Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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. ; . . . S _ _
. - 8 - . THE - OIAHA DAILY BEE : rtJESDAY. SEPTEMBER 20. 1887.
A Rello of Socialism Tells of ita Condition
in Omaha ,
OponInof the DIBtrct Court-After
. 1Iorie ThIcves-Mr. CIeve1and'
i J'ropcrty - Odd Fe how.
Going to Denver.
: A
. , There 1 nn old man In this city namcl
Gautsob , who Is protLy well known to our
German citizens. lie has acted as boor.
, waiter Iii thin German theatre , deiLvored
the Post.Tolcgraph and sundry magazines -
zines published abroad. When socialism
Was endeavoring to raise Its head In this
city , Gautsch was one of Its hearty up
: porters. To take him as authority now ,
: socIa1Im Is dead in this cityand nobody ,
whom he knows , seems to be desirous of
resuscitating It. GautsoIi' prominent
. connection with these reformers it Is
4 claImed , dates only a few years back ,
when iui agent of the Arboltcr Zeitung. .
' of Chicago came here and secured
- him a agent for that paper.
p The sheet , as almost everybody knows ,
Was a rabid alvocate of the wildest doe-
trines of socialism. Oiio hundred sub.
scrlbor3 for the paper were secured
hero. These were rxittllcd ilireetly to
Gautseli , and by hini delivered to the
subscribers in this city. GautMek road
: , the paper and Insensibly lmbibtd the
pernicious principles , whichi sverc uIo
espoused by a number of his subscribers.
As a COfl5Ch11eIlCU , the socialistic Sectioll
: ' which existed hero some time wte
organized. A Ilin reporter met autschi
yesterday and Indulged in a little talk
with him. Ho spctik English poorly ,
and the dialogue was carried on In .Ger
E. "Are the Omaha socialists going to
; take any ncthou regardingthie Impending
k ; fate of the Chicago anarchists ? " he was
, ,
, asked.
r "Oh , no. We can not hold a meeting.
We can not arrca. There is always too
much wrangling. Vo sent $2O to the
fund to defray the expenses of the aii
arehilsts trials and we had a trreat dciii of
dlfliculty in collecting it. Vo had to go
troni man to tiian all over the city. We
COtlllfl't get them together. ' '
"Did that iiicludu the money giveti
Mrs. I'trsons"
"No. We did not count that whichi she
received. "
c " % Vhioro ' '
did the socialists moot ?
"At Rube's , on Leavenworth street ,
i near the Belt line. "
r "Vhitt was the object of the inoetiiig' '
"To talk over Ibor matters and en-
tlutvor to Iniprove the condition of the
workingman. "
; ' "How many socialists attended the
L nieetlntr ? "
: " % Ve find eighty-two on the roll , but
they were never nIl present. "
" % Vhtt ( lid you propose to do at any of
; the nIccting' ? ' '
"We could't agree upon anythIng.
L One man wanted one tiiing and another
. .
f. man another. Consequently we were at-
- ways in a wrangle-couldn't agree upon
' - . "DId you have any Arms ? "
: "Yes. "
"How "
many ?
, "I think we had forty-five muskets. "
t : "Did you thrill with them ? "
"Not much. "
"Whore did you use thorn ? "
Pt "At fluke's. "
I "How did you get them. "
"They were sent to us by the central
socialistic section In Chicago But we
, were told that we had to pay io a piece
for thoni. Some of us couldn't do that
q others dtdn't want to , so we
I let thorn alone. We never used them but
; once and then we practIced firing outsIde -
. sIde the city limits. "
- . "Where are the guns now ? "
' " 1 don't know whether they have been
' returnel or not. "
"What do you think about the tlechsion
of the courts In the case of the anarch.
late ? "
" 1 thInk it Is wrong. "
v "You are not going to take any steps
li regarding it ? "
"No. The men of tim 01(1 section are
tired of the business. and they can't do
anythIng , anyway. "
, Ex-Comrniasioncr Corhiss to Move In
Soourini Oa.
. ; Ex-Commlssioner Corliss was in town
: town yesterday and expeCts to remain
' . about a montlk , having been stibpanaod
as a Jurynian ITi tim district court.
"I expect to have sufficient time now , "
he said to a Bun man , "to work up the
, , market house scheme of whIch I spoke to
. you some time ago , anti which the .BEB
' referred to only a few days ago. lion-
estly , now , don't you think that Jehierson
' square ought to be utilized for market
purposes ? "
The reporter had no opinion to adVance -
Vance , but asked on what terms Mr.
' . CorPse proposed the square for market
' . purposes.
"Lease It " tie said 'frm
, , the city , for
* , a space of twenty years. "
"Is there any other person In the
scheme "
- . ?
"Oh. yes , severaL All the canital
needed can be secured , but I wouldn't
, Sal anything about it yet. "
'how much capital would be required
quirod ? "
"About t250,000. "
"For what ' '
, . ?
. . " % Vohl , to nut up a first-class building ,
perfectly tire-proof , which. if needed ,
' could be used for the public Ii.
brary , you know. We did have an
Idea of securing a block of ground be.
longing to herman Kountzo , on St.
Mary's avenue , but we could not come to
. terms. We wanted to lease the ground
for twenty years , at a certain rental ,
erect a market , and utter the expiration
. of that tinia pay a rental on the
aPpraised valuation of the ground. But
Mr. Kountzo wanted $1,600 a year for
. live years , and at the end of that tlwo
desired an appraisal of the property to
be made , but that wouldn't be antis-
: factory to us , because it would be
a tax on our improvements. I toll you , "
. Mr. Corliss continued , "there has boon a
wonderful change In the wishes of the ro
' tailors concerning a public market. At
lirat they were opposed to it , but now
, they favor it. At present they do not
; know when their vegetable men will
' come around , and they are consequently
compelled to buy more stufl than they
. . need. As a consequence. It becomes
- stale , and they lose on it. lfthero were
a market hero where they could buy regularly -
ularly two or three times a week , It
' would be money in their vockcts. "
' Opciilig of thin September Term ( It
ski , District Court.
