2 JCHE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 21. 1887. PRESIDENT SPALDING TALKS , Eolations Between the National League and the Ball Flayers' ' Brotherhood. OTHER DIAMOND GOSSIP : WhatMr. Hpnldlnglhlnksof Forming Another Amoclat Ion Two CrushIng - Ing Defeat * For Lincoln- Ilia ifocal Parody , A Talk With President Spalillng. CIIICAQO , Sept. 93. [ Special Telegram to the UKK.I A reporter to-day talked with President Spsldlnir , of the Chicago base ball club , regarding the reported remarks of John Ward , Now York's short stop , on the Brother hood of Ball Players. Ward was reported to have said that President Young , ot the Na tional league , , has declined to receive any communication from the Brotherhood as nn organi/atlon , and has In other ways made plain his purpose of totally Ignoring It That . President Young would act In this manner unless his course was directed by the other members of the League , Mr. Ward does not believe. President Spaldlng , In the course of his talk about this , said : "The matter was brought up Informally while we were at Asbury Park a month ago. Mr. Young said he had received a personal letter from Ward wanting to know If the League would moot the players In convention. The matter WAS Informally discussed nnd It was the prevail ing opinion that there was no objection ; In fact , the League would like to do ft" "I suppose they answered that missive ? " "I suppose so. The rest of my Informa tion came through the press. " "Do you think It would bo possible for capitalists to step In between now and next spring or summer and organize a base ball association with these crack players , pro vided they got enough of them , in big cities , like Chicago and New York and obtain grounds that would be accessibleto the public ? " "That Is a business question that every man would have to answer for himself. My experience would not warrant mo In Invest ing much money In the scheme. " lu further talk about League affairs Mr. Spaldlnu said the Sa.ooo limit on salaries had been a dead letter fur some time , lie has heard nothing about Clarkson'H alleged In tention to go to lioston next year and says the talk about letting Burns out Is entirely untrue. A Base Dall Trureaty. A handful ot people witnessed a very poorly played exhibition game between the Omabas and Hastings yesterday afternoon. The local team , as usual , opened up In a promising way and scored two runs. Then they were unable to knock a man across the plate until the eighth Inning , when on three safe hits , two ot them being three-baagera , they piled up live tallies. In the ninth they were whitewashed. The Hastings scored one In the first , four In the third , two In the ntth , and the winning rnn In the ninth. Both teams played In a listless , careless manner , and the game was a travesty on the great national pastime. The players of these two teams evidently think this Is the last year of professional ball playing and that It doesn't make any difference ) what kind of a game they put up. Probably , very likely In foot , It Is thn last j ear for the majority of them. Following Is the score : OMAHA. ros. ATI. it. in. ns. ro. A. R. Totals . . . . . 41 7 10 1 at 15 3 11AB1INOB. 1'OS. All. It. 111. n8. I'O. A. E. Curtis . ru Whitehead. . 3D Welch . 2b Knlstnir . lb 5 i i o W l o KbrlKht. . > .c 5 S a 1 1 0 0 Lnuman . rf Peoples . P3 Welsh . If Wchrle. . p .Totals . . . . 43 B IflT l" 27 17 5 BOOIllt BY INNIN08. Omaha . 8 0 0 o o 0 0 5 0 7 Hastings. . 1.0 403000 1-3 BUMSfAllV : Earned runs Ouiaha 5 , Hastings 7. Two-base hits Launiau , Welsh. Three-base hits Dwyer , Dandle , Jant/en , Lauman , KbrlKht. .Left on bases Omaha 0 , Hastings 8. fctruck out Wehrlo 1. liases on bolls by ilooley I. Time of game 2 hours. Umpire Unrtson. The following are the positions for tOsdaya'icamo : OMAHA. . 1 > OS. UA8TINU8. Krohroerdr . c. . Ueynolds Bartson . p . Nicholson Dwyer . 1 . Kclslng Messltt . 3 . Welch Pusselbaoh . 3 . Whitehead Walsh . s . Pceples ? Uader . 1 . Welsh Oenlns . . . . .m . Curtis , , Handle . . . .r. . . . Lnuman Topeka Defeat ! Lincoln Twice. Torx.KA , Sept -Special [ Telegram to the UKK.J The Topekss and Llncolns played two championship canies to-day , the result being a crushing defeat to the vlsltois. Blx lanlugs wera played In each game by agreement. In the first lame Swartzel and Dover constituted the battery for iilncoln and Conway nnd Guusou ( or Topeka. Following - lowing 1s the score : Topeka . 10307 0 11 Lincoln . 0 00314 7 lluns earned Topelca 0 , Lincoln 1 , Two base hits Maeullar , Sneed , Hemp. Urn- plro fount : . In the second pamo Hart and Dolvn worn the battery for Lincoln and Couwav and Guiison for the home team. The result was shutout for the vlsltois. Following Is the MOW : Topeka . 0 1083 0-22 Lincoln . 0 00000 0 Runs earned Topeka 3 , Lincoln 0. Two base hits Ardncr. Three base hlta-IIalll- ' day , Snood. liouble play Uunson to Ard- nor. Umpire Young. K nsa City IT , Denver 3. KANSAS Crrv , Sept 10. | Special Tolo- Itram to the DEK. | The worst ball game wlt- ' nessoJ at L amio park this season was the ( ame Denver clayed ' to-day. Most of the errors m < ' hv the visitors worn Inexcusable and until Kansas City , after making seventeen - teen runs purposely let down in baiting , they hit Eliret whenever they chose. Kansas City played almost an errorless game , wnlte the visitors are credited with twelve errors. The score by Innings Is as follows : Kansas City . 4 1337100 0-11 Denver. . 0 00011001 a Karucd runs Kansas City 3 , DonverS. Two-base hlU-LllllH , Henele (2) ) , Hansel , llasamaer , 1'hilllps (2) ( ) . Thruo-ba.se hlts- llasauiiwr , Ulngo. Struck out-HyNlchola , 1. Jjeft on base * Kansas City 8 , Denver 10. liases on balls Off Mchols 8. offKbrotfi. errors Kansas City 0 , Denver 3. Paused U-xlls-lUniro 1 , JJriKtrs 3. Time ol fame 3 hours and 5 minutes. Umpire llagan. Unttorleu Kansas City : Nichols , Illopo and Graves. Denver : Elirot , National lieaicue Games. CHICAGO , Sept. 20. Tlio game between the Chicago and Washington teams to-day re- aulted as follows : Chicago . 