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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1887)
JUMBO BREAKS OUT AGAIN Belle PlaWs Wonderful Artesian Wei Onoa More In Eruptloii. SIOUX CITY LIQUOR SEIZED Dubttquo Welcomes tlio CJovrrnor' Grcyn N ; lrolca County K lrs Bonded 1'or BnntRttilna nnstctl. PI.AIXK , la. , Sept. ZJ. f.SpccIt Telegram to tlio UEE. | "Jumbo. " the bl well , Is loose azaln. A force of men ha been put on the lirst of the week to again tr nntl control It , but something "bulled" nn now "Jumbo" Is In tlio aame condition as year ago. A Woinnn Killed lly the Cam. MAHSIIAU.TOW.V , la. , Sept. 23. ISpccIr Telegram to tliu BKK.I Mrs. Martin , wlill drlvlnc cows from the track , was killed by Central Iowa train at Be.irsUoro last nlphU Died oF Mis AVnnmlfi. CIIKSTON , la , Sept. 23. | 8prclal Tulegrai to the HRK. | Adrian Greenfield , the youn man who was accldently shot on t ie lot Inst , died this morning. He had been tin conscious ever since ho was shot. The Inwn Uopnbllcnn Campaign. DEH MOINKS , la. , Sept 23. [ Special Tele gram to the HEK. | The republican state cen tral committee announce 148 republican ineo Ings for tlio lirst two weeks of the cam ' palcn. The formal opening will take pine Tuesday , October 4 , with llfw-en mass nine ! lnen In dltTureut parts of the state , nddresse hv Governor Jjarraboe , Senators Allison an Wilson and others. Liquor Seized at Sioux City. Sioux CITY la , , Sept. 23. [ Special Teh gram to the UKK.J Several holcs-ln-tlu wall were raided to- < lay and a conslderabl quantity of liquor of one kind and anotlu seized. A call has been Issued for an Irnpor ant business meeting of the Law and Ordc league next Monday evening to arrnnu plans for future work nnd carrying out tli name. It Is believed the league Is preparln for another vigorous and active campaign. the Governor's OroyH. DunuquR , la. , Sept 23. [ Special Tele gram to the UKC. ] The Governor's ( Jroy were received to-day with n royal welcom on their return from the Philadelphia cor tennlal. The old members of the compan ; Who wont out as the first volunteers of th war In April , 1801 , went down to the depr to moot them together with thousands c citizens. The company carried the on 'Inn battle ( lags presented to them In 1859 by th ladles of Dubuque which had been restore to them by General Frank U. Uorron , o New i'ork , who was captain of the comnan when they volunteered their service In 180' The boys marched to the Lorlraer nous whore a banquet was spread for them amli decorations of flowers and Hafts. They fe very proud of the attention elven them I Philadelphia , Now York and Washington. The Corn Pnlnoc. Sioux CITY , la. , Sept. 23. ( Special Tele gram to the Ur.n.j Decorative and Ilium ] Dating arches are being erected throughout th business portion of the city and In the vlclt Ity of tlie corn palace and residences , an business houses are rapidly putting on the corn-holldny attire. A hundred men wet at work all day In decoratlntr the palace an already a Inrgo number of visitors are In tli city every day. The palace Is rapidly nea : Ing completion and Is even more boauttfi and Imposing than It was at tin supposed It could bo made. All tli railroads entering Sioux City have ngreeri I carry exhibits free and are arranging to ru several special trains every day during earn val week to accommodate visitors. Cor parties , corn Ice cream , corn necKtlca , cor canes and corn decorations aru nil the rau here. Everybody Is becoming "enthused and the event will undoubtedly be his tor .for Sioux City , la. , and the northwest. The Munchraih Case. Sioux CITV , la. , Sept. 23.-Speclal | Teh srram to the UEE. | To-morrow Is tlio la : day the defense In the Munchrath'caso wi bave for tiling Its motion for a now trial. . reporter confronted Attorney Argo to-do upon the subject , and that gentleman state that he expected to bo able to convince tl court that a now trial should be granted. 1 ! says that the motion Is to bo Hied to-morro and argued Monday , the day llxed for soi tence. It Is understood that the defense < vi endeavor to make tlio point that the test mony of John Kobgon Is new testimony an that they were not notlhed In advance tin such evidence would be Introduced. Kumoi of one kind and another were set alloatt day by reason of the fact that Mr. and Mr Munchratheto closely closeted with Pr aecutlng Attornov Marsh totay. . The verdl is approved very generally , and It Is in thought that a new trial will bo granted. The Dnwcn County Fair. CHADIION , Neb. , Sept. 23. ( Special Tel gram to the UKK.J The second day of tt Dawes county fair was a grand success coi slderlng the difllcultles under which the fa opened. It cleared up early this mornlu and people bozan to congregate and exhlbi kept arriving until there was hardly roe : for them. The display of agricultural pr ducts was simply astonishing andallvari ties were well represented. The display wi far beyond the expectations of any one an troves thl.rcQunty able to compete with nn other portion of Nebraska , Wyoming i Dakota. Arrangements are being perfected to sen a display of agi ( cultural products to the cot festival at Sioux City. The tine art department was high ) praised. 