8 THE OMAHA DAILY BBB : WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 21. 1887. OMAHA'S ' MONTHLY EXPENSES One Hundred Thownd Dollars Dlsbnmd Each Month , HOW THE PUBLIC MONEY GOES. The Appropriation Ordinance For the First Month of the f resent Fiscal Year , For years past the monthly appropriation ordinance of the city of Omaha has not been published , and the taxpayers hare been left In the dark as to the expenditures of the public moneys. The pretense for withhold ing this Important ordinance from the people Is economy although It can be published for less then 810 any single month. The BKE proposes to follow up Its exhibit of county flnanceerlng by showing the methods of tax-catlnf ? pursued by the coun cil. We began by publishing the compiled ordinances for J uly and August These or dinances are passed at the beginning of each month for the month preceding. Their publication will interest a very large number of our readers. AI'PIlOrittATION OnniJfANCE FOB JULY. W. J. Uroutch , salary of mayor . 9 208 33 Eighteen cftuncllmcn , at 150 per montb . 10000 CITY ATTOU.NKY'a OFF1CK. John I. Webster , city attorney . I 250 00 Herbert J. lavlagslitant ntturnoy. . 125 00 I'ottur & Megentli , transcript . 75 Two copies ortllnnnco.cablo railway , . 3 60 Total . t 3TU 25 CITY TIIEASUIIKH'S DEI'AltTHKNT. * John Hush , city treasurer . t 110 00 John Hush , treasurer , for A. 1) . Urn- bam , deputy . 150 00 John Hush , treinurcr , tor F. P. .Grid * ler . . . 15000 John Ku h , treasurer , for K. D. Kit- totMlcputy . 16000 John Hush , treasurer , telegrams and pOStllffO . 035 John Ituslitrca8urori > ostage stumps. _ 2 50 Total . . ' . . . . $575 H roMPTItOU.KIl'S nnt'AUTME.NT. 0. S. Goodrich , comptroller . $ 18006 C. A. Golatto , deputy comptroller. . . . 150 on' J. K. Kouaor , deputy comptroller. . . . 12503 J. H. Coined , U. B. filing case . 75 00 Glbion.Mlllcr Itltlcbardson.ordlnanco .blanks . 1800 > D I * j- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Total . S 53460 John S. Oiiulflcld , ink pen holder ; , paper - per weights , etc . 1405 John Hugh , money ordcrfor postage bt iimps . 600 653 71 CITY CI.KItK'8 DEPARTMENT. 3. Q. Southard , city clerk . 168 00 11. O. Mnnvllle , assistant clerk . 12500 1) . J , Ilnnress , assistant clerk . 10001 II , U. Counsniiin , assistant clcrK. . . . A 100 00 Uoorg6 K. and \Vm Gibson , money for postage stamps . 1000 J. B. Cmilfleld , inl < , penholders , paper weights , etc . HOO Totter &Megcnth , copy of gus ordl- nance . T 50 ' 617 10 * noAim OF runr.ic WOIIKS. Bt AD. . Ilalcnmbo. clmlrman . 203 33 O.B. Mnynu , member . 81) ) . ' 13 I.oula llulmrod , tnombor . 8J S3 Finlcyson & Douglns , printing appll- cations , etc . 1100 E. T. Duke , wheelbarrow broom , C. clmliij IOOK . 3 CO 380 69 suFKiiiNTENnr.NT OF lUHT.niKas. George 0. Whltlock , suporlntondont of uulldlnss . 15000 George C. Whltlock , cash prald for plats and postnge . B 70 Frank J. Campbell , olerk . t 7500 Fred A Tompklns.lnsp 26 days at $1.00 101 00 Bimon Cook , msp 12 days , nt Jl.OO. . . . _ 48 00 138260 OAS iN < < rr.cTonB' DEPAIITMENT. James Gilbert , inspector . $ 12500 lloacwiuer & Christie. 1 map . 1500 E. T. Duke , rep lock and 1 pr plyors , MMM ' $1,35 . E. T. Uuice.lpr scissor. . . . ; i5o . 170 JUllo * noir.nn ixspKCTons' DEPARTMENT. John Jenkins , ' boiler Inspect'r , 5 days . f 2404 Herbet Standevon , boiler Inspoct'r 21 days . ; . 10000 Smith & Totter , 1 bench . 850 C. F. Qoodman , 1 turkey duster . 100 $134 50 Ixuls ncrhn , police Judge . $ ififi 07 .1. 1) . hiilpb. sec b'dot health . 2000 B. U Karaacolottl.vet. surg'n . 12 CO 8IIR\VAIK JNSPIICTOHS' DEPARTMENT. James Allan , Inspector . $ 10000 Jtosowater A Christie , maps and stickers . . - . 3500 B.T. Uuko , 1 tnpolme . 400 " $139 00 IIAXSCOM rAiuc. John McDonald , kcepur. $50 , feeding englos. $ ' ) W . $ 5100 Win. MoKnln , jaboror,25 days , at $2 00 60 00 1'atrlck Uoyian , laborer , 2a davs , at * 2 00. . . . . . . . . ! . . 4400 Martin Crow , laborer , 25 days , at f 2 CO CO 00 John McDonald , laborer , 25 days. o$200 . 5000 Samuel Jackson , laborer , 18 days , at (200 . 3600 Joseph Alahoney , laborer , 24H days at$2 . 4000 Thomas Holland , laborcr,17 days at $3 34 00 riillKclloy , laborer , 2i days at $ S. . . . 5000 E. T. Duke , hardware ana nails . 