I r a - DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBEB2118&T. ' 'V. JUIXE PARSONS TAXES ARI 'r ' 'sna ant u Ob&ged He Deieuitcei the ' Council Committee. tINAL ACTIONIS DEFERRED. 'x ' h Inmann PauDcr IIeiU.satLat-LIn. coin omulal. fllsgrnced-No tote fiftH Omc-Supremo . . Dourt In Meuton. : rvnon TIlE flE1'S LINCOLN BUimAU.1 The committoc appolnthd to Investigate the charges preferred against I.'ollco Judge I ΒΌ rsona reported at the Monday evening scson of the council. A very large tiumber of spectators wore In at totiilitnco. The council committee that took the testimony and hoard all the cvi. donco agnInt tim police judge wore men of honor and integrity and the general feeling wae that theIr findinge would be 'tho result of careful and thorough and unprejudiced Investigation , which fact aided In making their report a subject of espuolal interest. The report of Inc corn. niittee went over In detail the dIfferent epocificAttons In the charges , summing up with the following recommendation ) that was the unanimous finding of the cornnilttcu : Your coiiiinitteo Iis carefully considered . . the case l.fort it and recommend that , First-In view of the tact that Iho very . questionable and Improper manner of tak. , iig stipulated sums of money from gamblers P. . atut others is an Implied consent to the vIe latlon of law. Second-'I'he receiv1n of money which through careIe8suess or otherwise wus not reootted and 'rliird-Tno failure to report the cases , arising under the state laws , or to turn over ( fr.P the money or any pait thereof for aiiore than - , twelve months and not until the lnvustt. gation of the books was begun. We therefore recommend that the city council declare ths ofilco of police Judge of the city of Lincoln vacant , anu the mayor , be requested to liii tim office wills some suitable pirson by appointment. ; - ' Al ! of which is respectfully submitted. - , 14. V. I3ILLINOSLuY. 14. 0. r J. z. , ti This report was received , and on a fliotion to adopt it the police judge ob. ; tamed the floor and addreseii the coun- . cii. lie labored under great excitement , as the finding of the committee war. ranted , but it is doubtful f his speech : which was fiery anti eloquent , did his case any good. 'Ilie evidence had nil been taken weeks before and argued - gued for houre by the attorneys before thu committee , so the speech was a personal - - sonal plea rather than ii part of the trial. The judge denouncoi the witnesses upon whose testimony ho was convicted in a vorv bitter manner. It was lila oppor- tunhy and ho improved it , but it Isdoubt- ful If It improved his case for the report of the committee was bnsed upon the cvi- deuce and not upon the good or bad character of the witnesses. When the : judge in his excitement opened upon the committee who heard thu charges lie did himself and his case a positive injury , for the charges and intimations that L. U. l'aco , , J. Z. Briscoc and L. W. Bil. Iingsley had been bribed and bought and corrupted in their lindings will have no weight with the PUblic ' but on the contrary - . , trary the Public will 'believe that they t acted honestly and conscientiously In their . linding and that money could not buy 'r ' them in this cao. The effect of thu d speech will ho measured , not in the heat of the moment , but during the postponement - mont of tim case the present week. The hitter language against time witnesses will not make them any the less aggressive and the attack upon the council committee will . bear no good fruit , for they were the . servants of the council , and the council . twice appointed them to the work In a legal point of view the case was beyond 4 nrgtimunt. The omrnIttco vaived any : r' desire to reply to the chirges in any way. : Cimncilmmin traham stated tbat the coun l had no sunotion for the remarks , ; and after short speeches from the attorneys - , torneys for the prosucution , final : action was deferred until next Tuesday to allow members of the council to examine - : amino the testimony taken iftliey desired. 