R 8yPg'l33gfl ' > ) ft * T- ? - " * ' - - * ' - - * THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 22. 188T. THE WESLEfAN UNIVERSITY , rv ' i' Jt Will Ba Dedicated at Lincoln To-day With Imposing Ceremonies , NEBRASKA KflETHODISTS MEET. Opening of the State Conference A Largo Attcnilntico Both of Mtnla- tcra and Ijiiy llclocatos Supreme Court Decisions. ( rr.OM THE BKC'fl MNCOIiX nUltnAtT. I To-day the corner stone- for thu now Wesleyan Methodist university will bo laid in this city with imposing ceremon ies. Bishop Hurst , of Denver , assisted by Chancellor Moore of the Denver uni versity , will have charge of the laying of the stone , nnd the entire mombershii ) of the Nebraska conference now in session in the city will bo in attendance , as well ns state otllccrs and other distinguished guests and a largo number of Lincoln citizens. The university is located in what is known as University place , lo cated two and one-half mites northeast from the business part of tha city , and joining on the west the suburban town of llaveloek. The foundation walls and and cross walls for the building are complete , the size of thu foundation being 150 by 71 feet. Thu building will bo three stories nnd a high basement , will contain foHy- llyo rooms , nnd is to bo completed Sep tember 1.1838. Dr. Croighton the newly elected chancellor of the university , will devote his entire time until the opsning of the school ono year from date , to the preparatory work necessary. The North Nebraska conference and West Nebraska conference have both approved of the work done and the progress inatlo and the prospects for the great Methodist university are of the most Haltering character. Thu uni- vosity has 2(0 ( acres of ground in Uni versity place , and the campus grounds , covering forty-four acres , are located in thu center of the tract. The rest is all sub-divided anil platted into lots and blocks. Immediately after the laying of the corner stone 200 will be sold at public auction , the sale being in thu immediate charge of John C ; Uouncll , with Face & Rhodes auctioneers. The B. & M. will run a special train to University place for all attending the laying of the corner Btono and Um sale , and carriages will bo in waiting at the train to convey visitors to the si to of the university building. There has been sold in University place already thirty-nine lots at private sale that averaged $300 each , which ought to bo u fair idea of what the lots are worth and what they should bring. The terms are one-fourth cash , balance in three years at 8 per cent , and the sale given the Methodist brethren and all others in terested in the university an opportunity to show by their works their desire to assist the university. THE CO.NFEUr.NCK OPENS. The Nebraska Methodist conference opened yesterday at St. Paul's M. E. church , tills city , Bishop Hurst , of Den ver , presiding. There are- about ono hundred and fifty ministers and one hundred lay delegates in attendance , all of whom have been provided with homos while in thn city among their Methodist , friends. The opening exorcises yester day were impressive and one of the feat ures of the dav was an address ou the anniversary o ! church extensions by Rev. W. A. Spencer , D. D. The regular con ference sermon will be preached Friday at 7UO : p , m. by Dr. Brilt , the conference continuing over Sunday. YKSTKUDAY'S SUIUIKMR couiiT. Court met pursuant to adjournment. Richards vs Stato. Motion to quash bill of exceptions overruled. Motion to strike aflidavlts from lilos sus tained. Stuinbo vs. Seeloy ; continued. The following causes wore argued and submitted : Warded vs McConnoll. Clapp vs Uownmaii , Sparks vs Wilson , Sea ton vs Hubbard ( briefs to bo tiled ) , VVhlto Lake Company vs Itircsclll , Hank vs Ubnruinu. Court adjourned to this morning ut tiU9 : o'clock. BurntsMK counx DEOHIONS. N. & . C. K. li. Co. va Storor. Error from Nuckolls county. Affirmed. Opinion by Cobb , J. 1. Under the statute , as it stood prior to tlio net of March 31,1887 , In order to appeal from t ho assess mo n tot rtamagcs , whlcn the owner of any real estate had sustained by the' appropriation of his land to the use of any railroad corporation , It was only nec essary to tile In the office of the clerk of the district court ot thu proper county within sixty days after the filing of the re port containing the award or such data- ages with the county jmlno , a transcript of the condemnation proceedings upon which such award of damages was made. ' - ' . A pa | > cr headed "Transcript , " but con sisting of acertlhcd copy onlvof the leportof the commissioners appointed by the county tidRo to assess the damages , etc. , contain ing their assessment and award of dam- sgt's , held , sufficient to give the appellate court jurisdiction of the cause. Dakota Stock , Etc. , Co. vs Price. Error from Lincoln county. Unversed. Opinion by Cobb , J. 1) ) . company purchased from P. A J. a herd ot cattle and calves , ranch , the possessory right of herdlne range , and miscellaneous oututof herding and raiiehlnir property , sit uated at and known as "The Chadrou Creek ranch , " on Chadron creek , In Sioux county , Nebraska. The purchase price was 170,530 , 50,000 of which was paid down , the remain ing sum jafsKJO , was to be paid on or before the'-JOlhday of June next ensuing the date ot purchase. April 7,1881. Also a sum equal to the running expenses of the herd from December 28,1883 , to the day of payment. There was a bill ot sale impressing the terms ot sale as above slgued by . P. & J. and placed in escrow in a bank at Cheyenne , Wyoming territory , with the following memoranda : "Placed in es crow with Nortou E. Post & Co. this 10th day of April. ItfeO. to bo delivered to said Dakota Stock and Grazing company , limited , upon compliance by said company with the terms of the within Instrument , such compliance to be twldcnctxl bv the acknowledgement In writing thereof by Price & Jenks , otherwise to bo returned to Price & Jenks. " About the 4th day ot June the agent of 1) . Co. Informed P. & J. personally nt