prices were itbout the snmn ns jostenUy. In Ihu Northwestern division there was llttlo erne no change on the best , but plain and com mon sjtuck sold for any urlco offered. A few Ifthcy heavy , Indmllnp Philadelphia * ami nuMllem butcher weluits. thu Undcrwooil Hiring of plain packers , nbout 000 , was made up within a rancvof 8I.GOto$4.70aii < li < olil Rl tl.lKX33.1k ( ; good to choice mlxrul 84.70ci ( 4 , Ho , and common mixed At 84f > 0 < $4O.V Light , the Yoik sort , for Instance , sold ni S\C0 5.05 , and otlior descriptions at S4.Wji ( F1NANUIAU YOUK , Sept. 24. ( Special Telegran to the UKK.I STOPKH In the itock markc another week of depression has been wit Bfeftscd. Attempts to rally only raft wilt toniK | > iRry success nnd notwltlistanitlng tht httivy jmrchases oy foreigners and theli withdrawn ! of a Urge amuunt of sccurltloi from the market also the largo purchases o bonds by the government , the undertone ha1 continued weak and very encouraging to tin boars who hail the ncive and monuy. Trad Tiny to-day wa good for Saturday , but an un eeltk-d feeling prevailed. The openlti ! ? wa weak In sympathy with London. Tin market was wHl tilled with stock and price declined X < & \ point On the break short took hold and a rally occurred. The banl tatomenl was expected to show rulecreusc but , to the sui prise of ovcrjono , exhibited at increase In the reserve of Sl.W 1,000. This although aiding In putting stocks up , cut les ot a fltruro In the market than usual and dl < , Bet deter the bears trom making a raid am kuslng a sharp depression , and last sale ere at nearly the Inside figures of the da ; nd trconlcd declines oxtondlng to IJiPf1 nt , New Knafand having thu lead. Th I argument ot the bulls was that most of th stocks recently purchased by foreign houses had been taken from the market , 47,000 Bhares of Heading belnit shipped on the iliiranlaand Fulda to-duy. They also said that ot the mectinR ot the Pennsylvania directors next week the dividend would bo Increased 6 per cent , that Lake Shore was ratnln ? H per cent and that New York Cen tral would Inctoaso Its dividend to 5 per cent. It was also stated that the Greatest surprise In the Baltimore & Ohio deal Is jet to r"me. The total antes wern 107,320 shares , lnc.iln ! : 12 , . > o Western Union , 13.9SO New KiiKlantt , . " 1,000 Heading , 13,360 St. Paul and 10.400 Lackawanna. Uovr.iijfMKNis Government bonds were dull , but firm. YESTKIIPAY'S QUOTATIONS. U. 8. 4'scoupon.12JTiC. ? | AN. W 112) ) II. S. 4kfscoun..iusi { do preferred..141J Paclliotsol"js..l2l ; N. Y. 0 107 } OanadaSoiith'n. . 53 O. H.&N , 8 > 7 Central Paclllc. . S ! O. T. Chicago < t Alton.13.V PncllicMall M do preferred..IM P. , D. * E 80. C. , IJ. &o 1.14 Pullman Pal.Car.148 Heading tT. frhfcS : : : : : : Kock Island . . . .110 Erm , 2SX St , L. &S. P. . . . 83J. d preferred. . . . G3J do preferred. . . . 60J. Illinois Central. . 119 C. , M. & BtP. . . 81 > B.W 15 do preferred..118 } AT . St. P. A 0 415 Lake Shore . W do preferred..100 > . &N . CO Texas Pacific. . . . S3 Michigan Cent' ! . . 84 UnlonPacltie. . . . 63 Mo. Pacific . \V..St. h&P. . . . 17J No. Pacific . do preferred. . 31J do preferred. . . . 49 \V. U. Telegraph " ' MO.VKY On call been easy , closing 35 percent PRIUJS MERCANTILE PAPER CJ @ 3 per cent. STJCIIM.VO EXCHANGE Quiet , ? 4.79 ffl4,80 for 00 days and 84.b3Jf@4.b4 for demand. I'UODUOE MA11KI-JTS. Chlcaeo. Sept 24. Following quotations are the 2:30clfning : figures : Klour Dull but steady. Wheat Fluctuations were confined within narrow limits and a firm feeling developed ; cash , 09 3-10c ; October , 70 5-lGc ; May. 71 3-10c. Corn Quiet , steady and slow early , but later became more active and trained some strength ; cash , 41c ; Octo-ber , 415 IGc ; May , Oats Weaker but fairly active ; cash , 25 l-10c ; October. 3.Mfc ; May , 29 9-16c , Kye-Steady at 47ic. Barley Quiet at 70c. PrlmeTlmothy Seett S2.23. Flax Seed1.07. . Whisky Sl.lu. Pork Moderately active but unsettled ; year , 812.OUfflia.03 ; January. 812.27U@12.0. : ! Lard Active and firm ; cash , 80.47H ; No vember , 8fl.87Cfl.37X ; Octooer , 80.42 > 50.415. Dry halted Meats-Shoulders , 5.26 ( < (5.yo ; short clear , S8.00 S.r 5j short ribs , S8.27. Butter Unchanged ; creamery , 18@23 > e ; dairy , 14@i0c. ! Cheese Firm ; full cream Cheddars , 11 ® Kc ; Hats , llMQSte ; Young Americas , llj @l.c ; skims , T flf c. Eecs Firm at lo@iGXe. liiaes Unchanged ; heavy creoa hides light do. 78c ; saltnd bull hides. Oc , green salted calfT8 @Uc ; dry Hint , 12 ® 13c : dry calf. 12@llc ! ; deacons 30c each. Tallow-Firm : No. 1 country , 4@4Yc ; No. 2 , S c ; cakes , 4 > fc.Kecelnts. Kecelnts. Shlpmnnts. Flour , bbls 14,000 17,000 Wheat , bu 43.000 97.000 Corn , bu 318,000 270.000 Jats , bu 212,000 203,000 ttye , bu 3,000 none liarley , bu 103.000 33,000 New York , Sept , 24. - Wheat He- 'ttlpts ' , 132,000 ; exports , 2lDO ; options rlucd steady at the opening , but soon declined } { @ V , closing heavy ; siiot.lmn ; uuirraded red , 77@83J < c ; No. a red. Sirs In elevator , fc2 } < ? 03 83c afloat ; No. 1 red , S8c ; No. a led and O- tobcr closed at SO c. Corn KecelptH , 25.100 ; exports. 