Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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How the English Youth ia Transforms ; ! into
a Good American Citizen.
fin Odd Applicant The Powerful In
„ * stuonco or American Gnitoint
Education in an Over
stocked Market.
Written for the Omaha n < t.
"By Jove , dear boy , I took the conceit
6ut of him then. " Such was the windup -
up of a rather nmuslng story told mo the
other day by a young Englishman who
had not yet boon long enough associated
.f with Uncle Sam to have the "dom non-
nonso" taken out of him. Fresh from
Ills ancestral halls , but minus thn ances
tral wealth , it had , alas , bcoomo a neces
sity far him to work. "Just think of it. "
J > ho said , "a man of my rank and blood
J applying to a butcher for work. You
BOO , ho had advertised in the HBK for a
smart .young fellow to work in a store ,
and , IIH I corao of a brainy family , and
consider myself fairly smart , I donned
my now I'rinco Albert coat and silk hat ,
nnd wended my way to the address
given. Distrust is not exactly the word
to express my feelings when , after walk
ing some live miles , I found it was
and cynical fulls far short of the mark to
qualify the smile that rippled around the
broad Atlantic of the worthy butcher's
countenance as ho looked mo over and
asked me had 1 killed much beef in ray
time. Shades of my illustrious ancestors ,
ho asked mo was 1 a killer of beef ? I re-
Elicd not much beef was a commodity I
ad occasionally caton. but scorned to
kill. I was about leaving when ono of
these happy thoughts that sometimes
strike a fellow , you know , occurred tome
mo , so I accosted him again : Look hero ,
r mister butcher , did you over hear ot
John Drydcn ? No ? Then you never
read the lines in Alexander's feast
And thrice he routed nil his foes ,
; , , And thrlco he slew the slain.
" " Don't read nonsense , oh ? Now don't
you really think that killing beef is some
what akin to slowing the slain ? It was a
hard thrust and I hoard him mutter
something about cranks , but that was
because hojnust have felt so humiliated ,
you know.
< Such , with the vernacular omitted was
the story of how ho "took the conceit
out of" the festive butcher. Poor fellow
S ho did not know that it was this same
conceit that was the stumbling block
that stood in the way of his accepting
the iirst honest work that offered and
thus assorting his manhood. Uo had not
yet ascertained that
however much tlit.y may commend them
selves to the English mind , are of but
little value hero.
It is to such men as my John Drydcn
friend that , on first arrival , America
is a surprise. Horn of "good family"
nnd raised in the lap of luxury , they have
been accustomed to regard anything in
the shape of manual labor as degrading
nnd all who engage in It as infinitely be
neath them. Unco landed in this country
the democratic phase of our institutions ,
manners and customs break upon them
in the light of u revelation. They iind
little to remind them of England and
everything to impress them'with the idea
that here men are not valued neither for
the clothes they wear or the family they
belong to. Yankees take a strong
nnd just pride in the pedigree
of their horses and rattle but
strange to say they have no such retro
spective interest with regard to the "rais
ing" of their fellow citizens. That sucli
a state of affairs should exist is "exces
sively annoying , you know , " and many
are tbo epithets Hung at Uuclo Sam's
.unoffending head.
, > In England they do not asseciato with
- workingmen ; in America the workingmen -
men regard them as nobodies and as
Bucli pass them by.
To say , however , that such men have
not the making of good citizens in them
would bo going too far. Many cases have
como under my notice where young fol
lows of the duilish order have gono-
through the the mill of hard work and
eventually turned out good and useful as
well as prosperous men. After a resi
dence of a your or two under American
influences tnoir eyes are gradually opened
to tbo fallacies of the English social sys
tem and on the "video melioraproboqno"
principle their ideas undergo a radical
To the educated Englishman , that is ,
the man who rises above snobbery , ' too ,
America is at tirst a disappointment.
Crossing tbo Atlantic with all these
that generally accompany a man to a
new country , and buoyed up by the
knowledge that ho has received a univer
sity education ho imagines that ho will
have little diflloully in getting ahead.
Uo llttio thinks that in coming to Amer
ica ho brings his education to a market
that la already overstocked.
: It was my privilege while In Boston to
\i \ meet , as well as to be of some assistance
to a young Englishman who had come
to this country shortly after having com-
'plotud a distinguished course at Oxford.
Already he bad been m the city eight
I months , and during all that time he told
imo that he hnd assiduously searched for
j work in almost every capacity , but with
out any success whatever. When apoiy-
for a posistion for which his educa-
j suited hiia , ho was met with such re
plies as , "you are not acquainted with
the city , " v'we acknowledge your ability ,
but wo want a local man , " etc. On the
other hand ho was unfitted for
manual labor , and his efforts in that di
rection wore alike unavailing. When I
met him his money was nearly all gono.
