Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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    t < fiWifl' '
Photo-Wrestler Roys Disappears in Com
pany With a Young Woman ,
Many People Conic to Omaha From
Point * In the Kant The Me-
Menamy-Ilarrlfl Cane Happen *
Ings About the City.
rtoyV Escapade.
Last winter , the advent of n Cyctoplan
Wrestler named Moth to this city , brought
Into prominence an Omaha athlete ,
named Adolph Hoys , or , as his name was
then spoiled , Adolph Hoyco. Moth had
Issued a blatant challenge , and a certain
association In the city put forward Hoyco ,
who succeeded , although not so heavy as
his opponent , in preventing him from
winning his bet.
Since then at times , Hoys has been an
nrtist in the studio of iloyn , the Fifteenth
street photographer. Ho has apparently
shunned notoriety , but now it is again
thrust upon him in an undesirable man
ner.Last Saturday night ho left the city ,
telling different persons that ho was
going to San Diego , St. Paul and Den
ver. Ho had hardly disappeared when
an army of creditors sought but failed to
find him. It has smcu developed that
simultaneously with Hoys' disappearance
took place that of a young woman of
this city , the daughter of a well-known
veterinary surgeon. At present thu in
dications are that Roys and the young
woman have gone together , with thu
result of abandoning a wife who is now
m a delicate condition.
Roys is a handsome follow. He has a
shapely form , a dignified bearing , an
artistic and attractive sut of features and
a taste for dress in keeping with his ap
pearance. Ho was an attractive per
son ago among the fair sex , though it was
but lately discovered that at heart ho
was a pretty tough cose. Mrs. Roys , his
wife , assorted that she married him ono
year ago last January , awl that for sev
eral months after her marringo her hus
band did nothing to support her. Ho
claimed , although an excellent artist ,
that ho could not secure employment in
this city and went to Minnesota and
Iowa in search of employment. During
this period , ho was supported by his
wife , who is an enterprising dressmaker
In Anderson block , northwest corner
of Sixteenth and Davenport streets.
She has constantly given employment tea
a number of hands , and has an excellent
fiuito of rooms in the place mentioned.
In September of last year Mrs.-Roys was
confined , and during her illness her hus
band endeavored to disposu of her house
hold goods. When she recovered she
had to pay all the expenses of her illness.
Roys continued unemployed until Janu
ary of this year , when ho was employed
by Heyn. receiving a salary of $ 'J5 per
week. Since that time Roys has never
given his wife moro than $10 a week ,
though he has frequently begged back
each week , all ho advanced.
Among Mrs. Hoys' help was the girl
above mentioned. She was taken m on
the representation that her father refused
her admission to his homo , because she
courted late hours , and was given a homo
by Mrs. Roys. To this young woman ,
Roys , disregarding his wife's protests ,
paid a great dual of attention. Last
Wednesday the girl left with the inten
tion of leaving town and Mrs. Roys felt
that her husband meant to go witli her.
Both disappeared Saturday. It has since
boon discovered Roys was very attentive
to the young woman , paying for a
pair of shoes for her at uricsol's
on St. Mary's avenue , by a largo portrait
which ho had made for the latter , besides
being seen with nor at very late hours in
the night , Mrs. Roys is cast down with
the inhuman abandonment she has suf
fered at the hands of her recreant hus
band , and the disappearance of the young
woman , though not unexpected , win
bring grief to ono of the most respected
German families in the city.
Over SOOO Visitors at the Depot
Yesterday Morning.
No state or district fair day over wit
nessed such a crowd as was gathered at
thcfdopots ycsterda ymorning. It was sim
ply immense. There was a sea
of people nnd waves of
strange , inquisitive , talkative people.
Tlio cause was the arrival of several
trains of the Harvest Homo excursionists
from the oast. The consequence-
that all the trains were lato. Five trains
of ten cars each loft on the Burlington
system from Chicago , three ou the
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul , and all the
other lines had extras. The result was
that between two thousand and thrco
thousand strangers wore in Omaha yes
terday. A great many remained hero ,
but it is gratifying to state that all have
come to see Nebraska , examine
its lands , its harvests , its people
ple and its institutions , nnd the
probabilities are that moro than half of
those who wore visitors yesterday will bo
permanent settlers before corn is planted
in 1883. Taken as a whole , the excur
sionists wcro a fine , thrifty appearing
class of people , and will bo an honor tea
a settlement in any btato.
