Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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- under this head,10 cents pa
tno for the lire ! insertion , 7 cents for each sub
sequent Intcrtion. and ft.60 a line per month
ho advertisement taken for iessUinn26 cents
for tbo Drst Ineorllon. Seven words wll Jba
counted to the line ; they must run consecu
tively mid must tie paid In advance. All adver
tisements mu t bo handed In before 1 : no o'clocc
p. m , , and under no circumstances will they betaken
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Purlingndvertislnif In theno column unclear-
JDC the answers addressed In care of Ttitl Hi *
wlllpiomo nek forrt check to enable them to trot
, nclr letters , ni none will tin rlcllrcred o.tcoDt
on ire < ontntlnn nfaheck. All nn < wcrs to adver
tisement ) ! Miniild bo enelofed In envelopes ,
All advertisements In thoto columns nrn pub-
llslu-d in both innrulnir and evening editions
oflliK HKK , the circulation of which iiRRro-
pates more thnn H.iXA ) pnpors dnlly , and ( rlres
Hit ) ndvertl'erHthn benefit , not only of thocltv
clrculntlon of TDK IlKB.hut alio of Council
Illutrs , Lincoln nnd other cities and towns
throughout this part of the west
Tnrmn--rii ji In nrlvnucc.
MIDLAND Oiinrnnteo nnd Trust Co. , IMS
Parnam MroetComploto abBtritct * nir-
itlshod , and titles to real cstnto oznmlned , per *
footed and puaranteed 419
ptJBlNKSH Chitnco-Uood chance for sharp
JT > young man with stnull oailtal. | Address K
B2. nee onico. M aij
FOH BALK A complete steam laundry bav
in ? twenty horsn power onirlno , . ) . B-
Dennett , Snundorg add Clark SIR. 0:6
TJSlNKSS Chance lies tuurnnt , Rood loco-
tlon , a business over $20(1 ( n month , tcoo.l
reasons for ollltiK. Addrons R 30 , ( lee odlra.
Kit 22J
13UHINKS8 Chance Laundry for sale with
JJffood Increasing trade. Apply at once Ad
dress K24 , lien onico. Ml 8 J
" 131OH BAIiH Moat market , very chnnp.
J-1 Terms to suit purchaser. Imiulro J. A.
JfcClure , corner2.'ith and Davenport ,
530 2J *
WANTED-An'netlvo youn f mnn with
about t.Vlto flUJ to take an Interest In n
good pnylnif nnd permanent business , none but
it-ltiosn who munn business need upply. For par-
Uoulars call at 3I4M S 15th St. . room 5. f.CO 2:1 : *
TjlOH SAI < K The best paying smnll hotel In
X ? the city : $2OUO cash will got It. CKhoo ,
1207 Farnain st. 7M
TTIOH 8AI.K Corner pnloon , receipts ( SO per
Jl day. (4SOi ( ) { 3,000 cash , near depot. OH
. lee , 1207 rarnnui St. 7H6
\\ANTEU A canning factory at Sloan , In. .
' * nllvoyounKcltyon the H. 0. & P. and
C.&N. W. Ky's. twenty miles south of Blouz
City. Surrounded by a country unsurpassed
for growing- vegetables and a falluro ot
those crops entirely unknown. Liberal Induce
ments to enterprising partlefl. Correspondence
pollened. Address K. K. Chnpln , Chairman
Committee , 815 23
"liUHt 8ALV1 A nlro restaurant , contr.illy lo-
Jcntod , Ml ruztlliir bonrdorx , nice transient
trade(70J , furnlturo will mvolco over $1,00' ' ) .
Itcmson for sale good. Inquire Immediately ,
1400-8 Cap , avo. 04S 2j
FOH SALE Ono of the best located mont
markets in the city : good buslnusii. Kor
further Information address B 27. Boo omco.
f.QJ 27J
BUSlNI < SSUIIANUK-On account of sickness
Jiot boltur able to tend tn the business tbo
restaurant and lunch counter , will rout the
me to some good nnd responsible parties.
Apply to Joim A. King , VM Douglas St.
ANTKD Partner In well established , good
paying oinc * business , > 1,5UO capita ! re-
quired. DPI. Hoe oinoo. J128
FOH SALE A good hotel d omg n flrst clans
business , best or locatlo n. Oond rensons
for oolllng , part rash nnd part trade , such ua
horses , etc. Address B. 9 lloo. 4M 3IJ
FOH BALE Or cxchanire , grain elevator ,
Western Iowa , for land In Cantral Neb..or
tncrchanditc. address box 298 , Central City ,
yeb. KiZoctinj
KOlt SAM'-Ocncrnl merchandise , (12.000 ,
cloun , well Boluctod stock In wldo awake ,
fast growing Colorado agricultural town , Itirico
Bales nnd profits , sickness cause for solllng.llvo
r rnrty can double business. Address D 4X , Ileo
pfflco. 204 31J
IPOH SALR-Ment mnrkot , I offer my market
-L at a reasonably low figure. My reasons
for selling nrn : lam not nble to see to the
business .myself on account of my health and
wish to leiivo for California soon as possible.
One of the llnost locations In the city. No
rompetitlon nnd low rent and line trade.
Illockt , tools , wngon itnd tenm , and ornrytlilnar
In running order. For further particulars pall
nt once nt corner 25th and Davenport stror'ts ,
went rnnrket J. A , McClure. . W7
ME. DEVONSII1 KB. the great clairvoyant ,
has just crnved nt 110 S 131B. Shore-
veals the past , present and future , causes
Speedy marrlnges , gives ndvlco In business ,
eio. She never falls to jjlvo sutlfactlon. Hours
from B a. m to 8 p. in. r.5 21J
1KNNA fortune teller , 618 S 14th st31
( -31 oct 5J
Mil ? . I1ATF1KLD , Trixnco business medium.
The past present and future revoiilod , sick
lirmlod , lost found , homos made nuppy , sittings
dnlly nt 421 B. 1 Ith It. 457 o I6J
DH. NANNIE V. Wnrrcn. clairvoyant. Medi
cal , business and test medium. OITIco 119
North ICtli Htruot , looms 2 * U , Telephone UtU
f > Tv6
HS. DUHANT Clnrlvoyant frota Boston Is
reliable In nil nirnlra ot life , unties sepa
rated lovers. ItrJ n 1. H4Boct4J
" ) Two irood tinners. Hudge &
" Morris. 1123 N. St. . Lincoln. Nob. 690iilJ
WANTED First-olnss engineer to run sta
tionary engine In HourlnK mill. Kmiulro
of H. C. Metcnlf. 16th and California At , Omaha
or Metoalt Milling Co. , Central City , Nob. 6fJ6 ai )
i WANTED Two nrit-class boiler makers ;
must be able to commence work nt nnoo.
Noun but Unit-class men need apply. Good
wages paid. Fremont Foundry * Machine Co. ,
r . t''rtiniont , Nob. 637 23
IV ANTED-Flvo traveling salesmen. Salary
nnd expenses. No experience nooe-
( try. Address with stamp , Palmer * Co. ,
XaCrossc. WIs. 4bO-2K
WANTED Agents In Nebraska for den.
John A. Logan's last work "Volunteer
Boldier , " Just published. Address J. M. French
Ii Co. , Omaha , Neb. 23D
" \\TAK'l'Uli Agents ( both sexes for our non
T T patnnt combined rain coat and * kii t Pro
tector. Protocti from storms and keeps sklrti
* Bottom ilry and clean , and lower limbs wnrm
- i nd oomfortnble. Also men's nnd boy's line
rubber fonts. Address with stamp , E. II ,
Campbell \ Co.,484 W , Itundolph Bt. , Chloauro.
ANTED-Mon for rallnm-l worbT XT
brltflit's labor HKoncy , 11W Fnrnnm. 80 (
\\TAN7KD-A jrood country hlHCksmltli.flor
TI luan-jireferrcd , call 016 N 10th street.
, 453 23J
WANTED A clerk to make out deeds nt thn
grout HO.Ou snlo nt 1115 Farnam street.
