Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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Corn Prices Bale firm Owing to Considera
bly Smaller Receipts-
A Strong Tone Prevails In Provisions
With Fiactnatlon * Narrow A
Very Dad Cattle Market
General Quotations.
CIIICAOO , Sept 20. ISpcclal Telegram to
the BKK. ] The curb price on October wheat
was CSXfS&SHc this morning , but when the
opening occurred there did not saetn to bo
any particular chingo of opinion noted , as
prices were found .to be the same as last
night. Cudahy's man offered a little Decem
ber , which geared the scalpers and resulted
In momentary weakness , but Fleming *
Boyden and Mllmlne & Hodman were buy
ing October and the .market regained Its
composure and ruled steady on a little busi
ness doing , October advanced to C9o and
settled back to < W % ® < WXc , where It stuck
early. Cables were quiet but steady. Second
ones came dull with limited demand , but the
movement of wheat In the northwest carries
more weight than cables nnd Minneapolis
had 270,000 bushels of wheat , which was con
sidered liberal. This was In a measure off
set by the light receipts at Duluth and a
small figure for St. Louis , which
only had 80.000 bushels. New York
did not forget to show up 2M- !
000 bushels , but exports ot 11,000
bushels was a favorable straw at that point.
Blocks were weak and lower , which divided
the attention of some of thn local talent and
the market was allowed to drag along , with
no one paying very much attention to out
side markets. All appeared to be stronger
except St Louis , where there was a slight
decline , the unusually large amount In store
there seeming to have an unfavorable effect.
There was a lamentable dearth of country
orders on the floor , a statement which has no
news In it , but which nevertheless accounts
for some features ot the market otherwise
In an unfavorable condition. These low
sinking market ? , with the large operators
known to be favoring the bear Bide , en
genders a large short Interest IB the crowd ,
and such seemed to be the case to-day , the
market getting bare of offerings. It de
veloped the fact that there was no wheat for
sale and the crowd was short To see a
point Is to act with the average operator ,
and the shorts came to the front to cover ,
carrying October up to 60) c and December
to 71J/c , with more doing , and finally closing
firm at l c6 Mc for October. 70 > < c f or No
vember , 71Jsb lor December and 77 % for
The corn market opened rather tirm. The
receipts were quite considerably less than
had been estimated to-day , being 774 cars
where 805 were expected. There has been so
much long corn dumped out on this late de
cline and so much sold short that the market
becomes barren of offerings early and Is in a
position for reaction , and the shipping de
mand , like the poor , "Is always with us"
lately , which steadies and lends strength.
With this state of things it took onlv a short
time for October to work from 6lc to 6l _ .
where It remained steady with moderate
trade , the firmness being added to also by
smaller estimates of carlots lor to-morrow ,
the expectation being for a triile over 400
cars , from 41i'c October advanced to 47e
on Hutchlnson's purchases , sympathy with
wheat and some covering bv the scalping
short Interest closing tirm at 4lc for Octo
ber and 44 ; < c for Mar.
Oats In the speculative branch of the trade
were very dull to-day and the general tone
wits weal : , prices showing a downward ten
dency for all futures. Just at the close a
sale of 35,000 bushels of No. 2 white oats was
made for May delivery at 32c.
In provisions a comparatively strong market
kot was witnessed , fluctuations were gener
ally confined lo a narrow range , nnd while
the best prices quoted prevailed at the open-
lug or early In the day , the quotations for all
description of the product , except for short
ribs , showed little or no change from last
. night's closings. Short ribs for September
and October closed at an advance ot 60o and
for January al a decline of 5c. Trading was
slow and spasmodic , with January dividing
with October the interest ot operators. For
October delivery lard sold at $0.3506.40 and
short ribs at C8.5Wtt8.55X , closing at 80.35 ®
C.37W and * 8.2tf respectively. September
lard and short ribs were nominally the same
as October. For November lard closed at
S0.30@0.82 } < ; for December at 80.33 @ 6.
Pork ranged for January at $12.25912.8' ' ! _
IardatS0.40@0.43J $ and short ribs at S0.25 ( < s
O.S2X. This month closed at S12.23@12.37X
for pork , S0.87X < 3 < MO for lard and 50.35 for
abort ribs. The cash product was quiet.
tember closed at about 08c ; October sold a
. OO.JtfQCSKOG'Jc on the split , closing at.COc
November closed al 70c ; December soli
from 71o to 7171c on the spilt , closlnt ,
at71c ; May sold at 77tf@77 c. split '
77'tfc , closing at 77K@77tfc. Corn was
shade easier ; September closed at abou
ClXo ; October sold at OlOl@oiXc ( on the
split and closed at41c ; November sold from
41 > c to 41Jfc , split to 4IXc , closing at 4\X ( < *
41 * c ; May opened at 44 % ( < M5c , spilt , sold t
44c , closing at 44J44Kc Oats firmer
September about 2Wc , October 25tfc bid
November sold.nt25c and closed at 25 %
asked : May sold at 2c and at 29K@30o on
the split and closed at 29Ko asked. Pi '
sold for January at 812.27 (912.30 ( anj Cj0
at 913.80. Other deliveries were neglected
Lard was steady , September and Octobe
being quoted at 80.35 bid , November at SO.SC
bid , December at $0.33 } * bid and January a
90.40. Trading wan limited. Short ribs
closed at SH.52X for September and October
and at 10.25 for January. Sales were limited.
CIIICAOO , Sept 20. [ Special Telegram to
the BKK , ] CATTLK When the-condltion of
anything IB as bad as it can'be It cannot be
worse. Everybody agreed yesterday that the
cattle market for rough and thin and common -
- mon stock of all kinds was "as bad as could
be , " and that was the only reason It was no
worse to-day. The handy fat and choice
heavy cattle were not any too plentiful and
sold at steady prices , but at the same time
there seemed to be enough of all kinds , and
the general market was a very unsatisfactory
one to salesmen. The prices of the day were
not much different from yesterday. Yester
day Kansas City had 5.800 cattle and a dis
patch from there reported the market "dead. "
To-djy she hud 0,100 cattle and a dispatch
with a sort of zrlm but graphic humor re
ported the market "burled. " Kecnipts , 8,000 ;
shipments , 1,000 ; market slow bat steady.
Shipping steer , 1,350 to 1,500 pounds. S4.00C4
4.H ) ; 1,200 to 1,350 pounds , $3.80(34.45 ( ; U50
to 1,200 pounds , 3.00 < g4. o. Stockers and
feeders , * 1.75fti.00 : ; : cown , bulls and mixed ,
S1.25@a.SO ; cows , Sl.50@-J.30 ; steers , 82.00 ®
1.15. Western rangers very low ; natives and
half breeds , 8.45a35 ; cows , 5ia > @J.CO.
Wintered Texans. 82.COy3.20.
HOGS- Estimated receipts , 10,000 ; last
Tuesday , 18,718 ; week so far , 23,737 ; same
time last week , 32.S6U. Trade was bilsk at
the opcnmir , with another UP turn of 5@10c ,
yet at the close the general market seemed a
shade lower , A few fancy , nearly as rood
as I'hlladelphias , cold at 85 S5@s 40 ; good to
choice butcher weights , 55 2V45 30 ; qholce
packing sorts , S5 15@5 20 ; common
packer * . S4 805 05 ; light sorts , $5 10Q5 15 ;
ekips and pigs. 14 50 ( 4 W.
NKW YortK. Sept. 20.-Speclal [ Telegram
to the BKK. ] STOCKS Stocks have bad a
wild day. The same forces that controlled
the market yesterday were at work to-day.
