Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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Dflflr fMornlair Edition ) Including 3undar
BRK. Ono Year . . . . . . 110 00
For SIX Months . ' 6 CO
For Thrro Month * . 8 W
The Omfthft Sunday HKE , mailed to any
adOrow , One V'oar. . . . SCO
fniAHA omrr. No. on A I > W FinviM 8-rnzrr.
coiuuspoif DISC * t
All communlaitions relating to nowR nrvl edi
torial matter oliould bo ad'lroMOd to the Kin-
BUSINESS r.nrc rtst
All bu lnc lotion and romlttanoet should be
OMAHA. Drafts , chocks and poitofBco order *
to bo made payable to the ordtr of the company ,
Bworn Statmneut of Circulation ,
BUto of Nebraska. I . .
Douulas. " "
Countr of f
Gro. I ) . Tzflchucic , secretary of The Bee
Publishing company , does solemnly swear
tbat the actual circulation of tlin Dally Bee
for the week ending SepUU , 1687 , WM aa
follows : .
Saturday. Spnt. IQ . 14,550
iJundav. Sept 11 . 14.400
Monday. Sept , VI . 11,77. )
Tuesday. Sept. W . 14.150
Wednesday. Sept. 14 . 145 ! {
Thursday. Sept. 15 . 14.102
Friday , Sept. 10. . , . 14,075
Average . 14.337
bworn to and subscribed In my presence
thin l th day of September , A. D. 1887.
rSEAL.1 Notary Pubfic.
Btate of Nebraska , ) . .
Douglas County , t BS
Geo. U. TzschncV , being flrfct duly sworn ,
deposes and says that he Is secretary of The
Bee Publishing company , that the actual
average daily circulation of the Daily lice for
Uie month of September , 1680 , 13.030 copies ;
for October , IbbO , 12.889 copies ; for Novem
ber. 1880 , 13,348 copies : for December , 1880 ,
13ai7 copies : for January 1887 , 16,200
copies ; for February , 1887 , 14,198 copies ; for
March. 1887 , 14,400 copies : for April. 1887 ,
14 , 10coplesforMay. ; 18S7 , 14,227 copies ; for
Juno 1887 , 14,147 copies ; for July. 1887 , 14-
093 copies ; for August. 1887 , 14.161 copies.
Ono. U Tzscirocii. '
Sworn and subscribed In tny presence
this Mh day ot Sept A. D. , 1887.
I8RAL.I N. P. FBI t Notary Public.
WHAT Omaha needs is cheaper brick
and nn abundant supply of tliutn.
ST. PAUL also claims to linvo discovered
natural gas. This will put Minneapolis
on hf r mettle and a startling discovery
in that city may be expected any mo
THE taxpayers of Omaha could save a
great deal of money if street lighting was
done systematically. The promiscuous
planting of gas and gasoline lamp posts
regardless of whether they arc needed or
not is n reckless waste of money. In
some parts of the city the lamps arc
nearly as numerous as fence posts.
THE state board of transportation at
Lincoln is doing good work. The board
has found that the rates of the Fremont ,
Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad are
unjust and unroasonablo.and has ordered
a decided reduction. The road will , no
doubt , light this order in the courts as a
test case. It now remains for our judic
iary to do its duty.
ANOTHEH formidable strike in the iron
industry of Pennsylvania is threatened.
The manufacturers charge the amalgam
ated association of workers with bad
faith , and they do not propose , to submit
to any now demands. Both parties are
well organized , and if a contlict occurs
it is vorjr likely to bo bitter ami pro
VARIOUS parts of Italy have been af
flicted with cholera for some time and
DOW the scourge has been brought to
Now York by ono of the Italian steam-
era. It is not probable , however , that
the p st will got a foothold in this
country at this time. Rigorous quaran
tine measures have been adopted , and
Now York city is now in such , good con
dition , from a sanitary point of. view ,
that there Is little danger from conta
gious diseases.
TUB antbracito coal miners who are on
a strike , are reported to regard the out
look for themselves as hopeful. Thci.i
success will certainly bo desired by all
friends of labor , particularly in view ol
the fact that no class of labor la less geu-
orously paid than these minors. But
unfortunately it is not the coal corpora
tions but the coal consumers who will
pay the advance and something addi
tional by reason of the reduced supply.
THKHE is a clique of capitalists ID
Philadelphia who want the earth , and
have made fair progress toward attain
ing their desire. They first secured con
trol of some of the Now York surface
railroads. Then wont to Chicago and
purchased the controlling interest of all
the teas and oloctrio lights. They wen
in a fair way of building up an outrageous
oous monopoly when the city "kicked.1
The corporation counsel has decided thai
the gas trust is illegal and proceeding !
will probably soon bo instituted againsi
the Philadelphia cormorants.
Tun agricultural department estimate !
the wheaf. crop for this year at abom
435OCO,00) and the corn crop1 at 1,014,147 ,
000 bushels. As compared with 1830
theru is u lulling off ot over 20,000,001
bushels of whom und over 70,000,000 ol
corn. These estimates wcro in rule some
tlmo ago , and during the latter part o
the fall the crops improved so that the
above figures are no doubt larger than
the actual decrease at this time. Nebraska
braska , it will bo remembered , lias t
larger crop of corn tins year than last on
account of the increased acreage.