Apply Monday. ( Wj
\\r ANTED Men nnd women for nn easy ,
' inniioy-maklnjT buslnos < which pays font
limns better than any other. Worthy person !
vrilh limited means will be offered extrnonU
linry Inducements. Wrlto for free samples anil
rpcoml terms. Address .Merrill Manufacturing
Co. . II 63 , Chicago. 043 28
\\-ANTED ( lood cutter and oont maucr ( one
. person ) . Apply nt once to box v.K ) , VII.
llscn. In. 139 si
\\TANTKI ) Now class of ) pupils , dllitrnn !
i workers , for special short term , fill
course , day und ovanlnir sessions , at IllHke'i
Shorthand Institute , see circulars. Oinalir
llusluess Colleeo , 16th nnd Cupltol avo. M oet. ,
WANTED-Boi-ond hnndod oariinntors tool !
with oh st Aiidrets or call at ! - - ' > N
IMh Rt. Ml aij
l\7'ANTiD-rtiioTMl : maklne atltlll Duvon
port * t 351 81
WANTI50 Ono carpenter. 2 waiters , 1 oook
25 railroad men , 2 bakers , 1 barber. " '
hovolerr. 10 canvassers , 2 dlah-wn ber . 1IHI
tl. eniplo.viiiont olllce , 230 n. tfltU * t. 687 " \ _
\\7ANTED- It K. mon at the Soiuullnavlai
_ " Employment bureau , W10 Farnnm. MB ' 'I
, \\7ANTFD-2 ( food broad linker"ono flrst am
' one second , nt once , " 401 Cummins t.
"V\'ANTED-IOU mon tor the south , 60 Toi
' > Iowa nnd Missouri,30U B. 1 Ith at. 615'.U
" \\TANTnil- 0 moa for WyonTlnt' . Albru-hT
' T Laborg oucy , IUJ Fnrnnm. B13
\VANTED-W ) men for quarry work. Al
TT bj-Uht's Labor aconcy , 1120 Faraam. 61
WANTE1) 2d cook for llentrlce , 1 tlnnr
nnd furnnou man ; must bit coed at lol
work ; good wnirns. Umabit Employment llu
mu. HUM loth it. cn a
ANTED-Cook and laundrcs * . Inquire a
8113 Franklin it ( Xl--:3- )
TANTRU-nrlekTaVeri. Apply to"J. K
„ ) HUey , Armour' * paeklujt housu , Poiitl
Pmaha. , txil „ ;
WANTED A ptrtnor with ft mnll cnpltal In
n fan trowing business ! an Atnnrlcnn nc-
nualntoil In tbo citr preferred , d tires * V.K ,
toe ofllco. & 8i23
\\rANTED-Travollnir grocery , clothing ,
" ' crockery , novelty. colToo nnd splc * Kales-
men , city SHlojmcn , tnnniifacturlnir Jeweler ,
watchmnker , bricklayer , nursery snle men ,
waiters , second cooks , c.ihlnet mnkers , solici
tors , t i nnd 40 tier cent day cnnvnssors. city
talesmen , 25girls for gonornl housnwork , lady
to net M nitcnt for Pt Louis ton and colfpo
houso. Headquarters 1509 Farnam et , room9.
WANTED ISO fhovelors for city work , 11.75
' nnd 12 day. Mutunl Agency , 1007 Fnrniuu.
\\ANTED IBsplKcirs for Nebraska. * 2 niU
' J-M.'i purday. Mutual Agency , 117 Far-
G07 2i |
\\7A.NTED-ll. U men nt once , 12 per dny.
TT Bcand. Emp. llurenu , 1010 Farnnm. MV-'M
\\'ANTEl ) Parties In want of gocd reliable
' help tn limvo their ordurs nt Scandinavian
Employment bureau , 1010 Furnntn. Wo have n
numborof applicants every day for nil Kinds
of w orn. 6 0 3
V\ANTiil : Iy ) steady young rann , a steady
' * ' situation in or uround a private houso.
Address Hoom 1)7 , Dayton Iloujo , this city.
\\rANTEO A rollnblo whlto mnn to tnko
ohargi ) of the Paxtnn hotel bookstnnd ,
references rotlr | d. Apply nt thu olllco. d22 23J
\\7ANTED St7mpti for Ilnpld City , Dakota
' WIIKC * $1.76,12 nnd fS,8.ipnr cluy. llonid
H Per wook. Free ftiro to retm-n when work
tsttnlshed. Mutual Agvnov , 1107 Fnrtiam.
KC7 23 ]
W ANTED IS flrst class stonecutter- ? . Drexel
Si Full , etonoynrd cor 6th nnd Jones sts. .
WANTED A good competent rnrpontcr at
10th nt. butwcon Ccntor and Dorcas
6M 22J
WANTED A cash boy , cor 16th nnd liar-
uoy. Mrs. J. Ilonson. Oil 21 j
WANTED Man to feed hous , ono that cnn
loan on Boctirlty TfrjO to Il,0.'i0. D. D.
Smith. Hurnl hotel , Fremont , Nob. 004 25J
WANTED 2 cirpenters , farm hands men
cooks , nr t nnd second , dlsnwashors ,
bright colored boy for private fnm'.ly , Cana
dian Kmp. olfica Mia. HreKii It Son , -lie S.
16th. 654 21J
"IA/ANTED-A salesman experienced In dry
* fjood' , clothlnir nnd shoos , must ho good
Stock keeper nnd willing to work for employ
er's Interest , permanent position to party not
nfrald of work ; state experience nnd salary
expected. Lowy Ilros. , SprlnKtluld , Neb.
CM 23J
WANTED-Mllkor at Saratoga dairy. 4ll.i
Saundors. 633
WANTED-20 mon to handle telegraph poles
U. B. Nauglo & Co. , 13th and Nicholas.
040 2IJ
\\/ANTED The general public to know that
wo can supply > ou with raalo or female
help that will give satisfaction ; no delay and
no disappointment. Western Employment
Hurcnu , 1012 Farnam. 611
WANTED-Flrst-dail bookkeeper , who U
nlso competent of superintending of llrat-
class contracting und pinning mill. Address B
gHee office. 617 26
WANTED-A young mnn from 18 to 18 ycnrs
of ago who has had some exparlencom
books nnd stnt lottery , must coma well recom-
luomlod , at ISSi DoiiRlas at. 542 21
\\7ANTRD 1 German boys to carry papers ,
807-600 a 12th. upstnira. ( nil
WANTED aflrirls penornl housowork. 4
dining room girlj , 4 dlshwashnrs. 1 Irish
girl for private family , mnst bo good cook ,
washer nnd Ironer ; 1 second girl , J 1.50 per
week. Lots of irood places for if Iris. Omaha
Emp. Hurcati. ll'J ' N Kith st 011 22
WANTED American or German girl nt 1613
Chicago st (147 22J
\\rANTED-O IrH who wish places out of city
T to como nnd register , as orders hnve to bo
filled too cgulckly to admit of advertising. No
chariro for roKlstoring. Mra. Iirvga *
S 15th. ( ii22-'l
D A flrsreluss"itftl Tor gonernl
housework In u family of two. WiigesSl
per wook. Imjulre at onto 212 N ICth st.
w ANTKD Olrl for RoiKirnl housowork.
Mrs. 'Jhot. F. Ilnll , 1515 Sherman sve ,
\ \ ifANTED-Good girl , 2114 St. Mary's nvo. b07
W ANTED A dining room girl at 1318 Leav-
onworth st , C0fl-i3
. . , . . . . ) Competent kitchen Blrl. Mrs. F
W. Orny , 20J4 Douglas st C01 22J
WANTED -Chnmbcrmnm nt the Windsor
Hotel. BJ4 23
WANTED A young girl for llpbt house
work. 1224 Chicago St. 610 21j
\\7ANTKD Iniinedlntoly , nddrcstos of Indies
* ' nnd gents deslrnur to hoeomo solontilla op
ticians , lilting of hypcrtnctropln , prosbyopui ,
myopia , simple nnd compound astlginntlim ,
thoroughly taught by mail. Ilex 710 , Mnnkulo ,
Minn. Bflj'-JJ
ANTISU 2 good Benmstrosiea nnd 1 ap
prentice nt 6U7 South Kith st , ( loom t
Mil 21J
W ANTRD-Cook and second girl , 1610 Cnp-
Itol nvo , big wages. Ali ) 21j
ITANTBU Olrl for housework. Inquire
T west corner 10th nnd Williams sts , 301
" \\7ANTED-Good nurse girl. Mrs. W. M.