thu city of Chlcaico that ho was on his way to Cheyenne and the Chadron Creek ranch for the purpose of closing up said business. On theCthlit wiote them from Council Ululfs , la. , request' ing them to come or send an order to Chnd- rou Creek whereby on their part the business might be settled up ; nnd again on the 10th he Mlegrapluut them from Cheyenne to the same purpose. Un the llth P. & J. replied by telo grnnh from Chicago : "Impossible to mak ( delivery or settlement now. Will bo In Uhey on no pmparud June 20. " In an action by D. Co. to rescind said contract and recover bud the money paid thuroon , Held : 1. That 1) . Co. was not in default by nu son ot ltn not paying or tendering thu 820Ki < due on the contract of purchase and a sum equal to thu cxneusn of keeping the herd a : provided iu the contract , at the bank of Nor ton Norton E. Post A Co. , at Cheyenne , P fc J. declining to give nuv assurance that tin property at Chadrou Creek ranrti would b < delivered or the dominion thereof turnei over to It on that day. 3. That P. & J. were In default In falling and refusing to take the necessary stops ti enable them to deliver thn ponsosslou , uon trol nnd dominion ot the property to D. Co on the 'JOth day of Juue , or sooner In case 1) ) Co. chose to make payment and "tuka over the property before that date , and In falllui to deliver the property sold In the date las above mentioned. 3. That upon the faots and law above stated , D. Co. may rescind the contract ol purchase and recover bock the monuy p ltl tlioreot ) . Connolly vs Kdgerton. Error from Domlai eounty. Alnrmtd. Opinion by Iteese , J 1 , The question of Intention In case of ai alleged fraudulent convcynuct ) of urupurty ii one of fact to be decided by the trial jtir ; under the Instructions ot the court. 2. Where , in thu examination in chlflf of i witness , a question li asked to which ohjec lion is made , which U sustained , the party iesiring the evidence must offer to provi the facts sought to be 'established , befor ' ' ' irror can IM assigned uj > on such ruling.- ' ' .a. Whore a coupeteiif ' .vltueas'ls callci as an expert to testify as to the talno of property , his testimony It not rendered In admissible by reason of the fact that he had not wen the proi > orty since nbout one month prior to the time when -ho value was to bo established , it bcinc shown by other testi mony that the property was In subslanlnlly thu sainu condition at both periods of time. 4. Whom a witness Is called as an extxirt to testify as to the value of property In dis pute , and It Is shown upon examination that he I * competent to so testify , and his testi mony Is taken , and upon cross examination ho Is aiKod If his estimate of values Is not based on what he would give for the property , which he answers In the ufUrinatlvo , a mo tion to strike from the record all of the testi mony of the witness was properly overruled. Such answer would not render the witness Incompetent to testify , but It unexplained might diminish the weight of hli testimony. 5. As to parties before the court and re specting a matter within Its jurisdiction , A judgment without a litiillnir to support It Is not void , but at most merely erroneous and subject to be revised by a suitable proceeding Inatrlminnt Imvlnir authority to icvlsu it. Doty v. Sumncr , 12 Nob. , 378. 0. Where piocuedlngs In attachment nro Irregular and amond.iblc. but not void , and no objection Is made thcieto by the defen dant In the action , such nrocredlr.ns cannot bo attacked or Questioned collatnlly by third parties. 7. Different attachments of the same prop erty may bo made by the same nllleer , and one inventory and appraisement will be suf ficient , and It is not necessary to return the same with more than one order. Civil code , section iW. ! ( Theicfore. when a constable re ceives an order of attachment and proceeds to levy the same on a part of a stock of good. * . and , before making the Inventory and ap praisement , other orders of attachment are placed in his hands for execution , ho may properly levy upon property of sufficient value to satisfy all ot Hitch orders , and uiako but ono return of the Inventory and ap praisement. In such case ho cannot be charged with making an excessive levy unless the value of the prop erty seized exceeds a proper levy to satisfy all of such orders * and probable costs ; and even In such ease , the question can only bo raised by the parties to the action. As between third parties in a col lateral uroceeding the levy would bt ; valid. 8. Verdict In action of leiJevlii held suf ficient. Hughes vs. Keese. Appeal Irom Buffalo county. Affirmed. Ouiniou by Keesb , J. Evidence examined nnd hold to sustain the decree of the district court. Asplnwnll va Sabln. Error from Gage county. Alllrniixl. Opinion by Keesc , J. 1. It Is a rule of law that every presump tion is In favor of the correctness of thu deci sion of courts of general jurisdiction until the contrary IH inado to appear. SeUford V3 Ruby. 17 Neb. , 07. a. Dills of exception should contain all the videnco considered by the court in the trial if a cause. If trot , it must bo presumed that he Undines of the trial court ou Questions of 'act are correct a. Where In an action for divorce and nll- lony an order Is made by the court In which hocausttlspondliigrc.quirlngasuiii of money 0 bo paid Into court as nnd lor attorney's ncs , nnd afterwards the parties to the action , iy collusion and fraud and for the purposn defrauding the attorney for plalntlll out t the allowance mndo for Ills jompcnsatlon , with notice of nn attor- ley's Hen thereon in his favor , enter nto nn alleged settlement by which the nuse Is to be dismissed and the order tor kllmony satisfied , sucli fraudulent.settlcmont mil , on motion of tli'e attorney entitled to .lie money , be sot aside and the amount found Uio ordered to be paid Into court by the de- "endnnt. 