THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; gATUIiDAY. SEPTEMBER 24. 1887. THE DAILY BEE , PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. TntMS or BDnscmrrjox t tnl1r ) ( Mnrnl/iK Edition ) Including Sunday IJpr , On Year $10 < X For 81 * Months r IX For Thrro Months 2tt Tlio Omaha Hxndnjr UKK , mailed to miy lulJreM , One Year. . . SOI OMAHA Omns. No. Ml AXO m * FAwtAv Brnerr KtW VOBIC OFFICE , HOOJI IS , TRInltNK Hnil.lllSO WARHINOTOM OrriCBNO. Ull'UUKTISNTUHTKKEr All cotnmunloiitions relating to news nnd till torlid manor olioold bo ad'lrossod to thu But TOU or TUB Her. BUSINESS t-rmriSI All butlnew letters and remittance * 1icml < 1 IK tiMreMad to TUB DEE I'DHUSIUNO C'OMPAur OMAHA. Drafts , chocks and pontofflcn order ; lo bo tnadopayabl. to tbooril.rof the company III BEE PDBLISRIlTcipUT , PROPRIETORS , E. KOSEWATER. Knrron. THE PAII/y DEB. Sworn Btntnmont of Oiroulntlnn. Btatfl of Nebraska , I. . County of Douglas. JBl " Oeo. B. TzschucK , secretary ot The Bo < Publishing company , does solemnly swoai that the actual circulation ot thn Dallv BCM for the week ending Kept.If ! , 1867 , was ai follows : Hatniday. Sent , lo UCr > < Hundav. Sept 11 14.4ft Mnndav. Sept. 12 14,77. ' Tuesday. Sept. 13 14.1W Wednesday. Sept. 14 14.S Thnrsuav. Sept 15 14.10' Friday , Sept. 10 14,07i Averaeo I4.f-y : GRO. JS. T/SCHUOK. Sworn to nnd subscribed In my picseiicc this 10th day of September , A. D. 1887. fSRAL.1 Notary Pubfic. State of Nebraska , I - Douelas County.M ( Oeo. U. TzMhtick , beln ? Hn-t duly sworn deposes and says that he Is secretary of The Bee Publishing company , that the acttia average dally circulation of the Dally Hee foi the month of SepUmber , 18W ) , 13.WSO copies for October. 1880 , 12W e ples ; for Novem ber. 1886 , 13,348 copies : Tor December , 1880 18,2(7 ( copies : for January 1887 , 10,2 < V copies ; for February , 1887 , 14,198 copies : foi .March. Ib87 , 14.400 copies : for April. 1887 , 14,810coplfs : for May , 18S7 , 14,827 copies ; foi .June 1887,14,147 copies : for July. 1887,14 , 003 copies ; for August , 1887 , 14.1.r > l copies. . OKO. B TZSCIIUCK. Bworn and irabscrlbed In my presence tills Mh day ot Sopt. A. D. , 1887. [ 8KAL. | N. P. Fr.iu Notaty Public. BECIIKL and his extra-selecl corumlttoo ot politionl anarchists have boon knocked into n cooked bat. CHICAGO can only account for the president's refusal to make a long staj in that city by attributing his motive tt delicacy. Chicago expects the demo cratio national convention next summer IN view of the fact that Nebraska has forged well to the front as a corn nro ducing state this fall , it would have been quite appropriate for some of the cities of tills commonwealth to erect corn palaces also , as they are doinc in Iowa , THE faction opposed to grand larccnj in Douglas county republican politic ! was said to bo "very insignificant in mini bers and without influence , " according to the organ of the pirates , it appears however , that it is sulliciontly powerfu to knock the foot from under the self constituted bosses. IF Oencral Ilawlcy over had presiden tial aspirations they have now beet forever blighted. Ilis announced engagement gagemont to an English lady settles tin matter. No in MI with a love for any thing English stands a show of receiving the highest gift at the hands of tin American people. Tin : agricultural fairs hold ia various parts of the state this fall indicate a yeai of great prosperity. Farmers are con tcntod , all classes of laboring people Tint remunerative employment , the citiei grow and advancement is the order oi the day everywhnre. The time ia not fai distant when Nebraska will lead all hoi slater states in progress. THE American vendetta still flourishes It is time this barbarous relic of a bloodioi ago were abolished. Publio opmior which laid dueling' the shelf conic Boon do away with these bloody feuds i its seal of condemnation were sot upot thorn. Lynching and murderous quarrel ! nro twin relics that should be throw : upon the rubbish heap of outworn abuses THE pretended appointments of tin pretended county central committei nave been revoked by a majority of it regularly elected members. This relieve Hrtscall , Bechol , Mike Lee and Pa Hawes from the delicate duty of steMinf thirty-two delega-es to the state conven tion in hope of placing the coming judgi ot the supreme court under personal ob ligations. _ C. P. HUNTINGTON , who ia being pu through his paces , aa a liar , by the Pa cifie railroad commission , shows htmscli nomowhat inferior to Stanford , as tc cheek. While the latter claimed tha .the government owed the road $03,000- 000 , Mr. Huntmgton places the indob ted MOSS at 13.000,000. The brass of thosi men , like their pilferings , is monumental Arvriioucm the various railroad' com missions now at work may not accom plish all that might bo desired in the wa ; of rofyrm and the correction of abuses the fact that such commissions are a work at all shows that the railroad monopolies olios are no longer masters of the Bitun tion , that the day of their autocrati * power is over. In titno they will ba tin servants and not the taskmasters of th people. THE complaint of the farmers of Jol foraon urecinqt regarding the Bonsoi motor line has had its oiled. Yostorda ; the proprietor stopped the running c cars and announced that horses woul bo substituted for steam next week. Th fact that sincu the line was opened a least twenty runaways have occurred b reason 6f horses being frightened by th engine , causing considerable damage t property and endangering Itfo , const : tnted an indictment against the open tion of the road that could not bo i iiorou. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TWBXTV-TWO thousand minors are on on a strike in the Lohlgh region , Penn sylvania , and anxious toleayo the minu Altogether. This is one of the causes fo the scarcity of coal and the rise in price : Those results have boon deliberate ! brought about by the coal brigandt They first reduce the wages of the minei until a Htriko is inevitable , and coal prc duotion being thus stopped , advance th prico. Wide-spread misery this winto will bo the consequence. Our prison are full of criminals whose deeds arc ir uooonro itself compared to tho. outrage commuted by ihcse coal robbers. * - , Xuaf-41 "JK Ilnvoked and llrpndlnted. The republican central committee , through a majority of Us members , ha : issued a call for a primary election and delegate convention , iiy this public revocation the committee has rcputll ntcd the high-handed Assumption ot pO ; lltlcal conspirators to overthrow tltnc honored ruptibltcan usage and arrogate to themselves dictatorial and arbitrary powers. This action on the part of thi county central committee will meet tin cordial approbation of every honest ant reputable republican. The schcmo t < pack the delegation from Doughu county to the state convention was conceived coived in iniquity and brought forth it fraud. Its natural and inovitnbli effect would bo the concentration o dangerous powers in a few men whc occupy positions on the central commit tee. It would put them In position no only to override thu will of the party b.i provcnting.fair and frco cboice of dele' gatcs.biit would practically place them h position to perpetuate themselves as po litical dictators. To establish a prece dent that would recognize the authority of a sub-committee to appoint state con vcntion delegates would bo subversive of the rights of the individual members of the party. It would Introduce method ! which are clearly unrcpublicun and al variance with every vital principle thai underlies our political system. AtlvlHttiK Extravagance. Certain newspapers whoso labors arc largely devoted to advocating non-inter. , fercncotvith the tariff , and whose ingenuity uity is kept busy in framing arguments to prove that the people must bo required to continue paying tribute to monopolies , when confronted with the question ol what shall be done with the surplus reve nue from our present system of taxation do not hesitate to seriously advise i\ sys tem of extravagant government expendi tures in oraer to dispose of it. Such counsel was heard in the last congress , from men who enjoy a considerable do grcd of public confidence , and it will doubtless bo heard in the next. It has si very numerous body of sympathizers throughout the country , and they are nol all of one party or one class. A policy ol extravagant outlay on the part of a gov ernment possesses an attractiveness thai readily commends it to many people who are not particularly concerned as tc future consequences. It is a policy whicl ; can bo advocated without the danger ol making enemies for the advocate , for il plausibly and eloquently urged , as it ad mils of being , it can bo made to appeal entirely philanthropic and for the good of everybody. The forms which government extravagance aganco might take are endless , bul iv few would be sufllcient to pro vide a use for the present execs : of revenue over necessary expenditures The construction of a largo navy , ar elaborate system of coast defenses , an extension tension of internal improvements , and increased facilities for commoico bj granting general subsidies for ship build ing. are the ways in which wo can easily dispose of a hundred millions or more i year to begin with. Later on , as our re sources increase and national consump tion becomes greater , if the revenues ol the .government shall still bo found tc leave a surplus , thorn will bo no difllcultj in applying that also iu the same direc tion , and so on until we have a navy thai would bo the envy of the world fortifications covering every rot of exposed coast , all sorts of internal im provements in every quarter of the laud and Hoots of merchant steamers on everj sea. What should bo done when all these things hud boon provided is a matter about which wo of to-day need no bother. No one now living would prob ably survive the consummation of r.l these grand national enterprises , ami posterity , having all this generous pro vision made for it , could very properly bo loft to look after its own interests and affairs. Meanwhile monopoly woult grow In strength and power , wealth would pour into the coffursof wealth , and the people the people would p.iy the tribute and boar the burdens. The intelligent masses of the United States will not be deceived by the plausi bio assurance of those who counsel c policy of extravagant government ex penditures. 'They understand that such a policy would not only impose a contin uous and perhaps endless burden upon themselves , but bo a source of danger tc the government itself. They know verj well who would be the chief beueflciarie ; of such a policy , and they have no wist to see this class enlarged and givot greater power. They see in the proposa of this policy .tho evidence of tin danger inherent in a surplus , am they desire to avert the dangei by destroying the cause. Am above all , they want relief from the un necessary and oppressive burden of thi war tariff on the necessities of life , whicl can bo secured in only one way , by tin reduction of the tax levied on nearly everything the people use. The relic that may bo givou iu this way will b < direct , certain and safe. Every consumoi throughout the entire land would fee it , for it would make itself apparent t < him in the fact that his dollar had in creased in