610 A. llurmolster , tinning roof t park house . . . . . . 4007 Oroonleaf & Oilman , painting house 10000 Thoinus Henry , plastering bouse and building chimney . 4575 O , P. Straight. building room aa per contract . $5000 0. 1 > . Straight , extra carpen- terwork" . . . . . . .18000800 Jai Stephenson , horse feed . 1135 $ BsTw 8EWKH IN8I'F.CTOIl'S DErAllTMBHT. T. J. Mclan. Inspector . f 128 00 George Itoed , laborer. : . 0100 AVm.McKol , laborer , 28 days . 5000 Wm.Halton , laborer , 28 days . 6600 Andrew Ilalton , laborer , 5 days . 1000 Wm , Matblesoo , laborer , 6 days . 1000 . * 31800 MEAT INSPKCTOn'B DKPAHTMKNT. Fred llloksteln , Igspeotor , 1 month. $ 100 00 Win. Fear , Inspector , ! month . 10000 H. A. Hosier's , I Japan sign . 800 C. F. Goodman , milk tester . BOO i zoToo n.unniNo INSPECTORS DEPAKTMENT. John 8. Caulfleld , pens , Ink and stationery . $000 Dowcy & Btone , desk and chairs . . . . 26 00 It. A. Kosters.l Japan sign. . 150 3740 John II. Hut lor , scrgeant-at-arras , Juno and Julr . 7000 II. A. Koitors , fitting up annex building - ing . 800 II. A. Kostors , painting express signs . 4960 1. T.LiUe , rope for. arba o boat . 8125 Total . $ 196 1C DAMAOKS PAID. Mrs. Alice J. Wllklns , change grade lots 102. block 262 . $ 150 OQ John Taylor.lnjurlng of horse , allowed by council . 75 OC Total . $22 ! KNOINKKHI.VO DEPAUTMENT. Geo. W. Tillson.clty cnvlneor . $ 250 OC A. J. GroTor , assistant ongiimor. . . . . . 160 6 ( Thus. Bhow , computer . 125 OC U.O. Carpenter , assistant engineer. . . 100 OC ( ) . K. Crandall , assistant engineer. . . . 100 OC C. F. Kohlman , assistant engineer. . . . 100 OC B. u. Knight , assistant engineer . 100 OC WJ. MoUathron , draughtaman . 100 CK K. It Kirobail. assistant engineer. . . . NO 0 ( O. 8. Collins , leveller . 75 U J. n. Drudley , leveller . 75 ft W.O. McLean , clerk . 75 W Jas , O. Bnowdcn , assistant computer - 70 CK Chai. Hobortson , rod man . GO CK Kd , Donahue , rodman. . . COCK Low Smith , redman . 60 CK T. C. Scott , redman . COCK Jas Ilruner , redman . 600 : M. J. Lacey , rodman. . . . . . . . . COCK John Ccwles. redman . . . Go CK 0 o. BoTler. redman , 8Vi days at $ ! . . 17 CK Martin Hughes , redman . 00 ex Elmer U.Hnyman , assistant computer to 01 Henry Oslligncr , axeman . 60 tt C. II. Hera m In g , axeman . fin I' . Ford , axeman . , . 6001 K. 8. l'ofsaxoman,20days . 3J s , Gcorgo IlotTman , 1 horse and wagon one month . $ George Hotfra-n , 1 horse and wagon one month , , . $ J5 70 Cv C.F , Goodman , Held books . V 0 Chlcsro IMinberCoit kf8 . Ill 0 John 8 CaulUeldtead | pencils ana pass books . . . , . . . . . . . BR Bwarti XKolley.prlntinif grade books 4o , allowed by council . 430 CK Total . ; . . : . . . . . . . . . 12,753 e . "TllEKT COOtlS9lONU'8 UEPA'UtMKN'T Josl h Kent ttreot com . -$1500 MlkO'lrten.foreman-1daysatft0 3 B . Itm Collins , foreman 25 daya-ai $ . ' .5i ) 62 S John CcUnian , fortuian,2S days at fS.U . . . , . 62-1 'KclislJiMon.foreman.eaday-stt $ 'J"i3 lit a u OI OD , arptntcr.i4 ! Cays , at ' . , VtM . . . . . . , . . , . . . . , . , . . , . . , M on John Gurney , MamZ2.Rdays at1M M 13 Tnomas Casey , team , 84 day * at $3.50 84 oo James Murpliy , team , X4days at a.60 S4'CO Tim Collins team 24 days t $ i.50. . . . 1400 Thomas Garaly , team , S3 tt-B days at 13.5) 8361 James Loarr.teamAM 8-9 days at $ % 50 8713 1'atDavltt , team,644-n days , at $ ace M 34 John Quick team , 24 days at $3.50 8400 Wra Kmorsontoam,24daysat $ , ' 1.50. . M 00 Onas Ualbralth , team 23 4-9 days at $ a60 82 M K. A. Davis team.20 8-tf days at $369 7:112 : U. F.Hrlirgt team 24 days at $3.M 84 00 Nells Larsan temn , 21 days at $3.50. . . 84 00 Pat Mlllltran laborer ! dnys t $2. . . . 4600 Con Cookiey , laborer. 0 day at $2. . . . 1800 Wm. Murphy , laborer. 24 days at $2. . 48 00 Wm. Fitzpittrick , laborer.22 days Ht $2 44 00 John 1'annska.taborer 215-9days at $2 44 66 Martin Pugner , laborer. 19 days at $2. 38 00 Dennis Hurley , laborer , 23 days at $2 46 00 John Hounccamp , laborer , 24 days at ' ' ' Frank'i'aVkerViaborerVza'daysat'lK 46 00 Mlko lllley , laborer. 18 days nt $2. . . . 30 00 Kd Clark , laborer , 21 8-9 days at$2. . . . 43 70 John Mctzger , laborer , 2. ) days at $2. . 40 00 Peter Iloylo. laborer , 24 days at $2. . . . 