F llWkPW i" " * ve * ; * " / T I- > THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 22. 1887 , tt THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Wheat Opens With a Weak Peeling But Firms Up Later , CORNTRADcRSAPPEAR BULLISH. A Hftnuntlonnl Itronk In September and October Short Klb Cuttle Valuea Ijowor llojts Ijawcr Genetnl Quotations. K MARKET. CniOAflo , Sept. 21. [ Special Telegram to the UKK.J The openlllg In wheat was rather weak , the crowd appearing to be boarisli on weaker private cables , showing a decline In California and Indian wheat , an increase In the amount in passage to the United King dom of 400,000 bushels , and very large farm ers deliveries reported. There was scarcely the beginning of a decline , however , before the stronger undertone , which for the lirst time In several days manifested Itself yester day , again made Itself felt. Private cables gave No. 2 sprint ; Chicago a half penny higher , and operators expecting higher prices. Alex Ueddls and Kobert Warren were good buyers , and there appeared to be a good de mand for cash wheat generally. The strin gency In the money market , which Is the all- absorbing topic In the east , appears to cut no figure whatever In the grain markets. The scattering of money throughout thu country to pay for grain Is no unusual thing at this season , and of course It takes some time for this money to work back. Wo eliull get hold of It on Us return before the New Yorkers do and no disastrous con sequences because of tight money are antici pated here. The "receipts and shipments" blackboard had a more healthy look than for several days. The shipments cxcecded'thn receipts at Chicago , Detroit and Toledo. Thu receipts at Minneapolis were largo 210,000 bushels but so were the shipments W.OOO bushels and in general the Indications were that the grain was not piling up danger- oualy. The exports of Hour from New York continue largo. Later private cables were stronger and the public cable gave an advance - * vance of # d In red winter , though not agree ing with piivate advices of an advance of X < 1 In No. 2 soring. These advices , however , served to stimulate buying and the shorts , finding It advisable to cover , prices advanced a tull Hfc , with the closing at 1 o'clock strong at the bluest quotations ofitho day. October 69Vc , December 72tfe asked and May 77c. The extreme fluctuations were In October from CS % ( < tGgc to O'JJ/c , In December , to 71X < & 'n > ic aud .in May from TTa77 ( c to There appeared to be rather a bullish feel- ; the corn traders at the opening , but the selling by ilutchlnson of something like hnlt of his purchases of yesterday made a week opening after all. Hut when the snuio trader's brokers appeared later there was not so much properly for sale. The receipts of corn at this point continue lareu , but the shipments are also liberal , and there Is a good demand for the ciuin for shipment The buliovtirs In bettor pi ices say that the bulk of the present large receipts are of corn sold for September at considerably lower prices much of it at about 3Sc and that when the grain so contracted lor Is taken care of , there will bo more of It wanted tlinn will be for sale at present prices. JUow far their predictions lire to be verified Is a problem to be solved , lint the first of their promises , that much of tue corn now arriv ing Is to till contracts for September , made some time ago. Is undoubtedly correct. There was a weak spot In tint market at about I ho middle of the session , when the estimated receipts tor to-morrow were given ns 010 cars. The ex- prctntlon had been that the estimate would be Biuall. There was no great pressure to sell , however , and the market tinned back. The fluctuations were not wide , being the great est In the October outlon 4l@41Jc. In November thu langc was from 41V to 41 , < 6c , In December 41 to41 > | C , and in Muy 44 % to The cloHlnc was llrm at October 41W , November 41M@41c bid , and May Jats were quiet and not enough was doing to pay dealers to give their time to the mar ket. AVlth no particular change In prices , and the variation within the nairow range "y * of Xc per bushel for the past few dayn , the receipts of casli have been fairly liberal , but all this business has been in tlio sample market and at prices above what could have twen obtained In store. The closing was at 'ZWc for October , and sellers at 'J9V tor Muy. No. i ) white sold at ill c for May. In provisions ( he sensation was another unexpected break In September nnd October short ilbs for some reason not made public , though possibly on account of the * failure of the decline last week to shake out of all the toilers to Its deal , trie house controlling this line withdrew Its support , bhort ribs for October the trading future opened at.SS.45 and then dropped with an occasional transac tion atSS.'JO and closed at 1 o'clock at $8.2 , or 80c lower than last night. September was nominally the tame as October. Lard was relatively tlin strongest article on the list and suffered little or no change in thu ruling prices. The October tuture for It sold at 0.32K aa7K aml closed at 8C.a5S0.87J. ( ! ' , wlilcli was also the closing for September. For November lard closed at 80.30 and for December at $0.a ; > , Marring lard the January product WHS weakened by the largo receipts of hogs. Pork for this month de clined lOc and short ribs fie. Cash lard sold W. to the extent of 3,2.10 tierces at S0.82)f(3 ) , ( < ) .37 > $ . Cash moats were In better demand. AFTERNOON SESSION Wheat higher ; Sep tember olosra at about C9c ; October sold at c , tlicn up to 69'fc. closing at c ; November sold at 71@71Jfc , clos Ing at 71&"e ; December sold at72kc. eased oft to "KXwK c , split thn at TaxtSiTU c , closing at that ; May sold at 77 % < 377c. split to78C478Vc. closing at 78c. Corn steady ; May oponad at 44 'c , sold at split then at 44c , closing with Kellers at 44c. Oate , very quiet ; September 25.Vc bid ; for October 25tf@25c was bid ; Novembnr ; May was offered at 2c ! , witli 29M bid. Pork sold and closed for Janu r ary at Sia. ' 'i , an advance of 2Uc ; clear rib closed nominally at I ll.W , Lnrd was strong , closing at IO.K5 for Beptf mber and October , 80.80 for November , Sfi.H-JJ for December nnd SO 37 } $ ( < 0.40 for January. Trading was limited. Short ribs for October sold at . ' - JH ® .25 and closed at 8.as. an advance ; January was steady CHICAGO IjlVK STOCK. CHICAGO , Sect 21. [ Special Telegram to the BKK. ) CATIXK The market to-day was stronger for good to clioice beevo.s and very dull for common to talr kinds. The receipts were not so lar ; e as one \\eek ago to-day , but for the week show about the same as last. Thn market did not average much dllTeri'iit from yesterday , but nobody could remember when thin cattle sold lower. Them were very'few choice fat heavy cattle. Shippers bought some 1.10 to 1,217 pound cattle as low as $2.73(33.00 ( , 1,001 to 1,437 pound steers at $ : U5 < 3a60 , 1,210 to 1,4PO pound cattle at S3.73 @ 4.5. ! ! 