PKOTECTKO by a duty equal to obou' '
100 per cent , tno salt manufacturers ol
the country are not satisfied , and are
now projecting a trust in order to cut
down homo competition , lesson produc
tion and advance the price. There ante
to bo sixty-throe companies in this trusl
and it will absolutol y control the domes
tic supply , The excuse is Jtho commor
one of overproduction. It is said thai
the sugar rentiers , also , are contemplat
ing u cimllar combination , and of course
for tbo same reason and with the same
objects. Protection has served so well
for the development of these interest !
that tlioso engaged in them find it ncccs
sary to combine to stop further develop
moat , making the people , of course , puj
n little more in addition to the tax foi
the use of these necessaries of life. Ac
Interesting state of things this presents ,
well worthy of the serious attention and
reflection of every American citizen.
> - > , „
High Ii1oene In Minnesota.
The new license law for Minnesota
went into effect on the 1st of last July.
It provides that in all cities having a
population of ten thousand or more the
license for selling intoxicating liquors
shall be $1,000 , and in cities of less popu
lation $500 , Severe penalties are im
posed for the violation of any of its pro
visions. A. largo number of saloons can
not bo reached by the law until next
January , so that its final cfl'cct in reduc
ing their number cannot bo determined
until after that time , but what has al
ready been accomplished in cutting down
the supply of drinking places furnishes
interesting testimony to the eflicacy of
the high license policy for this purpose ,
According to the investigation of the
St. Paul Pioneer Press , it Is found that in
those cities and towns in which the now
law is now enforced there has been a
falling off of one-third in the aggregate
number of saloons , while a similar decrease -
crease is with good reason predicted in
those places where the old licenses have
not yet expired. Expressing it in round
numbers , of 1,050 saloons' which thrived
and flourished under the old license
some 550 have been unable to meet the
advance and continue in business under
the now law. In Minneapolis the saloons
liavo decreased in number from 334 to
237 , though the change there was iroru a
live hundred dollar to a thousand dollar
license ; in Dtiluth from 113 to 04 ; in Still-
water from 43 to 33 , and in Wi-
nona from 03 to 23. St. Paul is
not yet nfleotcd by the now law. In that
city the old licenses for her seven hun
dred saloons do not cxpiro until January
1,1838 , the license fqn being $100. The
expectation la that high license will re
duce this number one-third and probably
one-half. The Pioneer Press is of the
opinion that the total reduction of
saloons in the state , when the now law is
everywhere in operation , will not bo
less than ono thousand.
It is already noticeable that what maybe
bo termed the social effects of the law
are beneficial. Most of the places that
have gone out of oxlstenco wore of the
lower class , which contribute most to
social disorder. The now places started
are of an expensive class ,
and have more at stake
than before. Sunday selling , selling
to minors and habitual drunkards , and
late closing are reported as greatly less
ened. In the cities saloons at a distance
from the business center have been cut
off , and the result of this centralization
has been to place those still running
under closer police surveillance. Many of
the cities and towns report public order
as improved. There has been a decrease
of drinking und consequently less drunk
enness , ns the records of the police courts
show. And added to these advantages
is the largo increase in the public rev
enue that is employed in various ways
for the public benefit. It is not surpris
ing to learn that public sentiment in Min
nesota is overwhelmingly in favor of the
now law and of high license as tin1 best
means of properly controlling and
regulating , the sale of intoxicating
It is such practical experience as that
Minnesota is now having which conclus
ively refutes the assertions of the prohi
bitionists that high license is a failure.
The facts arc accessible to all and can
not bo successfully disputed. They con
stitute a solid bulwark of argument
against which the theories and sophis
tries of the opposition will vainly en
deavor to make any impression.
The Grand Army nt St. Lou I a.
The opening of the national encamp
ment of the Grand Army of the Republic ,
at St. Louis to-day , will possess an inter
est for many outside of the ranks of the
soldier element. These annual meetings
of the veterans , chiefly social in
their character , have always been
regarded by the whole people with kindly
concern , as they certainly deserve to bo ,
but events and incidents affecting the
interests of the old soldiers have trans
pired since the last encampment which
the one to assemble is expected to pu3 ;
judgment on , and this it is that gives it
a special claim to public concern. The
action of tbo present encampment can
hardly fail to have a certain political
significance or bearing which may have
its influence a year hence.
The circumstances conducing to this
are familiar , chief among which are the
president's veto ot thu indigent pension
hill , together with the general attitude of
tbe administration regarding pensions ,
and the battle flag incident. It is not
improbable that when these matters are
presented for consideration they will
arouse a good deal of contention. It is
not to be supposed that a unanimity of
sentiment will bo found to prevail re
garding the position which the Grand
Army should tak toward the president
relative to theio matters. There will be
onto , and perhaps a considerable num
ber , who will be disposed to judge tlid
president's uction regarding the
flags with moderation , as having
been simply a thoughtless mis
take. There will doubtless also bo some
who will not be willing to condemn too
harshly , if at all , the veto of the indigent
pension bill. These , however , will bo in
the minority , and while they may have
sufficient influence to keep in check the
radical clement it is pretty safe , to pre
dict that the expression of the encamp
ment will bo a very explicit disapproval
of the president's action in both the mat
ters noted.
The indications nro that the encamp
ment will bo very largely attended , its
exceptionally important character natur
ally rendering it more attractive than
usual. It is to bo hoped , for thu welfare
of the Grand Army , that the deliberations
will bo wisely directed and HID action
taken such as every veteran min con
scientiously support.
The Money Market lti-11 > v < v ) .