Xbo True Inwardness of ttic Harris
MoMenamy Case.
In yesterday's Republican there ap
peared a local article in relation to the
arrest of a man who calls himself Dr.
Chester F. Harris , upon the complaint of
Dr. J , W. McMcnamy , of this city , who
charges him with sending threatening
and blackmailing letters. The Republican
publishes a statement from Harris which
casts snrlous reflections upon Dr. McMen-
amy , who , however , shows thorn to bo
entirely untruo.
Tlio substance of Harris' statement is
that the was employed to distribute
printed matter in the country for Dr.
McMonamy ; that ho was paid regularly
for some time , but finally his pay , $100 a
month , stopped coming ; and that after it
had got bonmd moro than a month ho
began writing very urgent letters for it.
The Republican's articlecouoludcs us
follows :
J. W. McMennmy finally replied that ho ,
Dr. Harris , iiad been paid right along by tlio
young fellow , W. II. McMcnamy , ( a brother
ol Jr. ) McMenainy ) , and that he didn't pro
pose to pay him a second time. About this
time Dr. Harris nmdo a very successul effort
to find out what kind of a concern It was ,
here In Omaha , that ho had been working
for. Ho found that both ot the MoMenamv's
had a bad standing here : that J. W. Me-
Mounmy was not a reularly registered phyo
Elclnn , and was Illegally practicing medicln
on the strength of a diploma purchased from
that .well-known diploma Junk shop ,
the "American Eclectic institute"
of Cincinnati. Upon discovering these
facts Dr. Harris wrote McMonamy.
the eldest The jouncest as has been said ,
snipped the country , and told him that ho
had .his record and would expose him If lie
did not pay htm what ho owed him. This
iiiadn McMenainy hot and ho told him It ho
would pertmn such a course he would throw
him into jail for attempting blackmail and
ttm recovery of salary already paid. After
petting this letter , Dr. Harris again wrote
McMennmy , making a demand for the money
and and telling turn he should begin tlio ex
pose Immediately if lie did not remit Upon
receipt of this , McMenainy went before au
obscure justice of the peace in this city , Jiad
a warrant sworn out for Dr. Harris' arrest ,
put It in the hands of a deputy sliontl' with
urn results as stated.
The above publication does a gross In
justice to Dr. McMennmy , ' who la wqll
: nown in Omaha. In the lint place
Iiirris never worked a month for Dr. Me-
tlcnamy. Ho worked exactly three daya
or which ho got his pay. The younger
ilcMonamy dlscharcr.d him and forcibly
ilected-him from his buggy. For this
larris wrote threatening letters and in-
Imalcd that ho would sue for damages.
Ho also wrote letters threatening to do
various things if Dr. MoMenamy would
not pay him some money ,
he demands varying from $25 to | 200.
Jr. McMcnamy , who had no fears of any
so-called exposures , finally had him ar-
csted , nnd Tuesday ho was examined
> eforo Juntlcn Heed , who hold him for
trial in the district court.
The whole statement of Hnrns appears
o bo a tissue of falsehoods , according to
nformation obtained from Dr. Me-
tlcnamy , who thinks he Is not exactly in
us right mind. The younger McMcn
amy , who is Dr. McMcnamy's advertising
igcnt , has not skipped the country , hav-
nc no occasion whatever to do so ,
Dr. McMcnamy received his medical
iducatlon at the Columbia Medical Col-
cge , New York city , at Belle vuo Medical
college and at the College of Physicians
and Surgeons of Iowa , and ho is so regis
tered in the county clerk's ollice of tills
lounty , where anybody can investigate
for himself. Ho never had anything to
do with the "American Eclectic Instltuto"
of Cincinnati , and knows nothing about
t. Dr. McMonamy employs fourteen
ixpcrt attendants in his Omaha Medical
nstitutc , and his standing professionally
s not questioned except by some physi
cians who. following out the strict line
of mcdicai ethics , are opposed to any
lector who advertises , oven though
t is legitimately and decently done.
There is nothing to bo exposed about his
ncdlcal institute ) in this city , and as to
Jr. McMonamy's standing financially
hero is no question. Ho has a Inrgo in
vestment in Omaha , and has a cash ac
count at the Omaha National bank
yhich some men would consider a com
fortable fortune.
Dr. S. U. Fatten , dentist , room 313 ,
Ramge building , Omaha.
