* " * Jf ' a rOTE , , OTE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 22. 1887. CROCKER'S ' GALLANT BRIGADE The Annual Reunion Now Being Held at Davenport. HAWKEYE NASBYS COMPLAIN. Ihcy Wnnt Afore Snlrtrj and IICM I3x- l onsc Colonel Alllo Smith 1C Ire- ted Commnnrt.int of 'tlic Sol- llomo Iowa. Crocker' * Itrltcadn Reunion. DAVF.NTOIIT , la. , Sept. 21. ( Special Tele- pram to the HIIK.J Thennunal reunion of the celeliratcd Crocker's Iowa brigade , composed of | Eleven Infantry regiments , com menced hero to-day under the presidency of General Uelknap , ex-secrntary of war. The llmidnncB of members Is largo and an Inter- tstlnit programme Is bejnn carried out The brlirado was formed nt Shlloh under General Crocker nud toinalned as n brlgada In thn f6urth division until the end of the war. It was subsequently commanded bv General Hugh Treld. Colonel William Hall. Colonel John Spano. General Alexander Chambers , of the regular army , nnd General Del knap. It took part In Sherman's battles nnd marches. These four regiments remained In the army of the Tennessee from the be ginning to the end of the rebellion. The or ganization In social and non-political. There nro about seven hundred veterans attending thn reunion , nnd many prominent visitors , Including Senator Allison , ex-Governors Gear nnd Sherman and others. This evuntnc thu opera homo was packed , when Mayor Clnussen delivered the speech of welcome , to which response was mnilo by General Bel- knan. Thmi followed n camp ( ire with many brUllant short speeches. Counterfeiters Arrosted. Dr.gMoi.XK8 , la. , Sept. 21. ( Special Tele- grain to thn Uui : . | Late this ovonlug tl.u particulars of the arrest ot a couple of coun terfeiters In Marshall county was made pub lic. Last Saturday afternoon a merchant of Ituono discovered that ho had taken counter feit silver dollars and could recall the person leaving It as a well dressed laUy who he thouirht had done no by mistake. In hunt ing her up some suspicious circumstances were noted and on Monday she was observed to be nbout to take the train much disguised. Hhe was arrested and searched and thlrty- nevcn counterfeit silver dollars were found oecreted In heriiross. She was put in jail and after several hours Imprisonment gave her name as Anderson and confessed that she had been sen thy her husband to pass oir this bouus money In the town , stating that he lived in Ithodes , Marshall county The federal ollicers went ( hero nnd arrested him. He admitted that his wife had gone to dispose ot the bogus coin but refused to reveal moro. A careful search ot the promises failed to find anv tools or contra band property but it Is believed that the couple are old offenders and have hid thulr machinery. They were brought to this city nnd the woman was put In jail. Doth wore bound over to the grand jury , ' * Iowa Nasbys Organize. DKS Mounts , la. , Sept SI. ( Special Tele gram to the UKI : . ] Twenty-livo postmasters of thn third or fourth class from the Seventh congressional district met hero to-day nnd organized a district association , electing D. C. West , of Perry , as president Their grievance Is in regard to their salaries , and they have organlzen In harmony with * a na tional movement to petition congress to raise thulr salaries and relieve thorn irom the bur den of clerk hire and ollico rent. They elected their chairman ns a delegate to the national convention of postmasters , which meets in Washington Iu December. Knltcrs Moot. CUNTON , In. , Sept 31. ( Special Telegram to the Jim : . | The Mississippi Hivnr Logging company ouo ot the most extensive rafters on the Mississippi and Its tributaries , hold its annual meeting hero to-day , ratifying the purchase of the Eau Claim Lumber company property nnd leaving the amount of logs to lie. banked this winter to the officers. The following ollicers wnre elected : F. Wvlien- liauser , of Uocl : Island , HI. , president ; Artemu.i Lamb , of Clinton , la. , vlco presi dent ; Thomas Irvln , of Beef Slough , secretary. _ Kleotert Commandant , DKS MOINKS , In. , Sept 21. | Special Tele gram to the UKK. | The board of tiustccsof the now soldiers' homo have elected as com mandant Colonel Milo Smith , of Clinton. IIo was the colonel of the old Second Iowa that made thu famous charge at the battle nf Donclsuii ; the redtnent which numbered nmong its commanders General Ttittlo nnd General Crocker. The selection glvoa very general satisfaction and thn homo will bo opened for occupants on November 1. Two Convict * Awnltlnir Dcnth , ANAMOSA , la. , Sept. 21. ( Special to the UKK. | Two men now confined In thn peni tentiary nt this place , are to bo hung , ono next January nnd the other in Ui'coinbeu. Doth nro sentenced for murder. Ono Is playing the crazy dodge nnd claims to be endowed dewed with the faculty of Berlin : lib departed - parted friends , nnd whan asked by the war den of the prison if ho could see bis murdered victim his insanity Immediately vanished. Narrowly Eaoaped Drowning. KKOKUIC , In. , Sept. 21. iSpeclal Telegram to the UKK.I Miss Alice King , a daughter of U. II. King , a prominent merchant , acci dentally fell into the basin of an artesian well In Itecd park this morning. She was taken out and her lifo was saved vrMb dif ficulty. Killed in a llunnwajr. KKOKUIC , la. , Sept 21. [ Special Telegram to the Hun. ] William Cason , a hluhly re spected young farmer , was thrown from a wagon near La Grange , Mo. , to-day In a run away nnd killed. Is Morlnrlty M.id ? NEW YOUK , Sept. 21. ( Special1 Telegram Id thu Him. ] Tlio action brought by Mrs. Morlarltv to have her husband declared a lunatlo was the subject of nn argument in the supreme court chambers this morning. Phillip Morlnrlty Is a brother of a well known Kast Side furniture dealer , for whom lie used to work as n collector. It was while on a round of collecting that Phillip Morlarltvmet Frlda Huno , n pretty little German girl whoso sister Louisa owed the Morlarity's a bill. The Huuos lived nt 4.r > 5 First avunuo , and Phillip called there often enough In the early part of thu summer to make thn neighbors bellovo that Louisa wns n poor hand at setll- lmf. Hut iu fact Phillip had fallen In love wltl. Frltla nnd they \\ero married on July " 4. liut the honeymoon w.is a brief one. Morlarlty had an earlier wife , who. when she. learned nt her husband's second innrriaze appealed to thu laws , claiming that Phillips was Insane. Frldn's lawyer asked that A commission be appointed to oxamlno inro Morlnrity'B sanity nnd asserted that the action beiruu by Mrs. Morlnrlty tlm first