purchasing power. This is the policy which the farmers and workingmen ingmon of America require , iu ordei that they shall roccivo more nearly the full fruits of thuir toil and have for the ! own use a part tit least of the tributi they now pay to the protected monopo lies. County Hook-Keeping. Iiy nil odds the most wretched systen of book-keeping which wo know of prevails vails in the county court house. Th records of the commissioners' proceed Ings and the goncral method of transact ing business that involves over $300,000 : year would hardly do for the owno of a peanut stand , The proceedings o the commissioners are not rr corded for weeks , although n spooin clerk ia retained and paid by the com miyioncrs for this service in addition t the county clerk. And the wrotchei mess which comprises the so-called pro cocdlngs is deficient iu the most ossontln particulars. There is no record as t which commissioner Introduces or sup ports a resolution or order fo the most important expenditure no record how any member ha voted on any proposition or scheme , ani no mention of the respective sumsvotoi and ordered to bo paid out of the count } treasury. All that Is disclosed about tht financial transactions ot the commls- slonora ia in the shape of the vouchers filed away. These voucher are for the most part In such n shape aa would bailie n Phil- apclphla lawyer if ho wantcc to go buhlud the returns to find out tin quantity and class of material or laboi and services paid for. The commlsalon crs , for all wo know , imagine that theli peculiar method of doing business is sat Isfactory , but any merchant or firm thai would countenance such a loose am reckless system of bookkcopina would soon find themselves on tin highroad to ruin. THE anil-civil democratic - aor ice reform cratic papers have secured more positivi proof of the serious defects of the sys tern. Hlshop Oborly has announced tha' ' ho will not resign his office just at pres 'ont , owing to the fact that ho has no money enough to pay Ins faro back te Illinois. CHICAGO has broken her record. To day one hundred divorce cases will coin- up for hearing in the Garden City. Ever St. Louis will acknowledge Chicago's supremacy in this regard. Other bands Than Ours. Public Interest in Great Britain now centers on Mitchollstown , where the trial of O'Brion under the coercion act is in progress. There is apprehension of seri ous trouble before the trial shall have ended. The popular sentiment is very much aroused , and Dillon , Condon and other loaders have signified their willing. ness to brave the authority of the govern ment in championing the cause of free speech by public addresses. The authorities itios have prohibited public meetings during the progress of the trial , and sol dicrs will occupy Mitchollstown in antic ipation of a popular outburst. Neither the warnings , nor the preparations ol the government , however , appear to have any terror for the populace , who await but the signal from their loaders to mani fest In no unmistakable way their dis pleasure. So far as the result of the trial of O'Brien is concerned it may bo re garded as n foregone conclusion that ho will bo convicted. If thcro is any con > federation shown him it will be in the sentence , but that ho will bo returned te jail for such a term as the government shall doom sufllciont as at' example no- boby doubts. To what extent this will further strain the toleration of the pee pie remains to bo soon. It is evident that the government has no thought of reced ing from or materially modifying Jti policy in Ireland. It will endeavor te carry out its programme to the very las' ' act , and every expression of hostility tha will furnish an excuse for doing so wii bo welcomed. It is feared that such ex cuses ill not be wanting. Michael Davitt , who is now on his way to the United States , is reported to have ex press-pel an apprehension before leaving Qucnnstown that the coming winter would witness widespread disorder in Ire land. Meanwhile the proscribed National League is maintaining it firm front and loses no opportunity to tell the world that it proposes to pursue its waj fearlessly , regardless of consequences , All those combine to cre ate the feeling that a very serious crisis in Ireland is iniDondiug and may bo de veloped within any twenty-four hours. * . The recent manifesto of the Count ol Paris will bo replied to by M. Houvlor the French premier , before the reopen ing of the chamber of deputies. It is an nounccd that several of the cxtromisl deputies propose initiating movement in the chamber of deputies for the expul sion from trance of all the Or- loanist and Bonapartist princes , and also that all property of these princes that can bo discovero'd in France shall bo confiscated. A good deal of at tention has boon attracted to that portion of Boulangor's latest address to the elli cors in his command which hews tha the general's war spirit is as active ft ; ever. The name of Boulangcr , however appears to be no longer one to conjure with. He doubtless still has u consider able following whoso faith is undimtu- ishcd , but it would scorn that the massei of the French people have become satis fied that he is not the man to bo largely entrusted with directing the destinies o : the republic. Ho Is too fond of emptj show and personal advertisement to im press oven mercurial Frenchmen that he possesses any of those solid qualifications necessary to the wise exorcise of elevated power and grave responsibilities. Ho can bo more useful to Franco at the head o an army corps than anywhere else. * The modern methods of the Europoai powers for acquiring now territory fine an illustration in the course adopted b > Germany to obtain a hotter ' foot hold on the Samoan Islands , in the Pa cific. The first stop is to send a "for midable gunboat , in order to produce a strictly moral inlluenco. The second h to demand of Mulietoa a heavy fine What for does not rnaKo the slightest dif fercnce. If Maliotoa pays it , then the diplomatic opportunity is lost , and the commander of tha squadron must olthei wait for or else make another chance. I MaHetoa rebels , then everything is in proper trlt for a business operation Troops are landed under plo.i of quollin ; tlio rebellion , and in the interests o peace tlio squadron quietly takes posses sion of all it can lay its hands on. In the old days this was called conquest. 