John B. Weaver , a resident of South
Carolina , is in the city looking over the
nisincss interests with a view of invcst-
ng in real estate.
There is at , present a great demand for
nisincss houses and residences. A hun
dred new cottages would find immcdiato
occupants in South Omaha.
R. Gump , proprietor of the DCS Moincs
muse , has sold his place and will en
gage in the bakery and harness business.
The family of Alderman F. M. Smith ,
who have been visiting friends in Lincoln
and Aurora , have returned.
Several cars of stone for the foundation
f the new depot have been brought hero
> y the Union i'ucific company.
Potter & Cobb have lot the contract
or the erection of three new business
buildings on Twenty-fifth street.
Dr. M. J. Davis , of Lewis , la. , is vis-
ting friends in this city.
Nearly 8,000 passengers were credited
o South Omaha last month.
Fifteen car loads of sewer pipe have
icon received at Albright fetation for the
racking house sower.
The first story of the new flouring mill
at Albright is being erected.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bullard and son , of
Jakun , Mass. , are visiting Mrs. F. Boyd.
The overcrowded condition of the
schools is an incentive to hurry the con
struction of the now school house and the
work is being pushed.
Patrick Rowley and James McCuno
lad a fiasco in the former's saloon Tues
day afternoon and Marshal Rico arrested
) oth belligerants yesterday morning ,
they werq orough before Judge Reuther
who continued the case until next Mon
day. During the trial F. Proyonka be
came quite boisterous and wanted to run
, ho court , but the judge ordered an ofliccr
to remove him.
Christian Science.
Instructions given in Christian Science
Healing at 1410 Chicago street. Class
commences Sept. 28. Good references
Eiven [ as teachers healer. For particu
lars see DK. J. R. THOMPSON.
Ninth Ward Republicans.
Iho Ninth ward republican club had a
very largely attended meeting Tuesday
evening , and the following was intro
duced nnd unanimously adopted :
Resolved , By the Ninth ward republican
club , that while we have perfect faith in the
conunlttoeinon selected by tbo county central
committee to represent us and name the del
egates for us to the state convention , wo do ,
as republicans , denounce tbo high handed
and arbitrary scheme adopted by the county
central committee for selecting delegates to
the state convention , believing thnt it Is con
trary to the principles of republicans and
against the best interest of the party , and wo
respectfully ask that the county central com
mittee Hx the time for holding the ptlumrios
and calling a convention to elect delegates to
the state convention.
An Enterprising Firm.
It is a pleasing fact to our wholsalo
merchants who made an eflort at pre
senting a creditable display of their goods
to the guests ot our city at the Omaha exposition
position , that they are not wholly with
out reward. Messrs. Lininger & Mctcalf
Co. made the linest display of carnages
and buggies ever seen in the west. . Hav
ing duplicates also at the state fair at
Lincoln. They report the most flatter
ing success from the customers , also se
curing the first premium , for the linest
display at both fairs. It goes without
saving that such enterprise wins ; not
only wins , but paysl
Herb Kothery.
It is now pretty certain that Herb
Rothory , convicted of stealing a diamond
in Council Blufl's , is in Canada , beyond
the reach of the American police. Ho re
mained In this city a whole day after
escaping from the Iowa authorities with
out any eftbrt at concealment , and that
night look the tram to join tliu Canadian
Great Auction sale of Real Estate in
Orand Island , Nebraska. Twenty of the
finest residence lots in the city will bo
sold on Monday , Sept. 20th , at 3 p. m.
All inside property and specially desir
able. The railroad faro from his homo to
Grand Island will bo refunded to each
purchaser living in Nebraska.
Cleveland nnd the K. of P.
October 13 , the date on which President
Cleveland is to bo in Omaha , happens to
bo the day on which the Knights of
Pythias have tholr grand parade of
10,000 men. As President Cleveland Is a
member of that order , the review of the
knights will doubtless bo ot great interest
to him. _
Notice. *
Any person giving information to the
undersigned of the whereabouts of Gil
bert Kverton will confer a favor on him
Ho loft O'Neill , Neb. , thrco years since ,
and has not ilnco been heard from.
B. F. ROUF.UT.S. O'Neill. Nob.
Lost Both LICKS.
John Marsh , an employe of the Mis
souri Pacific rend , was run over
on the line , several miles from the
city. Both logs were amputated by Dr
Uinn. The man is now in his room iu
Estabrook block , and will recover.