'Hie featuru of this depaitmcnt wi n collection of oil palntlnirs by Miss Jess Powers , of this city , which deserve r.ioi comment than sp.iro will allow. A line co leutUin ot bluudfd. slock was also on tl ground. Tlio trotting race was won to-dav by So rcllillly from husk. Wyn. . and the runuli race by Long Tom from Crawford , Neb. The Northwestern Nebraska veterans a soclatlon aru camped on the grounds. Th association comprlt-ea live ol the westei counties , and has organlred permanently racotcach > car In either of the counties I the nsrtoclation. All the veterans vis ! ing this reunion hero were lurnifthr meals and quarters free. Will the reunion at this place did n exceed 300 visiting memberj , It was a goc start and every veteran expressed hlmse highly pleased with his reception. In r sponso to their greeting by Lennlnctc post O. A. K. they decided to hold their w end annual reunion at this place next fa When It Is understood that this Is only tl second fair ever held In this county , and tl only way to aceompllsh anything was I private subscription too much praise cann be conceded the olllcers and board of > d rectors. Winding Up. SCIIUYI.KK , Nob. , Sept. 23. [ Spodal Tel Cram to the HKE. | The closing day at t ! fair drew by far the largest crowd. . Amoi the sp ° cln ) attractions of the day were balloon aacnnslon , a number of trotting ai runnlnit races and the 'parade by compai K , the local militia company. The boys pi smiled a line appearancu In their new in forma. The buy who had Ins leg broken y < terday Is reported as doliu nicely. ' 1 hn Pair at I'nwnre. PAAVNKK CITY , Neb. , Sept. 33. | Specl Telegram to the KKK.J The eighth annu fair of the Pawnee County Agricultural s clety has been a great success. Tim wcath has been admirable. The center of attractli was the freo-for-all race yesterday , whl vas won by llasha 1)111 ) In 0- : ) . To-day t pacing horse , Fred Davis , won the rn against time , making the fastest mile ev made in this county. Itnnx County Products. CilKltHlTOtf , Neb. . , Sept. 2.1. ( Special T ( cgram to theUKe.j Tln fourth -annual ex ) bitlon of jtht ) Knox C.qunty agricultural ass . . * < -jmiaftiiaitifiti.iiiiiWinr . * . r. . . - > i elation Is now In full blast. The exhibits an neatly arranged and are very lino. The livi stock show Is pronounced the best ever dla played on n county fair ground In- this par ot the state. The weather was very rain ; Wednesday , hence the management held tin lair over till Saturday. To-day has been i very line one and It Is estimated that full ; iOM pcoplnvern present. The gate receipt alone amounted to over 3400. The races wcr line to-day and a line lot of llyers are hero li compote for the trm nlltcont purses olTerod. Xhn Franklin Fair. FUANKM.V , Neb. , Sept. ! . ISpeclal to th J3KF.-Congressmanv'Lalrd | spoke on th f lr grounds yesterday to a lane and Inter csted audience. The agricultural exhibits o the fair this year were not up to the usun standard on account ot the hall and drought but crcat credit Is due to the management fo the clfort put forth tomaku till ! ) atnuml exhi bitlon a success. The Nance County Fair. Futi.EUfoxNeb.bept. 23. ISpeclal to th BKK.J The Nance county lair was attende. . yesterday by 3,000 people , a great man ; being present from lioono , Mcrrlek , am other neighboring counties. Ucnerat Vni Wyck delivered n brief address which wa listened to with marked attention. The Episcopal Convocation. NOIIFOLK , Nob. , Sept. 23. ( Special to th llKR.l A convocation of the Kidscopn clergymen Is In session In this city , Ulsho WorltiliiEtOD and others being In attend ance. Trinity church of this city was const crated and the bishop delivered an addrcs to the clergy. _ Htroimnnnr Votps Waterworks Bonds S-riiojisiiiino , Nob. , Sept. 23. [ Special Te egram to the HKE.J The vote to bond Strom. burg for S 12,000 to put In a system of wate works carried almost unanimously , only on vote being cast airnlnst the bonds. The wor of putting In the works will bo pushed n once. _ M. P's. Coming to America. LINCOLN , Neb. , Sept. 23. Secretary Sul ton , of the Irish National league , has re colved advice that Sir Thomas Orattoi Estmond. M. P. , and Arthur U'Con nor , M. P. , sail from Quoenstowi to-morrow. They come as n delegalloi from the National Iciiuue of Ire land to obtain assistance. They will lecture in the leading cities. The Franklin Academy Opened. FiiANKi.m , Neb. , Sept. 20.-Special [ Tele eram to the BKI : . | The fall term ot th Franklin academy has opened with an at tendance of seventy In the acedemy am twenty-two in the conservatory of music , als thirty In vocal music. The unexpected d mand for pianos will necessitate addltlona Instruments Immediately. There are lift ; boarders In the ladles hall. Every room litho the boy's dormitory IH taken. The building are In fine order , the faculty strone , and th prospect for the year unusually flattering. Hamilton County'H nisplar. Auuoru , Neb. , Sept. 23.-bpeclat [ Tele gram to the BKK. ] This has been a magnll : cent day for the Hamilton county fall About five hundred vehicles passed In at th gate and the number of people on thoground this afternoon was fully four thousand. 1 was Aurora day. The business houses close up from 11 a. m. to 4 p. rn. and nverybod went to the fair. The school children wen there In large numbers and the farmers wit their families wera there from all parts o the county. The exhibits have been roundoi out more fully and the show Is highly cret liable. The exhibits might have been te ; times as largo for Hamilton county certain ! ; has the products , but the farmers are dilator about bringing them In. The llamllto : county school children , under the dlrectloi of Superintendent Barton , make a ver worthy exhibit of map drawlnir , crayoi work , water colors , pen drawing and los vs rlctles of native and cultivated woods. Th drawings display In many instances consid erable artistic skill and some of them are roc gems of art. W. U. Smith , a leading dr goods merchant of Aurora , makes a tine ills plav of silk and satins , ribbons , velvets , lac and carpetlngs in the center of art hall. I 11. liuclmn. the jeweler , makes a rich an beautiful exhibit of the Aurora (111. ( ) sllve plate ware , and Bell A Miller of hardware stoves , ranges , HocKford churns and otlie goods , ( ilover & Chapman , furniture an hardware. W. K. Keber , saddles , harness whips and similar goods. A. M. Glover , mi steal instruments , art music and other good ; In agricultural hall the exhibits have beu considerably Incieascd In tlio last day or twc Moore & Brood bunt , of Aurora , liavo on e > hibition live very beautiful draft stall ion ; Pcrcherons. Clydos , English shires and tw half blooded Clydes. They attract much at tentlon and are Indeed worthy animals. M. llallett exhibits several beautiful broo mares and their colts , " a cross between