- The September torah of the district
cout commenced esterdaymorning. All
: thiojurora wore present and butfewexcu.
. lea were made. JudgesWakeley , Nevlhlo
and GrQIT wore on the bench. 'rho fol
lowing bailiffs were appointed ; Ioputy
ihiorttrs , Lewis Grebe , Dorsey 11. 1Iock ,
I . and George Stryker ; also Janes Ewing ,
, ; Frank llandhiauor and , Fohn N rborg for
. the term. Counts' .Attornoy Sirneral desired -
, . sired to have the criminal cases trio' ' ! at
0flC9 , and thto oonaequonco is that the
, . following partlo , galnst whoni ipforrna.
L I&oz LtaVO been LUcd wU bu arralguett
; , _ . . . - . .
r $ ' . , -
to-day , and the trial of the cases will
be commenced Vednesdvr :
Dennis McCormick .nd Michael Connell ,
chiarged wIth robbery John Conner robbery
and burglary ; MIchac Connehly , burgisry ;
Low hawkins , , ulultery ; Charles VhiIthnic ,
irantt larceny ; John hioley murder In the
aecond degree In killing Janies Nugent ;
William VhIbor , forgery ; Verner , first caine
unknown , assault wihi $ htitent tokihi ; Charles
IPue , assault with intent to rape ; William
Morse , grand larceny ; John Gleason , ourS
ghary ; John Jones , robbery ; l. C Taylor ,
burglary ; Frank Rogers , horse stealing ; B.
1) . Ilevlno and John flaily , robbery ; Lew
hawkins and Pat O'hare , grami larceny ;
Frank ( ireen and Charles Elhison , burglary
I'aiil ( Ireler , stabbing with Intent to kill ; Al
Woods , assault withi Intent to kill : Charles
l'arkor , C. Ousley and hI.Joerand larceny ;
There ar on the docket this term , 103
cases , tIle largest number ever recorded.
The courts yesterday , were engaged
in calling the first 150 cases ,
All of the judges fvcre on the bench
yesterday afternoon. They appointed
the to1lowIn committee of lawyers to
examine all flpjilicauts for the bar : W.
S. Curtis Isaac B. Congdon , W. A.
Rodick , , V. 0. Bartholomew and James
% v , Carr.
Judge Grofi will to.dav hear the plead.
hugs in the crlniinal cases and to-rnorrov
the first case to be called will be thud of
IA. C , Taylor , charged with burglary. lie
is the inati who hi alleged to have en
tered Captain lliistln's residence. 'I'iio
next case will be that of Bcnjiuuln D
levine anti , John Daly , charged with
highway robbery.
Deputy ShieritI Grebe served twenty.
seven informatlons in tue cases of the
criminal docket.
Juilgo Neville rendered a decision yes
tertlay in the injur.ction case of Charles .1.
RlraIl against the board of education in
the matter of the nurehinso of a site in the
ndrthiwestern portion of the Ninth ward.
lie granted the restiaining order and
COfltifltiCt the injittiction. 'rho judge
based his decision princialhy on the
ground that thin board had no authorIty
to make any purchases or oxpciidittircs
of inonoywithiout submitting the question
to a vote of the electors , especially when
Thorn were no funds on hiand ; besidet it
had been shown that the board hiatt ox.
pended over * 25,000 against the
irovisions of the law. Judge Neville
said there were other points which
( IoznanIPd attention , but those mentioned -
tioned were amply suflicient to sustain
tue granting of the restraining order.
'lhiis Is regarded by prominent lawyers
as a very important ( iceision its In theIr
opinion it renders invalid all purchases
of school sites so far made by the present
boaid of education.
Alice IL 1"olsoni , executrix of the will
ofJohn 13. Fohsom and Benjuntin Fol.
mm and Lewis S. Reed as executors of
the vill ot Benjamin Folsoni have corn-
iUoflCOI an action in thio district court
against William Barber and Sarah J.
Bryant to recover damages for the itit.
lawful detention cf property on Four-
tocnthi near Iavenport. 'I'hiis iS realty in
which Nra. l'resident Cleveland has an
A. B. More iiiiti Mary A. J. More have
sued Felix MeQuade , Sidney E. Eppcr-
son , Henry C. McMullen and Nartin
% 'cihior for tim lOSSOSQiOU of property in
Douglas county. There are four separate -
ate suits. Thu lhnhIltitl are among the
oldest residonta of Douglas county and
the state.
Charles Baker , a miner , has corn-
nionced an notion In this court ngainst
the Union Fachtic railway company tor
5OO. He claims that while employed as
a brakeman. April 80 1S7. at Julesburg ,
Nob. , lie had his haiid injured.
Omaha Odd Fellows Start' For Cob
rndo Ycaterday Mornlng
At 1O5yestnrday morning a large nu i-
ber of Omaha Odd Fellows started for
Denor to attend the sovereign grand
lodge of I. 0. 0. F. There will be
representatives from all lodges of the
order in the world. Persons arriving
from lenver say that 100 cars loathed
with Odd Follows caine into Den.
ver Sunday over the Kansas Pacific
and Santa Fe roads. It is expected that
over a hundred thousand strangers
will be present during the
week , while 50,000 wIll appear in the
procession of which 20OGO will be in uni-
form. Among those whio left Omaha today -
day were some thirty members of Ezra
Mihiartt Canton , of uniformed Odd Fel-
lowshioaded by N. 13. lieini , commander ;
George Bennett , first lieutoimnt , an' . ! W.
