E f * THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , SEPTEMBER 24. 1887. SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements underfills head. 10 cents ) > ino for the first Insertion , 7 cents for each sub cquent Insert ion , and II. Ma line prr month ho advertisement taken for leva than 25 rents tor the first Itnortlon. Seven words wll Joe counted to the line ; they must run rontocu- tlrely and must DO paid In ndvanc * . All adver tisement * muft lie linndcd In before 1 : 'rM o'clocic p. m. , and under no circumstances will they be taken or discontinued by telephone. Parties advertising In there roiumn and barIng - Ing the answers addressed In care of Turn II RI will please nek fnrn check to enable them to ( rot tnclr letters , as none will tin delivered oxceot on presentation of check. All answers to adver tisement * Mionld lin enclosed In envelopes. All advertisements In these columns are pub lished In Ijotli morning nnd evening- editions ofltiK HKK , the clrctilRtlon of which nggro- antes more than 14.1X0 pnpnts dally , and glvoa Ino advertisers the benefit. nut only or the city circulation of THE HER , hut nlso of Council Blul's , Lincoln nnd other cities and town * throughout th I * part of the west. term * C1i In nflrnncn. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. , 1505 Farnam street Complete abstracts iur- nUhcd , and titles to leal estate cinmlned , per fected and guaranteed 419 BUBINEB8 OH AMOKS. BUSINESS Chnnco-Oood clmnco for sharp younr mnn with small capital , AddrostE 32neoofllco. 56 23j FOH BALK A complete steam laundry bav in * twenty horse power engine. .7. 8. Bennett ) Snundors ndd Clark sts. 8:0 FOK B MiK A wholesale business , with a paving trndn established , . Capital required about $4iMK ) . will tuko pnrtOmnba ronl estato. Addreis II69 , Roe ofnco. ISO BUSINESS Chance Lnundry for sale with Rood Increasing trade. Apply at once Ad dress B 24. lleo oince. Ml 28J A young man with 10 years active business experience as office mnn In largo manufacturing business. Hns capital nnd services to invest In first-class established business , llest references given and required. Address K 4VUoe olllco. 731 24J BWSINKB3 CHANCE-An experienced manu factures of sash , doors , blinds and nulld- Ing tna terlnl would like connnctlon with a first- class established firm In that line of business. Investment of services and capital. E M. Tleo ofllce. 712 24 j TJ10R SALB-Moat market , very olinnp. JL Terms to suit purchaser. Tnqulro J. A. McOIure , corner " 5th nnd Davenport. WANTED An active youn ? man with ahout'S.VMo luo to take an Interest in a ( rood paying and permanent business , none but those who moan business need apply. For par tloulnrs call at 814K B 15th St. , room 5. 060 23 FOll BALI ! The boat-pnrlng mnall hotel In the city : 2,000 cash will got It. 0 K Lee , 1207 Farnam HI. 7W THOU BALE Corner saloon , receipts 150 per X ? day. * 4 , ! > ilO : (3,000 cusli , near depot. CB Leo , 1207 l-'nrnam at 714 TJIOR BALK Stock of { 16,000 dry goods , cloth -L ing , boots and shoos. Good cash retail trade. Huslnesg only one year old. Loss of partner by death cause for selllDg. Address Hall It Illce. 1'liitn Creek. Neb , 750 ' . ' 5 "I7KJH SALE One of the belt located meat JG markets in the city t good business. For further Information address B 27. Boo nrflco. 803 27J BUBINFBBCHANCB-On account of sickness not being able to tend t the business the restaurant and .lunch counter , will rent the name to some good and responsible parties. Apply to Jonn A. King , 1303 Douglas St. 601 WANTED Partner In well established , good paying office business , (1,500 capital re quired. DOt , One office , 323 FOK BALK Or exchange , grain elevator , Western Iowa , for land In Central Nob..or merchandise , address box " 00 , Central City , Nob. & 52octl J FOH SAI.K-Oeuernl merchandise , (12.009 , cleun , well selected stock In wide nwako. fast growing Colorado agricultural town , largo sales and profit * , slckni ss cuuse for solllng.llve party can double business. Address D 48 , Dee ofllco. 201 SMJ H SALE-Mcnt market. I offer my market A ? nt a reasonably low figure. My reasons for Boiling arn : lain not able to see to the business myself on account of my health and wish to leave for California soon as possible. One of the finest locations In the city. No competition and low rent and tine trade. JllockH , tools , wagon nnd team , and ovorythlng in running order. For further particulars call at once at corner 2Cth and Davenport ft roots , raoat market J. A , McCluie. 627 CLAHWOYANT. MI-IB. DEVONSHIRE. the great clairvoyant. lias just arrived and located at N W cor. 15th and Cnpltnl ave. Bho reveals the past present nnd f uturo , causes speedy marriage * , gives advice In business , oto. She never falls to give satisfaction. Hours fromV. in. to R p. m. < ffl oct 1 ] _ _ V1KNNA fortune teller , 618 S 14th st. _ 831 oct S ] MltB. HATr'lELD , Trance business medium. The past present and future revealed , sick honied , lost found , homes made nippy , sittings dally at 421 8. llth it. 457 o 15J _ It NANN1K V. Warren , clairvoyant Medl- cat , business and test medium. Office 119 North 16th street , rooms Sit a. Telephone Ml 556 IIS. DDKANT-Clitrlvoyant from Roilon Is reliable In all affairs of life , unites sepa rated lovers. ; cr. n 10th St. , room 1. 84ttoot4J WANTED MALE HELP. "t V * A NTB D - 15 stone cutters. Droscol & Foil * Btonoyard , cor.-Cth und Jones st Ml ) Z4 WANTKK Porter atonco. Lincoln Tailors. 730 S3 _ WANTED-- away , 0 boys from 11 to li. 1717 Bt. Mary's live. 734 24J WANTED--Men to work on telegraph line , $ - ' , and expenses. Cell on W. A. Simpson , CimlloM houto , butwccn U a. m. und 2 p. in. 733 S3J _ 117 ANTBD-Flvo traveling salesmen. Balury ii nnd expenses. No experience ucrcs- snry. Address with stamp , Pnlmor & Co. , Lacrosse , Win. _ , 480-2-J * WANTED Agents In Nebriuka for Qcn. John A. Logan's last work "Volunteer Soldier. " just published. Address J. M. French i Co. , Oinnhn , IVeb. 234 WANTED Agents ( both ( tixo * for our now patant combined rain coat and skirt pro tect or. Protects from storms and keeps skins bottmn dry and clean , and lower limbs warm and comfortable. Also men's and boy's line rubber < ontf > . Address with stamp , K. 11. Campbell iV Co.164 W , Randolph St. , Chicago. W ANTlin Men for railroad work. Al bright's labor agency , 1120 Farnam. BGi WANTED A clerk to make out deeds at tba grout (10.JU ( sale at 1415 Farnam street. Apply Monday. 