Charged With Hmbpzzlontnnt ,
George II. Mcschcudorf & Co. iniiko
complaint before Judge Anderson
against John Crceu for embezzling $10
Ho was employed by thu firm. A , telegram
gram caught -him at Galusburg , 111.
whitlror ho had lied ,
About Those Who Hare De
parted This Life.
The funeral of the late Patrick Boylan
ook place yesterday afternoon at 3
o'clock from St. Phllornuna's cathedral ,
t was ono of the largest funerals that has
aken place in this city for a long time.
The obsequies woroln charge of Barrett &
leafy , and the burial was at St.
Mary's cemetery. The pall bearers ,
rore Patrick Ford , Michael Ford ,
ttichael Donahue. Michael Douglag , Pat-
-Ick Gilligan nnd Jeremiah Murphy.
The deceased was a brother-in-law of
Councilman Ford , and a sad ica-
tire of the funeral was the fact
hat Miss Rose .A. Ford , of
Cumberland , Md. , arrived at noon on a
visit to her uncles hero , and was only ap
prised of the death of Mr. Boylan when
ho reached this city.
Mary , the daughtcrof Patrick and Hon.-
era Buckley , died at Saline Grove , Sarpy
county , Tuesday. Her parents are
among the oldest citizens of Sarpy
ounty and well known to the pioneers
icro. She was eighteen years old and
will be buried at St. Mary's cemetery ,
Johanna , the wife of William Lynch , a
wnll-known cltl/en , died Tuesday nt her
esldonfo , 1202 Chicago street. The fu-
icral will take place to-day at 9 o'clock
rom St. Phlloraena's cathedral.
Great Reduction In Rates.
From St. Louis by the Ohio & Alissis-
ippi railway. Now York , N. Y. , first
class $ 17 , second class $14 ; Gallon , O. ,
and return , $0.85 ; Akron , O. , and return ,
> 7 ; Leavittsburg , O. , and return , ? 7 ; Co-
umbus , O. , and return. fG.40 ; Cleveland.
O. , and return , S7.03 ; Buffalo , N. Y. , and
return , $8 ; Salamanca , N. Y. , and return ,
(7 ( ; Jamestown , N. Y. , and return , $7 ;
iMttsburg , Pa. , and return , 18.05 ; Wheel-
ng , W. Va. , and return , $7.05 : Porkers-
> urg , W. Va , , fend return , $7 ; Louisville ,
Ky. , and return , f 0 ; Washington. D. C. ,
and return , 130.25 ; Baltimore , Md. , and
return , $20.25. Tickets are on sale at
Union Depot and 101 and 103 N. 4th st. ,
St , Louis , Mo. G. D. BACON ,
G. W. P. A.
Kail Notes.
The Union Pacific pay car for this di
vision , with Division Superintendent
) euol and Paymaster Baxter , started on
a trip yesterday , which will bo pleasing
o the boys on the lino.
Colgate Hoyt , director of the Union
'acilic , went to Denver yesterday in a
special car.
T. J. Potter , first vice president of the
Union Pacific , went cast on the Q road
The building of a new passenger depot
> y the Union Pacific on Tenth street bo-
wcon Lcav.cnworth street nnd the pres
ent depot , is again being revived.
Air gates are being placed at the lower
Tenth street crossing of the Union Pa
cific. They work but little better than
lioso at the upper crossing.
P. E. Robinson , of the Union Pacific
general tickc-t oflico , who it will bo rc-
nembcrcd had severed his connection
with that company , has been re-engaged
and will hereafter occupy a position at
the rate and division desk.
Suit For Money.
A petition was filed in the United States
Hstrict court yesterday morning by
-iiicius Woinschcnk , of Chicago , against
John A. Froyhan , of this city , the suit
being on several promissory notes aggrc-
jating , exclusive of interest and costs ,
' 2,000 and upwards. Those notes wore
executed in favor of the Vallencia cigar
actory. There are five of them , ono -for
35 , ono for $180 , one for $555 , ono for
f279 and one for $310.50. Then there is
i bill for goods amounting to138.30. .
The notes , witli the interest duo , amount
to $5,501.40 , , and with the bill for goods
ucludcd to $5,099.70 , for which the plain
tiff asks judgment.
Deaf and Dumb Asylum.
The Nebraska institute for the deaf
and dumb opened its season for 1837-88
yesterday.Prof. . Gillespic , the superin
tendent , nnd Dr. McFarland , ono of the
faculty , werq at the depots all day re
ceiving the incoming pupils. It IB ex
pected that about ouo hundred and
twenty-live will bo registered this year.