10,000 ; options a shade lower and dull ; cash active , closing stronuer ; ungraded , CO' O.'iijfc ; No. J. Myc lu store , 51 } carrive , WJJsc c. t. and 1. , " . Vc dellveied ; October closed at 40Xc. Oats Uecolpts,54,000exports ; , 75,007 ; fairly active and linn ; mixed western , 31mc ; white western , 35@40c. Collpe Spot , fair ; UIo , nrm at 819.25 ; options 5C410 pointn hieher and modeiatuly active ; sales , 43,009 ba3 : October. 817.3j@ 17.50 : November , S17.G5@17.7r ; December , 317.9yai8.0i ; January , S17.75@18.03 ; Febru ary , $18.C.- > . Petroleum Finn ; United. 6Stfe. Ecres Firm and In fair request western , ork Dull and nominal ; mess , 815.25 for old ; 810.25 for new. Lard Dull ; western steam spot was quoted at 80.07 . Butter Quiet and steady ; western , 13@ 24c. 24c.Cheese Cheese Firm and qtUet ; western. 9@llc. Ijlverpoo ) , Sept. 24. Wheat Uomaiid coed ; holders olfer sparingly ; California No. 1 , .Is ld@r > s 23 per cental ; red western , spring , Gs id ; red western , winter , Gs. Corn Firm and demand fair ; new mixed western , 4s 3 > fd per cental. Milwaukee. Sent. 24. Wheat Strong ; cash and October , 70c ; November , 71 ? c. Corn-Quiet ; No. 2. 41c. Oats Steady ; No. 2 white , 28 c. Hve-Ktronir ; No. 1 , 50c. Harley Easier ; No. 3 , 50 > c. Provisions Steadv. Pork September , S14.50@1500. Cincinnati. Sept 24. Wheat Scarce and strong ; No. 2 red , 75) < c. Com Quiet ; No. a mlxud , 45c. Oats Quiet and firm ; Nn. 2 mixed , 23c. Rye-Firm : : No. 2 , 5Uf@ ? > . Pork Unclianced at 8K > .25. Lard-Unchanged at S0.37K , Whisky-Quiet at 81.05. Minneapolis , Sept. 24. Wheat Stronger for uood milling wheat ; ofT traded all ; No. 1 hard , cash , 70Kc ; November , 7l.fc ; May , 78c ; No. 1 uorthern.cash , G7c ; November , GSc ; May , 75o ; No. 2 northern , cash and Octo ber , Glc ; November , 02c ; May , 70c. On track Vo. 1 hard , 7Ui@ty.2c ; No. 1 northern COfriCOc ; No. 3 northern , G2@G < V : . Flour Firmly held ; patents , 81.15@4.30 ; ' . ' . . . bakers' , 8a.'r.CJU.40. ! Itecolpts WhPut , I92.ono bu. Shipments-Wheat , 48,000 bu ; flour , 20,000 bis. bis.Now Now Orlonn-s. Sept 24. Corn Steady and lirm ; mixed , 57c ; white , 58@59c ; yel- yellow , fi'Jo. Oats-Quiet and weak ; No. 2,33@TOKe. Cornmeal Dull nml nominal at .20@2.80. Hog Products Unsettled. Pork-Sl5.25. Kard Helmed tlerco. 50.75. Unlit .Meats' Shoulders , S5.60 ; long clear S8.60cfearrlb. ; S8.60@8.0i ! , ' . Kansas Oit v.Sont. 24. Wheat Stronger ; Nn.QKoft , cash. Gi' c bid , G3c i\sUcd ; May , T.'c bid , 7tKo : asked. Corur-St-.idyNo. ; 2 cash , 8 5 } o ; October , 35 Jfc asked : iear , 3. > } fo asked. Oats-No. 2. 2lKc. STOC1C. ' ClUoago. Sept. 34. Thu Drover * ' Journal reuuriRas follows : .Cattle Hecolpts. l.ono ; market steady : shipping steois , 82'JO@5,00 ; stackers and | pt'der . Sl.f)0@J.tX ) ; ciw , bulls iind mixed , 8l.nOQ4.iio ; Texas cattle. , 81.503.00 ; western rangers nominally steady at 82..V > @a55 ; feed- Ms , S3.40@2.GO ; natives. S2.80@IJ.CO ; cows , 8J.20Qfj.55 ; wintered Texans , 8'J. lOfgaM. Hogs , Hei-iiipts , 8,000 ; market slow ; mixed , $4.40Qt4.r10 ; heavy , > 4.rx > ( < i5.15 ; light , S4.GOtS 4.U5 ; rough and skips. a.OO4.5U. Sheeo Hecolpts , l.WO ; market steady : na tives , 83.GOQ4.40 : western , 83.0033 G5 ; Tux- ons , S'i50 4.CO ; Iambi , 84.25 5.25. llanna * City. Sept. 24. Callle Ho- celpts , l.riOO ; shipments , 1,200 ; strong and n shade hlqlier ; good to cholca corn-fed , 54.0CKS 4.40 ; common to medium , 8J.25a3.W ; : ; stack ers 8i/o@'ifiO ( ; feeding steers , S2.05@t25 : cows , si.atx43.GO. liois Hecelpts. S.2.W : shipments , 1,400 ; steadycommon ; tocholce , Sl.oCQl.8.5 ; skips and pigs. SJ.75 < ji4.10. Nationul Stock : Yards. Knst 8t , LoulH. III. . Soot. 2l.-Cattle He- celpts , 600 ; shipments , 11,475 ; tlrm ; fair tc choice heavy native steers , S3.0X34.75 butchurs' steers , medium to choice. SD.40d 4.10 ; fecdora , fair to rood , 82.700430. llogs Hei-elpts , IKK ) ; shipments , 2,000 steady ; ehnlcn heavy and butchers' se lections , 85.XX ( 5.n : packers and Yorkers medium to cholct % S4.70@4.93 ; pigs , cotuuiot to good , S4.10Q4.G5 , OMAHA L.IVB STOOIC Saturday , Sept 21 Cattle. There was a very fair run of cattle for thi close of the week. As usual of late the Dull wire rangers , the proportion of corn fed na tlvca being light Tne corn cattle In wen not extra good and , although tlio buyers bit on them , the owners were not Inclined ti hell at .the price * . The market was alum steady on all good prides of cattle. Then were a good many Inquiries for feeders and eroral bunchw were weighed ni besides uite a string that was sold for delivery and lot weighed In the yards. Thcro Is no no- Iceable Improvement in the demand for anchors' stock , which Is lu liberal supply but slow. liOKH. There was a gain In the receipts of hogs as ompared with yesterday of 400. The market opened 10Ql5c lower than yesterday but airly active at the decline. One load was old early and before the market was known at 81.80 , but loads fully as good as that one vent at 84.70. One good load of heavy hogs unched 84.75. The bulk of the receipts wen ) old out early and the market closed with lothlng left over , but with a wcaK fccllnir , and with buyers and sellers generally pre dicting lower prices. Blioop. There was nothing done on the market. Itcoolpt * . 