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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1887)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY SEVENTEENTH YEAK. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 25 , 18S7V-TWELVE PAGES. NUMBER JMW O'BRIEN ' COflYICTED. the Great Irish Editor Found Guilty of Violating the Grimes Act. SENTENCED FOR THREE MONTHS The TrM Characterized By Bitter Wrang ling Between Oounsel. STORMY SCENES IN THE COURT , Tte Government Reporter On Hand With His Doctored Notes. TORIES EXULT AT THE VERDICT. Sretit Indignation Expressed By the Home RuleMembers. . THE BERLIN-AMERICAN COLONY. German Capital Rapidly Gaining in I'opulqtlon From the United States Progress of Work Upon on Equestrian Statue ofGen- cral Washington For * The MltiSicllstown Farce. ICotturtuM 1837 by James ( lunlnn Dennett , ' ] DUIII.TN , Sept. 2-1. [ New York Herald Cable-Special to the BKK. ] The expected news of O'Brien's conviction and sentence was received hero in sullen silence by the homo rulers , while the afternoon tory papers exult. Ono says that should any association bo found In Ireland for the purpose , however Ingeniously concealed , of doing the work ot thn suppressed National league , Balfotir will suppress that also. The chief secretary , to more than ono friend In whom ho reposes confidence , , has frankly confessed that he In tends to force obedience to law In Ireland or face a civil war. The National league Is regarded as the root of the evil. It must go , and nothing shall be suffered to rlso in Its place. Nevertheless , at a meeting last night of the Aaron Gray branch of the league there was a crowded , enthusiastic meeting. The lord mayor was chairman , and ISO new mem bers were enrolled. The lord mayor said what did the government mean by suppress ing branches. It Is vain to Issue proclama tions , though piled a root thick on top of one mother. He Invited young and old to join. Kesolutions of protest were prepared. These were supported by Grav , M. P. , of the Free man's Journal , who said tills was essentially the time for every Irishman to take up his position and state upon what sldo he was ranged. Mr. Dawson , ex-lord mayor , also spoke. He said that If the name of the National league , like that of the Land league , went down , please God they would have a hun dred other devises for their answer and would never stop until they bed gained tholr constitutional rights. ' The member for Cornwall and a young English barrister trom Conybero said that the tactics of the oollco when the English homo rule union mot at Covant yesterday. was exasperating. Tholr numbers were greatly reinforced and although every facil ity was offered the government reporter to be on the platform , this was refused by or ders from headquarters and ho was ostenta tiously planted and surrounded by a consid erable force of police at the foot of the plat form In the midst of the people. Much as Harrington Is liked , ho Is censured for his temper at the trial. Hegret Is being expressed that an effort was not made for O'Brton. Many cool heads say that It was a mistake not to ongao the flower of the home rule bar to defend O'Brien , headed , for in stance , by Sir Charles Kussell , and that a great address , dissenting from the charge and the act itself , and exposing the attack on free speech and free press would not only have taken rank with great national speeches , like those * f Hamilton , Otis , Adams and Henry In America , and Ersklno , Brougham and O'Connell In Britain , but become of wide elfect on the homo rule question. The trial Is destined to be a great historic cause celebro. It Is undoubtedly de serving of a close report. The facts were In a nutshell. O'Brien admitted making certain portions of the speech spread on the charge sheet and did not quibble about It , therefore only a question of construction under the act remained. The whole law ot sedition was opened a question which cost John Adams his second term. It cannot be , I fear , denied that Harrlneton was not fully equal to the occasion. He represented not only a client , but a nation. Great liberties mul gicat rights wcro attached , which , on a question of construction , were open to a nighty protest and eloquent denunciation. "ho petty magistrates were of no more ae- roiint than wcro JefrlesorScroggs , but the oc casion , except as to surroundings , wcro quite us grand us when Lord William Kussell "Voodfall , the printer , Tom Paine , Hobort J'.mniot and Loich Hunt were tried or when Huuh Fltzpatrlck was arraigned In IS I ! ! for publishing Scully's history of the penal laws. When Harrington objected to the two speeches made different times being com bined , Carson , the prosecuting counsel s.iid this was entirely a matter of convenience. No court \\ould adjudicate In ono of these cases without hearing both and there was no use In having two sots of speeches. Harrington The liberty of the client must not bo jeopardized for any question of con venience. Coison Oh , that Is the usual blather. Harrington said It was not and ho respect fully asked the court to confine Itself to one case now the speech of the Oth of August. Justice Eaton said It was all the same , al though said to have occurred on two different occasions. They must hear both before thoj decided. Harrington pressed his objection to Imvlus the two speeches considered together , lit said that if the counsel for the crown In dulgcd In language of that kind ho woulc find a first class snag. Carsondon't mind this In the slightest degree' 1 ask the bench to make a ruling. The court decided to take up ouo speed Urst. Harrington declared It to bo distinctly un { air , unusual and unconstitutional todea with two speeches together. Carson Who s > ald that ? Have you no all the ruling In T our favor , and Is not tha enough ? Kyldcnco was then taken us to tlio onlj flpoech. The government reporter had sah ho made a note the next morning afte O'Brien's speech and the question aiose could the witness refresh his memory b ; consulting its authorities. Ho said this could only be done througl nemorandums or entries made at the ver ; Ume when this occurred. The bench , however , ruled that the' wltnes uld read his notes. Witness continued : "Mr. O'Brien , sal < * t * . fv. < rW * tfS Aifn2U * the tory government was afraid to suppress thn Irish National Land league.