4. In such case where no relief Is sought as gainst the original plaintiff and her rlnhts re to be attected In no way , she is not a ncc- 'ssary ' party to the motion , nnd no notice jpou her of the pendency of .such motion Is necessary. IlKIEF ITKMS. A young man named Riodan became nvoived in trouble last night , lie bor- owed his parents' horse tifter dark bor- 'owcd a harness from u neighbor in the amo way , and borrowed II. 11. Dean's larriago without the asking. In the morning when Mr. Detn : discovered his loss he notified the sheriff , and when just about Uftclcgraph to look out for liorso thieves the carriage was found in another purtof the city smashed to kindling. The horse had been found loose in the treots by the police , nnd the harness was 1 wreck , It was an expensive lark for ho young man , who wants to settle for ho property destroyed and avoid prose cution. The statement was mude to the BKI ; 'esterday that a woman with four child- 'en ' , who lived on the bottoms in thu western part of the city was arrested by ho police as a prostitute. As thu state ment goes she had f 5 which was taken Irom her nnd she was told to como to headquarters and pay the balance of the line when she earned it. Having been leprived of what money she had she begged some bread for her children and then noignbors wcro secured to look after them while the woman earned enough money to keep out of jail. Track laying has commenced on two new lines of street railway within the past week , and the improvements of this ' character go on interrupted by the so'ng of the croaker who sings the loudest when ho fails to unload at a moment's time property at double its cost. A colored man named Butts reclined _ n jail yesterday awaiting a heaving for stealing some shirts from a furnishing house und in lighting an olHcer when ar rest was made. Ho was aa tough a man to handle as the police often run across. The S. S. Hadluy company , of Cedar Rapids , Boona county , tiled articles of incorporation yesterday. Capital stock , t > 30,000. Incorporates , F. 11. Head , S. S. Had ley and II.'E. Southwick. Persons who lead a life of exposure nro subject to rheumatism , neuralgia and lumbago and will Und u valuable remedy in Dr. J. U. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lini ment ; it will banish pain and subdue in flammation. 3 , The ZtthHr. Musical Record : The zither , that pretty little flat harp which is now taught in our cities , and which HO many young ladies are learning , originated in the Alpine countries , and was , toward the middle of our century , used by travel ing Tyrolese singers as an accompani ment to their songs and yodels. Even to-day , when ono sees the graceful young girl seated at the table , practicing her zither , and hears those wild chorda , an Aluine scone raises before the eyes and transfers the modest lusthetic interiar , in charming dreamlike transformation , to rushing streams , pine forests' , blue peaks and snow mountains , that scenejy of the Tyrol and Switzerland which a of till things most lovely. nPRICE's CREAM IlMuporlor excellence prnrnn in millions lifcraoa for more tlmn quarter of a cuntnrr Hli used by the United 9t to Oovormnor.t Kodortcd by the hinds of the ttrent ( Tnlreral tlM , m the Strongest. Parent anil Most HenItU ful. Dr. Price' * thn oiUr Biln \ * Powder tb ' doenot ronUIn Ammonia , I.lmo , or Alum 8old ° ! .nprUO.fntAKlNO | . | POWDKK CO. . mwro caio/rook / . ? . uoou. Nearly One Hundred Thousand Dollars Disbursed Each Mopth. HOW THE PUBLIC MONEY GOES. The Appropriation Ordinance For the First Month of the Present Fiscal Year , For years pnst the monthly appropriation ordinance of the city of Omaha has not bocii published , and the taxpayers have been left In the dark as to the expenditures of tlio public moneys. The pretense for withhold ing this ! m nor taut ordinance from the people Is economy although It can bo published for loss then 810 uny single motitti. The UKI ; proposes to follow up Its exhibit of county lluanclertnc by sliowlnt ; the methods of tnx-uatlnp pursued by the coun cil. Wo begin by publishing the compiled ordinances for July and August. That of July was protested esterday. The Aumist ordinance appears below. Those ordinances nro DAsscd at the beginning of each month for tliti month preceding. Their publication will interest a very large number of our traders. Ai'1'itorniA.Tios' onm.vAxaK FOP. AUGUST. MAVOIS'SO/FICK. W. ,1. rtrnntchSSiliiys $ 10100 W. 1' . llccht'l , timyorCi rtnjrs 4000 Koos Printing Co. , envulopt * * , letter hciuls niul placards Z\ \ " " < Omiilm Hiililior otnmp Co. , ono gonl. . . ' ) 00 Davis Cojrwlll , C kvys for olllco 1 TO Total ; 75Tilit CITY A.TTOItXKV'8 OKl'ICK. John L. Wobator , city ntty 25000 Herbert J. OuvKtmt l > 0) ) * Totnl. . . . $ U7o 00 cirv COUJJPIU lilgtcon counullinrn nt ( V ) per month P03 OITV lltHAStlltl'.U'S liPAUTMKXr. : John Itusli , city trcmsmor . , . . 110 M I- : . I ) . Kitten , deputy treasurer ir.'J ' 00 A. I ) . Ornhain , deputy treasurer ire 00 K. P. dridlov , deputy treasurer 15000 John Uusli. postiiKOOtc Ill 50 Swiirt/.tV Kollny , printing 140' ' ) John 8. CunlloUl , Htutlunoiy 210 Omnlm Ilupubllcan , printing and stn- tlonory 23 00 Omnlm Hubbor Stump Co. , 1 rubber dittor oto n 51 lices Printing Co. .printing 150 49 * Total 78720 COMI'TllOLt.l'.lt'.S DKl'AISTMKST. C. S. Goodfidi , comptroller $ Iflft (17 ( C. A. Golattlo.uopiity comptroller 1500) J. K. Coulter , deputy comptroller. . . . Ka OU Itoos Printing Co. , buul : . , printing and stationery lot § 0 John S. Cnulllcid , stationery II TO Omitlia Kcpubllcan , prlutlnK 11 10 llnnry Pundt. matches ' . 1 no Milton Itotfera Jt Sous , cnspiulora 2 5'J ' Total $ 50107 crrr CI.KUK'.S DKPAUTMKNT. ,1. H. Southard , cltv clerk t Ifir. fi7 llsrry U. .Munnvllle.deputy city clerk. U'S ( H ) P. J , [ lurgoss , deputy city dork ll > i ou "larry O. Couiuemuti. dsputy city clnrk : . . 10000 ) nmlm Kcpubllcan , prliitln ? and sta tionery 10SOO S"ol > ni3Kn Telephone Co. , rout of tele- plionu , AUR. 1 to ill 400 . Ij. I'.verett , posters for mnp 0 85 . II. Soutnaril. lolcK'raina , oto 740 Uo3 prlntliiB Co. , books , blanks , etc. ll'l TO 'llltonUogeraicSons , cuapadurs " 5'J Total S 7KJ93 KNdl.NKnUINO DI'.PAUT.MISNT. _ eo. W. Tlllson , city engineer 259.0.1 A.J. (1 ( rover , assistant engineer Pirt.6d Tliomna Sbuu' , computer 12SOO 'X (3. Carpenter , assistant onKlnoor. . UNI ( ) , ) lee , H. Crandall , assistant engineer. . IOJ 00 J.I' . Kohlmnn , assistant I'njjineor. . . . 