15u in the refinement of modern times il hu been christened diplomacy. * The diplomatic situation in Europe with rcspoot particularly to the Bulga riuu question , continues to'presout a puz /.ling variety of Considorubli significance is attached to the abandonment mont of the proposed meeting betweei Emperor William and the czar at Stettin and credence is given to the report tha Germany will unite with Austria in do inanding that the powers shall preserve : neutral attitude toward Bulgaria , am that Ferdinand and the Bulgarians shal bo left to arruugo their affairs in the ! own way so long as they do not intorfcn with outside interests. There appear , to bo very good reason to believe that thi feeling between Germany and Russia I very far from being friendly , and it is b : no moans an improbable surmise that thi former will hereafter bo found obtruding In the way of the lattor'a ambitious de signs. * * * There is a good deal of political aotivit : 'among the South American states. It If feared in Brazil that the Argentine Re publio is preparing to annex Uruguay and Paraguai Chile is In a state of high indignation oror the contract between Peru and hoc-landholders , and Vene zuela la on thp.v rgo of war with Great Britain aboutjtho ; lattor'a absorption ot Venezuelan i territory. In the matter tor ot .Uruguay and Para guay , Brazil'will ' hold in chock any undue greed foe empire on the part ol Argentine Hopubllo. Chile seems tc bo unduly sensitive about foreign enter' priso in Peril , It is true that she U en titled to maintain the principles ot the Monroe doctrine In South America , butte to try to keep , .put foreign immigration and foreign capital is giving that does- trine rather a loose and objectionable construction. As regards the Vonozuoln matter there is llltln doubt that Groal Britain will hear watching , After having agreed to the natural and proper mode of settlement afforded by arbitration there should bo some moans found of bringing the stronger power back to it. In the event that Venezuela , weak us she is , should prefer war to loss of territory , it would bo strong testimony to her cer tainty of being in the right , and the ' United States could hardly afford to 'lot Great Britain overpower a sister republic without a strong protest. A A somewhat disquieting feature in the latest news from the Emln Boy expedi tion may at first seem to bo its account oi the devastating war between the Uganda nation and the Unyoro waged in a region not very far d is tan from that toward which Stanley , at the latest tidings , was directing ills way But it appears from this same account that the fortune of war has changed , and that King Mwanga has now been de feated. This young monarch was not well disposed toward Emln whereas the king of Unyoro had shown himself to bo friendly , It is clear , also , that Emin can co-operate with Stanley , as he has been informed of the hitter's approach , and is aw.iitlng htm at Wadolai. The rotito of Stanley would apparently , in any eve t , carry him well to the northwest of tho'supposcd region of war , and Emin's messengers might also warn him of any danger. The "dilllculty of passage , " too , referred to in t'io Zanzibar advicesmny not rclato at all to Stanley's supposed movements , but only to the expcrienco ot Emin's own expeditionwhlch has been explor ing the Kakibbi , a largo river rising in the Usougura mountains , and of which the dispatch spnaks. % The meeting of the family of the king of Denmark which has just taken place at Copenhagen 6alls for mention of the fact that the family is an unusually re spectable ono for i king to have it being remembered that her is not responsible for any wild oats that may have been sown by his sons-in-law. His daughters particularly do him credit. The Princess Oaginar , now Ecn'press ' of Russiaami the Princess Alexandra , one day to be queen of England , both. ro women much beloved - loved and respo9tfid for their personal qualities. They would not bo out of place in respectable society anywhere. Their brother , thu king of Greece , does not make a great'stir in the world , bul his behavior is liatsuch that ho would be excluded from adj-df our best clubs if ho wanteel to become li'mcmber of it. Con sideriu their advantages , the king ol Denmark's children have done reraarka- bly well in establishing good reputations , * Richard Dudley Baxter , the eminent British economist and stat'stioian , de clared that the aim of English statesmen should bo to reduce the imperial debt a ; rapidly as possible , BO as to be prepared for the seriouscontest , for commercial su premacy against the United States when the natural resources of England should begin to fall. Robert Gifl'en , another em inent British statistician , has just been pondering on the same subject , but he takes a less cloomy view of the mattoi than Baxter entertained. He appears to realize that the time is rapidly approach ing when the iron and coal deposits ol the United Kingdom will be exhausted , Ho