E. Kelly , ensign. They acted as an escort
cert to Major J. Wi. Nichols , cotuinander
of the department of Nebraska. At
Valley they will be met by Canton Ford
No. 2 , of Lincoln , captain , James Tyler ;
first lieutenant , 0. 0. hell , and ensln ,
Sain MoClav , At Kearno.y Excelsior
Canton No. 3 will join thai party nuder
command of Captain Cutting. Among the
Omuha members of the order who left
in addition to the uniformed
ranks and delegates were H. H. Lucas
and wife , County Treasurer bun and
nIece , Miss Mohrdock , of Germany ; J. T.
Paulsen , S. M. Wooloy and (1. ( Shrippler.
The party occupied the Pullman car
Oporto and will ho under the care of
Conductor Turtle until Denver is reached.
The session of the lodge commences today -
day and will last live days. The grand
procession will take place on Thursday.
o-tlay several oUter Omahans who couhd
not get' away yesterday will leave for
City froa.urer Ruhi Declares Him-
self-The City's Lo.
City Treasurer Rush and W. J. Ilairn
were found In consultation yesterday
morning. The latter is thie expert accoun-
taut who is preparing the city tax list.
Tue question was the great inequality of
city assessniente. Treasurer Rush said the
city was losing taxes on f24,000,000 worth
of property , whereas It was getting taxes
oil only * 10,000,000 valuation now. "It
cannot be otherwise , " said Mr. Rush , "as
long as there arc so many dltThront assessors -
sessors with different opinions , dhlitrent
judgments etc. "
" \'hy , " io contlnuod. "the as sessor of
\Vest Omaha precinct returned lots
valued at 300 apiece and lots just as
valuable wore returae t.y the Sixtn
ward assessor at * 25 apIece. 'Too many
cooks spoil the broth. ' What we want is
one assessor who shall give a sulilciont
bond and be responsible for his otlichal
vork and that ot his deputies. The as-
scssment in this city is shamefully ineq-
ultable. Property is exempted on the
0110 hand and taxed on the othr which
is entirely wrong. I tell you the city is
losiiic from one-third to one-half of it.i
taxes by this method. "
"how many descriptions have you on
your books sofar Mr. Ilaim ? " asked tIme
" 1 have 20,005 whtclt cover 1,100 pages
of forts-two lines each.
The Tyler Desk Co. , of St. Louis , Mo. ,
manufaturora of 0111cc Docks timid Into.
nor Fittings for Banks , Court houses
and Government lluilthings , have just
Published a new 100 page Illustrated
Catalogue of now tteslgns. ArchItects
and business muon should send for it ;
tree. Postage 7e.
g1'tor 1Ioro Thtevoq.
Alarehiall A. Townsend , of Fremont ,
was in the city yesterday on his way to
1'Intt.niouth to attend the trial ot hoary
Scliroetlor for horse stealing. Schroeder is
a champion at the buslncsshaviag stolen
nlirn horses mind a mule. Marshal Town.
send arresteti him in Fremont an l recov.
ered the property. lie also arrested.
Mike Jlynu ? for stealing gt horse at Mead ,
Flynn Is now in tiU t M144 b ,
- 11
.J. WI Keok's Tower Hill and Wa1 ut Hill Sub-Divisions , and Selections of Business Property , in Kearney , Neb. , o .
U Thursday , September 22d 1887. .A
'rho offering will comprise 61 blocks or
choice residence property , eq"al to about
260 lots Oxl8O in sizcand 28 buminees lots ,
The residence hots are contiguous totake
Karney and fronting thicreon , on high
ground , commanding a view of the Platte
River Valley for many miles and overlookIng -
lookIng all partsofthc city. The busIness
lots arc on Wyoming Avenue and 14th
Street , adjacent to the "Midway" anti are
among the most valuable now unimprovci.
After four separate examinations by cm-
Inent hydraulic engineers from Minneapo.
lit and Denver , tacit reports that Kearrrey
has an excellcnt and permanent water
power , which if fully ernploed cannot
fail to make Kearney a large manufactur
ing city. The water power at Kcarney , it
is fully believed , will make time city thie
manufacturing center of Nelraska , and
furnish a large business with adjoining
states antI territories. We tiicreIorc be-
Hove the present offer of velh located and
desirable lots affords an opportt.nitv for
invetrneimt better than any tpeculatioii.
One of the desirable residence blocks
will be givemi to sonic one of time purchtasers
at this sale.
On reshlence property , one.fourth cash ,
balance in 1 , 2 and 3 years , at 6 per cent
On business property , one.third cash ,
balance in I and 2 years at 7 ier cent in- .
For further particulars inquire of or ad.
dress either oftlte ummdersigntd.
- - - - - - - - - -
, -
- - -
Auctioneers , Lincoln , Nebraska , ' Maflaer of Saleb Kearney , Neb.
lie Talceg In Attorneye ant
- Fails With Othier.
A gentleman from tIm north of Ireland
stepped into Gencrttl Cowln's residence
Sunday night , nnl on tIme strength of being
ing a namesake in the throes of linancmal
distress , succeeded in educing a chiarita.
. ble 1O note front thic attorney's pocket.
