THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , A Decrease Instead of an Increase Itself in the Visible Supply , AN EXCITING DAY FOR SHORTS. " i Rjro and Timothy anil Plnx Rccili Re * celvlng More Attention Catilo In Largo Sapply llo s Active Quotation * . CHICAGO I'ltonUOE MABKKT. CHICAOO , Sept. W. ISpeclal Telegram to the UEE.J Tlie market started on slow. Cudahy bought a little , as did Linn , while Fleming and Uoyden were buying October as usual , and for a parenthesis It might bo well to say they that have been buying a good deal ot October lately , some of which has been sold against December. The sellIng - Ing wns scattered. George C.-Wlker's ilrm iteams to be one of the freest sellers ot De cember , but the figures-OS for October , were too low down to Induce much new sell ing , so the buyers prove more numerous than sellers , and Instead of going to pieces , as the bears predicted It would on the lar o Increase In tliu visible , It steadied up , advancing fractionally with a fair volume of trade. A little farther on , with receipts large at Min neapolis and a large Increase In New York's stock , offerings carried the market back to C8Y ; , but It did not stay there long and a new element of strength commenced showing Itself In the fact that the visible supply figures began to surprise all parties by falling to carry out the anticipated large increase and finally developed a decrease of 159,000 bushels and October advanced to 68c , ruliue quite firm. Cables were lower , but did .not attract much attention. The decrease In the 1 visible supply overshadowed any other news , and the market strengthened from baying on that account and closed at C8JJ@G9c ( for October , 70o for November , 71o for De cember and 77o for May. Freight rates by railways were restored to tariff rates and were hard as a rock. This means a lUc ad vance in them from the recent cut rates. Corn was full of the contradiction that it was going to nothing on big receipts and the large local deliveries made Saturday , bnt the friends addicted to the short side and con fident of success to-day , were discouraged to llnd a shipment of 750,000 bushels posted on the blackboard , and after hammering the market a while at thoopenlnir. thought better of it. covered what shorts they could and with a little help from outside snorts in the same direction , October reacted from 4UXcto41Vc. The fact that a line of cash corn of nearly or quite a million bushels has been held Intact and kept oil of the market for several months has been a mystifying thine and shippers worked under a disad vantage from It , it being hard to get hold of the receipts for the concentrating and easy loading ot cargoes Saturday. This corn was delivered out on October contracts , having been sold for October lately around G2Xc to lower prices , and It was expected this was going to demoralize the market , but the ship ping demand constantly outlined in this paper was not only equal to It but absorbed It and shipped it , and cried for more , but it filled lots of orders for New England and Canadian points and may result In a llttlo slacker demand for a few days , thus holding the market down , unless some incentleo like smaller receipts should counteract its in- lluence. ' 1 hero was a fair trade throughout the session without much change- values , and a disposition was shown to make pur chases. The principal trade was In May , which closed at 44Xc and October at 41c. Ityo Is receiving motu than usual attention , and an advance ot ac per bushel has been ob tained for the past week or 47c for No. 2 cash and 48c for October. Uarley Is developing quite a corner for September , ana on the light quantity buyers have found it easy to name the rates and now the prlco for this month Is about lOc above No. 1 , and no cram coming to ( ill con tracts. No. a cash sold at 76c , while seller October was hardly up to COc. Seeds are receiving more attention and dealers In tlmotliy and flax are doing a larger business than in all the smaller grain markets - , kets as to quantity sold and value. Timothy was broken off to 2.223.33 for prime cash and tlax has steadily declined Oc per bushel within a week , or to < l.oiK : for No. 1 cash or seller October to-day , while clover has been slow all fall and is now down to 54.10(34.15 ( for prime. In provisions the week opened with a strong market. Lighter receipts of hogs than the trade anticipated developed a some what bullish feeling and better prices were the rule. Based on Saturday's closing , pork for year delivery was advanced lOc and for January ISc , lard for all deliveries Sc. short ribs for September and October 15i and Januarj 7 > c , September and October SOc and January 7Kc. The upward turn in Sep tember and October short ribs , which were bought freely by the controlling house , was the principal feature of the day. The Jan uary product was regarded with consider able favor In the speculation witnessed , which was only moderate for January. Pork sold at $12.80(412. : , lard at 80.87K@ .40 and short ribs at S0.25@0.27 , closing all around at the best prices named. September lard and short ribs were quoted the same as October , which sold for lard at S0.32) (36.37W ( and foi short ribs at | 8.2ai < @ 8.50. tor October lard closed at 8 < U Q ( < 5.87X nnd short ribs at S8.50. November lard closed at SO.aJV. December lard at 80.85 and year pork at 313.00. Cash I property was quiet. AFTKUNOON SESSION Wheat easier ; Sep tember closed t about 67Jffi7 ; c ; Octoboi sold at Ot < X@ < Mc , closlnc at about GSJf ® C8J c ; November closed with sellers at 70lt'c ; December sold at 71 ? C < < 71Kc , closing al 71-Kc ; May sold from77c te 76f@70c on the split , closing at 7G/(376Xc. ( Corn linn ; Octo ber sold at 41@4lkc , closing at 4iy4l3 'c : November sold at 41kw41Jfc closing at 41'i @ 4l ic ; May 8oldatf4& < i4 K@ o.on tlf split , closing at 44o bid. Oars steady ; Sop tembcr about ffis'tfo ; for October 25/23Jf ; , < was bid ; November about 25c ; May sold al 29 o and closed at 29 o bid. Pork soldunc closoIat _ 812.30 for January ; year was noml January : trading was 11 i. Short ribs sole for October at S8.428.45 and closed a 88.43K. a decline of % c. January sold a f 0.27 > iao. ( 0 und closed at S0.30. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAOO , Sept 19. ( Special Telegram ti the BEK. ] CATTI.K The supply of cattli to-day was very large. The offerings wen mainly ot western cattln and common na tlves. The yards seemed full ot Inferior ti fair native cattle that should have been fei longer. There wore many grassy cattle ant lots of half fat and partly fat cattle , not lifer for beef and yet too fleshy to sell with proli to feeders. The offerings of Inferior cattli were too large , and for that matter then were too many cattle ot all kinds. Order : from the east for good cattle were very lim ited , and there was llttlo or no competition Kansas City Imd a very excessive rui and reported the "market dead. " To day the prices here were quite unovei but generally lOc lower on nearly all kinds Some rattle could not be sold at a 15e de cllno. "They got so used to calling cattl prices lower that they call them lower when ever the trade Is dull. 1 think prices fo common cattle are about as low as ever , bu the good cattle were so scarce to-day the ; were picked up at steady prices. " said i salesman. Some 1,700 Ib , cattli sold at 84.C @ 4.75 , and some averaging 1,418 Ibs , sold t n shipper at 83.05. llccolpts , 12,000 ; shin incnts , 80,000 ; generally lOo lower am quality poor. Shipping steers , 1,350 t < 1,500 Ibs , 84.004.80 ; 1,200 to 1,350 Ibs 83.5C@4.40 ; 950 to 1200 Ibs. , 83,0 3.7. " Ktockers andfrcders. 81.75(33.00 ( ; cows , mill and mixed , 81.25(33.SO ( ; Texans , dull and 1 © 15c lower ; steers , 81.75 ( 3.15 ; cows , S1.25G 3.23. Western rangers 15o lower ; natives am half-breeds. 8'i40l.W ( : cows , Sl.75@-J.20 Wintered Texans , Iloos Estimated receipts. 11,000 ; las Monday , 13,051. Th market was active with an up-turn ot a strong lOc , the best sell Ing within a range ot | 5.25@yao , only on lot , however , selling at the outside , fti bulk of the fair to good mixed sold at | 4.80 < < 6.15 and light aorta at 85.10(83. ( IS. F1MANUIAU YORK , topi 19-Specl [ l Telegrai til * BM.I 810910 Then was hear liquidation to-day in stocks and room traders who went homo long last week began unloading at the start , not liking last week's bank statement. The report that Fish & Co's. sates of bonds last Wednesday were for tne California bonanza kings , Mackcy and Flood , although denied by the former , went far toward unsettling confi dence and was tliu chief cause of the decline. Outside holders who were long sent In soilIng - Ing orders and there being few sustaining factors sales had to bo made at a lower range of prices. All properties shared In the weak ness , but Northern Pacllic preferred , New England , Richmond Terminal and Western Union being In the lead and dropped 2@2K percent. Hock Island dropped 2KQ'J,14 P" rent on the announcement that the company would issue 41ISO ( shares of new stock. Chicago cage , Hurllnglon & Qulncy declined 2V per cent. The rest of tlio list was down JfW ( ! per cent The stock market was the weakest during the past two hours , the selling being the heaviest of the day. The fancies were the weakest and liquidation seems to have only started In then. Richmond Terminal was the weakest and sold at one time 4 points below Saturday's closing figures. It Is said that 200.000 shares of this stock were recently sold to the Scott-Fahno stock paity. Shortly before the close a few stocks rallied * K per cent , but the feeling wan heavy and coulldenco batlly shaken , holders of 'fancies" being afraid of having loans called. The last sales recorded net declines extending from 1 % to 3 } percent llusmcss with Chicago houses who have been bears 'or-months past was good , but among the bulls dullness prevailed. The total sales were arl,983 shares. Wall street appears to > o frantically appealing to the treasury for aid. They want to sell bonds and help the overloaded market The outcome Is anx- ously awaited , but nobody knows what It will be , and it Is doubtful if large purchases > f bonds should be made It wouM relieve holders of heavily Inflated stock. GOVERNMENTS , Government bonds were dull and heavy. YKHTEHDAT'R OUOTATIONS. U. 8. 4's coupon .134V C. & N. W. . . . . . 110 % U. 8. 4V's coup. . 187 do preferred..140 N. Y. C lOfi. anada South'n. . K&N , 87 Central Pacific. . 83O. T. . ; . . . 20 Chicago & Alton. 140 Pacific Mall < " , do preferred..155 P. , D. &K . C.u0 131 PullmanPal.Car.145 D. , L. A W 127k Reading IX&K.0 25 Rock Island , Erie ' ' " It L. AS. F. . . . to dopreferro'd ! . C4U do preferred. . . , Illinois Central. . 115 C. , M. AStP. . . . * do preferred. . 117 % & T. . . . ! ! " StP.AO LakeShore. . . . . . 2J do preferred. . 100 58Ji Texas Pacific. . . . 22 Michigan Cent'l. . 84 UnlonPacitic. . . . 60 % Mo. Pacllic 92V W..St. L&P. . . . lOJf No. PaclUo - " do preferred. . 28K do preferred. . . . \V. U. Telegraph 73 MONEY On call was easy , ranging from 4 to 0 r > er cent , last loan at 0 per cent closing at G per cent PKIME MKIIOANTILB PAPER 7@8 per cent. STKHLINO EXCHANGE Quiet but steady at S4.80 # for CO day bills , and 4.84 ' ( ? 4,84 % for demand. i'UODUCE MARKETS. Chicago. Sept 19. Following quotations are the 8:30 : closing figures : Flour Firm. Wheat Opened rather weaker and ? @ Vc ewer , and closed Me above Saturday ; c.tsh , C7 W-lOc ; October , 08 13-lGc : Alav. 70 13-lCc. Corn Moderaetly active ; opened X ® % ° Mow Saturday , and a shade firmer than Saturday ; cash and October , 41 c ; May , . O.Us Quito easy and not qnotably changed ; cash , S5 fc ; October , avfc ; Alay , 20 > fc. Kye bteady lit 47c. Barley Firm > \t 7Se. Primp Timothy Seed S2.31@3,23. Flax 8eedl.)3X. ( ) . Whisky SI. lu. Pork Firm ; jcar , 812.00 ; January. 512.30. hard Firm : cash anil October , 80.35. Dry baited Moats Shoulders , 35.2.i ( . ' ; .35 ; short clear , S8.7SM8.80 ; short ribs , 88.4''K. Hutter Steady ; creamery , 17 < < i24c ; dairy , 16M@lUc. Cheese Firm ; full cream Cheddars , 11 Hats , ll OUXc ; young Americas , egs Easier at 16@17c. Hides Steady ; unchanged ; heavy croon hides 7Kc ; light do. 7f@Sc : salted bull hides. Cc , green salted calf , 8 @ 9c ; dry flint , 1U@ 13c : dry calf , 12@13c ; deacons 30c each. Tallow Firm : No. 1 country , 4@4 c ; No. ; c kes , 44'c.ICecoInta. ICecoInta. Shipments. Flour , bbls . 