The circular of the treasury issued lu t
week announcing that thu government
would purchase 114,000,000 of bonds at
about the market rate until October 8 ,
and would in addition anticipate the
payment ot f 0,500,000 of interest , had an
immediate effect in improving the tone
and confidence of the money market ,
which continues in a moro favorable con
dition than before the proposed relief
was offered. The Immediate effect was
that lenders unbent , call money was
offered in abundance at nn easier rate
and time money became once moro a
possibility. Mercantile houses wore able
to place paper on terms far more ad
vantageous than had boon pos
sible for weeks , and there was
a general recovery which made
itself felt through qll the channels of
UftUUtt ibL &feta
financial operations. Thosccrctaryof the
treasury ia very naturally well pleased
with tbo result of the action taken.
It remains to bo seen , however , whether
the market really needs the money pro
posed to bo lot out by the treasury. The
circumstances appear to show that no
now supply of actual cash was necessary
to lubricate the wheels of commerce , and
that it was simply confidence that was
needed to loosen the grip of lenders.
This goes far to confirm the opinion ex
pressed by several prominent financiers
in advance of the treasury's proposalthat
the real trouble behind the monetary strin
gency was a general feeling ot distrust
which induced extraordinary caution. The
situation , however , in whatever aspect
it is viewed , carries the Impressive les
son that the conditions which render it
possible are dangerous and must bo re
moved. Tho'monoy"markot cannot bo kept
dependent upon the treasury , as it must
be , at least periodically , so long aa the
present fiscal system of the government
is maintained. Recent financial experi
ence very strongly emphasizes the neces
sity for that sort of real and permanent
relief which shall prevent the govern
ment from steadily draining the pockets
of the people to swell the hoard In the
vaults of the treasury. It would bo
doubly reassuring if there was hotter
pronJse of this being done.
A ttsvclallon.
And now'it leaks out that the plot to
steal the state delegation has been talked
of and hatching tor several weeks. This
information wo get from Alibaba Taylor ,
whoso relations to the party thieves are
intimate enough to'glvo credence to the
revelation. It is pretty certain , however ,
that the circle in which this villainous
plot was discussed was very limited and
the talking was done in whispers. Thu
manner and method by which tnis con
spiracy was sought to bo. carried into
effect shows exactly who was behind it.
The chief plotters wcro the council
bosses who want to dictate a successor to
Judge Maxwell of the supreme court , and
at the same time fling stones and mud
at the head of Governor Thayer.
To cover his tracks , Hascall puvo his
proxy on the committee to Leo Estello ,
who wants to got even with Governor
Thayer for appointing Judge Groff in
stead of himself to the district bench.
Kstelle made the open light for packing
the state convention by appointed dele
gates. Pat Hawcs , who between drinks
devotes roost of his time to abusing the
governor for not recognizing his claims
to a place on the district bench , trumped
Lee F.stollo'ft card , and other disgruntled
roustabouts foil in with them.With
fifteen picked proxy-men ahd three hon
orary members added by the conspirators
through pretended courtesy , the job cur
ried. The plot has been repudiated by
the committee. The overwhelming pub
lic sentiment against them among repub
licans has proved a boomerang.
Foil a generation Vermont has hatl
nominal prohibition , vet there has been
constant complaint there of the amount
of liquor selling. The saloon keepers of
Rutland wcro a few weeks ago notified
by the authorities that they must keep
their places closed on Sundays , as though
the law did not prohibit the very exist
ence of such places on any day of the
wc ck. A Miildlobury pai > or recently is-
Kinul the warning that the business of
selling rum in the community must bo
curtailed or there would be trouble. Two
accidents within a short time resulting
from ovcr-inoulgcnce in drink was the
exciting cause of its warning , accompa
nied by a confession that the law was
openly violated. Hero is a striking in
stance of how far prohibition prohibits.
If u prohibitory law cannot bo enforced
in these small towns , what poivcr could
make it operative in the large cities of
the country ?
STHANGES in the city who were hero
three or four years ago can scarcely believe -
liovo that they are in the same place.
The activity in building and other im
provements has hardly a parallel in the
country , and the new edifices in various
stages of completion would do credit to
any city in the world.
IT now appears that Judge Hamar is
have for the rouomi-
not to a walk-away -
nation. A very formidable competitor
appears in the field in the person of
Judge Heist , of Cheyenne county , who
is eminently qualified for tbo district
IT is not yet definitely arranged who
will tender Graver Cleveland the keys of
the city with the freedom of the corpora
tion. The choice lays between Ike Has
call and Puddy Ford.
THUUSTON'S story about the oil room
business as related before the Pacific
railway commission at its session in
New York last week is decidedly fishy.
THE brawny Scotchman who was sent
back br the emigrant commissioners of New
York last summer because he had contracted
for labor before hand , Is back again , lie had
made no provision for labor this time'and so
was admitted. Like most things , thu con
tract labor law has Its curious phases.
ISAVAitiA has stamped out hydrophobia by
stringent measures against mad dogs. They
should Invoke the law to abolish uiad kings
next I
A MAN who looks likeMephlstopheles with
spectacles , named Mcsserolf , lectured In
Cooper Union , New York , last week on ex
plosives ana scientific warfare , lie said :
"Ono thousand Intellectual , brave young
men , educated In the science of high explo
sives , would bo more than a match for a
million of the bravest soldiers lighting by
modern warfare. The only things that wai
destroys arn men and property , and those
who can kill the most men and destroy the
most property In the shortest time are sure tc
win the battle. A few men educated In
scientific waifare can destroy moro mou aud
property In a short time than 100,000 soldiers.
So it Ireland had 1,000 men educated to use
sclentlllc weapons she could achieve her In
dependence In two years and defend II
against all the wurld. " Messoroff Is ferocious
on tbe platform.