.1 hIs is not time first devotee of Jilackstone
who has been aPpealed to by the same
Individual , and unless the men of law
arc apprised of the fact , General Cowin
ma.y not be tliolast of them from whom
he will rccclvo synipathiy anti financial
'l'lio fellow is about twenty. eight years
of nge. He is now in the country
and when he struck .l'ttrkc Godwin , he
shot oil hIs hi.itorv In about thirty see-
onds. "Is this Thirrister Godsvin ? " ho
began. "It gives me 1)ieasUro to meet
ye. I heard of you at thin telegraph
oflico. Mo own nanie is Godwin-Ar.
thur Godwin-fromu the north of Irelahd.
I've been in the country but asimorttime.
I ranasvay from mu hothe anti I had
only about five pounds with me. When
I reached this country I sent back a telegram -
gram to mc father , a long telegraph that
cost inc about two pounds and a half ,
and then came to Creston , Iowa. where
1110 brothers hivel. I found that they hInt
gone to Nebrasky. 'I'hioy hint lived
in Crcston for many years and
were very wealthy , very wealthy , sir. I
learned they hat ! gone to MeCook in title
state , and I came here to telegranhi to
thorn. I % vent to the telegraph ohlico anti
wauteti to telegraph me brothers , but time
nien in the olilee said it would cost mc as
much to telegraph as it would to ride
there , because , tb ye see , me brothers
are o11 on a ranch a distance from Mc.
Cook and it would take t power of money
to send a message to them anti back
again. So I oflured to leave my trunk
for security , but the lath told me
they was not ( icing that kind
of business , but he says , says he , 'thorn's
a barrister hero of your own name , Mr.
Godwimi , and maybe he'll help ye to get
out there. ' Anti so 1 came to ye. And
so you're Mr. Godwin , are ye ; vel1 , i'm
glad to meet you. Can you lend time
loati oftin dollars , till'I reach me broth-
er's ranchc , oil near MpCook. I'll lave
my trunk as security fbr the same till I
meet nie brothers. "
The fellow rambled along In that style ,
but was too suspicious to inspire ( lie eke.
mosynary Instincts of Mr. Godwin , who
asked him to return in the afterimoon ,
hoping In the meantime to inquire into
the stranger's case. But the latter never
appeared. At last accounts hIs name
was ( Jowla. What itis now has not been
discovered. lie will bca watelung.
M. E. Ethlobiutwho succeeded Mr ,
Hilton as pastor of the M. E. church. do-
hivered an elegant sermon Sunday even-
Ing.C. .
C. F. Block and wife , of Atlantic , a. .
spent Sunday with friends in the city.
George Sanders , of Schmuylor , Is in the
city on business.
Miss Mamie Carpenter departed for
Lewis , lit. , to attend the wedding of Miss
Laura Newman to Dr. Campbell.
T. C. Marshall , with tim firm of Smith
& tioliuos Hardware Co. , has made ar-
rangenients to move his family hero.
.Mrs. SVithrow is having a new cottage
erected itt Aibrlghit station.
M. .1. DeGrall is in Itqtl Cloud on a bus.
mess trip.
Miss Orphia Reynolds , who was visit.
ing her brother , has returned to Osk-
land , in.
H. A. Dodge , of Fall River , is hero vms-
iting friends.
Frank Pierson , a resident of Cedar
Rapids , is one of the city's visitors.
There is talk of the Union Pacific put-
tiug on a now train that the Cunmmy service -
vice may be had every half hour instead
of every hour.
Sam Martin , an old resident , has gone
to St. Louis to see the festivities.
Ed. Johnston , manager of Mayne's
branch office will move his otilco to a alto
opposite to the new depot.
Me ; Lanham has time tunnel outside of
the lull and the work oftunnehling tinder
time hill will begin in a few days. It vill
be 1,000 feet long.
The city schools are in a very crowded
condition. Seats had to be sceureit and
put lnthe entries to uccomimiodato the
scholars and an extra teacher had to abe
Benson Bloom , proprietor of the \Vls-
consin house , line his mother and hither ,
and amid fattier-In-law
visiting him this week.
Woodwortli and Crushed Rock.
Charles Woodworthi yesterday said
tiiat.hio bad bought 1,100 loads of crushed
rbck from the streets which. . , have been
torn t4 by thin street railways ,
and each of these has cost him
00 cents1 delivered. ho says certain of
Uu city omcia biy tW hithit tt
. .
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railway compaimies are ittittitig dowii nosy
routs : mis gooti as time old , aimI , that the
City has no iiSt ( for second hand stimfi'
so that hmtm thoits not think them ss'iii be
much minnie out of thin move of inquiry
with regarth to time sile : of this rock to
him. Iht riroposee to soil it in tIme spring
for concrete purposes iii new buildings.
Dc , Smith is tIitLnI ,
To the Editor oftlie lIen : I was much
0(11110(1 ( by rcathmimg in your Sunday 11cr :
September 18 , time 'interview of a student
tf 0. P. Taylor , of \ % ellsvmllc , N. Y. , a
tobacconist. on boring for oil.
At th1o tinue of imy communication in
reference to time gas find in a spring in
Paddock Place , I was absolutely mgno-
rant of this triangle system of 0. P. Tty- :
br , that proved so successful in finding
oil in New Yorki state , and I am 'quite
sure that i'rofessor Orton iutist have forgotten -
gotten or never heard of it.
Now , as so very ntucn may depend
upon. time system of boring , why not
adopt title irinngi&borc at ommeo , ' and secure -
cure the coveteil and muehi needed gas ?
Time same system oughit to be its reliable
for gas as for oil. It need mmot matter
whuit thin sub-formnatioii is , so you stick
to tim triangle borc.