Liquidation continued on a more liberal scale
and a heavier business was transacted , sales
to noon being over 300,000 shares and were
nearly as lance as yesterday's total transac
tions. Kates for money were no higher , but
the scare still continues and everything ap
parently binges on the action of thn treasury ,
the Impression belnc that Secretary Falrchlld
should advertise that he will pay a fixed rate
for bonds , which will Induce holders to sell
freely and set more money la circulation.
Imports of gold continue heavy ; 11,481,000
S arrived from Europe to-day and f 1,900,000
Bore was ordered shipped. The Imports of
{ old appear to have no-effect , M Wail * U et
looks more to the treasury for relief and will
not bo satisfied until It Is given It Assistant
Secretary Thompson Is quoted a saying that
there Is no stringency of money outside of
Wall street nnd has been sharply criticized
by the stock brokers , who think that Wall
street rnles the country , ai of old. Things
have changed , however , nnd the west docs
not feel disturbed at what New York does.
The most conservative and best posted rail
road men nnd speculators In the west have
been quietly selling stocks the past two
months. They expect to see railroad earn
ings decrease the remainder of this year.
Speculators say there must bo a new order of
things. The banks , by refusing to loan on
fancy stocks , are forcing heavy liquidation
In them , and they are declining to their nat
ural level. Stocks that pay 4@5 per cent
must , they say , decline to about 50 and 75 ,
and those paying 6@7 to W ) and 110. The
lilgh priced Grangers and Coalers must suffer
thn most decline , particularly the latter ,
which , despite their good earnlnzs , are not
adding to their surplus , and should the coal
and Iron trade fall off they would bo In a bad
way. "Stocks are low , " said a bull , "but
that does not mean that they are cheap. The
bulls have been so badly whipped that they
are demoralized and don't know what to
do. " The market opened weak , with de
clines extending to 1 point Stop orders
were numerous and with many tired hold
ers it was not a question of price , the object
being to get out as rapidly MS possible. Lon
don was operated moderately active , but It
did not affect the course of values. Humors
were numerous and New England was said
to be going Into a receiver's hands. The
Oould stocks , Reading and Lackawanna re
ceived the most attention. Prices declined
from 1 to 4 points. Manhattan , that recently
declared a 1J per cent dividend , broke 4
points to This was enough 'to disgust
any bolder of stocks. New England broke
2 , Canada Southern 3 , Jersey Central Itf ,
Reading 2. Omaha IK. Missouri Pacific 2,14 ,
Union Pacilic % , St. Paul 1 % Northwestern
1 , Lake Shore IJf and Rock Island "i\i per
cent Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy and Il
linois Central remained steady and gained a
trifle. The buying by shorts was tbo only
support to the market. The Chicago par
ties were large buyers , but still have good
lines out About noon a better feeling set
In and rallies extending to IX per cent were
recorded. The last hour witnessed a cha'nge
for the better. Shorts continued buying.
Strong parties also took hold and absorbed
large lines. Prices , rallied rapidly and at the
close the market was decidedly ragged , com
pared with yesterday's close. Chicago , Bur
lington & Qulncr Is H higher. New York
Central K , Lake Shore Jf , Northwestern
Northern Pacilic 1 > Union Pacific % , Lack
awanna 1V , Omaha % , and Richmond Ter
minal rxsr cent The declines were Rock
Island H , Pacilic Jf , Lackawanna % . St.
Paul # , Reading } i. New England 1 , Man
hattan 2 and Cotton OH IK Per cent
OovEitNHENTh Government bonds were
dull but steady.
U. S. 4'scoupon.134 C. AN. W 111 %
U. S. 4U'scoup. .108 do preferred. . .140
Pacific s of 'M. .122 N. Y. C 1UC.
Canada South > . . 52 % O. \ \ . AN , 85
Central Pacific. .
' ' ' ' ' '
Chicago & Alton. 148 PacllTcMaii. . . . . .
do preferred..155 P. , D. &E
C. , B. & 0 13-3 PullmanPal.Car.140
D. , L. & W 12C.V Rending 57 #
1X&R.G - / * Itock Island . . . .lib' '
Erie 23 % St. L.&S.F. . . . 32
do preferred. . . . 03 do preferred. . . . Cr >
Illinois Central. . 117 C. , M. & StP. . .
I. , B. & W US do preferred. .
j AT. . . . 23- P. & Ode
Lake Shore U3 ; do preferred. . 105
L. AN 69 $ Texas Pacilic. . . . 22" ,
Michigan Ceut'l. . 8'3 > - Union Pacific. . . . 5i >
Mo. Pacific 03 W.St LAP. . . . 10i.
No. Pacific 24i do preferred. . 2S
do preferred. . . . 49J \V. U. Telegraph 72H
MONEY On call was nct'.vc , ranting
from 4 to 7 wr cent last loan at 5 per
cent closing at 4 per cent
STKRI.INO EXCHANGE Quiet nnd barely
stonily at 84.80@4.81tf for bOd.iv bills , and
Chicago , Sept 20. Following quotations
are the 3:30 : closing figures :
Flour Dull , steady and unchanged.
Wheat Steadv , sales being within yester
day's range until neaa tiie close , when trade
showed some improvement , prices closing
irregular : cash , 08Ve ; October , 09c : May
77 3-lOc.
Corn Dull , quiet and firmer ; cash , 41c
October , 4l c ; May , 4413-10c.
Oats Dull and heavy with no materia
change : cash and October , 25)fc ) ; May , 20e
Rye Steady at 47c.
Barley Firm at 77c.
Prime Timothy Soea 82.25.
Flax Seed1.04 } < .
Whisky 81.10.
Pork Steady and unchangedyear ; , 812.00
January. 813.30.
Lard Firm ; cash and October , S0.35.
Dry halted Meats Shoulders , S5.iXffi5.30
short clear. 88.80 8.85 ; short . , 38.50.
Butter Steady ; creamery , 17@23c ; dairy
Cheese Steadv ; full cream Cheddars , 1
QllJ c : llats , ll/@llc ; Young Americas ,
KKKS Steady at iG@17c.
Hides Steady : unchanged ; heavy creen
hides 7M'c ; light do , 73c _ ; salted bull hides
Gc , green salted calf , 89c ; dry Hint
13c : dry calf , 12@13c ; deacons 30c each.
Tallow Firm ; No. 1 country , 4@4tfc ; No ,
2 , S c ; cakes , 4 0.
0.Recelnta. . Shipments ,
Flour , bbls . 28,000 n.oot
Wheat bu . 50.000 18,000
Corn , bu . 201.000
Oats , bu . 255.000 85.00T
Rye , bu . 3,000 2,001
Barley , bu . 08,000 34.00C
New York , Sept 20. Wheat Re
ceipts , 205,000 ; exports , 11,000 ; optloni
declined K@ . c early , later ruled stronue
and advanced JiQHC , with considerable
covering , closing stronc at lha highest ; cash
grades fairly active and a trifle higher ; un
graded red. 7 ® 8lKc : No. 1 red , b7o ; No.
S red , 7879c In elevator. 8081 afloat and
rail delivered : October closed atTUj- .
Oorn Receipts. 99,000 ; exports , 20,000 ;
options opened X@Xc lower , closing strong
and > ijKC ( higher ; spot a shade higher and
fairly active ; 'ungraded , 50X@51 c ; No. 2 ,
delivered , 50 c t. o. b. , October
closing at 50c.
Oats-Receipts , 79,000 ; exports , 2,500 : } { ®
> < c niche and moderately active ; mixed
western , 32C&4c ! ; white western , 35@4lc.