* ,
JULKS YEH.NE , the famous traveler and
adventurer on paper , goes abroad very little
In reality. Ills habits are methodical and
prosaic. He goes to bed at 8 o'clock , and la
up so early that the task of the day is finished
by 1 o'clock. Ho uses large maps , and Is a
close student of geography. lUs dates , ho
says , give him moro trouble than any other
part of Ins work. Verne Is fifty-nine years
of ago and was educated for the law.
* %
HENIIT WATTEIJSO.X has now obtained a
llrra prlp on fame. A patent medicine con
cern has procured hla signature oudorsluu
* _ . _ . ' .
4"i.i * .j'kA.
thnlr mcdlclno. It Is a strictly temperance
drink. °
OF all the boycotts that ever existed the
most unique was brought to light at East
Liverpool , Ohio. For , some time past mer
chants In that city have been roceUlnn or
ders , such as those ot grocarlcj , dry goods
and moats from residents of Wollsville. Why
this preference WM shown has now been
made public. A lending tailor recently had
a call from some Wellsrlllo citizens , and ono
of them , after having ordered his clothes ,
said : "Wo will never purchase another arti
cle in our town 116 til the saloons are opened.
Wo have formed an organization and every
merchant will ba boycotted until the ordi
nance closing repealed. " Investi
gation shows that this antl-prohlbltlon club
has many members and Is carrying out Its
objects to the very letter.
* %
THR Atlantic cable has probably rnn
through a great big fish. Otherwise It would
hardly bavo published the fctory to the effect
that Ulaino would not accept the presidency ,
oven If It were urged upon him.
CIIICAOO continues to forgo ahead as an
artconter. It now has a cyclorama repre
senting the crucifixion.
# #
ONE of the curiosities to ba senn at the
Grand Army oncampmnnt to St Louis will
bo aCOU-pound turtle from ono of the bays In
Lower California. It will ultimately Und Its
way to a monster soup kottle.
THE fiftieth congress will bo quite a varlao
gated mixture , as It will contain White ,
Orown-aud Gray. As to temper and disposi
tion , there will bo a great variety , as ono
member Is Gay , Another iilnnd , another Crlso
and another Wise. In the mutter of provls- ,
ions It will bo wnll otf. for tt will have O.Us
ittco , Uacon , llog and Derry , to say nothing
of a very large CoOb. Ono member U Lon <
and another Is llale.
Nebraska .lottlnua , '
The Dlair cannery has put up 400,000
cans of goods this season.
A reunion of the veteran soldiers and
sailors in Holt county will bo held at
O'Neill on the Oth of October.
The Strang company of Omaha will
build the water works at Franklin.
Work will begin in ten days.
Valentino is discussing ways and
means to secure a fifty barrOl Hour mill ,
operated by the dew drops of Minnccha-
The waterworks in Nebraska City will
be completed this fail and the town pro
poses to celebrate the event und sample
the job.
There are six anxious candidates in the
field for thu truasururship of Hurt county
and nn unknown number "in the hands
of their fnonds. "
S. G. Gorton , one of the oldest residents
of the Blue Valley , died suddenly of
heart disease at his home , seven miles
from Wilber , last Friday.
A fastidious burgTnr in Fremont gath
ered up Mr. Fircsttnu's Sunday uunts
with $10 in the packets , and loft his old
coat with 9100 stowed away in its folds.
Frank Uosenridcr.fonmian of aslautrh-
tor house in Nohruvka City , suvored an
artery in his right hand witli u stiuKing
knife and narrowly escaped blooding to
iloath. . ,
A prospecting party of Ponca chickens
returned to thuirf roost recently with
thtiir crops loaded < with golden nuggets.
They were slaughtered , and the secret of
the "find" puri.shcd with thorn.
"During the Omaha fair , " says the
> Vcst Point Republican , "Lincoln papers
scarcely made men lion of it. The Omaha
papers are moro magnanimous. They
speak in unstinted pralso of the state fair
at Lincoln. " i
Thu now flour mill 'of Messrs. Edgo-
comb & Kellogg , in Blair , is completed
and ready I'or business. It is a complete
roller mill with six full sals of reduction
rolls aud nil the improved machinery
known to science.
Farmer Grossman , living near Cheney ,
attempted to cash in his insurance policy
by tiring his barn aud coru crib , but the
job was so poorly done that ho confessed
and cheerfully released the company to
avoid prosecution.
The county fairs , now in urogrcas.
will yield a largo harvest of foes for the
ministers. Next to a corn husking , noth
ing conduces to the growth and pros-
purity of the matrimonial tttato like a
well rugulatoil country fair.
The All-Hound Liars1 association of
Hastings , recognizing their worth and
versatility , unanimously elected their Lin
coln brethren to exalted honorary mem
berships in tlin association. The distinc
tion is timely and wall earned.
J. B. Folhor lias sold the llurtlngton
Nonpareil to Nonnan Kapallee , the for
mer owner. The people of Cedar
county , for whoso interests ho fought
gallantly , loose a staunch friend m the
retirement of Mr. Folhcr.
The Bertriiud Journal being threatened
with u sflO.OJO libel suit , and finding the
shop worth considerably less than the
s'ini. good will tiirown in , escaped wreck
and ruin by giving thu libelled party an
eight-lino complimentary putt' . Great is
thu power of the press.
Referring to the wild waves of har
mony circulating in the democratic camp
in Butler county , Senator Casper's paper ,
the Press , says : * 'Mon who have sold
out whenever opportunity offered , are its
leading counsellors at this time. "
Mr. A. Badham and family , of Mills
county , la. , mot with a sad accident at
Trenton , last Friday. The wagon in
which they wcro journeying was upset
and his six-year-old daughter thrown
out and instantly killed. The remains
were sent homo by train for burial.