10IUJ 8. O. Kulvrht , assistant cnifineor moo'i ' M. J. AlnKuthrow , draughtsman JO J 00 J.It. Kluiball , aasislant eiiglnoor. . . . . UilOO I. S. Collinsloveler 7500 iV. C.Mt'I.cun , clerk 750J J. 1) ) . Ilrailly , lovolur 700'J Jas O. Snowden , assistant computer 10 OJ Nine roil men , and ono uxo mini (110 ( 00 'at Ford , jr. . iixuman no 00 t. ri. lto-s , axeman CO 09 . ' II. llofimuii.nsslitant compntcrlH cluya ' - 50 Omaha ilcpubllcun , printing andstu- tlonory -33 31 Nebraska Telcpliono Co. , rent ono phone AUK. 1st to 31st ' 400 K. U Cvorett , stiekorslormap 20 Cioorco Uolfinan , two tennis montb Auprust 7000 Cliurlos llobomon , ono team sovun days 17 Chionpo Lumber Co .stakes 6'l 75 U. T. lt.Ko , tiurdware 10 Ii" . C. F. ( Joodman , blue print , etc X > 50 P. J. Karbach , chain pins 400 Andrew Murpliv , blacksmlthlnp 4 75 James Mcston & Son , sledge handles , ota ISO JolmS. Canlllold , letter ttlos 2 70 HoeV Printing Co. , printing blanks , eto 2500 Total $ a/jsa ai unAiii ) OK PIIIII.IO WOIIKS. Ht. A. O. llalcombo.chatrman salary..t 208 33 t-t. A. U. llaluombc , moving to now ollieo 400 St A. 1) . Ilalcombo , postage 2 00 a K. May no , member Rl 3:1 : Louts Holmrod , inomlior 8331 John 8. Canlncld , pens , pencils , oct. . 6 50 B. T. Duke , I screw wronob , btiears , etc 315 John S. CaulHnM , stationery 455 Nebraska Telephone Co."rent I telo- pliono 400 Total t UW I'J STUKIT : COMMISSION Kit. Joslah Kent , etreot eominUsionor. . . . 150 00 John Coleman , foreman , 27 days at $ 5.50 0750 Tim Collins , foreman , 3 days at $ 00. . 7 M 1'oter 11. Chambers , ioronmn,24 days ut $3-50 0000 Mike O'lirlen , foreman , 27 days at $2.50 6750 Hans Olson , carponter,24 1-9 days at $ iW A028 John aarvey.toain,24 4-0 days at J3.M 85 su Thos. Casey , team , 21 H-'j days ut $ J.50 87 12 Jas. Murphy. team,22 8-U days Ht S-V-O 80 U Mrs. M. 0. Moaney , to ni,2t 8-U days Bt3.50 R3Q2 D. A. Davis , tcam,20 3-9 days at $3.50 71 17 8. F. BrlgBS team , 20 2-9 days at $ .1.50 70 7H Nets I rs n , team , 21 7-U days at $3.50 78 23 Nets Paulsen , team 1 day at $3.50 3 50 Potcr 11. Chambers , toum,25 6-9days I $3.50 89 45 Pat Davltt , teem , 25 4-0 dayg at $3.50. . 89 08 Tnos. Oarvoy , team. 23 days at $3 50. 77 00 James Leary.team , 24 2-U days at $3.50 84 7H John Quick , toum , 23 2-0 days at S3.50 M 2.1 Wm.Kmerpou.toain.'Jl 1-u days at $3.50 84 ; tn Clios. Qalbralth.team , 24 days at $3.50 B4 00 Lomr Kennedy laborer , 24 2-U days at $200 4345 James Uusltska , laborer , 'M 1-Odays at $200 4022 Jerry Dusan , laborer , 222-9 days at $2 OU 4445 Cbarlos O'Neill , laborer , 2J 2-9 days at f..Oi 40 45 John Uooly , laborer , 11 3-Sl days at $200. . . 2328 Dennis Connor , laborer l-'J days at $ JOO 4s 2 Fred Humpf , laborer , A days ut $2 IX ) 12 00 John O'Connor , laborer , 151-9 days at $2 OJ 3023 II. J. Murtauuhlaborer,231-9day at 1200 4G23 Charles Nelson , laborer,23 1-9days at f 3 UO 48 2J Peter Uoylo , laborer , 21 8-'J days at $2 00 49 70 Danlrl Franco , laborer , 6 8-9 dnje at $200 U 78 John Kennedy , laborer , 25 5-U days at $200 M 10 Pat Perry , laborer , 25 5- < * days at 12 DO 51 10 John Casey , laborer , 25 5-9 days at 1400 51 10 James ( loarnes , laborer , 25 5-9days at * 2 t M 10 Pat Hart , laborer , 24 b-9 days at $2 00 49 10 KU'liard O'llrion , laborer. .5 5-9 days ntS : UO Cl 10 > llko Ilanaluin , laborer , - ' ) 5-9 days at 1200 M 10 1 borons Shea , laborer , 255-9 daysut 2t 01 10 John Kruoreon , laborer , 21 5-9days at $2 01 4 10 John Mct/k'H , mhoror , l'J2-.lilays iitiJ 24 45 dno. Hart , laborer. It U-'Jdays at ( - ' . . . 23 : u Ola ohnson. laborer , 12 9 days at * i 4945 Albert Kol < lRl.lahoror.2J.V9laysat3 4f > ID Jotin Colllna.Jaboror,22 4-tidays at SJ it KH OloKrodorlckson.laboror.Sldaysat 13 41 00 Jacob I.innintfor , laborer , 2369 days atf'J 45 W Martin Pokuitiiiy , > laborer , 235-3 days at'i 47 10 Chris. ItiiinuiHsan , laborer , 0 days RI 12 4000 James Lynch , laborer , 1959 da > s tit f2 37 10 Bariiey Tuller , laborer , 152-H days at ti 80 15 Pat MullUaulaborer , 24 tU'l days at * 3 4'J 70 ConConkluy , luhorcr , 111-1 days at $ ' 22 2- Wm..Murpliyl'iboror,243-.idu stitS'J 48 60 Win. I'lupatriok.l.iborer , 227-9 days nt $ - ' 5 Jonn I'ttuuaHka , laborer , 23 4-9 days Bt I" 48 SS Martin Payuur , lahoror , 2J 7-9 dnya ut $2 , 1551 Dennis Hurley , laborer , 2.1 4-9 days it ti. , . . , ; ' . . . - . . . . < * i Johiv llounociimplaborer , 2t 8-9days at'J i . . ' , 4970 P rUur , laborer ; H4-B d ys at 83 48 83 Mike Itllcy , laborer , 24 7 < J days at $ J. . 49 54 Kd Clnrko.laboror. 2J 1-9 days nt $ J. . . 48 23 Nols Larson , foremanST days at 93 SO BT 50 Cbioa o I.tunbor Co. , lunibur. . . . . . . . . . R.I 15 B , T , Duke , nails , hatchet , &o 14 M Total V 3.551 45 HKWr.lt I.NSI'KCTOH'S HKPA11TMKNT. T. J , Mot.onn , sewer ln po tor li > 00 Ooo. lleed,2Sdnys at * .W 700) \Vni. Mulvor , 2Sdays ntfJ r > S OJ Wm. Hulton,23days at' $ . ' M ) 00 Andrew llnlton , 2:1 : nays nt 12 MOO Wm. Mnthursoii , 23d vsnf | . ' 6600 dims. Johnson.5 days at fU. 10 IH ) K. W. Oray. G bbls cometit 12 ) J.J.Johnson , Iron pipe 881 Frank .V Miihonoy , tuiullntr sand 15 76 H. Peterson , hauling sand 850 Totnl > f 472 03 ' bUIMJIIINTKNUKNT 'OF M 1)11.1)1.N ) OS. Ooo. H. Wbltloi'k , superintend ent $ 150 00 Fostaironnd6copies ot Itopub- llcan . * . 17515175 Frauk.l. Campbell , clerk 7500 F. A. Tompklns , Inspector , 27 days $1 108(0 Simon Cook. Inspector , 27 days at ? 4 , 10S OJ Hoeso Printing Co. , lottur-huads.utc. . 1950 JohnS. Cuulll'ild , stationery 1 OJ N b. Tciophuno Co. , rent 1 phone , Auiitist 1 to August 31 4 00 Total t 407 25 ( IAS INSPKCTOll'S nr.l'AUTMH.NT. .Tamos ( lllbcrtgas inspector $ 125 09 Gilbert .V lllack , gas lUtliiK' , otc , ac count chiuiiTO In o 111 en 19 00 F. T. Urakfl , 1 door key UO Total ru70 ! ; mm.r.it IXSPKUTOII'S OKKICK. , To opli II. Htandovon , holler Inspector 12i 09 Joseph H. Stumlovon , postage stamps 3 00 Joseph li. Btnndovcn , postal cards. . 