was only for the purpose of savlni : her husb.ui < t from prosecution on a charge of bigamy. Judge Van liruiit listened to both sldns with much p.Ulonce and then decided to reserve his decision. Trl-Stnto Undnrwrltar * . KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Sept. 31. ( Special Telegram to tlio HKK. ( The Flro Under writers association of Missouri , Kansas mid Nebraska , concluded Its twelfth annual con vention hero this afternoon. All the routine business WHS finished up In coed shape. Just before the adjournment of the morning session .Mr. S. K Waggner , of thin city. In tlio name of the association , presented the retiring secretary , Mr. Kdgar lUiss , of St. Joseph , with a handsome gold watch and chain ns n testimonial of their lilnh apprecia tion of Ills services. Mr. Wairguer accom panied the testimonial with n neat speech and Mr. lloss replied In an appropriate man ner. The election of officers nnd Uxing tlio next place of meeting were the twouts of the afternoon , The following officers were elected for the ensulne year : President , Walter Scott. Kansas City ; vlco president , Thomas Ii. Tuttle , Kansas City ; secretary ana treasurer , tlenry 0. Stewart , Kansas Cltv. Quito n spirited contest nrosn over tlo : l- next place ot meeting. Kansas City , Omaha - and Topeka wore the candidates and Kansas City won on the second ballot Tlio nnxt meeting of the msoclatioti will be held about lie middle ol March , CEEVKajANIVB COU USE. Complete Programme of Illn Tour nf thn Went. WASHI-VOTCS , Sept 21. President and Mrs. Cleveland will leave Washington next Friday fur an absence of thrco weeks In thn vi pst and south. They will bo accompanied by no ofllclals , the other members of the party bt'lmr the president's private aecrctary , Colonel Lainont , nnd personal friends of the president , .MM. WlUon S. iilsscl , of UulTaln , his forme ; law partner , nnd Joseph D. Hry- nnt , ot New York , whto was a member of his military Htulf while governor. The following Is the Inlteiancv of the Jour * noyi heavlne Wnshlnuton by the Pennsyl vania railroad Friday , September 80. nt 10 n. m. , nrrlvo at In til an npol Is Saturday , Octo ber 0 , at U a. m. ; leave nt ' ) p. m. , arrive at Terra Haute at fi:50 : p.m. : leave nt 0:15 : p. m. , arrive nt St. l.otils Saturday , October 1 , at. 13 o'clock iiildtilirht ; Icnvo by the Chicago it Alton road Ttiesdav , October 4 , nt4p. in. , nrrlvo at Chlcaeo Wednesday , October 5 , at 2 a. ni. ; leave bv Chicago & Northwest * crn raj road Thursday , October , G , at IU n. m. ; nrrlve nt Milwaukee at t p. m. ; leave Friday , October 7 , at 10 a. in. : nrrlvo nt Madison at 1 p.'in. ; leave by Chicago , Milwaukee ft St. Paul railroad Oc tober 10 at 9 a. m. ; afrivo nt St. Pnul at 12:30 : p. m , ; leave Thursday. October 11 , at 12 noon , arrive at Minneapolis at 1 p. in. : Icavo bv Chicago , Ot. Paul , Minneapolis A Omaha railroad nt 8 n. m. ; nrrlve at Omaha \Vcdno.H- dny. October 12 , at 11 a. m. , leaving by the Chicago , UurlliiKton & Qtilncy railroad at 13 noon , arrive at St. Joseph at 5:15 : p. nt. , leave at .1:45 : p. m. , nrrlvo ut Kansas City at 9 p. m.f leave by tbo Kansas City , Fort. Scott it Gulf railroad Thursday , October 14 , nt 1 p. m. , ar rive nt Memphis Friday , October 14 , at 0 p. in. ; leave by the Louisville * Nashville railroad Saturday , October 15 , nt 10 p. m. , ar rive at Nahlivllio , at 11 a. m. ; leave by Nashville , ClmtanoKa & St. Louis and Western & Atlanta railways Monday , nt 11 n. m. , arrive at Atlanta nt 11 p. m. ; leave Tuesday , October IU. at 12 o'clock mldnhht , arrive at Montgomery Thursday , October 20 , nt S a m. ; leave by the Kunusaw < fc Eastern North Carolina routes at 1 p. m. ; arrive nt \Vi Hliint'toii Saturday , October 22 , nt 0 a. m. There will be no stops between the points abuvo mentioned , and In no instance can the time given to the cities where stops are to bo made bo extended. The fact that llio journey Is timed to meet lixed emraifements will prevent - vent any exception to this determination , but through the day , In passing all places of any considerable slzo. tun train will be run at a very alow rnto of speed. At tbo suirgtm- tlou of the president much proposed speech making at the places to be visited has been abandoned , and Instead an Important feat- turoof. the programme at each place will be carriage rides about the cities over previ ously announced routes. "COMANOill-i GKOUGK. " Tlio Notorloui Impostor Discovered In a New Hole. NEW YOHK , Sept. 21 [ Special Telesratn to tlioBEE.l There Is reason to believe that tlu witness , George W. Anderson , upon whose testimony chiefly the indictments of manslaughter were obtained against Keepers Clcary and McCtio , of the Wards Island In sane asylum , for causing the death of the patient Ferrlsh some time ago , is no other than Commancho George , & notorious swindler In this vicinity sorao ten years ago. In this case his testimony against the Indicted keepers will have very little weight with a jury , It Is thoticht. The Rtory Is that Comanche George came east nbout ten years ago with some In dians , lie told a story of iiow he had been detained a captive many years among the Indians In Arizona. While there he secured some seeds of the sacred Locatil plant , which he brought with him. The plant was a magnificent flowering growth , ho claimed , and he offered them for sale to many persons. lie succeeded In Imposing upon President Hayes , Mr. Blalne. General Logan and William M. Kvarts In Washing ton , and William T , Walters , of Baltimore , George W. Child ? , Mrs. Urexel and the Vaiiderbilts , Asters and Jay Gould in this city. Ho was a victim to the drinking habit , however , and soon found his way down to the slums , and In tluut became nu Inmate of the lunatic asylum on Ward's Island. It is said that there can bo no doubt about the fact that tlio two ure Identical. i : MUIiUEK. The Dead Hotly of a Lcnvcitworth Citizen Found at St. Panl. ST. PAUL , Minn. , Sept. 21. [ Special Tele gram to the BKK.I A case which has the ap pearance of being a murder was developed last night In the afternoon some workmen llshod a "floater" out of the canal at the Washburn "A" mill. The remains were re moved to the morgue , where a post-mortem examination was held to-day with startling developments. The doctors expressed the opinion that death was cot caused by drowning , as no water was found In the lungs , Indicating that death occurred before the body reached the water. TIM condition of the remains was such M to indicate that the deceased came to his death by foul play. The scalp was bruised , the sixtli and seventh ribs frac tured , the left wrist broken , and there were several other injuries. The man was about forty years of ace , and his hair and whiskers wcro tinged with uray. Another peculiar circumstance was the absence of anything by which the remains con It ) be identilied. A large number of persons viewed the remains , but Identification was made all the more difllcult on account of his features being disligured. Finally a trunk check was found In one of his trousers pockets issued by the Milwaukee road. The trunk was found at the depot. In It were two stamps marked , "M. W. O'Con nor , merchant tailor. 