Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1887, Image 7
I 1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , SEPTEMBER 28. 1887. " SPECIAL NOTIOES. _ AdMrtlK'inenlB miller tins hcad.lo rents pe Ino for i bo first inti rtioti , 7 cents for each sub Rnqucnt Infrrtion , and tl.Mn line per month no advcrtUcmcnt taken for loss tnnn 25 cent * for the first Insertion. Seven words wll Jbo eountod to the line ; they must run consecu tively and must no pnld In ndvance. All adver tisements mtift l > o iinndcd In bcfote 1:30 o'clock p. m. . nnd under no rlrcumMnncos will they bo takrn or discontinued br telephone. Parting advertising In these column nndhnr- Ing the answers nddrossod In care of TUB Uis win pioano nsk for a check to cnnblo them to got ytlirlr letters , as none will bn rtollvcrcd exccnt on iirc'cntntlnn ofoheek. All nnnwers tondver- t moments should li rndoKBrt In envelopes. All advertisements In Ihero columns urn pub lished In both morning nnd evening editions ofliiK Ilr.K. the circulation of which aggregates - gates tnorotlmn I4.WO papers dally , nnd gives the aihortlspr the hcn nt , nut only of thoclty circulation of Tur lire , but nl o of Council niulffi , Lincoln nnd rdner cities and towns throughout th Is part of the west. Tnrins r li In mlvnnrn. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. MIDLAND Otmrnnleo nnd Trust Co. , 1505 Farnam street Complete abstracts tur- nlshod , nnd titles to leal estate examined , per fected and guaranteed 419 BUSINESS CHANGES. Chaiiro-Oood chnnco for sharp young tnnn with small capital. Address K 88-lleoonice. CM 23j FOK BALK A complete steam laundry hav ing twenty horse power online. .1. 3. Jlonnott , Saunders add Clark SIR. 8:0 BUS1NF.S9 Chnnco He ? Imirmit , ( food locu tion , n business over $200 n month , good reasons for selling. Address K 00 , lloo olTlro. KM 22 ] BUSINESS Chnncc Laundry for ealo with good Increasing trade. Apply at once Address - dross B 24. llee onice. SOI 20 ] \\7ANTED Ily a young man with 10 years TT active business experience as offlco mun In largo manufacturing business. Has capital nd services to invest In first-class established business. lleRt references given nnd required. Address K 4) , lloo olllco. Ell 24 ] BUSINESS CHANCB-An experienced manu- factilrCH of sash , doors , blinds nnd niilld- 1 ing material would like connection with n first- clas s established firm In that line of business. Investment of services and capital. K 50. Roe olllce. 732 24 ] TOOR 8ALF. Moat market , very cheap , - aTerms to suit purchaser. Inqulro J. A. JlcClure , corner Kith and Davenport. 630 35 * WANTKD-An active young man with about $ Vto ) $1UO to take nn Interest In a peed paying and permanent business , none but thorn woo mean buslnoRs need apply. For par ticulars call at 3I4H 815th St. , room 5. 680 23 TOOK SALE The best paying small hotel In J ? the city : $2,000 cash will gut it. CELeo , 1207 Farnam Bt. 790 FOK SALE Corner galoon , receipts $50 per day. $4,500 ; $3,000 cash , near depot. OK Lee , 1207 Farnam st. 708 "WANTED A canning factory at Sloan , la. . TT alive young city on the H. 0 A P. ami C.&N. W. Ify's. twenty miles south of Sioux City. Surrounded by a country unsurpassed for growing all vegetables and a failure ot these crops entirely unknown. Liberal Induce ments to enterprising parties. Correspondence ftolloitcd. Address F. B. Chapln , Chairman Committee , 215 23 frioil BALI' A nice restaurant , centrally lo- -L1 cated , CO regular boarders , nice transient trade , $70) ) , furniture will invoice over $1,000. Reason for Bale good. Inqulro Immediately. 1400-H Cap , nvo. 845 39 TOOK SALE Ono of the best located meat JL markets in the olty : good business. For further Information address 27. Bee omco. . , CM 27 ] BUSINFSSCHANCB-On account of sickness not being able to tend tn the business the restaurant and lunch counter , will tent the tame to some good nnd responsible parties. Apply to Jonn A. King. 1J03 Douglas Bt. WANTED Partner In well established , good paying oRlee business. $1,500 capital re quired. DC1 , Boo olllco , 328 FOIt BALK Or exchange , grain elevator. Western Iowa , for land In Control Neb .or merchandise , address box 298 , Central City , Nob. f > 52ootl9J FOIt SALE-Ocnoral merchandise , $12.000 , clean , well selected stock In wide awakn , fast growing Colorado agricultural town , largo tales nnd protltB , sickness cause for selling , IIvo party can double business. Address D 49 , lloo offlco. 30t 21 ] ITOIl SALR-Moftt market. I offer ray market Jat a reasonably low figure. My reasons for selling nro : lam not able to-seototho business mvsolf on account of my health and -Wish to leave for California soon as possible. One of the finest locations in the city. No competition and low rent and tine trade. Illockx. tools , wagon und team , and everything In running order. For further particulars call nt once nt corner 25th and Davenport streets , mcnt market J. A , McCluro. R27 CLAIRVOYANT. Man. I > r.VON8HlKK.the great clairvoyant , has just arrived at 110 8 13th. She re veals the past , present and future , caused speedy marriages , gives advlco In business , etc. She never falls to give satlf act Ion. Hours tromo a. m to Up. m. 455 31 ] ll'.NNA fortune teller , 518814th st.Ml Ml oct 5 ] M1- . HATK1ELD , Trance business medium. L ' 1 ho past present and future revealed , sick lioaled , lout found , homes made nappy , sittings dally nt 421 S. llth it. 457 o 15J T\ll. NANNII ! V. Warren , clairvoyant Merit- SJ cat , business and test medium. Office HI North 18th Btrte : , rooms 2 & 3 , Telephone 944. Mlia DDR A NT Clarlvoyant from lloiton la reliable in all nlfnlra of life , unites separated - rated lovers. itti n 16th at , room 1. 848oot4J WANTED MALE HELP. WANTKE Porter at onoo. Lincoln Tailors. 730 SI WANTED Right away , 0 boys from 11 to 14. 1717 Bt. Mary's ave. 734 24J WANTED Men to work on telegraph line , $25 and e.xpenf 03. Call on W. A. Simpson. Can field house , between 9 u. m. and 2 p.m. 73323 ] WANTKD Two first-class boiler makers ; must bo nblo to commence work at once. None but firm-class men need npply. Good wages paid. Fremont Foundry \ Machine Co. , I'rumont , Noli , , 6.17 23 I 'll7ANTKD-FIve traveling salesmen. Salary " < * Tl and pxpotiBoa No experience neces- nary. Addrrxg with stamp , Palmer & Co. , L > ( . rouse , WIs. 48021) ) * \\7ANTED-Agents In Nebraska for don. TT John A. Logan's last work "Volunteer Soldier. " Just published * Address J. M. French A Co. . Omaha. Nob. 239 WAN'IKD Agents ( both EOXCI for our new pntant combined rain coat nnd skirt oro- tector. Protects from storms nnd keeps sklrtl bottom dry nnd clean , and lower limbs warm and comfortable. A Mo men's and boy's line rubber coats. Address with stamp , K. H. Campbell & Co.,4h4 W , Randolph st. , Ohlcairo. US323J _ _ _ JrANTED Men for railroad work. Al bright's labor agency , 1120 Farnam. 