- Magistrate Stocks , whispering to Magistrate Eaton , "Tho National league" Mr. Harrington objected to his worship consulting so that the witness could hear. Witness O'Brien said the tory govern ment was afraid to suppress also the plan of campaign. Harrington hero Interrupted and drew at tention to tlio clerk suggesting a word to the witness. Carson Oh , humbug , let us go on. Harrington-It Is no humbug , sir , and you are a humbug to say so. I object to this practice of suggesting words to the witness. Magistrate Stokes Oh , go on. Words should not bo written except those made use of by the witness. . Witness continued : If there were any DO- llco or bailiffs listening to him ho told the people to resist them and defend their homes. Ho would bo ashamed of them and so would the English people If they submitted tamely without a blow. I was In Mttchetstown that night and I should add that In the speech the woid , "honest" was used. Maclstrato Stokes W here ? Witness When lie was speaking of the evictions he said they should resist them by all honest means. I drew counsels attention to that yesterday. Carson Were you In Mitchcllstown that night ? Witness 1 was. I saw a number of people barricading the bouso of a man named O'Sul 11 van with timber and trees andsubseauontly put up mottoes , ono about evictions. Hasrlugton Sltow mo the note. Witness Hero It Is. Harrington , having looked at the paper , handed It back to tlio witness and asked him to read the head lines. Witness Notes taken by Sergeant George Foley at a meeting on the Oth of August. Harrington Is that true ? Witness I wrote the next morning. Later on Harrington asked another wit ness , "Who accompanied you there ? " and answered "With Irish bull " was , an myself , at which there were scioams'of laughter. Harrington You are In the habit of ac companying yourself about , I suppose. What other policemen were with you , stand ing listening to Mr. O'Brien's observation ? Witness Head Constable O'Sulll van and Sergeant Condemn. Harrington Is that the government's short-hand writer. Witness 1 did not mean Sergeant Conde- ran. I saw Sergeant Foley there. Harrington , to the clerk Take down that. He said lirst that he saw Sergeant Conderan there. there.Witness Witness That was a mistake. Harrington- will have It down at Ull events. Carson Oh , go on. Harrington 1 wish , sir I do not want these Interruptions , and I will not have them. Carson Go on. Harrington I am not going to stand this , and If your worship will not stop It I will call public attention to U. I will not bo In terrupted by these Impertinent remarks. It Is not his duty to Interrupt , and It Is your duty to tell him so If ho does not know his duty. duty.Mr. Mr. Carson Go on now witness. Carson closed the case for the prosecution without calling the head constable , when Harrington asked : "Why was the head constable , O'Sulllvan , not produced who directed that the report bo taken ? " Carson I have closed the case for the crown. Harrington I ask vour worship for a sum mons for head constable , O'Sulllvau , who was called and came up. Harrlneton asked Mr. Carson whether he wanted to examine the witness. Carson said ho had closed the case. Magistrate Stokes said the sltness was called for the defense and was Harrington's witness. Harrington said he did not object to him at present. To witness Do you remember the Oth of August ? The head constable said ho should decline to give evidence. The bench directed the witness to give evidence. Harrington thought the head constable would repudiate the assertion himself. The witness deposed to being at the inoutln ; on the Oth of August. He was there during the whole meeting , but took no notes then of the speeches. Ho wrote down what ho could think ot.tho following morning. ; ilo did not write them down that evening because he was out late on duty. Hairington Let mo see those notes. Witness Not unless 1 am directed. Harrington I observe you clook at the crown. Youaiomy witness. Now let us be friends. Witness I consider any note or any docu ment I have , a privileged document , and I will not give It up to you except by direction. I cannot give them on my own responsi bility. Harrington sharply cross-examined the witness as to whether or not ho had boon comparing notes with Sergeant Foley. Wit ness denied it. Harrington proceeded to comment on the manner In which witness was giving evidence. Carson Oh , ttieseare wretched little petti fogging observations. Harrlneton ( repeating the words "wretched little pettifoeglng" Well , wo shall see which sldo Is wretched , little and pettifoggln g be- tore the case Is over. Carson Wretched little oettlfojsglng ob servations 1 again say. Harrington You may add venal and corrupt - rupt If you wish. Carson I would ask you to keep these ob- servatlons for the farce. You keep them for the Iniquitous job you nro doing here. ( Cheers In court ) Magistrate Stok es Clear the court. The police proceeded to clear the court. Harrington ( looking across to the crown counsel ) See huw much this all come to ? O'Brien ( hero standing up and addressing the bench ) Is It necessary to have the court cleared ? There are only a very few and ex tremely well conducted people hero. Stokes If you guarantee that the people will keep quiet wo will not clear the court. Harrington I will give no guarantee. II Is Impossible to prevent observations of the kind coming from people with such proyoca tlon. StokesIf you promise that they will no : disturb. Harrington I will make no promise. . They have conducted themselves much bet ter than the consul for the crown , and 1 an ' proud of them The court was then about half cleare < when Stokes said to Inspector Irwln , whc was In charge : "There that will do. II there Is any further disturbance we will havi the court cleared altogether. " Proceeding with the cross-examination , Harrington asked the witness to produce hi notes ot Mr. O'Brien's