Coffee Spot , fair ; Rio , nominal at 319.25
(319.50 ( ; options S0@ > 40 points lower and
moderately active : sales , 69.2W bags ; Sep-
temoer. $1(5.95 ( ; October , 810.05@17.05 : No
vember. 817.25@17.30 ; December , § 17.40 ®
17.50 ; January , 817.417.55.
Petroleum Firm : United. 4X < 5.
Eggs Steady and In fair request ; western ,
Pork- Steady and unchanged : mess was
quoted at 815.25@t5.50 for old ; 81C.2510.50
for new.
Lard 2@3 points higher , but only moder
ately active ; western steam , spot quoted at
Butter Dull ; western , 13@24c ; creamery ,
Cheese Strong and firm ; western ,
Kaniaa City. Sept 20. Wheat Lower ;
No. 2 soft , cash , GOXo ; October , C2easked ;
May 70o bid , T-c asked.
Corn-SteadyNo. 2. cash , 35 0 bid , SCc
asked ; October. 35&o bid , SCc asked.
Oats-No. S , 22c bid.
Minneapolis. Sept. 20. Wheat-Quiet ;
futures In better request ; cash dull ; No. 1
hard , old , cash , 74c ; October , 63j c ; Novem
ber , 69)c : No. 1 northern , old , cash , 73c ;
October , 05Wc ; November , COWc ; No. a north
ern , old , cash , 70c : October , COc ; November.
61c. On track : Old , No. 1 hard , 75c ; No. 1
northern , 74c : No. 2 northern , 71c ; new , No.
1 hard. 70c ; No. 1 northern , C7c ; No. a north
ern. 60@atc.
Flour Weak and lower for new wheat ;
patents , 4.00Q4,30 ; bakers' , SS.20@3.40.
Receipt-Whoit. 271.000 bu.
Shipments-Wheat , 10,000 bu ; flour , 24,000
bis , 0l
St , Lonli. Sept 20. Wheat Opened weak
and closed firm and higher ; cash , toQCSJfc ;
October , cs QOSIfc.
Corn Frm and higher ; cash , 40c ; October ,
Oats Weak and lower ; cash , 23c ; Octo
ber , 23X0. '
Pork-Quiet at 115.25.
Lard 10.35.
WnUky-il.05. . . - ' '
KU. ! . " * J J- . * <
Butter Steady for good grades ; creamery ,
20@34c ; dairy , 15030.
Afternoon Board-Wheat-Steady and
nchanged. Corn A shade easier. Oats-
Liverpool , Sept 20. Wheat Steady ;
demand poor ; holders offer moderately.
Corn Dull and demand poor ; new mixed
western , 4s 2'd percental.
Mllwaakee , Sept. 30. Wheat Steady ;
cash , 68 > { c ; October , COc ; November , 70Vc.
Corn Firm ; No. 3 , 41c.
Oats Strong ; No. a white , 2Sc.
Rye-Ulgher ; No. 1 , 40c ,
Barley Firm ; No. 2 , COc.
Provisions Steadier.
Pork-September , 8l5.0015.5a
Cincinnati. Sept 20. Wheat Firm ; No.
2 red , 73Wc.
Corn Firm ; No. 9 mixed , 4.1 Vc.
Oats In moderate demand ; No. 2 mixed ,
Rye-Stronccr ; No. 2 , 51 } < c.
Pork-Quiet at 81-W5.
Lard Strong at V > .w.
Whisky-Firm at 81.05.
New Orlean * . Sept 20. Corn Scarce
and firm ; mixed , 57c ; white and yellow , 50 < < $
Oats Qm t and firm ; No. 2,33 < 134c.
Cornmeal Steadv at 84.30.
Hog Products Easier , but not quotably
Chicago. Sept 30. The Drovers' Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle Receipts. 9,000 ; slow and steady :
shipping steers , 13,00@4.00 ; sleeken and
feeders , 81.753.00 ( ; cows , bulls and mixed ,
81.KQ2.30 ! ; Texas cattle , 31.50(33.15 ( ; west
ern rangers , 82.35@3.20.
" - ' - - -
L J. J , uenvy ,
rOUel1 M"1 l
83.OOS4.707 '
Sheen Receipts , 0,000 ; weak ; natives ,
82.50Q4.10 ; western , S3.lOiJZ3.GO ; Texans ,
I3.OOdf3.C5 ; lambs , S4.00 < cZ5.2- . .
Kansa * City. Sept. 30. Cattle Re
ceipts. 0,000 : shipments , 3,300 ; market dull ;
good to choice , corn fed , S4.00@4.40 ; com
mon to medium , 3.25 < a.'UK ) ; Btockers , 2.25 ( < }
2.60 ; feeding steers , 82.05@3.15 ; cows , 81.30
(32.05. (
Hogs Receipts , 4,000 ; shipments , 80 ;
market firm and fairly active ; common to
choice , 84.25Q1.50 ; skips and plus , 32.00 ®
National Stock Yard * . Kant Bt ,
IjntaU. III. . Sent. 20. Cattle Receipts ,
S30 : shipments , 700 : market active but
steady ; fair to choice heavy native steers ,
ft4.00@4.85 ; butchers' steers , medium to
choice , 13.40(94.10 ( ; feeders. 82.60@3.40.
Hoes Receipts , 2,200 ; shipments , none ;
market active and stronger ; choice heavy ,
S5.10@6.30 ; packing and Yorkers , 84.80@Ji.05 ;
pigs , 4.15 4.75. _
Tuesday , Sept 20.
Cart I c.
The receipts of cattle wore heavy again to
day , although there was n falling off us com
pared with yesterday. The heavy run of
cattle during the past two or three days has
weakened the market and even good cattle
were lOc lower. The local packers were liberal
buyers and quite a good many cattle changed
hands , although the number was small as
compared with the receipts. The common
aud poorer trades of cattle were very dull.
Hoie * .
Considering the recent break In the market
the receipts of hoza were liberal. The aver
age quality of nous was fair and there were
no very poor loads In , while there were some
very choice lo.uls. The market openi : . ! slow
with the buyers holding buck , hut when once
they got to work the pens were soon cleared.
The market was a strong 5c higher than yes
terday. While the sales might , lu some In
stances , indicate a greater advance some al
lowance must he made for the better quality
of the lie s. There was nothing lelt oxer
There were no fresh receipts and nothing
doing on the market.
Cattle 2,400
Hogs . 2,300
Cattle 73 cars
Prevailing Prlooi
Showing the prevailing urlcaj paid for live
stock on this market :
Choice steers. 1300 to 1500 Ibs. . . . 84.20014.40
Choice steers , 1100 to 130J Ibs. . . 4.00(544.20 (
Fat little steers 900 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.75(33.85 (
Corn-fed range steers 1200 to 1500 3.8.V$4.Q ! !
Good to choice corn-fed cow3. . . . 2x$2.75 ) (
Commonto medium cows 1.50(32.25 (
Good to choice bulls i.7.va2.50
Good range feeders 2.50(32.75 (
UoodnativefeedersOOOIbsand up
wards 2.75@3.00
Fair to medium native feeders,900
Ibs and upwards 2.503.Cr
Mockers , 400 to 700 Ibs 2.00 ( < r2.40
Prime fat sheep 3.25(33,50 (
Fair to medium sheep 2.50-S8.00
Common sheeo 1.50@2.'J5
Light and medium hoes 4.60M4.70
Good to choice heavy hoes 4.80(34.90 (
Good to choice mixed hogs 4.7034.80
Representative rialot.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr
60..1143 83.75 203..127S § 4.20
39..1194 4.10 109..1345 4.40
87..1203 4.20 37..1371 4.JO
40..1103 94.30
59..1030 82.05
42..1007 82.05 41..1020 82.05
20..1350 84.25
13. . . . 090 82.00
23. . . . 010 8210 0..1013 52.35
21. . . . 905 2.25
20. . . . 897 82,77 > i
No. Av. 8hk. Pr. No. AT. Silk. Pr.