: ? Ho wJs .
but plucky and philosophic through all
liis troubles. "Thorn is my diary , " ho
said , "you can see what I have boon
through. " I opened it and road his pro
ceedings of the day before :
Monday no luck. Came homo
at 5 o'clock an had supper bread
nnd water. Fell into a meditative humor
nnd wondered if there was such a thing
us HU acquired taste for water , and if so ,
what length of time would elapse in the
process of acquisition. It doesn't suit
my palate at present writing. My books
nearly all gene , but thank heaven ,
lantes Inferno still remains ; it ia the
only volume that oflVrs me any solid en
joyment. " A short interview served lo
show mo that the man was "able" and
worlhy of encouragement. 1 accordingly
introduced him to a few literary men ,
and ere lone ho was engaged in the trans
lation of a dor man volume for one of tbo
publishers ,
Englishmen of this latter class gener
ally liiid U hard to procure the necessary
Btart , but once this is accomplished they
seldom full to take advantage of it. Like
Aeneas of old , a man may wander a long
time "per varies casus , but in Ameriqa
with patience and perseverance , ho is
pretty sure to liud the work for which ho
is suited ,
Some of our roost prominent citUons
have bcon cured of chronic rheumatism
uy that wonderful pain-bauishur. Salva
tion Oil. Price S5 cents.
"Why. Jones , what a hearse ( ) you have
In your throatl" "Yes , I raised it rein u
colilt ( ) in my head. 1'vo too much live
Block. " "tVoll , like cures like. Dr.
Bull's Cough Syrup will euro you. The
illull will quickly scare the hoarsc )
wuy. "
Ono for $2,50O U Onod EnoHRh fur
lar Gould , and $2,200 Hays
Judge Hilton's.
Now York Sun : The one subject of
which piano dealers and piano manu
facturers and workmen in piano factories
have benn talking for the past few days
is the piano said to uo on its way to
America for Air. Henry G. Marquand ,
with five figures following the dollar
mark in the invoice thus : $10.1130. No
such price as f-lO.OJO was over paid for a
piano before , but no prophet will venture
to say that no 0110 will ever pay so much
"What do you think about such a
piano ? " said a reporter to an up-town
music dealer.
"Had you arrived at the ago of matur
ity before the warof the rebellion began , "
said the dealer , "and you had been of a
cynical disposition at that time , you
would have been interested , not to say
astounded , nt the largo sums of money
paid as income taxes by men in this town.
It gave one notoriety to pay a large income -
como tax , and no ono was debarred from
paying as good a tax as ho chose. Per-
bans a piano could bo built with that
sum , but it would have to bo inlaid with
gold and have the monogram sot in diamonds
mends bcforo the bill could honestly call
for half as much as that. "
"What , then , do the elegant pianos of
the men of great wealth cost ? "
"Ordinarily from $1,500 to $2,000. Mrs.
Jay Gould bought ono recently that cost
$2,500. , It was an upright grand and just
as line an instrument in everything that
goes to make a piano as ever loft the fac
tory of one of the heat known makers in
the city. C. P. Huntington has recently
purchased a piano. His cost $2,01)0 ) , while
Judge Hilton , another millionaire , got
one not long ago for which ho paid a
little more , $3,200,1 bcliovo. Nowthese
instruments were the very best the work
men could produce. The builders know ,
of course , that it would help them to sell
line pianos to other families if such
people as these had their inako of instru
ments. The choicest woods , seasoned to
the exact dot , wore used in the cases ;
extra quality cloth worth $18 a yard ,
where the ordinarystufT used is worth
trom $5 to $10 , went to the actions : the
very was selected from perhaps a nun.
dred diil'ercnt tusks , and so on from the
casters under the legs to the varnish on
top , everything was the best. The mono
grams wore worked out in gold or an
tique metal , or some other expensive
stud' , and when the instruments were set
up in the parlors of the purchasers them
was a richness to the tones that would
enchant anyone. And the tone was there
to remain ; such an instrument will last
wonderfully. But , after all , you can got
just an good an instrument , ono with pre
cisely the same tones and ono that will
ust just as well , for less than half the
money uald by Mr. Gould.
"Still more expensive pianos can bo
made. They have boon made that cost
as high as $5,000. The late Captain
James 1) . Eads , the Mississippi jetty man ,
had such an instrument. Ingersoll , the
chair manufacturer , had ono that cost
$1,500 , and It was an honpst price. To
build such a piano takes a deal of
time ; fifteen months is nnt too much to
devote to the building of the case. The
wood , to begin with , may bo South Amer
ican walnut , or San Domingo mahogany ,
or Turkish ; walnut , or genuine ebony.
The cases will be made of solid wood ,
and the woods will bo seasoned by the
most careful processes. Then the carver
takes hold , nnd by hand works out an
elaborate design. The design may bo
his own or the maniisacturcrs or thu fu
ture owner may pay some famous sculp
tor , or other artist , for some beautiful
design. These items of cost mount up ,
but after all they are items in the cost of
i piece of furniture rather than the
terns properly chargeable to a piano.
The'piano that produces the best mnsic
does not require such elaborate ornamen
tation , lugersoll's piano , us I recollect
seeing it in the factory finishing room ,
had elaborate carved work standing out
more than eighteen inches on each side
of the case It was an upright grand.