60 H. A. ICosters , curtain 75 Total $12825 SlIiKWAt.lv IMSPCOTOIt S DKPAIiTMKNT. James Allan , sMowalk Inspector . . . $ 10000 Unialia Hepiibhcan , 2 ( losurlption books l > 00 Total $10500 MHAT IXSIT.OTOIl'S HKPAIlTMr.NT. F. IKckstlno , moat Inspector $ 100 00 Wm. Fair , moat Inspector 10000 Total $230 09 I'OI.tCK COUUT. Louis llorka , judge police court , sal ary $ ISA GO PI.UMllINn INSPIICTOII'S Dr.l'AKTMUNT. Robert D. Duncan , pltitnfclt frIn specter , 9 days . . . . , . USI750 Kobcrt 1) . Duncnn , plnmmnx1 Inspector specter , month July 125 00 Hubert I ) . Duncan , plumbing In- spoutor. month Ailirust 12509 $7 7,50 Itobort Duncan , postniro stamps' tito. 305 K , T. llilkc , Yule look and work 8 : < 0 1(003 ( PilntlngCo , blanks , cto : t3 25 Totnl . $ J3J 10 noAitn OK HIAITII. : Dr. J. 11. Itnlph , secretary $ ? 0 00 CITY VKrKlllNAUV HUIUIKO.V. H.L. Uambcclottl , veterinary surgeon $12 59 HANSCOM I'AIIK. John McDonald , No , I , ktcper.31 days nt $2.00 per day , loodlnar oaRlos ? 1. . . $83 00 Wm. MoKain , laborer , 12 days at $2.00 per day 24 00 Patrick lloylan , laborer , 12 days nt $3.CUpor < Uy S400 Martin Crow , laborer , 12 days at $3.W ) per ilny 2400 John McDonald , No 2 , laborer , 15 clays nt $3 00 per day 3000 Ja . O'Mahoney , laborer , t ; days nt f200pordny 2400 Charles Jackson , laborer , 4 days at S..Uinri1ay ) | 800 T. Kelley , laborer , 12 days nt $2.00 per day 2409 P. Holland , laborer , 12 days at $2.00 perduy -I 00 Wclshnns i MoEwan , repairing foun tains : . . ! ,2 ! A. K. Wallace , plutubimri li 40 Total . ' $27255 JIM'TIIIf-ON fltjUAIIB. A. 13. Wallace , fountain $ 1025 roi'Nrii. ciiAMiir.it. Davis * Cowif III , 3 keysi f 75 Max Meyer & llro , 1 rojjulutor. . . 50 OJ V. i : . Wallace , 1 gas lighter ; and pipers , - . . . . , 225 Samuel Burns , 1 pitcher , 'tray ' , etc ' 1 P5 V. H. Ilrlvht & Co. , 1 step" ladder - dor i ' * 5 " " O. F. ( laailinnn , sponiro whisk. . 3 00 ' . li. KvT-rott , SlicUors for map. . 13 29 { . T. Dnko. 1 hatolict . . , . 70 Total 577257T 25 ADVKIITISIXO. J. Edwards & Co. . advertising city ball ' * I"00 The Enp. News Pub. Co. . advertising city hall . ' . . . , " 40 World Pub. Co. , advortlslntr city hall ' 00 Totnl * > APPIIAISl'.llK. Various iipprulscrs for20dllTorent ap praisements $ Hi 09 1)AM\OK" * PAUL Joseph SIoup , acct-gradlntf Williams. ( 9 20000 lllCCOI'.DINd Dl'.KDS AMI ) Pl.ATS. County chirk (0. ( V. N. ) 33d Bt , Low's add to Omaha View $ 3 25 John A Horbaoh In Horbaeh'sudd. . 2 45 Totnl G70 OAI111AOK 1IOAT. R. T. Duke , 3 Btnblu brooms 1 nilNT ACCOUNTS. Kxposltlon bulldlni ? nssnolntlon. rent citv hall , Aug. 1 to 31. 'b7 110 00 V1TTINO UPAH.VIIX 11U11,1)IN . Smith & Porter , I cupboard und platform - form J. F. Cnrdlnor , rebateon taxes al lowed hy council 2000 John Morrltt. rebate on taxes strip land mil st " 20 KT.KCTIoy. " Hallway election expenses $ 5000 ItKl'AIKS. llcpalrs ICth street viaduct $ 127 79 OAP. OASOMNn XN1) KLKCTKIO T.1OHTS. Ohlo-Bt. Lighting Co.Knsolino lamps forAuifiist . . . . . . . $ 55370 Omaha Thomson H. Kh'etrlo Light Co. , lights for viaduct , Jefferson &iunro and 13th street 177 00 Total $ 73070 JANlTOIts. Joseph Granncher , janitor-city hull. . $ 50 00 MIBCKLr.ANKOUS Iltl.1,4. The Ilyron Itood Co. , famishing names and making deeds f 854 .10 W. II. lluckloy , one letter box 3 25 J. Tarrant , making connection la drlntlnir fountain 88 75 Omaha Republicancharters 192 00 Total $ 6fr30 Total general fund $14,06909 Kiioit TIII : i.innAitv FUND. N. n. Falconer , rent for August $ 109 33 Jessie Allan , salary as libra- rlHti.Angllst $3333 Jessie Alliin.c.isU paid for two assistant janitors 84 49 Jessie Allan , cjsh paid to renew subscription 2210 18902 MiiLTlo ( I'llrlon , salary ns assistant. . 60 00 Charles Kvnns , cataloguer 180 60 Omaha Oas Manufacturing Co. , gas for July nnd August 3275 (1. M. llnokell. printing 1 60 A. C. McClurs. booUs 43 ? ' Total $ 5'Jl 8j 1'oi.ici : nr.pAr.TMKNT. 1 homas CormlcK. captain.pollcu , nnd Bnlarioior pollco . $ 1,070 00 Six special policemen. . . . . . ' , 30009 poi.icKcuirur. John 8. Wood , clerk t 7500 P. Uoyor , & Co. , moving ; nfo 5 09 ' ' Total . . $ 8000 IT.-.T HOUM : . II. W. Pottlt , keeper..l.t t 500) Nebr. Tclophono io.icnt 1 phone. . . . U 00 Total , , ' t M 00 CITY JAM , . Ncbr. Telephone Co. , rout.l phono. . . 4 110 P. lioyor Jc Co. , tnovin , ? sarp < . 500 Totnl . ' . ; ; $ U 03 POMCF. AL.VllM. Jfrry O'Loary , opi'rntor. " 7000 John Kolleyoperator..v 60.00 IMwanl Iliche , operator. ' . ) . 60,00 John Morse , superintendent 4ViQ ( 11. Miller , lineman , . „ 3V09 The Police Telephone and Signal Co. patrol box , keys etc./ ' . . 187.5'J Total f 437.69 HOSPITALS. NobnUn Telephone Co. , rent 1 phone August Ito3l 4,10 St Jooph'H Hospital , nursing" men 29 days 20.71 .TAMT01IH. W. II. Ilutlor , janitor city jail and police court 60.00 HUNT ACCOlfST. Exposition IlullJiiiir Association , prop. rout oity hall 160.0) A. F. Wolfe , re nt Cumin * street jail. . BJ.75 Total $ 183.75 IIAUI.IXO I > KAI ) AMMA1.8. Charles Pplltt , 7 dogs , 4 horses and earbairo 13.50 li A , tiolnmlth.3) ) doss , U horses , 1 cow and garbage , , . C3.00 Total $ 71.60 OAS , OASOI.I.NK JLNI ) ELKCTIUC 1.IU1ITS. 'Oninhii , Tlioinpnon H. Kleitrlo Light Co. electric light for pollco station , . . . < 13.00 . . . . F1IIK IIKI'AHTMKNT. ' . ' Salarioi anduxpcniui , f4,635.69 REST ACCOUNT. J. 8. McCormlck , rant No. 0 engine house , July and August. . 0000 Exposition ilulldlng association , rent city hall 4000 Total t 30 M CLRANINO STIIKKTS. Fanning Jt Slavln , swooping Dodge ( root I 79 CS Amount allowed by council August 3 , 61 03 llnrbcr Asphalt Pav. Co. , resetting curb nnd gtttter.allowod August UO , 83 Et Total $101 57 FKOM Till : JUnnMKNT FtlNH. Hugh 0. Clnrk , judemont and costs , , $ 1,505 00 FliOM TI1K 81'K'HAI.IOTH HT.VlAtlllCT FUNI > . John Itush , rebate on taxes of ! ' . Strcitz 27 W FltO.M TUB DlsrillOT OU11U AND QUTTKlt FUNIJ. C. D.Woodworth. llnnl csttmat * curb ing and guttering Mason St. , 10th to lllh stsV. $ 4S2 13 Murphy , Crolxhton A.Co. , fliml esti mate omblng ami guttering Cum- Ing Btf-M ; to old city limits 3,080 10 Jacob Schlcct , Inspector filming st , : i'd : to old city limits 045 Jacob Schlcct , Inspector Cumlng St. . 