804 " \1TAN'IBD A good country blacksmith.fler TT man preferred , call 615 N ICth street. 4K1 22 ] " \\J ANTED A clerk to make out deeds ut the T great $10.01) ) sale at 1415 Famam street , Apply Monday. C83 " \ir ANTED Men nnd women for un easy , T money-making business which pays foui time * better than nny other. Worthy porsoni With limited means will be offered extraordl nary Inducements. Write for freosamples and special terms. Addrest Merrill Manufacturing Co. , Ui3Cnlcaio. 343 S2 ' \VANTED Uood cutter and coat maker ( oni T1 person ) . Applr at onoo to liox 4W , VII Lscaja , 139-.V WANTED New class of 0 pupUrt. dlligcn workers , for special shutt term , fill course , day and evening sessions , at Bl&ke'i Phortlmnd Institute , see circular * . Omahi Iluslneft College , ICtb and Cupltol avo. MUocti , W ANTED- . H. men at the Sonmllnnvlai T.invloynient bureau ,1'ilU Farnnra. 588 2 : \\7ANTFD-2 good bread bakcrs.omt llrst nni li ono ercond ' ut once. 24U4 Cummlnxs st. 6.M 2 : ! ] \\7ANTKD-100 men lor the south , 00 fo > i Iowa nud Missouri , ! WJ S. ilth st. 01523 \\TASTEU An englnerr at the frantic V > rittam Laundry. 1513 Howard. 675 22 ] "t\r.\NTED--Two first class bollormakers ntv TT strong Intelligent boy ut Omaha boilo works. 12th und Cm * . Kennedy & Lowrey. 7 82J " \\7ANTED-YoungmantoseIl custom shir li In this city , ono exporlonced preferred 803 N 10th . . TO I . _ _ W ANTED At once , two good coalmaken t good pantsmaker. and vest muker , N others need apply. Address U. Uordolt Jt Sot - , Neb. 693 ri WANTED-iA nirtner with a smill capital In n fast growing business : an Amnrlcnn ac- qualntrd In the city preferred , addtest I * . 25 , lloo ofllco. 683 23 _ - _ _ _ _ WANTKD Itoy to cnro for horse and do light work. Dr. Jones , I41U4 Farnstii 01524 WANTI'D A mcchsnloto repair stoves , one familiar with plumbers tools preferred. 810 N 16th Pt. 7UO 23 \ \ fANTBDllookkuepfr. . Commorclnl school TT ( cholnrs need not apply. U4 * , Ho. , oineo , 713 23 ] WANTEO-Youngmanto tend horses , small wages , but KO < MI plueo for winter , llrlght colored boy to drive private carriage , 2 cnr- pcnturs. Mrs. Drega& Bon , 316B. 15th \VANTED 2il cook for Iloalrlco , 1 tlnnor TT and fumneo man ; must be goodnttob work ; good wngns , Umnhn Employment Oil- ronu , 119 N 16th st. f.4'1 2 \TANTID ! -Hoy nbout 16 ypnrs oM to do TT onico work In a scnnll hotel : Oortnnu pre- f erred. Scandinavian l.'mp llureaii , 1610 Far nam st. (17) ) 22 W ANTKD-Mmon for Wyoming. Albnebt'a Labor agency , 1120 Fiurmm. C13 W ANTKD fin men for quarry work. Al bright's Labor avcncy , 1120 Farnam. 014 VITASTKO-A man or boy to call nt2H5 Call- TT forma street and taKe rare ( if horse mornings before S and evenings after r > o'clock. 6S.I 2i WANTr.D-llrlcklavors. Apply to .1. U. Hlley , Armour's paoklng-housc , South Omaha. K112T WANTKD-TUrco persons to learn book keeping. Situations. J. O , Smith , ID 13 Chicago su 711211 VVANTCD IM nhovolers for olty work. $1.75 ' and | 2 day. Mutual Agency , 1007 Parnam. CC7 22j WANTliD Thosowhonio In need of male or female help to leave their order with us. Male help supplied free of charge. ( late City Employment olllco , : H4'i S. IJth st. 7J02I WANTKD Traveling salesmen , omco clerk , must ? know shorthand ; city salesmen , mechanics , > oung man to dlsflbuto circulars , ofllce boy , clmmbrrmalds , girls for general housework , lady to act us agent for St. LotlU house. Coffee and tpa headquarteri ) , ir > ) far- nara , room 9,2nd lloor. 72S ZHJ \VANTRD-lBsplKnr1 ! for Nebraska. $2 and T $2.20 per day. Mutiml Agency , 1K)7 ( ) Fnr- nam. c 7 22J WANTED-lt. It. men nt once , f 1 per day. Scand. Kmp. Ilurenu , 1010 Farnam. 009-23 V\'ANTKD--Pnrtlo8 In wont of gocd reliable ' help to leave their orders at Scandinavian Employment bureau , 1610 Fnrnam. Wo have a number of iipplicnnts every day for all Kinds of work. 680 23 WANTED-A reliable white man to take charge of the Paxton hotel boot stand , references required. Apply at the office. C22 23J WANTKD-50mon for Rapid City , Dakota. Wages $1.7 ! ) , | 2 und f 2.25 per day. lloard 4 per week. Frcofuioto return when work Isllnlshcd. Mutual Agencv.ICO" Farnam. C67 22J WANTED A ( rood competent carpenter K 10th st. between Center and Dorcas C94 22J WANTED Man to feed hogs , one that can loan on security JVJO to ft.OTiO. 1) . D. Smith , Itural hotel , Fremont , Neb. 61)4 ) 25J \\7ANTKD-Asalesman experienced In dry TT goodsclothlnir and shoes , must bo good stock keeper and willing lo work for employ er's Interest , permanent position to party not afraid of work ; state experience and salary expected. Lowy Itros. , Sprlngtteld , Neb. M623J WANTKO-Mllkor at Saratoga dairy. 4113 Suundors. 6.1:1 : \\7ANTEn-Tho general public to know that i * wo can supply > ou with male or female help that will give satisfaction ; no delay and no disappointment. Western Employment Bureau , 1012 Farnam. 041 WANTED First-class bookkeeper , who Is also competent of superintending of first- class contracting nnd planing mill. Andress E 2:1 : , lloo olllce. 51728 \\7ANTKD-4 Herman boys to carry papers , T > 607-509a 12thupstairs. 68fl WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED-Cook and laundress. Inquire at 2-112 Franklin st. 604-25' WANTED Olrl for general housework , call nt.once at 4tn house south of Loavcn'th on Virginia of wageajmld to good girt , Mrs. Quo. 11. Fltcliutt. 721 23J WANTED-20 girls general housework. 4 dining room girls , 4 dishwashers. 1 Irish girl for private family , must bo good cook , washer nnd Ironer ; 1 second girl , $3.50 per week. Lots of good places for girls. Omaha , flureau. 119 N 16th st 644 23 WANTBD American or German girl at 1613 Chicago st. 647 22 ] VITANTED-Glrls who wish places out of city T T to come and register , us orders have to be filled too quickly to admit of advertising. No chnriro for registering. Mrs. Uroga Son,310 S15th. 052 3JJ W'ANTED A firsc-clasa girl for gotioral housework la n family of two. Wuges $1 per week. Inquire at once 212 N ICth nt. 65123 ] W ANTED-Qlrl for general housework. Mrs. Thos. f. Hall , 154i Sherman ave , 695 GMILS Are given places free of charge. We have places waiting for you in all parts of the city , date City Employnent office , illUi 15th st. 710 24 WAftTKD Wuraaii cook for Kansas , S waltrpises for Wyo$20. fares pcid ; laun dress for Central Citv. In city , dtnlng-ruom girls , kitchen helpers , nurse girls and 20 girls for housework , $3 to $5. Canadian Employ ment office , Mrs. Ilrega Sou , 316 S. 1Mb. tele phone 834. 