THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS OFTIOZ , O. 18. PEABL STREET. by carrier in nny pnrt of the city at twenty centt per woofc JLW.Tu.Toir , . . . Mann er. TELEPHONES : fttitNiM Omcc. No. 43. MMBT KDITOH No. n. MINOU MRNT10N. N. T. Plumbing Co. Belter , tailor. Fall goods cheap. Ladies , sco combined writing desk and lowing machine. Domestic ofllcc , 105 Mam. Permit to wed was yesterday given to B. A. Frisbce , of Omaha , and Minnie Benson , of this city. At the rate the gas ordinances are be ing presented to the council , this city is assured of cheap gas nt some future day. John W. Ossler was brought in from Wheeler Grove yesterday by his brother and a neighbor , ho being violently in- Dane. Ho was taken to Mt. Pleasant last evening. Mr. Paulgravcs , of the Richmond ( Ire nla'rm , was in the city yesterday , and is eaid to bo quietly looking over the line to Bee how the system is working and wherein it can bo bettered. The grand jury was not In session yes terday , as there are ( our secretaries of school boards on it. and yesterday being the day upon which the school boards bold their meetings , the Jury took n reccs . The Institution for the deaf and dumb opens with 218 pupils. Everything starts off smoothlv , and all scum pleased with the manner in which Superintendent Kothort starts in. Mrs. Uothcrt arrived yesterday. At the meeting hold last evening the Chautauqua assembly was reorganized , about twenty-live joining for this year. Rev. Dr. Phelps is to bo the leader. The next meeting will ho on Monday ovoulng , at the Y. M. C. A. hall. Ella Fitzgibbon yesterday filed her pe tltion for matrimonial freedom from , K. W. Fitzgibbon , who , she claims , has been 00 given to drink as to forget all her claims upon him. They were married in " 1808 , and matters have" boon going from .bad to worse until she can stand it no- longer. A genuine surprise wns given those in the council chamber -hist night by hear ing Alderman Keller's name read , as being one who signed the document Betting forth the fact that the lire alarm system was working unsatisfactorily to the city. This is what many supposed but an acknowledgment it has been im possible to get heretofore. The report was signed by Motcalf and Wells also. The Ulllingham divorce suit has come to n , close , and the case has been decided In favor of Mrs. Uillingham , who is restored to her maidenly rights and name. Hov. Mr. Gillingham is the pas tor of the Presbyterian church at Logan , and the prominence of the parties has caused tlui case to attract wide attention. As the ceremony was performed hero , and the bride was a well known society young lady of this city , the local interest has also been great. In the district court yesterday the trial of Morse was commenced , ho being jointly indicted with llothcry. There was considerabledilllculty in so cur ing a jury , and the whole forenoon was taken up with this dreary task. The trial will probably last all of to-day. Ilothory has not turned up yet , but his friends predict that ho will do so when ho gets a good ready , and that ho wil ° iilo bonds for an appeal. Money to loan. Cooper & Judson. Watches , clocks , jewelry , etc. , the bos In the city. C. Voss , jeweler , No. 415 Broadway. Repairs u specialty. City Jail Rnpnirs. After being brought to the attention of the city council several times during the past two years , thn bunk question in the city jail has ( in ally ended by the special committee , to whom the question was referred ordering the same put In. Iho bunks have boon made and arc now at the jail. They are of iron and each eel is to bo provided with three except the Btoei cell which will hixvo two. They will not bo put up until the sewerage o the jail has been improved , but should it take two years to gef this attended to , the bunks would bo of little value. After the sewerage is in shape now lloors wil bo put In the cells , probably of Hag stones , as the concrete is too sou and too many attempts have been made to break jail by digging through it. J. W. and K. L. Squire lend money. Wanted Tinners , at Cole & Colo's No. 41 Main street. Personal Paragraphs. Congressman A. U. Anderson was ii the city yesturdtiy. Sliorill' Garrison , of Harrison county was in the city yesterday. Woostcr Fay , of Keg Creek , was at th Crcston house yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Champ hav arrived in New York after a plcasan European trip , and are expected homo soon. soon.Dr. Dr. J. T. Van Ness , physician and sur geon , oilco ! room ! ) , Opera House block , will attend professional calls day or iiieht. Residence corner Eighth avenue and Fifteenth street. Marie Prescott. This charming artist appeared hist evening at the opera house. The audience was not so largo as the enter tainment merited. The Merchant of Venice was presented in avcry creditable manner. Miss Prcscott proved a charm ing Portia , with u bcautifu 1 face , with grace in every movement , a perfect enunciator , she carried her part easily and naturally , so as to impress all most favorably and incite a dcsiro to see her in other roles. The company , as a whole , was very fairly balanced , was well costumed and the play moved off very smoothly and without any of the delays so common and so annoying. This afternoon thn same pleasing actress and her company appear a < ralu in Ingoraar , and this evening in As You Like It. Ono thousand head of ono , two and three-year-old steers for sale. Will give credit to reliable parties. Enquire of A. J. Grecuaraayer , 023 Mynstcr nt. , tele- 811 List your property with Cooper & Judsou , No. 120 Main st. His Boimlura. Last evening Jailor O'Ncil lost several of his boarders. Deputy Sheriffs William Curry and Clay Reel , son of ShcriQ Reel , served us escorts for four men in Irons , who left on the evening train for Ft. Madison. Ono was "Texas , " who leaves behind him n wife who will shortly be taken to Anamosa for a still longer sentence. Ho is to servo eighteen months and she two years , so ho will bo nut six mouths before she is released anil hate time to get the house settled and put to rights For her reception. The oth ers taken to the penitentiary last night were Jo Adams , Frank Ashton and B , J , 'O'Hrleu. Sheriff Reel took the Huff boy last mning t < ? the reform school at Eldora WEDLOCK BEHIND THE BARS , The Drum Major Married to the Sensa tional Witness. THE CITY SCHOOL CENSUS. It Shown Council BlufTt to De Grow ing In Population and Halld- In * * A Dlvo Broken Up Police The Drum Major Married1. Drum Major Carbeo would bo nothing It not sensational. After his liashy career here , his trial , his conviction and sentence to the penitentiary , ho has been spending his time rather dully in jail , awaiting transportation over the road. Yesterday the monotony was broken. Ho served as brldcgroom'ln a wedding , the woman thus becoming his better half being none other than Mrs , Alta Arnold , whose name has become almost as fa miliar as that of Carbeo , alias Hawk. She first attracted attention as a promi nent witness in behalf of Dr. Cross when that gentleman was on trial for the mur der of Dr. McKune. She was not at the lirst trial , but on the second she appeared and her evidence , sho.claiming to bo an eye-witness of the tragedy , did much toward saving Cross from the noose. She has had several suits , ono against n sat loon man ior causing her husband's dcatli through drink , and lately she sued an old citizen , Charles Baughan , for slander. She has also been trying to got a pension from the government on ac count' of her husband's service in the army. From the time Carbeo was brought buck hero and lodged in jail , she has been a constant visitor and has cared.for his wants daily. Yesterday She procured a marriage license , ho not being con veniently situated for attending to this business , and proceeding to the jail the ceremony was there performed which made hero the wife of the gallant major. Rev. Henry DoLong , who has been just enough enthused by the Salvation army work to have n Hieing for the mili tary dash , was the officiating clergyman. The ceremony was performed in the par lor of the jail , there being four or live witnesses. Mrs. Arnold Carbeo was per mitted to enjoy a private chat with her new husband , but her honeymoon was exceedingly brief ami unsatisfactory , as it was not strictly private. The School Census. The taking of the school census has just been completed , and the showing is one which corroborates the other proofs that the city is gaining iu population steadily and surely. The following is the census by wards : First NttS Second 3V73 Third 1783 Fourth 2C3t Total 8024 Last year 71)63 ) Increase GUI In many cities the school census is used as a basis of figuring out the population on the ratio of live to ono. At the usual basis of three and a half , however , the showing is sufliciently encouraging. By this rate it would that Council Bluffs has a population of 30,181 , and that it has gained in population during the past year 2il3. : If figured out in accor dance ; with the boom way of estimating , so prevalent in