32d to old city limits 7000 Total $ JuiiTr ? FIIOM Till : Sl'l'.ClAL ( lU.UHNO FUND. Oco. W. McKlnuey , llnnl cst. on 60 per cent , grading alley , block No. 2 , K.V.S. ndd 8483 J. itynn & Co. , final est. on levy , 24th St. , Scward to old city limits 2G20 85 FIIOM T11K HIST. PA VINO FUNDS. Hugh Muruhy , baL duo on Dual cat. , P. I ) . No. 72 201 28 0. F. HumanInspector , 22 days , P. D. No. HO 7103 Ooo. Hume , Inspector , 21'dnys , P. 1) , No W 0775 * Total t 34003 FIIOM THF. D18T11ICT SUWKII FUNDS. L. Poland , Inspector , sewer district No. ! U , Miiy U7 75 L. Poland , Inspector , sewer district No. : (4 ( , June 03 35 Mount , v Or mm , portion of llnnl ost. dlstrUtNo. 34 P882 C9 C. M , O'Donovnn , Inspector , district No. 44. Juno 1335 C. M.O'Donovan , Inspector , district No. 44. July I 6805 Hugh Murphy , portion of llnnl ost. , district No. 44 1154 A3 Jonn P. lloyd , Inspector , diatilct No. 47 , Juno 6 C5 John P. lioyd , Inspector , district No. 47. July. . . . . . . . . . A 100 00 John P. lloyd , Inspector , district No. 47 , Augusf'V' i 1035 John K llohm , Inspector , district No. 47 , Juno 2009 John F. Daley , final cst. district No. 47 2384 70 Totnl district sewer fund $ D.770 4'J CITY rt.milC'fl DKl'AllTMIIST. Omntm Republican , blanks nnd sta tionery. . . . . $ 900 r.NiiNir.uiNo : DKPAIITMKNT. Omaha llopubllcan , stationery and printing. . $ 20 75 111)11.nil INHPKOTOr'S DKPAHTMENT. Oraah'l ' llopubllcan , blanks , , Vo $ 7 03 FHOM TUB I'OMCK FUND. Omnlm Ucpubllcan , envelops , ! co $ 0 ! ) 95 1'itoM Tin : cuun ANDourrKU , HTC. , FUND. D. Komston. repairing curb nnd gut ter. California st $ 35 35 FIIOM THE NOUTII OMAHA SF.W1IU FUND. ( ] . M. O'Donovan , Inspection north branch $ W ) 65 J.C. Murphy.lnspoctlon northhranch 100 00 Kdwln Huberts , inspection south branch and north branch 100 00 * Total . $230 05 1'itOM SOUTH OMAHA SKWF.ll FUND. Samuel StobosInspector of extension 1 00 Itl'.CAI'lTUI.ATION. From the general fund 14,745 84 Library 69183 Fire. . . . 2.BTO 81 Pollco 4,6:1559 : Curb and gutter l'J 3 Judgment l,50"i 00 Special Sixteenth st. viaduct fund. . , . 27 IK ) District curb and gutter fund 3.038 73 Spcial giadlng fund 2,705 r > 3 District paving fund 310 03 ] ) l tnctsow < > rfiliid 13,770 49 North Oiimhiis'iwor fund 2SO 6"i South Omulm sewer fund 109.00 Total of ordinance . $ 45,518 52 AMn.NDMKxrs oitiiitii : ) IIY CITY COUNCIL SHPT. C. 1S.S7. From the North Omaha cower fund : P. Fox & Co. , 8th cst. south bnmch N. O. sewer . $ 3,5)5 ! 01 Ityiui & Walsh , 1st on. south branch I,4s3 70 Thompson > V Delaney , 1st eat. north 4,062 53 Total North Omaha sewer fund $ 8,131 29 From South Omiilm soiror fund : James Fox , 2d cst. boulh branch B. O. hewer . $ 2,41479 From the ironoi'al fund : Fnmiing& Hln von,2d ost. grade Plcrco st..Hth to 10th 8ts . 17718 C. I ! . Fanning & Co. , 1st ost. grndo 22d St. . St. Mary's ave to Howard 310 50 0. ! ! . Fanning Sc Co. , 3d est. grade 3th ( ) St. , Cass to Cummgs . 1,11833 C. K. Fanning , 2d cst. grade Cahfor- . nl.int.37thnvoto30 st . 1,57937 C. F. Williams. 3d ost. grade Davenport - port t. , 23d to SHth sts . 1,14053 C. F. Williams , SJ est. grndo Popple- ton live. , 20th to 3Uth sts . 2,12098 J. Itynn & Co. ,0th ost. grndo Loayon- worth Bt. , liUb to Mill str . 826 63 O. II. llrown,2d e t.nrndo 28th avo. , California to Cumlng . 60368 Stuht & Hamol 1st est grade 14th st , Mason to Cn'tollar . 48357 Stuht & Ilamel 2d cst. grade llth st , Mason to llancroft . 3,02087 Oco. W. McKlnnoy 1st est. grade 20thCumlni ; to draco . 454 51 IMIOAI'ITULATION ( IV AMENDMENTS. From Nortii Omaha sewer fund S 8,13129 From South Omaha sewer fund 2,411 7' From Bpnoral fund 11,79117 Total $ SiffH 25 FltOSt I'OMCE FUND. GoortfO ICyriil , special pollcoman ISth Bt viaduct , month of Juno , W S CO 00 KltOM THE ( lENEIlAI. FUND. From panelC. . R. Knunlnx & Co. , 1st 05tnb. Kndo uOth st , Cumin ? to Cuss 49 BO Total amount disbursed for Aup. . $ C7.M5 27 A NIGHT WITH COUNOItiMKN. A Host of Minor Matters Rapidly Acted Upon By Them. The regular weekly meeting of the council was held Tuesday evening , all the members being present except Leo. It was called to order as a board of equal * ization by Mr. Lowry , and on motion of Mr. Hascall was continued as a board until next Thursday night , when a report would bo made. The motion prevailed. The council proper then assembled , with Mr. Bechel in the chair. Mr. Lowry presented the report of the board as a special board of equalization , which was read as follows , provided for the paving of the following streets : Davenport street from Fourteenth street to Sixteenth street in paving district No. 81 ; Davenport street from Ninth street to Fourteenth street in paving district No. 87 ; Sixteenth street from Pierce street to Vmton street in paving district No. 86 ; Seventh street from Jackson street to Pierce street in paving district No. 97 ; California street from Sixteenth street to Twenty-second streets in paying district No. 125. . . CUI1IIINO. California street from Sixteenth .street to Seventeenth street ; Davenport 'street from Ninth street to Fourteenth street ; Sixteenth street from Pierce street to Vinton street ; Cass street from Sixteenth street to Twenty-second street ; Seventh street from Pierce street to JacKson street ; Twonty-liftli avenue from Farnara street to Dodge street. In sewer district No. 3. , in sewer dis trict No. : t7 , in sewer didtrlot No. 4'J ' , in sewer district No. 4 ? , in sewer district No.1'J ' , m sewer district No. 62. UUAIUNO. Twelfth street from 1'aoilio street to Williams street. OSixtcenth street from Ohio street to old citv limits. Twentieth street from Pierce street to Dorcus street. Loavcuworth street from Sixteenth street to Thirty-sixth street. Pierce street from Eighth street to Tctuth street. Twenty-second street from