"Pianos , as such , are somewhat
cheaper than they used to bo , say 00 per
cent cheaper. A piano that has as perfect
tones as any over made can bo had for
$700 , retail price , in a plain case. A few
years ago the same instrument would
have been worth $1,000. Bui while these
instruments have grown cheaper , there
is an increasing number sold for better
prices than over. This demand conies
out of the necessity of making the piano
match the other furniture in the room
where it is placed. It is usual nowadays
for the rich men to give the house furn
isher an order to furnish the house
throughout.That order includes the
pianos. The manufacturer of furniture
will procure the bust designs from the
most capable artists for every
article of furniture and interior
decoration , and consequently the
grand piano in the corner blonds har
moniously with the musio rack on ono
side , , the picture frame above , a.nd the
carpet on the floor. Pianos are made
with white and gold cases with silver
monograms ; they are made of ebony ,
inlaid with beaten brass , and of San
Domingo mahogany and ancient bronze.
"Piano manufacturers very often got
orders to furnish the inside of a piano ,
while the house furnisher provides the
case. That was the way the pianos for
the Vanderbilt mansions were made.
But with all the spociol designs and the
elaborate hand earring in the best solid
woods and the slow process of pulling
the case together and the great length of
time devoted to polishing and varnishing
and varnishing again , I never know a
piano to honestly cost more than $5,000.
"Every manufacturer will be glad to
bear of this new piano at $40,050 ; so will
the well known painters and other artists
of the country. If we must not only
have the case harmonize with the sofa ,
but must have a picture on the cover
painted .to match some Moissonicr on the
wall overhead , the prices of instruments
and the commissions of middlemen will
bo augmented and an era of prosperity
and culture will ensue ,
"Tho prices of which I have spoken are
what wo call list prices. They are prices
printed in the descriptive circular. Many
people pay those prices , but if one knows
enough lie will pay about ono half. The
list price is generally about double the
fair retail price. II is regularly one-
third more. City people do not always
learn this but in the country where
agents are constantly going up and
down seeking customers the prices usu
ally got down to hard pay.
For fear of losing a day's work , many
persons put off taku.g physio until Sat
urday. The bolter plan is not to delay
but take il as soon as needed , it may save
you a hard spell of sickness. If you want
the most benefit from thn least amount of
physio Without causing you any incon
venience , loss of appetite or rest , take
St. Patrick's Pills. Their action on the
liver and bowels are Ihorough , Ihoy give
a freshness , lone and vigor to the whole
ysteui and act in bnrjnany with ualure.
Suow covers the mountain tops near
Helena , while in the valleys the grass
was never so green as at present.
In making the assertion thut Pozzoni's
medicated complexion powder is entire
ly free from injurious or deadly poisons ,
wo do it upon the authority of a thorough
chemical analysis. It is ono of the oldest
face powders in American market , and
Is used in the falnalios of some of our
most prominent medical men who have
personally acknowledged to the nroprio-
or that they not only considered It harm-
ess , but ( stcomod It highly bmiulioial in
very respect. Sold by all druggists.
From $10 to $15 saved on a suit at
Wannauiaker & Urown , 1511 Douglas st.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
LS ,
The Advantage of Having all Telegraph
Lines Under Government Control ,
An Interview With I , C , Jjninbn , As
sistant Postmaster General of
Great Britain An Ef
ficient System.
LONDON , Sept. 10. [ Correspondence of
the UEE. ] ( n view of the agitalion in the
United States congress of the subject of
postal telegraphy , and the probability
that action taken upon it at t ho
approaching session , there can bo noth
ing of greater interest to Americans just
at this moment than the telegraph system
of the British government , m connection
with its mail service , inasmuch as the
service to bo given jn the United States
is to be patterned after that In this coun
Twice has the senate of the United
States passed bills within the last throe
or four years providing that the govern
ment shall buy those existing or construct
new telegraph lines , and operate at a
uniformyl low tariff for the masses ; and
the proposilion has gene so far as lo re
ceive the favorable consideration of the
committee having it in charge in the
house of representatives. Mr. Edmunds ,
who is championing the subject in the
senate , said to mo only a few weeks ago
that he believed the present con
gress would take favorable action ,
and that the agitation of the subject
would commence very soon after con
gress convened in December next.
For Hie purpose of buing able to tell all
about postal telegraph hero and to applv
it as far as possible lo the United States ,
1 have spent a couple of days in thu post-
oilico department of Great Britain , talk
ing with Ike principal officers , visiting
the general oporaling rooms , Inlopf lew-
ing the practical men and convolving
with the patrons.
The English government
in the Uniled Kingdom in Fobrtiary,1870 ,
and has had a complete monopoly of the
service over since and the ollieiala and
the people are more than satistioil with it.
Among the others of the general gov
ernment with whom I have talked on this
.subject was Mr. J. C. Lauibcwhose rank
equals thut of second assistant postmas-
' .or goncral in America , who has diplo
matic supervision of thu transmission of
mails and telegrams , who is an excepti
onally intelligent oflicial and I will let
'ihn tell of the service us he told it to
me :
If the government of the United
States undertakes to furnish a telegraph
service and I llnnk it should it ought
to have Ihc monopoly of it , and give Iho
people the benefit of the monopoly ; other-
.vise . Ihc rival companies will let the gpv-
jrnnic'tit do the work where it docs not
jay , without opposition , and by cutting
rates in the densely populated sections
secure all of Iho patronage there , and
therefore the cream of Iho service. With
a free field to all sorts of rivalry and private -
vato corporations a government would
not bo able to make the service solf-stis-
tuining , and the sooner the govcinmcnt
takes hold of the service' in the United
Stutos the better it will bo , not only for
.ho government bill the whole people of
.ho country.