other cities , Council Bluffs can claim u population of 43,130 , and an increase of 3,303 during the past year. * Those who took the census also made a count of the number of houses in process of construction or just being finished during the time the census was being taken , a period of two or three weeks. It was found that the number reached 209. This is , of course , much smaller than the number of now houses put up during the year , and embraces only those as stated. This fact coupled with the well-known fact that there are hardly any houses to rent , and the difficulty in supplying the demand for houses , shows that Council Bluffs is havine a growth far in excess of most cities. With these figures there is no need of guess work or of blow. The growth shows for itself. It is a healthy growth as well. , Sharp Police Points. Judge Aylesworth had his usual Mon day morning batch yesterday. A broad faced , good natured Gorman farmer , August Meyer , beamed up before his honor , booked for being drunk and for burglary. J. W. Wralkor , the standard bearer for the Salvation army , was the ono who caused his arrest. Walker was awakened Sunday night by hearing someone ono open his front door , and rushing out he grabbed this man , and began shouting for the police , who came and took care of him. The farmer laughed at the idea of his being taken for a burglar , and ex plained that ho had loaded up pretty freely with boor , and felt like rounding up the town. Ho waa intending to visit some frail females , and thought ho had struck the right place , but when ho opened the door , which had been loft un locked , he was grabbed as a burglar. Some of his friends wore present to give proof as to .his being a sturdy yeoman , and the judge let him go with a line for being drunk. Edwin Ducgan was noticed prowling about the Chicago , Burlington & Quinoy depot , and as some clothing was missing from the baggage room ho was arrested on suspicion. Ho claimed to bo a Knight of Labor in good1 standing , and had a traveling canl from Pittsburg. Ho was held for a little further inquiry , there being no positive proof of his crooked ness. There were two John Smiths. One was a painter and had been doing the town in red. He paid for a ride in the patrol wagon. The other was a Swede who had tramped around the First ward until the people there had got tired of him. Ho was sent to jail for thirty days. James Knox , a youug man arrested on suspicion and for vagrancy , gave the judge-a long account of his wanderings. Ho pretended that ho had boon work ing on a farm , but when ho was cross-examined , and told about sowing oats , and then plowing them under , the judge rather smiled as ho asked him if ho waited for the oats to como up. This follow bad worked steadily but had to send all his money to a widowed mother , and there being two such cases In a day , the usual aver ace , the judge raised the query as to how it was that all the boys whoso fathers wcro dead , run away and leave their mothers when they think so much of them as to send them all their wages. No ono being ready to give the needed information , the young man was held for further investigation. Visit the now jeweler , C. Voss , No. 415 Broadway , if you wish anything in his line. Ho has a flue assortment of the best goods. \ Down With Dlvea. Yesterday morning Richard Baker , the swarthy "Texas , " and his still more swarthy wife , stood before Judge Deo- mcr to rocoiye their scntenco for keeping a house of ill-fame. The head of the house was given eighteen months in the penitentiary and the female end two years. Texas had difficulty in keeping his partner from talking saucily to the judge , and , though ho kept whispering to her to keep still , she muttered , at she marched off " ' God dls chile mo1 ior : "Fa' , care , no r what dat ere jcdgo say than If ho ask mete to have a glass uv water. Guanelln and O'Brien , doy think themselves great 'cause dey wear diamonds , but 'fo God , I hope I'll sco 'cm In hell wltlt their dia monds. , ' Despite her boastful ways , bho was trembling like a leaf , and seemed to turn a shade or two lighter iu the sen tence was pronounced upon her. City Concern * . An Important session of the council was held last night. All the aldermen wcro in their seats at 7:3) : o'clock , and each ono was busy writing and examin ing papers. At 7:45 : the mayor entered and attentively listened to the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting , as he was absent in DCS Moincs when the last session of the council took place. Hou. George