St. Mary's avenue to Howard street. Alley in block 1831. One-liUli cost of Kloventh street via- mict. Widening Thirteenth street from Gas- tellar street to Spring street. Opening alley in Keillek's second addi tion , and in tax lot No , 33 in section 23 , township 15 , range I'J. The report was adopted , Mrs. Dmsmoour wui then accorded the privilege of utldro.ssing 'tljo' bourd UK a representative of the Omaha ; Charitable FIRE ! BURGLARS ! ! THIEVS ! ! ! TTTT OurTECE3 FIO-I3CT IS O3ST. Our Victor Jlonscltohl anil Ojflce Snfe Shall lie 1'rotcctctt. Wo worn the orhrlnntorii of 1'orutaii S\tr. , nnJrnilonot propo < o tr 9U\ml Ifunuly liy nnd iillo\T HMAUKS to Mtup In Hint reap thu licnollt of our Inuor. Wherever their "sneaky" iidvor- tlsomoiits anpcnr , wo crutli them wltlt a uliislo blow. To tlielr KVKIII. vsiixdHilutK our linltrt- tntotshim eon stolen our worJ * by copying our circulars , n f P J Wo nro solo owners of KPU/AFP / Hi M llf ! Pnt UUnalCUl rldUU MctuiurtntthoVirrnu HAtiiii. Woeauliou per * POM * ntrnliKt making , buying , soiling1 or ueiiitf Bales infringing on our patents. lltfv M > SAVES Ili-.Aiu.vo NO I'ATV..NT n vrc * . All IcgltlimUo niul roopcctablu compiinlcs miimifucturo inulur patents. iNrill.NllKMKNTd HIKl IMITATIONS MC Sol J Without - out pntont dates. 'I'lio Victor Snren ronohes that enormous do- tiinnil not supplied hy nthprrompiinlrg. Ulllt HKlUrAll9I/.KS ( AND 1'ltlUUSi Nn.l. Partner's sl/.o. lUxUxlU , weight U" > pounds . $24 0) Nn. S. Hou-ioholdaUo , I''xlSxlO , weight UJOpounils . 3000 No. ft. Small Doalcrs' size , 23 < 13.xl , weight 000 ponmU . 4000 No. 4. Postmaster's nnd olllco slzo.1 x- Six ! ! . ' . wolKlitroOpuumU . 00 00 All sub-treasuries hnvo lint kev locks. All silos hnvo our n\vu pnttmt oouiblnntlon lucks , No. 4 safe hni Spcelul Imhlo Iron Door cover ing full front aufo. nnlni ill . IIMSOKIKIIOM.Y Ai'i'i.ir.s l , o o ) TO ( ) I un ANI > VIIMNITV ! IMI i rwt v noun KOH Aaaioss iiiiniuaiatuiy , TIII : vioioji ; sA\i : ANII LMVK OO.MVANv.KOH Cincinnati , Ohio. association for the purpose of securing from the council n live years' lease of n lot upon which the association may erect a building to bo used as a day nursery for the children of working parents. On motion of Mr. Kierstcad the matter was referred to the committee on public property and buildings. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. From the mayor approving the bond of P. H. MeUauloy for the construction of sewer hi district No. 2 ; approving the ordinance'for the change of the gnuto of Twenty-seventh street from St. Alary's avenue to Leaven Worth street. City Treasurer That John L. Kennedy and P. W. Mclchcr had paid a sidewalk tax on lots 33 and ill , block 8 , Uuuscom's place , under protest. Filed. Same Tendering $ r > 0 as damages to John McDnrmott , which had been ac cepted. Filed. City Engineer Recommending that the board of public works take steps to clean the Eleventh street viaduct. Adopted. liourd of Public Works Estimate for paving California street from Sixteenth to Seventeenth , in favor of Whalcu & Brunuau for $ J47.10. Approved. Same Estimate of $ l'J,090.83 for Regan Brothers for paving of Sixteenth from Pierce to Vmton. Paving , curbing nnd guttering. Estimate for grading of block 180 } in favor of C. F. Williams , $ UM.G'J : Ap. proved. Mr. flechol Appointing Messrs. lias- call , Bailey , Lowry. Ford and Boyd a committee to receive President Cleveland. On motion of Mr. Huscull Mr. Beohel was added 10 and made chairman of the committee. Board cif Public WorKs Estimate of $10'J.i)2 ) for C. E. Fanning for the grading of Twenty-second street from St. Aiary's avenue to Howard. Approved. Same Estimate lor the grading of alley in block U , Kouutzo & Ruth's addi tion , for $139.08. Approved. Same Estimate for the grading of Pierce from Eighth to Tenth for $388.03. Approved. Same Estimate for repairing paving of Tenth , between Center and Williams , for Barber Asphalt company , for $3,471.20. Paving , curbing and gutter ing.Same Same Estimate for sflS.SoO.GO for P. II. McCauley for suwernig in district thirty-two. Approved. Same Estimate in favor of A. R. Heel for drain of 1278.00. Approved. Same Estimate for work in sewer dis trict fifty-three in favor P. II. McCauley for $395.72. Approved. Same Contract and bond of William Nevins for the curbing in paving districts 11 ! ) , 100 and 131 with Mankatosand stone and Platte river sand , P. Boycr and W. Motlugh sureties. Approved. Same Contract ami bond of Stuht & Ilamel for the grading of alloy between Mason und Pacific streets. Approved. Same In regard to the location of inn- toriiil excavated by street railway com panies. Owing to existing ordinances if such order was issued , the council would have to iurnish locution. Same Regarding change of curhinc nt the intersection of Burdetto nnd Six teenth streets. The city attorney reported advorsodly on the claim of Andrew Daublo for falling down tin embankment. on Hamilton street , as no notice was given to mayor as required by the charter. Same In favor of claim of Lewis Reed for a cancellation of taxes and compromise of suit pending by him nguinst city. ' 'Same In favor of not opening Twen tieth street until the grade under trestlework - work can be settled. Same In favor of claim of N. Welder- weiser for damages by the tilling in near lot 2 , block 11 , on S. E. Rogers' addition. Same In favor of claim of Thomas A. Murray for damages to property by over * flow of water. Same Against allowing claim of J. D. Spelman. * Same Recommending that no action bo taken at present toward opening Nineteenth street across the Union Pa cific tracks owing to a contract made between the said road and the Omaha & Southwestern railway company bearing date February 1 , 188U. The considera tion of the argument was that the railway company shall pay n part of thu expanses for constructing the Eleventh und Six teenth street viaducts. Same Adversely on the claims of Joseph and Barbara Erbom. Uradija and grading. Same Reporting an ordinance for the issue of paving bonds for districts Nos. 81. 