48 00 Richard U'Urienlaborer 4 8-9 days at $ j 497 * Put Ferry , laborer. 23 8-9 days at $2. . . 47 70 Pat McDonougD , laborer , 0 7-9 days at $2 1355 Jits Gonrncslaborcr4 7-9days at $2. 49 64 Thos. Shay , laborer , 24 8-9 dnys at $2. 49 70 Pat Murphy , laboror.10 8-9 days at $ - , il 70 John Kennedy , laborer , 23 days at ti. 44 00 Mlko llanaran , laborer , 24 8-9 days at $ , ' 4976 John Casey , laborer , 22 6-0 dnys at $2 4" > 32 Pat Hart , laborer , 11 days at (2 22 00 Hugh Dougherty , laborer , 4 days at $2 800 Tonoy Kennedy , laborcr.20 days at $2 40 00 Jas Dusutska , laborer , 21 4-9 days at $3 : . 4288 Jerry Decs an , laborer , 17 0-9 days at fi „ 85 32 John Ilavey , laborer , 20 days at f 2. . . . 40 00 Chas O'Neill , laborer , 210 9 days Ht $3 43 82 Dennis Connor , laborer , 22 2-9 days at $2 44 45 Fred Kutnpf , laborer , 24 days at * 2. . . 48 00 J. II. Schaldt. laborer , 8 7-9 days at ? 2 17 55 John O'Connor , laborer , 16 days nt $ j 30 00 Con Lynch , laborer , 1 days Ht $ i 2 00 Lee Hart , laborer , 23 days at ? 2 46 00 OloJonnson , laborer , 24 days at $2. . 48 00 Martin I'okornylaborer , 24 days at $2 48 00 Albert Nodlol , laborer , 21 days at $2. . 48 00 Ole KroderlokBon , laborer , 235-9 days at $2 4710 John Gallons , laborer , 20 days at $2. . 40 00 Chris Itasmusson.lnboror.Sl dnys at$2 48 00 Jacob Lmingor. laborer , 24 days at $2 48 00 James I.lnchlaborer , 14 5-9 days at $2 29 10 Chlnago Lumber Co , luubcr from JulytoJuly27 22881 Andrew MurphyblacksuiithtngAprllt May. Juno , 4770 E. T. Duke , nails for month of June. . 35 21 Total $3io < 5 AKVKIITI8INO. Dee Publishing Co , June 7 to June 33 $ 6110 IIAUMNO DEAD ANIMALS. John Nelson , 0 dogs nnd2 horses , $11 ; 7 dogs and 1 cow , $9.50 20 50 Henry Combs , 3 dogs and manure fromjall 11 75 L. A. Goldsmith , 62 dogs , 9 horses andloow 8225 Chas Splltt,211 dogs , 1 horse and gar bage from jail 8450 Total $ 149 00 KMCOTIIIO I.1OIITS. Omaha , Thompson & Houston Elec tric Light Co. , 4 lights , 10th st viaduct , Julio . - . $ 7200 4 lights llth st viaductJuno. . 72 00 Kith street bridge , 1 light 18 00 JoirorEon Squaru , 1 light 1600 ' Total $ 17700 ( lASOMNn LAMPS. Ohio Street Lighting Co.lluhtlng 9,180 lamps.Aprll $ 4778. ' ! Ohio Street Lighting Co. , lighting 10OC3 , lumps July 65810 $1,033 90 HF.KT. Exposition building association , rent city hull July Istto lllst $ 10000 MKDICAL SKUVICKS. Dr. P. S. Lolsonrintr , professional services city poor allowed by coun cil $ 2700 A. J. Johnson , rebate on taxes , al lowed by council 10 00 MISCELLANEOUS HILLS. Ilyron Heed Co. making deeds etc. , allowed by council $ 613 60 Andrew Murphy , blacksmlthlng on garbaoboat 75 Btuht it lluraol , grade Loavenworth from 7th to 8th , llnal estimate V663 10 J. Ityan & Co..grado 24th and sowanl to city limits.Ilnil ; estimate 2,020 85 John Kush grade tux 2WtU avenue , Htinscora place 191 91 John Kush grade tax 2DtH avenue , 11 mi scorn park 19403 John Hush , grade tax Woolworth uvenuo , Hanscom park 1,26022 John .11118)1 grade tax Woolworth avenue-llanscom park 1,5m 50 ililCO 53 ELECTION EXPENSES. J. IT. Hortzman , rent room city elec tion $ 10 00 IIA1LWAY ELECTION EXPENSES. llotclstcrs. clerks , judges , room rent , Omaha Kepubllcan , eto , $ 99200 Total from the general fund > $ 21,955 63 FROM THE LItlllAUY FUND. ( Public library expenses. ) N. n. Falconer , rent for July , 1887. . . . $ 108 31 Jo < slo Allan , salary as librarian . . . . 8333 Maglo O'llriou , assistant librarian. . 60 00 Jcs lo Allan , cash paid two assistant janitors , eto 96 98 B. A. Maxwell & Co , , now books 8.21 20' A. 0. McClurg * Co. , now books 37 05 Omaha Kepubllcan , blanks 300 Jessie Allan , cash to renew subscrip tion papers 103 05 Clms. Kvans , catalogues ' 160 60 Totalot library fund $ 1,029 60 F1IIB DEPAHTMKNT. Salaries of fifty one employes and In cidental expenses f 3,83928 POLICEJOnCE. Captain Cormack . $ 8000 Thirty-six policemen at $70 2,520 00 Special policemen , janitors , jailors eto 800 On Total J $ CITV JAIL. Mrs. W. J. Schaller. feeding prisoners In Juno , 188T. $160 60 Mrs. W. J. Bcballor , feeding prisoners In July , 18&7 1504531005 B. A. Orchard , relaying matting 6 00 Omaha Cab company , cab hire s 60 Oinuua Thomson Electric Light com pany , electric light for Juno 1300 M. Honors & Bens , cuspldores , mop- Deads , &o 0 00 < Totai $ aiTis POLICE COURTS. J.R.CauineldInk-stand , statlonory.io B 65 Oibsou , Miller 4 Ulchardsou , printing blanks 2900 Total : $ 38 65 I'KST HOUSE. H. W. Pettit , Vooper. for July $ 5000 C. It. Havens & Co. , coal. 0 75 Total $ 6fl 75 PATROL. Fiommlng It Shand , boarding horses $ 83 M Jas. Btephonson , horse feed HO US C. F. Qoodrnun , soup , s.U , oil , Ac. . . . u 85 Dennis Cunningham , horse-shoeing. . 