708 22J ITANTED-Oood girl. 2314 St. Mary's ave. I 607 WANTED-A dining room girl nt 131H Loav- cnworthBt , 808-23 * W TNTED-Compotent kitchen girl. Mrs. P W. Gray , 2024 Douglas St. 601 2iJ W ANTED -Cbambcriuam at the Windsor Hotel. 624 22 Immediately , addresses of ladles and gents desiring to become scientiflu op- tlelnns , lilting of hypermetropla , presbyopia , mynplii , Hlmplo and compound astlumatlsm , thoroughly taught by mail , liox 710 , Manknlo , Minn. OU23J W ANTED Girl for housework. Inqiilie west corner 10th and Williams sts , Mi WA.NTUD-Good nurse girl. Mrs. W. M. llusnman , Gil S. 17th st. 517 COMPETENT Lady and gentlemen teachers nt Illnko'H Shorthand Institute , Omaha Uuslncts College , lllth nnd Capitol ave. UCoct.'J WANTED Woman cooU at boarding house ; 15 per weak. 710 S 14th. 6G1 22J \v , ' The ladies ot Omaha to know that we charge no fee on orders for girli until girl is supnl . Send In your orders tn the ( fate City El mployment offlco , 314 ! ' . s. 15th etroct. 72021 _ 'ANTED An experienced dropsmaket wishes to make engagements to sew in families , can gtvo good reference , apply 122J North 17th. GOJ 22J WANTED A good girl In family of throe ; TT must bo good laundreu. S. E. cor. ! 8tU and Jackson. 62'J 22 * \\7ANTED-Qood girl for general housework , ' ' small house , three in family. Good waves , Apply 24J8 Davenport et. 572 23 * W ANTED A girl to do errands. Mrs. Rico , Room 14. Bushman's block , U WANTED-A capable and experienced girl to do some second work and be a com panlon for little girls. Unod wages paid , cut ! at 513 N 22nd at. 2ti WANTKD Flrat-olass dining-room girl. $1 ! per mouth. Union restaurant , 1317 Har ney street S7Q 24 * W ANTED-Cook and laundress. Dr. Co man cor Bt Uary's ave and 27th st. 5.V \\rANTED--l nurse to attend sick person , : ii laundresses , I fireman , 1 man Iur farm , lintel porter. 3 cooks. 1 brl.-ht boy about in foi offlc-j , U dlhwasher , 5 chainnermalds , 4 dlnlm room girls , girls for general housework In at parts of the city. Gate city Employment offlci UH'iS 15th st. 1153. WA"NTEDnirls and all others who uro tool Inc for a place to know that we do no charge olllce reo unless plsce Is secured. t > ( uot bo deceived by concerns who tuko you money without giving you a place. UnteCit' Employment offlco. ! 114 > i 8 15th st. CJ3 W ANTED Parties requiring ladies or gun tlemen to fill responsible poiltloni , sue ) as clerks , cashier * , accountants , eta , to knot thut they can bo supplied free of charge a Airs. Ure # & Sou , 310 8. Uth. Telephone 834 C5J3JJ W ANTED A good girl for washing n housework In a family ot three , ( lee wages to right person. f'l SO'itii 17tta street. w ANTED One walior aud 1 girl who ur doratandt mantrlo , . Frontier Bteai Laundry , 151. Howard. Rn WR Now have good glrlf .coming Into the city every dav looking for places. Leave your order al our office and wo will Rive you satisfaction. Gate City Employment olllce , 3I4M 8.15th > U 413 2J yyANTED-tlirl,2032 California it. \\rANTKD-Oood girls for nil kinds of work. TT Mrs. J. W. Morrison , 211 N. 15th It. C3J 24 ANTED-2 flrat cooks , I dishwasher. 1 worslng housokerpor , girls for general housework nnd teamsters. Wtstorn Employment - ment Agency , 1612 Farnam st. 718 33 \\rANTED Experienced lady clerks corner TT 15th and Haruey sts. Mrs. J. Benson. 717 23 ] \\7ANTED-Olrl for general housework at i T N'o. 1918 Capitol avenue PC6 LOST. LOST-On Saturday nlpht , on 20th st , or a short illstnnrn west of it , a red CHShmcro shawl , rindrr will bo liberally rownrdoil by the owner , Miss Joslo Fey , " 10 Ciipltol avo. 631 3IJ LOST A yellow and whlto spotted fcmalo puppy with short tall. Ketnrn fo 1114 N IMli st between Nicholas and 1'aul and receive ro w a t d. Mi 2.1J LOST Sot of plnns for dwelling , on llarnoy bet.Mth and nth six. Kinder will Co re warded by leaving them nt 2011 Harany st. LOSl'-Dark bay pony ! halter ons star on forehcsd , Imlr riinbod oil forehead. Ilranded on left hip. Koturn to A. 1'olack. 1316 Fariam. S.i reward. KI7-IJ LOST-Clty receipt book of N. 1C. Fairbanks .V Co , return to Fairbanks Lard lloflnory and receive reward. G64 22 * MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANTBD fly a lawyer , desk room or part of office with n law or real estate firm. Addrora K 45 , lloo office. 714 24 ] W ANTHD Ilor o and buggy on monthly paymcn's. Addrcsj Ei9 : , Bee omen ; B'WZfiJ WANTKD lloard nnd room in private fam ily for either ono or two gontlnincn.near business center as posilhle , but not farther west than 2Blh st Address 1,34 Uoe ofllcr. 079 24J \\7ANTKD-Iloard for ladr nnd daughter , > ' with two nicely furnished pleasant rooms , between ClurK and Olilosts _ , rnferencos exchanged. Address D 66 , Doe office , with terms. 311 27J WANTl'.D To buy the fuiultureof a small or Inriro house , centrally located. CoOperative - Operative Land nnd Lot Co. , 2U5 N 18th st. W ANTBD-Throo table boarders at 2118 Durtsl. 697 WANTBO A nicely furnished room , with or without board , convenient to 12th and Farnam streets. State prices. Address B 21 lloo offlco. 557 22J WANTBD Secondhand furnlturo.stoves nnd household goods for spot cash. Call at 117 NIGlh. 250 S28 MONET TO LOAN. $3UOOUO to loan , special rates on farm prop erty , Sobotkor * Perrlgo , 1521 Frnam St. $500,000 to loan m any amount at lowest rat * of interest. II. U. Iroy , Fren/or block. 407 MONKY \ \ e loan money on Improve d prop erty for any desired amount at low rates of Interest , to run from two to ten years time. Btotts , Cox & Houston , lUU7'/i Farnam. .VJ MONRY to loan to parties wlshlnor to build S. S. Campbell , 310 S 16th St. , Chamber of Commerce. 409 ONKV In films of f&OO and over to loan at M low rates , llussell & Ilarrctt , 31 % 8 16th st. 704 MONEY LOANI.Dat C. F. Head A Co.'s Loan Office , on furniture , planog , horseswagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other ar ticles of value , without removal. 319 8. 13th. over Blngham 8 Commission store. All busi ness Btrlctlv confidential. . 413 MONEY to Lnnn On Improved city property at lowest rntes of Interest. No commis sion charged. Sbolos & Crumb , room 1 , Barker block , cor 15th and Fnrnnm Bis. 615 M ONE V to loan on real estate. No delay. First mortgages bought. Bates , Smith & Co. , " 02 Uamiro building , cor. 15th und llnrnoy. W2 oct7 MONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs , norses. etc. , low rates. J..I.Wilkinson i Co. . 1324 Farnam , over Burlington ticket olllco. 411 A 1,000,000 to loan , H. E. Cole , 316 S 15th. First T > mortgage notes nought. 