speech. Witness salt he wuold not do so without permission f rou his authorities Eaton What do you say , Mr. Carsun ? Carson 1 have nothing to 'do with thl witness. ' Harrington vehemently protested agalns > Mr. Carson beiug consulted by the bench Ii the matter. ' ' d Eaton-It Is a Very Important point , am we asked what the crown counsel had to say upon It. Osrson said he declined to give any dlrce tlon whatsoever to witness. Eaton Oh , wo do not wantyou to give any direction. The two magistrates held a short consulta tion and then Eaton said , In their opinion , It was advisable that the notes should bo pro duced. The only question Is as to how far the document may by regarded as confiden tial , having once passed Into other hands. Witness I cannot produce the notes unless I get permission. Eaton From me ? Witness I regard It as an official docu ment. Harrington dented that the document was confidential. He said a summons had bcon Issued against his honorable friend upon the documents , and If It were not pro tected , good bye to justice. Ho should have nothing further to do with the case. The magistrates again held a short consultation. Eaton I think the expression of opinion of the court that these notes should bo pro duced ought to bo enough. Witness was directedby , District Inspector Irwin to produce the notes , and ho handed them to the counsel. Carson objected lo counsel going Into those documents as not belli ; reliable as to what the magistrates say In Dublin or as to the duties of a magistrate. Eaton This Is not relevant I may toll you , If it is any good to you , that I never saw the thing In my life and the head constable Is qulto rlL'tit when ho says that ho had to make a report to a resident magistrate , for of late years in a case of prosecution the report Is not submitted to resident magistrates. Harrington My experience Is very bitter on the subject , -for I got two months Itn prisonment t > om tlio same magistrate who got the report up and tried the case after wards himself. Carson I object to all this. It Is totally Irrovelant. Oh , his turn will conic. Eaton You cannot pursue this subject any further. Harrington Well , your worship , I have to conduct a case of this kind under great dif ficulties , and I think I am entitled to all the latitude 1 can receive. Eaton Wo have given you a great deal. Harrington It has not overwhelmed mo , 1 assure you , In the slightest degree. Cross-examination continued : Do you see the red lines ? pointing to the document which the witness stated ho had given to Captain Punkett Witness-I do. Did you put them there ? I did not. Who drowthe pencil mark over the face of that report ? I can't toll you. Was It there when you got It back ? It was. Why were you not examined here to-day ? 1 don't know. * Who told you you wore not to be exam ined ? I thought I was to bo examined. For what purpose ? Carson I object to this altogether. Eaton There must bo some limit to irrele vance. Harrington Well , I say , sir , I am per fectly justified in asking this question , and that It Is perfectly relevant , for I assort that there has been a dellbc-\to attempt to sup press the report. Carson ( angrlly--My ) friend's observation Is a pure fabrication. Harrington ( loudly--l ) say , sir , it is a Ho for you to make such an observation. Carson 1 ask your worship to prevent an other observation of that kind. Eaton ( to Mr. Harrington ) Wo cannot allow such observations as that , aud If you repeat I shall have you removed from the court Harrington ( very excitedly ) You needn't take the trouble , as 1 have such confidence in tills court I will remove myself from It ( dashing on the table the book ho held. ) That expression is enough for me. I will have nothing more to do with this solemn farce. ( Great applause In the court. ) Eaton Very well ; very well [ angrllyj. Harrington I will have nothing more to do with It , and I throw the responsibility upon you. Eaton Very well. This court stands ad journed till 12 o'clock to-morrow. The proceedings this morning for Mr. O'Brien were chiefly remarkable tor the en thusiasm which greeted him as ho came to or departed from court , and for the subdued tone of the magistrates and counsel for the crown. This latter showed they had overnight night received promptings from the govern ment. It has been Widely telegraphed hero that tlio press of the entire kingdom are hos tile to any cruelty or vengeance toward O'Brien , who is an editor as well as member of parliament and national leaguer. The magistrates yesterday leaned well over on the crown and the Balfourltes dread reac tion. When Magistrate Eaton commenced , In a f crocodlllsh way , about the absence of Har rington , Mr. O'Brien , with great dignity , said : "I must do my friend who was here , and more as a friend than as counsel , the jus tice to say that ho took the ouly course open to honorable counsel. I do not wish to re flect upon the bench , but I must say it yesterday permitted counsel for the crown to distinctly violate the amenities of the bar or social life. " But ho ( O. B. ) was now ready for judgment on the conviction ot the Oth of August speech. Tno Crown counsel , amid suppressed hisses , then , In a rather brutal and acrid tone , said : "I am ready now to go on with the next offense so that there can bo two sentences. " At this there were moro suppressed sybil- latlons , which appeared to anger him , andJio proceeded to say : "As I was leaving tlio court yesterday , a. mean , ruflUnly coward named Tanner , whom I regret to say Is a member of parliament , threatened me with his hope of personal vlolenco and " B.utthe magistrates stooped Mr. Carson , Intimating that ho had a remedy , Mr. O'Brien then briefly addressed the i court In an eloquent tone of protest and ol polite dissent In substance ho said , attei summarizing the sad case of the Kingston tenants whom an agent was persecut ing so as to forestall , while statu tory relief , as it were , hovered over theli thresholds : "I must deny the competency of the court without jury to try mo. Its composition Is foreign to the British constl- tlon , was never permitted in packed juries centuries