F. Wright was on hand be fore the session was opened , and was supposed to have a now gas ordinance in his pocket that would reduce the price per thousand feet to oO cents in order to freexo out the new comnanics who ask charters. But it was later discovered that his company had finally agreed to reduce the price of gas * I'-J.GO per thou sand feet. Judge James , as dignified as ever , again graced the aldermanic cham ber with his presence. Ho Is interested in the Omaha and Council Bluffs paving company , to whom was awarded the paving. T , R. Polglase , secretary and general manager oftho Richmond lire alarm company , was also In attendance. Among other business transacted was the following : The paving contract with the Omaha and CounoiF Bluffs paving company was brought up. On reading it quite a dis cussion arose , during winch the report of the recommending the letting of the paving was asked for. It was dis covered the report was not on the minutes , which had previously been read , in full , and it excluded the very streets from being paved that were intended being paved. The minutes were.amonded to correspond with the report. Judge James agreed to begin paving by September 25 and January 1 , 1838 , was fixed as the dateof completion , after which they agree to pay a forfeit of $10 per day. Alderman Wells offered a resolution excluding certain streets from the contract as ho didn't believe in creating a debt for the next council to meet that was beyond the limit of the law. Ha'dldn't want to onticiso the last council by this , but did not want to do as they had dono. Judge James said if such was the case perhaps it would bo well to caucel the whoio contract. On a vote , Wells' resolution was agreed to by a split in the usual vote , Danforth , Hammer , Keller and Wells voting aye , and Motcalf and Lacy nay. The resolution excludes Fourth street from Worth street to Eleventh avenue : Harrison street from Washington avenue to lot No. 51 ; Washington avenue from the west side of Harrison street to the cast side of Harrison street ; Glen avenue from High School avenue to the reservoir. It was then stated that the paving company hud already signed the contract and it was awaiting the signature of the mayor. Judge James then said ho didn't know as the company would accept the charge and wanted until this evening to decide. The committee reported favorably upon the bid of G. S. Lawson for build ing the patrol house for $1,830. Con curred in. It is to be built upon the lot between the city hall and the city jail. A committee composed of Metcaif , Wells and Keller recommended that the Richmond lire alarm company settlement be deferred , as the system is not working at all satisfactorily. It was passed unanimously. An ordinance granting right of way to the Pacific and Pacilic Mutual telegraph' ' company , was read a iirst and second time and passed unanimously , in order to allow of the building of the line im mediately , as the company have some of their material in the city now. An ordinance granting the right of way to the Burdetto & Loomis gas and electric company was read a hrst and second time and referred to the commit tee of the whole. The prices are $3 to the public and $1.75 to the city for gas. Keller said this was n new ordinance and several others would probably bo presented. This created quite a laugh , which was enjoyed by George F. Wright. An ordinance granting the right of way to the Council Bluffs Gas Light company was road a tirst and second time and referred to committea of the whole. The prices are $ 'J to the public and $1.75 to the city , this being qaite a reduction in the present price , which is $4.50 with 50 cents reduction , provided the bills are settled upon presentation. The democratic and republican regis ters of election were selected as follows : First ward II. Shoemaker , D ; E. J. Abbott , R. Second ward W. F. Patton , D ; John Fox , R. ' Third ward--L. Swearingen , D ; G. F. Smith , R. Fourth ward , first precinct Ed. Tront- Tnan , D. Fourth ward , second precinct T. L. Smith , D ; T. C. Jackson , R. Switchmen AttentlonI All members of the Switchmen's Mu tual Aid association are requested to moot at G. A. R. hall at 1:30 : sharp to day , to attend the funeral of Frank Irwin. * By order of the master. Lltcrnrjr and Nodal. For n pleasant time attend the meeting at the Y. M. C. A. to bo hold this even ing at 8 o'clock. Both ladies and gentle men are invited. Appropriately Named , Colgate's Cashmere Bouquet perfume co mbining the odors of many sweet How ers. Gnorgla