believes , however , that the cost ol imported raw materials of this class would bo only a small disadvantage , which would bo more than compensated for by the capital , skill and facilities for manufacturing , in which particulars , hn assumes , Great Britain will bo preeminent nent among the nations. . Land speculators in Tokio and Iliogo , inapan , have suffered frpm the delay in the signing of the treaty opening the country to mixed residence. These shrewd follows anticipated a great ad vance in well-located villa sites near the large cities ; so they bought heavily on margin , counting on speedy sales to re imburse them. The treaty commission has earned on business with Oriental deliberation - liberation , and the result is that the bottom tom has already fallen out of the boom before the treaty is signed. It is an awful warning to booming on a narrow mar gin. * Queen Victoria , doubtless with the de sign of proving her claim to the title ol Empress of India' is learning Hindustani. The shade of the gillie John Brown would rend Its celestial robes should she take an Indian attendant to practice her new accomplishment upon. I'KIIMONH. AI. Kenan's "History ot Israel" will ap pear in UccombM. ' General Greely , chief of the signal ser vice , has cone to Europe for two months. John Uussell Young , Is collpctlni' material forahlstuiy of the civil lite of General ' ' Grant Robert lirownlne and his sister have been much improved In 'health ' by the mountain Nellie Grant's little daughter , Vivian Sartorls , resembles /her mother and hoi prandfathcr , the neueral. John Ruskln Inherited 835,000 a year from bis father , but he has spent all his Inherited wealth on paintings and books. W. W. Corcoran , whose health was much Impaired In thn early summer , has returned to Washington from Deer Park In a robust condition. * Louis Kussuth , now well on In his eighty- - sixth year , Is in capital health of mind and body , and constantly busies himself wltli literary work. George Francis Train has declined In hU boisterous way , to deliver an address at the Erie county , N. Y. , fair. lie says he will never appear as a public speaker again. Miss Phelps has a new "gate" story ready , It Is entitled "The Gates lletweou , " and re lates the possible experience of a hard and beltish nature In the life after death. Mrs. Cleveland 'has received the fleeces ol two merino lamb * descended from hei Grandfather Folsom'a flock ; has bought t pair ot cards and under her mother's dlroc tlons has been carding and ( pinning wool with the ultimate Intention oi knitting so mi winter stockings for the president Chirlca Dickens , jr. , who Is to lecture u this country , Is about as unlike what the pub Ho would expect In a son of Boz as a parloi match Is like a comet. Ills round face nni rather fcnblo cast ot features are scarcely redeemed doomed by a large pair of spectacles and it his delivery ho has neither physical nor dra matic power , A writer who recently met Georuo W Chllds In Philadelphia thus describes him "Ills rosy cheeks are like the blushes of i school girl of fourteen or lltteen. Ills eye li as clear and bright as U was twenty yean ago , his step Just aa aelle. Ills dross laal ways the same , and yet he looks as It h ! clothes had just como from the tailor's , the ; are so spotless. He Is a wonderful man. " \ Ijonii Felt Want. A'cw I'oi h Tribune. What U needed at Washington Is n state manshlp characterized not only by resolut courage in the defense of American rights but also by breadth of view In forccastlnj the development of a continental policy. Encourage Clergymen nutl Teachers , Itnttnn ( llobr , We hope that Mr. John Lawrence Sulllvai will leave his diamond belt where clorgymei and teachers who are struggling along pt 300 a year can see It when they come ti Boston , Such people should bo encouraged Ills Tour Will Hot be n Mute Ono riillatlclpMa Itteonl , The president will bo accompanied on hi : western and southern tour by correspon dents of four New York , thren Philadelphia two Boston , one Baltimore , ono Chlc < igoan ( ono or two Cincinnati dallies. They wll probably travel in a car attached to thi presidential train. A Now Kind or Hpliliot Wanted. JAiiculii Democrat. Wo observe that our esteemed friend , Ed ward Rosewatcr , Is ciiaracterlied by the op position as "a political upas tree. " And ye wo seem to notice that the candidate wlioslti under the shade of Mr. Rosowater's friend ship does not wither away and die. On thi contrary , ho generally gets elected to what ever ho wants. In the Interest of literary ao curacy we call for a new kind of epithet foi application to Mr. Rosowator. ISntliUHlaam anil Indifference. FMladtljMa Record. The convention of the American party In the exuberance ot Its proceedings boars t striking resemblance to sessions of the So ctety on the Stanislaus , as thus describee by "Truthful James" In Bret llarte's poomi Abtier Dean , of Angells' , raised a point oi order , when A chunk ot saudstono hit him In the abdomen ; So he smiled a sickly smile as ho curled upon the floor , And the subsequent proceedings Interested him no more. Wo Should Smile StoujeCUa Times. The Omaha Unit Is another newspaper that can smile at Satan's rage. Last winter the Nebraska legislature passed a drastic libel law , containing the most oppressive and ar bitrary provisions , worthy of an Engllsli house ot commons act for the retaliation ol Ireland. This law , as was plainly stated al the time , was aimed straight at the head ol Kosewator , editor of the DEI ; . Now it sc Impucneii that the 15in has hummed ruthl along unmolested by this llbol law , while several of the papers that urged Its passage and giirgled over the way it would