6 3 Y\ , ANTED Men and women for nn easy , i > money-making business which pays four times bolter than any other. Worthy persons with limited means will bo offered extraordi nary Inducements. Wrlto for free samples and vpocinl terms. Address Merrill Manufacturing Co. . 11 63 , Chicago. BIS s2S * \\"ANTED Good cutter and coat maker ( on i > perion ) , Apply ut once to box 490 , VII- llsca. la. 13-J 24 * WANTKD-New class of 10 pupils , dlligont workers , for special short term , full course , day and ovnnlng sessions , at Hloke'a Shorthand Institute , see circulars. Omaha lluslnesi College. 16tb and Capitol avc. MUocf.'l W ANTED- R. men at the Scandinavian Employment bureau ,1110 Fanmm. 633 23 \\7ANTFD-2 ptiod bread bakers , one first and ii ono lecond , atouco , 2401Cuuimlnsnt , _ B2 j aj \\7ANTED-10U racn tor the south , 50 for Iowa and Missouri , 309 8. llth it. 615 aj * WANTED 75 men for Wyoming , t : per day , froor.do. Mutual olllco , 1007 Farnam. 78 TJJ _ _ _ \\7ANTKD Young man to soil custom shirt ii in this city , one vxnorloiiced preferred. C08 N ICth Bt. 72U "IXTANTED- once , two coed coatniAkers , T' rirood pant jrunkor. and vest milker. No others need apply. Address M. llerdolt i Son , l , Neb. UO 23 " \\7ANTUD-Ono flrst "clan wnlto barber , first ii clais wn cs guaranteed. Address John C. fling hum , Oranil Island , Neb. 7M 23 ' 3 good farmers , fQ per month Ti for one year. Mutual ofllco , IOU7Faruum. WANTE1 > A talesman oxperleicod in crockery , gUnware and notions. r.ddres . E M Hep. ma SJJ , J TITANTRD Hey to "care for horse und do IT llg&twork. Dr < Jonei , 141114 Farnam WANTED-liar her for Saturday mid Sun. , day , 3)1& ) Cumins it , 74 J sij WANTED A partner with n emnll capital In a fast growing business : an American nn- qualnml In the city preferred , address II So , lice olllco. 6832 ; ) WAN'l'KDtlookkpeper. . Cdmmerclnl school tcholars need not apply. K46 , llo % office. TI223J WAN1KD Coat and pants maker tn go to t'roinont , Nob. Inquire at J. Hasiror- ahok' .2U5B. Utlist 769 24J W ANTKO-Onocoatmakor and one bushel- man , O. Hiss , 109 N 13th. 74'J 2IJ \\TANTKD Man and wife for private family , T T 5:10 : ; nice place for the winter. 2 men cooks for boarding bouses , man cook for hotel In ( own , Canadian tmp : office , Mrs. llrega It on.3lli 3 ISth , Tolm. 773 23J WANTED Porter , man to do general work nround store , must understand running boiler for steam heating. . lion of references required. Thompson , llcldcn ft Co 707 ANTFU-DrIvers at The City Stoiuii Laundry. 7PB23 WANTIin-M men for Wyoming. Albright's Labor agency" , 1120 Fnrnnm , G13 WANTKD-W ) men for quarry work. At- brlght's Labor agency , 1120 Farnam. 614 ANTKD-A m7n or boy to call nt SIllTralT- forma stiect and take care of horse mornings before B and ovenlnys after R o'clock. 683 84 WANTKD-IlrlcHlnvors. Apply to J. K. Hllcy , Armour's packing-house , South Omaha. B3127 WANTKD-Three ) 'persons to learn book keeping. Situations. J , B , Smith , 1613 Chicago st. 7112U WANTED A man who has had experience In selling furniture , who Is acquainted In Omaha. Address B 6t ) , care Dee , giving par ticulars and snjary oxpecUd. 775 25 ] WANTED Those who are In need of male or female help to leave their order with in. Male help supplied free of charge. Hate City Employment office , 314M B. 15th st. 7202t WANTKD Traveling salesmen , otllco clerk , must know shorthand ; city salesmen , mechanics , young man to distribute circulars , ofllce boy , chambermaids , girls for general housework , lady to act as agent for St Louts house. ColToo and tea headquarters , 1503 Far nam , room P , 2nd floor. 725 23J \\rANTHD-10 splners for Nebraska. 12 nnd ' $2.25 per day. Mutual Agency , 1007 Far- C07 22J W ANTED H. H. men at once , (2 per day. Bcand. Emp. Ilureau , 1810 Farnam. C09-23 \\7ANTKD-Partlcsln want of good reliable * ' help to leave their orders at Hcundlnavlan Employment bureau , 1610 Farnam. Wo have a number of applicants every duy for all Kinds of work. 5RO 23 W ANTKD-A reliable white man to take charge of the Paxton hotel boot stand , references required. Apply at the office. ( J22 23j WANTKD Mnn to feed bogs , one that con loan ou security fft'X ) to 91fa. 1) ) . D. Smith , Hiirnl hotel , Fremont , Nob. CM 25j \\i ANTI1D-A salpsmun experienced In dry V' goo < ls , clothlnir and shoos , must bo good stock Veopor nnd willing to work for employ er's Interest , permanent position to party not afrnld of work ; state experience nnd salary expected. Lowy llros. , Springfield , Neb. GCtlZlj W ANTRD-Mllkor at Saratoga dairy. 4115 Saundors. 633 WANTED The general public to know that we can supply jou with male or female help that will glvo satisfaction ; no delay and no disappointment. Western Employment Bureau , 1612 Farnam. 641 WANTED-Flrst-class bookkeeper , who Is also competent of superintending of flr t- olass contracting and planing mill. Address E 83 , lleo office. 5(726 ( 17ANTED 4 German boys to carry papers , > 507-50V & 12th , upstairs. 686 WANTED FEMALE HELP. \I7ANTED n dining room girls for Lincoln , T (18 ; 2 for Wyomlng.(2t3 ) ; dining room girls. 1 dishwasher , ! housekeeper and first and second cooks for same uotol In Iowa. Laundress for Central City , f 18 ; fares ail paid ; In city 5 din ing room girls , 2 hotel laundresses , 2 women dishwashers , 2 women cooksCO girls for house work. Lots of nice places at Mrs. llroga & Son , Canadian Kmployment office , 316 South 15th st Telephoned. 779 23J WANTED Lady copyist for office work. Must be good writer and quick at figures nnd pleasant companion. Wages (40 to (50 per month. Address E15 , , lloo officn. 7KI24 - W ANTED Cook and laundress. Inquire at 2312 Franklin st IXU-25 * WANTED Girl for general housework , call at once at 4tnjp > us sontn of Leavcn'th on Virginia avo.best of wages paid to good girl , Mrs. Goo. H. Fltchott. 