26,000 38,000 Wheat , bu . 45.000 232.000 Corn , bu . 884,000 748.000 Oats , bu . 108,000 177,000 Kye , bu . 1.000 43,000 Barley , bu . 107.000 17.000 St. Louis , Sept 19. Wheat Higher ; cash , @ 08 > tfc ; November , 70 > c. Corn Steady ; cash , 3S5/40c ; October , Oats-Dull ; cash , 24c ; October , Pork-815.75. Lard -80.25. Whisky S1.05. Hutter Firm and unchanged ; creamery , il@34c ; dairy. lo@yi. Afternoon Board Wheat Lower ; Octo ber , OSJ c ; December , 71Jfc. Corn Irreeular ; October , 38 c bid ; November , 37e. Oats- Quiet. Liverpool , Sept. 19. Wheat Quiet but steady ; demand poor ; holders offer moder- atnly. Corn Quiet and demand poor. Milwaukee. Sept. 19. Wheat Firm ; cash , OSKc ; October , 08c ; November , 70 c. Corn Firm ; No. 3. 4lc. Oats Steady ; No. 2 white , 27c. Kye Firmer ; No. 1. 48X s. Barley Stronger ; No. a , 59Kc. Provisions Steady. Pork-September , 'S15.00@15.50 , Cincinnati. Sopt. 10. W neat Scarce naiirraNo. : 2red , 73Kc. Corn Easier ; No. 2 mixed , 45@l5He. Oats Kasler ; No. 3 mixed , 27K@- & . Kye-FIrm ; No. 2 , Sic. Pork Firm at 815.23. Lard Firm at 80.40. Whisky-Quiet at 81.05. New York , Sept. 19. Wheat Re ceipts , 130,000 ; exports 50,000 ; options opened heavy ana declined V@-'C' later strengthened and rallied fW c , closing lirm ; spot lots firm without change of im portance ; ungraded red , TJf MOV c ; No. 1 red nominal at 85o ; No. 3 red , 8Utfg ( 80 Jfc de livered , 7U > f c in elevator ; October closing at 7Uc. 7Uc.c'orn Receipts. 11,000 ; exports , 89,000 ; outlons opened % @ } c lower , later reacted J < dtc nnd closed llrm ; spot lots > .f@Kc bettei and moderately active ; ungraded , 5v > @ 50 } c ; No. 3. 49 fo In store , JX ) > 4'51o delivered ; October closing at 49c. Onts llecelnta , 84,000 ; exports , 600 : firm but quiet : mixed western , 3-34c ! ; white western , 3541c. Cotlee Spot , fair ; Rio , dull and nominal at Sl'J.W ) ; options 50GJOO points higher and liiirly active ; sales , 03,750 bags ; October , 817.15@17.40 : November , S17.50@17.05 ; De cember. 817.00(317.85 ( : Jantmrv , S17.C5@17.UO. Petroleum Firm : United. 65 'c. Kegs Firm and in fairueuiuud ' ; western , 14W15c. ' Pork Dull but rather easy ; mess \vn ? quoted ( at S15.25@15.50 for old ; S10.25@10.5C lor new. Lard 203 points higher and moderate ! ) active ; western steam , spot , 80.75. Butter Steady ana quiet ; western , 13(3 ( 24c ; creamery , 10@3ic. Cheese Firm but quiet ; western. 0@Uc. Kancas City. Sept. 19. Wheat-Steady ; No. 3 soft , cash , G2ft bid ; October , asked ; May 75o asked. Corn-Quiet ; No. 3. cash. 35tfc bid , asked ; October. 35c bid , S5 c asked. Oats-UlKc bid , SiKe asked. New Orlemni. Sept 19. Wheat In cash lots weak and In some cases a trlllc lower ; options opened lirm , later declined > 4 ( Yc , closing steady , with a slight recovery ; and clear rib , 89.00. Bulk Moats-Shoulders. 85.85 ; long cleai Lard-Itetined tierce , 0.75 Pork-8IO.OO. Hoi ; Products Quiet but firm. Cornmeal Kasler at 82.80. Oats Quiet and weak at 34@35c. MlimeapolU. Sept. 19. Wheat Weal with large receipts ; No. 1 hard , old , cash 74tfc ; October , 68c : November. 89c ; No. 1 northern , old. casli , 73o ; October , 5o ; Nov ember , 66Vo ; May , 73c ; No. a northern , old , cash , 70 Wo ; October , COc ; November. 61Wc , On track : Old , No. 1 hard. 70c ; No. 1 north ern. Oflc ; No. 3 northern , 6l304e. Flour Quiet ; pmUnts , Itg4.40 ) ( ; bakers' 19.30(13,50 ( , Kccelpti-Wheal , 398,000 bu. Shlpments-Wlieat , 31,000 bu ; flour , 24,000 bbls. In Store-Minneapolis. 1,011,5C9 bu ; atSt Paul 81.000 bu. L1VK8TOOK. CrilvaKo , Sept 10. The Drovers' Journal retMirtuns follows ; Cattle Itecclpts , 1,200 ; market generally lOe lower ; shipping steers , ; stock- era and trcdcr.i. 81.75(33.00 ( ; cows , bulls and mixed , S1.3.'Xi2.80 ; Texas cattle , SI.25 Q3.15 ; western rangers , 81.7i@4.80. Hoes Receipts , 12.000 : market strong nnd 5@iOc hlelier ; mixed , S4.Ki < 35.15 ; lieavy , r4.UOCuu.n : ; llglit , S4. 0@5.15 ; rough nnd skips , 83.10 4.70. Shceu Receipts , 7,000 ; market slow ; common , lower ; natives , S2.r4.10 ; west ern , S3.CO S a- ; Texans , 83.00 3.00 ; Iambs , per head , S'4.00 ( < ? 5.25. Nntioncl Htoolc Yaril * . Kn t 8t. Louis. III. , Sept. 19. Cattle Receipts , 1,100 ; shipments' , 300 : market n shade stronger ; fair to choice natlvo steers , 8UX ) ( % I.8S ; butchers' steers , medium to choice , | 3.40$4.10 ( ; feeders , fair to good , corn fed , 82.OOSa.90. iloits RpcelpU , 2,500 ; shipments , 1,400 : market a shade lower ; choice heavy nnd butchers' selections , S5.00@5.v : > : packing nnd Yorkers , medium to prime , S4.bO@5.l5 ; pigs , common to good , S4.25 ( < ? 4.75. KanaaH City , Sept. 19. Cattle Re ceipts , 0,000 ; shipments , 3.300 ; market dull and lower : good to choice , corn fed , SI.CU ® 4.40 ; stockers , 2.00@aoo ; feeding steers , 82C5@3.20 ; cows , S1.IWW-.00 ; common to medium - dium , 8i.l.r : ( 'i3.00. Hogs Rpcelpts , 8.000 ; shipments , 2.000 ; market active nnd 6@10c Higher ; good to choice , S4.8.4.lCi ; common to medium , l.40@4.bO ; skips nnd plus , S2.00@4.25. OMAHA. LIVIO HTOCIC Monday , Sept. 12. Cattle. Tito run of cattle was unusually heavy , 274 cars having been received slum the clnsu of the market Saturday night. There were ten or twelve loads of corn-fed natives and nlso a few loads of corn-fed westerns , but aside from them the receipts were made un almost entirely of range cattle. Corn-fed steers were In fair request and nbout everything of that description changed hands. A few range and a few Texas cattle were sold to the packers , but the number sold was vcrv small compared with the otTcrlnus. On account of the heavy run here nnd at eastern points the feeling was weak and the market about lOc lower. Hopa. The receipts of hogs were very light , even for Monday. There were only six or seven fresh loads on the market and four stale loads. The market opened very slow nnd only three loads wore sold In thii morning. Just before mld-dav the buyers received their orders nnd the remaining loads were taken. The market was strong nt about Saturday's prices. Klicrp. There were no fresh receipts and nothing doing on the market. IlcoelpM. Cattle. 