1.400 to 1GOO pound steers at 5MOy 4.W , with 1,230 pound steers at the Utter price , and a few cars of 1,504 to 1,004 iwtind cattle at SS.05. Drnssed beef men paid S-.WX3H1J5 for common 1.163 to 1,4'i'J ' pound steers , 54,00 < Ji4.S5 f or 1,0711 to 1.4S7 pound steers , 84.404.45 for good 1.171 to 1,317 pound steers and S4. < * > 5 ( $ 4 1 > 5 for two or three cars of line l.M'J to Ien4 pound cattle. Kecelrits , 10,500 : shlpm'-nts , 8,000 ; best strong and others dull. Shipping ; stms , l.JBO to 1,500 pounds. S4.00 S.05 ; 1,200 to luo : pounds , : { .5U 4.40 ; tW ) to 1'JOO r"u ds , * i753.70. Stockers and fi-eilers , t'i.4 < Kafl.W. cows , bull * and mixed I , fl.a'xi'.K'i ; Texas cows , fl.fiO ASO ; steers , J2.00 : ) .1J. ! Wnslern rauger.s weaker ; na- tnes Hiid half breeds , Si45Tfi.Ci ( : ; cows , Cl.i 0'.55. Wlnteml Texan ; , $2.00(33.15. ( lloos-Kstlmatcd receipts , lfi,000 ; last Wednesday , 17.KJ4 ; w > ? k so f r , 40,540 ; same time last week , NV'i'-IS. There waTa slinry down turn of at least JOe all round and In coino liiBti\nceS the decline was equal to IV. A few fancy hravy made 85.2iK35.25 , prime packers S-r > .003\10 , fair to good packlnc sorts S4.60@4.t < 0. with common at 84,5034.75 , Light sorts. 95.00 for the best and then down to f 4.75f-l. l for other sorts. F1MAMGIAU 8 pt. 21.-Speol [ l Tel f ratal to U > 6 fljsic.1 STOCK * Tbe itock mark t wa ; feverish and veryragged * , but on the whole declines were confined to a narrower range and were chiefly In the Goulds and Now England , Traders raided the former and .Missouri Paclllc broken 2 per cent , and Insid ers sold the latter and It dropped.3 per cent. Liquidation has bpon heavy and many oper ators were Inclined to tlio opinion that de clines oxtcmltnir from 15 to 60 per cent In three months were severe enough to cause sharp rallies. The bulls , however , appear un able to concentrate their forces and the only support came trom forelcn homes , who were buying largely , and from shorts who have covered large lines , leaving the market In one respect weaker than before. The gov ernment was expected to receive large offer ings of bonds but only received tenders of SS70.000 at prices rah lnj ? from 81.07.00 to SI.10. Thli was a complete surprise and showed that the principal holders , who are trustees and savings banks , did not feel the pressure for money as bad as those In Wall street talk about. It Is a good thing to dis tribute the treasury surplus , but unless hold ers of bonds are Inclined to part with them they can do little to relieve the pressure for money. In times like the present govern ment bonds are the only securities that the public look upon as affordlne ample security , hence they are slow to part with them. About noon there was more character to the buying and the market reacted & ® 1J per cent. The Improvement continued until the close on the purchase of luG5,000 bonds by the treasury , when the last sales were at nearly the outside in a majority of the active stock ? , nil the early decline being recovered , and net ad vances of yjl \ % being established. The only decline of Importance was \M per cent on Northern Paclllc preferred. The total sales were r < 07HO : shares. GovKiiNMntm Government bonds were dull but steady. YKS CKUDAY'S gUOTATIO ! . tl. S. 4's coupon .12434 C. AN. W 1118' U. 8. 4W'Hcoup. . 108 do preferred. . . 142JjJ Pacific uV > l'U5. . 122 C. Y.C 107 CanadaSouth'n. . O. It AN , SO Central Pacllli.34Jf ! O. T. , Chicago * Alton. ISO Paclllc Mall do preferred..155 P. ? D. &K W C. , JJ. &Q ' " " PullmanPal.Car.145 D..L.A W Heading 57 ? D.AKG 24 % Kock Island . . . .117 Erie SOi- St L. AS. K. . . . 31 do preferred. . . . 6:1 : do preferred. . . . 65 % Illinois Central..US C. , M. A 8t.P. . . 88Hf I. , B. & W 13 do preferred. . 117Jf K. AT 23 ? St P. . A 0 41M Lake Shore US ) , do prof erred. . 10CW L. AN 61'4' Texas Pacilic. . . . 22 > ff Michigan Cent'l. . Union Pacific. . . . 52 Mo. Pacific W. . St LAP. . . . 17 No. Pacific do preferred. . do prof erred. . . . 49. % W. U. Telegraph HOMEY On call was active , ranging from 3 to OM t > er eent , last loan at 5 per cent , and closing offered at 5 per cent PRIME MBHCANTILE P API H 7(48 per eent. STCRM. EXCIIAWOK Is feverish and lower at 84.794.80 for 60 days and S4.MK for demand. _ i'UODUCK MAUKKTS. Chicago. Sept. 21. Following quotations are the 2:30 : closing figures : Flour Steady and unchanged. Wheat Dull ; prices declined } @ 7 < c Into In the session , advanced sharply aud closed about X@J c higher than yesterday's closing prices : cash , G93-10e ; May. 78 l-6c. Corn Easy and lower ; prices declined > ' & @ Kc , near futures showing creator weakness , then ruled tinner and closed Ji@Xc lower than jcstorday ; cash , 41c ; October , 41 8-10c ; Mav , 44o. Oats Fooling rather easy ; cash. 25Js'c ; October , 25'fc ' ; May , 29'fc. Kye Dull and steady at 47c. Bailey Weaker nt 70c. Prime Timothy Seen Closed at SJ.28. Flax Seed Closed at 51.00. Whisky S1.1U. Pork Quiet and easy ; year , 811.90 ; Jnnuaiy. 