I ' MJ 1ffl THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 20. 1887 * ffl SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements um'crtbig ' tieml.10 cents po Ino Tor the ( list Insertion , 7 rents for cncli sub tequcnt inicrtlon , and ( l.fiOa line per month no advertisement taken for loss than 25 cents for tlio first tntcrtlon. Pcvcn words wll Hie counted to the HUD ; they must run consecu tively and must bo paid In advance. All adver tisements must do handed In Ixjforc 1 : .TO o'clocic p. m. , and tinder no clrcumMnnccs will they bo taken or discontinued br telephone. Parting advertising In there column nndhixv- Ing the answer ! addressed In care of TnaIU will please ask fnra check to ennhlo thorn to pot tnclr letters. ns nonn will be delivered cicent on urcfematlon ofohcrk. All answer * to adver tisements should t > o enclosed In envelopes. All advertisements In those columns are pub lished In both morning nnd evening editions of 1 in : HUB , the circulation of which npgrc- rates moro than 14.1)00 ) tmpots dally , and gives the advcrtl crs the benefit. nut only or the city circulation of TUB HUE , but nl oof Council Bluffs , Lincoln nnd other cities and towni throughout this pnrt of the west Tcrtns--C h Inmlvnnan. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. MIDLAND Gimrantco and Trtut Co. , 1505 Parnam street Complete abstracts tiir- nshcdand ! titles to > oal csluto examined , per fected and iruamnteed 419 BUSINESS CHANCES. Foil BALE A complete steam liiundry buv" Inif twenty horse power engine. 3 , S- Jlrnnott , Sounders ndd Clitrk sts. 0:0 A young man with 10as years active tiuFlnttR experience as olllco man In largo mnnufnctui Ing business. HUB capital nnd scrvlce to invest In Hrst-closs established business. Host references ( ? i\on and required. Address E 4V , Ilco olllco. Till 2lj BUSINE83 CHANCK An experienced inanu- focturcs of sash , doors , blinds and build ing material would like connection with n first- class cFtnbl ! hed linn In that line of business. Investment of toivlccs utid capital. K Ml. lleo olllce. 732 24J FOR SALE A wholesale business , with a paying trnda established. Capital reqii ( red about | 4ioO. ( Will tnko partOmahu real ostnto. Address K 59 , lleo office. 7H ) BUSINESS Chance Laundry for sale with ( rood Increasing trade. Apply at once Ad dress K 24 , lleo ofllco. Ml 26J F I OK BALE Fine photograph outfit nt a bar gain. : 0. E. Mayno K. E. & Trust Co. 821 20 "IJWR SALE The best paying small hotel In C the city : (2,000 cash will got It. OK Lee , 1207 Farnam st. 798 FOR SALE Corner saloon , receipts (50 per day. (4,500 ; (3,000 cash , near depot. CE Lee , 1207 Farnam st. "M FOR SALE A bargain , for nix days Ixits 1 and 2. blk 11 , Parker add , and house. (8,000 , (3.000 cash , balance to suit W. 11. W. . 1814 Davenport 81. 82816J TT10K HALE-Iy ) W II Grucn , 215 8 IMtli st , one -f of the finest corner groceries on N 16th st , good ficch Mock and choup lease ; also two email stocks , small livery stock and good barn , good location and cheap ground leaso. 832 FOR SALE Ono of the bolt located meat markets in the city : good business. For further Information address B 27 , Doe office. 603 27J BUBlNPBSCHANCE-On account of sickness not being able to tend to the business the restaurant and lunch counter , will rent the same to some good and responsible parties. Apply to John A. King , 1303 Douglas st.fiOl fiOl WANTED Partner In well established , good paying olllco business , (1,500 capltul re quired. D 61 , Boo office. 828 TT10K SALE Or exchange , grain olovutor , \VcitcntIown.forlandlnCentral ? Nub.or merchandise , address box 2l < 6 , Central City , Nob. r > V.'octl J FOR SAI.i-General : merchandise , (12.000 , clean , well selected stock in wide nwako , fast growing Colorado agricultural town , largo sales and piofltf , sickness cause for sellinglive party can double business. Address D 48. Bee offlco. 201 2DJ FOR SALE Meat market. I offer my market nt n reasonably low figure. My reasons for selling nrc : lam not able to Fcototho business mvself on account of my health and wlHh to lenvo for California soon us possible. One of the finest locations in the city. No competition nud low rent and line trade. Illocks tools , wagon nnd team , and evnrythlng In running order. 1'or flintier particulars cal at once ut corner 25th and Davenport streets , mcut market J. A , McClurc. 827 CXAIBVOYANT. MME. DEVONSHIRE , the great clairvoyant has just arrived and located ut N W cor , \ Itth and Capitol nvo. ho reveals the past present and future , causes speedy marrl'iges ' , gives advice In business , etc. She never falls to give satisfaction. Hours from9. m. to 8 n. m. 455 oct Ij \71ENNA fortune teller , 0188 14th st. 831 oct 5. M1 . HATF1ELDTranco business medium - The past present nnd future revealed , sick healed , losrfound , homei made nupny , sittings dally at 421 B. llth it. 457 o 15J Dlt NANNIK V. Warren , clairvoyant Medi cal , business and test medium. Olllco 119 North ICth fitrco : , rooms 2 & 3 , Telephone 044. 656 MRS. DUKANT Clurlvoyant from Boston U reliable In all uffnlra of life , unites sepa rated lovers. 322 n 16th at , room 1. P4toct4j ! WANTED HALE HELP. ) - 15 stone cutters. Droscol & Foil stoncyard , cor. 6th und Jones et. tOl 24 Right away , Oboya from 11 to 14. 17 17 Bt. Mary 's avo. 7J4 24J _ WANTED Boy to care for horse and do light work. Dr. Jones , 1411 li Furnam WANTED Coat and punts maker to go to Fremont , Nob. Inquire at J. Rastror- Ihek'B. 2U5 8.Mi Bt . _ 76g 24J W ANTKD-Ono coatmakor and ono bushol- man , O. Hiss. 109 N 13th. 74H2IJ WANTED-A man or boy to call at 2116 Cull- forma street and take euro of horse mornings before 8 and ovenlnys after 5 o'clock. 683 24 _ WANTKD-Throe persons to learn book keeping. Situation ! . J. D. Smith. 1613 Chicago it. 711 24J _ WANTED Teams und shovolors , Monday morning , on U. PJHtflit of way west of 13th It. 828 24J _ _ _ WANTED Those who are In need of male or female holn to leave their order with us. Male help supplied free of charge. Gate City Employment olllce , 314(4 ( S. 15th st. 72024 WANTED An active man who desires to oBgago In a ixirmanent and profitable builnosi. About ( in required. Addrcsi I' 71 , lleo. 89527 _ WANTED-Four or live tinners or sheet Iron workers at once , good wages. Tneo. Hucito & . Bon , Fremont. Neo. _ 874 26J WANTED At once , two coat makers , con stant employment ; good wages. John Morrison , Lincoln , Nob. 88128 * \\I ANTED-WulterB , befi boys , llnomno , Ti griidors , agents , 1 cash boy. Western Employment Agency , 1012 Furnam st. btil 2tl l\7ANTED-Fivo tiuvi'lliig ealoftir.en. Biliary und expenses. No exnorlcnco neccs- ary. Address with stamp , Palmer & Co. , Lacrosse. Win , 4M-2U _ WANTED Agents In Nebraska for Gen. John A. Logan's last work "Volunteer Soldier. " just published. Addrcsi J. M. French * Co. , Omaha , Nob. 39 W ANTED Men for railroad work , AI brlght's labor agency , 1120. Farnam. AINU WANTED A clerk to make out deeds ut the grout (10.00 lalo ut 1415 Furnutn Street. Apply Monday. 