15 GO H. H. Bright & Co. . grease , &o 4 95 K. T. Dune , hardware 1610 Jas Stcphousou 62 04 Total $21119 MEIHCAT. RK11VI ( { . Dr. S. P. LcUentng. attending city poor at jail 38 00 RENT. Exposition rinld'g Ass'n. rent of jail ic. , July Ito31 160 00 POLICE A I.AI1M. John Moore , supt 45 00 Jerry Leary , operator 70 00 Edward Hlche. operator 50 00 John Kclloy , operator M 50 H. Mlllor.-lino man 61 40 Davis & .C'owgllikeys for police boxes 6 50 Total $27180 Total of police fund $4,021 el FKOM TIIK GUltB AND nUTTER , ETC , , FUND REPAIRING BRIDGES. T ) . Konlston , Inspector , 1 mo . ' 100 00 Thos Ciane , paver , 171i days at $ .1.50. . 61 25 John Connelly , paver , 13 1-2 days at , . $ .150 6019 Clarence Gaul , laborer , 17 1-2 days at ft 85 OG Mlko ( iuff , laborer. 121-2 days at $2. . 25 00 Fred Andersonsand U 20 0. D , Woodworth.sund 28 Ofl * Total . $312 60 FROM THE JUnOMKNT FUND. W. O.Bartholomew , judgment costs 2723 SPKCIAL SIXTEENTH 8TRKET VIADUCT FUND. C. M. O'Donarnn. Inspector one day. . 3 25 SPECIAL DISTRICT , CURB. GUTTER FUNIJ , MurphyCrelghton & Co.final esti mate of curb and gutter , Uth and Klev nworth to Mercer 457 21 J , B. lllley , final cstlmato euro ami gutter. California st nnd 17th to 22d 11,025 11 0. F. Dayman , Inspector curb and gutter , California st us above IPO W Tola special district curb , and gutter - tor fund t 11.6C2M FROM TIIK NORTH OMA.1IA SEWER FUND , J. O.Corbeyfinal estimate. Waring main , 10th and Dnveuport to Cm- csgn i 873 5C FROM TUB SPECIAL CinADIXO FUND. J. Ityan & Co..final estimate,13lh and floutre its. to Vlutonst 1,902 C ( FROM TIIK PAVINO BOND FUND. ' Dros. A Co. . final eetlmate'lnt Idling district No. l . ; . . . ) ,92I 3 : MOM TItK 8PKC1AI.D1STR1CTPAV1SO FUNDS. Jlcran Bro 4flaal estimate , paving dUtrtetNo.60..SS 5,39015 Reran Bros. , extras , paring district No , 60 80 05 Barber Asphalt Paving company , final estimate , district No. 00 8,392 41 George Hume , Inspector , paving dis trict No. 60.7. . . . . . M M George ii. Dennis , Inspector , paving district No. 60 23 60 $11,950 34 Regan Bros. & Co. , part of final estl- inato paving district 61 . 7,88685 J. B. Callahan , Inspector paving dis trict 61 . 68 00 Oeo. Hume , Insptctor paving dls- trictei . 6000 J. 1) . Green inspector paving district 01 . . . 605 $ ivoo oo Regan Bros. & Co. final estimate par * Ing district No. 08 . $10,2:1 09 Regan Bros & Co , extras . 9269 C F. Hamen , Inspector paving dis trict No. 68 . . . . . . f. . . . . . . . 8385 Geo. Humo.lnspector paving district No. 68 . M 00 10,497 73 Barber Asphnl paving Co. , final es timate district No. 7(1 ( . $3,91671 Barber Asphalt paving Co. , extras district No. 76 . ' , " . . . 19 00 Geo. L. Dennis , Insptctor paving dis trict No , 76. . . . . . . ; . . . . . 970 3T945 41 Barber Asphalt paving Co. , final es timate district No. 77 . $ 3,923 49 Barber Asphalt paving Co. , extras district No. 77 . 3048 0 oo. L. Dennis , inspector district No. 3,90362 Harbor Asphalt pnvlnir Co. , final es timate district No. 78 . $3,34551 Barber Asphalt paving Co. , extras district No. 78 . 3421 Geo. L. Dennis , Inspector district No. 78 . . . . . . . . . fl 70 3.3S9 43 Regan tires & Co. final ostlmato dis trict No. 10H . $ 7,40450 Geo. Hume , inspector district No. 108 35 GO Total of special district paving funds . $49,240 64 RECAPITULATION. From the genera ) fund . 22,075(12 ( From the fire fund . 3,839 28 From the library fund . 1,029 00 From the pohco fund . 4,150 84 From the curb and gutter &c , fund 312 UO From the judgment fund . 2723 From special filth st viaduct fund. . . . 3 35 From the special dist curb nnd gutter fund . . ' . 11,66297 Fromttio North Omaha sewer fund 57350 From tne special crradlng funds . 1.903 CO From the paving bond funds . 1,9 3 37 From special dlst pay funds . 