20..JSO 4.70 73..239 4084.80
63..232 100 4.70 19. . .210 40 4.80
68..233 120 4.72X 6'3..248 40 4.80
67..217. 4.75 66..241 120 4.85
69..254 80 4.75 68..371 120 4.85
71..217 80 4.75 05..257 100 4.85
54..234 240 4.77K 60..245 40 4.85
67 . . .y > 9 80 4.77K 73..233 120 4.85
73..253 160 . -
65.256 240 4.80
75..257 120 4.80
75..258 160 4.80
GO..245 240 4.80
79..240 180 4.80
64..227 100 4.80
63..243 240 4.80
Live Stock Sold.
Showing thu number of bead of cattle sold
on the market to-day :
G. H. Hammond & Co 555
Local 60
Feeders 129
Shippers. 187
Total mi
All 8ixl63 of stocK in thu market are made
per cwt live wel < lit unless otherwise stated.
Dead hogs sell at Xo per Ib. for all weights.
"Skins"or hoga weighing lass than 100 Ibj.
no value. Pregnant sows are docked 40 IDS ,
and 6 tans S3 Ib-i. bvthamtblio Intpeotor.
Live Stock Notei.
Cattle lOc lower.
A slow hog market
Heavy run of cattle.
Good bogs strong 5c higher.
T. K. Elliot , Stewart , la. , was In with a
load of hogs.
Peters & Alstron. Rock Creek , Wyo. , had
In a train of cattle.
M. J. Downes , Chicago , was among the
visitors at the yards.
John Relmers , Grand Island.marketed two
loads of prime hots at 84.90.
U. T. Richards and brother , came In with
a load of cattle and a load of hogs.
S. Haas , Council Bluffs , a well known
stodfcman , was a visitor at the yards.
O. Kaveney. Llnwood , Neb. , came In with
a load of corn fed steers of his own feeding.
O. W. Mead , president , and Mr. Fisher ,
manager , of Middlesex Cattle company , were
0. U. Post Preston , was here with two
load * of 1,194 Ib steers , which were sold at
John Borland , l < etgh. a heavy feeder ,
topped the hog market with a prime load of
hog * .
John T. Martin , 'with Martin Bros. , at
Chicago , was among the visitors at the
yards. .
W > T. Blo&gett A Co. , were'ln with tore *
loads of .corn fed steers'1 which sold on thu
market. I '
A. F. Nllnrt , Foston. ftob. , was nttho yards
with a load of hogs aud touk the price with
good grace.
It Is understood tunt Ranpnl , Lamb
A Co. , a Chicago commission linn , will open
a office here.
A. A. Bryant , a well known feeder of Una-
dllla , Neb. , came In with two loads of 1,802 Ib
steers ot his own feed Inc.
The lance addition which Is being built fo
the Armour packing house has ncceislUtt'd
the shutting down of the house.
One load of very prime hogs , averaging
2COIbs. , liner than anything that Ims liven In
the yards In a long time , went at 85.00.
F. J. Hale. Battle Crook , Neb. , came In
with eleven loads of corn fed steers and one
load of hogs. The cattle averaged 1,278 Ibs. .
and sold at 84.20.
.llm Frazler , Sliver Cltv , of the firm Fra-
zler A Swartz , heavy shippers of cattle , was
In yesterday with onn of the linest bunches
of yearling shorthorn Durhams and Hereford -
ford ! ) ever seen here. Forty hcsd averaged
1103 Ibs and brought 84.30. They were fed
by \ \ in. Orr and son-in-law , of Pottawal-
lamte cou nly , la .
Tuesday , bcpl. 30.
Tlic following arc Hie price * nt which
round lots of produce are sultl on t/it /
market :
The receipts of produce to-day wore heav
ier than yesterday , the bulk being eturs , but
ter and poultry. Cho'ce butter Is in demand.
Two and a half cars ot popcorn were re
ceived. The price of butter Is showing signs
of weakening , though no change lias been
mndo as yet Other prices arc about the
BUTTKH Creamery , 22@2Cc per pound ;
choice dalrv , is@20c ; medium grades , I3@l5c ;
ordinary. 9@lQc.
Eaos The market Is slcady at 1314c
for cholcn stock.
CIIKKSK Market fair. Fancy full cream
Cheddars , single 13c ; full cream twins , 13c :
young Americas , 13)c ; brick cheese , 100 Ilia
In case. 14c ; Llmbenter , 100 Ibs In case , 13Xc ;
Saurfl' fancy Ohio , 19c.
POUITIIY Fair market ; sprlne chickens ,
83.00(33.50 ( ; old fowls. * 'J.75@VJr : ) ; ducks ,
82.25(32.75 ( : turkeys , In very light request ,
604 c per Ib.
OYSTKHS New York counts , 45c ; selects ,
GAME Receipts light : prairie chickens ,
83.50 ; mallard ducks , 82.75 3.00. Quail.
82.00 ( < | 2.25 ; teal and mixed ducks , 81.00 1.75 ;
snlpe75c@8LOO ; Jack rabbits , 35c each ,
MELONS Watermelons are pot In much de
mand ; choice , 88.00@12.00 per hundred ; can-
telopes. 50@75c per doz.
CKLEHY The receipts are larger and the
stock better. Good stock brings 35c a bunch.
CIOKII Choice Michigan cider , 0.00(36.50 (
per bbl of 32 gal.
PoPconN Choice , forstands , 2@2J < c per Ib.
TOMATOES Commission men are onlr
handling a very few. Good stock 40@50c
per bushel ,
ONIONS Choice large California onions
are offered on the market nt 80c per bu&hel.
The demand Is light
SWKKT POTATOES The market Is well
supplied and they sell at S&IVt'c per Ib.
CAIIHAOE California stock , lar e round
heads , 2J c per Ib.
EGO PLANT Slow sale at C0@75c per doz ,
for choice stock.
POTATOES The market Is well supplied.
Salt Lake and Colorado stock sells at 80@85c.
Nebraska and Iowa ht ck.60@il.ic per buslirl.
HONEY Good hone/pin neat one Ib.
frames ISc ner Ib. , ,
BKANH. Hand-picked navy , 82.00 per
bushel , and other grades down as low as
Orders from the coiiinrcqnlrli | se
lected stock ami er.tra cdrc In ntie'tln'i ' ciii-
not filieaj/s / be filial at'the ' sania prize *
Quoted to the local trtule .for cninni'xi sloci.
Tlie warmer weather of the past two or
three days has created n better demand for
fruits and stocks are moviuir more freely.
PEACHES Choice California stock is golnc
at Sl.&VSl.CO. Michigan peaches arc selling
at 7 : > (2Mic ( per 10-lb baskets.
GHAPES The supply of home-grown
crapes continues liberal. . California , Tokay
nnd Muscat , 81.50a2.5 ( < ) : 'choce ' ! home-grown ,
3kc. The market Is fairly well supplied
with eastern ( Train's at 30@-l5c ) per basket
CUAU Choice Siberian , 53.003.50
per bbl.
OKANOES Fancy Rodl. 160 per box. S5 50 ;
fancy Rodl , 200 per box , 30.00 ; choice Naples ,
200 per box , 85.50.