"At any rate , " said the professor , "wo
liavo thirty-five more pupils at the open
ing this year than we had last year and
I know there are more coining. "
Pleaded Guilty.
L. C. Taylor , accused of burglarizing
Captain Rustin's residence , pleaded guilty
yesterday afternoon in the district court.
John Jones , accused.of stealing a watch
from John Goodlet , also pleaded guilty.
Absolutely Pure.
Thl powder never varies. A marvel of pur
ty , strength and wholejoraonnsi. Mnre econ
omic * ! than the ordinary kinds , and cannot be
Id ! competition with tbe multitude ot low
ceit ihort weight alum or phosphate powders.
Bold only In ran * . HOYAL BAKING I'OWDKR C * .
Ill W Ut. . . N. Y.
- milt , teething current * of
Ele , , / " ( CUf Urn ugh all f iik pirti.rtitor *
_ -to hnlth and Vtforoui Slrtofth. El-ctrio
-feltiniUutirorwofurfeittA.t'OOIncMti. ' .
\UitInprovcmtnti of er tl other be lit. Wont cuti per *
mtctniljr cur d In thr rotatbi. firaled riimpbl t4c. fUroa
1h Stnden EUctrio Co. 169 USilic IM Chlcia
_ _ _
Beit Work and LoweitPi
Guaranteed. 100 pn Ulust'd
Th Tw ntT-flrttTear ot thlsnall known school wll
bop in at 4 o'clock n .m . onN EDNEKIIAT , OCT. litli. 17
EliUINiTIO ! ) foradTanexlstandina MoNniY.Ocr
JOtti , V a.m. Entire cour roar be complel. J In two o
thre jr > rs at option ot student. ll | lom admit ; to Hot
Xultloa $ W per annum. For Catalogues , etc. , aadrt&s ,
9 ta tmcultr , au tueu > Uc , 81 , tOUM , K ° .
814 8. 13th street. Omaha ,
Established for the Scientific and Speedy
Cure of Chronic , Nervous and Special
Diseases ,
Thf Old Hollabb Specialist of many yenm ex
perience , treats with wonderful * ucceei all
' ° d Wlthout KNfK ! OH
Treat * all forms of Throat LUIIR , Norro and
Howl dUpftscB , nil Chronlo dlsoaics and e-
ormltles far In advanoo of any Institution In
his country. Thn o who contomphtto goinff to
lot Sprlnira for the treatment of any 1'rlrato
or Illood disease ctin lie cured for one-third tha
oat at our Private Ulspentnry , 311 South 13th
trert , Omaha , Nob.
KUI'TtntK cured without pain orhlnderanoe
I miCC By this treatment a piiro Lovely
LHIflbw Complexion , Ireo from slowness ,
freckles , bhirkhcads , eruptions , etc. , Urllllant
Eyes and perfect health can ho hnd.
CsT Thnt "tired" reeling and all foranlo weak-
ncsset promptly cured. Bloating Huadnchos ,
Nervous Prostration , Ocneral Debility , Sleep
lessness , Depression nnd Indigestion , Ovnrion
troubles , Inflammation nnd Ulcotatlon , Falling
and Displacements , Spinal weakness , Kidney
complaints and Change of Life. Consult xb.
old Doctor.
EVE IHn BID Acute or Chronlo Inflam
CIC Illlll BHIfimatlonof the Eyelids or
U lobe and far or Near Slghtedncss , Inversion
of the Lids , Scrofulous K > cs , lllotratlons. In
flammations , Abscess , Dimness of Vision of one
or both eyes , and Tumois of 1.1 J.
ff Inflammation of the Ear , Clccratlon or
Catarrh , Internal or External Doafnos * . or
Paralysis , Singing Or Roaring noises , Thickened
Drum. etc.
Debility , Spermatorrhoea , SemI -
_ _ I Inal Losses , Night Emissions ,
Loss"of Vital Power , Sleeplessness , Despond
ency , Loss of Memory , Confusion of Ideas ,
Illurs llofoie the Eyes , Lnssitudo , Lnmruor ,
nioomlness. Depression ot Spirits. Avcislonto
Society , F.HBlly Discouraged , Lack of Confl-
dcnce , Dull , Listless , Unlit for Study or Ilusi-
ness , nnd finds life a burden , Safely , Perma
nently and Privately Cured ,
BLOOD & SKIN se'scf most" 'horrible In
Its results completely eradicated without the
use of mercurr. Scrofula , Kryslpolas. Fever
Sores , Illotches. I'lmplos , Ulceis , pains In the
Hend and Hones , Syphilitic Sore Thront , Mouth
nnd TonRue , Glandular Enlargement of the
Neck , Hlioumatisra , Catarrh , etc. , Permanently
Cured _ _ When Others Have Failed.