The \Vahoo Wasp notes with alarm
tbat the railroads are catering to the
democratic politicians in Saundcro
county , und sagely remarks that when
"a railroad company gets so accommo
dating as to stop out m the country and
pick up democratic passengers it is evi
dent that something is at stake. "
The railroad surveyors have been busi
ly at work for some time running pre
liminary surveys over the divide near
Dccatur in thu endeavor to find the most
practicable route. it is believed that a
line will bo determined on soon and the
towns along the Chicago , St. I'iiul , Min
neapolis & Omaha be relieved of their
agony of suspense. , ]
The West Point Republican punctures
a capital bubble inhe following : "Bus
iness men of Lincoln are in a high
state of excitement because railway lines
running east refuse to give what nro
known as Missouri river rates
to the capital i city that is. the
same rate on pooxls from Chicago
that Omaha has. The half dozen or so
jobbers have discovered that unless they
can got goods laid down in Lincoln from
Chicago at the same ruto the two hundred
jobbers nt gej , their business will
have to bo discontinued ; hence the howl.
The Lmcolnites threaten the railroads
with special legislation next winter if
they do not discriminate in favor of
Lincoln as against Omaha , and it is re
ported that agents are already going
through the country trying to work up
a scheme to have a special session ot
the legislature. Lincoln it seems wants
the earth , and does not care how much it
costs , so long as it can figure to have
some ono else pay for it. "
Iowa Item * .
The valleys around Oakaloosa have
had two killing frosts.
The Yinton cannery has put up 1 3,000
cans of corn this season.
Twenty-four children have flown from
the ophans home in Davenport. ,
The Otturuwa opera house wits fired by
some gamin smoking a cigar In the hay
The United Presbyterian synod of the
state , meets In DCS Molnos to-day.
A company with a capital of f8.jOOC
has boon formed in Mnrshalltowuto build
an opera house.
The woman's suffrage association will
hold a melancholy meeting In DCS Molncs
October 0 and 7.
There are thirty-five savings banks in
the state , with capital aggregating
13,125,693. and a surplus of $278,801.
The Cedar Rapids packing house has
slaughtered 100.000 to date this season ,
n falling oft , comuarcd with last year of
A. J. Edgcrton , of Waterloo , Is raising
cotton. Ho planted the need quite late
and has fully 100 plants that now contain
cotton balls.
Corn is all the rage In Sioux City.
There are corn palaces , corn teas , corn
jewelry , corn feet , and a considerable
number cany coru m their bootlegs.
The now pas well which struck gas
Wednesday ixt Herndon in about the
same quantity ns the ono near the depot
has been sunk a few feet deeper and the
volume is now at least live times that
of any other well there , and can be seen
for miles.
Webster City is very much excited over
natural CUB just now. At a meeting held
recently 13,000 was raised in a little while
for the purnost ) of opening a well. A
farmer close to thu city has had gas to
use in his stove all winter , and it is
thought there will bo no trouble in find
ing it.
Mrs. Wcston. of Atlantic , who was
walking along the roadside , stopped out
of the road to allow n team of horses to
pass , and then stopped into the road
again too soon. Ono of the horses
kicked her with both feet , killing her in
The Manitoba is running trains into
Watertowti , aud hard coal there is only
$3.50 per ton.
The Manitoba is now surveying n line
from Pierre to the Black Hills , following
the Bad river route.
The Wntortown Farmers' alliance nro
building the largest fiat warehouse in the
city. They will also build a coal house
60x30 foot.
There are now sixty-four organized
schools in Clark county , with 1,3-jG
school children between the ages of seven
mill twenty.
The DulnthVatcrtown and Pacific
railroad surveyors are now working on
what is said to bo a final survey between
Woonsoclcet and Plankmton.
A pelican , the bill of which measured
fourteen aud n half inches long , aud
from tip to tip of wings eight and n half
feet , was killed at Sand lake , near
The Homcstakc Mining company dis
tributes $ 'tf,000 among stockholders this
week , making $ -ir : > ,000 paid this year and
$3,9' > 3,7riO paid to date. That is the kind
of a mining company to tic to.
Two companies of troops have arrived
nt the Yniikton reservation to protect the
railroad surveyors now at work there.
Th Indians declare they will die before
they will allow the survey to bo com
The city officers of Douglas pay the oo-
cupauls largo dos > es of glory , but candi
dates am not wanting to look after the
Glenrock , the now coal mining camp
west of Douglas , is growing rapidly. The
Klkhorn Valley will reach the town by
November 1.
Kvanstoti is ono of the prosperous
cities of the territory. Substantial busi
ness blocks , line residences , school
houses , a $ 5,000 hotel and a hospital for
tlin insane to cost $ ! )3,090 arc under way
with it $10,000 jail contemplated. Busi
ness is brisk in all linos.
The N w York firemen reached Chey
enne last Thursday on their return homo.
Ono of the members told a reporter that
"they wore disappointed at their recep
tion in San Francisco , where folks seemed
to want to make all the money they could
out of thorn , charging fifteen cents for
even n small lass of beer. Omaha and
Salt Lake City wore the Jonly two places
at which they mot with such hospitality
as they expected. At the former City thu
people wont fairly wild , and the visitors
could not pay for anything. Even the
Italian fruit verniers called them to their
stands and told them to help themselves ,
anil when they olVerod to pay shoved
their money back to thorn. Their band
was not appreciated , and they were nn-
tiblo to give concerts in San Francisco as
they expected to do , on account of Gov
ernor Bftrtlett's funeral , so that the trip
had thus far cost thorn at least $70,000. "
Hallway Construction.