49,24054 Total of ordinance os amended by council . $96,75J50 From the police lund ns amended by city council : POLICE COURT. John P. Wood clerk police court . 7500 FrnnK Kelrul spec pol 16th st viaduct. . . . 0 00 Total . : . $185 00 From the general fund as amended by city council : E W Itnymond , moving bridge . $12000 The July appropriation ordinance will be published to-morrow. * FOUND 1)13 AI > . The Fathcr-ln-Law of Sergeant Moy- stcn n Victim of Heart Disease. Patrick Boylnn , futher-m-liw : of Police Sergeant Moysten , was found dead yester day morning on a bench in John Krauzer's aloon , at Twelfth and Cass streets. The old gentleman was about the saloon he nieht before complaining of a pain in us chest. A blanket was Ihr.illy spread ver the bench and he was told to lie down ind rest. This he did , and shortly fell into what Bocrnod a sound slumber. Ho was not disturbed until yes- erdav morning , when upon at- erupting to arouse him , Kr'auzor discov- sred that ho was dead. His family and 'datives ' were quickly notified and his ; ons-in-law , Sergeant Moyston and Peter 3onners , with their wives , arrived at [ Crauzer's place shortly thereafter. The remains were laid out at the saloon , re moval being denied until after the core ner's Inquest. This was held yesterday af ternoon , the verdict being that Boylan came to his death from rheumatism of ho heart. He was spoken of as a line old gentleman , and his death is a source of much sorrow to a wide circle of relatives and friends. The funeral will take place to-day from the family residence , cor ner 'lenth and Chicago streets. Notice. Any person giving information to the undersigned of the whereabouts of Gil bert Everton will confer a favor on him. Ho left O'Neill , Neb. , three years since , and has not since been heard from. B. F. Roiii.UTS. O'Neill. Neb. Unbrotherly Brothers. Jesse and Andy Martin arc brothers. They are also horse traders. Yesterday morning they were coming in on Saunders - ders street in n buggy. They got into a dispute over the disposal of a piece of horsetlesh. Andy smote Jesse up along side of the jaw , and Jesse got Andy's right thumb in U& mouth and chewed the end of it off. Then their horse took fright at the struggle going on within the vehicle , and kicked up his heels and ran off. The unbrotherly brothers wore dumped Into the gutter together. Andy happened to be on top. Ho begun to hand it to Jesse a la Sulli van. Then Jesse succeeded In getting hold of an old broom handle , and -ho knocked Andy down and beat him up until bis own mother wouldn't recognize him. They wore run in , and Dr. Ralph dressed their wounds. Then they stood up before Judge Berka and were fined $10 and costs each. Jesse settled the bill for both , and they left the court room together , just as if nothing unusual had occurred. Gas and Electric blent. Some time ago the HKE announced that a proposition had been submitted to the council by the Thompson-Houston Electric Light company , to illuminate the city , at a llguro which the represent atives of the company claimed would reduce the expense of lighting Omaha by nearly one-third. ' Up to this time , noth ing further has been heard of the proposition. It was referred tn the committee on gas and electric lights , and in their pigeon-hole it now seems to be sleeping. A citizen commented on the matter yesterday , and asserted that the proposition was worthy at least respectful considerationand the longer It remained unacted upon the more the people would be inclined ( o feel the domination of the gas company , which ho claimed in no way favored competition. Board of Public Works. The board of public works mot-yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clockand recommended to the council the final estimate of P , McCauly , tor sewer building in district 33 , amounting to fl3,83fl.GO. A resolution was adopted notifying the firm of Uecan Bros , and their bondsmen , James C. urennauAlexander McGavock and John Waketield , that three months over the time allowed the tirst mentioned to complete the basement of the new citj hall had elapsed , and that some steps must be taken to see that the work is coin' pletcd this rear or also to suffer theconso quonces. They worn also ordered tc meet the chairman of the board of public works on next Saturday