5,800 Hogs GOO Shipments. Cattle ( Sunday ) . 50cars Cattle ( Monday ) . . . . b2 cars Prevailing Priom. Showlnptlio prevailing pricjj Pild for live stock on tliis nmrknt : Choice steers. 1300 to 1503 U)3..84.25ra4.50 ! Choice steers. UOO to 130J Ibs. . , 4.oo@ 1.25 Fat littli ) steers 000 to I0r 0 Ibs . . . . 3.7.y < 3.K ! ) Corn-fed range steers 1200 to 1500 3.85W.20 Good to choice corn-fed cows. . . . 2.fiOt)2.75 ( ) Common to medium cows . 1.50Q2.'ij Good to choice- bulls . 1.7.Vo3.75 Good range ler ders . 2.rjOJ-.75 Good native feeders , OOOlbs and up wards . . . 2.75@3.00 Puir to medium native feeders.'JOO Ibs and upwards . 2.50(32.05 ( Mockers , 400 to 700 Ibs . 2.00 (2.40 Pi line fat sheep . 3.2V.Z3.M [ "air to medium sheep . 2.50i ( 3.00 Join moil sheep . l.r > 0@2.-5 Light and medium noes . 4.50M4.70 ; iooilto cliolco heavy hoits . 4.70a4.S5 ( Good to clioiui ) mixed hogs . 4.05 4.7 , " ) KoprmoiH.auvo NAT1VK STKEUS COHN-PRD. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr. 20. . . . OS ! 83.50 20. . . . 1257 S4.rjo 31. . . . 1093 3. & > 3. . . . 121)0 ) . . ! 3'J..l'ij4 4.iO ! 0-i..lS07 4.40 NATIVK AND WK8TK11N COH.V-I'r.I ) . I..lb20 S3.60 57. . . .1243 84.15 FKKDUUS. 19. . . . 1104 S3.00 NATIVES COWS. < . . . .1037 81.59 17..102S S2.15 WEATRItN HULLS SWAN L. 4 C. CO. 72. . . . 1393 81.50 COL011A110 TKXAS IIBU31I 4 COOPEIk 109 . ' . . .1105 8J.85 NATIVK ItANOE STEEIIS A.V. . ItOIIT. 111. . . . 1178 S3. 15 UA.MIH HTKKItS BAY 6TATE CATTE CO. 100. . . . 1201 82.110 nor.s. Iiivo Stock Sold. Showing tlio number of head ot stock sold on the market to-day : CATTLE. G. H. Hammond & Co 575 Local , 44 feeders 2(12 ( Shippers. 25 Total 840 lions. Anglo American Packing Co 507 U. 11. Hammond A : Co 2o6 Total t 3 All sales ot stock in Una market ara raada per cwt. UVQ weight unless otherwise * stated. Dead hogs sell at Xo par Ib. for all weight * . "Skins"or hogs weighing less than liJ Ibs , no value. Pregnant sows are ductioJ 40 IDJ , and stanaSO Ib-w by theotibllo Inspector. Live Stock Notci. ( Cattle lower. Hops all sold. A heavy run of cattle. Kccelpts of hoes very light Hog market strong at Saturday's prices. 4.40 was the top on cattle and 91.85 on lie s. Lillss & Bliss , Scliuyler , sold a load of SOc hoes. M. HIrchbenr , Marshalltown , la. , was herewith with four loads of feeders. Doc. Miller was speeding his thoroughbred broncho Sunday atternoon. A. W. Trumbull , Gllmore , was In with hogs and was looking for feeders. Adams Bros. , Locnn , la. , marketed a load of 240-lb hogs nt 34.85 , the top prlco. Henry lUirchain , llickman , wns In and marketed four of 1307-lb steers at f 4.40. Al. Powell has returned from a two weeks' visit to his old home In Shelblno , Mo. O. A. Johnson. Greenwood , was In with four loads of 1,254 Ib natives ot tils own feed ing. ing.John John Halt , a well-known butcher of Plntts- moiitli , was at the yards yesterday buying stock. Alex. Gorrow , of Savaee , Green & Garrow Bros. , Lincoln , was among the visitors at the yards. Dr. Harris , the well known cattleman ol Lararale , came In with a train of range cattle. J. . Kelly , Bloornington , marketed two loads of hogs. Quo load brought the top price. A. II. Wilson , Walton , Neb. , came In with a load of lavMb natives which sold on the market t 34.35. J. K. Baker , ot Beer & Baker , , Gibbon , waa here with four loads ot corn fed steers oj their own feed Inc. Mr. Ulnkelman. of Htnkolman & Davis , Bhoshone , stopped at the yards on his way home from Chicago. E. M. Gibson , of the Brush Lake Cattle Company , was at the yards with a train ol cattle from their range ou the Middle Loup. Among the cattle men hero was W. J , Clark , of the lirm of Conrad & Clark , Smith wick , who came m with twonty- ono oara of cattle. Among those who had hogs on yester day's market wore the following : lllis * & Ullss , Schuvlor1 ; Meniittfrtf Bros. , L'un- Ison ; J. lluck , Uroto ; hickanl L. & G. company , UrclghtotfSmgi& ; ( { 11. , Ending. OMAHA WllUMSS.VLK , MAIIKKT3. Modday , hcpt. 10. I'rodticn. T7icolloitJlnt ; nra tlio price * nt which roi/iid / tots uf produce jure sold OH this tmirAct : There was nothlne In the produce market to-day , lint llttlo was received. No inn- terlal change In the UUTTKH ( JrMincry , 22'flc per pound ; choice dalrv , 1 20cinediuih grades , (3@l5c ; ordinary. ! K < ? lOc. Kuas The market Is 'steady at 13 He for choice stock. OIIKKSK Market fair. Fancy full cream Cheddars , slnitle Me ; full cream twins , lilc : yotitiR Americas , 13Kc ; btlck clieese , lee Ibs In case , Uo ; Llmberircr , 100 Ibs In case , ISJ o ; Saurs' fancy Ohio , 1'Jc. POUI.THY Fair market ; spring chickens , S2.0ftil2.50 ; old fowls. S2.75&VJ.f ( > ; ducks , f'J.'i'Ka'J.5 : turkeys. In very light request , G@7o per Ib. OvsTKits New Vork counts , 45c ; selects , . GAME Kecelpts light : prairie chickens , 82.50 ; mallard ducks. S2.75W3.00. Oimll , S2.002.25 ; teal and mixed ducks , S1.00G41.75 ; snliw. 75c81.00 ; Jack rabbits , 'Me each. MEI.ONS Watermelons nro not In mitchdn- mandcholce ; , 8 .00@12.UO per hundred ; can- tclopes , 50(3750 ( per duz. CEI.KUY The receipts are larger and tlio stock better. Good stock brln s 85c n bunch. CtDKii Cholcu Michigan cider , & 0,00@0.50 per bbl of ! ! 