ago. " Hero the court Interrupted and obliged him to forego the objection. At the same juncture the crown couusol roughly said : "None of your politics here. " ' The crowd showing a disposition to ap plaud , Mr. O'Brien waved his hand and con tlnued : "Tho crown has been guilty 01 suppressing evidence by keeping back , the head constable's notes which recorded hi ; declaration that he would give fair play tc the land bill , which would justify tin defense of the. tenants on the ground tha the evictions were commenced juston theevi of tbo passage of the land bill , and thus all J t did was to remonstrate against at a attempt to defraud ana , denrlvi the poor and wretched tenants of the benefit : d of that bill. 1 admitted 1 did go nroum and advise these tenants not to give up tholr rights without resistance , and 1 declare before - fore God and before man that they wcro jus tified In defending their homos from this calamity ; and , If such defense bo In this en lightened ago a crime , croud to suffer In de fense at those rights. " Magistrate Eaton then passed sentence , saying , In substance : "You have advanced no justification. Your language was In citement to vlolenco from Ignorant persons who did not understand the subtleties of language , " Ho rather snapped out "three months' Imprison ment , " but presently , on Inquiry from Mr. O'Brien , who , speaking for himself , asked how about an appeal and ball. Magis trate Eaton said an appeal and ball should bo allowed. Then tbo proceedings termi nated. Large numbers shook hands with O'Brien , and but for the police the whole court room would have followed with a levee. I hear that he will bo speedily balled , which event will suggest the reflection that If ball Is al lowable after sentence why was It refused during the time the law presumed him Inno cent ? _ THE HEftMN BUDGET. Americans Swarming at the German Capital The Kaiser. \Copvrtant \ IBS" by Jamtt Qanlon RcnnettA BKHLW , Sept. 24-lNew York Herald Cable Special to the BEK.J Never before has there been so many Americans hero at this season as now. The university Is not yet open , the musical work has scarcely begun , yet already there are nioro students In Berlin than during the busiest portion ot last year. The students of course form a largo proportion of these American residents , but old stagers hero tell me that they notice not only a great Increase among the Amer ican students , but beyond this a no ticeable Increase in the number of Amer ican families who come over to clve their children six months or a year of German and music. Formerly such families went to Dresden or soire smaller city. Now the tide seems turning' toward Berlin. Whether because Berlin has to a certain ex tent outgrown sausage and the mid-day din ner , or whether from some more Intellectual reason , Is not anparent. Whatnver the cause may bo , the Americans at any rate fill each Sunday almost to overflowing a good-sized church , supporting several distinguished pro fessors of music , and have boa-un to annex to the United States a number of pensioners. uiniiN's : OIIOWTH. Bcilln , tdB7 Is Irvine to live up to Its new reputation as a city of residence for foreign ers. The number of new large buildings going up In the main part of the city Is some thing surprising. With this growth are coin ing many improvements ; Unter den .Lin den , for instance , soon to be lighted with over ono hundred electric lamps of 2,000 candle power each. The Increase In land values In the city Is even more wonderful than the number of the new build ings. Ono of the numerous anniversaries which rather crowd each other this month has drawn attention to a case In which a plat of laud that sold sixty years ago for 1,500 thalers , or 4,500 marks , has just boon resold without buildings for 460,000 marks. Fifty years ago , though , was before Prussia had 'railroads , and when Berlin's population was a million people less than now. In fact , the city jhas seen so many notable changes durlnfr 'g ' time that Berliners - . liners will soon be jwluced , especially < In September , to the same predicament which produced All Saints day. Yesterday , tor in stance , was tholr anniversary. IIEER DIIANK IN BISMAIICK'S HONOll. Prince Bismarck celebrated quietly at Frledrlck Rube his twenty-fifth year as chief of the Prussian foreign office. Elsewhere events wore not taken so quietly. At all the Bismarck reunions'men dined and drank beer in the chancellor's honor yesterday. Fifty years ago at this time was signed an almost equally notable order that for the construction ot the first Prussian railway. It Is recorded , too , that the king signed this order for the Berlin aud Potsdam road with icluctant Impatience , not seeing , as ho told his family , what difference could It make to any reasonable person whether It took thirty minutes or three hours to roach Potsdam. THE KAISEU'S ANNIVEKSABY. The good old kaiser , who has seen all these changes aud caused many of them , also has a sort of anniversary manufactured for him In September , though not of the typo which will recur next year. Some one has calculated that the net ages of the kaiser , Bismark and Maltke will be together two-hundred-and-ttfty years. If one can judge by the sprlghtllno s with which the emperor studlei art at the exhibition this week ho is none the worse for his part of the 250 years. I notice another good sign also. To-morrow , for the first time In twc years he travels without an escort of news paper men. They followed him all summer , as well as to Kretstettor. Now , though , he has tired thorn out and goes to Baden tc celebrate the Kalserlne'a birthday without the escort of a single nature or foreign journalist. OTIIEIi 1NTEHESTINO NOTE9. Berlin , with all her growth is not altogethei prosperous , as witness the street car scene ! of the past week. A little child , uicclj dressed and well brought up , was carried Into a car by a policeman. The child' : screams for its mother were heartbreaking. It looked like a case of lost child fonly , but reallv the little girl was on the way to an orphan asylum , having come trotting into the police station carrying a nicely wltton card stating that the mother ot three children was able tc support only two , hence she sacrificed thl : one. Who the mother Is was not discovered but evidently she Is a woman ot culture fron the language of the writing. From Spermburg is reported an unusua case of long life. A child just born to Pau Ilelnze makes the' tilth generation now 11 v- Ing of that family. Metz is still full of pointers changing the signs , etc. , to conform to the now law whlc ) demands that German names shall replaci French words on all publicly exposed signs or notices. Consul-General and , Mls ) Itainor hav < returned from America. 