at 9 p. m. tc talk over the matter with a view to ar < riving at an understanding m the case by all the parties interested. A Model Department. The board of lire nnd police comails sioucrs have been inspecting the lire department. They ruado a careful in spcction of the men , engine houses horses , machines and hose , and fount OYorything in an extraordinarily satis factory condition. The engine house ; were all found in a neat and Methodic * condition , the TBNM were tidy and keenly alive to the Importance of their positions , in fact every dMtil of the department was nil that coxrid be desired , all of which is a very ttargo feather in Chief Galllgan's cap. ZTho board claims that no city In the country of the size of Omaha can boasttof such a thorough fire department. POWDER Absolutely Pure , Tbtl powder never vnrlcs. A marvel of pur tyitrenirth and wholesoraonoss. Mare econ omical than the ordinary kinds , and cannot be old In competition with the multltud * of low colt Ihort weight nltim or phnrphto powder * . Bold only In can * . RnrAti BAKING POWDBH C . ll-it. . N. T. SIX UREAT SHOWS , With the only logltlmnto nnd thoroughly Remodeled - modeled Wild Wrst Show In Amorlc i , to winch ho famous Cutter Itnttlo Is milled , making til > lolutoly tlireo times the irretitost show on oiitth ivlll uAhiblt In Omaha one day only , on Wednesday. Never before In the Ms- lory or tunt iin.utcm ms untilscon 'ncnt it'icro a more cllvcrslllcd itnd ut- tractive rotiblnutlon of nse'y ' IntercKtlnu nivl luc.lvucmertuliimcnti IK-tli rlii the Kq > iptiUi > , /ooliKlcilnoi Illiiuodrmn- allc nurd will a slnilo ijlnbosunicetlisl mlta Ions of Adam Forepaug/i s Managerial Amtition. In ll < Titanic rrasn a Blnvlo clrcuf , u a n L lilp- poilrome. bocnniu i tnpro inrntcllc. Ho inultlpl m nil Uicio nyoir. : nq I tbun unnnlcmonti remidn pit Wllil Ne unit Hitter lint- tie that noulil pile the In- irectual frii of A Veritable Buffiilu B ! I. Fornlneieen weofcInNew Voik , u week \i \ I'll In- dolphlu.undiiltoli llnltlmoro uau WuBUln.tJii lu.U other cities on hl IMIJT Wt ' , Forcimigli's < reul Klorul Show Him been vl ltc < l not o ilr by tbe m.ijses , but by tin clergy anil the bet f iiilloj ot nil dnnom iritlom , who imvo cxp e sed ihuinselvos more than d llilr- Pd vrlt'i the nb < * o ulo exemption from evurv IMPS hlo tenure httiouldotTeiid.ua I K'eitly luttrjctcd by the famous Custcr Hittlo nnd otlur vivid pic- turiqipi > cuiie < i > r thd Wild West. In Wn hlneton City , the 1'reslden nn.l Cabinet. IM tit n. OMwrtti i en , iitfuiron , mil tary heree . m mbcr i of tin dlolnmitlJ cnru , nt every prliu'lpullly and iowcr of Kuropc , Aslii and Africa IncluilliiK ( ho lutrnlljn yuo in anil her unite , attended thecnat hor-pingl ! allow , to their Inilnltu sitlsfuction and aelUht. Thu ucco everywhere Is overwhelm ! . In every city en nnzlaus are the public tn seoittlai o.xtr.i puMoe Imvo to t e culled ! m to prevent mobs breaking through the ( anvui. . USSO , Its movement Is like a tidal wave or the trend of an nrray raurcbln * with banners. Everv nawpapor In thuea t where UieiMo.T hi < bcendeclarailttobu tno lulnil inlln ; IrlnniD'i ' nf Adim'fl life , whlln Mr Korepuugn stiuen Ills professional hnnnin ) rcpu'n- tlon upon the declaiatlon IbatbU present coiatlued FIV " | TIIIIKK TIMK1 I.AHGEH THAN KVEIl' Kcr full partlcul r. < see brolvominplit-t * , II IsnnU programmes , by tbe million scattered every n here , 50 CENTS. CHILDREN UNUICn O YEAKS 85 CKNTS. Twenty tho'-iiani ) leuti. ResciTel numl erLd cbalrs extra. Urand rtreot piraUe Wuilnoulay , Sept. 2J. Heservud scats can bo secured on the clay of mhlbltlonat Max Meyer , t Ilroi.1 Jewelry Store , ca > e ; llth and Farimm streets tit usual slight ad- vm'iil'o exhibit at Lincoln , Sept. 27 ! Council Bluffs , Bept. VJ. PIANOS ! CHICKERING Vose&Sons Instruments exchanged , rented and sold on easy paymcnttt , below Factory Prices , Instruments slightly used at GREAT BARGAINS. Max leyer & Bro Omaha , Neb. - , iBue\i , nlliL SMlalif cumnls of uK all wi tk trt .r.itor. litroiisSiMira. iucttlo C FT..t5V * -f llln't atlTor tforf ltJJS < iO Inuih. OmUit In ra > < au > lsovtr all li r btlts. W.ril OKI M un nlt7 cured la l rM BoiUi. . VolU rimikliltuip tie iiidM ElMtrta Co. 188 Li llc U Cheg ! . . . uuuneu.ScrVou