tli Pcrcheron and Morgan breeds. They may ti termed the real general-purpose horse , i ; 11. Star has eight head of llolsteln cattle o the grounds. They are the great milders o the world. In the freo-for-all trot this afternoon fo $125 , mile heats , best three In five , Littl Moke , owned by Tower , of Sutton , took lirs money In three successive heats , Llndo second and Daisy Sherman third. Timo- 2:40 : , 2:43 : > tf , 2:4ljf. : The programme cor eluded with a half-mile dash , which was wo by the Heynolds horse In 50 seconds. Jack Lebald , who was thrown when th Humpton mare fell yesterday , was oa tli grounds to-day , but very sore. TUB RKn IIIVKit ROAD. Manitoba Determined to Build It- British Troops Comlnir. WINNIPEG , Manitoba , Sept. 23. [ Jspecli Telegram to the UKK.J A public moetln wilt shortly be held to agitate the sutwcrl ] tlon of money by the people of the provlnc in sums large enough to push to completio the Ited Kiver road. If the money can t raised , it is the intention of the people t Ignore the. Injunction granted and the nmi dates of the court to prevent the work. Tli railroad fever Is apparently epidemic in tli province at present. It Is reported tuat British troops wi shortly bo sent over to gun ison Victoria , an they will remain until the agitation wit regard to building the Itcd Hlver road hr subsided. _ Th 111 no and Grey's Closing Day. KVANSYH.LK , Ind. , Sept 23. The closln day of the reunion of tun blue and grc passed off very pleasantly. The forenoo was devoted to Infantry prize drill. Tli Louisville light Infantry took the lint prlzi 81,000. company A , First regiment Illlnol National guards second prl/c , S.VJO ; the llei mltazo cuards , of Nashville , tlio third prizi SIHW. The Umeruld c.ulou , of St. Louls.too thu lirst zouave prize. The sham batte was grand MICCCSS. Another reunion will bu hcl next year on a larger : ic : le. Steamahlp QUEKNSTOWN. Sept. 23. [ SoBcial Toll gram to the UKK , ] Arrived The Celt from New York. llAMituito , Sept. 23. Arrived The Se via from New York. NKW YOIIK , Sept. 23. Arrived The Saa from Bremen , the Wllland from llambui and the Adriatic from Liverpool. Decision In a Long I'omllnjj Hull , MAKSIIALL , Midi. , Sept. 2l.-JuJt : Hooker to-day scut In a decision in the eel brated Perrln Slblov suit , which gives tl Slhley heirs , of Rochester , N. Y. , fro 5800,000 to 8500,000 worth of property , most i which Is situated here. The matter has bcc In court twenty years or moie. The I'errl heirs will appeal. Weather Indications. For Nebraska : Warmer , threaten ) ! weather with rain , fresh to brisk winds , b comlnc variable. For Iowa : Warmer , fair weather , light fresh .southerly winds , tieromlni ; variable. For Dakota : Local light rains followed I cooler , fair weather , fresh to brisk wester winds. _ _ Death or Major Sympaon. WASHINGTON , Sept. 23. Major C. i Sympson , of Illinois , enrolling clerK of tl senate , died suddenly tliU morning of ap plexv. The deceased had been employed I the seutflo for many years , and was hold I lilL'h esteem Dy inanv senators and othe prominent In official life. . ' . ' FIXING FOR BETTER BALI Semi-Annual Meeting of the Directors o The Omaha Olub. PREPARING FOR NEXT YEAR Topeka Wins From Denver and Llii coin LIOHL-H a Game With Kansas City Qthcr Items of Sport ing News. Important Finso Hall Afpetlnir. The semi-annual meeting ot the director of the Omaha Huso Ball club was held at 8:3 : last ovenlnir at Penrose & llardln's sportin , headquarters , 101 South Thirteenth street The meeting was one of unusual Importune and there was a full attendance ot the mem bcrs. Among other business transacted I was decided to increase the capital stock After considerable debate It was Increase ) 810,000. Arthur 8. Brings was chosen t represent the company at the Chicago con fcrenco where steps are to be taken towari the formation ot n new and stroneer league It this league Is formed Omaha hopes to be i member of it. Other business of a ml no character was transacted. It Is the Intentloi to Improve the record of Omaha next yeai and no pains will be spared to accompllsl this object Kansas City 12 , Lincoln 8. KANS AS CITV , Sept 23. | Special Telegran to the BKE.J Lincoln received another dos ot the medicine she has been taking at To peka to-day and dropped the lirst game of tin series to Kansas City , with the tatter's weak est pitcher In the box. Each team made eigh errors , but the cowboys batted Swartzel freel ; and thus won the game. Darkness ended tin contest in the seventh Inning. The score bj Innings is as follows : KansasClty . 3 12111 3-1 Lincoln . 0 003303 Earned runs-Kansas City 5. Two basi nits Llllle , Manning , Mansoll , Hasmar Three base hits Herr , Keoder. Struck ou By Haddock 4 , Swartzol 4. Double plays- Herr , Kowe and BecRley. Left on bases- Kansas City 8. Lincoln 8. Bases on balls- Olt Haddock 5 , off Swaitzel 4. First base 01 errors-Kansas City 3 , Lincoln 5. Passet balls-Graves 4 , Hoover 4. Wild pitches- Haddock 3 , Swartzel 3. Hit by pltcher- llowe. Time of game 1 hour and 55 min utes. Umpiro-Hoean. Batteries Kansai City : Haddock and Graves. Lincoln : Swart zel and Hoover. _ Topeka 1O , Denver 3. IOI-KKA , Sept , 23. [ Special Telegram ti the BKK.J The Topokas and Den von played good game of ball this afternoon A number of brilliant plays wore made. Thi visitors were defeated by the followlni score : Topeka . 1 0010600 2-H Denver . 2 U0000001 Kuns earned Topeka 8 , Denver 1. Two base hits Stearns , Meyers. Threo-baso hit Macullar , Stearns , Johnson , Goldsby Homo run llolliday. Umpire Young Butteries Conway and Gunson. Bllch am Meyers. Time of game 1 hour and35rnln' utes. _ National Lieugue Games. PiTTsnuno , Sept. 23. The game betweet the Pittsbtitg and Philadelphia teams to-dn resulted as follows : Pittsburg . 0 00000000 Philadelphia . 0 0300200 * Pitchers Galvin and Ferguson. Base hit Pittsburg 3 , Philadelphia t ) . Errors-Pitts burg 3 , Philadelphia 2. Umpire Dooschoi CHICAGO , Sent 23. The games botweei the Chicago and Boston teams to-day re suited M follows : Morning game : Chicago . 