'They had a pleas ant trip across , but are Inclined still to bo i little lonely for Baltimore. WASHINGTON'S STATUE. A Celebrated German Sculptor Kn gaged Upon It. [ Copyright IBS' liy Jama O.irclm OoiiiJlM BERLIN , Sept 24. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the BEK. ] Prof. Sicmor 1 ing's croat equestilau statue of Washington 3 ordered by the Pennsylvania society of Cin cinnati for placing in Fairmont park , Phila delphia , was recently shipped from Berlin u ; the steamer Santiago and within a few day : vylll reacti Now i'orkThe whole statue was shipped as one piece without accident al' thouch the bronze alone , without supports weighed over seven tons. As Slemerlng In formed me. the statute will probably not bi publicly exhibited in America until the bai reliefs figure of the pedestal Is also com pleted. I went to-day to see what progres- had already been made towards .the comple tion of what seems likely to be Philadelphia' ! chief ornament Prof. Klngsly showed . 'rat tho.condltlon of It lies bcatterei In three or four larto rooms , with naif : dozen workmen chlpplne and moulding the rough plaster models. In ono room lay the nearly completed plaster Indian who Is to form ono of the four tou-foot Ilgures at the corner .of the pedestal. As showing the minute care used In working out even such minor Inures , I noticed that on one side re clined a human skeleton , tied and blocked up Into exactly an Indian's position , while on the other side lay a man selected as the model for that part of the Indian then being marked. Around the room were pictures and skeletons of more varieties of the red man than 1 knew existed. The pro.oasur said. " 1 already have been at work live years on this Washington monument. It may take tivo years more to finish It , though 1 hope to get It all to Amer ica within three years. It must not bo exhib ited till everything Is ready , as the public will hardly get a fair Idea of it unless seen all to gether. You can judge what an Immense amount of work It is when the sculpture tries to make faithful likenesses not only of Wash ington , but also of the chief personages , civil and military , of the American revolution. Every detail must be worked out from life and not merely from ono model the head statue ot America. 1 had to blond a dozen faces In order to get as near as possible to the American typeof Washington. Thohorso had to bo a fine flguro from several models , yet subordinate to Washington himself , so that the eye of the observer rests upon the man , not on the horse. I noticed scattered around the professor's room sketches and photographs of every st.ituo of Washington in America , while on a table wcro copies of all the known portraits of Washington , to gether with a creat variety of books , giving an Idea of life and character In icvolutlonary times. The likeness of the civil and military heroes of tlio revolution In bold relief on both insldes of the pedestal are so excellent that I was able to pick out In half finished plaster models such heads as those of Put nam and Jefferson. The monument , when completed , will occupy ono of the finest sites In Fairmont park , overlooking the river. There remains an Immouso amount of work still to do , but what is already done Is enough to make ono regret that the work does not go to the city of Washington as a national monument. FRENCH AND AUSTRIAN tilES. False Reports About I'rlnco William's Throat Other Forelun Gossip. ICopvrluMcd 1SS7 l > u New York A iociated I'm. ] BEIILIN , Sept. 24. The alarming reports of the renewal. In a bad form , of the throat affection of Crown Prince Frederick William have been traced to Paris and Vienna sourcns. They are so definite and detailed that they created much anxiety hero. Inquiry sent to Fobloch elicited a telegram , to-night , stating that the prince had not been troubled with fresh symptoms. These assurances , however , do not quite dissipate the popular alarm over the Prince's condition. It is believed ho has had a slight relapse , The relations existing between Garmany and Franco , at the present moment , are less irritating than for some time past. Count Von Munster returned to his post at Paris yesterday chaiged with a pacllio mes sage from Prlnco Bismarck to M. Flourens. The seml-ofliclal rofeienco to the aircst of the lad , Schnaboler , received through the French ombassey , states that Count Herbert elicited from Bismarck a promise that In disposing of the case , the youth of the culprit would ba taken Into consideration. . . < There Is no improvement In the relations between Garmany and Kussla. The French I'rlnces. PAIHS , Sept. 24. The cabinet have a second end time debated the advisability of expelling the French princes from the teriltory of the republic. It is reported that they are divided on the question and have concluded to allow It to remain undecided until President Grovy returns to Paris. It Is apparent that the princes themselves expect to bo expelled , for they arc all busily preparing for the future. lirleht on Salaried Representatives. LONDON , Sept. 24. John Bright , la a letter approving the action of the Northumberland Miners' association In refusins to longer subscribe toward the payment of salaries to the representatives of their districts In the house of commons , says ho does not favor the payment of salaries to members , because ho does not wish that parliamentary life should be made a trade , as It Is enough so already. Suicided at Sen. QirEKNSTOwN. Sept. 24. It was learned on the arrival of