UptjUltycai ] ed tbrouKh error * and bad practice * C CO , It Locust st , . . - < -f ' * THE BEST WAY To attract trade is to keep reliable goods and sell them cheap.Vd have done so and have had the satisfaction of seeing our business rapidly grow to be one of the largest in tha country. The immense stock which wo carry this summer will easily convince you of the fact ; with such a stock we cannot afford to make high prices , nor the profits exacted from the pub lic by smaller houses such a stock is the people's guarantee for fair dealing and low prices. We have opened the fall season with an enormous variety of business and drees suits. They embrace all the new styles and novelties of the season in WORSTEDS , CHEVIOTS AND CASSIMERES. Among the many special bargains we start in the season with , we mention the following : 400 men's all wool cassimere suits , heavy weight , of attractive greyish color , serge lined , aud well and substantially made , $5.50It may sound big to Ml you that these suits are actually worth twice this amount , but an examination will convince you that we are not exag gerating , and you will have to admit that you never saw such a suit offered for less than $10. Another great surprise is our all wool corkscrew sack suit , elegantly made and trimmed , which we will sell for $6.50. ' No house ever sold such a suit for less than $12. These are only a few samples of what we have in store for you this season. All goods marked in plain figures and at striotly one price at Nebraska Clothing Company Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha. EDUCATIONAL. . . 8EMINA11Y PHH.AWKI.PHIA AIlKal.tj ! North Broad t Philadelphia. 17th year bo lna Sept. .Mst , 1837. AddrOh § Miss It. K. JUUKINS. Principal , who refers by special permission to Mr. nnd Mrs , John N. Jewett , ) Mr. and -Mrs. Philip D. Armour , VCliicaso. Mr. and Mrs. Horace F. Walte , > ST.LOUIS LftW SCHOOL tAW DEPARTMENT OF WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY TheTnontr-firnt year of this well known nchon rrlll becln lit 4 o'clock D .m. . on WtDNf AY , OCT. 12tU , 1867. KlAMINATIos forndvaarel ( funding MoNnTOCT. 10th , I ) a.m , Kntlre conma mar bn completed In to or thr njenr at option of stndeut. Diploma admltsto Bor Tuition fH4 per annum For Ontalo u , etc. , ail Jreas , WIl-LIAIVl C. HAMiyONDi.L.p. | , Dean of Faculty , 1117 Lucas Flace , ST ; LOUIS. MO. YOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE And HOME SCHOOL , for KAN8A9 CITY MO. Full corps of iiccompllnh Teachers. Pupils received at any time. Korclrculn apply to. Mien B. UcCUMAB. Principal. Howard Collegiate Institute. For Young Ladles roopcus Sept ' . ' 1. Prepiirutory , Classical and Selentlflc Oruduut- Inp cour es. For clrculnra address RMMA O. CON UO , Principal , or B. U. HOWAltD , feecro- tary. West Urlilrowater , MASS. I > lltnw2 t OMAHA MEDICAL & SURGICAL INSTITUTE. Cor. 13th St. and Capitol Aut. , OMAHA , NEB. 1 On THE TREATMENT OP AM. CHRONIC e SURGICAL DISEASES BRACES AND APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES. TRUSSES , , Ariu THE Hew VAHIGOCIU SUSPENSORY CUMP COMPIESS. Bc.t facllUlei. ipparatiimnd rtmiAtt * forliirecmrultniitmenl .1 WiurK run CIHUIARS cm JtoformUles anil Ri ar. . . Club Feel , Cilrv tm.ortli 8pln , rilce Tumnrl , C.BoerCtl.irli. ISroncI Ills , Inh.latlnn , Kleirrlcilv , rftrttrii * . Bptlepiy. Ktdnej , BUJdtr , Lv * . lit , SUn , i l IJlooJ , nJ all burf ic l O | r > lloni. Book on Diseases of Women FREE. Only Reliable MEDICAL INSTITUTE MAKIXO A SPECIALTY OF PRIVATE , SPECIAL an ! NERVOUS DISEASES. All Blood ! * luctMufttllj trtftltd. UypMlltle Polwn fernowl from th tcin without mercury. New lletloi Bilvt 1 reatmtnt Tor l uof VluU'owtr. I'ertont waable to vliitiifniar LclretUJ t hum * , br Corr | * on < l nre , All eomuiunUMkmi Loi.cidtnlivl. UJl- ctncior Initiuincnltient by tyillor i r l , Mcurvly | > ickrd , no mirks lo liidir l contents or nder. One personal fattrvitw | tr * ftied Cull mIconiiiltui.crMmltiUtnrjr of > ur CUM , wlUlltBin and w will t ud lu pUU wrip r , our BOOK FREE TO MEN ! Upon TMvtlt , ffi clal on- ] Nervous D.KCWI , fen.lnil wtiknfM f cnnftinrrbtf * , Intiolcnry | ( flridiill * . Cent rrha , Glut , nud * I * cocetj. Kooim for | n.lieuli , Adtlrcut O/AIIA MKDICAL A SURGICAL