0 0003030 0-f vYashineton . 0 0000000 0-t Pitchers Van llnltron and O'Day. Unst hlts-Chcaco ! 11 , Washington 4. Krrors- Chicago 3. Washington S. Umpire-Powers , PiTTsnuito , Sept. SO. The game between the Pittsburg and New Vork teams to-day resulted aa follows : Plttsburp . a 03100000 t iSewYork . 0 0700000 * 1 Pitcherb-Ualvln and Welch , liase hlts- Pittsouht ll. New York 14. Errors-Pitts burs 0 , Now York 1. Umpire Doe clier. DRTIIOIT , Sent 20. The game bot\\cen the Detroit and Philadelphia teams to-day ro- nultMl ag follows : Detroit . 0 01010000- : : Philadelphia . n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - .l ritchew-Ceawaj- Casey liase bits ' Detrolts ? , Philadelphia 8. Enron Detroit 1 , Philadelphia t Umpire Daniels. lifDiAKAroMi , Sept 90. The game be tween the Indianapolis and Boston teams to-day resulted as follows : Indianapolis . 0 00400101 0 Boston . 4 2100000 * 7 Pltcliers MofTetand Hadbourno. Base hits Indianapolis 9. Boston It. Errors In- dlnnapolls 3 , Boston 7. Umpire Valen tino. _ _ _ _ American Association. IAITIMOIIF ! , Sept 20. The game botwocn thn Brooklyn and Baltimore teams to-day re sulted ns follows : Baltimore . 3 1 0 0 0 3 - 0 Brooklyn . : . . .0 0 S 0 0 0 0 3 Seven Innings account of darkness. NEW YOIIK , Kent. 20. The game be tween the Metropolitans and Athletics to day resulted as follows : Metropolitans . 0040000 1 11 Athletics . 0 2000010 5 Uame called account of darkness. CINCINNATI , Sent , 20. The game between the Cincinnati and Louisville teams to-day resulted as follows : Cincinnati . 0 00101002 4 Louisville . o 01100000- Northwestern DE/J / MOINF.S , Hept 20. The Northwestern longuo games to-day worn as follows : At DCS Mohics-Des Molnes 4. Duluth 0. At Milwaukee Milwaukee 8 , St Paul 3. At Oshkoah Mln ncapolls 9 , Ushkosh 3. W Brooklyn Jockry Club Meeting. NKW Yontc , Sept 20. The fall meeting of the Brooklyn Jocttoy club bepan to-day. The track was In excellent condition and the attendance was very large , fully 10.000 people being present Five furlongs : Cyclops won , Burch second end , Ballston third. Time l:02Jf. : One mile and sixteenth : Lelax won. Es quimaux second. Hosaltnd third. Time 1K. : For two-year-old * , six furlongs : Ucraldlne won. Kmperor of Norfolk second , Satisfac tion third. Tlrae-l:15K. One mile nnd n quarter : Euno won , Exllo second , Klchmotul third. Tlmo 3:09. : For two-year-olds , live furlongs : Leo H. won , Groriro Oyster second , Speedwell third. Ono mile- : Little Minnie won , Redstone second , Nellie Van third. Time-l:44 : # . Itacrn nt Liontavlllo. Louis vir.T.i5 , Sept. 30. One mile : Po teen won , Estrella second , Dorochtnent third. Tlm , ) :43 : f. Three-quarters of a mile : Eva K. won , Qlonlmm second. Bankrupt and Itlvett ran a dead heat for third place. Third money was divided. Tlmo , IrlO. Two miles , for three-year-olds : Montrose won. Libretto second. Procrastination beaten oir. Time. 8:39. : Five furlongs , for two-year-olds : Ker- rnpsee won , Tudor second , Ilattle D. third. Time. 1:03. : Seven furlon s : Lofv w won , Catalpa second , Panama third. Time , 1:33 : , Kilrnln to Halt Thursday. NKW YonK , Sept 20. [ Special Telegram to the BEH.I Jake Kllrain and Charley Mitchell will sail for England on the Auranln next Saturday. They will be followed by William E. Harding about Ootobor 15. The latter will represent Kiclianl K. Fox , KII- raln's backer. A UeinarKablo Score. BKLT.EVUE , Neb. , Sept 20. | Special Tele gram to the BhK. | The second day of the distinguished marksmans' competition was devoted to skirmish firing and with the ex ception of Sergeant Stcnvens' score of 109 and Sergeant Griffiths' score of 103 , the scores were below the average. Sergeant Stevens1 score is the best that bos ever been made on this range. Sergeant Uriflilths made 103 In the forenoon and WAS congratulated by all for maklnij the score , but Sergeant Stevens put It In shade In the afternoon by maklni ; the beautiful score of 103. This puts him 10 points abend of the team and elves him a splendid showing for the gold medal. Following are the scores of to-day , counting the two skirmish runs : Sergeant Slovens , Platte 1S4 Sergeant Oiimths , Texas 17C Sergeant Walford , Texas ITS Sergeant King , Dakota I3fl Sergeant Stay , Arizona 127 Sunrean t1 Jar , Missouri ISM Sergeant Weeks , Platte 113 Sergeant Nlhlll , East 130 Soreeant Hudson , Columbia 133 Private Houklns , California. 110 Sergeant Hudelson , East 116 Sergeant Casey , Platte 02 The above names are In their order , as the following totals tor the two days firing will Indicate : Sergeant Stevens , Platte B48 Sergeant Griffiths. Texas 328 Sergeant Wnllord. Texas 507 Sergeant King , Dakota 807 SprgenntSt > xy , Arizona 803 Sergeant 11v , Missouri 287 Sergeant Weeks. Platte. . . . . .385 Sergeant Nlhlll , East 280 Sergeant Hudson , Columbia 378 1'rlvate Hopkins , California 371 Sergeant Hudloson , East 258 Sergeant Casey , Plattn 250 PonroHO nnd Hardin Ulflo Club. The Penrose and Uardin rlfla club hold their weekly shoot yesterday , with the fol lowing scores : ci.un SHOOT. Penrose ItlU 11110 neil mil 11011 22 Urnwer. . . Oliot loon lion lioio loon u .Kills um onu win 1111111110 2 : Urucki-r 0010110110 11010 lone inn 10 Parmolee. . . . 