Kidney nnd Dladdcr troubles ,
f Weak Hack , Itumlng Urine ,
Frequency of Urlnntlnir. Uilno hlffh colored or
milky ( .edlmcntnn stamllng1 , ( lotiorrlnua , Qlcot ,
Cystitis , etc , promptly and safely cured.
Charges reasonable
ve a ,
fleet , etricture , semltml emissions , loss ot sex-
inl power , weakiieM ot the soximl ordain.wutit
or desire Inmnleor fcinule.whether from Ira-
prudeuthabits ot younir or peximl Imblts In
mature yenrs. or any cnuso that debilitates the
Btixunl functions , 'speedily aud perinuuentlr
Consultation free nnd strictly confidential.
Medicine sent frue from obietvatlon to all
parts of the Unltod States. Correspondence
receives prompt attention. No letters an
swered unless aceompimlod by four cents In
Itampi. Send stntnp for pamnblet and list of
questions. Terms strictly ca h. Gallon or ad
dress UB..POWEI.I , REKVKS ,
No. BH South 13th St. . Omaha , Neb.
GOLD HBDAL , 7ABI8,1878 ,
Warranted absolutely pura
Cocoa , from which tbo CICOJB of
Oil baa been removed. It has thru
time i the itrtngth of Cocoa mixed
with Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar ,
and la therefore far more economi
cal , coittny tin than one cent a
cup. It Is delicious , nourishing ,
etrengthenlng , easily digested , and
admirably adapted for Invalids as
well aa for persona la health.
Sold by Oroccrt everynhere.
IAKER & CO. , Dorchester , Mass ,
S. E. Cor. 13th and Dodge Sts.
Successfully Treats all Nervous , Chronic and
Private Diseases of
Dr. S. Is well known as the founder of tbo
Montiful ( Canada ) Medical Instltuto and pro
prietor of tbo Snlimoy villa Inflrmnry. The Dr.
has had B7 years' experience In tbe treatment
of chronic und sexual diseases , and bis oUorts
bolnir crowned by wonderful ! success , ho would
call tlio attention of the ntlllctod to his long
standing and well earned reputation as BUlll-
cient assurance of his skill ami ability.
NKitvuiis iiiiunY. :
Spermatorrhoea , Partial Impotency nnd nil
di eiiseH of the nervous system and sexual or-
Kims speedily and permanently cured ,
SVrill.lS-A disease most horrible In Its results
completely ctadlcated without thu UBO of
mercury. C'harKOS reasonable.
YOUNG iui\ :
Who may bo fluttering1 Irom the etfccts of joutli-
fill follies or Indiscretions , will do well to avail
themselves of this , .tbo greatest boon over laid
at the alter of sufforlnK humanltv Pit. HI'IN-
NKY will guainnteeto forfeit ? MO for every
case of seminal wsw\knc < < s or private diseases
of any kind or character which ho undertakes
and falls to cure.
There arc many troubled with too frequcn
evacuations ot the ( bladder , elton accompanied
by a slight smarting or burning sensation and
weakening of theiystotn In a manner the pa
tient cannot account for. On exutnmlmr the
urinary deposits ropy sediment will olten be
tound , and sometimes small particle of albu
men will appear or the color bo of a thin , mltk-
iih hue , again chaiiKlni to a dark or torpid ap
pearance. Til nit < AKE MANY MEN WHO DIT. or
TIIIB DIFFICULTY , Ignorant ot the cause , which
Is thoiecoml st KO of seminal weakness. TIIK
AM. SUCH CASKS , and a healthy restoration ot
tbe ironito-urlnnry organs ,
Otlico hours U to U a. m. , 1 to 5. A to 0 p. m.
N. I ) . Persons unable to visit us may he-
treated at tbolr homes by correspondence.
Medicines and Instructions sent by in nil or ex
Pend stamp for question ll t and circular.
Call or address DR. SPINNKV & CO. . 1U5 S.