"Tho stock of Iho telegraph companies
n America has been
and it will bo watered lo a greater extent
as Ihe ollicors ot the corporations see
that the government is moving in the
direction of purchasing their plants. The
Western Union T'jlugraph company ,
which I understand is the great tele
graph monopoly in the United Stales , has
watered its stock to about three times its
original magnitude. If congress at its
approaching session should come so near
the passage of a bill contemplating the
purchase of existing lines , as lo fail by
only a slight margin , it will cost the
country millions of dollars on account of
the watering process which will follow.
"Were it not thai England purchased
lier lines of telegraph by means of money
raised on loans or bonds , Iho postal tele
graph system would bo self-sustaining ,
nnd quite a largo prolit would bo turned
into the treasury every year at the pres
ent rates. Six years ago wo came within
000 annually of paying out the entire
expense of operating our postal tele
graph system , including Iho interest on
our bonded indebtedness , and we pay 3
per cent and n fraction of interest. Our
service was largely increased about that
tune , and we should have placed it upuu
a paying basis , had not there followed a
large increase of pay to employes , and of
thu number of ollicurs. For a while ,
under the increase of oxpgnso , the debit-
lire increased , and the success of the ser
vice as a self-supporting proposilion did
not look very well ; but last year it came
up to within 1200,000 of Ihe total cost. " '
Here I interrupted Mr. Lambo to ob
serve that in the treasury of Ihe United
States there are at present sums of
money aggregating questionable amounts
but surely overreaching $200,000.0)0 , and
that they yielded nothing to the coun
try."With so little money , " said Mr.
Lam be , "there can be no question whatever -
over as to the propriety of the American
government taking charge of the tele-
graphtSystora. Wo have
wilh us , and that ia our indebtedness
we owe for every dollar of the original
plant. With uo interest to pay the gov
ernment of America should be able to
furnish the people with a telegraph ser
vice at rates less than we do , and have a
clear profit at Iho end of every fiscal
year. I will tell you something about
the rates of tariff charged tor telegrams
under our system , and you can compare
them with the charges in your coun
try , and sec if wo do not
already uncut your private companies
a very great doal. The charge for the
transmission ot a telegram from and to
any point in our United Kingdom , includ
ing the channel i stands , etc. , Is six pence
for the tirst twelve words , and a half a
penny for each subsequent word. Wo
charge for the address and signature tea
a telegram , and I believe it is thn only de
parture wo have taken from your system
in udopling Iho telegraph as a means of
communication. Ordinary postage
stamps are placed on Ihe telegrams for
payment of telegraph service , and they
are cancelled the postoflico where hied
the same as if they were maiicd , at the
rates I have named.
"Tho ne ivspapers probably got as
much bonotit as any other class by
The rates lor newspapers and I moan by
newspapers all publications registered us
ncwsnapers at thu postolllco and entitled
to rod u cutl postage and also clubs , news
associations , pay 1 shilling (25 ( cents ) tor
each 100 words dispatched after 0 p. m. ,
for Ihn first address , and 2 pence (4 ( cents )
for each 100 words to every additional
address receiving the same roport. For
day messages Iho rules are Ihe same , ex
cept thai the basis is 70 words for 1
shilling. You see at this rale where a
message is addressed lo more than ono
newspaper the coat is but 4 cents for each
100 words or fraction thereof after Iho
initial 100 is paid. The cheapest rate
given in America Is about 10 cents for
180 words , where the distivo Is short
and the number of words sent is gruat.
The average press rate in America is , 1
believe , soiiuttliing like I cent a word , or
twice thn rate wo charge if Ihe telegram
is sent to one paper.
"Thu innnntiHfl advantage in postal
telegraphy iu America would bol ttinuld
think , to the people at places where there
is no competition in telegraphy. When
the government owns and controls the
telegraph system a man living in a small
place with only ono tclegrapn line gets
just as good a rate on his messages , as
prompt service and a4 many accommo
dations as tho'onc residing in a largo city
where there are ovnr so rnauy rival trie-
graph lines. Then there Is absolute se
curity to those who send messages over
government lines. The secrecy Is per *
tcct. None was over known to make
All operators and clerks are sworn. It
is a misdemeanor in ajl ( ho United king
dom except in Scotland , and is punished
by line or imprisonment lo open n tele
gram. The same relates to the mail mat
ter in America. In Scotland it is raado
a crime lo open a message whether it is
done by an employe or other person , or
to make the contents of n telegram known
lo a person not entitled lo them. We
have special delivery nrnuignmonls and
Ihoy act with great promptness. "
"How do the railroads operate tele-
grapti lines since the government pro
hibits the maintenance of individual
wires ? " 1 nskcd.
"The government , " replied Mr. Lambc ,
"supplies all employes , even for private
individuals , in Ihe operation of telegraph
lines. Except in special instances , the
railroad companies do not own the lines
they use. If a special wire is dosircd
they make application lo Iho government.