11011 11011 mil 11001 01111 2C Hiithlngton..oom ooooo 10100 10010 onu n Pi-tty loon um into 11011 iom-2c King onn itioi 11110 10010 mil n Cotter 11111 10100 01300 11000 01101 If Hughes ooioo oono onoi ooiii moi-i ; FOIl UIIID3 AND SIIKr.I.S. Parmcloe 11101111101 1 1C Kills 11111111100 1-K King 11111011111 1 11 Hughes 001010011011 ( Hoathlngton 000000000000 ( PmnobO 11101111111 1 11 Uruwer 11111111111 1 1 ! Cotter 111110010111-1 Kennedy OOOOllOlHOO- ( Oadd 100111001101 1 DOUUI.KS. Peurosn 1111111011 ' Parmelee loilioioil ; Total , i ( Brewer 001110110 1 King 1011001110 ( Total. . . ' . . . i : TEIiEGItAPn NOTES. Easterly winds continue at NowXrleani and Die city Is threatened with a Hood. Twenty-four loaded coal Doats wore sunl near New Orleans Monday night. Fifty thousand residents of Messina , Italy- have lied from the city on account of th < cholera. Only routine business was transacted bj thn sovereign grand lodge ot Odtl Fellow ; at Denver jrsterday , Frank E. Harris was the successful con' tostant at the Des Molnea examination for i West Point cadetshlp. It Is reported that a third mortgage loan ol from 83,000,000 to 810,000.000 Is about to be initde by the Northern Pacific. Governor Larrabee and his staff returned to Washington from New York last nlghi and will call on the president to-dny. The porte has sent out a proposition to the power * that a general appointed bv Turkey and Uiissla settle the Bulgarian attain Premier Norquar has failed to raise the monev to build the Ktxl Ulver Valluy road In New York ami left for Winnipeg last nlgnt The fifteenth annual session of the Na- tlonul Association ot Fire Engineers opened at Atlanta yasterday with a tull attendance Colonel Hughes H allot has come out will a denial ot the charges made In the Pall Mall , ( iazetto that ho had seduced his step daughter. An Intimate friend of Anarchist Xunbo re ports that the rondi mniut men have bvuun tc weaken and wish they had shown repent ance earlier. Arllllorymen stationed nt llil-n , India , mutinied at an order yesterday and went on a riot In which u number of people wort eterely Injured. Urcat Interest is manifested in the city o Mexico over the duel announced , for to-daj Several other sanguinary encounters art anticipated In the near future. The plow manufacturers of the northwps held a mcctliiR in Chicago jtuterday for thi purpose of duvlaliii ; a scheme to tin awaj with excessive middlemen's commissions. The socialist and Uonry ( fcorge patties I : Now York city are preparing to apply for writs of mandamus to compel the appoint ment of their men as Inspector ! of election. The weather Indications for to-day In Ne braska and Iowa are cooler , light rains , light to fresh northerly winds , becoming variable , shifting to warmer , southeasterly o\cr Ne braska. The Dublin Telegraph announces that the government Is about to put In force tlio ' 'suppression" clauses of the coercion act. This will prohibit 200 branches ot the league from holding meetings. The first day ot the reunion of the blue and the gray at Evansvlllo , Ind. , was auspic ious , The reunion was formally opened with prayer and an olorjuent address of wel come was delivered by General Jatuus M. Schakelford. The fifth series of tests of automatic air brakes for freight trains at Uurllngton , la. , was concluded yesterday. The tests demon strated that a fifty-car train , 1,000 feet long equipped with WestlnKhoitso brakes and running at a speed of forty miles an hour , can bo brought to a stand In a distance of 659foet without a shock ; at seventy miles an hour In 1C5 feet without any shock , which U without a precedent. .A MEMORABLE BANQUET. The Fcaat Given By the Doeriug Com * pnny to Tholr Men. Ono of the most on joyablo little dinner parties that ever occurred in Omaha was held on Sunday evening. Besides the bounteous ronast served , the object for which the entertainment was given de serves particular mention. It was a testimonial from William Dcorlng & Co. , the famous grain und grass cutting machinery manufacturers of Chicago , to their representatives In Nebraska for good and faithful services during the season of 1887. The dinner was given at Robert Laws1 cafe in the board of trade building , and among those who partlci- , pated wcro Dion Goraldmo , manager of the company's business in this state , and his office force and traveling men as fol lows : D. B. Smith , J.V. . Kelly , J. A. Burnett , George H. Cbeevor , 1) . P. Owen , Charles A. Foster. W. P. Gavin. D. C. Callahan , J. H. Lindcrman ana A. R. Brown. The party sat down at 8 o'clock nnd it was nearly 11 when the festivities were over. The entertainment will long bo remembered , especially by Manager Gcraldlne , who , besides tiie good feeling manifested by the manufacturers and the gentlemen of whom he has charge , was the recipient of a Holirt gold watch and chain from those present. The Doenng company did well to give a social nnd practical manifestation of its appreciation of Nebraska workers. During the present year its business has doubled In the stato. April 1 Mr. Geraldine - dine shipped over 150 cars of the company's wares to Nebraska. Five solid trains , consisting of 125 cars , were shipped as one consignment direct to dealers throughout the stato. This is ac knowledged to be the largest consign ment of machinery over made at any one time In any country , with perhaps the exception of n shipment of American machinery to Japan some years ago. Hero is the notable difference , however : In. the former cose the invoice came from one establishment in the latter there were the combined shipments of many houses in the United States. This large transfer of machinery excited great at tention nt the time and Mr. Gor- nhlino's boldness was the wonder of the day. Many predicted that Deering & Co. would lind their machines a drug on the Nebraska market The result was just the reverse. Wet only was the entire consignment dis posed of. but additional orders came in so rapidly and numerously that the com pany was unable to meet the demand. Truly the year 1887 has been n great sea son for the Deering company and its representatives