376 to Loan , eocuied notes and inort- MONEY gngof purchased , liuslnogj confidential and no delays. C. 11. Wolwortu , corner under under Paxton hotel. 4 83-IJ MONEY To loan. Lowest rates. No delay. J. L. Rice & Co. , over Commercial N- tlonal bank 410 TIO LOAN Money Loans placed on Ira- proved real estate In city or county for Now England Loan X Trust Co. , by Douglas County bank , loth and Chlcauo sti. 4I4 mm : OMAHA Financial Etcnango. JL N. W. corner of llnrnuy and lath streets , overstate National bank. Is propainil to maxo short time loans on any available security. Loans mftdo on chattels , collateral or real Long time loans made on Improved j-eal estate - tate at current rates. Purchase money mortgages nexottated. Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged. Short time loans made on second mortgage , according to marginal interest , at collateral rates. ItoHl estate to exchange for good interest bearing paper. General financial business of all kinds trans acted promptly , quietly nnd fairly. Money always on hand for approved loans of nny Kind.without delay or unnecessary pub- liclty. Corbett. Manager. 418 MONEY to lonn on Improved real estate ; no commission chanted. Lenvitt Burn- liam , room 1 , Crolghton block , 413 6 I'EIl CENT Money. H. C. Patterson , 15th and Harney. 401 , To loan on Omaha city property at 0 $500,000 per cent. O. W. Day , s. e. cor. Ex. Old. 408 MONEY to loan , onnli on baud , no delay. J. W. and E L. Squire , 1413 I'urunm st , Paxton hotel bulldlnir. 411 M IONKY to I.oan-O. F. D.ivls Co. , real es tate nnd loan agents , 1505 Farnnm st. 408 MONEY to Loan Dy the undersigned , wlio has ttic only properly organl/ed loan ngnnoy In Omaha. Loans ot $10 to J100 made on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wagons , machinery , etc. . without removal. No delays. All business strictly cnnlldcntml. Loans BU made that any purt can bo paid at any time , each p lyment reducing the cost pro rato. Ad vances made on fine watches and diamonds. 1'ersons should carefully consider who they are dealing with , as many new concerns are dally coming Into existence. Should you need money call and see mo. W. K. Croft , room 4 , Withnell building , 15th and Hartley. 417 $71 :50COO : TO LOAN at 6 per cent. Linahin Mnhoney , 1509 Farnam. 401 MISCEI/LANEOUB. " \\THEN You are out of work and are looking TT for n place remember to call at our offlco. If wo have any place wo will give It to you , it not , wo will tell you so. Wo make no cnargea unless situation Is secured Onto City F.mploy- ment Office. 314K S. 15th st 720 24 pnld for second band books at the CASH Antiquarian. 3113 N Ifltli st. 723 o 21 ] ANdLO American Mortgage and Investment Co. , omco 242:1 : Farnam st. John Culley , manager. IHHoctUlj B O AUDI NO for S gentlemen In private fam ily. No children , UW North 17th. 61133 ] SHOHTHAND-Persons dejlrlng u practical knowledge of shorthand will do well tc communicate with me. E 28 , llee olllco. 891 23 ] BOAKDINO - Good board and room at 601 PC I8tn st 62S27J TTUm KENT-Orf ans. a p r Boota. Home , J HIS Douglas. 42 ! _ I ? > lltST cla 9 help furnished on short nctlct 1 the olty ami all purls of the weit wh n faro Is paid. Western Employment Agency 1013 Farnam st. 501 GOOD Pay for extra work. Qualify yoursol ! for high salary by taking evening course ai liUko's Shorthand Institute , Omaha lluslnesi College , 15th and Capitol ave. 60Joct2J S' T ' CHARLES Harney , between 12th anc 13th. Hoard and room $4.50 per week. Table board $3.50 per week. 4J7 23 ] /CANADIAN Vmploymont Offlce-Fllls order \J for all kinds of help on short notice. Mrs Dreg * & Son. 319 S 1Mb , telephone SSI. 100088 ] mo EXCHANQE-For cattle , 1 have 600 an. . : -L forty acres of good western land to trade for cattle , and a good bouse and lot near ttu capital will exchange for cattle. Address fl. O Bryan. Ashland , Nib U4 . CHASE'S now receipt Rook and Houio- DR. hold Physlrtan , the ' 'Memorial Edition" , of over 800 pages. The "Crownlnf Life Work'1 of Urn greatest author aad benefaotor that overlived. Just out Agoms tuakln ? Immense sales. Hlr terms. AddretJ.'K. ' n. Diekerson A Co. , Detroit , Mlcb. Mention this paper. I t 244novlJ _ _ FA8HIC .AI1LK dressmMlilng , s. w. cor. of 20th nnd W obiter , stylish dreisoa aniS per- feet flts guaranteed ; price * moderate. 658 8-1 ] rPO exchange for other pVpt > orty contract for JL 640 acres R K land In Cueyontio Co , . Neb. , two miles from railroad , also two H "ec In Lin coln Co. . near rail road. AlttCullooh A Co. , cor 1Mb nnd Farnam sts. . 920 _ O ) . C.-Houio furnishlpscooJi. all kindst cash or instalimentnOwoit prices at J. Conner. 1315 Douglas st li 4t > KKN r square nho , $ t montoir. HoiDO. JBD Dou t . 42S NEW Profession for Indies , send tor circu late. Illake's Shorthand Institute , Omaha Business College , luth and Capitol aye , 502out2 ] TWRKHNI Square fiano $ J montBlr. A HoKpo. 1613 Douglas. 425 PERSON Alj. IJKKSONAL A refined gOntlotnsn represent- -L Ing a wealthy eastern houso.dosires the ncqunlntnnco of nn accomplished lady , whom ho will establish In n proliuhlo business. Ref erences required. Address F , A. Clayton , olty P. O. M7t4J "OBRSONAL-Ladles wo have plenty of good .L girls for cooking , nurse girls , housework , etc. Ixuivo orders with ut. lotn st Employ ment Odleo , 220 N 18th. fi66 28 MISS A. M. ALOrtlCH , mental hnalcr , treatfl diseases absently. Address 03 Warrenton st. , floston , MSSJ. 19-1S21J PEK84 NAIj-U. B. Whitney sells hard and tott coal , 1513 Faruam and 18th and Izard. 475 s itO PKHSONAL Grizzly , consider our acquaint ance endnd unless you bring mn a war ranty deed for one of those $10 lots to be sold t 1415 Farnam st during fair week. Imogene. 80.1 PKRSONAL-B. Wienie , M. A. , teacher of the piano , organ and vocalisation ; Instruction Invariably of highest order ; Al reference. Office : Max Meyer & Pro. 3J'is2 ! > TJEKSONAIi rtlvate home for Indlcsdurlng X condnemant , strictly conndential. infants adopted , address E 42 , Uco olllce. 107 oct 8 FOB 3AI4E.-BII30ELLANEOPS. FOR SALK Family horse and buggy , $150. Ono hard coal burner $10 , ono $15. owner leaving city. Address E. 44 , Hoc olllre. 7i4 28 ] FOIt SALK Cboap , $ SOO worth of household furniture , carpets , bedroom sots etc , nearly new , address E 28 lleo. 070 24' FOR SALE Upright piano In use cna year , nt sacrifice. Inquire 124 N 17th st. 535 24J TOOK SALB-FIno buggy team ; also drives -E splendid single. Inqulra lgg ) & Palmer's livery stable , cor. 14th and Howard. 515 28J FOU SALK First class covered spring wngon cheap. W. 8 , lluldufl. 10th nnd Capitol. 