31U Fifth street , South Leaven worth , Kan. " NOTES. General William Preston , a distinguished Kontncklnn , died yesterday afternoon , aged sovontv-onn. Twenty-two house * and the railroad sta tion nt Dauby , Quebec , were destrojed by lire yesterdr.y. Governor Larraboo , staff and the Gover nor's ( irnvs culled on the president yester day and left tor homo last' night. The employes of the West Division rail- loadnt'Ciilcago have compromised with the company and no strike will occur. The coroner's jury In the case of the rail road accident near Canton , Dale , returned a verdict censuring tlm railroad company. Two section men were killed yesterday bv the caving In of a tunnel on the Dayton & Irontou road , twelve miles from Wells- ton , O. Gladstone has written a letter deploring thu nets of the police at Mltcholstnwii ant still more sr > the approval of these acts by the govern munt. A disastrous collision occurred on the Southern Kansas railroad near Arkansas Citv last night nnd oiuht or ten persons are repotted killed. llou. E. 0. Wnsliburne , formerly United States minister to France , Is In ft very criti cal condition at his son's residence In Chicago cage with an attack of congestion. Investiuntion Into the failure of the New Haven tlrm of E. S. Wheeler & Co. , shows considerable crookedness in the conduct of the business by the head of the lirm. The jury In thn case of ex-Secretnry of State Strong , nt Baton liouge , La. , has re turned a verdict of cullty. Strong was charged with embezzling about W.OOOot state funds. Thn committee of lines east nnd west of Chicago reached n auroemont on a new clas- blticallon of freight rates yesterday which will prove of great benefit to the commercia community. The report of the Xew Hampshire senate Investigating commute * on the alleged at tempted bribery nf Senator Sawyer by Kirk Pk'rcti ha * reached the conclusion that Saw yer was Justified In the belrof that Plorco In tended to oiler a bribe. The United Stales minister at Madrid has been authorized to negotiate HO as to place commercial rela tions between the United States and Spain on a permanent footing advanta geous to both countries. In the divorce case of D.wld Debonsaudot against his wife , Violet Cameron , tlio actress in London yesterday , the court Issued nn in Junction restraining him from molesting hnr The Marquis of Lonstlale admitted having had Impru per relations with her. Fred' Herrmann & Co. , cor. 14th anil Lonvenworth , have opened a ahool.n ; . ' wiignn nnil repair shop in connootiot with thuir bonrillug ami sale stable. Al work guaranteed aud at lowest prices. MRS , WOMAN'S ' ESCAPADE ? ho Tlnfortnnato Woman YTandera Away at Night in Scanty Garments. FOUND SECRETED IN A BARN. Slio I'loarts AVIth lior Discoverer to Help llor Klco the Country to Hide Her Shame Her lloturn. A Sensational Episode. Mrs. Mury Jnckmnn , who was arrested Sunday at the Instance of Mrs. Foster Jeffs , of 1U11 Farnum street , chnrired vitli having stolen a ring nnd some underclothing , nnd who was found ruilty of this oflunso in the police court L'tiosday , nnd ruloitsed by the jutlpo on account of her pltiablo mental condition , iaa created another sensation. Oa icr liberation she went to the esidenco of Mrs. Dr. John A' Cuscadon , 2015 Cnss street , nnd was generously taken in nnd cared for. It will he remembered she claims to bo the laughter of ox-Governor English of Connecticut , and that the sudden death of her husband , the Hon. W. T. Jnckman , of Now York City , and hur subsequent apid descent from nlllunnco to penury , hrcw her upon her own resources , nnd ho came to Omaha nnd got up- a musio class. The sting of her dlsgrucu icro was moro than she could boar , and L'ucsday , when the God's wcro badger- ng her for n , confession , she came near swooning two or three limes. Her dis- ractiou and wrought-up condition was ndecd calculated to incite compassion and pity in any heart. Her notions , iftor reaching Dr. Cuscadon'3 , ivoro so unnatural that a watch was kept upon her. In the evening she grow moro oalm , nnd at an early hour retired. At 10 o'clock she was apparently sleeping peacefully and soundly , but sometime between that hour ind midnight , she nroso noiselessly from lor bed and with equal stealth loft the muse. She had nothing on but her night IreiW. She loft the housn by the jack door and the promises by the back ulloy gato. Her dis- aoDcarnuco was discovered about 11 o'clock , but diligent search by a largo number of the neighbors failed to dis cover any clue as to whore she had gono. At the alloy gate her'purse containing $1.50 was found , and that was all. Her clothes , with the exception of her night dress and slippers , wcro all found upon a chair in her room , just where she had deposited thorn on retiring. The general Doliof was that rhn womnn hud mndo way with her herself , nnd Ollicor Turn- bull , with ii posse of police , went to work ) n the case' uarly yesterday morning. Nothing of her whereabouts was learned by the ollicers , and at nightfall the search was abandoned , nearly everybody bo- iioving that the unfortunate woman had ondeahor uifhappy lifo in the muddy waters of the Missouri rivor. These widely &proad rumors , however , wore quashed nt a late hour last evening , nnd the facts relating to the woman's ' disappearance came to light. L , C. Thompson , n young colored man who cares for horses in three different stables near Hanscom park , shortly after 8 o'clock yesterday morning entered ouo of the barns , and hurrodly ran up to the loft for the purpose of shaking some hay down to the horses in the two stalls below. To hia amazement ho heard the words uttered from some person beneath - neath the hay : "Oh , my Godl will you aid me. I am in trouble , am friendless , and everybody is persecuting mo. " Thomson started back with amaze ment , and as he stood looking with blank astonishment