Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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    . 9- . . THE OMAHA , DATIaY _ BEE : TtDAY , SEPTEMBER 20. 18S7 b
XatLonil Lesgiiex' it Lincoln Domana
1Tuitlce on Their Mardcrers.
. .
h. Dead Muit Do Avenged and Their
SIaer. Purn.hod With or With.
out the Meohinery of Courti
. -Ltnooln Nwn.
frnoM TIlE flEE'S LtCOi.N BUREAU. ]
As wa expected there w a numorou
ftttcndanco at the m&otlng of the Lincoln
branch of the Irish National league yes.
: terday afternoon.
Mr. Patrick Egan occupied the chair.
The proccedins opened with a song.1
k Stood on the Bridge at Midni&ht."by Mr.
. IcIio1as Lawlcr' , accompanied by Miss
Coyle. Mr. Lawlor's reputation as a
vocalist was welt 5utained by his effort
on this occasion.
. The chairman then Introduced the
poaker of the day , Mr. James Farrol ,
'who delivered one of his fervid and
forcible addresses , 8wdlling up from the
deep fount of earnest patriotism within
his own brcnst. In burning language ho
c scored tim Irish landlords whose title to
: their hinds originates in murder and
: robbery. lie Iotured a horde of Mcxl.
' A can marauders crossing the border , and
penetrating Into Iicbraska , murdering
and outraging men and women , and poe-
I sessing themselves of their lands , and
- : forcing the owners to pay an annnal
1 trllutc for the prlvllcio of tilling their
own soil , Yet this was exactly the story
, M , of unfortunate Ireland. Mr. Farrell con
eluded with an eloquent appeal to all
present to hell ) tiO ) Irish cause , for If the
' : present constitutional movement failed ,
V then Ireland must fight for her liberty if
: : ' : the whole race at home and abrpad
should perish in the attempt.
) f On motion of Messrs. I' . I-f. Hayden
r and M. Corcoran , a vote of thanks
was moved and carried with applhus .
in the course of his remarks
, ; Mr. Corcoran related a famous instance
L : . of Irish yalor exemplified by Sergeant
w. Constume's heroic defense of the bridge
) $ of Athione. whore thirty Irish soldiers ,
ton at a time , deliberately sacrificed their
, : 'i lives in successfully preventing an En.
; glish army from crossing the bridge and
capturing the town.
i'tio following resolution was then
. moved by Mr. J. J. Butler :
Whereas , in the exercise of the right of
. public meeting guaranteed by the l5rItlsh
, constttutlon , the Irish peoulo ot Mitchels-
; town and its vicinity wer's assembled to.
p' gether for the discussion of a political ques.
.P ' tion vilal to the intresb of Ireland , and
I were then and there ftrrd upon by a murder.
I I one and drunken police with time result that
ic three iorsons were thereby slain ; and
iq ; Vhercas , ChietSecretary Jiattour has as-
'v mmcd tlmerestmonslbillty for time said imiurder
by stat1n that the police svero acting In comi-
, , fortuity with their duty and tile ordwrs Issued
i1 to thorn ,
itciolved , That we , as members of thmo
, Lg scattered Irish race feel that a bloody out.
r rage has been committed upon tis , as well as
, r upon our brethren in Ireland , In defiance of
. , ' divine antI human justice ; and while we
. Unite with our kindred In t'imdorhimg our
- , sympathy to the relatives of the immurdered
lean , and in donounctng time murIerers we
maintain that It is time stern duty of time IrIsh
nation to rigidly and 1tnprtIaIiy : Investigate
. thmo circunistalicos surrounding time immurder ,
i and to see that Justice shalt be meted out to
. whoevir Is mnuraiiy or actually guilty of this
foul cr1 umo.
I' In spoakiimg to the rosohitlon Mr. But-
Icr asked his audience how long this state
. ; of atlitirs was izoing to continue. "The
A ! . . day is tmst"siiid he"wlmen dragoons can
) ' trample liberty , and already the bwgle
xij blast of a rising democracy is heard ink
k9" ' the palaces of tue English aristouracy ,
, , ' ' and to tory tyrants will be accorded that
' justice their crimes deserve. Time prin-
' oiplcs of i'arnell , Dillon , Davitt and Conj -
; j don will yet prevail and tyrants learn
thatthoro is a limit to their opprcssmon ,
which , whoa reached , will Involve their
? i r own destruction. "
Secretary Sutton rose to second the
, resolution and in doing so said that no
r. savage tribe was so poor , so debased that
I ; it would make no otfort to protect its
. i members. Is the Irish nation sunk so
' low that It dare not nveiigc the slaughter
of its people ? If tue men who vere slain
at Mitchelistown met their fate arms in
. hand and face to the foe , lie would say
. God rest timom , they foil in a holy cause.
But ttmoy were inofFensive men. fouliy
. immrdered because they belongoti to a
1 race vhiom England would gladly oxter-
i : minute It It ware 1)ossible. "Toe long
' Imas our history proved , " said the scare-
. ' , tary , "that when an English otilcial murders -
. dors an Irishman , time nationality of time
latter is sufficient to guarantee Immunity
: to time murderor. This lutist be slopped.
: The Irish nation must rise to the per-
) l formnauce of tlie.etera duty Imposed on It
r by the dignity of nationhood and put the
, mantle of Its protection around the liimm.