44 2JJ 1 0 It SALIC-A tine younr road horse , atop buguy nearly now , and harness. A II Coin- stock , U > 2.t Farnam st. 701 25 FOR SALK Hero U a bargain on a piano , only 1275 , cost $0 i , tfiken tordobt and must bo sold , elegantly carved , 7M octavo , su perb tone , Frnnoh repeating action , one string llodour uprlirht piano : grefitcst bargain ever offered : must bo sold and iliive-l nt oneo. Call Furgerson Storage Co. , 71535 18th st , Omaha. CM 2H SALK Orgnns at Immenco sncrlllcn , FOU must bo sold to pay i > t6rngo charges It will pay you to call ; no iiin onnlilo olfer in fused. Fcrgerson Storatro company , 71 * > N. luth. OllSALU The furnltuive ] of a rooms. In- qiiiieatCOSn. IBth St. M'l ' 2JJ _ FOU SALK-Upright piano , only . ' 75 , cost $ > > )0. ) iiegint71-U : octave , triple sirlnv. only S.'Ti. cost $ f00. If tnl ) n .Monday. Call early. Furgorson Storagoi conipnny. 715 N. 16tti8t 1 421 ! FOK SALK A ten-borod cnglno in skids. In good repair. For.Tiirllculnrj , Inqiilio of Ira James & Bons.eoiitli end Ifath st. vliuliict , ' ' , ! 7Ul2J ; TTIOUSALB A line stallion , address F. It. Kom -L nody , Omaha , or J.Jcnninss , Council ill nils. 5H 25 FOIl SALR A fine roadster , perfectly sound nnd ( rcntlo ; nny lady e-nn drlvo her ; n now Ride-bar buggy and harness ; or will exchange lor reiii estate. Address K 13 , BCD ollico 514 SALE Horse , harness and horse six years old , tUuO. II. I' . Arnold , 408 N 10th St. , Cmkhn. ft'W ' 2IJ J-OIt SALE At a sncrlflce. 1 Nine thousand dollars worth of Mlscoll'inoous ' llonka , which lileelro to close out previous to mvuarly removal to cast side of . st , north of Nicholas , whore I will c'irry the larecst variety of buggies , phnntona , carriages and wagons to tiu found at nny one place In the city. W.T. Ronman. N'ow lit I'nrtium and lltli ots. Agent for Studotmkor. VOIOct O FOU SALE-OiiPli.DOJ Hi ttilrhrtnk scale for f 15 If aold at onco. J. K. ' 1 rolcl & Co. , 2ith nnd Loavonworih 60024J F Oil SALP.-Ice in car lots. Oilbort llros. , Council mulls. 7SUoct5 Foil SALK Cheap , a second-hand furnace. Inquire at 2024 Cnlcngo street. 441 11IJ F OllSALU Typewriter , Komlngton Mo. 2 , In good condition , very cnuap. J. H. Wood , Hootn 10 Uuslimiin block , 16th and Douglas. : i832t F OII SALtl Furniture nnd carpets Cor. N. 2Gth and Grunt. 3 < 821 * FOIt SALE Pianos and organs sacrificed for storage , elegant pianos anil organs nt less than one-halt value , good as now : don't pay piano dealers profile ; rare chance to get n tine instrument cheap. Call at rer-riison Storage Co . 715 N. Ifith st. : UO 21 FOH SALE Thoroughbred Jersey cows anil heifers : alee thoroughnred Jersey bull , all premium cattle. Inquire James llurrott , 11 < H Chicago. 340 2IJ FOH SALK Furniture and lease of good paving hotel in South Onviha , llenawa & Co , 15th st , , opposite postolllco. yiJ. TjlOll SALK-Now furniture nt one half the f value. 7 looms for rein at tn n month , li Council Hlull3iUS ; ! 15th st. room 5. 5K.1 FOU hALH-At a bargain , now furniture worth Sl.O N ) for S.V > 0. Hou o for rout r. $70 n month , within & blocks from P. O. : U4i ! S 15th st , looms. 5S.1 21 , 'OK BAIn Sot good double hat ness , almost F 1 now. C. K. Harrison , 418S 15th st. 039 FOR BENT HOUSES find LOTS. FOH IIEN'T-W ) foot space on Doilgo Bt , opp P'O , . with large window , tine location only $50 pur month. Mitchell & Lcyomnark 1510 Dodge. 6ui ! 21 TOOK RENT A nloo 0-room cottngo only -L' $ rv. Apply at law olllco ot A. F. Groves , 28 , Barker block. f 019 21 ] TOOK RENT A 11 roomhouVo 5 blocks from -L poitoflleo , furnlturo worth tl.OOD for sale for $ ViO. Parties going to in.ivo town. Tills Is a Bpiondld bin gain. For particulars inquire at SltVi S lllh st , room 5. 6M 21 FOR KENT To n small family:7-room house , 1134 North 17th , also furnished room for rent , at 1915 at. KUulman Bios , 1009 Farnam Bt. n 3SJ TOOK RENT Hotisei-603 "Colfux st. ,9 rooms -E andbath . ? JV > 01 1118 Georgia avenue , 8 rooms nnd bath. . . CO 0) ) 3007 Jackson St. , 7 rooms nnliinth : u ft ) it)7 : ( ) Park nvenue,6 rooms nnd bnth. . 30 00 1410 N. 27tb St. , 5 rooms nnd collar , etc. . 211 ( U 1303 Park avenne. line s to ro I room 40 00 3510 Wobntor street , II room * find bath 11 00 Col fax and Jackson ft. , barn 500 F. L. Gregory. 3-0 S. 15th st. V/ tai FOK KBNT-A newboiiHoiof 10 rooms , mod ern conveniences , with burn , on I''lh and Caslollar. Enquire ut 1010 Center. C27 24 * 'I71OH HENT A convenient now 5 room house , L 153'J 2Ist st , between Center and uorcas. 28 2.1 * KENT 10-room flat , all modern 1m- X1 provcments. Inquire2018 Davenport. & . > ) UT.J POlt HBST-5to 10 room houses. Gooil loca- tlon. II. E. Cole 318 S 11th. 410 I.1 Oil HKNT U room boimo and Inrgo bain 1 I lo.-'a Webster it IIURF inn , $180 for fur- nlturo which is now. Co-operAUva Land and Lot Co. . 80 > N 16th. u77 24 FOH HENT 10 room house bet 19th nnd 20th ' stonFarnam. $60 per month. Furnltuie for S'ile , soj , terms ' /4 cash , rooms rented at o good profit. Co-operative Land and Lot Co. , 205N 16th. 700 SI FOK HENT-FurnUheuhni'tfcor ten rooms , ingplondld location , linqultout 51 ! Ploiu anttt. , 603 2.'J Ti OH HRNT-II room house , cfntrnl localloa U furniture nearly new , nt a barjmln. Ad- dr MKt6U eoUl ( . 60 U3J Il HENT-Sovon-room bouse , all modern LJ conveniences , IS minutes walk from P. O. Address 1 > L W. , I' . O. drawer 50 , city. U5 23J FOIt ItFNT Hottfo , and furniture for snle , nearly every room occuplod. House new , U modern convenience * , three blocks from lost offlco. Address r 41. lloo. 8'JJ 2SJ FOIl ni5NT riovon room house , centrally located. Kent $70. Hlrnlture nil now , nd for sale cheap nnd easy terms. This tilnrfi s nrst class. Co-operative Laud A Lot Co. , 205 005 CTOll HENT Now S-room house , all modern C Improvements , on Uoorgla avo. It. C. Put- orson.cor 15th and Hsrnoy. _ 3'J7 _ F Oil IIKN1 Commercial linuso at David City , Nob. Address ilonry Will , lllslug Cltr.Ncp. 6B > Oct6J FblfTlENT linsomcnt of 310 a 15th st. suit- ahln for barber shop. Apply to M. F , Martin 017d. 13th st. 84t FOB RENT ROOMS. Oil llRNT-Funilihod roomaialio2 or 3part lyfui nlshod rooms for housekeeping. Hot- croncos required , 1V10 Webster st. 710 2 < J DMJU llKNT Furaished room , 17 Davcn- t ? port Bt. 719 37J FOK KENT Olllco rooms and basement at 1204 Farnam st. 713 27J FOH IlKNT Nice furnished room for one or two gentlemen , board If desired modern conveniences. Apply roll Cuss St. 485 21 * FOIt KENT Nlcoly furnished room , hot and cold water , bath room. 018 South 17th. 476 , KENT Six rooms 1921 Douglas st t\n * " < j T7IORR Suit of unfurulshud rooms at J ? 2214 Capital nve. 70.1 25J FOK KENT Nicely furnished parlnr with beat , 123. Small room , $ tt > . 