If wo find it is needed , and there is room
for it , the railroad company puts up the
wire and wo pay for it. There is such a
thing as a railroad company leasing a
wire from the government , uti4 it is
known as a sub or additional wire. Wo
charge ill a mile a year for it and
furnish an operator ; but the government
has exclusive rights for the construction
and maintenance of all telegraph Hues ,
even over private property. "
"I presume your system would do away
with our special wirusforslock brokers ? '
"An individual may control a line from
one of his houses lo another ; a lirin may
have a line of his own , built Mid con
structed at its own expense , from one of
Us houses to another : but one broker can
not have a line of his own to another
broker unless ho leases il from llio gov-
eminent , and then it is under the govern
ment's control.
is 7 ( $ y3) ) per mile per annum. We pro
vide those special rates whenever needed
and the figures includes instruments ,
clerks , operators , nto. The accounts for
the telegraph service are kept in these
for Postage , etc. , and whenever practi
cable the postmaster is Iho telegraph
operator. Of course in Iho larger cilios
where one or Iwo clerks are required Iho
postmaster , Iho clerical force nnd Iho
operator are distinctive ollicors of the
ollico. Thu hours in the telegraph ofllco
uro the same as those of Iho postollico.
Where messages are lo be sent after of
licial hours arraugamunts must bo made
with the postmaster. We do not have
telegraph ollicos at all pustofliccs.
"On March 31 of last year the number
of postolliccs in the United Kingdom was
15.SOD. Of these 4,710 were telegraph of-
tices , and in addition there wore 1,025
railway stations open for telegraph busi
ness. "When the patrons of u postollico
in a community believe they can support a
telegraph office they formulate a petition
and guarnnlcc that the receipts fioiu the
telegraph shall he sulliclont to liquidate
the expenses. Then a telegraph oilico is
opened. We pay. our postmasters and
operators , where they lire Iho same , In
the smaller places by u 'percentage of the
income of the ollicos.The salaries are
graded the tame as those of Iho postmas
ters of the fourth class1 in America , in
fact , our whole system of salaries is about
the same us in America , except more
liberal. "
"Have you soon the various bills which
have been before thu American congress
looking toward the establishment of
postal telegraph in the United States ?
"Yos , " replied Mr. Lambo , smiling , "I
have soon nil ot them , 1 think , and have
received many communications from
your congressmen in regard to our sys
tem and whatshouhl be done in America ,
and icqiicsting information. The bills
now under consideration are very crude ;
especially tire they lame in the nrittor of
binaries for the ollicors. ISO cotmlrv can
afford to pay its representatives mean
wages ; and particularly does this apply
in the inauguration of an experiment or
any now service. As district superin
tendents , operators , otc. , you want men
with npo exponencu and good judgment ,
uno Iheso cannot be obtained without
good salaries. "
"Do you receive many complaints
about thn telegraph service from the people
ple of the country ? "
"Of course ; and the very same com
plaints a postollico department receives
trom the people on account of the mail
service. It is the intention ef the ovorn-
ment to give the very best service for llio
least possible money and to cater to the
masses. If wo are negligent there comes
a howl from the people , which goes to
house of commons , and then wo are
skinned or rousted , us you would put il.
Our system of extending lines and in
creasing the capacity of ollicos is vury
much like expediting thu service on mail
routes in America. Wo are constantly
doing it , and the ofllcer having super
vision of the lines has authority to in
crease the capacity of offices , extend
lines and prpvido special accommoda
tions for special occasions , just like the
superintendent or manager where there
are only private corporations. "
In another letter 1 will repeat an inter
esting conversation with Mr. Pearce , the
gcrernl electrician of the postoflico do-
parimenl , who is known as the practical
man of the service. F. S. HEATH.
IlomoTlnu a Serioua Obstruction
Dynamite and giant powder might
answer admirably to remove obstruc
tions from Hell Gale In Easl Uiver , New
York , but explosive measures ia modlca-
tion are ever attended with disastrous
consequences. For instance , the bowels
cannot bo violently drenched with safety ,
nor is there the slightest necessity for so
doing. On the contrary , it is most un
wise. None but the purblind adherents
of antiquated theories in medicine ud-
vise or sanction such1 .1 course. To
weaken the intestines the effect of dras
tic purgation is lo "compromise Iho
health ot the entire system. With llos-
tottor's Stomach Bitters , on the other
hand , the bowoKs are relaxed , not by a
convulsion of nature approximating to
an eruption of Mt. Popocntapetl , out
gradually , beneficially , without wrench
ing or drenching. Thai liver and stomach
ach , as well as the bowuls" , are loned and
bcnolilted by it.
A 1'nrln Skeleton'
Correspondence London Medical Press :
The large hall contains two rows of im
mense kettles , the emanations from
which arc , as mighl bo supposed , far
from agreeable , evjn lo sin olfactory ap-
paralus used to Iho atmosphere of a dis
secting room. Thuso kettles &urvo for
ridding the bones of their adhering
itmdons , through boiling. Thodisarticu-
lation of thu skulls , which Is performed
separately , constitutes thu most delicate
part of thu operation. In the case of
children or young adults , it is effected
through uh ingenious process consisting
in tilling the cerebral cavity with dry
puas , and then immersing the skull in
water. Through ihu effort of such im
mersion thu puas swell , and bring about
a dislocation of thu most delicate sutures.