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Boston . 0 00100100 Pitchers Van llaltron nnd Madden. Basi hits-Chicago 17 , Boston 8. Errors-Chtca i 2 , Boston 4. Umpire-Powers. Afternoon game : Chicago . 0 0020101 Boston . 0 0200020 Game called at end of eighth Inning on ac count of darkness. Pitchers Baldwin and Conway. Base hit Chicago ! , Boston 0. Errors-Chicago Boston 3. Umpire Powers. DETHOIT , Sept. 23. The game betwoej the Detroit and New York teams to-day re suited as follows : Detroit . 3 403010 0 1 NewYork . 0 0030000 Pitchers Conway and Keefe. Base lilt Detrolts 15 , New i'ork 6. Errors Detrol 4 , New YorkO. Umpire Dnnlels. INDIANAPOLIS , Sept. 23. The eamo be twc ii the Indianapolis and JVashlngtoi teams to-day lesulted as follows : Indianapolis . 0 01040000 Washington . 0 00200011 Pitchers Gilmore and O'Day. Base hits- Indlananolts 0 , Washington 12. Errors In diaiiapolis2 , Washington a Umpire Valen tine. . _ American AHHoclatloo. BROOKLYN , Sept. 23. The game betweei the Brooklyn and Athletic teams to-day re suited as follows : Brooklyn . t 0200030 Athletics . 0 000073 0-1 BAI.TIMOIIF. Sept. 23. The game bntweei the Baltimore and Metropolitan team to-dry resulted as follows : Metropolitans . 0 034001 0 Baltimore . 3 300030 * 1 Northwestern League. DBS MoiNKS. Sopt. 2i-At Milwaukee Milwaukee 4 , St. Paul 3. At La Cros&e , la ! Claire 13 , La Crossejj. _ The Louisville Meeting. LouibWLLK , Sept. -One-half mile fo two-year-olds : GolUhtly won , llamDlc second , Flitter third. Time-50 . One end one-sixteenth miles : Fastorz won , Klrklln second , Lewis Clarke thin Time l:53 > f. Threeiuarters mile , throe-year-olds Valuable won , Poteen second , Catalpa thlrt Time1:15 : . One mile. , lor two-year-olds : Bertha wov Pat ton second , Kentucky Can third. Time- IMG. IMG.Seven - furlontrs , all ages : Walker won Hopedale second , Clianca third. Time I:1 : ? ; Brooklyn Jr.ukoy Club Hacos. NKW Youx , Sept. 23.-The weather at th BrooUlj-n Jockey clnb track at Gravcsond t ( day was rainy and dlsagreoablo and tli track very heavy. Following Is the sum marv : Six furlongs * . Badge won , Stuyvosantsei ond. Umpire third. Tlmn , 1 : MU. One mile and a quarter : Swift won , T.xll second , Ton Brooic third. Time , 2lfiVif. : Two-year-olds , six furlongs : Fordlmi won. Locust second , Carrie G. third. Time For three-year-olds , one mile and furlong Besso June won , Lady Primrose seconi Alarlc third. Time ' 1-.01X. Six nirlongs : Pearl Jennings won , Harr Itussell fcpcond , UtMlstonn tlilril. Time 1'J ( One ar.d one-sixteenth miles : Maggl Mitchell won , Csrrlsslna second , Bonnie 1 third. THne-l50K. Spccdornat Detroit. DKTUOIT , Sept. 23. The weathnr was cold the track slow and the attendance small , Two-year-olds , stake : Uirlluo won , Jac quette second , Pilot Maid third. Best tlme- 2:58. : 2'24 class , pacing , purse 81.000 : Uhlmes I won , Wayne Wllkos second , Dr. West thin Daniel S. fourth. Best tlme-3S34. ! 2:34 : class , trotting , purse S 1,003 : Aboyn won , Senator second. Footsteps third , low Harold distanced. Best time 2:24J : . Two-year-olds , stake : A walk-over fc Eminence In 2:3 : Omuhn Itlfle Clnb. Thu weekly shoot of the Omalia Hlflo clu at the Bellevue range resulted as follows : Walter Klnner . ( W. W. Blngham . > II. B. Hudson . ' . (5. A. Harvey . ! W , K Morris . < Dr. H. A. Worley . D.J.Collins . ! C5. S. Parrotte . ! V , B. Pannulee . ! Mr. Kinncar holds iliu "Berlin" medi until the next shoot on a score of C'J. , cash prize will bo shot for Wednesday , Sei teuiberSA _ Snorting Notrs. The Ponrosu & llnrdln anniinl tourn ment takes place October 2.1) , 3d , 27 and 2 There will bo threoTsets of traps kept coi staully running sevtlons- , B and C. St < tloa B a llro bird trap , from where till llv . * * * - birds will bo shot ; sections A and C will be used for artificial blr'as. A referee and score will bo at each set of traps In consequence o which there will benodclay. Thcproxtamim will bo ready Iri'H ' fviwdays. Large quantltle : ot birdsnro expfttcd from all parts of tin country , both live uiack birds and pigeons Much enthusiasm Is being manifested regard Ing the event i' The fall meeting inf the North Nobraski Sportsmen's tournament takes place Octobc 4 and 5 at Norfolk. The tournamtlnt will bi under the management of CaplMn Ponrosc ot Ponrose & llardln. this city. Captain Pen rose succe83fully"e6uducted the May tourna niont at the sauitf place , an < ' this fact Is asuf llclcnt guarantee that it will Do a signal sue cess. 11 The recent cold days have made excelton shooting of toaU'lluck and jack snipe. A Tip orfthc Yacht liner- , Niw : YOIIK , Sept. 23. [ Special Tolegran to the BKK.J Kdward Burgess advised hi friends to-day not to bet on the Voluntec and not to give odds. Ho says nothing Is si uncertain as a yacht race. tejc-Prlsonors of War. CHICAGO , Sept. 23. At to-day's meeting o the Union ex-Prisoners' association the pen slon measure outlined In these dlspatche last night was adopted. It will be prosentei to the G. A , R. for endorsement at the SI Louis convention and then placed befon congress. George W. H. Powell , of Bellville 111. , was elected president ; A T. Decker. ot New Yorlr , firs vice president , and additional vie presidents were named from each statt having local organizations. A resolutloi was adopted declaring that the preMden should comply with the law by dlsplaylni the captured rebel flags In some public place Indianapolis was chosen as the next plac < for meeting. A resolution was passed demanding that conercss pass i measure for the relief of ex-soldier Buffering from the effects of barbarou and Inhuman treatment In rebe prisons. Another resolution says : "Wi view with sorrow and painful regre the appointment ot ox-rebels to adjudicate examine nnd pass upon the merits of appll cations of union soldiers for needed and jus relief through pension ! * . Adjourned , Cleveland Acknowledged the Honor HAnnisnuiO.Pa. , Sept. 23. Some tlrai since Mrs. John Uostctter , of