. , r blest toilcrJn the lauti. Be England's
, verdict what it may , Ireland's duty
" , ' with or without the machinery of courts ,
r. is to avenge tile dead and punish thc
I ' murderers , be they imigh or low , rich or
, jeer , not fromn a motive of angry vengo-
, : 14 ; ance , but impelled by the holy spirit ol
justice and the God-given right of self
protection. "
Jidg Hilton followed at consldorabic
4. , length In support of time resolution , whici :
was carried with mimi outburst that plainl3
$ ' 4s - - revealed how sorely the Irish in America
1 feel the murder Iof the Mitcholistowa
lf martyra.
. Mr. Corcoran then sang tire "Bugler'
: In his masterly 8tyle and after the nomni
y nation of Itr. Charles S. ljaU as speakom
for the 16th of October , the meeting ad
I journed.
: I Tim state university l now fairly a
ii - work in the beginning of another ecboo
: p year that PTOflI8CS to be the most sue
$ easeful school year In the history of thi
; institution. Chancellor Manatt and tlit
I faculty have been over-run with work to :
, time jast hive days and tile greatly in
, creaseti attendance time present term ova :
any other is a gratifying suririso to thi
chancellor and his co-workers. Then
have been already enrolled some seventy
. . f live now stutlunts , and a safe concluslo ,
hi that at least lO now student
wilt be matriculated during the open
lag weeks ot tile vrosont term
One year ago the enrollment was 383 a
time tall terni of time university anti lb
S present term will see their .uumber iii
creased to 400 or 450. TIre us
. : of the faculty consists of thirty
- three names and the vork coni
niences with tiimtC degree of lmarmon
anti confidence commensurate to cortai :
- eucccs.s. 0mm noticablo feature ho th
university is time constant growth i :
strictly college work , Cimancello
Marmitt has labored since coming to th
university to bring about such a state c
I . allaire that wimould make the univorsit
. . more coniplutly a university * nd till
would lesson time burdens of te Latin c
reparntory school mu connection. Tb
progress in tins line has been brougt
- about through the system of aceredito
ptmbiio choeis in the State ; schools thm
: ' niopL In their courses of study such a liii
of work as admits graduates as freshmne
ma the university. There are nlrcail
eight or ten of these aceretlited school
in lire principal towns in the state , and
numberof other schools of like charsct
t $ " ' are arranging their course of stud.y
_ t ' I reacim the SftlflO end. in the line of cour
41.108 ropresente4 in the umilvorsity th
.1 " ,
number sending students Is cousutnti
iPcreislng , so much ao that the time
is in too yery near futero when
every county in the state will have ita
reprcsentatie in the university. One of
the special works tlmo chancellor has
given his personal attention has been the
dissemination through the state that time
inatmtut'on ' wits a state one and that
every couflty , however remote , was entitled -
titled to recognition equal with the
county and city in which the university
Is located , During the year last ; ) ast ,
forty.aight counties were represented In
the university , and the new enrollment
witi' time present now school year , shows
that a halt dozen or more counties , here.
toforo unrepresented , have now students
in the school. The plan of the nnversity
to constantly build the regular college
course , and to ileiegnte to the vublio
schools of the state the traparatory
wont , line caused the enrollment in the
regular college courses to nearly double
in number over two years ago. And yet
the Latin school has a very good mitten-
chance. some sovmmnty.hvo applicants for
that department presenting themselves
for examination at that time. 'i'he mini-
versity is evidently attracting attention
as an edunationfll institution outside of
the state , as the enrollment of the past
year showed students in attendance from
nineteen other Blabs outside of Ne-
During the vacation the main
school building has been radically im.
proved from time new fotmndntion placed
tinder the puiiding to a conmnloto renovation -
tion of mill time rooms. l'auimting and paper
hanging has been in progress foracoupic
of mouths until tile old studcmmt wimo returned -
turned scarcely recognized the place ,
compared with its dingy appearance
heretofore. One of time two new build-
sags for which time legislature nmde lro- )
vIsion will be bommenced at at onea , as
time institution is feeling the need of mid.
ditional room. Bids are now invited for
title building , the industrial college and
school of mechanical arts , and time buildIng -
Ing committee expect to have time founda-
tloim laid time present year. ready for early
completion the next.
Papers 'vera tiled witim time secretary of
state yesterday , by which thin Pacific railroad -
road of Kansas was consolidated with the
Pacific railway of Nebraska , Timis Is
now time continuous line of road that is
being built from Warwick , Kan. , to
llastinis , Nob. , and is understood to be
a branch of time Missouri i'icmfic system
into time city of Hastings. 'Fime Pacific
railroad of Nebraska line its line located -
cated from the state line to Superior
in N uckolis comma ty , themice nortimwestcrly
through the counties of Nuckolls , Web
star and Adamns to Hastings , with a line
prospective to tim western vart of time
Blate , and branch lines as may be determined -
mined upon. Time resolution consolhitit-
ln tile corporations in limo two states recites -
cites that the portion of time road iii Kmin-
ens is already under commeti-imetion and
that the work is to be completed at an
early day , when the line vihl be an ax-
tension of the line in Nebraska. Cyril
iiliamns , secretary ot the company ,
signs time resolution of consolidation.
Time i'aeitic railway of Nebraska has
filed a certified copy of procecdins of a
recent mneting called to increase time cmii-
itai stock of time road. This mneeting was
held at time company's ollice at Superior
on time l7tim of September , and the follow-
inm resolution was adopted :
ltMOIVI , Timat ttmo capital stock of the
said l'aemhic railway comnpally , of Nebraska.
be lImcrast'd to thu additmomial smmni and
amlmoummi of $500,000 , ad timat time caitaI stock
of time corporation mdciii now and hereafter
be limo summi of SOOOOOO.
Time proceedings mmmd resolutions are
signed by the stockholders of the road ,
% Vll ( ) are F. J. Prossur Aaron S. Everest ,
C. B. Adams , J. IL Kersten , Ashen Beal ,
i'aul 1. Williams , T. I' . liomillell and
Cyril Williams.