Doc Sutrmi.
Pound D.atl
Yesterday morning a man named Char.
los Quast , a hiollanderwas foumntl ( lead in
the South Onmahmus hold , Soutn Omaha. lie
hind risen early in the morning , and corn-
plaining of being unwell , returned to his
bed where lie svus , later , found ( toad.
Coroner Drexel was summoned antI repaired -
paired to time ace ne. 1-Ic subpocned the
following jury : Giticon hood , Charles
Btcimnman ; , J. it. Grice , .V. A. Bosworth ,
Pant % Vetzcl tiittl OIl Johnson . Dr. K L.
Her nimout , I'aul Schumtz anti Belolaveck
were examined as witnesses and upon
their testimony , a verdict was reimdereti
that the dcceascii htul come to itis death
from heart disease. The rommia ins were
brought to timis city auth will be be buried at Laurel lull cemetery at the
expoilso of Armour , packer. 'limo (10-
ceased came hero onlyon Saturday , Iroin
Chicago to work in the Armour packiimg
Ii. I ) . Clay Turns a Trick.
L. D. Clay was ill ) before the police
court yesterday morning , ehitirged with
having obtained money tinder false pro-
tenses. The case , on motion of the tie-
fondant's counsel , was continued until
Monday afternoon , in order that evidence
can be secured form Chicago. Clay , it
scents , succeeded in inducing Charles
Steiimof SouthOmaima , to endorse a
New York draft on 'r. Baehmaralt , Chiicago.
Tue ( Iraft was then cashed at one of time
city banks , forwarded to Chicago , prot's-
ted and returned as fraudulent , and SImon
had to ItaY the same. Clay was Iht cml
under $700 bonds , and unable to give thie
same , was remnamided to jail.
A handy Man Worstotl.
Edward Miller , whuosustained a broken
arm in a bar room brawl at time St. Uloud
bite Saturday night , was up before Judge
Ilerka yesterday morning and lined lO
and costs for assault and battery. Miller ,
It seems , togethmor with the Patsy O'Leary
pugilistic delegation front Cincimmnatl ,
were out smearing the town with carmine -
mine , when th cy got Into a light in the
St. Clouti , and ( luring which l'mlihlcr ' , who
is a tmantly man with his dump es , amashied
George Cook , thm bartender in the eye.
In timri , ho SVILS knocked down Iii inscif ,
and in time scramble that followed was
kicked on the arm , stistitinlng it fracture
of one of time wrist bones.
Wet Ice.
Any person giving information to time
undersigned oh thu whereabouts of Gilbert -
bert Everton will confer a fayor on hminm.
Ho left O'Neill , Nob. , three years since ,
and has not glues beer heard fm-urn.
Ii. F. HoitEnTit , O'Neill , Neb.
Repair the Stroet.
Some time ago the council ordered time
Cable him to put in good condition time
space between its tracks on ' [ 'ontim street ,
whIch was badly torn up when the latter
were laid a year ago. Time company
made a feeble eflort to conip lv with the
order of the council , but time street , in
sonic places , is still in a horrible comb-
tlon , and gives proof of time fact that the
order of the council has been but iiidiflr.
ently coniplied with.
Round Over for Grand Ijat-cemmy.
Sarah MeDowoii , a depraved female ,
was bound over to time district court
yesterday morning in the sunu of
5oo on a charge of grand larceny. ' Time
complainant , Mrs. Nancy Smith , says
that Smiratt.ontcrcd her room yesterday
and stole * 24 in , caslm.ariti two valuable
¶ i1 Zrom a drlwcr li her dressing oaq.
. . . . ' . - . .
Church Corporation.
Articles of incom'porntmon oh time \Vest-
imminster I'rcsbvtem man clmtmrcii were filed
yesterday. Tue congregation was organ.
ized Auril 25. 1687. AtamucctilmghellJLmIy
0. 1887 , Jfleob It. hlemuirix was selected
lrcsilemut niitlVihi'mtmu : Randall secretary ;
also time fohlowmng trustees : Jacob it.
liemitlrix , Aiextmider : Shields , S. A. hitimi.
tooti , l'aul Vaudervort , F. L. McCoy amid
F. L. Gregory.
CrnzU With Wflbky.
' , Vilhlani McGovern , a drunken rowdy ,
attacked J. Ii. Arley , a traveliimg luau , lfl
front of the Nernska National bank Sumi-
day evening , anti inmate a vicious nlrort to
carve lm'im with an ugly loukimmg pruninir
knife. Time assault svts : entirely svithmout
provocation , McGovern clamming that lie
was crazed with drink. lie cot ten days.
.1' ' i.Y !
AbzoVutey Pure0
This powder never variss. A nmarvol of liar
tystrength and wholosomonos. 3luro coon-
omicai thaim the ordinary kinds. mind cannot bo
sold In competition with the multitude of low
cost 8hort weight imium or phosphate iowdors.
Sold only In cans. RoYAL BAKING l'owozit Co.
101 Wail-st. . N. Y.
'rho Theatrical t'rofo.slon.
) Ierlt will wlu and recelvo pubilo recognition Snil
praiso. Vscts , which are ( ho outcome of general ci.
pcrlcnce , grow1ii through ycnrs of critical sod
practical test , t'ccono U roototi ntd Immovbions
the rock of Gibraltar In public opinion , snU lienco.
forth need no further cuarantc os to their aeon
Inenes. TIe Indlsputabo foct that Swift' , , specico
Ia thu best blood puriSer In ( ho world , I ono of these
imrnoVabIo Gibraltar rock ( set , of wlilcit we have
spoken , aliti every day's CxpPriencO roots Liii , conviction -
viction deeper and deeper In pubilo oplulon. xvory
ciasa of otr people IlL .LIe.rlca suit lu Europe ,
ovary ( mile. calling and profession , iiiciu1lig ( ho
medical professIon. hove berne voiuntary teti.