512.22f. Lard Keeling was easier , closing steady ; cash and October , 80.85 ; May , iC.67,1 . Dry Salted Meats Shoulders , 555.21(25.30 ( ; short clear , S3.OOCiiS.05 ; bhort ribs , 8S > .20@ o. J5 , H utter Steady creamery , 18@23 } c ; dairy , Cheese Finn ! full cream Cheddars , 11 @llYc ; tlats , HJKftllJfc ; Young Americas , U3 @l' c : skims , 8aSjj ! < c. lycgs If irin atlO > ( < $ l7c. Hides Unchanged ; heavy green hides 7Mc ; light do , 7&8c ; salted bull lilacs , ( > c , green salted calf , BH@'Jc ; dry flint , 11 ® 1'Jc : Urv calf , 12@13c ; deacons 30c each. Tallow Firm ; No. 1 country , 4@4 e ; No. 2 , SKe ; cakes , 4 { c. c.Kecelnts. . Shipments. Flour , bbls 40,000 27,000 Wheat , bu 55.000 132.000 Corn , bu 154.000 170.000 Oats , bu 257.00(1 ( 01,000 Kye , bu 3,000 1,000 barley , bu 127,000 93.000 St. Louts , Sept. 21. Wheat-Closed tf(3 ( Vc higher ; cash , C8 > @C8 > jc ; October , G8 c ; November , 70c. . Corn Easier ; cash , 39Jic ; October , 38'fc ; November , 87Hc , Outs Weak and slow ; cash , 23Jfc ; Octo ber. 23 @ ' . ' 3Xc ; May , 2H > V@28 > ic. 1'ork Dull and irregular at 815,25. Lard-Quiet at S0.25 ? SO.0. : ! Whlsky-Sl.O.- ) . Uuttei Unchanged ; creamery , 20@24c ; dairy , I5@.io. Atternoon Hoard Wheat Active and higher ; November , 70k'e bid ; December , T2 @wMi' ; May , 7 0. Corn Steady. Oats llrm. llrm.Milwaukee. Milwaukee. Sent. 21. Wheat Strong ; cash and October , ol ) > ic : November , 71c. Corn Firm ; No. . 4lc. Oats-Quiet ; No. 2 white , 27c. Kve-Uig.hcr ; No. l.t4U o. Bailey-Stronger ; No. Provisions Easier. Pork-September , S14.50@15.00. Minneapolis. Sept. 21. Wheat-Steady for dry wheat , damp neglected ; No. 1 hard , cash , CSJic ; October , 69c ; November , 50tfc } ; May , 77c ; No. 1 northern , cash , WJ c ; Octo ber , 05c ; November , CGXc ; May , 78c ; No. 2 northern , cash , 5)j ) ic ; October , GOc. On track : No. 1 hard , 70V c ; No. 1 northern , COc ; No. 2 northern , 60 3c. Flour Dull ; patents. S4.00@4.20 ; bakers' , Kecelpts-rWheat. 217.000 bu. Shipments-Wheat , 5'JOOObu ; flour , 2.r , ! ! 00 bis. Cincinnati. Sept. 21. Wncat Firm and higher ; No. 2 red. 74c. 'MMi Corn Easier ; No. a mixed , 45@45Vc. Oats Dull ; No. 3 mixed , 27H@-JUc. Kye Easy ; No. 2. 51 p Pork-Quiet at 815.25. Lard Firm at SG.a. " ) . Whisky-Firm at 81.05. lilvnrpiKil , Sept. 21. Wheat Quiet and demand poor ; holders offer moderately. Corn Firm and demand fair ; new mixed western , 4s 2Hd per cental ; now mixed west ern , 4s 2Hd per cental. Now VorK , Sept. 21. ' Wheat Ke- celpts , bO.OOO ; espoits , 109,000 ; options advanced } ( @ % e. and elosed strong at best rates ; spot lots KQhc higher and fairly active ; ungraded red , 79M813i'c : No. 1 red , nominal t > 7c ; No. d red , 79c in elevator , 80 t. 8W delivered ; October closing at TJXc. Oorn-Ueeelpts. 75,000 ; exports. B4.SOO ; options JfQj ? ! ! higher , but lirm and quiet ; spot lots a trifle better ; uiuraded , 50 } © 50) ) c In store , MKuiolKc delivered ; October closed at M Oats Ueceiuts. 85,000 ; exports , 1,000 : J c hlclicr , but only moderately active ; mixed v c&teru , SJ&Uic ; wblte western , S4@ 40c. 40c.CoiTee .Spot , fair ; Rio , dull aud nominal at 81'.V > ; 'opened 5@iu points hiiilior , „ _ a shadu lower ; sales , TJ.250 October. 810.75S17.00 : November , 817.05 ® 17.25 ; _ Decombcr , S17.30Q17.50 ; January , . . Potroleum-FIrm : United. G6Ve. EKKS Steady and demand fair ; western , HWlllc. 1'ork In niodfrate request ; mess was quoted at C10.0U fur new ; S15.2S31S.SO for oh ) . Lard A simile easier ; western steam , spot , ' llutter Steady and quiet ; western , ISO 24c ; creamery , lrtarJ4c. ( Cheese Firm ; western , OJfQllc. Kaniau City. Sept. 21. Wheat Weaker ; No. 2 soft , cash. Oln bid , GvK ! asked ; Octo ber. CHc asked ; May 71J c bid , 71c asked. Corn Steady ; No. a , cash , 85 , o bid , ! ' . c asked ; October , arx ; bid. S-Jc asked. Oats No. 2 , 21c bid , 22u asked. New Oi-lennii. Sept. 31. Corn Scarce and llrm ; mixed , 57c ; white aud yellow , 59 < < g 60c. 0 ts-K slor : No.3S34O34c. Cormnpal-Steadv at 4.HO. . ' Hoc Products Easier , but not quoUbljr lower. L1VK HTOOK. n. Sept 21. The DrovorV Jonrnat reports as follows : Cattle-ltecclpts. 10,600 ; bc ( t stronjr. others dull ; shipping steers , 8J.75ri.li.o.li ; dockers audlPCdpr. ,8l.'IOt2.Mcowc.bulUMnd ( ! ) ; mixed , ll.av92.S5 ; Texas cattle , ? 1.50@3.15 ; west ern rangers , 81.05 ( .3.00. . . 8:1.2534.50. : Sheen KecclpK 6.000 ; natives , S2.WX3 4. IB ; western , : uo < as.orj ; Texans , 82.75 ( < 5 3.CO ; lambs , 34.2r ( < { 5.2. ' > . Kansas City , Sept. 21.-Cattlo Ite- ceiit , 5,000 ; shipments , 2,000 ; market weak and Blow ; coed to choice , corn fed , 84.00 ® 4.40 ; common to medium , f3.ax < i > " > .W ; utock- * T * . 2.a'-i60 ; feedlnc steers , 52.05@3.15 ; - „ . , . . - , 4,000 ; shipments , 2,000 ; market weaic and lOc lower , closing lOc lower ; common to choice , ' ! ; skips and pigs , 82.00@4.20. Nation * ! Htoolc Yard * . Kait St. lionls. III. . Sent. 21. Cattle Kecelnts , 2,000 ; shipments , COO : market easier : fair to choice heavy native steers , 3.00@4.70 ; butchers'steers , fair to choice , | 3.30 3.05 ; feeders , fair to choice , 82.80@3.85. Iloei Kecelpts. 4,400 ; shipment ! " , 6,000 ; market lower ; choice heavy and butchers' se lections , 5.00@5.20 ; packing and Yorkers , medium to prime. 84.70@5.00 ; pigs , common to good , 84.20gj4.C5. OMAHA 1,1 VB STOCK. Cattle. Wednesday. Sept 21. The run of cattle was much lighter to-day , but there were a good many held over from the day before and the offerings were heavy. The demand was light and comparot vely few changed hands. liv reason of the largo number of cattle on the market values were weak on > lower. A few feeders changed hands , but the market was dull. HOBS. There was a gain In the receipts of hogs as compared with yesterday of ! WO. The market opened fairly active at about steady prices. The Quality of the hogs was nardly as good as j csterdftv , there being more com mon and rough loads. Everything was sold early In the day. Sheep. There were a few In , but they were reshipped - shipped east without being sold. Receipts. Cattle. 600 Hogs - 2,000 Sheep COO Horses ' 1CO 11 Shipments. Cattle 72 cars Sheep * cars Horses 1 car Proralllnic Prices. Showtngtheprevailing prices pMd for live stock on this market : Choice steers. 1300 to 1500 Ibs . . .84.15(34,40 ( Choice steers , 1100 to 130J Ibs. . . 