2 tral. POPCOHN Choice , for stands , l@2c per Ib. TOMATOKS Commission men nru onlr hnnilllng a very few. Good stock 10@50c per bushel , ONIONS Choice large California onions are ottered on the market at SOc per bushel. The demand Is light SWEET POTATOKS The market Is well supplied and they sell at 3@3Kc perlb. CAIIHAOK California stock , lar o round head ? , 2 } c per Ib. Kad PLANT Slow sale at 00@75c per do t , foi choice stock. POTATOES The market Is well supplied. Salt Lake nnd Colorado stock sells nt bO&85c. Nebraska and Iowa stock Gorftr > c per bushel. HONEY Good honey In neat one Ib. frames 18c per Ib. BEANS. Hand-picked navy. 82.00 per bushel , and other grades down as low as S1.23. _ I'TUItS. Orders from the country requiring sc- Icctcd stock < intl cure lu puckl/i'i / can not itlwii\is \ lie filled at the sumo price * quoted to the local tnulc for common i > todt. There was one fresh car of California fruits on tlio market. Prices remain about steady. PEACHES--Cholce California stock Is going at 81..Vftl.65. ) ( Michigan peaches ure selling at 5U@75c per 10-lb baskets. ('KS The supply of homo-grown cranes continues liberal. California , Tokny and Muscat , S1.50choice ; home-grown , yikc. : Ari'i.ES The supply Is light and tint demnud very fair. Choice Siberian , Si. 00 per bushel. . OIIANOES Naples and llodl , cholce.SO.OO &n. ! > o. QUINCKS California quinces , of large si/.e , S2.00@2.25 oer box. CiANninims Tlio market Is fairly well supplied with good stock , liell and cherry , 50.50. Cape Cuds will arrive In a'few days anil will sell at S9.00@10.0p. , , , LEMONS T.'io supply liberal , with fair de mand. Choice , SO.OOM7.0U , , . Ai'i' The market Ife fairly well sup lied with Rood stock. 'Homo-grown and pliMl Ml lssoinl stock is moving at 82.50Z3.00 ( ; choice Michigan , $ ( : PEAKS California Bartlett pears nro be coming scarce , and goodi ilock , suitable for reshlpmi'iit , is worth 53.UO ( ; t.25 ; other varie ties 82 50(6,2.75. ( BANANAS The market1 Is full of bananas at Sl.5i@t.OO ( : per bunch , i COCOANUTS Goocutock , SftOO. Klour nnd Feed. fltc followlniiitrc the InlMmnirti'cit Mhinesotapatents. 82.50 per cwt. : Minneso ta Hnkcrs ) ' .straight , 82.20 | > ern\vt. ; Kansas nnd Missouii winter fancy patents , S2l.'ifa)2. : ) 0 : Nebraska patents , 52.23QJ.H5 : rye Hour , 31.75 @l.Kperc\vt. ! ) ; rye ( iralumi , 81.40 per c\\t. ; wheat Graham , 81.75 per cwt. ; corn meal. vellow , IKte per cwt ; corn meal , white. 81.00 per cwt ; chopped feed , S14.00 ® 10.00 per ton : bran , Sl2.0oiai3.uo per ton : scieenlugs , S'.i.OO @l2.oo niir ton . HAY Upland pralrlo , S8.00@9.00 ; com mon coarse , S7.00Q8.00. Grncnr's li\ir. \ COFFF.E Ordinary grades , 20 > ® 2Ic ; fair , 1H&i'--c ; prime. 22@'Kc : fancy green and ellow , aiig'We ; old covornment Java , 2S@ SUc ; Interior Java , 25(32-k ( : : Mocha , 2S5iiOo : ; Arbuckio's. roasted , 261/c ; McLnuglilin'tt XXXX , 20ic } ; Dilworth's , 20c ; Uud Cross. KKFINCD LAUD Tierce. 7c ; 40-lb square cans , 7c ; 60-lb round , 7 ? < c : 20-lb round , 7Jtfc ; 10-lb calls , 7 c ; 5-lb palls , 7 c ; 8-lb palls , 7Kc- SUOAK Granulited , 7@7 , ' < cconf. ; A , 6J { @ OT < c ; white extra C , 0 > yjFi ( > } $ c ; extra C , < J w fi'tfc ; yellow C , 5 > c ; cut loaf , 7 # ; powdered , 7'iC , I'uovisioNS llams , llKOHHc ; breakfast bacon. llW@U'c : bacon sides 10@ioi < c ; t\rv \ salt , } < 'JJfc ; shoulders , 7@7Jfc : dried beef hams , ll@llkc ; dried beef regular , hams picnic , 8M8 > c. ad lumbiT DHIKD FRUITS Apples , now , > 4"s ( < 0c ; evaporated , 50-lbring , H@l4j < jc ; raspberries , evaporated , 8 'c ; blackberries , evaporated , pitted cherries , t acnes , new , evaporated peeled peacnes , c ; evaporated , unpared , 17i@18c ; new currants , 7K@7 } c ; prunes , 45c ; citron , 2xj ; rai sins. London layers , California , loose muscatels , ; new Valenclas , 7Kc. SYIIUP No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs. 51.WQ1.50 ; New Orleans , ; > er gallon. 3S@10c ; maple syrun. half Ibbs , "old time. " per gallon , bOo ; 1-gallon cann. per doz , $10.50 ; lialt'-eallou cans , per doz , 80,25 ; quart cans , $3.25. CANNED GOODS O\ stew , standard , per case , S3.00@3.10 : strawberries , 2 Ib , per casu. S3.0U ( 3.IO ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per case. gii.CO ® 3.10 ; California pears , per case. ? ! .fiO@4.7U ; apricots , ner case , 54.lO@4.2j peaches , per case , S5.75@5.85 ; wliite chcriies , per case , SO. 00 plums , per case.'jO : blue berries , per case , S3.30@2.40 ; eeg plums , 3 Ib. per case. S2.50 : plne.ippies , 2 Ib , per case. S3.2U@5.75 ; i Ib mackerel , per do/ , § 1.03 : 1 Ib salmon , per doz , 81.05(32.00 ( ; 2 Ib gooseberries , oar case , S3.25ti3.35 ; 31b string beans , per case , 81.75 ; 3 Ib lima beans , per case , * 1.00 ; 2 Ib marrowfat peas , perc.tset $2.50(32.00 ( ; a Ib early June peas , per case , 2.75 ; 3 Ib tomatoes , S2.40@250 ; 21bcorn , § 2.20@3.25. PICKLES Medium. In bbls , $ G.tido \ In half bbls , 83.75 ; small , In bbls , S7.50 : do In half bbls , 84.25 ; gherkins , In bbls , SS.50 ; do In half bbls , . 84.75. WOODENWARE Two-hoop palls , per doz , tl.45 : 3-hoon palls , S1.70 ; No. 1 tub. S0.50 ; No. 2 tub , 95.50 ; No. 3 tub , 84.50 ; wash boards , S1.75 : assorted bowls , 32.25 ; No. 1 churns , $9 ; No. 2 churns , S8 ; No. 3 churns , 87. 87.Ton Acco Lorlllard's Climax. 44 < y Splon- Spearhead , 44c. C HOPE Seven-sixteenths Inch. 12 STAIICII Mirror Gloss , 5J c ; Graves Corn , OUc ; Oswego Gloss , 7c ; Oswcgo Corn. 7c. Buooits-Extra 4-tleS2.GO ; No. 1.S2.UO ; No. 2 , 81.75 ; heavy stable , S4 CANDY Mixed , 8 ( aiic ; stick. 8H@9Kc- CUACKEII.S Garneau'si l oda , butter and picnic , 4Kc : creams , 7Kc ; ginger snaps , 7Xc ; cltv soda , 7Kc. TEAS Japan , 20@55c ; gunpowder , 20(30 ( 0 Youni ; Hyson. 25a55c ( : Oolong , 20(3 ( 0c. jEU.ES-30-lb palls , S2.00. General itarfceta. SPIRITS Cologne spirits , Ib3 proof , 51.10 ; do 101 proof , 11.12 ; snfrits. second quality , 101 proof , 81.10 ; do ISa hnJof , SI. 09. Alcohol. 188 proof. $2.10 per wine gallon. Uedlstilled whiskies , 81.00(91.50. ( Uin blended. S1.M(3 ) ( 2.00 ; Kentucky bourbonfv"S3.00@G.OO ; Ken tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , S2.00 < 10.5u ; Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , SL50@3.ou. Brandies , Imported ! , 85.00@3.50 ; domestic , 81.3003t3.oo. Gins , Imported , S4.60Q 6.00 ; domestic , 91.25@3.oo. Champagnes .im ported , per case , S28.oo@33.00 ; American , per case. * 10.00l6.00. ( 7 HKAVT HA DWAnE Iron , rate , 52.70 ; Plow steel , special cast , 4tfc ; crucible steel , cast toolf , do , izccilbc ; wa on spokes , per set , 32.009 % . W ; hubs , per set , 81.5'J ; fel lees , sawed dry , 91.60 ; tongues , each , bOc ; axles , each , 75c ; square nuts , per Ib , l c ; coil chain , per Ib , 0 > @i3c ; malleable , 8@10c ; Iron wedtes6o ; crowbars , Cc ; harrow teeth , * > ic ; uprmg steel , 4u)5c ( ) ; Burden's horse hoes , 14.75 ; Burden's mule stio 3. 