San Frnndfco Cluoiitclc.
It is stated that the managers of three
great New England railroads the Bos
ton & Albany , tint Now York , New
Haven & Hartford , and the New York
& New Kngland have agreed upon a
consolidation of those great properties.
But ween New York and Boston , a dis
tance of a little over 200 miles , tbo time
will be reduced to four-and one-half
hours , and there will not bo a grade ,
crossing or wooden bndgo on the entire
line. Now and powerful rolling stock is
being already built , and the roadbed
and masonry are to be as perfect as an ) '
in England.
Comparisons have been frequently
drawn between the manner of construct
ing railways in England and the United
States , .and always to the disadvantage of
the latter. Wo have been charged with all
thu crimes in the railway decalogue , and
often with some show of reason. But It
docs not seem to have occurred to the
critics of our methods of railway construc
tion that wo build just as good roads as the
condition of the country and the amount
of business will allow. Railroads arc
pure business propositions , and it should
no apparent that the same kind of road
could not bo built between two mountain
towns or prairie villages as between Lon
don and Liverpool , or Paris und Mar
seilles. No one expects to find a country
lane as well paved as a city .street , or u
mountain road as smooth and oven as
Rotten Row.
Observation will show that as railroad
hiiKinens IIHS increased the character of
the road-bed and all the appliances of
the road have improved. For example :
thu railroad between Now York and
Philadelphia has been leveled and
straightened at enormous expense.
Hills have boon cut down , depressions
filled up , curves straightened out ,
the track more solidly ballasted
and heavier rails laid all because -
cause the travel on the road warranted
It. The same may bo said of portions of
the Baltimore & Ohio , and , indeed , of all
the great railroads of the country. When
a railroad is first built it is largely in tbe
nature of an experiment. The first thing
to bo done is to got from one place to an
other , oven if short curves and steep
gradients have to bo used. Afterward ,
as the success of the road becomes mani
fest , changes are made , often at grout ex
pense , both for the comfort and conven
ience of the traveling public and for the
profit of the railroad company.
The principle of evolution finds a prac
tical illustration in railroad building.
There is natural selection of ways and
means ; thorn is the survival of the fittest ;
there is the continued struggle for exist
ence , and , finally , a state of comparative
perfection. Give us time hero in America
and wo will build our railroads so that
wo need not fear comparison in any re
spect with the best railroads of-Europe.
. . . / . . ' . - .
< y
i. t „ f 'f t igf iii. i i r „
It Takes a Hardy Man to Statl Prospecting
' Friday.
Most of the DoNa llaro "Lucky
Stones" or HomcttilnR That An
swers Tor Them Tom liar *
rltj's Old Ilattcrod Hlng.
San Francisco Post : "Sneaking of su
perstitions , " said the judge , "wo used to
have a queer lot of them in tlio early
days. Off in the camps wo were worse
than sailors , and you know a sailor is as
full of superstition ns n sheep is of ticks ,
It was a hardy miner that would have
started out on a prospecting tour n Fri
day. Some of the boys laughed nt the
idea , but they observed it as religiously
as the next one.
" 'There ain't nothln1 in It , ' old Shorty
Forbes used to say , 'but there must be ,
Thcr' ain't no use o' rlskln' your luck , if
you got any , and anyways Saturday is
jest as good a day td start as you could
find. '
"Most of the boys had 'lucky stones , '
or something that answered for 'em.
Generally they were medals or locKets
they had brqught from 'home. ' They
were supposed to have In them some of
the good wishes of the folks they had left
behind. Sometimes it was n slug that
had often turned the luck at the gaming
tablo. Tom llarnty , who usually went
as Hairy Tom , had nn old battered $00
slug that he used to toll wonderful lies
"There might 'a' boon something in it.1 ,
mused the judge , "I don't know. Least
ways , Tom never lost it. Ho never
played it till ho got dead broke , but it al
ways brought the dust. Ho wouldn't
have taken $500 for that slug. One day
ho paid it out by mistake in settling up
for an outfit , and by George you ought to
have seen that camp hum when he found
it out. The fellow had gone , and it took
Tom half a day to find out which road ho
had taken. Well , ho chased that follow
half way to Sacramontn. but you bet he
got him. Ho persuaded the follow to
swop the lucky slug for two others by
sticking a six-shooter under his nose.
" 1'was pretty good trade for the fellow ,
too , let alone the six-shooter business , for
the slug tnightencd have been so lucky
with him. Leastways , I've never heard
of it since Tom died.
"Still , you can't tell as to that. There
was a young follow come into camp , und
ho was a fresh one. The second night
he was there he steered into'thu Bucking
Tiger saloon and run up against thetigor
itself. It took him about half an hour to
put $700 into the banK , und , as that was
his last cent.ho looked mighty pale about
the gills. Tom took In the situation and
haulcU out his six-shooter and his slug.
He tossed tlin slug on the tablo.
' " that fellow ' tic said '
"Play , young , , 'an
if you lose it , d n you , I'll blow the hull
ton of your head oil'.1
Ho played it and won.
" 'Play it again , ' lie ordered , when the
second trial resulted happily.
"It won again.
" 'Onco moro , ' ordered Tom.
"It won for the fourth time.
" 'Gimmo that slug , ' said Tom. 'Now
git , and don't yo look at a card again as
long asyn livo. You ain't got any luck1.
Hi ! dropped the slug back into his pocket
and the young fellow left camp next
"I remember another case whore a su
perstition squared with the facts.