'attlA /ttiiltr. , , * . . . . . . 1 WW\ ) logs 2,100 Sheep 47 Shipment * . Cattle v. . . GScars Prevailing Prlom. Showing the prevailing urlcos paid for II vd stock on this marknt : Choice steers. 1300 to 1509 Ibs . . .S4.10 l.3. > Choice steers , 1100 to 130J Ibs. . . 4.00C44.10 fat little steers 900 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.75(43.85 Jorn-fed range steers 1200 to 1500 8.8va4.30 lood to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2.5 < ) $ e , oo Common to medium cows 1.50(32.35 ( Good to choice bulls 1.7.vao.50 looil range feeders 2.0@75 Good nativefcedcre,0001b3and up wards 2.75@3.00 ifair to medium native feeders.VOO Ibs and upwards 2.50@2.05 Mockers , 400 to 700 Ibs 2.00tf2.40 ( I'rime fat sheep 3.2VA3.50 Pair to medium sheep 2.50(9)3.00 ( ) Jommon sheep L50@2,25 Lleht and medium noes 4.40(0)4.50 ( ) loodto choice heavy hogs 4.00O4.70 Good to choice mixed hogs 4.5534.05 Representative Hatai. STOCKE1IS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 52..905 8280 ItAKOE STREItS. 33. . . 1007 83.70 12 1034 82.70 20. . . 1043 2.70 9 1014 2.70 TKXAB STKIJBS C. 1MILI.Illl. . 153. . . 1073 S'J.75 Vni : r.US TGSCHRVACIIKR A DH HIT.MER CATTI.i : CO. 53..1111. 83.05 M..1123 83.70 n.\KOE STEERS TAILINGS. . 18. . . 1130 3'J.M ) HUTOHEllS' STEEKS. 5..10W 82.55 1..1080 SJ.GO YEKI.lNn STEEIIS-SAUVKS. SO..485 S2.50 HULLS. 2..1400 81.50 COWS. 8. . . . 718 81.60. 3..1090 82.00 10. . . . 809 1.80 14. . . . 9)5 2.10 1 17. . . . 809 1.80 1. . . . 750 225 1..1040 2.00 1..1000 3.25 HOOB. No. Av. 8hk. Pr. No. AT. 8hfc Pr. 09..ail ) 200 84.40 04..200 8084.G2J Liivc Stock Bold. Showing thu number of head of stock sold on the marknt to-day : CATTLK. O. II. Hammond & Co . 153 Local . 49 Feeders . 343 Total . 544 IIOOH , Anplo American Packing Co , . . 2ai3 , Harris it Fisher. . C3 Total . . . OOC WRKKI.Y P.RCI'.IPTS. Showlnz the receipts of cattle and hogs for the past week. CA.TTI.IS. noos. Monday . 5.803 BM Tuesday . 3.803 2 , ' . " . Wednesday . 453 2,509 Thursday . 1.183 2.031 Fridav . 220 1,640 Saturday . -1.800 V-HX ) 'lotal . v . Tl. T To.787 OPKNINO AND CLOSING PllICK ? . Showing the prices prevailing on the IIOR market at the opening and the closinu- the week Just past MONDAY. SATUItnAY. ulit . S4.50 ( < ji4.70 e4.40rat.no Mixed . 4.0.XHS4.75 4.55St.6-i ( Ih-avy . . . . 4.70 4.85 4.60 < < 4.70 All sales ot stock m this market are made per cwt 'Ivd woUlit uiilsis otherwise stated. bead ho3 sell at ! < c per Ib. for all welzhu "Skins , " or hogs weighing less than 100 IDs. no valuo. Pregnant sows are decked 40 loj , and staisS91bs. bvthaoublio Inspestot Ijlvo Stock Note * . Cattle steady. Hogs I0@l5c lower. Considerable Inquiry for feeders. A. F. Nlhart , Poston , was here with hogs. Hunt & Co. , Paplllion , marketed a bunch o' R lockers. Emily Bros. , Wisner , marketed a load of hogs at S4.75. Gutlirio & Oskauip had twenty-nine cars of raiiKH cuttle In. Buckley & Uoss , Stromsburg , marketed a load of 254 Ib. hogR. Corduroy breeches Is the latest uniform for the hoys at the yard * . Charles Kddy and Meyers Bros. , Oirallala , were In with range cattln. . W. Banks , Shelton , a heafy shipper to these yards , was In with hogs. Mr. Dnwllnp , of Dowllng & Puioll , North Bend , was in looking nroiind. .1. J. Harm , Firth , maiketcd a good load of 23. ! Ib. liourt > nt S4.bO , the top price. F. S. Pearce , Aurora , was In with t\vo \ loads of IIOKS.lilch sold on I ho market. Cluistian & Kngle , Ottawa , la. , marketed a load of hogs on yestci day's market T. . I. Jones , Council Bluffs was hero and bought thirty-two head ot feeders. ( iono Boetol , Mlllard , cama la with a load of hogs \\hlch sold on the market Ilonry Tietjons , Battle Crock was at the vards and bought 2UO head of feeders at S2.M > . K. Tlllotson , Ilroana , O. , wno 1ms a largo ranch near Fort Fetterman , was among thu visitors at the yards. h. K. Gondoll , Weston , was hero witn five loads of corn fed native steers. Onu load of them was Polled Angus. James Wcsterfield. Monmouth.lll. , was the guest of his son , J. \Vestorlieldof thu ilrm of Loriraer. Westnrliold & Maley. "You can tell them , " said a Dalesman , "that the hog market will be lower every day , and It would not surprise anyone if U went down to 54.00. " William Bodloy , formerly of the commis sion firm of Wilson. Clark & Bodloy , Chi- cago. and Mr. Shields , ot Iowa , and more re cently of Chicago , hare made airangements to open a commission house here. A largft number of feeders and stoclcers are sold from these yards that do not appear In the dally market reports as they are not weighed up over the stock yard's scales. During the past wrek over fifteen hundred cattle were sold and not reported. OMA.11A. WaoLitSS&LiB MARKETS. Saturday , bopt 24. I'rortuoB. T7ic fallowing are the prices at which round lot * of produce arc sold on WiU There were no receipts to speak of to-day , Eggs were In demand , as were also heavy spring chickens and old fowls. Kggs have gene up another cent EOGS The market Is almost bare , and stocks move rapidly at 10@l7c. ButTKn-Creamery , West Point , S5c ; other , 20 < 330c per pound : choice dalrv , l&Q 80o ; medium grades , ISrjglSo ; ordinary , ( iQlOc , Ciihcsx Market fair. Fancy full cream Cheddars , slnulo 13c ; full cream twins , 13o ; loung Americas , 13) < c ; brick cheese , lee Ibi In case , 14a ; l.lmberirer , 100 Ibs In case , ISXc ; Saun1 fancy Ohio , 1'Jc. POULTPV Fair market : sprint ; chickens , li.0082.Wj old fowls , I3.WQU.OO ; 82.2rxi2.75 ; turkeya , In very light request , fX 7c per Ib. GAME Receipts light : prAlrle chickens , 83.50 ; mallard ducks , SUX33.00. Quail , $2.00 2.25 ; teal nnd mixed ducks , 31.00(41.75 ; snipe , 75c@SU > Oi Jack rabttlti. 