Perry county gave birth to triplets , two boys and a girl The Barents decided to call them Grover Cleveland and Frances respectively. A let ter was accordingly sent to the president anc he has just made a reply , thanking tin parents for their courtesy and expressing the best wishes for the children. An Intor-State Violator Arrested. MIN-NKAI-OI.IS , Sept 23. F. McFeoley agent for the Manitoba railroad atMoorhead Minn. , was arrested by a United States mar shal on complaint of C. B. Benedict ant others , charged with violating section 3 o : the Inter-stata commerce law. The agent re fused to transfer wheat to another road. Tin result of the case will be watched with mucl interest. ' Missionary DOMIC Released. BOSTON , Sept 23. The American board o foreign missions has received advices fron Missionary Doane that the Spanish governo of the Caroline Islands has released him nni assured him that iri ( he future the mlssloi work will be uumqte tcd. Heavy' , ' , Al or tiragcn. NKW YoitK , Sept 23. Mortgages for 8355 , 000 have boon placed on the property of L S. Hep worth & CoV , manufacturers of suga ' machinery at Yo'Mprs , to secure the prin- clpal creditors. ' t. Death oftnn Archbishop. NEW Oni.KANsIri'Oept 23. Archblshoi LeUoy , of the diocese of New Orleans , dlei In France yesterday. yesterday.i i Sir , Wnwhlmrnc Bettor. CIIICAOO , Sept. 23. Ex-Mmister Wash burno was reported1 late to-night to b slightly better. " UKA'i/KSTATE ' , Trnnclcrs Filed September 22 , 18S7 Elizabeth M Fronoh and nuabnnd to iBuno N Hammond , lot 10 blk 15Contral 1'urk.wd : (3,50 KuclM Mnrttnuml wlfo to Pnrlin. Oron- dorr & Martin Co , lot T bin ti , 1'addock l'lnooiTd 3,00i Charles C liouacl and wife to Christopher Outycn , cHgt fl foot of lot 7 and nest 1C feet of lot H blk ' 'G9. Omaha , w ( i 1,003.5' ' John I Kodick nn'l wlto to U Kollner , lot lAblkU.Bubdlvof John t KoUlck's mid , wd 1,101 James E Itlley ana wlfo to Joseph N Hurtman , nVi of lot 13 , In J K Hlloy's aulKllv ot lots 51 nnd 65 In B E Uojtors' plat of Okohoma , w d 50 Joseph W IllBhop nnd wife to Robert Kerr , lots "J and ' 1 blk n , Boaf ord 1'laco.wd 2,00i Carif 1) Cannon I'md wife to Clmrles S Kverost , lot f > 8 , FiUrmount Plaoo , w d. . 1,401 William itiiutiman and wife to Frank 1'rtsoall et al , lot 11 , Woouluwu udd , wd B0 ( Alfred Arnoman to Joseph Lodorur , lot 7 , blk 4 , In Kotmt7oV.rd add , q od : F H Davis n nil wlfo to the Omaha lloal KsttitoAc Trust Co , lots 53 , 57 and 61 , KtUrmount vlucor < ! 157 ! Wm Krutr to A H Hnns.m , lot 34. blk 8 , Walnut Hill , wd 40 , Augustus Kountzo mid wlfo to John Itlivyolc , lot 9 tnd s ! i otlot 10 , blk II , Kountzo'sUd addwit 2,1,7 James H Conrnl to Edward A Lea van- worth ot al , lot i , blk 5 , llrookllno adil , wd Cfil G ro rue I * Btebblns to Joseph G 1'ritchard , lot 4 , bIKT. Hanscom place , w d 1,25 ( Elbort-O Jackson to Edwin A I.cavmi- wortn , lot 4. blk IV , HIUUCODI Place , wd a.00 ( W G Albrltrbt and wife to D Black , lots lu and 11 , blk 3 of sub dlvof blk iiO , Al bright Oholcn oild to South Omulm , vr d 1,15" " Omaha PubllshliiK company to the ileo Publishing company , the middle Hot lot 0 In blK 121 , city of Omaha , w d 50 J II Johnson and wife to W U AlbriKht , lot , blk on , South Omalm.wd 1,531 > Vm J I'tuilto W C AlnrlKht , lot 11 , blk 5 , JJnyno's mid , w d 01 Thomas Illifirins nnd wlfo to W tl Al- brlnht.lotn , blktl. Mayno'H add , wd . liij Thu Hiuith Omuhn Lund company to J n Johnson. lot C , blk C9 , South Omaha , w d 30 Hulmru Nlctcl and husbunil to Huns Leuraon.lofJ- 4 , Hajciill's subiliv si > o 5.14-11 , w d 2,00 Marcus Ij I'urrotto ana wife to Murthu M lHliU > P.M blk" , lUn.-oom plitco , w d. . . C.'iOl Pntrlck Nortor and wife to Knooh N Arthninl , lot 18 blk 1 , South Omaha , w d 10 William Fnrnnm Smltb to Chnrlei 0 Spot- wool , lot 12 blk A , lloilfoid Hdil.wd. . . . W ) The South Omahit Land Co to Hell Vols- ley , lot 1 blk 10 , South Omahaw d 3V Twenty-six transfers ; total M1.57 Noli Skovr , ono storyiTfamo addition to rtwolllntr , Fourth nofl Centre bis . C S. ' 1. 11. woods , ono KtoryJlframo cottage , Albertunil Kavon jKfcota . 35 L. H. Korty , two atotyfr mo residence Ponploton near Twcntfntn avenue. . . . 4,50 Ititt us B. Clarke , ono'anJ ono half story frame dwelling , Twftntr-soventh be- twconSewardand Frnnklln streets. . . . ' 1,40 Chris Hasmuison , two two story frame dwelling and -Twonty-seventh and 1'oDpluton avooTuo . 3,20 Five permits , acrfrrfi/atlnir . 19,70 I * - Watches , clocks nnd jewelry ronairci anil warranted at rjubcrinanu s. Adams A. Iirlde Co. , Fine proof ctchina.s' nil pngravings , ar tistio framlnir , rtyh , st assortmunt o mouldings in thu oily , 1510 Dodge st. Buy the Original Steward hoixter fo olllces and stores. Sold at Lango's , Ul S lilth , near Fnmam. Utiy your Winter goods at our e-tosinj salo. New York Dry Goods Store. Our Motto "Hood tirades , Low 1'rices' ' Central Lumber Yard , 13th & Cullfornn 1'l.inos fjoad the World. Alfred Aloiubcrft &Co. , 1510 Doilge si Kverythini ; sold below vnluo at Nn\ York Dry ( Joods store. Mniuifactnri'rs ' will receive lands frc mid unuxcollo'l ra.ilr.oad fanllitios at Poi til. Otllci,10i ! South IQtli street , Omaliu hlllluls. ollti & L.iwriu , arehitects. IJ L. Sluuie , stipunniciidoat. SUM Livia IN &r. JOE. Thonah Ills WhcroAbotttH at Prcoon Are Unknown. Nearly two weeks ajo n young mai named Alons-.o U. Rccs applied for an was given board nml loUirliiK in the rest " tlonco of Charles V. Moq , foromati for I , P. I'ruyn. ilo Impressed his hosts in favorable manner , having ti lacgu an wolMlllcd trunk , quito tin amount c clothes nnd working implements , the lal tor Intended for use on the Omaha N'iov school house , which Is about to bo commenced moncod by Contractor King. Ho came ho said , us a brick mason for King am was waiting until tlio latter should bi ready to go to work upon the schoo notiso. As tlioro was n delay , Roe was disposed to kill time n boat ho could , nnd whllo doin ; Mrs. Mos learned from him that ho hm loft a girl behind him In