1021 Farnam St. 727 28 K RENP-Unfurnlshed purlor and bedroom - room , I'.Ul ' Chicago. 705 FOK KENT-Ollloo spaces on ground door , one front window. Enquire at 1501 rlirnnm St. , ot J. S. Richardson. 099 oct3 jVK llENT-lwo office rooms , and one eight- C room cottairoon llnrney , between 15th and 10th. W. K. Clarke. 1414 Hornoy578 FOK KENT Private family will nccommo- date few celoot boarders. All modern con > enloncos. Pleasnnt homo. 635 Pleasant si. 47B23J OR RENT Nicely furnished room suitable I ' for 2 gentlemen , Inquire Still Bt Marys ave. GIB KENT Large front parlor with Day FOK window , and alcove , also other rooms with nodern conveniences nt U-'l Farnam Bt. ono Slock west of court house. Rtl TOOK KENT-Furnlshed rooms 181(1 ( Dodge. 9G9 oct 9 FOB KENT To n small famllv. 7-room house , 1134 Nort 17th. Kaufman llros , lOOa Far nam st. KENT A largo , neatly furnisnod front FOK room , with bay window , also smaller room. 2025 Farnam it , 241-14 TpOH HENT Nieely furnished room , bnth , hot J3 and cold water , 18 8. 17th at. Sttl j OK KENT-3 nice unfurnished rooms , sult- ? able for housekeeping , 14th and Pierce , np ply to 017 S. 13th st. 271 KRNT-Two nlo ly furnished rooms. 1st FOK floor. IBIh st. between Jackson and Jones. Apply at store , 1801 Howard st. 318 KENT-Niccly turnishod rooms. 320 N. FOK st 831S1J FOK HENT-Elesrantly furnished room on lirsttloor , with modern Improvements , 1917 Cass. 8R8 FOK KENT A furnished room to gentlemen only. 2J27 Farnam st. 1 > 5 33 * V\OH \ KENT Handsomely furnished roomB , JP-Blnglo and en aulto , gin and bath , 1708 Dodg 447 23 HI NT Nicely furnished south front FOK . SU and one tor $ J , fur Rcntlomon. 2024 llarnoy. OS'J ' 26J RR\T Nlcoly fnrnlslied room for lor FOR . Central location on car lino. 421 N 17th. 342 22 ] TTTOK llENT-Pleasunt rooms , furnished. X ; southwest corner 20th and Webster. 318 TJ1OK HENT One largo pleasant room , south JP front , brick Hat , suitable for 3 or 4 gontio- men , 1416 Chicago St. 288 FOK HENT Furnlshod room , 1915 Farnam st. 781 KENT 3 rooms In tint suitable for housekeeping , HOtHi S. 7tn street. Applv at 017 S Kith st. 8.S HE.vr Desirable furnished n > om for FOIl gentlemen atSJU Howard St. 633 "C10U KENT Furnished front room. 6HJ318th 375 21J FJIt KENT-r.irnished rooms in Orounlgblk , eor 13th and Dodge st. Inquire or Davis .V IlethorlnKton.Mlllard Hotel Milliard room. 23 } IOH HENT Mcely furnished room. Ill 8. P 20th st. 671 22J TJ10H KI'NT Cicely furnished rooms , from J$0 lo $20. piano Included , modern Improvi- mcnts. PV. . cor. ot 2Jth and WoDStor. 655 K3J KENT- Largo front room newly furn- inslioJ , very pleasant , Ml N. 17th Bt. 374 22J TT'Oll KENT-rieznnt suite of furnished X ? looms with bath , suitable for four : terms roasonnbie ; 2W2 St. Mary's nve. HI222J TjlOIt KENT- Nicely furnished -C Call alter 7 p m. , 714 8 18th. C-0 23J TCTOlt KRNT Two unfurnished rooms for $7 , HlODouglns. Enquire at shoe shop. fll S2J KENT A furnished front roomsecond FOIt . Inrge and pleasant , three blocks west of business center , lull Douglas Pt. 647 83J T OlTlTENT-Nlcely furnUbed rooms. ! CO N r 15th St. 0-.W 32J FOfl Itr.NT-Nlcoly furnl'hod room suitable for two. Terms reasonable , cor Park ave and Loiivenwortb. 612 3.1 T NUcly furnished rooms t/i gen- tlomcn ociy/'UU Douglas Bt. 5'J2 30 KENT finite of rooms suitable ) lor tire FOK or three gentlemen , Dodge ft. ft.G',0 23J KENT A nicely furnished front room FOIl also n back room suitable for gentlemen , nt 1017 Howard st. 511 2.JJ _ _ FOR IIEST Furnished rooms , suitable for light housekeeping , suite of rooms for lour gentlemen VM Davenport. 54 < 23J IiOK KENT To irontlemiin front room , f 15 per month. 1712 California. 541 1/lOlt RKNT Mcalr furnished rooms. 1H13 FOIl HENT Furnished roo-ns , 2203 Dadec 5&i 24J TOOK iTENTVFunilsheiTf rent rooms TorTroli Jtlcr.ion at 71 ? 315th. llvo blocks Irom Kur n a m. 071 25 ] FOIl HKNT Furnished room to a lady , iroom 0 , old llrownell hull. 18124 ] 171011 HUNT 3 uiifurulehod rooms. Inqulro -L1 1111 S 13th Bt. 684 24 ] FOK HV'NT Plcnsnnt nnd comfortable rooms ono block from 1 * O , 1W5 Cnpltol u\u. 1/7424 ] FOR RENT-I'liTisant furnlshi-d rooms at reasonable charges In good neighborhood convenient to good Hoarding house , street cam pns the door. For particulars Inquire at 2417 toward. 678 23 ] FOR RENT Furnished rooms In flrounlgbllc , cor 13th Hnd Dodge st Inqulru of Goo. It. DaUs , Mlllard Hotel Billiard room. ZIS FOK KENT Furnished front room , ground lloor , 15)5 Davenport. MI > { FOK KENT -Ono nicely furnished room , 1119 N 17th St. fiSU 22J f7Ull KRNT Three unfurnished rooms for - 1housukeoplng , nlso unfurnished rooms , modern conveniences , good location : refer ences ; at 2516 Douglas st. 190 22J IClOllllENT-NicoTy furnished front rooms , U 015 i18th St. 693 24J Foil KENT An elegantly furnished largo alcove front room , naw bouse , all modern Improvements , with free heat and gas. two blocks from postofflco , ! 7U7 Dodge St. GO. FURNISHED rooms at 1913 Farnam st o3 > I 25 ] A\7A.NTKD llonrdors , and rooms for rent nt ' the Summit hotel , corner 6lh and Wil- llama. Ml 24 * HES'T Furnished rooms with bourd , Fnrnftin. 307 oo 4J F "lTKnNl-looni ! suitable for 1 or 2 gentle- meu. with board. 1812 Dodge. frifi T7\OK \ ItENT-Nicciy furnished looms , to gen- J ? tlemononlr.ZJi ) N. 16th St. . Room 2. 433 SITUATION WANTED. WANTED-Ily a barber from Cbicago.a Joo. AudrctiUUlieooniofc UUJ WANTRD-Sltustlon by young man , Swede , In private family , thoroughly under stands lior elms gmxl rnforonces and ex pools to work. No olllco tee : Canadian Kmp. olllco , Mra.Hrogmt8oii.3lB9 nth , tol. Ml. M7 21 ] "lAfANTED Sltuation as clerk by n Herman T l with experience In gon'l in d o nud best of reference. Address U31 lloo otbco. n5S SOJ _ WANTRI ) Situation as coachman : cnn milk : by young colored man ; good refer ences. Address lisii , lloo ofllco. MO 23 * \\7 ANTED Young man 20 , domS | > osltlon II of olllco clerk , shipping clerk or book keeper , best reference from former employer , Address K 38 lloo omco. _ 1176 g ] WAN ! ISOPosition ny an cxporleiiood bookkeeper. Hood city reference. Ail- dress l17. ! ! I tee. _ 072 24 ] HOTELS , Kestauratits , etc. , nro supplied f roe of charge at our onieo. The best of help furnished. Gate City Employment oltleo , 3J4K a 15th st _ _ _ 7024 WANTKD Position by young man In store or us wntchman , host rofercnces. 220 N. 16th st. , Employment ollloo. 618 22 ] WANTED Situation by n young man , 2- yonrs , spetits Ennlliili , Oermnn nnd Sonndlnnvlan , bai tender or In i store , best ot rulcrenccs. 1407 South lilth street. 