After the bonus havu been submitted tea
a prolonged boiling , they am carried to
tables , where young women carefully
facrapo them , in ordur to frcu llicm per
fectly from the soft tissues that adhere
to them. Certain Huteialists obtain very
hign wages for Una wotk. After being
scraped , the bones are bleached , pithnr
through the action of chloride of
lime , lor cheap skeletons , or that of the
* * * ! I.JL. * < * ' ii ? * * _ f.A
* Vwafciw- iMsr > iok i ji
This is beautifully located and vie v in nil directions fine. One dollar invested hero will return ten.
Grand Island has n population of 12,000 , is the end of a division of the U. P. railway nnd terminus of the
St. Joseph & Grand Island railroad. The 0. & R. V. railroad starts frohi Grand Island , penetrating the North
Loup country. The 13. & M. railroad passing through Grand Island toward the great agricultural , coal and
cattle country of the great northwest. This makes Grand Island the Gate City to the great northwest , a
country rich in agricultural and mineral resources.
The Union Pacific shops , of solid stone , tlio finest in the state , are located here , capable of employing 800
hands. The new brick canning factory , employing IfiO hands , has just completed its first season's work. The
Soldiers' Home , a chair factor } ' , a number of two and three story brick blocks , n four-story brick hotel ( cost
ing § 75,000) ) and many line residences. The operation of three nnd oim-half miles of new street railway , the
completion of our new $80,000 gas works , making two gas nnd electric light companies ; the extension of our
$45,000 system of waterworks now in operation ; the erection of extensive stockyards by the U. P. railroad
company , all evidence u steady and permanent growth which promise the doubling of our population in the
next twelve months.
Seven fine lots given away to purchasers and thoSc present as the sale progresses.
Railroad fare refunded to those purchasing one or more West View lots who como not to exceed 50 miles
to the sale. Railroad fare refunded to those purchasing $200 or more worth of West View property who
come not to tixcecd 100 miles to the sale. Railroad fare refunded to those purchasing f 400 or moro worth of
property wh 1 come not to exceed 200 miles to the sale.
Auctioneers. Grand Island , Neb. , Managers.
sun for high-priced ones.Finally , they
go to a special workroom , where thov are
assembled , mounted upon brass and
Tlicsu linal operations require a pro
found knowledge of osteology , along
with an artistic oyc. In fact , it Is neces
sary to select from n collection of all
sorts of bones these that can bo well
enough iissonibh.d to look us if Ihoy
came from ono and llio same individual.
The others are sold singly , for Iho use of
.students of limited means , who are con
tent with a portion of an unmounted
skeleton. It is curious to tind Unit sux
has a great inlluunco on the market
value of the bones , : i boautifiil female
skeleton being usually worth iU ! or 25 per
cent more limn a male ono of corresponding
spending quality.
It may naturally bo nskcd whence all
the caUavord como. Most of thorn , it
appears , are furnished by the hospitals
and dissecting rooms , and others by the
prisons. As a general thing the supply
has been loss than the demand , but in
rcppiil times the ahtindtinco and cheap
ness of skeletons of Austrian origin have
considerably depressed the market. Nev
ertheless , despite the industrial and com |
mercial cn.siu that prevails throughout
the world , thu industry under considera
tion seems tn bo in a most flourishing
Do not bo induced to tauo some other
preparation when you call for Hood's
Siirsapanlla. Ho sure to get Hood's ,
which is peculiar.
Her Watchful Kyei mi the Devil.
Boston Advertiser : Modern ministers
who have most success arc getting to bo
bettor and bettor journalijts. The au
tumn dusting of the pulpit cushions is , to
it good extent , preparatory to a renewal
of llio discussions of the day from the
standpoint of men who have a full week
in which to write their weekly loaders on
the tendencies and needs of the day.
Down from a secluded niuuntuiu vil
lage comes this story of ono of Iho orna
ments of the Alabama pulpit. Roy.
Mr. is enjoying his vacation with his
family in outs of the most quiet and
charming villages of'Now Hampshire.
The other day ho was out on an all-day
fishing excursion with his young sous
and a visiting layman from town. Dur
ing his abhouco 'his wife received a largo
parcel of newspapers and magazines
from town , and , according lo their habit ,
began marking as she skimmed them the
articles she thought would bo most help
ful to her husband , lie returned at night
successful. He and his friend had caught
plenty of iish , and wore iu us high spirits
us the boys who went with them. After
supper they sat down to look over the
mail , and the visiting brother saw the
plentiful pioneer pencil marks of the
pastor's wife.
"How's this ? " ho asked jokingly.
"Aren't you allowed to read anything
except the things Mrs. picks out for
you ? "
. "No , " answered Mr. . "Not a
thing. My wife ia Iho managing editor
of my pulpit , and she is getting ready for
the fall campaign. "
"And while you go fishing "
"She stays and looks after my interest * ,
her watchful bye on tbo devil , " said
Mr. quickly.
IU8\i \ ! > orlor excellence proven In million' } o
honuttfor more than a quarter of n century.