4 , - ' , It was stated during the evening tI'at the t attorney for the Police judge would argue j that the council had no power to declare - the ollice vacant. . ; IIUL'REME COURT. ' ? The suprenic court met at the capitol , buildimig yesterday at B a. ui. This Is the adjourned July term. There are 254 cases : to be heard this term coming from twelve districts. As eitcii of these die- , . . tricts is iissigiiod ii week's time anti the soconddistrict twowcoks'theontlro tinie , , UI ) to the 1st of .January and to the open- lug of the regular January term will be occuijied with sesslotis of the court. An. other fact that will tend to delay in the disposition of oases . - arises from the repeal of the law . that required abstracts of eases to be filed . ' . with the court. This neceieitatea , tiio court examining the teetimon - in cases through all the oha U well as the facts at Issue and cannot P but consume niuch time. Yesterday the f call was for caaes appealed from the First Judicial district and among the attorneys in attendance at court aside - from those resident In the city wore . noted : Frank Martin of Falls City ; 8. P. Davidson and 1) . P. henry , otTeoumseh ; " ; 1' ' Ii. W , CaThy , B. V. Sabin and Z. K. Grigge , of Beatrice , and John L. Web. , stor , of Omaha. 11. P. Henry and A. M. Applegot werc - . - . . admitted to practice. The following causes wore argued.and submitted : Stewart a. Schneider ; ' Richards vs. state , motion to quash ; C. B. & Q. it. it. Co. vii. ICoarney Co. , mo tlon to dismiss ; Mathews vs. Monroe , motion to disrniss Dawsor vs. Momad- ) . din ; state ox rei. , 0. & S. Ry. Co. , vs. - Omaha. - Court adjourned to this morning at half past 13 o'clock. OyYlCiAI. CRUELTY. Tue man mentioned in yesterday's liiu its iiisisnoand lying in a critical condition - . dition at the city ) ail , died during the : ( lily and from apliourancos Iargoly front ileglect. lie was for.daye without mcdi. , , L attendance , was butt tted. back and , forth between the city and county jail , : , the strii'glc evidently being to avoid cmr- . lug for U10 man rather than providing a decent place In wInch ho could die. The fault Is apparently so evenly die. tributcu among a half dozen officials that all will esemipu much criticism , and It is a too common case of "juan's inhumanity to man" that allows it man builded in the image of the Almighty , because homeless * and iielplcs and with a crazed brain , to .4 . , die like a dog in a gutter. Those who t . , , , know of the case miami vuro instrumental ' In time neglect , elio.ld follo the remains : to ( Ito 1ottor'e ilelil , singing "itattla his belies ov'r the stones , lie's only a pauper that nobody owns. " Ni ) MOUE GAMES AT LINCOLN. 'L There will be no more base ball games in Lincoln title season. Arrangements have boon made by which the remaining s . twelve gaines vilt be played at Topeka and Kanns City , leaving the club to ilisband and finish the season without a .A . . return to Lincoln. The city has given - j 4. . . poor patrontuzo to the natiommal game the lust month and it has matte the syndicate ' tired , AIITICI..S Oil INCORL'OIiATION , : Time Northweitern l4Ofttt anti Trust m _ company of Oinmtlmmt has tiled articles of IncorporatIon with the secretary of state. , ' , Time company willtransiiot agenormil loan y1 .i . and trust business In Nebraska and Iowa. . I 'l'liu citnhtal stock Is $ 'OO 000 The In C btccli s H mlteti to thlflh earnlngearetobeplsodd 1 * the .tvptis fund each year. The incotporators are : ( ; cor&o Baxter ' J. T RoWnion b P. Ilmsmmond J. 'MeL fit , John , Athen K. Itiloy and kM. Ellis. NOTARIKS I'IJBLIO. Time folowhg ! notaries wore commis- cloned yesterday : Joseph C. Swan , Omaha : Jo'oph I ) . Towell , St. Paul ; M. Ii. McCullough , Elsie , Keith county ; Arisen IL Iligelow , Grecley Center ; I ) . ii. , Jenekes , Ord ; Marth J. lryden , Kear- neys Archic Matthews , Plattsmouth ; F. M. Vimberly , Curtis Frontlercounty ; F' . M. Rublee , Mason City , Custer county ; Ocore Ii. Rouse , Deer Creek , Madison county ; A. S. harlan , York ; D. D. Dayis , l'itwiice City. Testimonial From Assemblymnis Eu- ward A. flarragh , State of Now York , Assembly Cnamber Aibany , April 10 , 1S54. Some years ago 1 was thrown from a wmgon and fractured two of my ribs. I was so badly hurt that 1 linti to Bit up in a chair four days and nights. 'rime' fourth day my mother Placed two Alicock's porous plas4urs over lay broken ribs. Time next day my suffer. lug diminished anti I was able to lie down. I continued to imnnrovo overV' duy. Two weeks after the accident I got up and attended to business. 