35c each. CAIIIIAOK California stock , Inrto round heads , 2Xo per Ib. v home prawn 60c ) > or dozen heads. ' OvsTF.ns-Shdl , 82.00 cc'f hundred ; bulk. 81.35 per hundred ; solccts/f$2.20 / a gallon ; Cans , Now York countsyMrx : ; selects , S5Q 40c : standard. 27@30c. ( > ' SWF.KT POTATOES The itnarkct Is well supplied and they sell at2 ( )2ft'c ) perlb. CELKIIY The receipts anMareer and the stock iH'tter. Good stock nrlues 35c a bunch. CiltKli Oholco Michigan fldor , & 0.00@0.50 per bbl of 33 iral. ? " Poi'cor.N Cholco , forstanfls. 2@2c per Ib. TOMATOKS Commission men are onlr handling a very few. Good stock 40@50c pur bushel , ONIONS Choice large California onions are offered on the market at SOo per busho The demand Is light Kno PIANT Slow sale at G0@75o per doz , for choice stock. POTATOES The market Is well supplied. Salt Lake and Colorado stock sells at 80(385c. ( Nebraska and Iowa stock OO ttc per bushel. HONKY Good honey In.neat . one Ib. frames 20@23o per Ib. BRANS. Hand-picked navy , 82.00 per bushel , and other grades down as low as 81.35. . Orders from the countm rcrpilrlnrj se lected stock and crtnt care in pttcklw can- tot always be Jilted at thclsame price * , quoted to tfio local trade for cotmiwn slock. GHAPES The lupply of homo-crown grapes continues liberal. California , Tokay and Muscat , 8l.50@2.00 ; choice hoine-growu , 4c. 4c.CiiANiiKiunES The market Is fairly well supplied with good stock. Boll and cherry , 89.00. Cape Cods 89.00VdlO.OO. PKACiiKS'-Cbolce California stock Is wlntr at 81.i5(3l.rjO. : ( Michigan peaches are selling at 75@ 0c per 10-lb baskets. CUAII Ai'i'LES Choice Siberian , S3.00iji3.50 per bbl. OKANOES Fancy Rodl , 169 per box , 85 50 ; fancy Hodl , 200 per box , 30.00 ; choice Naples. 200 per box , 85.50. LKMONR Choice Palermo , S6.00 ; fair Pa' lermo , 85.00(35.50 ( ; cboico Messina , S0.50 ; fancy Messina , $7.00 ; extra fancy Hodi , $8.50 ; extra fancy Mnlorl , 58,50. QUINCKS California quinces , of large size , SiOO2.25 per box. Ai'Pi.Ks The supuly Is liberal , especially of home-grown stock. Choice Michigan ap- ple.s. 82.7.Vat.OO } : ; home-crown , S2.25@3.50. PEAKS California Bartlolt pears are be coming scarce , and good stock , suitable for reshlpment , Is worth $3.25(33.50 ; other varie ties 82 00(3(2.75. ( ( BANANAS The market Is well supplied with bananas at S7.5IK93.00 per bunch. CocoANUTS-Gooa stock , 55.00. Flour and Feed. The following arc tltclohblnu price * ' . Minnesota patents. 83.50 porcwt : Minneso ta Linkers' straight , 82.20 percwt. ; Kansas and Missouri winter fancv patents , 83:45ft2.60 : ; Nebraska patents , 82.25@2.T ; rve flonr , 81.75 O1.90 per cwt. ; rye Graham. 81.40 per cwt. ; wheat Graham , 81.75 per cwt. ; corn meal , yellow , 90c per cwt : corn meal , white. 81.00 percwt ; chopped feed , S14.00@16.00 per ton : bran , 812.00(813.00per ( ton : screenings , 89.00 @ 12.K ( ) per ton. HAY Upland prairie , S8.00@9.00j com mon coarse S7.0CK38.00. i Orooor'i lilfir. COPPER Ordinary grade * . 20J @ 21c ; fair , 21W@83c ; prime , 22 < ijK3o : fancy green and yellow , aXgjTxs ; old uovornment .lava. 28V ( $ 30c ; Interior Java , MSffJScMocha " ; , as@oOc ; " Arbuckle's xxxx 20 0. HitFiNED IjAiin Tierce. C5 ; 40-lb square cans , 7c : 50-lb round , 7ife ; 20-lb round , 7 c ; 10-lb calls , 7 > c ; 5-lb palls , 7J c ; 3-lb palls , 7c. SUOAB Granulated , OJ < @ 7c ; conf. A. 05 < ® OJfc ; white extra C , O wiijijc : extra C. Oj w O c ; yellow C , 5 ; < c ; cut loaf , 7 ; powdered , PIIOVISIONS Hams , HKil2c : breakfast salt , ) ' ( < t9J < c ; shoulders , 7i'T'fc ( : dried boot hams , llcillXc : ilrlt-d beef regular , 10 > @llc ; hams Dienlc , 8fD3 e . * nd lumber f , I' ' * DIIIKD FRUITR Apples , ' -new , } fa Co ; evaporated , 50 Ib rlnir , U&l4J < fc ; raspberries , ovapor.ited. 29c ; blackberries , evapora'ed , pitted cheiries , oeaches , new , „ . . . . „ - - evaporated peeled pd.icnus , c ; evaporated , un pared , lfi } C < ? 17c ; now currants , 7 > i@7Kc ; prunes 44 oc : citron , 25c ; ral- btns , London layeis , California , loose muscatels. Sl.bO ( < $ l.S5 : new Valencias , 7Hc. SYIIUP No.70 , 4-eallon koes. 81.l@l.r ( ' > 0 ; New Orleans , per uallon. Stifle : maple syrun. half Ibbs , "old time , " per gallon , Hc ; l-gallon can.- , , per doz , 810.50 ; half-eallon cans , per doz , 80.25 : quart cans , 83.25. CANNKH GOODS Ovstera. standard , per case , S3.00i3 10 : strawberries. 8 Ib , per case . 3..00@3.10 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case. 83.00 ® 3.10 ; California pears , per case. S4.60 M.70 ; apricots , tier case , 54.10(91.35 ( ; peaches , per case , 85.75@5.b5 ; white cherries , per case , 86.00 plums , per case. 81EOQ3.VO : blue berries , per case. SJ.30 ( 2.40 : ezg plums. 