Rattlesnakes. . Dalton , Ga. , Citizen : Several rattle snakes have been killed in Murray county this summer , measuring nearly live feet in length and about two inches in diamatcr in the middle. Tulbotton , Ga. , Era : A largo rattle snake was killed in the corporate limits of Talbotton last wood. It was seen iu a branch by a negro man , who promptly dispatched it. It had nine rattles and a button. Sumtor , Gn. , Republican : Friday evening Jim Murray , of the twenty- eighth district , killed another large rat tlesnake on his place. Ho says it was the prettiest thing in the way of a snake that he over saw , the stripes around it being pure white. It was as largo around as a man's arm , about six feet long and spotted ; only six rattles. Sandersvillo ( Ga. ) Herald : Ten rattle snakes wore killed the past week by Mr. Harmon Field and his sons. On Friday a large snake was seen by his little sons in a field , with four young ones , but the old ono made its escape under nn "old clay root. " A day or two afterwards Mr. Field and his sons dug up the root and found the snake ready for bat tle. They killed the old ono and five other young ones , making ten in all. The old snake was about three and a half feet long , and had nine rattles and n but ton , making it about ten years old , the voting snakes were about eighteen inches in length. i It Is rumored that the supply of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is not equal to the de mand. Druggists should prepare thorn- solves for all emergencies , as the people rely ou them for this remedy. No could have made such prenaratlon . _ . _ _ _ _ . . * A ! O-.lll /\ll I. * * M * lli a reputation aa Salvation Oil has , with out intrinsic merit ot the highest order. It kills pain. .Price 25 eta. - - THE TARANTULA TRAINER , A Man With a Peculiar Penchant for Train ing .fepiders. A WHISKEY-DRINKING INSECT. "Jim BlalnoV Peculiarities Some Well Trained 'Spiders Iho PC * oullar imiuxtry of an Eccentric Man. Alta California : "That's Tom Schand- ley , the tarantula trainer , " said Charley Rhodes , the urbane clerk of the Grand hotel , to an Alta reporter yesterday. As ho spoke he pointed to a short , stout man dressed in n light suit , who stood at the other end of the hotel counter. "A tarantula trainer , " remarked the reporter , inquiringly. "That's it exactly , " wns the reply , "ho makes u specialty ol training tarantulas and spiders. He was almost crazy on snakes , but now ho appears to bo wrapped up in the education of spiders. Talk to him ; ho can probably tell you an interesting story. " The reporter acted upon the sugges tion. An introduction to Mr. Sclmndley followed. "Yes , " said Mr. Schandloy , "I must admit that I'm what some people term me a crank on spiders , i like tins crea tures and never tire of studying their habits. Solomon of old advised the lazy man to study the ways and manners of the ant. 1 don't care to pose as u rival of Solomon as a dispenser of wisdotn.but I will maintain that the spider can teach a bettor idea of industry than any ant that ever lived. 1'vo watched the crea tures. An ant runs about all day and puts in all its time hunting for the hole where It lives. In contrast to the actions oi the ant , the spider spins a- web , and at least makes a showing us to what it can doI' you will come to my room I'll show you some of my pets. " The reporter willingly accepted the in vitation , and before an hour had expired he did not regret the time which he de voted to his new acquaintance. "Hero's my favorite spider , " said Mr. Schaudley , us he placed H cigar box with holes bored in the top on the table. He threw back the lid and disclosed the oc cupant of the box , which was an ugly , hairy turantula. As the light was thrown upou the tarantula it began to move its joints and cavort arouuu the box m a manner that would cause a timid woman to go into hysterics. The reporter drew back as the savage looking creature dis played a tcudcucy to-creop out ot the box. rom his nippers. , , , Como , Tim , " aud to the horror ot the reporter , Mr. Schandley reached his hand out and aljoweil the tarantula to crawl put upon it. A tar- uutula is not u very handsome or pleas ing specimen of an annual under any circumstances , but ! it causes a sluuklcr to come over the ordinary man to see one dragging its hairy form over the hand of a human being. ( Mr. Schandlcy alloweil the creature to crawl around his lingers and it worked its way up his coat sleeve. it stopped when near Mr. Schandley's Ibow ana cocked its eyes up at the re- orier