Incur to (1,0 remarkable virtues of S. S. 8. and
mt. Infaillido eflkacy in curing au dloaes of ( ho
bioocL 'ilieso teatlinonisis ore on Cia by the thou-
sarni. and open to thu 1uicctton , of all. Now come ,
unoifciteci. two dltIngUIaheti ruemubers of ( he (11551-
rlcai profeasion. wic ) gratefuliy teatify to the wondur-
fui curative qteOltles of ( tie 0ccitio ft ( lisle IOU ! .
vidusi cases. Their testimonials are herewith sub-
inittod to the pubilo wIthout further comment-itt
themit spealc for themseises. The lady Is a member of
the famous Tlia1I Theatre Company. of New Yolk ,
OIIII fornieriy of ( to Itestdi'ne , , T.ieatre. Ilerlin , tier-
mnanysnd or MoVlckor'istoek Conipaimy , of Chicago.
Tile 'rtiernan Is sisell known mmemtierot the NuV
York Thalla Theatre ConiL.aily. Deli mire iseli known
In theatrical circles In this country and Ic Lurope.
Cherlotto Itnodow' . Tc.Ilmony.
New Yosic , Iay 5 , 1887.
Swifi Specific Company , . &tlata , On. :
Ocntienien-iIayIg been annoyed with pimples.
Crupilomis and rou'Imness of limo skin , from ha' ! Comm.
dltiou of ny Idno ? , ( or more than a year , I used a
leading preparation of sareapariila and other adver-
tiaeii remedies to no , freet. Thcu I consulted a proni.
bent physician , and ( ron , IIa treatment received
01) beeflt , I then concluded to try lime 5. S. S. coma-
edy for the blood and flee or six package. . by a
thorough t.radicatlon of toy troubbo anti restorin
Immmootimnes to my skin ' have made me happy aim
I cheerfuiiy she you ( 1,14 testimonial foraud , usc
icid publicity as you wish to make of it.
CULIiiO1-TE lthsDOW.
15) flowery , ocar Cauai Strest ,
huge lIu.akerl'I Testimony.
The Swift Specific Company , Atianta. Ga.
Gentienien-For two years ! hada severe caaeot
teach , , , . I used tar soaps , sulphur IoapPand various
other renmcmiies and was prescribed for by iiiiuber *
of physicians , but found mme reilef. Aliast I .icter-
nOneU to try thu it S. b4 romoedy. thu save , , or chumS
bottles have thoroughly relieved moe , Simmi ) uU calt
use ibis ert1tlcato lo auy manlIer y"u wish.
lion. , ltbt4NtKt , ,
) temnter of TlmalLs Theatre
New York , ) iay 3 , 2887.
Trcatlea on Bloomi soil SkIu Disea.o mailed free.
Iui Sww Si'gcir&o Co. ,
Drawer 3. Atlanta. Omi.
Lincoln , Nob.
The' best known and most popular hotel in
'the $ Lato. Loo&tlon contrel , appointmnonts fist ,
cl.t. Ileadqtiarters for coummuerciad men and
aq VoUtcal tud pubilO gatlioringa.
. . - roirlutQr ,
fC4 .
/ ( . (
. , ,
un : CALIF'OILNIA WINES , shipped Clrect
from our vineymtrd ; itielIng , ( JmmteIoi , Clarets ,
Port , Shcrrlcsolc. fan .1oi Vaults Seventh.
Eight ) , , San Salvador amid William mts. , Sun
Jose , CalifornIa.
- - -
. 'n' a thoi-omnth knowiwiiro of the natural
basce which gotormi the oimrallons of tilgotion
and , iutrltaon , timid [ j. a citrofui application of
( ho flue proerttos of ivoIl-8lectcd Cocoa , Mt' .
Ei.jms line ProsiboI our broakiast tables iviti , a
tIolicmttttly iiitrod beverage iwbich mimmty save
118 iiiflly 1101W ) ' , loctor's bills. It Is by ( Ito
Judicious imso ( If such airticlos of diet ( Immtt a conSt -
St Itution lIla ) ' ho gituitimtily built ii p until atrolig
( 'notigh to resht every tendency to dlense.
hundreds of subtle maladies are hooting
itrotmud us ready to attack wherever there Is a
ivottK point. Vo may escape loony a fatal
shaft by keeping out-selves well fnrtllii scum
pure blood ttnd tt properly notirished frame , "
--ClyilService ( iiizotto.
Nimio , timply with boIling water or milk. Sold
only itt bait' 1ottnd tins Ps' Grocers iaboiqcj thus :
310 mmpatlilo Chemists , Loenox , ENULANo ,
Mention tills usher.
Cor. 13th St. , uid QspIt.l Act. , OMAHA , NED.
Asm itt Hrw VAilcocac SusnNsotY CLAMp CCMPBIsS.
3..t ( .clIlmle. . spp.rIll spit rm.ll. , for , , ieen.Pu ! Irntmn ( .1
I , . , , frn , ofrft..ner.t.lrI.ig M..llni or Sumrglc.t tr..Inent
W.i rt eli. i. UI A RI , N I ) .furn.ItI , . atd Or , , ' , , , ( 'lob l'nt ,
Cur. still. mliii. Spume , i'll , . . Tiinnr. . Cancer , Cat.1 I Ii , ltroiirt.ltI , ,
, ! . , , , .trlrmty , i'.r.Iy.l , . S1itt.j.y , I IIii. , lJIa.lJr , i : . .
tar , Ski. , . 5,4 lIluoi , suit stl burgic.i tl..rslluu. .