Hushmnn , 014 S. 17th st. 517
COMPETENT Lady and gentlemen tenohors
nt Illnko's Shortlinnd Institute , Omaha
Iliislness College , Itith und Capitol ave. 602octUj
w 1 ANTED Wotnnn cook nt hoarding house :
IB per week. 710 S 14th. 001 22 ]
U"ANTED An experienced dressmaker
wishes to make engagements to sew In
families , can give good reference , apply 1223
North 17th. 5W 23 ]
WANTED A good girl in famllv of throe ;
must bo good laundress. S. B. cor. iHth
nnd Jackson. ( 9 22 *
\VANTBO-Good girl for general housework ,
smnll bouso , three In family. Good wages.
Apply 24,18 Davenport ut. , 672 S3 *
W ANTED A girl to do errands. Mrs. Rice ,
Room 14. Hushman's block. KU
V\'ANTED Women cooks for Norfolk. Ashland -
' land and Albion , girls for the country ,
lnundr isHes for Central City , dining room
girls , nurse girls , kitchen girls , 20 girls for
housework , HAW plucos every hour. Canadian
Knip. onico. Mrs. broga \ Son , 310 y. 15th.
Tel. 8 4. - e.V31 ]
\\TANTED-A cnpnblo and oxperlonced girl
Tf to do pome second work and bo n com-
pnnton for little clrls. Good waes pnld. call
at 613 N and st. 24i
'V\7'AT TiTD-2Viglrls , for privatfi families ; girls
for cooks , ( llnlnir-room girls , and second
work , 16th st. employment olllct',22u n. lilt It st.
f > f.7 21 *
7ANTED First-class diniTig-room girl , tie
V\ per month. Union rustniiraiit , 1217 ilnr-
neysireet. _ 570 2J *
WANTED Cook and Inlindross. Dr. Coif-
man cor St Mary'ti nvo and 27th st MS
\\TANTED 1 nurpn to attend sick person , ii
laundresses , 1 llromaii. 1 mnn tor farm , I
hotel porter , 2 cooks , 1 bright boy about 1(1 ( for
oltlce. 3 dishwashers , 5 chnmnormalds , 4 dining
room girls , gli Is for general housework In nil
parts or the city. Gate City Employment olllce
! 114i ! S 15th St. 0.15 Si
WANTRD-GIrN nnd all others who nro look
Ing foraplnco tn know that we do not
charge odlce tee unless place Is secured. Do
not ho deceived by concerns who take your
monuy without giving vnu a place. ( lute City
Employment ollico. 'Illit 3 15th it. 031
WANTKD-Pnrtles requiring ladies or gen
tlemen to till responsible positions , Mich
ns clerks , cashiers , accountants , etc. . to know
that they can bo supplied free of charge nt
Mrs. llrena * Bon.olB S. 15th. Telephone 331.
t55 2.1 ]
WANTED A good girl for wash Ing and
hoUBOwork In o family nf three. Good
wage * to right pors'in. (24 South 17th street.
" \\rE Now Imvi ) good irlrlt coming Into the
' city very d v looking for pluoos. Leave
your onler ut our oincc and wo will glvo voit
satisfaction. Gute City Employment oltlre ,
! U4H a. ISth st 4ii 23
\\tANTEU-Girl. KW California st ,
V > 768
\\'ANTED-OlrI for general housework at
' ' No. IflSCnpltol avcnuo. 800
LOST-On Saturday night , on 20th st , or a
short distance west of it , n red cashmere
shawl. Finder will bo liberally rewarded by
thu owner. Miss Jotlo Foy,24J3 Cup Ho I nve.
62181 ]
LOST A yellow and white .spotted female
puppy with short tali. Return to 1134 N
IMIi tit between Nicholas and Paul and rcool\
row a i d. Ul 3JJ
TOST Pocket account book , olphobetlcally
* niranLo < 1 , reward for return to'Full Dross
SAlucE , P. O. court , or llee offlue. (23 21j
LOST Set of pUns for dwelling , on tlarney
bet. 20th nnd 27tb st - Finder will bo rewarded -
warded by loarln * them at 2011 Ilarnoy * t.
LOST A bunch of keys having the name of
John Llnderhoim cut In the ring ; finder
will return to this ofllco and receive reward.
63J 23
_ _
IOSf Dark bay pony : halter oniotaron
t forehead , Inilr riiobcd off forehead.
Hrnndodon left hipHcturu to A. Polack. Clio
1'nrnom. ? 5 reward. 6.1723 ]
OST-CIt receipt book of N. K. Fairbanks
& Co , return to Fairbanks Lard Refinery
nnd receive reward. 061 2- *
\\7ANTED-Hoard for InilT nnd daughter ,
with two nicely furnished pleasant
rooms , between Chirk and Ohio sts , rotorences
exchanged. Address D ( JO , Ileo olllco , with
. 27J
U ) To buy the furnltitio of n small
' or inrgi ! house , contrallv locntcd. CoOperative -
Operative Land nnd Lot Co. , 205 N 16th st.
.TKII-Throo tHblo boarders nt 21 IS
Hurt 81. CT7
\\TANTr.I ) A nlcoly furnished room , with or
" without board , convonlcnt to 1-th nnd
Farnnm streets. State prices. Address E21 lloo
omco. 657 22J
'tXT'ANTKlJ Board nnd room for gentleman
v > nnd wlfo nnd child tlireo years old , pri
vate family ; give price nnd particular1 * , private
family proforrud , Address K'J2 lloonnico.
5M 10J
WANTED Oood house carpenter. Inquire
Mllliml hotel. 654 21
\\7ANTED-Yoting man to occupy half of
ii n room. Address E 17 Ueo olllco.
600 21J
WANTED A good slmrlo driving horse nnd
nrst-class sldo bur buggy. Mostollor ,
Scott & Co. , 16th and vlnton sts. 003 20
\\fANTED Secondhand f iirnlturo.stoves nnd
household goods for spot cash. Call at
117 N 10th. 260 B26
$3UOOOfl to loan , special rntos on fnrm prop
erty , Bobotkcr 4 Forrlgo , 1521 Farnnm st ,
$600,009 to lonn m nny amount at lowest rate
of interest. 11. H. Iroy. Frenzor block. 407
MONKY Wo loan money on Improve d prop
erty for any desired amount t low rntoa
of Interest , to run from two to ton years time.
Btotts. Cox & Houston. 1B07K Fnriiam. 050
MONEY to loan lo parties wishing to build
8. S. Campbell , ! )10 ) S 16th Bt. , Chamber of
Commerce. ' 408
MONEY In iiims of f NJO nnd over to kinnnt
low rates , Hussoll & Ilarrett , 313 8 ICIh st.
MONEY LOANED at C. F. Hood * Co. ' * lx > an
Office , on furniture , pianos , horsos.wngons ,
personal property of nil kind * , nnd nil other ar
ticles of value , without removal. 819 S. 13th.
over Hlnrham s Commission store. All busi
ness strictly conBdcntlal. 415
MONEY to Lonn On Improved city property
at lowest rntei of interest No cotumis-
mon charged. Shole.i & Crumb , room 1 , Darker
block , cor 15th and Farnnm sts. ' 015
MONEY to loan on real estato. No delay.
First mortgages bought. Hates , Smith &
Co. , 202 Itumire building , cor. 16th und Ilnrney.
1102 oct7
MONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs ,
horses , etc. , low rates. .1. J.Wilkinson A Co , ,
1321 Farnnm , over Ilurllngton ticket olllco. 410
Al ioOO,000 to loan , H. K. Cote , 310 3 16th. First
en mortgage notes nought ! l"6
MONEY to Lonn , secured notes nnd mort
gage ? purchased. Huslnosi confidential
nnd no delays. C. H. Wolwortb , corner under
under Pnxton hotel. 4 ? "l |
MONEY Tn lonn. Lowest rates. No delay.
3. L. Hlco ii Co. , over Commercial N-
tlonal bank 410
fPO LOAN Money Lonns placed on Im-
JL proved real estate In city or county for
Now England Loan A Triiat Co. , by Douglas
County bank , lUth ami Chlunuo 813. 4U
riMli : OMAHA Financial Evciinngn.
-L N. W. corner of Hnrnoy und 15th streets ,
overstate National bank.
Is prepiued to mane short tlmo loans on any
nvmlablo security.
Loans rando on chattels , collateral or rent
Longtime loans mode on ( mprovod real 01-
tate nt current rntos.