85.75 , Barbed wire * In car lots , (4.00 per lee Ibs , Iron nails , rates , 10 to 60 92.40 ; steel nails , y2 > 50. HIDES Green butchers' . 6X@6o ; green cured. 7Kc ; dry flint. He : dry salt , Vc ; green eait skint , 7Hc ; damaged hides , two-tbirdf price. Tallow 3c. Grease Prime white. So : yellow , 3c ; brown , i c. Sheep pelta , & < & t9.U ; nut , | 9.60 ; range , 19,50 a * . ' w jlaasiwi.V1 * . . rj. & " < > .i IK lowaltittin , S.s.OO ; Iowa nut , S2.75 ; walnut block. ? 3.6o ; Illinois , 84.25 ( 4,75 , . under groccoles. Dry G ( Mills. COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dls count-LL , fljfc ; CC , 7 > | cs 88. 8'fc ' ; Nameless , Bkc ; No , 5 , oc ; EK. OMc ; GG , lOKc ; XX , I2c ; OO. I4c ; NN. inc , HX , isoj K.2oc : No. 10,9,10 ; 40 , lOKo : co- 12Kc : 80 , 15e ; 30 , colored , lOc : 60 , colorwl. 12o : 70. colored , 15c ; Bristol , Is c ; Union Pacllic , ISc. CAIIPKT WAnr Bibb white , ISJfc ; col ored , 20Hc , BATTS Standard. 8c ; Gem , Uc ; Beauty , 12Uc : Hooue , lie ; B , cased , 8(1.50. ( I'niXT8 Hoi.iuCoi.oit9 ; AtlantaSXc ; Sla ter 5c : Berlin Oil OKcG ; rnerOIIOto 7. PINK AND KoiiKH Richmond ( > c : AllenGc ; HiviT- point 5c ; Steel HlverCr : KlchmondOc ; Pacllic OKc. lNi > iooBiUK WashingtonOcAlncrl- ; canOcArnnIdGUc ; ; Arnold B lie ; Arnold A 12c ; Arnold Goldseal lUKc * . ter Oak4 ic ; uam po3 fc : Lodl 4Vc : Allen 5Xo ; Itlchmond 5c , Windsor Oc ; Etldystono OiNOHAM-Plunkett checks 7 , c : Wliltton- ton 7'/c ; York 7 > c ; Normandle Dress 8Kc ; Calcutta Dress SKc ; Whlttcnton Dress Oo ; Uenfrew Dress Oo to 12i < c ; C A Miutir.s Slater 4Hc ; Woods 4 We ; Stan dard 4 > 'C ; Peacock 4Xc. COIINKT JKANS Androscoggln i , cs Kear- sago 7'/c ; Kockport 0c ; Conestuga fli c. DUCK West Point ! ? J In..Soz. , lOXc ; West Point 29 In. . 10 oz. . l2Xe : West Point 29 In. , 12 oz. , 15cVest ; Point 40 In. . 11 oz. , 1V. ( Checks-Caledonia X. 9X : Caledonia XX , lOjic ; Economy 9 to Kc ; Otis 9 to 9Kc. TICKR LttwIstnnSO In. , 12Xc ; Lewiston S'i In. , 18)fe ) ; York 32 In. , 14c ; Swift Ulver7J c : ThorndlkoOO , 8)/o ) ; Tliorndlko K K , 8kc ; Thoriidlko 120 , ) < c : Tliorndlko XXX , 15c ; Cordls No. 5,9Kc : Cordls No. 4 , lln. DENIMS Amoakeag oz. , l c : Everett 7 oz. , lto ! ; York 7oz. , 13c ; Havmaker 8J < c ; Jait- ryy XX. ll c : JalTroy XXX , 12Kc : Beaver Creek AA. 12s ; Beaver Creek BB , lie ; Beaver Creek CC , lOc. KENTUCKY JKANS Munorlal 15c ; Canton ISc ; Durham 27 > < c : Hercules ISc ; Leaming ton 22Kc ; Cottswold 25c. CriAsii Stevens' HIOc vnus' A 7) ) < e ; bleached 8 > blenclied OKe : Stevens' ' _ lOKc ; Stevens' S UT12We. MISCELLANEOUS Table oil cloth 82.85 ; plain Holland 8' < e to 9c : Dado Holland 12V c. FLANNELS Plaid Kaftsman 20o ; ( Joslion sake ; Clear Lake 33H'c ; Maple City 'M c. Wliltc-O. 11. No. 2 , Jf , 21c ; G. H. No. 1 , f , 27 c : B. H. No. 2 , % . 22Xc ; B. H. No. ! „ < , SOc : Qncrhce No. 1. J42c ; Quechce No. 2 , 937 c ; Quechce No. 3 , f , 32Kc ; Anawan inko ; Windsor * JKc. Hed-C , 24 inch , I5c ; K , 24 Inch , 21c ; GG , 24 Inch. ISc ; U. A. F. , Jf , 25c : J. U. F. , Jf , 27 0 ; ( J. , % , 35C , COMKOIITEIIS SO-M H-'LOO. BLANKETS-White , Sl.OOCI7.50 ; colored , 31.10@8.00. BIIUWN SiiKETiNOS Atlantic A , 4-1 , 7Jc ; Atlaiitio H , 4-4,7c ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , CXc ; At lantic P. 4-4 , 55 c ; Aurora LL. 4-4 , 5Jic ; Aurora C , 4-4,4Vc ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , CKc ; Hooslcr LL , 4-4 , 5 4'c ; Indian Head , 4-4 7kc ; Lawrence LL. 4-4 , 5Jfc ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , f > Kc : Pepperell 1 { , 4-4 O&e ; IVpperell O , 4-4. fie ; Pepperell , 8-4 , Ific ; Pepperell. 9-4 , 18c : Pepperell , IflU. COc ; Utlca C , 4-4. 4c ; Wttchusett , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora U , 4-4 , 0 > ic ; Auroia li , 4-4 , Oc. BLEACHED SHEETING Berkeley cambric , No. GO , 9kc ; Best Vet , 4-4 , fitfc ; butter cloth OO. 4tfe ; Cabot , 7Ko : FarwfM , be : Ft tilt of Loom , 8c ; ( ireeno O , Go ; Hope , 7j c ; King Plilllip cambric , lie ; Lonsdule. llwe ; Lons- dale , B ; < C : New York mills , 10 c ; Pepperell , 42 Inch , lOMc : Pepperell. 40 inch , like ; Pep perell , 6-4,13c ; Pepperell , 8-4,18c : Pepporell , 9-4. 20c ; Peppcroll. 10-4 , 22 c : Canton. 4-4 , 8e ; Canton , 4-4 , O c ; Triumph , Gc ; Wam- suttn , lie ; Valluv. oc. Dry Liutubcr. DIMENSIONS AND TIMI1P.IIS. FI.001IINO. A 0 in. White Pine S3VWI C , 820.50 II " " ' - 33.50 D , 21.00 B ' " " ( Sol. Fencing..19.00 FINISHING. 1st antl2ml , clear , 1.1 # Inch. s. 2 s S50.W 3d , clear , 1 inch , s. 2 s.- , 45.SO " " IK , 1 ,2 in 40.M ) A select , 1 inch , s. 2 s. , 40.0J " " IW. IKin 44.00 B " i Inch , s. 2s. , Raw " " ltfl ,3ln 37.00 I'OI'LAI ! LUMBER , Clear Poplar , lix. Bds. % in. , s. 2 s..835.50 " k in. Panel. H. 2 s 27.00 " " Corrugated Ceiling , % . . 28.50 IIATTENS , WELL TUIHNG , TICKETS. O. ( ! . Bans , 2 > * ln 500.75 Xx3 in , s.l s oo.4 : > 3 In Well Tubing , D & M and llev 23.00 Pickets , D. it 11. Flat 20.50 " " Square 21.00 IIOAIUIS. No. 1 , com.'s 1 s S18.00 No. 2 , com , sis S17.00 No. 3. 815,50 iN 0.4 , $13.00 FENCING. No. 1 , 4&6ln , 12 & 14 ft , rouch..819.50 No. 1 , " 10 " " 19.50 No. 2 , " " 1-2 & 14" " 1G.CO No.2 , " " 10 " " 17.50 SllMNG. A. 12. 14 and 10 ft 821.50 0 , 515.50 B. " " " 20.50 1) . 12.50 CEILING AND 1'AUTITION. 1st com , Jf In White Pine Ceiling 834.00 2nd " " " " " 28.00 In. " " 10.00 Clear , % . Norway ud com. % In. ' 14.00 , STOCK 1IOAIIDS. A 12 inch s. Is 545.50 No. 1 , com. 12 In. s. 1 s. , 12 ft 20.50 ' " 14 It 19.00 " ' " " 1C ft 18.50 No.2 , " " " 19.00 " " " 10 ft 17.50 Inch Grooved llooliug 81.00 per M more than 12 inch Stock Boards same length. S1I1NGLES. LATH. XXclcar . .83.10 Extra * A * 82.90 * A * Standard . . 2.75 * AUB&B 2.55 Olu. clear No 1. . 1.50 Lath 2.G5 POSTS. White cedar , C In. , fts. , 12c ; 9 In. nrs. , lie ; 8 in. ( irs. , lUc : 4 in. round 15c ; . Tennessee Red Cedar , split , 15c : Split Oak. 12c. LI.ME , ETC. Uulncv white lime ( best ) , OOc : Akron ce ment , 81.75 ; hair , SCc ; jilaster , 82.75 ; tar bo rd. 81.75 ; sash , 40c perct. ; doors , 40 per ct. ; blinds. 