1 re- nowemi the iuliisters twice : mnd found my self almost entirely welt in a montliwhon I sailed for England. My wife is subject to periodlo hams In time back that give her rest neither uisy nor night , but in two hours after apl)1y. ing two Altcock's I'Insters she cx- periences relief , and In two or three days she Is well. She also linde them cflctive in neuralgia and rheumatism. EtIWARI ) A. Dtmtimou. Base flail Contracts. Chicno Herald : Some weeks sunc. , loliii 'b arm ! , a member of time New lurl. base bail club contrIbuted to time col. timne of a Now York PRPOt an exhaustive article discussing the status of the base bail player and his crnnloyor. 'I'hmo ar- tide was welt written shapely and colic- sivo In arrangement , agreeable in diction and , from its openhmig line to time end , replete - pleto with thoughthiimmcs and sense. It may have surprised sonic people , not aware that Mr. Ward , as welL its many others of his craft , is a izentleman of parts and education , to see such a pro duct fronm the hi'nds of a tuna who nuakes a iivng on the green diamond. lInt that is by the way. On Sunday of this week Mr. Vard and seven others , all professional - sional players of base ball , gathered at New york to form a series of demands tllOli their employers for larger freedom of individual action. As is very ener- ally known by a public which is incurably - ably base butilmiul , the base ball player is at present bound to his employer by a contract the like of which was never known In time history of conipacts between free men. lie is a slave. In cacti city which nmnintamns a base ball club belongIng - Ing to any one of the lieU dozen 'lengues and missonlations" is a corpor- atlon existing under state law , whose otlicera own or lease time public grounds upon which the gaummes are nlayed' mmd conduct all neceasary business ar- ranuenients , including tIme employment of piiI3ors. There several corporations. nrc ummited into general associations , of which time "National league" and the "American associatton" are time most irn- portant. All the latter arc bound to- getimer under an agreement covering the entire country , except time Pacific 8101)0. The object of this national arrangement are obvious. In base ball as elsewhere. there is 8001)0 for individual talent. A single PlaYer may , by tile superior skill and agility , conmmend himself to time base ball public that his services ard of great value to biscmployers , lie attracts spectators to the gaines and slectators pay the mnonny-tho only money-which enables time corporation to exist. Under a normal arrangement , such superior players - ers would find their places in time clubs that were willing to pity tlmeiii time largest salaries. But no such normal arrangement - mont has beeim t.llowed to exist. The allied associations arrogated to themselves - selves , under what is known as the "reserve rule , " time right to determine absolutely whore a player shall work and what the limit otimis salaryshmtll be. They have ivi theirveryorganizatloim the means to compel the enforcement of this rule , because each is bound not to employ any man discharged by another. A fractious player can , In it word , be boycotted anti deprived of the moans of making a lmvimg. This unpleasant position the base ball player is bound to accept , but up to this time he hmas not beemi allowed to reserve any rights to himself. lie may ho discharged without warning at time caprice of lmI owner. lIe Imas imo rights whiohtlmelattorlsboumt to respect. [ 'ho eight players who met at Now York Sunday drew up time following schedule of what they consider a fair revision of their case : I. TIme contract shall state specifically time entire agreement between Player itud manager. 2. No contract shall permit a manager to reserve a player for nmoro than live years. 8. TIme player shall have the option of determining whether be shall be reserved or no. 4. In case of the sale ore player to another climb time rIght of reservation shall not go with the sale. .5. A contract shall be for a specified period , and during that period shah be equally bind- Lug Oii both player and manager. Fair-minded men will ace nothing in these carefully worded demands that offends justice or good taste. The allied base ball managers ought not to disregard - gard thorn. They have no moral right to do so. They cannot afford to do so. If the public has a right to Intrude Its views upon the notice of any quariprivate cor- poratlon It baa that right in the osso of base ball corporationis. The base ball managers have done a worthy service in purging the national sport of dishonesty. They have now the chance to remove