Purchase money mortgnirns nojjotintod.
Secured notes bought , gold or oxcbanifcd.
Short tlmo loans mndo on second mortgage ,
nccoidliijr to marginal Interest , at collateral
Itinil estate to oxohnngo for good Interest
bearing papor.
( ionoralllnanelal business of all kinds transacted -
acted promptly , quietly and fairly.
Money always on hand for approved loans
nt any kmd.wlthout delay or unnecessary pub
licity. Corbott. Manager. 418
MONEY to loan on Improved real estate :
no commission charged. Loavltt Hum-
bum , room 1 , Croighlon block. 413
6 1'EIt CENT Money.
Jt. C. I'nltcrson , ISth and Ilarnoy. 401
$500,000 To loan on Omaha city property at 0
per cent O. W. Day , a. o. cor. Kx. Did.
MONEY to lo in , cni-h on hand , no dolny.
J. W. and E L. Squire , 1413 Karri u in St. ,
Paxton hotel building. 411
ONKYto Lonn-O. V. Davis Co. , ronl 03-
tnto and loan agents , 1505 Fnrnum st.
MONEY to Loan Hy the undersigned , wno
has the only properly organized lonn
aironoy in Omaha. Loans of $10 tn * 100 made
on furniture , plnno1) , orgnna , horses , wagons ,
machinery , eta , without removal. No dolayn ,
All business strictly oonlldontial. Loans so
made that any part cnn bo paid nt nny time ,
each payment reducing the cost pro rat a. Ad
vances made on line watches nnd diamonds.
Persons should carefully consider who they are
dealing with , as many new concerns are daily
coming Into existence. Should you need moiiov
call and see mo. W. It Croft , room 4 , Withnoll
building , 15th and Hnrnoy , 417
$760,000 TO LOAN at 6 per cent Linnhan 4
Mnhonov , l&Ui ) Fnrnam. 403
UOHTHAND-Porsons-deslrlnea prnotlcnl
knowledge of shorthand will do well to
communicate with me. E 28 , Doe olllco.
6'J iflj
BOAHDINQ Good board and room at 604 ( So
lUtii st 625 27J
TOOK KKNT Organs , 52 per month. iloM > .
JP 1613 Dousing. 425
IJMHS'lTclnss help furnished on short notice
1 the city and all purls or. t lie west where
fare Is paid. Western Employment Agnney ,
icri FnrnHtn st 601
GOOD Pay for extra work. Qualify yourself
for high salary by taking ovcmlng course nt
Ill'iko's Bhorthnnd liihtltutu , Omnlm lluslnoas
College , 15th und Capitol ave , 60Joet2J
OT CIIAllLES-Hnrnoy , between 12th nnd
Hoard and room f 1.50 per wook.
Table boarrt SJ.M per wook. 437 23J
/1ANAD1AN I'fnployinent Ofllco Fills orders
\J for all kinds of help on short notice. Mrs.
llrcga A ; Bon , 310 S IMu , telephone W3I.
1000 2dJ
DIt. CHA. r.'S now Kccolpt Hook and House
hold Physician , the "Memorial Edition" ,
of overHOO pages. The "Crownlnif Life Work"
nf the great'st author and benefactor that
overlived. Just out Agents maklnr'lmmouso
pnlei. Dig terms. Address , F. 11. Dlokorsou \
Co. , Doliolt , Mich. Mention this paper.
CiASlflONAIU.K dresamaklng. s. w. cor. of
.L1 2iith and Webster , stylish dresses anfi poV-
feet fltd guaraplecJ ; prices inoderalo. 650 tlj
TO oxchanRO for other property contract for
640 acres It Hland in Cheyenne Co. , Neb. ,
two miles from railroad , alio two U sec In Lin
coln Co . near rail road. McCulloch & Co. , oor
18th find Farnam sts. 820
Ol. C.-TIOUBB furnishing goods , all kinds ;
_ cash or installment ; lowest prices at J.
Bonnor , 1U15 Douglas st 4 ° j
TjlOH KENT-Square flano. H montnlr. A
-L' llospe. 1513 DoiKMifc 435
NEW Profession for ladle * , send tor clrcti-
lars. ( Hake's Shorthand Institute , Omnlm
llualncss College , Uith and Capitol ayo. 50JoetiiJ
10 KXCHANGE-Tor cattle , 1 have ( WO and
forty acres of good western land to trade
for cattle , and a good house and lot near the
capital will excheiu-o for cattle. Address B. a.
Ilryan. Ashland , Neb. 38
T7UKll N'I Square Hnno | JJ montnlr. A
J Homie.l613DouifiKS. 425
/ 1 ESS-POOLS und vaults cleaned , dead anl-
\J mats removed , flrst ward. W , H. Harbor ,
608 8. tlth su Telephone 621. 837831 ]
PBItSONAL-Ladles we have plenty of ( rood
girls for cooking , nurse girls , housework ,
eta Leave orders with us , ICtn st Employment -
mont office , 220 N 16th. 6CB 8'
IBS A. M. ALDniOU , mental healer , treats
dlitases absently. Addrou 03 Warrenton
st , Boston. Maw. 110 2iJ
PERSOKAI/-a S. Whitney sells hard and
solt coal , 1513 Furnam nnd 18th nnd Izard ,
* 475SJI1
1)ERSONAL-Orlzztyc < m iler our acquaint
ance ended unless y"orf bring inn a war
ranty de d for ono of then 510 lota to bo sold
at 1415 Fnrnnm st during fair week. Imogono.
< U
pUKSONAL-E. WlehlonM. A. , teacher of the
X plnno. organ and vocmu.Mlon : Inslruotlon
Invariably or bUbcst orrWr ; Al reference.
Ollleoi Max Meyer to Uro. V iRttaW *
PER'ONAI Prlvato home for ladles during
confinement , strictly oonfldentlal. infants
Hjloptcd , address J542 , lice hfllco 107 oct 8 _
TTUJH SALli Upnght piano In use ( no yonr ,
JL1 at sacrifice. liiaufVo 124 N 17th st.
625 24j
FOH SALE-FIno buggy tcnm : also drives
splendid smglu. Inquire egg .V Palmor'f
liver ) stable , cor , 14th und Howard. '
615 28J
FOH SALE First class covered spring wagon
choap. W. S. Halduil. 16th and Capitol.
441 2JJ
TjlOR SALE-Chuap , n good second hand
-L1 heal in if stove , nearly now , O. S. Pottis ,
IjWS lard St. _ _ 4W 2J
FOH SALE Orgnmi at Immenco sncrlllco ,
roust bo sold to pay atorngo charges. It
will nay you to call ; no reasonable olTor ro-
tuscVl. Furgorson Stora o company , 71) N. 10th.
AOK SALIC The furniture of 3 rooms. fiT
quire at f > 0' > n. IQthjt. 6M 22 ]
FOR SALE -Upright piano , only $ J75v ; est
( ilno , EIogHiit 7 1-3 octave , triple string ,
only (275 , cost $000 , If taken Monday. Call
early. Kurecrsou Storage company. 71.i N.
ICth St. 483-21
ORSALE-A flno stallion , address K.It Ken
nedy , Omaha , or J , Jennings , Council IllnUa.
_ _ _ 604Ji5
FOR SALE A fine roadster , perfectly sound
nnd gentle : any Indy cnn drive her ; anew
cldo'bar buggy and harness : or will exchange
for real eituti1. Address K IS , Dee onico.
. 5H
FOR SALE Horse , hsrnf-M and. buggy ;
horse six years old , $200. R. E. Arnold ,
400 N ICth St. , Cnil.liit. 6'fl 21 ]
i ; OR SALE-At npncrinco.
J Nine thousand dollars worth of
Miscellaneous Hooks , which Idoslro to close
out previous to my early removal to east side
of 10th st , north of Nicholas st , where I will
osrry the largest variety of bugr-los , phaetons ,
carriages nnd wagons to bo found nt uny ono
place in the city.
W.T. Penman ,
Now nt Farnam and 11th sts.
Agent for Studcbnkor. C030ct20
OR SALE-OneO.OOO-lb. Falrbank scale for
$ T5 If sold nt once. J. E. Trolel 4 ro : . 27th
and Loavonworth 60024 ]
FOH SALE-tco in car lots. Gilbert Hros. ,
Council Hlutls. 78''octr
I71OK SALE Cheap , n second-hand furnace.