603 _ anil women for un easy , money-muklng buslnoH which payi four times better than any other. Worthy persons with limited meani will be offered extraordi nary Inducement ! . W rlto for free samples nnd pccial tcrmi. Address Merrill Manufacturing Co. . R 63. Chicago. 842l28 _ WANTED New class of SO puplll , diligent workers , for special short term , full course , day and ovenlni ; sessions , at Blake's Shorthand Institute , see circular ! . Omaha Business College , 10th und Capitol avc. 602ocl2J WANTED Younir man to sell custom shirt In this city , ono experienced preferred. COS N 16th st. 729 _ _ _ WANTED- once , two good coatmakers , r good pantsmaker. and vcn maker. No others need apply. Address M. Bcrdolt & Bon , Reward , Neb. _ 69328 \\7ANTBD-Poitcr , man to do general work TV around store , muit understand running boiler for iteam heating. Best of references required. Thompson , llelden Jc Co _ 797 W IANTED-60 men for Wyoming. Albright's Labor agency , 1120 Varnam. 61J Ww w ANTED 60 men for quarry work. Al- brlght's Labor a cncy , 1120 Farnam. 014 MTANTKD-Bricklayer * . Apply to J. B. fv Ullcy , Armour' * packlnK-tioueo , South taaba. , WANTED R. It men nt once , (2 per day. PcMnd. Emp. llurcnu , 160 ! Fnrnam. 669-26 \ VANTKDMllkcr at Saratoga dairy. 4115 > r SHiindors. en ANTiTii 4 cYpcriencoii coal miners , none other need apply. Imiulro 1417 Farnnm. 897 27J WANTED The general public to know that ' wo can supply jou with mala or fcmnlo help Unit will give satisfaction ; no drlny and 10 dlsnpiiointinctit. Western Employment Bureau , 1612 Fnrnam. 611 WANTED Vlrst-clnss bookkeeper , who Is also competent of superintending of flrit- ela s contracting and planing mill. Addrcsi K Si , Ilco olllco. 517 26 \VANTKD-4 Herman boyi to carry papsrs , 607-5098. 12th , upstuirs. 6W WANTED FEMAM : HELP. WANTED Lady copyist for office work. Must bo good writer and quick nt figures nnd pleasant companion. Wage * (40 to (50 per month. Address I ! 15. Ilco ofllon. 7DJ24 GIRLS Are given places free of charge. Wo hnvo places waiting for you In all parts of the city. Gate City Employ.nent ofllco. 314H & 16th st 710 24 TVANTUD-The ladies ot Omaha to know ' that we charge no fee on orders forgirli until girl Is supplied. Send In your orders to the Gate City Employment offlco , 314 > t S. U.th street. 720 24 WANTED'-Womancooknt boarding bouse ; (5 per week. 710 8 14th. 6(11 ( 22J W ANTED-Good girls for all kinds of work. Mrs. J. W. Morrison , 214 N. 15tb St. OS2 24 WANTED-l COOK to go out of the city. 2 dining room Klrls for the west , 1 house keeper imd girls for nil kinds of places. Weat- oru Employment Agency , 1012 1'arnam street. SCj 26 \\7AVrED-Oirl for general liouso work , t fumily ot three ! Inquire 1908 Farnnm st , 875 20J WANTED Olrl for general houscworff , German preferred. UKFarnam ) ( ! st , CKS W ANTED Olrl for general houeowork. Mrs. 'Jhos. F. Hull , 1545 Shormnn nvo , 595 WANTKD-Gondglrl for family of two. A. Hospc , 315 N. 17th St. . 843 17 ANTED-Oood gli 1.2.114 St. Mary's avo. > B07 W ANTIID Girl for housework. Inquire west corner 10th and Williams sts , 304 W ANTED-Oood nurse girl. Mr * . W. M. Ilushinan , U14 S. 17th st. G17 \\TANTED-A girl to do errands. Mrs. Rice , TV Room 14 Duehman'8block. 632 W - and laundress. Dr. Coff- man cor Bt Mary's nvo and 27th sfr 668 WANTED-GlrU and nil others who are look Inc for a place to know that we do not charge office Tee unless place Is secured. Do not bo deceived by concerns who take your money without giving vou a place. Gate City Employment office. : I14',4 B 15th st. 630 w ANTED-Qirl,2002 California st , 763 ETANTED-GIrl at 2210 Furnnm st 756 26j k/'ANTKD Olrl for general housework at > No. 1918 Capitol avenue. 866 LOST. LOST Bay hono. Return to 1205 Douglag. snu 2ij MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. \\rAMfifJ-Room and board In dcilriTble ' qiiaiters by two gentlemen. Neighbor hood of 10th st south of tracks preferred. Address - dross E. 48 , BOB olllce. 73 < l 24 * WANTED By a la A-yer , desk room or part of ofHco with a law or real estate linn. Address E 45 , Bco oHice. 714 24J WANTED Hoard and room in private fam ily for either ono or two gentlemennenr business center us possible , but not farther west than 2flth st AddicsaEUl lleo oilier. 079 24j WANTED-By October 10 , a small cottuiro for a family of two. Address I ! R8 , lleo onice. f127 * \\7ATTUD Immediately , a. 8 room house T > rent not to nxccod 125 per month. Ad dress "E. Mt , " Boo olllce. CM 27 * WANTED Nicely furnished room with board In private family where a kind old lady can bo inndo comfortable for the winter. No objection to distance. Address P. O. t 488. city. 7i2 \\7ANTEO Board for ladr and daughter , TV with two nicely turnlshed pleasant rooms , between Clark and Ohio sts , references exchanged. Address D 60 , Boo office , with terms. 841 27j U7 ANTED-A sulto of roomH by gentleman und wife with two children aged I ) and 13 , also one single room , address , stating terms ; CO , lleo office , 84026 T TANTED To buy the furniture of a small TV or lariro houeo , contially located , Co operative Lnnd und Lot Co. , 205 N 16th itOKI OKI WANTED-Throo tublo boarders ut 211 Hurt st. 6 7 \\7ANTED-Sccoiidhund furnlturo.stovcs and IT household goods for spot cash. Calls 117 N 16th. 260 620 MONEY TO LOAN. [ ONEY to lounon city property. Buy gooi 1-notes. Hoaxers Jc Whit com b,16'J9i | Farnnm $300,000 to loan , special rates on farm prop erty , Sobotkcr & Porrigo , 1521 Karnam st. MONKY We loan money on improve d prop erty for any dvalrcd amount at low rules of InUrest , to run from two to ten years time. Btotts , Cox ft Houston , 1007)4 ) Farnam. 059 , to loan in any amount at lowest rat * $600,000 of interest. H. B. Irey , Frenzer block. 407 Til ONEV to loan to parties wishing to bulM - LuB. . 8. Campbell , 310 B 16th St. , Chamber o Commerce. 409 M ONHY In nims of (600 nnd over to loanal low rates , Itussoll & Barrett , 312 B 16th it 704 MONEY LOANED at C. F. Heed & Ca'i LoaL Office , on furniture , pianos , her esw gons , perMnal property of all kinds , and all other ar * tlclei ot value , without removal. 