'I'ho cimurter of time Pacific railway
compammy of Kansas wits liled for record
in the olilee of the secrataryof state yesterday -
day 'I'ime charter recites that time in.
corporators propose to bmiiid , mniintaiu :
and operate a line of road to coumimmenee
\Varwick , Republic county , Kansas ,
and run northwest to time state boundary
hue ata point in time county of Nuekolis.
This is a meagre line in
length , the articles rccitimmg that
it he to be two miles mu
length and tire capital stock is only $50- , ,
000 witim Cyril Williams of St. Louis , 1' .
P. Bonnelt of Superior , Nob. , Aaromi S.
Everest , and k'rank Everest of Atuimison ,
i'aul S. Williams of Baltimore , amid C.
\v. Gimlick of Scandii , Kan. , as incor-
Timis line will connect time Pacific rail.
way of Nebraska witim the NissoLmri
Plicilie system at Warwick , ICan.
'rime Ei-Rcfugio Mining anti Milling
company of Omalma has tiietl its articles
of incorporation with time secretary of
state. Capital stock $200,000. 'i'ime bimsi-
floss of the company was fixed to corn-
mence on June 80 , 1887 , mind to contitmue
100 years. The indebtedness Is linmitcu to
two-thirds the capital stock Following
are the mncorporators : William Me-
Caskeil E. D. 'l'own , C. B. Itustimi , Louis
Schroeder , anti C. 11. Brown.
The contract was let Saturday by time
board of public lands and buildings for
the steam fitting mind plumbing at time
soldiers' home , ( iranti Island. lime bids
submitted ware : SV J. Cooper mind Cole
Bros. , Lincoln , 4,90O ; F. A Korsmeyer
& Co. Lincoln. $4,000and Weaver Bros. ,
Grant1 island , $2,925. Time contract was
. awarded time latter.
Among the cases to be heard before time
. supreme court at its presoimtsessiou is time
case of Jolmu Shafer vs. the State. Limis
is time case from Kcarney eouimty in which
Shafer murdered a constable in cold
r blood , unit for wimieh he was sentenced to
hang. Time case comes to the supreme
court on error.
The case of Jeft'erson Long , sentenced
in Lincoln coupty for murder or aeces
sory and sentnnced , to hand wilt also be
heard mit the Vtesent term of the court on
error. Long a crinie was hiring parties
to murder an old man and his wife who
after being murdered ivere burned in
t tlieir hotmsri.
'i'ime Iowa Masonic Bemmovolent assoein-
- J'mon hits imianilamnuseti time state auditor to
3 cornpei him to register time company foi
business in the state. The auditor has
r refused to grant them a ccrtific'mte on the
ground timat time comimpammy has not corn-
r plied with time state insurance laws. Time
hearing of the mandamus will be up time
0 present term.
Deputy Sheriff 11. H. Stearns , of hitchcock -
cock cotmuty , brought over Wihliard
S ltouimds to time penitentiary yesterday ,
who is sentenced to three years' inipnis-
L , onment for disposing of mortgaged prop-
t arty.
0 State Simperintomident Lane is PrePar-
mug a circular scttingforth tbe gist of the
t now law that requires compulsory educa
tion iii time state.
L Clerk IL M. Waring , of the board oh
transportation , returned yesterday Iron :
n Guhia Rock , Nob. , whore he took nih-
a davits in complaints against the B. & M
Li railroad made before time comumission.
0 The public schools of the city opened
d yesterday. There are , at time preseni
y time seine sixty teachers employed , and
It time number of pupils enrolled yestenmimi
r aggregated some 2 500.
a lure. Louise ioottclmor , who wa
it soniously burned lust week by mum oxplo
d sion of gasoline while hlgiitimi a gaso
mt line stove. timed Sunday uveuimmg Iron
0 tIme effects of imor Injuries ,
Dan Driscoil , time man svimo withoul
irovocatiomm mmsssilteth .Jnimu C. bunch ,
Is imad his exanimnittioum yesterday and wmu
a bound over under .2' ' ) buumti4 iii lime mii
ir trict court.
0 Uneimm John Morrmsoum , grand ciiancohloi
of the Knighta of I'ythmiuts of time state
o goi's to Columbus ifethimesday imigiut h
y institute a new K. of F. lodge in tIm
state. Thu iikea the thirtieth new
lodge he has Instituted the past year and
he lms four more under way.
filch New YoPkera Who Have Had to
"Work ror TheIr Living.
New York Sunday Mercury : Talking
about "labor" arnf "capital" time oilier
day ( everybody talks about "labor" and
"canital" now.a.days ) , u friend of mine
made time forcible remark that "every
maim who is worth a fig lute been or
both laborer and capitalist ; that is , ho
does or has doria in his tlumie some downright -
right work , and has acquired by doing it
more or less money. "
This idea of people being both labor-
era and capitalists inipressed me , as-
pecialiy as within time last thirty years I
have come across in New York hundreds
of prorninont examples of its truth.
l . B. Thurber , for example , the mill-
monaire grocer , whose wife out of time
fulness of her purse amid hemmrtstmpported ,
or helped. the inmbllc supeort , American
opera , was a laborer of time lowest gratIs ,
once , and not so very long igo. lie
hoed potafoe for a living near Dcliii
somewhere , I believe. ltoswell P.