the steamer Wisconsin , that a passenger named Denworth committed suicide Sunday by jumping overboard. The vessel was stopood , and a boat lowered , but all efforts to rescue him failed. Stones and Batons at. Dublin , CORK , Sept 24. Dr. Tanner , nationalist , tnado a speech at Fermoy to-night. The police In dispersing the crow' used batons. Thn people replied with stones. A worse disturbauce Is feared. Shameless and Unexampled. LONDON , Sept 21. John Morley , speaking at New Castle to-day , repudiated the notion that there was any split between himself and the Gladstonlan party. Ho characterized the government's course on the Irish question as shameless and unexampled. GOING FOR THE "GAS TRUST. " Chicago's Corporation Counsel Will Prosecute It In the Courts. t CHICAGO , Sept. 24. ( Special Telegram tc the BEK. I It Is believed that a vigorous wat is soon to bo waecd against the "Gas Trust , " a syndicate of Philadelphia capitalists , which a short tlmnago , bought up all iho gas com panies and electric litrlit works In tlio city ol Chicago In order to have a complete monopoly of the lighting business. The effect of their regime Is already being felt bj a raise in the in Ice of gas and electric light and a promise Is given of a further raise soon , Major Itoaeho Is decidedly opposed to a monopoly of this kind and recently asked Corporation Counsel Green to look Into the matter. To-day a protracted confeionca wa held by the mayor , the corporation counsel and the commissioner of public works. Mr Green bad his opinion with him and i formed the subject ot deliberation. The matter will probably be presented to the clt\ 'council soon. Although the mayor wouh say nothing , this evening it was learned or good authority that the corporation counsel , after an exhaustive examination of the chai tor of the various companies and of the law ; and ordinances relating to them , has arrived at the conclusion that the Gas Trust Is at illegal corporation , independent of the nro visions of the gas companies' charters. It I1 said ho takes the ground that such tilists an illegal and unconstitutional on the slmpli ground that they are opposed to public pollej and that the welfare ot the ontlro people Is jeopardized by such monopolies. The oplnloi takes a strong ground against the trust , anil advises that the law department bo In htructed and empowered to proceed agalnsi the trust In court , The outcome of this mat ter Is eagerly awaited by m.iny.citizen who are suffering from the rapacity of these monopolists. If thn opinion is sustained i will form an Important precedent for othoi cities In the clutch of , or threatened by thl ! Hvndlcatp , which also alms at a monopoly o ! the street car business in this and othci cities. Elected Officers. INDIANAPOLIS , Ind. , Sept , 84. Tin Switchmen's Mutual Aid association , whcl | has bcn In session all week consideringrou tine business , elected ofllcers and adjournei ' ' to-night ; . ' . A TEST CASE MADE AT LAST. Tha Board of Transportation Decides Against the Elkhorn Road , MANDAMUS WILL BE ISSUED. Last Day of Several County Fairs Republican Conventions Dr. nnor Hurried Cuss County Crimi nals-Other Nebrnskn News. Forcing an Issue. , Neb. , Sept. 24.-fSpeclal Telo- cram to the DKE. | The state board of trans portation this afternoon passed upon the finding In the question ot rates as com plained of against the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad , deciding unanimously that the rates were unjust and unreasonable. Ac companying the finding against the road was n tabulated statement ot what In the opinion of the board , was a just and reasonable rate. This table of rates reduced the existing local tariff , on the line of the Krotnont , Elkhorn & Missouri Vnlloy railway , from one-third to one-half. Tno table Is comparison of pres ent rates on the road from Lincoln to all points with the now rate ot one-third less ordered by the board , and showing the excess of the existing rate over the now rate as ordered. The reduction Is ordered on all classes of freight up to class "E" in car load lots. If the road should accept to the order , overv road In the state would have to comply to alike reduction and the public would bo treated to n saving of one-third on freight Hut the roads have no idea of complying with the order of the boards. They have clvon their opinion that the board Is powerless - loss to change rates and will light It out on that'basis. The papers were put In the hands of the officers last night to serve on the manager of the road ; and If the order Is not complied with at once the board of trans portation will Instruct the attorney general to commence mandamus proceedings against them In the supreme court and the plea of the road that the board Is powerless will bo at once decided upon. The board is pushing these proceedings and in fixing the ono-tnlrd reduction on this test case acted unani mously. Blunders Comity's Roiiulillonn Slate. WAHOO. Neb. , Sept 21. | Special Telegram to the Ur.i : . ] The republicans of Saundcrs county met In county convention at the court house to-day and put In nomination the fol lowing ticket : For treasurer , George 13uck ; for county clerk , Horace Clark ; for register of deeds , Otto F. Stcon : for sheriff , 1) . K. Wilson ; for county judge , O. C. Tarponrlnjr ; lor superintendent of public Instruction , J. M. Darr ; for clerk of the district court , ij. E. Oruver : for county commissioner , John Scott was ronominated ; for surveyor , W. W. Alt ; for coroner , lr. Ira G. Stone. G. W. Stieppard was nominated for representative to ( ill the vacancy caused bv the resignation of 0. J. Harrison. The conventloh also selected a delegation of eleven to tlio judicial convention ot the Fourth district , instructed for Hon. George 1. Wrleht for district judge and a delegation of Elerun to the state convention Instructed to favor Judge Maxwell's renomi- nation for supreme judge. The convention also adopted a resolution roalllrmlng the dec laration of principles of tlio republican national platform of 18S4 , and the state re publican platform of Ib80. They declared In favor of submitting to a vote of the