819 B. 13th. over Blofthanvi Commission store. All buiK- neM itrlctlr confidential. 415 MONRY to Loan On Improved cltv propert at lowest rates of Interest No commli- sion charged. Dholes & Crumb , room 1 , Barker block , cor 15th and Farnam sts. 645 MONEY to loan on real estate. No delay. First mortgages bought Ilatei , Smith Ic Co. , S0l ! ftumgo building , cor. 15tb and Ilarney. tXW oct7 MONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , etc. , low rates. J. J.Wilkinson & Co. . 1324 rarimm , over Burlington ticket office. 416 > 1,000,000 to loun , II. E. Cole , 316 S 1Mb. Pint mortgage notes nought 376 MONKY to loan on city property. Will buy good notes. Seaver i Wbllcomb , UWJi'i Furnam , 772 MONEY To loan. Lowest rates. No delay. J. L. Rice 4 Co. , over Commercial N- tlonal bank 410 TIO LOAN Money Loans placed on Im proved real estate in city or county for Now England Loon & Trust Co. , by Douglas County bank , 16th and Chicago sts. 414 THE OMAHA Financial Excnange. N. W. corner of Harnoy and 15th streets , overstate National kank. Ii prepared to make short time loans on any available security. Loam made on chattels , collateral or real estate. Longtime loans made on Improved real es tate at current rates. Pnrcliiuo money mortgages negotiated. Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged. Short time loans made on second mortgage , according to marginal Interest , at collateral rates. Real estate to orchsngo for peed Interest bearing paper. General financial business of all kinds trans acted promptly , quietly and fairly. Money alwayion hand for approved loam ot any kmd.wltbout delay or unnecessary pub- liclty. Corbett , Manager. 418 MONEY to loan on improved real estate ; no commission charged. Loavltt Bum- ham , room 1 , Creivbton block. 413 GPEK CENT Money. It C. Patterson , 1Mb and Barney. 401 $600,000 To loan on Omaha city property at 0 p r cent. O. W. Day , s. e cor. Kx. Bid. MONEY to loan , cash on hand , no delay. J. W. and E. L. Squire , 1413 Farnam it , Puxton hotel building. 411 MONEY to Loan-O. F. Davli Co. , real t&- tate add loab ugeuti , 1505 Farnum it. MONEY to Loan By the undersigned , who has the only properly organised loan agnncy In Omaha. Loans of (10 to (100 made on furniture , plauoo , organs , horses , wagons , machinery , etc. , without removal. Nodolnvs , All business strictly confidential. Loan * so made that any pnrt can bo paid at any time , each payment reducing the cost pro rata. Ad vances made on tlno watches and diamonds. Persons mould cnrcliilly cor.slderwho they are dealing with , as many new concerns are dally coming Into existence. Should you need monov cull and see mo W. R , Croft , room 4 , Wlthnoll building , 15th and Harncy. 417 _ " " 760000 TO LOAN at 6 per cent Llnah.in Mahoney , 1609 Fnrnam. 403 MISOELTjANEOUfl. You are out of work nnd nra looking T T for a place romembtrto call at our ofllce. If wo have any place wo will give It to you , if not , wo will tell you so. Wo make no char ires unles situation Is secured. Onto City Employ. inentofllce , 3l4't B. 15th st 72024 COMPKTENT Lady and gentlemen teachers at Blako'g Shorthand Institute , Omaha Business College , 16th and Capitol nvn. fj02oct2J CASH pnld for Second hand books at the Antiquarian,303 N 16th st. 723o2lj A NGLO American Mortgnpo and Invcitment / Co. , office 2423 PBrnamst. John Cullcy , manager. 638 oct 21J BOARDING Good board and room at 504 So Ittu st. 626 * 7J FIRST class help furnished on short nctlco the city and nil parts of the west wh re fare Is paid. Western Employment Agency , 1612 Fnrnam st 601 GOOD Pay for extra work. Qualify yourself for high salary by taking evening course at lllsko's Shorthand Institute , Omaha Business College , 15th and Capitol ave , 602oct2J /CANADIAN rmplovment Onico-Fllls orders Vfor all kinds of help on short notice. Mrs. rcga & Son , 310 S 1Mb. telephone 881. 1003 2 j F Ion KENT Organs , f > per month. Uo pe. 1613 Douglas. 425 TIO EXCHANGE-ror cattle , Ihavn AOO and forty acres of good western land to trade or cattle , and n good house and lot near the apltul will exchange for cattle. Address S. G. Bryan. Ashland , Nob. 410 fT O exchange for other property contract for JL 640 acres K R land In Cheyenne Co. , Nob. , two miles from railroad , also two > i sou In Lin- ioln Co. . near rail road. McCulloch It Co. , cor Mil and Farnam sts. 920 ) ! C.-Houio furnishing goods , all kinds ; cash or installment ; lowest prloef at J. Conner , 1315 DouglM st. 423 F 1OR KENT t qiiar fiano , ( t nontniv. A Hoipo. 1513 Douvia * . 426 NEW Profession for Indies , send tor circu lars , lllnko's Shorthand Institute , Omaha Dustncis College , Itith and Capitol ave. 502oct2j DR. CHASE'S now Receipt Book and House hold Physlslan , the "Memorial Edition" , f over 800 pages. The "Crowning Life Work" if the greatest author and benefactor that ivcr lived. Just out Agouti makln ? Immense ales. Big terms. Address , V. I ) . Dlckerson & Co. , Detroit , Mich. Mention this paper. 244nov4 ] TT1OKRHN1 v < | -j r Piano ( J montntr. X ? Hospe.1613 fioueiss. 425 PERSONAL. PKRSONAL-Lndtas we have plenty of rood glrU for cooking , nurse girls , house work , etc. Leave orders with us. IGtn st Employ ment office , 220 N 16th. 500 26 * "OEHSONAL Aroflncd gentleman repre ont- -L Ing a wealthy eastern house , desires the acquaintance or mi accomplished lady , whom ho will establish In n prolltiililo business , llof- ronccs required. Address F. A. Clayton , city ' . O. 087 S4J ) UK3ONAL-C. S. Whitney soils hard and salt coal , 1513 Farnam nnd Itth and Iriird. 47583) ItEItBONAL Grlz7ly. consider our acquaint ance ended unless you bring mn a war ranty deed for ono of thosn J10 lots to bo sold at 1415 1'arnam st during fair week. Imogcno. OG. ) PERSONAL K. Wlehlo , M. A. , teacher of the piano , organ and vocall/utlon ; Instruction Invariably ot highest order ; Al reference. Office : Max Meyer & lira. 30ns2'J PERSONAL Private homo for ladles during cnutlnemant , strlctlv confidential , infants adopted , address ) E 42 , lleo oflico. 