in this part of the west , and the dinner of Sunday meant much more than a feast of reason and a How of soul. " 4 SPLENDID SCHOOLS. Superintendent James KnthusUntlc Over Tholr Prosperous Condition. A BEE reporter had a brief interview with Superintendent James , of the public schools , yesterday morning. He is in high state of spirits and says the schools never wcro in such a wonderfully tine condition as they arc just now. This conj dition of things , too , ho says is especially remarkable when it is taken into consid eration that this fall has witnessed an unprecedented Increase in attendance , that about fifty now teachers have been employed , and other changes have taken place , which under ordinary circumstances would at least temporarily interfere with the prosperity and smooth running of these institutions. The schools that have opened have at lost been fully equipped with furniture , etc. , and are running like clock work. There are , however a num ber of suburban schools that have not yet opened. Among these are the Ban croft , Forest Park. Amber Place. West Side. West Omaha , Walnut Hill and Orchard Hill schools. Buildings for these are in course of construction , though , nnd will be pushed to completion with all possible expedition , and the 1st of October , will find the en tire system throughout the city in oper ation. As nearly as the superintendent could get at it there will bo , when all the schools are in progress , an attendance of 7.800 pupils , or 2,300 moro than last year. Una is un increase of 40 per cent , which is also , taking statistics as a basis , about the ratio of increase of the city's population , furnishing indisputable proof of the astonishing rapiditv with which Omaha is assuming the dimensions of one of the largest com mercial cities in the country. The super intendent says there are now about 180 teachers employed. Ho thinks they are a superior lot , as they have boon selected from hundreds of applicants after the most careful personal investigation nnd examination. The now board has taken hold of things with the most praiseworthy energy , and has already demonstrated that it is fully capable to maintain a Ntuudard in our public schools surpassed nowhere. Do You Know ? The inimitable manner in which this question is propoun led by the ' 'Private Secretary" is known to all. But do you know that you are missing the chance of your life if you fail to call upon Air. W. , ( i. Albright at 218 South 15th street , nnd examine his list of Omaha property. lie will show you the best property in the city that is , the most money for you. JMothodmt Ministers Meet. The Omaha Methodist ' preachers' meet ing was opened for thu first time this year yesterday morning at the First Methodist church. Rev. Dr. J. I ) . Max- field presided , and an organisation was formed with the following otlleors : Rev. J. W. Phclps , president ; Rev. T. M. House , vice president ; Rev. Alfred H. Hoary , secretary ; Roy. George M. Brown , treasurer. llrevitlca. Yesterday's Internal revenue collec tions amounted to $0,375.83. Lizzie Westgate , n hardened .young colored sinner of about sixteen , struck a little boy named liddio Shecley over the head with a boor bottle yesterday morn ing , inflicting a long wound on the scalp and knocking the boy senseless. Shu was taken before Judge Berk a and fined $10 and costs. The K , of P. had a regimental drill at the ball pirk yesterday afternoon. About 4'jO ' participated. Tholr marching , coun- tor-m.trching ana evolutions worn par- formed with most praiseworthy decision , and were enjoyed by a large audiencu , principally laJio * . DOAUD OJP TUADE. rreparatlonn Made For the Open Ins ; of thlfftulliUnR. The directors ' 6/ / the board of trnifo hold n tncotini ; ixt. ljoir rooms Inst oven- ing. President fdoyor anuMessrs. . llor , Mnrtln , Wnkolioltl , Kvnns nnd Hullman wore present. TiA jtlcdioatory exercises wore discussed nt Iplnjjlh , and many now suggestions wore ts'urcu. It was decided that the opening Of the rooms for in spection by the ( noral pttblio bo on f ) Monday , October , ) \ until 7 p. m. At 8 o'clock formal cworclsos will bo given , admission to wHtcVi will bo by ticKct only. During the Afternoon nnd evening - ing a promenade concert will bo given. The bnnqunt for members nnd invited guests will occur the ntixt evening. The following committees were appointed to rnnko arrangements : Dedication Exorcises John Kvans , chair man : Clark Woodman , O. M. Llnlngcr , . Hose water , J. M. Wool worth. Kvenlncr ontertnlnmontnhn / A. Walse- field , clmlrman ; B. F. Troxlll. ( i. M. Hitch- cook. John S. Urnily , Charles K. Squires. Music Kuclid Martin , chairman : Adolph Meyer , Louts Helmrod , Thomas F. Tuttle , W. A. L. Gibbon. Uanquet Peter R. Her , chairman ; H , H. Meday , Joseph Oarneau , W. V. Moray , C. 11. ilor.se. The committee on invitation1) ) consists of the complete board of directors. President Meyer presented an inqiry In regard to President Cleveland's visit to Omaha. The matter was discussed for a few momenta and it was decided to wait until a doiinito ( Into and length of visit is announced before action bo taken. PUSHING IMPROVEMENTS. Work on the Gigantic Knterprine at South Otnahn. To-day Armour begins work laying brick on his new building at South Omaha. It will bo 300 feet square , and it is intended to have the structure com pleted in thirty days. All the men that can bo pressed into Work will be em ployed , and the armyr of workmen will completely cover the structure. This work will bo , witliou doubt , the quickest piece ol construction' for a building ot the size ever done in 'this ' country. As soon as this building is completed the work of excavation for the addition to bo erected next spring will be commenced. The big sewcr.now in course of con struction