Ihook on llsenses ) of lYomiten FREE.
iAKla A SI'ECAI.Tv 01'
All lilund flI.rne , . - . , , ir.trt. .tIItle rcln , .movd
( rum , the . , tin . , Ittinia , iitl cur ; , N.w It , , . 1 rc.Iiln ( fr
IA , . , ef S'Itsi I'iwr Per. , , . , un.tI. ( a , 1.11 , . . ( nay i.e ( rni.I SI , by Curt . , mauJ.uirs. 1. Ii , oiriminlr.tI. , . , C.inhld.utIst. il..iti-
thus or u.tnrnllt , wll ( ill ( mliii or e. .rc. . . ncorely i , , . k.II , .10
( t.rk , to Inilirste rOiil.flti or , reder. I I.e i'.r.uti.l IntrIw (45-
trru.1 , tlt aitl coi..iill U. . or scii I.I.t.iry . ofuur tan , will. It.lIljl ,
amid p u , yIIl sgmmd I. , ii : . ! , .vrflprr , vur
Opun tdot. . Sj.I.l ml Nervuu IEr. , Snitisl wpInf
$ rcrmsmonh. . . Iiujot.iiry , H ) 11)110' ) . Ouuu , ha. , ( .Ir.l. suit ' -
it01llll fir i51,11t. .Ad4rej ,
) : .cclaIny , Cci. 13th st. & CR1101 Av.Ornsfi , NIb.
Medical Books orl'apers Free.
'rue Ilruimrioturut tflt Ommmimm , Idedicit gal iurji-
esi ifllituo ilils pubIi4lieil a vniimuUle .e of buOgS
SOil papers upoil uflrotttctitiit .umgmcai mitaeaIs sad
dcformitie. . mmd ( tiU methods of cure wnhcl , hey. . ,
given She ttO reputatlomiof beIng the most skiilfui
ummd succesifiti speeiatlit In thin , , est , mU nItilU Lime
Institule so eele'jrateit that miiicjmmes are sent to
imitti patIents cocci ied froimi every stotu in the u.nton.
Aluong the books I. alit ) 111100 Lime ulliemuse , of
WOLIIII one upon nervou , , special aiU prIvate diseases -
eases ottliossauni slid ttrlmmary orani ; vsrieocliiu
curid by surgIcal oper4tions. sail theIr iutoiyinve8l.
ed chimp compress itisp nsory for ( ho relict unit
core of , arlcoc.l. . nervoml' , tuliIitIon miami seruSi
debilIty. hew restoroilve trattnotmL L'atiers upon
surgical brace , . plies. cancers paraiysis. sti. E2ec.
trlclty and t , . , nov ( flflg1metIU1iaLtL'r br home uss ;
catrrh nnii inhalution. eta. Vault nhimL books
huId tiy doctore tree , they ito not conlsL of to.1l'
isonlili with , Octitious asmacs aui Initial , . or rttbalu
of Ihat kind. Ijut ar , , plillut descriptions of , lieaies.
sytItmi. ; flOw d.coveriO , In 'oedlclne. stmreri
and ateetiteity. itnU sri , wiii worth Lte , uertmm3I. , tiii
CI , , be . .btolnet , tree bi md.lra..Im.g , the OniIm , )4eiiI.
cal ted Surgical Institute , iJIti lirsot and Capitol
avenue , Oniana. Nebraska.
Amd , mithmers sulTeming from
' -S nervous d.iulllty , oabsutiiig
. I brim 0 , iieus , . Ti , I , , mfttU m 0
c. - dectlna 01 ) UUrIC or old are
i.istUeiy eued iiy hr.
home' . fenmous tiestro.
tsgn.lIe lint. Thou.ands
In edry . ' State in thelinio'l have hirer , cured.
} : IeeIrI , I . - , , , t , Inotsntiy fell , i'Meitc.I aiiiiotd mu
, iSimulo belt. } .Iecirle
) c3lI tuinhly can wear puma
hu.penserir. free a Ith imaie brit4. Avuiii wrtiIIsSs I. . , .
itUiumi allis bogus roniiAUiC * . Eli-sine I ruases or
Rupture. 700 t"r-Olin 05. ht.flii , , ( . .
Ua.W.d. Hoamit , kyusos. ( SI WABASH AY. , CItiCACO.
Mnemftemlngiro" ,
rI.r.u. II.biiI , , J..o . .
W EAK Zewalpuou ( . ' , rflMr. .
Sb-eli. . , etc. , i , , utllng from taN -
dIctlonseZre.woroTcWOrk ,
1 : N E . . . .s , , .iu..s
II ri.ipti.i evgIar. by ( ho
I . , * a'.IIoI. S ou I lures ,
S G99flUARsTCH iii mhe rand ,
I RUN C. , thetr5nt'5viletlute with
intoromntiui of SSIUS tO lI inrO ,
NjJtftINIILCs. 19 ParI ( Place , Now York ,
: , . . -
, . , , _ _ _
, i , kt ;
_ _ _ . .t
. r 4
_ _ j _ _ '
314 5. 13th street , Ontalia ,
stabiished for the Scientific and Socedy
Cure of Chronic , Nervous and Special
The Old 1to1iabl Specialist of many years experience -
perience , treats with wonderful success ail
LA lI1l'TURE , cured without KNIFE OR
Tremitsail forms o Throat LUnF , Nore and
bilood Olveases , all Clironlo ( hipO5CS sind his.
tormnitics far in advance of any intitutton it
tills country. Those who contotunlate going to
lint Springs for the treatment of any I'rtvato
or lilood Olseaso can be ctmred for one thrd , the
cost at our Private Dispensary , SR South 1th
street. Omaha , Nob.