40c per ct ; mouldings , 40c per . } .tar felt , per cwt. , 82.75 ; straw board , 81. < 5. ' SOUTIIE1IN YELLOW PIKE. Com. 4 & 0 in. Flooring 917.50 Star " " 21.50 Clear % In. Celling 21.50 " Yt In. Partition 85.00 Finish , 1 A HJ In. s.2 s a9.00 Corrugated Cellini ; , 4 In 25.00 Yellow Pine Casing and Base. . . 27.00 HUH' LAI * . No. 1 Plain. 8& 10 in 819.50 No.2 " 17.50 No. 1 , O. U. , 8 lu 19.50 OrriCK 1'OST QUAIlTERMASTKIt , ) FOIIT I ) . A. UUSSKLI , , WYOMING , \ Septorobor-0 , It87. \ SCALED proposal , in triplicate , subject to tliu usual conditions , will bo received at this olllco until 12 o'clock , noon , on Thursday , October 20,1887 , at whlcli tlino nnd plueo they will bu opened In the prefonco ot nttemlln r bidders , for the construction ot the following brick buildings t this post , viz : 2 seta of Hold olllcers' ijuarters. 4 slnirlo nets ot ofliours' iiuartors , 1 company barracks. 1 Qtmrtormits- tei-'s etoroliouse. 1 sulislstenco BtoreliouBe. Also for 1 friitno coal shed , and for the convcr- Blon of two Btorehoiisos Into company bar racks. Proposals will lie considered for fur- nlshiiDf both material end labor noccssary to complete the work , and for each separately. Preference given to articles of domestic pro duction und manufacture , conditions of prlco nnd quality ttelntf equal , and suolf preference Riven to articles of American production und uiHiiufrtcturii produced on the Paclllo coast , tote to ; iixtont ot the consumption roiiuirod by the pulillo service there. Plans , spcclllcntlonu and estimate- material required can be een at theolllecof tlio tililef ( juartermnster , Uupart- ment of the 1'latto , Omaha , Nebraska , unit at tills oflloo. Knvrlopos contaliilnar propoauls to bo marked "Proposals for Construction of Hulldlntri , " and iiddrnsied to the undersigned at Fort D. A. Husaoll. Wyomlnif. The United Btfttea reserves the rlxht to rnjoct any or all bids. EDWAUI ) CHVNOWF/rlf , 1st Ilout ScQ. It. M. , ITth Infantry , Post Quar termaster. - „ U.S.DEPOSITOUY. Capital . ' $500,000 Surplus 100,000 Herman Kounize , President. John A , Cfeighlon , Vice-President. ' , ' F , H. Davis , Cashier. . . W , H , Memuier , Astt-Cathiar. flWIM JOBBERS' ' DIRECTORY Agricultural Imp/ementt. CHURCHILL PARKER , Wholcmle Denier In Agricultural Implements , Wnpons , ami lluiialon. Jonn tlrret. between Stii na linli.Omnha , hub. 0 METCALF CO. , Agricultural Implements , Wiuoni.CiirrlMM , Hugjlo . Ktc. . WhoUiutln , Om , h . PARLINORENDORFAi MARTIN Wholesale Donlori In AffricuHaral Implements , ITagon * nnd Bug gloi. 901 , J03 , lUi oml W7 , Jonen It P. P. M.\Sl' tCo. \ . , Manufacturer * of Jittckcite Drills , Sct-dcr. < , Ctilttvntm : * liny llnkci , Cider Mill * nml Lubnn PulTorlior * . Cor. North Mill mill Nicholas Mi. WINONA 1 M P LE M E NT CO. , Whotcmtle. Atfi'lcitl tn ral Implement n Wagons and ltiiKzlo < . orner Mtli & Nlohohii Bin , Artists' Material. A. HOSPE , JR. , Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs , _ .inpouglm ytr et. Omaha. Boott and Shoes. co. Jobbers of Hoots and Shoes. 1411 Farnam it. , Omaha , Neb. Manufactory , Bnmmw _ itrmt. Huston. _ K1KKUNDALL. JONES As CO. Successors o lcoi1ltmcH ( & Co. , Wholoii.ilo Miimifnctnrorst of Hoots & Shoos. Airts for 1101011 Ittihbor Slioo Co. ll < r ! . 1I1'4 1'IJI I'prtinv nt Mmnlin.'nbrn Ui\ . Coffee , Sp/cet , Etc. . . Onuilm 0 iffco nml Hplco Mills. Tom , ColToos , Hplces , linking I'oH'.lor , Kliivnrlnir Kxtrncls , I.numlry Ithio Ink , etc. 1414-1410 lluruoy 8L Umiilm. Nebraska , Crockery and Gfasstvare W. L. WRIGHT , Agent fof 'he Manufacturer * unit Importer * of Crockery , Glassware , lamps , Ohlmuoii , etc. OHce , 317 South llth it , Omaha , Nab. _ / Commission and Storage. ' ' 'xTATSUBLEY , Commission and Jobbing. Butter , ICrosand Produce. CoollKr.menta tollcltcd. Uvailqunrura for Btoneware , llerry Holes and Ornpo ] ! aik B. nil Dodge itroot , Omaha. R1DDELL C RTDDELL , Storage nnd Commission MfirchanH fJicUultlei Butter , KKK * . Chec a , I'oiltrjr , Game , Ojitcrs. etc. , etc. Hi S. llth St. WIEDEMAN cC CO. , Produce Commission Merchants , Poultrr , UutUr , Game , Kiutta , etc. 230 B. Umaha.Jjeb. A. utuhhln'i ( I in. GEO SCIIROEDER&CO. , Successors to MoSlmtio .V totiroodor. 1'roduco Commission mid CoM Storage. OinHlm , Neb. Coal , Coke and Lime. dio. r. LAIIAOII. rrc . c. r. GOODMAN , v. Ptei. J. A. SUN | > * HI.AND , Hoc. und Treas. OMAHA COAL , COKE C LIME COMPANY , Jobbers of Hard , and Soft Coal. SlW South Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Neb. . Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime , And Shippers of ami Coki > . Cement , Planter , IJme , Hair , Klru Hrlrk , Drain , Tllo nml Mower 1'lpo. Otllio. I'Jiton HutuFu'im : t. , Ouiiha , N l > . Telephone 811. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Caul and Coke , 2US. 13th St.Omiihii. Nob. Dry Goods nnd Notions. M. E. SMITH C CO , , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods & Notions 11M anil 1104 luunlu . for , llth St. , Omnha , Neb. KILPATRICK-KOCII , DRY GOODS CO. , Importers ami Jobbers Dry Goods. Notions , ( louts' Fiunhliintf Goods. Cor. llth Ik Iliirnoy Furniture. Wholesale Dealers In Furniture. Faroam | U. Omaha , Nub. CHARLES SIIIJ'ERICK , Furniture , Bedding , Upholstery , Mlrron. etc. 1206.1208 and 1210 Farnam nt. . Omaha. Groceries , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , Hoc. TO. 707. 709 and 711 8. IQtli St. Omahn , Neb. McCORD.RMADY C CO. , Wholesale Grocers , 13tn and Leavenwortti ti.Oin ha. Grocers , 1219 , 1221. i:2 1 Hartley St. , Oraaha , Noli. ALLEN BROS. , Wholesale Grocers , 1114iind 1111 Hnrnoy Struct , O.tuihn. Hardware. LEE , FRIED & CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware , Sheet Iron , Etc. Acenta for Howe Hcalea , and Miami Powd rCo.OmuhaNeli. HIMEBAUGJI H5 TAYLOR , Bnildors'Hardware&Scalc Kepalr Shop Mechanics' Tools and Buffalo 8cal i. HOJ Uouglai aU , Omalia. N < b. KhC'lOK i\j WlLIIliLMY CO. , Wholesale Hardware , 10th nnd Hnrnoy Strcuta , Omaha , Nub. Western AKonts for Austin I'owtlor Co. , Jvlfrr- son Stool Nulls , KulrtJiinks Stiindiird Scnlcs. Heavy Hardware W. J. JtROATCIT , Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs , Wnuon Ktock , Hardware Lumber , etc. 1209 and 1211 lUrney St. , Omnha. EltNEY d > GIItBON , Wholesale Iron and Steel , Wnton and Carriage Wood Stock , Heavy Hardware Ktc. 1217 und Yil'l Lcuvrnworth ft. , omuhii , Neb , Hats , Caps , Ete. VV. L. PARROTTE & CO. , Wholesale Hats , Ca > ii > < & Straw Goods , 1107 Ilnrncy Street , Omiiha , N'oh. Liquors. Dlitlllera of r.lquori , Alcohol anil fiplrlti. Importen and Jobberaof Wlntsnn.1 l.lquor . WILLOW SPRINGS DIKTILLE > CO. and ILER < C CO. , Iroportern and Jobberaof Kino Wines and I.lquori. Bole nunufnetururinf Kennedr' * Kail India lllt Uri and Domfitlc Mquori. 