167 oct 8 FOB BALK MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE-Chcap. ( (00 worth of household furniture , carpets , bedroom sets , etu , nearly new , address K 28 lleo. 670 24 * F I OK SALE Upright piano in use c no year , at sacrifice. Inquire 424 N 17th st. 625 24j FOR SALE Now folding bed at a bargain rnr lUrh find Rf Murv'a nVA ? : ! & "A * FOH SAI.K-OncO.OO-J-lb. Falrbank scale for (35 If sold at onco. J. E. Troiel & Co. , 27th and Loavenworth 000 24 j FOR SALE Express routo. with fine horse and wagon. Inquire 1702 N. 17th street. M6-26 * BXPEC1ING to ho absent for n year or more , I offer at private sulo the following piop- crty on low and easy terms : 4 bond of highest bred Jersey stock 4 head of horses , the horse known us John D , ono Altlmo year old colt , ono Altlmo mare 5 years old unu one boy's pony , one carriage nnd harness , one phaeton , ono cart , ono road buggy nnd ono express wagon. JamoH.Neville. NW' FOR SALE on onsy terms- Pony $ 3000 Pony 40 00 Pony 50 OJ Pony harness and cart * 12500 Black driving librae , 4 M years old 100 00 Gray delivery horse , 1,000 IDS 10U ou Gray draft horse 60 CIO Graydraft noise 7500 Gray draft norse 7500 Grny draft horse 150 (0 ( Light driving team mures 20000 Hay saddle horse ( slnglofoot ) lOti 00 Team roan ponies 12000 Bay driving horse l"-0 00 W. T. Seaman , Easfsldo Ifith St. north of Nicholas Agent for Studebaker Buggies , Wagons. Eto. 768 'G1OR SALE-At great bargains. 1 flat top deiK. 1 large wall map of city. Several offlco chairs. 1 horse , buggy and harness. Will sell at u bargain and on time if desired , V.Barrett,317815th. 852 H SALE-One team draft horses , call an so * thorn. Llulnjer & Metcalf Co. 811 30 "IJ10K SALE Family horse and buggy , (150. J-1 One hard coal humor ( to , one (15. owne- Icavlng city. Address E. 44. Bee office. 724 29J FOR SALE At a bargain. A strictly first class now upright piano , C. L. Erlcksou & Co. , 212 n. 10th , Masonic Block. 8J7 26 FOR SALE-Ftno buggy team : also drive splendid single. Imiulro Ogg & Palmer' livery stable , cor. 14th und Howard. 615 28j ONLY (276 , cost (800 , (10 per month , clcgan rosewood case upright piano , only used month , good us now. Cull Furgorson Storug Co,715N16thst 804 30 FOR BALE Hero Is a bargain on a piano only (275 , cost (000 , taken tor debt ant must bo sold , elegantly carved , "K octavo , su perb tone , French repeating action , one string Dodour upright piano ; greatest bargain eve offered : must bo sold and movol at once. Cal Furiterson Storage Co. , 716 N 10th at. , Omaha. 696 28 IT-OH SALE At a sacrifice. 1 Nine thousand dollars worth of Miscellaneous Books , which Ideelro to close out previous to my early removal to east side of 16th st , north of Nicholas st. where I will curry the largest variety of buggies , phaetons , carriages and wagons to bo found at any ono place In the city. W.T. Seaman , Now at Farnam and I Ith cti. Agent for Studobaker. C03Oct20 / \KGANS at prcat sacrifice one-half value to V/ pay storage charges , beautiful goodi at your own price , easy payments taken , no fancy prices. Call at once , Furgcrson Storage Co. ,715 N 16th st CO ! 30 FOR SALE-Ico in car lots. Gilbert Bros. , Council Blurts , 7Koet5 "C10R SALE Furniture and loose of good - - paying hotel in South Omaha , Benawa & Co. , 15th it , , ouDOslto postoRlce. va FOIt SALE Sot good double harness , almost new. C. F. Harrison , 418 S. 15th et. 629 FOB BENT HOUSES and LOTS. FOR RK.NT-iA good 5-room house , (17 per month ; 33d and Halt Howard street. street.893.MJ TflOIl KENT A convenient new 6 room bouse , A1533 21st it , between Center and Korean. , 62820 * OH RENT-Ten room brick house , 1721 UotfK * . All modern Improvement * . 764 FOR RUST m foot jpnco on Dodge st , opp. P'O , , with Inrgo window , ( Ino location , only ( JO per month. Mitchell Ac Lvyonmark , 151(1 ( Dodge. 6.VI 24 _ _ 71OR RENT A new house of 10 rooms , mod- - cm conveniences , .with barn , on l'th : and Castellar . Enquire ntlfllB Center. 02724 * 1 7 OR RENT-Oroom.liotiso and largo barn -1 ( In. "a Wclnter st tu-nr 18tn. (180 for fur niture which is now. Co-oporntlvo Lnnd nnd Lot Co. , * J5 N icth. err 24 TT10R HENT-lloiise. ( rooms , siith'st , Ji block JL1 north of Hamilton t , 117 per mo. KJ 24J TpOR RiNT-To : careful tenant for winter , - * now 5 room cottii oHS a month , In'iutro 11 , Baldwin , : wth und Patrick' ' sts 847 I4J OU"7rKNT-Housov-c6i Colfux st.,0 rooms and bath u. . . fSB 00 1318 Georgia avenue , a roomi and bnth. . . ( XI OJ 3iX)7 ) Jockson it.,7 rooms and bath : n 00 1K)7Park ! ) nvenue.6 rooms and tiath .10 00 1410 N. 27th * t. , 4 rooms and collar , etc 20 0 ] 130. ) Park nvomto. tine store room 4000 11510 Webster street , 0 rooms nnd bath 15 00 Culfaz nnd Jackson st , barn fi 00 F. L. Gregory. 3JO 8.15th st. 620 Foil IlKNT 10-room flat , all modern Im provements. Inquire Sfllfl Davenport 613 28J F I OK RENT 5 to 10 room houses. Good loca- tlon. 11. E. Cole 316 B Kin. 410 FOIt KENT Nice 4 room cottage In Omaha View , in per month. Apply Oinnhn com mercial college. 745 FOR RKNT Office space nt 152.1 Furnam st and furniture for gale. A. 11. Comstook , 1623 Farnam st. 782 FOR RKNT Nicely furnished house , fl rooms , ShInn's 2nd add. Imiulro 1319 s. 10th st. , near Hickory. 15 W 1 } have applicants for 50 houses , f rom 0 to 10 room ; ! , to rent. II. R. Cole , JIB s. Kith. KENT-By Oct 1.8 room house , 8J9S. Id nour Loavonworlh , MO 26 * FOR RENT Three R-room hpuses. ono store room with all modern conveniences : the houses will bo comtilete about the 1st of Octo ber. For Information Imiulro of Patrick Ford , 1010 Davenport , 82 ! ) 28J FOR IIBKT n-room Hat , furniture- for sale ; 11room boarding house , furniture (700 , f400 ash ; two 8-room IIOUSLS. paying well ; rnstnurant on ICth street , good locution : Id- room tlat.on 10th street , furniture $3,000 , 11,000 cash , bulanco to suit ; restaurant on 13th street , ilolttg an excellent business ; 12-room boarding ' ousoti5per month , furniture reasonable ; room house , furniture at a bargain ; 7-room ut , furniture at coil ; 9-room on Casi , near 8th , f urnlturo $500 , ! 4 cash ; store room , 19th nd Clarl > , gas nnd water In building. (25 per month ; 11-room house on 17th street , house , ocatlon and furniture first-class , rent (70 , urnlturo away down ; 10-room hou o on Far- tarn , near Ittb , 160 rent , furnlturo $30) H cash ; 0-room house , (40 per month , between 12th md 13th streets , on Capitol avenue ; 15-room irlck flat In connection with restaurant on round floor , ( .1,000 , terms M eash ; 9-rooin Hat _ n Dodirebetween 15th and 18th ; 5-room house , vacant.21st and Grant ; 22-roomhouso. vacant , centrally located. 