the taint of slavery. The public does not hire slavery-it will not endure it. Tim base ballplayer is a alavo : Free him. Summer complaint almost Invariaby cured by the use of Fred Brown's Jaunt- lea Ginger. Got the genuine. Hank Clearings. The business at the clearing house yes. tertiny was .517,25l.95. , -ii WEIGi _ _ _ _ u R PRICE CREAM AKING IOWERI Itsstmperlor ereoliunee proven ma millions homes for more thun a qtmartor of a century. It is , msaI by the United State' Oovernment. En.Inrse4 by time hbad5 of Sb. Grc.ftt ( Ynirorit tie , ai the Strongeit , Purt.at and Most Ijoalt ii ful. Dr. i'rica g time only Hiucinur Powiler that dee not ( 'on.uin Ammonia , Limo , or Alum. Boll * , POWDER CO. , saw von CUIOAOO. ST. wee. . - - . - . - - - . - - - - - - ted - - . , IL. . i , , FALL suiiS New Styles , 4-Button Cutaways , Straight Cut Frocks , 1-Button Cutaways , English V'alking Coats , Single Breasted Sacks , 4 Button Cutaway Sacks , . . Square Cut Sacka , Double Breasted Sack High Cut Pomberton's. Full Dress Broadcloth Suits , Alt Lined with Silk , Sutiii or Serge. , 1119 Farnam Street , Ilet. 11th cinti 12th. - : : : ; N E W . Omaha , September , 1887. GENTLEMAN-We beg to call your attention to the fact of our Mr. James Goldsmith's return from the east , and at the same timeto the arrival of our Fall stock of Genuine Merchant Tailor Made Garments. We have surpassed any former display - . play ever made by a clothing house anywhere. _ _ 1 I 1 I Prince Albert COATS & VESTS 1)ouble and single breasted , in imported fabrics , Made by some of the Leading Artist Tailors of the Great East. These garments must be seen to be appreciated , and their beauty and worth are well calculated to cause their wearers to be the envy of their frIends in their good clothes. Misfit Parlors. Three F1oor and Basement. The statement in the space abe ye is a broad one , but its truth is sell evident when you visit the Misfit Parlors. We claim and we prove that we carry the finest clothing that tailors can make. We claim and we prove that we allow no gar- mentto leave the house unless it fits perfectly We claim and we prove that our Misfit Garments - ments cost no more than hand-me-down or ready-made clothing. We claim and we prove that everyone buying from us gets more stylish and finer qualities of garments than they would elsewhere. 'I We claim and we trove that we cater to ev- yone's trade that understands a fine garment - ment , and we treat the unknowing precisely ihe same as the critic. CAPITAL PRIZE , $ I5OOOO "Wo do hereby cortll'y that we 8uporvio the arrangornonte for nit the Molmthly Had i3emi Annual lrawinus or Thu Louis1aimi Etato Lot tery Company , and lii person , nenage and coo troi limo drawings thoingoie. ammI that tim amo arc Cofliluctoti with iioiiosty , faIrness and in good faith toward all p'urtios , aund wo author ho the Company to use this certifloate with faa similes of our signature attecimod , In Its adver tisemonts. " COMIUS8IONEB. Weth undersignomks and flankers wlU pay eli Prizes drawn in The Louiiiana Stat. totmoriee whlohmay be presented atour COUU. ( erg. j. 11. OIJLESUY , I'ros. Louisiana National fik , I'IEititE LANAUX. l'rta , State Nutioni lEt A. ISALDWIN , Pros. New Orleant Niut'ltiank CARL IlOmIN , I'rog. Union Uational hunk. U NPRECFJDBNTEDAFRPACTIOS ! OVER HALF AMILLION DISTRIBUTED. _ Loulsania State Lottery Company Incorporated In i883.tor 2) yearghy the I.eg IMatura for educutional and charitbie pzrpo.e.-with a csj.iiiofiW.tXl-to ( whicu areservetundof over I1f.Aba. iincl beonsdd. . iien overwheiuulnj popular vote its franchise wa , made a pftrt of th. Drelentulat. ooo.titutioe adopisS Dvcember 2nd. A. U. iai. The onmy lottery over voted on and endorsed byths poopleof any Mate. It never scales or poatpobes. Its Orand 51nie Number Drawings takeplace monthly , and the Semt.Annua ) Drawinsi regu. larly every six months ( June and Ioeomnberj A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO Wtr A FORTUNE. Tenth Grand Irawiug , class K , hi the Academy of Music. New Orleans. Tuesday - day , October 11 , 1887-209th Monthly Drawing. CAPITAL PRIZE , 15oooo. INotice-.TicIc.ts are Ten Dollars only. Halves , $5. Fifths , $2. Tenths , St. i.zs'r or riuizis. 1 CAPITAl. PIIZE 01 5150,000. . . . $ EiO,003 I GRANt ) I'JtiZR 0 ? W.tO. . . . WO ) 1 ORANi ) Pitizit OP 2OiOO. . . . 20,000 C I.AitOR l'IIiZESOI ? 10.000. . . . 20,00J 4 LA1LUR I'LtIZ3 OF 5,000. . . . 