87 and 00 and alloy district paving bonds Nos. 33 to 37 inclusive. Same Report as to the opening of Fourteenth street in the vicinity of Moliolus and recommending that a ] > < > lieenmii be appointed to watch thu trains instead of opening street. Viaducts and railways. Sumo In favor of claim of Joseph Michael. Adopted. The report of the city physioiiui was filed , showing the number of deaths for August to have been 121 and births MO. A communication was received from the Knights of 1'ytliias asking for the USD of the council chamber on Wednes day , October 12 , for a reception , ( jranted. Several petitions for the erection of buildings were received and referred to the committee on tire and waterworks. From citi/.uiiH Requesting that the American Water WorKs company lay its D i PCS in paving district No. llfi before the paving is commenced , Firu and water works. Mother Mary Mngdolano , of thn Poor Clare Convent Asking $1,00'J damages by reuson of cimnge ol grade on Hamil ton street. Claims. lit. Rev. James O'Connor Asking for a sewer on Hurt strept. Sowonige. UKSOLUTIONS. By Mr. Hnsc.ill That the Board of Public Works shall huvo power to grunt permits to street railway companies to opim on impavei ! streets not mare than four block * at any one titnuAdopted , Jeff W. Bedford Declaring the Benson motor a nuisance. Adopted. Mr. Alexander That the street com- missioiior bo instructed to replace all cross walks on Popploton avenue which were romovcd.to accommodate grading west of Twonty-soviinth street. Adopted ? Mr. Ford 'Unit the chairman of the board of public works cause the cable company to at once lay their track on Tenth and Dodge streets or have their trenches tilled. Adopted. Mr. Suydor That all property owners on Tenth and Klovonth streets south of Farntun bo notified to lay sidewalks where they nro defective and the same bo made of briuk or concrete or some other material excepting wood or plank. Adopted. Mr. Counsoman That the Bolt rail way be required to place a tlagtuan at its Sixteenth street crossing. Adopted. Mr. Burn ham That flic chairman of board of public works notify the Motor line to restore all cross walks removed , am } also remove all surplus eartli placed by it ou the staeets. Adopted. UKI'OllTfl OF COMMirriXS. Authori/.ing issuing of district paving bonds for districts Nos. 84 , 88 , 1)1 ) , 103 , 121. and 185. Adopted. Vacating the alloy between lots 13 and M , block 4 , Kounta' third addition. Adopted. Grading Dodge street between Twenty- sixth ami Thirtieth street. Adopted. ( trading ( irare street from Sixteenth street to the Belt-lino railroad tracks. Adopted. The committee recommended that the job would be a small one and that Messrs. Kimball and llungate would deposit with the city treasurer thu city's half of the cost of grading. ' necommeuding that a nuisance in tha shape of a pond of stagnant water on Thirlv-lirst , between Hamilton and Charles streets be referred to thu police. Adopted. The committee on police reported that thn ordinance exempting tiiat part of the city lying north from the south line of ( iraec street and from the boundary on tliu east to the west ou said line is too sweeping and recommend that it be not adopted. The question of permitting Dr. Kaniao- clotti to erect a veterinary establishment near the German school on Hartley street caused considerable discussion between Councilmcn Hascall , Ford , Kicrstoal , Couusinan , Rasper and Boyd. Mr. Holm- rod , president of the Gorman-American School association , on being called for , stated that ho was asked to appear and protest. Ho claimed that several lawyers have told him the ordinance would pre vent the erection of uny horse hospital in the locality named. Ho said that if thu council would not take action the courts would have to bo called upon. On mo tion the matter was referred to the city attorney for his opinion as to the power of the council to prohibit the erection of the stable. The wooden awning on the corner of California and Sixteenth streets was re ported a nuisance and ordered removed. Maurice Sullivan's appointment as sewer inspector was adopted. Paving district No , lit' ) was established , the .same being on TJuining street from thu east line of Thirty-six'.h street to Lowe avenue. The committee's report on the curbing of Nineteenth street from St. Mary's avenue to Leuvcnworth street with cedar blocks was adopted. A communication was received from John A. Crelghton , offering lots 4 and 5 , block It 10 , on Twenty-second street , be tween Webster and Burt streets , at ap praised value , Report of committee on extending Charles street from Sixteenth to Seven teenth streets was adopted. ORDINANCES. Ordering grading of Howard from Twenty-second to Twenty-fifth. Ue- committed to committee on gra Ics and -It grading. $1 Extending Charlus street. Adopted. | Auproprmting certain private lands fet ; opening Southwestern avenue. Adopted , " , Appraisers appointed to assess damages - ages on Southwestern avenue were W. J. Kennedy , John H. Butler and Jesse S. Lacoy. To assess damages on Charles street , John I ) . Furay , \ \ . J. Kennedy and John Ilnssio. * On motion the council adjourned until Thursday night at 8 o'clock. A ono-nrmod boy in Augusta saved four norgoiiH from drowning ; but lr Bull's Cough Syrup lias saved' ils thou sands from consuption. The use of highly seasoned animal food and alcoholic drinks are the predisposing causes of gout. When aware of its pres ence use no time in procuring Salvation Oil. It Kills pain , M cents. U. S. DEPOSITORY , Oz .cLh.a , Paid up Capital $260,000 Surplus 42,500 > H. W. Yates , President. Lewis S. Heed , Vice-President. A. E. Touzalin. 3d Vice-President. W. H. S. Hut-hew , Cashier , blltEOTOKS : W.V.Morse , John S. Collliu II. W. Yatfis , Lewis S. UooU A. E. Touzahn. THE IRON BANK Cor. 12th and Karnani Sis. A General .Uankin ? Business Transacts N.W. Harris & Co. 1 15-1 17 MONROE sr.CHICACOn M BIRf K7DC CODtVONSHin ST , , BOSTUrf. Qj ft lift II ltd ofCGisntlM.Cituia.Tnwiii. Water , ' ? " . " -c"t. U.K. < ; n/y k tx.a' | Ultr. t T ijM Ujxeu ( HflicU * * ,