worrj Hosewater , have themsoUes been brought Into court as defendants under this most mi jnst law. There be many ilumans who are hanged with their own ropo. The Drummer. Jf. M , mtmm. A little chalT , a merry lauch , A word tor every comer ; There Is not a man In all the land But who extends a ready hand To greet the jolly drummer. In business wise. In enterprise As thrifty as a plumber ; So chivalrous and debonair This favored one that ladies fair All lovu the gallant drummer. His latest joke will provoke A roar from o\ery bummer That hangs around the village bar Reflecting lustre from his star. The gallant commercial drummer. With work and wit ho hits the grit * Fall , wlnter.sprlngand summer , Alert and watchful day and night The world would go to mill quite lint for the busy ilrummer. A skull that's numb may beat the drum , Hut , ah I It takes a hummer A freak of supernatural brood- Homo belna most supremely shrewd It takes to beat the ilrummer. STATE AND TBRUlTOItY. Nebraska Jottings. ' North Bend if oflered a fifty barrel flour mill for a bonus of f 15,000. A number of Winncbago Indiana are encamped near Wayne , and are employed in cutting broom corn. It is announced that Croto'a now and beautiful $8,000 M. . church will be ready for dedication the second or third ween in November. The city council of Crete IB considering bids for waterworks , with the chances ia favor of the Strang company , of Omaha , being awarded the contract. The works are to bo in operation by next July. Track-laying upon tha Hastings exten sion of the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley road is reported completed to within almost ten miles of Harvard , and will , it is pxpeotod , bo in that city by the close of the present week. The lifteenth annual meeting ot the Lutheran synod of Nebraska will con vene in Beatrice next Tuesday evening. Tno woman's homo and toreign mission ary society will moot next Monday and remain in session two days. The Crete yidetto has earned sixty days by perpetrating the following : Mutterings - ings from the anarchists : "Does the world doSpIcs mo ? " "I'll outer another Field-en thu near future. " "It does little good toFischoround the d d country for substantial sympathy. " "I want to be an Knjiol and with the angels bland , " "We'll not Linger 'round this mundane sphere many weeks. " Christian Chrumpf , a Plattsraoutti laborer , recently invoked printer's ink for H wife and secured one. Yea , and moro than hu bargained for. His alllnlty proved to bo a trun born Irish lass , dark- eyed , brown-haired and muscular. Tim attempt to harmonize the llory Celtic and sluggish Teuton tempers proved a miser able failure , and a few days ago Chris applied to the police of Platlsmouth for protection against his wife's persistent ruids on his pockotboolc and a weakness for pounding him when his frame sighed for peace. The courts are considering the calamity. _ _ Inwn Items. The ten cent hostile in Sioux City en joys a delivery every week. The October term of the supreme court will convent ) at Des Moines October 4 , with DJ1 cases on the docket. Britt is quite sure of a new fifty-barrel ( louring mill , or perhaps of larger capa city. A bonus is being raised. Itev. Dr. Burrell , nf Duhuquo , has ac cepted a call to the Westminster Presby terian , the lint'St church in Minneapolis. The I1 armors' Mutual Fire and Light ning assocmtio of Story county , bas filed articles of incorporation with the secretary of state. The Doa Molncs oonforcnco of the M E , church proposes next year to raise $13,600 , for foreign missions , $ ' . ' . ,500 foi domestic missions and $ 45,000 for Simp son college , at Indianola. Mr , Henry Miller , of Vlnlon. has about forty Bwarms of bees , and while ho hae : about two tons of honey last year , till- year the bees have not made enough foi their own itsu , and not a single now swarm has como oil' . Utah and Idaho.- Lacrosse is the cra/.o at Salt Lake. Arrangements nro being made to slii ) grain from Kaglo Rock to Kansas. The Snake river canal project has assumed sumod such shape as to call forth a pub Ho meeting for an expression of opinion by the citi/ons of Cassia county. Mono ) for a preliminary survey is being raised , Last week's mineral exports from Sail Lake city were : Twenty cars bullion , 477.034 pounds ; twonty.nmo cars bllvei and lead ore , 871),750 ) pounds ; two can copper ore , 5'J,800 pounds ; total , llfty-one cars , 1,400,081 pounds. The Boise City Statesman says : Thi output of gold and silver In Idaho durluc 1887 will ex'eeod by several million dollars lars the output of any former year , anil will bring Idaho well up to the front- possibly the fourth in rank of the great est producers of precious metals. Express Messenger Bennett has ac- - knowlcelged the theft of a $10,000 package ago of money from the Pacific Express company , and , iu com pan v with tin ' sheriff , wont to Huntingto'n to show where $1,800 of the boodle had beer cached. Ho failed to linel the place i had been buriod. The remainder of the raonoy had been provloualy recovered. A little nine-year-old daughter of i mechanic named Thomas mot n horrible death at-Pocatollo. The little child had been sent on some orrnnel , anel on returning - turning homo found heir way , Icadin ; across the track , blockaded by a train of cars being tnado up , and in her hurry te reach home , she attempted to pass undo ) the cars. Just as she was beneath the train a signal was given the engineer U start ahead , and In a moment moro the child was caught under the wheels and crushed to death. , Montana. Church and school property in Helena is worth $17fi.OJO. Bullion shipped from Buttu last week was valued at $84,018. The