is a mammoth nflair , and will bo completed this fall. The south east portion comprises a tunnel six foot square with a trench at tlio bottom for a 24 inch pipe when necessary. Tina tunnel forms the principal part of 1,600 feet of the Mower and penetrates the blufl's. The surface portion ot the river is 7,000 feet long and runs from the stock yards to a point thrcoblocks oist : of A1 bnghts station wlioro it turns east to connect with the tunnel portion. , f. G. A. Kmkol ofiOmaha , and A. Kinkel of Now York prop'bse to' establish a ren dering and refining establishment south of the Swift vackimr house on the line of the muiu sewer , and to employ liftcon to twenty men. The improvem < m | ? at South Omaha arc , in fact , wonupkjful , and those resi dents of Omaha w'hp have not visited the the place the past\summor \ would hardly recognize it now. ) At the rate of growth at prcsimt enjoycVI , South Omaha will have a population' ' 25,000 in two years. POUKTH WAijrf REPUBLICANS ; The Club Makes S&mo Changea In Its The Fourth ward republican club met at Uermauto hall last evening to make some important changes in their by-laws and to listen to tlio reading of laws re lating to elections. Suction 3 of their by-laws was amended by giving power to the vice-president to call special meet ings in the absence of the president , nnd aho specifying th.it on request of flvp members of the club a special meeting could bo called. The great debate of the evening was on the remodoline of section 0 of thu by laws. It was finally adopted in the fol io wing form : The object of this club shall bo to main tain , support and forward the principles and Interests of the republican p.irty. and es pecially In thn fourth ward of the city of the cltv of Otnahn ; to ratify and support nil regular nominees ot the republican partv made In regular state , county , city or ward conventions , and rack member of this club is In duty and honor bound to support any nominee- the party when made In a regu lar convention ot the republican party , not only with his vote , but also with his in fluence , and exnrt himself to the utmost to secure the election of such nominee. The penalty for refuslnc to vote for and support the recular nominee of the republican party for either national , state , county , cltv or w rd olllce shall be expulsion from this club , on a majority vote of the club. Next followed the reading of a long abstract of the election laws by C. 1 . Brpckonridgo. Ihe one which attracted the most attention was the law requiring a person participating In the primaries to bo a legal voter. After a few short speeches by visiting members from other wards , thu club ad journed to meet on Wednesday evening ot next week. AMUSEMENTS. Two Kntertninlnu 1'lays at tbe Two Opr > rn HIMISOH. There was a decided improvement in the presentation of the "llag Baby"nt the lioyd last night , though the warmth of the evening prevented the attendance of tlio audience which the piece usually attracts. Mr. Itccd made a more satis factory impression in his newly assumed role of Old Sport , and the march of im provements , sorno of which may bo at tributed to sedulous rehearsals , yester day , oven readied tlio tramps. Thcro was a little moro music in their singinc , and with their contortions no fault could bo found. Reod's' ipicnl song , "Tele phones in the Air. ocelved a quadruple recall , though the star's attempt to say something origlnnf j"at the phono" was without marked s < acess. Miss Gcorgio Parker'rt Venus , si v $ in the clogs , is not an improvement umin thnt of nomy other predecessors , thouglitlieClaireUo of Miss Jenncss is the best Uio play has yet pro duced. The piece will bo played again to-night. ' 5 C GltANU OVKHA HOUSE. The "Old Croni&i" threw a little more llfo into ic their performance laat night. There 'woro fewer intervals In the dialogue , and. the singing and most of the gags were liitflily appreciated anil productive of laughtor. There are six good voices in the troupe and suvoral pretty girls. Miss Wills lias n prutty stngo presence und sings well , and in her short scone from "Gulatea. " while not inaptly suggesting Mary Anderson in the face , nt the .same time deliverewhe lines of that lady's great piece with considerable in telligence and success. The other Indies looked pretty and fi.tng and danced with sweetness nnd clTuct. Toward the close of tlio last act Mr. Honauaw , one of the OrooicH , stepped to thu footlights and presented Mr. Wills , tbe other one , in behalf of Oninha fricmU with A handsome- gold watch in the fol lowing speech. Ludies and gentlemen : I crave your In dulgence for a few moments. I have been requested by a number of Mr. Wills' Omaha friends to act as agent in a public prcaenta- lion , their Innatn mmlwty prevents them from acting as prlnclpil. My dcnr nld crony , allow met In bcli-Ufo ! xotir trlolnlsto Dre.iit ) you with tliis beautiful couvcn Ir M. token nf their esteem uf l nu as an actor and alt man. Now square yourself with the au dience. Mr. Wills seemed taken entirely by surprise , but replied in a happy manner. An Knrly Kvcnlnsr t-'lro. Last evening about 8:15 : the building belonging to J. J. Brown , on the corner ot Sixteenth and Douglas streets , was discovered to bo on lire. The 11 auica woto promptly extinguished by the chomlc.il , but tlio building was damaged to the extent of | 500. Tlio lire is sup posed to have been caused by the explo sion of a lamp loft burning in the apart ments of Thomas Erlckaon on the lirst iloor. Mr. Erickson will suitor about $200 loss and Mrs. Sohollor and Mrs. Humgardnor. fwho occupied rooms on tlio second Iloor. will each suffer about the aamo loss. The d.tmago to the build ing is covered by insurance. Mo Cook Land Prund Gasps. Action has boon brought in thu United States court ngain.st