Flower , who is ranked among time ten
mflhionaitos , nod who has political aspirations -
rations , used to do chores on a farmim in
JeiTorsoum county. 1'hme turin was iii
wretched comidition and Roswchl's cimores
Were of time imardest possible kind. Julia
N. Stminimm the stenimiboat owner the nmm :
to wimom ew Yorkers are iumdehted fur
Gleim Island , used to be a poor farmer's
boy , and hind to work elgimteemm
lmotmr a tiny for his board and clotimes
mud to tb his own washing. l'etor
Cooper , time best uman Now York has
ever fostered , time pimiiutntiiropist to
whose gentle and glorious memory
towers time Cooper institute , struck New
York in lmtrd : luck. He hut : commme to time
great city on foot , traimmuimig It from
1 cekskihl , and lie wits gimul to get aim mini-
ployor ivfto raid bun lilly cents a week
"amid board ' for work from six in time
nmonumhng tilL ten at nmgimt. Cyrus W.
Field trudged into New York omme day
Jromu Berkshire and got a Job from A. T.
Steivart ( ivimo was himself timen pour ,
emerging from poverty , and hind been
working dmy : and nfrlmt in "a sixteen by
nine" shop ) , for $2 a week. Cyrus was
Steward's office boy mmimd earumwl his $2.
George Law used to carry tee imod in
Troy for a miumimi whmorim imo : hater lured
to simperintemmiL a gang of men at high
Bridge. .Juy Gould owmis whole railroads ,
States anti Locislattmres imow , but not so
maumy years ago lie blew this , bellows fur a
Roxbury blacksmltim. Little Jay was a
good "blower. " Ho blew all he got
( wimicim was just $1.50 per week ) . liii has
"wind ' . Time
boemi short of ever sluice.
harper lirotimers Caine to town
with good comistituthons , two bun-
dies contaiimmnt nil the clothes
they lmui. mimmit about m59. They paid
$20 out of this ta a "hoss' ' as a bommims to
learn a trade , mind they worked day and
night till they had niastored it. lttmssell
Sage , who has such at convenient umernory
as svcll as such : i collossal lmaumk : mceouuit ,
worked six days and six nigimis as a
'roccr boy . UI ) in Oumoidmi cotmuity.
Vihhitimm : E. iodgo begmum life on mmutimiiig
but his labor. Damu Drew hugami life at
time ploiv Uj ) iii l'tmtnanm coumity. 'i'imtm
late John Kelly worked hard as a ma-
soil's nlprcmmtice. 11111 Tweed made
chairs for a living at first , mimasic timeimi
vell ammd.woimld have done better imail lie
stuck to hums chairs. 'I'huurlow Teed swims
iii his ' 'laboriimg' ' days a pninter's
devil. ' '
Itufims T. Busch taught school in winter
aiim ! did farm work mit sumummmer to keen
botly amid somml together. 'l'imonmas A.
Edisoim , tub wontlorful inventor , svhmo
mis made lmimmmself and thommsammds of
others rich by imis immvcntiomms. used to
bawl out nesvsapurs for it livelmhood.
So timU , Jolmn ilocy , who imow osvmms
hollywood , time most ltmxuriouusl.v : ip-
noiimtud suummimmet resort iii time world-
comicethod by nil travelers to be such.
Johuum Roacim labored for years at a dollar
a day and svuts iuiihtr glad to get his
dollar ; . mum fact , lie ( hidui't always get it.
Horncmi Greeley begaum at the lowest roummit
of time newspamer ladder. Time imuutum
ivas lts'humg lately who gns'e J aummes Cordon
Bennett imis first iveek's pay its a jutmrimey-
nina printer. Robert mimer , s'lmo huts :
lived to owum time limmest lmomse iii the
world , lived at first on 3 a week and lit-
bored mill week for time $3. Coummelius
\raiiltrbilt , whmose son left behind him
over .ji00,000,0UQ , used to 'trztimsport"
inissenirers froni Staten islaumsi
to Nesv York in a boat
for cighiteeui cents mm passenger. lie was
iii his boat about lifteen hours of tim
twenty-four , svorking all tin , time. John
Jacob Astor , who endowed New Yori
svltim its [ iumest library , used to peuhulle furs
amid sell Imiammos. Aumdrevt' V. Stoilt uuscul
to live on old ' 'i'Uiiil ' ) street" as Canal
strc t ss'as once called , and lmad , as aboy
to mmtmiIort his nmothuuir utuuui brotimers am
sisters by his usher. it was a big couitraet
for a sinai ! boy , hut ho bussed time sob ;
mind from a laborer ho bacanme a capital.
ut : mntt time presitiemmt of the
slice tumid leather batik. hoe. to wimummi
civihizutioum : is imudebttid for its prmntimig
came to Now York penniless ammd
applied to Grant 'i'hornbtmrn , the seeds-
maim , for his liret job. hiarlhmg , one of
time proprietors of time 1' iitim Avc'tmumsu
lmotci , used to vork ma time kitchen.
l'omvors , who mnmuic ii million in the Grand
Central hotel , cummnezmced life as a hull
boy. Goverumor Morgan immilti his first
visit to Now York as aim "assistant" clerk ,
bimyimig goods for a country store. ( icr-
den W. Burnimaum , to whonm Central park
is indebted for omue hi its finest orummi-
liments , blacked . boots to begin witim.
Paran Stevens whose widow owns time
Victoria hotel and who started the Fifth
Avenue began his career as a hostler.
Dennis llamas , wtmoboughmtthe sitoof tile
old i'ark theater , lauded one afternoon in
Now York at the foot of Canal street
ivitim 0fl13 five emits in time ivorld. lie
got a job ore nigiuL For twenty years he
worked temi hmours.a day.