"It was at the old Tuolume camp when
things hud just begun to boom. A tew
rich strikes that so mo of the lucky oues
had made baa encouraged the rest of us
to hang on. The Jumping Johoshaphat
claim had got in some of the now fangied
powder and was blasting iiway for all
that was out. Most of us looked askance
at the now powder and when Undo Billy
Grimes prophesied that the camp would
bo blown up with the stuu"or got pois
oned with its fuines/as his partner had
at Red Gulch , wo made the Jumping
Jehoshaphat boys move out of harm's
way. So when a blast wont oil one line
morning when nobody was expecting it ,
and It laid out five of the best men in the
camp , wo were all able to sav , 't told you
so , " as we rushed up to tliti claim.
"Tho camp was oxtcnsely excited , for
those wore the first deaths since we came
in , not counting two sluice robbers and a
horsnthlcf that wo hung for luck. We
stood olV a little bit , for no ono but the
live boys in the pit know whether them
were half a dozen more to go off. But
wo sailed in pretty soon and hauled out
what was left of the boys , and it was a
sight to make you sick. Wo were pretty
badly cut up about it , and when wo had
cleaned them up and laid them away de
cently in the cabin wo went down in
front of Dutch Dave's saloon , and Si
Hawkins called the meeting to order.
" 'Boys,1' ho said , in u husky voice ,
'we've got our first ohanco to start a
graveyard , and no town never had a
bettor. Them boys thar , ' and he jerked
his thumb over his shoulder , 'would do
any graveyard proud , aud we ought to
start them ofi'm stylo. It's a rotten
shame if we don't give em' the best send
off the market's got , and d n the ex
pense. "
"We cheered this sentiment in spite of
the occasion , and ho continued : "What
we want to do is to send for coffins.
Any man that's in favor of the sentiment
can just walk up here and plonk down
his dust. '
"No ono could refuse this appeal , and
the needed sum was soon raised. An
order was written to the Sampsonvillo
undertaker and given to the driver of the
down stage , with the verbal message :
"If they iiin't hero by to-raorrer night
a committee of thor hoys'11 bo down thar
ter Jind out why. on' they'll need their
collins ter hum. "
"About sunset next evening a wagon
turned off the main road aud came into
camp. It iirought the collins. They
were unloaded , ono after the other , and
shone with all the splendor that fresh
varnish could give thorn.
"Thur's stylo-for ye , " said Hawkins ,
with pardonable pride "How the boys
would enjoy 'em if they were hero. By
the Lord Harry ! lie shouted suddenly ,
"thero's six here. Who ordered BixV"
"Jim Davis was the man who wrote
the letter. Ho turned deathly pale and
Raul : "By there's bad luck coming.
There's a sixth man in this crowd. 1 or
dered live collins , and that extra one
hasn't come for nothing. "
"Thoro was a suudcn silence , and most
of the crowd turned ns pale us Jim. It
did look plausible that that there collin
was looking tor some one , and each man
full an uncomfortable suspicion that hu
was the ono. The only ono that was
bold enough to resent the idea was Five-
lingered Jack , who had been born with
live lingers on his left hand , und had
evened matters up by shooting oil Iiis
" 'You're a good ono. Jim , ' ho says ,
'you're the scholar of the crowd , but you
can't write straight yet. '
" 'See hero , ' said Jim , getting riled , 'I
ain't no scholar , but 1 don't knuckle
down to no man when it comes to or-
dcrin' collins. 1 kep' it copy of the letter ,
so't the undertaker don't cut any shines
with us.1 Ho pulled out the letter , and
ho hail written 'livo1 as plain as lito.
" 'That coflin hits como for ono of us , '
ho continued , 'an' it moans business. U
stands to reason that when iv coflin
travels twenty-five miles it's golu' to got
its man , '
* 'Wu gathered round , looking about iu
solemn as wo fell , and soiuu of the boys
kept looking over their shoulders suspl
clous-like to the cabin where the doa <
inun lay its though they were afraid tin
night might encourage rom to como out
an' pick their company for the next dny'i
"Si Hawkins tried to jump the felloM
that drove the team up to thu camp , bill
ho didn't know anything * about It. The
coffins had been loaded in by the under
taker , and ho brought them up as thcj
wcro given to him. o Hawkins told us
to como into Dutch Dave's , and thu boyt
began to get their courage out of a bottle
tle , in the natural way. As they go )
livened up they began to joke about
their fears and recommend candidate foi
the vacant honor.
"Mebbe it's after thu feller what stole
Simpson's horse , ' said Five-lingered
Jack , in a sort of bantering tone. 'Kf he'l
kotched he'll need it mighty bad. '
"Tho crowd laughed all but Jim. Re
took it seriously and tried to argue the
matter. 'Ho won't pet no collin , ' he said , *
'He'll bo lucky tor git buried at all. Y <
can laugh ull yo want tcr , but there1 ! Afi
goln' tor bo six funerals to-morrow Inslid " 4
of fivo. "
" Thor's a dead coyote a little way !
up the gulch. Mobby yo'd like tor plant
him along with the boys , ' continued Jack ,
mocking him.
"Jim began to get his bnok up. Thsrl
Hear that'ho said. It was only the heel
of the mountain owl , but it's enough to
give a dead man the cold shivers if ho'a
fooling a little off color. 'Hear that ! Kf
that doesn't moan bad luck , I'm a Dutch
man. '
"Some of the boys began to look ner
vous again.
" 'Shot up , can't yeT , said Jack , com-
tomptuoiisly. "Yo re wuss nor a heel
owl yourself * A scared fool like you is n
regular Jonah in a camp. Yo'd break , it
up In ji week cf yo had yer way.1
" ' ' scared ' Jim firing
'Who's a fool'says ,
ing up like a fighting cook.