6 years' lease , 1100 per month. Houses for rent or sale In all parts of the city. Co-Operative Land and Lot Co. , 205 . Ifith st. S2M8 FOR KENT 5 houses , 7 rooms each , with modern Improvements , In Windsor Place , on Park street car line , one of the finest locu tions In city , rent reasonable , Selden tiros. , 524 = 13th St. 857 27 TJXIt RENT A nlco7-room house , large yard , -C barn , city water , fine view , &c ; (30 per month. Imiulro of C. L. Erlckson & Co. , 212 n. th St. 838 Z8 rOH RENT Houses in first class locality. Apply M. Eiguttcr , 10JI Furnam st. 771 29 * RKNT Cottage of sovcn rooms with nil IiOR conveniences , and furniture for sale. In- qulro on piemlses , 642 S 17tn st. T. J. Fltz- morrls. 7B4 TTIOH KFNT House , and furniture for sale , J ? nearly every room , occupied , llouso new , all modern convenlenueB , three blocks from postolHco. Address E.,41. Hoe. Mi 28J FOR KENT Now 8-room house , nil modern Improvements , on Georgia avo. R. C. Paterson - erson , cor 15th and Harnoy. ' 3il7 FOR KEN1 Commorolal house at Dnvld C.tv , Nob. Address llenry Will , Rls Cltv.Ncb. 801 Oct j FOR KENT llaooraont iif 31li S. 15th st. suit- able for barber shop. Apply to M. F. Martin f,17d. 13th st. 84H FOB KENT BOOMS. 7IOR HEST-niPgantly furnished fiontroora - tor ono or two geiitlomen , liuiuire 2025 Howard St. 4-i 24 TjlOR HKN'L' Furnished roomsalso : 2 or 3 part -C lyftirnlsued rooms for hoiiBokeeplng. Her- orences required , 1U10 Webster st. 710 24J FOR RENT A largo , nontlv furnlsnod front room , with b y window , also smaller room. 2025 Fariiam st. 241-J4 FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms from ( upwards. Hoard can also be hud if desired , terms reasonable. 2012 Harnoy st. 7B324J lOK RENT Handsomely furnished rooms , - single and en suite , Kin and bath , 1708 Dodg" . 447 23 ; > OR RENT Furnished room In new flat , 1,109 1 Sounders sf splendid room , ulcoly fur- ulshcd , rent low. 24 24j FOR KENT Furnished rooms , 2209 Doduo. 5S2 24j F I OR RENT Furnished room to a lady. Itoom 0 , old Browncll hall. U84 24j FOR RENT-Fine largo room , newly fur- ill-died , with adjoining small room lor two or three Kontlcmon. 113 8. 24th st 74124 * FOR RKNT 3 unfurnished rooms. Inquire 1114 fi 12th st , 684 24J F > OR KENT Furnished front room , ground Moor , 1505 Davenport B81 24 F1 I OR RENT Nicely furnished front rooms 615 S. 18th st MS 24J j * OH KEST-Furnlshed rooms with bonrd , 1003 Furnam. 307 oo 4J FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room for twogonttcmon , 2424 Dodge street 807-30 ; FOR RVNT Pleasant and comfortable rooms ono blook from 1 * 0,1W5 Capitol avo. G74 27. _ ll KENT Two nicely furnished rooms with gas und bath , at 61U Sout b 17th st H41 30J [ ? OU RENT-Furnlshod room , 1117 Davcn- D port St. 7l 27J FOR KENT Large front parlor with bay window , and alcove , also ether rooms with modern conveniences at 1321 Farnam st. one block west of court house. 824 F I OK KENT Furnished rooms 1816 Dodgo. 69 oct 9 FOR KENT To a small family , 7-room house 1134 Nort 17th. Kaufmuu Bros , lOOti Far nam st * > 2 F I OK RKNT Offlco rooms'and basement a 1204 Farnam it. 713 27J FOB RENT Nicely furnished room , hot and cold water , bath room. 018 South 17th. 476 FOR KENT Nicely furnished parlor will heat , (25. Small room , C-'O. 1021 Fnrnam St. 727 28 F I OK RKNT-Unfurnlshod purlor and bed room , 1921 Chicago. 705 FOR RENT -Office spaoos on ground floor one front window. Enquire at 150U I-arnan St. , of J. S. Richardson. 69U ecU [ 'Oil RENT Nicely furnished room iiiltablo for 2 gentlemen , Inquire2011 St Marys ave. 618 TC1OR RENT 3 nice unturmshod rooms , sult- J- able for hoiisekeeDlliff , 14th and Pierco. ap ply to 17 S. 13th st. 271 FOK RENT Elegantly furnlihed room on tint Hoar , with modern Improvements , 1817 CBSS. i 6h6 FOR HENT-Nlcely .furnished south front room , (12 and ono lor (3 , for gentlemen. 2024 lUrncy. ' 6i9 2tlJ FOR KENT-Plcasiini rooms , furnished , southwest corner 20th and Webster. 318 FOK KENT Ono lar o pleasant room , south front , brick Hat , suitable for 2 or 4 gentlemen - men , 1416 Chicago st 288 FOR KENT Purniihed rooms in Greunlgblk , cor 13th and Oodro it Imiulro ot Davis 4 Hetherlngton , Mlllard Hotel Billiard room. 233 F 1OR RENT Nicely furnished rooms to gen tlemen oc'.y , 2013 Douglas st. 693 30 FFOR FOR RENT To gentleman front room , (15 per month. 1712 California. 641 OR RUNT-Nlcelv furnished rooms. 1613 Dodgo. 8S427J I OR RENT-Koom on lit lloor 1513 Farnam it. Slovens Bros , 7M 20 FOR KENT-Two nicely furnished rooms , (9 and (14 per month. Browneli Hall , s. 17th > t BIB 27 * _ FOK KENT Ono largo and ono small front room , furnished. 1720 Capitol avenue. frxi aij , [ ? OR KENT-Furnished south front room -1- with .board , modoru. conveniences , fur 2 gentlemen , 1814'Dodge. ' ' ' ' 7W 71011 RENT Pitriilsticil front room and ether - rooms at 22J11'arimm st. 75 201 7 OH KENT Furnished rooms In Grounlgblk , „ cor 13th nnd Dodge St. lnquliuofGeo.lt lavls. Mlllard Hotel Billiard room. 23 ? 71011 RENT An elegantly furnished largo A alcove front room , now house , all modem mprovcmentl , with free heat and Ka , two > looka from postofllco. 1707 Dodge st. Ml FOR 11EN1 Itoom suitable for T or 2 penile- men , with board. 1812 Dodge.6rft FOK KKNT-Ntcciy furnished loomi , to gen tlemen onlv , 2JO N. 16th St. . Room 2. I ! ) SITUATION WANTED. WANTEDPosition by an experienced bookkeeper. Good city reference. Ad- rcss E37. Uee. 672 24J _ WANTED Young man 2fl would Hue per tion with good bouse. Good business .xporlrnco and ability. Reliable. Has irlvcn ruardlnn's bond for (14,00) , which continues n torco nineteen years. Address E 62. care lee , Omaha. 762 24J 1 HIE service * of a good niirso for contlne- ment , cases may bo obtained by addieislng ECO , lleo office. ' 771 24J _ WANTED Situation by middle-aged man as stenographer and typewriter , bus good1 Ity references nnd will work lor modernto wages. No olllco fee. Canadian Kmp. olllco. Irs. Brega A Son. 31(1 ( 8 15th. lei 834. 776 24J HOVELS , Restaurants , etc. , are supplied free of charge at our ofllco. The best of iclp furnished. Goto City Employment office , J44 ! SUSthjt _ 70 24 WANTED A position , by an experienced head waiter , white ; will be at liberty the stof October ; best of references. W. Ilrndy , lusllnys. Nob. 817 2IJ _ ANTED-Graln dcalori' attention. A mid- die ngod , active , smglo man , thoroughly posted on grain , wants u position on commit- Ion or salary , la a good book keeper , well known In Nebraska , respectable nnd best of efercnccs , one month's trial free If 1 fall to give satisfaction. Address Grain , beT NO..U. , btroiusburg. Nob. 692 24 _ WANTED Uy , a young man with onice ex perience , a position that will load to sales man , address E 65 Bco olllce. NID 2IJ WANTKO-SltiiBtlon for young men us chachmun or to drive for livery stable ; IBS best of ref erenco. Address Western Em- iloy ment agency , 1012 Fnrnnin street. H6I-2II WANTED Sltuation as clerk by a German with experience In gen'l mMse nnd best of rcforcnco. Address E31 Bee onice. onice.ft53 ft53 20J ESPKCTABLK womnn roqulrci plain new- ing at own homo. 1818 Farnam st. 72328J W 'ANTED An experienced dressmaker wants to make arrangements to sow In amllos , can give good references , apply 1223 N 7th. 603 ZtlJ _ A thorough bookkeeper with fifteen yenn practical experience will bo open for a position on or before October 1. Rofoioncci Al. Address R 8 , Bee office. 