Albert W. Katon , Jolm P. Dutand , Edward Mi McUlllan aud the Harlem UaUla company , for al leged crookedness in securing two quar ter sections of land near McCook , under the homestead act. It seems that Durand and Eaton arc in the employ of the Har lem Cattle company , and it is claimed that they perpetrated the fraud at the bidding of McUillan , the leading member of the company. Although they have never resided upon or improved the quarter sections in question , they made affidavit that they had lived upon and cultivated the same for live yours , and thereby received titles which they turned over to the Harlem Cattle company. Suit is now brought to annul those , titles A lilbcrnl Offer. Mr. W. G. Albright , the real estate dealer who has become famous for his liberality as wull us the certainty with which ho puts his customers in tlio way of reasonable and quick profits , again comes to tlio front with a most liberal proposition. Ho now proposes to re fund the faro paid from any point in the eoet to Omaha to any ono purchasing renl estate of him to the amount of ono thousand dollars. This is certainly a very favorable opportunity for those visiting our city on the popular harvest excursions which the railways hnvo lately inaugurated , to save their furo and at the samn time make a profitable invest ment. This offer , Mr. Albright informs us , is open to any ono nnd he will bo pleased to moot visitors and show them property. Bitten By an Ugly Doc. Yesterday momma Thomas F. McNa- mara , the butcher nt 714 North Sixteenth street , received an ugly bite m the calf of his left leg by a cross Newfoundland dog belonging to William Dahlman , the proprietor of the Now York restaurant at 711 North Sixteenth street. An exam ination of t'hf ) wound showed that a piece of tlcsh had been bltton completely out of the leg. After the wound was drosscd McNanmra got out his revolver , hunted up the dog and shot him. This enraged Dahlmnn and last evening ho caused a warrant to bo issued for MoNa- mara's arrest. House Nuwtxjrers Arrested. Cornelius Hogan , ' of 1624 South Eighth street , swore out a warrant yesterday for the arrest of M , Maynurd nnd E. H. Heming on the charge of obtaining money under false pretenses. Tlio men claim to have been appointed by the city engineer to put numbers upon all un numbered houses. Their fee in cnch case is $1. Hogan had them arrested for this , but they were released on their own recognizance to appear for trial this morning. Governor Kornkor. The rumor that Governor Fornkor was snubbed by Mrs. Cleveland is , wo under stand , entirely without foundation. She smiled on him ns well -as on governors of other states. But what is the approba tion of the mistress of the white house to the serenity of mind which you experi ence after having made what you know is a good investment in Omaha realty. You can satisfy yourself if you will cullen on W. G. Albright. 218 South 15th street. Hello Hanftirrl't ) Victim. Belie Sauford , the colored cyprian , nnd Tom McGregor , the white tough , who came so near killing Eric Hoosir < g early yesterday morninsr , wore arraigned be fore Judge Borka yesterday afternoon but waived examination. Belle was there fore put under $1,000 bonds and her white consort under $500. Neither being able to furnish bail , thuy wcro remanded into custody. Hoosing regained conscious ness yesterday afternoon , and will betaken taken to St. Joseph's hospital this morn- me. Although terribly bruised and beaten , it Is thought that he will recover. Personal Paragrahp < * . 1. J. dialling , of Lincoln , is in town. Judge Hope well is staying at the Coz- zens , R. J. Milton , of Tokamah , is at the Ar cade. * S. P. Morse arrived from the cast yes terday. W. H. Baker , of Plattsmouth , is at the Arcado. 1' . J. Burke of Blue Springs , is at the Millard. U. J. Griffin , of Fort Dodge , is at the Paxton. Dr. O. S. Wood arrived home yesterday morning. C. 11. Titus , of Creston , is in town fern n few days. J. A. Payne , of Mason City , is a guest at thy Arcado. J. T. Woisman , of Valley , was at the Cozuns yesterday. D. M. Lewis , of Nebraska City , was at tlio Millarct yesterday. S. S. Bartlett and J. J. Allen , of Kear ney , are nt the Paxton. Ueorgo R. Coburn , of David City , is registered at the Paxton , Colonel J. J. Dickey returned from the west josturday morning. Luke Voorhoos , of Chojonnc , Wyo. , is registered at tlio Paxton. Airs. John C. Iligby is visiting her son and his wife nt the Cozzens. Fred J. Keisol , a well-known resident of Ogdcn. Utah , is at the Millard. Mrs. Clistus Butler has gone on a visit to bur father in Carthage , Dakota. Frank Cotton , a prominent man of Washington , D. C. , is registered at the Paxton. W. F. Morris. W. F. Hall and W. L. Fairwether , ot Lincoln , are at the Mer chants. W. M. Gore , a well known business roan of Minneapolis , Minn. , was in town yesterday. Colonel Frank Hanlon arrived from the sea shore on the early train yesterday morning , Mrs. G. M. P. Walker.of NorfolK.Nob. is in the city on n visit to the sister , Mrs , H. L Bcavor. Mrs. Henry Mathois , of Norwalk , Conn. , and Mrs. A. Klein , of Kansas City , are visiting Mrs. O. F. Stephens. E. U. Woodward , of Portland , Ore. , nnd a representative nf the Pullman Pal ace Car company , is at the Millard. John W. Scott , lately appointed chief cleric of the passenger department of the Union Pacific , arrived from Cbicago yes terday. W. H. Craig , ot Kansas City , ono of the directors of the Patrick Land com pany , ' arrived in town yesterday after a three uioutlia' absence m Alaska. Ho wilt now assume the active management of the above named company , Patrick O'Connor and wife returned homo yesterday from Ireland after a year's visit. Ihcy had a pleasant and in teresting trip. J. II. Butler has returned from New ton , la. , whuro ho has been attending a reunion of his old regiment the Fifth Iowa volunteers. O. V. Gallagher 19 In Lcnvonworth , Kan , , In the interests of tlio Kansas and Nebraska paving company which lias n contract in that city. Vice President T. J. Potter , of the Union Pncillc , departs tills morning for Now York , on the receipt of a telegram from President Adams. Ho will bo gone a week. A. M. .Bnrrou manager of the 1'lsio Morel Dramatic company with sixteen members of his troupn passed through to Ashland yesterday. They will nppc.ir in Omaha later In the season , A Stock man'a Pi lie. Louis Burke , of the lirrn of M. Burke & Sons , commission men at South Omaha , and heavy cattle owners in Nebraska braska nnd Wyoming , loft last evening for the east. He will bo married to Miss Nellie H. Koud , an accomplished young lady of Brockport , N. Y. , on thn 29th of this month. Miss Reed has a lanro circle of acquaintances in Nebraska , made while visiting hero , who will bo pleased to see her return. The Metropolitan C'ablo. W. U. Craig , one of the managing directors ot the Metropolitan Cable rail way company , arrived in town yesterday from Kansas City. When asked about thn now cable lines ho said to a BKK re porter : "Mr. Underwood , president of the company , is now in New York making contracts for the constrnction of our pro posed lines and will return in about ton days with full particulars. I can posi tively state that the work will be com menced before the end of tlio coming two months. At Unit time the limit of our franchise ends , and to hold it we will have to start tlio work. " Company D. Seventeenth infantry has been ordered from duty at Fort I ) . A. Uussoll. Wyoming , after September 80 , and will bo stationed at Fort Bridger , Wyoming. Beware of Scrofula Scrofula Is probably more cener.il than any other disease. It Is Insidious In character , and manifests Itself 1mturning sore , pustular eruptions , bolls , \velllngs , enlarged joints , abscesses , sere eyes , etc. Hood's Bmaparllla expels all trace ot scrofula from the blood , leaving It pure , enriched , and healthy. " I was severely afflicted with scrofula , and over a year had two running sores on my neck. Took five bottles Hood's Sars.iparilla , and am cured. " C. E. Lovxjor , Lowell , Moss. O. A. Arnold , Arnold , Me. , had scrofulous tores for seven years , spring and fall , Hood's Sarsaparllla cured htm. Salt Rheum Is one of the most disagreeable diseases caused by Impure blood. It Is readily cured by Hood's Barsap.irllla , the great blood purifier. 'William Spies , Elyrln , O. , suffered greatly from erysipelas and salt rheum , caused by handling tobacco. At times his hands would crack open and bleed. Ha tried various prep arations without aid ; finally took Hood's Sar- siparllln , nnd now says : " I am entirely well. " "My son had salt rheum on his hands and on the c.ilvcs of his legs. He took Hood's Sarsnparllla and U entirely cured. " J. B. Etauton , Mt. Ycrnon , Ohio. Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold bjr nil druggists. 01 ; tlx f or f J. Made only t > 7 O. I. HOOD 4 CO , Apothecarlei , Lowell , Mall. IOO Doses Ono Dollar " Oh , HAGAITS MAGNOLIA BALM la exquisitely lorely/'sold Him ) llrowntaher irlends , u the entered the drawing ronm , after Uktnj a long , hot , fatiguing Urlvti orer a anily.diuty rood. "Itj o Pure , Cleiinly and llerrohlng. lahvaji have UnlUimo , and us 'til a Jlarmlrra Liquid , I cnn us It In a moment and get such Instant relief from the Reitncnn , ItoUEbneim , hnllnwnrxi , Tan , Vrocklen and Horrid Old Hklu Blcinlihe , c uiodbyallot HuuauilUry. Ilanlt Wludi. " tadlo. , MAGNOLIA BALM It for Fncc , NccU , Arm * nud Hand * . It cau't bo Detected TilV IT ! WILL NOT UNHOOK WHILE Btmo VVonN. tilery lady wlio deurcs jierfcctiou In et vie anil form should wc r them. M.inufictiireaonly brtha , WORCESTER CORSET COMPANY , WorcciUr , Mjii. , uiiT iS Uuket succt , Clnc go „ Lincoln , Neb. Thn best known anil most popular hotel In thestato. Location cuutral , appoliitmonu first class. Headquarters for uommcrclnl men nJ all political ana public gmhnrlnirs. E.F. UOGUKN. Proprietor. S. T. BALDRIDGE , A. M. , Flj-yslclaaa. and SMrgreon. , Ofllcc , Cor 15th and Farnain kt § . Residence , iiltil Farnatn ( L Hours. 9 to 11 a. m. , 2 to 5 p. m. RICHARD NUNN , M. D. , OCULIST AND AURIST. 1518 DODBE ST. 10 A. M. TO 4 P. M. CCICMTiriC CLUCK & WILKINSON. MARKET GARDENING , An Interview With Ono of Omn < tm's Vegetable atmlcncri. An Article of Interest to All The Life of a Sailor How the Good Ship"Icallh" ! was Foundered , Etc. . Etc. Thollfoof n sailor Is often \err Interesting reading to the citizens ortliowcstorn. country. Knowing tills t < > bo tlio tncl n reporter sliinil- Oerlm-hU note book nml Fubor No started outto Mini an oM sailor , nml Interview htm on v tlio matter. Tlio reporter mot Mr. llornard t'mMonn , who resides In Centrnl 1'ark near the city limits. Mr. t'nrotoil's , a llormun by birth Is It' business us M irurdnor und truokor aud Biipplli'Sttiu hotels nml restaurants of Onmlm with \oitotabli-suvoiy inoriilnir. Un be I tiff uccosttxl by tlio icportor lionnlili "Vco , I sailed the nous for about ton Vi-nrn. mid In that visit- mi almost every country ID the vrurlit. 1 bavo to Olilnn , Australia , Now /.onlntul , the r.tist In' dlas , nnd almost o\ err smport nlonff the Modi * tcrrnnoan ton. 