4.00@D4.15 Fat little steers 000 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 8.75M3.85 Corn-fed range steers 1200 to 1500 8.83(314.20 ( Good to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2.50@2.75 Common to medium cows 1.5002.25 Good to choice bulls 1.75rrt > 2.50 Good range feeders 2.60@2.75 . Good natlvefeeders,0001bsand up wards 2.75@3.00 Fair to medium native feeders.OOO Ibs and upwards 2.50(22.05 ( htockers , 400 to 700 Ibs 2.00fd2.40 Prime fat sheep 3.25f < i3,50 Fair to medium sheep 2.W < 3.00 Common sheen 1.50@2.25 Light and medium noes 4.60M4.70 Good to cholco heavy hoes 4.80(34.90 ( Good to cholco mixed hogs 4.70 ( < i)4.SO ) ItoproBentativo Salqt. NATIVE STEEUS COHN-FEIl. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 33..1104 S4.00 34..1403 84.23 GRASS STEKIIS. 62..1184 83.50 4..1105 53.50 oxnx. 4..1512 53.00 COWS. 12. . . . 877 81.60 15. . . . 878 82.2.5 7. . . . 1)63 ) 2.25 2.25KANOE KANOE BUI.T/J. 10..1274 31.25. KEEDE11S. 24..US ! S'2.55 18. . . . 03(5 ( 82.90 1..10f > 0 2.60 1 . . .1025 2.00 18. . . . 1177 2.90 103 . . . 039 3.D5 HO 06. No. Av. 8hk. I'r. No. Av. Shk. Pr. 00..220 100 84.00 58..249 10084.80 78..205 160 4.05 09. . .235 100 4.80 70..200 80 4.05 70..240 200 4.80 79..198 120 4.70 ' 70..242 200 4.80 71..2M 280 4.75 C8..243 100 4.80 73..213 40 4.75 CO..252 80 4.85 52..224 320 4.75 B3..280 4.85 C5 . . .270 120 4.75 00..201 4.85 OS..231 40 4.75 73..278 200 4.85 61..208 120 4.75 73..230 40 4.85 07..2IU 80 4.75 03..260 120 4.85 58..254 200 4.75 77..253 80 4.85 58..291 100 4.75 CO..283 100 4.b5 63. . . 271 200 4.80 64..309 bO 4.85 CO. . . 257 200 4.80 02..277 40 4.85 CH..233 ICO 480 C5..2r,9 40 4.85 01..251 4.bO 124..200 40 4.0J 63 . . .273 ICO 4.bO 01..270 80 4.00 Ijivo Stock Sold. Showing the number of head ot stock soli on thu market to-day : CATTLE. G. II. Hammond A Co tt Local 4 Feeders I'1 Shippers 7 ( Total 38- 110(18 , Anglo American Packing Co 2,02 G. H. Hammond & Co 48C Total 2,51 Unsold Cv All sales ot stock tn this market are made per ewt live weight unless otherwise stated. Dead hogs sell at Ko per Ib. for all weights. "Skins"or ho s weighing less than 10J Ibs no value. Pregnant sows are dookeJ 40 I and stags 30 Ibs. brtheoubllo Inspector. Lilvo Stock Notes. Hogs steady. Cattle weak. No hogs left over. L. M. Gallup , Enyart , Mo. , was among th visitors at thn yards. J. A. Crane , Kislng , was here and bought three loads ot feeders. White A Shore , McCann , Nob. , were botb here with a load of cattle. miss A Bliss , Schuyler , marketed a load of 270-lb. hogs at 84.00 , the top price. Col. A. T. Habbltt , of the Standard Cattle company , visited the yards. MODS Nelson , Hartlngton , came In with a load of cattle and a load of hogs. Among the visitors at the yards was N. A. Acker , of Wagner Bros. , Chicago. F. Aldritta heavy shipper from Friend , Neb. , marketed a lead of bOc hoes , "Parse , " the genial hog biyer for Squires A Co. , Is back trom a trip to Kansas City. A.M. Peter on. West Point , was In with two cars of corn fed steers of his own feed ing. ing.N. N. K. Iledlon , a well known shipper of North Loup , sold a load of 213-lb. nogs at 84.85. Air. Dowllng , ot the llrm of Dowling A Haley , was In with two trains of range cattle. Art Dodge , who has a largo stock farm at Ke.scrve. Kan. , was visiting C. W. McCoy , of McCoy liros. Mr. Dover , of the firm of Dover A Guthrle , Newmans Grove , Neb. , was here and mar keted two loads of 260-lb. hogs at 84.00. OMAHA WaoLKdALB MARKETS. Wed nesJay , bopt. 21. Produce. T7icolloirtiif / are tlus jirlcct at which round lots of produce arc sold on tills To-day's markets were almost Inactive and there was a perceptible decrease In the re- relpts ot eggs and cholco butter. There was no particular chnnge In prices. Uunicn Creamery , Weit Point , 85c : other , 2C@30o per pound : choice dairv , lb@ 20c ; medium grades , 13@l5c ; ordinary , ogitic. POUI.TUY Fair market ; spring chickens , S2.00&2.50 ; old fowls. SJ.UH3H.OO ; ducks , 32.25(32.75 ( : turkey , In very light request , GC i7c per Ib. OvsTKits-SliclI , 82.00 pcr.hundred ; bulk , 11.35 per hundred ; selects , S2.20U gallon ; Cans , New York couuts , 45c ; selects , U5 ® 40o ; standard. 27@30e. SWRKT POTATOES The market Is well supplied and they sell at 2@2Kc per It ) . Euos The market Is steady at 13@Ua for choice stock. ; . Fancy full cream cbcddars , slnile We ; full cream twins , IRc : voting America" , 13Xc ; brick cheese , 100 Ibs In caw , I4c ; Llmbcrircr , lee Ibs In case , 13c ; SaurV fancy Ohio , inc. OvsTKiis NewYork counts , 45c ; selects , 36lOc. . GAME Ilecclpts light : prairie chickens , 82.50 ; mallard ducks , S2.750i.aoo. ottaii , 82.0002.2. ; teal and nnxc-d ducks , S1.001.75 ; snliK ) , "flcQSl.OO ; jack tabblts. 85o each. CKt.r.nv The receipts are larger and the stoek better. Good stock brines 35c a bunch. CniEit-Cholcu Michigan elder , SO.OO&0.50 per bhl of 32 cal. PoiTonsf Choice , forstands , 2@2) ) < e per Ib. TOMATOES Commlsjflnn men nro onlr hanilling n very few. Good stock 40@50c per bushel , OMIONH Cholco larto California onions are offered on the market at BOc per bushol. The demand Is light CAiniAOK California stock , largo round heads , 2Kc per Ib. Kou PLANT Slow sale at COQ75c per doz , for choice stock. PoTATOES-The market Is well supplied. Salt Lake and Colorado stock sells at 80@85c. Nebraska and Iowa stock 60 < < Jttc ( per bushel. HONEY Good honey in neat one Ib. frames 18o per Ib. BEANS.Handpicked navy. fiOO per bushel , and other grades down as low as 81.25. _ Krutts. Orders from the country requiring e- hctcd stock aiul extra cure In ) iacilwj can- 7tot hi'ilie | / Jilted nt tlia stunc price * quoted to the local trade for common stock. There was one fresh car of California fruits In.Tho maikot was fairly active at about steady prices. PEAOHKS Choice California stock Is going at S1.3.V21..V ) . Michigan peaches arc selling at 75@SOo per 10-lb baskets. GnAPKS The supply of home-grown grapes continues liberal. California , Tokay and Muscat. 