-P Inquire at 2024 Cnlongo street 441 IflJ
FOIt SALE-Typowritor , Homlngton Wo. Z ,
In ( rood condition , very clionp. J , II.
Wood , Hooin 10 Uushmun block , Iflth and
Douglas. ; i8121' !
ITIOII 9A.LK Furnlturo and carpets Cor. N.
-C 2Cth and Grant 3t > 82l
FOIt SALE Pianos and organs sacrificed for
storage , elegant pianos nnd organs nt less
than ono-halt value , good m new ; don't pay
plnno dealers profits ; rnro chance to get a flno
Instrument choap. Call at Ferguson Storage
Co. , 7l5 N. 10th st. c ! K10 21-
TOOK SALK-ThoroushbrWf Jersey cows and
JL heifers : also tlioronisUnrod Jersey bull ,
all premium cattle. Inqulr * .lames llarrott ,
lllll CbloHKO. _ 3452IJ
FOMV SALE Furnlturo Uhrt lease of good
paying hotel In SouJU Omaha , Uonawn
4 Co. , ISth st , , ODDOslto pottfllMce. , 992
FOH SALU-Now furniture nt ono half the
value. 7 rooms for rent ht ! 1)5 ) n month , tn
Council Hluirs,314H S 16th pj ) room 6 , 53 21
FOH SALE At a bnrgnti , now furnlturo
worth fl.OflO for JV > 0. nJlou = o fonontnt
$70 a month , within G blocks rrom P. O. I'HH
5 18th M , room 5. 1 683 21
F OH SALE Set good double harness , almost
now. C. F. Harrison , 418 S. 15th st.6.'D
TOO 11 ltVvNT-io foot spRCoon Dodge M , opp.
Jt ? P'O , . with hirjjo window , line location ,
only WO per month. Mltuufall t Loyonmnrk ,
1510 Dodgo. O5'l 24 .
TOOK HKNTA nleo 6-room cottage only
- Ifi. . Apply ut law olllco of A. F. droves ,
23 , Harkcr block. ' 010 2lj
TOOll UENT-A 11 room house 5 blocks trom
-I-1 postotncc , fnrnlturo worth $1,00) for Bain
for fMO. Parties goinif to leave town. This Is
a splendid bargain. For pnttlciilars Inquire at
314i ! S 15th st , roomC. 681 21
FOIt KENT To a small family ; 7-room house ,
111)1 North 17th , also furnished room for
rent , nt 1015 Et Kaufman Bros , , 1000
Fainnm st 382
OK UENT-Housoi-OOS Colfnx st.,0 roomi
and ball 55 0)
111R nonrgla nvontio , H rooms and bath. . . 00 00
idiot Jack on St.,7 rooms nnd bath ! C1 no
1307 Park avenue , (1 ( rooms and bath : ) 00
1410 N. 27th Rt. , 5 rooms and cellar , etc 211 01
1303 Park uvonno. flno Rtoro room 4000
; 1510 Wobstnr street , H rooms nnd bath 15 no
Colfnx and Jnckson Ft , bnrn 600
F. l.UroKory. 3JO S. ISth st
FOIt HENT A new hoiiBO of 10 rooms , mod-
orn oonvonunircs , with h-irn , on li'th and
Cnslollnr. Enquire nt 11I1U Center. C27 24"
FOH HENT A convenient now 5 room house ,
153U 21st ut , between Center and uorens.
( JJ82I *
. . HENT 10-room flat. nJl modern Im-
„ provomonts. Inquire 28ir , Davunport
6.V1 26J
_ . - HENT 5 lo 10 room houses. Good leona -
atlon. . II. P. Cole in 811th. 410
FOIt HENT Now B-room house , till modern
Improvements , on ( Joorgla uvo. It. C. Pat-
tqrsoiM-'or 15th and Hnriioj\ _ 3')7 )
FOH HEN1 Commorcinl housn at David
C.ty , Nob. Adilress Henry Will , Hlslng
City.Neb. . SBa Uct IIJ
FOH HENT-Furnlhhcu hoi'sooT ten rooms ,
In splendid locution. Ltiiiulio at 521 Pious-
unt st. 60 ! ) 2'J
I OH HENT 11 room house , central location ,
furniture nearly now , at u bargain. Ail-
dress i : 10 Hooolllco. 6fKl 2JJ
OH KENT-HiXSnmoiH ot 310 S. 15th St Ritlt-
able for barber shop. Apply to M. F.
Martin (117ri. ( 13th st. Hf
IpOR HENT Nice furnished room for ono or
tno gentlemen , board II desired modern
conveniences. Apply Mil C.iss St. 48521'
FOR HENT Mooly turnlshed room , hotnifd
cold water , bath room. 018 South 17th.
FOR HKNT-Unfunilshud purlor nnd bedT
room , 1U21 Uhlcngo , 705
FOR RENT -Olllco spncojfm ground lloor ,
ono front window , EnijiBront 150'J rarnam
st. , of J. S. Rlcnnrdson. tl C'J'J pet3
IjlOH HKNT-Two oinco r < > cns. and one elerlit-
- - ' loom cottnceon llarncja butneon lftb and
ICth. W. E. Clnrko , UUUntfioy- 678
OH RENT-T'nvnto family > vlll iiccommo-
date few select boarders All mcfdorn
convonlonccs. Pleasant boiMi. J5 Pleasant su
* -J
JfOH RENT Nlcoly furnished room suitable )
for2 gcntlomun , In < iuiru2till SI Mnrya ave ,
_ i _ 018 _
FOR RENT Largo front f jiarlor with ony
window , and nloovo , alwrutliur rooms with
modern conveniences nt ISil 1'arnam st. ono
block west of court bouse. 82t
OR HBNT-rurnhhed rooms 181 Dodgo.
* " 9
_ _ _ _
FOH HENT To n small rdWly. 7-room bouse ,
1134 Nort 17lh. KnufmKp , Ilros , 1001 Fur-
namst. ' } , ' 11-2
FOH RENT A large , nnntlr f urnlsnod front
room , wlta oiy window , nlio smaller
room , ' - JFiimamst. ! . 241-44
FOR RENT-Niriily furnished room , bath , hot
_ and cold wato-.fiis B. mint. 20J
"ITlOn HENT 3 nice unfurnished rooms , stilt-
A : able for hnuiekeepln , 14th ami Pierce , up.
ply to 017 S. 13th gt. 271
FOH HKNT-Two nlo | y furnished rooms , 1st
floor , 10th st , butwoen Jackson and Jones.
Apply at store , 1635 Howard st. ' 316
FOR RENT-NlcclyTurniahed rooms. 3--0 N.
15th st _ 3.J.12IJ
TOR HENT Mce'y ' furnished front room ,
J. ' throe blocks from poatollico. Rofxronves.
1011 Davenport st. ar > 0 21
FOR RENT -Eleirntitly ftirnUh l rormfon
first lloor with modern Itnprovements ,
FOR RENT A furnished room to Kontleinon
only. S027 Farnam BU IBS 2J
F0.1 llENT-Front roo-n with board. 81(1 ( S 18.
877 alj
tJIOll HENT Handsomely furnished room * .
JL1 single and on sulto , gn * nnd bnth , 1703
Dodg" 4i7 S3
F IOH HKNT-Plcnstuit rooms , furnished ,
southwest corner 20th and Webster , ills
FOR RENT Ono largo pleasant room , south
front , brick lint , suitnblo lor 2 or 4 gentle
men , 1410 Chicago St. 2SS
F I OH HUNT Furnished room , 1U1S 1'nrnHm t.
FOH HENT 3 rooms In lint suitable for
housekeeping , lloil S. 7tn street Auplv
TOOH UK N'T Desirable furnished room for
JL' Konllemon ntSJO HowUrd st 63J
TOOH UENT-Furnlshod front room. Oil 918th
FOH HENT-Hooms , furnished or unfur
nished in privutu house , no children , gen-
tlomun pioferroiliit202J Cumlnsr st. UiVlUp
FOH KKNT-liirnihed rooms m Orounlgblk ,
cor 13th and Dodirest. Inqulr * of Davis k
Hethcrlntfton , Millarrt Hotel llilllard mom. 233
FOH HKNT 3 rooms ttntilrnlshed : alf-o 2
furnished for light housekeeping. I9 N.
llltb st GU 21J
TpOH HENT Nicely furnished room , 111 B ,
r 20th St. 671 22J
TOOH HENT Nlcoly furnished rooms , from
J$6to $20. piano Included , modern Improve-
raunts , S , W. cor. ot 201 b and Woostor. 655 KIJ
FOH HKNT-Largo front room newly film-
uished , very pleasant , HI N. 17th st. 274 22J
TOOK HENT-Eleirant ulto of furnMieti
-L1 rooms with bath , suitable for four : term *
reasonable ; 2402 St. Mary's nvo. 01222j
FOH HENT- Nicely f urnlsbod cottnge.choap.