617 2:1 : ] WANTBD Situation as housekocprr by n Canadian widow of 30 : is a good man ager. an economical cook , and n rent nloo woman. Any onn fortunate to secure her services mnr consider hlmsoif a lucky man. Mrs. Ilrega & Bon. ! I16 8. I5tli. 7072JJ _ WANTED Situation by a nice Swedish trlrl. Is nn excellent cook , but cnn'tdo washing. Also for 2 little girls to mind babies. Hius nlco girls coming from the east everyday. Mrs , llrcgn & Son , 3in S. 15th. Telephone .v < 4. 707 33 ] _ W ANTED Situation as a first class shoe- mnkor , pegged or sewed , In a flrst class Bhop In oltv. Must bo steady work. Address L. llarth , Box 427. Harper. KO.S. _ 69722 ] VV'ANTI'.D Hy n young man situation ns n Ti coiiohmnn , long experience , or work nronn 1 a stern or oiltce , good referonoo. Ad- K. , Scaiidtnnvlnu Ilurenu , 1(110 ( Farnam st , 667 23 AirANTED Young man experienced In 11 short-hand nnd telegraphy wants em- ploymcnt. Address K 43 this omco. 718 3J TJE8PKCTAHLE woman require ! plain sew- JLX ing atownhomo. 1818 Farnam gt. 7232SJ Of ANTED Grain dealers' attention. A mid- TT die aged , active , em lo man , thoroughly posted on grain , wants n position on commis sion or salary , Is a good book keeper , well known In Nebraska , respectable nnd best of references , ono month's trial free It I fall to irlvo BKtlsfnctlon. Address Grain , box No , 92 , titromsburr. Neb. 693 24 A thorough bookkeeper with fifteen years practical experience will bo open for a position on or befote October 1. References A 1. Address K H. . lloo office. 490.20. BTOKAOE. OTORAGK Furniture , boxed goods , Ao. , C * terms reasonable , 714 Pacldc. 158 XpIUST-CLASS Storage at 110 N 13th n. STOKAGR First-class storage for ntoe fur niture or boxed goods , at 151J Dodge-it' 423 f OB SALE HOTJSE3 LOT3. LIST your property for siilo with Charles C. Spolsnrood..lOVi Sinth at. 642 tfiaw will buy 40x127' } , south front Apply atJHH ooaturstreet 318 a 28 ] WHAT have you to trade for fine 2-story residence and two lots In the west part of own ? JohaC. Thompson , Herald ofllco. SA. SLOMAN , Itoal ost.uo , 1311 Knrnamst. . _ . Farnam Bt. between Twentieth nnd Twenty-third , 118xlaJ , per foot t 400 Fnrnnm st. corner Thlrty-Qrst. loGxlJ2 , per foot 150 1'uriiBin 8t. near pavement , 47x1 J2 4.1W "nrimmst. ncarpavomontI'SxIICJ ' H.k : iirniun gt. corner Forty-third , 44x132. . . 3,600 'ariium Hi. corner Klnotoontli. Im proved , 22x132 20.0UO Farnam Bt. between Nineteenth nnd Twentieth , Improved , 77xlta ! 40,000 Farnnm t near Eleventh , 20x133 , units for * 1/'X ' ) 25,000 Fai iiam st near Twenty-Seventh , 80x13.3 per foot 200 Inrnevst. near Twentieth , Improved 174X1B7 50,000 larnnv st. near Twenty-third , Improved , Mx'B 11,000 Harney st. near Flftoonth , ImprovedSJx I3J. . . 15.001 Sixteenth st. near Nicholasmfixlttt 12.00) .Sixteenth st. boilth of viaduct , 40x102. . . . 5.1X10 Douglns st. on&t of Twenty-third. Mxl33. . U.OOO Twentieth st. noarSt. Mary's ave , im proved. 40 tl'-'O 8,000 Twentieth Bt , between Douglas and Dodge , Improved , iU'xOS 8.010 Snundora st , corner Hurt. IfiOx1 ! ! 7r > )0 ) Allco et , near 1 arnam. east front. 47x1.12. 1,3)J Filteenth fit , corner Jones , Impriveil , flo XI3J 30,000 Fourteenth stcorner.liickfonImproved , 60x132 30.0W Fourteenth BtcorncrChlcagolmprovcd , BrtxVtJ . . . . . 1B.03J Twelfth Bt. corner Jouos , Improved , ( Mix U ! M.OOO Bloventh Gt , corner Nicholas , truckngn. iMxiai 0.000 Thirteenth st , Paddock place , trackage , 01x112 2.500 Thirteenth st , corner California , Im proved , rent < S I , M ) 2"i,000 Park Hvo.opposlto Park. &OxlM ) -.000 Davenport st , opposite High school , tine modern fourteen-room house 0 : ) x33 , 10.000 CUBS St. , between Nlnotnenth and Twen tieth , twelve-room modernhoiiao , Oix Mi 15,000 Nlcholns St. . corner Twenty-Recoud , trncktigo , )3.'xU ) ! . Improved 20,000 Charles St. , near St. Mary's , Improvod.GI x28 ! 8,400 Calpy Rtnenr Crelfflnoncollogo.modorn tun-room housei.1vI42 : 11,250 Plctcp st. .near Twentieth , COxl 83 , fronts two streets.lmproved 6r'50 ! Dodge St. . nour Twenty-sixth , 3Kxl32 , Im proved n.O'iO Twenty-second st. , near Grace. nnx)20. ) . . 3,000 West Omaha , In bon ton locality , 40 or OJ X185 , per foot 75 Twenty-IIrst.cornsr Vlnton.MxlOO . . . . lr > 00 CH8tellar st. . next corner Eighth , Glitz Thirty-third Bt.'oornor bolawnro'.ii'ans- coml'liico IlXJzlOa 5,400 LoiivoiiwortlHt. noir Slxtounth"ixl5. . , OKJ WebsterRt , no-ir Twenty uighth , 60ilM , on irrndn 1.S01 In addition to the abova I have lots In all choice additions at low Ilituro j. 7''J ! 1 > WO lots In Albright's Choice , opposite ear- rlngo fuctnrv. nt a bargain. Can bu divided into hupliums property. Anyone wishing to build In KounUo property , a line couth Iront lot for ? 2.0i > 0 : torniH easy. lOacri'snciir manufacturing center at a bar gain If taken ut onojcan be sub-divided nt once and 300 per cent readied. I'.lgut lots In one Imdv , Albright's cholon , nt astoul liuig pi Ices Ir taken in a lump : also Mil kits In "Junc tion VHW" | nt your own toniH 4 lots in llrook- Ilnonttho original prices If taken Immedi ately. 'Iho above property can bo purchased at u liirguln if taken Inline of tonda > s. Cation Woodtirlduo llros. Wo business 215 a JDtliHt , Uperu liouso. 37425 BtJUH PLACK-75 rusld nco lots rltuatod from one to tlvo bloUts. eontli of the hdutn Omaha brewery Prices from f.WI to JUIW. One-thlnlcnsli , balnnco on easy terms at H per cent interest. J. J. O'ltourUesolo owner. 730 olj FOH SALE-Cheap , If sold at onco. n nice lot In Diipont. Place , or will trudu for n good tenm. Scandinavian Employment bureau liltu rnrnnin. 5M1 23 I710H SALClU2xr ft on U It track on Nlcho. -L Ins and Mth with waie bouse 3 < lxH > Mti ! Blorles , price SU.UOO. Address Khaw Ac 1'iold , box r.UMJmaha. aJ ) o2 TO KXCHANOK-Homo money and cholea land for first class , improved Inside prop erty. II. K. Colo.31S ( ! 1Mb 411 FOH 8ALB121x100 ft cor Howard nnd r > lh Rts. noxtblo k to Kaison , llrady & Miir- tins boii8C8 , $7,500. Address K 33 Dec ollico. GE. Thompson , real estate , 1111 Soutl : niteenUihtreel. Corner ( in North Tlilrtinnth street. KXlxllO four houics runt lor t.n > 0 > ur your , tZ.VM. 'Iwonty ncrossuitable tor plattlngfor 15.001 Fine business lot on Hnmiilcra btrcrt cliu.ip. Finest cornar In I'lilrmount place. $1,500. Klrliwood lot. nifct fiont , * 1,1W , Ono hunilrud nnd four foot fionta o In blocl 1 , lledlck's BtitxIlvlsUin. Jl.VX ) . Carnur 1 Monk North Li'.ivenworth street near Kirkondall , for a feivdayi only , cheap I'oiir-ronm IIIMISO ami one-hall lot on Soutli riglitcnnlh htrect. Sl.TO'l. Husldunce lot near llnn'ieom Park , $700. lluslness lot Rljly-slx fool and hoiisuou Houtl Slxleonth strodt. J",70a Boo my list bofcuo purchnalng , 3I ( noutli riflocnlh itroet. 