721 23j WANTED A first-class girl for general housework IB a family of two. Wages (1 per week. Inquire ut once 212 N 16th st 6 23J WT ANTED-Girl for general housework. Mrs. Olios. F. Hall , 1545 Sherman ave , GIIILS Are given placed free of charge. Wo bavo places waiting for you in all parts of the city. Gate City Employment office , 3 a 15th st 710 24 \\rANTED-Good girl. 2-U4 St. Mary's avo. VV 607 WANTED A dining room girl at 131R Loav enworth st , Vt/ANTHD Immediately , addresses of ladles ' and gents desiring to bocomu scientific op ticians , fitting of nypermotropla , presbyopia , myopia , simple and compound astigmatism , thoroughly taught by mail. Box 710 , Mnnkato Minn. 66J23J W ANTED Girl for housework. Inquire west corner 10th and Williams sts , 304 W AMED-Good nurse girl. Mrs. W. M. llushman , 614 a 17th st. 517 COMPETENT Lady and gentlemen teachers at Dlako's Shorthand Institute , Omaha Uuslncss College , 16th and Capitol ave. 602oot2J W ANTED Woman cook at boarding house ; (5 per wook. 710 S 14th. 601 22j \l'ANTKD-The ladies ot Omaha to know ' ' that we charge no fee on ordorn for girls until girl IK supplied. Send In your orders to the Gate City Employment office , H141S. . 15th street , 720 24 \\MNTED'-aooil Birl for general housework , V > small house , three In family. Good wages. Apply 243S Davenport st 572 1 > PANTED A girl to do errands. Mrs. Hlco , Room 14 llushmau's block. U32 ANTr.D-Cook nnd laundress. Dr. Coif- man cor St. Mary's nvu and 27th st EutJ WANTED-Glrls nnd all others who are look Inp foraplnco to know that wo do not charge ofllce toe unless plsco is secured. Dp not ho deceived by concerns who take your monuy without giving you n place. GntoCity Employment olllco. II1US S 15th st. GJ4 WANTED-Pnrtles requiring ladies or eon- tloincn to nil responsible positions , suoh as clerks , cashiers , accountants , etc. , to know that they can bo supplied free of charge at Mrs. IJretra 4 Sou , 310 S. 15th. Telephone 8)4 , C53 2JJ W ANTr.D-Qirl.2002 Cnlllornia St. 763 Ww w AMTKD-Good glrU for all kinds of work , Mrs. J. W , Morrison , 214 N. 15'.h si. 64:24 : WANTED-2 flrst cooks , 1 dlshwnshor , 1 worclng bousokeopor , girls for general houioworkandteamstors. Western Employ ment Auonoy , 1612 Farnam at 71'J 23 WANTED Expononcod lady clorka corner ] 5th and Harney sts. Mrs. J , Donson. 717 2JJ WANTBD-Tuuntr. bright clrl of nbout 17to Milst In housuwnrk , 210 N. 10th st 76 ; ! 25j "Mr ANTED-Girl at Silt Farnum it. 753 26J \\7ANTED-lri ! for croneia ! housework , > Swede preferred , .111 North I2thr 7i 2ij WB Now hive good glril coialnii Into tha city every dv looting for places. Lo.ivo ygur order at our office and we will alre von nutlsfactlon. O.ito City Employment oflico , 3144 H. ir.lh Bt 413 tl \VAN'1ED Girl for general bout work ut No. 101H Cnpltol avenue. P0 JLOST. LOST rianiiel dress pnttuiv. lu ilui.n. on , lluldnn .v Co.wrn ; > i > orr'iuri lu 3 i ft i ; > ta 7 < T 2-ij IOSfA yellow nud whltn sp-jttod fomnlo * puppy with short t U Return to 11J1 N 16th Bt liotwuon Nlcholm and Paul und receive rev.aid. i' < ti 23J LOSl- Dark buy pony : halter on : star on foroiioad , tnilr ruuboci off forxhevd. llrandodon l tt hip. Return to .V. Polack. 131S Pnrnam. (3 reward. 837 2JJ HISCELLANEOTJS WANTS. WA'NTKP-Nlcelr furnished roo"nr'wTt"h board in private family whore a kind old lady can ho-made comfortable for the winter. N r blcvtlon toUlitnnoc. Address p , Q. iioz < SSciu. Til WANTED-tloom and board to desirable quitters by two gentlemen , Nolchtior- hood of lotn st south of tracks preferred. Address - dress K. 48. lloe onico. 7S83i _ \VANlED-Octlgood house of from"to9 ' . rooms , modern conveniences , either in Council muffs or Omaha by family of 3 adults. witling to par from f 40 to f CO per month. Ad- drc s liiriloo. 743 25J _ W ANTiD : A good gentle anddlo pony suit able for lady ; apply at 017 S 1.1th st. WANTKD lly a lawyer , desk room or part of office with a law or real estate nrm. Address IJ45 , lloo office. _ 714 " 4J WANTKI ) HOHO and buggy on monthly payments , Address K uv , Boo office ; M 85J _ _ _ _ WANTKD Hoard and room In private fam ily for either one or two gontlomon.nonr business center ai possible , hut not farther west than 20th st Address 1531 lloo office. 0 V\7ANTED A largo , well furnished hou o : ii modern Improvements , with burn , In cen tral loention. E 54 , DOB olhcc. 770 25J \\rANTBD-Doard for ladr and daughter , with two nicely turnlshed pleasant rooms , between Clark and Ohio Bts , references exchanged. Address D CO , Dee ofllco , with terms. 841 27J WANTED To buy the furniture of a small or large bouse , centrally located. Co operative Lind and Lot Co. , 205 N 16th st. W ANTED Throe table boarders at 2118 Hurt st. 507 \ 17'ANTKIecotidhrtnd furnlture.stoves nnd VT household goods for spot cash. Call at 117 N 18th. 250 s2 MONEY TO LOAM. ON BY to loan on city property. Iluy good notes. Beavers & Whitoomb,18084 ! Farnam. 772 $3uOOon to loan , special rates on farm prop erty , Sobotkcr It Porrlgo , 1521 Farnam st , , to loan in any nmount at lowest rate $500,000 of interest. H. n. Irey. Frenzor block. 407 MONKY We loan money on Improve d prop firty for any desired uinount at low rates of Interest , to run from two to ten years time. Btotts , fox A Houston. ItXffl't Fnrnam. 859 ONRY to loan to ) > urtos | wishing to build 8. S. Campbell , 310 B 16th St. , Chamber of Commerce. 409 M ONEY lu gums of IW10 and over to loan at low rates , Uussoll & llarrett , 312 S 10th st , 704 MONEY LOANED at C. F. Hoed 4 Co.8 Loan Office , on furniture , pianos , horsoswagons ; personal property of nil kinds , and all other ar ticles of value , without removal. BID B. 13th. over Blngham H Commission store. All busi ness strlctlr confidential. . 41. > MONEY to Loan-On Improved olty property at lowest rates of Interest. No commis sion charged , Sholos & Crumb , room 1 , Darker block , cor 15th and Farnam sts. 615 MONEY to loan on real eetnto. No delay. First mortgages bought. Hates , Smith It Co. , 203 Ramge building , cor. 15th cud Harney. _ J 002 oct7 MONKY leaned on furniture , pianos , organs' , Horses , etc. , low rates. J.J. Wilkinson & Co , , 1324 Farnam , over Hurllngton ticket office. 411 A 1,000,000 to loan , H. E. Cole , 310 S 15th. First d > mortgage notes nought. 376 MONEY to Lonn , secured notes and mott- gages purchased. Duslnesi confldor.tial and no delays. C. H. Wolworth , corner under under Paxton hotel. 42823J MONEY Tn loan. Lowest rates. No delay. J. L. Illce It Co. , over Commercial Na- lonal bank 410 TO LOAN Money Loans placed on Im proved real estate in city or county for Now England Loan Trust On. , by Douglas County bank , luth and Chlcauo nts , 414 THE OMAHA Flnancl.il F.xcnango , N. W. corner of llarnoy and 15th streets , overstate National bank. Is prepared to inaxo short time loans on any available security. Loans inndo ou chattels , collateral or real ' estate. Longtime loans made on improved real 09- tate at current rules. Purchase money mortgages negotiated. Bccuroil notes bought , sold or exchanged. Short time loims made on J-eeoud mortgage , according to marginal Interest , at collateral rates. Heal estate to exchange for good Interest bearing paper. General financial business of all kinds trans acted promptly , quietly mid fairly. Money always on hand for approved loans of any kind.without delay or unnecessary pub- 'iclty. Corbott , Manager. 