Cnlla or7p. in. . 714 B 18th. O.VO 23J
FOH HENT Two unfuinlsnod rooms for $7 ,
1119 Douglas. Enquire atBhoeflhop.
849 22J
FOIt HENT A furnished front roomsecond
llooor , largo and pleasant , three block *
west of business center , inil Douglas ft
FOH HF..NT--Nicely furnished room suitable
for two. Terms reasonable , cor Paric nvo
and Loavcnwortb , 612 83
FOR HENT Nicely furnished rooms to gou-
tlomcn oc'.y'UU Douglas gt. 69330
F IOH HKNT-Sulto of rooms suitable tor two
or throe gentlemen , iraj Dodge st.
010 3JJ
FOH KENT A nlcnly fnrnlshnd front room
also a back room suitable for gentlemen ,
nt 1017 Howard st. 651 SJJ
FOR KENT Furnished rooms , suitable for
light housekeeping1 , sulto of rooms for
four gentlemen. 100'J Davenport. C44 23J
F I OH RENT To gentlomnn front room , 115
per month. 1712 California. S41
T710R RENT 7 rooms on Broadway , Council
X ? lihifTs , SM n month Furnlturo for sale
cheap. 314J4 S 15th gt , room 5. _ 68 } 2t
RENT-Nicelf furnished rooms. 181S
Dodge. 6"4 271
" "
OU. RENT Futnlshod rooms , 220-J Dodge ?
683 24J
FOH ItHNT-One nicely furntshod room , 1119
N 17th St. _ 680 22J
FOR HENT A sulteof2ronms suitable for
four gentlemen. Stoim heat , bnlh and all
modern conveniences. Hoard if deilrnd , \
blocks from P. O. 401 N 10th st 425-2IJ
"plOIl HENT Throe unfurnlshod rooms for
-L' housekeeping , itlso unrurnlshcd rooms ,
modern conveniences , good location ; refer
ences : at 2J10 Douglas at. 10022 ]
FOH HENT Nlcoly furnished front rooms ,
015 S. ISth St. 598 24j
OH HENT Ao elegantly furnished largo
nlcovo front room , now house , all modern
Improvementl , with free boat nnd gas , two
blocks from postoltioo , 1707 Dodge St. 002
FUKNISIIED rooms nt 11)13 ) Farnam st.
63'1 25J
_ _ _ _
T71OK HENT Lurso lurnlshed room with
J. bath , suitnblo lor two gontlotnen. Cnll at
320NlCthBt. _ 628 2 IJ
\\7ANTUD-lloardors , and rooms for rent at
> the Summit hotel , corner 6th nnd Wil-
Hams. 6.11-34 *
I ? OH REST Furnished rooms with board ,
JC1 1UO.J Farnam. 807 oo 4J
TTUJH HENl-Hoom suitable for 1 or 3 gentle-
JL' men , with board. 1812 Dodge. 6f'5
TTIOH HEN'T-Nieeiy furnlshca rooms , to gen-
Jllpnion only , 2-M N. Iftth St. . Room 2. 4M
WANTED Situation ns clerk by a Herman
with experience In gen'l m'dso and best
of reference. Address E31 lloo ollico.
_ 058 2 J
WANTED Situation as coachman : cnn
milk : by young colored man ; good refer-
onccs. Address E 2P , Hoe onice. KB 2,1 *
WANTED Position by young man In store
or us watchman , best references. 220 N ,
10th St. , Employment oltioo , 018 22j
WANTED Situation by n young man , 23
years , Bpcalis English , Gorman and
Scandinavian , hai tender or In H store , host of
rolcronces. 1407 South loth etroot. 01723J
\\-ANTED Hyn young mnn situation ns n
' ' cottchmnn , long uxperlonco , or work
around a eluio or olllco , good rofcionco. Ad-
ilrojs K. , Scniidlnnvlun limp. Hurcau , 1H10
Farmim Ht. 057 22
V\rANTED A position by a lady stenograph-
T or nnd typewriter , references furnished ,
Address A. A Hll N 17th. 67 21J
WANTED-Sltuation by young man , Swede ,
In private family , thoroughly under-
stnnJs homes , tins good rofuroncos and expects
to work. Ko oltiuo too : Canadlnn Ump ( HIIco ,
Mrs. Ilrcga & Son , 3laS 15th , tol. t-84. 6S7 21 j
\\7ANTED-Sltuatlon for man and wife , man
Is first class cook , woman Is good pantry
cook or dining room Blrl , Tblscouplo can till
a first clnss placn and are anxious to work. No
olllco fee ; Mrs. IlrcguJc Son , Canadian Employ
ment olllco , 310 S 15th. Telephone 084.
. 670 21J
\\fANTED-Sltuntlon for .1 nice Swede glrTs
> nnd 4 American girls , lots of girls coming
from the mist ovorydHy. Canadian employ
ment olllco. Mrs. llurga & Son , 310 South 15th st.
Telephone 8b4. _ 675 21 ]
A thorough baokkoopor with flttoon years
practical experience will bo npon for n
popltlon on or bnfoto October 1. Hoteionoos
Al Address F. h. lleo olllco. 411) . 20.
lly an Amoriomi woman , situn-
i > tlon as housekeeper , or to do fumllv sow-
Ing. Uolcrcnci ] given. Address E 14 lloo
olllce. 4K ? 21 ]
S .TOHAOE Furniture , boxed goods , ic. ,
terms rcnsonublo , 711 Pacific. 150
i at 110 N mil f > t
433 -
JTOHAGE First-class storngo for nice iur-
j nltnry or boxed iroods , at 1513 Dodge-nt.
SA. SI.OMAN , Heal ost'itd , 13)1 Partmmst
. 1'arnum st. botvveon Twuntioih and
Twenty-third , 116x132 , per foot t 40J
Fnrnum st corner Thirty-llrst. 13iixl32 ,
per foot 150
Farnam gt. near pavement , 47x132 4.ISO
Fnrnnm fit. near pavement , 05xl ! > . . . . . . . 8K : )
Fitnumst. corner Forty-third,44x13 : ! . , . 3,600
Karnmn st. corner Nineteenth , Im
proved , 22x132 20,000
Fnrnnm st. between Nineteenth nnd
Twentieth , Impinvod , 77x132 40,000
rarnam st near Eleventh , 20x132 , units
for 11,500 25.0M
Farnam st near Twonty-Sovonth , 80x133
tier foot 200
Ilarnoy st nonr Twentieth , Improved '
17IIHI7 60,000'
Ilarnoy st. near Twenty-third , Improved ,
6flxc : ! . 11,000
Ilerney et , near Fifteenth , Iraprovod33x
132 15,00)
Sixteenth st near Nicholas , OcMxIOJ 12,00)
Sixteenth st. south of viaduct , 40x102. . . . 5KiO
Dauttliifist oilHt of Twenty-third. Mi I ItWXW ! (
Twentieth st , ncur tit. JIary's ave , im
proved , 40x120 S,00)
Twentieth st , between Douglas and
Dodge , Improven , 3 x61 8.0V )
Saunderd at , oonior Hurt , 100x61 7.VK )
A Ileo st , near Farnum , east front 47x1.52. l.aj )
Fifteenth st , corner Jones , Iiupnvod , 69
XI33 80,000
Fourteenth Btcorner JucksonImproved ,
6Hxl3i 00,000
Fourteenth st.cornorCliIoiicoImproved ,
66xl'K 18,03)
Twelfth st. corner Jouos , Improved , CCx
132 , 25,000
Eleventh it , corner Nicholas , truckage ,
( iUvl3J i 0,000
Thirteenth st , Paddock place , trackage ,
C3xllJ 2,5'JO
Thirteenth ( t , corner Callfornln , Im
proved , rents ! , ! ) 25,100
Park ivo. opposite Park. 60x150 2,00)
Davenport Bt , opposite High ( school ,
line modern fourtecn-room house OJ
xl'S2 16,000
Cues st , , between Nineteenth and Twen
tieth , .twelve-room modern house , OJx
. m , : . . , . . . . 15,000
Nicholas st. . corner Twenty-second ,
trackuifO , 133x13. , Improved ' 0,000
Charles St. , near St. Mary's , lmproreJC4
xlM . 6,400
Calpy stnear Crelghtoncollege.modern
ten-room house,3lxu : . , , . , , , . fl.IM
Pleice st , .near Twentieth , Mil W , fronts
two stroots.lmtiroved . , . . . . . . . . . . . 5,350
Dodge st. , near Twenty-slttn , 38x133 , Im
proved . 3,010
Twenty-second st , near Grace , Mzl20. . . 3,000
Wpst Omnlm , In bolt ton locality , 40 or 6)
xlW ( , per foot . , . , 75
Twentr-llrst , corner Vlnton , 52x100 . . . . 1.1)0
Cn.Molliir st , next corner Eighth , Ol'Jx
Thirty tlVlr'l Bt"conior ! iolawiiro'\inn ) \
com PUad UWxlOO . , . . M
I aviuiworthiU near Sixteenth , 2 > xtt. P.OJO
Webster st.noir 1'woiity-olirtith , WtlJO ,
ougrado . . . . . . . .