81.50 < a-2.50 : cholco home-grown. HWc. The market Is fairly well supplied with eastern grapes at G0@3. > c per basket. CIIAII A ri'LES Cholco Siberian , S3.00C'3.50 per bbl. GUANOES Fancy Uodi , 160 per box. 85.50 ; fancy Uodi , 200 per box , $0.00 ; choice Naples , 200 per box , S.V50. LEMONS Choice Palermo , 80.00 ; fair Pa lermo , 85.00615.60 ; choice Messina , 80.60 ; fancy MosMna , 87.00 ; extra fancy Itodi , Sa5(5 ( ; extra fancy Malorl , $8.50. QUINCBS California quinces , of largo si/e , S2.00O2.25 per box. CHANIIEKBIES The market Is fairly well supplied with good stoek. Dell and cherry , SU.OO. Cape Cods will arrive In a few days and will sell at 89.00@10.00. Arpi.KS The supply Is liberal , especially of home-grown stock. Cholco Michigan ap ples ta.75@3.00 ; home-grown , 82.25 ( 2.50. PBAns California Bartlett peats are be coming scarce , and good stock , suitable for reshlpraent , Is worth 83.25(33.50 ( ; other varie ties 82 00@2.75. BANANAS The market Is well supplied with bananas at 82.50@3.00 per bunch. COCOANUTS-GOOO : stock , 85.00. Flour and Fred. flic following ai c the lobbing prices : The hlirli prices of the past week bave stimulated receipts of hay and the market is lower , ( iood hay sold at S8.50 to-dav. Minnesota patents. 52.50 per c\vt. : Minneso ta Bakers' straight , 82.20 percwt. ; Kansas and Missouri winter fancv patents , 82 :45fo2.GO : : Nebraska patents , 2.25@2.S5 ; rye rlonr , 81.75 ffll.90 per cwt. ; rye Graham , 81.40 per owt. ; wheat Graham , 81.75 per cwt. ; corn meal , yellow , 90c per cwt : corn meal , white , 81.00 percwt ; chopped feed , 814.00@10.00 per ton : bran , 812.00@13.00 per ton : screenings , 89.00 @ 12.00 per ton . HAY Upland prairie , S8.009.00 ; com mon coarse , 87.00Q8.00. . Grocer's COFFEE Ordinary grades. 20XS21c ( ; " fair , 21X@22c ; prime , 22@ ! c ; fancy green and yellow , 23 < v5)2r ) > c ; old covernment Java. 28 ® 30c ; Interior Java , 255J3c ; Mocha , asf J30c ; Arbuckle's. roasted , 20Vc ; McLaughlln's XXXX. 2C c ; Dilwortli's ' , 26c ; Ked Cross. 26'i'c. t * HEFINED LAUD Tierce , 7c ; 40-lb square cans , 7c ; 50-lb round , 7B'e : 20-lb round , 7 ? < c ; 10-lb pails , 7 c ; 5-lb pails , 7 ? c ; 3-lb pulls , 7c. SUOAH Granulated , fiJiT@7cconf. ; A , Cfl ? fl c ; wnlte extra C , f > X © < > Ke ; extra C , GMfa 0iic ; yellow C , 5J c ; cut loaf , 7 # ; powdered , ' 'VuovisioNS Hams , HH@l2c : breakfast bacon.ll5fl > te14'baeou : sides ioj @io > , fcilrv ; salt , 9VC 9Mc ; shoulders. 7@7 c : dried boot hams , ll@ll } < c : dried beef regular , 10K@Uc ; hams picnic , WXc. ad lumber , , , DRIED FRUITS Apples , new , i's Co ; evaporatnd , 50-lb ring , I4 < ai4j < s ; raspberries , evaporated , 29c ; blackberries , evaporated , 10lO } < c ; pitted clierries , peaches , new , c : ovaporatea peeled peacnos , c ; muscatels , Sl.MX91.b5 ; new Valencias , 7 0. SYRUP No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs. S1.4U@1.50 ; New Orleans , per gallon , 38@46c ; maple syrup , half Ibbs , "old time. " per gallon , 80c ; 1-gallon cann , per doz , $10.50 ; nalf-eallon cans , per doz , 80.28 : quart cans , 83.25. CANNED Goons Osters , standard , per case , 83.00(33.10 ( : strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 53.00(38.10 ( ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per c so. $ : ) .00@ 3.10 ; California pears , per case. $4.00@4.70 ; apricots , per case , S4.10ft54.25 ; peaches per case , S5.75@5.85 ; white cherries , per case , 80.00 plums , per case. S3.80Q3.UO : blue berries , per case , 8d.SO@2.40 ; egg plums , * a Ib. per case , S2.50 ; plue.ipples , 2 Ib , per case. 83.20@5.75 ; 1 Ib mackerel , per doz , 81.60 : 1 Ib salmon , perdoz. 8l.05Q2.ou ; 21b gooseberries , per ease , 83.25(23.35 ( ; 'Jib string beans , per case , 81.75 ; 2 Ib lima bean ? , per case , $1.60 ; 3 Ib marrowfat peas , per c.\set $2.50(32.60 ( ; a Ib early Juno peas , per case , 2.755 3 Ib tomatoes. 2.40(33 ( 50 ; 31b com , 82.20&2.25. PICKI.RB Medium , In bbls , 8(5.50 ( ; do In half bbls , 83.75 ; small , In bbls , 87.50 : do in half bbls , 84.25 ; gherkins , in bbls , 88.50 ; do in halt bbls. 84.75. WOODKNWARE Two-hoop pails , per doz. ftl.45 : 3-hoop palls , 81.70 ; No. 1 tub. 80.50 ; No. 2 tub , 85.50 ; No. 3 tub , 84.50 ; wasn- boards , 81.75 ; assorted bowls , 82.25 ; No. 1 churns , 89 ; No. 2 churns , S3 ; No. 3 churns , TOBACCO Lorlllard'sClimax. 44c ; Splen did , 4lc ; Mechanic's Delight , 41c ; Leggett A Meyer's Star , 41c ; Cornerstone , 34c ; Drum- mond's Horse Shoe , 4lc ; T. J. , S7c ; Sorg's Spearhead , 44c. KOI-E Seven-sixteenths inch , 12J < @ 12J/o STARCH Mirror Uloss , 5 fc ; Graves Corn , 0c ; Oswego Gloss , 7c ; Oswego Corn. 7c. BuooMS-Extra 4-tle.82.60 ; No. 1,82.00 ; No. ' . ' ,81.75 : heavy stable , 8 * CANDY Mixed , 8K@ilc ; stick , 8H@9Ke. CKACKKitaj-Uarneau's ' soda , Duller and picnic. 5c ; creams , 8c ; ginger snaps , 8c : city soda , 7c. TEAS Japan , 20Q55C ; gunpowder,20 ( Younz Hyson. 25@ > 5c ; Oolong , 20COc , JKLLIES-30-lb palls. 82.00. General Market * . SMBITS Cologne spirits , 1K8 proof , 81.10 ; do 101 proof , 81.12 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , 81.10 ; do 18s proof81.09. . Alcohol. 168 proof. 83.10 per wine gallon. Redistilled whiskies , S1.00@1.50. Gin blended. $1.50 ® 2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , S2.00i35.00 ; Ken tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 82.00(90.50 ( ; Golden Sheaf bourbon aud rye whiskies , SL50Q3.00. Brandies , Imported. S5.00@S.50 : domestic , Si.30$3.oo. ( Gins , Imported. $4.50@ 6.00 ; domestic , Sl.iV7W.00. Champagnes .Im ported , per case. S28.oo@33.00 ; American , per case. S10.OWglG.ou. HEAVY HARDWARE Iron , rate. 82.70 ; Plow steel , special cast , 4c ; crucible steel , CU"c ; cast tools , dn. I2d ( > ibc ; wa.on spokes , per set , S3.00@i.50 ; hnbs , per set , 81.5J ; fel lees , sawed dry , 81.60 ; tongues , each. SOe ; axles , each , 75c ; square nuts , per Ib , li'c ; con chain , per Ib , 6 @i3c ; malleable , K'ClOc ; Iron wedges , Cc ; crowbars , Cc : harrow teeth , 4 > c ; spring steel. 4 5c ; Burden's horse shoes. 84.75 ; Burden's route slices , 85.75. Barbed wire * In car lots , 84.00 per 100 Ibs. Iron nails , rates , 10 to1 50 82.40 ; steel nails , * / HIDES Green butchers' , 5X@6c ; green cured. 7Kc ; dry lltnt , lie ; dry salt , 9c ; green calf skins , Xe ; damaced hides , two-thirds price. Tallow 3c. Grease Prime white. 