491.20. 8TOHAQE. CTORAOK - Furniture , boxed goodi , & I 0. , k ? tormi reaionablo , 714 Pacific. 156 JTORAGK First-class storar * for nice rur- 3 nlture or boxed goods , at 1613 Dodge-it FOB BALE HOUSES LOTS. KESIDENCE-A nice cast front on Park avc. , : tlxl5U , with house 7 rooms and bath , fur nace nnd gas , for (8,000 , (3,0 > )0 ) cash , balance easy. Ibis Includes ( I,5UO worth of new and clcgtint furiuturo and Is a bargain. New 8 room house and barn In Hanscom Plnce. llouso has mantels , city water und gas , and piped for steam , never been occupied , price (7-U ( ) , $1,500 cash , balance to suit Nice cottngo on South 10th St. . beautiful lot with shade , Mxno , only S4r < 00 , fl.F KI cash. Also good C room house , lot COxUS , (5,000 , (2,000 cash , $1M ) 1 your , bulauco 5 ycais , 6 per cent. Hnnscom place , 7 rooms nnd bath , water nnd as llxturc * , J5.NW ; $2KX ) cash , bnlance oa y. Virginia avenue , 76x140 , corner and vood house , (11,000. Kount/o place , south front , elegant now house , (7.5C9 ; (2,500 rush. Hnrnny street , ( Kxl32 ) , good 9 room house and barn , (12,000 ; very en v terms. ElUnboth pMieo , 30x140 , house , ft rooms , half cash , balanro easy , only (4,000. Lowo's addition , corner , 60\127li. with , good nuo. good 8-room cottugo , with gas und buth , (4bOO. ono-hnir caih ; cholco location. Ilojd'n addition , two tine lots , ono a corner ; for both only f ,200 ; also a tine block of 10 lots for $ fiWO ; will advance greatly In the next 6 months ; no better property In Omaha at the price ; largo manufactories locating there. Clarkeon It. Bcutty , 870-26 219 S. Itth street. POK SALE-One nice east front cottage , ? Park avenue , near Leuvenworth. The W. C. Ives Co. , No. 313 8,14 th street 883-27J FOR SALE Two selecte dsouth front lots , Cnpltol avenuenear 3Jth , $2,750 each ; this Is (500 per lot loss than market price. The W. C. Ivos Co. , 313 S. 14th street. 887-27J FOR SALE-Ono Hrst-class residence and barn , llvo minutes walk from high school. Uho W. C. Ivcs Co. , No. 313 S. llth street. 85 27J FOR SALE-nrnlmra , Crcighton block. 12tf fi-et on Saundcrs St. , (100 per foot , cor. Lot II , block 0 , ghinn's 2d add. , south front , (2.H.O. Elugitnt lot on Charles St. , near 27th. $2,300. East front lot In fselson's ndd , (1,090 , U cn h. Sovun lots for sale or tradu ut u bargain In Clovurdulo. Good south fiont lot In block 0 , Orchard Hill , (900. South front on Hamilton.on motorllnol,800. Corner lot und house lust west of Saundcrs St. , ( ,1,000. 738 27 1ST your property for solo with Charles C. J Hpotswood , 30.V/J S l th St. 042 \\7HAThavo you to trudo for fine 2-storv > T rosldoiice and two lots In the west part of town ? John C. Thompson , Herald olllco. 574oo2 G OOD lot on Bristol St. , (1,300. Graham , Crolghton blook. 73927 FOK SALE Nlco 4-room house and brtrn with Urge lot , on street car line and In do- slrablo locality. Lot II perfectly level and ex actly ongradc. Price $1,0,0 ; cash (450 , balance small soml-unnunl payments. Inquire ut private - vato bouse 401 N. 1Mb It. 889 28 * WE nave Fomo good Omaha property to trade for land or merchandise and a good farm to trade for city property. If you wish to buy , sell or exchange property see us. Cone tcJouneon , 724 N 16th st. P > 722ol FOK SALE-A beautiful two-story house of 7 rooms Just completed ; city wutor , gas and modern Improvements , In Mlllard .V C.ildwell's add , on Locust st. overlooking KounUe add , and within two blocks of the Itreet cor lino. This house Is olfored for sale for n snort time on the most ronsonablii terms. It is located In one of the best parts of olty , and will Increase In value. For all particulars apply to Charles C. Bpotswood , 3051J S. 10th St. 751 FOR BALE A Brst-class hotel property doing excellent business. Must sell in sixty days. For price und terms addro s B. 8. Lilly real estate dealer Broken Bow. Neb. 293 T71OR SALC132xr ! ft on H It track on Nlcho A1 las end 13th with ware house 30x8,1 U2 stories , prlco (14,000. Address Shaw .V Field box 62S Omaha. 202 o2 ! SBVUN lots for sale or trade at a bargain In Clovordalo. Grnbura , Crolghton block. 73 21 mo F.XCHANGE Some money and choice J. land for firbt clais , Improved Inside pro ) : erty. H. 15. Cole.3108 15th 411 Tj OR SALE -124x100 ft cor Howard and : r.t ) X ; its , next block to Ea son , Brady & Mar tins houses , (7,500 , Address E3J Boo olllce. AUNDE1IS St.,120 feet at (100 per front ft I Graham , Ciolghton block , 7-i9 27 17IOH SALE-At a sacrlflco , lots 3 nnd 6 , blk -C u , Albright's annex. Lot H in Pelhnm Place , 1 share Lowe Avenue Torr&co Building anocla tlon stock. F. Buirett , with lielln & Thomp con. 317 8 15tb st 851 FOR TRADE-HoUFO and lot 5 block 2 KountZL 4th add , boueo will rent at5 u month ; nooncumbriinco , will Irano for a vacant lot or halt lot In Iliinscom place or thereabout to cost from { 2.UOO to (2roo and will taUo mortgage on property for the balance. Charles C , Spots- wood , 3U5'Hietli. . 705 SPECIAL IIAKGAINS-5 room house on 29th near Yates , (2,203 , (1,000 oush. 8 room house and 'J-.l lot In Donlic's addition , with barn. ( .1,700(1.000 cash. 12 room house , full lot. on Howard near Saun dcrs , all modern Improvements , 18,000 , (3,000 cash. 6 four room bouses In Lowo's addition , llMO each. ( AM cusli , balance on easy terms. ( leuutiful lot In llanncom Place , (3.500. 6 room cottage and 2 lotii , Walnut Hill , I-.COO , ono third cash. Fine corner in Kllby place , (1,850. Also sorao choice burgiilni In'Orchard Hill and I-owo'a addition. 11. R. Bnll and Co. , 478 113 N. 16th St. FOIl SALE Flno improved farm of 330 acres In GoiperCo. , Nob. , U under fencegood bouso.'and all out building , price , (4,000. Ad- dron J. It. 8uaw , box Kj.City. 901 olZJ READ THIS For Bargalni. It 5 , block 19 , West End , on Kur- nara FtrectfiOxlS7 feet . | 5,003 Lot IU. Kllrnbcth Place , on Sothet.tlOx 14(1 ( foot with hotiM . 4,000 Lot 17 , block 2 , Hlincbaugh'i ) ailil. , I aero wlthhoiisi ) . 