LEMONS Choice Palermo , 80.00 ; fair Pa
lermo , 85.oo@5.50 : choice Messina , 0.50 ;
fancy Messina , 87.00 ; extra fancy Rodl ,
88.50 ; extra fancy Malorl , 88.50.
QUINCBS California quinces , of large
size , 82.00@2.25 per box.
CiiAMiBiihiES The market Is fairly well
supplied with good stock. Bell and cherry ,
89.00. Cape Cods will arrive In a few days
and will sell at 39.00@10.00.
APPLES The supply is liberal , especially
of homo-grown stock. Choice Michigan up-
plcs 2.75@3.00 ; home-grown. ' 83.25@2.50.
PEARS California Bartlett pears are be
coming scarce , and good stock , suitable for
reslilpinent , is worth 83.25(33.50 ( ; other varie
ties S2.00@2.75.
UANANAS The market is well supplied
with bananas atS3.50@3.00 per bunch.
COCOANUTS "Good " stock , $5.00.
Flour nnil Feed.
n\c \ following are the lohblny prices :
Minnesota patents , 83.50 percwt : Minneso
ta Bakers' straight , 82.30 percwt. ; Kansas and
Missouri winter fancy patents , 83:4.rWJ.CO : :
Nebraska patents. S2.25@2.35 ; rye Hour , 81.75
@ 1.90 per cwt ; rye Urabam , 81.40 per cwt. ;
wheat Graham , 81.75 per cwt ; corn meal ,
yellow , 90c per cwt : corn meal , white , 81.00
percwt ; chopped feed , S14.00@10.00 per ton ;
bran , S12.00@13.00pur ton : screenings , 89.00
@ 12.00 per ton.
HAY Upland prairie , S8.00@9.50 ; com
mon coarse , S7.00@3.00.
Grocer' *
COFFER Ordinary grades , 20J21e ; fair ,
21K@22c ; prime. 22i ( te : fancy green and
yellow , 33@35c ; old covernmeut Java. 2S
30c ; Interior Java , 25cu'JSc ) ; Mocha ,
Arhnckle's. roasted , 20Vc ; McLaughlln'N
XXXX , 26 > c ; Dilworth's , SCc ; Ked Cross ,
REFINED LAUD Tierce. 7c ; 40-ib square
cans , 7c ; 50-lb round , 7 c : 20- 1 b round ,
7'c ( ; 10Mb palls , 7 c ; 5-lb palls , 7J/c ; 3-lb
PSuoAR-Granulated,6J < @ 7cconf. ; A , 6ffl
6c ; wnlte extra C , 6 @r > Xc : extra C. 0 (3
6 ? c ; yellow C , 5Kc ; cut loaf , 7K ; powdered ,
VIIOTISIOJJS llams , lt @ 12c : breakfast
bacon.ll/@Uctf ? : bacon sides lo } @iOKcdrv ;
salt , 9KOf9Xc ; shoulders , 7@7Jfc : dried beef
hams , H@llKc : dried beef regular , 10 > @llc ;
hams picnic , 883 > $ c.
ad lumber
DRIED FRUITS Apples , new , X' & 6c ;
evaporated , 50-lb ring , I414j < c ; raspberries ,
evaporated , 29c ; blackberries , evaporated ,
10tiOKc ( ; pitted cherries , peaches , new ,
K's , 7 c : evaporated peeled peacnes , c ;
evaporated , unpared , 10) $17c ; new currants ,
? M@7Kc ; prunes , 4Jf@5c : citron , 25c ; rai
sins. London layers , California , loose
muscatels , Sl.bO@1.85 ; new Valencias , 7 c.
SYKUP No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs. fl.40@i.50 ;
New Orleans , per gallon , 3846c : maple
syrup , half Ibbs , "old time , " per gallon , Mc ) ;
1-gallon cans , per doz , 810.50 ; half-gallon
cans , per doz , $0.25 ; quart cans , 83.35.
CANNED GOODS Oisters , standard , per
case , 83.00(33.10 ( : strawl > erries , 2 Ib , per case.
case , S5.75@5.85 ; white' cherries , per rase ,
80.00 plums , per case , $3.bO@3.90 : blue
berries , per case , 8i30@-2.40 ; egg plums , 2
Ib. per case , 83.50 : pineapples , 2 Ib ,
per case. J3.20Q5.75 ; 1 Ib mackerel , per doz.
81.60 : l Ib salmon , per doz , 8l.axa2.0o ; 2 Ib
gooseberries , percaso. 8.259a35 : ) ; 2Ib string
beans , per case , 81.75 ; 2lb lima beane , per
case , (1.60 ; 3 Ib marrowfat peas , per caset
83.5033.60 ; U Ib early June peas , per case ,
12.75 ; 3 Ib tomatoes , 83.40(32.50 ( ; 2 Ib corn ,
82.20@2.25. j ,
PicKLES-Medlum. in 'bbls , 86.50 ; do In
half bbls , 83.75 ; small , in bbls , 87.50 ; do In
half bbls , 84.25 ; gherkins , In bbls , 88.50 ; do lit
halt bbls. 84.75.
WOODEN WAKE Two-hoop palls , per doz ,
* 1.45 : 3-hoop palls , 81,70 ; No. l tub. 80.50 ;
No. 2 tub. 85.60 ; No. 3 tub , 84.50 ; wash
boards , 81.75 : assorted bowls , 82.25 ; No. 1
churns , 89 ; Ho. 2 churns , 88 ; No. 3 churns ,
TonAcco Lorlllard'sCIImax , 44n ; Splen
did , 4lc ; Mechanic's Delight 41c : Leguett A
Meyers Star , 41c ; Cornerstone , 34c ; Drum ,
mond's Horse Shoe , 4lc ; T. J. , 37c ; Sorg's
Spearhead. 44c.
BKOPK Seven-sixteenths Inch , 12
STARCH Mirror Gloss , 6c ; Graves Corn ,
6c ; Oswego Gloss , 7c ; Oswego Corn. 7a
BBOoMS-Extra 4-tle$2,60 ; No. 1.82.00 ; No.
2,81.75 ; heavy stable , 84
CAKDT Mixed , BX@HC ; stick. 8X < 39Xc.
CBAcucns Garneairs soda , batter and
picnic. So ; creams , 8c ; ginger inapt , 8c ; city
oda , 7c.
TKAI J apan , 20d5Sc ; gunpowder , 90 ®
Toung Uyion. 35 ( & 5c ; Ooloqg , 2060c ,
General Markeu ,
SPIRITS Coloine spirits , iw proof , 81.10 ;
do lot proof , 81.12 ; spirits , second quality ,
101 proof , 81.10 ; do 188 proof , 81.09. Alcohol.
188 proof , 83.10 per wine gallon. Redistilled
whiskies , 81.0031.60. Gin blended. 81. WO
2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , 82.0036.00 ; Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 82.0096.6U ;
Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies ,
8L50d 3.W. ( Brandies , Imported. 85.o6as.50 ;
domestic. 81.30(2(3.00. ( ( Gins , Imported. 84.0&
6.00 ; domestic , 51.25(93.00. ( Champagnes .Im
ported , per case , S2S.00@33.00 ; American , per
case. 8lO.OKaiO.OO.
MKAVT llAKnwARE-lron , rale , 82. M o
Plow steel , special cast. 4 > { c ; crucible steo | ,
OM'c ; cast tools , do. I''ytlbc ; wa on spotcs.
p nr set , J2.00 < $ ' > .50 ; hubs , per set , 81.6J : fef.
l oos , sawed dry , 81.60 ; tongues , each , ( tOc ;
nxles , each , 76c ; square nuts , per Ib u c :
con ciialn , per Ib , 0) gl3c ; malleable , bjic , ( ) ;
Iron wedges , 60 ; crowbars , 6c ; harrow teeth ,
4Vc ; Kpnng steel. 4 ( 5e ; Uirdon's horse
Rlioes , 84.75 ; Burden's mule shoes. $5.75.