'JLlio Illoof a sailor In a hard on ns wull as a dangerous otio , unit only n man with u very Rood constitution can stand it Tory Ionic. I enjoyed mv llfo on the ioai nnd WM alw ays liealthy there. In f nctl noor had n day ) sickness until about one j oar nir . " "TUon youba\o boon Sick Intolr , " asked tht reporter. , 'Yes. I was taken sick last fall. I lost my an- notlto , could not eat enough to keep child allro , had nljtbt swonts , would KOI up In the morning foollnir worgu than n man who had not nlopt at all , could only oat a little broukfnst , nnd would have to vomit that up Very soon attor oatlng It I was attacked with a bad hacking cough which would cause ma Intense pain In my chest and lunffi , would hnvo chills nntl fever every thrco or four days. My condition boctimo nlornilntr. I could scarcely lift as much as a child. As t said before I bo > cuino alarmed , nnd hearing nnd reading con- SMorablo about Uri. HoCoy and Henry I con- cludodto call upon them , which 1 did about three weeks ngo and WHS examined. They told ma 1 had ontnrrhal consumption and promised to cure mo In two months. Not quite a month has olnpnad and I am well niraln. I have no nioronlKht sweuts , no moro chills and fever , do not vomit any mot o in the mornlmr , and to toll the truth fool Ilko n now man alto- Rethor. I foci as thoujrh 1 could not say enough for lrs ) , McCoy and lionry for they have In deed worked wonders In my case : . MR. iiEitNAiin The above out Is n very peed portrait of Mr. Curstons , who resides in C'ontrM Park , near th city limits , where he will gladly corronorato the abtn statement to anyone who will take the rouble to call or address him thoro. LEADS TO CONSUMPTION. EVIDENCE OF A CONDITION MOT TO UK Tlim.KU WITH. When catarrh has existed In the head and the upoer pait or the throut for any lonuth of tlmo tre iiatlent living In a district wlioro people arc subject to cntarrhal nnvcilon ai\l the dis ease ban been left imoured.tho catarrh Invari ably , sometimes slowly , extends down tuo windpipe and Into the bronchial tubes , which ttiBuHconvey the air to the dltTcrent pirtsof the luiitfs. The tubes become affected from the Bwcllluir and the mucous arising from catarrh , nnd , In some instances , become plugged up. so that the air cannot gel In as freely ns It Hhould. dliortness of breath follow * * , and the patient bruiithes with labor anil dllllculty , In either case more is a sound of crackling and wheorlng Inside the ch st. M this stage of the disease the breathing 1 9 usually more rapid than when In health. The patient Una also Iiot dashes over his body. Tlio pain which accompanies tills condition Is of a dull ctmmcter , 1'clt In the chest , behind the breast bono , or under the shoulder nlado. The pain may come and go lust few days and thoa be absent for snvorul othora. The cough that ouourH In the ( list stnpes of bronchial oatairh Is dry , comes on at Interval ! , hacking In charac ter , and Is usually most troublesome In tno morning on rising , or going to bad at night and It may bo In the first evidence of the disease ex tending Into the lungs. Sometimes there are fits of coughing Induced by the tough mucus so violent as to cause vom iting. Later on the mucus that Is talsod.ls found to contain small particles of yellow mat ter , which Indicates that the small tubes In the lutif.'s are now nffeotcrt. With this there an ) niton sti oaks of blood mixed with the mucus. In some cases the patient becomes very pale , Inis lever , and expectorates bolore anyoough appears. In some cases smal Imasses of cheesy sub stance nru spit up , which , when pressed be tween the Oncers , omit H bad odor. In ether CKSCS , particles of n hard , chalky nature are pplt up. The raising of cheesy or chalky lumps indicate serious uilsiilcf at work In the luugi. c ; CATAURII. What Jt Means , Jfoiv It Acts , and What It In. You mioc76 when you got up In the morning , you try to sneeze jour nosu off every tlmo you uro exposed to the least draft of air. You have a fullness over the front of the forehead , and the nose tools as If there was a plug In each nostril whluh > ou cannot dislodge. You blow your nose untilour ears crack , but It don't do any gooJ , and the only result la that you suc ceed In getting up a very red nose , and you no Irritate the lining ineinlirnno of that organ that you uro uimblo to D real lie through It at all. Tnls H a correct and not overdrawn plctuie of an ucuto attack of catarrh , or "Snoozing Catarrh" as It is called. Now , whatdoas this condition indicate ? First , ncoldtbat causns mucus to bo poured out bv the glands In tlio nose ; then those diseased glands are nllncUod by swarms ot little germs -the catarrh gonn that lloat In the air In u locality whore the disease ) s prevalent. These iinlnia'ciilue ' , In thulr olforU to Und u lodgment. Irritate the Eonsltlvo mnmbrano lining the nose and nature undertakes to rid herself of thorn by producing a lltol siioo/lng. When the nose becomes filled with thickened ftnd dlxoasod mucus tlio natural channels fur the introduction of air Into the lunirn U Inter- lot cd with , and the person BO ortctod must broatbo through the mouth , nnd by such moans the thro it becomes pnrchort and dry , snoring IK produced , and then thu catarrlial disease gtuns ready access to the Uiroataru * lungs. DOCTOR JCresapM'Goy ' Late of Bellevue Hospital , N.1T A.\I > IMHJTOR Columbus Henry IU\cOMl < oj 310-311 RAMGE BUILDING * Cor. 15th aud Iluruey Stvuuta Omaha , Nob. Where All curable roues nro tioiitivl with ua CMS. Moillcul dUtanoj I mated GKllfiillj' . ( 'un gumption , HrUnt's Dltpnua , Dyspninl.i , llliini. mntlsm , nn < l nil NKHVOI1S IIISKAKS. . All ill- tntiscK pccnilnrto tlio soxus n BiifOlxlly. CA- TAHIIII OIIHKI ) , CONSUI/1ATI ( N at o ( lice or by mnll } 1. Ulllcu hours : U to 11 n m , ; no 4 p. > . ; T to 9p.m. BunclnjrN Induiloil. Uorrenpniuionce rnccUo1 * prompt nlleiillon. MxayilUaiiAiiR uro trolled ( iiocoKsfull ) by l > r McCoy Hi rough tUo mnlln , mill It U tliujxiw. \ . bin for those unnbleto mak n luimn-y In oli- lain iiccui fiil hotpltM trrmmnnt nt tliclr boinei. No lotcors in-rcrc < l unlris uuoompa- nl * 1 lif 4oln t mpg. Addrivs lAetterj to Ir. J. a MoC < > r.ro ut 3lbaaJ3ll K w uil'llujf , Om Ua , Ncli. ,