13th street Omaha.
87 Chamber of Commerce.
To attract trade is to kcop reliable goods and sell them cheap. "VVe have done BO nnd
have had the satisfaction of seeing our business rapidly grow to be one of the largest in the
country. The immense stock which we carry this summer will easily convince you of the fact
with such a stock we cannot afford to make high prices , nor the profits exacted from the pub
lie by smaller houses such a stock is the people's guarantee for fair dealing and low
We have opened the fall season with an enormous variety of business arid dress suits.
They embrace all the now styles and novelties of the season in
Among the many special bargains we start in the season with , wo mention the following :
400 men's all wool cassimero suits , heavy weight , of attractive greyish color , serge lined ,
and well and substantially made , $5.50It may sound big to tell you that these suits are
actually worth twice this amount , but an examination Avill convince you that we are not exag
gerating , and you will have to admit that you never saw such a suit offered for less than $10.
Another great surprise is our all wool corkscrew sack suit , elegantly made and trimmed ,
which we will sell for $6.50. No house oversold such a suit for less than $12.
These are only a few samples of what we have in store for you this season.
All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price at
Nebraska Clothing Company
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha.
Cor. 1thSt. and Capitol Am. , OMAHA , NEB.
IU t firilltlt * appirttm unfl remedlfv tor itierfMful treatment f
virv rt > rmoFilteiuai ( | iir.tiff or Surgical t tiu t > t.
WHITS run Cmcui * RI o iVfuruUle * and nrncei , Club F * .
Curvttur * < if tint Spin * ) , riltk Tumors , Canctr , Citari N , ItionrUtlt ,
UhiUtlm. , Electricity , lrtmU Kpilepty , Kldrny , UliUdtr , Lj ,
, Urt hkln , nd Ulood , and all Surgical Uj > trtlou * .
Book on Diseases .of Women FJIEE.
AH nioo4 Plaift itipctfit fully trtatr < l. Syphilitic PoUon r
from tlit i/iltm without mercury , Ntiv KrMoritive lititnient tut
Loitof Vitil 1'owfr. l * rt > in unablft tn vltlt tin mar 1 > e | rttl J * t
hntne , by UorreiponuVnc * Alleommunlfati n * ( tntifldtntUI. JJtdi
rhtfior IrutriinitnUient fcy mull or txnreit , mcurtly packed , wu
marki to Indicate rmitenUor M-tidcr. One pertonal intrv1 w prt
fuetl Call and consult ut , nrMixlhlitory ofjuur caw , with it * nip ,
and nt * U1 atud lu plain wrapper , our
Upon rrivtU , Hpclil tnil Ktrvoun DlMiiri Stinlnil wtaVnrv ,
8i | rnittnrrl > ir , Imitolfni-y , Svphllll , bonurrboia , Gleit , ud !
cor lj. Koounrwr | icticitti. Adilrtu ,
r.ScMenamy , Cer. 13th st. & Capitol AT.Omana , KtD.
Medical Books or Papers Free.
The proprietor ot tkti Omaba Medical andSurzl-
CHI Inilltute li.n published a mlutnie IB. of boons
and pnperi upon uhroutcund ivirgicul aiseaso and
deformities/ tite methods ot cure wnlcti have
given him reputation of bolng the most skillful
mid successful speculln In the west , and made tno
Institute no cfleurated that medicine * are tent to
and patients recel < ed from uvcry itatu In the union.
AmuiiK the bookt Is ono upon the diseases nt
women ; ono upon nerroin , special and private dls-
eaic'of tlieneiual nnd urinary organs ; v rlcocclo
cured by surulcal operation * , and tlieir lately Invent
ed clamp compress suspensory for the roller and
cnrenf rarlcocele , nerious etliamtlon nndnaxuAl
liability , nor restorative treatment. 1'apers upon
surgical braces , pile , , cancers , parnlysls , fit * . Kleo-
trlcitr and the new magnetic battery for homo use ;
catarrh and Inhalation , etc. Unlike most book !
Issued by doctors free , they do not consist of testimonial
menial ! ! with fictitious names and Initials , or rubbish
of that kind , but are pliiln description of diseases ,
symptoms , new discoveries In medicine , surgery
and electricity , nnd are well worth tbe perusal , and
can be obtnlned free bj addressing tbe Umahn Medi
cal and Hurelcal Institute , litb tuaet ami Capitol
uTcuue * Omaha , Nebraska.