418 MONKY to loan on Improved real ostito : ; no commission charged. Loavltt llurii- hum , room 1 , Crolghton block. 413 6 PEH CENT Money. It C. I'nttcrson , 15th and Harney. 401 , To loan on Omaha city property at 6 $600,000 per cent O. W. Day , a. e. oor. Bx. Bid. MONEY to loin , cash on hand , no delay. J. W. and E L. Squire , 1413 Furtmin St. , Paxton hotel building. 411 M ONEY to Loan-O. F. Davis Co. , real es tate und loan agents , 15G" Farnam st 406 MONEY to Loan Hy the unilorsUncd , wlio has the only properly organized loan agency In Omaha. Loans of (10 to (100 made on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons , machinery , eta , without lemoval. No dol'iva , All business Etrlctly confidential. Loftnx so made that any part can bo paid at any time , each payment reducing the cost pro rata. Ad vances made on fine watches and diamonds. Persons should carefully consider who they are dealing with , as many new concerns are daily comlmr into existence. Should you need monev call and see mo. W. K. Croft , room 4 , Wlthnnll building , 15th and Harnoy. 417 $ ; 750,000 TO LOAN at8 per cent Linahin Mahoney , IWJ'J Farnam. 403 MISCELLANEOUS. * \VT11EN You nro out of work and ara looking V V for n place remember to call at our ofllco. If wo ha\o any place wo will give It to you , if not , wo will toll > ou BO. Wo make no charges unless situation is boon rod Gate City Employ ment Olllco , 314i ! S. 15th St 720 24 CA-SH paid lor second hand books at the Antiquarian , 803 N 16th st. 723 o 2lj ANGLO American Mortgage and Investment Co.,01110(52123 ( I'arnam st. John Cnllcy , manager. nss oct 21J BOAHDIXG for S gentlemen In private fam ily. No children , 13.12 North 17th.O'Jl O'Jl 2.1J SHORTHAND Fcr on desiring H practical knowledge of shorthand will do well to communicate with me. U 28 , lice ofllco. 6W ! 23J BOARDING Good board and room at 50i So 1SU1 gt IJ25 U7j NOTICE to Heal Estate Agents Lots 5 nnd 0 ( live and six ) , in blk 40 , South Onuiha.aro this day withdrawn from the market. Mrs. Anna Fay. 73721 F1IIST class help furnished on short nctlco tha ulty and al | parts ot the west wlmro faro Is paid. Weiturn Employment Agency , 1U12 Furnuui st 601 GOOD Pay for extra work. Qualify yourself for high salary by taking evening course at HI ike's Shorthand Institute , Omaha Business College , 15th and Capitol ave , I > 02oct2j ST CHAIILES Harney , between 12th and 13th. Hoard and room ( I.SO per week. Table boara U.50 per week. 43723 ] /1ANADIAN Employment Office Tills orders VV for all kinds of help on short notice. Mrs. Drcga & Son , 316 S lUb , telephone 884. 1000 28J imon KENT-organs , a per month , tiotvt , f U1S Douglas. 435 TO BXCHANGK-For cattle , 1 hare 800 and forty acres of rood wcstnrn land to tradn for cattle , and n good house and lot near the I'spltul will exchange for cattle. Address B. a. llryan. Ashland , Neb. 433 FASHIONAIILK dressmaking , s. w. cor. ot 2utb and Wubitor , stylish dresses and pnr- feet fit * guaranteed : price * moderate. 556 ! 1j rpo exchange for other property contract for JL 040 acres H H land In Cheyenne Co. , Neb. , two miles from rnllrot.il , also two U sec In Lin coln Co. . near rail road. McCuIlooU It Co. , oor 151 h and f amain its. fM _ Ol. 0. House furnnblng goods , all kinds ; caih or installment ; lowait prleai at J. lonn r. 131& Douglaiit 4 _ h KKN'C Hquar * Mane , montnlr. A Hosp * . 1B13 Douclaa. 4:5 _ NEW Profession for. ladlci , send for circu lars. Illake't Shorthand Institute , Omaha Business College , IClh and Ciipltol aye. 502octiJ DIL CHABK'S new Hecelpi Hook and Houto- bold I'byilolan. the "Memorial Edition" , of over BOO pages. The "Crowning Life Work" of the greatest author and binefaolor that nrer lived. Just out Agenti making Imratnie safe * . Dig terms. Addreis , F. 0. DlckenonJt C . , Detroit , Mich. Mention thl * paper. 844PQT4J fU 0 floip , iiaDguii ; fc PERSONAL. " | 3EH9ONAIi Arbflned Rontleraan represent- JL Ingn wealthy eastern houso. desires the acquaintance of an BTOOthpllihed lady , whom ho will establish In a profitable business. Def erences required. Address K , A. Clayton , city p. o. [ 687ar PBHSONAL-Loitlesweihavo plenty of good girls for cooking , nursa glrH , housework , etc. Leave orders with us. 15tn st Employment - ment office , 220 N 16th. " _ ' * 6M S8 MISS A. M. ALDnlCilrmental healer , treats diseases absently. 'Address 63 Warrenton st , Boston. Mass. j ; 19Js 25 } PEItSONAIr-C. 8. Whlitii soils hard anil salt coal , 1513 Farn tl and 18th and Izard. 475 s ill pKHSONAL-Orlzrlr. Or/nslderour / acnualnt- J anc ended unless you bring inn a war ranty deed for one of thnsn $10 lots to bo sold at 1415 Farnam st during fair woek. Imognno. Otfl PSHSONAL K , Wlehlo.M. A. , teacher of the piano , organ and vocall/atlon ; Instruction Invariably of blithest order : Al reference , Office : Mai Meyer A : Pro. 3KisJ9 . _ PUJISONAL Private home for Indies during conflnemant , strictly confidential , infants adopted , address K 42 , lice onico. 167 oct 8 FOB BALE MiaCEI/LANEOTTsT" OR SALEoaoasy tcrmi Pony f 3000 Pony , 40 DO Pony N ) ft ) Pony harness and cart % . 121 ( W Illack driving horwi. 4H years old 100 W ) Orar delivery horse , l.UOO Ibs 100 ou Oray draft horse 5000 dray draft horse , 7500 Gray draft horse 7500 Gray draft horse . 150 CO Light driving team mares 20000 Hay saddle horse ( slnglefoot ) 100 00 Team roan ponies , . 12000 Bay driving horse 15000 W. T. Soamnn , East side ICth at. north of Nicholas , Agent for Studebaker Uugglos , Wagons. Eto. 780 " 17OH SALE Flno team of horses , team oft -t mules , also MltAell wagon almost now with harness , alto some tine light driving 'lorscs. ILMannwollorEagle house , 414 8 14th 7S3 25J I ? OH SALK A largo black linrRc.onrrtage and f harness , A lady or child cnn drlvo him with perfect safety. Two bovs , who have full auth ority to sell , wilt drlvo him up and down Far- nani and Douglas Us. For further particulars callat 1F01 Davenport st , 70223 FOK SALK Family horse and buggy , (15J. Ono hard coal burner $10 , ono (15 , owner leaving city. Address B. 44 , lleo ofllce. 