Il Is used by llio Unit oil btiilos ( Inrcinmmit.
Knilnrsocl hy Iho homU of llio vroat unlvrntl-
llos , itstlio iurnnKPSt , Purest nntl .Most lleultli-
ful. lr. I'rluo'a the only Iliikhur I'owdor Unit
itoos not cnntnln AmmoniaLlmo r Alum. Sold
only In cans.
Now York Clilcnpo St. Louis
Tin or Iron , Re-paired.
And Pn I n to 1 unJ fe'iiaramecil tlt-'lit for number
of j ours. 1'ulnU noviir blister.
Munurnctureci and rupnhcil. Klro Proof 1'iilnt
HlH'licJ ' to sbm Kluti , 15 > i < tird exporiimru.
2111 alii bt. Dot. Arbor uud Vlkloo.
S. E. Cor. 13th and DoJgc Sts.
Successfully Treats a'l Nervous , Chronic and
Private Diseases of
Dr. S. Is well known as thu founder ot the
Montronl ( Cuniulii ) Medluul Institute iiml jco-
lnk'torot tnoSnlnnei vlllo Intirmnrjr. The Dr.
bus hud a7 yours' uvpurloncu In the ticutmcut
or chronic rniil Roximl ihaoiisis , iiml Ills ulTorts
holntr crnwnrd by wnndcrftill success lie would
call tliu uttontlon of the ullllctiHl to hit louif
RtnndhiR nnd well oiirned reputation as sulli-
clunt assurance of his skill nnd ability.
SpcrmntorrhaMi , Partial linpotcncy nnd all
discuses of the lutrvons system and seziml or
gans t-poodlly itml purmnncctly cured.
SY1M1MS-A dlscasci most liorrlhla In Its results
completely eradicated without tbo use of
mercury. ClinrKca reasonable.
Who mnybosulTerlnjrtromthoijlfootsof joutli-
ful follies or Indiscretions , will do well to nviill
tbomsolvus of this , tbo ( treuti-st boon over laid
at tbo alter of aulTorhu ? buinnnltv. Dlt. SPIN-
NEV will Riiaranloo to forfeit * f > K ) for every
' case of somlnnl wimltnovi or private diseases
ol any kind or character which ho undertakes
und fulls to euro.
There are many troubled wltli too frcquon
ovacuatlnns.ot tbo bladder , otton accompanied
by a fillKht snmrtlMtf or burning ncuiiitlon nnd
weakening of tbo system Iu n mnnnor tbo pa
tient cannot account lor. On examining the
urinary deposits a topy sediment will mton bo
found , and sometimes small particle ot albu
men will appear or the color bo of a thin , inltk-
l8h buo , a aln chuntrinir to a dark or torpid up.
pourance. Time : AUK MANV.MKN WHO UIK or
TiiiK niFFlctii.TV , Ignorant ot tbo cause , wblnli
Is the second ata o of f omliml weakness. THK
AM. SUCH UAHEH , and n healthy restoration of
tbo srcnlto-urlnary organs.
Oltlce hours to I : , ' n. m. , 1 to B , to 0 p. m.
N. II. Persons unabln to visit us may bo
treated nt their homes by correspondence.
Medicines anil Instructions sent l > y mall or ex
8 nd stamp for ouostlon list and circular.
Call or address DR. SPINNKY Si CO. , 103 S.
13th street Omaha
couxittr wiu. SEC nr KZJUUXIMQ TUU HAT nut THE
By reason of Ita central ponltlm sjoft relation to Itnec
last of Chicago , and contlnuaui ILioi at terminal
point * West , NorthwMt and OojthwMt , U the true
middle link In that transcontinental pjriwm whlcli
InTlte * anil faetlltatM travel and traffla btwea tb
Atlantic and Pacific.
The Koek Island mala Uno and branches Include CM-
caco , Jollet. Ottawa , l Balle , feoiia , Oeneeeo , Molln *
and R ck Island , IB Illinois | Darenport , Mnscatlna ,
Washington , ralrteld. ptUmwa.Oskaloota , Wast Lib
erty. Iowa CltyD sMoln s. IndluolaWtnUrset. Atlan
tic , Knoxrlll * , Aodabon , Ilarlan , Outhrle Centre and
Connell Bluffsin lowat Qallattn. Trenton , St.eepn ,
Cameron and Kansas City , la Missouri ! Leai. jworth
and Atehlson , In Kansaei Albert Lea , Minneapolis and
8t. Paul. In Minnesota | Watertown and llouz Kalli.le
Dakota , and hundreds of Intenaedlata cities and towns.
' . 'The Great Rock Island Route"
Guarantees speed , comfort , certainty and cafety. Its
permanent way Isdlstlncnlshedforltseicellence. It *
bridges are of stone and iron. It * track 1s of solid
steel. Its rolling stock perfect. Its passenger equipment
huall the safety iipllanccstli teip ricncoh 3iirjro4
useful , and for luiurioas accommodations Is uitsar *
pused. Its E > pro s Trains eonsUt of superior Day
Coaches , elegant Pullman Palace Parlor and SUcing | !