in what the , latter considered a wicked manner. "Uo back to your box , Tim , " com- namlcd Tim's master in harsh tones , uU to the reporter's surprise the animal meU.y turucU aud smelled over its own- r'd hand anil dropped into the cigar box. "i haye him well trained , you sco , " augheil the trainer of tarantulas as he losed the lid on Mr. O'Brien , "but I'll how you another specimen. Hero is im Blaine. " Mr. Seandley opened an ther box und exposed to view a redilish- jrown tarantula. It was a lively cus- omer , and as soon as the lid of lite box was thrown oil'it tairly leaped out upon he table. The reporter sprang back. Don't be alarmed , " said the ttaiueraud 10 seized "Jim Blame" around the body , . 'he namesake of the republican leader cicked and struggled as hard as his hu man prototype aid in 1884 , when he loard that New York had gone back on "Jim is a Texas boy and the dandy of us kind. Just teol him. " The reporter eriuested to be excused from leeling 'Jim. " "Tho only failing that Jim has s that of drinuing whisky ana ho is a conlirmed toper. " "Drinks wmsky ? " " 1'es , sirreo. I'll prove it. " Mr. Schaudley laid Jim back iu his box and : losed the lid. Ho took a bottle ot whisky : rom the stand , and saturatad u small ipongo with the alcoholic stimulant. "I'll put tais in with Jim auii lot him wrestle ivjth it , " said Mr. Schaudloy. Aud he dropped the sponge in the box. "A queer business I'm ' in ? " said the tarantula trainer , in reply to a question thrown out by the reporter , "ies , it is. Money in it ? Yes. 1 was a snake hunter n Bucks county , Pennsylvania , about ifteen years ago. I maue considerable money out of it , but the rattlers got kind of scarce , and 1 followed Horace Greo- ey's advice and came west. When 1 was in Texas 1 got an Idea that tarantu las could bo trained , and I started iu. i was successful , und soon had about iitty of the ugliest devils of tarantulas that would uo almost anything. Of couiso I drew their poison , so that there was no danger to be incurred in handling them. 1 took 'em to New York aua sold 'em. Who bought them ? Well the greater part of them v. wore purchased by saloonkeepers , who wanteU to attract custom by exhibiting them on their bars. Some of them 1 sold to ladies who had a bent of mind something like Beruhardt. I'lioy made pets out of tliem. I tell you that there are at least a do/.en Murray Hill belles who Keep their pot tarantulas with their lap dogs how. 1 got very aood prices from them for a tarantula that was well trained and would not betray any viciousness. Some of the brutes can never be trained. They will bite. No ; 1 don't exactly make a living out of selling tarantulas , but I Him always willing to accommodate any quo who wants ono of the animals. I've got about eighteen taran tulas now. I hope , to inaugurate a craze among the ladies ior the creatures. If I can got up a boom you'll see women promenading on "Market street on Satur days with their < T > fit tarantulas on their arms A small blue ribbon around their waists is what keeps them in .place. The novelty or the thing is taking. By the way let us look'-at Jim Blame. " Mr Sohandley opened the Blaine box. The sponge and Mn > - Blaine were lying ei rapport. Mr. Blairio was helpless. TThi sponge was dry. Ho had eucked overj drop of liquor from it. Mr. Schandley turned Mr. Blaine out upon the table , bu ho was like a chunk of wood. OnVy a spasmodic quivering of his jointed leg showed that ho was alive. "Ah , he's royally drunk , " said Mr Schandley , laughing. "HoM get tin way every day if Id let him. But it' only about once a week I give him liquor I always think that it must bavo been an animal like Jim that gave rise to the name tarantula juice. Ho is the only spider I over hud out of many that 1 could get to touch liquor. How long does it take to train a tarantula ? Oh , not over two weeks. You'd be surprised to know what a comprehension the ugly brutes have. They can bo trained easier than a dog. " Mr. Schandloy then showed the reporter Ight other tarantulas that were under- going courses of training. They all seemed to recognize certain sounds which ho made. * "Jim Ulalno won't bo sober until morn * ing , " said Mr. Schandloy , as the reporter edged toward the door to escape three or four tarantulas that were running around loose. "If you know nny one who wants a pet tarantula just refer him to mo , I'll be in town several weeks. " The reporter promised to see that any friend of his'who wns hungering to become the master of a trained tarantula should get a "tip" whore to go to pur chase one. A.CRAZY LOT. What Would The World Have Done Without Them ? If ono would listen now-a-days to the alienists and the neurologists , many of the more noted men of genius wcro crazy. Dr. C. II. Hughes , once superin tendent of the Fulton lunatic asylum , and a man who ranits among the fore most in the diagnosis , treatment and cure of nil remote or nojito nervous troubles , publishes a quarterly journal In St. Louis entitled The Alienist and Neu rologist. In the Julv number Dr. James G. Kicrnan , of Omimago , has n very pe- oullar article tinder the head of "Genius Not a Neurosis. " To illustrate his theory m this respect and make logically plain his arguments , he declares that Sappho , Lucretius , Marlowe , Bon Johnson , Wych- orly , Tasso , Moliorc , Swift , Pope , Dofoo , Rousseau , Golpsmith , Samuel Johnson , Savage , Cowpor , Byron , Walter Scott , Colctridgo , DoQuinccT , Rogers Southoy , Shelley , Emerson , Saxo , Pee alut Victor Hugo all suffered from insanity. Then Dr. Kiernau goes on to analy/.o the insanity of each , to sustain its Cause and to show why such insanity was not a neurosis or nerve trouble. Bun Johnson's insanity cama from Sout. Sappho's from sexual perversions , unyou's from sexual defects of the body. W.vchcrley's from debauchery. Tasso's from heredity. Swift's from an acute nerve disease of the middle ear. Molier's from epilepsy. Pope's from a wunt of physcml development. Dofo's from ago. Roussoav , like Pope , was the victim of the unequal dcvelopomunt of mind and body at boyhood. Samuel Johnson's from inheritance. Scott's from white softening of the brain. Byron's from his family. Southoy's and Roger's from the breaking down of brain liber. Coleridge's from opium and Do Quincey's also. Emer son's from appopfoxy. Poo's from strong drink. Saxe'sfrom what is known ately as "railroad spine. " Victor Hugo's directly from an Insane ancestry. After getting through pretty well with the poets , our doctor next takes up Oliver Cromwell. Peter the Great , the older Pitt and Napoleon Bonaparte among states men. Luthov , Pascal and Swedcnbor among theologians. Plato , Socrates and Schoppcnlmuer among philosophers. Newton among scientists. The elder Booth , John Wilkes Booth , G. L. Fox. John McCnllough and Bartley Campbell among actors ) . Paginini among musi cians. Cromwell was insane nt times from malaria. Peter the Great from dis sipation. Napoleon from epilepsy. Luther from austerity , overwork and superstition. Plato aud Socrates from scxtual perversion , while Schropouhauer sprang Irom a family of iinbiciles. Children will freely take Dr. J. II. McLean's Tar Wine Lung Balm ; unlike cough syrup * , it contains no opium , will soothe and heal any disease of the throat or lungs quicker than any other remedy. EXCLUSIVE CARPET HOUSE , CURTAINS AND UPHOLSTERY , COUNCIL BLUFFS CARPET CO. , 405 BROADWAY , Council Bluffs , - Iowa ALLEN'S. NEW MAP -OF- . feet In sl/a , colored by addition , showing nil lots and sub-divisions Included In territory 0 miles north and south by 10SS miles east and west. west.PKICE $1O. Address C. K. ALLEN , Publisher. HOTEL FOR RENT The Butter house In Missouri Valley ; fur nished first-class throughout and with a largo business established. Will bo rented on liberal term ; to responsible partlo. C.IUo , , ad- Mtisour Valley THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF THE Chicago , Milwaute&St , Paul R ) Tlie Best Route from Omaha and Council Bluffs to ] THE E.A.ST Two Trains Daily Between Omaha and Council Blufl's Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , CedarRapid * Rock Island , Freeport , Rockford , Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport , Elgin , Madison , Janesville , Beloit , Winona , La Crosse , And all other important points East , Northeait and Southeast. For through tickets call on the ticket agent at HOI Jarnam street , . In 1'uxton Hotel , or at Union i'aclflo dopot. Pullman Bloopers and the Oncst DInlnp Cars In the world are run on the main llnu of the . CfilcaKO. Milwaukee & St. 1'aul Hallway and i \ - ery attention Is paid to passengers by courtb ous employes of the company. 