724 28J FOH SALE-Cheap , ( C01 worth of household furniture , c.'irpel" , bedroom sots , oto , nearly now , nddros.s E 2ii lloo. 070 24 * FOH SALE Upright piano In use ( no year , at sacrifice. Inquire 424 N 17th st , 523 24 ] FOH SALE-1'lno buggy team ; also drives splendid single. Inquire Ogg & Palmer's Ivory stable , cor. 14th and Howard. 515 2j | jV > K SALK A Hno younr road horse , n top buggy nearly now , and harness. A H Corn- stock. 152.1 Farnam st. 701 25 [ 71OH SALE Hero Is a bargain on a piano , - only (275 , coat ( fiOO , taken lor debt and must bo sold , elegantly carved , 7j ? octave , su perb tone , French repeating action , ono string Bodour upright piano : greatest bargain over offered : must bo sold and moved ut once. Call Furporson Storage Co. , 715 N 16th Bt. , Omaha. 69fi 28 FOIt SALE Now foldingbed at n bargain. Cor luth nndSt MaVJf'a ave. 735 24 * FOR SALE A ton-hnfte engine In skids. In good repair. For particulars. Imiuiio of Ira James St bons.south end ICth st viaduct. " 709 83j TnORSALE A flno stallldn , address R H. Kennedy - nody , Omaha , or J. JcriHIngsCouncil 1)luffs. 1. " 504 25 IT-OH SALE At asacriflfle. 1 Nine tliousand dollac worth of MIscclHneotis Hooks , whioli I desire to close out previous to my unrly rsmnviil to east side of Ifith st. north of Nicholas st , where I will carrv the largest variety > t bugglos , phaetons , carriages and wagons to bo found at any ono place In the city. t < / W.T. Seaman , Now at Vanillin and 11th sts. Agent for Studotmker. - 003Oct 20 FOK SALE-OnoO.OOO-lbT'FBlrlmnk scale for * ; i3 If sold at onco. ' JUJi. a'rolol It ro. , 27th nnd LcarenworihA" . * . " f.0024J . F Oil SALK Ice in car lots. Gilbert Bros. , Council lllutrs. 78ioct3 FOH BALK Furniture anil lease of good paying hotel In South Omaha , lionawn It Co. , 15th St. , oiiDoslte poetofllco. VJ2 POH SALE-Sot good double harness , almost now. U. F. Harrison , 413 S. 13th st. 629 FOK RE NT HOUSES and LOTS. FOH KKNT-60 foot space on Dodge st , opp , P'O , . with large window , flno location , only ( .10 per month. Mitchell & Loyonmark , 1518 Dodge. - Cjfl 24 FOH KENT To a small family ; 7-room house , 1131 North 17th , also furnished room for rent , at 1U15 Farcam t , Kaufman llros. , 1009 I'arnam st 3HJ TTOH HKNT-Houses-003 Colfax St. , 9 rooms JD undbaih (550) ) iUS : Georgia avenue , 8 rooms and bath . . f > 0 Oil 3007 Jackson St. , 7 rooms and bath 33 00 1307 Park nventio.n rooms and bath .10 00 1410 N. 27th St. , 4 rooms and cellar , etc. . . . 2001 1303 Park avonno , tine store room 4000 3510 Webster street , I ! moms and bath 15 00 Colfax and Jackson st , barn 503 F , U Gregory. 3'iO 8. 15th st. Ii20 C1OH KKNT A newliouso of 10 rooms , mod- L ern conveniences , with barn , on I''lh and CiiBlcllar. Eniiutro at 1016 Center. Ii2 ; 24 * F IOH HENT A oonvoniont new 5 room house , 153'J 21st st , between Center nnd uorcas. 1128 21 * RKXT ID-room flat , all modern Im provoments. Imiuire'-Oil ! Davenport. 513 IMJ F IOH HENT 5 to 10 room houses. Good tlon. U.K.Colo 1110 Br > th. 410 > OR HKNT-I * room homo and large barn TJ ' ( ti.on WolHtor st near IRth , (160 for fur- nlturo which is ! now. Co-oporatlve Land and Lot Co „ 2J5 N lOtll. 677 24 FOR HUNT 10 room homo bet 10th and 20th st on Farnam. ( W per month. Furniture for silo , $ HOJ , terms ' /i'eusli , rooms rented nt a good nrotit. Co-oponitlve Lund nnd Lot t'o. , 205 N 10th. 70323 IfOH RKNT 11 room house , central location , 1 furniture nearly now , at n bargain. Ad dress I ! l l Hcoolllco. ftOfl 23J Mlt RB.ST-No.it cottflgo , $11) ) per month , N. W. cor S. I'.ith und Martha. 7i)0 25j 1710R HENT-Ten room brick -L Dodgo. All modern Improvements. FOH HENT A nice U room house (20 per month , Ariisimm Heal Estate , Hudick block , room i < , ' 746 25J FOR RKNT-Nlce 4 room oottnco In Om View. 15 per month. jlApply Omaha ci inorclal c-ollcgo , "fit * 745 FOK HUNT-Partorall fifrcnoof the nnost of- flees tin Farnnin At. f&ll nnd see me. H. H. St. John , 1817 Kurilura. FOR HI'Nr-Omco spaMfnt 1523 Ptirnam ft nnd furniture for sulttl A. H. Comstock , 152ii Farnam st. TV 762 RENT 7-room boilllk now , 1 block from streetcar , (30i Evanj Illaokburn. 71W2J TTIOH RKNT It-room liiflo within 6 blocks X" of P. O. Active U. ICsM ) and P. Exchange. 1524 Dodge It. 1 ' 794 23 F OR RENT-House * miiirst class locality. Apply M. Bigiittor , UM Farnara at. 771 29 I7 OR RKNT Cottage of seven rooms with nil conveniences , and furniture for sale , In quire on premises , 643 & 7tQ Bt. T. J. Fitt- morris. , * , 764 TpOR HFNT-noti o , antfrurniture for sale. X" nearly every room oHupied. House new , all modem convenience * , three blocks from postoltico. Address E. 41. Don. fl'Ji 23J FOH RENT Kloven room house , centrally located. Rout (70. Furniture all now , nnd for sule ohoap ana easy terms. This nlnro Is first oluts. Co-operative Land it Lot. Co. , 205 N ICth it. 1195Si | 7KK RKNT Now 8-room'house , all modern -I ? Improvements , on Georgia are. R. O. Put- teraon.cor I6tli and Harney. ! 7 FOH HENl-Ooraraorolal house at Davl.l City , NeU. AaJrow Henry Will , RUIng CityNob. WJ Oct 'jj ' TOH HUNT Hasomcnt nf 3Hi S. 13th st suit- -L1 able for barber bhop. Apply to M. F. Martin Cl7d,13tk st. 45 TOR RENT BOOMS. FOR HUNT-Furnlined roormmlsnS or 3 part lyfurniihed roomi for housukncnlng , Ifof- erencu * required , 1'10 ' Wi > b < tist 710 S4j FOB H'ENT-Furiilsliod roomT 117 ortM. ' 711 TTIon RENT Large front parlor with oar J window , and alcove , aim bthor rooms with nodcrn convenlencos nt 1JJ1 Farnam st. ono ilock west of court house. 831 F 10It HKNT-ruriihheJ rooini ISM Dodge. WB oct U Ofl HENT To a small family , " -room house , U.tl Nort 17th. Kaufman llros , 1U01 Par- nn.m st RUNT Ofllco rooms nud bafomont at 1204 Farnam st. 71.1 27j FOR RENT Nicely furnished room , hot nnd cold water , bath room. OIB Soutli 17th. 470 OK HENT Nicely furnished parlor' with heat , 133. Small room , ( ' . ' 3. I Oil Farnam 9t 727 23 1JIOH UKNT-UiifuinUheJ piirlor nud bod- J room , 1PJI Chlcano. 703 OH HUNT-Olllco spnces on ground lloor , ono front window. Bmiulroat l.W ) tnrnnm st , of J. S. Blcnardson. CM octa HKNT Nicely furnished room suitable Iron J for S Rontlofflun , luqulroUiIll St Marys ave. FOR RENT A largo , ncatlr furntmiod front room , with bay window , also smaller room , 2025 Farnam st. 241-24 T710H HENT-Nicely furnished mom , both , hot -T and cold water , 618 3. 