" 'You air , ' sayr Jack.
" 'Yer : i liar , ' says Jim. '
"The boys began to climb behind boxes
and anywhere clso thcv could get out of
the way. There had "boon bad feeling
between the two ever since they caiuu
into camp , and we know it meant busi
ness when they began passing compli
ments like that. About as soon ns you
could say Jack Robinson the popping
began. The two men walked toward
each other , firing as fast as you could
count. Jim dropped to the iloor. Five-
lingered Jack wavered a moment aud
foil across J'm's ' body.
"We crawled out of our hiding places
to view the remains. Si Hawkins was
the first to got to them , and ho looked
down mournfully as we gathered around.
" 'Gad , boys , ' ho said regretfully ,
'wo'ro ono collin short. ' " , V
A Hotel Porter Falls Heir to a Largo
Philadelphia Cor. Globe-Democrat : The
jiggest sensation the little town of Glou
cester has known for many years was
sprung on its quiet inhabitants to-day in
the announcement that John Anderson ,
i resident of the place , had received a
cable dispatch from Copenhagen that his
mother had just died , leaving hini heir to
an estate of $300.000. Gloucester is a listi
ng town down thu Delaware , with a rep
utation for shad that is not nyalcd by
.hut of any other place in the cast. Dur-
ng the shad season it is the Mecca of
overs of that toothsome fisU , and Land-
ord Thompson's plauked-pnad dinners
ire u fond memory in the mhuls of hosts
of epicures , who made frequent trips
down the river during the early months
of the present summer.
With the visitors at Thompsou'o there
was no more popular attache of the place
than a quiet , good looking mill behaved
young follow named John Anderson. He
s the same man who to-day received the
startling dispatch that has cot many a
.ongue in Gloucester wagging und led to
Iiis instantaneous resignation of the place
lie had held since last spring. Two hours
after ho got the telegram he was spinning
over to New York , where ho intends to
ako steerage passage in a steamer that
cftvcs for Lurope to-morrow.
Anderson was drawing six beers when
i telegraph messenger walked into the
bar room of Thompson's this morning
and bunded him a dispatch. Ho was in ,
such R hurry that he got ex-Mayor Wyn-
tonp , who was loaning against thu bar.
: o read it to him. As soon as ho heard
the lust word ho let the six glasses fill I
with a crash , leaped over thu bar and ex
ecuted a wild dunce. Then he hurried ,
to his employer and resigned. The peo-
ilo of Gloucester and those who went
rom Philadelphia to escape the drought
of a Sunday in Philadelphia tbat began
with Mayor Filler's strict enforcement of
the Sunday law never looked ou Ander
son us a rnun with any romance in him.
Yet lie was full of romance. The steady-
poking , mild-mannered young man ,
who talked commonplace with aTou-
.onic accent , himself BO siiort in stature
Itdt the high bar hid ull but his Danish-
jluo eyes and his fair hair and beard ,
said little of his post history and nothing
of the wealth which ho know must , in thu
natural course of things , come to him
Bonifiice Thompson , ns the summer
went on , looked once in a while at his .
oartendur , whom he engaged only two
months ago , and thought that bo had got
a pretty steady-going man. Once in a
while Anderson would grow communica
tive and toll his employer a little of his
past. A Dane by birth , Anderson's
Father was educated in Puns and gained
commission in the French army. He
follywad the fortunes of Napoleon III
and was rewarded for his services by
joiug made u brigu or in tbe imperial
trmy.Young Anderson's education had
jeun military , und ho was a lieutenant ot
javalry when the Franco-Prussian war
broke out. Both father und son were
distinguished for gallant conduct in
several battles of that disastrous war ,
and when the emperor left Franco for
ever they returned to Coponnagon.
Young Anderson grow restive in his
native laud. He said little of the reasons
which sent him from luxury at homo to
struggles abroad , but ho lot it bo inferred
hut political reasons drove him from
lome. Ho worked , us ho says , at uny-
hinc ho could got when ho reached
America. Hu has tended bar , shoveled
snow , helped at laying the Seventh uvo-
me conduit for tbo electrical Kiibxvuy in
S'ow York , rafted logs on tno Delaware ,
I rove mules on the Krio canal , served u
mlk route in Jersey City , handled freight
i little during tie ! big strike of last
pring , was a "supo , " with half a do/.un
ines to speak , in a spectacularkhow , wus
a. conductor on u Brooklyn street cur ,
wont to Chicago und helped to load seine
of Phil Armour's refrigerator earn and
vorked at no end of other employments ,
lu claims to bo a member of the family
undo noted by'slmplc Hans Anderson
ind his genial talus of Danish folk-lure.
A class of embryo Methodist ministers
vcro about to ba examined at the recent
) cs Molnes conference upon their quail-
ieatioas to enter the ministry. Thu ox-
uninalion exercises weru opened by
miyer , during which the minister
> ravid ) : "O Lord , may these examiners
)0 lenient towards thuso young candl-
lutcs , may they remember the day of
heir own examination und not bo too
lard with these young num. " Jntt then
3iio of the young candidates shouted ,
'Amen ' ' There was no need of that
ollow being examined ns to when it is
iropor to interject the union pun of a
hurch service.
Storm Calendar and Weather Forecasle
or 1888. by Rev. Irl U , Hicks , with ux-
ilanations of the "Great Jovian 1'eriod'
pen winch our planet is now ontorSng ,
nailed to any address on the receipt of i
wo cunt postagu stamp.Vritu plainly
y'our name , postolllco and state. The lr ,
. 11. MuLuuu Medicine Co. , St. Louis ,