St. Joo. H thought of this damsel almost contlnu ally , and at times seemed Irruparabl' discouraged because ho could receive ni letter from nor. Ho bore patiently will his disappointment until ono night in tin latter part of last week , whoti ho tolo grnphod the lady only to learn that Shi was not to bo found at the address givun This almost throw him into despair ant caused him to rush to thu tclecraph olllco where ho sent another telegram whicl cost over $1.00. .No answer was receive < to this nnd the young man bore hi disappointment as well as possible Last Monday ho came to towi with Mr. Mos , nnd slnco that time ha not boon hoard from or seen. His tlisan wmranco was not announced and 1 somewhat mysterious. Hoes claimed ti hnvo about $300 in hla possession ant both Mr. and Mrs. Mos fear that thi young man ha ? boon impelled to tin commission of sotno rash act. On Mon day last , however , ho hail Iwrtlly left foi town when a letter was received fron the St. Joe young woman , but there i , nobody to learn its contents. AMUSRMKNT9. Two entertainment * at the Open Jlousca Loot Nlirht. The production of "Hamlet" last nigh by Mr. Thomas Koonc was witnessed b1 a magnificent audience. Mr. Kooni played with extreme cure , gradually lind ing appreciation , until , m the climax , hi was greeted with fervid peals of ap plause. And yet , ho did not play to thi clacquo. His reading was studious ant thoughtful more that of a man thai that of n machine with flesh and blood and void , in the main , of the forceful melo-dramntio style to which the character actor is subjected oven by favorites win have essayed it in Omaha. Whatever bi the theories of auditors and Shakes pcaroan students as regards the sex , age mental condition of Hamlet theories which it. is sometimes difficult t < determine , U is true that Mr. Keonc's interpretation torpretation is made apparent m the firs two acts. It is such an one as may , de spite the abstruse , disjointed and mpta physical nature of the verses nnd senti ment , bo followed with case by an uuJi cnco of average Intelligence. It satislic : a close observer , while it not inaptly af fords a great deal which may bo appro elated by others not so disposed , llii support did not appear to the same ad- yantngo that il did in Kichcliou. It ii inconceivable how the Ghost , aside frou thu recital of IIIH tale , could harrow u | the soul of Hamlet , because his was oni of the tamest recitals a ghost has yet in dulgedin. The I'olonius of Mr. Currat was characteristically loquacious. Mis ; Bovlo was only passable as Ophelia. To-day Mr. Keuno gives two of hi : best performances , apnearing this after noon as Shylock , and in the evening as Richard 111. MILTOf NOIU.ES. This Omaha fnvorito appeared las1 night in his familiar play "Love am Law. " There is littln to bo said abou thu piece or thu performance : In con striiction , it displays the experience o : the star in his knowlcdiro of raolo-dra- matio cll'uct and , in presentation , the assiduous care which has always char acterized himself and the child-like interest torest of his pretty wife. The othui members of the company , however , are not so successful as others who have plaved hero with Nobles before. The same piece will bo produced at the matinou this afternoon , and in thu even ing "From Sire to Spn , " with its excel lout setting will be produced. HAPPY JOUTtNALISTa. Omaha Nnwopapur Mon Thorough ! ] Knjoy Colonel HIirirjiiH1 Il.inqner. Last evening C. S. Iliggms tendered tc the newspaper men of Omaha a complimentary montary banquet at his new restaurant- the St. Cloud. About fifty rppresenta lives of the press of this city were pros ent. Shortly before the banquet Colone Higgins escorted the many guests abou the building , First hn took them intc the pastry room , which is perfection then into the dynamo room , whicl furnishes the power for all of the electric lights in the St. Cloud , the restaurant ai Twelfth and Douglas streets and the residence nnd barn owned by Colone Higginsthu ; boiler room , which furnishes the heat for the entire building , and the kitchen , which is the neatest of culinarj departments to bo found. Shortly before the banquet the company listened to several oral Interesting selections by Mastoi Charlie iliggiti1 * , violinist , and Aliss Duisj Hicgins , pianist. Then all sat down to the least. W. C ( Jregory , of the Republican , presided Speeches wore hoard from nearly every body , and all congratulated Colonel Hig gins upon the neatness nnd perfection o : his establishment. A com in it tee was an pointed to draw up engrossed rusolu lions , commemorative of the occasion. or the Itnttnloti. At the meeting of the reunion commit tec of the board of trade last evening , r was ascertained that the money sub scribed would cover all the expenses ol the reunion. All tlio money subscribe was not yet collected , but it was deter mmod to hurry up the collections. Held Up Ity Iliirhwayinon. Late last evening James Carey , t Btrauger in the city , was walking alonj Ninth street when ho met two men o whom ho inquired for n boarding house They took him up un alloy andtirottlint | him , went through his clothes , roliovmi him of | 35 in cash and some trinkets There is no clew to the perpetrators. Arrentcd For St online HnrnoHH. C. Plckard , 017 North Thirtocntl street , was arrested last evening bj Olllcer Johnson , charged with stealing i set ot harness from a barn on Sixtoontl street , Ho denies the charge , but wil have a chance to prove his inuoounci this morning. Thr-y Wnrkutl All Night. The work on tlio motor line on the corner of Fourteenth and Douglas street did not stop at Q o'clock last evening a usual , but continued right on all night stopping at 0 this morning. The objoo of this was to have the street clear to day so as not to interfere with trallicT I'ar Krntht < . E. C. Green , of York , is at the Paxton J. li. Orr , of Ottumwa , is ut the Mil lard. lard.F. E. Bryson , Hay Springs , is ntth , Arcade. ' William M. Randall and wife , Mb Amy llandall ; ami Mrs. S. W. Merion , ol Memphis , Tciiu. , are at the Millard. James Pnddook , of Lonvonworth , is a the Paxton. II. A , Fowler , of Hastings , is rcglstnrci at the Paxton. Lucy A. Luco , of Logan , In , , is a cues at thu Millard. NV. H. Voso , of Kansas City , was at tin Mlllanl yesterday. ( icorgo C. Newman , of DCS Molncs , is n guest at the Mlllanl. K t W. Tnlbot , of Rock Island , is reels tercd at the Paxton. Ben A. Motoalf , of Cednr Rapttls , is ir town for a few days. Charles S. Avcll , of Uurllngton , la. , was m town yesterday. Alexander I. Smith , of Hurllngton , la. , was In town yesterday. II. H. Wallace , of Tokamah , 13 regis tered at the Merchants. Dr. Charles S. Hull , of Lincoln , dined at the Millard yesterday. 