2 Ib. per case. 82.50 ; piuoipplus , a Ib , per case. SB.au1).1) : 1 Ib mackorol. per do/ . 81.CU : 1 Ib salmon , pcrdnz , 81.9X32.00 ; 3 Ib pooseberrles , oer easo. SS.'iViM85 ; 2Ib.string ; beans , per case , 81.75 : 2 Ib lima bean" , VJBC case , 91.00 ; 3 Ib marrowfat peas , per c.tset 2.50C < $3.00 ; a Ib early Juno Unas , per caw , e2.75 ; 3 Ib tomatoes , S-.40(33 ( 5 ? ; 2 Ib corn , S2. 0g2.25. ( PIPKI.KS Medium , In bbls , so.no ; do In half bbls , 83.75 ; small , in bbK 87.50 : do In half bbls , S4.25 ; gherkins , in bbls , $110 ; do lu half bbls , 84,75. \VOOUKNWABE ; Two-hoop palls , per dnz , fil.45 : 3-hoop palls , 81,70 ; No. 1 tub.80.r.H ; No. a tub. 85.50 ; No. 3 tub , 84.50 ; wasn- boards , 81.75 : assorted bowls , 82.25 ; No. 1 churns , 89 ; No. 2 churns , 88 ; No. U churns , TonAcco Lorlllard'sClimax , 44n ; Splen did , 4lc : Mechanic's Uellcht , 41c ; Lowell & Meyer's Star , 41c ; Cornnrhlnne , 34o ; Drum- mond's Horse Shoo , 4lo ; T. J. , S7c ; Sore's Spearhead. 44& t Itoi'K tjeven-slxteenths Ineh. 12K@12Jfc STAncii Minor Gloss , 5Jfc ; Graves Corn , CJ/c ; Oswego Gloss , 7c ; OswoKo'Corn. 7c. Hitooiis-Kxtra 4-tieS2.CO ; No. 1 , 2. X ) ; No. 2,81.75 ; heavy stable , 84 CANDY Mixed , SXC'JUc ; stick. } $ @ > { c. CitiCKKits Garnoaii's soda , butter and picnic. 5c ; creams , 8c ; ginger snaps , 8c : city soda , 7c. TISAS Japan , 20@55c ; gunpowder,20@ Youiu Hyson. 'r > @ 55c ; Colon ; ; , 20iacOc. JEI.LIES-30-lb palls , 8i.OO. Gcnoral Marlceti. SPIRITS Cologne spirits , IBS proof , Sl.lOj do 101 proof , SI. 12 ; spirits , sccoi'd quality , 101 proof , 81.10 ; do I8a proof , 1.0'J. Alcohol. Ib8 proof. S2.10 per wine gallon. Redistilled whiskies , 91.00@1.50. Gin blended. S1.50 ® 2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , S3.00@fi.00 ; Ken tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 82.oOQO.r o ; Golden Slieaf bourbon and rye whiskies , 8L50@3.oo. Brandies , imported , SS.OO .M : domestic. Sl.iui.OO. : : Gins , Imported. 34.50(3 0.00 ; domestic , S1.25'i.OO. C/iarapairnes / .im ported , per case. Si3.00Q'3.0Q ! vVmcrican , per case. 810.XX1C.OO. ( HEAVY HAROWAKE InJn , iate , 82.70 ; plow steel , special cast , 4fo } ; cruciblesteel ; , OJfc ; cast tools , do. 12c41b < TOva.oii ; spolses , per set , 83.00C ' ) .50 ; hubs , ixtifcot , S1.5J : fel lees , sawed dry , 81.00 ; tongues , each. bOc ; axles , each , 75c ; square nuts , per Ib , ii'c ; coil clialn , per Ib , 0@iJc : ; malleable , 8lOc ; Iron wedges , Oc ; crowbara , Co : harrow teeth. spring steel. 4f < icJiunlon's ; liorsu shoes , 54.75 ; Burden's mult shoes. 85.75. Barbed wire * In car lots , 84.00 per 100 Ibs. Iron nails , rates , 10 to CO SWO ; steel nails , HIDES Green butchers' . ) 5X@6c ; green cured. 7Mc ; dry flint , lie ; dry .salt , do ; green calf skins , 7J < c ; damaged hides , two-thirds prleo. Tallow 3c. Grcaso Prime white. . " : yellow , Sc ; brown , l c. Sheep pelts , 25TJ 40c. llv w CoAir-Egg , 89.50 ; nut , 89,75 ; range , 89.75 ! Iowa lump. 5H.OO ; Iowa iuitrS2.75 ; waluul block , 53.00 ; Illinois , 84.25 ( 5. Dry Got Kin. 80 , ' 15b ; CO , colored , 1& ; 50"colored , I2c ; 70 , colored , 15c ; Bristol , is c ; Union Paeluc. IHc. CAIIPET WAitP-Blbb white , IS c ; col ored.20 > ic. BATTS Standard , 8c ; Gem , He ; Beauty , 12Kc : Uoone , He ; B. cased , 80.50. PniNT8-Soi.in'.CoLoiu-Alaiiti6Xc:81a ! : ter5oBorllnOlloi : < cGarnqrOII6to7. ; PINK AND HoiiKS Richmond Co : Alien Co ; Ulvur point 5o ; Steel UlverCo : Richmond fc ! ; Pacilu OKc. I.NDiaoBLtiE Washington Co ; Ameri can fiHc ; Arnold CUc ; Arnold B He ; Arnoli A 12c ; Arnold GoJdseal IWKe. DIIPBS Char ter Oak4o ; itainapoH' p : LodHKe ; Alter 5Xc : Richmond 5 > c , Windsor Co ; Kudyhtoni c : Pacing fc. GjNOHAM-PIunkrtt tau 7 * ; Yorlc 8J < c ; Calcutta nreas 8Kc ; Whltlonton lres * C5 Kenfrew Dress PC to 12V < c ; CAMnnirs Slater 4Kc : Wootls 4J < o ; Stan dard 4Hc ; Peacock 4kc. / Coit r.T.luAN9 Androscoggln i c ; Kcar- sago 7ifc ; HockportOXc ; Couestoga OJ c. UucK-Wcst Point J ln..8oz. , lOXc ; West Point 2U lnM 10 oz. , 13Kc ; West Point s In. , , 'J oz. . 15ccst ; Point 40 In. . 11 oz. , inc. Jhecks-Caledonla X. Wfo : Caledonia XX , loWc ; Kconomv to } tfc ; Otis o to PKc. TICKS hewlslnnM in. , lUVo ) ; Lewiston M n. . rpHfo ; York 3a In. , I4c ; Swift River 7Kc : I'ltorndlko O O , S'/c ' ' ; Tliotndlko K F. 8kc ; rhorndlko I'-o , njj'c : Thorndlkn XXX , 15c ; Cordls No. 6.'JKc : Cordls No. 4 , lie. DKNIMS Atnojkcag Uoz. , lue : Exurctt 7 oz. , 13ej York 7oz. , I3o ; llavmakerSKc ! Jn'I' ' roy XX , llj < c : Jadrey XXX , 12 e : Beaver Jreck AA. 12c ; Beaver Creek BB , He ; Beaver Creek CC. liv. KENTUCKY J VNs-Mcmorl l 15c : Canton ISc ; Durham 27Jfc ; Hercules I8c ; Learning * Ion 22 > fc ; Colts weld 25c. Stevens' l 6e : bleached 7c ; Ste vens' A 7Kc ; bleached 8Wc : Slexens' P 8Xc : bleached PKc : Stnvensr N OVc ; bleached lOJfc ; Stevens' SHT12UC. oil cloth 82.85 MISCKI.I.ANKOUS Table ; plain Holland 8i < c tnVc ; Dado Holland WWc. FLANNELS rlald llattsman 20e : Gnslion OKc ; Clear Lake 33Hc ; Mapln City iMtfc. Wiiite-0. H. No. a. ? ; ; ale ; ( i ! U. No. l , f , ajKc ; B. II. No. 2 , r. S2WC5 B. li. No. 1 , K. 30c : Ouechee No. I. > / , 4-'c ; Ouccheo No. a , X , S KP ; Quecheo No. 3 , Jf , ! tt > fo ; Anawan 13Xo ; WlndBor 82 > < c. Hwl-C. 4 Inch , 15Uc ; K , 21 lnch.21c ; GG , 21 Inch , 18c ; II. A. F.f , 25c ; J. U. > . , - % , 27Wc : G. . k , 5c. CoMPOUTEns ! 