nt the big pile of hay where the words had come from , he was almost torrilied upon seeing the tall form of a woman arise. She was clad simply in a pure white night , dress , nnd her foot were covered with tastily ornamented worsted slippers , with figltt leather solos. Thompson began to believe that it wassomo insane woman from the poor house. Ho mustered cour age , however , and asked , "Who nro " you "I am a poor , unfortunate creature , " she replied. "lam accused of stealing. God knows that 1 never stole anything in my lifo. I have not a friend in the world , mid 1 want to got out of the way where uobody will over see mo again. " Thompson then took in the situation , and' the woman became quite ra tional nnd told him her story. She begged him not to tell anybody where she was , nnd plead for him to help her to get out west where she would bo nwuy from everybody who knew her. She told the story of her mid night departure from the residence of Dr. Cuscadcn ; how she had aimlessly walked in the darkness , and becoming weary as daylight commenced to break she en tered the barn by an open door , crept UP to the loft and buried herself beneath the hay. She stated that the ring that she was accused of stealing was only taken by her for a few hours' use , and that she was honest about it and hud intended to re turn it to the owner. She plead for him not to tell anything about tier to anybody , but to help her to get away. Thompson thought the mutter over , nnd in the meantime furnished her with some ot his wife's clothing. All day ho tried to porsundu her to return to Dr. ( Jusoadcn's rusidonce , but she did not wish to do this. All day long she tossed in a feverish manner in the hay. nnd nt times her trembling would shako the little barn. She could not cat any thing , and she could not bo persuaded to Toward evening she consented to ride down to Dr. Cuscadon's with Thompson for tlio purpose ot obtaining her clothing. Shortly after 10 o'clock they started in a buggy on the trip , nnd at 11:20 : o'clock they arrived nt their destination. After some moro persuasion slio entered the doctor's residence , Everybody was sur prised to see her , and it cannot bo said that they were glad. They immediate ! } * sent Thompson to the police headquar ters to sco if some nrrunguments could not bo iniiclii to cnru for her there through the night. Her condition was inquired into , and the ollicers , upon learning thai she was very feeble and nervous , advised that she bo cared for nt the doctor's rcsidouco. Dr. Cuscadon con sented to do this , and Thompso'n left for homo. _ A MKUIOAIj MIX-UP. Two Doctors With Ono Rite Cause a Sanitation. Yesterday , about noon , Dr. Ayrci , hav ing business in the Kstabrook block , on Sixteenth street , drove up in front of that building and tied his horse. About tlio same time IJr. Barusdalc , who has un of * lice in that block , had sent nu order to the Jefferson Square stable to send him horse nnd buggy. * Coming down a few minutes later , Dr. Barnsdnlo got into what ho supposed was the buggy ho had ordered nnd drove off. Still later Dr Ayrcs appeared and discovered his horao missing. Ho could find him nowhere and a party volunteering the information that ho saw a suspicious looking charao tor driving .furiously down the street will the missing steed , the doctor rushoc to the polioo station and com plained that hla horse was stolen. Jin Stephenson , the ownernl thu.quadruped > Yls ; apprised of his disappearance , am turned to the scene with blood in Macro. Ibout the tmto Jim's anger had reached over heat. Dr. liftrnidnTo cnrno driving IP with tlm missing horse nnd buggy , md was astonished' ' at the Hood ol bit- ingsgalo poured on him by Stophenadn ami Ayors. After , it' ' while ho began to mdorsfand the sitVaJion , when duo npol- > t los and scrnpin followed , nnd Dr. lurus'Ulo acknowledged that ho owed ho crowd Iho treatsft / * * MYSTEIUOUB SHOOTING. An Old Blan FlAihd Wounded Who Tolls Ifwo Stories. About 0 o'clock this morning Samuel Mundy , n man of 'ttlJmit fifty , received a possibly fntnl wound in the right side nbout the base of the lung. Mundy tolls wo stories nbout the affair , tbc first that 10 was held up nnd shot by hlghway- neti ; the second that ho accidentally hot himself while getting out of the car in which the steal irang , of vhich ha claims to bo n member , was looping. When found this morning by Juntaiii Green ho was at Harry Bran- lios' boarding house on Tenth street , ust below the tracks , where ho has been topping for the past week. In his overeat - ; oat pocket was found a thirtv-two-cali- > ro revolver , with one barrel discharged. Mundy 's bandit arc soft nnd white , un- Iko n worker in stool , and ho doubtless s withholding the truth of the affair. The engagement of the Rag Baby nt Boyd's , and the Cronies at the Grand Opera , closed last night. This evening ililton Nobles opens a three nights' ' enragement - ragomont nt the former , appearing Iu 'Siro and Son"nnd Tom Knono com- nonces a similar engagement nt thu Grand , playing to-night in "Richelieu. " THE UK } CIKUUS TO-DAY. The Dons & Colvin circus will exhibit icro to-day , giving two performances , one at 3 p. m. , niul ono at 8 p. m. , in the spacious grounds at _ the corner of Twenty- btirth and Cuniiug strent. The -street parade will bo seen on the main thor oughfares about 10 o'clock a. in. , and this prelude to the wonders iu store is laid to bo on the magnificent order , > eing nearly two miles iu length , and. composed of many new i a- turcs , which , judging by exchanges , strike the people as being pleasing inno vations. There will bo an Indian and a cowboy ) aml , which rather incongruous elements will discourse mellillous strains injn man- icr equal to some of the classic per- 'ormors. ' Tncrc was sono difliculty ex- ) oricnccd by the agents in finding ( rounds spacious enough for the big .cuts . , owing to the fact that the big show needs nearly a quarter of a milo race .rack for the Roman liipnotlroino , and .ho great thirty-ono horse act , a perform ance , by tho'.way , Which is said to bo very iniquo and quite exciting. The show bills speak of it us being a master piece of equestrianism , nncj such is will prove , no doubt. In addition to the tiiirty-ono horse act , and the trotting and running races , there will be presented a series of Roman chariot races , en i&Mtumo , with chariots and trappings historically correct , such as "Ye Anciotit RohVans" delighted in. The Wild West department of thn big circus is said to be jrftther on the enor mous order and