Masons and Odd Follows associa tions ot Helena own property wortli $150,000. Snow covers the mountain tops neat Helena , while in the valleys the grass was never so green as at present. The territorial legislature has repealed the bounty law after It had clcancel out the surplus in the treasury. Rabbits , squirrels and gophers now enjoy the freedom of the ranges. The smelters at Butte have delivered an ultimatum to the Union Pacific on salt rates unless the company delivers salt iu Butte at $7.50 a ton they will close elewn on the 1st of October. Manager Potter has promised to visit the city and settle the diiliculty. The I'aoillo const. There are 2,000 men employed in the Southern 1'aeilic railroad shops at Sacra mento. Strawberries measuring three inches in circumference ao to bo found in the Santa Rosa markets. San Jose is in the midst of a real es tate boom. A oily hall to cost $117,000 has been contracted for. Over $30,000 has been raised for the proposed building of the Young Men's Christian Association at San Diego. Seattle had an illumination , music and public speaking in honor of Henry Vil- lard's return to the Northern Pacilic management. A bee tree which contained COO pounds of honey was recently discovered near Trdcken. Three hundred pounds of sweet was obtained , the balance of the honey being destroyed by an accidental tire. tire.Butte Butte and Pluraas have the finest and hrgest sugar pine forests in the United States. Lumber from this region is now being shipped to Australia , and before long largo shipments will be sent east. There were BO.OOO acres of wheat har vested on the ( llonn ranch this year , which yielded 350,500 sacks , or 7 7,500 bushels. This is 49,5)0,000 pounds , S4.- 775 tons , 8,477 ton-ton carloads , and 150 trainloads of sixteen cars each. Twenty gentlemen in LOB Angeles have made a somewhat novel bet upon the re sult ot the coming yacht race between the Volunteer and tlio Thistle. Ton of the gentlemen are Americans and ton of them Englishmen , and the terms of the bet nro that if the Thistle wins the race , the ton Americans are to pay for the best dinner which can bo served to the ton Englishmen for $100 , tlio Americans waiting ; upon their guests. If the Volun teer wing the Americans are to cat and the Englishmen will wait. County Intnoorat Organize. The democratic county committee hold a caucus in Julius Movers' rooms yester day afternoon to take stops to organize for the coming campaign. The meeting waa well attended by some of the fore most democrats. Euclid Martin was chosan chairman and Louis Holmrod sec retary. There were also present Julius Meyer , J. J. O'Connor , Charlea Kauf man , E. T. Morearty , Thomas Casey , T. A. Mcgcath , Charlea Van Camp , Patrick Ford , Gustavo Kaerner , George Timme and J..D. Rustin. It was decided to call the county nominating and delegate convention about the latter part of Octo ber , after the republican convention. I'critiliH to Wed. Judge MoCulloch issued the following permits to wed yesterday : Name and residence Ago. I William McAllister , Omaha 1)1 ) I LUzto Urown , Omaha i I Konrad Wols , Omaha 26 1 KlUabnth Waldvogel , Omaha ii3 j Andrew H. Hnlov. Omaha M 1 Alagulo Cuslek , Omaha ii'J I Joseph Krajicik , Omaha ! ? J I Vance Dulfacck , Omaha 20 ( John Bolster , Omaha 84 1 Annie Walilur , Omaha IU 1 Jonas A. Fry , Douglas county 23 t Annie 1'etLTbon , Douglas county 18 Hiilnc l < 'nr Uiirht-ol-Wny. The Union Pacific railway has brought suit In the United States court uguIiiRt Frank Barnholdt , of Colfav county , lo got the right-of-way through his farm. Barnholdt has constantly opposed the company mucu 1831 , and it not only asks for the right-of-way , but also for $100 rent from him for use of that strip since 1831. _ Thri'K Knltfl. George A. Iloagland , by his attorney , Warren SwlUleir , tiled three suits in thu district court yesterday. They were agitinst tho'following persoQH : Hamil ton teWooley for $3,07 ! ) , for goods sold and delivered ; W. H. Blnksloy , lor $317.57 , duo on promissory notes ; , Nioho- las B. Helm , for $1,187,10 , duo on goods sold anel delivered. WanlH H Divorce. Joseph Fishback filed a suit in the dis trict court yesterday ( or u divorcu from Catherine Fishbuck. lie alleges that they werti man led March 17 , l&O , und that she abandoned him a year later. A peculiarity of Hood's Sar.saimnllu is tlmt while it purities tlm blood , it impurls now every function of the body. MIlS. JAOKMAN AOAIX. . To Bo Examinee ! An to llcr Sanity Her History. Y. Mrs. Jaekman 1 $ still nn object of at tention. After being llborntcd from nr- rcst on the charge of theft und hiding m a hay-loft for a titno , she was taken to the residence of Mrs. Dr. Cuscadon. Hero uho commonocd to net In a dccidodly strange manner. Application wes * made to the proper authorities to have her examined as to her sanity. Dr Tlldon , of the board of insanity , re quested Mrs. Dr. Cusoadon to keep Mrs. Jaoktnan for n week , until arrange * muuts could bo made for the examina tion. Last evening she scorned somewhat - what subdued , but was still , raving. Imagining herself on a railroad train. Mrs. Dr. Uuscadon and Mrs , Golf ( from whom the ring and under clothes were taken ) are both doing all 1 i they can for the unfortunate ) woman. " Her insanity Is ascribed to the starvation \ diet upon which she has been attempting to live for the past live months. For weeks she has had but ono meal a day , $ and that often but a solitary biscuit. Street car riding wan too great n luxury , m and on the hottest days she walked to ex treme portions of the city to give her music lessons. About six weeks ago she was prostrated by sickness as a result of this method of living , and It Is now ro- mombcrcd that since then she has not \ i . acted as before , although then it waa not at all suspected that her mind was de VI ranged , - Mr. und Mrs. William Doolittlu. of 813 North Eighteenth street , lived in Nowr . 