20,000 20 I'IIIZES Ok' JOJ. . . . 20.000 so . ' 600. . . . xa,001 100 6 110000 Rio .4 200. 40000 f , . 100. . . . APPROXIMATiON pflflPp5. 100 ApproxImation Prizes , of aoo. . . . .i0ooo 100 ' , ' 200. 20,000 100 " ' hOO. . . 10,000 , ij0oTurmlnai 'I CAb. . . 50,000 2,179 PrIzes amountIng to. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AmipliCatlon for rate. to club should be OICU. only to the nflIe Of the company in New Otleung. For furtiipr lnfnrmottn write denny , giyinx full adIrcs. POSTAL. Nr1'iM. axpreu money ortlerot Xew York ixcIiago In ordlniiry InIte. Currnc7 by o1pre $ ( at our ; , , Nw Oiui.CANS , I * . , Or 31. A. DAV1'IIIN , \YASIIINCT0N , D. C. Address JfefJlaterei letters to EW ORLEANS NATIONAL UANIC Nzw OnitNs 1 ? E M E N : B E JTbat , , General. tb. Beauregard prsioro , and or Early , who are in c.bnrge of Lb. drawingg , is a autoS of absolute fairnsil snd intsirtiy , ( bat ( be cbanOC.aroaliequni , and th.I no one can possibly divmnewhataImberwiiidrawa i'rf , . . B1CMJMliEII that th payment of ami prnos Ii auARsNrr.lcn fly roira NATIOfAL 1IANKSOf SOW Orleans , and the Tickets are .Ined by the president otan institution. Whoa. ciisrteroi rights are r.oog. aised iii th highest e4urtal thsrefor , bUWO oX any imitstlong or anonymous schema , . Indigestion , . . 4. ' Sick Headache , \ Constipation , Inactive Liver. The merchant planning businos scheme ; The preacher struggling iirouign his ( homes ; Tim statesman iii assembly hails 'l'bo , broker wild wiLl , "puts and calis' ' 1,0 oooi the blood and bra o time mind Y1il Tarrant's Boltzot safest Ond. Mention this paper. v UNDEVELOPED 0f ( he bod7 enlarged and atreegbned , VUii ps2Uo. alirs ( gisls4 ties. &h1 * D. CO. , buffalo. N. T. I New York Pants In New York they wear wide pants , InChicagotheywear them small. In Africa they wear none at all , But get there at a ball. _ . _ 1 We have opened the ball of the season , but for the benefit of our numerous customers with their own ideas of how to wear pantsw e have all kinds ' Tight , wide , Za'ge , .suiuil , straight , .jring bottom csiid Inee ; ants. 11(9 ( Farnam St. Don't ' Forget ) I' JEWS IN NEW YORK. Their ltemarkablelnOreaso In All Kinds ot Trade. New York Star : % Vhat a strange fas cinatiorm there is about anything concerning - ing that ancient and wonderful people , the .Jows I Two of the most popular books of the day are time never fail- lag "Ben Hur , " and Luska's latest and best "The Yoke of time 'rimora. " On all New York commercial exchanges they are seen among time most influential members. In bunking their capital - tal is set down at lO'OOOOOO ) , The clothing trade is almost entirely - tirely in their hands , From Canal street to Union Square , of time 1,200 Broadway fIrma over 1,000 bear hebrew names , and the side streets are hilled with their places , On a Jewish holiday that part of the city seems deserted. Max Woil is the richest Jew in the city , lime liguro being estimated at 8,000,000. Following - lowing him are forty other millionaires of the same race. ihe Hebrew capital in the cotton exchange Is over $6,000,000 , and of city real estate they hold at least $100,000,000. An estimate of the annual transactions of the wholesale trade of New York done by Hubrcws put the figures at $262,000,000. It is a strange fact that there are comparatively few Jews in Brooklyn. Misery lifer Eating Is avoided by dyspeptics who , guided by the recorded experience of thousands , begin and systematically pursue a course of hlostettor's Stomach flitters. L'orsms- tenco In the use of this pure and highly accredited stornachie , is the solo and agreeable condition of the entire removal of the obstinate forms of dyspo psia , no ss than a temporary fit of indigos- tion. In connection with the use of this specific , it is desirable to avoid articles of food which individual experience has ahownto be difficult of digestion , by the stomach sought to be befItted. Each dyspetio's past observation of his dlgos- tim capacityahould enable him to be his own guide and mentor In this particular , not trusting to any set of dietetic rules too general to be suited to particular cases. Biliousness and constipation , heartburn and wind upon time stomach sour eructations , headache and men tai dcspoudency , are among time concomitants - itants of dyspepsma , and we put it to flight by the Bitters. SCANLAN'S ILL. LUCK. lie Loses $2,000 in In 1'olcer-Dloo Game. San Fraticisco Chronicle : When