consists of many games , sports and historic representations of the Tontior. Chief among the latter will be found the massacreo , ) General ( Jtistor at Uittlo Big Horn , Itf- which the gallant Custer and his brave .band lost their Jives. This is n dramatically thrilling epoch n pur country's ihmtory , and has es pecial attraction for Omaha , Ample street car'nccommodations ' will 30 found on tho'Green , and Red car linos. Doors'will ' bo ; ouen nt the .usual time , and the tents bo sure to hold twelve thousand. Golncn Ijong Way for Water. Joseph II. McConnell , of the Strang company , has returned from Green lliver , Wyo. Ho says his comutiny is auilding a sixteen-mile water pipe for the Union Pacific reaching from Green River to Rock Springs , where five of the coal mines of the company are located. Through this pipe , water will bo forced from the former to the latter place for the use of the mines and the citizens of the place. There are nbout ono thousand miners engaged and the town comprises about one thousand live hundred inhabitants. The consumption ot water daily is about ono hun dred and fitly thousand gallons. The supply ior the last eighteen years , with the exception of that of a spring at the place which supplies nbout 80,000 gallons lens daily , has been by means of water trains , which run almost daily between the two places. Those generally consist of twelve cars , each car containing about 3,500 gallons. The cost of the pipe line will ho about $100,000. It is laid five and a half foot in the ground and about ono hundred and fifty men are cncraged in the work. Thu pipe is eight inches in di ameter and ascends a grade of 340 feot. The engines to force the water up this incline are located at Green Rivor. At Rock Springs a reservoir is now being built which will contain 8,000,000 gallons , MO.OOO of which may bo forced through the pipe daily. The Nebraska Soldiers' Home. W. F. Scott , the builder of Kearney , was in town yesterday with the plans for the new soldiers' homo in Grand Island , which is now in course of construction , The homo comprises a structure , two stores and a basement , of brick and stone trimmings. It is ornate in design and seemingly of massive walls and ex cellent material. The basement com- pnses the kitchen , pantry , laundry , iron ing and other necessary rooms , while thu upper stores will bo used temporarily for wards and administration rooms. Tlio building is to cost $30,000 , and will bo used exclusively for the commandant , after the cottages contemplated for the private use of the soldiers and their fam ilies are erected. ' . „ Tljuse will nof bo built however , nnt' tbr the next Jugis- laturo , which will lie called on to make another appropriation , as the amount , ordered at the last Cession will bo ex pended in thu buildirr * above referred to. That Awjrtyl Motor. E. J. Benson , the.projectorof . the motor line to Benson , northwestot the city , sale that ho was araazc''fjt , the action of the council in declarinsr-his motor a nuisance nnd claimed that ino Chicago , where the business was grcatqc in two blocks than it was on the motor line in throe miles motors are tolerated 'jwithout objection. However , just aspoon as an electrical motor can arrive , i ' yill bo placed on the track. j'vj The motor line sot a force of men at wet k yesterday morning laying the cross ing nt Fourteenth and Douglas streets to connect the tracks already laid on botl those thoroughfares. The Metropolitan cable company yes terday morning completed the grading of one mile of its road on Underwood ave nue nnd the projectors expect in a shor time to begin the laying of rails. A Pretty Trophy. The Collins Gun company have Riven c beautiful medal which Is to bo shot for by the members of the Omaha Ulfle club , tin party making the highest score at one of the weekly meeting * , holding tlio same untl his score U beaten by another competitor Tlm holder of the medal , which Is a boautlfu emtxMsed target , ' surrounded by a wreath ol liiurol and surmounted by a iialr of crossed rlttus. Is Mr. Clark on , who olds faU- also t ( carry .oil tin ) tropuy at the end of the sea- sun. . AN OMAHAVS TEXAS CAREER , His Intrigue With Anolhor Man's ' Wife Costs tbo Latter tier Life , S. F. LEICESTER THE INTRIGUER. The Womnn Hliot In Court hy llor Deceived Husband nnd Dies Almost Instnnlly I < elccs- ter Under Arrost. A Tale or. Intrlcun nnd Murder. S. II. Leicester was formerly a well mown character in this city. Ho was ostensibly nn architect nnd draftsman , but really n loafer , n suspicious nnd nystcrlous character , Ho had an ollico n Grucnig block , Thirteenth street , north of the Millard. His place of residence vas West Lcavonworth street , whore ho occupied n cottjigo with n woman who insscd as his wife , but in truth was noth- ng moro nor less than Ills mistress. Her name was Edna Denting , and for n period of two years riho was a conspicuous fig ure on the promenades hero every pleas ant afternoon. She was nbout , thirty- hreo years of ngo , tall and stately , with ttminous blue eyes , nnd n muss of golden inir , which she invariably wore in n tcavy coil high up on the back of her tend , n hnnddomn dresser , llucnt talker nnd a personage who had undoubtedly > cen accustomed to the usages of re lined nnd cultured society. For n long time joicestor nnd his fair consort were under ho surveillance of the police , but nothing of a criminal or culpable nature was ever discovered against either of hem , other than the notorious fnot that hey were unlawfully living togetner ns man nnd wife. Some sixteen months ago this psuedo tlrs. Leicester's attention was attracted .o : m iidvbrtisomcnt in the St. Louis Globe-Democrat's pcrsonalcolumu. It was signed hy ( ho nnmo of John L. Jones , who wanted a wife. The advertise- nent stated in n succinct way that John j. Jones was the advertiser's right name , that ho was a ranchman , living wo miles out of Dallas , Tex. , that ho vas fifty years old , well off , and wanted x wife , bo answers excepting from those that meant actual business wcro desired. This advertisement Mrs. Leicester mswcrcd. Her missive produced a tnppy ollcct for she was shortly in re ceipt of n lengthy reply , couched in itlcctionato language , nnd detailing the ranchman's wishes nnd terms. The corre spondence was continued for the period of two or three monthsnud finally photo- ; rnphs were oxchnunod. The woman's landsouio face nnd clegiint figure settled the mnttor. Jones immediately there after sent her n draft on the Now York National 1'nrk bank for $200 , with