8. A. Worthen. of Nebraska Cltyi is staying at the Merchants. Ex-Governor Alblnua Nance , of No- braskn , is at the Milliard. John P. Allison , a prominent man ol Sioux City , ia at the Paxton. Claudius Jones , n prominent business man ot Sowurd , is at the Millard. II. W. Clark and J. Jotl'erson , of St. Paul , are staying at the Paxton ; E. S. WhitiiPV , of Los Angeles , came in yesterday with two car loads of ex cursionists from Boston who are on their way to visit California. William Randolph , wife and sbn , Mlsa Amy Randolph and Mrs. S. W. Morton and Miss Margarot.Wassoll , tourists ol Memphis , Teun. , are at the Millard. Miss Villio Williamson has returned from her visit to Lancaster , accompanied by Miss Clemmio Watson , of that city , who will bo Miss Williamson's guest for a few weeks. Gcorco W. Gray , the well-known re tired printer of this city , has returned from Chicago. Ho is looking extremely well , and many of hla friends are pleased to note his recovery from the dangerous attack ho experienced last summer. Mike Maul , of the ilrm of Drexel & Maul , loft last evening for n three weeks' trip for the east , during which ho will visit Toronto , the country around Lake Champlain and Hudson river points. Ono of ArtemuH Ward'a Lot tern. The following characteristic epistle from ArtetutiB Ward to an Elmirn , ( N.Y. ) girl , was published for the first time last week by the Now York Mail and Express : SALEM , Mass. , Juno 18,180-1. My Dear Amelia : I cannot tell you how much I miss you. . It seems as though I had lost nil my re latives , including niy grandmother and the cooking stove. Why didn't I put you in a bottle and bring you down hero with mo ? But 1 nin always forgetting something. The other day 1 went oil'nnd forgot my aunt Sarah , and she's n good tlcal bigger than vou nro. Mr. Uamstcy is a very forgetful man. He frequently goes oll'and forgets his washerwoman. Mr. Ramsey Is a very fine looking looking num. He reminds mo of Mr. Green , the Maiden murderer , When Mr. Ramsey goes to the peniten tiary , which will bo very soon , wo must send him doughnuts.miigazincsand other literary documents. Mr. Ramsey can read print very well. I like you very much. I should like you just na well if you were twelve years older. I am very singular nbout some thinus. You spoke to mo about a boy wiio is my rival. 1 should fool very sorry to kill that boy , but ho may drive me to it. 1 am in hopes that he will take himself into a premature tomb that he will choke hin.solt with a largo piece of pud ding ; but if ho docs neither 1 shall feel forced to load him with chains and rend all my lectures to him. That will finish him. His boots may remain , but the rest will have perished miserably long before I get through ! You must be a good little girl nnd al ways mind your mother. Never lot your excellent mother feel sorry that she is acquainted with you. If it hadn't boon for her you might have drowned in n soup iilate long ajro. And if vpu hadn't ever ( mil any mother you might bo n turkey with the turkeys In fact , my dear Amelia , so conduct yourself that oven on dark an < l rainy days the bright sun may shine wharevur you are , and that the stars ( which are next to the sun in brightness ) may nove-rilnshso brightly but that you can always look steadily and hopefully toward them. Faithfully your friend , A. WAKU. BOULANGER-S FORTUNE. What Wan Predicted by u Witch of Palmistry. Correspondence London Standard : The Figaro vouches for the truth of the following story , of which , of course , General Boulunger is the hero : About eight or ten weeks before the fall of the Goblet cabinet , Mine. Reivui , a fortuneteller - teller , was summoned to the house of a lady to exorcise her art of palmistry. Among others the minister of war her to toll his fortune , and it is allirmcd that , without having any idea who he was , she examined his hand and declared that he was a soldier who had served his country on the battlefield , and would again bo engaged in war. General l > ou- langer pretended that she was mistaken , whereupon the fortuneteller said : "I am only tolling you what I see in your hand. " She proceeded with her exami nation , and added : "You are in an unhoped-for position , but you will not keep it. A fall is awaiting you shortly , but do not despair. Later on you will obtain an even higher position. The lines of your hand indicate that you will almost reach n' throne. " A little later Mine. Reival was told that it WHS General lioiilangcr to whom nlm hail made the above predictions. "Oh I" she replied , "in that case 1 urn glad I did not toll him all. It is written in his hand that he will die a violent death. " Very shortly after this tlit- general was at the house of one of Dr. Charcot's friends , and in presence of that cele brated professor anil some of his clinical lectures and experiments the conversa tion naturally turned on hyppotlam , double vision , magnetism and nervous phenomena. Dr. Cliarcot declared in decided language that he did not believe in the faculty of subjects put into a trance bv magnetism to foretell the future. The considerable development of magnoiio electricity might certainly excite'the faculties and augment thu in tellectual powers in the same way as it exaggerated the nervous sensations , but he would not admit that those