Barbed wire' in car lots , 84.00 per 100 Ibs.
Iron nails , rates. 10 to 60 82.40 ; .teei nails ,
HIDES Green butchers' , 8X@6c ; green
cured , 7Kc ; dry nint , lie ; dry salt , 9c ; green
calf skins , ? Kc : damteed hides , two-thirds
price. Tallow : te. Grease Prime white. 3c :
yellow. 3c ; brown , l ) < c. Sheep pelts. 250
COAL Egg , 89.25 ; nut , 89.50 ; range , 89.50 ;
Iowa lump , 83.00 ; Iowa nut , 82.75 ; walnut
block , 83.00 ; Illinois , 84.2504.75.
under groceolcs. _
Dry Goorta.
COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dls
count LL , OJfc ; CC , 7 > 'c ; SS , 8fc ! ;
NaineU'ss , 6Vtfc ; No. 5. Oc ; EE. 9Mc ;
< } , lO c : XX I2c ; 06 , We : NN , fee
RX , isc ; R , 30c : No. 10 , SKC ; 40 , lOKc : eo-
ij > * c : no , loc ; u , niorcn , iuc : w , colored.
13c ; 70 , colored , 15c ; Bristol , 13) < c ; Union
Pacilic. 18c.
CAHPHT WAitr-Blbb white , 18 } < c ; col
ored , 20XC. v
B AT rs Standard , 8c ; Gem , He ; Beauty ,
12Kc : Boone , 14c ; B. cased , 80.50.
PHINTS Soi.iuiCoLoits Atlanta 5) < c ; Sla
ter 5c ; Berlin Oil C'fc ; Garner Oil 6 to 7. PINK
AND ROUES Richmond tic ; Alienee ; River-
point r > c ; Steel Rlvcrfc : Richmond Oc : Pacilic
GKe. INDIOO BLUK Washington Oc ; Amcrl-
canGcAriioldOXc ; ; ArnoldB He ; Arnold
A 12c ; Arnold Goldseal lUXc. Char
ter Oak 4He ; uamapo 3Jfc : Lodl 4j/c ; Allen
SJc ; Richmond 5) ) 0 , Windsor Cc ; Eddystone
6c * Pacilic 6c *
GiNQHAM-Plunkett checks 7 > c ; Whltten-
ton 7Jfc ; York 7 > fc ; Normaudlo Dress
8V < c ; Calcutta Dress 8Xc : Whittenton
Dress 9c ; Renfrew Dress 9c to 12Wo , ;
CAMnnica Slater 4Jfc ; Woods 4Wc ; Stan
dard 4 } c ; Peacock 4 We.
COHSET JEANS Androscogglu 7 > fc ; Kear-
sage 7'fc ; Rockport6J c ; Conestoga 6 , ' c.
DUCK West Point 29 In.,8oz. . lOtfc ; West
Point 29 In. . 10 oz. . 12Vc : West Point 20 In. ,
13 oz. . 15c ; West Point 40 In. . 11 oz. , 10 .
Checks Caledonia X. 9Ko : Caledonia XX ,
loWc ; Economy 9 to B c ; Otis 9 to 9) < c.
TICKS Lewlston 30 In. , 12 > < c : Lewistou 32
In. . ISifp ; York 88 in. , I4c ; Swift Rlver7Kc :
Thorndlke O O , Stfc ; Thorndlke E F , 8Kc ;
Thorndlke 130 , 9 > < c ; Thorndlko XXX , 15c ;
Cordls No. 5,9Kc ; Cordls No. 4 , He.
DENIMS Amoskeag lioz.luc : Everett 7
oz. , I3c ; York 7oz. , IHC ; Havmaker 8Kc ; Jaff-
rey XX. llj < c ; Jaffrey XXX , 12&c ; Beaver
Creek AA. 12c ; Beaver Creek BB , He ;
Beaver Creek CC , lOc.
KENTUCKY J BANS Memorial 15c : Canton
8c ; Durham 27Xc : Hercules 18c ; Leamlng-
on 22 > fc : Colts weld 25c ,
CitASH Stevens'B6c ; bleached 7c ; Ste-
ens' A 7 c : bieaclied 8Hc : Stevens' P 8Kc :
ileached 9Kc : Stevens' tf > ic ; bleached
Okfc : Stevens' S R T 12We.
MISCELLANEOUS Table oil cloth 82.85 ;
ilaln Holland 8V < c to 'Jc : Dado Holland 12 > c.
KLANNEi.s-Pfaid Raftsman 30n : Goshen
2Wc ; Clear Lake 32U'c : Maple City : 5Xc.
Vhltc-G. 11. No. 3 , Jf , 21c : ( J. U. No. 1 , % ,
7Xc ; B. II. No. 2 , % . 22Kc ; B. H. No. 1 , <
30o : Queeliee No. 1. J42c ; Qnecliee No. 2
ic ; . . . , , c ; . . . KdC.
CoMFHIlTERSi Su.60@35.00.
BnA.NKKi-8 White , * LOO@7.50 ; colored ,
BKOWN SIIEHTINGS Atlantic A , 4-4 , 75 < c ;
Atlantic. H , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , fii c : At-
antlo P , 4-4 , 5c ; Auiora LL. 4-4 , 5ic ;
Aurora C , 4-4,4' < c ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , OJfc ;
loosler LL , 4-4 , 55 c ; Indian lload , 4-4 7 > fc ;
awrenco LL. 4-4 , 5 > fc ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
T Ii Pcpperell R , * 4 6tf fc ; 1'oppereil O , 4-4 ,
V : ; Pepperell , 8-4 , lOc ; Pepperell. 9-4 , 18c :
oppcreil , 10-4 , 20c ; Utica C , 4-4. 4 fc ;
\Vnchusett \ , 4-4. 7c ; Aurora R , 4-4 , 0 > e ;
Aurora B , 4-4 , do. . .
BLEACHED SHF.KTINO Berkeley cambric.
No. 00 , 9Uc ; Best Yet , 4-4 , GJ < c : butter cloth
JO , 4tfc ; Cabot , 7Ku : Farwell , 8c : Fruit of
joom , 8c ; Greene G , 6c ; Hope , 1c' King
Phillip cambric. He ; Lonsdale. IH/c ; Lons-
dale , 8 > < c ; New York mills , lOWc ; Pcpperell ,
43 inch , lOKc : Pepperell , 40 Incli , HWc ; Pep
perell , 6-4,15c ; Pcpperell. 8-4.18c : Pepperell ,
M , 20c ; Pepperell , 10-4 , 32Xc : Canton. 4-4 ,
% c ; Canton , 4-4 , 9Kc ; Triumph , Oc ; Wauit
sittta , He ; Valley. 5c.
Dry Immber.
2. II &
If ! ft. Id ft 20 ft Zi ft 24 ft
2x4 170 * luifiO 50 21.50 21.5J
2x8 . ' .60 22.SJ
Jx8 21.M 21.6.