the irgenl request that she lose no timu in visiting him , adding , if after mooting , either party was not satisfied that nt- egianpo with the other'wotrld bo con clusive of benclicial results , they could separate as friends at least. Leicester and his paramour talked the matter nil over , and came : o n definite understanding that if Jones was found to be * n person of meiftis , she wns to marry him , nnd to gether they would work him for nil ho was worth. Miss Denting went to Dallas , was met by Jones , and it was a case of LOVK ON I'lltST SIGHT. i'hoy were married the following morn ing , the Rov. R. L. Mnynard , of the First Methodist church of Dallas , performing the ceremony. For n month the domes tic lifo of the ranchman and his wife llowod along like a summer stream. The wife wits dutiful nnd lov ing , the husband lavish , gentle and ador ing , in fact they wcro a modal couple , and Jones' neighbors were unanimous in the belief that his advertising venture had indeed been fraught with felicitous results. In the interim Leicester , the architect , wns loading a lifo of 1EIOTOUS LUXUltV lie.ro. His whilom seedy raiment had been replaced with showy gar ments of the latest fashion able make ; ho sported a two karat diamond stud , elegant watch and chum , and in fact gave every evi dence of being a man of elegant leisure. Ho lounged around the hotel ofliccs and lashionablo bars , and seemed to have nothing to do but to make lito ns toler- h.blo as money and ease could do. Butte to return to Texas. Jones , after a couple of months of unalloyed happiness with his northern bride , bogim to cudgel his dull brain to find out what was becoming of all the money his wife was continually drawing on'him for. She dressed mag nificently that was true , itnd mnde frequent - quont trips to Austin , Galveston nnd Now Orleans. Still that was not suill- cient to lap up the stream of ducats which ho was unceasingly paving with her unsatittblp purse. Ho made several casual inquiries , but she was coy , artful and evasive , and invariably forced him to acknowledge that ho know nothing of n fashionable lady's capacity to make the lucre Illy. And as ho had plenty of it , what mattered a few hundreds moro or loss , any way. BACK TO OMAHA. Leicester , lust ono yeur ago , after ho had drawn through the banks hero , on Mrs. J. L. Jonus , of Dallas , Tex. , for moneys amounting to2,500 , moro or Joss , suddenly disappeared and was known no moro in ins wonted hanntn. IIo went to Ttixns. Mrs. Jones met bun at the depot. She took him in her phiuton to her homo. Ho was mtroduccd to the husband as a cousin front Minneapolis. Ho was 're ceived with open arms and told to make himself nt homo. Ho did so , to the limit , it is needless to ndd. Jones , though ho may lack ordinary perspicuity , is not nearly as blind as a bat. Ho saw things that made him think. Ho didn't just ex actly like his wifu'a and her cousin's frequent visits to the city , nor their long walks , in the gloaming ing about the ranch. And then , too , his wit'o'w demands for money were moro frequent and extravagant than ever. SOMKTHINO "WAS WUONO. Ho began an espionage upon the couple plo ; Ho followed their nocturnal rumbles - blos , nnd on divers occasions saw Leices ter withhis ; arms about his wifo. Ho was nursing ills wrath. He wanted to bo sure. But it is a long &tory. Ono day during the absence of his wife nnd her alleged cousin , ho wont to Leicester's room , opened his trunk and there found A UUNULK OF J.ETTE113 giving away tlio whole snap. Thcso dee umonts revealed to Jones what a colossal sucker ho was. They also accounted for the largo amounts of money his wife had disposed of , is well as the mode and manner of her lifo in Omaha , the identity of Leicester nnd innumerable other tilings calculated to rtif- Ilo a loving and confiding husband's temper. Leicester was kicked off the ranch. Mrs. Jones , renh/Jng that all was nl ait end , abandoned her home the following day and joined her paramour in Dallas , 'ihoy were prepar ing to depart for the north when Jonc ? had them arrested on a charge of coNsriitAor ANI > IIOIIHKUV. Mrs. Jones' trial began in the common pleas court of Dallas , August ID. She was placed on the stand in Iho afternoon. All the morning Jones had been deporting himself queerly , ami his intimate friends did not hesitate to say that they thought the man was crazy. His wife was in the midst of her testimony when Jones en tered the court room immediately after the convening of the afternoon session. There was a wild look in his n-ye.s and his hair was unkempt nnd disheveled. Ho wnlkcd across the room , pait the sheriff nnd his attendants , and up behind the witness box. licforo his intention could bo defined , or any interference could bo made , ho pulled a revolver and sent A I1UU.ET TilUOUail 1113 WIFE'S HEAD. She feli forward upon her face , deud. Jones was seized nud thrown into jail. The grand jury was impaneled the fol lowing day and lie was Indicted for mur der in the llrst degree. Ills trial comes up next Wetincsday , and the authorities lioro nro in receipt of nn cxhauMivo letter from Hon. J. C. Kcarboy , Jones' counsel , of Dallas , inquiring for information as to Mrs. Jones' antecedents. Leicester was convicted of conspiracy and .santanrod tea a term in the penitentiary. Ha is ono of the witnesses in the murder case against Jones , nnd information In rvgnrd to his past history lias also boon solicited. Will They U er Ro 1'alil ? Chief of Police Soavoy is not n little annoyed by the notion of the city council in again referring the bills of the special policemen. These men were selected and appointed by the council , yet they seem to hold the chief responsible for their pay , and ho is button-holed every lay by OHO or moro of them with refer ence to it. The chief has issued time cer tificates to all of them , and a majority of them have sold their claims at a sacrifice. Thu council pave assurance that the bills would bo ordered paid last night , but instead - ' stead Duty wcro a secoud time referred to the judiciary committee. llOHcnll Falls to Show Up. Tuesday evening n mooting was ar ranged between the special committee of the board of trade , the police commission nnd n committee from the council , witli tlascnll as chairman. The meeting waste to have occurred yesterday afternoon nt tlio board of trade rooms. At the np- Dointcd time the board of trndo commit tee nnd police commissioners were there , bnt Ilaseall and his committee failed to show up. In consequence the meeting to discuss the best means of settling the itolico muddle had to ho postponed. Kf- torts will bo made to-day to have another meeting hold. The Numbering Hnokol. Mr. Maynard and E. II. Homing , the follows arrested on n charge of obtaining money under false pretenses , were beFore - Fore the police court yesterday morning. These two sharpers have been reap ing a big harvest in the outskirts of the city. Their game was to call at nn unnumbdrcd house , and representing that they had been appointed by the city council to number all unnumbered houses , they would proceed to tack on a number rudely painted on n piece of tin. For this service they collected in each case a fee of $1. Maynard was lined $15 and costs but Homing was released with out fine. Pcrannnl Frank Drake , of Kansas City , is in town. Judge Hopewcll is staying at the Coz- 550118. Ex-Governor Dawcs came in from the west yesterday. George . Holdrojro. general inaniigcr of the B. & M. , went to Denver yester day . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Croft , of Balti more , are visjting Mrs. Ida Lawrence , 2203 I'opploton avenue. Mr. N. E. Leainnu nnd Miss Noliic Shceley , daughter of J. F. Sheoloy , were quietly married on Friday , Sept. 10th. Miss Rose A. Ford , niece of Council man Ford , arrived from Cumberland , Md. , on a visit to her undo and aunt hero. Gon. C. H . Van \Vyck passed through the city yesterday on his way to Fullurton , Nob. , where ho delivers an address at the Nance county fair to-day . B. B. Young , the new director of the Apollo club club , arrived yesterday from Salt Lake , and will hereafter take up his residence in this city. T. K. Sudborough , chief clerk ot the auditor's department of the Union Pacific , and wife returned from Sun Francisco yesterday morning Rov. J. N. Boul , editor of the Clins- tian Hour , left last night to attend the sessions of tlio Omaha Presbytery , which are now being hold at Wnhoo. Mrs. M. A. MoNamara has returned from Dcirvcr , having been called hero by the dangerous illness of her little daugh ter , Anna , who is seriously ill nt the conTent - Tent of the Sacred Henri iu this city. Rov. T. C. Hull , formerly of the South west Presbyterian church , is expected in this city on next Tuesday to marry Miss Allco Rogers and Mr. Oscur Williams , which event will take place on Wednes day next at the residence of tlio bride's parents. S. P. Morse has returned from the cast where ho has been for the last six weeks. Two of these were spent in Now York , in placing orders for the full and winter goods , and the remainder of the time was spent in Now Brunswick , and Nova Scotia , where Mr. Morse had one of the most delightful times imaginable. Dr. S. R. Patten , who for the past flvo years has boon .ocatcd nt Fremont , this state , in the practice pf dentistry , has re moved to Omaha and opened an ollico in the Ramgo building. The doctor comes to this city with the best wishes of hosts of friends whom ho left at his former homo. Tbo Theatrical t'rofegdloii. Morlt will win nnilrcoclvo public recognition anil pralso. Tacts , wblcli arc tbo outcome of Ki'ncrnl ox * ] icrlcicc , growing through years ot critical anJ practical tc t , boconio &a rooted anil Immutablenfl tlio rock of Gibraltar In public oplulon , unJ licuco- forth neoil no further 6ua n' 'o nslo tliclr gonu lnonei.3. The Indisputable fact tluitSwIft'j Spicldo It the best blood purl Her In the world , Ii one of Ilioso Immovable Olbniltnr rocte fncts of vthlcli "nlmvo cnuken , Hint every day'u experience room thUcoii- Mctlou deeper uml Uct per lu public opinion. Kvory cla : of our piopLo III America and In Kuropo. oviry trailn , culling and profiiolou. Including thu mrdlcal piofesilon , Imve borne voluntary toitl- monr uitha remurkabla tlrlucs of 8. S. 6. and Its lufalllblo ulllcacy Iu curing all dltrasrg of the blood. Tliexo testimonials nro on fllo by the thou sands , Odd oK > n to tlio Inspection of alt Nowcoinn , unsolicited , two dUtluiiulMiud im-mbcrs of the meat- rlcal profession , who Kratefiilly testify to the wonderful - ful curatlvo < | Uuilcs ot the Specma in their Indi vidual cases. Thdr'tcsUmoiilaU f herewithsul > - inlttcd to thapublla without further comment lot them speak fnr themwlvcs. The lady Ii n mouiixT of the famous Thalia Thontro Company , of Now 1m If , nud formerly of fho llrildmce Tiicafrr , Berlin , ut-o many , anil of iloVlckcr'sKtock Company , of Chicago. The Krntlrnmn Is u well known member of thu New York Thalia Thoat r Company. Jlotu are well known Iu theatrical circle * lu this country and lii Europe. Chiirlolto Itandow'i Tcillmony. Knv Vouic , llay 3 , 1BS7. Swift Specific Company , Atlanta , ( la. t Ucnlleinon-lIavliiK been nnnoyed with rlmplrn , eruptions and roughness of the sklu , from bad con dition of my blooil , for moro than a jrir , I ust d it leading preparation of sinaimrlllaaud other udvtr * tlscdreinrdlFDta norffi'Ct- Icon Iconiultedn prom- Inotit physician , and from Mi treatment rwtlvod BO benefit. I then concluded to try thn M. B. U. rem- tdy for the blood , and tire or Hi packages , by a thorouiih eradication ot my trouble and restoring ninovumrss to my sklu , hLvo made mo happy , und 1 cheerfully give you IhU testimonial for fluui us1) aud publicity as j uu wUh to naLo : ot It. ClIiHtOITC IUMDOW , 152 Bowery , near Canal bcroet , Hugo IlniakeiTu Testimony , The Ewltt Specific Company , Atlanta. Oo. i Gentlemen For two } earn I hailn tevero cajuinf ecii'iim. I used tar soaps , sulphur soapsnnd vnrlmn oILxr remedies , and was prexcrlUit lor by nnmUj-H of physicians , but found no relief , At last Iilitur- joined to try the 8.0.H. remrdand ecvenorelKht buttles have thoroughly relieved me , and you can use tills cvrtlllcalg Iu any roanuer ou wish. 11 ton lUkSKKHI. Mamber of 1 balla Tueatr * how York , Way S , 1SJ7. Tr tttUe in UlooM anil Ukln plseas mills' ! free. . , TB Bprirr/Brcfiin'o / 'Co. , * . ' ' Drawer 3. Atluit * . Ol. ' I MARKET GARDENING. All Interview \VHhOncorOma. ltu'.i VcKclublv Gardeners , An Article of Interest to All The Life ot a Sailor J low the GoodShip"Heallh" was Foundered , Etc. . Etc. Tlict llfn of a imllorM often vorr lntoroilln rrmllnir to ttioultlrcni ortliuuuMern country. Knowing thl to bo tlio rnct reporter riioiil * tUTinirliH note book niul Kubor No. S , otnrtod out to tlml an oM sailor , nml mtorvlmr film on tlio mutter. Tlio ruiiotlur inut Mr. llornanl Cnrslciis. who rcMitos in ' 'cntnil 1'itrk tionr the city limits. Mr. Cnrstoti'g , a tluriiiitn liy lilrth Is lt < tm lnp < > s ns Kttrilnnr am ) truokor niul Biiillosltio | | liotdla nml roMnurnnu of Unmlin with froili votfutHbli'R uvoi y innrnlnir. On bolnj itccojtod liy tlio reporter hositUt : "Ves , 1 nailed tlie sons for nbout ton Your * , nnd In Hint vlntt- ml nlmosiovory country In the world. 