In addition to the nbovo t hnvo lots
cholco additions nt low figures.
rpWO lots In Albright's Cholco , oppoilto onr-
JL rlngo fnctorv. nt n hnivatn. Can bu divided
Into business property.
Anyone wishing to build In Koitntzo property ,
a flno south front lot for . ' .000 : terms poxy.
10 acres near manufacturing center nt n bar
gain If taken nt one ) ; cnn bo sub-divided at
once nnd 3.X ) per cent realized. Eight lots In
otio body , Albright's choice , nt astonishing
prices If taken in u lump : nlso 100 lots In "Juno-
tlon View" at your own terms. 4 lots in llrook-
llnoattho original prices It taken Immedi
The above property can bo purchased nt n
twrgnln If taken Inslrio of ten dnys. Call on
Woodbrldire Rro * . Wo mean business. 315-U
15th st. Opera house. _ ! I74 20
LIST your property for s.vlo with Charles C.
Spots wood. ! M3't B 16th st. _ 6U
$ S50 will buy 40x127 ' , , south front Apply
at JI414 Docntur struct _ ilia s38J
rpHE cheapest and best lot on Orchard st I
JL Orchard hill , price $ I , ' > H ) . tcrtns easy , : < 05 ; {
8 16th. Charles C. Spotswood. 060
\\7IlAThavo you to trndo for flno 2-story
' T rosldcnca and two lots In tint west Part uf
town ? JohnO. Ihompson , Herald onico.
674oo 3
_ _
BURR PLACE 75 residence lots situated
from one to flve blocksjsouth of the South
Omaha brewery. Prices Irom $ J.V ) to feoj.
One-third cash , balance on easy terms at 8 per
cent Interest J. J , O'Rourke , sole ownur.
_ 738 pi ]
OR SALE Cheap , If sold at once , a nice Jot
In Dtipont Place , or will trade for ngood
team. Scandinavian Employment bureau 1010
Farnam. 6H > 33
OR SALE-KCX13J ft on R R track on Nicholas
las and 13th with ware house ilOiWftZ
stories , price $14,000. Address Shaw -V Field ,
box 628 , Omaha. _ SOS oil * _
LIST your property with II. E. Cole , 310 3.
ISth , room 1. 409
FOH SALK-A Brat-clues hotel property doing
excellent business. Must eoll In sixty
days. For price and terms nddress 11. S. Lilly ,
real estate dottier broken How , Nob. 2)3
EF RINGKIt , 119 N 15th it , bet Dodge and
. Cap. avo.
118,000-2 modern Douses , 7 and 12 rooms each ,
lot 72x140 , Douglas , near 23rd.
15,500-113x140 , lath st nvar Clark st , beautiful
lot and a bargain.
110,000 120ft e fronton Saunders and 60x120 in
rear , oppOMto KounU plaoo.
$0,500 10 choice lots , Uoyd's add. near plain
ing factory , 4 blocks from Sounder * .
f'J5,00) 05x120 , bulldlnir cost JH.Oo ) , suitable
for manufacturing. Davenport , near
17th , will take f 10.000 ID Douglas Co.
land or other city property.
18,600 68x13. ! , choice 1st , Cnss , mmr 22nd , will
exchange equity for other property.
$6,500 Fine stock millinery , choice location ,
Kcnih , bnlffond OmahK property.
Choice business and residence propucty for
sale In all parts of the city. E. F. Ringer. 659
/1KNTUA L Park , 4 room house , bnrn , well
\J and eliado , on lot 65x180 , for $ ,1700 ; only
VXK ) cash , bnlanco $12.50 monthly.
South Omnhn , tine 6 room house , nnd lot
60x134 nrnr depot lor (2,000 , Only $300 cash ,
balance $25 monthly.
Flno lot , east front , In Shull'a add , bargain
for cash.
Fairmont place , A room cottage , full lot , oust
ftont , corner , for J'1,200. Easy terms. This Is
way below market price.
F. K. Darling , 410 S 15th Bt. _ 6TO 21
FOR SALE-Lot 8 , Polhntn place , 80 ft on
llrlstol st , 1 share Love ave Torrnce.
Building association Block , 1 horse buggy and
harness. Will fell below v ill no if sold soon.
Apply to Frank Utrrutt , 521 S. 25th St. 34U 21
SPECIAL BAI10A1NS-B room housu on-29th
near YntoH , (2,200 , $1,000 cash.
8 room house nnd 'Ml lot In Demise's addition ,
with barn , 13,700 , $1 , ( > 0(1 ( cash.
12 room house , full lot. nnSownrd near Snun- ! modern Improvements , tS.lXO , 13,000
5 four rootn bouses In Lowo'i ? addition , $1,500
oaeh $ - < ) cash , balunco on easy terms.
lloautiful lot in llunscoin Place , J3.500.
6 room cottage and 2 lots , Wulnut Hill , 8-.OCO ,
onn third cash.
Flno corner in Kllhy place , $1,850.
Also some cholco bargains In Orchard Hill
and Lowe's addition , II. R. linll and Co ,
478 113 N. 10th St.
TO EXCHANGE Some money and choloo
land for flrst clnss. Improved Inside/ prop
erty. II. E. Colo. 310 S nth 411
GE. 'Ihompeon , real estate , U14 South
Flltnnntli street.
Corner on North Thirteenth street 101x110 ,
four houses rent tor $ IMX ) jur yonr , $2,500.
Twenty acres sultahlo for platting for 15,003 ,
Finn business lot on Saunders stront chonp.
Finest corner In Falrmount place , 1,600.
Klrkwood lot , east fiont , Il.l'iO.
Ono bundrod and Tour foot frontage In block
1 , Kodlok's sulidlvlsloii , $4.5iiO.
Corner 1 lilook North Loavnnworth street ,
near Klrluindnll , for n few d.iv only , cheap ,
Four-room house and ono-hnlt lot on South
Eighteenth street , ri.70-1.
Ruildenco lot nonr Ilanscom PnrK , $700 ,
Huslncsslot sixty-six foot and house on South
Sixteenth Btrnot. $ 'i,7a (
See my list bofoio purohaslug , 314 south
Fifteenth street 4M
Tf\OR \ SALE Pine Improved farm of 320 ncros
JL' tn Gasper Co. , Nnb. , all under fence , oed
house , nnd nil out buildinft- , price Ct.iiO ) . Address -
dross J. H. Simw , box nJS.tMy. 201 o2 |
1 , 1ST your pioporty with H. E. Cole , 310 8.
J 15th , room 1. _ 10' . )
FpoTxCHANG E-Equlty In. 4 , C nnd 10 room
JL hou os nnd lotsfor paid up lots. II. E ,
Cole , 316 a 15th.t 410
t _
LIST your property with H. E. Cole , 319 S.