1,600 4 east front lots in Kllby Place , ono-tltth cash . , . , . . . . . 1,000 fts in Cntaltm Place . ( l.vOJto 1KX } Lotl lu Highland Park , ono * tenth cash . , , 2.,0to 350 Lot 11 , Washington Square , lotith front , a bargain . 2,500 95x132 toot , louth and oait front , on FarnAtnstroct . . . . . . . . . . 8,000 60146 feet on Dodijo street near Illch so.iool , with 12. room house . , 12.MU 'IhUlithu cheapest Improved properly on the street , prlco holds for n few days only. South trout lot lu Rood's Fourth , on Sprtloo street , only (2,760. The above pieces of property ore lower In price than any other In the neighborhood , and thn terms nro easy. Wo have several other lots equally as good at low prices. Cull and oxamlno our list. Omaha Real EMHto and Trust Co. P. C. Illmebnugh president , Alvln Saunders secre tary. 1 14 Farnim st TlU 26 T OlsALELots13 , 14 and 15 , blk 2rohard JU Hill , (1,250 each. M cash Hot 15. blk tt , Han- scorn Place. (2,750. II. A. Sturges , agt , No 10 , Crelghton block. South of " P. O. 765 itj _ $ C50 will buy 40xl27H . "south front Apply at 34UDccatur street _ : i8 ! s2 > J SA. SLo"MANTlioT > l estate , 13J1 Fifrnamst ! . Karnam at. between Twentieth and Twenty-third , 116x132 , per foot . ( 433 Farnam st corner Ihltty-llret. 136x132 , per foot . . . 150 Parnam st. near pavement , 47x132 . 4,150 Fanmmst. near pavement , I < 5xl32 . 8liM ; Fnrnam st. comer Forty-third , 44x132. . . 3,500 Furnnm st. corner Nineteenth , Im proved , 22xti2. : . . . 20,000 Fnrnam st between Nineteenth and Twentieth , Improved , 77xli2 : . 40,000 Pnrnam st near Kloventh , 20x132 , tents for JI.5W ) . 23,000 Farnam st. near TwctitjSeventh , 80x132 tier foot . , . , . 200 Hnriteyst. near Twentieth , Improved 17lif67 . . . 50,000 Hartley at. near Twenty-third , Improved , TOxffi . . . 11,000 Ilarney st. nour Fifteenth , Improved MX 132 . 15.001 Sixteenth st. near Nlchonsfi4xlU ! ( ) ; ( . 12,001 Sixteenth st. south of viaduct , 40x102. . . . 6,000 Douglas st nust of Twenty-third. 66x13 ! . . 9,000 Twentieth st , near St. Mary's ave , im proved , 40x120 . H.OOO Twentieth st , between Douglas and Dodge , improved , ! l2x6 ? . 8.000 Snunders st , corner Hurt , 100x51 . 7.VW Allco st , near Farnam , east front 47x1.12. 1.8JO Fifteenth st , corner Jones , Improved , Oo XI34 . 30,000 Fourteenth st , corner Jackson , Improved , 60x13. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . 80,000 Fourteenth st , corner Chlcago.lmprovcd , 66xrt2 . 1 . . . . . . . . ! 18.00J Twelfth st. corner Jones , Improved , MX 132 . ; . . 25,000 Eleventh st , corner Nicholas , trackage. OOXI3.J. . . . . . . 0,000 Thirteenth st , Paddock place , truckage , 06x112 . . . . , . 2.600 Thirteenth it , corner California , Im proved , rents ( I , COO . 25,003 Park vo. opposite Park. 60x150 . 2.000 Davenport it , opposite High school , fine modern fourteon-room house Gj x32 . 16.000 Caes st , between Nlnotoenth and Twen tieth , twelve-room modern home , OOx 1112 . 15,000 Nicholas st. corner Twenty-second , trackage , Wxirc : . Improved . 20,000 Charles St. , near St. Mary's , Improved , * ! ! X128 . 6,400 Calpy st.ncar Crolghton college.modern ten-room housoi3xl42 : . 6,260 Ploice st. .near Twentieth , 60I1SI , fronts two itroets , Improved . 550 ! Dodge st , near Twenty-sixth , 38x132 , Im proved . 3.000 Twenty-second st , near Grace. 66x120. . . 3,000 West Omaha , in bon ton locality , 40 or 60 X165 , per foot . " ' Twenty-first , corner VInton , 52x100 . 1,500 Castollar it , next corner Eighth , Ols&x ' ' " ' ' ' ' Thtrt'y-t'iilrrt st"coriior'Dolawaro'iia'ns'- ! com Place 100x100 . 6,400 > avonwortlnt near Sixteenth , 2M't2. . iVobsterst , uofirTwonty-elghth , 60x150 , ongrudo . , ' , , In addition to the ubovo I have lots In nil holco additions at low flguros , i < > 9 TT1OK SALE-Horo is u Sl.fjOO lor some ono. -t ? 102 feet cant nnd south front and a corner on LOHO live. bet. Cummliigs and Fnrnam , at VM.60 per front foot. Inquire 1009 Howard. 2d loor.wost Eido , 767 29J OT 11 , blook G , Slilnu's 2d add , at (2.800 , J900 t c<i. Graham. 7M 27 BURR PLACE 75 rusldenco lot sltuntod train ono to tlvo blocks south of the South Omnlm brewery. Prices Irom ( .IV ) to $ ( Wl. : Ono-tblrdcnsh , balance on cusy terms nt H per cent Interest. J. J. O'Rourke , solo owner. FOR SALE-1211 foot on Snundors st.nt (100 per foot. Graliam , Cniluliton block. 73427 F. RINGER , 119 N. 15th St. * 8cbo-Shlnn's 1st , 90x120 , hou o , 10 rooms , will exchange for lots in Kount/o Place. 9.600-4 lotnon SuundorSHt , opposite Kount/o Place ; worth (11,500. 13,030 60x140 , douolo bouse-8 rooms each , bathroom , cltywntor , eto. , rents for (100 per month , M.OOO cash , (5,000 In ether property , (6,000 on time , 6.000--2 lots , house B rooms , barn , etc. , Shlim'n 1st add. Lots alone would bo cheap at the prlco asked. 18,500 2 modern Mouses , 7 nnd 12 rooms cacti , 72x140 , nonr 23d. rents for tl&O per month. 25.000-611x120 , buildings cost (3,000 and cover nearly nil the ground , will rent lor (150 pnr month. Ci.OOO cash. (8,000 ether property , balance 1 nnd 2 years. (2,000,000 worth of property In all parts of the city. If you want to buy or sell see E. F. RliiBOr , 119 N. 15th St. 819 FOR SALE A Kount/.o Plnco corner lot very cheap. E 44 , lloo olllco. 835 30J fiTOR SALB-2 elegant lots on Snrlni ? fit , In LJ Croston. Graham , Croiglou block. 7.l'27 ' ' TACK8ON i NASON No. 1615 Farnnm st.olfor J for n few days sonio special bargains in In side property among which nrc choice rosl dencos. vacant lots for dwellings or business nnd ono good lot tor warehouse ut a vmy low price. . 873 28 FOR SALE Elegnnt 10 room house , all mod ern conveniencesonly { .VMcash required II. li.tolc , UlfiijlBtb , 812 LIST your property with 8. 8. Campbell nnd G. i.W. Henry If you want to sell or ox < change. 810 Chamber of Commerce. HO" rpIIOMPSON , 314 8 15th Bt , buys and pells real -L estate , loans money , pnrclnisos aecnrltlos , hag a good list of property for sulo and want moro. Notary public. 8 * > 4 J18T your ptoporty with H. E. Cole , 310 8. 15th , room 1. 409 NOTICE 2 trackage lots In center of city to leasii cheap , for a term of yours. For oar tlculnrs address P. O. box m. 774 2 > > J T 1ST your property with 8. B. Campbell and -IJ O. W. Henry. 310 Chamber ot Commerce special attention given to the exchange of all kinds property. Improved und unimproved city property , farms , borsee , cattle , stocks or goods , etc. W8 mo EXCHANGE-Equity In. 4 , 6 and 10 room .1 boufos and lots for paid up lots , H. E. Cole , 310 S 16th. 410 LIST your properly with H. E. Cole , 316 15th. room 1. 