0..r)0i ( | 35.00. BLANKETS White , 8LOO@7.50 ; colored. . . . BUOWN SIIKETINOS Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7Kc ; Atlantic 11. 4-4 , 7o ; Atlantic 1 > , 4-4 , OWc ; At lantic P. 4-4 , 5j/c ; Aurora LL. 4-4 , BJic ; Aurora C , 4-4 , 4Wc ; Crown XXX. 4-4 , fi c ; liooslor LL , 4-4 , 55'c : Indian Head , 4-4 7 > < c ; Lawrence LL. 4-4 , 6 c ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 5XcPeppereIlB. 4 4 G o ; iVpporoil O , 4-4 , Oc ; Peppered , 8-4 , lOo ; Peppereli. W , 18c : Poppereil , 10-4 , UOc ; Utlca C. 4-4 , 4 < c ; Wnchtisett , 4-4. 7c ; Aurora It , 4-4. 0)c ; Aurora B , 4-4. fx- . BLEACHED SHEKTINO Berkeley cambric , No. 00 , 9Uc ; Best Yet , 4-4 , 0/o ; butter cloth 00 , 4Jfc ; Cabot , 7K t Far well , be : Fruit of Loom , 8&c ; Greene G , 6c ; Hope , 7)tfc ) ; King Phillip cambric , lie ; Lonsdale. HVc ; Lons- dale , 8Kc ; New York mills , lOKc ; Peppeiell. 43 Inch , lOKc : Peppered. 40 Inch , like ; Pep pereli , 0-4 , 15c ; Peppereli , 8-4. 18c : Peppered , IM , BOC ; Peppered , 10-4. B8 } < c : Canton.4 , 8 > fc ; Canton , 4-4 , OKc ; Triumph , Co ; Wam- stitta , He ; Valley. 5c. Dry Lumber. DIMENSIONS AND TIMIIKIW. FI.flOUINO. A 0 In.Vhlto Pine sa'iM C , 520.50 B . S3.rX ) 1) , 21.00 B ' " " ( Sel. Fouclng.l ) .00 FINISIIINd. 1st and 2nd , clear , 1.1 , Inch. 8.2s . 50.fiO 3d , clear , 1 Inch , s. 2 s. , . * 5 60 " " 1W , IK , 8 in . 40.50 A select. 1 Inch , s. a s. . . 40.00 - " iJ r. IX. 2 In . 44.00 B " irncns.as. , . 80.00 " " ijf.ljf.ain . 87.00 I'OPLAIl I.I1MIIKII. Clear Poplar , I5x. lids' . K In. , s. 3 s. . . .335.50 K In. Panel , s. a s . 27.00 " " UorniKated Ceiling , % . . 28.50 nATTENR. WKLL TUllINd , 1'IOKKTS. O. G. Bat U , SK I n . S00.75 " Kx8 in , s.ls . 00.41) S In Well Tubing. U & M and Hov. . . . . 2U.OO Pickets. D. & 11. Flat . 20.50 " " Square . 21.00 I'.OAIUIS , No. 1 , corn , sis 818.00 Ho. 2 , com , sis 817.00' No. 3. C16.BON0.4 , S13-00 KKNCtNO. No. 1.4 & 0 111 , 12 & 14 It , ronch . SIO.W No. 1 , " " Hi " " . 19.50 No. a , " ' 12&14" " . 1000 Ko.li , " " 10 " " . 17.50 A. 12. 14 and 10 ft. jJ'Jl.W C , S15.M ) B. " " " Sll.60 1) . 12.50 rKIMNO AND I'AIITITION. 1st com , Jin Whlto Pine Coiling . S34.00 2nd " " " " " . 28.00 Clear , ln. Noiway " " . in.oo ndcom. % | , , . . 14.00 STOCK nOAtins. A 12 Inch s. Is . 84S..10 No. 1 , com. la in. s.ls. , 12 ft . 'W.M " ' " " H it . W.OO " " " " 1C ft . 18.50 No. 2 , " " " . llt.OO " " " 10 ft . 17.50 Inch Grooved Roofing Sl.OO per M more than 12 inch Stork Boards same length. SIllNai.KS. I.ATII. XXclear . . 3.10 Extra * A $2.00 * A * Standard . . 2.7.1 * AliB&B 2.55 Gin. cluar No 1 . . 1.50 Lath S C5 POST * . Whlto cedar , C In. , J s. , 12c ; 9 In. qrs. , lie ; 8 In. nrs. , I0c:4 : in. round lr > c ; Tennessee Ked Cudar , split , 15o : Split Ouk. 12c. I.IMI : , Kro. Huincv uhltu lime ( best ) . OOc : Akron cu- nicut , Sl.75 ; hair , We ; plaster , 82.75 ; tar board. 81.75 ; sash , lOc nurd. ; ( loots , 10 per ci. : blinds , 40c per ct. ; inoiilillncs , 40c per rt. : tar felt , per cwt. , S2.75 ; straw board , Sl.Vs. 8OUTIIKIIN VKLLOW TINE. Com. 4&01n. Flooring . 517.50 Star " " . 21.50 Clear % In. Celllne . 21.50 " % In. Partition . 23.00 " Finish , l &l'/in.s.2s . 29.00 " CorniBati'd Crlllni ; , 4 In . 25.00 " Yellow Pine Casing and Base. . . 27.00 SHIP LAP. No. 1 Plain. 8 & 10 in . SIO.W No. a " . 17.50 No. 1 , O. O. , 8 lu . ld.50 THE CHIC AGO AND fiorihWestern Western Omaha , The only roml to tnko Cor JJos Molnes ' nr- sliiilltowii , 0 c'Uitr Jtunlds , Clinton , Illxon , Chlra- KO , Milwuukto iind all points eu.it. To the people - plo ot Nubru&kn , Coloiuilo , Wjomlnir , Utah , lilalin , Mivut'a , OrcKi'M. Wnshlneton , mill Cnll- fornlH , It oltrrsBiiporlor iirtvantuscfl not liossl- bio by any other lino. Amonir n tuwo'tno numoioiit ) points of su- pjvriorlty enjoyed Ijy the pntroinof this road between Umnlm nnil C'liragn.nro Its two trains ailuyof DAY COAUUUS , lilcli nro the llnost thnt hiimHiinrt nnil Iniramilty can croHtii. Its PALAOUE BLEtil'INU CAlld , wlilch tno modola of comtort and olepimco. Its 1'AKLOIt DltAW- 1NU HOOM C'AHS , iHi-uitiii9 e ( ] by nnr. nnd Its wMoly ctlotirated I'AIATIAIj UINlNa CAI19 , the equiilof which cannot ho fnuml ebwwhoro At Council Illutrgthe trains of the Union 1'acillo llr. conneet In Union Uopot with thoio of the Chicago At Northwcstorn lly. In Chlcnito the tialns of tills line innke close connection with those nf all easturn lines. For Detroit. Columbus , Indianapolis. Cincin nati. Nlnirnr.i Kails , llnlTulo , I'ltuburir.Toronto , Montreal , Hostim , New Vork , Phllmiulphla , Ilultimorc , WushlnRlon and nil points In the cust , ask for a tlokot ; la the "NOKTHWESTKHN. " If you wish the best accommodation , All ticket auents sell tlckotsvia this line * H. IluUIUTT. " P. WILSON. ( lenl. Manager , ( Jonl. I'uss'r AKcnt CnK ° ' " W. M. IUUCOCK.n "L H. BOtTjES , Westarn Acent , City J'uis'r Acunt , Ouittba Nahruaku. THrBAilK OF CfllMElE 610 Korth IGth Street , OMAHA. Paid In Capital , . . . . . $100,000 Gi:0 : , II DAliKF.lt , I'repldont. WOIIT. L. QAUUnilS , Vlco-1'rosldout : F. U JOJINSOK.Cuslilor. DIHKUTOH3 : R\\inri.n JOHNPOX , ( Jeo , E. lUaKtu , llODT , L. OAIIMCIIBVM. . SKIVLIU I'.ll JOIINCON. A t-rncnil banking btulno transacted IntcrestallowBd ou Imo-Uooo JOBBERS' DIRECTORY Agricultural CllURVlltLL 1 Wholc'nlo Dtntrr In Agricultural Imiilrmonts , Wntrong , Crrrlaaoa anil Iluoalon. Jonri Mrrrt , between Ot ! ) ami loth , Oumliit , Nub. LIS1XGER cl5 SfETCALF CO. , Affficulturnl Implements , Wngoii .CiirrliiRc , riucgic. . Etc. . Wlioloolc , Om-ha. PARLIN , O It Eyn OR F < C ALLIITIX \Vholcialo Dealers In Asrrlculiural Implonionts , ( Vn on and ilupfflo * . 