JxlO 82,50
'xl2 , .10.25 lll.M 20.AO 21.5U 2U.5
4x4-8x8 . .1S.50 lV.50,20.r , > ul2J.Ot ) 2'J.Ofl
A 0 In. White Pine 83-i.50 C , 829.50
B " " " ! ! 3.50 D , 21.00
' " " ( Sol. Fencing.19.00 )
1st and2ndclear , 1.1 Inch , s.2s 850.50
3d. clear , 1 Inch , 8. 2s. , 45.60
ft " HIX. . 2 In 40.SO
A select , 1 fuch , s. 2 s. . 40.00
" " IM , IK-2 In 44.00
B " l Indus. 3 s. , 80.00
1 " 1 # , IK. 2 In 87.00
Clear Poplar , 15x. Bds. % in. , H. 3 s..835.50
- " % In. Panel , s. 3 s 37.00
" " Corrugated Ceiling , % . . 28.50
O. G. BaUs , 2) ) in 800.75
" Kx3 in , s.l s 00.45
S In Well Tubing. D & M and Dcv. . . . . 23.00
Pickets , D. * H. Flat 20.50
Square 21.00
No. 1 , com. sis 818.00 No. 2 , com , sis 817.00
No. 3 , 815,50 Np. 4 , 813.00
No. 1 , 4&0in , 13 A 14 ft , roueh 810.50
No. 1 , ' " 10" " 19.50
No.2 , " ' 12&144' " 10.00
No. 2 , " " 10 " " 17.60
A. 12 , 14 and 10 ft. 821.50 C , 815.50
B. " " " 80.50 D. 13.6C
Four D. A. ItUBSur.Ti , WvoxilNO ,
Septcmlicr 20.1K87. .
SKA LEI ) propo4Ks ) , In triplicate , subject to
tbo usual conditions , will bo received n'
tills ulllco until 12 o'clock , noon , on Thursday.
October 20,1887 , at which time and plnco they
will bo opened In the presence ot attending
bidders , for the construction of the following
brlclc buildings at this post , viz : 2 sets of Held
oflicerg' quarters. 4 slniflo gets of ofllcers'
nuartora. 1 company liiirrucke. 1 quartermas
ter's storehouse. 1 subsistence storehouse.
Alia for 1 f riimo coal shed , und for the conver
sion of two storehouses Into company bar
racks. Proposals will ho considered for fur-
nlsbm ? both mntorlnl and labor necessary to
complete the work , tmd for ench separately.
Preference given to articles of domestic pro
duction and manufacture , conditions of price
and quullty being equal , and such preference
Kiven to urtlclea of American production nnd
manufacture produced on the Pacific const , tote
to ! extent ot the consumption required by the
public service there. Plans , specifications and
citlmnto of material required can bu seen at
tboolllcoof tbo Chief Quartermaster , Depart
ment of the 1'latto , Omaha , Nebraska , and at
thlsoflico. Bnvelopos containing proposals to
lie marked "Proposal ! for Construction of
Buildings , " and addrnsied to the undurslrncd
at Fort D. A. llussell. Wyomlnir. The United
States reserves the right to reject anv or all
1st Lieut ScQ. K. M. , 17th Infantry , 1'oft Quar-
Salt Manufacture of
With All MODERN Improvements.
47 and 49 Dearborn St. ,
IJENRY E. COX ( Omaha , Neb v
Agricultural Implements.
WholtMl * Tit lUr In
Arrlcultaral Implements , Wagons ,
Curlgci and Buttle * . Jonti ( treat , between Mb
nJ lOth.Onuha. M b.
Agricultural Implements ,
WMoni.C rrlM , Haultt. Hie. . Whol lf. Om h .
Whole * * ) * De l n In
Agricultural Implements ,
( f gem nd BuiflM. 90I.KCT. UOi tnilKff , Jonctrt
P. P.MAS 1' & CO. , '
Mtminicturan of
Kitckcyo Drills , Seeder. ' , Cultivator. *
Hay lUkcB , Cider Mllli unit l.ubnn I'ulterliert. Cor.
North Mill unit Nlchdlus 8t .
Wholesale Agricultural Implement *
Wagons and II Jiiirlog. ornor Uth & Nicholas sis ,
A. HOSPE , JR. ,
Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
.in DouglM Street , Omtha.
Beott and Shot * .
jr. r. MORSE A co.
Jobbers of Boots ami Shoes.
lilt Farntm it. , Omaba , N b. Manufaetorj , Bummw
ttreet. lloHnn.
Successors to Hood , Jones & Co. ,
Wholoaulo Manufacturer ! ) of Dents & Shoos.
Airts for linMon Ituhhor Shoo Co.
1102. 11(11 ( , V 1'fll l'm-ni"'Sf rm-lin. Vohri'Vn.
Ceffie , Splett , etc.
OLAKlvii CUf'KlCE CO. ,
Orniilm CoKce and Spioc Mills. Tens , CotToos ,
Hplces , llaklng 1'owiler , Flavoring Extracts.
Laundry llluo Ink , etc. 1414-1410 llnrnoy Bt.
Umiibn , Nobraskn ,
Crockery and Glassware
Acmtfor'beMujufatturcrsand Importer * of
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lampt , Chlminji , etc. OMce , 17 South Uth at
Omaha , Neb. .
Cotnm/uion and Storage.
Commission and Jobbing.
Batter , ( ( land Produce. Contlcnmami elicited.
Ileidqtiirtart for Stoneware , llerrj Boxra and
Urnpa JlaiketB. llll Dodge ttreet , Omaha.
Storage and Commission Merchant * ,
( peclaluei Butter , Egn , Chcc o , Poultrjr , Uame ,
Ojucn. etc. , etc. 11 > 8. llth Bt.
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , Butter , Giinie , Kniln , etc. 290 i. Uth it
Omaha. Neb.
Successors to McShano A t-chropdor.
1'roJuco Commission unit Colil Storage.
Omitlin , Nob.
Coal , Coke anil Lime.
Gio. F. J.AiiAnn. rrcii. C. P. rjoonXAK , V. Vie * .
J. A. HUNiiiHLAXD , Sao. and Treat.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
SW South Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Neb.
, / . iyOJii ' .SOAr t : CO. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime.
And Shippers of ( Vwl nnj Coke. Camont , 1'lmter-
IJme.llatr. Flra Brick , Drain , Tile nnil Sewer I'lpo.
onire , I'm ton Hotelfa - > im ft. , Offlxlm , Neb.
Telephone fell.
Mnprra of Coal and CoJtc ,
214 S. 13th St.Omaha , Nob.
Dry Goods and Motions.
If. E. SMITH cC C'O , ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing : Goods ANotions
1102 and 1104 Dounlan , cor. 1Kb St. , Omitbn , Nub.
CO. ,
Importers niul Jobbers Dry Goods. Notions ,
dents' Furnishing Goods. Cor. llth & Htirnoy
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture.
Faraam it. . Oinaba. Neb.
Furniture , Bedding , Upholstery ,
MlrroM , otc. 1818.1203 and 1810 Farnnm at. Omaba.
Groceries ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Hoc. 703,707 , TOO andTll S. 10th St. , Omnliu. Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
ltn nnd LciTenwortti nts.Omub.i.
IJ. Al. sTliliUK AS t-U , ,
lfliolendle Grocers ,
1210 , 1231.1SSJ Hixrnoy St. , Omaha , Nob.
Wholesale Groccru ,
1114iiml 1 111 Humor Ptroct , Oninlin.
LEE , FRIED < C CO. ' ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tinware , Bbeat Iron , Kte. Agent ! for ITowa Sc lai
and Miami Powder Co. , Om h .N b.
Bnilders'Hardware& Scale Repair Shop
Mechanics' Tool * and Buffalo 8calei. KM Poufiat IL ,
. . Keb.
Wholesale Hardware ,
10th and Harnoy Street ! , Omaha , Nob.
Western Agents for Austin I'owdor Co. , JnlTor
ton Steel Nails , Falrbnnka Stumlard Scales.