4U9 FOH SAl.K-I.ot 46 , Burr Oak , (1,000 cash . ! 5U. but about 2 yr * . Lot 3(1 ( , blk 8 , llanscom place , (3,500,1-3 cash Lot 12 , blk 2 , Puttur'B mid , 8I.MKI , 1-3 cash. Lot 5 , blk 2 , Killiy pluco , (1,750. Lot 7 , IIIK 8 and lot , blk 10 , Dwlght & Ly man's add , ( i < 00 imeh. Lot 16 , blk 17 , Hiiiiscom place , ( l.r XI. Lot 5 , blk 5. J. I. Kodlck's Mlb.$7,103. Lot 10 , blk H , Hillside No. 1 , (2,600 , (1,100 cast : bulilyis. Lot 5. blk 7 , Hillside No. 1 , (2.500 , (1,000 cash bal II yrs. N ! 't lot 13blk 2 , Park place. (5,600. Lot 4 , blk 212)i ) , city , ( 'J'.iiOO , rents (175 pe month. Lot 2. blk 21215 , city , (20,000 , rents (40 po month. Lot 0 , blk 173 , city , (20,000. rent * { 80 po month. Lot 6 blk 76 , city. (30,000. rents (97.50 | io month. Lot L'blk TV city , (18,000. Lot ! blk IB. ) , city , (30,000 , H cash , rents ( it P ormonth. Lot 6 blk 71 , city , * 20,000 , rents (100 per mo. Euet ! J lot 2 blk IttH , cly$20. < Ko. ) Lots 29 nnd 30 , Windsor plnco. with lln houses , rent lor (181 per mo. ( IR.OOO , H cash. Lot- . Windsor place , with (2,00J ( Improvements monts , (50,0110 , H cash. Pine lota In block 8 Oicburd Hill , (4,600 , ) : cash. 'Ihrco lots. Sunnysldo , ( -.fxJO each. 193 It onCumliiBBt byM \ ft on 33d. (14,100 (5.IKX1 cash. 105 ft on Shormiin nvn near Locust. HIVJO. Lots In Potter \ Cobb's add. South Omaha Aero property near South Omaha from (2 to ( MO per aero , or will trudo lor Insldo proj : erty. Potter tV Cobb , 1C01 Fnrnam 8u , Board 01 Trude building. blii go SPgCIAI. BarKulns- Saundorsst , i > 3 tt tri.W ) r.ltli it , 60 ft and four stores .1'M ' ) 6 I'lneunt building lots ono mlle from P O , * 2OJOto , 2.HW Hurt ft 90x151 6.IKKI 100x217 ft on I'loasantfit 8.00(1 ( The above ore WHV below the marlict. Wo have u largo list of bouses ami iota and vacant lots for sale In nil paits of the city und can suit the moft particular. List your property with us. StoteiiH Bros , , 1513 Farnum st. . . . 789 2fl r .1ST your property , 'with H. E , Cole , 310 H. -U l&tb , room I. ' . . q O Til ADRVoliM on number at farmit -I trnda for Omahn property and vacnnt lol for house' . If you hnvo any kind of tinipfrt ] to trade rail ana sco us. e > tovona llros , 161 > iirnnin st. 7t9 24 FOK SAUK.llncit locution for n home In We > t Omahn , ndjolnlnv the minslon homes of Klrkriidall.Con , Brady , Eas < on nnd others Nothlni nnnr In the city. Cun sell iroxl87orlcs < ; for prlco * and terms see S. A. Biomaii. imil Karnam st. 733 THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES. OMAHA. " " Leavn Arrlvo" Oniahn. Omnha. UNION PACIFIC. Depot loth and Plcreo sts. I'aulUo ttxpreis 8:20 : p. m 7Va. ) m. Denver Impress OMa , m 5:20 : p. m. Local Express 6:05 : p. in UUOa. in. Kxcopt Sunday. It. .V M. K. K. H. Depot lotli at.d Pacltlusts. Mail and Express )0:0 ) : * > n. m , 5Mp. : m Night Express 7:4.'i : p. m. IU C. D. ft Q. K. R. Depot lot n and Paclfloits. Mull and Express , . . . . . . l:03p : , m. uM ; n m. Chicago Express , , 8.40 ik m. 0:55p. : m K. 0 , St. J. & C. II. Depot 10th and 1'aclllu sts. Mall H:40a : , m. r.iVip. . m , Express 8:50 : p. m. 7OJ a. m. C.,8l. P. , M. * O. Depot 15th and Wnbstorst Sioux City Illaok Hills Kx 8:1' : . a m. Mrt'ip. m. llancroft Express 4 : li p. m. linrin-m. lllsck HUH Passenger. . . . 5:113p. : m 7tip. ; m. Except Bunday. MISSOURI 1'ACIKIC. Depot 15th and Webster st Day Express 10:15 : a. in , fi:25 : a. m. Night l.'xpres * UUp. : in 5.M : p , m. DUMMY TIIA1NS. Running Between Council HUilf * nnd South Omnnn. In addition to the stations mentioned , trnlns stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth streets , and at the Summit m Omaha. COUNCIL I.oa\ Arrlvo CONNECTING LINES. Transfer Transfer depot. depot C. , It I. * P. : 0:40 : n. m. I1n. m. All trains run Dally. 0:10 : p. m. 7UOp. ; in. C. * N. W. 0:40 : n , m. 0:16 u. m. All trains run Dally. 0:40 : p. in. 7UO ; p. in. C. , II. 4 Q. 0:4r : > o. m. 015a. ; m. All trams run Dally. 6:3) : p. m. 7:00 : p. m. C..M. &St P. 0t5n. ; m , 0:15 : , ra. All trains run Dally. ( iu : p. m. 7:00 : ra. Sioux City. 1:35 : p. m. 12:00 : m , K. C. , St. J. & C. II. 0:25 : n. m. 9:33 : n. m. All trains run Dally , 6:15 ] i. m. 9:18 : p. in. W. , St. L. He P. All trains'run Dally. 2:15 : p. in. 12:15 p m 8 C ' & P ' 0:40 n. in. 8:51 n. m. Alltrttins'run'Dttlly. 7oo ; D. m. 7:1X1 : p. m. TUK CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF THE Chicago , Mil waub&St , Paul Ry 27ic Vest lloutc from Omaha awl Council Jtlii/fn to . * THE E3.A.ST Two Tiains Llaily Between Omaha and Council Blulls Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarKapids Rock Island , Frceport , Rockford , Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport , Elgin , Madison , Janesville , Ucloit , Winona , I > a Crosse , And nil other important points East , Northeast and SouthouHt. For through tickets cull on the ticket agent at 1401 Hirmim street , In Piixton Hotel , or at IJnlon Pucllta depot. Pullman Sleepers nnd the Quest Dining Curd In the world uro run on the main line of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Rallwuy nnd iv ory attention is pnld to passongorti by courtt ? ' otis employes of the company. R , Mil.i.MI , General Manager. J. F. TUCKKH , Assistant ( imoral Mnnagror. A. V. It ( JAiii'KNTKii , Gonorul Passenger and Ticket agent. doe , E. HEAKfOitn , Assistant General Paeaon- Kor nnd Ticket Agent. J. T. CI.ABK , Gccrul Suporlntondont S. S. FELKER , OMAHA , NEB. $ S3SS ! > lUIMIHtOOOFUrAnovlTHCltUtUITHlVAlUr ' ' YfRHA BUCMAVmCfARD ' PURK CALIFORNIA WINES , shipped direct from our vineyard ; Riesling , Gutodel Clarets , Porl.Shorrles.otc. San Jos Vaults Sovonth. Klghth , Sun Salvador und William BIS. , Bun Jo-u , California. SCIENTIFIC STREET GLUCK & WILKINSON. S. T. UALDRIDGE , A. M. , IJPl5.ysicla.rL and. SMrcroori , Onicc , Cor. 15th and Farnam t > ts. Residence , 2i'M ( Farnam fct. Hours. 0 to 11 a. in , , Z to 5 p. m , RICHARD NUNN , M. D. , ( IUMII.IN ) . OCULIST AND AURIST. 1518 DODGE ST. 10 A. M. 70 4 P. M. FOR PUNTING TIMBER CLAIMS. Black Walnuts , ImlU on , f. o. b fiflo per bit Black Walnut , linlla oir , " (1,25 per bu Box Eldi-r heed , " liio per Ib Ash Seed , K'o ' per Ib Honey Ixjciist Seed , " , 25o iicr Ib Russian Mulberry Hoed , " , a.M ) perlu. C'ltHlpa See/1 , 1.00 perlb' Abe all-kinds ol Fr lit uiiil Forest Trcot foi Bale. Addrei-3 , Ml iNANllO.\ll NllltSKItY , D. 8. LAKB , Proprlatyr , BI1UNANDOAU , IA.