001,9CV1. Di aiul 107 , Jono Pt " P. P. MAbl' iCO. ; . , Mi > nnf rliircr < of , J > uc7.T//c DrillSceili'r * , Cultivator * Hay Itakcj. Clrti-r MllUnml tubnn 1'iiKarlien. Cor. Nortlijltli Kiul Nlchaliii M' . ' ' WINONA'lM'PLEMIiNT CO. , Whole-talc Aylciiltitral Implement * \V Kon3 and Hj ztut. ornor 14th & Nlolioln ! ati. Arthts' Material. A. HOSPE , , Tlt. , Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs , UI3 DnuKlas Street , Omtba. Boots and Shots. IT. T. MORSE A CO. Jobbers of Boots and Shoes. lilt Faruam it. , Omaha , Nab. Manufactory , Siunmw tireet. notion. KlKKhNDALL. JONES iV CO. SurcoDiord to Hood. Jones & Co. , WholoMlo Miinufnoturors of Boots Shooi. Airl for lloxton llubbor Shoo To. J11-J. HIM < I'Oi " > , " Ht "m n > . Vohrmki. Coffee , Spices , Etc. CUAKKb cUKKLIi CO. , Omaha0itfre nn 1 Sploa Mills. Teas , Codecs , Kplecs , linking l'o\vrtor , flavoring I'xtrncls. Laundry llltiu Ink , otc. 1411-1410 Iliirnoy St. Oraulm , Nebraska , Crockery and Class ware W. L. WBIGJTT , Agent for 'bo Manufacturer * nnd Importer ! of Crockery , Glassware , Lampi , Chimneys , etc. Office , 317 South 18th it. Uinaha.Neb. , Commission and Storagt. D. A. HURLEY , Commission and Jobbing. Bntter , Krai and I'roduoo. Conilgnmenti nollelleil. Uwdqunrtora ( or Slunoware , llorrr Bozea uit Umpe llftikets. ltl l > oJgo lrectUmahi. RID D ELL d ) RIDDELL , Storaprfl and Commission MorclianN , BpcclaUiei Htutor , Kum. t'lieoso. roiltrjr , Ciamo. O/iton. etc. , cto. 1IJS. ilth HI. WIEDEMAN d ) CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , Poultrj , lluttar , Onmc , Kniltn , cto. W S. lilbfl Omal.a. Nob. I. .nl.l.Mli'il IM. ' ) GEO SC1IROEDER&CO. , Buccesaora to MoShmin \ Schroodor. Produce CommUsloD and Cold .Storage. Omaha , Neb. Coal , Coke and Lime. Q BO. F. I.AnAOii. rr * . C. F. CJOOPUAW , V. Pret. J. A. HUND BIANt > , Sac. and Trwu. OXCAIIA COAL , COKE d ) LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. 209 South Thirteenth Street. Omaha , N b. ,7. < ) . iy ix .sUjV < f Co. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime. And Shippers of Cnnl and Cnkn , Co-nont , I'lanltr , IJine.lIiir.KIr * nnrk , Driln. Til * and Sewer ripe. Ofllcu. IMxtnu riolu I ra - mi tl. , Omiiha , b. Telephone bll. _ N C1JRASKA FUEL CO. , Sil ] > ncr * of Cottl and Cokt 2US. nth St. , Omaha , Noli. Dry Cosrfs and Nrtlons M. E. SMITH 0 CO , DryOooila , Furnishing : Goods & Notions ll' ' and 1104 I > ouKia . cor. Ilth flt. , Omnha. Neb. KILPATR1CK-KOC1I , DRY GOODS CO. , Importer * and Jobbnrd Dry Oonds. Notions , OontH' FnrnisliliiK ( loods. Lor. Ilth & Ilarnoy Bt. . . 'itni'li'i Furniture. Wholesale Dealers in Furniture. Farnam > L. Omaha , Nob. CIFAItLES SinrCRICK , Furniture , Uedilinff , Ujiholstery , Mlrrori. etc. 1206.1208 and 1210 Famam Bt. . Omaha. Groceries , AXfdJi G LLAWlEli : aTcoT , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , KOJ. 70i.7m'.7ttand711 ) 3.-10tli St. Omaha. Nob. McCORJO , It.KADY < C CO. , Wholesale Grocers , IJIn and I.eavonworlh B . , Omaha. Wlialcwle Grocers , 1319 , 12-'ll.2i : HnrnoySt. , Oranlia , Neb. ALLEN BROS. , Wholesale Grocers , HUand Illfi H.uney Street , Onmhn. Hardware , LEE , FRIED eK CO. , Jobbers ot'Hnnhvaro and Nails , Tinwaru , Sheet Iron , Ktc. Aguntn tor IIOWB Htnloi , Bin ! Miami Powder ! o..Omulm.Nrli. JIIMEHAUGJI 0 TAYLGK , IJuililors'Hardware&Scale Repair Shop Mocbanlca' Tools nnd ItutTnlo Scale * . Ufti UouzlitaBU A Oiiiaha , Neti. Whnlciale Hardware , 11th imJ lliirnci' Strcuf. Omaha , Nob. Western Airciits lor Austin i'owiUir Co. , Jcilfor- Kn btcol Nulls , 1'iilrliiuiks Slunjiinl Scales. Hvavy Hardware W. JT. ItROATCir , Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Wnzon RlorV , IlurJvrnrn Lumber , tila. 1209 unit l.'lt IlKrney ft. , Umnlm. EDNEY 0 GIJUiON , Wholesale Iron nud Steel , Wnaon and Cnrrlnira Wood BtocS , Heavy HnrdwariX Hlo. KIT mid 121111.eavonwortli Bt. , ( limibn , Nob. Hats , Caps , Ete. W. L. PARROTTK & CO. , H'liolenHle Hats , Cajts < & Straw 1197 Hnriicy Street , Oinaliu , N'cb. Liquors. JJUtlllcrB of T.lqurin , Alcohol and flplrlti. Importers Hiul Jobbenof WlnesBii.I Liquors. WILLO W SPRINGS VISTILLE' * ! CO. and JLER , V CO. , Impnrtors and Johberrof Fine Wlnf" and Minors. Hole mnnufiieturcnof Kennedy' * I'aBt Inrtln lilt- tvri unit llumi Hlo I.Uuor | . lilt llarnvyM. Lumber. OMAHA JUMJIER CO. , Denier . . AllKtudtof Buildiiifir Material ut Wholesale. Hth Strcatund Union I'aeltlo Track. Omaha. /AJUIS IlKADFOllD , Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Lime , Sush , Doora.Etc. Yards Corner 7th and Douxlai ) Corner C , N. N.Lumber. Lumber. 