4-vl FOltTIIADIMIounc iinil lots block 2 Knuntri 4lh iidd , lioiiM ) will runt nt $ . ' 5 u miinlli no o lieu m Iirii nco , will Inum fora Micant lot o bait lot In llnnscciin place or t hereabout to co from } 2.ioa to t2.'J * ) und will tnko niortgngooi property for the balance. Charles 0. hpiito S 18th. 7U5 \\7Kniivo fame good Omnhi pioperty l ' trade for land or nierubuni1i > . nnd good farm lo trade for oil ) property. If jo wljh to buy , cell or ( xctiimiru prtipurty sea in Cuuo 4 : JouuiOD , 7-i I < ItltU it. ' J18T your prupetty with U K , Cole , 31rt IMn , room L 409 IjlOlt A LK--A nrst class hotel property dolni i1 exrellrtit business. Mun snil tit slity days. For price and terms nddress II. S. Lilly , real estate deitlur nniKon How , Nob. 2JJ \L HAIK1AINS room home on 29th SPRCIL near Vntes , f2.faM , $1.000 cash. 8 room house and' ! l lit In Donljc's adJltlon , with barn. $1,700 , fl,000 cash 13 room house , full lot. onSownrd uoir Smut- tiers , all modern Improvement * , fWil , $ n,00u cash. ( i four room houses In's addition , $ IVX ) ouch SJuOmsli , hftlniicoon easy terms. lloautitiil lot In MaiHcom Plneo , $3.500. A loom cottage nnd 3 lots , Walnut Hill , $ -.03) , ono third cash , 1'liip corner in KllliyplncolS50. . Also some choice bargains In Orchard Hill and Lowe's addition , 11. H. Moll nud Co. , 47s 113 N. Illlll St 'iTlOR 3AIK Fliio improvndTnrm ot H20 ncro -I ? In ( lospor Co. , Neb. , nil under fouoo.itood house , and all out building , price fl,1 * * ) . Ad dress J. R. Shaw. b t UVO.ty. . 201 oU | J ,3f your ptoporty with II. K. Colo.Jlld 9. J 15th. room I. 41tf rpO ixdllAN : K-liuilty In. 4 , and 10 room J. hou es nnd lots for paid up lots. II , K. Cole , 310 8 15th. 410 LlST yottr property with It. K. Cole , 3in & 15th. room 1. 4tW TTOIt SAI.t : Finest location for a horns InC -C West Omahn , adjoining the mansion homes of Klrkondall , Coo , llrady , lias on ami olbars. Nothing flnnr In tlio elty. Ciui loll 10SriR7orlos ; for prices uud terms sooS. A. 1301 Farnam st TM Notice to Contractors. QnALKDbldswIllborec-elveilbythe lloanl of O I'ubllo Lands and Hiilldlngsatany time be fore Septembers * . 1887 , nt3 p. in. , Iur nil work * and materlnls to compluto main bulldlntr for the Inoiirablo Insane on grounds snlceto I for that purpose at Hastings Nidinisku , suob work and material * to Include slonm lieutlng , plumbing and i ow rngo , nnd nil to bo douo In nccordancowlth plans nnd spociaoatloiiH now on nio with the Commissioner ot Public Lands and Hmldlnga. lllds mutt bo aooompanled by bond In the sum of * . " > .Oi > J.Oi > , conditioned that auooptml bidder will cuter Into contract to do the work. 8uoeeifiil bidder will bo required tn glv bond In the sum of fol.OM.OJ oondltiouod tor faithful performance of contract. Contractor to rooolvo sixty per cent or con tract price when building It up nnd roof on , and forty per cent when building Is completed and accepted. Hlght reserved to accept any or reject all bids. Uy order of'lloard of Public Lands and Multd- Inns. ( I. L. LAWS , Secretary. 85toi > Notion tn Contractor * . Scaled proposals will be received at the olHoe of thoStowurd and Secretary of the Unlversitl of Nebraska. In Lincoln , until 12 o'clock ( noon ) on Wednesday. September 28 , l 87 , for furnish ing all of the laoor and materials necosiary lot the erection nnd completion of a building foi said university for the Iiuustrlat College nnd school of the Moehanlo Arts , according to plant and spoolllciittons prepared by J. II. W. Haw * f kins , uruhltoct , of Lincoln , Nobrnsk-i. In all ciifics whore the spoolHcHtlons for snld building permit of nu option In the use of materials , blddrrs will prepare proposals for all kinds of materials uamrd , and the cost of each respect ively. Plans and iporltlual Ions may bo exam ined at the olllco of said , nrehlteot , In Illohnrds ItlooK. or at the olllce of the Steward of the University , In Lincoln , room No. 1 , main building. I'.nch biddrrwlll nccompuny his proposal with a bond in the sum of * lotw. with sufficient stiretloi. or give other satisfactory security , conditioned that In cuso his proposals are ucoeptod , ho will , within llftoon days from notice of such accep tance , enter Into contract with the lloard of Hnifontiof the UniverBlty and furnish the Itond reiiulrod by law fortbo erection ol said buildliiK ; all bids not accompuiiled by such se curity niMy bo rejected. The committed In oharitunnhotmlr of the Hoard of HoronU , reserve the rlvjht to reject any and till bid * . Bids should bu addressed to the coiniiilttoe In charge of the lndu trlnl Colloue building , cure ot J. S. Dales , faecrotnry of the University , Lincoln , Neb. Lolvlit } " " ' ' " . 1. J. Mnnatt , O. B. lips oy , U K. Illoks , I\y J 8. DALK3. J. S. Dali-s. Sept. ISdOt. Secretary. Coininittoo. THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES. OMAHA. Lo ave Arrlvo Oiuulin. Omaha. UNION PACIFIC. Dupol 10th and Pierce sts. PlwiDc Itxpnua 8:20 : p. m. . . Denver r.xpress 10r'ia. : in , fi:20 : ( i. m. Local Express 5:05 : p. m. Ilu0n. : m. Except Sunday. h. &M. it. ii. B. Depot 10th and Paclllo sts Mail nnd Express I0:0ia. : m. r > : : nip. nt Night Expioss 7:15 : p. m , 10:00 : a. m C. B.&Q. It. 1L Depot lot n and PaclQosts. Miiilnnd Express , . 0:00 : p. in. 0:70 : a m. Chicago Express , 8.40 u. m. 0v : , p. m K. c . si. J. & c. n. Depot 10th and Pacific sts. Mull 8:11 : a. m. G-.55 p. m. Kxpioss 8:50 : p. m. 7:03n , in. 0 , St. P..M. &O. Depot 15th nud Wubsterst Sioux City lllnck Hills Ex 8lSn m. :4 : p. m. liancroft Ilxpresa 1:15 : p. m. Ill ; ID a. m. lllnck Kills Passenger 5:35 : p. in. 7IOp. ; m. Except Sunday. MIS = OUI PACIFIC. Depot 1Mb and Webster st Day Express I0l5a. in. 0:1" a. m. Nluht Express UUp. : m. 5JO : p , ml DUMMY TItAINS. Ilunnlng Il < > twooii Coiinoll Bluffs and South Omnnn. In addition to the sUllons mentioned , trains stop ut Twentieth and Twenty-fourtli streou , and at the Summit m Omaha. Wextwnrd. ' ; f Knstwaril. Stock Shcel'ys. Omaha. Transfer tlrona- Ynrds. way. 6:15 6:28 : 0:35 : 0-.M 7:15 : 7:28 : 7:3" : 7W : 7:58 : B:15 si n Br.O : ' 9:11 ti:50 : ui-is io'iD ; 10T : iiou : 11:50 : 13:15 : 12:3 : } 12:5S : 1:15 tra : lM : 2:15 : : 2:5il : 3:24 : : i:50 : 3:58 : 4:15 : 4:2 * ' 5:15 : 6:3'i : nTw r > :4T : 6:05 : 6:25 : 6:47 : 7liO : 7:13 : 7:20 : 7S : 7:31 : 8:15 : Rt15 10:1X1 : 10:20 : 10:30 : HU : 11:45 : CUUNC'llj FilfliiK D. HEiD. Carpenter and Buildei' , FJNKCJAWN'KT WOK1C A Sl'KUlAi ; ! Y 'IVIiiphurio WiO , uo : > Miuili > l ioeulli Street *