3c : yellow , 3c ; brown , l c. Sheep pelts , 25@ 40& 40&COAT. COAT. Egir , 89.25 ; nut , 89.50 ; range , 89.50 ; Iowa lump. S.i.M ( ) ; Iowa nut , 82.75 ; vtaluut block , W.OO ; Illinois , 8I.25@4.75. Dry GootlH. COTTON FI.ANNKI.S 10 per cent trade dls count LL , 6 fc ; CC , 7J c ; SS. 8'fc ' ; Nameless , 5Uc ; No. 5. Uo ; EK , 0 c\ \ ( JJ , lOKc ! XX , 12c ; OO , 14c ; NN , Ific , ItX. isc ; u.20o : No. 10 , Kc ; 40 , lOJ c : o- 15 ! < c : 80 , 15cnlored ; : , lOc ; ft" , colored. 12c ; 70. colored , 15c ; Bristol , 13 > < u ; Union Pacilic. 18c. CAIII-KT WAitr-Blbb white , WKc ; col- oretl , 20 I ) AT rs Standard , 8c ; Gcui , He ; Beauty , 12Ku : Boone , 14c ; B. cased , 80.50. PHINTS-SOUD Coi.oits-Atlant5Kc ; hla- terSc : Berlin Oil fli < cGarnerOII ; Oto 7. PINK AND MORES Itlchmond c : Allen6c ; Hlver- point 5c ; Steel UlverCo : Ulchmona6c ; Pacllio u > < c.INDUIO BLUE Washington Oc ; Ameri can 6 } < e ; Arnold CWc ; ArnoldlJ Ho ; Arnold A 12c ; Arnold GolcUeal Vi e. DitKss-Char- 'ter Ok4 ciuui io3/ic ; LodHXc ; Allen ; , Richmond 5Jc , Windsor Co ; Kddystono GixoHAM-l'lunkctt checks 7 tf : Whltten- ton 7Kc ; York 7i c ; Norraandlo Dress ou , Calcutta Dress 8Xc : Whlttenton Dress DC ; Kenfrew Dross Oc to 13tfc ; CAMnnics Slater 4Vc ; Woods 4 > fc ; Stan dard 4Hc ; Peacock 4Ko. CoitsET.KAX8 ) Androscoggln 7 > { o ; Hear- sago 7Vc ; ltockpoitr ; Conestopa otfr. DUCK-West Point 20 ln.,8oz. . lOHc ; West Point 29 In. . 10oz. . l2Kc : West Point 20 In. , 12 or. . , 15c ; West Point 40 In. , tl oz. . ICc. Checks-Caledonia X. Otfc : Caledonia XX , Economy to BKc ; Otis 0 ' TICKS Lewlston 80 In. , 12 fc : Lowlston 32 In. , WKo : York 3tln. . 14c ; bwlft Klvor7Xc ! Thorndlko O O , S'/o ; Thorndlko K F , 8kc ; Thorndike 120. 0 > < c : Thorndlko XXX , 16o ; Cordls No. 6 , OJ a : Cordls No. 4 , lie. DENIMS Amoskeag oz. , lite : Kverott 1 oz. , IHo ; York 7oz. , 13c ; Hnvmakor 8 ! < elafT : - rey XX. UXe ; Jaffrey XXX , 12Xr ; Beaver Creek AA. 12e ; Bea\er Creek BU , He ; Beaver Creek CO , lOc. KENTUCKY JEANS Memorial 15c : Canton 18c ; Durham 27)fc ; Hercules We ; Leaming ton 22 > 'c ; Cottswold 25c. CnAsii-Stcvens'BlOc ; bleached 7c ; Ste vens' A 7Uc ; bleached 8Wc : Stevens' P 8Uc : bleached OXc : 8tevensr N OJ c ; bleached lOWc ; Stevens'8 UT12Uc. , , . _ . MiscKi.i < ANKOus Table oil cloth 83.85 ; plain Holland 8Vfe to On ; Dado Holland W c. FiANNKi.s-PIald-Kaftsman 30o : Goshen 3 < c ; Clear Lake 33Hc : Maple City 30J < c. Wlilte-0. 11. No. 2. Jf ? sic ; G"H. No. 1 , f , 27J < c ; B. H. No. 2 , k t2Uc ; B. U. No. 1 , f , 80c ; Qnechce No. 1. Jf , * 2o ; Quecheo No. 2 , H , S Kc ; Qufcheo No. 3 , % , 32Ko ; Anawan 13Xc ; Windsor 93Kc. Ked-C , 24 Inch , lfi > fc ; K.24 Inch , 21c ; GG , 24 Inch. 18c : U. A. F. , , 25c ; J. K. F. , f , 27Xc ; G. , f , 3-xx COM roiiTEns so.5035.oo. ( BLANKETS White , 81.00(37.50 ( ; colored , 81.10@8.00. . , . , , BuowN SIIEETISOS Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7 c ; Atlantic 11 , 4-4,7c ; Atlantic D. 4-4 , O 'c ; At lantic P , 4-4 , 5Jfc ; Aurora LL. 4-4 , 5Jic ; Aurora C , 4-4 , 4 > ic ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , 6Uo ; HoosierLL , 4-4 , 5 fc ; Indian Head , 4-47 > c ; Lawrence LL. 4-4 , SJfc ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 5Ve ; Pepperoll It , 4-46 > < c : ivppcreil 0,4-4 , Cc ; Pepperoll , 8-4. ICc ; Peppereil , 0-4 , 18c : Peppereil , 10-4 , 20c ; Utlca C , 4-4. 4Jfc ; Wnchusctt , 4-4. 7c ; Aurora K , 4-4 , 6 0 ; Aurora B , 4-4. Co. Bi.EAcur.D SIIKF.TINO Berkeley cambric. No. 60 , OHcBest ; _ Yet.,4-4 , 03/c ; butter cjoth OO , 4&c ; Cabot , 7 e : Farwell , be : Fruit of Loom , 8Ko ; Greene G. Oc ; Hope , 7 c ; King Phillip cambric , lie ; Lonsdale. llwc ; Lons- dale , 8 > c : NeV York mills , lOVc ; Peppereil , 43 Inch. lOKc : Peppereil , 40 inch , like ; Pep pereil , 6-4 , 15c ; Pepporell. 8-4. ISc : Pepperoll , 9-4 , 20c ; Pepperell , 10-4. 22Kc : Canton. 4-4 , 8 c ; Canton , 4-1 , OKc ; Triumph , Cc ; Wam- sutta , He ; Valley. 5c , Dry Lumber. DIMENSIONS AND TIMIIBRS. 2 , 14 & ' Ifl ft. U ft 20 ft 22 ft's4 ft 2x4. 17.50 W-50 20.BO 21.50 21.51 2S.60 22.6) . 21.60 21.5J 2x10 22.60 ! B.6j .1B.2S 19.50 20.50 ZlBtl 2a.5 < x4-txS. ) , .13.50 19.50iZU.60g3.00 | yj.03 FI.OOII1NO. A 6 In. White Pine 835.50 C , 829.50 B " " " St.W 1) , 21.00 K ' " " ( Sel. Fencing ) . . . . 19.00 FINISHING. 1st and 2nd , clear , l.ljfluch. s.2s 850.50 3d , clear , 1 Inch , s. 2 s. , . 45.50 " " 1 ,1 ,2 in 40.f > 0 A select , 11 nch , s. 2 s. . 40.0J " " IJ . 1 > . 2iu 44.00 B " 1 inch , s. 2 s. , 30. 0 " " W , IK , a In 37.00 pori.AH niMiir.n. Clear Poplar , BBda. . % In. , s. 2 s..S3i.lO Kin. Panel , s. 2s 27.00 " " Corrugated Celling , % 28.50 BATTENS. WELL , TU1IINO , 1'ICKETS. O. G. Bans , 2K In S00.75 " Kx3 in , s.ls 00.45 nin Well Tubing , D & M and Bov 25.00 Pickets , D. & U. Flat 20.50 " " Square t 21.00 110AKDS. No. 1 , com. s 1 s S18.00 No. 2 , com , sis S17.00 No. : j. 815,50 M 0.4 , S13.00 FKNCINO. . No. 1,4 A-Oln , 12 & 14 It , roilfeh $19.50 Ho. 1 , " " 10 " " 19.50 No.2 , " ' 12&14" " W.OO No.2 , " " 10 " " 17.50 HIDINO. A. 12 , 14 and 1C ft. § 21.50 C , 815.50 B. " " " 20.60 D. 12.50 CE1I.INO AND 1-AltTITION. 1st com , K In White Pine Colling 831.00 2nd " " " 2S.OO Clear , in. Norway " " 1C.OO ndcom. in. " " " 14.00 STOCK nOAUDS. A 12 Inch s. Is 845.50 No. 1 , com. 12 In. s. 1 s. , 12 It 20.60 " " " " 14 It 19.00 " ' " " 10 U 18.50 No.2 , " " " 19.00 " " " " 1C tt 17.50 Inch Grooved Roofing 81,00 per M more than 12 inch Stock Boards same length. 8H1NOI.K8.1.ATII. XXclear . .83.10 Extra A * 82.90 * A * Standard . . 2.75 * AHB&B . 2.5.r Olu. clear No 1. . 1.60 Lain 2.c POSTS. White cedar , C In. , Ks. , I2c ; 9 In. qrs. , He ; 8 In. ors. , llc4 ) ; in. round 15c ; Tennesbce Ked Cedar , apllt , I5c : Split Oak. I2c. I.I HE , ETC. Rulncv white Ilino ( best ) , 90o : Akron ce ment , 81.75 ; hair , iiOc ; plaster , 82.75 ; tai board , 81.75 ; sash , 40c per ct. ; doors , 40 pe ct. ; blinds , 40c per ct ; mouldings , 40c pe : et. ; tar felt , per cwt. , S2.75 ; stiaw board et hfy SOUTHHltN YELLOW PINE. Com. 4 it 0 in. Flooring Star " " 21.51 Clear in. Ceiling Si.ftc " % In. Partition 25.0C " Flnislil&lVln.s.2s 29.0C " Corrugated Ceiling , 4 in 25.01 " Yellow Pine Casing nnd Base. . . 