I coumlil keep on citing otlmcr cascs of
Now York CaiitallStS wimo were once
laborers , or laborers ho have becommie
Now York capitalists. But certahumly I
have abuimdantlv illustrated time fact that
if no every , at least many men of mmdc
have been both "laborers anti capitalists -
ists , " showing that there Is no neeessiry :
antagonismim between capital amid labor.
Itsiuperior excellence proven in untihlons
homes rormnorehsnaquarta of a rentury.
ii ii used ty limO United State' florerarnont.
Endorsed by tue hiads of the Oroat tJnIveret
ties , a the Stroniest , PurQst saC Most health
L' fat. Dr. Prico'g the only 1iaIng Powder that :
doesnot contain Ammonia , Lime , or Alum.
) POWDti CO. .
t w yoaa .viicAao. n. Wui&
. ,
. . . .5 ,
- 'If ,
An Interview WillS One or Onia.
tin's 'cgotablc'Gnrdcncrus.
tAn t-
An Aft.iclc oflntcrestttti All-Time Life ot
a Sailor-flow the Good Shlp"l Ieahth"
was FoundcredEtc. , Etc.
The life of a sailor is very interesting
rcasilng to the citizens 01 thowestorn country.
Knowitig this to to the tact a reporter shotmi.
derImprhI note book and Faber No , 2 , started
eut to Immiti an old sailor , and hntervmew tiin on
the mnUor. The reporter met Mr. hiernard
Carstene , who resIdes in ! 'entraui i'ark near the
oily limits. Zstr. Carstomi's , mm ( .Iormman by birth
is lii buslnes as a gardiiar iini tr'iekor mmmi
supplies tao hotels and restamftinls , of Unmalia
whim treMi vogetsbiesevomy muorumlmi . On being
accosted by the reporter Imo snlt , : "los I sailed
tie seas for about ten Years , maid in titat visit-
( 'II almost every country In tilt ) world. 1 have to
Ohimimi , Aimstrailn , Now Zealand , thin mast : In-
diis. , itnd aimnust emery seaort along time Modi-
terrnnomn , sen. Tlis illeof a sailor is a hard one
as well as mm dannornums coo , anti only a nmaim
with mm very good constitution can stand it very
bug. I otijyoii tOY ilfo on the seas and was
always healthy there. In facti neveriimmd a days
Icknei iumitli aboUtono year igo. , '
"Theui you have bean sick lately , " asked time
. . Yo. I was tmken sick last fail. I lost my appetIte -
petIte , could not eat emmough to keep a
child alive , lmati umlglit sweats , would get imp In
time mournIng tooling worse luau a man wiis
lmnti mit slept lit , ll , cc tlltt only oat a lilt Ic
Iroakfnst , , mind would have to VomIt that imp
very sooi , utter ostluig It. I vims attacked whim
mm Imi , imimmiklng cotuwim which wommkt ciomse ale
Intense laln him toy th-.t amid lungs. would intro
ciilllrirnti toVorovery threnor rourdsys. My
could . luieu bees mne alarming. I could scarcely
ilt.t R mimuch na ii child. As I saId torero I ho-
0111110 * mlzmrnmed a tid I , eurhuig and read hum ir comm.
slderublo mibOUt lire Me'oy ( amil henry I concluded -
cludod to call uuoum , thorn , whIch I did about
thireo w eok ago ummd was exammneul. They
to ! , ! me I iliut cmtnrrhmi , commsmnptmon ( , and
promised to mire mao In two unoimuhis. Not qumhte
a muontit has amid I nun tvcil , mgmmlti I
hmvt , no mimoro night swocir. no more cij1ll nnti
rover , do 115)1 YOlil It ilimy nero 1mm thu inrntiir ,
mmmiii to toll time truth fool like a miew maim alto-
izetiinr. l loot as tisoutcit I comld , not saw enough
her 1)rs , McCoy mmnt , hleimry for they hate In-
deotiworketlwomidere In my case :
suit. lgltNAmtm ) {
The abovocut 19 8 vorygood ortralt of Mm- .
Cai'i ( ii. who teuldet I ii .t.u1 ra i i'mtrk , lie : , r t ho
city limits , tvhcro he will mliiduy corronorato thu
amiivu tttUtiicnt , to unyono who whit thko the
trouble to call or athicas , lhmii there.
lTtlESTmNO EvmnmNcr. ort CONm)1TiO NOT TO
1mm : TILmFtaumwmTit.
Svlieim cntnrrii has oxistsii 1mm tue head mmum the
upuer Plirt ( I f t he thIn at i or itny lou et ii of timnt ,
--tie ratlent lIving lii a district whore people
lire SI I hjoct to catarvhiu I imirset iou-amid tis a dls-
t'ltSO has been bit unomired , the catmirrh himvarl-
ati' , , SOtiicttiilos slowly , eateii , , , clown time
Wifldlil ) ' ) amid I nt ( ) tilt ) biIIICI ) ttlbe , WII Icii
tImbosconver tile air to tile , llumcront h iris of
tIle Iuuig. 'rho tubo' , beconmo ahlectod from
the wollliimr , umtl the mucous arisIng Iinn ,
catarri , , , siitt , in , oile itsturCo , , become i'timiztred '
imp. so that tlmo aIr cauiinttgel. lii as lreoly , , s it
sioUlt , ? . Shortness of hremtii , foliot.- , . , end Umo
1tttloflt lveuthes , with IaliorttiI ditfleulty.
lii luimnr case tioro , is ii Sound or ormmcklmn
anti wheezing lmsitlo tiic eiot. , At this stgo of
the dlotto the broittblmig is tistiatly lilore rapId
titan ivhmezi lii Iotltii. Thmo patlumit liti3 must , hot
duImes over uk tOtiy-
P1,0 , pitlim ivhitl , accompanies this condliloli Is
of , dmiil character. Icit In the chest , bobnmi time
breast bono , or muidor the shoul.ior blade. ' 11,0
ptLlii mmlay caine anti go--lust low dtiys mini then
ho itttseiit for several others. 'l'h , count that
occurs in the Iirmt , stages of tiouichlal oatimrrh Is
dry , commies on itt Intervals. lmtcklng , in ehtmrao.
to- . anti Is iisutlly tmmot troimtmiosomne in mo
morning on rlmng _ or going to ltei , at nlmIit miuiti
It 111117 be In the tir8t evhlcnee oftiio disease ox-
tentlhag limb the lungs.