phenom ena went beyond the material world. A young woman who was regarded as it good subject was then put into a mag netic sleep and questioned by General Boulangnr. Like the tortuno-tollcr , fi'io ' predicted his approaching fallwhich wa.J to bo accompanied with numerous popu lar movements without bloodshed. She added : " 1 foresee in tlie near future great commotion und iip ctliigof ! things , It is terrible. Tint French mid German cannot live at peace. A war will break out between them , but no ono elho will take part in it. It will bo hefuro the Ubth of March next year. " Thcio iirudiutluns were made at the end of Muivh last year. She proct'ctled : "The war will labt more than eight in outs. Thorn will lie leiTitile successes mid rovHrse-s. In thu mid thu French , led by General Ifnnlangur , will definitely triumph , But , whatever they do , they will not bo able to go beyond the lUiine. whore pui.uo will be hlgniiil. Then on the Other Mile of the Khiiio 1 hen revolution , slinttered crowns anil llinmi'ft overthrown ; and on this t > i > t < i of Uin vin- torious general will bu.pi'oili\iiui , > d oh let. He will bit tho'hinlwMur nil. " . . , Care for the Children Children feel tlio debility of the changing seasons , crcn more than ndults , nnd they bo- conio cross , peevish , and uncontrollable. The blood fthould bo cleansed and the vtem Invigorated by the use ot Hood's Snrsaparllla. "Last Spring my two children were Yard- tinted. Soon after , they broke all out with run ning sores , so dreadful I thought I should lese them. Howl's Btrsnpartlla cured them com pletely ; nnd they bavo bcrn liralthy ever since. I do feel that Hood' * Sarsaparllla tared my children to me. " Ml9. ! C. L. THOMPSON , West Warren , Mass. Purify the Blood Hood's Sarsaparllla U characterized by ' thrco peculiarities : 1st , the combination ol remedial agents ; 2d , the proportion ; 3d , the proem of securing the nctlro medicinal qualities. The result Is a medicine of unusual strength , effecting euros Mihorto unknown. Send for book containing additional evidence. if " Hood's Bars.iparllla tones up my system , ptuincs my blond , sharpens inv appetite , ami SPCIUS to make mo over. " J. r. TitoMrsox , Koglstcr ot Deeds , Lowell , Mass. " Hood's Sarsnparllla beats nil othnr . and n worth Its weight In gold. " I. Il llttuiuxoM , 130 Bank street , Now xorlc City. Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold by all druggists , ft ; six for $5. Mads only by O. I. HOOD A CO. , Ixiwall , Mass. IOO Doses Ono Dollar. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE auKld-vrod-Datis uu FLORIDA FREE HOMES and Orange Groves 10 Ornngo Grove Trubts of 40 acres. 20 Orunge Grove Tracts of 30 acres , 40 Orange Grove Tracts of 10 ncres. 330 Orange Grove Tracts of 5 acres. 400 Orange Grove Tracts of 2 } ucrcs. 100 City Buildiut : Lots. WoaroRlvInK away a portion of ourlunds hut the remainder may bo trieatly liicruasi-d n value. Adrurtiglni ; space .costs too much to tlvo full particulars bore ; but send your rut.L mine nnd po < < tciincfl address to our Northern mice , wboi-o all iloodg are inailn , and wo will end you by return mull , In n scaled envelope , n NUMBERED Land | ? | CERTIFICATE Fl Vhleh cortlllvntu will mmblo you to floonro ono if the above divisions of vulimblo Florida iropiTty , KIU'.K. No chunro of any kind Is nude for olthor ttiu Numbered Land Cortlllcato ir tlio property It dP'Iirnatog. AM. l'Jll E. VddressW. H. WHKI'SIONK , Soo'y , J27 Mftlrt tioet , Cinclnniitl , Ohio. VOtJ AVI II , UK A TIEAITOU to yollr Own ntoroRta and thosn dependent on you If you all to avail yonrsolr of tills ( ireat Free l and ) lfor. Secure It for your chlldron. Send yonr uppllciitlon not lutor tlmn two ri-nKgfrom the date ot this iifior. Mention tliljpupnr. LOTOS FftCE POWDER Ladies valuing their comnloxlon GbouUl cocurca . SAMPLE BOX ( GRATIS ) of the Intent impc. ted ami unanimously ackuowl- Ddsud aa tlio bust FACE POWDER. fluarantocd to bo perfectly ImnnlOBn. Imper ceptible , clurnhlo mid InvislLlo. rorHaloovory- ivlioru. Ask your ilrufTKl6t for Jt , i > rlcc , tjo ttul SOc | > cr Ilux. TindoBiipiillodbv BLAKE , BRUCE & CO. , OMAHA , NEB. J. F. LIOYD & CO CHICAGO Sole Importort. EBTOS FACE POWBEB 'OR SALE BY THE FOLLOWING DHLGJlSTSl C. K UODDMAN , I' . CHANDIJM , HAHN'S I'llAKMACV , KI1.OMNT , KUIIN ic CO. , JIAXCONItAD , MAX lliCUT. : 1) . W.SAXK. J. T. ICINSI.KH. WM GI.ADIS1I. C. It. STAHV. F. A. MOHKKr , ! , . .IAMKS FOUSVTH , LB8MT. & I.KSUB , ailKNKV JL DAT. J. II. l'lir.M'8 , W. A. I10S i'K'n'KK & CO. , CONK&.IOIINSOX. HlKi MILS & SCUM IDT , JOHN w. 111:1-1- : , C. S. TOHHKrr , M. I'AKK , ALMA K. KKITH'S HAIlt HA/Alt. STEGK PIANOS Remarkable tor powerful sympa thetic tone , pliable action and ab solute durability ; ! 50 years' record , the best guarantee of the excel lence of these instruments. ffOODBRIDGE BROS , LIsflKY HOOFING , Tin or Iron , Repaired. ind I'lilntoa nud Kiiaruntr-od ll rlit for nnnilior of years. 1'alntH never bllntor. 5BAVEI. BOOPING lanuluctiirud nnd irpnliod. Flro Prool I'nliit uppllod to Bhln Blt'.i. Vi yonr-t exporlonco. WM. II. UUIIUAN .V80N. 'Ml S.13t St. Hot. Arbor and Vlntun. THE NEW DBPARTUriB DRUMS Lfirc incdo wltU lutcnt uouhlo BctlnK rtxli an * ! * - " foUlUB knco rest. Light. 'jbjUnlla ] and hnndicme. t U ol In tlio bout llun U anil , I Orclicttraa. Unrrjtit'cj tar j tona , ttirpaii nil oilier * In I finish nod appenrance. K \uoareit \ Mutlu doalcr doei Jnot Uecp tlim-rte to til _ for llluilr tr J C t ) OB e. 'LVON & IIEALf. Chicago. HU A ! U. S. DKPOSITOUV , Omaiia , . 'aid up Capital $350,000 lurplus 42,000 1. W. Yatps , President. 1/uwis S. Kccd , Vien-Prosiilont. A. E. Touzalin. 5 ! l Vlco-l'nisltlont. W. H. S. IIiiRhoj , Cashier , uiKr.oroiis : V. V. Morse , John S. Oolliui 1.V. . Yates LCWIK S. Rooil A. E. Totu.jyliti. IlANKINilTTFFI'K ) : rHE IR02T BANK Cor. ICtU : inil I'nriiiiiu SU. \ ( Jcntral lluukint' liuHlncfis Tranintiln > n 116-117 KONROE ST.CHICACO n H ttltf CJ R { > BGDtvONSH.iat ST. , BOSTON. DAHliElHO ol Corjnlloj.Citiev Tpwni.WMnr.