15th. room 1. 4Qa
_ _
T71OK SALE Finest location for a homo In
JL West Omaha , adjoining the mansion
homes of Klrkendiill.Coe , llrndy , ERSSOO and
others Nothing llnnr In thn city. Can soil
1(15x187 ( or les : lor prices and terms see S. A.
Sionuui , 1301 Farnnm at. 7 IS
Thu only roiul to tok i for DCS Moines ' nr-
filmUtnwn , Oudur Rnnldh , Clinton. Dlxiiu , Chlca-
go , Milwuukoe and nil points cant. To the people
ple oC NobrusKa , Colorado , Wyoming , mall
Idaho , ooviu'n , Oiognn , WiiDhliiutnn , mid Cull-
foriila , It otlcis superior advuiitHges nut possi
ble by nny othiir lino.
Among a lew o'HID numoioils points of f > u-
nrrlority enjoyed by the putioni of this nud
Uciwonn Oiu&ha imd Chlcugo.uru Us two train *
adayof DAY COACHES , which nrelho fluent
that human art nnd liiganuliy can cnmtu. Its
of coiniort itnd elegance. Its PARI.dlt DIIAW-
1M1 ROOM CARS , iinMiriinsiod In-any. nnd Its
widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING CARS ,
the e'liliil of wlilcli cannot tie found elsewhere
At Council UlutrstliB trains of thn Union Pnclllo
Hy. connect In Union.Diipot with tlio-so of the
Cblcatfo .V Northwestern Ity. In Chlr-nso the
trains nf this 11 no make cloto connection with
those or nil outturn ImuB.
For Detroit. Coliimhiii , Indianapolis. Cincin
nati , Nlniritrn FnlU , llulfulo , I'litiliurg/iVironto ,
Moutrertl , lloitnn , Now York , Philadelphia ,
Ilnltlniore , Waihlnglun and nil points In the
east , nsk for a ticket /In the
"NORTinVlWTEllS. "
If you wish thu lifst uccommoilatlon , All ticket
agents KOll tickets via Ill's ' Knu'
H. iiuiiiirrr , , u p WILSON ,
Genl. Manager , Gonl. Puss'r Agent
Ctilonifii , ill.
If. M. IIARCOCK. I , . R. UOLLB3 ,
W stsrn AK nt , City 1'ans'r Agent ,
Omaha N brnsku.
of tbo tody tuUtcil inj ilr'cslt.fiml I'ull | > iitlo-
( f . IU 111.11 , CO. , IIuQalu , M. Y.
r o M rxiwWKTtn witn tn otoarurnr or tmt
liy rvaionot lt central po ltlo .o * relation to line *
E t ut Chicago , antt contliu.iut l.ta at tormina !
I t > lnt Writ , Northwut and Rn.ithweit , I' tlio trn *
mldillo link In that tranicontlnentai nyntcm which
lnTltc and facilitates trarvl and trafflo tetwcvu U
AtUntlo and 1'acllle.
Thi > Hock Iilaml main line and branches Ineluil * CM-
r ago , Jollot , Ottawa , LnRallt' , 1'oorla , Uenesco , Mollnf
and llock Island , la Illinois ! lurcnport , > ln cattn * .
Washington , ralrfleUl. Ottum\raOValoc'a , Wr > tUb-
rty , lo wa City , l > o Moinci. IinllanolaWlnl met , Allan-
tlo , Knoirlllo , AuilulKin , llnrlnn , llutkrla Centre and
Council BlulTsInlo a | nallntln , Trenton , Bt. . .noph ,
Cnnifron and Kaim City. In )11 ourlt Lrai i ortk
and AtcM-on , In Kantan Albrrt Ix > a , Mlnnoai lU anil
St. raulInMlniirnotai WatrHnnn anil Blotn Valltt
Pakuta , anil Iiumlrrtbot Intrriunllatt cllloa and tonna ,
' . 'Tho Croat Rock Island Routo" >
Cnarantori ipeed , comfort , certainty nnd lattty. ft *
Mrmantnt way U dltllnRuUhBd ( or It9 otccllruc * . ll
Lrldtfci are of ttone and Iron * Ha track 18 cf 10114
ltdItnrolling tockiwrfcct. Itiiin i > nsorMinlhm nl
liai All the tafcty Appliances that iM > rlciico hnspvor * !
metal , and for luiurloud accommiMlatlou l < uuur-
rasacd. Its Eiprrss Trains conil'l of > u | > rrlor Uity
Coachpf , elrganl rullman Talncv 1'arlornnd Slccplosi
Cars , up rti Dining Can , proTlcllnj dollclous Ineala.
and ( bttwucn Chicago and Bt. Joneph , AtchUon ani
K n a City ) mtrul Ilpollnlni Chair Curt. lt maa-
Hf mcnt Is conierratlTe , Ita dlsclpllno eiactlnr
"The Famous Albert Lea Roi-e"
tftvTffn Cklcato and Ulnnpa | < ells and Bt. Pa l < th *
laTortt * . Orortldtllno Bolld Fast Kipiw * Trnlmrua
dally to attractho resorts fur tourUts In lonix an !
Vlnneiota , nnd , via VTatrrtown and Sioux 1'alli , to th *
rich vchrat and ( rrailne lands ut Interior Pnkota. Via ,
Rtnc-ca and Kankakcr , thu llock Island olTrra ciipcrlot
liuhicctncnti to travelers between Cincinnati , Iiidlan-
polls , Lafayette anil Council llluirs. F t. Joseph , Atchl-
on , tcargnworth , Kan ns City , Bt , I'aul , and lnt rm -
illMe jiuluti. All patrons ( e > | > eclally ladlrs and chll- tIDE
tlren ) receh orrotoctlontCourlfsy and kindly attenllon.
For tickets , in p < , folden , copies ot WoU-rtiTrail , or
any detlred Infonnatlon , apply tu | irlnrlpal offices In
the Unltinl Rtat and Canadaor aJdreiw.atClilcnco ,
. . CAIlt , t.ST.JOHN , t. A. IIOUBOOI ,
Leave Arrive"
Omaha. Omaha.
Depot 10th and Pierce sis.
i'acino Kxpress 830 : p , m , 7:500. : m.
Denver Express 10 : : > & . m. li:20 : p , ra.
Local Express 5:05 : p. m. . UlWa. in.
Except Sunday.
11. ft M. II. H. H.
Depot 10th and 1'aclUo sts
Mail and Express I0:05n. : m 5.11p : > m
Night Kxpress 7:45 : p. m , 10:03 : a. in
0. B.AQ. H. H.
Depot lilt hand Paulflosts.
Mall and Express ll:00p : , m. 0M : n ra.
Chicago Expresi 8.40 a. m. 0:55p. : ra
K.O , Bt. .1. & C. H.
Depot 10th and PnolQu sts.
Mull 8:40 : a. m. orJip. : m.
Express 8:50 : p. in. 7OJu. : m.
C.,8t. P. , M.&O.
Depot ISthand Wohstorsi
Sioux City Express . . . . 8ii : : a m 4:4"i : p. in.
llancroft Express 4-.4S p. m llCI'la. ' m.
Illalr I'assengor S:3Sp : , m 7lOp. ; m.
Except Sunday.
Depot 15th and Webster st
Day Express 10'i : a. m , n : " " > n. ra.
Night Express 0Up. : m n-J : ! p , 10.
Running notweon Council Illuffs and South
Omima. In addition to the stations mentioned ,
trnlns stop at Twentieth Him Twenty-fourth
Ktroots , and nt the Summit m Omaha.
W cxi ward.
PURE CALIFORNIA WINES , shipped direct
fiomour vmoyardi Illosilug , ( iutodul Ciuints ,
Port.Shnirios.otu. Uan .lostt Vhiiltt Sovoiith ,
KlulilIi , Hun Salvador und WlllUin els. , Bun
Jose , Ciilltoriilii ,
Lincoln , Neb.
The best known nnd moitt popular liotnl In
the slain. Locution centrnl.upiiointmontH flint
class , lle/i'l'iunrtoij ' for commercial muu uuJ
all political ai.U niiblio guthorliigil ,
E. P. RUIG EN . Proprietor.
Pianos Organs
at U'iiolcMilo I'rlofs.
Wiito ( or catalogues , pi-Ions and | orm nr 1
f uvu from t ! to { I6'J In tuu purchaco of nij In-
Mriimcnt '
imyirrr imos. , st. Jo.cuii , u. '