And others suffering from
. .nervous debility , eitiAUstlnjr
chronlo diseases , premature
decline ot youny or old are
. cured by Dr.
EouH.fcJy famuui Electro *
MMitettc Melt. Thousands
to In the Union hare been cured.
Inntantly felt. Patented and told 10
llu Bn KAav Bam A Hlt IT I .otsVIJ *
f if
re Dcrlln , etc.reiulifncrrom fmllicrrttnnior
xrfMet cMrd without Ntwmarfe IHr < Hclu * .by Ib9
Braird iiook * nt frr * . Should bo rend by F thrn
ftjr Kr pltle with Inrormiuloa or value to all men.
MARSTON REMEDY CO ! 9Paik Place. New Yor ! ; .
( Succt'ssoid to John G. Jacobs. )
Doidiilcrs and EinMiners.
At the old stand , 1407 Farnam St. Orders
by telegraph solicited and promptly at
tended to. Telephone No. 225.
valuing their complexion should secure * _ J
of tbe latest Imported and unanimously acknowl
edged as tno beet
Ru&ranteod to bo perfectly harmless , Imper
ceptible , durable and invisible , t orb ilo every
where. ABkyourdruetfistforlt. I'rlcc Oc uuU
CUc vr llor. Trnde supplied by
J. F. LLOYD t. CO CHICAGO Sola Importers
WM. MO miosn. n. f. HODWELL
Real Estate Dealers
110 South Spring Street ,
Dealers In city nnd country property of all
descriptions. General Intormutluii to newcomers -
comers freely clvon.
H R n U U U einAture IJecay. Jtervouj
- eferr known ren. ny.'ha 'dUcoor d a .liaplg
, re , which k. will uud fREf to U. f.llo-
Display at their warerooms , 13O5 and 13O7 Farnam Street ,
the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be found at
any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the
highest class and medium grades , Including
. t > i7-m _ . + m * BURDETT ,
" > * * i *
* .
N & H E A LY
Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the
lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long
established reputation of the house , coupled with their most
liberal Interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords
the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible
defects in materials and workmanship.
13051307 PARNAM STREET *
Diamond Merchant.
* )080f ) :03K80e08C * mVX
A magnificant display of everything-
useful and ornamental in the furniture"
maker's art , at reasonable prices.
, , ,
1707 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo.
Of the Missouri State Museum of Anatomy
St. Louie , Mo. , University College Hospi
tal , London , Giesen , Germany and New
York. Having devoted their attention
Nervous , Chronic anil
More especially those arising from impur-
dence , invite all so fcullering to correspond
without delay. Diseases of infection and
contagion cured salely and speedily with
out use of dangerous drujs. _ Patients
whose cas s have been neglected , badly
treated or paonounded incurable , should
not fail to write us concerning their s ) rnp-
toms , AU letters receive immediate at
And will be mailed FREE to any address
on receipt of one 2 cent stamp. "Practical
Observations on Nervous Debility and
Physical Exhaustion , " to which is added
an "Essay on Marriage , " with important
chapter * on Diseases of the Reproductive
Organs , the whole forming a valuable med
ical treatise which should be read by all
young men. Address
1707 Olive St. , St. LouU , Mo.
' ' ' ihoroueh-
imTJT TT A TlCnrYv'r'unl'
JUUXC Xft AM I * Ijr taught by M.iU
Best and ahorttii system now in uie. CuouUr *
l'M , X191.A. M , UAX1ILK11. Uox O1 ,
Remarkable tor powerful sympa
thetic tone , pliable action and ab
solute durability ; 80 years' record ,
the best guarantee of the excel
lence of these instruments.
Tin or Iron , Repaired.
And Tainted nnd guaranteed tlplit far numbol'
ol jours. 1'ulnta never lillitor.
Manuriictured nnd repaired. Fire Proof I'ultit
Hlipllod to shin Hlc-H , 15 > rarn oriiorkmco. CUUItAN & 80N ,
2111 S.llit at. llet. Arbor nnd Vinton.
For all Itluds of business ut the
New Town of Harbine ,
idwny Ij'jtwof n Fulrlniry Bed Ilcatrlco on th
C. K. It N. a It.
Lot * Cheap on Easy
Address C. U. LKTTON Falrlmry.
_ Jcm < ; , .SciiToi'i l > cMIUyiuu < ! o
tlirouiiU errorH and bad prHCtlcog CUT"
i COf J