people all questions regarding the change in tlio fundamental law and expressed sympathy with Gladstone in his efforts in behalf of the Irish people. The ticket nominated IB a strong ono throughout and complete har mony reigned , w , , < , , -v Buffalo County Republicans. KEAUNBY. Nob. , Sept. 21. ISpcclal Tele gram to the BEE. | The largest and most harmonious republican convention ever held hero took place to-day. All the pre cincts were represented and there wore only three proxies In the entire body. Hon. II. C. Anarnws was elected chairman , and EdttoClaybonr , of the Uavenna News , sec retary. J. T. Mallallou , J. G. Tate , H. C. Andrews , J. 1 * . llartman , Jr. , L. 8. Irwln , II. II. Bowlo , F. E. Taylor , II. Gibbons , M. II. Noble , S. W. Thornton and Key Kopno were elected delegates to the state convention , and E. 13. Jones and ten others were chosen delegates to the judicial convention. All are for F. G. Hamer , the present judge. The county nom inees are as follows : For county 1udgo. Frank Huston ; for treasurer , Frank MooroS for clerk , H. M. Hankln ; lor clerk of the court. Jolm Forestall : for sherHT , John Wil son : for countv superintendent , F. Snare ; for surveyor , E. N. Porterlield ; for coroner , Dr. G. L. Humphrey. The ticket is consid ered a strong ono. The Lnst Race Rnn. AuiiOHA , Neb. , Sept. 24. [ Special Tele gram to tlio BIK.J The Hamilton county fair wound up to-day with good results. The weather was Hue , the fair was well patron ized and It was a success all around. Prob ably lifteen hundred people wore out to-day to witness the conclusion of the programme , the grand parade of blooded stock , the trotting race , running race , and other amusements. The awards worn completed , purses and premiums paid , and all hands went homo nappy. The Do Lorme theatre company has been playing In town all the week to good houses , and It too went away with a bioad smile of satisfaction ot the week In town and on the tair ground. In the half-mile dash this afternoon the Reynolds pony won by a neck. . Cass County Criminals. L.INCOLX. Neb. , Sept. 24. [ Special Tele gram to the Bri : . ] Shorlll Elkonburry , of Cass county , brought eight prisoners to the penitentiary to-day , tlio partial results of the district court in Cass county In handling criminal matters. The prisoners wore : Henry Smith , two yo.irs for burglary and larceny ; T. Cavauauzh , two years for bur glary and larceny ; John H. Brady , two vears for burglary and larcenv ; Henry Shradur , ten years for horse stealing ; Wil liam Fotoman , tluee voars for assault with Intent to kill ; Edward Kululit , three years for burglary and larcnuy ; Edward Knight , seven years for assault with latent to Kill ; James Hall , thrpo years for burglary and larceny ; Fiank Williams , thtoo voars for burglary and larceny. Tliero will bo a second end delegation very nearly as large boloic the present term of court is ended In that county. _ Tlio News In Oakland , OAKLAND , Neb. , Sept. 24. [ Special Tele uram to the BKI : . | Tlio Hurt county fall came to a close yesterday , and was a dccldct success In every way. The premiums will b paid In full , and money left In the tieasury The exhibit of everything was good ; fai better than any fair in that part , and mud bettor than any fair In this part of tlio state A most creditable exhibit ot hogs and horses was on the ground. The scoring of the hogf was done by M. L. Trester , of Lincoln , ni export In the business. The vegetable ex hiblt was very good , in some things bcttei than that ot the state fair. Two of the Holt ! pumpkins weighed 140 pounds. The nillltlt boys of Tekamah were In attendance. The following ofllcers for tlio ensuing year wen elected last evening : 1'realdcnt , J. ( J. Pres ton ; vlco-prosldent , James McD.inlois ; treas < urer , C. T. Grltliu ; secretary , M. 13. Jtoborts , TJio following resolutions were unani mously adopted tit the last Union Temperance anco meeting In Oakland. Whereas , It has been generally knowr that Kov. It. A. White , pastor ot Jho Lu theran church , Is boon to remove Iroin oui midst , and Whereas , During the'Ills short while In has laboied amonp us ho has gained the lovu and esteem of all who know him , and Whereas , Our town , , bv Hio removal o Kev. White , loses n good clti/.cn , the people : true .friend , n faithful pastor and an actlvi woiker in tbe-tumrjeranco cause , therufun bait . Itesolved , That we. on this , occasion , iepiu oontlng the different religious denomlnn- . tlons , as well as the temuoranco people ; ' . hereby oxpiess our regret at the removal ofr Kov. Whlto and family ; and further bo It Resolved , that If the decision of the r < y moval of Kov. Whlto cannot bo changed , wo ] extend our heartiest well wishes for success , and god speed for himself and family in the Held whoio ho may bo called to work In grand calling as a minister of our Lord andkj Savior Jesus Christ ; and further bo It j llesolved. That OHO copy of these rosolu-t tlons bo delivered to said Kov. Whlto and ? ono to the Oakland Independent to ba prlulcd In that paper. > Endorsed the Hoard. t CI.AY CKNTKH , Nob. , Sept 24. [ Special Telegram to the BEK. ] The republican * county convention for Clay county was hold * hereto-day. It was the largest convention over hold In Clay county. The entire audl-'f enco room of the court house was packed1 with spectators In addition to tlio ninety-live ) regular delegates. The principal Issue had boon on the selection of treasurer. Tho' owns of Sutton , Edgar and Clay Center each ? ad prominent candidates , backed by > olid delegations. Tbgro was , however/ universal disposition 'to ' t > o harmonious nd after the contest had ended tliero was at encral baud-shaking all around , and the cgular republican vote will back up the on- ' ro ticket In November. S , A. Scarlo , o ! Cdgar , was chairman. The following ticket pas nominated : For treasurer , W. M. Valteis ; for clerk of the distilct court. .1. E , Vhceler ; for county clcik , L. F. Fryer ho pie&cnt Incumbent ; for county judge mlgo Canfleld ; for county superintendent rot. Hursh ; for county sheriff , Kdwnrt ) avH : for county surveyor , K 1. Groff ; for county coroner , H M. Elder. The delegates to the state couvoiv Ion are : L. D. Fowler , 11. 