W. J. Scanlan leaves this city he will carry away with him , to say the least , mixed feelings , as his experiences of time last few dayz are calculated to considerably dampen the pleasures his visit may have occasioned.bini and his hearers. having a liking for a ruin-around with time boys , ho struck a snag the oIlier evening in tim shape of a Itmhl blown gambler described as a wealthy Tehmarna county vine- yardist , Jack harvey , by name. After his performances Scanlan has ustmmilly paid a visit to the Occidental bar room and on two or thmreo occasions has reveled with varying luck in time pleasure of tipping the ivory cubes. At first the game was for $1 ; then the. stake was gradually raised and green bills began to litter the table. Although at first Scan- Ion won , Ins luck with the alleged vine- yitrdist changed and woo fortune as he rniglmt she would not smile on him. Soon his spare change wont ; thou his handy gold ; then ho gave his I , 0. U. first for * 100 said to have been cashed by the hotel cashier , and timen for ninetcen smi. ! let I. 0. 1J.'s placed in the hands of the happy Harvey. Finally Scanlan calcu- hated that be haul enough , and retired to his couch with a light pocket , anti perchance - chance a heavy heart. With the morrow came wisdom , and when presented with lilt lintel bill , in- chiding an I 0 U for $100 , he refused to take up auythiiig more thau the total bill ProPer. Miijor Ilooper gave Scan- Ian the option of paying in full or bay- lag his baggage , and the Irien singer chmoie time latter alternative. Later the nineteen I U U's were presented and 1ikewiso tepudmated , and now it me said that time holder of the ' ? good for $1,900" nropnsos suing Scanlan for the full amou at. Two gentlemen whmoclaimod , to have witnessed the entire gitino , very kindly , called at thmo Chronicle office at the earnest - nest solicitation of the gentlemanly mixer - or of drinks , to assure the priss anti timose whom it might concern , tlmat the entire game was a perfectly square one. That Scanlan shook hands with time woaltliy vinegrowing Harvey amid con- gratuinted him on hmisgood luck. A few minutes after the last strains of "Peek-a-boo" hind melted away in the hot air of the Bush street theatre , and as time humorist sketch artist smeared his face with vasseline in the dressing room , a Chronicle reporter was ushered into his ; ) rpsence. The main facts of the story Scanlan readily acknowledged. Ho. however , stated that lie stopped the play as soon as he found he was being cheated and had fallen mu with a professional gambler with loaded dice. For all that ho was reauiy to 1)iiY time $1,009 , but his friends persuaded him not to do so , but to lilit them outin the courts it they wished. fo this he consented , and so saw Attorney Clunme , in whose hands time case now rests. With regard to the extra $100 at the Occidental , Scamuban said it was an I 0 hi put up by the gamblers , as there never was any qumestionas to the amount being $1,000 util told. Hmeobjeot in letting the case go to tlmo courts Is to test the matter , and prGtect fellow-artists from being similarly roped In. Pozaont. No name is batter and more pleasantl ! and widely known than that of Mr. J. A. Pozzoni. } or bars lie has made himself - self famous by. the elegant perfumes and oompbexionpowdor that bears his name the latterha'ring found its way to the belles of Paris ( lermany and London , Everybody admire beauty In ladies. Nothingwilt do more to produce or en hance it than to use Mr. Pozzoni' pro- paratlons. _ _ _ _ _ The Efleol ot Baseball. San Francisco Chronicle : He was not at all bike other men , Ho never swore , lie never gambled , he never drank. lie went to church and would mmot even read "She. " He was a good young man and even his entire family looked up to him. Ho wasalways very correct in his ian- guago and he nevergot excited. But one day ho took his beloved to a baseball match ; she sat beido imrrn anti overheard all time other men using slang and vulgar language , and she felt proud of her beau. He was very much interested In the giuno. and ot more so all the time ; at last it came a critical moment in time match , all time bases were crowded nuit there came a chance for the third man to make the homne-plnte. Time fool did not see it. lie never moved. There Wits a thrill of sus- pause through the crowd. The good voungnuan was gnzinn'ln intense interest. The crowd was silenbut excited. and in the thrilling quiet tIme 'good young man got up anti yelled at tue man on third base : a "You - fool ! Coipo for -'s sakel" Time girl got up when the shook had passed away , anti saul stie guessed she'd go bourn. The same old Adaimm In him as in everybody else. AU sufferers with stmi chronic allma n its liver disease , dyspepsia , blood die eases , coughs , consumption ( scrofula of time lungs ) , and kindred diseases should know thmat Dr. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery" is their best friend in such deep nilliction , It comes to sooth ; alle. viate and cure. . Ornamenting a Cemetery. Rabbi Benson is soliciting aid to ornament - mont Pleasant 11111 cemetery , the Ha- brew burial place for Omaha. It Is bo. ceted north of the city , and Is naturally a beautiful place. Rabbi Hanson desires to-add some artillelsi adornment , and. hence desires $1,000. Yesterday ho secured - cured $300. 'Economy and strnegth arc peculiar to flood's Sarsaparilla , tIme only medicine of which "lOOtioscs one dollar" Is true. " - ' - . OVERCOATS ' . . ' Au ! but they are beauties. ' So fine , so soft , and such fit. ting garinoiits. They show the graceful outline of the form and yet leave the wearer perfectly free in his every movement. And in audi a great variety every shape , everycolor , every kind and every price. Why don'tyou look at them ? MISFIT PARLORS , 1119 Farnam - DR. SPINNEY S. E. Cor. 18th and Dodge Ste. Successfully Treats a ! ! Nervous , Chronic and Private Diseases of WC = 1- Ur. 5. is woilknown as the fouzmder of the lfontm'oai ( Canada ) aledical 1lbtttuto ! and me- i'rietor of the Sni0003'yIllo Iumtlrnaay. , ' .2iio or. has bad 57 yoars' oxpcrlommco in the treatment ofohronio and sexual tiieasts , and lii elton , being crowned by wondorfuil moieties , , imo would cull tim attention of time alihiotod to his long standing and well earned reputation us sulii. cleat assurance or his skill and ability , NitiLvous iEISILITV. Sponmntonrhma. l'mmrtiai Impotency nod all discuses of tim nurvous systoum amid sezuai or- gaas spcodily and porniammeasiy outed. BLOOI ) AN ! ) MittX D1-IE.tHhS. SYPIILIS-A diseao moat horrible In 1t result , -comnpiotely eradlcatod without the use of mercury. Charges reasonable. YOIJG MEN Who may be suffering ( rein the elfocts of youthful - ful follies or Indiscretlous , will do well to avail thomnaelve of Omla , the greatest boon ever laid at tiio alterof suffering imminnnlty. DR. SPiN. NItY will guarantee to forfeit # 500 for ovary case of romninil weaknoqa or private diseases of unykiimd or character which ho undertakes and falls to ouro. MIDDLE-AGED ME1 There are nmany troubiod with too frtquoa evacuations ci the bladder. elton accoompanioti by mu alight smartIng or bnrnlng sensation and weakening of the system In a mariner the pa- ( lent Cannot aceouat for. On oxammntmmg the urinary deposits a ropy sotlinment will otton be loumidaud sometimas small particle of Mba. men wiii appear or the color iu of a ( lila , milk- ish hue , again changing to a dark or to rpid ap. poararmco. Tasita ARE MANY szar wile imia 01' Thu DITFICUL'rv , ignorant or the cause , which is the Second stage of swuinal weakness , Tsi DocroawlaL auARAzf7Im patT , cuRs iN Ai.i. mwcu cAsius. and a he&ithy restoration of the gonlto-urlnary organs. Oitloohoura9tol2a.m.ltoB.Sto9p. m. N. U. Persons unable to visit us- may be treated at their homes by correspondence. MedioIne and Instruotions sent by mali' or ox- prose. CoNsur.rAmnq iuo ovica , rIaomtAL. LV emu BY airnia , rna Send stamp for questIon list atul oirotmlar. , Call or address D. SPINNY k CO. . iOu S. ilihetreet Omaha. Nebraska Natiollat ilailk , . U. S. DEPOSITORY , Oxz.a.a , ob. Paid up CapitaL. . . , . . . . . . . $250,000 Burplu.s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42,500 IL W. Yates , President. Lewis S. Reed , Vice-President. A. E Touzahin 2ti Vice-President. \v. H , . hughes , Cashier , DIIIECTOiIS : v. V. Morse , John S. Collins Ii. V. Yates , Lawis S. itceti A. E. Touzitlirn BANKING OFFlCE THE IRON BANK Car. 12th and Fgrnam St-s. A General Baukin g iJuslmucss Transacte RUPTURE CURED hiy Dr. Snodlkore motlmta1 , No operation ; no pain ; no detention ( room tuslumcss. Athtptod to children mm , well nagrowli People. hiumidrodsof autograph testltcnmals on illo. All btislnosq strictly coufldontimui. Consultation free. PROF. N. D. COOK oem ( I , 1514 louglas St. , Omaha , Neb. , IOLD N1DAL , PARIS , 1870. ' 41 BAR Cocos. wa Warranted aloliiIely p.n-e Cocoa , from which ( ho ezcc of I Oil ha. been removed. It has ( Ares thn.aate treagth ci Cocoa tutied ' with BUsrcb.nowroot orliugar , and is therefore far more econowl. , c&l , coUng ira. than on. cent a I j Is deliclouc , nourishing , strengthenIng , ealily dign.ted , and oduninably adapted for luvaltda p. . _ _ _ _ _ wall a. ( Or peraonsinht'aith. ' , Sold by tin. evrynbvro ' I. BilER. , & CO. Dor hotor1 } 1az. - . . . , ; be ' . , " . - - - - - - . :1 : 2 ' , , ' ' . ' ' \ _ _ ' - - c ' - ' ' : _ ' DR. POWELL REEVES , 314 5. lJt ) , street. Omitnima , PItIYATE DESITENSAItY. Established for the Scientific and Speedy Cure of Chronic Nervous and Special , Dsoases , The Olil floliabla Specialist of many years ex- c erioncu , trout , , with wendontul success all UNO 'rahtoAT , OANCEII , PiLEH itS1'G LA ltiIi'TIJRR , cured wmtiiout KthFE o CAuSTIC. Treat.ail forms o Throat Lung , Nerve and fllo.i diseases , all Chronlo diseases and Do. fornmitios far In imdvanoo of any institution In thi , country. Thne who conteiumplate going to lint Springs for the treatment of any Private , or Blood diseaocan te , cured for onethmrd the coat a our I'rivate iIspensary , 314 South lath street , Omaha , Nob. RUPTURS 01mm-oct wIthout patti orhlnderanos rem inisinosi. L IDlES flythistreatmont a pure Lovely Cuinpiexlon , free from .lowne.s , freoklrs , blaokhep.de , eruptions. etc. , LInililint Rnd porreot health can be had. Tbat"tired" fooling srndalifemalewek. nesees promptly cured. Bloating Headaches , Nervous Prostration , Uoneral DebilIty Bleep. leganeu , Deprei10on and Indigestion , tSvaniou , tiomihies , Inflammation amid Ulceration , Palling and Dheplp.eenonth , Spinal weakness. Kidusy complaints and Change of Life. Consult ; old loctor. - E YE AND EA R .mtlonof Acute or Cimnonlo the EyelIds Inflama or ( liobe nd tar or Near Slghtodnei , Inversion or the Lids. Serofulous Eyes. Ulcaratlomis In. lianmmustions , Abscess , Ilmne.e of VIsiono one or both eyes , and Tumors of Lid. : - InflammatIon of the Ear , Ulceration or Catrrh Internal or External Dep.fnoss , or laralysie , Singing Or Roaring noIse. , ThiolueneS Drum etc N EftYOVS Debility. Spermattirrbtaa , Boat- lual Losses. NIght ICmnissions , 1.osg of Vital I'ower. HItleplessness , Deanond- anal , loss of Memory , Coimfusion of fdeas , Bluni. lhu.foro ( ho Eves , Lassitude. Languor , ( iloolniness , Depression of SpirIts. Avorlon to Hocloty Easily Dlseomragial , , Laok of Commit. ( ienu , iuil , Liptle , . , Ruth ( or StittY 0r huh- fleas. and flumd lifu a burden , Baf.tiy , l'urgna. nently and Privately Cured. Dioae , Syphllls- dl- B LOUD & SK I N seas , . nmot horrible In its results-corn mlatoly eradicated without the mile or mnerutmry. Scrofula , Rrysil'oIas. ' Fever $ ore , , lliotoluo. Pimlilos. Ulcers , pains 1mm the head and liomee , Sy , imllltlc Sore ThrontMouth end Tongue , ( kuilargement of the Nocit. ltiiuunmimtism , Catmtrrh , eta. , l'ormnnontly Cured WI.rm fltiinr hiiwo Fallod. Kidney and hiladdor troublol , U RINARY Weak flack , horning Urine , FreIueney or t1rlIlatln Urine higi , coloree or imililcy edluionton stanilirmy , ( lonorrhats , ( Ileot , Cyatiti. , em. , prctnltly mund saloly cured. Charges rcasonallo. , - PRIVATE DISEASES Dlott poison .oriereat taint glt'et. stricture Seminal onh'ton , , loss of sox. tiai Power , we,1cIIeaa of lImo omal , nrgarmlwnnt of .lelro In male or fotaltie , wimotitor from lm. l'rlidOtitiluthlta UI 70Ufl2 or I.OXIlltI liiiiilt , in mature years. or any cause that .ioiilltnto , the vexual I unctiona , apoodliy uud punlnumnontly ouro,1. Consultation free and trlctly Colilidommtip.l. ldcdlcltiu 80th ( roe froun obiervatiomi b , all Inns of time Ummitod Stales. Corrapondotmu. receive , promnllt attontloa. No letlers an. swtjrotj uimlosa auoomnanioI , , b7 four cents in Itaml.a. tiomiil email , for pamphlet and list of questions. Tarmac strictly caab. Call on or tui- cress lilt. 1t'ELi. ItEEVES , No. Il4south Dtlm St. . Omaha , Net , . nn RVP ' - , roSltiYIVeUrC 1lI. 1rucombinid. tluar.nte.Jtb. oaiy one lathe woniclgeneratlag . acunticuous XlIM. .r Nags.Ij. " - . current. bentmneiow.rtul ( , lJur.bl. . Colafortble 51,4 reactive. AyoM frsud& then ) ( mlgciired. ItendKt..mornrp.mpbls AJ.a ( ) Ei.lmiitiu JLT $ * FoIL JIIMEAMLM. Illi. HUI1NE. hatino& . ills Waltshl * vt. . Vocc0. FOUNTAIN' -N-- FINI CUT AND PIU . incomearbIy time ileet- , . . . : -