17th st. ! > 171OR RENT 3 nloe unfurnished rooms , lult- K able for housekeeping , 14th ami Pierce , np- ply to 617 8.18th st 371 FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms from f A upwards. Hoard can also bo hod If desired , terms reasonable. 20IS Harney st 7M24J TTIOll HENT-To respectable married couple JP first floor of afurniihcd house , splendid location oloso to business , board owner for rent. K 57. lloo office. 784 25J FOR RENT Elegantly furnished room on first lloor , with modern Improvements , 1817 Cass. 68 fjlOH RENT Handsomely furnished rooms , f single and en suite , gas and bath , 1700 Dotlgn 447 S3 OH HENT Nicely furnished south front room , 112 and one tor $9 , for gentlemen. 2024 Harney. BS'J 20J RENT-Plons > int rooms , furnished , FOR corner 20th nnd Wehalor. 318 FOK RENT Ono largo pleasant room , south front , brick flat , suitable for S or 4 gentlemen - men , 1416 Chicago st. 2H8 F 1011 RENT Furnished room , 1315 Farnam Bt. 7S1 FFOR FOR HUNT Nlooly furnished room for 1 or 2gentlomon. Central location on cur lino. 424 N 171 li. 843 22J _ HKNT Vuinishod rooms in Oreunlgblk. FOH cor 13th and Dodge st. Innulro of Davis * Hothorlngton. Mlllard Hotel Billiard room. 233 FOH KKNT Vlcoly furnished rooms , from $8 to $20 , plnno Included , modern Improve- tnunts. 3. W. oor. ol 20th ami Woostor. KB MJ FOH HF.NTNicely furnished cottaKO.chcap. Call after 7 p. m. . 714 S mh. 6fiO 23J HENT A furnished front roum , second FOH tlooor , largo and pleasant , three blocks west of business center , 1'JH ' Douglas Rt. 04723J _ OR HUNT Nicely furnl'hod room suitable for two. Terms reasonable , oor Park nvo and Loavenworth. 012 g.1 _ OOK HENT-Nlcely furnished rooms to gen- J tlomcn ( iniy , 20jp Douglas Bt. 53230 F I OH HUNT Suite of rooms suitable tor two or three gentlemen , 1R23 Dodge ut. 60 ! 83j _ OR HBNT I'urnlsViod rooms ! suitable for light housekeeping , suite of rooms for four gentlemen. 1009 Duvonport. 544 23j POK KKNT To gentleman front room , (15 per month. 1712 California. 541 FOH B.KNT Nlcelr furnished rooms. 1613 Dodge. 5B127J FOH HUNT Furnished and unfurnished rooms tor light hunsokocptng. Also ploasunt furnlsned roomS lor gentlemen. In quire at 801) ) Howaid st. 7S7 251 OH HENT--ltooinon1st lloor 151U Fartiaul 6t. Slovens Droa. 7H8 2fi THOH HKNT Futnlshod rooms , 2201 Dodge. .1 ? B 21j FOH HENT Furnished front rooms for gen tlemoii nt 71 ? a 15th , uvo blocks from Far num. 071 2r > j F Olt KENT Furnished room to a lady , i.'oom fi. old Ilrownoll hall. Mi 24j FOH HENTFine largo room , newly fur- niihecl , with niljolnlng small room for two or three gontlcmon. 113 S. 21th st. 741 24 * OH HENT Furnished rooms to ladies or F gentlemen. 3)1 ) North 12th. 751 25j FOI HUNT .Voatly furnished room B22 S ir.tb , ( U per month. 753 25j ITIOH lllINT-Furnislied south front room -L with board , modern conveniences , for 2 gentlemen , 18H Dodge. 752 FOH KENT furnished front room nnd ot rooms at 22" ! Farnam Ht. 758 201 FOH 1IKNT 3 unfurnishud rooms. Inquire 1114 S 12th St. 6B424J flOH HFNT-PleasBnt and romfortablo rooms one block from I * O , 1M)5 ) Capitol uvo. G74 24j FOH HF.NT Furnisned rooms In Grounl ? blk. cor 13th and Dodge st Inquire of Goo. H. Davis. Mlllaid Hotel Billiard room. 2-U F ° ! HKNT Furnished front room , ground lloor , , 150.1 Davenport CSl 2-1 F IOH KKNT-Nlcoly furnished front rooms , 015 S. IHth st M8 24j FOH HENT An elegantly furnished largo alcove front room , now house , all modern Improvements , with free boat and gas , two blocks from postotflco , 1707 Dodnu St. C02 F UUN1SHED roous at 1913 Farnam st. 633 25J \ArANTED Boarder ? , and rooms for rent at > ' the Summit hotel , corner 6th and Wil liams. 5.11 24 > HE NT Furnished rooms with board , 1W1 Fnrnam. 307oo4j F IOH KENI-Hoom suitable for I or 2 gentle men , with board. 1812 Dodge. 506 FOK HENT-Nlcely furnished toomi , to gen tlemen only , 220 N. iiith at. . Room 2. 4J'J SITUATION WANTED. WANTED Situation as clerk by a Gorman with oxporlcnoa In gon'l in dsn and host Of reference. Address U31 Hoe olllco. 1138 2rtJ \\TANTii : ) Situation as coachman : can V ? milk : by young c-olorod muujgood rofor- ence.s. Address E 211 , lloo otllco. 63023' WANTED Posltlon by nn experienced bookkeeper. Good city rofcrenco Ad dress KI7 ; , lleo. 072 24J \\7ANTIU ) Young man 31 would line posi- ii tlon with good house. Good business e.vporlenuci and ability. Hcliublo. Has glvon guardlnn'B bond for ill,00) ) , which continues In force nineteen years. Adihoss K 52. care lloo , Omuhii. 7i32 21J WA N TED-A position n's travollifr sales- man , Oct. 1 , long nxparJouou , good rufor- cnces given. Address K SI Hot olllco. 761 21J "WANTED Situation by a young man , 22 IT yearn , spoats KiiKlHh , Grrmnn and Scandinavian , hnrtondor or In H more , host ot references. 1407 South 13th street. 617 23j \\7ANTED Hy a young man with good rofor- ii oncos , a situation In an oflloo or whole- into storo. Address E M Bee. CS'J 23j fTtHE services of a peed nurse for conllno- -L meet , cases may bo obtained by uddiesRing EGO , Ilco.onioo. 771 24J WANTED Situation by middle-aged man as stenographer and typewriter , has good city references and will -work lor moderate wages. No office foe. Canadian Emp. olllco. Mrs. Hrcg &Soii,31B8 15th. 'iel884. 778 21J YrANTEDSltuatlons for 8 nice girls just from the east , will bo lu our olllco till en- Mr § . Ilrcga fc hon , 316 8 15th. Tel. hB4. 773 2.IJ WANIKD-Sltuatlon as housokeeppr by a Canadian widow of 3o ; is a good man ager , an economical cook , aim n real nice woman. Any onn fortunate to secure tier services mar coiiBldnr hlmacif n luuky man , Mrs. Drega It Son , 316 8. 15th. 707 2JJ \\7ANTED-SltUHtlon by a tteiJy , reliable Ti man as watchman or general work lu wholcSHlo houee. Kclcrenso glvon. Aildn-ss I' 63 , llee ollico. 7CI ) S1J HOTELS , Hestaurauts , etc. , uro Biippllci froocif charge * at our otllco. TOP best of help furnlrhfU. Goto City Employment office ai4U a 15th St 70 24 \\fANTED-Sltuatlon by a nice Swedish irlrl ii Is ap excellent cook , but uan't do washing Also for 2 little glilsto mind bwble\ Have nice girls coining from the east otcryday. Mrt IJiogu tV Son , 310 S. 1Mb. Telephone * 4. 70783J \\7ANTED-Younir man experienced In 11 short-hnnd and telegraphy wanut em ployment. Address U 43 thi * oibce. 71B j * RK9PKCTAntiT5 woman require ! plain scw- ing at own homo 1818 Farnam st WANTKD-Plttmtlon by young mnn , Swede , In private family , thoroughly under- tan Is horses , has good references and expects owork. Nooitleotoo ; Cutiadlan Kino olllco , Irs , llrcg.ta : Bon. 3168 IMh , tel. f . 