Soilt'tlmnns ' ttmcra mire fits of coughing Induced
by th totmgh mnhlctitm SO Viololit itS tO CiiMO VOtfl
Itiig. , Later on the mucus thlilt Is raised. is
found to contin , ,4llRil , partIcles of yellow moat-
tar , which Indicates timmt , the small ttibt In tue
lungs are now miUectoO. WIth this there are
otton streaks of blood rnhed with the mecca.
In some cases the Pttt1flt becomes very pale ,
hits fever , anti oxllccterntes teioro , any cough
In soilme cages smut Imassos of cheesy SUbStance -
Stance are spIt -.ip , whlci , . wham lIressosi be.
tween tholingorts , omIt mm bail odor. iii other
cases , particles at a burd , chalky nature are
llit till , 'VIto raising Of cheesy or chalky lumps
tndleate SotloUs tulililof itt work In tim lungs.
II'litt It .Ilcaa.q , , Ifoit' it Acts , aui
JJ'IiIt it 1.4.
You sneeze when you got um , in the mornIng ,
you try to sneeze your nose out ovary tlmno you
tire OXIO3Cl to tim Uetst draft oh aIr. You lituvo
I ! fitiluoss os'or thmO front ot the forehand , anti
tlio tools as ii timoro waa a plug In each
nospiI whIch you canuot illsloige. , You 010w
your imoso imitil your ears crack , Itut ltdon't do
imny good , nnti thu only result Is that yomm silo-
coed in getting tip a vary red mioSo , anti you so
Irritate the itmilig , Inenihirane of that organ
that you are uuimuble to Druatumo tltrougim It at all.
Tale Is a correct ammd not ovrtlrnwui plcttmio of
mm acute tmttack of catarrhm , or "SneezIng
Catarrh" as it a called.
Now , what does thIs condition Indicate ? Virst ,
acold that causes iiimcus to ho nouroti out by
time giamids In limo hose ; then tiioo tilsoasod
glands arc mtttmmcked by swimrms of little goring
-the catairh germ-that float tim the air In mm
locality whore itto disease Is nrevmitent. 'L'1m080
imnlmatculco , in theIr efforts to flimi a lodgment ,
IrritatO tito sensitIve memuDrano itnlnir the nose
and nittimro umidurtakos to rid hersoit of thorn
by producing a lIt of snoozing.
SYheim the nose becomes tilled wIth thickonot !
and dIseased Iminous time naturitt ehannois for
the IntroductIon of air Into Limo blurs II Inter-
loroti with , anti the pertoim so ultctod lutist
breathe tlurougim tue mouth , itni , by such
moaius the tiiroutt beenhuuos PitrOliod aliti dry
snorIng is prodtmeoti , unti then tue catarrlua
disease gains toady aecesi to the throat amid
ill CresaDisMiCoy
Late of Be1lovuoHospita1 , N.Y
Columbus Henry
klavo OhIhs
Cor. 15th arid Harney Streets
Omaha. , Nob.
Whore ali curable cases are treated with luG
ecu. MedIcal dIseases treated sKIlfully. Comm.
luwptloti , Urhghtg iist'ago , 1)yspepsium. Itheu.
matism. amid all NEutvous DiSEASES. All dl-
the sexes a specialty. CA.
& )
coNsUIrA'r1hN at oflico or by mail $1.
0151cc hours : 0 to 11 a.rn. ; S to 4 p. am. ; 7 to
9 p. m. Suntlayg included.
Correspondence receives prompt attention.
Munydlseases tire treated stuocesafuhly by Dr
McCoy through tim mail.s , and It is thus posa1.
blo for those tmiuaiIe to make a journey to oh-
tam suceesarul imosptl treatment at theIr
homes , No loiters answered UtilCU accoinpa.
nhed by 4o In stamps.
Address all letters to Dr. J. C. McCoy. rooms
3lOandSk ) RsmnfoI1uddIngOisNeb.
- ' - S
The temperature nowadays must convince everybody that a medium wefght overcoat
would be a comfortable thing. We can j nat a.s easily convilico you that ours is the place
to buy one. We display an e1egantassortment of these garments from a medium pricod.
One at 5.75 up to the finest grades of Cassimores , Meltons and Kereys. Some of the latter -
ter are in 'the beautiful fashionable shades and made up in the best custom made :
manner , lined with silk and satiii , and the prices are such that they are within reach of
In our Boy's Clothing department we already have a large and attractive stock , many
styles that will interest and please parents , and all who have boys to clothe , new geode
arriving every day. Goods that 'will wear and give sitisfaction , such goods as you'll not
find in aity other clothing house at the price. As an extraordinary bargaiti , and being
well adapted for school wear , we mention this week our Plaited Cordoroy knee pant
stilt which we have marked $2.2 ! , j ust one.half of what it is really worth.
In our Furnishing DopartrnOnt we show novelties in Fall Underwear , Fanpy Percale
Shirts , Neckwcar , Gloves , etc.