27.0C SHIP LAP. No. 1 Plain. 8 & 10 In 19. No.2 " 17.5 ( No. 1 , O. G. , 8 In 19.5C OrncR POST QIIAUTEUM RTKII , ) Four Ii. A. HUSSELI , , oMisn , v Soptomlior 20. Ib87. SEALED propoials , in tripllcnto , subject to tlio uauitl conditions , will bo received ut this ofllco until 12 o'clock , noon , on Thursday , October 2i ) , 1887 , at which tiroo und plncn they will bo opened In the presence of nttumllnir bidden , for the construction of ths following brick buildings at this post , vi/ : 3 sots of Hold officers' quarters. 4 single sots of olHours' quarters. I company barracks. 1 quurtoriuns- tor's storehouse. 1 subsistence storehouse. Also for 1 frame coal slice ] , and tor thu conver sion of two storehouses Into comnnny bar racks. Proposals will ho considered for fur- nlsluriK both material und labor necedsurjr to complete the work , and for f-nch soimrtttuly. Preference Klvon to articlciof domestic pro duction and manufacture , conditions of price und quality beinir equal , and such proferonun Kivcn to articles of American production und manufacture produced on tlio Pacllio coast , to tie : extent ot the consumption rcqulroU by the pulillo service there. 1'lniu , spoclllcatlons and rstlmnto of material required can be seen at tlieolllcoof the Chief ( .Uinrtormastor , Depiirt- mont of the I'lixtte , Omnlm , Nebraska , and nt thlsonioo. I'.nvt.lopcs contalnlnir proposals to he marled "Proposal ! ) for Construction of llulldlnifR. " and addressed to thu underalfrncd at Tort D. A. Kussoll. Wyomlnit. The United States reserves the rlirht to reject anv or all bids. KinVAHI ) CIIVNOWKTH , 1st Mont &Q. U. M. , 17th Infantry , Post Quat- tormasttr. Union National Bank OMAHA , NEB. Paid Up Capital , $100,000 Authorised Capital 600,000 W. W. MAKSII , President. J. W. RODKFKK'Cashier Accounts solicited and prompt attention given to all business entrusted to its care. Pay 5 per cent on time deposits. No 200 Masonic Building , cor.Capitol Av enue and IGtli bts. Telephone No 81 ? . SCIENTIFIC URING I4-2O GLUCK & WILKINSON. FOUNTAIN . CUT AND PIUQ. . Incomparably th B t. JOBBERS' DIRECTORY Agricultural Imphmtnts. Wholtiale Dealer In Agricultural Implements , . . „ - . ' mid IlugEltii. Jones Mreot , between th and 10th , Omaha. Keb. LlXiyGKR C METCALF CO. , Apricnlturnl Implements , i , Huezlo , I5tc.Vhot ' .ilc , Om ha. PAltLiytORElfnORt\V MARTIN Wholent Dcal n In Agricultural Implements , ITmcornnrnl Bumln. rtl.TO.KXi and IO7. Jonn it 1' . 1' . MAST i\s CU. , Manufacturers of Kitckeitc Drills , Sccrtcr * , Cultivators llnr Hakes , Clilcr MlIU nml l.tihiui Pulvorlters. Cor. Ninth I4tlt uiitl Nlclmli SU. WINONA * IMl LKMKNT Cai Wholesale AyrlcttltHt'al Implement. * Wittrons and ll.iir.rlcs. ornor Uth & Nlohuliu su. Artitts' Material. Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs , IMS I > onila _ Stroel , Omaha. _ Boots and Shoes. Jobbers of Boots and Shoes. 1411 Farnaui it , Omaha. Nab. VUuufuctory , Summw _ > trt l , Ho tnn. K1KKKNDAL1. , JUNICS A : CO. Successors to ltcod.lours , V Co. , Wholtumlo Manufacturer * ol Hoots & Shoe * . Airts for 1otmt ! Itulilier Shoo Co. J114 * . 11IVI . ' I'm 'ii m"t "m'lm Vi-hr-ii.Vi. Coffee , Sp/cei , Etc. CUKFKE Cu. , Omnlm Coffee and Spice Mills. Toug , ColTcos , Hplceo , llnkliur 1'owilor , Flavoring KMrneU , I.unmlry Hluolnk , cte. 1414-1410 Ilarney St Omutm , Nebraska , Crockery antf Glassware W. L. WRIGHT , Agent for'ho llauufacturcn and Importer * of Crockery , Glassware , Lumps , Cblranoj , etc. OfBco , 117 South Uth it , Omaha , Neb. Commission and Storage. Commission and Jobbing : . Batter. Bfmsand Prortuco. ComlKnmeDtii aolKlted. UeadquHrteri for Btunewtru , Kerry Holts ana Urupe llBBkeu. lilt UoilieitreetOmaha. RIDDELL C RIDDELL , Storairo nnd Commission MorchnnK epoUultlO-Biitlcr , Kfitt. Chccno. Po iltrjr , Uamo , Oysters , etc. . etc. 112 S. Uth St. WIEDEMAN < R CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , Poultry , llutter , Game , Piniti , tc. 230 i. 14th it tmmlia. Neb , i.rsluijii-nt tt i it GEO SC1MOEDER&CO. , Biiccos ois to McSliHtio A bcliroodo-r. Produce Coinmlsolon und Colil .Storage. Oniuhu , Neb. Coal , Coke and Lime. r. Pros. C. T. noonMjlx , T. Pioi. J. A. MTNliEltliAND , Sac. and Treai. OMAHA COAL , COKE d > LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. 1WJ ? outli Vhlrttanth Stioot. Omaha. Nob. ManHfiietiii'oi'3 of Illinois White Lime , And Shipper * of < 'onl nnd Cuke , roinont , Planter , Ume , llalr , Hro Drlck , Diulii , Tile niul Howei I'ipo. omen , IMxtnn HotelKai - tin et. Unmlia , Nub. Teluphonoall. _ NEBRASKA FUKL CO. , Shipper * of Cottl and Cvko , 814S. 11lhSt.Omnhn , Neb. Dry Goods and Notions. jr. E. SMITH c co , , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions 1102 and HIM llounlaa. cor , llth Bt. , Omaha. Xub. KILl'ATRICK-KOCH , DRY GOODS CO , , Tmpoi tort nnd Jobbers Dry Ooods. Notions , ( louts' Funilshliii , ' Roods. ( or. 11th & llaiiicy Bt . . Omnlm furniture. EY 3Ts Wholesale Dealers in Furniture. Farnam > L. Oiimtm , Neb. CHARLES smrnniCK , Furniture , Jieddinff , Upholstery , Minors , etc. 120flia anil 1J10 ir raam t. . Omaha. .Groceries , T'AXTOX , GALl AGllElt < C CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , No70'i , 707 , TOO and 711 H. JOth it , Omaha , Nob. McCORD , ItMADl' CO. , AYliolesalo Grocers , ltn and J.cavonworiU tl5.Omnh.i. Grot'era , 1219 , U'21,1221 Hniney St. , Omaha , Noli. ALLEN BROS. , If'lioJciutlts Grocers , llHiitnl lllfl Hnrnny Htrcrt , Omnhn. Hardware. LEE , VRJE1) & CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Kh t Iron , Ktc. Acenti for Howe Scalea , aud Miami PiiwdcrCo.Oni lmN b. HIMEBA UGH C TA YLOR , Bnilders'Hardwaro&Scaio Repair Shop Uochaulca' Tool * and DutTalo Sc lm. 14UO L > oug' i iu , . . . Omaha , N b. tt . . = 1 . . . _ g KbC'lOK WILlilil.MY CO. , Wholesale Ifartlii'iirc , 10th nnd llnrnoy Streets , Oinnlm , Nob. Western Airuntu for Austin 1'owilor Co. , .lelfcr- sou Stool N'uIN , I'dlibanks .Stiuul.tid Scales. Heavy Hardware JF' J. JIROATCIT , Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs , WaKen Stork , Hardware Lumber , etc. 1901 und IJ11 lUrney n. , ( irnnlia. KDXEY & GlltJtOX , Wholesale Iron and Steel , Wagon and Oarrlaiie Wood rttocX neuvy lUrdwir * , Ktc. l.'U Hiid 121' ) LeHvcnworlh Ft. , ( linih i , Neb. Hats , Caps , Eto , W. L. PAKKOTTE & CO. , Wholexttle Huts , Cap * cC Ntratu Gooili , 1107 llniiicy Rtiect , Omnlm. Neb. Liquors. Dlitlllorl of I.tquon. Alcnhn ! and ? plrlti. Iraportorl and Jubberiiof Wtartainll.lquori. WILLO n'SI'RJtfGfS DINTILLE'Jt CO. ttnd ILER < ( > CO. , Iroportflm and Jobtereof Fine Wlno and Uanon Bole uj ! iul etur r of Rtuue'lr'n Katt Indln lilt' un and Domr ule l.lquor . 