1112 llnrner ' Lumber. OMAITA TUMHER CO. , Deale- ' . . All KinJ of Building Material at Wholesale. 18th Street and Union HaetUo Track , Omaha. LOUIS JlttADFORD , Dealer in Lumber. Lath , Lime , Sasli , Uoort , Ktc. Yardi-CornerTth and Uouglani Cornet tlth and Douglas. C. N. DIETZ , Lumber. 13th and California tflrseti , Omahi , Neb. JfRED W. GRAY , Iurn ber , Lime , Cement , Etc. . Etc. Cor.Ctb nod DoUgUi iti Oauba.Nax T. W. IL4RVEYLUMVER CO , , , To Dealers Only. OOo * , MOJ F rn m itr etOm ba. JOBBERS' ' DIRECTORS ' COAS. JR. LEE , Hardwood Lnmbcr , Wood Carpeti and Parqnet riooring. Mh and Doa taf " JOIIXA. WAK1WIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. mportrd and Atnerlran Portlnnit Cement. StaU Agent for Milwaukee llt > 1rmillc Ceuieotandlleit _ < Julncy Whl Icl.lme. _ _ Millinery and notions. Importorannil Jotiborsof itHnci'/ ! and Xotlon * . IPS. iitlnn-l 2138. nth St. Motions. ' Wholeule nraleri In Notions and Piirnlshinp Goods , Kfl and < H6 8. Tenth dt. , Omaha. VINYARD & SCHNEIDER , Notions < ind Gents' J-\ir nlshdiff Goods , IKfi Hnrnoy Strct- 1. Omuhii , NoU CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholcsalo Dciilors In Itcjlncd nnd Luln-U-atinH Gils , Axle Orcnsc , etc. Onmlm , Nub. A. II. lllsliop , .M PAPER CAR1ESTER PAVER CO. , Wholesale Paper Healers. arrya tilcoMccknf IMntlni , Wmnplnn ixn.1Vrt nil iiaper. Bi > eolulnttcntlon glvoa IQ car load or orders Printers' Materials. Auxiliary I'libllshcrs. D alenlnTnio , I'rcMen and IMntera' Supplies. HI South Twelfth Street. Rubber Goods. OMAHA RU11RER CO. , Mnnufnctnror nnd Dealers In all kindof ) Itnbbcr Goods , Oil Clothing nml l.yHilior Helling , IBM Fnrnam St. 5 earn Fittings , Pumps , Etc. A.L. STRANG CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Engines , Bteam , Water , Railway and Milling Supnlici. E'A (90 , tm and DM Farnani at. , Oaiaha , Net > . CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , amand Water Supplies. Headquarter * f < T MaKe Ko ? tc > ) 'i Uo t § . lilt farnani it. . Omahn. Neb. U. S. WIND ENGINE and PUMP COMPANY. MUdnr Wind Mllis ; rtcam and Water Pnppllei , flumblnii Goods , BeltlnK , lloo. U18 and V3) fu- . ' naiu it. , Omaha. B. K. Keltnn , Mkimgcr. No.210. JtROWNELL cC CO. , Manufnctnren and Dealers In ' 'nghics , toilers & General Machinery bliuot lion Work.Steiun Pumps. Sow Mills. l'ii-lMi ; : l.unvuuworth Ht.Oiin > hn. Seeds. PHIL. STIMMEL & CO. , - H.B Farm , Field nnil Garden Seeds , Nos. U11-U13 .Jones Street , Oinnhn , Nub. Storage , forwarding & Commission. ARMSTRONG , PETTIS & CO. Starnife , Forintrdlny 0 Co unlt > nlon llraiich house of tliu Ileuuev Hiitrsy Co. Hu r- ( fies at Wliolr ale and rctiill. Nos. 13)3.11110 and II11U l/.urd St. , Umaha , Neb. Telopiiono No. 710. Teas and Cigars ImportersnndJobhcrs of 'leas and Cif/ars , Splcas it nil DuUy linking 1'owilcr. 1410 and 1418 Hiuiioy Strvot. , Oiunlui , Nob. OMAHA MANUFACTURERS , Cornice. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , John Epencter , Prop. Manufacturer of Oalranliod Iron nl Cornlc * . 491 DMUe and 103 and 105 N , lOtli it. . Omalm , Neb. SmokeSaks , Boilers , Etc U. K. SAWYER , Mnnnfactnring Dealer in Smokestacks , lliUfhlnifH , Tnnk.i.Hnil ( iena-ul Ilollor Hop ilrinr , tin IXul-n lri-'t.Mnnlm Iron Works. PAXTON& VIERLING Iron Works , , _ sht and Cait Iron Building Work , Iron FUlra , JtHlllnir. Ueiinii and ( llrders , Rienni Knitlnoi. llruii Work , Oonural ffoundry , Mactilne and Illacktmllti Wort. UIHco an J Worts , U. 1' . Itr.umimimioot. UMAIA : WIKK i\sii < uN WORKS , Mnmifactiirctg of If 'ire and Iron Railings , Desk Nails , Window GuiinlB , I'loworStiinds , Wire Signs.oto. 1U.I N. 10th. _ _ OMAHA SAKE & IRON WORKS G. Amlrein , Proprietor. Manufacturer of Fire and Ihii'Kliir Proof Safes. Vaults , .lull Work. Iron nml Wiru Konelng , H , etc. Cor. llth nn > l .Inckson-it . Omahn , Overalls. CANFIELD MANUFACTURING COMPANY , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jearu I'anti , Btilrti , Ktc. HOT and 1104 Dou/lut Btr et. Umaba , Neb. Sash , Doors , Etc. M. A. DISRROW < C CO. , Wholesale Manufacturer ! of Sash , Doors , lilinda and Mouldings , llrnncli office. 12tli and Imd tta..Oisaha.Ntfr. BOIIN- MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mould'jin.Stalr Work and Interior Hard Wood Klnlib Just opened. N , K. for. 6th Hiid 1/envouwortU Bta. Omaba , Neb. OMAHA PLANING MILL CO. , Manufacturers of Mouldings , Hush , Doors und Illliids/rurnlnir Stair-work. Hunk und Ollicu Fitting. 20th nml I'opplcton Avenue , Brewers , STORK C ILER , L jrer JJeor Urewcrg , 1531 North 18th Street. Omalia , Neb. SOUTH OMAHA. U. II. I > . ( lMtit. : N , I' . ItlCIIMAN , J , II. lllAMilAl'U PALMER , RWIIMAN C CO. , JJi'e Stock ( J < iuninxl ii Ma'clitiiitx , Olllcp Hoom-l , Oppofilto Kxcliniitfo llullctliitf , Union Stock Yiinii , South Uiiuiliii , Nob. McVO 1' JSROS. , Live Stock Commission Mwliaut3. Murkct furnlihetl freaonappllciilluii. btiiiVeri ttn ( veileri furnl ii l on no > .l turnn. norarono * Oaiahu Nntlonul It ink unit Hojtlt Oiuithi Union block Vurili.Huutli Omalm. LORIMEU , WKSTERPLD & MALBY Live tito-lc Coininlmltm , HOOIII 15 1'xchaiiKO Imllillnj- , Union Stock Vurils , South OniiUiu , Nob. TlOKN " & SIIARPE , Coiiunli-slou Dealurs In Uvn Kto.-k , lloom 2.1Kx. i. Ilull < llnir , I'nlon .Stock VdH. , H. Uinulia ne'M-t'niiiii .Nut'l Hunk , Omuliii , Union S'unls Hank. H. Omnha , II. H. Uowluv , Am. llnnkTruit Co. , Oinaliii. _ " " ALKXANOKR" & FITCH , CommlF lon Dculurn In I.lvu Block , Itobm - > 2 , Opposite Kxchnni ? ! ) lluliillnk , Union Bock ( Viirds , bouth OiniOiu , Nob. ' * UNION STOCK-YARDS CO. , ' , . Of . Omaha. . . ' Limited :