11. Dunn , P. L Valton , K. G. Brown. O. K. Wash. 11. M Joldsraith , B. L. Harrington , W. P Schockoy , Gcorgo Brige , Thomas Eluor am " K. Howard. The delegates to the judiciary convontloi nro : L. G. Hurd , Thoihas Walters , M. S : dglimton , W. S. Christy. B. M < P Sonoy , W. S. Prlckett , Henry GrosslmnsJ i. S. Silvers , J. B. Dlnsmore and C. it ] Martin. The delegates aru Instructed to usol nil honorable means to scruro tlio rcnomlna-J Ion of Hon. W. H. Mori Is. Resolutions , vero passed endorsing the state board ofi transportation and favoring a two cent pass * ' onger tariff , lower freight rates and .lowo * ; eioeraph anil o.xpress rates and favoring special session OL tlio legislature. End of the Ouster County Fair. linoKEN Bow , Neb. , Sept 21. ( Special to ho Bin : . J-The Custer county fair conclude * ,0'day , , Tliero has been a dally attendance ! of from four to six thousand people. Theioi was a very creditable display In every do- , paitmont. Some of Urokon Bow's most enJ ( tuiprlslng merchants displayed excellent' taste In tlio airangcment of their exhibits ! There was the usual amount of racing. Ouo of the principal features ol the entertainment , was the excellent music furnished by Fiai' zcll's band of thirteen pieces. The city Is to have two food mills , onfl. planing mill and anotiior largo two-story brick block yet this fall. Victory Assured. . N , 2-1. ( Special Telegram to the BKK.J The republican county convon-J tlon mot hero this afternoon and the utmosty harmony prevailed throughout the cntiie nro- < ceedlngs. John Nightingale was nominated for treasurer , M. S. Phillips for county cleric , James Densmoro for clerk of the district court , F. N. Gallant for superintendent , on- schools , W. E. Goodhuo for county judge , and N. Beck for surveyor. The convention , adopted a platform strongly republican in , sentiment. The delegates to the judicial convention will support Judge Morris for rol nomination. The convention over , the rc j publicans of Thayer county are In shape tq. secure a glorious victory at tlio coming elccV tlon. . _ _ _ O. A. R. Hall Dedicated. LiTCJiriEi.n , Nob. , Sept. 24. [ Special to thoBii : : . | The new G. A. R. hall In this place was dedicated last night with Imposing ceremonies. Although this Is a new townVI tully 500 people wore presont. The cere monies were conducted by the post com mander , Kov. S. P. Dillon. The sneaker oC the evening was Hon. Gcorgo Williams , ot Grand Island , and his address of an hour's length was listened to very attentively by the ) whole assembly. The name of the oiganl/a4 , tion Is Perry vlllo post G. A. K. No. 23J. Th ' Loup City Cornet baud was In attendance. Waterworks For Oavld City. ? , Nob. , Soot. 24. [ Special.Telev gram to the Bun. | Schroedcr Bros , obtained the contract to-day to construct a system oftj waterworks for David City for the sum o g'-i-J.OOO. The very satisfactory manner In vthlcli thev built the waterworks tor Column bus gave tlicm prestige with David City of ficials and a guarantee to secure an honest job. The Columbus system ot standplpo and . direct nressuto combined will not bo dupll- ca'et' ' ' ' . _ Colfax County's Republican I'rinia * HOD. bciiuvi.nn , Neb. , Sept. 24. | .Special Tele gram to the BPE. | The first skirmish in the campaign In this county beiran to < nliht In tlio republican primaries. In this precinct , which has a delegation ot twenty-eight , the main light was on the candidate for ticas- , urer. Thuio weio three tickets In the field , i tliero being that many candidates for that olllco. A delegation favorable to John Prokes was elected. _ .TcflTerHon County Republican ! ) . FAiinitmv , Neb. , Sept. 2-1. | Special Tele gram to the BriKj The republican conven tion held to-day was largo and harmonlons * The following county olllcers were nomin ated and will bo elected : Kobert Truman , troasnier ; J. N. Thompson , clerk ; Jamoa Ireland , slicrlll ; Edward Coles , superintend ent of public Instruction ; W. C. Wiley , county judge ; A. W. Mathews , clerk ot tlia dlstiict court ; N. E. Davis , surveyor ; Dr , Dodge , coroner. Violently Insane. COI.UMIIUS , Neb. , Syot. 2t. | Special Tele gram to the Br.n.J George Davis , slier 1 ( Tot Madison county , had to lay over at the depot to-day wltti an insane man named Joe Lowe , about one hour. Lowe was violent , wanting to light everyone he saw and was with ditll- culty i entrained from beating his head against the stone wall of the. depot. A. 1'romlnont Democrat Wedded. NOKKOI.K , Nut ) . , Sept. 21. [ Special Telw gram to the Bii.l ; Dr. A. Hear , the well known democratic politician , returned front the cast to-day witti a bildo. Ho was mar ried to Miss Mamie Lcoy , at Richmond , Va , , on the lU'th inst. Nebraska City by lOlcnrrlc NciiiiASKACirv , Net ) . , Sopt. 21. [ Special Telegram to the Bnu.l Tlio electric light plant was finished and the. lights were sue/ cesstully turned on to-night for the llrsl time. A TnHto of Frost. NOIIKOI.K , Neb , , Sept. 21. [ Special to tli < HIK. : | A slight frost was visible hero thli morning , the lirst \ > l the season. Crops U this becti on are beyond the danger of frost. Fnlrbiiry's Fnlr. FAiiini'iiY , Neb. , Sept. 21.1 Special Tele- pram to tlio Bii : : | 'Iho Jelfcrson county IM will begin the 27th and continue through till week. Cleveland's St. iloo Stay I'roloiiKcd ( ST. Josii'ji : , Mo. , Sopt. 24. [ Special Tele gram to the BII : : . 1 The time has IICCB changed whereby President Cleveland will arrive at St. Joseph at : ! : l.l p. m. and leave al S:45 : p. m. , it stay of two hours and a hall In htend ot tlui half hour lirst reported. ThU rhaiiL'o has been maile. , Uiiounn Col. A. U < Dawe.s , general passmiillr agent of the Kan. has City , St. Joe & Council Ululfa railroad , OUT which President Cleveland will arrivoi All trains will bo sidetracked for the presU party , and the attcrnoon trains out of the city will be held until the departure ol the president. The trains villl \ > o made ug bctuHtui Omaha and St. Joseph und SU Jo > bcph and Kanb-as City.