5 < 7 21J BOOKKKKPEH wants situntlcTnT retail pro" eery preferred. 3 years' experience. Itef- ercnces. Address Kf > 5 , lloo ofllco. 79S23J ANTKD-GriTln ' attcIuioTu imT W - dealers' A 1 1 die agcit , active , smulo man , thoroughly Kisted ou grain , want * a position on romtnls. don or salary , Is a good book Keeper , well aiown In Nebraska , respectable nnd best of eleronees , ono month's trial free If I fall to Klvo sutltfactlon. Address Grain , box No. 9. , Mromsburg , Neb. 6V2 24 A thorough bookkeeper with fifteen years practical experience will bo open for a losltfon on or before October 1 , llofeioncos A 1. Address K V , lleo office. 4'.H.IU ) BTOHAOE. GTOHAOB Furniture , boxed goods. Ac. , ) - terms reasonable , 714 Pacific. IM STOHAQIi First-class storaire for nice fur niture or boxed goods , at 1MJ Dodge-it FOB SALE HOUSES LOTS ] EAD THIS For Ilargalns , Lot f. . block 10 , West End , on Far- nnra treetfiOxl87 feet t 6,000 Lot 10 , Elizabeth Place , on 111th tt,60x 140 feet with house 4,000 * Lot 17. block S , HlmobauRh' * add. , 1 acre . . wlthhouso 1,500 4 east front lots lu Kllby Place , ono-flfth cash 1,000 Lou In Catnlpa Place f 1,100 to l.POO Lot ! In * Highland Park , one- tenth cash SMto 850 Lot 11 , Washington Square , south front , n bargain 3noO 93xl3J foot , south nnd cast front , on Farnam street 8,000 60x146 foot on Dodjro street near High enool , with 12-room house 12,500 This Is the cheapest Improved property on the Bt root , price holds for nfow days only. South front lot In Rood's Fourth , ou Sprtico street , only $2,751) . The above pieces of property are lower In price than any ether In the neighborhoodana the terms are easy. We have several other lots equally as good at low prices. Call and examine our list. Omaha Real Estate and Trust Co. P. C. nimobnugh president , Alvln Saundom secre tary. 1504 Farnim st 701 20 TfOU BALK- Lots 13 , 14 and 15 , blk 2 , Orchard -C HIM , | | , ro each , K cash ; lot in , blk 2 , Han- scorn Place. 12,750. II. A. Bturgos , ugt. No 10 , Crolghton block , South of P. O. 7 .i 3SJ FOH HALK-Oraham , Cmghton blnck. 120 feet on Pnundcrs St. , (11)0 ) pfcr foot , cor. Lot 11 , block Cl , Shmn's 2d add. , eouth front , Klegant lot on Charles st , near 27th , f2.300. Knst front lot In ficlson'a add , ( .1,000 , ! { cash. Bovon lots for sale or trade at u bargain n Clovordalo. Good soutli front lot In block 0 , Orchard Hill , South front on Hamilton , on motor llno.f 1,800. Corner lot mid houto Juitwestof Sounders St. _ (3n00. _ 738 27 7" .1 8T your property for snle wltb Charles U. JJ 8potBiTOodUSJi ) ainthst. 643 _ $ WH ) will buy 40x127(4 ( , south front Apply at3414Ducuturstreut ills 82SJ _ ' "PECIAL nAUOAlNB-Stioles 4 Crumb , Itooin 1 Darker Ulock , Cor. luth and Far- nnm streets. Warehouse lot C0xl3 ! on Unrd st . S ( ,000 Corner on Davenport west of High school , 48xi : > 2 . 5,0K ) 80x140 also 75x140 on Virginia ave north of lienvonworth , at a bargain . 2 lots on a corner In Foster's add . 5,500 Bflxl2 on Saunderi St. , fronts two streets 7.WX ) 19x128 on Baundors st , fronts two streets 7.000 Fine corner lot In Hansi-ora Place . 2WO A line new 8 room house In good locality only $4 ,500 and easy terms. 773 24 \XTHAThave you to trade for fine 2-story residence and two lots In the west part of town ? John c. Thompson , Herald office. 574oc3 G OOD lot on Hristol St. , (1,300. Graham , Crolghton bloon. 73927 . 8LOMAN , Hoill ostiuo,1311 Karnamst. SA. Farnam St. botweo'n Twentieth and Twontj'-tht-d , 1I8X13J , per foot ( 433 Farnam st corner Thirty-Unit. 136x132 , per foot'v IV ) 1'anmin st. near pavement , 47x132 4,150 rarnam st near pavement , 115x132 8.310 Farnam st. oortior Forlv-thlul , 44x132. . . 3&OU Farnam gt. corner NlncteonMi. Im proved , 22x132 20,000 Farnam Bt between Nlr lOonth and Twentieth , Improved , 77.xl.12 40.0JO rarnam st near Eleventh , 20x132 , rents for * 1,5CO 23.0W Fnrnam st near Twenty-Seventh , 80x132 par foot 200 Harney st near Twentieth , Improved 174X167 50,000 Harnnv st. near Twenty-third , Improved , MxT2 11,000 Harney St. near Fifteenth , Irnprovcd33x 132. . . I. . . . IWXV ) Sixteenth fct. near NicholasODiixlOJ 12,001 Sixteenth t soutli of viaduct , 40x102. . . . 5,0)0 Douglas st flHstofTwi-iity-thlrd. rflxii ; ! . . H.OOO Twentieth st , near St. Mary's nvo , un proved. 40x120. H.OOi ) Twentieth st. between Douglas and Dodge , improved , ! l2x01 P.OOO Biuindersst , corner Hurt , 100x51 7,5'iO ' Alice Bt , near V'anmm , east front , 47x132. 1.8JQ Fifteenth at , corner.I ones , Improved , 60 x32 ! 30,000' VouitconUi8tcornerJHck8onlniprovod , 6rxi , ; . . 30,000 Fourteenth st.cornerChicagoImproved , 60xit2 : 18OiM ivolCtli st , corner Jones , Improved , GOx 132 25,000 Eleventh st , corner Nicholas , trackagn. bflxIBi 0,000 Thirteenth st , Paddouk place , trackage , OdxtI2 2.500 Tbirtuentli st , corner California , Im proved , ronti ( I.OOtl 23,001 Park < tvo , opposite Park , 50x150 2,003 Davenport st , opposite Hlgn school. Uno modern fourtcen-room hnuso 00 x33 H.OOO CUBS St. , between Nineteenth and Twer.- tlnth , twelve-room modern homo , MX Iil2 16,000 Nicholas st. , corner Twenty -second , trackage , 13xii2 ! : , Improved 20,000 Charles St. , nuar St , Mary's , lmprovod.61 X128 8,400 Cttlpy i.tnear Crelghton oollegomodern ten-room hoiiFoi.'lxl ; < 2 fl-f > 0 I'loice st.noarTivontloth , 60x18fronts ; two stroutHImproved. 6,150 Dodge Ht , near Twcnty-slxtn , 3 > fxia'J , Im proved 3,000 Twenty-second 6t , nuar Grace. Bfixl20. . . 3,001) ) West Urn ah ft. In boil ton locality , 40 or 64 xl 5 , nor foot " > f > Twenty-first.cornerVInton.KrJO'J ' . . . . VJX ) Custellur fit. , nvxt cornar Islglith , niijx 1S1 ! 1,000 TblrLy-thlrd St. , corner DoUitvnre.IlanB- oonil'liicc 100x100 B.IOO Ltavcnwortlut. near Slxtoonth , ! i"xra. . P,0 > W WobstorMt.notrTwoiity.oiKhth , WilW , cm grade l.SOO In addition to the ahovn I havu lots In all cholco additions at low figures , 73'J FOH BALI.-Hero la a Jl.r/M tor some ono. \VZ lent cast and south ( rout and a corner on Lotto BVO , bet Cuinmlnca and Faiiiam.at ( ,1(1.50 ( per front foot. Inquire 100'J How rd.