11. MIU.EII , General Manager. J. F. TUCKGU , Assistant General Manager. A. V. H. CAKI-KNTKU , General Fastener and Qa * IHKArronD , AssUtantQeneral Fasten- get and Ticket Ajrcnt : J , T. CLI&K , G enU Superintendent DR. BICE'S Common Scuso HernialSupport1 THE Greatest Invention of the Age. Rupture or Hernia n Siioriulljr SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CIRCULARS. HE MAKES FEMALE DISEASES A SPECIALTY. Cures all kinds of Clironlo Dlicixses that nro cttrnblo with hla most Wonderful VceoUblOtl Komcaica. IB tlio oldest ami most successful Specialist In the west. Call nnd s o him. ' OFFICK , NO. 11 PKAHL 8TKKKT , r , , -D1.OV. . T _ * > * Offlco Hours : 8 to 12 a. in. , 1 to S und B to 8 p. in. L/OUHC11 JDlTlllS , J.OW8 * . . BEST HAKES AND HIGHEST GRADES OF Pianos and Organs Pei-sons wishing to purchase instruments will find it to their interest to call on'us. Instruments Tuned nnd Repaired. We never fall to give sntUfacf Ion * Over 2O years' Experience In Piano nnd Orgun Work. Swanson Music Co. No. 329 Broadway , Council Bluffs , lovra SPECIAL NOTICES. dpeci.n ! advertisements , sucli RJ Lost , Found ; oLonnFor Sale , To Kent , Wants , Boardinir , eto.irlll boinsertod In thl column nt the low rateof TEN CUNTS I'KK LINE forthonrsclnaor- ionnnd Vivo Cents PerLlnoforeach subioqueBt insertion. Leave advertisement ! nt our ottiuo No. 12 I'curl sheet , near Uroudway , Council Ulugg. WANTS. LOST Pnir of ( rold-bnnded BpcotBclea. Ito- turn to Kolloy's house , Main st. and gut ru ward. FOK HUNT-l-'utiilshed front room on second lioor , No. 117 1'ourtli street. WANTUU A Rood yhl tor coon. Apply nt once to Mrs. J. ILMoi'liuteon , No. KSl 'lerco street. \VANTMJ A girl for frcnoml houspwoik. V V Sniull laimly , linndy kitchen. 70'J ' bth uvo. WANOT.D Younor Klrl wbo ants to go to school and bolp do housework to pay ten ner board. Address H " 7 , Hue ollicu. FUJtNlTUUE AND STOVSS-1'or the next : ! 0 days nt tfi'catly reduced uncos to nmko loom lor lull stock. Parties lurnlshlnfr Rood rolorences can buy on weekly or monthly pay ments. A. J. Mandol , 3 'J und 3.5 Ilroadnay. 710K SAtiR A first-class restaurant , best 10- - cation In olty. limited by btoam. Water works , excellent patronage : rang-o , Ice house , kitchen , everything In llrst-claas stylo. Wish to sell on account of 111 health. Jfthn Allen , Coun cil bluffs. FOR SALE Stock of drugs In central Ne braska. Will invoice , about * 1,000. In- qulroof Harlo , llass &Co. , Council Bluffs , la. PiOIl SALE OU TltADE.-For Connoil Dluffa property 40,000 acres of Iowa and Ne- braika mud. J. U. Idee , 110 M m St. Council Bluffs. REAL ESTATE , Vacant Lots , Lands" , City llcsidonces nnd Farms. Acre property In western part of city All selling : cheap. R. P. OFFICER , Real Estate & Insurance Agent , Koom C , over Officer & Pueey's Dank , Couno Bluffs. ESTAUL1SHEU180S D. H. McDANELD & COMPANY , Hides , Tallow , Pelts , WOOL AND FURS. Market Prices. Promp Returns , 820 and 822 Main Street , Council Blufls , Iowa. JOHN Y. STONE JACOB HI US STONE & SIMS , Attorneys at1 Law , Practice in the State and Federal Cour t Rooms 7 and 8 Shugart-Beno Block. COUNCIL IJLUFFd JV. SCHUllZ , Justice of the Peace. Office over American Kxprnss. No. 419 BEOADWAY LATEST NOVELTIES lu Amber , Tot-toiseSliell etc.Hair On namenta , as well as the newest nov elties in bair goods. Hair gooils niadeto order Gillette 29 Main St. , Council Jllufl'a , lovra. Out of town work solicited , aud all mail orders promptly attended to. OFFICER A PUSEY , COO Broadway , Council .Bluffs , Iowa. EUt > ll hed 167. fl B J. J ( l CROCKERY , LAMPS , JLASSWARE , FINE POTTERY. Prices Very Low , W. S. HOMER & Co. , . AjO. 23 MAIX ST. , COUNCIL It LUFFS IJL Star Sa/e Stables and Mule Yards Broiuhrny , Council lllutTs , Opp. Dummy Depot Itorses und mules constantly on hand for sale at retail or in car load lots. Orders promptly lillcd by contract on short notice. Stock sold on commission , Telephone 114. SHI.UTKU & BOLE * . Opposite Dummy Depot , Counoi Uluffs T. F. BRITT M. D. , NO. 07 MYNSTEa STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS. OGDEN BOILER WORKS CARTER & SON , Proprietors. JMANUFACTUUEKS OF ( ALL KIHDS OF STEAM BOILERS ) AND- ( SHEET IRON WORK Orders foriopalia by mnll promptly attcndo to. Satisfaction Kuaruntccd. Tenth Avc , ad Joining tliu Ot'don Iron Works , Council Ulutti. Finest Landaus Coaches and Hacks in City. V/ILLIAM .WELCH , OFFICES ! No. 418 Broadway The Mar.h-ttan1 Telephone No. 83 Na. 015 Main Street , Telephone No , 9 ' R.S. BAltXETT , Justice ot the Peace , 415 Ilroadway , Council Bluffs. Refers to any bank or business house in the city. Collections a specialty. FINE' MILLINERY , HEW m L STYLES OPEN , 1415 DOUGLAS ST. , OMAHA Creston House , Main Street , Council Bluffs ! Only Hotel in the City with Fire Escape , Electric Call Bells. Acfomiiiotlatlont rir t Class , And Kale * Kciuonultlo Max Mohnt Proprietor _ : J.i. . ta it'f. , . . . , ' ,