13th nn1 California glrf et , Omaha. Neb. TJtElt'w. GRAY , Lumber , Lima , Cftncnt , Ktc. , Ktc , Cor.CUi and ( > ou la < su , OiiinUa. .Vjj. T. W. JLiJtJ'JKYJMMIlim CO. ; To Dealers Ouiy. Odea , tun I'urpam itrool.o.im'Iiiu . ' JOBBERS' DIRECTORS C1TAS. JR. LEE , Jlnrtlwood Lumber , Wood C tp li ted raranrt Flooring. Oth nnil DonstU Otnibn. AVholcsnlo Lumber , Etc. Importtd And Atncrlr n lortUn < l Comcnt , Agent torMllwmikco llTilrnullo ( 'ounulnnU Hot ( Julncy WhlluLlme. _ _ Millinery end notions. Imporutritnntl .tnlibcrsof Milliner ) ? " "i Vo oii lO. , Sinnnl2U'S. itth St Motions. j ; a1 , itomysotf C'O- WlioltMla lcnlor In Notions nnd Furnishing Goods , < 1V1 nd lint B. Tenth t.Omiht. VINYAUD &SC11NK1DHU , Notion * anil Gents' fur- nltfilnff ( lands , 1106 Hnrnojr Utruut , Omaha , Nob. Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Whnlfgalo Oonlors In Keflnctl ami Lubricating O < / , , AxluOrciasc , uto. Omaha , Nob. A. II. lllshop , Manaifur. PAPER CO. , Wliolt-salo Paper Dealers. r rrr * laa toeknr Prlnllne , Wr pnlnx nd WrH Ing iiupor. Bpsolal attpntlon glrta la car lonlix orUort Printers' Materials. WESTERN ITEirSPAPER UtflOlt Auxiliary Publishers. DMlen In Trpe , Pn > M t And Prlntori' Supplies. M _ South Twelfth Strcut. _ Rubber Goods. OMAIFA llnnnfAduror nnd Dtaleri In nil klndiof llubbor ( JooiH , Oil Clotlilng nnd Loaihnr llclllng , IIW Kurnam "n. S'eam ' Fittings , Pumps , Etc. A. L. STRA\G CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Engines. Steam , Water , Rnllwnr and Milling Bupnlicc. Kt * 930. VZland i K rnam U. Oaiithn. N l . CHUltCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittiugtt , Btomnnj Witter Snppllet. llcntlquiirteri fur MM ! yo-v tVi'ii ( iuQ.8. | Jill l' ni ni it. . Onmha. Nab. U. S. WIND ENGINE and PUSIP COMPANY. n ll d y Wind Mllit ) nleim * nd W t r Ruppllei , inRoci , eng. llojo. OW and ! U ) far- uam t.Omnhn. B. K. Kclton. CIIOWNELT < C CO. , Manufactnror * and Dealert In Engines , Boilers & Cicnenil Machinery bliuot Iron Work.Blunm I'umps. j w Mills. l.'lMU'15 ; l.oavuuwortli Ht.Umnlui. Seeds. PHIL. STIMMEL & CO. , wnni.rsu.E , field and Garden Noa. UH-IH3 Jonoi Street , Omitlia , Not' . Storage , Forwarding & Commission. ARMSTRONG , PETTIS & CO. Storat/c , Forwarding cO Cinninlv/tlon llraticli Itonso of tlio llnnnov Huir'.v Co Iliiir- irlca ut wliuluialu nnil rutulU Nos. 13)4. ) 1. 110 and Una Jiiird St. , Uninba , Nob. Toloplion * No. "fO Teas and Cigars &CO , JiiiinftorannilJobbcra | of 'Iran anil t'iunrn , Mplccs and lal < iy nuking I'owctcr. till ) and 1418 Hnrney Street. , Omiilm , Nob. _ "OMAHTMANIIF/inTiJRERC / Cornice. . WORKS , John Epenctcr , Prop. Mannftoturer of ( lalvnnltod Iron nn'J Cornice. ' 43 lo < l e and 103 and 11)4 ) N , 10th t. . Omnhrt , Neb. Stroke S a ks , Ucilcrs , Etc " H. K. SAWYER , MnniifiicturlngDculur in Smokestacks , Iron Works. Iron Work a , Wrousht anil dint Iron Building Work , Iron Htitln , HnlllnK , lluiims nnd Olrdoro , Hieim Knglnon , llrun Work , Utnoral fotindry , Macblna ami UlHrksmlUi Work. UfHco an i Works , U.1Ur.undlTtli tliout. OMAIA w IKK A : IKON WORKS , ManufaottiEnrBof Wire ami Iron Railing * , llcsJt Nail * , Window OuarJs , noworHtunils , Wire SIgni.oto. Ul N. lUli. _ _ OMAHA SAFE & IRON WORKS G Andrein , Proprietor. Manufacturer ot Flro and Dunrlnr 1'root Safos. Vtiulls , .lull Work , lion and Wlru Fonulng , , ola Cor. Illh nnd Jitclt nn st , Omnhn , Overalls. CANFIE'Llf" COMPANY , Miuinfiu'liirers of Overalls , Jcani I'anti , Slilrtn. Ktc. 1IIK nml 1101 Douzlun Oiimhii , Nub. Sash , Doors , Etc. \Vliolcialo MnnufiicliirciB of Snsli , Doora , JUliuls nnd Mouldings , llnncli o.litt'.lSlli nnJ iir.r.l Bts , Omahs , NeS VO1TN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , MouIrt'jiiis.StuIr ' Worltund Interior Hard Wood Klnlik Jum cipciiu.l. N , K. i or. Bin unit LouvcuwortU Hl . Oiuoliu , Nvb. OMAHA PLANING MILL CO. , lliiniifut tiucis of MoulilliifS , t-iuli , Doom unO llllnUs.Tuinlni ; iStiilr-worlc , Hunk und Ollhio Klttlnirx , -llli nml Avuiino _ - ropploton , _ Brewers , * " " 8TORZ ,0 ILER , Luger Uetsr Uroworg , 1J31 Nortli Street. Omaha. Nab. SOUTH OMAHA , C. I ! . I'.M.MI.H. N ! . IIICMMiN. J. II. III.AKCH Mill 1'AJsMlSH , RIOiniAX K CO. , Lh'e Ntoclc Coimnliiton OIHco Itixiin l , Oppoilto li.xcliniiHO llull Union Slock Vanls , tfoiith Uiimlni , Nub. Mct'OV IIROS. , Live Slock CniniiilfMloii Morclmiits. Murknt lutnlnlied free DnupiillcHtl'in. btockori in fuiMcrs liiriit iinl on KO > I lurm * . Ilatarooog Onmlia Natloiul 1) ink und hxith Oiub4 ! I'nluu Hock V.inli , South U lulm , LOKIMEIt , WESTBKK'LD & MAI.LY IU'c fitorlt CoinmiH'iloH , Hooin 15 Uiilninro Imlllliit ; , Un.oil Sloth ' YiinlE. S-outlt Oiiiahn , Nob. " " " HORN i\f s l IAIU' 1C , ( ; onnn 8lin Di'iilora In I.lvo Sio lc , Hooin "I.IIv ( liiiii 'n UuiKlln , ' , I'nlon flock Vdi. , ! ' . Omiilm ll ( > .i < riiiic < I'liion .S'lit'Udiuik , OiniiliiiUnion Mo < ie \ iir.li * ll.tnk U Oiniihu. K. h. Itowl ui _ _ Pi _ s.\m. _ Hunk f. TrustOoH Oinaliii. VIJ'X'\NDEll & FITCH , CoMimNslon I'i ' liT In I.lvo HlocK , Itoo m 31 Oiyo > - ii l".x < hiinio JUill < llnt , ' . I'nlnn biocl : \ ir.ioiitll O'llHlill , Nell. c YARDS ca , Of Omulia. ' / ' Llicrttul. John I' . Il0)v3 ,