Our Hat Department is well stocked with the latest styles of stilt and soft hats in aU.
colors and at prices fully one-third lower than other dealers.
All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price at
Nebraska Clothing-Company
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha.
CIIESTEIL. 20th wear 01)003 I4EPTEMIIEII 1L
CuIEMISTIIY , A.ncuul'isoTulma. AltTS.
i'roparamtory Courgog. ' [ 'borough TechnIcal
Work..11 Ocpurtmnomut condiucued by able
l'ItOFESSOIIS. Military sybtoiuu second only to
that or iJ. a. M. A. AnmuUals of Ltoiit. S P. hart-
iett , 1405 biterjnumn Ave. , City : or ChIef Pay-
master's Ounce , Ariuv hIeatttuiuttrters
CCI. . TIIRO. IIVA'rl' Prosldont.
KANSAS CITY Mo -umm vrps , of iteetittpIhh
're.rher. . PupilS recoiveti itt any tinue. ltrcircttla
apply t. MI. N. McCOSIAS. trlnclpai.
Hoar ! OoIIeiate Institute.
For Young Ladles reopens Sept 21. College
Pt tpttrattry , Classical ttnd Scleiittiie Gratiutut-
lug cotuiuoS. For chretilarS adlres EMMA 0.
CONII ) , l'rlnclpitl , or H. Ii. ilOWAitI ) , Score-
tilt ) , Vt est Urtmgomvator , Ma's. jy6taw26t
P Flilt VOUNi m.AulEslIn : North nroad it
PiillmtdtlI'hula. , ' . 1th year begins Sept. ist , usSi.
Address Miss It. E JtJUI'lNS , I'riiiclpal ,
who refers by special porumisslon to
Mr. and MrgJohin N. .iowott , 1
Mr. anti Nrg. PhIlip I ) . Arimour , ) .Chmca1gO.
Mr. anti Mrs. horace F. Waite ,
TltoTwnntyflrt year of thl wohi known selinol will
begin .t 4 o'clock pan. on iVaDNasDAY , OCT. 12th , mitil.
EXAuiTNATIOS for adv.ucei .tiudng MONPAY , OCT.
10th , 9 , , .m. , EntIre cour.a may i.e coupletsii in two or
thr..o seer. at option of .tuiett. Uhploma airuItto , B.
Tuition . t' ' ) per ennum , Yor Catalogue. , etc. , s'idru.e
Detut of raculty , 1411 Lucas Placs , ST. Louis , O.
Remarkable br powerful ympa-
tiuctic tone , pliable action and absolute -
solute durability ; 30 years' record ,
thuc best guirantee : of the excel-
hence of these mnstrtmrnents.
'i'iui or Iron , Repaired.
And Painted and guaranteed tIght for number
of ycams. Ptmlumtus noveL' tllstor. ,
Maiitmutcturel and repaired. Pire Proof PaInt
applied to shin elas 15 years oxperloieo
2111 S.13t St. llot Arbor and Vlntun.
for all kinds of busIness at tim
I1e Towil of Ilarbiue ,
Idway btweu Falrbury acd hlcatrico on time
C.K. It.
Lots Cheap on Easy lernis.
Address C. Ii. LEVFON Falrbury ,
nnir'r * V REST
ACO . vu 2tL0lR
. : l DAY.
_ _ _ _ _
87 Chamber of Commerco.
HO T' Writing thorough-
p j taugtt by )1&iL.
S lieu and ihortesm system aew in oar. Ctrcuiau's
yree. Frof. LN.LKBLza. Do4O4. b.LeutU ,
E8C4 ecwOol
e A. magnificant display of everything
useful and ornamental in the furniture
makers art , at reasonable prices. '
iA GOLD BDAL , PARIS , 1878.
Broakifist Ooco.
Warranted flbSoIUtdV
.r i' tloeon , frOm which the exce , . of
OhIha. been removed. IthuMre.
7IE 1 tPI Uma , the stretgth of Cocos mixed
IWEI ( I I1 with Starch , Arrowroot orSugat ,
1g 11 I I 11 1' and I. therefore far macro ccouomi.
In I I : in m , costing ksa titan one ceng a
\ cap. It I. deitcloui. nourishing ,
strengthening , easily dtge.tod. anti
i edmirably adapted for Invalidi as
ivelt as for persons In beauS.
Sold by Grocer. everywhere.
WI BAKER & OO. Borchosftr1 Mass.
Piaiios & OrgallS
Retailed at YIioIcslile Prices.
WrIte for catalogues , prlcos and tornus ammd
save from t U to $150 In the purchuitse of sum in-
IIIJYETT.HflOS , , t. Joseph , Mo ,
wit. MO T1STOSfl. n F. liOn WELL
Real Estate Dealers
10 South Spring Street ,
Dealers In city and country property ot' oil
deorlptloims. Gomicral lurortuittlon to umow-
oomora freely given.
S. E. Car. 18th amid Do'Jge Sts.
Successfully Treats a ! ! Nervous , Chronic and
Private Diseases of
- - WC = 1 :
hr. S Is wol Ikoown as tIm founder of time
Montreal ( Cttuatiu ) itIe.llcal Iitstlttuto anti nro-
jirlator or the Siulmutloyvlllsu Inlirimuary. 'I'htii lr.
hits had 27 years' oxperluiuce iii the treatment
otchronlo and soxuul disoaseg , anti hula olioria
beimug crowned by vonderfuil , succests , tie would
call tutu attemut ion of time atilletotl to lila long
stutntlltmg amid troll oarnutl reputatlomm its atiilh-
dent assurance of hIS skill ittuil abIlIty.