RUI'TLiRE cured without pain orhlnderanes
teen bnctnos.
L ADIES Hythistroatmont a Vitro Lovely
Cenpiexlon ( , free from slowness ,
I rockies , biaektead , eruptone , etc. , hirillianI
Eyes nI poriect lioaith can ho laud.
reTlmtit 'tlrotl" feeling amid eli female weak.
nosed promptly cure1. Bloating Headaches ,
Nervous l'roiutrattion , General Debility Sleep-
iessnea , Denresslon and 1iimitgetioii , tSvnrion
trommltios , tiilltmiimatlon amid UlceratIon , Failing
and lIsplacententv , Spinal weaknesi , Kidney
comitlaimits anl Change of Life , Copsult sit ' I
old Ioclor. .
E YE AND EAR ActmtoorCltrotiolufjamn '
pmation of the 3lll8 ( or
Giobo anti far or Near Stghtedness , InvorIon
of the Ilcl. Scrofukmu , Eyes , Utcoratiotis In.
Ilaitmimintlous , Abscess , ItttticsR of V idlon oE one
or both eyes , and Titimmors of
bnilnmnmatton of time ICur , [ lice , ttlun or
Catrrti , Internal or Ezternui 1)eafio' , , , or '
l'aralysts , Singimg , Or Itomtrlog nolseLfbickonod
Drum etc.
Debility , Spormnatorrhcna , Sons-
N ERVOUS ititil 1uuses , Night Ifmnlaslona ,
Loss ot Vital i'owor , Slooplesoness , Desnonit-
ency , Loss of Memnory , Confusion of fdca ,
Iiitirs hieforo the Eyes , Lawittubo , Lungtior ,
GloomIness , Dolirceslon of Spirits. Aversion to
Society Essily IIvcouraged , Lttk of Conft
dance , fluih , i4stiss , Unfit for atudy 0r Imusi-
nest , nod SUdS lire a burden , safeiy. l'ermas-
nontly andprlvatoly Cured.
llsoaes , SyphilIs--a il-
B L000 & SKIN horrible lii _
Its restiits-compiettmly eradicated without the
itle of mercury. Scrofula , I8rymuipelas. Foyer
Sore. , lllotclio8 , Pitnjmioi , Ulcers , pains In the
Head and Ilomiem , , Sy titlitlo Sore Thi'oat , Moutn
and TOngUe , OlanJulur Liisrgnment , of the
Neck , Itlioumatism , Catarrhotc. , Permanently
Ctirad When Others Have Fulled.
Kidney timb liladder troubleS ,
U RINARY. Weak hack , ittmrnhiig Urine.
Frequency of Urinating , Urine high colored or
nmllky edIiienton stanthing , ( Ionorrhmoa , Gleot ,
Cyttitis , etc. , promptly and afeIy curetL .
Charges roasonabti' _ _ ,
flood Poison .
PRIVATE DISEASES venereal ttlhims
gleet. stricture , seminal omIssions , loss Of sex.
usi power , weakhies of the iexual orgaItswant
of demiru In maie or femItle , whether frotn ho-
jirtlilout habits 01 young or ex'Iai habits in
mature years , or any caIi6 tltat dtbiiitate the
soxtiai lunctions , peodiiy nuti pornianentiy
Comituintion ( free and strictly confidential.
Medicine Lotit free froth oliservation to all
parIs of ( lie UnIted Stttoa. : Correspondence
receives PrOlflltt attentIon. No lstter an.
uworel unless itCQOttiilII1iOl by four eoits , in
stamps. Send Stamp for paumitnilot anti liii of
quostiollt. TorIns ttrictivash. . Call on or ad. . .i
dress l ) . h'WlSI.Iu 1i515'Es , .
No. 814 South 13th St. Oiiiaha , Neb ,
NOW ItEtl)1' .
I li.USTRuTEI ) .
"TIlE .IOUNT.tIN SMOKES. " Iiiu- u ,
( rated. -A rtii tie I inward Noli.
OLIVIA 1)EtAI'L.UNS , Xi. , XII. Iliustrated ,
-Edgar Fiwcett , ,
A I'OT.IItJNTEht'S PAiti % I)1SFL ) liltitratod , : .
-Cliarici ledyart Ntn ton.
( riited. -C. Ii , AdammaS ,
Tili % vsilINcrroN NA'i'IONAI4 3IONUMES'P J '
I iiiiSrhtud.Oscitr Futile.
lti'.itcru Oft LO'A'AIIST. ( Poem. ) :
-'imttirlcu Thoinpsoim.
, - 'S
-Grunt Aileim ,
TIil TWINS OF' vcAsIhu : hiltANCI ,
-Tobe hedge.
i'lVrSilUltGII'S . FUEL
- / . IC Vii1to ,
1'OlS S.tLF DY Al.t. NEVShE.LEIIS. )
749 lIltO1t1)W.YNiW ) YOIIK.
' T Nuuursciuemesoe FINS
_ _ S- 5-- _ _ _ _ _ 5 OOVERKNENT BANk counT WORK nousz , ndt ,
- _ _ _ _ Be.tWorkudLowest i'Lu *
- ' Ouaranteemi. lOOp.geliiust'4
Cataiea'ua . ' , Piasit ever printed , sent _ free. _ _ .e ' ,
. - - . 5 : : , , ' 5. ,