INSTITIT , or > ) \HcMcnjmy , Qcr , 13iti st. & Capitol ATOmjna , Keb. He ilical Books orPapers Free. Tlie proprietor 01 thi > Onuha Medical nd Huril- culluitltute li published * rnlnable ie. of boon ami pupen upon ulironlciiua lurc.cul Ul e s uad dcformltlri , and the mtttodi of cure wbloti tiara glTenblmtne reputation of being tli * most iklllful undiucceMfi'lipeclalUt In the wcat , nnd made the Inttltuto to culeiratad tliul ra Jlclne ire tent to and pationu recel eil from every utitto ID tbe union. Among the book ! ! one npim the clliemej of women ! one upon norroua , ipcclal und private u I n- easoH of tliotexual itnd urlnnry organii T rlcocela cur.J by surnlcul uperutloni , und their Intel ? Invent ed clamp corapreni luip.'ntorr 'or tha relief and cure of YUrlcocele * nervous etli&ustlon andierual rtebllty. new runtoratlTe treatment. 1'arori upon urglCHl bracea , plldi. ( ancers , paralfili. tHi. Klec- trlcur nnd tie ne T mif netlc battery for home u > e | catarrh nnd Inhalation , eta. Unlike mo < t beoki Inued by doctor * free , they do not contluof t tl- monlnls with Nctltloui nimeiand Inltlali. nr rubbish of that kind , but are pliln Ueicriptloni of UUoiiiR. aympioms. new discoveries In medicine , eurfery and electrlrlty.nnd are well worth the peruiul. and can be obtained free bi addressing tbe Omaha Medi cal and Surgical Institute , LHh itraat an1 Capitol arenue , Omana. Mauraska. . UJli-1- YTM. MO IMTOSn. B. V. BODWIW. 1IOUWELL. V McIX'l'OSlI , Real Estate Dealers 140 South Spring Street , LOS ANGELES , CALIFOHNTA. Dealers tn city and country property1 of ail descriptions. General Information to neir- coomi freely tlTeu. BOTTLE Cincinnati , O. For sale by the following agents : Richardson Drug Company ; B'ake , Bruce & Co. , Adler &HelIer , Frank Dellone & Co. , R. R. Grotte. Borkoff ' & Mack , Families supplied by Gladstone Bros. & Co. Sample bottle free. For sale by all wholesale and retail druggists , liquor dealers nnd wine merchants. STECK PIANOS Remarkable tor powerful sympa thetic tone , pliable action and ab solute durability ; 80 years' record , the best guarantee of the excel lence of these instruments. WOODBRIDGE BROS , LEAKY ROOFING , Tin or Iron , Repaired. And Painted end guaranteed tlpht for number of years. I'alnts never blister. GRAVEL ROOFING Manufactured and repaired. Fire Proof Piilnt applied to shin pies , 15 years experience. WM. II. CUIUIAN Si SON. 2111 B.13t St. Het Arbor and Vinton. For all kinds of business at tbe New Town of Harbine , Id way betwcoo Fulrbury ar.d IJcatrlce on tha C. K. * N. 1C. It Lot * Cheap on Easy Icrina. Address C. B. LF.TTON Fatrbury , JK LER DESK CO 8T. LOUIS , MO. DZ8XB , BAHX COUNTERS. BANk , COURT HOUSE , COVERNMEHT WORK anil jiNEOrncEFiTTMaa. Beit Work and Lowtit Frlcei Guaranteed. 100 page Uluit'4 Pianos & Organs Retailed at Wliolcinlo Price * . < Wrlti for catalogues , prices nnd tcrmi and iavefromfiuto1504a tUo purcUaseof an in strument. . , ' I1VYCTT 1I11OS. , St. .Ioieli.2U < * . ' . t' . > t..j.J IJSli a. JL > DRS.S.&D.DAYIESON . . . 1707 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo. Of the Missouri State Museum of Anatomy St. Louis , Mo. , University College Hospi tal , London , Giesen , Germany and New York. Having devoted their attention SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF Nemos , tonic and DISEASES , More especially those arising from impur- dence , invite all so suffering to correspond 3 without delay. Diseases of infection and ; \ contagion cured salely and speedily with out use of dangerous drays. Patients whose cas s have been neglected , badly treated or paonoundcd incurable , should not fail to write us concerning their symp- toini. All letters receive immediate at tention. JUST PUBLISHED. And will be mailed FREE to any tddreti on receipt of one 2 cent stamp. "Practical Observations on Nervous Debility and Phytical Exhaustion , " to which is addea an "Essay on Marriage , " with important chapters on Diseases of the Reproductive Organs , the whole forming a valuable med ical treatise which should be read by alt young men. Address DRS. S. &D. DAVIESON , . 1707 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo. J. B. HAYNES .5 OFFICIAL"W ST NOGRAPH KM .TJ1IKU JUDICIAL Dl TUICT. 37 Chamber of ( Jominurcu ,