NliIVotJs lE1III.1l'Y.
Stterinatorrhtet , , I'tirtlal Impotency niuth alt
dltoutsos ( If tim nervous systtmu , , ituti sexual or-
guns , , poodhiy jmrm,1 , porumiutnoatiy ctmrotl.
111.1)01) AN1) Sici. DI'tEASiM ,
SYPhILIS-A disoitsu nuost horrIble in itti resuits
-completely ermmdicatod without thio use of
mercury. Charges rsumsooablu.
iVito nisy be simlferhmig troni the effecti of youth.
ful follIes or lmudIscretton , will mb well to awaIt
thettuscivcs or this , the greatest boon ever ItmId
at tIn. , itlte of suffering itiminimmihty. 1)11. i4l'lN.
NltY will guarantee to forfeit * .v0 fur ovary
case of ezmihtual woakoesi or lirlyate dIseases
or any kind or character which ho Utmtiortimkos
anti falls to eurO.
There are mimmiy troubled with too frequcn
evacuatIons of thu bltitider , 01 ton accoinpamuloti
by a slight urmiarllng or bnrnlimg onitttIomm siutl
wcitkentmig of thu systommi in a mmutmtiuer thu mum-
tiemit Cannot account for. Omu ev&tmitsmulmg & , the
Uruilury tisumeuslts Ii ropy ttotilineitt will ( then ito
I ou ad , tuiti so toot linot uuuiIl ; uttrtlclsi o f itlbtu-
mulch will appear or the color ho of a thin , tnhhk-
lsh hitmo , again chuiiaing , to a dark sir 10 ridS up-
lucarance. 'Fumguti : tmtv ms.tsr Max woo iiV. or
vuuia miUIlCmllTi , Ignorant ci the cutuso , witiehi
Is the second etago of Boulilumal wcaicuuea. 'I'miit
locroa wur.r. .i i'uaraO elms IN
ALL. SuCh CANgS , and a hioaltiy ) restoratIon of
tiuo gonhto.urhuuutry orgaums ,
0111cc hours II to IS it. mu. 1 to ii. S to S p. ma.
N. ii. l'oraong miuuutljlo to visit us unity ho
treated at timoir iuoiuuos liy corrospontiomuro.
? , IodIclneg Itoh InstructIons sent iuy mumaht or ox.
muross. ( JOSt4tuITATIN ( AND AIJYICS , m'EtiOflAL.
LY Out DY t.KTTE1I , vutgs.
hiemttl atamnu ) torqiuratIon list and clreular. _
Call or addrcs lilt. SI'INNEY CO. , lU. S.
13th street OmaSa
Nbaska Natiollat ilailk , ' .
Caha , ob. .
Paid up CapitaL . . . . . . . . $250,000
Surplus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42,500
ii.v. . Yates , Presmdent.
Lewis S. Recti , Vice-President.
A. E. 'roumzalin 2ti Vice-President.
\v. II. § . hughes , Cashier ,
phitucTomis :
sv _ V. Morse , John S. Collins : .
H. W. Yates , IcW1S S. Reed , A
A. B. Touzaltn
Car. 12th and Farnaun ills.
A General Baukin Buslimess Transacte
NW. Harris & Co.
ofCountieCituo , , , TownsWntot ,
B ONDS Qas. bires , ii. It. Co.'s a spec.
laity. Cerrospoutlenco ohioLt.d.
- '
T.bflhiat.4 thi&
tUklbiht.NswlMi-loSD .4
r- ' .
' tml..p.cuucpurpu.cuaaop '
_ _ _ _ _ IsrRaTmvcWaiauxa. , gi'-
'r , , .oothingcunea. of
Eleetrieitydir.ctiy thr.ngh cii wuk pin. rutcr
, . . . . , .
ingukm .10 beauS .i vgorou.5urngth. Liven-ta
. . . , . . , . , . . . f.It
hctantty or a. forf.t$5.tItjO it c..ii.
. . . , , . , , . . , . . . .
( all otir over b.Il. Worst eo..pc $
m.v..ityeuidlntt.u..montb. . tk.leI .mpi.l.t4. tae ,
'the 8andoum Lh.ctric Co. 169 LaSalle .1. , ChlcsQ
1707 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo ,
Of the Missotmri State Museum of Anatomy
St. Louis , Mo. , Ulmivombity College hlospi-
tal , London , Giesen , Germany and New
York. Having devoted their attention
Nervous , Chioui atid Blood
More especially timose arising from immmpuu'-
deuce , imivite all so suffering to correspond
withotut delay . Diseases of infection and
contagion cured saicly amid speedily with-
otit use of dangerous drus. l'aticnts
sviio.e cas S lmavc been neglected , badiy
treated or paomuotutmdeti incurable , elmould
not fail to write us comuceruming timeir syinp-
tomfls. All letters receive imamediate at-
And will lc mailed FREII to any address
on receipt ofone 2 cent stamp. 'PractIcal
Observations on Nervous lebiiity and
Phthicai Eximaustion , " to wimicim is added
an "Essay on Marriage , " wutim important
cimapters Ofl Diseases of the Reproductive
Organs , time whole formmuing a valuable uned.
icul treatibe which should be read by all
young amen , Adtlress
1707 Olive St. , 2t. Lotmis , Mo.
' " RITORED AYlctimo
M R "HD I Vruuataure lto. ' . & , itorvou
, . , , . havtngtrl.dia .
Sc UeumttvIot 17 ko..n Ma.uhoudetc .re.t.v. , h.e , tt.eoved , a vaam
. .
. . .
. .
S - -
- - - -
- - -