Heavy Hardware
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Bprlugi. Wacon Stork , Hardware Lumber , etc. 1301
and Ull Ilarnejr it. , Omaha.
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
Waion and Carriage Wood Stock , Heary llardwar * ,
Etc. HIT and 12ill Leurrnwortb Bt. , Oinaba , Neb.
Hats , Cops , Ete.
Wholesale Hats , Cajis < & Strain
Gpo ds ,
J107 Hnrncy Street , Oranhn , Nob.
Dlitlllen nf I.lqunn , Alcohol and Bplrlti. Importer !
and Jobbers of Wlneiana I.lquor .
CO. and ILER d ) CO. ,
Importer * and Jobber ! of Kino Wlnei and Mauora.
Solem nuf UreriOt Kenncdr'n Rait India lilt'
ten una Domcillo Uquori. llH llarnej BU
Dealer' All Kindt of
Building Material at Wholesale.
litli Street and Union Paelllo Track , Omaha.
Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Lime , Sasli ,
Dee , Kto. Yardj-Cornur 7th and Douglai ) Cornoi
tthand Douiclaa.
13th and California Btraeti , Omaha , Neb.
Lnrober , Lime , Cement , Etc. . Etc.
Cor.Ctb and Donglai itt . Omaba. NaX
To Dealers Only.
Oflee , IM rarnam itrMt , Omaha.
CJ AS , .R. LEE , ,
Hardwood Lumber , *
Wood CirptU and Farqiet Mooring. Mb and Doala4
Wholesale Lnmber , Etc.
Xnported and Anrlc n PortUnd Ctmtnt. VtaU
Agent farMllwaukee Hydraulic Cement and Beit
< J lncT WhltcLlm * .
Millintrf * n4 IHtiotit.
lmportor nil Jobbers of
and Itotloiw.
Wholaaala Dealer * la
Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
403 and 40 * 8. Tenth Bt. , Oaaba. _
Wholesale Notion * and Gents' Fur-
llOSllarner 8tn > ot. Oinnhn , Nob.
Wholesale Dealers In
Rejlncd and Lubricating Oils ,
AxloGrrnso , etc , Oinaliu , Nob.
A. It. HIsUop ,
Wholesale Paper Dealers.
( 'arrjrnnlcertrekor TrlntlnK , Writ | > plni ( and Writ
Ing paper. Bpcolul attention given to car leader
order *
Printers' Materials.
Auxiliary Publishers
- Buppl.a . * .
Rubber Goods.
ManufhCturer and Dealnrt In nil kind lot
Rubber tioodg ,
Oil Clothing nnd Leather nclllnit. I1XM Farnam at.
S'eam Fittings , Pumps , Etc.
CO. ,
Pumps , Pipes and EngincB ,
team , AV tor , Railway and Milling Supfllci. Jtt *
WO , KJand K4 farnam at. , Omaha. y b. .
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Itaam and Water Bupplle i. Headquarter * fiT Mail
JooitCo'iUoo-li. fill riiain it. , Omaba. Nab.
Bftllndir Wind lllliit eteam and Witter 8nppll < t ,
pfnu aoodi. nltlng , lime. VIS nnd M ) f.r-
amit.iOmi > h * . 8. K. Kelton , Mauif tr.
Tolepbnn * Nu. SIO.
llanufncturori and Dealers In
ngtncs , Boilers & ( icnoral Machinery
Sliuot Iron Work.Stouiu I'umpi * . Siur Mlllg.
U'1J-1-I5 : Lcavonvrortli St. , Onmlm. .
Farm , Field < nul Garden Sccdst
Nos. H11-UI3 Jones Street , Omiilia , Nob.
Storage , Forwarding & Commission.
Storat/e , Forwarding C Commission ,
Iniuoli house or tbo llonnuv liutriry Co. Hnir-
ffos nt wliolo alu anil retiill. NOH. 131)8. iilO ;
HIK | 1I2 ! ) I/.iird St. , Uninbik , Neb. Tclophono
No. SCO.
Teas and Cigars
Importers nnd Jolibtrs of
lean and Ctfiarn ,
plcos nnil Daisy Unking 1'oivdur. 1110 and 1418
lliiinoy Street. , Omalitt , Nob.
John Epenoter , Prop.
Manof tur r of OaUanliedlroo and Cornlet.
Uod e and IM aud 105 N , 10th at. . Omaha. Meb.
Smoke S aks , Bailers , Etc
11. If. SAWYER ,
Mannfnctnrliifr Dealer in Smokestacks ,
Hatchings , Tunic' , unit ( icn nl lldllnr Ilo
Iron Works.
" '
Iron WorkH ,
Wrought and rait Iron HullJInu Work , iron Plain ,
ItallTiiK. Beama anil < Jlrit r . Hicitni tf.M\H \ t. llraia
Work , ( jbnural Ifounilrf. Machlu * ' . l lll i k
Work , omcoanj worki , U. P. Hr. '
Mr.iiiifiicturcVH of
Wire and Iron IlaV'in.i * , Desk Nails ,
Window Gimrilu.l'lowerSliuiiU ,
l l N. IDlb.
G. Andrein , Proprietor.
Manufacturer of Flrn and llurjrlnr I'rnot Safes.
Vaults , Jail Work. Iron anil Wlro Fencing ,
Sljrns , olo. Cor. llth nn'l Jnoki > ont. . Clinnhii.
Kannfacturera of Overalls ,
leant Fanti , Sblrti , Kte. 1101 and 1104 Dou-jlm Stree
Omaha , Neb.
Sash , Doors , Etc.
Wholoale Manufacturer ! of
Sasli , Doors , Bllnda and Mouldings ,
Branch office , 121U and liard ts. , Oiash : , Neb ,
Manufacturers , of Sash , Dtors , Blinds ,
Monld'jiKs.HUIr Work and Interior Html Wood Klnlih
Jutlopcneil. N. K. cor. Stniind LouvcnwortUBti.
Omubu , Neb.
Manufacturers of Mouldings , Fasli , Doors und
UllnilsTurning Stiilr-wurk. lliuik mill
Ollico Flttlnira.
20th und rnpploton Aveuiio ,
Lfljfer Ueer Brewers ,
1S71 North 18th Street. Omaba , Nab.
Live Stock Commission iHcrcltiiutx ,
Offlcc HonuiI , Upposlto Kxcluinuo UullUInK ,
Union Stock Vard.i , South Uinulin , Nob.
Live Stock Coiiiiiilssion .Morcliauts.
Market furnished free < > n | iH ; < ritl < ) ii. Stnckert an
feeders funil itt < l on KO' I tarmt. Ilofereno *
Unmlm .Vatlonul II ink niul Buiith O.nahl
Union Stock Yurili , Suuth Omulm.
lAi'c Stifle Commission ,
Itoom 15 Kxclituiio ljullilliik" , Hnlon Stock
YiiriR South Uinahu , Noli.
Ti 6"u N & s IA R i1 E ,
ri Dcalorn In Mvo Stok. Hooin sa.Ki.
llulldlniLnon : Stouk Vd . , H. Oinuhu
Itoforoncns- Union Nut'I Hunk , Oiimha.Union
ritocc Vunla Dank. S. Oimilm , K. H. Howlur ,
JVte. Am llnnk \ Trust Co. ± Unmlm.
Commission Donlora In I.ivo Stock , HOOIII 3
Oiiiioalto r.Ychank'n llulldlnjf , Union Stock
Vurds , tioutli Omaha , Nub.
_ _
Of Omaha.- .
. John F. Boyd , Bu rlnt Biil nt. '