-Jd Hour , wust aide. 781 KJJ rpWOlnln In Albright's Choice , opposltu our- J. ri [ ; i < factory , Ht n barxuln. Can b divided Into liunliims property. Anyone wishing tn build In Kount e property , a fine south trout lot Tor 12.0iX ) ; term * easy. 10 acrunnear man ifacturing center at a bar gain If taken nt onoj ; can bo sub-iltvldad at once and iVX ) per nent realized. KUUt lots In ono body. Albright's cholre , at astonishing prlcos If takun in a lump ; nKo 103 lots In "Juno tlon Vlrw" at your own terms. ( lota in llrook- llnoattho original prluua It tukon Immodl- ntely. The above property can he purchased at a btrgaln If tnkon innloo of ten days. Cr.ll on Woodbrldgo HroH. We mean buslue s. 215 S 15th st. Opera hout > o. 374 2.'i I OT 11. block oTshiiin's 2d add , at (2.MW. tBOO JcftBh. Oinham. 73'J 27 _ uTill"T LACK 7iTrii"rdence lotr BltuaTod from onu ro live blocks south n ! the Koutn Omaha brewery Prices from J ! ' < > to ( i 3. One-third cash , bulanuo on eaxy turm" at R per cunt interest , J , .1 , O'Kourke , cole ownur. FOH SALE- Cheap , If sold at once , n nice lot In Diipont Plnco , or will trd for a good team. Scandinavian Employment bureau IH10 Faruuin. fiw. S.1 SALK 12- , foot on 8aiindcir st. , nt $ H 1 ptrfoot ( Jrftliani.Crelghtou blork. ? K SALB lICxlTJ ffotTirH track"oirNloh ( ins miJ I .th with ware bouse : iOjHju2 stories , prluo | M,090 , Address Shaw .V Hold , box.US , Oratiha. 21)2 Ol2 _ S KVHN lots for nalu or tradn at u bargain in Clovonlalu. Uraham , Cnilgliton block. rpo U.VrHA.NGK Homo money mid choice J lai.il lor flrDt class , Improved lucid ? prop erty. II. K. ColcH3 : ) nth 411 HALE -121x100 ft cnr Howard nnd Till sts , next block to Kat > * on , llrady & Mcr- IIOUE.US , $7,500. Address Km lloo ciillce. cso l'isDl il's'ft .12C feet atdOJprr front ft Graham , Crolghlun block. 7.-J 27 IflOltTltADIMlouse iit.d lot f. Mm-kS Kounf/o ' 4th mid , lunihc wH rent Hi 121 ji n : < inHr ; noenoumbrnnic , wllltrMin for n vn.rA.iit l < tor ball lot In Ilhiitcom plnco 4iVthvronboiit toco t. from li.Kd io t'jJM und will tnl o irjiirfctii-non prnpertr for thu bulanto. ' ( hnrloa 0 , hpott- woud , SUSUJs Uth. . VoA LIST your property with n. K. Cole , 3t & 1Mb. loom i , 40 OH. Thompson , real estate , 314 Boutfc - Fifteenth Mrccl. Corner on North Thirteenth street , 100x110 , our hoiifcs rent for t\f \ > M jer year , fKO. . 'twenty acres suitable for platting for W.OOX Fine business lot on Saunders atro t choap. Klni'St corner In Kalrmonnt place , f IMX Klrkwood lot , east front , 11,4V ) . Ono hundred and four foot frontage In block , Kedlck's subdivision , (4.VMX Corner 1 block North Loavenworth street , iror Ktrkondnll , for a few days only , cheap , Four-room homo nnd ono-huU lot on Soutli 'Ighteenth utreet , H.7UJ. Itenlilence lot near llmi coni Park , $7W. Huslneso lot Utylx fool nnd house on South Sixteenth street , * \,7lXX See my ll.it before purchnilng , 311 fouttt 'Ifteenlh street 4v Kargnln's'- nft.ltl ft . IV1 < Ot 3th it , 80 ft and four stores . 5UW t elegant building lots ono mile from J' O , HOOOto . . . . . 9M lurl ft IKU1M . n.OM 00x287 ft ou Pleasant et . . rsOOt The above are way below the innrlirt. W * lavoalargnllst nf houiiea and loU and vacant ots fnrsnlo In all paitsof the olty and CAB suit the moit particular. List your pmpcrt/ wltu us. Stevens tiros. . 1513 Karimm t , ' 7KI3 _ _ WE have omn good- Oman * property to trade for land or merchandise nnd a > rend farm to trade for elty property. If yow wish to buy , sell or exchange property see ua , Cone ft Jotinpon , 724 N Iflth St. 788 o \ _ FOR SALE -A beautiful two story house oft rooms just completed jelly water , gasan * modern Improvement- Mlllard AOildwell'a add , on locust st , ovt-rlcoklng Kount/o add , and within two blocks of the itroot car line. This house Is offered for sale for H smut tin * on the most reasonable terms. It is located la one of the best parts of city , and will Increase n value. For nil particular * apply to Cliarlof 3. Spotswood , UO.W S. 14th St. 751 FOR BALB-S elegant lots on "spring st. In Croston. Graham , ( 'relgloii block. 7rfgat FOH SALE A first-class hotel property doing excellent business. Mum soil tn sixty days. For price nnd terms nddrocs H. 8. Lilly , real oitato dealer llrokcii How , Neb , 2.U ) 3PROIAL HAKOA1N3-5 room house on 211th O near Yatus. f2,200 , $1,000 cash. 8 room house nnd 'J-3 lot In Dotilic's addition , with barn , * 3,700. fl .000 cash. 12 room house , full Int. nnSoward nonr Saunders dors , all modern improvements , f 8,000 , f3OM cash. 6 four room houses In Lowe's addition , I1.M9 each. $ ' * iH ) rash , balance on c-nsy tertim. Uoautitul lot In Hnnscom Place , 13.500. 6 room cottage nnd 3 lots , Walnut Hill , 13,000 , ono third cash. & Fine corner in Kllby place. $1,8(10. ( . Also seine choice bargains In Orchard Hill and Lowe's addition. tl. H. Wall and Co. , -.4 478 113 N. 10th St _ _ TilOH SAI < K Kino improved tnrm of ifilb aoroe -E in GosporCo. , Nob. , all under renee , good house , and nil out building- , price f 1,009. Address - dross J. H. Shnw. box MS.UIty. 201 o3 ] 1ST your ptoperty with 11. E. Cole , 316 B. 15th. room 1. 400 _ - trackage lots In center of city to NOT1CK-2 , for n term of years. I'or nar > tlculara addrtas P. O. box 457. 7742JJ _ ° PO TRADE -Wo have a number ot farms to JL trade for Omaha property and vacant lot * for houses. If you have any kind of property to trade call and seu us. Stevens llros , 1DI rarnainst 7M ) 26 _ EXCHANOE-Equlty In. 4 , 0 and 10 room houses and lots for paid up lots. U.K. Colo. 818 B 16th. _ 410 _ LIST your property with II. E. Colo. 318 & 16lh. room 1. 409 _ FOH SALK Finoat locution for a home tit Wust Omaha , adjoining the mansion homes of Klrkendall.Coo , Itrady. Easton and others. Nothing fltinr In the olty. Can loll fl."ixlB7or IOB : for prloea nnd terms seoS. A. glomnn , 1301 Fanmm st _ 7.1 THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES. Proposes for the Construction of the Super structure of the City Hall Uuilding. SHALL ! ) I'ropojah % rll | IK- received by HIM unUor lu'iicd unit ) lliu'cloek : p. in. October 7lh , lh.7 , for the ootixlrtioi mi of eiipurflriui- tuiu of ll > u city nail biilKling , lu nooordjuei > with the pl.tns am ) ppoqliluHtloiH on Illu In tliu ofllce of the lo.inl ! oM'ubllS WorKft. tlis ) | wri liu init'I'i on printed liUinVs fur- nlsliod ly ) tku bo.nd , and to l'i nocoinniiiii'i t with iictirl'llcd cilcvk in the bum of JI.'OJu an ( vidrncu of good fnllh. Tim Hoard rf-orvus ( lie itL-ht to rodent.-in/ rr nil bids nnd tc < valyo po-nta , . . HA. . D. IIAI.COMRP , riutlrniun Doiinl ot IVlbllo Works. OiuKhii , r.'cli.lkn > t.Cta 1 > J < 7. ' t >