1 have to Clilna , Anttriilm , Now /unlntnl , thn Knst In * illus , mid utmost every aonport along thu Modi- lomuumn fen. Tlio llfoor miUor is n hard ono HI well ns iKliuiRinoiH one , and only n man jltltn vury peed constitution can stftnil It very IOIIR. 1 enjoyed my llfti oti the seas mid wan nlwnys healthy thoro. In fnctl never lintt a days sleknoM until nbout ono yonr niro. " "Thou you hnvo boon sick lately , " asked tht reporter. lVVo3.1 wni taken lick lost full. T lost my np- nctlto , could not cut onoiiKh to keep child nllvo , Imd night awoats , would KOt up In the mornliiK roollnir otso than n iniin who liml not slept nt nil , couM only oitt it little bronkfnst , iitul would hnvo to vomit that up vorr foonnltor oatltiK It. .1 was uttaukcd with n bad bucking couirh which would cntiso mo Intense pnln in tny cho t nnJ liinifg , would hnvo uhllNnntl fever ovury three or four days. My condition huciimo nlarmltiK. 1 could scarcely Hit ns much as n child. At I snlil before I bo- ciimo iilnrtnoil , nnd hearing nnd romllnp 0011- BlUurnblotibont lire. MoCoy nnd Henry I con cluded to call upon them , which 1 did nbout three weeks niro mid wns examined. Tboy told mo I find c.tturrhnl consumption and promised to euro mo In two months. Not unite u month tins olausdil nnd I nm well nirnlii. I hnvo no moroulKht ewoiits , no moro chills nnd fever , do not vomit nny moro In the morning , nnd to loll the truth fool llko n now man nlto- KCthcr. I reel ns tliouich I could not my onoiif h for lrn , McCoy and Hnnry for they have ! doo4 worked vendors Iu my rnno : Mil. IIERNARD CAUSTKNft. The above cut Is n very jrood portrait of Mr. Cnrgtons , who resides In Central park , near ths cltv limits , wbero he will Kindly corronornto tha nbuve gtatomont to nnyono who will take th * rouble to cull or address him there. LEADS TO CONSUMPTION. INTCItESTINO EV1DENCK OF A CONII1TION KOT TO JIKTIUKI.KO WITH. When catnrrh has existed in the head nml the upuur part of the throat for nny length of time tre patient livlnjr In n district where poopla nro subject to catarrha ! sitrectlon and the dis- CIIBO has been loit uncnred , the catarrh Invari ably , sometimes slowly , extends down tup windpipe nnd Into the bronchial tubes , whlofi tuboRconvey the ntr to tlio dlircront p.irtaot the Iniiffs. The tubes boconio niruclod from the swelling nnd the mucous arlnltiff from catarrh. nd. In MIIIIO instances , become plucuoil up. so that the nlr cannot BUI In as iruolynfllt should , hortnes * of breuth follows , and the patient bi-eiithcn with labornml dltlluulty. In either cnso tnoro is it sound ot oruckltir ) | nnd whcozlnir Inside the chost. At this stngo of the dlacubotho brmithlniria usually more rapid than when In health. The nutlent has also hot daihos ever his body. Tlio pnln which accompanies this condition Is of n dull character , felt In the chest , behind tha breast bone , or under the shoulder blade. The pain tnnycoinonml KO last few days niul thru be uhsont forsovornl others. Tht cmiKh thnt occurs In the Mrdt stapes of bronchial v'atarrh la dry , comes on nt Intervals , hnckhiK In charac ter , nnil Is usiinUy * ineRt troublesome In the mornliuron ri nii ? . or Kolmt to bed nt nltrht and It may bo In the IIrst evidence of the disease extending - tending Into tba Inni-'s. Sometimes there arc fits of coUKlilnff induced by thu toiiKh mucus BO violent as to cnuso vom iting. Iliter on the mucus thnt Is raised , l.i found to contain small particles of yellow mat ter , which indicates that the email tubes In the luntrsBre now sSi-otM. With this there are ortcn Ktirnkt of blood mlxrd with the mucus. I/i pome cases the patient becomes very pale , has lover , nnd expectorates before nny cnuyi- appeals. In some cases smnl Jmasces of oh COST sub stance nre spit up , which , when pro otl between - twoon the tlmrors , omit n bud odor. In other cases , ps.rticles of n hard , chalky nature nro spit up. Tlio raising of choosy or chalky lumps indicate serious mlshlof at work In the lungi. What It Means , Hniu 11 Acts , and What It 1 * . You bnoezo when you pot up In the morning , , you try to snccro your nose elf every tlruo you nro exposed to the leant draft of air. You have a fulluoM over the front of the forohond , anil tlio nnHo tools at It there wns n plue In each nostril whluli you cannot dlslodao. Von tilow your nose until > onr cats crack , but ft don't do any Rood , aud the only reunite that yon HIIO- coed In getting up n voiy rod none , mid you so Irritate the linlnir monihrano or that orjjan that you nro unable to oreatholhtounh It nt nil. Tills Is u correct nnd not overdrawn plotuto of nn acute attack of catarrh , or "Sneorlnif Caturrh" ns It is called. Now , whntdoe-i thH condition Indicate ? 1'irnt , n cold Unit cause1 * mucus to bo nourcd out by the KlamU In the nofo ; then those dlbcuficd Blumfs nro attacked by swarms ot little Korms HIA en tn nh Korm that lloat In the nlr Inn locality where the disease Is prevalent. These iinlina'.cnlao ' , In their ell oils to Hud a lodgment , InttntB the sensitive memlirano llnlnir the nose mm natnro undertakes to rid herself of them by piodiieln/r / a Iltol Hiioo/lmr. when the nose becomes filled with thickened a"nd dii.oa = od niiicm the natural ctimmoln for Iho Introduction of iilr Into the liuiirs Is Inter- Ir-rod with , nnd the pcr on BO ended must brratho through the month , nnd by mich moans the tliro'it becomes parched nnd dry , HiorhiK N produced , und then thu catarrhal disease gams ready access to the throat and DOCTOR J , Cresap M'Coy ' Late of Eellovuo Hospital , N.Y ANO JIOCTOH us Henry Jluvo Olllcea 310-3(1 ( RAMGE BUILDING Cor. 15th mid Harney Streets Omaha , Nub. Where all curnblo. cases nro heated nllli sue- cvsi. Jlodltnl iiltcusostrciitod sKllfillly. Con sumption , llrlKht'H Ulsi-iiho , llykpopal'i , Hhoii- niiitlfiil , and nil NKUVOHA UlSKASKS. All dl- poahcbjiconilarlo the sexes n ypoolally. C.V- TAllltfl CUUKI ) . , ( JONbUI/TATUJN nt ollluo or hy mall Jl. Olllio hours : 0 to 11 a.in , ; 2 to 4 p.m. ; 7 to Op. in. Bundnjrs Included , Correspondence reoolvos prompt attention. Manydlsoanes nrotrekted ouccoKslnlly by Or McCoy throujth thonmlU. Riid It U thus possl. ble for thono uniiblpio make n lyurnov to oli- .tttln HuoeuHHtuI hospital trontmunt At Iholr liomcA. Norlottois iinsworvil unlc Bcnowpa- ' nl < M > by fulnftHmp . Illrtfers to Or.J. C. Mefoy. room *