1 Haven , Conn. , some thirty-two years 2 ago , and know Mrs. Jack- man then when she waa n bright young girl of fourteen. Her father , Governor English , was then the chief executive of tlio stkto : alia was in the Imy-day of his popularity and power. ' Her mother WHS a kleptomaniac , but -M. Governor English being a very wealthy man no trouble ever came from this strange propensity. Thus Mrs. Jaekman has inherited from her mother this in firmity akin to a , that has been I ? slowly xleveloping through the stages of ' 1 misfortune , starvation uud insanity. After thu death of his first wife Gov ernor English married again , nnd ho dying in a few years , left all bf his prop erty to his second wife. She still lives m the old English mansion , ono of thu most beautiful in Now Haven , but lias re fused to help the unfortunate Mrs. Jaekman smcn the loss of her husband , and it is thought that she had a great deal to elo with prejudicing Governor English against his daughter. Yester day Mrs. Dr. Cuscadon telegraphed to Mrs. English at New Haven , apprising her of the unfortunate [ condition of her stop-daughter. CITY RAILWAYS. Efforts of Chairman Ilnlcnmbc to BInkn Them HcRpoct the Ijnw. On tha 14th of this month , there waa passed by the council and approved by the mayor an ordinance prohibiting the tearing up of streets by any railway , company without permit from the board of publio works. At the time the ordi nance bouamo a law , Mr. Balcomba notified the several street railway com panies of the fact , anel urged thorn to comply with its requirement * . Air. Bal- combe claims that thu Cable Tramway company and the City Street railway companies have paid no attention to the matter , untl , for the purpose of lipding out whether they Intend to respect or defy the law , ho addressed them this let ter yesterday : You are constructing a street railway with out permits as lequlred by ordinance No. 1541. This IB to link that you Inform this ollice It It be your Intention to cmitlnmt to thus Ignore the authority of the city. Hoping for an Immediate reply , 1 am Yours respnctfnllv , 11. A. D. UAI.COMIIE , Chairman. The clause of the ordinance in question provides that no partnership nor associa tion shall enter upon any street of the city for the construction of any street car line , without first having permission for the same from the board of public works. Mr. Balcombo has , also addressed a communication to the motor line , as also to the Cable Tramway company , iiotlty- ing them that hereafter all earth taken from the trenches of their lines belongs to the city , and must bo filled into blrocta romiirintr it. lesterday morning the Cable Tram way company received a massive bed for the engine , which is soon to bo put in place in the power house on the coiner of Har- no.y and Twentieth streets. The casting weighed about sixteen tons , and was drawn to the house by two teams of four horses each , with massive trucks with tires six inches in width. The Benson Motor line has decided to substitute horse oar power instead of steam , as now used , beginning on Mon day. This action is caused by thu vigor ous protest of the farmers in Jefferson prceinet , of which notice has already ap peared in the BEE. .WANT TO Tll/VDK IN OMAHA. Kan. , Cltlzeiu Petition For Better Cominnnluatlon. Secretary Nattingor , of the board of trade , received a copy of a petition yes terday which has been forwarded to the Union Pacific mil way company's officials. . It asks that better accommodations bo given tbo. citizens of Marysvillo , Kan. , with Omaha. With this copy was the following letter : MAnvsvii.i.i ; , Kan. , Sept. 21. I enclose herewith a copy of a petition our cltl/.ons huvti this d y formulated to tl < e Union Pa- cllic olllclals at Omaha. It Is to the Interest of your business men that thu rcijuost ha granted , for as tradm now tun our mer chants are rnnipi'lled to trade with 8t .loo and Kansas City , when with equal facilities , ns wr had six months ago , many of them pre fer Oiimha. A lu-nvy trade was boulnninn to mo\e toward Oinnlm until the change cut us entirely olf. Can't vour hoard bring a pressure to hear on the Union 1'arlhc oftlulals In a proprr way to have mutters rhtuuod. Yours , , W. S. Ci.AHa. The Smith .lury nihnar < > 4. Thn jury came in at 10 o'clock yester day morning nnd reported that they had disagreed in the case of CharlcH Smith , charged with robbing Jnmcs I. Givem of a watch and about $10 in money. The case was tried Wodni'Mlay. Another jury wiiB pi need in the box yesterday uftor- noon and at 4:30 : o'clock thn case wis ; commenced attain. At adjournment it was not finished. Oli-vt land'H Ureoiitlnn Committee. Soeirotary Nattingur of the board of trade hus received u communication. from the city council nnnnnnoing it.s uommlttoo for the reception of President Cleveland , and requesting tlm hoard to appoint u commiUtui to IQIII with that of the council. The committee was ap pointee ) yesterday afternoon and con- jiHts of President Max Mover , John A. McShams nnd P. E. Her. Hank GloarnnccH. The bank clunrancoM for to day worn { .131,078 00. llrevltles. Yesterday's internal revenue collcu- UOIIH amounted to $ ; ! , ; ! , Goiuirul C. H. VanWyck arrived from the west yiibttinlav morning tmel will sptiiul a short In no In the city , Th t olllcos oi thu board of titruriturs. 'flcroUry and freight liunmu eif llm board if trade art ! buing covorixl with the fine * * kind of velvet r > uri it.