1113 Uirncj Ht , _ Lumber. OMAHA r.VMTtER CO. , Dnalo' . . AH Kinds of iluildiiiff Material at Wholcswlo. trivtund Union Pacific Tm * . Omaha. LOUIS ItRADFOIiJt , Dealer iu Lumber. Lath , Wine , Sash , Doon , Kto. Vard0orner7th and IViUKloi Cornet Vtli and Io'ieli' , C. JV. DIETZ. Lumber. 13th anil Callfnrr'a ' Strict * , Omaha , Neb. JfREJJ W. GRAY , Iiamber , Lime , Cemnnt , Etc. , Et < % Cor.ua and nouglai , ! „ OoJHltii.Ne1) . T. Tt' HARVEY LUMBER CO. , To Dealers Only. pace. UM Kirimu atr it.0ciah . ' JOBBERS' OIRECTOBt CHAS. X. LEE , Hardwood Lumbet , Wood Carpal ) and Parquet rioorlni , ith and DooflaJ irAKllFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. nnd American Portland C m * t Wtat * Aient forlillwaukep Hydraulic Cemintand Bttt While Mrue. Millinery anil mtioni. 1. Importers i\ml Jotiborsof nnd A'ottonit. as. ttth St. ffotiont. 3 iT. T. ROllINSOy XOTIOtf CO * VThnleuU D iil ri In Notions and Fnrninliiiif ( Goods , . * 4 li < nil 0i8. Tfnlhft. . Om h . -P VINYAK1) &SC11NK1UEU , Not Ion * and Gcnta' Fur * nlithlng Goods , 1105 Hnrnoy Stroct. Oumhu , Neb Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , 'vfl Wholonalo Dealers In Rcjlnnl and Litbrirntlnrt Oils , A > loOrc e. etc , Omnlm , Neb , Ai 11. lllshop , M PAPER CARVEXTER PAVER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers. rairyn nlcoMrekof Prlntlnir , Wra-ppln * nnd Writ \ns \ I'upor. ' tjpvolnl uttpntlon slreu to car load or ord art Printers' Materials. Auxiliary Publishers , Dealers In Typo , ProMOn and Printori' Bupplle * . Mt South TncHlh Street. _ Rubber Goods. OMAHA RUltRKR CO. , llunufncturor niul De li < ri In nil kludiof Kubber ( Jooils , Oil nothing anil I.i'Kihor llollliin , 1W Vnrnnm HI. S earn ritt.'ngs , Pumps , Etc. _ ' ' jy. STRAKG CO. , rumps , Pipes and Kiiffines , , W tcr , Rallwar and Mllllnit Foppll * * . Kt * 330 , vztand W4 K rn m tt. , Om h , N b. CirURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wliolosalo Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Bteamund Water Buppllti. Headquarter ! fur MaH Ko' tCo'iloo'li. tllirarnani it..On > hi. N * b. U. S. WIXD EXGIXE and PUMJf COMl'ANY. n ll a T Wind limit nteam and Water Pnppllei , FlumbWaoodn , ncltlng , llo e. Vli nnd W ) Far- Dam it. , Omaha. H. K. Keltnn , Manager. TelephnneNu.IIO. IIROWKELL cC CO. , Manufnclnrers and Dealen In s , iioilci-s & General Machinery Slice t It on Work.Btiutm I'untps. 8uw Mills. U-rHu'lj Uaenwortli Kt.Omnhn. Seeds. PHIL. STIMMEL & CO. , Farm , Field and Garden Seed * , Nos. ( lll-lJ ) JoncB Street , 0 ill aim , Nob. Storage , forwarding A Commission. ARMSTRONG , PICTTIS & CO. Storayc , Forwarding C C < nnml itloit llrnncli house ot the Ileunov lltiirvr Co. ilf- ( Klea at wliolosalo.nnil roliill. Non. 1303,1,110 niul lillUurd SL , Omiihti , Neb. Telopuono No. 7fO Teas and Cigars WM. A""w7rsoiT& ] co. , Importersi\mlJobl > ers of 'lean and Cinart , Hn'cos niul Daisy linking Powder. 1UO Ami 1418 Ilunioy Street. , Uinnlui , Nob. OMAHA MANUFACTURERS , Cornice. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , .lolm Ei > onctor , Prop. Uannfoeturer of Calvnnlici ! Iron an * Comle * . OS Uf.d e and 103 and IDS V , 10th tOmaha. . Nel ) . Smoke S a Its , Boilers , Etc / / . K. SA irYER , ManiirnpturiiirjDeali'r in SmokeStacks , Ullt < lilnx" , Tnnki. nint ( iunR-Hl Il < illi < r lloi > ilrl'i , * ' " ' ' ' ' ' " Iron Works. Iron Works , Wrought and Ciwt Iron Bullillnis Work , Iron PUIr * . Kiillinu. licuma nnd ( ilrilein , Sionm KnulneK , limn * Work , < ) i neral "Tounilrr , Mitclilno niul ll'ac ' kunllU Work. Office an J Wort , U. 1' . Ity. anil ITtli li e t. " " ( JAIA.IA W lit Ii & IKON WOUKb , Mniuifactiirors of Wtrcantl Iron Hallln'.i * , Dcskyalln , Window Guards , 1 lowerStanils , Wlto HlKHB.olo. IJ.I N. luh. OMAHA S/VFK / & 1IION WORKS G , Andrein , Proprietor. Manufantiiror of Flio und HiiiKlnr 1'root Fate * Vitults , .lull Wotk Iron ami VVIro 1'fneliiK- , : . olo. Cor. lull und .liiekfon st. ( liiinhn , Overalls. COMPANY , Manufacturers of Overalls , I eani 1'anti , Hblrti , Ktc. 1103 and 1101 Dou ' ! Street Omaha. Nf U. ' Sash , Doors , Etc. nctureri of Sash , Doors , Hliiula and Moulding * , Ilranch office,12lb and l r.l t8. . Umahs.M ? . BOim MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mould'nrn.StnlrWorknnd ' Inti-rlnrllnrd Wood Klnllfe Juitopcuoa. N. K. cor. BthKiul lcu\cnwortUBu. Om liH , heb. OMAHA PL AN 1. NO .MILL CO. , MnnufucttirriAnf MouldliiKS , i-'n'li , Doors nnd lIllude.Turiiliiif Miilr-woik. Hunk nnd tli nmt 1'oppleton Adeline , _ Brewers , ' RTORZ < C TLER , 4\ \ Jtroworn , North 1Mb Sliupti Omaha , Keb , SOUTH mm , C. H. I'M.MKU. N. I' . IIICIIMAV. J. 11. III.ANCKAIIU 1'ALMKlt , It 1C 11 MAN 0 ( O. , Live Stuck t'oiniiiltislnn Marchantut Omcr-ltooirr.il. Oppimlte Kxcluumo Ilillldlllirt Union Stock Yards , bouth ( Jinith i , Nub. McCOV Live Stock Coininlsslon MorcliantM. Murkot futnblieil lreoun | iillintiii | , titn Irart iin fcoclori liirnlslio'l on ifo l turini. Roforonc * O.iiuliu Nutlonol II ink nnd SoH'l Uuiutii Nitlu Unluii btuck Yurilt , Houtli Omnlm , LORIME ! * , WEsruRK'LU ' & MALUV Live. Stork Coniuili.iion , Itoom 1& Dxcluum'o InilUlliiir , I'nlon Viinls , hotith Uniaha , Nob. i HUAUI'K , Commission Ociiluis In I.lvo gtozlc , Hooni S3 , nlim htoeU Y < ls. , P. Onu : - Nnt'1 lljinkOiRuliut ulon VarJs Ilitnl : . S Oiniiliit , I ! . 3. U < i/ ( u/ _ \ Truat Co.L ALKXANDIiR t FITCH , Commission Dealers In I.lvo Sto x , Itoom I OiMioaltn KxdiunK'i llntldliDt , t "Ion Ktock Vanlii. bouth Uinalin , Nup. STOCK YARDS co7 . . Of Omaha. . ' Jao y. nofd. fi > rti > Uuent.