Can , Hupcrb Dining Can. providing delicious meals ,
and ( between Chicago anil Bt. Jo uph , Atclilson and
Kansas City ) reitfnl Reclining Chair Can. It' man-
apemsnt Is conservative , It * discipline exacting
"The Famous Albert Lea Roi'-o"
Between Chlcafro and Minneapolis and At. Pa. Is the
favorite. Over this line Solid Fast Express Trains run
dally to attractlro resorts for tourliU In Iowa and
Minnesota , anil , via Wulirtown and Sioux Falls , to the
rich wheat and grazing lands of Interior Dakota. Via
Seneca and Kankakce , the lluck Island otf era superior
Inducements to travolur * betwteii Cincinnati , Indian *
apolli , Lafayette and Council llhifTi , ht. Joieph , Atcht-
ton , Leavrnworth , Kansas City , Bt. 1'aul , and Interme
diate jioluts. All patrons ( especially ladles and chil
dren ) recvlro protection , courtesy and kindly attention.
Vortkkets , ntftps , folders , roples of Wwtern Trail , or
any cUtMmd Information , apply to principal cilice * In
the United [ Hatcu < md Canada , or oddrciw , at Chicago ,
R. R , CABtt , E. ST. JOHN , [ . A. IIOIBROOI.
rni'iao < ci > tuit iiiicuiiiuw. , , aia.nianu.sii
Remarkable tor powerful tympa-
thetic tone , pliable action and ab
solute durability ; 30 years' record ,
the best guarantee of the excel
lence of these intUumcnts.
23K , .AJST-DS
incomparably trio Best.
of the body enlarged and itrenethruxl , Full ( lattlo
ttUii Ucatsd ) lice. JOUK K I ) . CO * liuBalo , H. Y.
1707 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo.
Of the Missouri State Museum of Anatomy
St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hospi
tal , London , Gicsen , Germany and New
York. Having devoted their attention
Nervous.Chronic and
More especially those arising from impur-
dcnce , invite all so sutlering to correspond
without delay. Diseat.cs of infection and
contagion cured salely and speedily with
out use of dangerous dru.-s. Patients
whose cas s have been neglected , badly
treated or pnonoutulcd incurable , should
not fail to write us concerning their symp
tom * . All letters receive immediate at
And will be mailed FREE to any address
on receipt ofom'U cent stamp. "Practical
Observations on Neivous Debility and
Physical Exhaustion , " to which is" added
an "Essay on Marriage , " with important
chapters on Disease * of the Reproductive
Organs , the whole forming a valuable med
ical trcatibC which should be read by all
young men. Address
1707 Olue St. , St. Louis , Mo.
87 Chamber of Commerce.
Ozxxalxa ,
Paid up Capital . $950,000
Surplus . 43,600
H. W. Yalca , President.
Lewis S. Reed , Vice-President.
A. E. Touzalin. 3d Vioe-Presldont.
W. U. 8. Hughes , Cashier ,
W. V. Morse , John 8. Collia *
IL W. Y t s Lewis S. Rood
A. . Touziilm.
Cor. 12th and Farnnm Sis.
A General Duukin ? Business Transacte
The Twenty flr tyerof thin well known nchool will
begin nt 4o'clock n.ra . on \ \ UDNLHIUY , OCT. Kith , IHH7.
EXAMINATION forailvancmlBtfmdinii MONHAYOor ,
10th , U n m LntlrecouritAliiiiy h ) rnwpleleil tn two or
t hr e yearn at opt loti of student. lJii loiiminlmttntoHai
Tuition ( K ) per mniuni For flit Hlnutie > t , oto. , nrlnreu
Dean of ' ' . to"i } 3'jso.
PHI YOUNU J.AUlKS.iaa North llromHt
riilladulplilu. 17th yogibovlns Kam. 2Ut , 1847.
AUdret * Miss It. H. JlJilKlNM. I'niiolpal ,
who refers by epoclul permission to
Mr. nnd Mrs , John N. Jowntt , )
Mr. and Mrs. 1'hlllp I ) . Armour , VCbicuso.
> Ir. nnd Mrs , Hortico K. Wnito. )
for ( JIUsU * .
KANSAS C1TV MO. 1-nll corps of ucc'impllsh
Qfarhora. 1'uulls recclreU lit HIIV llnio torclruula
apply lo , MUs K. 1UCOMA8. rrlnclpal.
Howard Collegiate Institute ,
For Young Lartlos roopong Sept "I. Collogci
I'lupitratnry , Clussicul und geluntlllo ( Irudimt.
Itiercourses. For clruuliira uddrons KM.MA o.
CONltl ) , I'rlnrlpal.or 11.11. HOWAltl ) , fecro-
turv. West llrldvowutur , MUSH. j.tuw.'iit (
p.bmut.J thn
P I I < | | srtjtrhTH | , . . . .UliKtKTKKTO fns or
tin. Niw luruuvtu
* - ; . . -
umion.inliil , "Otlilmurrtnti i of
S llr illircU/ through all wclk | iitlrnlor- |
-luhfllll iid Vir < < rimil > lrtnh. | [ ! tleclilo
taught - ty Mall.
Dcstautlshorti' systiimuon inuto. Circular !
fit * . rrof.A.H.OAUJJLEU.lJci'llH.Bt.Loua *